#it’s my mums side of the family aka the ‘rich’ side and it is so strange to be around them
driftwooddestiel · 1 year
hiding out in the bathroom at a family function . #slay
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harrysbbby · 4 years
Don’t Forget Where You Belong - JJ Maybank x Reader - Part One
A/N: Hey guys! Long time no post! But after watching Outer Banks I felt inspired to start a new series featuring my new fav JJ. Hopefully more updates soon!
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Outer Banks was a peculiar place to live. One half was uber rich- multiple houses, 30k boats and memberships at golf club. The other half lived, arguably, in poverty. No power when big surges came through, working two jobs just to get food on the table. You had been both blessed and cursed to have grown up experiencing both.
You were born on The Cut. To a single mother as your dad had dipped not long after he figured out what he thought was his summer fling was knocked up. Your childhood was pretty good even though you were poor. Swimming in the marsh near your house and days by the beach playing with your friends. Ah yes, your friends. You distinctly remember the day you met John B. It was first day of second grade as you sat in your assigned seat in the classroom. A curly-haired boy came and sat next you, inspecting your things on your desk. Being the snotty nosed 8-year old you were, you frowned at the boy, pulling your things closer to yourself on the desk and turning to face away from him. He then tapped you on the shoulder.
“What?” you asked him (rudely).
“Do you like surfing?” he asked abruptly, as any curious young child would.
“Yeah,” you replied, “My mum takes me on weekends. Why?”
“I like surfing too. It means we’re best friends now.” He said with certainty. And because when you’re 8 and someone tells you something, you believed them, you did. You believed John B would be your best friend. Little did you know, 8 years later, he still would be.
From that day on he had become your partner in crime, wreaking havoc across the poor neighbour. But how could any of your neighbours hate you when you were both so cute?
Your duo became a trio about a year later when you inducted JJ into your group. Even as a young child, the addition of JJ into your friendship circle made your stomach drop: “What if John B doesn’t want to be my friend anymore if he’s friends with another boy?”
However all doubts evaporated as the three of you became thick as thieves. The three of you got up to so much mischief in The Cut, and you created a brotherly bond with the two guys.
But the fairy tale only lasted a few years. When you were 12 you mother met a man. Nice, well-dressed and full-on kook. Within a year she married him, and your life of borderline poverty was traded for one of luxury. You were forced to move to Figure 8 aka the rich side of the island, leaving behind your two best friends.
You had been in John B’s backyard on the day you were moving.
“I’ll come visit I promise, you’ll see me on weekends. We can still go surfing.” You said, sadness laced in your voice. You really didn’t want to move. You knew it was going to be good for you. Stability, chance at a future, but it nearly tore you apart having to leave your best friends, your family.
“Yeah of course,” John B said confidently. He moved over to give you a hug after seeing your lower lip turn and begin to shake. You wrapped your arms around him.
“Thanks JB,” you separated from your hug and turned to JJ. He was still sitting sullenly, facing the marsh with his arms crossed defiantly across his chest. He refused to even look at you.
“JJ,” John B began but was cut off but JJ abruptly standing up and stomping his foot.
“No! She’s going to forget us! She’s gonna have a better kook house with better kook friends and a better kook life!” He stormed inside the Chateau, slamming the door. You sighed, as your shoulders dropped.
“He’ll come around,” John B said, patting your shoulder comfortingly.
“I hope he does.”
Turns out it was a lot harder to live the Pogue lifestyle from Figure 8. You were constantly being dressed up and dragged off to lavish parties. You started going to the private school with the rest of the obnoxious rich kids, who had no interest in surfing or fishing or anything you liked. And with your new lifestyle, it was hard to see John B and JJ. It started off well, meeting them every second afternoon after school, but as you grew older, and school got harder and life got busier, trips to The Cut became less and less frequent.
Not all the kooks were terrible though. You became good friends with two girls, Sarah and Kiara. Sarah was nice but you got on much better with Kiara. She liked going to the beach and cared about the environment. So, when Sarah and Kiara had their massive falling out when you were in 10th grade you didn’t know what to do. You had been at Sarah’s birthday party but left as soon as Kie rang you crying about being left out. By the next Monday at school, you and Kie were outsiders.
This eventually led you back to John B and JJ. You and Kie had taken the car your step-dad had bought you for your birthday, and had just been driving aimlessly. You had driven into The Cut and before you knew it you were at The Chateau.
“What are we doing here?” Kie asked.
To be completely honest, you had no idea what had led you to absentmindedly drive here. But as you got out of the car and ran around the back you knew exactly why. JJ, John B and a third boy you had never met were sat around a bonfire.
“Y/N” you heard JJ’s voice quaver quizzically. You smiled as you ran towards the two boys who were now sprinting towards you. You jumped into John B’s arms as he grabbed you and pulled you up. The three of you emitted melodical laughter as John B put you on the ground and you eyes stared back at JJ’s.
“Come here,” he said hoisting you off the ground and into his arms. You squealed as he spun the two of you around. He set you back down and you took a step back.
“What are you doing here?” John B asked as the other boy you hadn’t met and Kie joined your group from separate sides.
“I don’t know,” you said tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear, “We were just driving and ended up here.”
“That’s all?” John B smirked at you. He knew you too well.
“I missed you guys!” you yelled exasperatedly. The two boys laughed as you continued, “The Kook academy is horrible, everyone’s so snobby and now they hate me. Well, us.”
“Oh yeah, this is Kiara,” you said gesturing to your friend. She smiled sheepishly and waved at the three boys. They all waved back. “She’s my friend from school.”
“Well this is Pope, he’s from school too.” They said gesturing to the boy standing behind them.
“Nice to meet you.” You smiled at the boy.
“Well,” JJ said draping his arm over your shoulder, and pulling you close towards him as he led you towards the bonfire. “Welcome back to the Pogue life.”
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jasons-exposedspine · 4 years
Prompt list
hey guys so my best friend and i made a long ass prompt list. the rules are that you can only pick a limit of five prompts and send them to me with a ship and OC of mine. like for example Reagan and Negan or Clem and Cas or Destiel or Willow and sam or Laylahni and Dean. i only write for supernatural and the walking dead. so get as creative as you want but i know no one will read this post so if you are reading this please send in a request i am really fucking desperate.
1: Hand holding
2: Hair playing
3: Lap sitting
4: “Friends”
5: Tickling
6: Dancing
7: Cuddling
8: Hugging
9: Character death 
10: Resurrection
11: Date
12: Valentines Day
13: Admitting their feelings
14: Piggy back ride
15: Swimming
16: Teleporting to a different place
17: Carrying the other
18: Sad
19: Comforting them
20: Making out
21: Pulling down by tie, bandana, etc and kissing them
22: Being protective
23: Dying for the other; sacrifice
24: Getting drunk
25: Snuggling
26: Wrapping their arms around the other from behind
27: Cheek kissing
28: Forehead kissing
29: First experience in the love department
30: Yelling at them for not being more careful
31: Showering/bathing together
32: Picnic
33: Cooking
34: Licking food off the other
35: Going on a hunt/run together.
36: Tracing their face
37: Wearing the other’s clothes
38: Braiding their hair
39: Teaching them about feelings
40: Teaching them other things (wink wink)
41: Argument
42: Comforting them after an anxiety/panic attack
43: making them happy when they are down
44: Calming them/sleeping with them after a nightmare
45: Putting their head on the other’s shoulder
46: Treating an injury/kissing their boo boos better
47: Food fight
48: Forehead touching
49: Nose touching
50: Guess who
51: Chin resting on top of head
52: Sleeping on the others’ chest
53: Intense eye contact
54: Being caught staring
55: Playing with their hands
56: Telling them what’s wrong
57: They have to leave to keep them safe
58: Break up
59: Getting back together
60: Pregnancy
61: Miscarriage
62: Normal Birth
63: Marriage
64: Fixing their clothes/hair
65: Driving together in a car
66: In the backseat (wink wink)
67: Snuggling In the backseat
68: Resting their hand on the other’s thigh
69: Sex
70: Watching movies together
71: Cinema
72: Height Difference
73: Annoying each other
74: Stargazing
75. Waking up to them
76. Shelter from the rain
77: ice cream
78: being rescued/saved
79: listening to music together
80: texting
81: falling asleep on the other
82: accidentally kiss
83: being badass together
84: lOsT iN tHe wOoDs!!
85: camping
86: spooning
87: huddling for warmth
88: first kiss
89: first meet
90: one looking schmexy and the other being attracted
91: lip biting
92: wearing the other’s accessories; glasses, jacket, tie, hat, etc.
93: annoying them at work/while they are trying to work
94: making stupid videos together
95: keeping their relationship a secret from other people
96: nearly revealing their relationship in front of other people
97: coming out (if it’s gay)
98: playing with a pet (if they have one). (if they don’t, some other animal)
99: They are forced to be enemies even though they love each other. This could be in a war or sided scenario. Usually a forbidden love. They could also be together in secret. Take Romeo and Juliet for example.
100: corona edition - quarantining together
101: luxurious holiday
102: stuck somewhere together, whether that be locked in a room or lost somewhere, etc.
103: beach
104: watching the other sleep/sneak up on them sleeping
105: backstory
106: childhood friends
107: au
108: crossover
109: SIMPing over them
110: love triangle
111: third wheel
112: having a dream about the other person
113: unbuttoning the other person’s shirt/taking the other person’s clothes off
114: hotel
115: board games/video games
116: chucking paint at each other
117: cheating
118: being annoying and stopping the other person from walking by sitting on their feet and holding onto their legs
119: secret admirer/love letters
120: making hearts with their hands
121: taking selfies
122: singing/playing a song for them
123: Falling asleep on them on a bus, train, plane, etc.
124: Growing old together
125: Widowed
126: Arranged marriage
127: Forbidden love
128: Sitting over the other’s dead body
129: being walked in on doing you know what
130: family’s reaction to the relationship
131: Living together
132: Having a family
133: Senpai/notice me senpai!
134: crush
135: showing off for their crush
136: rejection
137: first date (awkward)
138: first date (normal)
139: painting on each other (for a date night)
140: flirting
141: cringey pickup line
142: Pinning them against a wall
143: sneaking in bed with them when they’re asleep
144: laughing really hard together
145: Under the other’s wings
146: underwater kissing
147: accidentally fall on each other
148: only one bed
149: kissing their neck
150: being awkward around their crush
151: Rich couple
152: Playing in the rain
153: Summer
154: Autumn
155: Winter
156: Spring
157: Walk in the park
158: walking them home
159: Other people/characters also shipping them
160: The cute neighbour
161: putting their hand under the other person’s shirt
162: telling them a story/bedtime story. (If they have a child, that makes it even better!)
163: needy
164: clingy
165: intimate
166: touchy/fondling
167: putting their leg on the other person’s leg when sleeping
168: accidentally falling off the edge of the bed/accidentally pushing the other person off the edge of the bed
167: blanket hogging
168: freezing when they see their crush
169: running away/fleeing when they see their crush
170: surprising/scaring them
171: snow
172: watching fireworks
173: comforting them during a storm
174: divorce
175: homosexual (gay, lesbian, etc.)
176: heterosexual (straight)
177: poly (3+ people)
178: one of them getting an award or something and the other cheering them on and embarrassing them
179: somehow ending up with someone who is way out of their league
180: travelling together
181: weekend of romance
182: act like they hate them but they actually like them, switch between emotions frequently (tsundere)
183: will kill or harm others for their senpai (yandere)
184: ignoring the other person
185: one not messaging the other back
186: pash
187: enemies to lovers
188: friends to lovers
189: watching the other undress
190: soulmates
191: phone call
192: prom/dance
193: highschool
194: riding on bikes (usually as kids)
195: proposal
196: teasing the other
197: watching the sunset/sunrise
198: morning jog/walk
199: waking up but they’re not there
200: waking up to the other one making breakfast
201: sneaking into their house in the middle of the night
202: partners in crime
203: ex lovers
204: crushing on friend’s sibling
205: letting them stay the night
206: accidentally in love
207: coffee shop au
208: when their parents aren’t home...
209: sitting next to them with their arm around the their waist
210: telling secrets
211: fireplace
212: sitting on the floor
213: study buddies
214: flying
215: sitting on the porch
216: see the other naked for the first time
217: double date
218: their crush is upper class but they are lower class or vice versa. eg. rich vs poor, popular vs unpopular, higher social status vs lower social status.
219: One is mature and the other is childish
220: 2 brain cells/both idiots
221: lipstick stains
222: helping the other up
223: Deep conversation
224: meet at a bar/club/pub
225: asking them out
226: being teased by their friend(s) about their crush
227: telling their friend(s) about their crush
228: mistletoe
229: virgin/losing virginity
230: screaming into their chest
231: hand brushing against the other’s
232: soulmates walking past each other in public not yet knowing the other person but still getting some sort of gut feeling.
233: asking if they’re ok
234: handsome stranger
235: a description of the character’s features
236: their scent lingering
237: arriving at their doorstep
238: sleeping on the couch
239: hot night
240: cold night
241: sweaty
242: missing the other person
243: seeing them depart/saying their goodbyes (usually if they’re leaving for a trip for a while)
244: seeing them again for the first time (usually after they arrive back after a trip after not seeing them for a while)
245: looking back after departing
246: not even knowing their name/don’t remember them properly (usually falling in love with a stranger)
247: I kissed a girl (gay)
248: I kissed a boy (gay)
249: the person they like isn’t gay
250: husband energy
251: mum and dad energy
252: wife energy
253: liking a bad boy
254: liking a more mature boy
255: diving off cliffs/waterfalls
256: Comforting the other one when they’re scared
257: hushing them to sleep
258: singing them a lullaby
259: adopting
260: surrogate
261: painting their nails, pamper treatment, etc.
262: posing for photos
263: eating spaghetti together (Lady and the Tramp style)
264: being protective when someone starts SIMPing over their lover
265: holding them tight
266: swears they saw their ex in public but it wasn’t them...
267: sleepover
268: flirtatious bartender
269: helping them
270: stumbling over their words
271: walking in on them showering
272: looking them up and down/checking them out
273: being competitive/friendly rivals dynamic
274: meeting them through social media first
275: tinder/online dating
276: daydreaming about the other person
277: one of them is sick/in hospital
278: doing something embarrassing in front of their crush
279: horseback riding
280: hammock
281: boat
282: taking them to and showing them a place that is special to them
283: dirty jokes
284: making them laugh
285: getting into a fight with each other
286: protecting the other in a fight/from getting into a fight
287: masquerade ball
288: love spell/something or someone casting love spells on people aka Cupid
289: he/she loves me, he/she loves me not...
290: whispering in their ear
291: sitting on top of the car in a field
292: if a character wears some sort of mask/something that covers their mouth/face make the other character pull down/lift it up to kiss them
293: give each other pet names (baby, babe, honey, etc) (be as creative as you want)
294: biting the other’s lip when kissing
295: buying the other flowers/a gift
296: road trip
297: friendzoning
298: Gender Bend
299: saying “I love you” for the first time
300: toxic relationship (physical abuse, mental abuse, cheating constantly, don't love them anymore) be as creative as you want.
@negan-morningstar @savedpeople @you-a-southpaw-doll @smcc212 @gabrielislovegabrielislife @galaxycastiel @winchester-reload @impala-dreamer
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talatomaz · 4 years
divided pt.i | team arrow x lance!reader
a/n: this takes place during season 6 where nta is formed. (dinah isn’t in love with vincent)
warnings: mentions of death
word count: 2.1k
masterlist | request list | request rules
pt.i | pt.ii
r is a lance!sister aka baby!lance and has the powers of teleportation. she works with team arrow but is also in a relationship with dinah. she has always been loyal to ota as they’re her family but when they betray dinah, rene and curtis...who’s side will she take? the love of her life or her family?
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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“To Oliver and Felicity!”
Rene toasted so everyone, including you, raised your glasses of champagne in honour of the newly wed couple.
As everyone clapped, Pink’s ‘Raise Your Glass’ began playing and everyone started to dance. You watched for a minute as Dinah, your girlfriend, and Quentin, your father, danced together. You smiled at them and saw Oliver and Felicity standing above you all on the balcony.
Once you made your way to them, you congratulated the couple and asked to speak to Oliver alone.
You had known Oliver your entire life as he and your sisters grew up together and he even went out with both of them but, let’s just say, that didn’t turn out well. You had mourned him and Sara when the Gambit went down. You did so once again when he returned after 5 years but Sara didn’t. You celebrated when she finally returned and cried when you lost her again.
Then you and Laurel had brought her back to life, only to lose your eldest sister soon after. But through it all, Oliver was there. You were the first to find out his secret identity, even before Felicity and Diggle, and you were his first partner, helping him work his way through his father’s list. Since then, the team had grown substantially, Rene, Curtis and Dinah being the newest recruits.
“I‘m so proud of how far you have come, Ollie. I just can’t believe all of this started with us.” You gestured to everyone below the two of you, dancing away.
“Thank you, y/n. We’ve really come a long way from the people that we were when we were younger.”
“Hey, you were the spoilt rich kid. I was just the nerdy kid who looked up to her sisters.” You both laughed as you leaned against the pillar.
Sighing, you continued speaking,
“Despite the mess that happened between you and Laurel, I know she’s happy for you and Felicity.”
Oliver placed a hand on your shoulder,
“She’d be proud of you, y/n. You may not be the Black Canary but you are your own hero and Laurel wouldn’t have asked for anything more.”
You didn’t respond, tears simply filled your eyes. You reciprocated his smile,
“I lost Laurel and though not a day goes by that I don’t think of her, I’m glad I have you. I may have a lost a sister but I gained a brother.”
Oliver’s eyes welled with tears as he pulled you in for a tight hug and choked out ‘thank you’. During the embrace, Felicity returned, shocked at the change in your emotions,
“Wow, y/n. What did you say to make Oliver cry?”
You hugged the hacker and stood on your tiptoes so you could place a gentle kiss on the vigilante’s cheek, his beard lightly scratching your skin as you did so.
“Just the truth.” You replied matter-of-factly before leaving the duo to find your father.
Upon finding him, Dinah told you she had to leave to take care of something so you kissed her goodbye and started to dance with Quentin.
As you both swayed to the music, your father spoke, “You know I love you, y/n? And whomever you love doesn’t change that.”
You stopped to stare up at him, confused at his words before you realised,
“Of course, Dad. I know...Oh, you know about your Nazi doppelgänger, don’t you?”
He nodded, “Cisco let it slip after Barry told him.”
You shook your head in contempt, “You’re the best father anyone could wish for. That Earth Xer is nothing like you. No one could ever live up to you.”
Quentin hugged you close and you both continued dancing until he spotted Donna, his ex and Felicity’s Mum, and approached her to make amends before being interrupted by a phone call.
“I still think Dinah should have been with us, hoss.”
You had all returned from a mission with the exception of Dinah who was at the SCPD, according to Oliver.
“Hey. Did you guys just get back from the field? Why didn't I get a call?”
Dinah entered the bunker, staring at you all in shock.
“I thought you were stuck in an important meeting at SCPD. Right, Ollie?”
You asked the vigilante who didn’t answer and instead requested to speak privately with Dinah.
When she refused, he cleared his throat and approached her, “I know that you’ve been meeting with the vigilante in secret.”
“You followed me?” She questioned in disbelief.
“I did.” He answered making you and Dinah to freak out.
He explained, or rather, shouted that someone on the team had betrayed him and believed that person to be Dinah.
“I think you have given me no reason to trust you.”
At this point, you had had enough and stood between Oliver and Dinah to prevent a physical confrontation.
“Ollie, if she’s meeting with Vince, it’s none of your business.”
“Oh, so you knew about Dinah meeting Vigilante?”
You winced at the venom in his voice before replying with the same level of spite, a sneer painted on your face.
“No, I didn’t. But whether or not I knew makes no difference. It’s Dinah’s business and her’s alone. She would have told me when she wanted to. The fact remains that she has been a part of this team for almost a year, has saved your life, mine and everyone’s here’s countless times. Or did you forget that, Oliver?”
Now it was the latter’s turn to wince. You rarely called him by his full name, opting to call him by the nickname you had used since you were a child.
His mouth opened but no words came out so Curtis began speaking and mentioned there was no way of knowing who betrayed the team which ended in Diggle letting slip a secret.
“Wait, you followed us? Even me?”
They didn’t answer because Rene had shouted to quieten you all. He revealed that he was the witness testifying against Oliver because he was threatened that his daughter would be taken away from him. Oliver, understandably angry, kicked him out causing Dinah and Curtis to follow.
That left you standing with OTA who were all staring at you but you had no words for them. You knew you had to work with them because your father had been kidnapped by Cayden James and you would do whatever it took to get him back. But it didn’t stop you being frustrated with them.
You turned around and started to leave before stopping when Felicity called your name.
“I can’t be here right now. I am so angry with all of you.” You said over your shoulder and then left the bunker.
Taking your phone out of your pocket, you called your girlfriend who answered on the first ring.
“Dinah, I’m so sorry for what they did. I didn’t know.”
“God, y/n. How the fuck could they do that?”
“I don’t know. I just left,” you sighed, “Look, this is a messy situation for me and I don’t want to be caught in the middle. Just know that I love you.”
“I know you didn’t have anything to do with it. I appreciate you sticking up for me.”
“Of course. I’d do anything for-”
Before you could finish your sentence, you heard someone come up behind you and as you turned to face the assailant, you felt a prick in your neck. You immediately felt woozy, your legs weak as you fell into someone’s arms as Dinah’s voice became muffled.
You groaned as you came to. Your head was cloudy, your vision blurred. You heard muffled shouts of your name and when you started to gain consciousness, your head lolled to the side and you saw your father tied up and a familiar face standing beside him.
“Dad? Laurel? What happened?”
You started to become more alert, taking in your surroundings as you realised that you were chained to a chair. You had been kidnapped by Cayden James too. Fuck’s sake, that’s all you needed.
“How could I be mad at you, Dad? I’ve done way worse.”
You had been gone for a least an hour or two, and by now, you knew the team had figured out that you had been taken. Cayden James had ordered a reluctant Laurel to keep you just barely conscious to stop you from using your powers to escape.
With you reaming in and out of consciousness, you had just about managed to explain to Quentin what had happened before you were taken. You had learned that he was the first to know about the mole and had told Oliver, agreeing to keep you out of the loop. If it was any other person, you would’ve been angry but in this moment, you couldn’t be.
“Laurel and I lied to you about Sara’s death and we lied again when we didn’t tell you about us bringing Sara back. And I didn’t trust you to tell you that I had tried to bring Laurel back the same way we did Sara when she died. So how can I be mad? You’re my father.”
Laurel freed the cable ties that bound you and your father. You both stared in shock and the three of you turned when Oliver aimed an arrow at your sister’s doppelgänger.
“Thank you, Laurel.” You said quickly and she screamed her cry and disappeared.
After Laurel allowed you and your father to escape, you went back to the bunker; your father went back to his office to take care of some business.
And once again, Oliver kicked Rene out which led to Dinah and Curtis also quitting the team for good. She smiled at you before leaving, a quick gesture letting you know that she wouldn’t hold your decision against you.
It was like deja vu.
Just yesterday, you were in the same position. Left standing alone with OTA, except you decided to get some answers this time.
“I want to know the truth. Did you track me too?”
“No, I swear.”
At Oliver’s answer, you walked up the stairs leading to the centre of the bunker where all the computers were situated and began typing. Not nearly as good as Felicity but still experienced with computer systems, you pulled up the records and saw folders on Dinah, Rene and Curtis but not one on you. Granted, they could have erased it but there wasn’t any indication of that in the line of code.
“You don’t believe me?”
“No.” Your voice broke with that word, the feelings of betrayal coursing through you.
“No. Let me speak. Please.” You added in a whisper.
“I’m not angry anymore. I’m hurt. It would’ve hurt knowing that you had tracked me but what hurts more is the fact that you didn’t trust me enough to tell me. I’ve known you my entire life, Ollie. And I’ve known who you were long before Felicity and Dig knew. And yet, you couldn’t come to me with this.”
Oliver slowly approached you, as if you were a startled animal; Felicity and Dig opting to remain where they were.
“You hurt me, Ollie.” You repeated.
“You made me a fool. I gave you that whole speech at the reception and you just threw it back in my face. In the entire 24 years I have known you, not once have you ever betrayed me. Not ever. Until now.”
You quietened, the uneasy silence filling the air, and you turned to leave when Oliver grabbed a hold of your arm to stop you.
You looked into his eyes and saw they were filled with unshed tears, and in a sudden movement, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him.
Reluctantly pushing him away, you wiped your tears away,
“I need time, Ollie.”
He softly nodded and his hold on you relented, allowing you to leave the bunker.
Part 2 ->
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jckelly · 4 years
para; “where have you been?”
aka a very long explanation as to where demon child has been and some of his backstory. for the record: he’s been off school for a month. 
Weather. There was one thing America did right, not that Jack would admit it. It was late April, the months tapping on the door of Spring at this point, but naturally England had taken no notice. The sky was as bleak as his mood, with dense clouds suffocating the sun and a light drizzle of rain landing on the shoulders of those outside.
 It was a painfully small number of people to get wet, to be honest. Barely five mourners stood over the graveside: himself, Claire and George, the latest social worker, and the vicar. (Barely, because did the vicar count, considering it was his job? Perhaps now wasn’t quite the time to be pedantic.) Jack tugged down the sleeves of the too-large black sweater George had lent him. He’d said no to getting a suit, fuck knows his mum would have taken the piss out of him dressed smart, but even beyond that: it felt fundamentally wrong for him to accept help from them for anything related to her. She would have hated that. He hated it enough as it was. Still, he’d let Claire talk him out of wearing a shirt with a skull on it - “Jack, that’s macabre”- and thrown on the ill fitting clothes she’d handed him, the ones she’d clearly brought with him in mind anyway. Compromises could be made.
The look she’d given him when he’d emerged from his room with the clothes on had screamed call me your mother. He’d considered it. They’d been kind enough, when they first met him, given him all the you’re thirteen, we get it, you don’t have to call me mum if you don’t want to. But who bothered taking in a kid if they didn’t want to be recognised as a parent? He knew he could do it, if he really wanted. And Claire would probably cry happy tears and give him one of those hugs where he felt like he was about to be strangled to death, and George would join in and be so proud of him, and all of that crap. But the word would still get stuck in Jack’s throat every time he said it. It felt wrong to be calling someone else mum when his real mum was about to rapidly become worm food. 
“We are gathered here today….” Jack wasn’t even listening to whatever shit the priest was spouting. He’d have a few changes to make, if he were the one saying it. We are gathered here today because a junkie got her last fucking fix and what do you know, it went and killed her. Aren’t we lucky we dragged her dumbass kid out before he overdosed too! Harsh words didn’t make him feel any better, unsurprisingly, but in his opinion words did fuck all to make anyone feel better, ever. They were just a way for people to feel better about themselves, feel like good people. He’d had enough comforting words to last a fucking lifetime. 
“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.” The priest finished his monologue and nodded, and Jack dumped a handful of soil onto the coffin. Particles stuck to his hand, and he wiped them on George’s smart black jumper, watching just to see if he could get a reaction out of him. His adopted father’s eye twitched, but he said nothing. Jack wondered how much he could get away with right now. George was usually easy to wind up: he hated mess. He hated Jack’s hair, always wanting to take him to a proper barber, get it done all smart so he’d look like a carbon copy of him. He hated Jack’s style, too - do your top button up! You look like a Mick Jagger tribute act! On particularly tense days, Jack played it up, wearing the tightest jeans he could squeeze himself into and drawing messy black lines around his eyes, just to piss him off further. Claire never let him get too mad, though. He’s expressing himself, she would say. Bullshit. All Jack was expressing was his desire to see how far he could go. How long before George would hit him? How long before he gave up on him? Everyone had a limit. Jack had learned that early on, as evidenced by the remains of his teacher in the casket being lowered to the ground. 
“Do you want to go get some food?” Claire asked, as they exited the graveyard. “You haven’t eaten all day, you need energy-“
“I’d rather just go to bed,” Jack mumbled by way of response.
“It’s eleven am, Jack. You have to eat sometime.”
“I didn’t sleep well.” 
Claire sighed, and Jack could feel a rant coming on. She was prone to speeches, he’d had at least three since they touched down at the airport, usually revolving around the same themes. It’s okay to have emotions, Jack; it’s okay to be sad, Jack; we’re here for you, Jack. He always had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. She meant well, but fuck was it cliché. 
“It’s understandable that you’re upset,” she began. “But you need to take care of yourself.”
“Save it.” He snapped. Where the sudden anger had come from, he didn’t know, but he was unable to pull it back in. “You’re not my real mother.” 
The words became tinged with regret almost as soon as he’d let them out, but there was no going back. Jack sighed, and turned, heading off in the direction of the car. He didn’t know if Claire and George would follow, but he doubted they’d have a go at him this time. He got a free pass for being an asshole on account of the whole dead mother thing. Maybe he should start taking advantage of that in other situations. 
Had he been this bitter when they’d met him? He’d been a skinny thirteen year old (few things had changed) and came with a warning from the social worker. Troubled was the word they’d used. Jack preferred difficult. He’d ran away three times in the first month of being fostered, and those were only the successful times. Claire had refused to put a lock on his door, though. She believed in freedom, she’d told him. And compromises. But the compromises never involved letting him go see his mom. 
Why would you want to go see her? A trainee social worker had accidentally asked him one time. It was a fair question, to be honest; he hadn’t even minded. He’d been in and out of custody from the moment he was born. She’d be clean for a bit, take care of him, go back to the drugs, and neglect him again and he’d get taken back into foster care. When she lost custody and rights of visitation for the final time on Jack’s eleventh birthday, the children’s home staff had congratulated him. But they didn’t understand. She was his mum. It didn’t matter to him. She cared about him. She knew he preferred Oasis over The Beatles, and that his favourite colour was yellow, and that he could read better if she typed the words white on black instead of black on white. She never hit him as hard as they claimed she did. And he knew, unequivocally, that if he abandoned her she would die. 
“We’re moving to America.” The words had come as a surprise, rather than a shock. He knew Claire was from a rich family on the Upper East Side of New York, he figured a trip might come after the adoption went through, even if he hadn’t anticipated a full on move. But it made sense. He’d left for a week after his fifteenth birthday, without a word; when the police had knocked on the door of his mother’s house he’d been fucking scared out of his mind. Claire and George had been scared, he knew that. They’d made him do drugs tests, all of that crap, enrol in outpatient therapy when those tests came back with weak positives. “We got your papers sorted, and we found you a good school.” They’d made it sound like such a treat, but all Jack could feel was a sinking feeling in his chest. 
Two years later and here he was, watching out of the car window as they moved progressively further away from his mother’s grave. Would an I told you so be too inappropriate?
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smontagues · 5 years
❝ I started talking to the stars in the sky instead. I said, “Tell me about the big bang.” The stars said, “It hurts to become.” ❞ CODY CHRISTIAN? No, that’s actually STERLING MONTAGUE. A SEVENTH YEAR student, this SLYTHERIN student is sided with THE NEUTRALS. HE identifies as CIS MAN and is a PURE-BLOOD who is known to be FACETIOUS, INDECISIVE, and SURLY but also ARTICULATE, INTUITIVE, and VERSATILE. { MARK, 22, EST, HE/HIM }
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who allowed this to happen ??
you know the drill.  about (bio to come) / pinterest board.
sterling nathaniel montague!
born to graham montague, one of draco’s third tier friends, and .... honestly his mother is so irrelevant i never gave her a name!!! if any pureblood pals want a cousin or smth hmu and sterling can fill that ig
the montagues are dumb purebloods but like ~new money~ aka like... grandpa montague got rich doing some shady business deals back during the first war 
as far as pureblood assholes go, sterling actually had a decent relationship with his parents — they weren’t close necessarily, but they could get along well enough
until right before fifth year, when he discovered that his father was a part of the reformed death eaters
he knew his parents were blood supremacists and it was something he had never really bought into, but he’d learned to keep quiet about that from a young age
his mum tried to assure him that it was nothing he needed to concern himself with but his father was in deep and trying to talk sterling into joining
sterling kept refusing but as time went on it felt less and less like he had any type of say in the matter
right after he turned seventeen, while he was on his easter break from hogwarts, he took out as much money from his family’s vault at gringotts as he could and squirreled it away
when the term was over and sixth year had ended, he did not return home — sterling took the money and ran
he crashed with friends at the beginning of summer, never for more than a couple days to avoid raising suspicions
eventually he ran out of options and — not having enough to reasonably sustain himself in his own home — ended up at the leaky cauldron
he swallowed his pride and got a job as a cook there in order to afford room and board for the remainder of the summer
now he’s back at hogwarts for his seventh year and boy is . . . . terrified of the future!!! if he even has one!
he’s highkey banking on getting signed by a professional quidditch team because honestly??? he doesn’t rlly have any other prospects
oh yeah he’s the slytherin beater & in astronomy club and duelling club
his only classes are astronomy (which he’s rlly good at), potions, herbology (both of which he’s decent at) and charms (which he’s. ... not v good at but he tries)
so he really doesn’t know what he’s doing with his life At All
he’s neutral in the war!! he doesn’t really believe in blood supremacy. he doesn’t fully get muggles, but that’s more out of privilege than prejudice (someone teach him not to suck); but he’s not brave enough to be in the MA, if he even knows what it is tbh
kinda dumb sometimes but he tries his best. just trying to get thru hogwarts. 
his mum has written a few letters but he has no intentions of speaking to his parents ever again!!! we’ll see buddy lmao
EDIT bc things change:  so he’s basically an honorary longbottom now from living in the leaky cauldron and is probs on the fast track to accidentally joining the MA. whoops.
some parallels ig: chase stein (i was halfway thru writing up this intro in my notes on my phone before i realized i had been watching Too Much Runaways), jackson whittemore, matt donovan, quinn roberts (the great american whatever), a very very watered down version of neil josten 
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kttendrama · 6 years
Top 10 BROTP List
So as another present for @shiek13 because we never get to talk as much anymore (D:) but we can still pass games to each other (:D) 
Rules are simple. Name your top 10 brotps :D (trust me, it’s hard)
1. BTS (aka OT7 aka I could literally watch them hanging out in a room together doing nothing but being stupid together because they love and care for each other so much and it’s so wonderful to see these boys being such good friends :D)
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2. Boys Over Flowers F4 (aka I know they were so toxic to the rest of the school but I’ll always remember how they grew up in rich families but always had each other so it wasn’t so lonely especially how they always banded together against Jun-Pyo’s mum and no matter how much they fight they always come back together YAY)
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3. Monsta X (aka loves of my life aka brotp that is gift that keeps on giving aka we’re so lucky to watch them be friends and awesome together aka can they all just stop being so amazing?? aka actual children high on sugar)
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4. Kim Yeol and Seo Ha Joon from Cheer Up Sassy Go Go! (aka these two boys make me cry so much at what they’ll do to save and protect each other aka that scene where ha joon tries to kill himself and kim yeol finds him and takes him to the hospital and then they’re both blackmailed into doing stuff they hate because they love each other so much aka I’m not crying YOU’RE CRYING)
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5. Chi Ho, Dong Woo and Gyung Jae from Twenty (aka the idiots who have to grow up aka the idiots who fight together die together aka the idiots that made me a friend in real life aka @joy-bangtan ILY lol aka why aren’t there any good gifs for this movie???)
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6. Han Se Joo (past and present) and Yoo Jin Oh from Chicago Typewriter (aka friendship ghost OTP aka friendship never dies aka at the start Se Joo hated him so much but they grew to love each other and understand how they could make peace with the past and it was beautiful!! aka Jin Oh never giving up on his friendship aka that scene at the end where they find each other in the bar again D’:)
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7. Eye Candy (the band) from Shut Up Flower Boy Band (aka BYUNG HEEEE aka the boys growing up and realising that even if they go in different directions they can still be best friends and love and support each other because it’s not the music that’s important but THEM - their history, their love, their friendship aka completely underrated friendship group that deserves more love aka IT’S ALL OF THEM OR NONE OF THEM)
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8. Lin Shu and Prince jing from Nirvana in Fire (aka I have barely started it and I’m so hooked on them aka DON’T TOUCH THE BOW aka I’ll protect him from the shadows aka he never believed su was a traitor BECAUSE THEY WERE BASICALLY BLOOD BROTHERS AND HE KNOWS HIS BROTHER’S HEART aka pray for me while I finish this drama)
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Also not really relevant but...
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9. Noh Ji Wook and Ji Eun-Hyuk from Suspicious Partner (aka they left this friendship so unresolved but in my head Ji Wook forgave him and they lived happily ever after and their kids even were best friends and got married??? aka all the crap they’d been through in their childhood has made them strong and no girl can fully come in between that aka Eun-Hyuk’s tragic regret at everything that’s happened D’: aka EUN-HYUK REFUSES TO GIVE UP BECAUSE THIS FRIENDSHIP IS WORTH EVERYTHING TO HIM)
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10. The Zhi Yi Tech Squad from Love 020 (aka their uncomplicated friendship is life aka squad goals aka achieving your dreams as a BROTP can it get any better?? aka full support for whatever each wants to do w/ side dish of friendly teasing aka WILL GO THROUGH HELL TOGETHER BECAUSE THEY TRUST AND BELIEVE IN EACH OTHER aka totally underrated BROTP that deserves more love aka BROS WHO PLAY TOGETHER STAY TOGETHER)
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So I also tag @joy-bangtan, @thedarkbathtub @narika-a @ho5eokie @orangememory @addictingkdrama and anyone else who wants to share some love :DDD GOOD LUCK! You’ll need it!
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pinksausageduo · 7 years
park woojin|the heirs
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member: park woojin genre: fluff warnings: violence summary: heirs au! bodyguard au! when you inherited the family fortune, you didn’t expect you’d be kidnapped by the russian mafia. when son of the CIA head, park woojin, comes to save you but gets injured in the process. you stay with him the whole time he’s in hospital. so will anything happen between you the two of you? heirs series: hwang minhyun | kang daniel | park woojin | yoon jisung | ong seongwoo | park jihoon
you were the daughter of THE investor
aka your dad
who was one of the richest people on the planet
he invested and owned more than 150+ successful companies
but he died five years ago from cancer and now you
had inherited every single dollar he had
you were now infamously known as the heiress
but you were the target of anyone who wanted the family fortune
in counting you’ve had 70 serious death threats 20 attempted kidnappings and 2 actual kidnappings
you’re life was basically going from safe house to safe house
being scared and cautious of everyone and everything
not being able to see your mother who was running all the investments that your dad left
which meant she had no time for you either
it was so lonely
and you convinced your mum to finally let you go to a school
101 academy
which was extremely safe and one of the best schools in the world
but before you could even attend
you got kidnapped
but this time you were scared out of your mind
the last few times weren’t huge scale and they didn’t hurt you whatsoever
but this time you were captured by the russian mafia
they hit you multiple times, only gave you a small meal every 2 days and you were tied in ropes 24/7
it had been around 2 weeks
and the desperation and hopelessness was becoming stronger every day
you thought deliriously that it’d be better to die than being kept hostage like this
but you refused to cry, you refused to look weak
you did not want to give your kidnappers that satisfaction
but one morning
you heard a huge explosion
your guard rushed out
a spark of hope ignited and you were getting ready for anything
hoping and pleading someone came to save you
you heard rough footsteps, shouts and gun shots
the door burst open
you were shocked
it was a boy around your age
you didn’t even get a good look of him
because 4 guards rushed in and he had to occupy them
you saw a pocket knife in his back pocket
you quickly grabbed it and cut through the ropes around your wrists then your ankles
just as he finished off the last of the guys
you finally got a good look at your saver
he was gorgeous
with dark brown tousled hair, tanned smooth skin and warm soft brown eyes
both of you looked at each other intently
even in this situation there was a sudden warm feeling spreading over you
and you couldn’t help but smile at him
for some reason you felt utterly safe with him which was super weird
especially in the psychological state you were in
and how cautious you were of people
you never believed in love at first sight but you thought that would be the only explanation for how you suddenly felt with the guy in front of you
he asked you in a surprisingly soft but low voice
“are you okay?”
“i am” you said gently
“i’m woojin and i’m part of the CIA and there’s a helicopter waiting for us so come on, we need to go” he said slightly urgently grabbing your hand
you instantly complied knowing this wasn’t the time for your feelings or pleasantries
as you guys rushed out of the room
he handed you a gun “you know how to use one right?” he asked
“of course” you say smiling deviously
after getting that many death threats you trained nearly every day in protecting yourself which included using guns
he grinned cheekily at you showcasing his adorable snaggletooth
and your heart fluttered once again at the sight
you two rushed down the corridor
dodging the bullets shot at you and shooting the guards behind you  
suddenly a bullet hit woojin’s shoulder he groaned in pain and grabbed it to stop the blood flow
worry and concern hit through you like a bullet
but both of you knew you needed to keep on running
you with a spark of anger at the injury of woojin and how these bastards kept you locked up
you fired bullet after bullet after bullet
all of them hitting your mark
you a badass bitch y’all
“nice shot” woojin appreciatively said while you just smirked
you quickly got to the top of the building
where there were two more agents waiting for you two
they quickly helped you on board and shot the people who were following you two
the moment you got on board you ordered woojin to lie down
he did automatically
“shit, shit, shit” you say as you see the bullet lodged into his shoulder
you knew if you took it out, you could damage his shoulder even more
so instead you sterilised the wound and bandaged it up with the first aid kit
“how do you feel?” you asked worried
“annoyed, my whole cool bond secret agent thing was totally ruined by getting shot” he joked playfully
you laugh and smile in relief glad he felt okay enough to joke
“come on james bond wannabe let’s get your bruises and cuts patched up” you say sweetly
woojin gazed at you the whole time you put cream on his bruises and sterilised then bandaged his cuts
the last one was on his cheekbone
both of you blushed as you got super close to his face trying to sterilise it
you say as you bandage it “thank you really for saving me, i really was ready to give up”
“all i have to say is i’m sorry for taking so long and if someone told me i needed to save you again i’d do it in a heartbeat” he said sincerely and sweetly back
and with those words and all the courage you had to muster you quickly pecked him on the cheek
you whisper “thank you woojin” as his heart was beating so fast he’d thought he’d actually die
the other agent who was in the front seat told woojin to sleep
as woojin lied down he told you “please don’t go anywhere”
he genuinely didn’t want you to go
the comfortable and warm feeling he had when he was around you
felt like it’d block out any pain he received including his shoulder injury
you held his hand and said to him sweetly “i’m not going anywhere”
with the thought of you and a smile on his lips
he fell asleep
you guys got to the CIA base and after they put you on clearance check and made sure you were okay
and put cream on your bruises and patched up your cuts
they finally let you go to woojin
you found out woojin was in a deep sleep from the surgery he had to do
luckily with you sterilising the wound and making sure he didn’t lose a lot of blood or move his arm it was an easy operation
the next 4 days, after reassuring you mum you were fine
you stayed next to woojin’s side at the CIA’s hospital
people got used to see you around his ward including his father
who visited a few times
and was surprisingly accepting of you being with woojin
you later found out woojin’s dad was the head of the CIA
which made you panic but at least he liked you
woojin woke up when you were sleeping
you were holding his hand and your head was on his hospital bed
he automatically smiled seeing you
as he was trying to sit up you woke up
“woojin! you okay, do you need anything?” you asked concerned
he chuckled “no, i’m good but let’s get some fresh air”
you smiled and nodded
as you were about to let go of his hand he grabbed it tighter so you couldn’t let go
you blushed and your heart fluttered but neither of you said anything
after sorting out his hospital drip you two headed to the rooftop
hand in hand
when you two got there woojin automatically asked you
“how long was i out for?”
“4 days” you replied
“really? damn that’s a long time” he said slightly shocked
“trust me it seemed like forever for me” you say earnestly
“wait did you stay with me the whole time” he asked even more shocked
you blushed and said quietly “i did”
woojin opened his mouth to say something then closed it again
internally he couldn’t believe that someone cared about this enough to stay with him like that
his dad was the head of the CIA making him ridiculously busy but woojin didn’t blame his dad for it
and his mum went on a mission months ago and hasn’t come back since
you were completely different from what he expected
he was expecting some spoilt rich bratty heiress but instead he got you
sweet, caring, intelligent, gorgeous, funny and wicked as hell with a gun
plus the way he first felt when he saw you and how that feeling just kept on growing
it was weird he was known to be the coldest of the heirs but with you he opened up in seconds
before he knew what he was doing he wrapped his arms around you
he whispered gratefully “thank you”
you felt a rush of warmth and safety in his arms and you instantly wrapped your arms around him
you stayed in that position for a few minutes just enjoying the warmth and comfort after sharing a horrible experience
“come on, let’s sit before my legs give out on me” woojin joked
“you sure you’re even a CIA agent” you quip back
“hey! my pride is hurt. i’m one of the best!” he exclaimed playfully
“yeah yeah sure sure” you dismissed him with a smirk
“why you-” he said with a cheeky smile
then with his uninjured right arm he started tickling you
“w-woojin s-stop” you said in between laughs
“say the magic word” he teased
“p-please” you laugh out
the tickling finally stopped
“you’re the devil” you pouted
“nah i’m not i’m james bond remember” he said with a wink
you rolled your eyes but once woojin put his arm around your shoulder
you couldn’t help but ease into his embrace and snuggle into his chest
the two of you spend the rest of night joking, talking about your lives
all the while cuddling
you were completely and utterly comfortable with woojin
even to the point where you told him about all the kidnappings and death threats
how lonely it was to be constantly moving and scary at how many people wanted to kidnap you
and how it felt during the time with the russian mafia
at that point you broke down into the tears the first time in months
but with woojin’s soothing words and hugs
you felt alright
the next few days you two were inseparable
you helped woojin with his shoulder
taking care of him
you ate together
and you two would playfully eat each other foods
you guys talked about everything and anything
from politics to chicken nuggets to family issues to life goals
he comforted you when you needed someone to talk to about the whole kidnapping situation
or just let you cry while hugging you and making sure you were alright
you guys also went to the gun shooting range often
constantly competing for the most bullseyes
or just watch movies while cuddling
you knew you really really liked him and you knew he liked you too
but you just wanted to see where you two went
and not to rush things
woojin felt the exact same way
after woojin was well enough to leave the hospital
you found out from woojin and his father
that woojin convinced his dad to be your protection detail at school
you thanked woojin’s father profusely then hugged the life out of woojin
you were genuinely so happy that woojin could still be there for you even as just protection detail
the night before you left for 101 academy
you and woojin were at the rooftop again
snuggled up, talking, laughing and eating
but woojin suddenly asked if he could ask a question to you
your heart fluttered and you gulped nervously as you nodded
“y/n u-uhh i know i’m your protection detail and everything, but like-ah shit this is so hard-” woojin rambled and cursed
you laughed softly telling him to keep on going
he took a deep breath and continued
“i’ve genuinely never felt as happy as i am around you and even though we might already act like a couple i want to make it official so y/n will you be my girlfriend?” he asked hesitantly
you beamed at him
the rush of warmth and giddiness when he told you that you made him happy was amazing
but hearing that he officially wanted to date you
was the absolute best feeling in the world
“i’d love to woojin” you said sweetly
he smiled at you so endearingly making your heart melt
you suddenly realised your faces so close to each other
and your noses were basically touching
woojin glanced at your lips making your heart speed the hell up
he whispered to you “y/n can i kiss you?”
is it just me or do i feel like woojin would ask?
you felt your heart hammering so loudly against your chest
and you softly replied “yes”
then as you close your eyes a pair of soft lips end up on yours
the kiss was sweet, soft and gentle
you two parted with shy smiles
oh lol i just realised i totally ruined the moment with the woojin would ask comment whoops
after a few moments of comfortable silence you say to make sure the situation didn’t get awkward
“oh gosh so many girls and guys are going to be pissed that you’re off the market, how am i going to make friends then?!” you groan jokingly
“are you saying that you’d prefer fake ass friends then being with me?!” woojin exclaimed knowing you were joking
“of course not stop getting your panties in a twist” you quip back
“you’re the one who started it!!” he pouted back
“and now you’re acting like a immature 6 year old” you said trying to keep the laughter out of your voice
“nah, that’s daniel” woojin says smirking
“i am actually excited to meet your friends they seem great” you say sincerely
“they are, it’s killing them not being able to see me after my injury, but they can’t get clearance because they’re too powerful and it’d be risky to let them into the base” woojin says slightly annoyed
“we’ll get to see them tomorrow” you say brightly
and you two did
you sailed through your tour of the school just in time for lunch
and of course woojin accompanied you
offering his hand with a mischievous smile
and you gladly accepted with a smirk
you knew the whole heirs business and the fact that woojin was one of the famous 11 boys
and that he was taken by you
will definitely cause some commotion
when both of you walked into the cafeteria hand in hand
everyone fell silent
that was interrupted with a scream of “WOOJIN!!!!”
before you could react a guy with an adorable looking face and a mop of blonde dyed hair  
which you thought was daehwi from what woojin told you
i like blonde daehwi a lot
came running towards you two
well woojin
woojin smiled when daehwi hugged him and kept on fussing over him
all three of you went to the table where the other heirs were sitting and two other girls which you assumed was daniel and minhyun’s girlfriends
after sitting down and quick introductions the conversation got going
“you’re okay and you’re back!” jihoon said relieved
“oh did you miss me?” woojin said with a smirk
“of course not but i just wanted people to stop talking about you” jihoon joked
“yeah right you love meeee” woojin teased
“yeah yeah whatever’ jihoon dismissed
“is your shoulder okay?” jisung asked concerned
“it is don’t worry about it” woojin said dismissively
“so who’s the pretty lady” seongwoo said suggestively towards woojin
“the pretty lady has a name, it’s y/n” you said sassily
“oo feisty” seongwoo said while everyone groaned
jisung whacked him on the head and said apologetically to you “sorry about him i think he’s a little drunk”
“he is i slipped some vodka in his water whoops” sungwoon added looking completely unashamed as jisung berated him
“wait so you two are together?” minhyun asked
“yup she’s my girl” woojin said sweetly kissing you on the forehead
you could really feel the glares from A LOT of people from that
but you didn’t care all you felt was just pure happiness as he said that
“hyung don’t do all the lovey dovey stuff pleasee we really get it enough from these four” whined guanlin while pointing at daniel, minhyun and their girlfriends
“if you’re going to do it, do it alone like daniel, i’m sure he does A LOT more than just kissing” jinyoung said mischievously
i love savage jinyoung
“jinyoung shut up” daniel muttered with a blush as his girlfriend was whacking jinyoung in the head
“hey hey hey don’t attack me i’m just saying the truth remember i love you guys” jinyoung said innocently
“yeah yeah keep on talking bullshit” jaehwan said
“wait why didn’t you say minhyun?” daehwi asked cheekily knowing jinyoung’s answer
“because he’s too pussy” seongwoo butted in with a smirk
“EXCUSE ME I’M RIGHT HERE” minhyun said loudly
“your point being..?” jaehwan said trying to rile up minhyun up even more
“at least he has a girlfriend” daniel pointed out grinning at minhyun
minhyun gave him a hi five for that
“please ignore these idiots” daniel’s girlfriend said to you
“you’ll get used to them eventually” minhyun’s girlfriend added
you had probably the most entertaining lunch with all the guys and the girls
the two other girls already invited you to the sleepover they were going to have that weekend
you felt amazed at how nice and inviting they were accepting immediately
it also amazed you that daniel’s girlfriend was once really shy
now she was one of the loudest in the group
but she was great and so was minhyun’s girlfriend
it was your first time having proper girl friends and it felt great
and the whole lunch woojin either holding your hand or having his arm around you made it even better
after school finished woojin told you that he wants to show you his spot
you two eventually arrived at the roof top
“wow this view’s incredible” you said in awe
“it’s great isn’t it? it’s where i come to think” woojin said
“who knows about it?” you ask
“you and me” he said with a sweet smile
you instantly felt all warm and soft that woojin showed you this place
“come on let’s sit” he said while leading you to a clean spot
you two spent the whole time discussing your first day all the while cuddling
this rooftop became your little spot
you and woojin would spend your time cuddling talking joking eating
it was warm, safe and comforting
just like woojin
PLEASE FORGIVE ME IK THIS WAS BARELY HEIRS basically bodyguard but i hope y'all liked it anyways! i just had trouble thinking of a plot and this worked plus the bodyguard au was the other option just I'm really sorry and i hope y’all forgive me! i know i promised to do jisung next but this was for a birthday present to jas and i’ll be doing jisung soon sorry to those who expecting jisung! as always please tell me what you think and send me a message!
@perkwoojin​ JAS HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! you are one of my best friends even though we’ve never met irl and my closest mutual. you’ve been there for me through so much shit and still loved and cared for me. you’re also ridiculously gorgeous, intelligent, funny and smart. YOU ARE A BEAUTY stop denying it we all know its true. i wish i could be there in person to give you a proper gift and a hug but i can’t so that sucks shit but this is the best i can do. i know this wasn’t the normal falling in love at first sight prompt but i did include it and i hoped you liked it! please remember you’re beautiful inside and out and i hope you had the best birthday ever spending it with your family and friends and receiving lots of presents. I LOVE YOU!!
p.s. please remember i am OG WIFE so all the rest of your wives are secondary hehe ily
click here for more information about the heirs
heirs series: hwang minhyun | kang daniel | park woojin | yoon jisung | ong seongwoo | park jihoon
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hrrytomlinson · 7 years
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here are a bunch of AMAZING fics I’ve enjoyed and loved reading throughout the month of august. I recommend that you read these great fics in september, if you haven’t already!! also check out the HL Summer Fic Exchange!
(all fics with a star are my favorites and if there are two stars then it was a favorite favorite)
1. How Far We’ve Come 32k
“This is Harry Styles,” Chiron offers.
He’s beautiful. His eyes are a stunning green, the color of new foliage. The new kid’s limbs are long and lanky—he looks extremely uncomfortable and uncoordinated. Louis internally smirks to himself, guessing the kid probably won’t be too skilled with a sword, or a bow, or anything sharp, most likely. His hair falls to his shoulders in sets of loose, brown curls. The color is rich and luscious, resembling soil so much that it looks like flowers could sprout from his hairline at any moment. But Louis’ eyes are stuck on his soft looking lips, pink as flower petals and slightly parted as his eyes scan the horizon of the camp.
“Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, Harry.”
2. It’ll All Come Up Roses 4k *
Louis was leaning against the railing of the bridge, looking down at the water completely lost in thought when he heard someone approach the bridge from the side that he came from. Glancing up, he noticed Harry walking towards him, hands stuffed deep in his pockets, and seemingly lost in thought. Louis shifted his weight onto his other foot and stood up properly, watching quietly as Harry walked past him. Louis opened his mouth. He wanted to say something to Harry to break the silence, or at least to get him to notice him standing there against the bridge railing - but the words got stuck in Louis’ throat, and he snapped his mouth shut, going back to staring down at the water mindlessly instead. All the while, trying hopelessly to figure out what the fuck he’s doing with his life. Harry kept walking, and soon Louis was once again left alone to his thoughts.
Or the one where Louis really doesn't hate his neighbor who keeps waking him up at the crack of dawn. Ft magic, Liam, Niall, and Zayn barely being mentioned, Harry and his fucking motorcycle, a date and a kiss.
3. Freeze This Moment in a Frame and Stay Like This 5k
Harry (not so) secretly crushes on the cute footie player and fills pages with sketches of him.
4. Wrap You Up In Daisy Chains 10k *
Ten minutes later, an awkward, long-legged, curly-haired, so pale she’s reflective, and so obviously gay-looking Harry Styles is sitting shotgun next to Louis in a bikini, denim cut-offs, and heart-framed sunnies.
Or, Harry and Louis and a too-small bathing suit.
5. Small Doses (Loving You It’s Explosive) 38k
Louis Tomlinson finds himself at Vitality Fitness to try and turn his life around after having left his cheating boyfriend of four years. The gym's owner, Liam, quickly becomes a good friend, but his right hand man is rude and dismissive from the get-go.
Louis and Harry continue to clash all while Harry is trying to move his way up the ranks in Manchester's amateur boxing circuit, but they can't seem to stay away from each other.
6. Some Flowers In Your Hair 23k *
When Louis mentions offhandedly that he’s really been enjoying watching some TV show called Alone, and that the idea of humans surviving without magic in the wilderness fascinates him, he would never have guessed it would land him in a situation like this.
This is supposed to be a friendly camping trip between Louis and Liam, just a couple of bros surviving in the wilderness for bragging rights, not whatever rigmarole that fucker is currently outlining. And certainly not including one Harry Styles, pretentious twat that he is.
What is he getting himself into?
Or, a magical camping AU in which Louis is jealous of Harry's magic, Liam's a little too enthusiastic about surviving in the wilderness, and Niall might have misunderstood the rules.
7. We’ll Be Seamless 52k **
Green reblogged an old photo of himself. It was from back in October, a Halloween special. A pulse shot all the way through Louis because this photo was his absolute favourite, and it had taken the rest of the year for him to wean himself off of it.
Green was on his knees, arms stretched out in front of him with his fingertips digging into the surface of his bed. He was wearing a pair of cat ears on his head, his curls falling forward. His back was arched, and in the foreground of the picture, Green’s bum was high in the air, a long, black cat tail sitting neatly between his cheeks.
Louis spends all his spare time scrolling arty nude blogs on Tumblr but amongst them all, Green is his favourite.
8. Chasing Empty Spaces 79k **
The year is 1934 and Harry Styles was to inherent the largest tobacco firm in the south. His parents have picked out the “perfect” girl for him to marry and he has the privilege of receiving the highest education possible. The problem was, Harry hadn’t realized he didn’t actually want any part of that future until he met a mechanic named, Louis Tomlinson.
9. It Had To Be You 45k **
A When Harry Met Sally AU.
Harry and Louis are strangers who share the drive from Chicago to NYC after college. They don't have anything in common, don't get along, and at the end of their trip, they're both glad to say goodbye. During a chance meeting five years later, they find that nothing has changed, and they part ways expecting never to see each other again. Ten years after their first meeting, Louis and Harry meet once again, but this time they become friends. Eventually, things get complicated.
10. Perfect Sky 11k
Deep, deep down, Louis knows Niall hadn’t meant to do this. He knows that this really was a last minute conundrum Louis had found himself in. Louis could’ve muddled the dates just as easily as Niall could have misremembered them. This hurts for other, more difficult reasons.
This hurts because it was supposed to be Louis’ honeymoon.
Louis meets Marcel at the lowest point of his life. A few poorly timed jokes, and a cigarette (or twelve) later, Louis starts to think love’s not a sham after all.
11. Magic Everywhere We Go 19k
Fifteen years after first meeting Louis at a mutual friend’s birthday party, Harry is just as in love with his husband as he was on their wedding day. And with the birth of each new child, Harry seems to have only grown to love him more.
And now Harry is spending four days at the happiest place on earth with all of his favorite people – his mum and stepdad, his four beautiful children, and his perfect husband.
Life couldn’t get any better than this.
Or, Harry and Louis go on holiday with their family to Disney World.
12. One Day, Maybe Next Week 6k
Louis was staring at him, expecting a response, and Harry was supposed to be the one coming up with that response, and he was so not prepared, so he blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
“Where were you? You weren’t on the bus for a few days.”
Louis raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“Uh… Sorry, I just- Um, sort of noticed that maybe you weren’t on the bus since last week. Not that I watch for when you’re on the bus or anything. That would be weird. Obviously, you have your own schedule, and I have mine. I just saw that you weren’t here, so I wondered what you were doing, or if something bad happened, like you got kidnapped or something. God, that sounded creepy. I promise I’m not threatening your life or something. Jesus, just stop me. If you have pepper spray, I would totally understand if you got me in the eyes right now.”
Louis had his lips pressed together at this point, holding back a laugh. Harry really didn’t blame him for that.
Or, the one where Harry just really wants to talk to Louis. And when he finally does, everything he says just comes out wrong.
13. Building Castles In the Sky 22k **
"D-dad? You think I c-can do it? Y-you think i c-can..." Evan trailed off looking down at his chest. And Louis' heart melted.
"I think you can do everything, love. Everything." Louis said while pulling his boy closer. "Because you, my little dandelion, are very brave! And so strong and wonderful and so very bright! You will go up on that stage, and you will blow everyone away. I just know it."
They laid there on their porch while they hugged each other tightly. His little boy was so brave. Louis didn't need to see him on a stage to be proud. He was proud of him already.
"You know,” Evan mumbled aloud again. “Mr. S-Styles says the same t-thing. He s-says I c-can do e-everything too.”
And Louis couldn't help but smile.
Or, where, Louis had a four year old with a stuttering problem. Harry was always there to help.
14. I Come Alive When I Hear Your Voice 7k
Harry let out a satisfied sigh and sat back in his cushioned office chair. He looked down at his laptop and tapped his fingers against his bottom lip in contemplation. He was fairly pleased with what he’d finished so far on his latest project; he just needed to fine-tune some bits and then send it off to his management for their approval. He sent his coworkers an e-mail giving them commenting rights on the document for any constructive criticism they might have, and cringed when his stomach let out an unholy gurgle.
Aka: Harry the mute songwriter falls in love with the single dad working at the bakery down the street from his studio.
15. Cupid’s Defense 116k **
In which Harry is Cupid, Louis and Liam own a law firm, and they're all getting sued.
16. Palms Reflecting In Your Eyes 6k **
Harry visits Louis at his campus and finds a crop on the wall.
17. There Is No Resistance 1k
It's Harry's birthday and Louis has found him the perfect gift.
18. Sound Like a Song 14k **
In high school, Louis Tomlinson lit up Harry’s world like nobody else, even if Harry did most of his pining from the safety of his tightly knit circle of friends. Ten years later, Harry is ready to make some changes. He’s tired of having so many regrets and not taking charge of his life, and he still hasn’t forgotten how brightly Louis shines. He’s about to get a long awaited second chance.
Or the one where Harry helps out at a farmer’s market and gives Louis free vegetables.
19. I’ve Seen How You Sparkle 56k *
Their eyes locked again and Harry blushed, suddenly feeling shy. Louis just smiled at him, tilting his head a little as his eyes ran over the younger boy. Harry self-consciously placed his arm over his stomach, afraid that Louis would somehow see through his clothes and notice the druid mark on his right hip. It was a triple spiral, a triskele. Although it wasn’t that big and fairly easy to hide, Harry was always paranoid that he would maybe stretch too much and reveal the mark.
It wasn’t that he actually believed Louis would have him executed, but he knew Louis was fiercely loyal to his father. If it came to choosing between Harry and his father, Harry was honestly not sure what Louis would do.
Or Louis is the Crown Prince of Camelot and Harry is a druid hiding his magic. It would have been a lot easier if he didn't also have to deal with a forbidden love, a dangerous quest and a whole lot of trouble.
20. One Shines Brighter 11k *
“Hi, baby. You doing anything fun today?”
Harry shrugs. “Dunno. Thought I’d see how I was feeling before making any plans.”
“You wanna get married?” Louis asks. Harry’s face breaks into a smile, and he nods.
Louis’ lips are just brushing Harry’s when Gemma appears in the hallway. “You two are in so much trouble.”
Harry's wedding was never supposed to be the happiest day of his life. No, that was going to be the day after, when he finally got to start his marriage. Unfortunately his family (and Louis) have other ideas.
Featuring a pair of moms who only want the best for their kids, meddling sisters with too much time on their hands, and a groom who gets caught up in the fairytale.
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comfsy · 4 years
The Legal Nomads 2019 Gift Guide: Art and Jewelry
I did my first ever holiday gift guide for travelers a few years ago, which was fun to compile. Readers seemed to enjoy the various items, and I was happy to share some of the products that accompanied me on the road. This year, I wanted to do something a little different. For starters, my life is a little different – something all of you already know. As a result, my own gifts to family and friends aren’t souvenirs from far-away places, but fun things I’ve discovered online. I wanted to share some of them here, especially as many are small businesses like myself.
I completed the resulting creative gift guide later than expected, because I could only type in 20 minute increments. I hope you enjoy this gift guide, one that focuses specifically on art and jewelry. There are so many shops with interesting work out there, and sometimes it’s hard to narrow it down.
The items below are from artists that I have supported, some of whom I’ve actually met, and they are all products I stand behind.
Unique Art and Jewelry Gifts for 2019
When searching for a gift for my mum’s birthday this year, I thought I would do something a little different. I looked for an artist who could illustrate our family with a beautiful border and then send her a printed copy for her birthday.
I’ve never commissioned this kind of gift before, and Rebecca – the artist I chose – was patient and kind, and we went back and forth a few times until I was satisfied. She even agreed to make my brother as depicted, wearing his favourite martini t-shirt.
I was waiting on this gift guide until my mum received her gift, and she loved it!
Rebecca’s full shop here, and note that she will do other kinds of designs as well, like Save the Dates for weddings, holiday cards, personalized baby blankets, and more.
I’ve followed Michael Buchino’s whimsical word work for some time on Instagram, as it combines two of my favourite things: learning, and art. His Insta feed, Lexigraphique, is one of those accounts that I send to multiple friends many times a week.
Before this guide went up, I wrote him to ask if he had any holiday items I could include, and lucky for all of us he was just about to launch the hygge cards below.
(c) Michael Buchino 2019
You can buy his prints and these cute holiday cards in his Buchino shop, here.
Anne Connell’s shop is a wonder to behold, chock full of paper goods designed — as she notes on Instagram and on her website — with an “absurd attention to detail” She lists herself as a precisionist, and it’s easy to see why. Her artwork is meticulous, delicately crafted, and very unique.
I found her botanical card series first, and clapped my hands with glee. As someone trying to get out in nature during brief spurts of respite from bedrest, they were a breath of fresh air. Her constellation cards, featuring each of the zodiac signs, are a clear crowd-pleaser. I’ve put those two types of cards below but honestly it’s worth heading to see her full shop.
I realize these are listed as cards, but I think they are frame-worthy all by themselves.
(c) Anne Connell 2019
(c) Anne Connell 2019
Botanical cards here.
Constellation cards here. 
And the full shop here.
Nicola is a long-time Legal Nomads reader, and a fellow lawyer and traveler. She has generously shared bird illustrations and other fun to keep me cheered up when I’ve been down. She’s also a very talented artist, and her cards and other items are rich in puns and joyful artistry. 
Nicola’s work reminds me of the children’s’ books I loved most, with creative characters, maps, and whimsical animals. A talented hand-brush lettering artist, she also includes a lot of drawn typography in her work.
From a grumpy owl to a festive sheep, you’ll be sure to find holiday cards to your tastes. And one of my absolute faves is her wedding card below, “Of all the fish in the sea” — delightful.
(c) Nicola Allen 2019
(c) Nicola Allen 2019
(c) Nicola Allen 2019
Nicola’s full shop is here, with specifics from the above illustrations as follows:
Grumpy Owl here
Festive sheep here.
Of all the fish in the sea here.
I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Jess, the genius behind Birdstrips, in person twice. She’s currently in Montreal, and a friend introduced us just before I re-leaked last summer. Her illustrations have grown a huge following on Instagram due to its relatable messaging, and her captions that accompany the drawings are raw and vulnerable. Together, it’s powerful work that makes almost everyone feel heard.
In Jess’ words, the shop comprises “the existential distress of the flightless through the eyes of the flighted.”
(c) Birdstrips 2019
You can check out her images and pick up mugs, shirts, prints and more, here.
JP and Mike Andrews, two brothers from the UK are an Instagram favourite of mine. I often share their images with my community because their eye is unique, and their pictures compelling. Like me, they absolutely love to travel. Unlike me, they specialize in photographing bizarre, aerial images our planet using drone photography.
Their goal: to share perspectives of the world otherwise unseen, captured from a vantage point most of us miss. A great gift option for those who love to roam.
Here’s one I love from them: Skyline, a drone photograph of a freighter that looks like a cityscape.
(c) Abstract Aerial Art 2019
(c) Abstract Aerial Art 2019
And this aerial view of a beach made me smile:
Their full gallery shop here.
Jason Markow, aka TEKSTartist is an artist I found a few years ago, and was hooked immediately. His work combines both traditional and digital media, a fusion of techniques that result in elegant yet crisp products. Given that my own products are typographic representations of food, I love that his art includes quotes he’s enjoyed over the years, visually represented in unique ways.
One of my favourites: this flower, “Your Garden, Forever” available here, created by warping and twisting the words from Tennyson’s famous quote – “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you…I could walk through my garden forever.”― Alfred Tennyson
(c)TEKSTartist 2019
And the item below, The Giving Tree, was created by warping/twisting the words from the entire set of text from Shel Silverstein’s iconic book “The Giving Tree”. Buy a copy of the artwork here.
(c)TEKSTartist 2019
Full shop here.
These illustrations of birds with curse words sayings are all the rage on Instagram and Twitter, for good reason: they’re hilarious. Crafted by Aaron Reynolds, they do seem to offend some, but as the name suggests exactly what they are it’s hard for anyone to be upset. Don’t like them? Close the tab. Personally, I find them exactly what I need, each and every day. Clothing, mugs, pins, and more at the link, including a new Effin’ Birds book.
Buy here.
I’m excited to share the new tote bags in the Legal Nomads shop. Previously, I offered a canvas, bull-woven tote of the maps, with the map printed on once side. These new tote bags are black and white – and if people like, I can also swap out the handles to make them red or mustard! – and the design is printed on both sides.*
*If you’d like to swap out the tote bag for a different handle (example here), just send an email to jodi-at-legalnomads.com after you order, and I’ll make sure it happens.
The new tote has sturdy handles and holds up to 44lbs, perfect for errands and/or carrying a laptop without a laptop bag. Food maps of Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Portugal, Italy, and Mexico available.
(c) Jodi Ettenberg 2019
Shop the new totes here. The full shop is here.
These beautiful macrame earrings are courtesy of the Van Riley shop, run by a fellow leaker. I wanted to share her work as I know how it is to worry about making ends meet with a CSF leak. If someone in your life loves macrame, please consider supporting her shop!
Macrame earrings and other items, on the VanRiley shop here.
Given my love of nature, it’s no surprise that I also love jewelry that depicts it in design. I saw these gold leaf earrings recently and ordered a pair as my holiday gift to myself. They’re lightweight — great for anyone with headaches — and they are delicate and just so pretty. I like the contrast of the gold with the emerald green stud in the ear.
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  If leaf earrings aren’t your thing, Mica also has necklaces, rings, and other earrings in a variety of shapes and sizes. They’re lightweight and beautiful, and oh so creative. Her jewelry is hypoallergenic and nickel-free.
Buy the same gold leaf earrings that I love here, with Mica’s full shop here.
Several readers nominated this Etsy shop, and it’s the only one on this list that I haven’t also purchased myself. But when my readers are happy, I’m happy, and I wanted to share what brought them such joy in gift giving.
Chrissy’s shop features personalized, delicate jewelry for those who want to memorialize their care with initials or names. The image below is for the necklace that several readers bought, but her shop is full of other options, including rings, earrings, and pendants.
Personalized initial necklace here. Full shop here.
I’ve saved one of the best for last.
My friend Chantelle started Be., a company that sells bangles – but also much more than simply bangles. Chantelle is one of the most open-hearted, vivacious people I’ve ever met, and thankfully I’ve had the pleasure of meeting her in person years ago. Her company’s bangles work well in conjunction with the lightness and curse words of Effin Birds, two small business enterprises that use curse words to make a valid point. In Chantelle’s case, Be. takes a stand against societal norms. Her work aims to support women and girls in a society that often expects airbrushed perfection.
I received a few Be. bangles as a wonderful 40th birthday gift from Chantelle, and my two faves – that came with me to Florida are:
“I’m mostly peace, love, light, and a little go fuck yourself” – product here, and
“I stopped waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel, and lit that bitch up myself” – product here.
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I am someone who uses curse words as a form of punctuation, so those two bracelets are perfect. For those with less swear-y tendencies, lots of beautiful options like:
“Be you. The world will adjust.” (here), and
“Speak. Even if your voice shakes.” (here.)
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All of Be.’s products here.
That’s it for 2019!  A big thanks to my friend Reine who helped pull many of the images and upload them for me, so that I could do this guide more easily. It would have been a 2020 gift guide without her. Hopefully there’s something fun in here for someone in your family.
Happy holidays, and thank you as always for all the incredible support.
The post The Legal Nomads 2019 Gift Guide:<br /> Art and Jewelry appeared first on Legal Nomads.
The Legal Nomads 2019 Gift Guide: Art and Jewelry published first on https://takebreaktravel.tumblr.com/
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rouge-fox-expanded · 7 years
Now this may seem a bit out of the blue but as I have become more immersed in Tumblr and the people I follow I have noticed a lot of people don't like Severus Snape from the Harry potter series. Now that's fair enough, I can totally understand and the opening line was not clickbait I am well aware by and large the man was a dick. Now why do I like him as a character? I imagine most of you think because I think the whole secretly on the side of angels things make everything okay...it doesn't. I've got news for every snape fanboy reading this, Severus Snape was a horrible teacher, prejudice and quite frankly a bitter and resentful asshole. Now why do I like him? Well...I guess I can understand him, now before I go any further I want to make it clear understanding does not mean condoning...I understand why Mr Freeze wanted to save Nora Fries but I do not condone the people he killed (I know using a comic book character juxtapositioning a novel character is tricky because of fluid continuity vs set continuity but bear with me).
Now let us first look at why Snape is an asshole, keep in mind it's been a while since I've read the books so I won't be making any direct quotes and if I make mistakes I welcome people to correct me but let's start with his childhood. It may not have been stated but was heavily implied...he did have a functional family unit, mum and dad were...well I remember he said his father didn't like anything so I'm unsure if I can say abusive but I think I can use the term loveless. Now growing up little Sev was always an oddball, among the muggles he was what Petunia would dub a 'freak'. He's an outsider, and his only friend and so far positive role model...is Lily Evans. Now keep this in mind, up until now the only good person in Sev's life and when I say good I mean morally as well as objectively is Lily. Now Lily doesn't truly understand Sev but she's his friend regardless, that's nice...now let's look at the asshole collective aka the Marauders.
We all know Peter Petigrew is a bastard, but he had little to do to Sev during the school years. Remus Lupin whilst part of the team was the token good guy and morality chain (despite his furry problem). James Potter and Sirus Black...Can you say self-entitled Asshole and Pseudo-Sociopath...in that order. James Potter does not understand Severus, nor does he want to. He's a rich bastard who buys into the whole us and them system that is inherently believed to be the wizard status quo, pureblood, half-blood, mud-blood ect. So when he's placed in Gryffindor with his sociopathic friend Sirus and little Sev is in Slytherin, the line is drawn. Sev is in with bad guys (not wholly inaccurate) and he, his friends, future wife and future turncoat (yes peter we mean you) are the good guys.
Ron: there's not a witch or wizard who went bad who weren't from slytherin Me: (if I were there and knew at the time) what about Merlin?
Now here's where the problem start, Sev as I have said is an outsider. He's had very little positive reinforcement and he's not around Lily enough to truly benefit from her kind nature. His family unit is toxic and now he's sorted into a house filled with more toxic people, the difference, these toxic people actually treat him okay. He's in with the winners, hooray right? No...he's in with pre-harry, rising-riddle slytherins...this is not a nurturing environment but he's a bright lad and he's excelling academically and he still seems to get on with Lily despite being in with the wrong crowd. Guess who doesn't like this, self-entitled asshole and by extension Pseudo-Sociopath whom proceed to perpetually subject little Sev to a litany of magical bullying of which he always (correct me if I am wrong) comes out the butt monkey. Now at this point you may be asking why I am calling Sirus Black a Pseudo-Sociopath, well keep this in mind. Sirus Black whilst more morally inclined comes from a long family line of psychos. Oh but he's one of the good guys you may cry, yes he is...I mean he may have tried to instigate a manslaughter when he was a teenager but-WHAT?!?!?! Oh sorry, did we all forget he tried to trick Snape into facing Lupin during his time of the month? As in, tricked snape into almost facing off against a FUCKING werewolf?!
Let's...let's take a moment to consider this. Yes James saves Snape from this fate, so why wasn't Snape grateful? One good deed vs the bullying, Sirus getting him into the situation in the first place and neither Black nor Potter suffering any ramifications for the situation (I could be wrong) and essentially getting away with attempted murder. I dunno about you but I'd be fucking pissed! AND THE MARAUDERS ARE THE GOOD GUYS?! Let's take a moment to consider what would have happened if James didn't do the right thing? Lupin not having his right frame of mind would have killed a young teenager, there is no way in hell they could cover that up. All three kids would be expelled and possibly face jail time and Snape would be dead and go virtually unmourned (assuming this werewolf incident happened before Mudblood gate Lily would be very upset). What's more, Sirus to my knowledge (correct me if wrong) never apologizes for this. Not even during the order of the phoenix meetings does he go 'Yo Snivellus (bad starter), you know when I almost got you killed when we were kids...I am sorry about that'.
So recap, Snape is largely friendless, frequent bully victim, the people who like him are one kind girl and many magical nazis in the making. The reason he's interested in being a death eater to my knowledge is because like all outsiders, he wants to belong to something...be a part of a group, and also he believes (inaccurately) this would impress Lily. Why does he think this way? Because what else has he got to go on? No family support, frequent bully victim and the one girl he feels a positive and budding romantic bond with is a little one-sided...and then we get to Mud-Blood gate. Now obviously I do not condone Racism, Snape was in the wrong to say what he said...but I can understand why he said it in the moment. He was humiliated, hurting and in a moment of vulnerability he was being helped by a girl. Now I am not sexist, but this was pre-harry, rising-riddle, 70s-80s and he's been with the 'winners' and their toxic influence so he tries to save some face...he buggers up, his apology falls on deaf ears...and he's got no good friend anymore. Sev is all in with the 'winners' now, onto the death eater years and we all know how well that goes.
Now I am gonna say at this point, Sev has become the villain. He's in with the magical nazis and takes to the spy role (something he's very good at, I imagine learning to be invisible was handy considering his environment). He has made an active choice, his history leading up to that choice does not change that he made it. And through his spy duties he unwittingly tells Wizard Hitler 2.0 (because Johnny Depp is playing Wizard Hitler mark 1, see Fantastic Beasts) that the little boy who can end him is being born of James and Lily. Now despite their falling out Sev still likes Lily and doesn't want her to die, so he approaches Dumbledore, whom is quick to point out his morality is flawed as he only wants Lily spared and not James and possibly by extension little Harry (something that disgusts Albus, and I think he's familiar with the feeling). But Sev and Albus reach an agreement, Snape does defect and pulls off a double agent role and is still in with the 'winners' whom are none the wiser. Shock horror, plan doesn't go smoothly because of a rat, yes peter you, and James and Lily die leaving Harry all alone. Sev is bummed but still goes along with Albus' overarching plan so long as no one lets on he's actually on the side of angels.
Now that is actually tactical, he'd be a pretty piss poor spy if everyone knew how rooted in with the good guys he was but it also makes sense with his personality. Snape does not like pity, it reminds him of weakness and as we've seen thus far...weakness is not something he's good with. Now enter the teaching years, and boy does his assholery shine. As Edmund Blackadder told Baldrick, the abused always kick downwards, only now Sev is no longer the Baldrick but the Blackadder and he takes out his frustration and resentment on the kids...like a dick. Can I condone this? Fuck no, can I understand it, yes. Why do I like Snape still? Because despite being a monumental asshole whom is ridden with bitterness, depression and probably self-loathing which he projects onto his students he is still fighting Albus' war. He's playing the triple agent for most of the series, Wizard Hitler 2.0 on return thinks Snape was actually doing his bidding by planting himself as a sleeper agent and he bloody loves that whilst all the other death eaters hates his guts (jealousy). On the other side everyone barring Dumbledore...also hates his guts (former death-eater), really when you think about it everyone is poised to believe the worst in Snape. Book 1 we're all ready to believe he's the villain, allowing Quirrel to go almost unsuspected. Book 2 he does get a cathartic moment by showing up the useless prat that is lockhart, Book 3...Oh let's go into that.
Hello Snape, meet the man whom until you know about the Rat was instrumental in killing Lily and tried to have you fed to a werewolf, play nice. Now on the subject of werewolves, Snape and Lupin seem to have some semblance of a professional relationship given the potion master is making him his wolfsbane potion (the thing that stops him being a frenzied killer) so he bears him no bitterness for the whole near murder but just for being with the assholes. Yet he still makes the potion for him anyway, like a professional. Now lets get to Snapes moment on cornering the assholes, and look at it from Snape's POV 1-I have captured Sirus Black, the man whom was instrumental in killing Lily and his accomplice Lupin 2-I am going to take them up, let the dementors sick Sirus and justice will be done 3-I am in the right here ...on paper, that actually seems kind of legit doesn't it? I mean Severus doesn't know about the rat until either the end of book 3 or the beginning of book 4 because erm...HE WAS UNCONSCIOUS DURING THE TIME OF THE REVEAL! Yeah harry knocked him out didn't he? So while Peter was revealed as the dirty rat Snape was down for the count and probably very pissed off when he woke up. So when he lets slip about Lupin being a werewolf from his perspective we have this: 1-Lily's traitor has gotten away scot free! 2-Potter was instrumental in it and is always getting away scot free 3-I am not letting this shit happen again! Also on paper, this seems kind of legit. In practise, it's the action of a small bitter man. Lupin resigns, we get the mad eye facsimile, the whole hot mess of the triwizard tournament and then Wizard Hitler 2.0 the reboot for which he has to play triple agent once more and we have order of the Phoenix (Oh I am gonna enjoy this).
Sirus and Snape working together, Oh what fun. Sirus hates the man's guts and makes no attempt to extend an olive branch...Snape also hates Sirus' guts and treats him with utter contempt. Come on guy's your grown ups, can't you act civilly and oh wait Sirus almost got you killed, played a co-operative hand in bullying you relentlessly and is still an asshole by and large to you. Yeah I can see why you're not inclined to get on with him, but hey you're still doing your job...and you're trying to teach Potter Occlumency (pragmatically, as this for the cause). Now I will agree Snape teaching Harry Occlumency does show Sev's assholery more so...he's unsympathetic to Potter's turmoil and takes pleasure in mocking him where he can but here comes my favourite part...Harry gets a glimpse of Snape's childhood...and sees his dad in full self-entitled asshole mode...and what happens? Harry is ashamed and to his horror, he can identify with Snape (literally what is written at the end of that chapter). The hardest lesson growing up is realising your parents are not superhuman and adults aren't perfect, it's even harder when you're parents are gone and all you have to go on are other people's perspective. So until now Harry thought his parents were inherently good people whom went down fighting an evil monster...well you were half right Harry. Sirus tries to brush this off a little as 'we were just kids back then' which doesn't appease Harry in the least (nor should it). Of course any understanding and sympathy he has for the potions master dies with Sirus...he feels the man was responsible for egging him on and making Sirus act recklessly. Sev did antagonize him true, Sirus however was reckless and impulsive by nature and they were fighting in a battlefield for all intents and purposes...people die. That can be pretty much sum up things from book 4 onwards, people die...because this is war. Now we get to my favourite part, Albus and the Snape.
Yes see Albus Dumbledore is a bit of an asshole too, he has lived almost 200 years and he's seen a lot, done a lot and was active in the war against Wizard Hitler mark one (whom incidentally was his former boyfriend -implied I think- ) and saw the Riddle-rising from it's inception. To put it bluntly, Albus knows how to win this war and know what has to be done. Snape plays a direct part in this, he's Albus' man on the inside. Now I hope you've all made a list of why Sev is an asshole at this point because here comes the other list-Why Snape is still a hero. Wizard Hitler 2.0 is not an idiot, he's a master legilimens and if he got any trace of Snape's true loyalty Snape would be history...and Sev knows this, and does his job anyway (and does it well). He's instrumental in informing Dumbledore about some of the horcruxes, like the ring, letting him know about Draco's forced initiation into the wizard nazi club and is trying to keep his boss alive to help them win the war. Here's the problem, Dumbledore is gonna die and has to die, because turns out Albus has the deathstick ie the wand which can trump all wands and if Wizard Hitler 2.0 gets his hands on that we're all screwed. So Snape is asked to commit a mercy kill, which will fully vilify himself among the angels and get him in with the devils as he helps guide their destruction which incidentally means Harry's got to die too. Oh yeah, turns out Harry's a horcrux and Wizard Hitler 2.0 has to gun him down in order to become mortal again...something Sev is not happy about, admittedly because of his love for Lily and not for any real compassion for the boy. Albus is actually shocked to awe that despite everything Snape's feelings towards his old friend has still endured. Despite all his bitterness, the memory of her has not been tainted.
Now for everyone who's read the books we all know what happens. War goes on, Snape is killed, we see his life flash before our eyes and Harry pulls a lazarus and saves the day and a lot of people die, that is war and I think Snape was one of the heroes instrumental to bringing it to an end. Don't get me wrong...He is still an asshole, I mean when you look at the entirety of his life he had a lot of time to try and move on. I mean he was working for the cause but he could have sought therapeutic help, stopping taking his problems out on his students and basically stop being the worst teacher imaginable then maybe everyone wouldn't hate his guts...but then would they have been so quick to believe he was on the bad side when he committed the mercy kill? When Snape killed Dumbledore no one on the faculty defended him, tried to make sense of why he did it...any goodwill he had with any of them went out the window and fell with the headmaster. When Snape became the new headmaster everyone but the death eaters hated his guts, but let me ask you this? In a wizarding world where Tom Riddle is the de facto king of everything...who would you rather have minding your kids? Severus Snape all things considered or Bellatrix Lestrange...because at least Sev reined the Carrows in!
Also a lot of people on tumblr question whether Sev was brave...yes, yes he was. Being a spy takes a lot, as said by Steve Trevor from the recent cinematic outing for Wonder Woman. Steve was duplicitous, adaptive and a consummate liar...but he's also a lovely chap so we haven't anything bad to say about him which is fair enough. On paper Sev is fulfilling the same function in this war, only he has no friends, no family and nothing going for him after the war. Everyone thinks he's an asshole, but he still does his job and spies on Wizard Hitler 2.0. He's not a coward, and I think the reason that annoys him so much is because cowards are weak...he's been weak before and hated that feeling but more so from his perspective I think what he's getting when people call him a coward is this 'everything you have done in your life leading up to the present is pathetic and you should have done better and you're weak for not having done so'. Guess what? That's something people with self-loathing say about themselves on a regular basis, possibly something Sev has thought about himself in his private moments. All things considered he is not a coward, he is a soldier fighting for Albus' cause and has done stuff from which there is no coming back from. He has no bridges he can cross, he's stuck on the shrinking landmass until he falls because nobody is gonna want him.
Hypothetically if Sev did survive the battle of hogwarts and everyone knew what had happened I guarantee he would have still lost his job, either got sacked or would leave. His redemption only works with his death because his life is worth nothing, he has no friends, no family and nobody likes him because he's an asshole. He's not gonna get better, he'd probably go home and live in solitude until death finally takes him ideally in his sleep. Yet the Malfoys seem to get by okay thanks to their last minute defection don't they?! Oh yeah no one mentions the shit they got involved with do they? Sorry that is not relevant. Okay, let's return to my main point: why Snape is an asshole and why I like him. Snape was a horrible person to the children he taught, he was mean, verbally abusive and hindering to their growth and particularly cruel to harry and his friends (probably saw them as a Marauders 2.0) whilst having no ill will towards slytherins (the people whom accepted him, ie the 'winners'). However I think I like him not just because I understand him, but I get him. Hell if I went through his shit I'd probably be a bitter, resentful asshole too and would kick downwards with every breathe I took and you can be damn sure I wouldn't be helpful to Albus' cause because Wizard Hitler 2.0 would see through my self loathing shit and feed me to the snake long before book 7, also why should I?! Why should I help the son of the self-entitled asshole whom stole the only lady whom was every really nice to me growing up? Why should I help the werewolf that could have killed me when I was a teen? Why should I help the pseudo-sociopath whom tried to feed me to aforementioned werewolf and until I am told different was instrumental in Lily's death?! Why should I be a good guy?!
But guess what? Snape does help, he's very verbal into his contempt for everyone he does help and lets no one get close but I understand why he does that. Doesn't condone what he's doing to the kids, you're perpetuating a cycle Sev! Mercy kill or not that was still murder and I don't tolerate racism. But on that note he does learn, he never uses the M word again and doesn't like it mentioned in his presence as shown in book 7 when talking to the portrait. And he does guide Harry to the horcrux destroying sword via patronus, he goes out of his way to keep Harry alive via counter curses (book 1), throws himself in front of the kids when a werewolf attacks (book 3, or may have just been the movie I am not sure), and generally he does a lot of intelligence gathering, the Occulmency classes and serves as Albus' right hand mand in making sure things go as they should have. What does he get? Death and posthumous recognition, because as much as an asshole as he was you don't speak ill of the dead (politeness I suppose).
So yeah, Snape was an asshole...but so were a lot of other people too. His parents, James and Sirus, the slytherin house of his school years, Albus Dumbledore was a very pragmatic hero whom was used making people behave the way he needed them too. The only person on the hogwarts faculty whom was consistently just and without those kind of flaws was McGonagall. But for the war to end we needed Dumbledore's machinations and Snape's duplicity, that's what JK Rowling would have us believe. I guess I like Snape because I get him, I know depression, I know self-loathing and I know bullying...but I admire his bravery, I admire his duty and even though everyone hated his guts he stuck to his guns and helped the good guys win the war. Yes he's an asshole, but I guess he's my problematic fav. And I just wanted to put this out on Tumblr in the vain hope that those who don't like Snape can read it and understand why I do...why some of us do like him. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind, you can all hate on Snape as much as you like if that's what makes you happy and I will respect your opinion. I hope you can respect mine, Snape is an asshole but I still like him.
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this-basic-mage · 7 years
19 and 20 for Lin and Isabela? (mainly because Leandra's reaction. I need to know.)
Ah yeesss! Thank you @grandduchessdechalons for giving me the opportunity to finally rant and rave talk about my middle child.
19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
Oh Lin for sure! She was crushing on Bela super hard like the moment she met her so pretty much immediately after they hook up  she runs down to the Hanged Man like ‘Varric! You’re not gonna believe it!’ (she never had a girl friend before so this an emotional time for her okay). After that she’s kinda stopped short by Bela reminding her again that this is just a casual thing calm your incredibility gay tits Lin, which Lin begrudgingly agrees to and tries to mention it only in passing to the others like Bela does. Only for her to drunkingly scribble a four page letter about how awesome her sort of girl friend is to a poor unsuspecting Bethany after trying to be a adult about it for three months. The only person she doesn’t tell is Leandra...
Later on, when their relationship actually becomes official, Lin has matured enough to keep things on the down low, afriad she’ll scare her away otherwise. But once she’s sure Bels is here to stay she’s goes back to being like ‘hey have you met my super sexy pirate girlfriend yet? Isn’t she cool!’
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
Mother does not approve. Leandra knows better than anyone that what is given can be easily taken away, so she was hoping Lin would marry one of their High Town neighbours’ sons to secure their restored status as nobles. Bela is of course not rich, not stable, and smells like the docks. In fact Leandra thinks she’s a gold digger and checks everything shiny is where it’s supposed to be whenever Bela leaves the house. Of course she and Lin have a few fights about it after some not so low key judging and inviting ‘nice young boys’ round for dinner. Although Lin puts up her usual front of sarcasm Leandra does start to see her daughter is serious about this girl, replacing her concern for her family’s future with concern for Lin’s feelings. She can understand falling for someone you shouldn’t, but at least she never had to doubt Malcom loved her every inch as much as she loved him. Isabela she’s not so sure about. Unfortunately Lin doesn’t realise her shift in perspective isn’t just a change in her mother’s tactics until it’ll it’s too late.
Her friends view their relationship with varying combinations of amusement and concern. With Aveline (aka Other Mum), Anders, and Sebastian it’s more concern, with Other Mum even trying to lecture her about the dangers of dating criminals before Lin made it really clear she’s gets enough of that shit from home. The best Avs can do is standby and be there for Lin when the inevitable fall out (to her it’s bound to end tears) occurs. Merril thinks Lin’s teenage-like infatuation is the cutest ever, as does Bethany although she thinks Bela is way to cool for her dork of a sister, while Fenris acts like it’s the lamest thing ever, but secretly finds it rather endearing. Varric is firmly in the middle, following the romance through the years like it’s his favourite soap opera, but making sure he stays the guy Lin can talk to when Bela’s impulses fall more on the selfish than fun side, and later on Bela’s relationship guru when she finally accepts she loves that hot mess of girl after all. 
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Social Media Stars 2017 Book Releases
My Life as Eva: The Struggle is Real by Eva Gutowski (14th February 2017) From the popular YouTube personality Eva Gutowski comes an amazing book on all the ups and downs of life that everyone goes through, but no one is able to easily push through.
How to Be a Bawse: A Guide to Conquering Life by Lilly Singh (28th March 2017) From actress, comedian and YouTube sensation Lilly Singh (aka Superwoman) comes the definitive guide to being a BAWSE - a person who exudes confidence, reaches goals, gets hurt efficiently, and smiles genuinely because they've fought through it all and made it out the other side.
Matthew Espinosa: More Than Me by Matthew Espinosa (4th April 2017) You may think you know everything about multiplatform entertainer Matthew Espinosa—but he’s here to tell you so much more in his debut book, full of hundreds of brand-new pictures from a series of exclusive photo shoots.
Generation Next: The Takeover by Oli White (6th April 2017) The thrilling sequel to YouTube sensation Oli White's bestselling, smash-hit debut GENERATION NEXT. School has finished for good, and Jack and his friends - Ella, Austin, Ava and Sai - are giving their online social media platform, Generation Next, the ultimate relaunch: a stage takeover at the world's biggest music festival.
Doing It by Hannah Witton (6th April 2017) Figuring out how to build and maintain healthy relationships - with your family, friends, romantically and with yourself - is a crucial part of being a teen. It's not easy though, particularly in a digital age where information and advice are so forthcoming it can be hard to know who or what to believe or trust.
Note To Self by Connor Franta (18th April 2017) Now, two years later, Connor is ready to bring to light a side of himself he’s rarely shown on or off camera. In this diary-like look at his life since A Work In Progress, Connor talks about his battles with clinical depression, social anxiety, self-love, and acceptance.
How to Write Good by Ryan Higa (30th May 2017) An unconventional, irreverent, yet heartfelt memoir by Ryan Higa, one of the top creators on YouTube. With pictures! And illustrations! And, y'know, words.
Make Your Mind Up by Bethany Mota (15th June 2017) When Bethany first propped her camera on a stack of books and pressed record in 2009, she didn't realise her life was about to change—forever. After uploading her first video to YouTube at just thirteen years old, Bethany quickly became one of the Internet's go-to beauty, style, and lifestyle vlogger.
Wilde Like Me by Louise Pentland (29th June 2017) '4 years, 2 months and 15 days of single-mum-dom. Isn't this supposed to get easier?' It's time for Robin Wilde to Change. Her. Life. Robin Wilde has a beautiful six-year-old daughter, a job she's really rather good at, a wonderful best friend and an auntie who is bonkers, yes, but loves her to the moon and back.
All That She Can See by Carrie Hope Fletcher (13th July 2017) Feelings are part of life - feelings are life. If you take away what people feel, you take away anything meaningful. Wanting to diminish the evil in this world is a good cause, one I have fought for the majority of my life, but not like this . . .
The Pointless Book 3 by Alfie Deyes (13th July 2017) Just when you thought it was safe to put down your pens, Alfie Deyes is back with everyone's favourite journal!
Feel Good 101 by Emma Blackery (7th September 2017) YouTube's most outspoken star Emma Blackery is finally putting pen to paper to (over)share all her hard-learned life lessons.
Adultolescence by Gabbie Hanna (19th September 2017) From Teen Choice Award-nominated comedian and vlogger Gabbie Hanna, known on YouTube as The Gabbie Show, an astounding debut poetry collection that captures the essence of what it means to come of age in today’s world.
Username: Uprising by Joe Sugg (21st September 2017) Evie and the gang return to face new challenges and resolve the rift between the online and offline world.
Zach King: My Magical Life by Zach King (26th September 2017) Award-winning digital media star Zach King brings his unique brand of magic to the first installment of a lively, fun-filled trilogy about Zach, a middle schooler in search of his magical powers while navigating the crazy, confusing world of public school.
The Rosewood Chronicles by Connie Glynn (27th September 2017) When fairy tale obsessed Lottie Pumpkin starts at the infamous Rosewood Hall, she is not expecting to share a room with the Crown Princess of Maradova, Ellie Wolf. Due to a series of lies and coincidences, 14-year-old Lottie finds herself pretending to be the princess so that Ellie can live a more normal teenage life.
Elites of Eden by Joey Graceffa (3rd October 2017) Yarrow is an elite: rich, regal, destined for greatness. She’s the daughter of one of the most powerful women in Eden. At the exclusive Oaks boarding school, she makes life miserable for anyone foolish enough to cross her. Her life is one wild party after another…until she meets a fascinating, lilac-haired girl named Lark.
Turtles All the Way Down by John Green (10th October 2017) Turtles All the Way Down is about lifelong friendship, the intimacy of an unexpected reunion, Star Wars fan fiction, and tuatara. But at its heart is Aza Holmes, a young woman navigating daily existence within the ever-tightening spiral of her own thoughts.
Rhett & Link's Book of Mythicality: A Field Guide to Curiosity, Creativity, and Tomfoolery by Rhett McLaughlin & Link Neal (10th October 2017) “Internetainers” Rhett & Link met in first grade when their teacher made them miss recess for writing profanity on their desks, and they have been best friends ever since.
Tanya's Christmas by Tanya Burr (19th October 2017) Tanya definitely hasn't let getting older spoil the magic of Christmas - for her, it brings with it a unique, magical feeling like no other time of year. So in Tanya's Christmas, she is excited to share all of her tips and suggestions for creating THE perfect Christmas.
Max and Harvey (In a Book) by Max and Harvey Mills (19th October 2017) In their diary, the boys tell us exactly what they've been up to. From hanging out backstage at VidCon to starring in a school play, this is Max and Harvey's year - in their own words.
Secrets for the Mad: Obsessions, Confessions and Life Lessons by Dodie Clark (2nd November 2017) When I feel like I'm going mad I write. A lot of my worst fears have come true; fears that felt so big I could barely hold them in my head. I was convinced that when they'd happen, the world would end.
Fully Functioning Human (Almost): Living in an Online/Offline World by Melanie Murphy (7th November 2017) In her first book, Irish YouTuber Melanie Murphy shares a series of experiences from the struggle that is growing up in the digital age: cyberbullying, dumping by text, gaining (and then losing) too much weight, having acne in a world of Instagram filters, and, most of all, finding the strength to tackle poor mental health.
I’ll be updating throughout the year, so let me know if I miss any!
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thatfantasybroad · 7 years
Nytha had a good time today, to spite her existential dread about choosing the sword over the lute (which I will make a separate post about now that I realize I have yet to do so.) and the impending battle. 
The group planned the points of defense for the island and an old party member built some shelters for casters and such.  
There was a lot of rp and defense management, but I worry about how much talking/planning I was doing? I always doubt how well I rp nytha as being kind of flighty/dumb like she’s supposed to be. I also worry about stealing the spotlight too much. :x 
HOWEVER… we got as much shored up as we could, and the island’s Knight informed us of some stones of far speech/sending stones in the care of an old thorn in our side who owned the local inn, so after identifying the 3 paintings (which were worth a LOT OF MONEY- One was the equivalent of da vinci’s Lady with Ermine- Titled Boy with Squirrel in game) we planned to not only get revenge on this guy, but get the stones to boot. To explain- Lord Hyden (aka Lord Chucklefuck, Sir PrickedBum, Mister Fuckface, etc etc) was unreasonable early on- and when we tried to do the right thing and warn him about the impending blood revel by the Erlqueen, he instead warned the people of the island that we were part of a doomsday cult, taking advantage of the fact that we have two tieflings in the group… so we had our (and esp for nytha- her family’s) good names dragged through the mud. 
The following is paraphrased, as I am very tired.
Nytha used the glamored studded leather (which Nytha adores tbqh) and used the command word “Givenchy” (Old elvish word for couture ofc) to change into “a blingin’ Alexander McQueen-esque outfit” to make a grand entrance to the tavern. There was a bit of W.A.S.P.-ey obviously sarcastic talking about the quality of the inn’ s finest wine, “This wine is…. adequate.” She also played the marble capture of her Nat 20 performance check and earned the attention of the room- which prompted Lord Hyden to come over and start talking shit and reiterate that they were from a doomsday cult and further trash talk.
Nytha, with my best suburban white mom outrage impression, went on an indignant DIATRIBE, railing against his hospitality, sharing how filthy the place was before one of NYTHA’S group deigned to help (Grudo Boulderfist the stonechild Mason). The foolish Inkeep stoked the fire by claiming they had no money. OOOHHH BITCH, OOOOHHHHH BITCH YOU DID NOT
Nytha proceeds to empty all of the treasure (which is foolish in it’s own way) out of the bag of holding onto the table, including stacks of gold and platinum , solid gold cherub statues, gold trim, huge draconic scrolls, and some other fancy shit. Pragmatic and paranoid as ever, she put that all away in the bag of holding, and THEN revealed one 10,000gp painting…. then ANOTHER 10,000gp painting…. and THEN revealed the 50,000gp Boy with Squirrel.
Nytha: as you see, I am a woman of esteem! *Nat 20 Persuasion roll, in addition to guidance for a total of a whopping 33* Crowd of Nobles: *Gasp!* Lord Hyden: It’s fake! It’s some kind of bardic magic! Nytha: woud any casters in the room like to challenge the painting with an identify spell? Any at all! Lord Hyden’s Bard: *gravely walks off the stage and casts Identify, and says in a hushed tone,* it’s real…. Nytha: *To Lord Hyden* WHAT NOW BITCH? Persis: *Laughing her ass off* Lord Hyden: *miserably* That’s impossible! How could you have that???
Nytha then proceeded to plug her Mum’s inn to the nobles, then turned to Lord Hyden and said “There is one little thing I want that you could prevent me from telling every inn on Kallasia…. I want your stones of far speech.” Hyden: *floundering* if you’re really rich, you could get your own. Nytha: *scoffs* it’s a matter of convenience. Unless anyone else on the island has them? Crowd of Nobles: *Crickets chirp, No one steps forward* Nytha: there you have it, I intend to have some nicer ones made when the time comes, but this is a matter of necessity. Thank You Ever So Much." She then turned on her heel and swanned out of the room. 
That nat20 made my DAY let me TELL YOU.
Later on there was one interaction that deflated her ego a little
Lucca the Halfling: Yeah, I know you guys. You're part of the doomsday cult.
Nytha: >_< *still resplendent in her designer imitation armor* Do I look like I could be part of a doomsday cult?
Lucca: ... I mean yeah, you have horns. ..
Nytha: That's racist! *crocodile tears*
But I will admit it was not deflated by much. :P
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officiallenzo · 4 years
Broken staff
Table of Contents chapter 1 birth chapter 2 growing chapter 3 death
Section 2
Section 2
Chapter 1 of 3 starting of family union of 2 families. The birth of weird mf growin ina bad and good environment they werent rich but not poor (materials)
Section 2
the introduction to Kelly and shaw elders uncles Aunt
Around midnight
Father: worrying the whole night finaly doze off he woke by nightmare 3am he couldnt sleep till 4am woke his wife and daughter it was saturday
Mother: you seem like you did not blind daddy whats the matter?
Father:very strange dream i had around 3am there was broken mansion nobody was there i only heard woman scream is like the whole house was screaming i wanted to go in but couldnt move i wanted to scream but was mute that scream sounds familiar i dont understand i hope does not happen.
Mother: we surffered enough i dont think it mean bad let me go wake cia is that time her big day for us
Daughter:dad what do you mean screams and familiar voice?
Father: oh you up , me and your mum we are happy for you sweetheart dress up properly i will call uncles and aunt to join us go now
Daughter: okay dad
Mother :wear something on your head you will find us outside dont take time
Daughter:okay mum
In few moments
Father:uncles you know what to do im leaving everything to you and ofcourse all of you here
Uncles: ciara is your time to shine go spread your wings be good wife respect yourself and everyone your father and mother did their best may they be good examples and your strength, we are going to ask our ancestors to be with you all the way and dont forget your background let no money and gems of this world blind you we love you we wish all the best,
Uncles :aunt give her few words
Aunt :cia my child woman hold knife on its edge we dont give up on marriage we will always be ready to assist
Uncles: to all fathers and mother's side great greats grandfathers and mothers we thank you for all the blessings and life above all protection we brought you your daughter she is going to belong to swam family may you all protect her always, brother(ciara's father) give thanks
Father: she has my blessings, mum say something
Mother : my blessings in abundance is with her from left to right top to bottom all her ways be fruitful we give thanks to great ancestors.
Uncles : my child today in-laws are coming to see you next week is the big day you will be leaving nest you showed respect go show them respect from now you are fully woman a giant great mother for the next Generations ( pouring ntsu aka nicotinic snaff to please ancestors )
Let's all give thanks to God of our forefathers and great ancestors mothers fathers
«they all gave thanks»
Went away without looking back
Father : brothers I had strange dream I don't understand since you can interpret
Uncles : screams hmmm
Father : 😱 yes screams here is the dream
“there was broken mansion nobody was there i only heard woman scream is like the whole house was screaming i wanted to go in but couldnt move i wanted to scream but was mute that scream sounds familiar i dont understand the voice was my daughter's .
Uncles : She will scream and no one will be able to help .
Father : not my daughter please
Uncles : unless she marry someone else but we doubt she will listen that's life brother
Father : I guess is only a dream I really hope so
Mother & Aunt cooking
Mother : I'm glad you came sister next week be on my side to present and represent my daughter you.
Aunt : that's what family is for I wish her all the best i don't know much about the in-laws ...
( Ciara shouting they are here)
Mother : is them let's prepare food
Aunt : (shouting alulating singing auntie leave the pots the owner is coming to cook) (which refers to Ciara as new owner of them pots to the in-laws )
Uncles : let's go it looks like they made it in time
Father : i will stay here show them the way you know what to do Brothers
At the gate
In-laws Shaw's uncles : knock knock shaw family is asking for gates to be opened
Kelly uncles : money talks
Shaws : what are they talking about
Let's put down R1k
Yes I think that's what they mean
( Put down R3k and expensive whiskey )
Kellys : now you may enter our gates we don't have dogs feel at home micasa sucasa
Shaws : they are good 😋 very good ( entered went to the father of the house greetings head )
Father the Kelly : welcome Shaws let's not waste time food is ready before they get cold so tell us why you here and what are you looking for
Shaws : our boy found diamond in Kellys we are here to represent our boy John junior Shaw he asked for your daughter
Kelly the Father : to view put something down
« uncles call Ciara »
The Shaws : we are willing to do anything for our boy ( put down R5k )
Kellys uncles : Ciara come join us
( Ciara came )
Father : is this what you came here for ?
Shaws : without shadow of doubt this is diamond we wanted ( putting down R10k )
Father : excuse us my baby , Kelly's want 10 cows for the father 15 for the mother 20 for the diamond we are not after money after all we are family now 5 cows for my daughter she is college graduate she never slept with any man she is rare gem.
Shaws: we are adding 50 more to make it 100 she is indeed rare
We pay half then next week we take her and come with outstanding
Father : you know what you came here for 1 cow is around R5k we give you discount for not being dramatic
( They all lol 😂 😁)
Kelly's uncles : welcome to the family now we are official is written in heavens
Shaws : thank you all we did not make mistake this is truly happy day
Father : gentlemen food is ready let's go dig
They ate merry everything went well what's left is wedding day in few days
It was Sunday evening Shaws left
Mother father Ciara uncles Aunt the Kelly were all happy
Uncles & Aunt : brother it went well is now late we will see you in 3 days time
To you daughter is your day but big day is coming take care
Aunt : sister I will be there to rock them again we need to practice dance I will come on Tuesday to start
Mother : thank you Kellys elders trully honoured
Uncles left it was late night
In living room
Daughter : mum dad thank you I'm exhausted I need long 8hours sleep
Father : goodnight my baby it was busy day we are all tired
Mother : I can't believe next Sunday we will be without you my baby is big girl now I will not allow them to take you ( laughs) 😁
I'm happy for you baby
Father : let's all go rest all gratitude goes to you ladies food behavior was on point I'm lucky man goodnight baby
Daughter : ( hug dad mum ) goodnight my Angels
Mother : goodnight baby
*Went to bedrooms
Father : sweetheart it was beautiful day I'm tired it I'm sleeping goodnight
Mother : goodnight darling ( kiss😘)
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tenortower6-blog · 5 years
Pochito, Por Favor, Mascot!
Sandwich and carb lovers, gather round. When I heard that Pochito, the popular Chilean food stall from Ramsgate Markets had opened up their very own eatery in Mascot I put it on the top of my list to visit. There's a range of classic Chilean sandwiches and Chilean empanadas!
Pochito's mother and daughter team Patricia and Paulina Bustamante come from an extended family that all work in the food industry. Paulina says, "My parents and I emigrated to Australia in the late 80's. My mum grew up in Chilean restaurants, delis, and butcher shops. She is the aunty in the family you know when you come over to her house you will get a great feed with food constantly flowing out of the kitchen."
For those of you unfamiliar with Chilean cuisine Paulina explains, "Most people think Chilean food is Mexican food with tamales and burritos and our food is spicy. Our food is actually not spicy and we don't use much chile at all. People may not know Chilean food is all about great produce, we have some of the best seafood!".
Monica and I both share an unabiding love of a sandwich (don't get us started on Liz Lemon and the Sandwich Day episode of 30 Rock) so I knew exactly who to visit Pochito with.
"The sandwich in Chile is part of the nation and part of the culture. If you ever go to Santiago there is a sandwich shop (Sangucheria) along most of the streets. Chileans love their bread, we have several different sorts of bread which we will always have on the table for breakfast, lunch, dinner and 'once' afternoon tea. Sandwiches are the combination of what we love and enjoy, pork/steak, avocado, mayonnaise (a key ingredient in any sandwich and in any Chilean household)," says Paulina.
When I pull up and walk inside I all the patrons appear to be South American which is a good sign (Monica and I are the only non South Americans). It's a small cafe with a few outdoor tables and some indoor share and single tables and ordering is done at the counter.
Pochito means a moment of post prandial bliss where body and mind are in a happy-drowsy state after a satisfying meal. And yes carbs on a cold and windy winter's day help enormously in that regard.
Mote con Huesillo $8
Monica leaves it up to me to order because we share food brains-we both want to eat the same things. We share a Mote con Huesillo drink, one of the drinks I tried and loved in Chile. It's a peach drink scented with cinnamon with barley at the bottom and a whole sun dried poached peach in it. It's not overly sweet which I like and it's fruity. I think this would be delicious both hot and cold-hot would be a little mulled wine-ish.
Traditional beef pino emapanada $6
We've basically ordered one of almost everything on the menu. We start with the empanadas (and a warning: they do sell out quickly because they are popular). The most popular is the beef empanada with a baked pastry and filled with saucy spiced beef mince, onion, olive and egg. It's warming and delicious especially the filling.
Four cheese empanada $5
I have to say I love deep fried empanadas a bit more than the baked one because hello deep fried! These are made using a different pastry and we try the four cheese one (cheddar, mozzarella, parmesan and feta), all gooey deliciousness especially when you add a little hot sauce to it for a bit of kick.
Garlic chilli prawn and cheese empanada $7
The prawn and cheese fried empanada has some garlic and chilli in it as well as tasty, chopped prawn mixture. Next time I'll ask for a bit of pebre (coriander, tomato, onion and garlic salsa) on the side too.
Lomito $12
If the beef empanada is the classic empanada, the lomito is the classic sandwich. So what makes a good lomito? "A good lomito starts with the pork. The pork has to be full of flavour, tender and juicy. There's nothing worst then biting into a dry lomito and having to add condiments like mustard," says Paulina. Indeed, their lomito has the softest melt in the mouth oven roasted pork, smashed avocado, tomato, mayonnaise and pebre on a milk bun it is a perfect mix of meat, salad and bread.
Completo Original $13
There are two completo hot dogs, the original one and an Italian version and we went for the original. The original has a juicy smoked pork frankfurt sausage with sauerkraut, smashed avocado, tomato and mayonnaise. We adore this combination as the sauerkraut and avocado gives the rich sausage a necessary lightness and tang. Paulina explains, "Avocado is life in Chile, and we put it on everything even before the hipsters knew about smashed avo on toast. Avocado is used on most of our sandwiches and even our national hotdog 'El completo'".
Choripan $8
The choripan is a simple but delicious hot dog filled with a grilled South American chorizo and pebre on a long roll. It's tasty but I think out of the three sandwiches we really loved the lomito and the complete original the best because of the salad component.
Barros Jarpa $8
"What do you think that is?" Monica says eyeing the sandwich the woman next to us is eating. After a quick discussion ("Should we get it?" "Yes, we'll take leftovers home to the boys") we head back to the counter to order it along with another sandwich. The soft, warm milk bun is filled with ham off the bone and melted cheese. It's simple but done well and although we've eaten a lot we eagerly finish our quarter portions.
Chemilico $10
We were just going to have a bite of this. And that Dear Reader is how we ended up convincing ourselves to order the Chemilico too. It's lean rump minute steak, plenty of grilled onion, a free range fried egg on a soft milk bun. The beef is very tender and this is such a tasty breakfast sandwich with a runny yolked egg that spurts out the yolk. "That's very suggestive!" I say.
Sopapilla $2 and Sopaipilla Pasada $5
I have so many memories of eating sopapillas aka pumpkin fritters. There's a salty version as well as a sweet version in a citrus sauce. I like both because they remind me of my travels to Chile. The dessert version isn't overly sweet or citrusy but balanced quite nicely.
Calzone rotos $2 and Alfajore $4
It's time for house made sweets and there are two on the counter, a calzone rotos, a biscuit dough that is deep fried with lemon zest. The name means "broken undies" and I guess they are twisted undies. I like the alfajore shortbread sandwich filled with dulce de leche in the centre. It's perfect with a cup of tea.
Tres leches cake $8
The tres leches or three milks cake is a sweet, milk soaked sponge. Although South American sweets can be very sweet, I liked that this wasn't overly sweet. There is a layer of fluffy coconut cream on top, berries and edible flowers.
Before we know it, it's 3pm and it's time for them to close. But then people keep streaming in wanting empanadas and food and they accommodate them. We can see why they got so busy that they didn't have time to go back to the markets.
So tell me Dear Reader, Have you ever tried Chilean food? Do you ever see something that someone else is eating and order it? Are you a sandwich lover?
This meal was independently paid for.
1021 Botany Rd, Mascot NSW 2020 Monday & Tuesday closed Wednesday to Friday 8:30am–3pm Saturday 9am–4:30pm Sunday 9am–3pm Phone: 0412 603 100 facebook.com/pochitosydney/
Source: https://www.notquitenigella.com/2019/07/16/pochito-mascot-chilean/
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