#it'll hopefully be ready to be posted tomorrow
springtyme · 6 months
I wanted to write a little smutty oneshot and now I'm 10k into it and haven't even begun writing the smut yet... 🙃
(it’s childhood friends to lovers, how juicy and yummy)
Edit: it’s posted
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somegrumpynerd · 1 month
To the people in my inbox I'm so sorry I swear I'm gonna answer those but work has been absolutely destroying me for like 2 weeks straight and I've barely been here
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orcelito · 2 years
Finished reading thru the entirety of the side thing in one go and. Ow. Ow ow ow ow. So many parts of that thing HURT...
I can't WAIT to post it
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shopwitchvamp · 3 months
Update: Things are a little off this week
So I wanted to give ya'll an update and let you know why there's not been a restock preview yet for tomorrow's drop. :[ After I got back from my trip, my baby dog has been having a very rough time with a bad skin issue (we're now pretty sure it's contact dermatitis from her groomer using a new shampoo). We've been in and out of the vet, having to keep a close eye on her at all times because she keeps scratching the irritated area & making it bleed (it's between her shoulder blades so the issue is scratching with her back paws, a cone or whatever else can't stop this) even after we got her some lidocaine spray. So far it's just been getting worse and spreading, but now that we suspect it was the new shampoo we're getting her bathed again today with a medicated sensitive shampoo in the hopes that it'll get rid of whatever chemical has been causing the irritation and allow her skin to start healing up. But no surprise with all that, I've been having a hard time focusing on anything else other than trying to take care of her. So just a heads up that my partner and I are both struggling a bit to have any spoons left right now to keep up with the shop. Here's some shop updates so everyone can know what to expect: -The next batch of ready-to-ship orders will head out tomorrow. These got put off earlier in the week because of needing to suddenly take Jolene to the vet, and at the time we weren't at all thinking about the post office being closed today for Juneteenth. So we'll pack them today and take them tomorrow. -There will still be a restock, but it will be a very limited selection. My priority is still to release Ascension and Efflorescense ready-to-ship tomorrow. Originally I wanted to have some more items go up along with them, but with everything that's been going on I just haven't gotten any of that organized in time. The only thing I know I can add for sure is that we got the reprinted, correct Queen of Wands Reversed Crop Tops in the mail recently. So I can at least restock those now. -This week's tarot video is definitely at risk of being dropped from my schedule. I feel pretty bad about missing a week less than a month in to doing them, but I also have to realize that it's incredibly inconsequential to get those out "on time". Since so much other stuff has been backlogged into needing to be done today/tomorrow, I literally may not have enough daylight in order to film a video for this week. Much less the time and brainpower to edit it :[ Thanks for understanding, and hopefully things will be back to normal shortly!
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splaede · 6 months
Hey luvvv
I Literally love after dark sm i love the way you write and all too but I was just asking if you know when chapter 6 will be out?
after like 9 months...it's done. the chapter has been beta read and is ready for you guys. i apologize for my inactivity, i couldn't find the time to write and i just have horrible social media presence in general🤔 but the chapter is almost 10k words of goodness so hopefully that makes up for the time i've been gone...all i need to do is get my taglist in check and format the post!! so hopefully today or tomorrow it'll be out!! sorry to keep you guys waiting 😞 thank you to everyone who read and or showed support. love you all <3
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ohyoufool · 1 month
Some Sentence Sunday
Thanks, @thoughtsofthegirlwiththecurl!
This is soooo crazy, but I'm actually working on something for YOU! Finally starting to make some serious progress on the 200 follower AU prompt series that's been giving me and my job the hairy eyeball for MONTHS. So ummm give me a couple days to edit this and hopefully it'll be up by the end of the week.
So without further ado, here's a sneak peak of your request!
The point is: Bitty is broke, and twenty, and needs a new pair of boots. He picks up his phone and skims through the local listings on Facebook, trawling slowly for something that could work. One photo catches his attention – clearly well done, a pair of near-new hiking boots sitting on the light hardwood of someone’s floor. Bitty clicks on the ad. Just-used hiking boots. Size 8M. Pickup only. He scrolls through the photos – and yeah, actually these look perfect. Bitty hovers over the message button, feeling for a moment like this is too good to be true, before he thinks fuck it, and types something out. Hi! Really interested in these. I can grab them later tonight or tomorrow before noon. Let me know, can pay cash. (づ ◕‿◕ )づ Bitty pockets his phone, and watches Shitty swing his legs off the stage casually, wrapping soundcheck and chatting with Lardo about their set. He pulls out his phone and snaps a photo, uploading it to the band’s Instagram with the caption “ready for u, Providence!” and a series of cheerful emojis. He adds a link to last minute tickets and hits post, leaning back against the stage and waiting for the venue doors to open.
Hereby summoned to join the party:
@montrealmadison @mkaugust @doggernaut and anyone else who wants to join in!
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mafuluzx · 1 year
AHHH I love your Wattpad FICS they bring so much joy 💖💖
Idk if your still doing request or not but can I request jay x male reader where the readers comforting jay after he got hurt during a battle ( reader is also a ninja please)
And I'll probs ask one for kai later if you don't mind
Have a lovely day/night
AHH THAT'S SO NICE TO HEAR!!!! I PUT ALL THE FLUFF IN MY HEART TO THIS!!! I think I succeeded. :3 It's a little short, but I believe quality > quantity, so this is it for now. I'm also very sorry I posted this so late, I have no good explanation, my dumb brain just forgot tumblr existed or something! I'm so sorry!
WARNING! Needles, I know people who can't handle needles so I'll put a warning about it here!
Jay x male reader oneshot!
Takes place in some of the newer seasons.
"...It hurts... Am I going to die...?" Jay let out weakly as he laid his head on (y/n)'s lap.
"No you aren't, silly." (y/n) answered with a calm voice and a comforting smile as he brushed through Jay's hair with his fingers.
"...Am I going to-"
"Jay, ask the same question ONE MORE TIME, and I'm leaving." Kai scoffed as Jay glared at him with tears in his eyes.
"But it hurts!!!" Shouted at Kai before recoiling in pain. (y/n) placed a hand on Jay's cheek comfortingly before trying to soothe the blue ninja with a small "There, there..." Kai rolled his eyes before continuing to sanitize the stab wound on Jay's stomach. Three hours ago, the team were actually worried if Jay would die or not, but thankfully the lightning ninja was tougher than the spear that had pierced through his body a few hours ago.
"It'll only hurt for a bit." (y/n) said as Kai pulled out a needle and thread, ready to stitch Jay's wound closed. Upon noticing the small and sharp object, Jay tensed up and looked up at (y/n).
"Why is Kai helping me?! By the time he stitches this wound up I'll have ten more on me!" Jay raised his voice as Kai glared at him.
"I can still hear you. Ugh, I don't know why i'm here either." Kai said before gently pushing the needle through Jay's skin. Jay gripped your hand tight as you squeezed his hand back just as tightly. Jay looked like he was about to die any second now, tears of pain gathering in the corners of his eyes, so (y/n) couldn't help but feel really bad for him.
"...I'm done." Kai finally said as Jay let out the biggest sigh in existence.
"Thank you, Kai. I didn't trust my own skills enough to treat to a wound this big, I'm glad you did it for me." (y/n) thanked Kai in Jay's stead. Kai rubbed his neck bashfully and nodded before hurrying to leave. He had to get back to the deck to talk about the teams next move, but Jay had to rest under the deck due to his wound, and he had forced (y/n) to stay with him. There was a long silence as (y/n) pet Jay's hair, and the blue ninja laid perfectly still and accepted the treatment.
"...I love you." Jay suddenly said as (y/n) chuckled a bit.
"I love you too." He said back as Jay smiled hopefully.
"Can you make me something to eat?" Jay asked as (y/n) chuckled again, before pinching Jay's cheek.
"Ahaha, don't get ahead of yourself. I'm only babying you because you got hurt. And you are in no condition to sit up, much less eat anything."
"You're so cold!" Jay sniffled as (y/n) sighed and continued brushing through his hair.
"I thought you loved me?" (y/n) questioned Jay.
"I do, but you know what I mean!" Jay said and tried to stretch his body, but it only ended up sending a shot of pain through him, and he dug his nails into his arms to relieve the pain. (y/n) quickly swatted the hand away.
"...I'll cook you something tomorrow, how about that?" (y/n) offered after a small silence. Jay's eyes lit up, but he didn't move.
"Really?! Yay!" Jay celebrated before continuing.
"Can you bake a cake?" He asked as (y/n) chuckled.
"Cole can bake a better cake than I." They both knew what level Cole's cooking was on, so Jay gave up the idea almost instantly. He frowned and sunk his head into (y/n)'s lap.
"Come on now, don't sulk." (y/n) said, but got no answer from Jay. (y/n) rolled his eyes before speaking once again.
"How about egg rolls? With any fillings you'd like." Jay turned his head just a little so he was looking into (y/n)'s eyes, before burying himself back in his boyfriend's lap with a:
"Yes, please."
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peterhollandkait · 1 year
I’m unbelievably bored right now 😫
Your post about asks brought me back to life (I’m eating skittles in my bed , dissociating from the world)
I feel like I could use a little fluffy Drabble. I miss summer so bad (we are having another snowstorm here tomorrow) , maybe you could write something around swimming and sunbathing with any of Pedro’s boys … hahaha
Sorry that’s the most unclear ask ever
I hope it’s okay that I wrote this for my children, Frankie and Sunny!! Sunny is the MC of my incoming Frankie fic “Everything I Know Leads Me Back To You” and I think you’re going to love her.
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The Sun and Her Fish: A Frankie and Sunny Drabble
Frankie Morales x fem!reader/oc
Once in a blue moon, your apartment complex's pool would be free of swimmers and chatty neighbors. Today was one of those days. When you noticed the bare pool deck outside your window, you woke Frankie immediately, tossing his swim trunks at his face while you pulled on a bathing suit in your bathroom.
Frankie watched from his spot on the bed as you roamed about the room and apartment, putting together a tote with towels, sunscreen, your sunglasses, and various snacks. You had taken care of him the night previous, lulling him back to sleep from a particularly nasty nightmare with your cuddles and loving embrace (as well as his favorite lavender lotion). He felt terrible about waking you up, even though you always insisted it was no big deal, so he was thankful that you would be able to have some quiet time at the pool to lounge around after everything you've done for him.
"C'mon Morales," you teased. "Trunks on, let's go!" You gave him one last look before you grabbed your bag and made your way to the other side of the apartment.
When you reached the kitchen, you snuck a couple beer bottles into the bag even though the complex had a strict no-alcohol rule at the pool deck. You were willing to break the rules for Frankie though, and you knew he would appreciate it when he found them in your bag later.
Frankie appeared in the hallway as you pulled on your sandals, smiling at you. "Ready for the sunshine, mi girasol?"
You grinned back at him, tugging the bag over your shoulder. "You bet I am, mi amor."
Frankie chuckled and slipped on his beat up sandals before he followed you out the door and down to the poolside.
"How long do you think it'll take for the pool to fill up once everyone realizes it's empty?" You inquired, turning to look at your best friend as you walked.
"Hopefully we'll get a couple hours," he replied, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
"You're going to get in the pool, right? It'll be good for you." You pulled away briefly to unlock the gate, stepping inside to let him through.
"I dunno..." Frankie hesitated. "I don't think so. I'd rather sit and relax, mi amor."
"Frankie, c'mon," you whined, leaning against the concrete from inside the pool.
"Hermosa," he shook his head, chuckling at you. "I don't want to get in the pool. It's nice up here in the shade."
You rolled your eyes, pushing yourself up and out of the pool. "Francisco, I swear to god. Get your ass in the pool, soldier!” You huffed, hands falling to your hips as you scowled at him.
When he didn’t move, you stomped over to him like a child, grabbing for his hands to pull him up and out of the lounge chair. But Frankie had other ideas. He tugged you toward him, causing you to lose your footing and fall into his lap with an “oof.” He wrapped his arms around your torso, pulling you closer as he chuckled.
“You play dirty,” you mumbled into his skin, head rested in the crook between his shoulder and neck. You took in the scent of him, banana boat sunscreen with a hint of his woodsy cologne underneath.
“Sit with me a little, then I promise I’ll get in, girasol.” His right hand rubbed circles into the skin above your swimsuit bottoms, making you hum softly.
“Okay,” you agreed, reaching for your phone on the table next to the lounge chair. “What should we do for dinner tonight?”
“We could go over to my mom’s and grill out. She keeps asking to see you.”
“That is a great idea. Make sure abuelita is there too, of course.”
Frankie chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. “I swear, you’re only friends with me for my abuela.”
You giggled, your lips dangerously close to the most sensitive spot on his neck. “Damn, you figured me out. I’m playing the long game here.”
He laughed then, shaking his head. God, he didn’t deserve you.
Frankie didn’t say anything for awhile, but his hands never stopped moving on your back. You enjoyed the quiet, settled in the arms of your love. You laid there contently, listening to his heartbeat, thoughts silenced in your relaxed state.
After almost a half an hour, you decided it had been long enough in the shade and itched to get back into the water. You sat up in his lap, reaching for the open beer bottle on the side table and taking a swig. “Time to go, mi amor.”
“More sunscreen first, I don’t want to hear you complaining later about a sunburn and how the bed is too hot.”
You scoffed, watching as he grabbed the sunscreen tube to reapply the lotion to your back. “It was one time!”
“Mhm, and I’m the king of England.” You rolled your eyes at him, a smile forming on your lips. He was right of course, you did tend to be a little irresponsible with the sunscreen.
He placed his hands on your back, the cold lotion making you jump slightly the feeling. “Sorry,” he whispered, spreading the white liquid across your skin as quickly as he could.
“‘S okay,” you replied, resisting the urge to moan at his touch. Frankie had a way with his hands, caressing your skin gently as he worked. He rubbed into your muscles as if he was giving you a massage. It was almost, sensual.
Frankie, on the other hand, was trying so desperately not to get a hard-on as he touched you. He heard your little whimpers, felt the way your body was responding to his touch. It was almost too much.
When he finished, his hands retreated almost too quickly, disappointing you. You turned back to face him, your hands settled on your hips. “Ready?”
He nodded, taking a final swig of his beer before helping you up and following you over to the edge of the pool. You grabbed the hat on his head, tossing it back to the lounge chair. “Wouldn’t want to get that wet, would we?”
“Honestly, I forget I’m wearing it sometimes. Thank you.”
You smiled, pulling on his arm as you led him down the stairs and into the water. “Should we do laps like when we were kids?” You sank lower into the water as you spoke, tugging him towards you.
“Honey, that sounds exhausting.” You laughed as he wrapped his arms around your middle. “I’m serious! There is nothing I would rather do less than fucking laps.”
“I suppose you’re right.” You leaned into his touch, humming softly. “What shall we do?”
“Do adults have to do anything in the pool? Can’t we stand here and savor the cool water and quiet atmosphere?” He looked down at you, eyebrows furrowed.
“Nope. We did that on the lounge chair mister. What about Marco/Polo?” You rested your chin on his chest, looking up at him with your soft eyes.
You were so close, he could just lean down a few inches and kiss you. It would be so easy. He glanced at your lips, the decision weighing on him.
“Frankie?” You said, pulling him back into reality.
“Yeah, uh. Yes, that’s fine. Do…do you want to go first?”
The two of you played for what felt like hours, chasing each other around the pool from one end to the other. Every time he caught you, you squealed loudly, squirming in his arms.
It reminded you of your childhood, when the two of you, along with Santiago, would hang out in your grandma’s pool all summer, seeing who could do the most laps, win the most rounds of Marco/Polo, or who could hold their breath the longest.
Times were simpler then.
Deep in your thoughts, you didn’t notice Frankie come up behind you in the water, making you scream as he grabbed you. “Oh fuck!”
Frankie laughed and pulled you into his chest, arms wrapped around your middle. You hummed in his embrace but shook your head at his antics. “God, you’re really the worst,” you laughed.
“You love me though,” Frankie grinned, spinning you around in the water. His hair was soaked, sticking to his forehead. It was getting longer now, the ends curling around his ears. He looked beautiful like this, so relaxed and worry-free. You loved it. You loved him.
You kissed his cheek, lips lingering on his skin. “I do, mi amor. I love you very much.”
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indigowallbreaker · 6 months
caspar/ashe with 66 from the kiss prompts?
Took this opportunity to inflict my "giving an ungrateful cat his medicine" woes on someone else lol. Reading this back, you can interpret it as pre or post time skip, so I'll leave that up to you dear reader!
[prompt rules]
[more Beagles stories]
66: Staring At The Other’s Lips, Trying Not To Kiss Them, Before Giving In
It was only by a miracle of the Goddess, Ashe assumed, that Caspar was finally able to hold the cat long enough for Ashe to give it the medicine. It hissed and spit at them before eventually curling into a ball in Ashe's lap to rest from the evasion tactics it had been pulling off all afternoon.
"You're lucky you're cute," Caspar grumbled. He was sitting shoulder to shoulder with Ashe, glaring at the cat and holding a cloth over his bleeding forearm.
Ashe chuckled. "It's only for a week. Maybe it'll get used to it before we're done."
Caspar shifted his glare to Ashe. "Easy for you to say. You didn't have it throwing all 20 claws at your torso." To underline his point, he removed the cloth from his arm to show off a long line of oozing marks interspersed with tiny bites.
"Do you want me to hold it tomorrow?" Ashe offered.
"No way, I'm not making you go through this."
Ashe laughed. Always the hero. Careful to not disturb the cat, Ashe capped the medicine Marianne had given him. Hopefully it would kick in soon-- the poor cat had been suffering from an infected wound on its paw. One week didn't sound like long enough to cure it but Ashe trusted Marianne. And anyway, everything seemed possible with Caspar by his side.
"You'll be just fine soon, little buddy," Ashe said, petting the big orange cat. It purred, content, and Ashe happily lost himself to the sensation of running his finger through that long fur.
Shifting beside him caused Ashe to look up. Caspar was staring intently at him, specifically his lips. Ashe felt his smile fall. They had known each other long enough at this point that Ashe could tell Caspar was thinking hard about something. Trying to come to a decision. Scared to act one way or the other...
When Caspar didn't move, Ashe took the chance and moved first.
He caught Caspar's lips with his own, pressing into him, one hand still resting on the unbothered cat. Caspar jerked his head back. Ashe had to snort at his bewildered expression. "A-Am I wrong?" Ashe manage through a knot of nerves. "You really-- You looked ready to kiss me so--"
"I'm always ready to kiss you!" Caspar blurted out, causing the cat to dig its claws into Ashe's leg. "I've wanted to kiss you for a long time! I just, I don't know, seeing you looking so happy just now... I thought I could actually do it this time."
Ashe gently tugged Caspar to him again. A belly rub soothed the cat, and another kiss seemed to soothe Caspar. "You can do it whenever you want," Ashe assured him.
Grinning, cheeks as red as Ashe's own, Caspar did just that.
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unluckilylvcky · 3 months
Heya Tumblr community! Few updates 💪💪
I've been neglecting you guys for a while, sorry about that! This account has recently reached the 3 digits mark and I couldn't be happier! So I thought yall deserved my obligatory update post since stories don't exist in Tumblr(?) (Chronically an Instagram user)
So recently went to college!! Fun!! Although this account has been most reposts thus far, my posting schedule will be a bit of a mess! Not to worry though, here comes the good news:
TMNTherapy Group: Raphael will be posted tomorrow! Been planning to post it for a while now but I've kinda just slept on it :^) If any of you came from Instagram by any chance, I'm also planning on posting a new TMNTherapy comic tomorrow! Yay! Emphasis on planning though, still have to finalize a few stuff before it's fully ready <//3
It'll take a while before this account catches up with my Instagram posts but I swear, it (hopefully) won't take long! If you wanna check out my silly account on Insta, I go by the same user here <3 if you're reading this, stay tuned!!
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 4 months
Hey people I love 🫀
Sorry I took an extra day on my normally only one day break between chapters. I have one mostly ready but I've not been feeling too well. I had to take my cat to the vet today because he's been sick and that made me even more exhausted. It's been a busy week of appointments 😅 An OB appointment where they basically told me yet again I'll have to jump through tons of hoops to get the hysterectomy I need for my endo and even then there's been so much damage they might have to work with a urologist and such. Fun! Then a pain clinic because to get any help you have to go through an annoying process with them. Yay America.
Holden will hopefully be okay, the vet thought it was an upper respiratory infection and gave us antibiotics. He hid a lot and at one point drenched himself and their counter because he turned on the sink 😂 He charmed everyone though.
Mom still isn't home but they think next week, I miss her but I'm also terrified of taking care of her because it'll be a lot more intense than before. She still can't walk or move her right side and she barely tries speaking. Hopefully soon... Either way I'll be happy to have her home.
I should be able to post the chapter tomorrow, I've just been a bit sick. I really hope y'all are enjoying it though 🩷 I love you all so much and I hope you're doing well and having a lovely weekend! 🖤
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(Holden trying to hide at the vet. He stayed in the corner the whole time. Don't worry he's getting all the cuddles and treats at home)
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morgana-artt · 11 months
Romeo x Mechanic!Male!Reader (Part 1)
Spoilers for LoP
Notes: So I kinda went a bit off the rails on this one and wrote a lot more than I wanted to (especially in part 2 that I'll post tomorrow), my brain kinda went blank but I think (and hope) its still decent enough of a read. I suppose its a bit of a slow burn at first but I hope you Enjoy!
Reader is similar to Sophia and can channel ergo like she can.
You ran and you ran FAST. What were you running from? Oh, just a group full of puppets that decided to make you their target and that wasn't fair, you were just some guy who enjoyed tinkering in mechanics! You could ramble on that for a while but you needed to get to safety, you were at the hotel but didn't stay for long as you were on your way to what was called Alchemist's Isle for answers to your past and had to go through the Opera House in order to do so.
You panted as you zig zagged bewteen swipes from puppets to alleyways before finally reaching your first destination, you leaned against the statue in the garden out of breath. "This... sucks! All because I need to find- ugh...hopefully it'll be better inside" you spoke to yourself as you stood up straight and made your way into the big building. Opening the large doors you saw how huge this place actually was and despite it seeing better days it still looked beautiful, you looked around not hearing anything before making your way up the stairs and saw a door way further into the building, "This looks like it goes through the main part...'suppose I'll go through there..." you mumbled to yourself before going through the doors.
You gulped as you saw a swinging chandelier, "Are you fucking kidding me? One hit and I'm screwed..." you cursed to yourself as you watched the giant fire basket swing side to side, you took a deep breath before getting ready and once it swung to the left you bolted just in time but as you did the one wooden pole that helped you cross snapped in half and broke into the hole. You stared at it, "Well...no going back." you said as you turned to the double doors in front of you plated with gold. You walked towards it pushed the heavy doors and you were met with...a sad disaster.
What would've been a beautiful ballroom of somesort was instead a burnt down ruined stage, you frowned at this something clearly went on long ago judging by how rotten the wooden had gotten but what you also noticed was a body propped up against a giant rundown puppet- or you hoped it was runned down. It had been a year or so when the puppet frenzied calmed down but that didn't stop the few puppets around Krat from attempting to hurt anything that passed them just like yourself.
With very careful steps, at first you throught you were approaching a dead human but no...it was a puppet. It looked badly burnt with half it's face broken off, it had blonde hair and despite the state it was in you could tell it- or he you should say- was quite a handsome puppet. Almost prince like. You shook your head, now was not the time to admire the puppet, you saw his head down and eye closed and crouched to his level. "You look like you went through hell..." you mumbled to yourself, now despite knowing how dangerous these things can be you couldn't help but feel sorry for them as you did stumble upon a few puppets that were friendly and even helped repair a few. This one really interested you but it was a gamble- was this puppet friendly or mad crazed like so many others? You decided to take the risk.
You walked around the puppet and analyzed it, didn't seem TOO bad...yeah he was burnt to shit but none of his internal scraps had been broken. Now you had a power that not many people knew about, you could give ergo to puppets and understand them, you can't remember much but it started to develope later in your teens- it was probably why you felt so intune with puppets you could LITERALLY feel their 'souls' give or take.
Using your handkerchief that was tied around your belt you dusted the soot off the puppet and began to rummaged through your bag, you only had a few tools with you and tighened some lose parts on the puppet next to you. You kneeled in front of him and moved some of his hair away from his face, he really was a handsome fellow but it made you sad at the state of his face maybe you could repair it? If he hasn't killed you yet.
With a deep breath you placed your hand where your heart was, ergo began to twist around your hand before you placed it against the chest of the puppet. You waited. and waited. and waited.
Nothing. You furrowed your eyebrows as usually this would work within seconds, guess the poor thing really was damaged. You began to tinker around him a little longer.
Romeos P.O.V
Something in you had awaken, how? Gepettos puppet had freed you so why did you feel you had awaken from a deep slumber? You heard ruffling and breathing...? You opened your good eye, it was blurry at first but you noticed a moving figure in front of you, talking to itself...a human? Your eyesight cleared up as you were faced into a chest, the person you saw the chest of was bent a little over you looking at your back as you felt a few tugs. You didn't dare to move. What if it was that bastard Gepetto again?Wasn't being brought back to life in a puppet not good enough? He had to be brought back again? No...he can't go through with that...the responsiblitlies...the pain...the desperation. If he could cry he would, he couldn't go back to that. He watched as the person in front of him moved back to look into their bag, Romeo took note of a soft looking man in front of him. It was a human but thankfully not the one he hated but how did you bring him back? He lost his ergo so how could you...were you special? Maybe. He watched you in curiosity as you mumbled to yourself about him not working. The young man in front of you had soft (H/C) and piercing (E/C) eyes, and despite looking like a cat that ran through a hedge head first you were pretty nice looking to him.
The man in front of you turned his gaze to you before jumping following up with a little yelp, "You're...awake? It worked!" you watched the man puff in pride, "Ah...My names (Y/N). Do you have one...?" he asked, you slowly lifted your head a little but it immediately went back down- you had little to no energy in you right now apart from your eye. "I-I-I....R-R-" you tried to speak but it came out so statically and robotic, the guy in front of you smiled softly with encouragement, "You don't have to tell me now, I'm guessing you went through a lot judging by how burnt you are" the man spoke, were you really that damaged? "R-R...Rom..eo" You managed to get out, the person smiled at that. "Well, Romeo. It's nice to meet you, I've only given you enough ergo to start up hence why you're only able to move barely. Of course I can take it out if you no longer wish to live" the man gave you a choice, something you didn't get at first.
You glanced at the one in front of you before trying to lift your arm towards the persons face- you struggled and before your arm fell, the stranger- who himself called (Y/N)- grabbed it in time. He felt soft and warm...you hadn't felt that in a really long time. It was nice.
Your P.O.V
You took a hold of the puppets- now named Romeo- hand into yours, You felt pity and it was clear as day he was conflicted on whether staying alive or not. "How about this- You stay here and I'll gather more ergo which hopefully will give you more strength with it and you can decide later, hm? Of course you can ask me to piss off" you laughed dryly. The puppet stared at you making you feel a little flustered, you weren't used to such things and what made it worse was how Romeo had a hold of your fingers and was staring at them, "Ahem, well...I should be off to get some more ergo, yes? Don't worry, I'll come back" you whispered but felt the tightened grip on your fingers, "N-NO...no...fragile..." Romeo spoke, you frowned. Fragile? Was he scared for you? "Romeo, If you want to even lift your head up I'll have to give you more ergo and I can only give you so much from myself" you tried to reason with the puppet. Romeo was confliced but softly nodded. He let go and you stood up, "as to show my promise I'll leave this with you!" you then gave him a necklace, "it belonged to a dear friend of mine...it means a lot and I'm putting it in your possession till I come back!" You looked down at him. "I'll come back...promise" and with that you walked off to hopefully find enough ergo for your new friend.
As Romeo sat and waited he inspected the necklace, what you had said felt familiar to him- with the dear friend...a promise...it felt sort of like a Déjà Vu for him. He surprised himself with the hope he felt of wanting you to come back, he hoped you did you were...nice. He liked you, you seemed like a good person. Like someone else he knew but has long been forgotten.
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luna-purpleart · 23 days
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Introducing, GooTALE! An angst post-pacifist, and apocalypse AU that centers around Papyrus and Chara.
This masterpost will (hopefully) contain all you need to know about my AU, and if it doesn't. Well. Just search #gootale. It'll pop up.
1. Freedom (your here)
2. Casualties
3. ???
Frisk breaks the barrier and frees monster kind. Monsters happily bask in the sun, and all the sappy stuff happens like in the original—nothing really changes until up to the point where Asgore asks you to become the ambassador.
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Of course, everyone present gets caught off guard and get very confused as to why they wouldn't have an ambassador. They are going to be establishing peace, right?
Frisk claims that humans would not take kindly to monsters. In fact, they would insist on not making contact with humans from "around here" and proposed to build a temporary-ish living space as far as possible from humans. After a lot of convincing, Asgore listened to their demands and held off meeting any humans until "the time was right".
Frisk didn't tell him that there would never be a right time, but they didn't want to crush their hope. Not yet. Not after that last reset.
For a while, the monsters were content with just exploring the woods. They made a settlement near the base of mount Ebbot and stayed like that for a month. About 27% of the monster population stayed behind in mount Ebbot, either not ready for the surface or just preferred the Underground more. Eventually though, the question of when will they meet other humans started popping up more frequently, from MK to Asgore, they were all eager and quite frankly, felt prepared to face humanity.
Frisk wouldn't budge.
After one extremely long weekend, Frisk was confronted and cornered by their friends (main cast) to just tell them what was wrong—why were they so hell-bent on not making any contact with any other humans.
And after a long, long talk, Frisk finally tells them.
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Frisk admits that once humans find out about the monsters existence, things will most probably go absolutely crud. Frisk knows humanity—or at the very least, Frisk knows how the humans around Mt Ebbot are. They're curious. They're scientists. They're knowledge hungry. Power hungry. They're just not safe people to be with, and in Frisk's opinion, one of the worst types of humans you could find.
They beg to reconsider making acquaintances with those humans—to at least find some other group that's less deranged than the ones in the city. Just not there, they plead, anywhere but there.
Everyone stays silent. Asgore in particular goes into thinking. On one hand, whether they want to or not, monsters have to introduce themselves to the world—for in this AU, there are about 6,000 monster residents. Pretty hard to go into hiding on the surface with that many monsters. On the other hand, he's not sure if cooperating with the city humans from here would be any good.
They decided to leave it for tomorrow. Even if this is probably urgent matters, and even if Sans has a feeling that Frisk is still holding back, it was late and everyone is exhausted. They all retreated back to their camps and...
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the-cu-genswap-au · 9 months
Happy 2024 everyone! Hope you're doing well.
Progress on the next comic has been slow but steady. After the holiday rush is over I'll hopefully have more time to finally settle down and get to work on more pages.
In the meantime, I promised you all bonus content. So! Tomorrow, I'll be posting two posts highlighting behind-the-scenes trivia and other fun facts about the AU comics, per popular request. It'll be fun, hopefully!
I'm also aiming to make a separate post explaining my process when making comics, but that one's a little more elaborate so I'm not sure when it will be ready.
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lovecaterpillargirl · 2 years
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I've started writing an Avengers FanFiction 😬 I won't pretend to be anywhere near Truman Capote's standard of writing but, I'm hoping it'll be entertaining enough and do justice to the characters. However, I was wondering how and where to post the first few chapters? Any advice appreciated. E.g. if I post on here, do I just keep adding to it by reblogging, or is there a way to link chapters? I'll hopefully have a few polished, ready for posting, by the weekend. It's bedtime for me here, so I'll read any replies tomorrow. Thanks in advance.
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pbandjesse · 4 months
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I am real real tired this evening. But I'm also in a pretty good mood. And apparently the northern lights might be visible tonight??? It will probably be to cloudy for us to a really see anything but just that it could happen is so interesting.
Today was a hard work day. Very hard work. I did not expect to be in the rain and mud as much as I was. Honestly it was nice to be so active. I didn't feel bored until the end of the day. Mainly I was having a good time.
I slept pretty well too. When I woke up I was happy and James was there and things were good.
We are pretty sure bread is making my stomach hurt. So I'm trying to limit that. James made me just eggs for breakfast and a baked potato for lunch. Which I ended up not eating anyway because they ordered us pizza. But I did try! I need to try harder to limit bread if this pain is going to keep happening.
I would get dressed and was ready to be outside. I wore my new rain boots which were excellent. And I think I did a pretty good job picking out the outfit for the work.
I would leave here after saying goodbye to James. And it was a fine drive in to camp. It wasn't raining when I left but started soon after. James would only get a little drizzled on. But it was actually raining by the time I got to camp.
When I got there I checked in with Heather by text. I would be alone at camp for an hour or so. I would drop off the mixers I picked up yesterday and then worked on setting up my tent. The feild was already muddy and would only get worse. But it was fine. My boots protected me.
I didnt wear my rain coat for a few hours though. It was just drizzling and I didn't mind being a little damp. But it would get worse.
I felt like I was go go go for like 5 hours. After my tent was set up I would go to the Alaskan to find the other tent. Which ended up being a little broken. Frustrating but I tried my best to make it work. I couldn't get it all the way set up and I was really mad but I wasn't able to do it alone. Sarah, her dad Steve, and Dachelle would come help me later on. The broken part made the canopy fill with water which of course spilled on me. Terrible. I was trying very hard to not be sad.
I would be okay though and would head to the office to dry off and get a sit break while I created an Instagram post for the vendor market and compose the last email I would send to everyone. Which I think went well. I had to do some trouble shooting with Heather's computer because the zip file was only downloading to her drive and not her computer?? So weird but we handled it.
I would go back out to move tables. Using my wagon. Which is very silly but I moved 4 of the 14 tables by myself!! It was raining a lot harder now. And was not fun to be out in.
I would have to go and switch out my table for a smaller one because the rain was dripping on the longer table and I didn't want to deal with that so I went and grabbed the folding table I have in the art building. And while it's smaller I think it works just fine.
I didn't set up all of my stuff. But I have a better handle on it and it'll be quick in the morning. It's not supposed to rain tomorrow so hopefully it will be a non-issue. I really really hope that is the case. It's going to be a 12 hour day and emotionally I don't know if I can deal with that and the rain. Don't even mention wind! I just need tomorrow to go smoothly.
We had talked about merch for the puhtok table so I went back to the Alaskans (I would go up like 6 different times today) and found the box of mugs, fanny packs, backpacks, and ponchos. And I think they will sell really well. I would count out everything for Heather so we can keep track and I made a nice little poster so it'll be easy to buy things. I am excited to see it all come together.
I made my way to the lodge to drop off some small trash cans and ran into one of the friends of Puhtok (called FOP) (one of the volunteer organizations that helps with events and fundraising) who was unloading stuff. I offered to help but then realized that this stuff was for sure for the trading post. So after calling Alexi to double check we moved everything up there and that lead to me helping Heather direct traffic as some of our food trucks showed up and the beer truck. And it was a flurry of activity. I did my best to help with FOP and making decisions but I also felt a little. Unsure about everything. It's hard when everyone has an idea about how things should go. I tried to be like "hey this is how I think we should do this" but you know. Can't always be my ideas. Not that I want it to be.
But I always feel heard with Heather and that is nice.
I would make a few more drives to the Alaskan for basement stuff. And then they ordered us pizza. I was thrilled. I should have just had one piece but I didn't listen to my body and my stomach hurts again. I tried to sip water and just be alright. I would do some more computer tasks. And after a little break I would go to the lodge to clean coolers.
I was a little overwhelmed by the list of things that need to be done before the festival opens at noon. Volunteers are arriving at 930 so I am hoping it just comes together and is seamless. I had set up the square readers for credit cards. And things seems to be going really well with those. I just hope we can continue that trend.
I would clean 10 coolers. My hands were really dried out from the sanitizer that we have. And my fingers were already cracked in spots so it was kind of painful. Still is. I have been trying very hard to take care of my cuticles but I still have issues. My poor thumb is a disaster right now and very painful. I'm going to end up with bandaids on all my fingers again I swear.
I would check in at the office before I left. Chatted with Lou. Made sure there was nothing else they needed from me specifically and went over the plan for the morning with Heather. And then I was off.
I was covered in mud. So tired. And so ready to go home.
The drive home was tough but mostly because there was just tomfoolery on the road. Including a cop car just getting smashed in the intersection I have to take to go home. I would figure out a solution and only added a couple minutes to my drive.
When I got back here, after hugging Sweetp, I went and took a shower. I put on comfy clothes. And when I came downstairs James was just getting home. And made a big fuss about how pretty I was. And would go get changed.
We would talk about the market tomorrow. I needed a way to display my pins and James would lend me a baseball flag. And with that solved we would get on the couch to hang out. I played my video game. They edited their podcast. It was a really nice evening.
Eventually my head started to hurt from playing the game. And I would pass it over to James to play for a little. And now I am upstairs. James is checking on the clouds to see if we can see any of the northern lights. But I don't have high hopes well actually see anything. That is okay. I just like that it is happening. It's neat.
Tomorrow is the Monkton Music Festival! I really hope it is a good day. I don't even really care about my sales, I just want everyone else to do well. And I hope we get a lot of walk ups so that camp can raise more money.
So wish us luck. I love you all. Goodnight!
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