#it's a belated bday present to myself lol
claudiajcregg · 8 months
For the WIP title tag game: campaign bars :)
I got two asks for this story, but yours came in first. Thank you for asking!! (Original post here.)
If s5pau has been the WIP for a while, this was a close second. For a while there, I'd alternate between the two of them, even if this one is significantly shorter.
If I'm not mistaken, this was some sort of belated bday present for Ally @onekisstotakewithme after she finally thought of a prompt. (The document is from mid-August, lol.)
I think she asked for campaign vignettes, maybe? Maybe focused on Danny's role. This is part of the summary I have on the doc (apart from many links to election calendars):
Campaign-set fic, focusing at the start of the campaign and on Danny.
I have links to election calendars and trying to decide an order. My snippets have been set in DC, IA, NH and ME, and are mostly short. I really dig some of the ideas in there (it has some focus on CJ/Danny, but Josh and Abbey are in there, too!), and I need to get back into it.
The first thing that I apparently wrote into the document, and that became the basis for the first of the snippets, is:
Danny and Josh. Hotel bar, a bit fancier. About joining the campaign. He’s there now, right? Will follow him through the first couple of primaries, before he drops out (Josh implies it’s about issues). It’s not like he’s going to find the love of his life on the campaign trail
Just this snippet reminds me that I've pulled a couple of things from other (unpublished) stories, but that just needed to be here. (The love of his life exchange thing tickles me, because it's just so obvious, and I might just post it for the other snippet. Never said I took myself or my writing seriously, lmao. The trick is knowing it's not good.)
“Tintin…” Danny groans at Josh’s use of an old nickname that their friend group had for him. It wasn’t funny then, and it is still not funny now. “I don’t care for nicknames, but I especially can’t stand that one.” “It’s clever. You know, a redhead, do-gooder, campaigning reporter who wants to get to the bottom of things.” “He was actually blond,” Danny replies tiredly, with the resignation of someone who has heard this nickname for decades now.
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pickalilywrites · 5 years
nobody asked me for this fic i just wanted to write it lol
Let’s Take a Picture Together!
Rivetra. Dating Show AU. 
Let’s Fall in Love! series: Part i || ii
1815 words. 
Buy me a ko-fi!
Levi doesn’t squirm under the constant gaze of camera lenses anymore, but he admits that it’s always a relief once they’re finished wrapping an episode of Let’s Fall in Love! A month earlier, he would have booked it back to his dressing room immediately, glad to be rid of this crew that’s constantly hovering around him. Mostly, though, he sought to escape having to be around Petra Ral, the lead singer of rising pop band the Scouting Legion and the celebrity he had happened been paired with for this stupid reality TV show. However, he’s found that he’s grown fond of her in the past month that he’s gotten to know her during filming, oftentimes lingering behind her even after the cameras have turned off and the rest of the film crew has returned to the studio.
“That was fun,” Petra says, happily swinging the bag that she holds. Inside is a vinyl record of No Name’s latest album signed by Levi, the lead singer. It was a birthday gift for Auruo, the Scouting Legion’s bassist. Finding the perfect birthday gift for Petra’s friend was a bit odd, Levi thought. It would have been more fitting to go on one of those coffee dates they had during the first few episodes, but the film crew seemed very pleased with the footage they were able to capture to do, and Petra no doubt had fun teasing Levi with the embarrassing album covers of his band’s first few records. “Maybe I should have bought something too. Should I go back and buy Dedicate Your Hearts?”
“You could, but I’m not signing that for you,” Levi says, cringing as he remembers that angsty punk rock phase he and his band had been through during the release of their second album. Why did they ever think that too much hair gel and tight leather pants looked cool? He’s so glad that they could take more artistic album photos – just their silhouettes against an atmospheric background rather than a close-up on their brooding faces – instead of having to do those ridiculous photo shoots.
“Aw, how mean,” Petra pouts.
“I already bought that record for you, so don’t whine,” he tells her.
“I guess that’s true. Auruo’s going to freak when he sees this,” Petra giggles. She takes another peek inside the bag, smiling even wider when she sees Levi’s neat handwriting on the top corner of the record. Looping her arm through his, she grins over at him and asks, “Hey, want to grab dinner together? There’s this Korean barbecue place downtown that I wanted to try out ever since I came here.”
“Sounds good,” Levi says without hesitating. It’s partly because he’s been waiting for a chance to catch dinner with her, but it’s mostly because his attention is focused elsewhere. He stops walking for a minute, telling Petra, “Hold on a minute, will you?”
They stop in front of a trio of giggling girls that are probably in high school. Levi had noticed them awhile ago. A few minutes ago, the girls had been across the street, staring and pointing at him as they whispered to each other. Now, they’re right in front of him, their phones in their hands, eagerly bouncing down on the balls of their feet as they wait to be noticed by him. When he finally stops in front of them, they look as if they’re about to burst with joy, but that’s usual for most fangirls that Levi meets. He’s just thankful that they’re not the type to tackle him for a hug as soon as he looks their way.
“Hey,” Levi says reluctantly. He tries not to wince when one of the girls squeals. Normally, he doesn’t interact with fans unless he’s at an event, but he doesn’t want to appear rude in front of Petra. “Are you guys fans of mine?”
At his words, the girls collectively let out a huge shriek that nearly deafens him. Petra looks somewhat alarmed at their excitement, but she smiles at Levi and gestures at him to continue conversing with his fans.
“Absolutely! We’re such huge fans of No Name!” one girl says, stepping towards Levi. Like her friends, she wears a No Name t-shirt with a design that Levi recognizes from one of their previous tours. “We were wondering if we could have a picture with you?”
“Unless you’re…busy,” another girl says, glancing over at Petra. Levi doesn’t quite understand the expression that flashes across the faces of the three girls, but it vanishes too quickly for him to properly assess it.
“If it’s a few pictures, then it’s fine,” Levi says. He’s about to ask Petra if it’s okay, but he’s quickly pulled away from her before he can say anything. The first few pictures have him with a bewildered expression on his face, wondering how he was linking arms with Petra’s one second and strangers the next. Once he’s gotten over his initial confusion, he begins to realize that there’s something else strange. Pulling away, he calls over to Petra, who is standing awkwardly off to the side so as to not get in the way of the pictures. “Petra, why don’t you come take some photos with us?” He turns to the girls. “That’s fine, right? This is Petra from the Scouting Legion. Have you heard of them?”
The girls’ smiles falter, but their leader – a girl with hair dyed a blonde so light that it’s almost silver – regains her composure first. She tosses her short curls over her shoulder and looks at Petra with a haughty expression. “Sure, we know her, but we’re not exactly fans,” she says to Levi, giggling.
“Yeah, her band is pretty good,” another girl admits with a shrug, but she casts a disapproving frown at Petra. “But it’s not as if her voice is that good. It’s a little annoying sometimes.”
Ah, now he realizes why he doesn’t talk with fans. There’s always the chance of running into people like these, people with absolutely no manners at all. It’s as if they don’t even realize that she’s right in front of them; they talk about her so casually, but they must know that their words are hurting her. After all, they keep glancing at the singer to observe her reaction.  
Petra is surprisingly composed as the girls continue to speak ill of her, smiling through gritted teeth while her hands are clenched into fists by her side. Had she not been so calm, Levi would have snapped at the girls ages ago. Even though the words are not about him, hearing the girls speak so rudely about Petra makes his blood boil.
“How about I take the photos for you guys then?” Petra offers politely. She sets her bag carefully down on the ground beside her before holding out her hand. “It’ll be easier to get all of you guys in the shot then.”
The girls look at the woman skeptically, wondering why someone would offer to do them a kindness when they had just badmouthed her, but they hesitantly give up their phones to her, not wanting to pass up the chance of capturing photos with Levi that aren’t selfies. Levi thinks that it’s clever, what Petra’s doing. Clearly, she’s taking their phones so she can throw them on the ground, smashing the glass screens under the heel of her shoe, but he’s surprised when actually begins to take photos of them. She’s even giving them a countdown, allowing the girls enough time between pictures to strike another pose. It’s infuriating how kind she is.
“Petra, let’s take a picture together,” he tells her, unable to wait any longer. He breaks free from the other girls, fishing his own phone from his back pocket.
The girls look confusedly at each other. The blonde laughs nervously, glancing at Petra who is looking at Levi with an equally confused look. “Um, we said we didn’t want a picture with her, remember?” she says.
“I know,” Levi says. He plucks their phones from Petra’s hands and returns them to the girls, who are looking more confused by the minute. “But I’m a fan of Petra’s, so I’d like a picture with her.” He turns again to Petra. “Let’s take a picture together, Petra.”
The girls look unhappily at the phone that Levi offers them. They pretend not to see it, running their fingers through their hair instead and staring at the sky. They mumble words about how it was great running into him, but they have something to do. Without saying anything else, they scurry off, one even shooting a scathing glare at Petra before they cross the street again. Tch. And they didn’t even bother to thank him for taking photos with them, but it’s not as if Levi expected them to have any manners at all after everything that had happened.
After a moment, Petra lets out a sigh of relief. “Thanks for that, but you didn’t need to do that,” Petra laughs, picking up her bag. She pauses for a moment and then looks at Levi. Quietly, she says, “I’m glad you did though.”
He shrugs her off, not one to accept words of kindness or gratitude easily. He holds out his phone at arm’s length and gestures for her to scoot in closer to him. “Hurry up so we can take the picture.”
“You still want the picture?” she asks, surprised.
“Yes, now come on,” he mumbles. “Or we’ll never get dinner.”
She happily takes her place next to him, throwing up her fingers in a V as she smiles at the camera. It comes out quite nice, Levi thinks, considering he was so nervous standing next to her that he almost dropped his phone as he was taking the picture. Even Petra thinks it’s a good photo, humming happily when she leans over to take a peek.
“Hey, you’re actually smiling in this one,” Petra says with a laugh. “You didn’t smile in the other ones.” She looks at him again, beaming. Any tension that she had during the encounter with the girls only a few minutes ago has completely vanished. “Do you think you could send me that picture?”
“Of course,” he says, surprised. He’ll send it to her right after he gets back to his hotel room, he says to himself, making a mental note.
She loops her arm through his once more, chattering happily about how they should get dinner now before it gets too crowded. Levi nods along, occasionally speaking when she pauses to hear his answer, but he’s not listening, not really. As they walk together, Levi pulls out his phone to glance at the screen, unlocking it to briefly look at the photo he had just taken, and he wonders if it would be okay to use it as his home screen.  
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alteredphoenix · 4 years
I had only just remembered last week that it’s Femslash February and I’ve been so busy with work and other writings that I don’t have anything for it, and that makes me feel bad.
On the other hand...who says Femslash February has to be in February all the time? *taps finger to forehead* Know what I’m sayin’?
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Soooo it's me again!!!!! The anon whose birthday is on july 24!!! And i am also the one who was losing her mind trying to form coherent thoughts and failing miserably after reading anytime!!! I think it's safe to reveal my name so that i won't have to introduce myself like this each time i write something here lol, i'm Ece!!!
For some reason i've been thinking about 💫bro💫 and i feel like he'll be a lot cooler than we imagine him to be when he learns/figures out that yoongi and the reader are... a thing... i'm not saying that i don't think he won't be mad or anything, i think he'll just get angry because they kept this as a secret from him for so long. Even though the reader is off-limits for pretty much everyone in his friend group, deep down he knows that this doesn't apply for yoongi. IDK maybe i'm over-interpreting and overthinking because i don't want yoongi and the reader to suffer because of bro 😭😭😭 but you told us to trust you so that's what i'll be doing for the time being!!!!
HAPPY BELATED BDAY, ECE🥳 What a pretty name what the heck 🥺
I’m so happy you got to have an early present!! Lmfao I totally understand the processing and not really processing thing because it’s happened to me so many damn times.
Love the points about bro! Since we’re seeing more of his actual personality and not just the brief conversations with him, it’ll be interesting to see what goes down. And he does say Yoongi is pretty much his brother.. I know you don’t want that😔 It would be easiest if none of them hurt! But we shall see what ends up happening. I’m just glad you trust me😭💕🍊
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pin-upmamacassie · 2 years
Ok ok, I probably shouldn’t have spent the money considering I’m trying to get out of my parents house but there’s nothing wrong with treating yourself right? I told hubbs its my belated Mother’s Day/early birthday/early graduation present so he doesn’t have to worry about it lol
I ended up buying myself concert tickets to Bring Me The Horizon. Well, me and my sis. Her bday is 5 days after mine and we had planned a whole party but that’s not gonna work out so she agreed to the concert ticket instead. And yes it was expensive for us right now, but I still have plenty going into savings. I always feel guilty no matter what for splurging in myself and I need to stop. It’s ok to do it. And I’m gonna have sooo much fun! I’ve been wanting to see them in concert since I was a teen! Now I’m a grown up and one of my fav bands is still a band and making awesome music and I actually can afford to see them live, I absolutely could not pass up the opportunity. It’s not till October but now I can put in my pto and plan my trip for that day lol and I’m also seeing My Chemical Romance in September!? I’m so excited!! 🤩
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dekudynamight · 6 years
Tumblr media
Title: Surprise, Surprise
Rating: E
Pairing: Jon Kortajarena x OFC, background Bucky Barnes x OFC (yes you read that right lol)
Word count: 4.1k
Summary: While Russian mob leader Bucky is away on business, he sends one of his most trusted men to look after his wife while he’s gone.
A/N: This is a very belated birthday gift for @captainrogerrsbeard and I didn’t plan on posting because it doesn’t really make a lot of sense on the surface but I’ll try to explain: this is an AU of my Til Death Do Us Part AU and pretty much all you need to know is Bucky is a badass mob boss, Summer is his shy but badass wife, and Jon is an associate whom they’ve taken to bed together multiple times in the past. Oh and Bucky and Summer have a daddy kink that’s referenced once. This started out as a totally self-indulgent thing I just wanted to work out of my system but then it became my belated bday gift to my wife lol. Not sure who to tag because idk who’d wanna read but hopefully someone will like this random thing. Thank you in advance to anyone who reads :D and happy late birthday/merry Christmas to the beautiful and amazing @captainrogerrsbeard!!!
Summer stepped out of the steamy bathroom and into the cooler air of her and Bucky’s bedroom, clad in just a towel and feeling much better now that she’d washed her busy day off. Work had been long and she was tired and hungry for dinner, but at least now she was clean and feeling like a human being again.
She picked a comfy sundress out of her closet and tossed it on the bed, heading towards her dresser to grab a pair of panties when a knock on her door made her pause. Thinking it to be her mom or best friend, she called out a hang on and kept on her way. But then there was another knock, and then another, and with an annoyed scrunch of her nose she marched to the door and threw it open.
“What do you w- oh,” she blushed suddenly, looking up at the tall, grinning, pretty much physically perfect man standing before her and leaning casually against her doorframe. “Uh h-hi? I thought you were, um... on assignment in... uh....”
“I was,” he replied, deep voice and heavy Spanish accent making Summer even more instantly nervous than she already was. “But then your husband reassigned me to something more important while he’s away on his trip overseas.”
“Really? To what?” she asked, painfully aware that she was in only a towel and even more so aware when his eyes dropped down and slowly made their way back up to her own.
He licked his lips and smirked, “You.”
Her eyes widened. “Me?”
“May I come in?” he asked, looking up at her through long lashes and nearly making her whimper from that alone. “Please?”
She nodded quickly and opened the door fully, stepping aside and feeling her head spin as he walked past her. Bucky had told her that he was having some kind of surprise delivered to her today, and if this was what he’d meant... holy crap.
“So,” she said after closing the door and turning to face him, holding on to the towel to keep it firmly in place, “when you say assigned to me, what... does that mean?”
He lingered close to her, smiling and slipping a hand into his pocket. He made a simple t shirt and jeans look sinfully good, better than any man had the right to do. “He asked me to take care of you while he’s gone.”
“.... Take care of me?”
“Anything you might want or need,” he nodded, taking a step closer to her. “He said he trusts me to look after you and keep you happy in his absence.”
She swallowed hard. It was impossible to miss the meaning in his words. “Um...”
“You can say no, of course,” he added quickly. “I would understand if you did.”
“No, no,” she blurted entirely too fast for her own comfort. “No, I’m - I’m not saying no. I’m just surprised. I wasn’t expecting this or... you.”
“He wanted it to be a surprise,” he smiled, taking in the blush that had extended down to her chest.
“Yeah, well... you could have warned me,” she sighed, running an anxious hand through her long damp hair.
“Yes, but then I wouldn’t get to see you all flustered like this,” he noted with an infuriating little grin. “And you’re so pretty when you blush.”
She groaned and dragged her hand over her face, her heart racing and mind generally going haywire as she tried not to squirm under his gaze. “Oh God...”
He gazed at her with clear affection for a few quiet moments before asking in a much more serious tone, “What do you want, Summer? I can go if that’s what you want.”
She shook her head instantly. “No, I - no.”
He nodded lightly, taking that as an invitation to step closer and place his hand next to her head on the door that she was leaning against. He looked deep into her eyes and murmured lowly, “Would you like to know what we talked about, when he asked me to take care of you?”
She didn’t answer, finding it hard to breathe with him so close and sharing the same breaths as her.
“He told me he wanted me to keep you company, make sure you don’t get too anxious while he’s away. And to make you come as many times as you can handle until he returns.”
She let out a whimper on accident, unable to hold it in. That earned her another smirk and a long finger tracing her cheekbone as he spoke more.
“I told him it would be my pleasure to do this. Then I began to tell him all the things I planned to do to you.” His fingertips slid down her neck to her chest, brushing along the reddened skin sweetly. “How I would touch you, taste you, fuck you until you screamed for me... and I only stopped when it made us both come.”
She nearly fainted where she stood. “Oh my God, you and Bucky had phone sex,” she all but gasped, feeling like the room was suddenly 100 degrees hotter with his filthy words bouncing around her head.
He tilted her chin up, forcing her to look him in the eyes. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. Having you all to myself for a week... I’m going to enjoy it too much.” He gently grasped the towel between his fingers and asked, “Can I...”
She nodded, staring at his lips in a haze until she felt the towel hit the floor around her feet. She shivered lightly, suddenly fully exposed before his hungry eyes. He looked over her like he’d never seen anything better in the world than her naked body, his large palm coming to rest on her belly and slowly moving up. Her skin was warm and still slightly damp from her shower, nipples hardened even before he gently cupped her breast and cursed in Spanish under his breath as he gave a light squeeze. She couldn’t take it anymore, a needy noise escaping her throat as she reached out and pulled him in for a desperate kiss.
It was hardly the first time they’d kissed but it was the first time that it happened while they were fully alone. Without Bucky there to watch and direct and call the shots it changed the dynamic between them completely, making the experience a new one as they devoured each other. Her arms wrapped around his neck while his pulled her close, her naked body pressed to his fully clothed one, and Summer forgot all about dinner and her evening plans when Jon picked her up and turned to carry her to bed, their lips never parting until her back hit the mattress.
Without his body against hers she suddenly felt cold and exposed, but it only lasted a beat as he pulled off his shirt and then climbed into the bed on top of her. His hands slid up her hips, his lips kissing her lower belly as she gripped his shoulders and watched with a dazed expression. It was surreal, being in her and Bucky’s bed with another man even if it was one they’d brought to that very bed multiple times before, but all he had to do was peer up at her with his pretty eyes and his messy hair and she was putty in his hands. She pulled until his lips were on hers again and the weight of his body was a comforting sensation on her own, making her feel safer than she ever did when she was alone.
Maybe she really had needed this in Bucky’s absence. Maybe Bucky knew her better than she knew herself.
“I’ve missed you,” he whispered against her lips, cradling her face sweetly as she opened her eyes to look into his. “You feel even better than I remember.”
Her still-present blush deepened, her fingers sliding into his thick dark hair. “I really have you all week?”
“All week,” he assured her with a smile. “Until you have your Daddy back.”
His choice of words made her almost moan out loud before she pulled him down for another deep kiss. She missed the hell out of Bucky and wished he was there in bed with them, but damn if this didn’t make it easier.
They kissed until their lungs burned for air and he broke away first, his lips tripping down to her neck and making her squirm with the attention he lavished on her there. But he was only getting started, moving further down with each kiss until he reached her chest and the swell of her breasts. She watched with anticipation as he inched lower, then moaned softly and let her eyes flutter shut as his tongue flicked gently at a sensitive nipple.
It reminded her of one night in the very same bed when she’d been caught in between him and her husband, their mouths on her breasts and Jon’s fingers inside of her, driving her to an orgasm that still made her stomach flip when she thought about it. This time was no exception, and he responded to her whimpering and squirming by sliding a hand between her legs and groaning when he found her dripping for him.
“Mi belleza,” he groaned, lifting his head as he stroked her gently, making her shudder and gasp. “You’re this wet for me?”
She nodded, moaning his name into a kiss that he laid on her lips as he continued to toy with her. The sound delighted him, making him grin against her lips and murmur as he pulled away, “Such a good girl.”
She thrived under the praise, his words amplifying her pleasure and making her head swim as he gave her one last parting kiss before sliding down her body. He nestled between her legs and gripped her hips, pulling her to his face and closing his eyes as he took a few seconds to breathe her in. She tried to ignore her instant rush of slight embarrassment, focusing instead on the way that he hummed and noted, “Still so sweet.” Then he dove in, the first touch of his tongue sending her back arching and body singing for him.
He was exceptionally good at this, and he enjoyed doing it as much as Bucky did... which was a lot. Summer could only wonder how she’d gotten so lucky, gripping Jon’s increasingly wild hair with tense fingers and trying to hold still as he tasted her but finding it next to impossible. But that was okay because he was happy to drop an arm over her belly and hold her in place, groaning into her wetness as he lapped it up and sending a moan she couldn’t hide flying out of her mouth. For a split second she wondered what some of the others would think if they heard, knowing that Bucky was gone and that whoever was making her moan like this was definitely not her husband, but she just didn’t care.
He was so good and so skilled that it felt like only seconds had passed when she felt herself nearing the edge, her legs starting to shake and breaths coming faster, and he knew she was close. He tightened his grip on her and redoubled his efforts with a low moan that she felt in her very soul, and just like that she came with a breathless cry of his name that she couldn’t restrain. He worked her through it and pulled away only when the last wave of exquisite pleasure had left her, lifting his head and panting with a self-satisfied grin as he took in the mess he’d already made of her.
She opened her eyes only after he’d slipped back up her body and kissed her, letting her taste herself and then drawing away to cradle her face and share a little smile with her. “You’re so beautiful when you come.”
Her blush returned tenfold, and she ducked her head to try to hide it. “Oh God...”
Laying next to her and pulling her against him, he lifted her head back up with a finger to her chin, pressing a short kiss to her lips. “Can I tell you the truth?”
She blinked, unsure of quite what to expect. “Yeah?”
“My plan wasn’t to get you into bed this fast,” he chuckled, and she had to admit, she loved his laugh. As unbelievably gorgeous as he was, his laugh was simply adorable and it just wasn’t fair. “I wanted to come by and tell you what Bucky asked of me, then take you downstairs for dinner. But then you opened the door in just that towel and...” He paused and licked his lips, shaking his head slightly. “You see what you do to me?”
She smiled at that, her eyes tripping down and seeing for herself just what she did to him with one quick glance at the state of his jeans. A surge of bravery spurring her on, she reached down and rubbed her hand over him through the denim, watching as his breath hitched and eyes darkened at the touch. “I did that?” she asked playfully.
“You know you did,” he groaned before she kissed him, the press of her tongue against his rendering him speechless until she pulled away. “I’ve never controlled myself very well with you. Or your husband.”
It was true, she knew as she took her hand off of him only to finally rid him of his damn jeans. From almost the very minute he’d swept into their lives he’d barely been able to keep his hands off of both of them, and the connection between all three of them had been so electric so fast it had taken them all by surprise. She was drawn to him like a moth to a flame and he to them, resulting in them falling into bed together the first night they’d met him. It was wildly out of their norm but it had worked out and he’d earned their trust over time as not just an occasional lover but a reliable and loyal comrade.
And if Bucky trusted him to look after Summer in his absence, it proved how incredibly deep that trust ran.
She pulled off his white boxers with his jeans, finally getting him as naked as she was and she couldn’t help but take a moment to appreciate the sight. He was lean and tall and strong and tan and everything about him made her mouth water, including the very hard cock she wasted no time in wrapping her hand around and stroking. She watched his mouth fall open and eyes roll shut under her touch, loving the effect that she had on him and letting it fill her with confidence.
“I’m really glad you’re here,” she told him sweetly, smiling as his eyes opened and met hers. He reached out and touched her hair, then ran his fingers down her arm and her side until they curled around her hip in a soft but firm grip.
“I am too, novia,” he murmured back, and then he watched as she lowered her head and closed her eyes before licking up the length of his cock. He cursed under his breath and watched through hooded eyes as she played with him, tasting and teasing before finally closing her mouth around him and sucking him down.
He was a little bigger than Bucky but she was a pro at this and knew just how he liked it, both herself and her husband well acquainted with how to properly suck this man off. One time they’d done it together, swirling their tongues along his length until they met in a sloppy kiss at the tip, taking turns sucking until he’d finally come down one of their throats - Bucky’s, as it had turned out. The memory brought a new gush between her legs and she started sucking longer and deeper, earning ragged gasps from Jon as his hand moved to her ass and gripped it hard. She liked the slight twinge of pain and it drove her on, losing herself in her task until suddenly his hand was tugging her hair and he was babbling at her in Spanish to stop before it was too late.
She couldn’t help but pout a little after pulling away. “But I wanted to -“
“I know, baby, I know,” he groaned, pulling her up so that she was on top of him, hips pressed to his as they kissed. “You’re so good for me. But I want to come inside of you.”
She whimpered at those words, wishing at that moment that he really could truly do that and that they didn’t need to use a condom, but it was non-negotiable. She knew why and fully agreed with the logic of it, of course, but she just wished that it wasn’t necessary and that she could truly feel him come inside her. It made her feel filthy to want that so bad but she just couldn’t help it.
Keeping that to herself, she kissed him a few more times before sitting up and reaching over to the nightstand. As she rifled around for a condom Jon reached up and cupped both of her breasts in his hands, gently squeezing and rubbing his thumbs over her nipples as she shuddered in response to the touch. Then he leaned up and brought his mouth to her, lips wrapping around her nipple just as she finally grabbed a condom and leaned back over his way. She gripped his hair in her free hand and moaned, rocking down against his hardness and giving them both a little friction as he drove her crazy with his mouth, switching to her other breast and making her yank a little on his hair in her fervor.
“So sensitive,” he noted approvingly, face still pressed to her breast. “I wonder if you could come just from this.”
Sometimes she wondered that as well, but tonight wasn’t the night to find out. She pulled his head away and held the condom out to him, all but begging, “Please, I cant wait anymore.”
He snatched the condom from her hand with a smirk, tearing it open easily and then reaching behind her to put it on as he murmured, “Do you need it, belleza?”
She nodded quickly. “I need it so bad, sir.”
“Then be a good girl,” he said, taking her hips in hand and guiding her until she was hovering over his cock, “and take it.”
She sunk down on him slowly, eyes closed and lips parted and head tilted back, every inch of her enjoying the intrusion and how overwhelming it was. She liked the fleeting almost-pain, the feeling of being pushed to her limits as her body adjusted, and most of all she loved opening her eyes and seeing the pleasure written on Jon’s face. The fact that they were alone this time and that this was just between them and every moan and furrow of his brow was because of her and her alone... it affected her far more than she ever would have expected.
She rose up and rocked back down slowly, her hands on his chest and eyes on his. He reached up and moved her hair over her shoulder, trailing it down over her breast and finally resting both hands on her hips as he laid back and watched greedily as she built up a slow but satisfying rhythm and rode him the way that she wanted to. It was quiet at first save for their increasingly heavy breaths, Summer biting her lip and closing her eyes when he hit that spot inside of her just right and sent a strangled moan flying from her lips. The sound seemed to change the atmosphere, his hands sliding to her ass and gripping hard as he groaned and cursed and only heightened her pleasure.
“Oh God,” she whimpered, lowering herself down to capture his lips in a hungry, messy kiss that he moaned into. She kept rocking and he met each roll of her hips with a thrust of his own, kissing her until the heat between them became too much. He cursed roughly and the next thing Summer knew she was on her back underneath him and he was holding her hands down above her head, seizing the control and hips snapping into hers as she happily let him take the reins and drive her pleasure. He felt amazing inside of her and on top of her, and she trusted him enough to let go and stop thinking and submit to him, not having realized how badly she’d needed this until that very moment.
He whispered words of praise into her ear, some she could understand and others she couldn’t, fucking her with a passion that was as mutual as it was exhilarating. The sight of him above her, beautiful face awash in bliss and unruly strands of hair falling into his eyes, was almost just too much. She sunk her nails into his back and urged him on, taking him deeper and harder until they were both on the brink and they both knew it.
“Now, mi belleza, now,” he demanded gently, lips pressed to hers but not kissing, simply sharing the same ragged breaths. “Come for me, Summer.”
She obeyed before he finished saying her name, tightening around him and letting go with a moan that would almost certainly be heard through the halls outside their door. He followed just after, not particularly quiet himself and not caring who heard, his whole world narrowed down to her and her alone as they shared their pleasure in that exquisite moment. By the time it was over and the last twinges of ecstasy had dissipated, his face was buried in her neck and she was simply done for, limp and boneless and absolutely happy beneath him.
Somehow, she loved her husband even more for letting her have this... indulgence in his absence. His ways of looking after her may have been unconventional, but they were exactly what she needed.
She could have fallen asleep there just like that, Jon still inside of her, but eventually he shifted and slid gently out of her and placed a sweet kiss on her lips. Then he slipped away to dispose of the condom, not gone long before he was back in bed with her and pulling the covers up as she snuggled into his arms. He knew she was cuddler and he was always happy to give her anything she wanted.
“Feel better?” he asked, both arms wrapped around her tight as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“Oh my God yes,” she smiled, looking up at him sweetly. “I can still hardly believe you’re even here but I’m so glad you are.”
He smiled back, raising his eyebrows playfully. “Have you missed me?”
“We both have,” she admitted, tracing nonsense patterns on his chest with her fingers.
His smiled widened as he reached down and took her hand, bringing it to her lips to kiss her knuckles. “So have I.”
“I’m sorry it’s just me,” she shrugged lightly. “I know I’m a little more... boring than Bucky, but -“
He cut her off with an unexpectedly deep kiss, the kind that took her breath away and made her feel like her world had shifted a bit. He pulled away and looked into her slightly dazed eyes and told her lowly, “The very last thing you are, novia, is boring. You are more than enough to satisfy me, I promise.”
Her cheeks heating with a slight blush, she smiled in a way that gave away how much he’d warmed her heart from those words. Then her eyes widened suddenly and she squeaked, “Oh! Can you hand me my phone?”
He nodded and reached over to the nightstand where her phone laid, handing it to her and watching as she pulled up the camera. She flipped it to face them and then snuggled in closer to him as she held the phone out, telling him, “Smile!”
He wrapped his arms around her and flashed a charming smile to accompany her more shy one, having a feeling what - or whom - this picture was for. And just as he suspected, she then pulled up her texts with Bucky and sent the picture with a caption of, Thank you for my ‘surprise’ :)
He chuckled as she then tossed the phone away, leaning up to kiss him as she began to climb back on top of him. “Are you hungry? We could go downstairs for dinner.”
She shook her head, content to stay in bed and sate her hunger in a much more fun way. “Nope. Food can wait.” Then she kissed him again, the kiss lingering and growing and slowly reigniting the need between them both.
Jon couldn’t protest in the least. “Anything you want, sweet girl.”
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logicheartsoul · 7 years
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After what seems to be a million years with post office mishaps (my figure has been in my town since TUESDAY), I finally got my Hiei figure today.
He is smaller than I figured (no pun intended lolol). He fits in my palm and I have really small hands lol.
I just took these very quickly with my camera but I want to take proper pictures later.
Finally, my (very belated) birthday present to myself is here, haha, time to celebrate! Meanwhile, it’s my cousin's bday so I’m going to celebrate that later tonight.
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thekatforman-grill · 6 years
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What a hella strange month for me
Been the loneliest month ever to be quite honest, but with that being said, I found some light in working on my passion hobby, which is collecting videogames.
After gifting a SNES years ago, a hole was left for me wanting one I could permanently call my own, and my brother made that a reality by getting me one as a very belated present, still very thankful he did that for me!
Next was a project that came out of nowhere, for I had no plan to buy anymore Microsoft gaming products. But received an arcade model with bonuses. Unfortunately the 360 I received needed some care and as a result I had to buy parts for it, but was fun to pull apart and learn more about the tech I collect, this project shall now be a system I can plug in at my Nan’s house and allow my young cousins to use when we’re all there together - love the idea.
Lastly was the attempt to go bday shopping for a cousin and ended up game hunting for myself, purchasing final fantasy X and the Jak and daxter collection, as well as an Xbox copy of NFSU (I needed another copy other than PS2 lol)
I have more collectibles not featured here, one being I don’t have an image of it and the other is a gift I bought for someone [i] wonderful [/i] for bday. Might post about those at a later date.
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Flower Boy!Jeonghan
Requested by anon: Flower boy Jeonghan!!  
HEY HEY HEY GUESS WHO FINALLY PICKED UP THE SLACK AND WROTE THIS AFTER AN ENTIRE WEEK OF PROMISING TO :))) I’m so sorry yall this was supposed to be part of Jeonghan’s bday present but rip!!! THANKS TO @kakaotaeks FOR HELPING ME OUT WITH THIS!! who knows where this would be if i didn’t use the flower boy cafe au yIKES!! happy belated bday my angel + devil!! happy reading my children!!!
warnings: i still have 1 last super angsty piece for jeonghan, so i tried to make this p fluffy :))) and who knows when i’ll even finish that piece so :))) hang on tight to this fluff while you can! and also jeonghan is a cheesy goofball who’s bad at literature
This was originally gonna be Florist!Jeonghan but thank the heavens y’all don’t have to read the lame idea I had before elena came up w this
Shoutout to my b!!!
You’re in your usual literature class lecture hall and you’re sitting a few rows behind,,,,
The one and only, Yoon Jeonghan
Campus heartthrob
With looks like that though??? Can scREW ME UP
You’re staring at the back of his fluffy blonde locks as he studiously scribbles down his notes in his beaten torn notebook
Every time you try to refocus on the professor, your eyes just drift back to his short hair that looks a little too tempting to run your fingers through
By the time you prep yourself to focus on taking notes for the twentieth time that hour, everyone is packing their things and you’re like n OO OO NOT AGAIN
“Let me guess: Jeonghan?” Your friend nonchalantly brings up as they’re stuffing their folder in their bag
You sigh and get up to pack your things along
“I don’t even know why he’s so distracting… just something about him”
They’re shaking their head and smile knowingly bc it’s just so damn oBV I O US WHY
“You know that hot cafe that just opened everyone’s been raving about?”
“The Diamond? What about it?”
They smile even wider and are like, “do you know who got a job as a cute waiter?”
“,,,,,,,,,,,,What are you trying to say”
“Maybe you can finally get that number you’re always babbling about?”
And you’re like oh my god pl S STop but you’re right tho :/
You finally have some time off from your schedule to swing by the cafe down a few blocks from your dorm
You’re out on a lovely Saturday morning stroll and the strong scent of coffee beans wafts out into the streets
The cafe has only been open for an hour but there’s already a huge line
And if it weren’t for your curiosity, you would have just been like Gotta Go Fast
But you figured you would do yourself a favor and begrudgingly hold it out in the line that extends to almost the end of the street
Think of this as a cafe version of Ouran!!
Except add 7 more (excluding haruhi bc you take the protagonist’s place)
The cafe is so full that it makes you wait for the servers to take you to a table like in restaurants so it’s THAT big
No matter what time of day it is, it’s always co m ple te l y paCKED
8am when it just opens? Looks like a concert venue
Half an hour until closing time? All the tables are entirely occupied
It’s predominantly females but evEN GUYS SWOON i mean who wouldn’t tho???? When you have 13 pieces of f I N E????
Anyways when you finally reach the front of the line after 38 years, you’re like finALLY MY LEGS :((
And the bubbly little host is dressed in actual 5-star restaurant attire and he’s looking back at you like :DDDDD!!!!!!!!!! And you’re like :ooooo!!!!! :DDDDD!!!! What a cutie pie!!!!!!!
“Hello, and welcome to The Diamond! I’m Chan, your host, and I’ll be your go-to if your main server is unavailable! We’re currently waiting for a table to open up, so please be patient!” he perfectly recites and you’re just like clutching your heart bc of hoW CUTE HE IS!!!
Around 10 minutes pass and he’s notified that a table has been opened and you’re like okay,,,, this is it. This is where My Life Changes
He leads you to a cute little corner that gives you a nice little window view of the bustling streets
He gives you a menu once you’re seated and he’s like, “Okay, this is where I take off!!! Your main server will be with you shortly! If you need anything, just tap on this little bell!”
As he scurries away you’re just like :(((( why can’t you be my waiter flfjdldfskj wait I’m here for Jeonghan!!
You’re browsing through the menu and you’re appreciating all the aesthetics from the tableware to the graphics on the menu
You hear how the other waiters interact with their supporters customers as you’re waiting for yours and you could have sworn you heard Jeonghan’s name floating around
“What’s the special for today?”
“It’s the double chocolate cheesecake, honey~~”
*SCREAMS* me 2
His favorite pet name to call his supporters customers is “honey” uM IM WEAK B YE
And people seem to be ordering devil’s food cake a lot what a coincidence lmAO
A few minutes pass and you feel a presence nearing you and you casually brush it off as just a waiter passing by but oh boy!!!
“Hi honey~ What can I get you for today -- wait, Y/N?”
You’re about to chOKE ON YOUR SPIT
You look up from the desserts page and see the face that you’ve been mustering up the courage to talk to for months
“J-Jeonghan! I didn’t know you worked here!” the classic sentence starter
He lets out a small laugh in disbelief and you’re like aaaAAAA SO CUTE ST O P I T THIS IS NOT GOOD FOR MY HEART
“I haven’t seen you around here before. Is this your first time today?”
And you’re lowkey highkey blushing bc he,,,, noticed you?????
“Yeah,,,, it is,,,,,,, what do you recommend?”
He hums in thought and turns back to you, “We have the Devil’s food cake that seems to be really popular whenever I serve customers for some reason,” he chuckles and he grins that angelic yet mischievous smile
And you’re like huh :))) I :))) wonder :))) why :)))
You tell him you’ll try it out with a latte and give him the menu as he elegantly exits and leaves your heart painfully wanting to leap out of your chest
Some time passes and you’re taking in the decor and the view of the streets when he returns promptly with your food and drink
“Here you go, Y/N :)” he smiles and gently places the plates down in front of you
But honestly all you’re focusing on is how clOSE his face is when he did that
Do you imagine him to smell really nice?? Bc he probably smells like clean laundry and just fRESH AND SOFT AND--
Little did you know his little fleeting glances at you to check your reaction of the mouthwatering sights in front of you!!!
Am i talking about the food or am I talking about Jeonghan always looking like a meal???? Guess we’ll never know
He nervously giggles and runs his fingers through his hair and you can’t help but to eye his movements bc,,,, those luscious locks,,,,
He’s like well!!! Try it!!! And you’re like ughsldgkdglh in front of you??? Right now????
He doesn’t seem to be budging anytime soon so you’re like rip ok guess so
You take your first bite and your eyes are about to bulge out of your sockets bc how in the name of the heavens can chocolate cake bE SO!!!!!!! GOOD!!!!!!! (spoiler alert: it is)
You’re looking back at him with widened eyes and a chocolate caked mouth as you’re mumbling,” ish sho gud!!”
And he’s like lmAO YOU’RE SO CUTE-- I mean,, yes,,, yes it is
And he gestures at your mouth and says “you have a little something uh,,,, everywhere LOL” and you’re like lsdjdfljd oh god i wanna dig up a hole and bury myself forever!!! And you hastily grab the napkin and wipe the chocolate crumbs off
And you two are so off in your own little world that both of you fail to notice the attention the other customers are directing towards you
Because Jeonghan nEVER, and I mean NE V ER, acts that naturally to a customer
It’s all a bunch of his favorite pet name, “honey,” and some winking tossed in his light flirting
But laughing? Having a really good time? Acting like friends? Joking? Not once!!!
And everyone is like Who Are You And Tell Me Your Secrets
He strikes up a conversation with you so easily and you’re so taken aback bc why would he be talking to an invisible soul like yours??? What’s happening with the world???
“Did you ever get the project turned in?”
And you’re really confused like,,,,, yes??? What???
And he sheepishly smiles, his ears a little red iM YODELING
“I just,,, overheard you worry about how much your partner was slacking off when you were talking to your friend that day,,,, that really sucks :(“
And you’re just like o H!!! Omg
“It’s all taken care of, don’t worry!!! At least i hope so,” you mutter
And you can feel his hesitance and you’re like ???? what is it??
“Maybe you need a new partner for a change? Our professor mentioned our next project can have us choose our own partners,,,, and you seem to be really good at this class,,,,,”
And you wanna laUGH bc you’re literally just there to stare at the back of his head
But he’s like you always know the answers whenever she calls on you????
“It doesn’t take a genius to know what the types of irony are, Jeonghan”
And you’re like,,,, do you need a tutor???
He lights up and his cheeks are stained a light pink aND IM CRYING IN THE CLUB
“yES! I mean, yes. Yes. Please. Here, I’ll give you my number”
What you say: Oh, sure!
You both do a number exchange and literally everyone in that cafe is just on the floor like hOW DID YOU????? WH A T????
And Chan calls him and he not-so-subtly hints about how he’s been talking to you for way too long and everyone in line is complaining LOL
He regretfully looks at you and you nod sadly in understanding
“I’ll catch you later this week,” you say and he’s about to turn around when he stops and turns back
“Are we meeting for a study da-- sESSION?”
And you’re like what did you say--
“I said study session”
“.....I’m free Saturday”
“I’ll meet you at the library,” he gives you one last grin before winking and walking away and you’re like eXCUSE ME WHAT DOES THAT MEAN SIR
You shake your head but you can’t suppress the gigantic smile that your lips involuntarily make
You take the mug in your hands and you notice the latte art is a picture of a heart
And now you finally have a reason to pay attention in your literature class if you gotta tutor a potential college bf in your study da--session!!!!
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