#it'll be them going to the animal shelter as a family not family to pick out a dog
atomic-taco-muffin · 1 year
It was Kurumi's birthday yesterday(10th june). (It's 5am atm💀 forgot to sleep) so I was thinking, small fic for her x gn(or fem) reader celebrating her birthday? Maybe reader getting her a kitten? Cuddles and appreciation for our best girl?
Omg, that's so cool! She and my dog Koda share the same birthday (happy three years baby boy!)
Kurumi x GN!Reader: Happy Birthday
Warnings: Cloud made fluff, Kurumi being a little bit of a flirt
Rating: SFW
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It was a sunny morning in your apartment in Japan. The morning sun shone is bright rays into your bedroom window, prompting you to wake up. You looked at your alarm clock on the bedside table and saw that it was seven thirty. Curled up behind you was your beloved girlfriend, Kurumi, who was still asleep. You knew she was a heavy sleeper and wouldn't be up for another hour. You got out of bed, and headed to the kitchen to begin working on her birthday breakfast. And also her birthday gift. Over the past years of knowing her, you learned that she had love for cats and had decided to get her a kitten. It was difficult to find a place to keep the kitten hidden where she wouldn't find it and to keep it quiet.
As you were making breakfast, you felt two hands wrap around your waist and looked over your shoulder to see Kurumi wearing your shirt and kissing your shoulder, as if saying good morning
"Happy birthday," you smiled.
"Aw, you remembered! That's so sweet, darling," she replied in that flirtatious tone of hers. "So, what is my love making for my birthday breakfast?"
"Your favorite. And I have a gift for you afterwards," you replied.
"Ooh, what is it?!" she asked excitedly.
"Love, it is against the rules of a birthday to tell that. It'll ruin the surprise." Kurumi pouted but headed to the dining room, waiting for her breakfast. Soon, it was ready and the two of you enjoyed a delicious dish of pancakes with bacon and eggs while admiring each other and Kurumi flirting with you. Breakfast was soon over, a little too soon in your opinion. You took both yours and Kurumi's plate and placed them in the dishwasher to be clean. You soon returned and saw Kurumi looking excited for her present.
"Alright, my love. Close your eyes," you said and Kurumi closed them with a smile, knowing that your present was going to be amazing. You went into the other room and picked up the small kitten that you had adopted at the animal shelter and brought it to Kurumi. "Okay, and open."
She opened her eyes and melted at the sight of the little kitten in your arms.
"Oh my gosh, look at this little cutie!" she squealed as she took the tiny animal into her arms. It warmed your heart to see the love of your life so happy and it made you even happier knowing there was a new addition to the family.
"Thank you, my love. It's the best gift ever," Kurumi smiled.
"You're welcome, darling. I would do anything to see you smile," you replied. For the rest of the day, you and Kurumi bonded with the little kitten and soon fell asleep on the couch, all snuggled up together.
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
Amnesia Chapter 5 - Slavers. Shit.
Summary: Freyu tackles a small group of slavers stupid enough to set up on Massanii.
Word count. 3.5k
Warnings: blood, death, fighting, mentions of slavery, slavery, pregnancy.
A/N: This one's a little intense in subject, it's in the title why, if it's a problem for you don't read this chapter.
Amnesia AU link here.
The forests at the edge of the foothills were quiet. The migration path took them close to the edge of it, often providing a sheltered resting spot; this day, however, they could be a trap.
Freyu rested her hand on her blaster reflexively as she stared out at the treeline.
She had spent the last three days coming up with back ups and contingencies and creative solutions to any problem they might encounter with this group. Their main hypothesis for why these slavers had shown up now was the Empire sticking its fingers into their sector's business and opportunists thinking the government too preoccupied to act properly.
Those bastards will find out soon enough. 
They were almost at the end of the path, almost home, but it was still dangerous, and they needed to act fast.
They were going to strike tonight, when they were close enough to the pastures to split up and make it there safely, and close enough to her home in case of an emergency. Cai, Solveig, and herself were going in, the rest were either hanging back or, in the case of the children, taking the animals to pasture and getting the rest of their family if necessary. Lyi was staying with the children, Solveig had insisted that she stay safe.
Celimine was prepared to take the lead from her parents, as Lyi was currently dealing with a bout of pregnancy sickness and bound to the caravan. The other Fuzzies were more than prepared to help her and knew what to do.
She heard a low moan of displeasure from one of the horses. Xyllin's horse, a young mare called Mayar, was pregnant and closer to giving birth than the other pregnant mares, and quite a bit younger than she should be in her opinion.
Freyu was just hoping that nothing set the mare off into premature labor. Mayar was far enough along for it to not be fatal to the foal, or foals since it looked like she was carrying twins, to be born, but the stress and possible difficulties of such a pregnancy could be dangerous for both mother and foal.
The mare in question was currently moaning about her place aboard the caravan with Lyi. Massii horses, and Massii species in general, detested being idle.
Freyu watched the hills with a careful eye. She'd already seen two people hiding among the foliage. Clearly they weren't aware that the darkness did not hide them on this planet of nocturnal adapted life forms.
Asichi whinnied in a concerned tone, Freyu patted her neck and whistled softly.
"It'll be fine." She whispered.
Asichi sent her a wave of doubt and bucked her up a bit. Freyu rolled her eyes.
"Whatever it is, I bet we've both survived worse." She assured her horse.
A shrill whistle interrupted their conversation. It was time.
They broke off according to their plan, Freyu was first to the trees. Her eyes adapted quickly to the darker environment and she surveyed her surroundings as Asichi picked her way through the underbrush. Cai and Solveig were near, they were searching for a trail to the slaver's camp, this had to be done fast, before the slavers had the chance to move.
Asichi bent her head and sniffed a patch of ferns, she nudged it with her nose and snorted in disapproval.
"Got something?" Freyu asked, leaning over to see what it was.
Asichi extended a tendril to her, a thin smearing of orange dust covered the tip. Spice.
"So our slavers are spice heads." She mused.
If they were, or at least had the spice around, tracking them would be easier. She whistled to Iri, perched on a low hanging branch.
"Show this to Solveig, we're going to look for more." She instructed.
Iri nodded and took off with a silent flap. Asichi kept her head low, searching the plants for traces of spice, Freyu kept her head up, keeping watch.
The wooded area was starting to come alive with bioluminescent plants waking up, their glow increasing with the darkness. The forest floor and trees soon came to life with ethereal light flowing from nearly every plant.
A forest nebula. She thought fondly as she watched the lights flutter and shift gently, the whole forest, the whole planet, was breathing. It was always a sight to behold.
I'll have to show Meg'ika, she'll love this.
Asichi snorted. She had found more spice.
This patch was smeared on the trunk of a tree, the luminescence was dulled in that area. The tree didn't like it.
Freyu gently rested a hand against the bark and opened her mind to this tree specifically. She never opened up to more than a few things, never the whole planet, that was a good way to get overwhelmed, and opening up that much meant sealed off connections could open too.
She greeted the tree and the planet through it. It sent back a powerful response.
Her body tingled with the connection to the entire world all around her. She could feel the impact of every step even the tiniest of creatures made, hear every river flowing and rainstorm falling, the songs of millions of birds flooded into her head. Everything around her glowed with its own unique presence in the Force.
Massanii was full of light.
So much she would be blinded by the forest around her if she opened her eyes. Once, she had been able to look upon such brightness without even blinking, now, she had to narrow it down.
She focused on the hemisphere of the planet she was on, then the region she was in, the environment of her location and so on until she narrowed it down to the tree she had meant to talk to in the first place.
As she was doing so, she got a foreign whisper of delight, the planet was giggling like a Chrysocy. Freyu rolled her eyes, everything on Massanii enjoyed a good harmless prank, even Massanii.
She got to the tree and felt its displeasure at unwillingly absorbing the spice that had been carelessly smeared on it. She could understand that. It also gave her the impression that violence had been commited near it. She did the tree a favor and removed the spice to the best of her ability.
She was finishing up as Solveig and Cai reached her.
"Asichi found more." She told them, moving herself and Asichi out of Solveig's way.
Solveig was the best tracker in Cai's family. They would be able to track the spice easily from the small residue left on the tree. Solveig growled softly.
"There is blood." They stated, wiping their nose in disgust.
"Someone's hurt then." Cai concluded.
"What are they?" Freyu asked.
"Twi'lek, female, born on Ryloth, taken during the separatist occupation and sold by the techno union." Solveig answered.
They examined the scene again. Freyu spotted some drag marks in the ground that made her flinch.
"She wasn't the user, the blood is from a blaster wound to the shoulder. She was here within the last twelve hours. She was carrying something with her, dropped it when she was slammed against the tree. She was taken away, tried resisting, stunned and dragged off." Solveig said.
They had a near perfect record for this sort of stuff, so Freyu didn't doubt their hypothesis of what happened. She did notice one part of the story was left out.
"How old is she?"
Solveig gave her a concerned side glance.
"Young. Too young for all this." The Massii admitted.
"How old?" Freyu repeated.
"Younger than you." Solveig sighed.
A small seed of anger formed deep inside her for the injustices this girl had suffered. If Maatsu was still alive- no, there was no use dwelling on that. She had to help where Maatsu couldn't anymore.
"What are we waiting for? Let's find the demagolka (Mando'a, someone who commits atrocities, a real-life monster, all of the above and someone violently abusive in this context.) and give them what they deserve!" Freyu exclaimed.
Cai and Solveig made eager sounds of agreement and together they followed the scent trail to the slavers.
Thick underbrush surrounded the outcrop they were using to spy on the slavers from. Foolishly, the slavers had chosen a wide gully for their base, and they thought they were safe there with the natural defenses of the mountain around them. How very wrong they were.
Freyu watched the slavers closely, they'd been monitoring for an hour, night had fully fallen, the peaks of the mountain cast the gully in deep shadows, little light from the moons illuminated it. So far, she'd observed their guard shifts, the most likely planned escape routes, their campsite and where they were keeping their captives.
"I found a gap in their shifts and know where the captives are being held." She reported to the Massii.
"Good work, I'll stay up here for cover, you and Solveig will sneak in and find the leader, do what you can unseen." Cai instructed.
Freyu nodded, she and Solveig split up into the shadows.
She snuck into the slavers camp with practiced silence. She slipped inside the slaver's ship, hidden well enough by its color and a couple of clever tricks to not stand out much.
The instant she was in, she was overwhelmed by the fear and anger and desperation. The feelings clawed at her defenses, trying to break into her mind, she'd have to be careful in a place like this.
She found a secluded spot and listened to her surroundings. She heard a group of them outside, Cai would pick them off if they caused any trouble, and she didn't hear much of anything in her immediate area. She felt around, just to check there wasn't some quiet, hidden threat lurking around the corner. When she confirmed there was nothing, she moved to the next spot and repeated the process.
It was slow progress, but it was better to be safe than sorry in this sort of place. All her senses were on high alert, she was almost jumpy.
She could sense the distressed beings all around her, each competing for her attention. She noticed that the fauna native to her homeworld were being confined in very small, cramped spaces, and some expecting, about a month from birth. They'll go prematurely like this! She realized.
Her anger grew, the negative energy feeded upon the growing anger inside her. She skidded to a stop and found the nearest cover, she had to get herself under control and keep it that way.
Stay calm.
A cry of pain reached her ears. Her head shot up in the direction of the scream. The main hold, that's where it was coming from. Her feet were moving faster than her head and she found herself peeking around the corner into the hold.
Falleen slavers were gathered around the center in a rough circle, one in the center had an electro whip, the scent of blood and electrically charred skin was overpowering. Freyu counted at least ten in the room, there were more in the cockpit and guards all around the ship, not terrible odds.
She checked her helmet to make sure it would stay on during a fight, if one broke out. Cai had made her wear it since her tattoos and scars made her too easy to identify. She had accepted, only to keep the Massii from worrying too much over her.
It was a Massii style helmet though, so it was made to accommodate the ears, horns and tentacles of a Massii, she had tucked in the fabric that was used for the ears and tentacles. The horns were built into it, but she thought it was a nice, mildly intimidating touch.
It wasn't anything like her mother's helmet, or the helmets she made. The Mandalorian style was something she found more comforting, but this was still good.
The slaver swung the whip, it struck someone hunched in the middle of the circle and she cried out. Freyu spotted lekku through the slavers' legs.
That must be the Twi'lek!
She reached out her mind to see if she was correct, something drew her attention towards it. It was new, full of light and so simple. She knew that feeling very well.
An infant. All infants, regardless of species, felt the same.
Fuck. That complicates things.
Freyu stayed hidden and assessed the situation with all the facts she had now. She could release all the imprisoned beings if she got to the cockpit, or open each on her way out if she did something rash and foolish. In the worst case, she could count on Solveig and Cai to bail her out of trouble.
She drew her blaster pistols and set one to kill, the other to stun. The slavers would get what was coming to them whether she delivered it or not, but they could provide useful information if left alive.
The slaver whipped the Twi'lek again, this time the cry of pain broke past Freyu's walls. She had to do something now.
She shot one of the slavers without any hesitation, the blast hit them square in the chest and passed through their weak armor. She shot at the others while they were still confused by her sudden attack and ran into the room. She aimed at the slaver with the whip, he was cowering and confused.
"You picked the wrong planet to pull this shit on." She snarled.
The slaver she was staring down glared at her, she could sense his intentions and prepared herself for it.
"You picked the wrong ship to attack for someone all alone."
He tried to whip her back, but in one swift movement, she had her stun blaster holstered and had drawn her vibro sword, blocking the attempt. She struck the whip down and sliced through it, leaving it sputtering and useless.
"Slavery is illegal here, and unlike the Republic, we actually do shit about it." She informed the slavers.
"I'd surrender if I were you, actually, if I were you I wouldn't be stupid enough to come here." She ordered.
Apparently, common sense wasn't something these slavers had. Freyu liked a good fight, but this would be easy.
It turned out to be about as easy as she'd suspected, some gave up once she had beaten a few down and seen she had back up that was quite brutal. Nobody survived a fight with a pissed off Massii and Solveig's claws were bloodied by the end of the fight.
Unfortunately, a few slavers had run off. They hadn't escaped, the planet and creatures on it would surely make them pay.
The survivors of the fight had been detained, and would be dealt with by the Sector Defense and Sector Justice cores, the now freed people could wait til the Refugee Resettlement officers arrived and find a new place for them, or come with them for temporary housing while waiting.
In the end, most of the imprisoned beings had been native Massii fauna, so they were just released back where they belonged as stress free as possible. There were only a few non-natives who needed relocating, including a rather bruised and beaten Twi'lek girl, who couldn't have been more than sixteen, a baby and an equally beaten Zabrak around the same age.
The girl's name was Sdawan, her baby was Ibre, and her Zabrak partner was Barid.
Freyu was treating Sdawan's many injuries while Barid held their child. Freyu didn't doubt the infant was the product of the two, with the crown of small horns and fuzz on her head, a very clear cut split hybrid. That didn't bother her one bit, what did bother her were the parent's ages.
Both Sdawan and Barid were younger than her, and while Ibre was about five months old, that meant Sdawan had been pregnant at fourteen. She didn't have any judgment for the pair, birth control methods had likely been hard to acquire for them, and she knew it was hard to keep your hands to yourself with the one person who made staying alive worth it.
Freyu just felt bad for the girl, young birthings, in her line of work, tended to be more difficult than later in life. She could already tell Sdawan was suffering the ill effects of adolescent birthing. She was fairly certain no one had overseen the birth or made sure Sdawan was alright afterwards. She made a mental note to see the girl to a professional ob-gyn in Mlikix.
Freyu finished treating Sdawan, and gave Ibre and Barid a check over, then left to confer with Solveig and Cai.
"How is everyone doing?" Cai asked.
"Better now." Freyu responded shortly.
Cai shot her a quizzical glance, she gave him back a tired one. She didn't have hundreds of years of experience dealing with this shit like he did. His curiosity turned to sympathy.
"We've done all we can now, I'll signal Narvae and Valen to meet us at the rendezvous." He said.
"Yes, and then you can check on your foundling." Solveig added with a grin.
Freyu glared at them.
"She's not a foundling." She insisted.
"Keep telling yourself that." Solveig said.
Freyu just rolled her eyes and huffed.
"C'mon, let's get back on the move." Cai suggested.
Freyu nodded to him and went to prepare the now former slaves for their new lives.
The planet welcomed her when she set foot on it. It surged up to greet her, excited that she had returned.
Chora half thought it would reject her. She was relieved it hadn't but a small piece of her wished it had.
She stepped off her ship and let the planet around her flow into her. After seven years without its presence, the connection was a welcome feeling.
She didn't linger long, she'd be given looks if she stood with her head angled towards the sky for too long. She locked down her ship and set off for the meeting point.
She felt the swell of life and interconnectivity all around her as she walked. The whirling buzz of insects flying, Chrysocy laughter and an overall humm of life.
Massanii hadn't changed.
It felt good to be back.
Mostly good. She adjusted her helmet slightly. The small part of her that wished the planet had rejected her also hoped that this job would keep her away from a certain part of the planet, where the people might recognize her.
She pushed those concerns to the back of her mind and scanned the crowd for a very specific person.
She spotted the deep blue hair quickly and made her way towards her.
"Yaosney!" She called out, removing her helmet
Yaosney turned and a wide grin crossed her face.
"Chora!" She shouted, slamming into her body with a tight embrace.
Chora kissed her girlfriend's forehead gently, eliciting a small giggle and blue gray eyes looking up at her. Yaosney was shorter than her.
"I missed you." Yaosney murmured softly.
"Missed you too." Chora said as she leaned down slightly.
Yaosney met her halfway with a kiss. Fuck, she had really missed her.
She could have kissed her girlfriend for hours, but unfortunately, they kinda needed to breathe. They drew away from each other just enough so that they could breathe.
"How's the new bora(job)?" She asked.
Yaosney shrugged.
"The commander is a very bitter clone, something crawled up his ass and died there, he's always in a bad mood, he constantly looks and acts pissed and he smokes." Yaosney spat, wrinkling her nose with the last word.
Yaosney didn't like the stench of recreational substances. Bad memories and what not.
"He sounds like a real jerk." Chora commented.
"Oh, and that's not even the worst of it, he killed one of the others back on the first mission for not following orders, I think he's a little fucked up. But other than that, the job's been fine." Yaosney said.
"I'm glad you like it, though I was a bit surprised when you asked me to come here." Chora paused, smirked.
"I'll put good money on Massii being the reason?" She suggested.
Yaosney rolled her eyes playfully.
"You know how they are, Hell, you're half as bad sometimes. The commander wanted someone who knew the planet but wasn't Massii, I said I knew someone." Yaosney told her.
"I didn't tell them that being born on Massanii means being like a Massii, I think we could have some fun with that." Yaosney added with a smirk.
"I think Massanii is getting to you, that's something I'd do." Chora smiled.
"Sounds like you agree." Yaosney said.
"Oh I agree," Chora paused and looked down at the armor her girlfriend was wearing. It was nothing like beskar.
"But first, how about we get our armor off and have a little time to ourselves?" She suggested mischievously
Yaosney smiled with a glint of mischief in her eyes.
"That's a wonderful idea."
They're about to fuck if it wasn't clear. Yaosney is ES-02, the one who didn't get killed by Crosshair.
Chrysocy is the on planet name for what is commonly known as Massii foxes, it's just the most recognizable fox from Massanii. The name comes from the scientific name for Maned Wolves cause that's what they are based on(I'm bad at coming up with names), they are pranksters and have a sound that's like laughing.
So with all that happened in the s2 finale, I'll let you know that Freyu would respectfully lose her shit if Hemlock got within a planet of Omega. She's good with poison herself so, Hemlock will definitely have a lot more trouble because Omega's got a (relatively)short, protective, angry, Force wielding big sister now. Freyu is 5'6 btw.
Alright I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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vampiricsheep · 1 year
1, 4, 8, 9, and 14 for Bran, Miriam, Keith, AND Winter pls :3c
1. How long have they been a vampire? Were they always this way, or did someone (or something) turn them?
Bran - answered!
Miriam - A long time, and he hasn't been counting the years. He was human during feudal times and swindling the wealthy well before he died. He was turned by a botched ritual performed by an aspiring magician that dug up his grave.
Keith - it's been...maybe 5 or 7 years now? It should be easy for him to keep track of, but time really does fly the older you get. His turning was a wretched mistake, and happened the one night his roommate persuaded him to go out to a party for once instead of studying, studying, studying.
Winter - a bit over 80 years now (approaching 90?). It was turned during what was supposed to be a safe exploration of a ruined catacomb - they were expecting maybe sheltering animals at the most, or maybe a little restless dead.
4. How does being a vampire affect their interactions and relationships with other people?
Bran - For the most part, it doesn't! He isn't open about his condition, and I don't think anyone who doesn't know suspects it (though who can say). He does get a little nervous around bleeding sylvari - but that's normal, cuz bleeding is a bad sign!
Miriam - He's pretty good at hiding his condition, and is more likely to get caught than to share his dirty secret. He's always treated relationships as temporary things that should be enjoyed but not mourned, so the risk of accidentally juiceboxing someone is an inconvenience at most. Out side of bedroom situations, there aren't a whole lot of self-imposed restrictions.
Keith - The biggest changes are bridges burned, not ongoing limitations. However - and the vampirism itself isn't the source - he's a little more rude now from all that hidden resentment. He can't stand seeing people throw away the life opportunities that he's missing out on.
Winter - It's still a very physically affectionate friend, but its heart never stopped grieving for a dear one it killed the night it turned, and it's always worrying it'll do it again. I don't think people pick up on that, though. Aside from that...it may keep its distance from an injured party member when adventuring, but otherwise it's still itself.
8. How do they feel about their condition as a whole?
Bran - answered!
Miriam - oh, it's great. aside from the whole sun thing (and, er, limits to where he can put his mouth and under what circumstances) it's roses. The murder doesn't phase him one bit, and the strength? the agelessness? Oh, it's sublime.
Keith - Think I answered this in another, but I forgot to say that the not-aging thing is...weird. Like initially, as a 22yo, "cool at least I stay youthful" was the response to it, but having a (formerly) identical twin leaves a weird feeling of missing out as he watches his brother grow older with the face he used to have.
Winter - Hated it at first, conflicted about it now. It would certainly like to stop being a health hazard to people, and obtaining blood is a pain and a half when you have a conscience about it, but a lot of what it detests are past actions that a cure wouldn't fix, so it tries to just...keep going, keep (un)living.
It used to hate that its condition meant chats with Death weren't a one-time thing, but they've grown closer over the past 80 years. It's still pretty emo about the whole thing, though.
9. How do they get their meals?
Bran - Most of his meals are given by his mentors. He also gets a taste when treating poison cases, but he doesn't seek out any other sources, and wouldn't want to impose on anyone else. It would feel...selfish.
Miriam - Just plain murder. A stranger seduced at a bar, the next wealthy mark he plans on replacing, or if things are really dire, whatever he can get away with long enough to gorge himself and ditch town.
Keith - Mostly, it's the artificial stuff synthesised, packaged, and sold by the wealthy family of one of @bird-bureau's characters. He also gets the occasional bite from a partner or a casual hookup that's into that kinda thing.
Winter - opportunistically during physical altercations, and purchased on the black market. It tends to keep the latter in an enchanted flask for travel to avoid...accidents.
14. Do you have any general vampirism headcanons (or canon in your fiction?)
Bran - You know how you can't actually suck out the venom from a snakebite? His condition lets him do Exactly That. Only works with Vari though!
Miriam - technically, he could give his condition to another person, but it's a Whole Thing, and kinda gross (involves the transfer of certain digestive enzymes in addition to other things), and he realllly doesn't want competition, so....he's One Of A Kind :)
Keith - he's not the only kind of vampire in his setting, and he sure is bitter that he didn't get a more fun kind.
Winter - in its setting, vampire's aren't myths, they were just (believed to be) hunted to extinction. The original vampires were powerful devotees of Death, and their condition was a gift that allowed them to better watch over the remains of the lost and ensure none of them were tarnished by undeath.
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tennessoui · 2 years
I know you just posted a chapter of lslm (which I adored 🥺🥺🥺) but can we talk about how you mentioned/remembered they have a dog in kuwsk only for the dog to be nowhere to be seen in that chapter? Where was the dog, kit? Where was the dog!!!
the line is "i got a dog for you" not "i kept the dog for you"
bestie do you remember how late in that chapter the dog was mentioned........you know i forgot until i thought of a poignant dramatic line i could use the dog for......
in my mind the dog smelled drama going down in the kitchen and was like actually i am going to stay right here in the living room instead of investigating. too old for that shit
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doublebill · 3 years
Suptober 2021 - Day 1: Harvest
Dean smiles to himself as Castiel pulls another spindly carrot out of the ground and beams up at him with pride.
It had been too late in the year to plant anything worthwhile when they first moved into the small dilapidated house, but Dean had cleared the whole yard, buying in vast amounts of compost and digging the whole place up for Cas to plant whatever he wanted the following spring. Considering all of the time, and effort, and hundreds of dollars they'd ploughed into the garden, Cas had managed to harvest about $10 worth of usable vegetables.
Despite this, it was all worth it. Dean would do the exact same thing every year for the rest of his life if it meant that Cas would look that happy, pulling underformed root vegetables out of the ground.
"Maybe we could make a stew." Cas said, nodding to the half a dozen long, pencil-thin carrots he cradled in his arms as he headed back up the new wooden steps into the house.
He placed them in the sink to wash off the dirt and Dean wrapped himself around his angel's back.
"Yeah, Cas. Stew would be great. If you want to go and wash up, I'll get started."
Castiel turned in his arms and gave him a gentle kiss before he headed to the bathroom to wash the sweat and grime from his body. Angel he may be, but they both knew that Cas' mojo was waning, he didn't waste it on things like wishing himself clean anymore. There was something nice and homey about that, it made this feel more real, like they were real people. Dean had spent decades not fitting in with society, being on the fringe and now he had a normal little life. He worked at the hardware store in town, Cas volunteered at an animal shelter a few days a week, and spent the rest of his time, pottering around the little house and garden.
Dean sighed at the carrots and turned on the faucet to rinse away the earth and gathered the other (store bought) vegetables to make the stew.
He remembered a story of a man who offered to show a poor family how to make soup from a stone in return for shelter and food for the night. Cas' carrots reminded him a little of that. He chopped the carrots, along with onions, and potatoes, and half a dozen other types of vegetable, putting them in a pan over a low heat and went to work on making some bread.
The house was getting there. He did pretty much all of the renovations himself, getting tools and materials at cost through his job was helpful. It was slow work, but it was making a space that reflected them. It had soft couches and a good TV, bookshelves, houseplants, Cas had even bought Dean an acoustic guitar from a thrift store in Kansas City for last Christmas. It was a far cry from the giant, austere, concrete bunker, but what it lacked in space and hunting resources, it made up in heart and comfort. There was a spare room, and a pull out couch so there was room for Sam and Eileen to stay when they came by for dinner every couple of weeks. There was an old Nintendo system that Dean had picked up for a steal in a garage sale for when Jack dropped in.
Dean was kneading the dough when Cas walked back into the kitchen, wearing soft pajamas, his damp hair sticking up wildly. He walked over to the stove and gave the stew an appreciative sniff. Dean plopped the dough in a large bowl and covered it with a towel to let it rise. After rinsing his hands, he pulled Cas with him into the living room to slump onto the couch. He ran his fingers gently through Cas' hair as he lay back against Dean's chest.
"Maybe we could get chickens. Then we could get eggs all year round. Maybe we could trade some with our neighbours as I don't seem to be terribly good at growing them."
Cas snorted "Vegetables. I am fully aware that this wasn't the bountiful harvest I was expecting when we planted them."
"We're both new at this, it'll get better." Dean pressed a soft kiss to the top of Cas' head.
And it did.
With the end of the great cosmic Winchester saga, Dean had been worried that normal life just wouldn't be able to satisfy him but he couldn't have been more wrong. He made friends, regular meet-at-the-bar-for-a-couple-of-beers friends. They went to barbecues and became well-known in their community for being a kind and friendly (if slightly odd) couple. He had his friends, he had his family, and he had his Cas.
That winter, he made a point of learning a Skynrd song on the guitar. On Christmas Eve, by the light of the fire, he serenaded Cas with Simple Man. At the end, he put the guitar aside, knelt down in front of Cas, and asked him to marry him. 
With tears of joy in his eyes, Cas said yes.
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
You were all I wanted
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Pairing: mob!Peter Parker x plus-sized!Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, swearing, kidnapping, human trafficking, slight mention of body shaming, allusion to non-con.
Words: 2195.
Summary: You are bought by the head of Stark crime family for a kid he cares about.
P.S. Peter is an adult!
"We hope you are going to enjoy your new girl, Mr. Stark." The man loosened his grip on your shoulder as he let you march straight into the arms of a stranger in a fancy striped suit and big frightening men with guns surrounding him.
"Nah, this one isn't for me." The stranger who bought you brushed it off as if your presence meant nothing. "She's a present for the boy. Peter, where the fuck are you?"
You almost jumped at his loud voice, keeping your head low and watching your unstable feet. Well, you expected as much - before you that mysterious Mr. Stark bought one of the most beautiful women you had ever seen in your life. Her striking black hair was shining even in the dim lights of the dressing room where all captured girls were taken care of before the start of the auction. She costed twice more than you and had much more admirers - you remembered how men were shouting, trying to outbid each other. You weren't that popular, but still ended up being purchased by the same man she was. Now it all made sense.
"I'm here, Mr. Stark!" A young boy's head popped out in the crowd of other buyers, and he emerged right in front of you with a long men's coat in his hands. "I'm sorry it took me so long!"
"Look at this gent." The man smirked at him, and his guards laughed a little at the boy's enthusiasm. "So caring! I hope you're not going to take the girl straight to church?"
Now there was an inappropriately loud burst of laughter, and you bit your own tongue. They all were a bunch of bastards, but your life depended on them now. You needed to keep your mouth shut if you wanted to make it out alive.
The boy smiled brightly at his patron and looked at you with sparkles of happiness in his dark eyes. Oh, at least he was more or less pleased with the way you looked, you thought.
"Congrats with your first girl, Peter." Mr. Stark's smug grin suddenly turned warm at the sight of the boy who was almost jumping with excitement in front of him. "You're sure she's the one you want? I can still get a replacement if you've changed your mind."
"No, no, Mr. Stark, she's perfect for me!" Once the man in the suit nudged you to come closer to the boy, Peter gently wrapped your shoulders into the coat he carried and smiled at you widely. "Thank you so much for your present, sir!"
"Enjoy, kid." His patron smirked and motioned to the men waiting for him. "Let's get going then, I have business to attend to."
Judging by their nasty smirks, his business had something to do with that gorgeous black-haired woman they took somewhere earlier. You did your best not to throw up at the thought of him forcing her down her knees.
"Can you walk?" The boy suddenly asked you quietly, and you blinked. "Do you want me to carry you?"
Nice joke. The guy looked twice slimmer than you, skinny as a rail. You'd break him in half, probably. You weren't sure whether he was mocking you, but it was obviously not the right time to throw a temper tantrum.
"I can walk. Thank you." You mumbled and made a step towards those men who were already leaving.
"Ok. Come with me then." You thought his boyish smile looked pretty.
You walked past other girls dressed in expensive flashy lingerie adorned with glitter, sequins, and laces. Some of young women were as terrified as you were, their faces red with tears; the others seemed strangely happy, shouting something to each other and giggling in front of their new masters - you thought those girls were prostitutes or someone of the same kind because the idea of laughing happily after being bought like a piece of clothing didn't sit well with you. You spotted a few more ladies who were still unstable on their feet because they were given too much drugs, probably. Two dozens women, maybe more, were gathered in a place like that to become someone's property. Like you did now.
It was cold outside despite September being usually warm in New York. You had never lived here before, but one of your friends moved in the Big Apple two years ago and was always talking about nice weather they often enjoyed.
"It's right over there." The boy pointed to one of the cars in a long row of them, Mr. Stark already getting inside a ridiculously fashionable one. Peter's old Honda was nowhere near that, but you were relieved. It made you feel like you weren't taken to some scary place full of criminals waiting to fuck the shit out of you.
The kid opened the door for you like you were some fairytale princess or something, and you got inside, holding the coat that almost slipped from your shaking shoulders while the boy quickly landed on the driver's seat. You couldn't guess his age, but if he drove the car he was probably older than 16.
"I'm so sorry, I know you're cold." He glanced at your silk robe beneath the coat, your legs bare - you had nothing but fluffy slippers on your feet. "It'll get better in a minute."
What a considerate little guy. If he didn't show up with that overconfident mobster who looked like he owned New York, you'd think Peter was some sweet high schooler who spent his weekends working in an animal shelter. But you weren't stupid to believe his innocent looks.
At one point you thought he might be Mr. Stark's illegitimate son, but something told you  it wasn't that. The way Peter looked at him with adoration proved that the man was more of his patron as you suspected from the very beginning.
"I know they didn't feed you today, so I brought you some chicken soup." He said and reached to grab something from the back seat - you glanced at the metal food jar thermos that softly landed on your naked lap.
Did he bring you food? For real? No, it must be some trick - there were drugs or something like that there, for sure. Why else was this guy playing the role of your mother, for God's sake?
"You're not allergic to chicken, are you?" Kid looked concerned, watching the troubled expression on your face. "Oh shoot, I didn't check your allergies!"
"I'm not allergic." You quickly replied, afraid to make him upset.
He was getting restless too fast, you thought. Peter really behaved like a kid. What was that Mr. Stark told him after the auction? Something like "congrats with your first girl", wasn't it? So, it probably meant Peter had never been with a woman before. Not that you had been with a man, either. Maybe that's why he picked you.
But it also could be all an act. Teenagers weren't getting slaves to take care of their sexual needs. Maybe this Peter wasn't as young as you thought, and in fact he was some psycho who planned to drug, rape and murder you.
Either way, he would get mad if you didn't get started with that soup - you could read it in his face.
Opening the jar, you felt a delicious smell filling your nostrils when your stomach made an ugly sound. Damn, you had never been so hungry in your entire life.
The truth was the supervisors who took care of all the girls before the auction made you starve for two days "to get you in shape". They said you were too fat and they had to do something to make you at least a bit more presentable.
"Well, if I'm going to die, I will die with a full stomach." You thought gloomly and started gulping down the warm soup. It tasted heavenly good.
The boy watched you in awe as if you were becoming more and more beautiful with eash sip.
"I'm not much of a cook, but Aunt May managed to teach me to make a chicken soup." He said with a sudden warmth to his voice. "So, um, don't worry, you won't die of starvation with me."
You forced yourself to smile at his attempt to make a small joke. As far as you were concerned, your body was perfectly okay even after you finished eating. Maybe the drug took longer to start affecting you, but maybe you were just lucky and there was nothing in the soup at all.
All of a sudden, Peter's phone started ringing, and he took it from the pocket of his jacket immediately.
"Where the fuck are you again, kid?" You could hear Stark's thundering voice even from your seat.
"I'm sorry, sir!" The boy squeaked and adjusted his seatbelt. "We're coming!"
The room he brought you to was fairly large and comfortable to your tastes: there were a comfy king-sized bed, a huge table with a dozen of oddly-looking gadgets and two screens, a chair, a drawer and a closet. There was also a newly-bought TV that wasn't set up yet, and a microwave on a side table.
"I'm terribly sorry for the mess." Peter apologized to you as if you were his parent who came to scold him. "Don't worry, I'll take it all away. Please come and sit here."
He briefly gestured to the bed, and you bit down on your lower lip nervously. The kid was fast.
You didn't talk much in the car since you were waiting for the drug to kick in, but nothing happened. As for Peter, you thought that he was too shy to talk, but maybe he just didn't want to. In the end, he asked his patron to buy you for a very different reason.
"The bathroom is over there. You can take your shower, if you want." He smiled childishly at you.
How could he keep such innocent face when he was about to rape you?
You gathered whatever courage you had left and said, "C-can we talk?"
The boy froze on the spot and dropped whatever gadget he was holding back on the table. You glanced at his skinny boyish figure, that dark ruffled hair and a really pretty face - he looked like your neighbor's sweet son who would climb a tree to get a cat stuck up there back to the ground.
"Of course!" Peter landed on the bed close to you, watching you with his undying enthusiasm. "What would you like to talk about?"
"Why did you choose me?"
You really wanted to know. You weren't the usual goods they sold on that auction, the human traffickers said. Though there were a few girls who weren't breathtakingly beautiful, most of the ones brought there were well above average women. They looked like they came straight from Victoria's Secret Show.
"Well... um." You could see his ears getting red. "You're... pretty. I like you."
Huh, funny. Why did you ask? The answer was obvious - you were cheap. Mr. Stark didn't want to spend too much money on a present for the kid, so Peter had rather limited choice, probably.
"Why are you getting upset?" He sounded so concerned that you made yourself smile again to calm him down. Anyway, it was better to be grateful. You were almost sold to some disgusting old man. "Did I say something wrong?"
"No, you didn't. I'm sorry." You hurried to say. "I'm sorry you didn't get anyone better than me. That place was full of magnificent women."
What the fuck were you saying? Did you seriously think those poor souls deserved to be sold like cattle just because they were prettier than you? God, you were so messed up.
"Wait, no!" The boy grabbed your hands in his and made you flinch involuntarily. "No, no, you're beautiful! I chose you because I like you more than anyone else."
Bewildered, you looked at his worried expression, his eyes staring at you intensely while you squeezed your thighs together. Hearing the boy say that felt very odd, but kind of... comforting? Not many people ever called you beautiful, mind your mother and a few friends. It was stupid to think about it now when the one calling you that was the man whose property you had become, yet you couldn't help but get those little butterflies in your stomach.
You eyes watered, and you quickly wiped your tears away.
"People were treating you badly, weren't they? It's terrible." The boy pulled out a pack of napkins and took one, gently pressing it to your wet cheek. "But I swear I fell in love with you once I saw your photos on the website. You're the prettiest girl I've ever met, for real!"
When he removed the napkin, you saw his pupils dilating and felt his breath becoming ragged, heavy. One of his hands rested on your thigh as he leaned closer to you and sniffed your hair. Your body went stiff.
"No one gonna say anything nasty to you from now on. I'll make sure of that."
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@void-hoechlin @abyssaint @msruchita @opheliadawnwalker3
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nemesis-nexus · 5 years
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Darkest Greetings and Salutations my Family how is everyone? I am doing well, it’s the first day of Autumn yet it’s in the upper 80’s with crazy humidity, go figure! It’s supposed to be like this for a couple more days and then Autumn (should) start to wander across the threshold! I hope everyone is enjoying their Mabon/Autumn Equinox, I am about to go take a walk in the early night Air myself but before I do, I will leave this here. Fair warning, this one is about 8 pages long so be pace yourselves!
Mabon/Autumn Equinox 2019
Not only is today the beginning of Autumn, it is a day to take some time to reflect on all the things that we have been blessed with this year; from the new friends we've made to the old friendships we've maintained, new jobs to new members of the Family!
There is so much going on in the world that we need to be thankful for the things that we have no matter how minor we may think they are; remember what is minor to us could be quite a big deal to another! Things such as clean water which we take for granted - turn on the faucet and there it is - is a major deal for those who don't have that luxury! Food to eat is another huge deal for those who are not privileged to have access to their own! A roof over our heads doesn't seem like it yields a whole lot to be grateful for until you meet someone who doesn't have even THAT much!
This Mabon while you are giving thanks for all these things, don't forget that there are others who don't have much and not for lack of want or trying but because they have simply fallen on hard times! Take a moment to take stock of your own life and realize how good you really have it even if you are going through tough times yourself! There are many things we can do to help out, donating to a charity in good standing, volunteering in a soup kitchen, handing out supplies to those who are living on the streets to help them get through the harsh Winter months are a few examples!
When you are gathering supplies for your Mabon feast consider picking up a few items to donate to your local food bank and donate some items that you no longer use such as: clothing, blankets, toys and books to your local shelter where they will be put to good use once again by those who need them! Remember that NOT all those who fall on hard times or are taking up residence in a shelter are adults and they too need a helping hand! Compassion for our fellow humans and the natural world should always be the norm, NEVER the exception and it should not require a holiday for it to take place, everyday someone out there is struggling to get by and while things may not be easy for us, we have it better than some!
On Mabon we light the Fires and we take some of what we acquired from the Harvest and we share with our own families and friends, we express our gratitude for all we have and we look to the future to see what we need to do to keep things moving forward! With all that is happening it is important that we do our part to improve our communities - keeping in mind that we live here too - so whatever we can do whether it's joining the school board, coaching a team, running for office or taking part in a protest - ALL of these things can help bring to the forefront the issues that are currently plaguing this country so that they can be addressed and resolved instead of left to fester and become even worse as time goes on!
Also while you are enjoying the company and festivities, take a moment to acknowledge all those who are not able to do the same because they are on active duty Stateside and around the world and give thanks for their service as they are the frontline of our defense no matter where they are stationed! It’s not easy for anyone to be away from their family especially during the holidays but they chose to shoulder this burden not for their benefit, but for OURS! RESPECT! I mentioned donating to food banks and homeless shelters, what is REALLY needed for our homeless Vets is access to psychiatric care ESPECIALLY those who are dealing with very real and very debilitating issues such as PTSD, depression, rage and suicide! Our Vets need to be taken care of by getting the medical attention they need and being given employment so they can bring in a paycheck and afford to buy basic essentials - it is the VERY least we can do for them for everything they were willing to sacrifice for the rest of us!
More than anything we should express our gratitude for everything we have that Nature provides from the Air in our lungs, to the Earth under our feet, to the Water of Life to the Fire that warms us and the planet itself because without these things we as a species would cease to exist - as would the rest of the natural world - which is why we need to start taking better care of our ecosystem!
Now is the time when the world begins to prepare itself for the Season of Death, when the leaves begin to change color and fall to the ground and the trees go into a state of suspended animation; when bears go into hibernation and the birds fly south; when the squirrels begin to gather nuts; when all those who live off the land Harvest their crops and hunt their meat to store it for the long Winter ahead! Mother Earth provides everyone, human and animal alike, everything they need to survive in any climate which is why we need to remember ourselves and treat her with the respect she deserves instead of taking for granted everything that is readily available! The more we waste things, the more we pollute things, the less there will be for future generations and what we do have will be completely useless because it'll be so toxic that consuming it or being anywhere near it would be deadly!
This Mabon I would like to wish everyone in my Family both Blood and Spiritual as well as their families, to my friends and their friends a very blessed holiday! May your tables never be barren, your cups never be empty! May you know prosperity as well as generosity! May your health always be on the uptick, may anything that is a source of stress be resolved! May your loved ones know peace and tranquility and may they never go without!
I would like to thank everyone for being a part of my life especially those of you who were around between 2012 - 2015 and are still here, your loyalty means more than you know because it reminds me that there are still people out there that won't just cut and run when times get tough! There have been those who I thought were loyal who turned out to be acting as double agents which I find to be pointless especially if the ones they keep running back to are only manipulating them and casting them aside when they are no longer useful until the next time they are, but better to know who the weeds in my Garden are so that they can be pulled rather than live in denial because I don’t want to accept that those I called Brother or Sister not only betrayed me but also tried their damndest to damage my reputation from behind closed doors because they for whatever reason thought I wouldn’t find out! I’m not worried, let’s just say that Karma has a way of sorting these things out…
I would like to thank all the members of the Temple of the Eternal Dragon, the Temple of the Ancient Dragon, the House of the Warrior Phenex and the Ancient Church of God, your presence is appreciated as without you neither my Temple nor House nor the ACoG would exist! While there have been some rough patches we have shown by example that so long as we stand together that nothing and no one can drive us apart! Loyalty in the face of adversity demonstrates the true strength of ANY bond whether it’s between two people, a group of people or an organization of any kind. This holds true especially if the group of people is all striving for a common goal in a sea of drama that constantly threatens to wash over anyone who isn’t paying attention!
The fact is that not everyone who smiles at us is our friend and a listening ear/reading eye can and oftentimes is also a running mouth especially when it comes to those who can’t hold a candle to you and yours and are so vindictively hateful that they will make up any story and tell anyone willing to listen in an effort to ruin your reputation and stop anyone else from having anything to do with you! We never need to concern ourselves with those who believe whatever they are told without question, however, if one (or more) of those people is in OUR House then it must be addressed and dealt with quickly lest this person become a liability by dispensing information revealed in private meetings or sharing personal information of other members with those outside the group! It’s a hard thing to accept to be sure but it makes ALL those who would never consider such actions shine that much brighter!
Most of all I would like to thank the Ancient Family who years ago reached out to me and never left my side even when I became an atheist in my teens and then back in December 2012 - go figure - reached out to me yet again when I began Walking the Gates of the Simon Necronomicon and showed themselves to me in various ways! We all start somewhere and even though the Necronomicon was overall a work of fiction, there are MANY seeds of truth sewn all throughout the pages! What I have learned since then is that no matter how lost we may get on our Path that the Ancient Family will always shine their Light to help us find our way, all we have to do is trust in ourselves and our Faith in them and let the Path reveal itself to us!
While there are always those who will read the stories and use that knowledge to present themselves as being superior, we know that no one who holds any real wisdom or power would use it to keep the rest of the people oppressed! We know this because for the last 2018 years those same stories were stolen and hidden away, their contents deliberately mistranslated and oftentimes outright misrepresented because those who chose the low road knew they were nothing special which is why they had to use violence and genocide to force their agenda on the rest of the people! Many of these people are the lowly decedents of Abraham, a reprehensible human being who embodies and represents the very worst of human nature! Through his thievery and deception he sought to make a name for himself by stealing and rewriting the stories of Sumer and other Cultures, casting down the ‘Pagan’ Gods until people were too afraid to remember them! I have news for that wretch and ALL his followers who demonstrate the same level of hatred and malfeasance towards the rest of us - YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED!
One of the things that enrages me about Abraham is the absolute DEMAND of SUBSERVIENCE towards women, in the Ancient World it was NOT like this! In fact in Ancient Sumer men and women spoke two separate languages and the men ONLY learned the language of the women - the keepers of all things Spiritual, whose wisdom and assistance was sought out by everyone including soldiers and politicians - if the women deemed them worthy enough to be granted such an honor! I absolutely exalt NINHURSAG on the HIGHEST of THRONES and thank her and the rest of the Grand Council PROFUSELY for making me the way I am no matter how difficult and isolating it has made my Path at times because at the end of the day I can honestly say that I would never harm a child and I would be the first in line to take down any person or institution that would! I will NEVER tell people they need to hate anyone for something as trite as sexual identity or preference, same sex marriage has been legal in many places for a while now and I don’t recall the world coming to an end because of it, go figure!
The fact is all one has to do is look at the track record of ALL THREE of the Abrahamic Religions and then at the track record of legitimately practicing Satanists and you will see where the true “evil” is not only cradled but nurtured and unleashed! Then go back even further to the Ancient World and realize that for all their theft, lies and violence that the ONLY hold they have over anyone is PSYCHOlogical! Once a person realizes the truth about what REALLY happened and HOW things came to be as they are, they no longer feel obligated to feed that delusion! The second they stop feeding the delusion and they claim their independence of such debauchery is the second they are no longer a slave to Abraham and they are able to find the Path back to the REAL Mother and Father and the rest of the Family!
This Mabon I give thanks to the Ancient Family who lets me know that I am NO ONE’S SLAVE! That being said I would like to share on this Mabon/Autumnal Equinox all that for which I am grateful:
1) First and foremost I am grateful to the Ancient Family for helping me to find my Path, I admit it took a while to figure it out and there were many obstacles I had to overcome, but at the end of the day I understand why it was necessary.
It needed to happen this way so that not only would I have an actual appreciation for everything I gained through my personal trials, including wisdom and insight, but so that I would see the world with eyes unclouded, meaning that I would accept the truth no matter how much it might hurt. Part of this is accepting any situation – especially personal situations – for what they are and to not deny it out of a misguided sense of loyalty or duty to anything or anyone. One of the harshest lessons that lead to being able to do this was seeing people for who they are and to stop helping those who don’t deserve it! Unfortunately this can apply to family as much as friends and co-workers. One thing a person needs to keep in mind is that there is a huge difference between trying to help someone who is being resistant because they might have issues in their past that makes it hard for them to trust anyone and someone who takes both you and EVERTHING you do for them for granted!
The first may be dismissive because they aren't used to ANYONE giving a damn, the second has become so accustomed to others doing things FOR them that they don't bother doing anything for themselves or they continuously ask you for favors and get mad if you say no! There are those that will never accept your help no matter how sincere you are and then there are those that will not only accept your help but will milk it for all they can until such time as you cut them off, in both cases you have to let them go and move on!
2) I am grateful for my Family both Blood and Spiritual.
There are two forms of Family, our Blood Family whom we are connected to through biology and our Spiritual Family with whom we share a common Path and Belief. We may not always agree with our either one on everything especially religion, but we will go through the fire for them! Our Spiritual Family are the ones who offer us the kind of support that repairs most past damage that has been inflicted by those we have met all along the road called life and as such we in turn are able to help others through their difficult times. I am grateful for both because I know who I am and where I came from due to my Blood and Spirit; that is a privilege that many people are denied! I am grateful for my Spiritual Family because not only do we share a common bond through our beliefs but we also stand together regardless of where we come from or where we are going!
3) I am grateful for my Friends online and offline.
There are people that we meet in life who stay with us no matter what happens and these people may be physically present or they may be communicated with via the internet. While we may be able to hang out with our offline friends, go to the movies, have private conversations that can’t be hacked and go through the motions of life, our online friends are also a source of support especially in a social media forum where it can get so bad that it’s literally a free for all where it’s no holds barred. Online friends are also in many cases the only people that some have to talk to either because a person is deathly shy or because they need to talk to someone about something they feel they can’t speak to anyone in their immediate area about out of fear something may be overheard or that they might be betrayed by that person.
In essence online friends are something of a safe harbor because when we are in dire straits and there is no one else around to talk to, we can go online and talk to them. We must ALWAYS however be very careful who we trust because online friends CAN be a double edge sword, because unlike offline friends we can never be certain who we are talking to at first, however as time goes on and we become more and more familiar we can usually tell who is legit and who isn’t. Sad to say but people we know offline can be even shadier than those we meet online. It’s all a matter of paying attention and never taking anything at face value.
I am grateful to my offline friends because I have people I am able to physically be with and confide in and I am grateful to my online friends because no matter where I am (for example on a train for 24+ hours) I always have people to talk to! I am MOST grateful for those who start out as online friends and eventually become offline friends and in some cases Spiritual Family! Nobody crosses our paths for no reason, they are either there to become someone of importance to us personally or they are there to be a lesson to remind us that not everyone who enters our lives should be trusted and as such are not meant to stay.
4) I am grateful for my Temple as well as each and every member in it.
When I formed the Temple of the Eternal Dragon, it came on the heels of a VERY stressful time where I had to make a choice; either continue to be used by an ungrateful man child who felt he was entitled to have other people do his work for him while he took the credit and simultaneously disrespected me behind closed doors every chance he got, or lead by example and show the congregation that I had told many times to never be afraid to walk away from a bad situation and an equally toxic person.
I chose the latter and when I did that bad situation got even worse because not only was I accused of ruining the church while I was still running it, after I left I was accused of being a member of a terrorist group that exploited children and people were told to not trust me. There was so much more vitriolic and hateful things said but you get the idea. When I formed the TotED I vowed to not bring the drama into it and to also NEVER “recruit” members or otherwise bribe people into joining by offering automatic ordainments just for joining. In my opinion ANY rank or titled NOT EARNED is not only superficial, it is completely meaningless!
Ordainments should ONLY be offered if a person has demonstrated knowledge of the Path itself, the ability to think for themselves and not be lead by the nose and also has been a member of the Path long enough to prove their loyalty and that they are NOT just getting ordained because they can! There are too many people who claim all sorts of ranks and titles yet they have NO background in the Path and they don’t know anything other than what was dictated to them AFTER they joined the organization!
Mind you we all start somewhere and there is nothing wrong with learning about the Path after you join an organization, the problem is when the ONLY knowledge you possess is what is dictated to you and you demonstrate absolutely NO desire to learn anything else. This is dangerous because ALL cult leaders rely on their members to rely SOLELY on what they are told and to NEVER look things up for themselves. This shows a clear lack of personal application and NO ONE who lacks the desire to take part in their education or Spiritual awareness should ever be ordained because they have no more to offer someone else than the one who dictated copy and paste garbage had to offer them. In fact a person in that position stands to be more of a hindrance to someone else’s Spiritual growth and personal evolution than anything else. Not only this, but a person who cannot think for themselves or do their own research is someone who stands to MISREPRESENT the Deities rather than uphold his/her honor! This is an insult to the Deities primarily but also to the individual themselves as it insinuates that they are unable to stand on their own without the man behind the curtain feeding them their lines!
Enki, Ninhursag and Ningizheda created us to be able to stand together or alone, whichever the situation calls for, neither they nor the rest of the Ancient Family intended for us to ever become so dependent on another human - or THEM for that matter - that we are unable to function without them or to ever be so easily won over with empty titles and meaningless ranks that we would be willing to claim belief in something ONLY to hold said meaningless rank and titles!
There are few things I have and will ever ask from those looking to join or are currently in my Temple; one is that you join of your own accord as you will not be given anything except respect and support by myself as well as resources to begin your own personal journey on the Path. Your connection to the Family is your own, I cannot make it for you and despite what you may hear from other groups NO AMOUNT of contract writing in blood or any other medium will establish this connection. You need to approach the Family with respect and humbleness.
Two is that you are respectful of the other members keeping in mind that while you may possess advanced knowledge or at the very least MORE knowledge than some, that there are others who are just starting out and therefore there is no such thing as a stupid question. I would rather have someone ask me a question that has been asked 10,000 times before so that THEY know the answer than EVER have a member who is to afraid of retaliation in the form of harassment or flaming to even pose it in the first place! A person who is denied access to the same knowledge everyone else possesses is a person who will never know more than they previously did and that doesn’t help ANYONE trying to advance on their Path! Remember we ALL had our “first day” and we knew just as much then as the newbies know now, so for all intents and purposes we are not above them when it comes to following the Path!
Three is that you do NOT mindlessly attack ANYONE else regardless of their faith. If a person wants to be a Christian, Buddhist or Pastafarian that is entirely at THEIR discretion NOT YOURS and you have no more right or business to mock them than they do to mock us! If you emulate the behavior of your so called enemy then you are really no better than your so called enemy! Keep in mind if you want Satanism/Aasarism to be respected as a religion or Path then you need to ACT like you do! Also whenever you are out and about keep in mind that it is NOT just you or this Temple that you are representing when you talk to people, it is the entire Ancient Family and if you behave in a manner that reflects THEIR preconceived notions as to what Satanism/Aasarism is about or how Satanists/Aasarists behave then all you are doing is proving THEM right!
Words can never express fully how grateful I am to those who joined in the beginning - especially those who followed me from my old church - and stayed no matter how much drama was going on at the time! I am grateful that this Temple is 4.75 years strong with no signs of slowing down! I am grateful that people continue to join every day and while not everyone sticks around I take pride in the fact that they came in the first place! It shows that they were curious enough to want to know more and even though they decided this wasn’t for them, they could have just dismissed me completely as someone not worth their time!
There is so much more I am grateful for but at the end of the day but I think the thing I am most grateful for, aside from the afore mentioned, is that no matter how arduous the road that led me here has been, I kept moving forward and because I did I found my way back Home and even though new challenges arise every day in various forms, I know we will NEVER back up, we will NEVER back down! We will NEVER give up! We will NEVER give in! That so long as the Ancient Family is by our side, we can handle anything! It is my fervent hope that I convey all the lessons I have learned through my own experiences to every member of the Temple of the Eternal Dragon so that they may glean a little something from them and even avoid certain situations altogether so as to not have to go through what I did!
I would like to take this opportunity to say a resounding THANK YOU to the members of the Temple of the Eternal Dragon, to my Sister Cindy who has helped me and continues to help me with various aspects of my Path, to my Blood Family for putting up with me, to my Spiritual Family for their continued support, to my Friends online and off for not abandoning me and especially to my Blessed and Most Exalted Father and Mother for showing me the way and for helping me to remain strong during the very worst of times - THANK YOU ALL! HAVE A MAGICKAL MABON AND A VERY BLESSED AUTUMN EQUINOX!
“O now is the time of the Harvest,
As we draw near to the years end
Now is the time of Mabon
Autumn is the time to descend
Old Woman waits patiently for us
At the threshold of the labyrinth within
She offers her hand that we may understand
The treasures that await at journeys end
O Great Mother has given of Her body,
We give thanks for Her fruit and Her grain
We then clear the fields so that next harvests yields
Will be full and abundant again.
Old Woman leads us through the darkness
Our most ancient and trusted of friends
She carries the light of spiritual insight
And leads us to our wisdom once again
And as we journey through the darkness
And as we continue to descend
We learn to let go of what obscures our soul
And re-discover our true being in the end
- Lisa Thiel (“Mabon/Autumn Equinox”)
“In the Darkness we ignite the fire
And we dance in the light,
We feast, we drink, we laugh
We enjoy the company this Mabon night!
We work the Web that connects us all
Our focus we shall maintain,
We gather up all the energy
And send it into the Astral Plane!
We are thankful for everyone
All those who decorate our life,
We stand together in full support
No matter how severe the strife!
No matter where we are
No matter what we do,
We know we can count on Family
To always come shining through!
To the Ancient Family who stands tall
Their Honor tried and true,
You are the reason why we are still here
And tonight we revere you with endless gratitude!
-HPS Meg ”Nemesis Nexus” Prentiss”
Etiamsi MULTA Et Nos UNUM Sumus Nos Sto Validus Ut Nos Sto Una!
Semper Veritas, Semper Fideles, In NINHURSAG'S Nomen Nos Fides! AVE NINHURSAG!
(We Are ONE Even Though We Are MANY And We Stand STRONGEST When We Stand TOGETHER!
HPS Meg "Nemesis Nexus" Prentiss
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