#it’s okay tho cuz i have a short shift today
harryforvogue · 1 year
imagine waking up at 7:45 to do a zoom interview and then the employer doesn’t even show up :D ✋🏽
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cato616 · 1 year
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notee: am i exaggerating for doing so many parts? cuz they're not that long lol i just want to post them as fast as I can my badd 😣
summary: you're trying to figure out how to fix things with roman, one thing for sure, you don't want to become big red hulk at him again, although, it does feel you got swallowed by sadness, and not because of roman specifically.
content/warning: a combination of angst and fluff, emotional crisis, coping with the moral, every day struggles?
Full sunshine once again. You feel it hitting your face; you slowly begin to open your eyes although is hard knowing that the sun is blocking your sight. You lift yourself up and stayed sitting on top of your bed.
You didn't wake up the whole night, you slept through the pain you felt from yesterday. You looked around you; it looked a bit messy. You felt quite numb, the sunshine tho, the sunshine was good for you, really sunny day fortunately.
You decided to get out of bed, you couldn't stay there any longer. Every step you made from your morning routine, decided to do them very slowly. Put on some nice music to lift your spirit up, while brushing your teeth, have breakfast and then finally changing clothes.
You leave your place, at last, and bravely now going to work. You take the subway, full of people today; sadly though, you start to think again.
i hurt him
it wasn't that bad, or was it
hope he's okay
am i allowed to care about him? why wouldn't I?
i feel like they can hear my thoughts- 'You have arrived to the next stop, please mind the gap'
You walk out of the subway station and head to the coffee shop.
"Hey!" You see someone making signals from a distance, and it's Liza trying to waive you from a far, from the café. You finally get closer to her right outside the shop. "Hey, shit y/n what happened? you're never late, thank god you give spares keys, if not, i couldn't have open up the café." Liza seemed like agitated, kinda worried. "yeah sorry Liza i didn't give a heads up" You were so sad that you kept on looking down like a sad puppy. "hey, so tell me, what happened..." Liza asked a bit distressed. "Something... weird, and hard to explain i-" you paused for a second, wasn't sure if you should tell the whole thing or not, didn't want an opinion, just wanted someone to tell you that you were not crazy and it was all gonna be okay; still, you didn't know if Liza was going to give you the answer you wanted or not so, "never mind, but yes, something came up that made me feel very down today, can't think completely straight." you decided to not tell the whole truth. "hey hun, I'm sure it will pass, it will go away, if you want me to promise, I'll promise you." Liza gives a warm hearted response. "long story short, i hate... society? I hate the world, i can't escape my mind." However you do speak part of your truth about it out loud to her. "amen to that" she chuckles a bit, and now you with here, by finally smiling to each other out of comfort. "but seriously, I'm here for you" You shrug then smile at her while nodding. "i know liza, thanks. Now let's get back to work." You added by then smirking.
Working at your café is the only thing that it could keep your mind distracted for a while. But i guess, it didn't last that long. "yeah sure we have that cake would you like that with-" While you were taking the order, you hear your little doorbell making the sound that someone came in, so you turn your head to take a glimpse. "hey... um, i don't know." Roman showed up to your café, and you were taken by surprise, you didn't know how to react, if either happy or angry; on the other hand, roman seemed really tensed. You looked over him, words can't come out of your mouth, you slightly turn to your costumers, "of course, your order will come up now." You smile at them and then shifting your eyes back to roman, you try to avoid him, and honestly you had work to do, so you kept on doing your job; deep down, you wanted to talk to him. "i know you don't want to see me right now but-" i did, i did want to see you, you think, but your face was still neutral, keep on taking orders and such, like if he's not there. "-but i was wondering if we could, talk." After he said that, you turned your whole body to him, didn't know what face to put, what was he going to interpret based on it. "We can" You speak to him finally, still very serious. "after my shift" you clarify. He doesn't says anything, he just nods.
Your shift has ended now, and roman has been waiting all this long. You both sit at a table there on a corner, to get a bit of more privacy. You didn't start to talk, he took the initiative.
"So... um" you sensed his voice was breaking for a split second, and couldn't help but to frown a little bit. oh roman. He then clears his voice and stars to talk again, couldn't look at you that long tho. "So, i know that last night, was not, right... i made a mistake, and honestly, that kind of situation happened to me, before um... yeah basically there's something wrong with me" He chuckles. "Dad said I'm disgusting, frankly, everyone thinks I'm disgusting, and now you do as well, and i get it...." he takes a big breath, while looking down at the coffee he ordered. "if I'm being honest, i don't know why I'm like that, it's not like i do it purposely, or maybe i do, i don't know" He didn't say anything more after that; you were completely unsettled by his speech, in shock almost, you felt really bad, your eyes were practically wide open, as well as your mouth, trying to found the right words, but he suddenly cuts off and fired up again.
"And i think you were probably wondering why am I telling you this... The people that i know that as far as I know care about me, is my family, but other than that, ugh, bad reputation i guess... but you, you said once that you didn't hate me, and maybe i got, too excited by that i believe" Still can't make any eye contact. "And it's been a while since I heard someone saying that they didn't want me to be burned alive" he chuckles once again. "And possibly, while you, not being part of anything corporate as i know it, made me feel at ease, so i think that's why I get carried away with you... like now, taking about fucking... feelings" he smirks. "yeah, i do strangely like you, and not!... not like last night, nothing like that." He looks at your eyes. "i like like you..." he grins at the situation and laugh trying not to making awkward. "Jesus i feel like im in middle fucking school" he smiles, but anxious to hear your response.
You're now realizing how pretty his eyes get when the some sunshine would get on his face, you were mesmerized. However, no words were coming out of your mouth, you didn't believe this kind of confessionary; it was too much for you, you didn't know why, you hate the fact you were like this. You could see he was getting a bit heartbroken, you didn't want to hurt him.
Something like this happened before.
Your friend, best friend, the one you had your same dreams, like the café; the one you shared everything with... everything, everything, everything... everything was too much at times, it didn't do well with her.
So now you're stuck on a trauma, can't tell everything
You were moveless. blank mind, although there was some words that wanted to get out, i like you too. But it didn't. He didn't look that happy, hidden with a fake smile, he tried tho, but it looked like he would tear up again.
"Okay, fair, but you know, i don't give up easily, that's... daddy trauma, trying to make him proud and blah blah blah, but i am ironically not joking" he laughs, by then smacking his lips to make his proposal. "i want to... invite you, to a party my brother Connor's doing to celebrate, i don't know something s-stupid about politics but, I'm hoping i will see you there."
You stared at him, in complete silence. At of nowhere he stretched out his hand to you, remembering that time you awkwardly tried to stretched out his, and there he was, waiting for your response. "... please" he whispered. And so you you stretched your hand; your fingers touched each other skins, and you wanted this moment to last forever. He takes his hands back while standing up and makes you zone back in to reality.
"i will be waiting for you, at the party" He always pauses to wait for a response but you don't give what he wants still. He nods understanding your position; you were feeling strained. He didn't leave just yet, he was still standing next to you, and you were feeling shameful looking down at the table, then you see, his hand, his fingers slightly touching the wood, near you; it's like a non-verbal and non-physical way to say goodbye if he doesn't see you later that day at the party.
He wanted to hug you at most, and so did you. He takes his hand back again, he exhales through his noise quite loudly. "uuh, bye... yeah." He finally leaves; you inhale a big chunk of air and then exhale through your mouth, slowly. What a rollercoaster. But now, you know what to do, you're definitely going to that party.
I don't hate you roman, I'll be there, i promise.
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arohasfiction · 5 years
I will Never Leave you~
So this the first scenario i write about Rocky and i hope you enjoy it~🤗💜
Pairing: Rocky x Reader
Gener: Fluff / Kind of Agnst
Word Count: 3334
Note: The characters phrases are coloured:
(You,Pink) ( Rocky,Light Blue) (Moonbin, Red)
(Jinjin, Green) (Eunwoo,Purple) ( Your Parents,Orange) ( Stalker, Bold Black)
Summary: You are Rocky's Childhood friend and you spended your childhood days together playing and doing everything with each other, you even attended Elementary, Secondary and High school together you stayed by each other side in the Sad and happy moments you, Years later He become a trainee then an idol in ASTRO ,But you two never forget each other, you met in weekends and he invited you many times in hangouts with other members. Aslo you go to the same University as Eunwoo and you two share some classes together.
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In one day out of all the days, you were supposed to meet Rocky and Astro members to go to the cinema. You finally reached the place but you only saw Rocky alone approaching you, He waved to you and you did the same, " Hey (Y/N)-ah" he said cheerfully, you greeted him as well with a wide smile, but then you asked him " But Minhyuk-ah, where are the others? Aren't they coming?" , " Mmmm no its just me and you today" he said while giggling to himself.
You both entered and watched the movie and suddenly you decided to go to the Karaoke, you ordered some smoothies and some snacks and started singing all of your favourite songs along with rocky who started dacing while you were singing.
Finally after you both got tired of all of this singing and dancing , a moment of silence appeared, when Rocky suddenly stood up from his place and came towards you and locked you between himself and the chair and pressed his warm lips on yours, you were caught off guard and you really didn't know what to do but since you already had a crush on him you wished that time could stop and you last like this for a more long time. He parted away but your faces were still close and with his wearwolf eyes he looked stright in your eyes and said " (Y/N)-ah, I love you~will you be my girlfriend? I know its weird and i shouldn't get my hopes up like that but-", you didn't give him a chance to complete what he was saying and immediately connected your lips together. You two kept kissing like that until you finally realized that its getting late and you both should head back to home. During the whole way back to your house you two kept smiling like dorks as you remembered what happened at the karaoke. " So we are dating right?" He asked you tho he already knows the answer , " of course we are.. hehe do you think what we did earlier was a dream?" , You kept laughing until you both went back to your home.
It has been already 4 months since you and Rocky started dating and only Astro members knew about your relationship, and your life was normal as always, waking up helping in house work( since you are in a summer holiday* you are a college student*) then going to your shift in your part time job at the convince store which happens to be near Fantagio entertainment and Astro's dorm which made you meet the boys almost everyday . That day Suddenly someone entered the store and it was your boyfriend Rocky, he took a banana milk from the fridge shelf and placed it on the counter, he kept looking at you while smiling as you were scanning the banana milk, " Here you go" you said with a smile on your face " Hehe thanks, btw when does your shift end? And do you have plans after it?" He asked you , " Mmm it will end in 2 hours, and no i don't have plans I'll head Immediately to home after this... But why you're asking?" , " Well nothing i will pick you up and walk you home today" you jumped excitedly saying " Really?!! For real?!! Heheh can't wait till the shift ends". He waved at you and then went back to the agency.
After two hours your co-worker came and then you took your bag and went out to find Rocky standing and waiting for you. You both secretly held hands( since nobody really knows about you two dating cuz you know it might cuz a scandal) and walked all the way to your home, you reached you home door and then he whined " Why does your home way has to be so short like that, i want to be with you more" you grinned at his words and you asked him " Minhyuk-ah~did you have dinner or not yet?". " No still " he replied , " Then let's go inside and eat i think my mom already made the dinner hehehe".
You both went inside you both greeted your parents and then all of you sat on the table to have dinner, you laughed and chatted together, you thought in yourself that it's good that your family are already familiar with Rocky since you both were together since you were kids, but what kept running in your mind is ,that how to tell your parents that you two were dating. You didn't tell your parents that you two were dating you didn't get the right time to tell them tbh. Later after dinner Rocky thanked your mother for the dinner and then you walked him to the door, " (Y/N)-ah, thanks for the dinner today, i had alot of fun, hehe its been a while since i came here" he scratched the back of his neck while giggling, " then i gotta go ... See you tomorrow (Y/N)-ah ", he said as he was heading out "be careful on your way back" you shouted at him with a smile , " Hahaha okay okay got it ,, just go inside already!" He said while signing to you to go inside. You went inside when you heard your mother calling for you, you went to her and she told you to sit next to her, you tried to read whats on her mind but you couldn't so you asked her , " Mommy is something wrong?" , " Well dear, i was thinking about this thing since the time Minhyuk entered" your mother said, you got a strange vibe from her words and she continued " Don't fall in love with him okay? You two just have to stay best friends as you are, you two aren't dating right?" You shrugged at what she said so you acted stupid " why mommy? is there something wrong if i fell for him, he is a kind and a warm boy and we've known each other like forever now " she cutted you " He's an idol did you forget that! I don't want my daughter to date and spend her life with an idol , i will never let that happen", you still didn't get why your mom is acting that way, your emotions took on you so you said " What's wrong with dating an idol, he's my childhood friend before becoming an idol you know that!", " You don't know ? Idol boys, they throw their emotions away and just use you, you are still young and won't understand what i mean!" She said while sounding a bit angry. " But mom you know that Minhyuk is different you saw him growing how could you think of him like that?, you even trust me on him whenever we hangout!" You said, you kept feeling your throat is hurting you when she suddenly said " Why you keep defending him like that?" , " Because he is my bestfriend he always protected me and I've trusted him since along time i can't just compare him to other idols that you saw, he is a different person" you got annoyed and got up of your place and went straight to your bedroom, you locked the door and slid over it, your tears fell silently on your cheeks, you couldn't just believe what you just heard, you thought about how finally you decided to tell them about you two dating, your memorise to the lovely moments you spended together rushed into your head, you got up and fell on your bed crying silently, he never hurted you and he was always warm and you felt safe around him, he even didn't look at other girls like the way he looks at you, just you. You kept crying till you fell asleep.
In the next morning you woke up and felt your head is heavy, you remembered that you cried alot last night , but you managed to pull yourself to the bathroom and took a shower, tho your mood didn't get any better , you just finshed the works you had to do in the house and went to your part-time job. As you were standing at the counter in the calm store spacing out thinking about what your mom said , you really wanted to show her that she's wrong and Rocky is not that type of people that she think he is. Suddenly you felt a hand waving infront of your face calling out your name " From Earth to (Y/N)-ah , Hey are you okay??!!" Said Moonbin to you. You finally got back to reality and saw him. You can say you were close to Moonbin since you know him from the time that Rocky became a trainee at Fantagio cuz he just introduced to him that time. " Oh I'm sorry i didn't see you entering let me scan it" you said. " Hey.. You look pale and tired are you sure you're okay?" You just nodded in reply cuz you didn't feel like talking today. Before he heads out he said " (Y/N)-ah if you're not feeling well you know your room is there in our dorm you can go and take a rest" ( you did have a room just for you in their dorm because sometimes time gets late and you end up sleeping there so they gave you this extra room so you can sleep there whenever you're late or tired). You forced a smile at him and then he went.
After your shift for today ended you headed back home walking but suddenly you felt someone running behind you calling out your name, you turned around to find your Bf running after you. " Hah-ha!! Wait hah-ha (Y/N)-ah, come a bit with me" he was out of breath but he held your hands and took you to thier dorm and you two immediately went to your room there. He closed the door and sat right next to you, you were looking down at the floor without saying anything , he placed his hands and raised your face from your chin " look in to my eyes (Y/N)-ah, Something happened right? Bin-Hyung just told me that you looked gloomy and pale", your tears started rushing out of your eyes so you immediately layed on his chest and hold his shirt from the back tightly . " Babe...." He said while pating your head gently. You started speaking " after you went yesterday my mom called me and talked to me about something", he listened to you carefully as you told him what happened yesterday with you then you looked at him almost sobbing " what if she knew about us and told us to breakup... I-i don't want that to happen i really-" he cutted you placed his lips on yours then parted " shhh.. don't worry babe, we won't break up I will figure out how to fix this misunderstanding don't worry i won't leave you ever , i will be right here like I've always been" then he kissed your cheeks. After a while you fell asleep on him so he just carried you and put you in the bed, he went outside to find the boys are still sitting waiting for him , Moonbin was worried on you so he asked Rocky , " Rocky-ah she was crying so loudly, is she okay? Is it something serious?" Appearntly everyone wanted to ask the same thing so they waited for rocky to answer. Rocky sighed as he sat between his hyungs and started telling them willing for a good advice from them. " Omg that's really serious" said jinjin, " we need to find a helpful way to help rocky and (Y/N) to tell her parents about them" continued Eunwoo, While they were talking your phone on the table rang so Rocky picked it up after seeing that your mom was the caller, " Hello Eomonie" said Rocky , " Oh-hhaha hello minhyuk, (Y/N)-ah haven't returned yet, is she with you? If she is please tell her to come back", " I'm sorry Eomonie but she already slept don't worry about her i will tell her as soon as she wakes up", " well okay then, i trust her on you" and then she ended the call . Later rocky went back to your room and slept right beside you holding your hands.
The next morning you woke up to see Rocky beside you sleeping peacefully you got up slowly kissed his forehead and then tried to get off the bed but , you felt his hand grabbing your wrist , " Where are you going?", " I gotta go back home, tons of work is waiting for me there and i didn't go back yesterday mom & dad must be worried", you said, " Oh its okay your mom already knows that you are here , she called yesterday after you slept and i told her". Later on you ate breakfast with them, went to home and then to your shift. It was a busy day at the store today . it was almost the last half hour of your shift and you were supposed to meet the boys at your college's basketball hall Cuz you forgot something at your art club. A young man entered the store, he acted weird, kept walking in there without buying anything for about 10min, you tried not look at him but whenever you gazed fell on him, you found him staring and giving you a smirk but you ignored him, 5 min later he left the store without buying anything, and your shift was over. You reached the college's basketball hall and met the boys, they were playing basketball so you just told them that you will get your stuffs from the Art club and then join them in playing. You didn't realize that the man from the store was stalking you out, as you walk to your club he was following you. You entered the room and started looking for your stuff when you heard the door behind you getting closed, you turned around and saw the man, you were shocked, " Who are you?!" You said furiously, he didn't reply and kept moving towards you, you stepped back as he moved until it was a dead end, you were locked between him and the wall, " Did you know how beautiful and hot you are?" He whispered in your ears. You pushed him immediately and told him to back off but no use , he was forcing himself on you and trying hardly to kiss you. Your mood went off and you pushed him strongly with both of your hands and then give him a kick in the stomach to move him off you, you also cursed him ( you don't do it usually but you reached your limits and really got annoyed and uncomfortable) . Rocky noticed that you're late and he texted you but he got no reply from you so he came to the art club along with the boys to look for you. At the same time the man got angry at your action" You little --!!!!" He shouted and Rocky opened the door at the same time to find that man pushing you hardly which made you fall and hit your head in the corner of the table and you lost conscious immediately, your head started bleeding alot, Rocky stepped infront of the man and hit him right in the face with his full power of anger and made the man fall down on the ground, Jinjin & Mj tried their best to stop Rocky from hitting the man anymore cuz they might get in more problems while Moonbin was struggling so hard to stop your bleeding head and waking you up at the same time, Eunwoo called the emergency to get an ambulance while sanha was sitting on the Stalker to keep him down from moving.
After getting you to the hospital, you got your treatment but still unconscious, Rocky was too scared that something bad might happen to you, because your injury was serious. He was sitting by your side holding your hands and drying the sweat of your face gently, Your Parents Rushed to you after jinjin called them, they stayed with you until late night along with rocky who was standing next to the window, " Eomonie, Abeonim, you should go and eat and get some rest, i will stay here don't worry" said rocky warmly to your parents , they nooded and walked outside the room but before going out, your mother turned to you and saw rocky talking to you , " (Y/N)-ah please wakeup fast, Your Parents are too worried about you, you shouldn't worry your parents, i Know you are a strong girl, please wakeup for your parents and for my sake please" He said in a cracked tone almost about to cry. Seeing you like that broke him, everything happened Infront of him and he couldn't do anything. The next day after your parents went yesterday, rocky stayed with you all night. Your parents came again early in the morning to find Rocky standing outside the room, they ran towards him worried, " Minhyuk, why are standing here?" Said your father, " Ohh the doctor is inside checking on (Y/N)-ah " said rocky, " What!! Minhyuk!! Did Something happened to her?!!" Said your mother in a frightened tone, " No no nothing happened she opened her eyes so i callled the doctor to check on her condition don't worry", and suddenly the doctor came out to tell your parents that your are fine and all you need is to rest, Rocky couldn't hold his smile after seeing you awake... After the boys came visited you and made sure to call them whenever you needed something, you stayed alone with rocky and your parents in the Room, " Eomonie,Abeonim, i have something to tell you..." Rocky said seriously, you felt that you know what he was about to say ,and you felt your heart beating so fast , " I like (Y/N)-ah since a long time ago, and we are currently dating, can both of you please give us your blessings ?!" . After your mother saw how gentle and caring rocky was to you she knew that she thought wrongly about him and she should give him a chance. You closed your teary eyes to hear your mother's 'No' but instead of that you saw her smiling and nodding at rocky's request. You couldn't believe your ears and eyes , your tears Started falling like a waterfall. " Well then dear , let's give them some space together" said your father to your mother while taking her out with him. Now you and rocky are alone, he came closer and whipped your tears and pressed his lips on yours , " See? I told you i will fix this misunderstanding and we will never be apart" you were speechless and hugged him tightly " Don't you ever leave me...I Love you so much Minhyukiii" you said while still being in his arms. 2 weeks later you came out and then spended most of your times now cuddling with Your boyfriend Rocky , you were happy that your mother changed her idea about rocky....
At the dorm's kitchen
" Chef Minhyuk! Can you make me something to eat please" you said with an Agyeo , he leaned and gave you a peek on your lips " Okay miss piggy" he teased you, " Heyy!! I'm not a piggy!! I Don't like that nick name!!" You pouted, " hahaha okay cutie pie " and you both started laughing~
The End.
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amnachil · 5 years
The College Society Chapter 2 Part 8
This is the last part !
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey Thursday January 10 – Friday January 11
It was his last exam. The Dean's grandson finished it easily. He was sure to pass anyway. When he went out, he glimpsed Theo. The bastard was waiting for him. What the hell does he want ?
"Hey buddy." he said with a grin. "You have a minute ?"
"Make it thirty seconds, I don't have the fuckin' time to talk with you."
"Okay. I'll chase Liam after all. I want him."
"You want him."
You greedy pig. Fuckin' asshole. Dickhead. I don't know enough curses to qualify you. Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey just smiled dangerously. This bally fucker.
"And why are you suddenly interested ? You failed month ago to get him."
"That's right, but I think I can be in luck now. I have some... advantage. And damn, he became so hot during christmas. Hunky but chunky. I love it. Sorry, you were too slow. He's mine now."
The blond lad just laughed. He laughed so loud that all the students around heard him.
"You're a little swaggerer Theophile. Are you seriously defying me ?"
"Hell yes."
Not that far ago, you were begging me just to have the right to suck my cock. You'll regret this overconfidence. Liam had faced a hunter way more dangerous than Theo. He survived to this Raphaël dude, he can beat a fucking swimteam captain like you too.
"You don't ask what's my plan ?" wondered the law student.
"Sorry but... since you're not a real opponent, I don't care." replied the Dean's grandson.
"Really ? Well, considering you're hunting him for more than one month now, I can only suppose you are rusty. Maybe the best hunter just failed. Maybe he isn't the best anymore."
"And maybe you are missing my dick so much you want it again ? Who knows ? I'm done with your bullshit for today. Bye."
The next morning came quickly. Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey didn't sleep well, because he and his spy Nancy made some research about Theo. And they discovered something really interesting and important. Maybe he have a fucking advantage after all. After that, Nancy and him had had sex, and so he had slept only four or five hours. Anyway, he got some business to make. The faster, the better. The Dean's grandson met Steve Callagan, the head of the music club, in his room. He had just finished a breakfast apparently. There were one thing or two to know about the guy. He was a watcher hunter. He loved to see two chicks or one guy one girl have sex. No gay tho. Never understood why. Two guys, two dicks, it can be funny. And Steve had, like Theo, an official girlfriend, the lovely Bettany. Her name is a porn in itself. Anyway, they were cute together, except Bettany was a chubby chaser and fattened the musician quite a bit. There're more people liking meaty partner than you would say at the first sigh. Myself included some time.
"You want something Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey ?" asked Steve when they were alone.
"I heard you had two tickets for this famous movie saturday. I want them." he commanded. "A porn tape in exchange ? I have recorded a lot of stuff during the holidays, including a sexy delivery girl. Exactly your taste."
"I'm sorry dude but... Matthew Davos from the swimteam already gave me a video of himself and this black runner chick. I took it against a concert ticket. And now Betty really wants to see the movie."
For god sake. Who care about a stupid black girl who looks like an elephant and a little thief ?
"Give me those ticket or I swear to god I'm going to find Bettany straight away and I'll fuck her so hard that she'll be unable to walk for a week. Then I'll be back there and you'll suck my fuckin' dick until you couldn't blow in this stupid tuba of yours. Okay ?"
And Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey got the tickets.
Liam Saturday Januray 12
When he finished his lenghts at the pool, the chestnut lad took a deep breath and went to see Colton. Exams were over and this afternoon, Dami invited him to see a movie. He hadn't much time to discuss with his friend, but he intented to help him as much as possible. But I hope he'll not talk about my past... Colton was currently stretching. Normally, Christmas was the perfect time to be slacking a bit. (Liam did. He had lost a bit of definition but he was working out again now). (It might be the reason why all those girls were accosting him at the gym or the pool). (But he always tried to avoid them, because he suspected the witch to be among the crowd). Anyway, Colton as for him was as handsome as ever. Well-built, not too strong, not too thin. He hadn't the single bit of fat on him. (To Liam, it was a lost, but whatever).
"Hey buddy." started the chestnut lad. "How went your exams ?"
"Good I think." replied his friend. "But I wasn't as focused as I wanted to."
"Why that ?"
Liam decided to play it dumb. It was better than talking about Leila who had threatened him. (She was the evil twin, obviously).
"Barbara cheated on me, and then she left me." Colton confessed with sadness. "She said it was better this way."
Of course, the dark-haired lad was too diplomat to say something mean. He had a sweet tone, even when he announced bad news. Liam suspected him to be half teddy bear. (Teddies Bears were alive, yes, and sometimes they sent a child in the human's world). Anyway, the lad was disgressing. He was here to help his friend.
"Maybe I can do something about it ?" he asked. "Wait, did you said she cheated on you ?"
(Yeah, it took a long time before Liam realised what it meant).
"She didn't say with who, but I'm guessing someone important at the university, cuz right after, she became the future head of the student union. When this girl, Summer, will finish her mandate, they will present Barbara as their favourite candidate. Anyway, I think we can't do much about this. I'm going to swim now, see you later."
Well, she liked to be the class delegate in highschool after all... Liam had suddenly an idea. He could probably know who was the guy in question. He just had to ask Dami. (He was pretty sure this one was important for the university). (He once had said something about the Dean, but Liam didn't remenber well). And then, maybe he could work on something.
Speaking of the devil, he met Dami on the early afternoon for a movie. His blond friend carried with him a bag filled with something, but he didn't say what. They entered in the theater and took their sit.
"You'll see, it's a good movie." assured Dami. "And there, I cooked this. Tell me if you like it."
He offered a cake. Two month ago, Liam would have declined. (At least try, because his friend had some authority). But now, he glady ate it. The film went like this. It really was good. And the chestnut lad consumed everything Dami gave him. He just didn't realised how much it was. There were all kind of pastries, crusty and spongy, with cream, jam or chocolate. In Liam mind, they were both eating peacefully. Yet, at some point he discreetly slipped a hand beneath his shirt and rubbed his belly. He was rather bloated. (It didn't stop him to eat whatever Dami offered tho). Eventually, he realised his tum was very swollen. Looks like I'm stuffed. I ate more than I thought. For a moment, Dami stopped. The movie was almost over when something happen. But Liam didn't realised it happen until the end. When he was about to stand up, he noticed his friend was holding his free hand. Oh.
"I asked you if it was fine." whispered the blond lad. "And you said nothing."
His eyes were showing a mix of excitment and cautiousness. Liam hesitated a second. What does this mean exactly ? Maybe Nate is right. Maybe Dami saw this as a date. But was it a problem ? Liam didn't know the answer at this question. He soflty took his hand off.
"Don't worry, I'm okay with it." he said. "Can you tell me something ?"
His friend frowned, but nodded.
"You probably know Barbara Henrion ? Is there a chance you know who slept with her and offered her a favor afterwards ?"
"She had sex with Javier Esposito, the vice-president of the student union." answered quickly Dami. "This one told me about this. But you know, they're all sleeping with each other in this union."
"Well thank you. And thank you for the movie and the snacks. You really are an awesome chef dude. I have to go to work now so... see you soon."
Liam then joined the night shift of Pasta's Place, as usual. The work happened to be a bit difficult with a full belly, but he managed to do well. Judy checked on him at least ten times. She said he must be careful at everytime of the night and the day. According to her, there was some guy who might corrupt him. (Liam supposed she was referring to some minions sent by the forces of chaos). Anyway, before going to bed, the lad called Nate. Luckily, this one wasn't partying this time, just chillin' at his place. They rapidly talked about Dami, obviously.
"To my opinion, you should give it a try." suggested his bestfriend. "I mean, you deserve a bit of happiness after all what happened. And I think you're ready now, you got enough time since your ex. Plus Damian sounds cool."
"I don't know man. Maybe I'll ruin everything like last time. I don't feel confident yet..."
"Dude, you were in highschool, it was your very first relationship with another boy and he had a lot of issue on his own." reminded Nate. "Damian is two years older than you. He's certainly more mature. It'll be different. It has to be."
Liam nodded slowly. As always, his soulmate was right. But he needed to go slowly. I mean, I don't know Dami that much after all... I must take my time.
"I bet you nodded." whispered Nate. "You know I can't see you through the phone right ?"
Rebecca Monday January 14 LAST PART
She never thought things would change like this, in such a short amount of time. Emilio didn't show up ever again. Of course, she still met him during the University's training. But he avoided her. Bob noticed, but said nothing. In fact, there was one thing her coach didn't know. Rebecca was now dating Matthew. Like Chelsea. They were both with him. It's a nonsense but I don't know. I feel good with him. He was kind, way more than she thought. He also was protective. She felt at ease with him. And god know how supportive he was. When she had been dating Emilio, they were used to talk about running. But he had never encouraged her like Matt did. Chelsea and her were the best among the team, and he was proud of it. He didn't hide his love for both of them. And the weirdest thing ? Sex with the blond lad and Chelsea was awesome. Way different than everything she had try before. The man led the ride, and she was glad with it. I know it only has been six days since we started but... I wonder why I hated him in the first place. He had admitted he was jealous of her at first but it had evolved in feelings for her. So basically, Matthew had a crush and regretted what he had done so he decided to help her. And now they were dating, the three of them together. It was weird, but Rebecca wasn't disliking it.
This evening, during the swim training, she couldn't stop herself staring at her new boyfriend. His tight swimsuit highlighted his handsome body. She had learnt he was 182 cm (6'0") for quite a chunky 77 kg (170 lbs). He was muscular but thick, and she loved it. Liam and Theo might be the only in the pool who could rivalise, despite being both thinner.
"You're looking at Matt with a lot of admiration." pointed out Laura. "Maybe you wanna told me somethin' ?"
"Not really. I was just watching."
"Yeah, watching eh." laughed the petite blonde. "You know, since you broke up with Emilio, you can find another man but... Matthew is with Chelsea. And not your type to be honest. A bit too cocky I think."
"You must be right."
It was what she had thought at the beginning of the year. But he saved her from Emilio. And she liked his confidence eventually. He wasn't a bad guy. Laura continued :
"Anyway, I have another topic to talk about... Promise me you won't be mad."
"Who can against you ? You're so lovely."
"Thanks for that. So... I know things aren't fine between Nick and you. And at first, I thought it was none of my business but... I can stand it anymore. I think you're wrong, since the very outset. I mean, he helped you on several occasion, and yeah, he's a smart aleck, but he was always there for you. And you, what did you do exactly ?"
Rebecca opened her mouth but... nothing came out. She had no good excuse. I was just too proud to admit I was wrong. Their argument started when she had tried to change him. I did that in order to make him conform to my standards. It's not fair.
"You're right." she admitted. "The blame is on me. But what should I do now ? Our friendship is completely over. And you know what ?"
"Hum ?"
"I don't care anymore. Before, when I dated Emilio, I felt guilty but not anymore. I think I understood how works the college society."
"Really ?"
"Hunt, or be hunted, as simple as that." Rebecca affirmed. "I found a pack, and now, I'm ready to be on the hunter side. Nick isn't my concern anymore."
To be continued
And so here we are...
Congratulations Rebecca, you’re now a hunter ! She’s free from Emilio and she found something meaningful for her. Let’s say she’s perfectly fitting in the College Society now ;)
As for Liam well, seems like feeding him was the good choice ! What can make him happier than a full tummy I wonder ? But Damian can still screw this up for sure... And the war with Theo only begins !
Like last time, The College Society will be on hiatus for two or three weeks. Chapter 3 will be longer, and we’ll have a new character POV !
In the meantime, you can read To the Perfection, my other weight gain story !
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ragnarssons · 7 years
so let’s talk about bellarke
SPOILER ALERT, it’s gonna be messy, because I’m so lazy, and shitty and I don’t know how to sort my thoughts, and ever since I started thinking about this, my brain went all over the place. (FYI, as you can see, it’s a kinda analysis about BELLARKE, so if you don’t like it, just scroll the fuck over. Also, even if an episode through the season was about SOMETHING ELSE, my point is to analyse Bellamy and Clarke in it. Don’t tell me I’m making the show only about them, because I’m perfectly capable of making a post about how brave and awesome Raven is if I want to at some point. That’s not the point here, tho).
So you know, now that we’re almost at the end of the season, and we’ve had TONS of unecessary plots that were dragged around, and unecessary choices that were the focus of ths show, I have started to think of WHY the writers took SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH time, making plans that DIDN’T work are aren’t even mention anymore. Well, short answer? It’s to develop Bellarke. (of course there also are plot points and other characters and you know, basically a story this whole season, but let’s delve deeper, shall we?) Let’s start with the Ark+list; that will TRULY not be used to help anyone survive. The list has been destroyed literally one episode after its creation, and the Ark was destroyed the episode just after that. NOW, what was the focus of all this storyine? Clarke, making the list. Yes, it’s part of Clarke’s individual journey, but it’s also the beginning of her “I have to save Bellamy Blake journey”: on ep3 we see Clarke sacrifice TWO PEOPLE for Bellamy Blake (places 99 and 100, because for him to be on the list, she had to add herself). Next arc of story, is the “Roan discovers about the plan” arc: who is the focus YET AGAIN? Clarke, that is faced again to the “I have to save Bellamy Blake” moment - she has to save his life, while Roan directly threatens it by having him as a hostage. Here, we have Clarke sacrificing FIFTY people for him. Then we have the episodes where they’re apart, and where it’s ALSO very interesting regarding each other, and we’ll see that later, I still think I need to see the end of the season to talk about Bellamy’s journey as a whole, and Clarke’s journey too. Next, we have the Bunker-plot; and YET AGAIN, we have Clarke choosing to save Bellamy’s life. BUT in the end, Bellamy becomes her enemy when she decides to save him; he doesn’t want to be saved in these conditions, and she still decides to save him - choosing OVER him rather than with him, that’s literally what he says when he says it’s not like the other times. And in the moment where Bellamy is the one confronting Clarke to sacrificing YET AGAIN people or him, she chooses to sacrifice EVERYONE BUT HIM. Literally the entire human race, BUT Bellamy. Because if the Bunker is destroyed by a mob of people angry at the Sky People and all, ultimately, Bellamy will die. Now I do think coming from that, in terms of their relationship, I do believe that between them, it’s settled that Clarke is more action, and Bellamy is more talk. Bellamy inspires people way more when he talks, than when he takes actions (ie, s3 with Pike, where he took action, and he lost his friends’ trust) while Clarke, all this season, while she was trying to TALK with the others (Roan, the Grounders, or even the Sky People) was failing all the time. I do think that the distance in their relationship right now, is because of Bellamy, and not because of Clarke. Clarke did her action on ep3, she put Bellamy’s name on the list, and at the moment they needed to talk, Bellamy walked away. She even made herself vulnerable to him, with the whole hand-nuzzle and he still walked away. I do think it works with what Bob said, about Bellamy steering away from love, I think he LITERALLY DID on ep3 and that’s where the “shift” in their relationship started (cuz lbr, up to this point, I was all “HECK YEAH BELLARKE” during the three first episodes of the season, they were connected). This season is all about Clarke, proving over and over again that she puts Bellamy first, while Bellamy is “failing” to ‘share’ their relationship. They don’t talk, and no matter how many times Clarke saves Bellamy’s life, it is currently my problem with Bellarke, and it’s because of Bellamy. Bellamy who walked away after the list scene, Bellamy who went out of the bunker without talking to Clarke, Bellamy who pushed Clarke away with a “nobody died today” when she asked him if HE was okay. We literally HAVE a scene of really probable “canon” happening (the beach 406) interrupted BY BELLAMY NOT TALKING. Bellamy literally acknowledged that on 410 about Octavia, and I do think he acknowledged it regarding Clarke as well. He spent too much time not saying things, while it’s the Apocalypse; something that he’s been facing for a long time - yet, his “healing process” regarding that, didn’t start before ep7, while Clarke and him were separated. Now, what I think, SPECULATION- and it’s regarding the spoilers, so if jump over that part if you don’t want to know; it’s very probable for them to “switch roles” in order to Bellarke to become canon. I’m talking about Clarke, being locked outside, about to die, taking her last chance to confess her feelings for Bellamy (as she always does with the people she’s about to lose- she did with her dad, with Finn, with Lxa; Clarke ONLY TALKS with people when she’s cornered by the events- her mom about killing her dad, cl, her and finn, even with wells, the very first thing we see clarke do is throw some truth tea at him, that she hates him, because she thinks she’ll die or something because the dropship has a problem), and Bellamy TAKING ACTION to save her. Lbr I don’t think Clarke is dying (ofc), and I don’t think they’ll get separated. I do think on many aspects, Clarke bore a lot of things this season, for Bellamy, even if he didn’t know this; it’s not because he disapproved that she didn’t tell him about her decision to take the Bunker. She didn’t want him to bear the burden with her, as he did in MW, for example. Probably because the last time he did, she wasn’t there for him, and she failed him, and she hurt him. HM, who from the Clarke’s previous relationship, did that too? Yes, Lxa. Once again, we’re coming back to Lxa. Lxa with whom Clarke felt safe and cared for because she didn’t have to take any of the hard choices, Lxa who was “overpowering her” and made her feel safe because she was not “weak” by letting her emotions drive her. Now, we know that Lxa learnt from Clarke that it’s not the answer, but she didn’t get to FIX what she did. This season, we see Bellamy being able to take a nap with Clarke - BECAUSE OF CLARKE 403 - just like we saw Clarke being able to take a nap with Lxa (s2) at some point, because she felt safe with her. That’s why I still think that Bellamy didn’t make the list with her- I do think Clarke waited for Bellamy to fall asleep to make the list, because she saw the episode just before that, that it wasn’t who Bellamy is, to take these kind of decisions (because he saved the slaves, rather than thinking “bigger”). I do think that Bellamy’s words, comparing 411 to MW, and other things they did together is the beginning of solving the problem between them, and releaving Clarke of the burden she took. Bellamy doesn’t want to be protected by someone who makes all the decisions for him, that’s literally what he said to Clarke on 410, that’s not how THEY, together do things. Now regarding Clarke on her own (ep8 mostly) I do think that Clarke doesn’t value her life, just like Bellamy doesn’t value his own (ep7); they BOTH didn’t want to be on the list for themselves, but for the other. Ultimately, I do think that- up till the end of s4, what they’ll have to do is survive for the other. Learning to live for themselves will be something that is more s5 territory. Yes, maybe Bellamy evolved on ep8 as well, and that’s why I think he will be the one having that role that Jasper had for him, to help Clarke herself. But ultimately, I don’t think they can inherently try and reconcile themselves with living without each other (um hello you know, Bellamy “having fun” with/through Clarke’s ‘clone’ wasn’t just luck), they “keep each other centered” too much for that. Now I’m not saying that they are dependant of each other, I do think that who they are right now, is through the other, because of the other, and that their journey “to hope” is too close to their relationship for them to “overcome” what they did, what they lived, if they’re separated or if one of them dies. Clarke literally lowered her gun because the human race surviving without Bellamy isn’t worth it. YOU KNOW?? The end is, WHY would Clarke want to protect Bellamy? Hm, maybe it’s because her past is made of people she loves dying, because she FAILED to protect them? She felt guilty about her father, because she thought that telling Wells was the thing that got her father killed. She felt guilty about Finn’s death because “he did it for me”/”then he dies for you”, and you know, the LITERAL FACT that she stabbed him, or the whole 208 episode, where Finn surrenders to the Grounders, so that Clarke could be saved while she’s hurt? She failed to save Lxa from her wound, while she’s a doctor, and Lxa died of a bullet that was meant FOR HER. Now, I’m not saying that BC will be canon by the end of the season, that everything will be compensated by the end of the season. I do think that everything makes sense, even the “missing parts” of Bellarke that frustrate us now (or just me? idk). I still think there is a very very decent chance for BC to become canon this season, ESPECIALLY if the scripts are real, and it still happens on screen; Clarke WILL NOT “die” without confessing her feelings, that’s not who she is- even tho lbr, she won’t die, but she still can THINK she’ll die yk. I do think that Bellamy/Bellarke CAN be the way for Clarke to be relieved of her burden by: 1) Bellamy surviving Clarke’s “confession” - so yeah, that not being the end, not being the ‘final chance’ she has 2) Bellamy saving Clarke while Clarke spent the ENTIRE season trying to protect HIM. Taking the burden of surviving out of her, is literally what he did during the list scene; it’s obvious why, and I think they can reconcile with that. I do think the writers are totally aware of the THIRST they are creating among the viewers/the BC fandom regarding them both. Idk if we’ll have everything perfect, if we’ll have truly canon by the end of the season, or if my predictions are right lol, but it’s narratively clear that at the end of ep10, the journey of their relationship IS NOT over, that Bellamy has adressed his issues with Clarke’s actions, and that it DOES have an impact between them. I do think that ep10 was still the breaking point- their turning point, and that the last two episodes will be about resolving all that. That’s why I don’t think Clarke will expect Bellamy to come with her next episode (because he has a bed “given” by Octavia on ep11), I do think that Bellamy taking charge with her, just 24 hours before the whole Apocalypse thing, will be the start of adressing their issues left opened by ep11 (soooo... I do think they didn’t do it on ep11 because of the lack of time, I do think that eps12-13 will be more about the Adventure Squad, and THEIR survival, and will allow Bellarke to have more time to be properly adressed). Turns out, I’m unable to sort my thoughts properly, so it’s just me rambling, buuuuuut-... the predictions about act6 are in my head for a very long time, I just didn’t want to write them up until now, to avoid jinxing it all.
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suhnnyskiess · 3 years
so we had a power outage yesterday night and today's morning so i spent and absurd amount of time writting for this tiktok prompt that was saying how we’re all worried whether or not we could pull our anime crushes when we should be thinking whether or not our anime crushes could pull us
And like hhhhh *head in hands* here goes nothing. Bc i spent my whole morning writting. for my top 4 HQ boys, kenma was the fifth but i didn’t finish the idea.
Okay but Iwaizumi could probably mmm okay if I were a second year and i had a crush on him i would probably ignore him? Like not ignore per se but probably would not even think he could like me, not bc im unlovable or anything (i think im pretty awesome) but bc i mean, I'm not even in his radar. Like in HS i was that student who despised sports except volleyball bc it was fun!! So maybe we befriend by me coming to the volleyball team to ask the coach if i can borrow a ball to play with my friends and the coach at firs was like 😐 so i go ☺️ and give him my student ID so he can be sure i will comeback and not steal his ball and if something happens he knows my info and he agrees!! So i go play with my friends and when i comeback the coach is not there anymore it's just Oikawa and Iwaizumi so i greet them and ask them where should i put the ball and they are like _oh, its you_ so i go ☺️☺️ yes its me! Thank them and i ask them for ny ID and Iwa gives it back so "Thanks iwaizumi san!" And go back my merry way and it becomes a ritual everyother day i come ask for the ball and return it to Iwa and one Friday we are having an event of sorts so all third years we have the day off classes and instead we have activities to do as a group and I go back to ask the couch for the ball but it's only Iwa so i ask him if he wants to play! He agrees and its funny bc hes still taller than me and some friends but we have fun! We get closer after that and we start greeting each other in the hall and maybe i even start going to see the team practice more often and its weird bc I'm next to Oikawas fangirls and i don't understand the hype? But its better than be alone and i always leave before they notice me until one day i lose track of time and i stay till the end of practice and Iwa sees me with bunch of oikawa's fangirls and I oblivious greet him and I'm flustered bc oh no what if he thinks im creepy but when i go down and tell him how he was doing great he goes ?? I thought you were watching oikawa? Why would I watch him when there's you? And we both realize what i just said so i yeet myself out bc thats embarrassing ❣️ and the next time he sees me he askes me why i did that and i just laugh and change the subject, its fun being friends with him. So if he told me he liked me i would be too shocked?? So I wouldn't be too sure to accept his confession but i would probably agree to hang out just the two of us, bc i would be interested but knowing myself i would eithrr be too conscious to accept or to eager so idk
BUT if we are talking about time skip! iwa the thoughts are the same like, if i do end up working in journalism or anything similar and idk let's say i end up working in sport news or something i probs would say _hi!_ to him or something and be friendly bc you always have to be nice even more so to the people you interview lmao so idk we end up as friends but he never asks me out bc i don't even process he might like me, sorry iwa chan. Like i am very oblivious lol.
Oh boy do I have been thinking hhhhh like you see the thing is with atsumu im pretty sure we would be like strangers to enemies to lovers I'm so sure of it. Like if he were my upperclassmen i would silently hate him and if we were in the same year i would straight out dispise him and roll eyes and be like 😐😐 why are you so cocky??? Like yeah hes actually very handsome and talented but ??? Hes soooo cocky around his fans like who does he think he is??? Idk I've always hated men lol So its most likely I would have banter around him in class like idk its my turn to speak in class he audibly yawns or coughs to interrumpt me so i accidentally forget to tell him to bring his USB for next day presentation bc schedule changed or when labs suddenly changed and we aree having chem lab and i remind everyone but it slips my mind to remind him stuff like that and one day we get paired up for math bc i suck and he doesn't suck as much so we have to work together and im trying to keep this stern vibe but he's joking around with Suna in the other table and I'm just losing my mind bc i need to pass and i ask him to kindly help me before i lose my mind so he kinda shifts like _sorry i know grades are important to you_ andf i go 👁️👁️ bc _...thanks_ and he ends up actually working so maybe he isn't as bad after all and maybe just maybe we can be friends.
Omg i got carried away 😭😭😭😐
So yeah i think after befriending him and seeing how he's not that bad i kinda do fall for him, but i would try to keep my "friends vibe" and be like everything is okay until one day its sports day or whatever and the volleyball team is playing against another good school and this is our last match as third years in a school event and everyone knows the Miya twins are Amazing and they are excited but i talk to atsumu in the changing rooms and just wish him good luck and i run back to the stairs bc that went awkward so the game begins and everyone is cheering bc we are winning but the other school wins the second set and now the third keeps us on our toes but of course everyone is giving their all and when finally atsumu sets osamu the final pass we win and everyone is screaming in excitement and us third years who where on the public go running towards them and we are all celebrating and I immediately go hug atsumu bc !!! We won and he hugs me back bc !!! We won!!! But then i realize we are too close and i get nervous again so try to move but he doesn't let me and 👉🏽👈🏽 i look at him and he looks at me and maybr something happens i don't know
Short answer is yes, he could pull me.
nOw if we talk about time skip atsumu i don't think he's as cocky as when he was a teen, cuz like he's an adult of sorts. I sill don't know how could we meet tho, I have friends who play volleyball so maybe one day i ask if I can see them play and they are having a friendly match with some other people in the gym and I agree bc we are having food after the game so- Maybe we meet there, add him on socials and i realize he's a famous player 😐😐😐 and i talked to him casually but then i see a message request and its from him so we kinda statt talking. As I said, i don't know if I could realize if its mutual or not bc i never notice if someone i like likes me and if i notice its bc i know they don't like me, bc i only have noticed when strangers??? Not strangers perse but ppl who i don't like back like me lol. So if he ever asked me out on a date i wouldn't even know it was a date 😭😭 and when people start asking us if we are dating i would be like mmm🧐 no we just went to eat😋😋 so he would have to freaking spell it out for me if he likes me 😩
Kuroo would be too cocky to even pull me like with how i was in Highschool i would have most likely think he was playing around or too himbo for my liking bc yeah hes nice and all but? I remember having classmates that could fit the Kuroo criteria and some girls did crush on them but like? Maybe i would too but probably i would quickly be over it LMAO Like yeah i would probably get flustered if he flirted  but i would recover easily bc lmao he's just being friendly. Like hes too nice for me to nice something, lets say we both are studying in the library with other classmates and hes helping us with chem I would simply think hes being nice or a good freind even bc ??? hes nice yknow or if he helps me carry my bag or lunch when im walking the stairs I don’t know i think he would probably get desperate that i never see his actings towards me or wthv so one day he simply goes “I have to tell you something” and i think everyone but me knows so i just nod and walk with him outside the classroom and he well says what he feels and i honest to kid you not i would simply go :o really? BC HDOSFJDSIFJSS HES A NICE FRIEND so maybe idk, really depends but if i did like him i would propably get flustarted bc i would probably realize at that moment i do like him but if im not like thinking I would the awkward thing you do when someone likes you and you are just like Oh thanks idk what to say back lol c-ya So yeah idk i do think hes very handsome and smart and likeabale but i can’t see myself straight out accepting bc i tend to bee very dumb with feelings <3
Timeskip Kuroo however would maybe do pick my attention, he has a stable job, has friends, is athletic like he could easily pull me bUT would depend really on my mood bc that could also be too normal?? Idk man haven't dated anyone seriously to know what timeskip could be like. BUT LIKEEE YESSS IMAGINE another friend with a normal 9 to 5 job that hates capitalism as much as me and we both complain about having to live in this fucked up system and trying to subvert as much as we can HHHH AND HES AN EYE CANDY TOO??? yes i am objectivfying him.
Bokuto in HS would have me swooning over him in silence and not me ever telling him i liked him. Or i would jokingly say i like him but never to serious bc he's way too popular and i know the point of this is too see if they could pull me sbdkdld
So okay, hmmmm as i said i would probably be too shy to approach him if he was an upperclassmen, if we were the same year i would talk to him and even help with homework bc thats what i did with some jocks but i just think i wouldn't notice if he liked me 😭😭😭 Like if he ever asked me out i would think its a secret camera or something??? Like why would he??? But if he is serious about it I think I would say yes???
Timeskip bokuto is in a similar story as iwa, if i do end up working in journalism and i meet him by chance it would be cute?? To see him show interest in me but i don't know if I would accept or notice? Bc I'm working and i should be professional but if he asks me out after they won s game i would probably say yes bc how can i not say yes to him LOOK AT HIM HHHHH *screams*
0 notes
ang3lfuck · 6 years
It’s not often where I like to take time out of my day to rant about my job because honestly after so long i had to realize at the end of the day to leave everything at the siren when i leave work after putting up with multiple entitled rude customers every day and having to work with /some/ shitty ppl and like i realize that makes the rest of my day a bit more better in the end because fuck it, it’s a job i won’t be at forever but it’s still a job i take seriously because ive done it for so long and enjoy it. I moved stores last year because my old store was an absolute hell hole and even though i miss working with one of my best friends i jumped ship to this store with a manager in training who reminds me exactly like my mom who ended up getting the manager position at this store and like 2 months later i met my new boyfriend at this location and i love everyone i work with mostly and theres no drama so its like, 10 times better than 2017 was but man today i just want to take a minute to just rant because it’s things like this that REALLY dont make me want to work this job anymore Last night around 4 pm I got a message from my manager and one of my coworkers asking me if I can come in at 5 am to open as opposed to 6 (like yeah, i can but i really dont want to wake up at 3:45 as opposed to 4:45, not really the point but i was honestly being a baby because long story short i didnt want to), and like i didnt see the messages until 20 minutes later because android phones are a load of fucking horsetrash so im like ok ill text my boss saying if i have to i will but like 10 minutes after i texted her i realized she already offered MY shift to someone else in the district just assuming i’d open like HELLO CAN YOU ASK THEM TO COVER THE OPEN THAT ORIGINALLY NEEDED TO BE COVERED INSTEAD OF BRINGING ME INTO THIS MESS so i see that someone offered to do it, and I was like okay im going to call my boss and figure shit out so we talked it out and I asked her if she could ask this guy who wants to take my shift to open instead b/c i also want my shift because it was MORE HOURS (?????) and she was like oh yeah sure and so he says “I think i can do that!!!!” and she responds with “if 6 is better for you we can make that work see you tomorrow!!!!” and at this point i hear nothing back from her as im basically just waiting to get my text message of shame saying i open, so like an hour later im just mad so i text her saying “i guess im opening?” and she told me she was going to open instead and she didnt mind because she didnt hear back from this guy since that last message because that last message made it seem like he was unsure of opening. so i was like aiight cool thx girl luv u. cuz my manager still respects that I walk 30 minutes to work every morning and all. so i’m makin my way to work today and I start at 6 like I was supposed to and i walk in and see that guy who was going to take the shift there and he’s all “HEY WHATS UP” and like i know this guy because we trained him at my old store before i left so he’s like a year old barista. and i was like yeah sup i member you. i didnt think you were gonna be here tho. so i go into the back and my manager is like “well, i saw him show up because i came in a little early and i wasnt going to argue. I just wish he left me some more communication.” and i was like yeah no kidding. but I go on the floor and I start doing my tasks and shit and this fucking twerp is like right beside me 90% of the time just telling me stories about people from stores he’s worked at before and how the new store he was at now is the best and its like a reserve clover store and shit i don’t care about. just blah blah blah about other ppl i didnt know or things that were so small that you possibly couldnt care about at all and mind you this is at 6 fucking oclock in the morning and i havent even had my coffee yet so im sitting here trying to put the soy milk away while he’s just standing there in my way while im also trying to make myself a damn coffee while im just smiling and nodding but inside i wanted to die like who the fuck does this so early and like i dont remember when i worked with him before being so fucking chatty and annoying and he was also talking like a complete know it all because he works at a reserve store and referring to new baristas as “green beans” like bitch you havent even been here for like a year lmao (i’m a nice ripened 5 year bean) and so after awhile of me wanting to bang my head against a wall as opposed to work my supervisor sent him on his 15 minute break so he chatted it up the same with my manager all the gossip and he also fucking mumbles so you can barely even hear him so its also awkward as fuck. he spent no word of a lie 28 minutes talking to her because i timed his fucking break. i went back there expecting to take my break next because we have to run 15′s before peak but he took too long on his so i couldnt go on mine. my manager had the biggest scowl on her face when i came back saying “yeah, he isn’t coming back” and like just to top off other things he did he ordered a quad blonde drink with 3/4 of his partner beverages (That’s 14 shots of blonde espresso. WHAT) and he ordered a venti earl grey tea with 7 tea bags for his second break and he refused to let my coworker ring him in for every bag (??????? like thanks for fucking up our inventory fucko) and he wore a fucking white true religion shirt under his apron which probably just made me more angry b/c it isnt dress code and i just wanted him to spill something on it b/c isnt that like an expensive af brand? what the fuck are you doing wearing that to work at starbucks? anyway i just couldn’t help myself from just ranting for a few minutes on here idk me and my coworkers basically talked shit about him until he left and that made the rest of my hour and 15 minutes at work pretty nice ty for listening
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cydbys · 7 years
life update: 12/19. Day before my birthday.
So. Money. After the program is over, Disney will bump me down to part time. I’ve been working 40 hours a week trying to save money, but it’s hard. I also was still homeless after the internship is over and I lose my intern dorms and I’m still dealing with roommate/coworker issues.... I knew my breaking point was soon and I needed to do something to help me chill out and take my stress level that was at 99% down. I had a solid 40 hour work week. Also my internship was offering us a free Star Wars screening on Friday. I’m not the BIGGEST star wars fan but I do enjoy a good BB-8 and Rey every now and again, so I thought, this would be good way to relieve my stress. But I worked on that Friday. So I traded my shift away so I didn’t work. However the shift I traded to was only four hours long and they scheduled that girl I traded with incorrectly, they scheduled her waaay after we closed which means I ended up only working 2 hours that night =before going home :/
Mistake that I made......after the movie I called into Disney and asked for a shift.
I thought it was gonna be smart. Watch the movie, relieve some stress, then work a shift to remake the money I lost. But....Mistake #2, I called into my home location of Red Rose Taverne instead of Festival Of Holidays. Look. I like Red Rose Taverne a lot. But. Mistake #3. I didn’t make sure that I was Front Of House instead of Heart Of House. I thought I was FOH, got into my hostess costume, and went into work. I was in HOH. The kitchen. It’s not a bad place, really. But even when I worked in Red Rose I traded the kitchen’s shifts away. Why? Cuz it gets really hot back there and the HOH chef costumes are toasty. I was wearing my FOH skirt and short sleeves tho so it wasn’t as bad, but....
Like I said, even when I worked there I would trade my shifts away to make sure I was FOH. I got back there, and I literally hadn’t made a Beast Burger or Cauliflower Sandwich in like....3 months.  I managed to get through most of my shift fine. I stayed on the fry station which was fine by the other cast members cuz it’s REALLY HOT there. All I did was serve up the fries and call out orders that cast members(employees) made, cuz we have a hidden area of the restaurant where cast members can buy our food. But. Here was the problem. No one would hear me when I would call for cast items. I’d say, “Cheeseburger for cast!” and no one would hear me, or make the burgers. I noticed that the ones who had been here longer than me heard me but the ones who were newer never heard me. Here’s the other problem. So. 1. I haven’t been in the kitchen in 3 months 2. I hadn’t /been in Red Rose Taverne In 2 months/
So. What does this mean? I’ve been working in California Adventure since November. Everyone who hired in from November to now Thinks I’m A New Cast Member Because They’ve Never Met Me Before.
Yeah. The ones who were there longer than me eventually all went home, leaving me with all the newer ones. Me. A girl who had only been there for a few weeks. A cashier training to work with food. And her trainer, who’s been here for awhile. 1 person who knew what he was doing, someone who hadn’t been there for 3 months, and the rest were newbies.
We got a dinner rush. None of the newer ones were hearing my orders. I’d call for cast orders once. Twice. Five times. Sometimes I would go get a cast plate, make part of the burger, and hand it off to someone and ask them to make the rest. But...they just kept coming. And coming. And coming. And no one would hear me call them out. Even the chef heard me continuously call them out and tried to call them out as well, but no one heard me. Now....I’ve been in worse situations. In terms of Bad Times, this doesn’t even hit my top 50. I can have things thrown on me by guests and not even rate that as that bad of a time. But. I was at 99% stress level.
1. I still didn’t have a place to live in after the program. 2. My roommates are either mean to me, ignore me, are passive aggressive, can’t communicate...etc, etc, etc.... 3. My fellow internship Red Rose coworkers who stopped talking to me shortly before I moved to California Adventure were at Red Rose that night. And they ignored me. Didn’t talk to me unless it was a work related thing. Looked at me when I was crying and walked away. Yeah. I ended up crying. It wasn’t a big deal...them not listening to me calling out cast orders really...wasn’t that big of a deal....I’ve dealt with worse....but this....just tipped me over. I attempted to make a Chili Cheese Burger for cast but even when I did work in the kitchen I never made one of those. I had no idea where the chili is. I called that order out literally seven times. The girl who was newer than me but thought I was new kept telling me to just stay on the fries. The chef even called it out. The cast window cashier kept asking me where the burger was. It had been over fifteen minutes - way too long - and no one made the burger.
I tried to make it. was told it was wrong and i should’ve called it out instead of trying to make it bc I wasn’t on the burger station i was on the fry station.....let me say, they weren’t mean about it at all. I don’t fault anyone back there for me crying. I Just.....cried.
For the next two hours, I cried. My internship coworkers saw me crying and ignored me. It made it worse.
Everyone else who saw me were nice. One of the cast members from that night messaged me on facebook later apologizing(of which I told him it 100% wasn’t his fault, I was already just too stressed to work to begin with).
My lead and manager talked to me for an hour each and stressed to me that it wasn’t my fault. I was a good cast member and employee and I needed to stop being so hard on myself....i spilled everything to them, about my roommates and other intern coworkers, even the star wars movie didn’t help much because the intern audience was really annoying and kept screaming and clapping the entire time... They said: 1. I do a great job at work, no one had ever complained about me 2. They admire that I have never been late, never not shown up, and always will stay later when asked. 3. I shouldn’t feel bad about having to leave the kitchen in tears, I did the right thing by not attempting to stay 4. It was okay that I spent 2 hours being paid to cry, I shouldn’t feel bad about that 5. I needed to relax. Money is needed, sure, but not at the cost of this. 6. My roommates, my intern coworkers, them not liking me is not my fault. Do not be so hard on myself. It’s all true, but hard to internalize, I guess.
Anyway. That happened to me last Friday. I’ve sort of been crying a little every day. Tomorrow is my birthday. Today I sent in an application for an apartment. I’ve been told I’ll likely be approved by tomorrow then I can put my name on the lease.  Sucks how when my roommates see me at work they never talk to me. A roommate stood near me this morning for a good bit and didn’t speak to me even when I tried to say hi. But my potential future roommate saw me and said hi. Interns that I don’t even really know but happen to keep similar schedules always say hi to me. Not my roommates. Well. Anyway.  I found a good smoothie place today. Yogurt, granola, banana, strawberry deliciousness. And, if everyone has read this far and wants to discuss the My Little Pony season 8 leaks with me, that’d be great. 
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DENNAB: -After peddling around Skaia, it's time for Dennab to head back to his makeshift studio. If there's no room for it in his dorm, Dennab has definitely shanghai'd an empty storage room for it. But first, a visit to the showers probably. He slinks.- KAVI: =HOLD IT. He needs tom TLC with his baby. He's glad Den got out today, that he was exploring around and getting some air. After looking for him a big he meets him in the hall and just.... drapes on the wall= hey there.... :point_right: ;) DENNAB: -He should have known Kavi was stalking him a lil. Den stops in his tracks, taking a second to process this. And the dismay that follows soon afterwards.- SHIT. i forgot to tell you i was gettin' close to bein' done. KAVI: no man it's cool just checkin up on ya, seein how you are and what not DENNAB: uh... guess i'm cool. -If you call rattling at himself for two weeks, living on nothing but microwave burritos, gatorade, and a handful of sleep hours.- almost done with the paintin' like, i said. DENNAB: ... DENNAB: now it's shower time, lol. totes eventful. -leans by the wall also. Fingers toying with a cheese stick like he can't get over the twitches. It's been a time for him.- you????(edited) Mishroom - Yesterday at 8:24 PM KAVI: =he's gonna try to approach him and touch his arm, pets and soothes= KAVI: well.... i'm glad you're good..... mind if i join you then?... low stress chill KAVI: been hangin with Nellie and Auryhn, doin shows, uh, some... other stuff we can talk about later DENNAB: -looks at him with the tired eyes, acting as if the affections weren't being absorbed like liquid fire into his skin. So thirsty for it.- i'm down for the low stress stuff. DENNAB: ... -falls quiet and then just struts off. Leading the way to the dorm room.- what kinda stuff? KAVI: well. for one you look like you need a hug and several naps... are you hungry babe? =maybe he should've hounded him a bit more= KAVI: or... do you wanna get away? we can go to my mom's place... vannylociraptor - Yesterday at 11:24 PM DENNAB: -rubs at his face and shakes his head. HHH, full body shake.- nah, i ate already. i'm good!!!! DENNAB: i just want a shower... or whatever. -they get to the dorm room and Dennab peeks, wondering if Satomi was home. It didn't look like she was.- KAVI: ok... =watches him and rubs his shoulder... Satomi didn't seem present which was good.= we'll just shower and chill out yeah? KAVI: =He looks over Dennab and... usually he felt like he could help him. That he had a handle on most things but right now he wasn't so sure... he still knows Dennab of course but. Some things you don't know how to help= you wanna talk about anything? DENNAB: -lets the both of them in. As Kavi can see, his side of the room looks scarcely used...- nah, it's just... one of those things??? i don't know what's on my mind except just. RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. FUCKERY. DENNAB: -makes his way to the bathroom.- let's talk about you instead. KAVI: if you're sure man... =watches him more. Observing him and his side of the room.= KAVI: uh... well, like i said i've been chilling with Nellie and Auryhn a bunch KAVI: me and Nel got like a spa thing we're gonna do tomorrow also, oh, lol KAVI: so, i was out and about today right and i see Auryhn doin his like.... mountain man fuckin hackity swordy swing exercises KAVI: and then Jareth is there doing his thing too, long story short there was a shady sword deal and he was like, at Jareth, i'll get you a sword if you wanna trade for some clothes for me and my main man Kavzizzle lol.... KAVI: =gets out his Space Jammies and pokes at Dennab's stuff.... where's he been if this room hasn't been used= vannylociraptor - Yesterday at 11:45 PM DENNAB: -Painting vigorously... he twitches and shifts on his feet, gathering up his stuff for a bath.- sounds like you been busy as HELL. but i mean?? that's good??? wish i could have been there. DENNAB: be there. or-- yeah. -shuffles into the bathroom, avoiding looking at Kavi.- it sounds fun. KAVI: yeah.... you should come hang KAVI: uh, we can do like regular lunches and shit =Follows him, eyeballing the twitches= get everyone together... DENNAB: i think i'm good lookin' at all the status updates and SHIT first. -Oh. That came out more biting than he intended. Fucking... the regret sets on him immediately as he stops in his tracks. Wringing his towel.- i'd just ruin your fun, bro. KAVI: =Yeah.. that was a bite and not the good kinda either. Kavi walks around to Dennab's front and tries to take the hands wringing the towel= KAVI: no.... you wouldn't KAVI: =sighs= man KAVI: i dunno, shit's.... stressful and crazy KAVI: you can't lock yourself away though that's bad news bro KAVI: we can be doin shit together, we can go hang out and see sights and there's tons of fun here DENNAB: -He doesn't fight Kavi taking the towel from his hands but... the general kind and patient way he did it was more than enough to bring a stinging wetness to Dennab's eyes. It was more than he ever treated himself. His hands drop to his sides.- DENNAB: but why tho?? what's the point? if i end up feelin' like i'm just holdin' you back??? you deserve... to be out there????? hangin' out and laughin' and singin' and preformin' not-- DENNAB: waitin' around for me to get my SHIT together and come out and be there for you???????? DENNAB: or feel like-- no. KNOW you could be doin' so much better than me??? he's right there in front of me! he's been there, i FUCKIN' know he has! KAVI: no, no you're not holdin me back.... Den-- =he furrows his eyebrows= what?? KAVI: babe, no. it's not... nothing is a competition? you need me so i want to be here and i want to help you work through this i just-- i dunno what, to-- i want to be here for you DENNAB: i know!!! that's why i know it's not your FUCKIN' problem! it's not fair of me to think it or say it or ANYTHIN' cuz it's not my goddamn RIGHT. i should be happy but i'm not!!!!!!!! -His face just screws up even more. Copper streaks down his cheeks and ears pinned, he's gross in the face and knows it.- DENNAB: i'm just BATSHIT wantin' you to only pay attention to me and want me even tho i'm just??? me????? what the FUCK is so great about me??? who do i think i am?????? DENNAB: i only want you but like??? how the FUCK is any of this fair??????? it's not! i'm the one doin' this to you! KAVI: =makes a bit of a face but tries to keep talking, abandoning the towel to hold Dennab's hands= Den, look at me KAVI: you are so, fucking, important. you are, you're so goddamn good dude i know who you are! KAVI: you're nice and thoughtful and you got so much fuckin love to give but you also kick your own ass a lot and you... you're hurt okay? but that's-- KAVI: it's, we can, i..... i want, we can compromise? KAVI: spend more time together which is the fuckin ideal lol.... right? =Looks over his face hopeful, maybe that could help... maybe it was enough to ease him a little= DENNAB: why? -pitiful and tearful.- i love that... you make anywhere you're at your own. i'm not goin' anywhere, i just... DENNAB: can't stand that i'm the one tellin' you that you can't. -rubs his eyes, head hanging low. Unable to meet the hopeful look on Kavi's face- you can't fix me. i ain't gonna stop. even when i have it good, i find a way to ruin it. DENNAB: that's not... fair.... that's not what you deserve... Mishroom - Today at 12:47 AM KAVI: =He just searches Dennab's face, expression falling into worry and edging on hurt and desperation= i.... don't i get to decide that? KAVI: i get to chose what's good for me or what i deserve or whatever the fuck i-- so, maybe if i can't wait-- fuck no, KAVI: you don't HAVE to be fixed! KAVI: you're so fucking good you're so good, Dennab you are so goddamn good! KAVI: i'm not LETtING you ruin a goddamn thing DENNAB: -he flares back, similarly hurt and desperate and feeling so awful for it. The worst.- so, what we just??????????? DENNAB: pretend like aurhyn ain't been wantin' to put the moves on you since before we started bein' a thing???? he's moon over the FUCKIN' mountains for you!!!!! and like why wouldn't he be?????? he was the one bein' a threat enough that i thought-- FUCK. DENNAB: i'm never goin' to see kavi around after this! how long's it gonna be before he takes off and forgets about me too??? how FUCKED up is that to think before jumpin' into datin' someone????? it's wrong, kavi! it's really, really wrong! KAVI: i.... =Oh.... he just... frowns at that....... not sure if Dennab meant that how he said it....  That he was just kind of jumping ship on people and latching onto other people.= KAVI: =That he just left and forgot about Sapire and that he might do the same thing to him= ....n... no KAVI: i, KAVI: wouldn't do that to you KAVI: i love you and i just.. want us to be OKAY =he's tearing up but its not about him but maybe he is being too much of a flirt. His mind racing while he tries to shift things about= no, i'm KAVI: we're okay KAVI: it's okay, we're okay we can fix it DENNAB: we shouldn't... HAVE to FUCKIN' fix it if it wasn't broken to start with???????? -He feels choked up, immobile on the spot to be the one doing this. Saying these things. It's a knife to the bloodpusher.- there's nothin'... FUCKIN' wrong with you, kav. KAVI: .. yes there IS i'm not, you know i'm not.. i fucking..... STAY in my head all the time! i-i get so fucked up on my anxiety and stupid fucking peer perceptance that i end up in some shitty expectation spiral and when i fuckin break that i flip my shit??? KAVI: i don't, i'm not PERFECT, i fuckin need to, i can't, i don't =He's crying now, lip shaking= i'm a fuckin TRY HARD and i'm good at it and i fuckin, flirt too fuckin much and that DOESN'T HELP KAVI: I have problems too we're BOTH in the shit DENNAB: when the FUCK is flirtin' too much an issue??? it's not! HOLY FUCK. DENNAB: the issue is you tryin' hard and just tryin' makes you like???? eons of FUCKIN' good and great and maybe not perfect????? DENNAB: but good!!!! -rubs his hands into his hair aggressively, muscling through the brunt of the heartache.- it ain't no surprise people are drawn to you. i mean, i was??? am????? currently am bein'???? KAVI: it's not good it's fucki- what... what do i have to DO? =He sniffs and just opens his arms he wants to make things like they are. He wants them to be like they were, he didn't want to lose Dennab he COULDN'T lose him= KAVI: i just... i want us how we are... i want, tell me what the fuck i have to do i don't want, to- KAVI: ..what can i do for you? DENNAB: i don't want it either but???? how the FUCK do we make somethin' like this work?? -It's not a question at Kavi but to themselves. Each other.- maybe we just don't..... focus on it??? DENNAB: we just... -vague gestures before dropping his hands down in defeat.- don't do the romance thing a while?? see how like.... DENNAB: that works out for us. if we end up workin' out then we do and if not, then... DENNAB: it just goes back to how it was. before we started mackin' and SHIT. cuz that was like... -rubs his arm, expressioned pained.- never more important than just. DENNAB: plain lovin' you. KAVI: =There's a lot of pain to go around... he feels a heavy hurt in his chest and he knows.... they. It's not forever. It's, maybe it just needs to be some time to calm down.. it could be helpful for Dennab. It might help him. Maybe being the other way was better... still that doesn't make it hurt any less= KAVI: =He's crying but he nods anyway and just. Sucks it back up. He just takes a breath and shoves it down and nods again= i... yeah, i uh.. KAVI: yeah.... just, bein there KAVI: that's more, that's more important.... uh... i'm still. here KAVI: for anything, everything i'm still here.. DENNAB: -he's gotta touch him then, or at least pull him into a groudy hug. What with the lack of a shower and all. He smells heavily of corn chips and dried paint.- DENNAB: -none of this stops him from burying in face right into his hair.- i'm sorry this is all such... DENNAB: (fuck shit.) KAVI: =It's such a good smell.... it's a smell he's come to love. It's Dennab and being so close to him and wrapped up in it just makes him want to start crying again. His hands come to Dennab's sides then to his back where he clings hard= KAVI: no...just...it'll be ok KAVI: =buries his face in Dennab's shoulder= (... it can help... but it's definitely fuck shit) DENNAB: -easily lifts this soft bara with all his wiry strength, just to hug him even closer. Always stronger than he looks.- i FUCKIN' love you from the whole goddamn moons and back. all of them sumava BITCHES moons. KAVI: =HUP, there he goes and that does get him to smile a little. Giving Dennab a good squeeze= hah, i love you too, so much okay? =He really wants him to know that... that he was worth so much but... ugh. Maybe he shouldn't dwell on it so much= DENNAB: yeah baby doll. -scritches a hand into the back of his hair.- i know.
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