#it’s not healthy otherwise
s-ccaam-era-crepe · 6 months
unnormalize staying up late btw
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actual-changeling · 1 year
hot take but the reason why beez and gabriel figured their shit out so quickly is because they both have a solid sense of who they are as a person and the relationships adds to that instead of threatening their sense of identity.
if, for some reason, they had landed on "yeah no we won't work" they would have been sad/disappointed/heartbroken, but ultimately beez is happy with who they are and so is gabriel. nina and maggie decided to NOT get into a relationship for the same reason, they respect themselves and each other enough to put personal growth and their mental health first instead of attempting to solve trauma responses and hypervigilance by making someone the turning point of their world.
aziraphale and crowley, on the other hand, aren't just dogshit at communicating, they have also build their sense of identity around each other and thus the thought of not being together automatically comes with a loss of personhood, trapping them in "i need them to live and will be destroyed if they're not with me". which is incredibly self-destructive and deeply unhealthy, and not a foundation for a functional relationship.
the solution to that is not to glue them together and call it a day, it's to allow both of them the space and grace to grow as individuals and develop a healthy sense of self so the relationship is build on mutual respect AND self respect.
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demonictacobeard · 7 months
I HC Adam used to farm before he became an Angel. But heaven had other plans and didn’t need him to do that when he got there so he hasn’t gotten to farm in thousands of years. Months after he becomes a sinner he remembers he can do what the fuck he wants within reason at the hotel and takes it back up as a hobby instead of for survival
He’s like a fish in water, Adam scares the fuck out of Hell’s local fauna. Charlie supports this enthusiastically and over time Adam kind of lets her help because she keeps coming to fucking look at it anyway. However I think Lucifer is not allowed to help or even be within sixteen feet of the space unless he can prove to Adam he isn’t going to plant a god damn apple tree when Adam turns his back
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dollypopup · 3 months
This fandom gets more bent out of shape and upset about that entrapment line than Penelope herself does
one day peeps who get soooo mad at Colin for very easily understandable statements will finally just admit that they don't like him instead of twisting into pretzels to justify why they're so angry at him. y'all don't like him, but Penelope does. she loves him and tries to understand him, she was upset that she hurt him and she extended empathy to him in light of such, which is why her only response to it is 'I didn't mean to trap you, Colin, I love you', and YOUR response is to write fic after fic foaming at the mouth blowing a singular statement out of proportion and using a meangirl Fanon Penelope as a mouthpiece for your own bitterness
Penelope Bridgerton loves Colin. And knows she's hurt him and wants to heal that hurt. She wouldn't vibe with a fanbase who demonizes him the way we have
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
yes yes robin or eddie teaching steve about bisexuality that’s all good but consider!! steve talking to mike and explaining to him that sometimes people just like boys and girls, and that it’s okay. steve coming out to mike, telling him that he’s, like, kinda sorta dating eddie munson, and that that doesn’t mean he never loved nancy.
and then mike — prickly, ten walls around his heart, snarky comment on his tongue even when no one’s around, suppressed, confused, kinda scared, super in love with will — wheeler has a first, very tentative coming out. to steve harrington, of all people. and maybe that’s okay.
update: theres a fic now
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the-meme-monarch · 2 months
also it was very nice of the orthodontic surgeons(I'm not sure if it's correct to call them dentists) that they never commented on my yellowed and crooked teeth. however they did put my x ray on the monitor directly in front of me to just look at for the entire time i was there and i do wonder if it was to shame me (/jokey)
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anyway hopefully soon i will get my bottom two wisdom teeth taken out
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mbat · 1 month
i love how werewolves are a metaphor for so many things. queerness. trauma. menstruation. chronic illness. like... its the best fictional creature for a reason
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hollowboobtheory · 7 months
ok you know the whole "teenagers think they know everything" deal. yeah when i was a teenager i thought that was bullshit, i thought well obvioiusly i don't know everything, there's alway gonna be more stuff learn about, but then as i grew up and got more into my twenties i realized yeah, no i kind of did think i knew everything, just in a different sense than what all the adults saying that meant. like rationally i knew that my persepective was limited to my own experiences but i had a general attitude that i knew what i needed to know and that i generally understood what the world was like, and i was wrong because i was a relatively sheltered white middle-class child. rationally i knew that there were things i didn't know but i hadn't fully internalized just how much there was to the world that i hadn't, still haven't, and will never experience. i did in fact think i knew everything.
anyway so same deal with "twentysomethings think they're gonna live forever" i was like god i fucking hope not but yeah no this was once again an issue of rationally knowing that i am mortal and my heart will stop beating someday possibly even by my own hand vs fully internalizing that i am going to die and it probably won't be on my own terms. i will probably have no say over when i go and i'm not immune to cancer or heart disease or organ failure or any of the shit million horrifying things that can go wrong with the human body. and that's a lesson i learned just this week in the hospital. yeah even the cancer diagnosis wasn't enough for it to fully sink in i had to be miserable in a hospital for a week to get the message and i think that's because even when it was very scary to hear the C-Word and know that i had it, i still felt physically mostly okay. i knew i wouldn't live forever but i kind of felt like i would
yeah anyway i'm in kinda a weird headspace rn. if you didn't guess.
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soothebellss · 2 years
gentle reminder that your local pokemon center has free resources for pokemon healthcare, grooming, behavioral training, food, housing, etc for those who need it
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deathfeigning · 4 months
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picked up a worm and it got mad at me
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tmbgaresuck · 4 months
Okay, now which member do you hate the most?
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this a very popular question. It easily is John Linsmell because he's a terrible guy. He, I believe, is the ringleader and Flansburgh is his evil henchman. Linnell has been seen doing all sorts of things that are BAD, like spraying dogs, hating children, and putting curses on people.
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popsicle-stick · 1 month
YES!!!!!!!!!!! OH YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sickos) OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sciderman · 9 months
dr peeper blocks ur peeper
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desultory-novice · 7 months
I think it'd be kinda interesting if Marx, after becoming part God-Clock, is unable to rest. After all, if a part of the Nova lives on in him, it'd surely be running to try do repairs or archive data, and this would mean Marx has developed long term insomnia. The reason this is bad is due to Marx being a Noddy, a group known entirely for sleeping. Imagine trying to get immense power, having a battle you lose in a way you can never truly understand, then lose the activity you love most as a part of you isn't really You anymore.
No wonder Marx went crazy.
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medi-bee · 2 years
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You will accept affection. You have no choice in the matter.
Featuring @bitteraerie‘s wonderful slug!iterator designs!
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skunkes · 3 months
Does Al ever struggle with his weight / has he ever?
do u mean like, Self Worth wise or actual physical fluctuation wise? if the latter I do like drawing him at firm strongman peak since he's a farmhand but sometimes he isn't actively maintaining muscle so he's saggier (<- most of recent art of him) ....
as for the former I've never wanted to stray in that direction for fat characters, and any issues he has wrt self image (slim as he know's he's endearing and handsome) are more about how his overall size (big and tall) might be perceived as dangerous or a threat due to some formative and isolating events in his childhood, and less about it being focused on weight specifically ykwim. because otherwise he has no issues there ^_^
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