#it’s wine o clock
palfriendpatine66 · 1 year
Your Pal’s Star Wars Ask game!
I had to go and make it weird - reblog if you want these unhinged questions to appear in your asks! Tag a friend if that’s your jam!
Want answers? Pick a question and ask on anonymous or not, whatever floats your boat!
1. Qui-Gon Jinn: love or hate? Discuss.
2. Pick a Padme outfit to be your signature look.
3. What are midichlorians? Wrong answers only please.
4. Do you prefer the prequel, original, or sequel trilogy, and why?
5. Say you’re in the business of collecting Jedi lightsabers as trophies. Whose would you need to complete your collection, and what would you do with it once complete?
6. What is your favorite Star Wars meme?
7. Dumbest Star Wars moment?
8. If you could ask George Lucas one question, what would it be?
9. Who shot first: Han or Greedo?
10. If you could pull a George Lucas and sneak into Disney plus and edit any Star Wars scene, what changes would you make?
11. Who would you want as your Jedi master? (Why)
12. What lightsaber form would you master?
13. What is your earliest Star Wars memory?
14. BESIDES THE ROTS NOVELIZATION What is your favorite Star Wars book?
15. Fuck marry kill: Ben Solo, Syril Karn, Moff Gideon
16. Fuck marry kill: Asaj Ventress, Dedra Meero, Elia Kane
17. Pick one Star Wars line to describe your life, what would it be?
18. What is your favorite piece of Star Wars merchandise that you own?
19. Quick fic inspired question: would you ever consider using a lightsaber hilt as a sex toy?
20. Please describe in as much detail as possible the signature scent of Ewan McGregor and/or Obi-Wan. (Are they different? Probably)
21. What’s an embarrassing Star Wars related fact about you?
22. Ask your own slightly unhinged Star Wars question here!!
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Your father sold guns for a living which is how you met John Wick and Jonathan Pine; his best customers. After your father died you inherited the clandestine shop in the back of his house and continued to interact with hitmen from all over the world. John Wick was the love of your life but he married someone else and, many years later, you and Pine moved in together and he loved you like a mad man. One night, Wick showed up in need of weapons and it was the first time you saw each other in years. It was clear that he was in a rush and in danger so you had no time to talk but all it took was one look from him to get you all flustered and nostalgic. Jonathan woke up to find your side of the bed empty so he got up and was able to catch a glimpse of Wick before he left. He knew everything about him so he wasn’t surprised when he noticed how affected you were by his presence but it just made Pine hate Wick even more, so he pulled out his cell phone ready to leak his latest location to his enemies.
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aretarers · 1 month
i know the world loves me because it gives me bad news but it does it on a gorgeous 60° payday friday
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aesfocus · 11 months
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Winter into spring, seas too cool and grass not yet green for a thousand and a thousand years. It's funny how you can forget what it was to feel mortal. Peril upon peril, no magic plates filled with endless food. A ready solution to all problems so far off. [x]
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How is it only Monday
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jammans · 4 months
I'm so sorry to everyone who enjoys 'the terror (2018)' but I need you all to know this song was written about Jirving
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aerodaltonimperial · 5 months
sigh, one day i will be good at art and will be able to make the art i want for my stories, but today is not that day, and now i'm grumpy about it
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chr0n0kinesis · 8 months
wheres my coffee mug
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palfriendpatine66 · 1 year
What's your reason to love obikin so much?
Woooooooooboy here we go! Please please please know that I’m way too many glasses of wine in to give this ask the justice it deserves at the moment. Many more have addressed this far more eloquently than I’m about to and for that I’m sorry. But I will give it a shot.
Ok. So. My first experience with obikin can be summed up as:
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It’s fun. They’re hot. Obi-Wan is my blorbo and I enjoy exploring his character in different ways. It doesn’t *have* to be any more than that to be a fun time. As far as ships go, I also have a lot of fun reading codywan, obitine and quinobi or whatever the their pair is called.
But also. There is more to obikin.
Obi-Wan and Anakin do love each other in cannon. Their whole loaded teacher-student/brother/best friend relationship is brimming with love for each other. And that’s what makes the story so tragic. That’s why it’s painful. There was love there, but it wasn’t enough. All these bad things happened despite of, and sometimes because of, how much they cared for each other.
And I am very much here for the agony and the tragedy. It’s beautiful and it’s painful and it’s haunting. But it’s also very easy to long for a happy ending, right? To want things to work out differently. And it’s also very fun to explore the what if’s through obikin fanfic.
What if they had been able to get together? What if Anakin didn’t fall? What if they had the perfect circumstances all aligned? What if they met in a different time, a different place, a different universe? Is Anakin fated to fall, no matter what? Would it play out differently if the relationship changed? Where do the ripples go from there?
I’m not sure if this addresses what you were looking for anon. I guess my tldr is: I like obikin because it makes me happy to think about Obi-Wan and Anakin loving and supporting each other. When it comes down to it: I just wish they could have been happy
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theartofimagining13 · 2 years
Hello sweetie. May I request #1 & #6 with Jonathan Pine and John Wick. Reading those two sentence prompts had me laughing 😆
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AMBIENCE: The sounds of rain
NOTES: These requests have taken me months to write and for that I am sorry but here's the link to the prompt list so we all know what we're dealing with lol [ Prompt list ]
Thanks for your patience <3
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Jonathan Pine did not remember the last time he had slept without a gun under his pillow, but when he heard the metal screeching as the fire escape ladder outside of his partner’s apartment dropped down, he thanked that cautious sixth sense he’d been born with. It startled him awake him in the middle of the night but, in a swift motion, he grabbed his weapon and stood near the window with his back pressed to the wall. He stared at his lover who was in a deep slumber and with the blankets covering her naked self.
Pine would protect her like a guard dog. Whoever was planning on breaking in on this rainy night was in for a surprise. The vertical window was opened from outside and a dark figure creeped in drenched in the rain. He was halfway in when Pine pressed the barrel of his gun against the stranger’s temple and cocked it, and he froze as soon as he felt the cold metal on his skin.
“Move one inch and this will be your last night on earth.” Pine threatened in a quiet yet menacing tone. “Who are you?”
The man slowly but defiantly turned his face to look into his interrogator’s eyes. Pine’s face fell at the sight of his former colleague John Wick but that wasn’t enough for him to lower the gun. Pine knew that John had been rendered excommunicado; he had gotten the text like the rest of the Continental members.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Pine inquired.
But he knew the answer for it was lying right there on the bed. Pine’s partner and John had a past together long before he came into the picture.
“I could ask you the same thing.” Wick answered.
The two men held some sort of staring contest for almost a complete minute until the lamp on the night table was switched on and both their heads snapped towards it.
“What the hell is g-?” Pine’s partner began to ask with narrowed eyes but they went wide and she trailed off when she recognized her old lover. “John?”
She immediately grabbed a robe and carefully put it on before standing up. She reached the two men and glared at Pine.
“Put the fucking gun down!” She ordered but Pine ignored her.
“After what he did?”
“So you heard about Santino?” Wick asked.
“Everybody did, John. You should not be here.” Pine answered.
 “How can we help, John?” She asked ignoring her lover.
“I just need a place to lay low for the night.”
“Of course.” She said with a nod and without an ounce of hesitation. “I’ll arrange the guest room.”
Pine’s mouth fell open and he stared at her with utter confusion as she left the room but then John said her name and Pine’s face twitched with anger.
“I’m afraid I’m not alone.” Wick confessed then whistled.
Instantly, his gray Pitbull jumped through the open window and shook the rain off.
“You have got to be kidding me.” Pine muttered under his breath.
“Dog’s welcome to stay as well.” She said before leaving, closely followed by Pine.
He cleared his throat as soon as they reached the hallway.
“A word?”
“What, Jonathan?” She sighed as she stopped to face him.
“This is madness.” He began. “If anyone finds out he’s here…”
“Jonathan…” She interrupted him. “If it were you or me, John would do everything in his power to help us and you know it.”
“And it is my job to do everything in my power to keep you safe.” He retorted. “So you need to get out of here in case things get ugly. Why don’t you stay at your parents’ for the night? I'll stay with John.”
His worried semblance and good intentions made her smile and warmed her heart, so she took a step closer, caressed his left cheek and leaned in for a soft kiss. She pulled away and Pine returned the smile thinking that he had won until she spoke.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
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Once in the guest room and fresh out of the shower, John sat on the bed wearing some of Pine’s clean pajama pants and a white v-neck t-shirt, and his former lover was right in front of him cleaning the nasty wound on his forehead.
“Why did you do it, Jonathan?” She asked.
Wick couldn’t stop staring at her while several memories projected themselves like films in the theater of his mind. All he heard was his name on her lips for she was one of the few people who called him by his full name.
“So, you and Pine, huh?” He asked.
She froze momentarily then smiled.
“Yeah…” She hesitated. “Is that… weird?”
“No.” Wick rushed but his face said something else. “Yes.”
“I know that you two used to work together but-”
“It’s not that.” Wick interrupted her. “It’s the… similarity in names.”
She chuckled and thought Wick was just joking but then he grabbed her wrist, preventing her from fixing him, and he stared into her eyes in silence for a long time and leaned in closer until her heart was racing and she gulped.
“Is it his or my name you moan in bed?”
Her lips parted and all air left her. Suddenly every memory she shared with John, the most explicit ones, flooded her brain, and she remembered how John Wick was a man of few words but with her, it was a completely different story. She wasn’t thinking anymore, her body acted on impulse and ended the distance between them before brushing her lips against his for the first time in years. John deepened the kiss and it was clear that he had missed her as much as she had missed him but the guilt crept in and she pulled away.
“I-I can’t do this. I can’t do this to Jonathan…” But then the name conundrum was present again so she just left the room.
Pine was hiding in the nearest bathroom. He had heard everything. He had seen them sharing that kiss and it made his stomach clench but he also knew that before him there was Wick, and while she never went into detail about their past, Pine was sure that whatever happened between them had meant the world to her, and it scared him. He wanted to be much more but wasn’t sure he could ever be. And this frustration he would take out on Wick, so he walked into the guest room.
“So, the whole city wants you dead and this is where you decide to hide?” he asked while leaning against the wall next to the door and folding his arms. “You do know you’re putting her in danger, don’t you?”
“No one followed me here. I made sure of it.” John said dryly.
“You were covered in blood, John. I would’ve stopped underestimating them a long time ago if I were you. You just had to go and defy Winston, didn’t you?” He accused. “Listen, I know that you two have history… and so do we, so you’re only staying here for old times’ sake but don’t get it twisted. She’s my whole life now and I will do whatever I have to do to protect her. If anything happens to her because of you, I will personally hunt you down and make your life a living hell before I put a bullet between your eyes. Understood?”
“I’m leaving in the morning.” Wick stated.
“Good.” Pine nodded coldly and turned to leave but stopped and faced Wick again, and spoke while pointing at him with his right index finger. “And don’t you fucking dare stay for breakfast.”
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unaccountedformass · 9 months
Current mood: sparkling shiraz from a mug decorated with cats dressed up fancy.
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spookyhotmess · 10 months
I wanted to feel Bonita but instead I feel I'll finish off this bottle of wine 😆😜🍷🍷🍷
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pblalime · 1 year
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I need one for work
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allthingsscented · 1 year
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love love love this candle 🍷
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