#it’s right in front of your face
dadgonedeku · 4 years
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Wait a damn minute. 🧐
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Here me out...the fits are similar.
I’m serious-
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I can’t be the only one who sees the resemblance...
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And the patches!!
I’m telling y’all...something FISHY is going on!
No one is about to sit here and tell me I’m wrong because I kNoW I’m not!
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rhymeswithumbrella · 3 years
the fact that louis just chooses to sing 7 makes me lose my mind. you could make the argument that his voice and the band sound absolutely killer singing that song but catfish and the bottlemen have other incredible songs that would serve the same sound and purpose. louis just chose the one that happens to start with larry. he just said ….larry????? i agree
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yea-baiyi · 2 years
what tgcf fandom doesn’t seem to understand is that when hua cheng bitches someone out, xie lian is quiet not because he doesn’t understand, but because he agrees and he’s too polite to say anything.
and hua cheng doesn’t censor himself in front of xie lian — we know this because the book is entirely from xie lian’s perspective, and he usually finds hua cheng’s comments to be hilarious, if he doesn’t downright agree with him
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I need advice, because I’m genuinely not sure what to do. So I’m a virgin (18) and my now ex friend makes fun of me for my lack of sex even though it’s not even something I want to do with just anyone. I want it to be special, or at least trust someone enough, but this girl has planted this seed In my brain brain that has totally destroyed me, telling me that no one will want me because I’d rather wait a year of dating someone before anything sexual could happen. I just don’t know what to do now because she’s still in my head
Okay, anon. I got you.
DO NOT, under any circumstances, let someone essentially bully you into making a decision you are not comfortable with. Your feelings are valid. Your desire to wait until you are ready is your choice. No one else's. You are not as alone as you feel. I promise.
I did not have sex for the first time until I was 22. I was pressured a lot by my boyfriend in high school, but I was not ready. He dumped me as a result (that story is a lot more complicated, but I'm not getting into it because this isn't about me). I was not comfortable with my own body, I was not ready to share it with someone else, and I didn't want it to be something I looked back on and regretted. I wanted to know that I was in the hands of someone I trusted as well.
I met my husband when I was 21, we went on a few dates before we started the year-long friendship that preceded us starting to date, and we didn't have SEX for the first time until we'd been dating for 6 months (we did do sexual things before that, but he never pushed me for more than I was ready for). The right person will wait for you to be ready, they will not pressure you, and they will respect your boundaries.
What that person, who I'll be honest and say was NEVER your real friend, said should be as irrelevant to you as the dirt on the sole of your shoe that you never see. It doesn't matter. They do not get to make your life choices, you do.
I also want to point out that everyone is different. Everyone's journey is different. Everyone has different comfort levels. My point is: make your own choices. You are the only one equipped to know what the right ones are for you. No one else.
Sending you love and support!
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Does anyone else process people’s faces in parts rather than as a whole?
 I notice a lot of the time I think people look alike when they’re not widely considered to actually look alike because what I’m really picking up on is ‘they have the same nostril shape’, or are similar in one specific area of the face, but not actually their face overall. Likewise, when people talk about ‘celebrity lookalikes’ or things like that, 90% of the time they do NOT look alike at all to me, because it’s like, yes maybe BROADLY their face is aligned similarly (like they have a similar amount of spacing between nose and mouth, eye placement, forehead size) and maybe the same hair color, but the features THEMSELVES individually do not actually look alike (different nose shape, eye curve, mouth width, teeth size, etc.). 
I’ve been thinking about the disparity in why my conceptualization of who looks alike or not seems so different from other people I talk to, and I think it’s maybe that I hone in on specific spots and see the face as like, a bunch of tiny features instead of seeing the whole.. It’s very hard for me to ‘zoom out’ and have an “overall summary” view,  instead my mind just perceives a collection of minor details but not one cohesive image, I guess? 
#WHICH actually makes sense considering that I also experience this weird thing.. I don't know how to describe it. It's like.. with every#person I talk to - once I've been around them enough- at some point I will be looking at them and I'll have this epiphany sort of#feeling like all of a sudden everything has fallen into place and I finally 'see their face for the first time'#I don't know how to explain but it's just like.. I'll be watching them talk or looking at them from afar or something and a#ll of a sudden my brain is just like 'OH... thats' WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE.. like#how you would look in a drivers lisence photo or somehting. how OTHERS would see you. how you look when people may just#pass you in a crowd. a zoomed out compilation of only the arrangement of your face. thats what you LOOK like.''#It's like I'm randomly able to see them from another perspective instead of my own (focusing in on little details of their face etc.)#I 'zoom out' and suddenly see them how they are and am able to understand that#And this can happen sometimes months or years after I've known someone. But it's not like I don't know what they look#like before then. I don't have face blindness or anything like. I can recognize people but it's just.. I usually recognize them#from a bunch of tiny little details compiled together as well as other information - instead of just having a quick easily referencable#'complete' image in my head of them. I wonder what this has to do with?? or is this normal?#I do have pretty strong aphantasia and can't form images in my head. maybe I recognize from details because it's not like#I can have distinct stored 'pictures' of what people look like. like if I think of the people I know right now I can't see any of them in#my mind at all. but I CAN cognitively know like a few specific details like 'upturned nose' mouth with slight curl at the end. small#square teeth. pointy nostils. etc. etc.' .. I know them when I see them of course. but I can't 'see' them actually without#them being in front of me or etc. Only recall the details that make up their face. OR also - So I don't have Autism as far as I know#(I could have been misdiagnosed but I think I have a combintion of other things that merely presents similarly in some ways) but I do have a#lot of similar symptoms/score very high on traits in psych testing/etc. and I saw a vdeo on youtube a while ago called 'Understanding Visual#Perceptions in Autism' or something and it talked about how autistic people may often focus in on details of an environment or very small#niche things rather than conceptualizing imagery as a whole (instead of seeing the whole room and thinking about what the room is#and the whole space you focus in on seeing one chair and thinking about the pattern of the fabric. etc.) Which I do aboslutely do that 100%#always so maybe it's just an extension of me percieving the world in that zoomed in 'details first' sort of way??#like if my brain works similarly to that then maybe Im kind of just doing the same thing with peoples faces as i would with viewing a room#ANYWAY . not sure if it's aphantasia or something else but I find it interesting how I seem to see that stuff differently than most people#I come across and if anyone else also views faces in this more fragmented small detail trait way. AND if so. why you think that is. etc. :0c
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demonboyhalo · 3 years
Now I'm not going to make a metaphor out of Ranboo's insane skill at Hypixel's Hole in the Wall, where you have to place blocks to fill in the holes.....but I will say that c!Ranboo filled a missing piece Wilbur left behind in SBI + Tubbo's life. And now Wilbur is revived and able to witness the (incredibly different but undeniably strong) relationships that this too-nice-to-be-real "new kid" has built in his absence.
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been thinking a good bit about the difference in the reception 001/henry got vs. how kali was received.
honestly I’m not as mad as I could be bc a lot of attention and fic he’s getting is just like...horny fangirls pouring out reader insert fics and like, whatever, sure, that I feel is kind of a different thing so go ahead, live your crazy dream (though if we’re talking about the only grown lab experiments, kali is infinity times more attractive then another boy of the same Stale White Bread variety, but that’s neither here nor there).
but straight up, if I see - and I’ve already started to see a small handful of this - a sudden influx of people starting to dissect his character, go into depth about his background with the lab & brenner, discuss his trauma and basically blab about how compelling it all is right after kali was dismissed as uninteresting and not worth a second glance, I am going to loose my absolute fucking shit. I will fucking start flipping desks. I will become insufferable. I will burn this whole place down.
we had another experiment to look at in relation to the lab, to brenner & to el. kali was here first, and she’s far more interesting then another White Boy Gone Evil.
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lucid-fate-if · 2 years
My friend is disappointed in me :(
I made a person person for the IF and she screamed "girl [insert vulgar version of "what in the world!?" Because we don't say it here >:(] " because he looks ugly. Okay first of all-
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He's lovely, okay. 😠
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omg Travis handled that call horribly. I realize that the guy will probably live so it could have been much worse, but if I were that patient, "I relate to your ex-wife," is the absolute last thing in the world that I would want to hear from the man trying to talk me off the ledge.
Don't even get me started on what that did to Emmett.
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maxsix · 3 years
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Okay. I've been kinda the bearer of good news for other fandoms especially the Billy fandom for a while now (kinda funny when you consider the status of my own favorite characters in the story right now 😅) and... I've found something else again. X) After Billy's mother possible return, I've found some piece of content that comes from the ST4 Video Store Fridays movie list. It's a clip from "Batman V Superman". And well...
Here is the link to said clip:
I think I don't need to explain what happens in this clip but given the parallels that exists with these characters, stories and this movie in particular, I'm pretty sure it confirms or hints at something happening. Something you really want. ;) And I'm a hundred percent sure it relates to that. There's others pointing to it of course, not just this one. If it doesn't happen in some ways than I'll be extremely surprised because there's too much hinting at it now.
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I'm not even surprised by this. Just pleased 😆
There's really nothing else I can say at this point tbh. Time to sit back, relax, and wait for S4 lol
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How can you support Jared Padalecki
How can bumblebees wear tutus?
Oh I’m sorry.
See, I thought we were just asking inherently absurd and nonsensical questions.
Okay then.
And in all seriousness, Jared Padalecki is a literal personified ray of sunshine who genuinely and consistently makes the world a better place purely by existing in it, and if you were half the person that he is on his worst day, you’d be at least twice the person that you actually are on your best day, so....
Suck it.
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boy-above · 3 years
do not rebl*g
ppl hate trans men so much right out in the open and then insist that hatred doesn't exist. if you in any fucking way believe we aren't oppressed and that the community hasnt failed us just fucking leave. i've seen too much vile shit that y'all pretend doesnt happen but it does. actually follow some trans men and listen to what we have to say and maybe you'll witness some of the shit we have to deal with instead of insisting it doesn't happen. actually support us and boost our voices, because most of the posts i see about our issues never circulate outside of trans men circles. you can't talk about a damn thing without people acting like we have no right to complain or even have any opinions on trans issues. we're treated like our problems are minuscule and that once we come out we're suddenly magically treated as privileged cis men.
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empathsies · 2 years
never forget that the only time león ever came back to kirkwall was to find the templar that cut off his hands .
what he did to him was probably the cruelest thing he’s ever done in his life . and even though it isn’t something he’s super proud of , it’s nothing he’ll EVER regret .
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Oh my god I hate customers. I hate them. I don't want them near me. Also, mystery shoppers. They can all go fuck themselves.
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sailormoonsub · 3 years
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finding the raddest possible use for time magic has been a trial-and-error process but Homura officially figured it out
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