#it’s real autistic hours babey !!!
spidrnoir-blog · 6 years
anyway here’s a hc noir switches very quickly between being in a severe disassociative state,to being over-stimulated, most of the time about to have a panic attack his spider senses had p much taken away the happy medium between feeling nothing and feeling too much , until miles told him about stimming , his favorites are ofc his rubix cube, snapping his fingers, wearing heavy clothes , petting his cat or fiddling with any other soft fabrics
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transdarkwingduck · 6 years
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i really like those headcanons where he has speckled feathers
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faunusrights · 4 years
i mispelt the title as ‘oofal hunt’ which, i mean, mood,
"Fuck you."
/looks at the chosen lyrics for this chap :hrm:
do i still have to a little introduction to this liveblog? twenty chapters in? methinks not so lets just get right Tew It shall we
“We’re here, Ms. Fall.”
/marks this next section down on the tally of cinder’s mistakes. we’re somewhere in the high thousands.
An old Dust extraction point, quietly rotting. Cinder’s mouth pulled. There was an abysmal dearth of kindling.
cinder: you know you could at least take me somewhere better suited for me to kick your ass. this is VERY rude. am NOT a fan. my yelp review will NOT be kind.
i love cinder counting up the numbers. you know honestly id be deeply charmed if someone saw it fit to bring half an army out to take me on. i mean, would it be a pain in my ass? yes. but also. awh. thanks lads! love how many of you blocked out this evening just for me x
"Sienna Khan!" Cinder could barely hear herself between the claws of that strange laughter. "Sienna Khan! It’s really—really—you!"
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uh-oh sisters,
oh man sienna and cinder is just. look. WOOF. theres a lot here. a lot going on. a lot that HAD gone on. but also im gay so this tension is peak for me PLEASE lay it on thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LETS GO!
Cinder stopped laughing.
"Overkill," she repeated, and in the same breath, crossed the tarmac in full immolation.
HELL YEAH BABEY. but also was the more the implication that cinder is an easy kill OR the implication that glynda’s the bigger threat that’s more annoying,,,,,,,,,,,,, well!!!!!!!! too late to find out now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They clashed: once, twice, three times, steel on Aura, flitting through space, but—he wasn't faster than Glynda.
wait it’s the former i forgot cinder’s gay nvm
“Cinder. I mean it. I want to talk.” Sienna’s face revealed nothing. Her gaze stayed fixed on Cinder, as if she were searching for something.
What it could be, Cinder had her guesses, and all of them repulsed her utterly. She spat, “Well, I was only planning on sending your Lieutenant’s head to you in a box signed Love Cinder, so I didn’t really come with a speech prepared.”
SDHJGHJGSKFD SORRY IM LIKE. tryna liveblog but im also just :EYES: at everything here.......... im SO PUMPED for this cause im just SO CURIOUS,,,,,, WE’VE HAD SO MANY SNIPPETS,,,,,,,,, BUT IM HONGRY FOR MORE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
that said i feel like cinder’s the type of person who revisits arguments in her head hours later with new, better points, so i think she does have a speech prepared. in fact i think she has many words stored up in the ol’ meatspace, and all of them are very rude,
The Sienna Khan that Cinder remembered still had baby-fat in her cheeks and hadn’t learned to keep her thoughts off her face. The one she saw now had weaponized distance.
/stage whisper hang on that visual is cute dont put it in HERE where the TENSION IS
Quietly, Sienna went for her belt, pulling away something the same polished silver as her whip. It might have been an arrow tip, except that it was lethally barbed and looked like it had been modified to chamber Dust. Pale blue glinted within it.
Cinder darkened. "Ice Dust?"
sienna: i wanna talk sienna: with violence!
GOD ITS REAL INTERESTING CAUSE,,,,,,,,,, THERE’S A LOT HAPPENING HERE. glynda didnt Know cinder in any sense so we’ve very much been on the ‘let’s figure cinder out with glynda’ train like the whole. the rain! and the desert! etc! all very much thru the lens of glynda ‘i dont remember shit’ goodwitch! so now we have seinna who Knows Shit cause there’s so much history here and im like blease wait talk more first i want the KNOWLEDGE
[...] "Roman Torchwick is holed up in Vytal with your warehouses, and those two teens haven’t been sighted in months... But you wouldn't send them that far north, would you?”
“I wouldn’t send them anywhere you could get your claws in them.”
“The White Fang isn’t like that anymore. We don’t strong-arm children into our ranks. That girl—the snake Faunus—”
“If you say one more word about her,” Cinder said. “I’m going to do something drastic to every single person here.”
Sienna's shoulders leveled. "This is not Hróðvitnir's White Fang anymore."
me: huh why do i recognise that name,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, me: oh yeah!!!!!!! that bitch,
HJGDSJKHGFDS we Love a homage to a classic au and to a cinder so good that id die for her. i mean id die for this cinder too but like that was another level of Die For. anyway. back to the au at hand,
“If I didn’t know better, I might believe you," Cinder snapped, and her old scars throbbed in tandem. “But I do know better. I found one of your parasites, sucking the life out of a town near the wastes. Bringing the White Fang’s protection. You should have seen how he protected them. There wasn't a child there without a fang or an antler missing."
hang on a sec, lets LEAP BACK in time for just a moment
okay so i nipped back to chapter five for just a hot second to see if there was a line that was particular pertinent, but also i found smthng else...
Violence collected at her twitching fingers, old scars across her body flaring with phantom pain. (Chapter 5)
“If I didn’t know better, I might believe you," Cinder snapped, and her old scars throbbed in tandem. (Chapter 20)
HM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, man. cinder. you got real fucked up huh. ANYWAY THAT WASNT WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR I JUST LINED THE CONTINUITY (because im jealous). what i was ACTUALLY looking for was THIS:
There would be another overseer, the inhabitants would resume their harried lives, and Cinder wouldn’t spare this town a second thought.
i said at the time in an emotional fit of pain that this was a straight-up lie but cinder is nothing if not a melting pot of emotional reckoning, and I WAS RIGHT. LET IT BE INSCRIBED UNTO THE STONES!!!! SHE DID SPARE IT A SECOND THOUGHT!!!!!!!! HELD IN HER MIND LONG ENOUGH TO RECALL THE DETAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST 2 SPIT IT IN SIENNA’S FACE!!!!!!!!! im telling you that cinder has SO MUCH MORE GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!! and heres my PROOF. PROOF OF WHY SHES AN ANGEL (ONLY ON TUESDAYS THOUGH [10AM-1PM])!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then: "Why don't you say," Sienna responded slowly, her expression slotting into place like a bullet chambering, "precisely what you mean, Cinder."
"Fuck you."
cinder has such a way with words. i love her eloquence. remember that time glynda thought she was taking the piss out of the fact she was autistic at dinner? cinder yr a maestro. never change.
“You brought Beowolves to heel. You could turn a Goliath with a word!"
“I had—no—Aura! Nothing to protect me!”
:eyes: :thinking:
HM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, INTERESTING??????? i feel like this is the first time we’ve heard of cinder w/o aura implicitly? unless im Stupit and dont remember a Got Dang Thing but HUH. does this. hm. huh. am i stupid. someone tell me if i missed a thing.
“This isn’t a diplomatic mission, Cinder. I simply wanted to know what their lives were worth to you—before we wipe our hands of each other for good.”
“That’s a funny way of saying only one of us is walking away from this.”
GOD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i LOVE this scene a lot the interplay between sienna and cinder is absolutely PEAK,,,,,,,, PEAQUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, im rly enjoying this. also im dying. but im enjoy it a LOT.
“The White Fang you and I grew up in doesn't exist anymore. We’re changing. But you… When did you stop caring? Was it when you cut your horns to be one of them instead?"
Dragonfire scorched Cinder's lungs, blackening every word: "I was never—your—people."
feels like its been a good goddamn whilst since i got to do one of these 👈😎👈, so let’s savour the moment
aaaaaand savoured. lets continue.
Shaking with the effort of holding her strike, Sienna grit, "I won't relish this."
And Cinder howled, "I will!”
ah shit i shouldve said lets RELISH this to tie the whole theme together and-- and fuck it, combat scene. never good at liveblogging these. sdfjhgsdfghj
Gunfire sparked against her, but she honed in on him with single-minded intent, the kind she’d whetted to a razor’s edge against Glynda.
for a chapter following cinder escaping glynda, she’s thought about her TWICE now. huh. huh. interesting. gay. and interesting,,,,,,
It was nothing like fighting Glynda. This was bleak and repetitive: the second drove forward and Sienna covered his openings, stopping Cinder before she could rip his heart from his chest, and all the while, the gunfire whittled away at her Aura. It was a joyless tactic, no flair or heart, and yet—
HUH. GAY AND INTERESTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO FLAIR OR HEART,,,,,,,,,, i cant believe every time they fought cinder was actually just doing a shit job of flirting. the more you know.
The world erupted into flames. They grew massive, swirling around her like a hurricane—Cinder’s Aura exploded outward in desperation, like a dying star defiantly spending the last of itself on a supernova; one final flare, brighter than entire galaxies, if only for a single moment. Cinder felt flashes of bright pain through her muscles as if the fire was burning her from inside.
MAN,,,,,,,,,,,,, I COULD TALK ABT SOME UH,,,,,,,,,,,,, well. i could talk abt a few things here. but theyre kinda 👈😎👈 so i WONT,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but kno that i am having some Thoughts on the matter. hm.
“Prove it!” Death was thrumming in her veins. It had never made her brave before. It did now, the memory of Glynda’s blind, resolute stare heady in her skull. “Come and prove it! Do it, or I’ll hunt you to your last, miserable breath, Sienna!”
so remember when glynda had her little outburst at winter and i said that i love how cinder rubbed off on glynda in the worst way? i cant believe glynda ALSO rubbed off on cinder ALSO in the WORST WAY!!!! this is how u know this truly is a soulmates thing.
“It’s a shame you outgrew your swords, Cinder Fall. I would have taken them as a trophy,”
it’s with great disappointment that i must say: i agree with adam. the swords were hot. they should come back.
Sienna’s footsteps were whispers at Cinder’s back. The trap was closing. Cinder pooled flame in one palm. The other hand was useless, limp at her side. Impotent rage tasted like blood in her mouth. “I don’t even remember your fucking name.”
HJGKDSFKJHGFSDJDHGF GOD IM SORRY BUT THIS MADE ME LAUGH. WHAT A LINE. WHAT A LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i may actually have to draw this scene that image is SO wonderful. just cinder, staggering, exhausted, and she still manages to just spit that out. im screaming. shes a champion. i think she won this battle literally just there pack it up her burns come in more flavours than one.
Beneath Cinder, Hati turned, scanning for an escape, but she didn’t drop Sienna’s gaze. Wiping the sweat from her brow, she said, “I’m told I’m something of a menace.”
okay wait hold on lets dial back i read ahead and dint live blog wait rthereghsdfgjhdffd HOLD ON
Cinder buried her face in Hati’s mane, hating them, hating, hating, hating. Black ichor clotted in Hati’s fur, tacky against her palms. Grimm didn’t have Auras to protect them, and exit wounds riddled Hati’s mighty body. Cinder’s heart lurched with fury. She could have screamed.
i read this bit and got STRESSED because hati is PEAK like hati didnt even fucking SHOW UP in og but i LOVE HIM and i knew shit would happen because its fucking offal hunt BUT
It should have been impossible at this distance, but Cinder could feel her gaze like traded blows, even nestled among the black of Hati’s pelt.
Sienna’s eyes shone like coins. They were cool, detached. Prepared.
She twisted her wrist and the whip flickered through the air in tight wheels. Its end glittered pale blue.
Adrenaline cooled to permafrost in Cinder’s body, as though the Dust had already found its home between her ribs.
Cinder whispered, “Don’t.”
Expressionless, Sienna gave a wide lash, and the jagged end of her whip released with a click. Silver sliced through the air, then through feathers and fur, with a sickening sound—wet and meaty as the arrowhead dagger buried itself deep into flesh. Hati’s whole body shuddered and Cinder only had a moment more before ice exploded from his ribs, ripping out through his pelt, even slicing into Cinder’s own skin. It speared him from deep inside, where the cartridge had sunk, impaling everything and rending him asunder.
Cinder’s stomach jumped into her throat, and she held on tight to Hati, her bastion, her sanctuary, her family—held on tight like it would make any difference at all—like she could hold her family together with just her own two hands.
Hati dissolved right between her fingertips, and she plummeted alone.
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like she could hold her family together with just her own two hands
OUGH what the FUCK
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HEY THIS. HEY THIS SUCKED HEY THIS WAS A BAD CHAPTER WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS HATI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS MY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EXCUSE ME????????? WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?????????? HELLO??????????? WHAT THE FUCK????????? SIENNA???????? BITCH?????????? GO TO H E L L
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collabwithmyself · 5 years
I might be a bit late to hc and projection hour but... I've decided that Phoenix, Apollo, possibly Trucy, Gumshoe and (I think this one's canon but I'm only 98% sure it's canon) Ema are autistic!! All because they show at least One Sign that they are Like Me™ (Ema shows like 100% of signs that she's Like Me ajjsisjajaj but that's irrelevant and I'm so sorry)
FUCK yeah real projection hours babey
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zosonils · 5 years
id like 2 ask abt ur dirk hcs
damn right you would. bullet point time babey
dirk is an autistic trans man. don’t worry, the epilogues aren’t real and can’t hurt you
he can’t swim and is terrified of the ocean
he absolutely loves plants. his immediate reaction to touching a plant for the first time was to cry uncontrollably for 5 minutes and then run around jake’s planet for multiple hours touching all the leaves and grass
following on from that one, after the game is done and he’s living on earth c, jade and jake get him some to keep in his house. it helps him to function better having something to routinely take care of (and also he never stops loving the feel of leaves when he’s stressed)
he has a habit of laser-focusing on a single thing, sometimes for days at a time. 9 times out of 10 if dirk won’t answer anyone’s messages he’s probably passed out in his workshop because he’s been welding together a toaster that burns the entire script of the bee movie onto the toast for the past 37 hours instead of sleeping or eating
he either speaks with a nearly indecipherable stutter, or is completely mute. i know that this is technically debunked by canon what with him speaking coherently but it’s still a headcanon/au that i really like
that’s all of my favourites but if i think of any other ones i’ll add them. i just fuckin. epilogues suck a wang challenge, dirk is a good boy
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teruthecreator · 5 years
some more thoughts on Mack (or just all of my thoughts on her, since I wrote all of my original thoughts in the reply to grace’s post) while im at it: 
she grew up in Connecticut, near Hartford. 
very much looks like an extrovert, and that’s because she is. 
seriously, this woman is the life of any party. even if she wasn’t invited. 
grew up in a strict household with many siblings (she’s the youngest of six) so she often got scolded by her parents/older sibs for being too wild. 
she’s autistic! her favorite thing to stim on is her hair. catch her literally holding a lock of her hair up to her nose for no reason. or twirling her curls even tighter, she loooooooves doing that. 
was super involved in the theatre community at her high school, but her parents were not too approving of it so she couldn’t do it out of school. 
she used to sneak out and usher at local theatres, as she got older. eventually, all the theatres in the area knew her by name and would welcome her in with open arms. 
definitely wanted to come out in high school, but knew the second she did that would be the last straw and she’d get her ass booted off to some private academy, so she was real sus about everything. 
when she went to college, she immediately changed her major to pursue theatre full-time (her parents forced her to go in for like biology or some shit). but because of this her parents cut her funding for school. 
luckily, with the number of theatres who knew her at this point, she was able to work her way to her undergraduate degree. and then she was off! 
her passion lies pretty heavily in acting, but her experiences have taken her all across the spectrum of theatrical positions. she’s ushered, done run crew, produced shows, directed shows, etc. 
she also did improv in her free time on a team, which paid...eh, not much. but it was still fun! 
definitely would consider her an optimist with a heart of gold and a resolve of steel. not much can keep her down for the count! 
after a few years staying around Connecticut (traveling as far as Philadelphia to work or audition), she decided to take a chance and travel beyond! 
which is how she ended up in kepler! bc a gig she was promised by some two-bit director fell through when she refused to sleep w him! which then stranded her in west virginia w very little money bc she had used all of it on an apartment/moving stuff! hooray! 
she actually doesn’t end up immediately in kepler. she lives in an apartment complex a few cities north busing tables and waitressing until she sees an offer for a fairly cheap house in kepler. 
now, another thing abt mack is she is Incredibly Impulsive. so the second she sees an opportunity, she jumps on it. she puts an offer down on the place before she even puts in her two weeks, and within that month she’s moved into kepler! 
she’s not used to the very secluded townie vibes kepler gives off (she grew up in and around cities), so she’s a little hesitant to socialize at first. 
finally, she applies for a bartending job at the Little Dipper (AKA the Hornets Nest, though it wasn’t yet considered that) and starts to meet locals little by little through her job. 
remember when I said Mack’s a big ol’ lesbian?? yeah, she’s a maaaaaaaaajor hopeless romantic, and being a bartender meant she got to stare wistfully at pretty women for hours on end (or, at least, until she was hipchecked by her boss to keep working). 
the bar is also where she hears about a building being foreclosed that is the perfect size for a small community theatre. 
needless to say, she’s got a tip jar set up that says “MONEY FOR FUTURE THEATRE!!!! :DDDDD” within the week. 
Mack has absolutely no expertise when it comes to business, buying or renting a building, or any of that bullcrap. what she does know is how to rally a group of excited kepler residents into assisting her in building a theatre out of an abandoned clothing stores. 
her first couple of seasons after opening Kepler Kommunity Theatre Kompany (”Yes, the K’s are intentional! It’s funnier that way!”) are rocky, to say the least. not many people are interested in theatre, and because it’s a small town, she doesn’t get much public traction beyond kepler. 
this is when she meets ned for the first time, who comes to her following a show and offers to promote her company through the Cryptonomica for a “cut of the action”. Mack reminds him there isn’t much action here to begin with, and so he backs his offer to just have cross-promotion from either business. she agrees. 
for some reason, that shit works. her next production sees a lot more people auditioning or applying to crew positions. she has no idea how ned managed it, but she’s thankful for his slightly skeevy business practices. 
and that brings us to the present! her business isn’t booming, but it’s certainly doing well enough for her to pursue her dreams! the theatre brings in its regulars, along with any tourists who pass through town during production season. she has her permanent team (which includes kirby, and is why ned and mack remain in a psuedo-serious spat to this day) and a cycle of actors who come in and out to perform. all-in-all, it’s not a typical theatre, but it’s her theatre. and that’s the shit that matters, babey!!! 
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cunning-and-cool · 3 years
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#i'm tired of you telling me things i tell myself! i'm tired of the comparisons! i could be i should be i would be i want to be goddamnit
My Top Posts in 2021
Buck: Wait! You like me?
Eddie: Did you think I would watch 5 hours of a Hunting Bigfoot marathon for just anyone?
Buck: I thought you were invested and INTRIGUED!
128 notes • Posted 2021-08-02 06:00:58 GMT
misha was really hired to say cryptic shit and stare at jackles and he turned that shit into an eleven year career babey
146 notes • Posted 2021-01-20 09:00:40 GMT
Sam Winchester keeps his faith woven around his fingertips. Sam Winchester walks around with two flasks on his person at all times, one holy and the other for damnation. Sam Winchester went to Hell, the deepest parts and he came back and he swung his fists until he hit something real. There's something not quite right about Sam Winchester, if you look at him too long you'll notice the strange tattoos, or maybe the way he breathes, or maybe catch a glimpse of his eyes flashing yellow when the light hits them in a certain way. 
202 notes • Posted 2021-01-28 07:00:43 GMT
nico di angelo headcanons bc i want to:
- nico turns into such a music junkie eventually. the apollo cabin finds out he's missed seventy years of music and loses it. this kid has never heard the hits. once he does it's over. he constantly has music around him, it makes his look so much more alive.
- point blank cannot call himself gay for years. he tries like, super hard but it makes him twitchy so he sticks to being vague and private and usually says "i like guys" if asked.
- if he spend enough time outside in the sun his natural tan comes back!! he does not spend enough time in the sun.
- my boy. this poor boy. has no fucking clue what mental health is. nobody told him shit about it until like, will, who took one look at this kid and said "lol therapy time bitch". and then spent several hours giving a lecture on what mental health is and there's nothing wrong with you this is a thing that happens. nico fully sobbed for the first time in years when he heard the words "it's not your fault. there's nothing wrong with you."
- accidentally befriended achilles and patroclus in the underworld when nico was like. twelve. both of them look at him, then each other, then back at him and said "this is my son now", and got half of the underworld to protect this kid.
- this particular thing happens a lot. nico radiates son energy and half of his contacts are now his parents.
- this is a long winded way of saying he is so loved at doesn't realize it.
- speaking of contacts though! nico is literally the person that can and will get you anything as long as you don't ask questions. the numbers in his phone all have super cryptic names and he will not elaborate on anything of the. highlights include: bloody marty, yellow, mistake, jerk, NO
- he does not like physical contact unless he initiates it. this is a well known fact that was put to the test when somebody tried to prank him and ended up with crushed fingers and a stab wound. nico refused to apologize.
- nico is a big fan of existing in a space together, especially after nightmares and/or panic attacks. he doesn't want to talk he wants to be alone with somebody else in the room. he likes doings this specifically with: jason, annabeth, sometimes percy, and later on will
- he's fluent in asl and tries to sign while talking as much as he can just in case
- so autistic. like. unbelievable. could not pass as neurotypical. has no idea and thinks he's weird :(
- melts down his sword into daggers that he brings everywhere. he has hades symbol carved into them. they're badass as fuck.
- weird fighting style that is literally just. everything mixed together. he sought out the best fighters in the underworld and sparred with them until he picked up their fighting styles.
- he will collect shiny things. he will put them in a box. he will not talk about this.
227 notes • Posted 2021-07-18 06:00:33 GMT
catch me posting about hbo!spn;
Angel's Have White Pupils, i will literally not shut up about this
Falling!Cas is pretty much just end!verse but gayer and the amount of self destruction is staggering
Sam and Dean don't smoke b/c lung damage and shit--obviously that's what they should be worried about, as Sam takes a mouth full of demon blood and Dean pops pills like candy. But, Cas? Castiel former Angel of the Lord? A pack-a-day chain smoker. He has at least two packs on him at all time, it's a running gag but actually funny.
When Famine shows up in 5x14, Dean and Cas fuck for the first time. It's in the impala, while waiting for Famine and they almost miss the whole because they're so caught up in each other.
Sam&Cas friendship montage. It starts by Cas asking questions about rebelling against a father and Sam slowly raising a baggie. They go to a thrift shop, because Sam always say the first step in rebellion is an outfit.
idk who said it first but Sam reacts to holy water/salt/words of christ and has since he's a child, you'll never see somebody willing to mention it because the first and last person who did got mysteriously injured.
Winchester Codependancey Dialed Up To 12
A scene where Dean gets to beat something/one half to death with a baseball bat.
Sam&Dean fighting something so smoothly it's creepy. Zero dialogue, just the increasing volume of a heavy song. Switching weapons, pulling each other back, two hand movements that translate to a paragraph. They've been doing this since they were child, since they could walk and point, and nobody doubts it.
A scene where Dean is swinging a axe around, covered and blood and grinding like it's what he was made for.
The lights flickering when Sam and Cas talk about things they're passionate about, Dean sighing and asking which one of them is doing it this time.
already mentioned it but Dean takes pain meds like candy, his body is so fucked up from crashing into walls and being stabbed that he's barely functional unless he takes something. "Something" was grace for a while, he went back to pills.
Sam apparently has everything in his backpack. Spellbook? Holy water? Six different types of drugs? A bible? Nine lighters? Candles? A can of beer? No less then three knives and at least one gun with extra ammunition? Pictures of dead loved one's? A bottle of angel grace and a flask of demon blood? More goddamn candles? Random rocks? Engery drink? A pack of Cas' favorite brand of cigarettes? Spray paint? ID's? A library book from California? Dean calls him Mary Poppins because he never runs out of space.
I'd like to say it again: angels have white pupils.
288 notes • Posted 2021-01-06 07:42:38 GMT
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