#it's a little over ambitious maybe but why not fly close to the sun
ryuichifoxe · 7 years
I really wanna make a telltale style fantasy romance game.
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I'll be making this into a long fic, but for now I chose to keep it short. Hermitcraft x Dream SMP crossover
Title: button
Grian sat down at the oak wood table, brow furrowed. Another day, another failed attempt to reconnect to Hermitcraft. The strange glitch that had caused the border to fall in the first place must have been repaired, for the world border was back up and running. His communicator didn’t work outside of his home server, and Phil’s crows (who insisted on following the man everywhere, and who Phil had put up to the task of flying between the severs, trying to gather intel on the border glitch and if people were trying to find him) haven’t delivered any news. 
    The builder glanced out the window as the sun set over the horizon. Past that was Hermitcraft. His home. What was Mumbo doing? Scar? Iskall? Xisuma? How was the war progressing without him? Did anyone notice his absence? No, Grian, don’t get sad. Happy thoughts only...Happy thoughts. 
    Torn away from his thoughts, Grian looked up to see Philza, his dark grey wings fluffed up in distress. “Wil’s sent a letter.” The avian said, holding up a piece of paper. 
    “Well, that’s good!” Phil had been under extreme stress these past couple of days since Wilbur hadn’t sent a letter in weeks and the past few he had sent were...concerning, to say the least. “What’s it say?” 
    Another letter should have been a relief, but from the look on Phil’s face, Grian concluded that this letter was everything except relief.
    “It’s just a date, time, and coordinates. November 16th, noon, with a set of coords in L’Manberg…” Phil’s voice trailed off as his dark emerald eyes scanned the page, over and over, as if he were looking for more writing than just a simple date. 
    “That’s tomorrow, innit?” Grian questioned, trying to distract the man from his distress. That’s how Grian ignored his. Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. “I mean, you’ll be able to see your sons, check up on Wil?” 
    “Something doesn’t feel right about this, Grain.” Even after all this time together, Phil still called him Grain. Grian stifled a laugh, as it wasn’t the appropriate time to giggle. “His last few letters concerned me. He mentioned something in his last one about 11 and a half stacks of TNT.” Phil looked Grian dead in the eye and whispered, “Grain, I think Wilbur is going to blow L’Manberg!” 
    “But why?” Grian attempted to rationalize with the distraught Phil, who was now pacing across the room making stressed-out bird noises. “He won the election, shouldn’t he be content with that?” This type of stuff never happened on Hermitcraft. There were never serious talks of blowing up anyone’s builds, much less an entire country! The only time TNT is used is in pranks, and they always helped clean up after. 
    “You clearly don’t know Wilbur...He’s a force of chaos, I’ll tell you that. A creative little shit who always comes up with new ways to get what he wants. If he wants L’Manberg gone, then he’ll go to crazy lengths to achieve that goal.”
    Silence fell. 
    “We need to get to L’Manberg. Now. It’s about a day’s flight from here, and we need to leave now if we want to get there as fast as fucking possible.” Phil tucked the letter into the pocket of his dark green kimono and flexed his wings. Unlike Grian, who used the sleek and slim elytra to fly about, Philza had a pair of actual feathery wings. Upon arrival, Phil explained that he was a bird hybrid, also known as an avian. He had feathers on the sides of his face and neck with elfish ears. Back on Hermitcraft, every member of the server was human. 
Grian and Phil started out on their journey north, towards the world border of Dream SMP. The sun had risen, and the world border was in sight. Phil stated that Dream, the apparent Admin of the server, had agreed to let up the border for a few seconds to let Phil and Grian inside. Phil took a rest on a tree, breathing heavily after hours of non-stop flight.  
“You alright, Big P?” If Phil could nickname him Grain, Grian would nickname him as well. A smile twinged across Phil’s face. 
“Ahh...You sound so much like my youngest, Tommy. He says that to people too. You remind me of him so much. Right down to your red shirt and the aura of pure, unbridled chaos you emit.” 
Both men laughed. Grian really enjoyed Phil’s laugh, and despite how giggly and giddy the avian usually was, it had been a few days since he had last heard him laugh. Wilbur’s lack of letters had really spooked him. 
“Will you stay?” 
“In L’Manberg. I mean, it’s closer to your sons.” 
Phil shrugged and drank a potion of strength, and stood. 
“I might, depending on what happens. If my theory is correct, and Wilbur is going to blow the place up, then I’ll probably stay. Just to help him out and help clean up y’know? Maybe I’ll be able to convince him to come home. Before you got here, I was...really lonely.” 
“Well, you won’t be lonely anymore! Since I can’t return home yet, I’ll be your friend so you don’t have to be lonely!” 
“Thanks, Grain.” 
“You’re welcome, Big P!” 
The two rose and started to fly towards the world border. Maybe Grian could make a new home on Dream SMP. The builder already started making plans for an epic build, having a vague idea in his head. However, he would have to inspect the landscapes available to see what his block palette would be and what style his build would be. Grian thought of his mansion back home and wanted to build something similar to remember it. 
“Oi! Grain! You there mate?” 
Grian shook his head as he was, again, dragged from his daydreams by Phil. They had arrived at the world border. “I’ve sent word to Dream, he should be letting us in soon.” 
“Alrighty! What kind of base do you want to build if you stay?”
    Phil just shrugged. “Eh. Don’t know just yet. Don’t want to start anything too ambitious, like a Hardcore project.” 
Grian kept forgetting that this man held the world record for the longest Hardcore run. Phil was only 5”4 and didn’t look that intimidating. He looked loving and fatherly, and Grian considered Phil to be like a father to him. But the man was a dedicated Hardcore player, and could easily take Grian down in a fight. It scared him, sometimes, about how little he actually knew about Phil. 
“Alright, mate, let’s go.” The blue striped border had been removed by the mysterious admin, and the two flew into Dream SMP. Grian felt a buzz from his communicator and pulled it from his pocket. 
<Grian joined the game>  
<Ph1LzA joined the game> 
Unlike in Hermitcraft, when a member joins the server (especially a new member), the entire chat would be flooded with ‘hello!’ messages. However, on the Dream SMP, there were one or two directed at Phil. How peculiar. Phil went silent as they flew over the woods and forest. In the distance, Grian could see what appeared to be a city. That must be L’Manberg. It wasn’t as big or as grand as some builds on Hermitcraft, heck his own base would have taken up over half of the area if he lived there. On a tall pole lay what Grian assumed was the flag of L’Manberg, inky black, with a fiery red arch and X. Interesting design. Phil didn’t go into the city, however, he flew towards the coordinates that Wilbur had written in his letter, his brow furrowed. Fireworks crackled and popped throughout L’Manberg. 
Grian landed with Phil, in front of a small tunnel that bore deep into a hill that was just outside the country. 
“It’s now or never. Grain, stay behind me.” Phil tucked the letter away and led Grian through the tunnel, and into a compact stone room. Carved into the wall were words. No, not just words. Lyrics. 
I heard there was a special place, 
where men could go and emancipate. 
From the brutality and tyranny of their rulers. 
Well, this place was real, you needn’t fret, 
With Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, fuck Eret. 
It’s a very big place, not blown up L’Manberg. 
Those lyrics were carved all over the stone walls, and in the middle, was a stone button. In front of that button, was Philza’s eldest son, Wilbur. 
Grian had never actually seen Wilbur before, only in an old picture of when Phil, Wilbur, and Phil’s other two sons, Tommy and Technoblade, won MCC 4. In that picture, Wilbur wore a cute yellow sweater with a brown beanie, with a shimmering smile on his face. 
The man that stood before them now was not that person. It couldn’t be. Wilbur stood, hunched over a stone button, whispering to himself. He donned a brown trenchcoat and ditched the beanie. 
“What are you doing?” Phil asked.
Wilbur turned to face them. His eyes had no emotion in them, his smile no longer shimmered. Standing before them was an insane man. 
“I will admit,” Wilbur said. His voice sent a chill down Grian’s spine, “Do you know what this is? What this button is?” Phil’s speculations appeared to be true. Wilbur was trying to destroy L’Manberg. 
“Uh huh. I do.” How, how could Phil be so calm? 
“Have you heard the song? The song on the walls?” Wilbur’s fingers gently ran over the words ‘MY L’MANBERG’. His eye twitched, “I was just making a big point you know? About how there was a special place, it was a special place. But that's not there anymore.” Wil’s voice lowered to a hush. 
“It is there, Wil, it's out there.” 
“PHIL I’M ALWAYS SO CLOSE TO PRESSING THIS BUTTON! I’VE BEEN HERE LIKE SEVEN OR EIGHT TIMES--” Voices from above cut Wilbur off. Grian could hear footsteps above them. Wilbur turned his eyes to the stone ceiling and lowered his voice. “Oh they're going to come…I need to block this off.” Wilbur hastily piled blackstone bricks in the doorway, which not only sealed whoever “they” were out, but also sealed Grian, Phil, and Wilbur in.
“Oh Phil...I’ve been here so many times.” 
Numerous fireworks exploded outside. 
<Tubbo_ went off with a bang due to a firework fired from [Rocket Launcher] by Technoblade> 
“Oh they’re fighting, they’re fighting…” WIlbur whispered, sounding tired. 
“And you just want to...to blow it all up? You fought so hard for this land, Wilbur, and you just want to...destroy it all?” Phil tried to reason.
“I don’t even know if the button works anymore, Phil, I could press it, and it might--”
“Do you want to risk it? There is a lot of TNT potentially connected to that button.” 
Wilbur seemed to hear him. His breathing got heavier as he returned to that hunched over position over the stone button. What was this place? Nothing serious ever happened on Hermitcraft. There were no seriously high stakes, there were no serious threats, no serious danger. It was all in good fun. 
“There...there was a saying, Phil...by, uh, by a traitor. Once part of L’Manberg, don’t know if you ever heard of Eret, but he had a saying.” 
Wilbur looked up at Phil. Grian could see the familiar resemblance between the two, they shared emerald green eyes. 
“It was never meant to be.” Wilbur whispered that phrase, and pressed the stone button. 
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ambssssssssss · 3 years
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Kara soared high above the city she had called home for the last several years, just as she had done every morning since she first arrived in National City. Her first flights around the city had been thrilling, the adrenaline of using the abilities she had denied to herself for so long filling her being with the same sunlight that powered those special abilities. She had used the flights for an escape while she’d been in college, a way to remove herself from the pressure or fitting in and taking tests and trying to act human. It was all too much sometimes. Kara needed a moment to herself to just breathe in, to close her eyes and listen to the sound of the city she loved and pretend that she didn’t feel like there was something missing. 
As Kara got older, and her presence in National City was noticed more, the nature of her flights changed. No longer was flying over the city too high up for anyone to see an escape but rather a commitment. She couldn’t slip into dark jeans and a black hoodie to disappear against the night sky anymore, especially not after she saved that plane. Now she dons a blue suit and red cape and flies just high enough that the people below can see her and take comfort in the symbol she wore on her chest. Kara took these flights so that the city could be safe, could feel safe. 
It was a habit more than anything else to patrol the city now. When Supergirl had first arrived on the scene, it seemed like there was a new villain in the city every week and all of them had some kind of vendetta against Supergirl, or against her mother or father. Kara fought against them all, absorbed the words of hate that they spewed on her family name and tucked the anger and pain away until she was sure that no one could tell how much of those emotions she carried around with her. Then she stepped out of her Supergirl persona, slipped on a carefully constructed silver ring with a band of red on the inside, and went about her day as Kara Danvers, the longest-running assistant to Cat Grant ever and current reporter attempting to make her way in the world. 
Kara’s days were planned out almost to the minute. She woke up with the sun, basked in the glow of the golden lights for a moment to let her body absorb the strength of its rays, and then slipped her special ring on to go about her day. She arrived at CatCo just early enough to make people think she had to rush to get there on time, made her way into the daily content meetings with acting CEO of CatCo, and Kara’s ex, James and the various heads of departments. Around mid-morning, Kara would duck out of CatCo in the name of a coffee run or chasing down a lead to complete her daily morning patrol, and then she would go back to work and try to act like she didn’t miss the power she felt when she wasn’t wearing her ring. 
Kara’s ring was the first and only time she had applied her vast scientific knowledge to a project on earth. She had made it in the name of fitting in as a normal teenage girl, not an alien from a dead planet who was stronger than almost any other person on earth. The list of people who were stronger than Kara shrank just a little bit each time she was able to use her powers without restraint. The ring was made out of an aluminum alloy mixed with a very small amount of lead that was intended to keep Kal from looking too closely and seeing what the ring housed. 
The inside of the band was hollow to allow for an amount of material very carefully constructed to keep Kara appearing as a normal human without causing her any pain. To get the material, Kara had very carefully extracted the radiation from a sliver of kryptonite Jeremiah had stolen for her, and then separated the radiation generated from the piece of Krypton reacting to earth’s yellow sun from the residual solar energy of Rao that was left in the ore. Kara then tested the amount of red solar radiation she could withstand before she was left completely powerless. Inside the ring she had enough of this modified kryptonite to render her mostly human, unable to fly or use her freeze breath or heat vision, and leaving her as strong as the average gym goer. Most importantly, the modified kryptonite didn’t affect her senses so that Kara could still see, hear, or smell danger coming from far enough away that she could take her ring off in time to be prepared for whatever was coming. The substance only worked if it was pressed directly against her skin, which was why the underside of the ring was covered in it. After being on Earth for so long, as long as she spent a good amount of time each day without the ring on, her powers would return almost instantly. 
Kara’s life was...predictable. The most interesting thing she encountered most days, baring an alien induced apocalypse, was the increasingly awkward flirtatious encounters that Mike seemed to find her in. Mon-El, Mike now that he was mostly settled on Earth, had landed outside of National City in a Kryptonian pod three years ago. Kara had found his pod and taken him to the DEO, the secret government agency where Kara’s sister Alex and their friend J’onn worked. When Mon-El awoke a few days later, he was immediately enamored by Kara, but Kara never returned his feelings. 
Mon-El wasn’t very accepting when Kara informed him that her efforts to help him settle on Earth, getting him a job, teaching him to control his powers, and helping him find an apartment, were simply examples of Kara being friendly and not Kara expressing any sort of attraction to Mon-El. Part of his confusion stemmed from the fact that he was the Prince of Daxam and as such had never been rejected before in his life. Kara told herself that the rest of his confusion came from a misunderstanding of human dating practices. 
Kara might have been tempted to give him points for persistence if she believed that she was the only one Mon-El was pursuing, but Mike was well known as the office flirt. It wouldn’t have changed anything for Kara either way. Every encounter with Mike left Kara wishing that she had gotten him a job literally anywhere else in the city, maybe even in a different city all together. Their encounters were stifled and always lasted too long in Kara’s opinion. 
In everything that she did, Kara felt like she was simply drifting through her life. She wasn’t flying anymore, no direction to go in and no light in the distance for her to set her sights on. She simply hovered and let the motions of her life flow through her. 
The longer this went on, the harder it was for Kara to ignore that feeling that there was something missing. 
“Supergirl, we need you at the DEO.” J'onn voice sounded in the comms device Kara had in her ear. Kara pressed her finger to the device and replied in an affirmative before changing her course to take her to the DEO city base. 
“What’s going on?” Kara asked as she approached where J’onn and Kara’s best friend Winn were standing around the wide table in the center of what Kara had always thought of as the command center. She looked for the third member of the team who usually awaited Kara’s arrival there as well, but there was no sign of her sister. “Where’s Alex?”
A look passed between J’onn and Winn that immediately had Kara’s nerves standing on edge. 
“What happened?” Her voice was as strong as the steel that she was often credited as being made of. 
“Alex went on a reconnaissance mission late last night.” J’onn crossed his arms over his chest as he made eye contact with Kara. “She missed her 3 o’clock check in, and every check in since.” 
“Where is she?” 
“We last tracked her signal approaching a half mile away from the target of her mission,” Winn directed Kara’s attention to the map that was up on the monitors before them. Two markers were shining on the screen, one red and one green. Kara’s eyes narrowed as she looked at the map. 
“Kryptonite?” she asked. The green marker was rarely used to indicate anything else as most enemies were marked in black. “She was tracking a kryptonite signature.” 
“She was, which was why we didn’t call you before now,” J’onn supplied. “But I’m afraid there’s more.” 
“The signature came from the old Luthor Mansion 15 miles outside of the city.” Winn said regretfully. Kara felt her spine stiffen. 
“There aren’t any Luthors anymore.” 
Her voice was cold with regret and guilt and blame, both for herself and for Mon-El, at the reminder of the greatest loss Kara had suffered since coming to Earth. 
Three years ago, Lena Luthor had come to National City with the ambitious dream of turning her family name and company into a force for good. She felt like she had to make up for all the damage that her brother had caused in his one-man war against Superman. Kara had been drawn to her from the moment they met. Professional interviews had turned to casual cups of coffee, and then brunches, and then lunches that lasted so long they ended up having dinner as well. Then it was Lena on her couch at game nights and Lena in her kitchen in the mornings and Kara falling hard and fast for the woman that every thought was a monster simply because of her last name. 
Then it was the Daxamite invasion and Lena was the only reason that Mon-El survived the atmosphere irradiated with lead. Lena was the only reason that the city had survived that attack and she was the only person that Kara couldn’t save. 
In the chaos of the invasion and Kara’s fight against Superman and then Queen Rhea, Lillian Luthor had kidnapped Lena, again. Kara had searched high and low, checking every known Luthor property and even a few that she only knew about because she was Lena’s best friend. Kara searched for two years without finding even a hint of the Luthors until Lex showed up in National City. 
Kara had fought him off, driven by a desperate need to find Lena and save her because it had been two years but Kara’s hadn’t diminished in the slightest. Lex had mocked her, picked at her failure to save Lena before it was too late. Kara’s blood boiled at the realization that Lena was well and truly gone, somewhere that Kara couldn’t hope to bring her back from. The dead could only be mourned, not rescued. 
Kara had taken her anger out on Lex, his experimental powers no match for the force of Kara’s rage and regret. He didn’t stand a chance against her. Kara didn’t regret anything about that encounter, but she wished that it could have done something to bring Lena back to her. Six months ago, Kara had finally accepted the truth and stopped looking. 
“Alex, she wanted to clear it before she brought you in on this,” J’onn explained. “She wanted to have an answer for what was happening before she brought up the Luthors. With Lillian in jail, Lex gone, and Lena…” He trailed off as Kara looked away. “Her signal went out exactly half a mile from the Mansion and the kryptonite signature is gone.” 
“So, you think she found it but, what? Set off a boobytrap and got stuck?” Kara knew her tone wasn’t one that she should take with her boss but she didn’t really care at that moment. She’d apologize later. 
“We don’t know.” J’onn looked at the map again. “But we do know that you are the only one who ever had any real success against the Luthors. If something is going on there, you’re the only one who can stop it.” 
“I need to set up a cover with James,” Kara said, turning and striding towards the window to take off towards CatCo. “I’ll be back in half an hour, ready to go.” 
After establishing an alibi with James, narrowly avoiding another flirting attempt by Mike, Kara returned to the DEO. She double checked the coordinates for the Mansion and set off in the direction, intent on getting her sister back safe and sound. She’d already lost too much to the Luthors, she wouldn’t lose the other person who mattered most to her. 
Kara flew to the point where Alex’s signal had gone out and found only the empty driveway that led to the doors of the Mansion. She landed and pulled her day clothes on as she approached the house proper. Alex’s motorcycle was parked outside the front door, the black helmet hanging off the handle bars. Kara frowned at the sight. Alex clearly wasn’t expecting to find anything worthy of taking back to the DEO, otherwise she would have brought a car, but she had found something. There wasn’t any evidence of a fight where Alex’s signal dropped off the map and it looked like Alex had been able to walk into the Mansion perfectly unharmed. 
Curious, Kara pressed her finger to the comms device in her ear. She heard only static. 
Keeping her modified ring in her pocket so that she would go into the Mansion fully powered, Kara moved past her sister’s bike and stepped through the door. 
The inside of the Mansion was...cleaner than Kara was expecting it to be. This had been one of the first places Kara had checked in her search for Lena years ago and she clearly remembered that the Mansion had been covered in layer upon layer of dust and crime. The furniture had been covered in dirty white sheets and Kara’s feet had left a path through the grime on the floor. Now, the floor was so clean that Kara could see her reflection on the polished marble and the sheets draped over the furniture were a pristine, sharp white. 
Kara concentrated her hearing but she couldn’t hear anything around the Mansion at all. A quick scan with her x-ray vision showed that the walls were lined with lead. That was different than the last time Kara had been there. How had she been unaware of such a major renovation of a Luthor property this close to her home city? Shaking off the unnerving feeling that she was being watched, Kara continued further into the house. 
She checked all the rooms on the first floor and found no evidence of life in all but the kitchen. The kitchen was fully stocked and furnished with gleaming state of the art fixtures. Kara’s anxiety about this situation increased even more as she reached the top of the grand staircase and her ears picked up on a faint buzzing noise coming from down the hall. It was the soft hum of electricity overlapping with the louder hum of some kind of machinery. Kara followed the sound down the hall until she found a partially open doorway. 
After checking to see if she could see through the door - she couldn’t - Kara gently pushed the door just a little bit until it opened enough that she could see inside. 
“Alex!” Kara called out as she saw her sister laying on a cot  just inside the room. She looked unharmed, a quick scan over her revealing no cuts of broken bones. Her heart rate was normal, not shallow or elevated and she stirred as Kara called her name. 
“Kara?” Alex blinked sleepily and then sat up right, suddenly wide awake. “Kara, you can’t be here.” 
“Alex, c’mon, of course I was going to come for you,” Kara attempted to move closer to her sister and was barred from getting too close by a shimmering blue forcefield that Kara collided with. “What the hell?” 
“Kara, it’s-it’s too much to explain but I need you to trust me and go.” Alex stood up and placed her hand on the forcefield that separated them. “Please, Kara. Go.” 
“I’m not leaving you here, Alex. You’re a prisoner!” Kara attempted to push the forcefield but was forced back with surprisingly gentle pressure. 
“I’m not, really. She wouldn’t hurt me, Kara. And I know she doesn’t want to hurt you and that’s why you have to go.” 
“No, I’m not going anywhere without you!” 
“Kara-” Alex cut herself off and turned away like she was bracing herself for something awful a second before Kara felt the power of true kryptonite wash through her being, stronger than she had ever felt it before. 
The force of the radiation on her skin brought Kara to her knees and then further to the ground as she released a series of high pitched grunts and groans. She was dimly aware of Alex calling her name, apologizing for something, before her mind registered another sound. A voice that she hadn’t heard in almost three years but one that sent Kara’s heart racing in a way that had nothing to do with the pain wracking her body. 
“Hope, activate the cleansing protocol.” 
“Yes Miss Luthor.” 
There was a shimmer of blue tinted light around Kara and then she felt the warmth of artificial sun rays casted over her body but she ignored both in favor of lifting her head to find the source of that voice. When her eyes finally found their target, Kara was helpless against the tears that welled. 
“Lena…” Her name escaped Kara as barely more than an astonished whisper. Lena was standing on the other side of Kara, barely in the room past the doorway and yet Kara felt as if Lena was the only one in the room. “It’s really you?” 
“Hello, Kara,” Lena said and it was her voice, yes, but it was empty. There was no warmth in Lena’s eyes, no fondness in the way her lips formed Kara’s name. Lena’s face was carefully blank as she gazed at Kara, eyes roaming like she was trying to take in every inch of Kara at once. 
“Lena,” Kara repeated her name. There were so many things that she wanted to say, secrets that she had wanted to tell Lena three years ago but thought she would never get the chance to say, but still Kara hesitated. This was Lena, casual Lena that Kara only got to see once Lena had deemed her trustworthy enough. Lena with her hair down in its natural waves and wearing a cardigan and sweats rather than her work attire. Lena in socks instead of heals and with her natural pink lips on display. This was Kara’s favorite Lena. 
But this was also Lena with green veins running along her skin and glowing eyes that were so close and yet so far away from her natural color. 
This Lena was Kara’s kryptonite in every sense of the word. 
“Kara,” Alex called out, making Kara suddenly remember that it wasn’t just her and Lena in the room staring at one another in silence. Kara turned to her sister. She didn’t know what expression was on her face but it was one that seemed to cause Alex’s concern to rise. “Kara, I’m going to help her.” 
“Alex, she’s…” Kara couldn’t even begin to describe what she thought was happening with Lena. 
“I know, Kara, I know.” Alex looked at her sister with the same gentle understanding that she had two years ago, when Kara finally broke down and admitted that she had been in love with Lena and never told her. “But she’s going to be okay. We found her in time.” 
Kara didn’t like the implications of Alex’s statement and turned back to where Lena was still lingering in the doorway. 
“The kryptonite signature that the DEO picked up,” Kara said in a shaking voice. “That was you?” 
Lena nodded once, short and sharp like the movement hurt. “I’ve been trying to break through the dome Lex placed over me for months. I could only hold the breach for thirty seconds before it closed again.” 
“Lex, he used really advanced alien technology here.” Alex chimed in with a wide gesture at the dome that covered her and the one that covered Kara. 
“He didn’t want anyone finding me and he knew I wouldn’t leave like this,” Lena took a step back so she was standing in the doorway. Kara took an instinctive step forward like she was going to keep Lena from leaving. “Not when I would be hurting you just by being in the same room as you.”
“You could never hurt me, Lena.” Kara said certainly. Lena scoffed softly. 
“I think the kryptonite poisoning you just endured proves that I can,” Lena smiled sadly. “Even when I don’t want to.” 
“That isn’t your fault, Lena.” Kara tried to take another step forward but was thwarted by the dome around her. She put her hands against the surface and clenched her fists in frustration. “Please, Lena, take this down.” 
“I can’t, Kara,” Lena shook her head and took an involuntary step forward. Kara could see the same desire that she had, to take Lena in her arms and never let her go, reflected in Lena’s eyes. “I won’t hurt you like that. Lex has already killed me, I won’t let him do the same to you.” 
“You aren’t going to die from this.” Alex said fiercely. “We can figure out what Lex did to you.” 
“We don’t have enough time Alex,” Lena spoke sharply and then nearly doubled over as an intense coughing fit ripped through her lungs. “I called you here to say goodbye, not to save me.” 
“You should have known that I wouldn’t accept that,” Alex replied and then looked pointedly at Kara. “And neither would she.” 
“You are not going to die, Lena. I won’t let you.” 
“Kara, it’s only a matter of ti-” 
“No! No, I’m not losing you again, Lena.” The tears that had been building in Kara’s eyes since she set her sights on Lena again began to fall. Kara didn’t bother trying to wipe them away. “I’ve already lost you twice. When your mother took you and then again when Lex attacked National City and said that you were…” Kara swallowed harshly, unable to say the word. “I’m not doing that again. I won’t fail you again.” 
Silence reigned for a long moment after Kara’s proclamation. Tears still fell from Kara’s eyes but she refused to tear her gaze away from Lena. She was certain that for the first time in her life, Kara’s expression matched the brokenness she felt inside. She was sure that Alex was wearing that concerned older sister expression that she always wore when Kara revealed even a hint of the pain she carried, but Kara only cared for Lena’s expression. Lena who looked just as broken as Kara felt. 
“Kara, no, none of this is your fault.” Kara almost smiled at seeing that the first thing Lena chose to address was Kara’s very last statement. “There was no way you could have found me, Lex made sure of that. He was even crazier than he was before.” 
“I should have looked harder, searched more. I should have found you.” 
“You did find me,” Lena’s smile was watery. “I don’t have much time left, I know that, but I’m glad I got to spend some of it with you, even like this.” 
“I can help you, Lena,” Kara reached into her pocket and pulled out her power dampening ring. “I’ve removed the radiation from kryptonite before. I can do it again.” 
“What is that?” Lena asked, taking a hesitant step forward. Kara offered a reassuring smile. 
“Let me send it through the barrier and you can see for yourself.” Kara waited until Lena had nodded, moved a few paces back so she wasn’t entirely in the room, and then ordered Hope to drop the barrier for less than a second. The barrier was back up a moment later and Lena came into the room again to pick up the ring that Kara had slid in her direction. 
As she walked, Kara studied Lena’s movement. Every motion was followed by a concealed grimace. It was clear that every second Lena was upright was another second that she was in pain. Kara felt the anger and guilt swell within her to previously unreached levels. Anger at Lex for doing this to his sister and anger at herself for letting it happen, guilt that she hadn’t found Lena sooner. 
“Is this kryptonite?” Lena asked after a few moments of examining the ring. 
“It used to be,” Kara answered. “I needed something to help dampen my powers so I could blend in better.” That was another web to untangle, the fact that Lex had probably told Lena her secret, but they could deal with that after all this was over. “Jeremiah got some kryptonite for me to work with and I removed the radiation, leaving the ore raw. I used simulated red sunlight to replicate the power of Rao and played around with solar energy and radiation until I found a level that would dampen my powers but not remove them.” 
“I knew you were brilliant, Kara, but that is…” Lena trailed off. Despite the tenseness of the situation, Kara felt herself blush at the praise. “Amazing.” 
“I can remove the radiation from the kryptonite that’s in your veins,” Kara said confidently, forcing her voice not to shake. “From there, you should be able to flush the residue out with a blood transfusion.” 
“I’m afraid it won’t be that simple,” Lena said, fingering the ring in her hand like it was a precious item. “Lex didn’t just inject me with kryptonite, Kara. He injected something into my bone marrow. I don’t have kryptonite in my blood, my blood is kryptonite.” 
“Well, fuck.” Kara surprised everyone in the room, including herself, with the expletive. “Sorry, I just-” 
“No, fuck about sums it up,” Lena joked softly. 
“I can still help you,” Kara said after a moment. Lena offered her a smile that was almost as warm as the ones she used to send Kara’s direction on a daily basis. Kara ached at the thought. 
“It’s nice to see that your optimism hasn’t faded.” Kara had half a mind to tell Lena that it was stubbornness that was fueling her, not optimism. “But I’m not sure what you could do. I’ve done every test I can think of, and there’s been a lot of them, but nothing has worked. I’ve tried to neutralize the kryptonite with red sunlight, but that didn’t affect anything. I tried to flush it out with yellow sun light, and again nothing. I’ve taken every sample, and run every test, but nothing has worked.” 
“And you don’t metabolize things like Kryptonians, and even though kryptonite isn’t inherently deadly to humans, it is still radiation.” Alex picked up, obviously having heard Lena’s explanation before. “Too much of anything can hurt a human.” 
“This kryptonite blood that I’m producing, it’s flawed somehow. Lex’s formula didn’t rewrite all of the blood cells correctly. My working hypothesis is that the kryptonite he put in my bone marrow is basically acting like a fast growing cancer. I don’t have enough normal blood cells to fight it off.” 
“And the longer you’re exposed, the worse it gets.” 
“How long have you been like this?” Kara asked, halfway afraid of the answer. 
“A year.” Lena answered. Kara looked away from her, unable to stand the guilt that washed over her. That’s what Lex had meant, six months ago during their battle. When he said that Kara had been too late, he hadn’t meant that Lena was dead but that she was dying and there was nothing Kara could do to save her. “I don’t think I’ve got more than a month left.” 
“There has to be something we can do,” Alex was pacing furiously across her dome. For a moment, Kara wondered why Alex was in a protective dome as well but then she realized that Lena wouldn’t be willing to expose her kryptonite laced self to anyone who might come into contact with Kara. She had already said that that was the reason that she hadn’t attempted to leave the mansion. 
“There’s nothing. I can’t flush it out of my system with a little sunlight, Alex.” Lena’s tone was biting but her shoulders dropped immediately and Alex accepted her silent apology with a barely there nod. 
Lena was right. Her body was producing the kryptonite, not just fighting it off.  They couldn’t target the symptoms to get rid of it like an infection. Lena described it as a cancer and cancers had to be attacked at the source. But wouldn’t a Kryptonian cancer require a Kryptonian cure? 
A sudden thought struck Kara. A very, very risky idea came to mind, one that Kara wasn’t sure would work but if it did...it had to be worth a try, at least. 
“If the problem is in your bone marrow,” Kara said, breaking up the argument that Alex and Lena had gotten into. Both women turned to look at her. “Then maybe my bone marrow is the solution.” 
“Kara, what are you talking about?” Alex asked. Kara stared at Lena and could almost see the moment that Kara’s idea struck Lena’s brain. 
“A bone marrow transplant.” Lena said. “My human blood, if there’s any of it left, can’t fight off the kryptonite because I can’t process the solar energy to expel it from my body. But if I had Kryptonian blood…” 
“Would that work?” Kara directed the question to Alex, as the only medical doctor in the room. 
“I don’t know,” Alex answered. “We’d need to test it before we did any kind of transplant, pull samples from you both and see how they interact and even if it does work, it’ll be painful.” Alex knew that Lena already understood how painful kryptonite poisoning was to Kara, so she didn’t bother to elaborate on that. 
“I’m already in pain,” Lena said, resigned. “I can handle it.” 
“But there could be side effects to a transplant like this,” Alex said warningly. “Human and alien blood generally don’t mix well, not to mention trying to type match the two of you.” Alex bit her lip. 
“I can have Hope run a simulation on possible side effects after we have samples,” Lena said. Her gaze was focused on Kara, her eyes filled with so much longing that it took everything in Kara to keep her from fighting her way out of her little bubble. “It’s worth looking into, at least.” 
“If we go to the Red Lab, I should be able to get the samples from both of you without putting myself or Kara at risk.” Alex said to Lena, waiting until she nodded. 
“Hope, activate mobile protection.” 
“Yes Miss Luthor.” The same robotic voice that Kara had heard earlier but not really paid attention too spoke again. The bubble around Kara wavered for a moment and then repositioned around Kara so she was standing in the direct center of it. 
“The dome will move with you now,” Lena said to the Danvers sisters. “Follow me.” 
The Red Lab turned out to be a room with lighting fixtures that all simulated red sunlight. It didn’t seem to have much of an effect on Lena, but Kara was completely powerless for the first time in a long while. She had blown out her powers in an effort to vent her frustration right after Lena was taken but had been careful not to do so again since. A part of her would always be ready to fly to Lena’s aide, even when Kara didn’t think Lena would be calling for her. 
Alex collected the bone marrow sample from Kara first before donning the protective suit that Lena insisted she wear to collect the sample from Lena. Lena had opted to take something that would knock her out for the collection process while Kara had simply switched to yellow sun lamps to recover after Alex had withdrawn the needle. Collecting the sample hurt like hell but Kara wasn’t willing to let Lena out of her sight for even a moment. 
“She’s strong Kara,” Alex said as she began analyzing the samples she had taken from both women. “She’ll make it through this.” 
“She’s been through so much, Alex. If I hadn’t left her alone that day, she would never have to go through this.” 
“You don’t know that.”  Alex turned from the samples to look at her sister, who was lying on a medical bed and staring across the space that separated her and Lena as if it were a great chasm that even Supergirl didn’t dare attempt to cross. “Lex would have found some other way to get to her. He is the one that did this to her, he deserves the blame.” 
Kara didn’t respond. Alex knew that her sister didn’t believe her but she let the matter drop for now. They could all play the blame game when Lena wasn’t in danger of dying and Kara finally worked up the courage to tell her how she felt. 
Alex had always known that there was something different about Kara’s friendship with Lena. Different in a good way, Alex knew that even before she fully trusted Lena. Lena had breathed a new life into Kara. Lena with Kara was warmth and light and such a strong sense of rightness that Alex wouldn’t have been able to disapprove even if she wanted to. She and Maggie had once made a bet that Kara and Lena would get together eventually. Before they lost Lena, Maggie had said that she would be surprised if Kara and Lena weren’t already together and were just keeping it a secret for the time being. Alex had laughed at the time but after Lena disappeared she had started to wonder about that. 
She wondered what Maggie would say if she were there with them. Last Alex had heard, Maggie was working as a detective in Gotham, on the fast track for lieutenant. Alex was proud of her and it didn’t hurt to think about her so much anymore. 
Alex had plenty of time to observe her sister over the last three years that Lena had been away. She saw that light in Kara growing dimmer each day as another search for Lena led to nothing but empty estates. She watched Kara become a shell of herself. Sister nights happened less frequently. Game nights were basically a thing of the past these days. Kara worked at CatCo but some of her drive was gone. She saved the day as Supergirl but the city had noticed that their shining beacon of hope had lost some of her rigor. It was easy to see the signs once Alex had started to look for them and so she was unsurprised when Kara broke down in her arms on the one year anniversary of Lena’s kidnapping.  
Kara had such a capacity for love and she had met her equal in that endeavor in Lena. Alex would make sure that both of them got the chance to share their love with one another. Even if she had to resurrect Lex Luthor to do it, she would find a cure for Lena. 
As Alex set about working on the solution and instructed Hope to begin running her simulation, Lena’s pain medication began to wear off and she opened her eyes to find Kara looking directly at her from across the room. 
Truthfully, when Lena had managed to break through the protective dome Lex had created over her, she wasn’t expecting such a quick response. She wasn’t expecting any response really, the message that she had intended to send to the DEO remained unsent. The dome had closed before Lena could manage a direct pathway to the three people that she wanted to receive the message. She had no idea that the DEO had satellites that constantly scanned the globe for kryptonite until Alex showed up at the front door of the Mansion. 
She should have known that it would only be a matter of time before Kara showed up as well. Where one Danvers sister went, the other inevitably followed. 
Lena had been thinking about the day she would see Kara again for so long that it had seemed an impossibility. Lena rarely got what she wished for and she wanted to see Kara again more than anything. Kara had been a constant, grounding present in Lena’s life three years ago even with the secret of Kara’s alter-ego hanging between them. Whenever Lena needed an escape from the pressure of being Lena Luthor, CEO of L-Corp, the Good Luthor, the Bad Luthor, or any other moniker that people bestowed on her, she knew she could find a safe haven with Kara. 
With Kara, Lena didn’t have to fit herself into any specific mold. There were no expectations with Kara. Lena could just be. Lena had realized how much she had come to rely on such a reprieve until it was ripped from her. This past year had been especially bad, knowing that she was only a half hour away from the person she wanted to see most but also knowing that she couldn’t go to Kara even if the protective dome wasn’t in place. She wouldn’t subject Kara to that kind of pain if she could avoid it and she hated that their first interaction in three years was marred with the pain of kryptonite poisoning inflicted on Kara by Lena’s mere presence in the room. 
Lena met Kara’s eyes across the gap that separated them and if she wasn’t lying down, the force of Kara’s emotions would likely have brought Lena to her knees. Kara’s eyes had always been so expressive, the one thing that Kara couldn’t school into a certain look even when she approached Lena as Supergirl. Kara’s eyes gave her away every time which is why Lena hadn’t been surprised when Lex revealed Kara’s secret. She had known for a long time and was simply waiting for Kara to trust her enough to reveal it herself. Kara’s eyes had not lost their intensity in the past three years. If anything, all the emotions that Lena used to tell herself were just wishful thinking on her part where there in spades. 
Before, Lena could only see the barest hints of the feelings she had for Kara being returned. Just a moment where it looked like Kara wanted to kiss Lena just as much as Lena wanted to kiss Kara. Then the moment would pass and Lena was positive that she had imagined that the moment was ever there in the first place. Now, Lena could see everything in Kara’s eyes. 
The blue of Kara’s iris was clouded in pain and guilt, so much of it that Lena was certain that there would always be a part of Kara who would never forgive herself for not protecting Lena. Lena would have to work on that with her, she needed Kara to understand that Lena didn’t blame her in the slightest, nor does she hate Kara for not finding her before. She’ll tell Kara everything, will be relentless in her love until Kara accepts that she hasn’t lost Lena. Because behind the pain and guilt, Lena can see the longing that Kara holds within. There’s so much in Kara’s eyes but the most powerful of all is the love there and that’s the part that gives Lena the strength to make it through the next part of all of this. She needs to get better, she needs to be able to touch Kara again. She needs to show Kara how she feels. Words won’t be enough, but they’re all she has at the moment. 
“Kara,” Lena says in a whisper. It’s almost too low, she thinks, for Kara to hear without her powers, but Kara seems to come alive at the sound of her name coming from Lena. “Kara…” 
“I know,” Kara replies just as soft. Lena wonders what Kara can see in her own eyes. Lena knows that she’s not holding anything back, the effort of doing so would take too much out of her and she doesn’t want to sleep through this. Not if there’s a chance that this is the last time she’ll see Kara. “I know, Lena. Me too.” 
It’s not enough to encompass the strength of Lena’s emotions, but she feels the relief wash over her anyhow. Kara knows, she sees in Lena all the things that Lena sees in Kara and if Lena doesn’t make it through her treatment, that would be enough to send her to the next life with a smile on her face. 
“Tell me something,” Lena requests a moment later. She and Kara are still gazing at each other, both refusing to look away. 
“What do you want to hear about?” 
“Everything,” Lena says. “I’ve missed so much. I want to hear it all.” 
Kara starts talking then, telling Lena all about what she had missed in the last three years. Kara’s stories are varied and not always connected to one another but Lena hangs on to every word. She smiles when Kara speaks with pride in her voice about the articles that she had written, about her continued fight for alien amnesty. She glares when Kara mentions Mon-El and then finds herself smiling at Kara’s obvious annoyance with the man and resolves that if she ever sees Mon-El again, she’ll let him know exactly where he can shove his unwanted affections. She laughs when Kara talks about some of the more ridiculous saves she had made as Supergirl and feels her heart clench painfully when Kara glosses over the encounters that were actually a threat to her life. Kara talks about songs that have come out and shows that she thinks Lena would like and every part of Lena aches to hold this amazing woman close to her and breath her in. 
Alex and Hope are still running tests by the time Kara finishes her stories of the last three years, so Kara switches tracks to talking about all the things they could do in the next three years. 
It seemed that Kara had accumulated quite the bucket list in the time that Lena had been gone. They were going to travel the world together, Kara decided, first this world and then they’d hop on over to Earth-1 and do it all over again. Kara would take a sabbatical from both CatCo and Supergirl so she could just be with Lena. Then after their travels, they’d come back to National City and Kara would pick back up as a reporter but maybe not for CatCo anymore. Maybe she’d want to branch out by then. It wouldn’t matter so much because she’d be well on her way to winning a Pulitzer so she could get a job anywhere. And Lena, she could go back to the labs again. L-Corp was barely a shadow of its former glory but Lena could restore it and make it even better than before. Then she’d win a Nobel Prize. 
Then, once Kara and Lena’s careers were both where they wanted it to be, they’d get married and settle down in a house outside the city. One with huge windows and lots of space for family and friends to be there. It would have to be well protected because Kara didn’t think she could simply walk away from being Supergirl, but it would be theirs. Somewhere they could raise a family if they wanted too, or somewhere they could simply be together. 
“I think we should at least go on a date before we start talking about marriage,” Lena said with a watery chuckle. Her body was exhausted, as it normally was after a year of having kryptonite for blood, but she forced herself to stay awake. “No need for such a rush.” 
“We’ve wasted enough time already,” Kara disagreed but she was smiling warmly. Lena felt the ever present desire to reach for Kara tug painfully at her heart. “But you’re right. We could get married tomorrow or ten years from now. I’d be happy either way as long as I get to be with you.” 
“Me too,” Lena felt her eyes begin to close and forced them back open. 
“It’s okay, honey,” Kara told her and Lena practically melted at the pet name that rolled off Kara’s tongue. “Rest, we’ll talk more later.” 
“Promise?” Lena didn’t need to open her eyes to know that Kara was wearing that soft smile that Lena had only ever seen directed at her. 
“I promise.” 
Eased by the knowledge that Kara was only a few feet away, Lena fell into her first easy sleep in three years. 
Lena awoke sometime later when Hope’s electronic voice filled the Red Lab. 
“Simulation successful. Ratio for Kryptonian to Human bone marrow donation found. Side effects: temporary Kryptonian blood cells will result in temporary Kryptonian abilities. Including sensitivity to kryptonite.” 
“Will we be able to flush the kryptonite from Lena’s blood stream without harming her?” Alex asked the artificial intelligence as she looked at the simulation results that Hope had brought up on the monitor before her. 
“Affirmative,” Hope answered. “Exposure to yellow solar radiation will extrapolate the kryptonite from Miss Luthor just as it would for any natural born Kryptonian. Warning: this process is likely to be extremely painful due to the amount of kryptonite currently within Miss Luthor’s bloodstream.” 
“How long would it take?” Kara asked. Lena searched for Kara around the room and found that the other woman was standing close to her sister. They must have merged their bubbles together. The thought nearly made Lena giggle in her exhaustion. 
“Full decontamination will take approximately 48 hours under a constant yellow sun.” 
“We’ll be able to do that here?” 
“Yes,” Lena spoke up, alerting both Davers sisters to her waking. They both turned to her, Kara taking an instinctive step forward until she remembered that she wouldn’t be able to reach Lena and she halted her motions. “The lights around the whole room can switch from red to yellow with a command.” 
“Lena,” Kara said softly. Their eyes met and Lena was hit with the sudden realization that she was seeing all of Kara in that moment. Kara was wearing her day clothes but her hair was down and she didn’t have her glasses on. Even the silver ring that she always wore was gone. This wasn’t Kara Danvers or Supergirl but the woman who inhabited them both. Kara Zor-El. 
“I’m okay,” Lena replied. “Better than okay, if this works.” 
“It will,” Alex and Kara said at the same time, both of their voices ringing with confidence. Lena smiled at the unfailing faith of the Danvers and wondered what she did to deserve such heroes coming to her rescue. She wouldn’t dwell on it though, she would just be happy that they were here and that they had found a way to save her. 
“Okay,” Lena smiled. “Then let’s do it.” 
“Lena, are you sure?” Kara asked, her concern written plainly across the delicate features of her face. “This isn’t going to be an easy process. It’s going to hurt.” 
“It’s worth it,” Lena said surely. 
“It’s dangerous.” 
“I’m already dying, darling,” Lena said. She almost wanted to take it back when she saw Kara flinch at the word but she pressed on. “If this is my only chance to get to...to live again, I’m going to take it.” Even if the kryptonite wasn’t slowly killing her, Lena wouldn’t have really been alive. Not without Kara, who made her feel like life was worth living, who made her feel like love was worth it. Without Kara, Lena was simply surviving. 
“Okay,” Kara agreed after a moment of staring into Lena’s eyes. “Alex, what do you need to do this?” 
“Another bone marrow sample from you Kara,” Alex said. “I have enough of Lena’s left to get the ratio right, but I’ll need more of yours. The ratio isn’t quite even but since Lena’s human, after the kryptonite is gone her blood should return to normal on it’s own.” 
“Okay, let’s do it.” Kara moved back over to the bed that she had used before and removed her top before settling on her side again, facing Lena’s bed. Despite the skin on display, Kara’s modesty only protected by the bra covering her chest, Lena kept her gaze focused on Kara’s face as Alex extracted another sample of bone marrow from the base of her spine. 
The extraction process took longer the second time around because Alex needed a larger sample than she had before, but Kara hardly flinched from the pain. It made Lena wonder just how Kara’s pain tolerance truly was. There was no denying that Kara was physically strong but Lena wasn’t sure how that translated to the pain she endured. She’d seen Supergirl stumble back from a blow before and grit her teeth as she called upon her strength, but she can’t remember ever seeing any outward evidence to suggest that Kara was in pain unless there was kryptonite involved. 
“Okay,” Alex said minutes later, after Kara’s sample had been added to the bone marrow that would be injected back into Lena. Kara had pulled her top back on and was sitting up on her bed now with her gaze still fixed surely on Lena. “We’ll need to give you about an hour to generate enough Kryptonian blood cells to start the process and then we’ll switch the lights to yellow to start the decontamination.” 
Lena nodded her understanding of the procedure and held still while Alex donned the protective suit and left her bubble of protection to approach Lena. The miracle cure administered, the only thing the three women could do was wait. 
They didn’t speak during the first hour while they waited for Lena to be able to flush the poison from her system. Kara had many things that she wanted to say, but they were things meant for only Lena to hear. Apologies and declarations and promises that Kara would do anything in her power to keep. Alex simply kept quiet while she monitored Lena’s vitals while occasionally checking on her sister. Lena didn’t speak because everything she thought about saying sounded like a goodbye and she knew that Kara would refuse to listen to anything that resembled Lena giving up. 
There was no sound in the room that wasn’t mechanical in nature until Lena let out a pained groan. It was just past the hour mark and the kryptonite in her system was finally reacting to the new blood cells she was generating. Her green veins were glowing stronger now and Lena curled in on herself. 
“Hope, activate the yellow lights.” Kara’s order was followed in an instant and the room was bathed in yellow light. Lena continued to write in pain on her bed and Kara placed her hands on the dome that held her in place. “Hope, let me out.” 
“Negative. Kryptonite levels around Miss Luthor -” 
“I don’t care, let me out.” Kara repeated the order, pushing harder against the force field that kept her from getting to Lena. 
“Kara-” the name escaped Lena in a sharp gasp of pain. “Kara it hurts.” 
“I know, honey, I know,” Kara said soothingly. “I’m right here, Lena. You’ll be okay.” 
Kara was on her feet then, standing with her hands pressed against the inner wall of the boundary that kept her from Lena. She clenched her fists and beat them against the unforgiving surface, helpless to the tears that fell from her eyes. She knew it would be agony for Lena to go through this process but she hadn’t accounted for the torture it would be to watch Lena suffer and be unable to comfort her. Kara beat against the wall again and then abruptly, the wall was gone. 
Kara stumbled forward and caught herself on the edge of Lena’s bed. There was still ambient kryptonite around Lena, but it was nothing that Kara couldn’t withstand since the yellow sun lamps were on. 
“I’m here, Lena. I’m right here,” Kara lifted Lena’s body from the bed and moved her over just enough that Kara could lay beside her. Her own pain from the kryptonite coursing through Lena’s body increased but Kara pushed it away and drew Lena close against her chest. “I’ve got you, honey.” 
“Kara, you can’t be here,” Lena protested with a feeble attempt to pull away. 
“Shush, I’m not going anywhere. Just let me hold you, Lena. Please.” 
Lena wanted to protest but it felt so good to be in Kara’s arms again. Kara still smelled like sunshine and vanilla and Lena wanted to drown in her. Kara’s arms were firm around her and she spoke with her lips pressed against Lena’s forehead as she begged Lena to let her stay and Lena realized that Kara needed this just as much as Lena did. She wouldn’t let Lena suffer through this alone, not if there was something she could do to help her, even if it was just to hold Lena’s trembling body in her arms until the pain was gone. 
Lena relented with a nod and settled into Kara’s embrace, hiding her face in the crook of Kara’s neck in an attempt to muffle her cries as her body finally began to fight back against the poison within her bones. 
The next 48 hours were the longest of Kara’s life. Lena had succumbed to the pain in her body two hours after they switched to the yellow sun lamps and had been limp in Kara’s arms ever since. She would shift occasionally as the aches and pains in her body shifted, always pressing closer to Kara like she thought that if she could get close enough, all her pain would go away. Kara held Lena close through all of it, alternating between rubbing soothing circles on Lena’s back and carding her fingers through Lena’s hair. Sometimes when Lena shifted against, Kara would whisper soothing words into her hair or press kisses to her hairline until Lena settled again. Most of the time, Kara held Lena silence and prayed to Rao, begging him to end Lena’s pain as soon as possible. 
She was dimly aware of Alex setting up some sort of alert system and then leaving the lab for several hours, but Kara was too focused on Lena to really care about anything else going on. The green was fading from Lena’s skin at an excruciatingly slow pace, but fading nonetheless. After six hours, the ambient kryptonite around Lena had decreased enough that Kara couldn’t feel it affecting her anymore, which she took as a good sign. Kara considered getting out of the bed at that point so that Lena could be better exposed to the yellow sun lamps, but whenever Kara tried to move out of their embrace Lena would stir and pull her closer. Kara stayed awake for the first 24 hours, not letting herself go to sleep until Alex was back in the lab so that she could be sure there was someone there, just in case. 
“Winn and J’onn are working on bringing down the dome from the outside,” Alex said once she had returned from the lab. “I’ve got Hope helping them where she can but I think the dome was meant to keep the kryptonite from being discovered, not Lena. She should be able to walk out of here once all the kryptonite is gone.” 
“Thanks, Alex,” Kara said to her sister. 
“You love her,” Alex said in response, moving closer to the bed that currently held Kara and the still unconscious Lena. “I saw how much losing her the first time destroyed you. I wasn’t about to let that happen again.” 
“I’m sorry I’ve kinda disappeared on you for the past few years,” Kara apologized. Sure, Kara had been around, but she and Alex were both aware that just because Kara was physically with her sister didn’t mean she was mentally there as well. 
“You were grieving, I understood, and you were still there when I needed you,” Alex swallowed against the emotion in her throat. “She’s got a long way to go Kara, and she’s going to need you every step of the way.” 
“I’ll be here, even when she tried to push me away.” 
“But will you let her be there for you?” 
“What?” Kara’s brow furrowed in the familiar crinkle. Alex rolled her eyes and nudged her sister’s shoulder gently, the one that Lena wasn’t using as a pillow. 
“Don’t give me that, Kara. You’ve blamed yourself for her disappearance from the beginning and I know you’ve been thinking about all the pain she could have avoided if you’d just kept looking.” Kara looked away, unable to meet her sisters’ eyes. “But we both know that none of this is your fault. You won’t be able to help Lena until you accept that she doesn’t blame you.” 
“How do you know she doesn’t?” 
“We talked about it,” Alex shrugged. “I was here for like six hours before I even realized that I had missed a check in. Lena knew she was dying and all she wanted to do was make sure that you wouldn’t blame yourself for it. That woman would give you the moon if you asked for it.” 
“I just want her,” Kara admitted softly. “I always have, but I was too scared to admit it before.” 
“Given what the two of you were talking about earlier, I’m certain she wants you too,” Alex smirked as her sister blushed. “I was literally two feet away for that entire conversation, of course I heard.” 
“You don’t, y’know, disapprove?” Kara asked nervously. 
“Lena is so much more than her family name, I couldn’t see that in the beginning but I do now. And even if I did still have a problem, I’d get over it. You love her and I trust your judgement.” 
“You’re the best sister ever,” Kara said seriously. Alex smiled and smoothed Kara’s hair with her hand. 
“I know,” Kara chuckled. “Now get some sleep. It’s been three years since you got a decent night of sleep.” 
Kara nodded and shifted slightly so she could tuck her nose against Lena’s hair, filling her senses with everything Lena before she let her eyes drift closed safe in the knowledge that Alex wouldn’t let anything happen to them. 
When Kara awoke sometime later, it was to the sound of quiet chatter around her and the smell of pizza wafting through the lab. 
“Hey, Kara,” Winn smiled at her from where he and Alex had been looking at something on the monitor when he noticed that she was awake. “We were able to bring down the dome from the outside. Lena left a backdoor that we could use when she first hacked it.” 
“Good,” Kara smiled back and then turned her gaze to where Lena was still resting against her side. “How long was I asleep?” 
“About 8 hours, Lena’s got another 16 to go before she’ll wake up, we think.” Alex gestured to the monitor that she and Winn were looking at. Kara squinted slightly to use her enhanced vision to read the monitor without getting out of the bed. She breathed a sigh of relief when she noticed that Lena’s vitals had improved greatly and the projected decontamination percentage was hovering around 60. “Most of the kryptonite has been replaced with regular Kryptonian blood which should hopefully repair any internal damage that she sustained over the past year.” 
“How long will she have the Kryptonian blood in her system?” 
“We estimate about three days past the decontamination is when her blood will start to go back to normal. Her body is only producing the Kryptonian blood cells because it’s being forced to thanks to an isotope that Lena invented while attempting to cure herself.” 
“So, roughly five days and her body will be back to normal?” Kara looked back down at Lena, taking in the movement of her chest with every breath and listening to the way their hearts almost beat in tandem. 
“I don’t think she should move before then, just in case, but yes.” Alex smiled as Winn moved over to grab a paper plate loaded with pizza and presented it to Kara like one might hand over an Olympic medal. 
“Five days, and then I can take her home.” Kara spoke softly, mostly to herself and Lena alone. She ducked her head down low to press a kiss against Lena’s forehead. Lena shifted slightly at the contact, nuzzling closer to Kara. 
Winn, recognizing that Kara wouldn’t be moving from the bed anytime soon, rolled a convenient tray nearby over to the bed and arranged it so that Kara would be able to eat her pizza without letting go of Lena. 
“I can’t wait until she wakes up,” Winn said softly, excitement burning in his eyes. Kara had almost forgotten that Lena and Winn had been well on their way to being good friends without Kara in the middle when Lena had been taken. “I’ve missed her.” 
“Me, too.” Kara offered her friend a warm smile as he squeezed her shoulder and then backed away. 
Kara ate her pizza slowly and then returned to studying Lena in the quiet of the lab. Alex and Winn both retreated to nearby rooms to get some sleep, with instructions given to Hope to alert them if anything changed in the lab. Kara remained in the bed with Lena, softly stroking over her hair and back in random patterns until sleep eventually claimed her again as well. 
When Kara next awoke, it was to the feeling of soft fingertips brushing across the features of her face. Kara’s eyes opened and she was met with what was possibly the most beautiful sight in any universe, Lena awake and sitting up enough to lean over Kara slightly, her eyes naturally bright and her lips pulled into a soft smile. 
“Lena,” Kara said the name on an exhale, one hand finding Lena’s waist and the other reaching to cup her face. Lena’s smile brightened. 
“Hello, darling,” Lena returned. “I missed you.” 
“I missed you, too,” Kara felt the tears forming in her eyes and was once again helpless against them. She swore that she hadn’t cried this many times in the span of three days since she first arrived on Earth, but she just couldn’t help it. Lena was here, alive, in her arms and looking at Kara like she was the most precious object Lena had ever seen and Kara’s entire being sobbed with relief. “You’re really here?” 
“I am,” Lena promised. “I’m so sorry I left you, Kara. I never wanted to.” 
“It’s not your fault,” Kara said vehemently. “I shouldn’t have left you alone.” Lena frowned and brought their foreheads to rest together, stroking Kara’s cheek with her thumb and catching the stray tears that fell. 
“If I don’t get to blame myself, neither do you,” Lena said with quiet determination. “I don’t blame you for any of this. It was my mother and Lex who did this to me, to us.” 
“I promised that I would always protect you,” Kara said desperately. 
“You did, you’re the reason they didn’t kill me outright. Lex knew how I felt about you and he was more than willing to use it against me.” Lena continued softly stroking Kara’s cheek as she lifted her head and kissed Kara’s forehead. “Don’t you dare think about pulling away from me now, Kara Zor-El.” 
“I should have told you about that, too,” Kara admitted softly. “You deserved to hear it from me.” 
“If it makes you feel better, Lex didn’t tell me that. I already knew.” Lena chuckled softly as Kara pulled away slightly and looked at Lena in surprise. “Darling, you told me that you flew to my office on a bus.” 
“That...wasn’t my best moment.” 
“No kidding,” Lena had the very strong urge to connect their lips but she stomped it down. There would be time for that later and she didn’t want their first kiss to be tainted by the memory of Lena’s time away. “But that wasn’t really what gave it away.” 
“What did then?” Kara asked curiously. She was moving her thumb in a circle against Lena’s hip in a motion that was absent minded but one that Lena was acutely aware of. 
“There were a lot of little things that had me wondering, but I knew for sure when you rescued me from Lillian and Cyborg Superman.” Lena offered Kara a warm smile. “You were the only one who believed in me no matter what, and when you showed up as Supergirl with that same certainty, I just knew.” 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Kara asked, her tone curious and absent any hint of accusation. 
“I wanted you to trust me enough to tell me yourself.” Lena looked away, suddenly shy. “I was hoping that when you did finally come clean, we would talk about us.” 
“We would have,” Kara said surely. “I think that’s part of why I was still waiting. I already felt so strongly about you but I was scared that you wouldn’t feel the same way. I used my secret identity as a way of avoiding us being anything more than friends.” 
“I would say it was effective, but I think we’ve always been more than friends.” Lena said with a soft smile. Kara chuckled and nodded in agreement. There had always been a sense of something more between them, even if they’d never acknowledge it before. 
“I was going to tell you, after the invasion force was gone. I went to your office right after it was over, but you were already gone.” Kara leaned into the touch when Lena shifted her grip slightly to cup Kara’s cheek. “I’m glad that you know. I don’t want to have any secrets from you.” 
“I feel the same,” Lena blinked sleepily at Kara for a moment. “I don’t want to go back to sleep.” 
“But you need to,” Kara guided Lena back into her arms, positioning them so that they lay side by side, facing one another. Kara rested one arm across Lena’s hip and wound the other one beneath the pillow. Lena shuffled closer and tucked her nose into the crook of Kara’s neck, returning Kara’s embrace. “So sleep, I’ll be here when you wake up.” 
“Promise?” Lena smiled against Kara’s neck when she felt the lips pressed against her forehead slip into a soft smile. 
Just as Alex predicted, it was another five days before Lena was strong enough to leave the mansion. She still felt fairly weak now that both the kryptonite and Kryptonian blood had left her system so she had leaned heavily on Kara as they made their way out of the mansion. Lena wanted to walk out of the mansion on her own and then get to the boundary that Lex had set before she let Kara fly them back into the city. Whether it was a matter of pride or of Lena showing herself that she was stronger than whatever Lex had done to her, Kara didn’t know, but she supported Lena the whole way. Once they reached the boundary, Lena all but collapsed into Kara’s arms. Kara picked up Lena and cradled her to her chest to fly them back to Kara’s loft without bothering to change into her Supergirl seat. It was the middle of the night, she probably wouldn’t be seen and even if she was, Kara didn’t care. All she cared about was getting Lena home. 
Kara placed Lena back on her feet after they landed in Kara’s living room and stood quietly as Lena observed her home. She knew that Lena was looking for anything that was different from the last time she had been there and wondered what she saw. Kara stayed silent when Lena carefully moved away from her and ran her hand along the soft blanket that rested across the back of Kara’s couch. Kara smiled at the action. The blanket was one that Lena had gotten as a bit of a joke, claiming that Kara didn’t have a soft enough blanket for her delicate sensibilities. Lena had taken to snuggling in that blanket with Kara when they’d had movie nights together, the soft material covering both of their laps as they sat closer together than friends strictly should. 
“You kept it,” Lena said softly. 
“Of course,” Kara stepped up behind Lena and wrapped her arms around Lena’s waist from behind. Her smile turned soft when Lena leaned back into the embrace and covered Kara’s hand on her stomach with one of her own. “I was hoping we’d get to have another movie night.” 
“We will,” Lena promised. Kara kissed her forehead. “Kara?” 
“I need a shower.” 
“Okay,” Kara agreed easily, pressing another kiss to Lena’s forehead. 
“I…” Lena hesitated for a moment. The truth was that she could probably manage a shower on her own but she wasn’t ready to be away from Kara for that long. The longer she was around Kara, the more scared Lena became that she hadn’t been rescued at all. “Can you help me?” 
“Of course,” Kara agreed immediately. “Whatever you need Lena, I’m here for you.” 
Lena nodded and stretched up to kiss Kara’s cheek rather than voice her thanks. Kara understood anyway and offered Lena a smile as she took her hand and led her towards the bathroom. They paused in the bedroom long enough for Kara to grab both of them clean clothes to sleep in and then they were in Kara’s small bathroom with the door closed. 
Kara reached to turn on the shower and had Lena test the temperature before helping Lena undress. Her hands were soft and sure as they moved across Lena’s body, her eyes never lingering for long enough to make Lena uncomfortable even Lena was unable to offer the same courtesy to Kara. Kara undressed herself quickly and Lena drank in the sight of every inch. Her eyes roamed over Kara’s form unabashedly and she saw the flush rise along Kara’s chest as she noticed. 
“Come here, baby,” Kara requested softly, holding her hand out to Lena. Lena placed her hand in Kara’s and let herself be pulled closer until their bare bodies were pressed together. “You can touch me, Lena,” Kara whispered in her ear. “I won’t disappear.” 
“What if none of this is real?” Lena asked in a voice softer than a whisper. “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve dreamed of seeing you like this.” 
“It is real, Lena. I’m here and I’m as real as you are.” Kara promised. “Listen to my heart beat, feel the warmth of my body.” 
Lena placed her ear against Kara’s chest and closed her eyes, soaking in all that Kara had to offer, from the sound of the heart beat in her ear to the softness of Kara’s skin against hers to the warmth that filled her being. This had to be real. It had never felt like this in a dream before. 
“You’re real?” 
“I’m real,” Kara said. “I’m real and I’m yours.” 
“I love you, Kara.” Lena said, pulling away so she could look Kara in the eyes as she spoke the words that had been threatening to burst from her chest since she first saw Kara again at the mansion. 
“I love you, too, Lena.” Kara returned the words with a smile. “I will always be madly in love with you.” 
Lena leaned up, closing the miniscule distance between them. Her words danced across Kara’s lips when she spoke again. 
“Show me.” 
Kara did. 
She pressed their lips together reverently, pulling Lena closer until they were one and the same. Her hands traced gentle paths against Lena’s skin, pressing her love deep until Lena was sure that she could feel it in her bones. Their lips moved together in a dance that seemed to be second nature, as if it was something that they were always meant to share with one another. Lena whimpered against Kara’s mouth, overwhelmed by the promises Kara whispered into her skin. She wasn’t aware that she was crying until Kara was pulling away to wipe her tears from her cheeks. 
“I’ve got you, Lena. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.” 
Lena nodded mutely and let Kara pull her into the shower. The hot beat against Lena’s skin soothingly, no match for the heat that left trails of fire and goosebumps across the surface as Kara gently washed Lena’s body. Kara’s hands massaged the soap into Lena’s skin, massaging her tired muscles at the same time. Lena had to brace a hand against the wall to keep her knees from buckling under the weight of Kara’s devotion. 
Kara showed the same love and care as she washed Lena’s hair. Lena then leaned against the shower wall as Kara quickly washed her own hair and body and then stepped into Kara’s space before Kara could reach to turn off the water. She didn’t say anything as she wrapped her arms around Kara and pressed close, shivering as their bodies slid together under the water. Kara returned the embrace without a moment of hesitation, pressing soothing kisses into Lena’s hair and whispering assurances in her ear as Lena silently cried against her shoulder. 
They stayed like that until the water ran cold and Lena was shivering in Kara’s arms, both from the temperature and from her building desire to return the gentle affections Kara bestowed on her. Kara led them from the shower and tried Lena’s body with a towel before wrapping her up. Before Kara could reach for the clothes to help Lena get dressed. 
“Don’t please,” Lena requested, hating the way her voice trembled. “I need to feel you.” 
“Okay,” Kara set the clothes back down and finished drying herself and Lena off before leading them into the bedroom. 
Lena dropped her towel and settled into Kara’s bed, taking comfort knowing that she was surrounded by Kara's scent as the woman herself went around the apartment to turn off lights, close the windows, and make sure the door was locked. Lena had no idea how late it was but she didn’t care much. She’d been in a near constant state of exhaustion since she’d been rid of the kryptonite in her body. 
Kara climbed into bed after what seemed like hours to Lena but had probably been only a matter of seconds. She pulled Lena into her arms and kissed her softly, moving their lips languidly together. Lena revelled in the pressure of their bodies pressed together. Being like this with Kara felt more like home than anything else ever had. 
Kara doesn’t protest when Lena angles her head to deep their kiss or when Lena sits up and shifts to straddle Kara’s waist. She simply holds Lena’s hips and kisses back until Lena pulls away, breathless, with desire pooling low in her belly. 
“Are you sure?” Kara asks, chest heaving. Lena doesn’t even think about saying no. She’s wanted this, wanted Kara for so long that even though she’s certain that she’s not dreaming anymore, it still feels like a dream come true. 
“I’m sure,” Lena responds. “I love you.” 
“I love you.” 
Kara’s bright smile is pressed against Lena’s lips and they lose themselves to each other. Lena runs her hands along Kara’s body, learning the places that make Kara sigh when she runs her fingers over them and the ones that make her gasp when her lips and teeth follow the same paths. She listens to her own name falling from Kara’s lips like a prayer and is helpless to the way her body trembles when Kara worships her in kind. 
They move together through the night, learning all the things about each other that they should have learned three years ago. Lena climbs higher and higher under Kara’s ministrations, her only thought dedicated to making sure Kara feels the same euphoria until they both collapse into each other’s embrace just as the sun rises. 
“I wouldn’t have waited so long if I’d known it would be that good,” Kara jokes softly, her head pressed against Lena’s neck. Lena chuckles and presses her fingers into Kara’s hair, scratching lightly at her scalp. 
“We have plenty of time now, don’t we?” 
Kara’s smile is pressed into the soft skin above Lena’s pulse point as she answers. 
“We do. We have forever.” 
“Forever,” Lena hummed softly, running her free hand across Kara’s arm. She liked the sound of that, Lena thought, as she watched the sky outside the window fade from pink to blue. 
Forever in the arms of the woman she loved most. That was better than anything Lena could have ever dreamed up on her own. 
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juyeonau · 4 years
♡ unparalleled
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in part of the “olympus falls” txt collaboration hosted by bratzau (me) and btxtreads!
pairing: beomgyu x reader
genre: fluff, angst, suggestive, slight enemies to lovers, greek god au, demi god au
warnings: substance, injury, vomiting
word count: 2.5k
inspired by: @/cinanamon​‘s donghyuck fic titled ‘taming of a prince’ 
disclaimer: not my best, super rushed. i hope you guys still enjoy!
synopsis: “let’s just kiss, then after a few dates i could pretend that you didn’t satisfy me enough, and we could go our separate ways like before.” choi beomgyu, the son of the great dionysus, is now up for marriage. but all he knew was to have fun and marriage was not. but here you are, the daughter of athena, just at the right age as well, trying your best to please both your mother and his father, and get this draining arrangement over and done with. 
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“Maybe tomorrow will be a new day.” you say with a sigh as you look outside the hall’s window. “The clouds today looked thin.” you mumble, squinting your eyes a little. Was it because of that stupid son Hermes liked to fly around like a jet? Or was it that emotional daughter of Zeus who liked to spur out fits of lightning whenever she cried? How… different she was with her father, personality wise that is.
You were left with a frown. Today did not feel like a good day at all as the air you breathed gave off an ominous feel. You were dressed up perfectly. But something felt very strange. You were of age, a maiden. Intelligent and cunning. Ambitious as people would say but not someone who’d like to overachieve. You calculate everyone around you, as you were also great in combat and see through just anyone. You’re a mind reader perhaps, but maybe just lucky because you were born from such a goddess of pride; Athena. 
You love putting yourself out here, a good reputation within other sons and daughter of demigods. But what you hated was that one boy who seemed to throw himself whenever the ‘fun is at’ or whatever the hell that meant. “For the love of it.” you groan. Just in time, that same boy comes into the hall with a cup of wine. Hair is messy, clothes almost shattered. That grin on his face made your blood boil, and the sound of his giggle could cause earbleed. Well, only to you of course.
And of course, nothing else could’ve been worse when he came up to you saying, “There is a boy outside.” And maybe you felt a vein pop. 
“And what the hell is this about Beomgyu?” you say with a sneer. If you could, you’d bash his head in front of a mirror. Maybe it could kick some sense in him that he was too full of himself. 
He puts the glass down and sighs, “I don’t know but he mentioned my father, and apparently goddess Athena too.”
Why do you dislike him so much? Simple. He may have thrown up on you while you were trying to get the attention of a sun god’s child. And of course he had to fuck it up. The humiliation you felt perhaps turned into anger, and slowly turned into annoyance. You didn’t hate Beomgyu, you just wanted to stay away. But if a god’s will is to bring you two together, you’d rather marry off to a cyclops. 
But then again, this is also your mother. You have no idea what they have in store for the both of you. The sooner you fix this with him, the sooner you can get away from him. 
Or so you thought. 
You walk outside the hall. It was the afternoon so everyone must’ve been resting. And to the looks of it, some may have celebrated more than they should. It’s not everyday the head master of the haven had declared an ‘academic’ freeze. 
There was only you, Beomgyu and that tall man who showed up so suddenly. You cock a brow, confused why he was here. Maybe you should’ve just stayed with your siblings. 
“Hello, Beomgyu, Y/n, I was brought here to tell you all a message.” 
You nod and Beomgyu snaps his fingers. 
The man opens up a scroll and clears his throat. “Y/n and Beomgyu are both of age and must marry soon. After looking through Beomgyu’s behavior, and his recklessness, the goddess herself has decided to marry her own child to Dionysus’. You have until the end of the month. If there are any objections, and issues-” he says as he looks at Beomgyu head to toe, “then it will be answered to me. Please state your objections now.” 
After hearing that, you had to double check if you were drunk yourself. You suddenly had felt dizzy, your throat felt dry, you wanted to puke. Does your mother hate you? Probably not, but does she expect you to fix Beomgyu’s personality when he marries you? Of course she does. She probably already expects you to ‘fix’ him during the month.
And remember, this isn’t only your mother’s wish, but Beomgyu’s father as well. You have no choice then but to agree, and nod your head with a scowl on your face. 
The man rolls up the scroll and smiles, “that’s settled! Beomgyu has suddenly passed out, but since you have agreed, he is now your responsibility. I will be around. Here, you may summon me with this.” He hands you a small bell. “Ring it three times.” And he suddenly fades away. 
And this was the start of a long, long, month, maybe just for you. Beomgyu had no care, he liked you anyway. But you didn’t have to know that.
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It was absolutely horrible trying to tolerate him, while Beomgyu was having the time of his life. You were always together. Walking around the place as you see the other demigods giving you a thumbs up in support, knowing your dislike of the boy. When you had gone home that day and you told them, they made sure not to burst out laughing. 
Beomgyu on the other hand was just happy to have you company. But you gave him a golden rule, “stay sober.” Surprisingly for you, he was doing a good job. You just tried to stay optimistic. Beomgyu was probably a good guy underneath the wine he loved to drink. But you could also see how stiff he’s become, but he was still the same guy who had excitement and energy. Just less, drunk. 
And he brought you home always on time, with a smile on his face.
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You felt like giving up. Everyday he meets you outside with flowers, and he didn’t know that you were allergic to pollen. The first day was spent with you sneezing. You thought after the first week you’d warmed up to him, but sadly he was just the same annoying boy you’d like to avoid. Which is impossible now, sadly.
The next few days, Beomgyu felt out of it. “What’s wrong?” you ask him. 
His hands were shaking, lips too. But he looked at you in the eye and said, “we’re getting married, aren’t we?” His eyes faltered as he looked around the area. The clouds were full, maybe the Zeus child was having a good rest for now. Though how cloudy it may be, your mind was cloudier. Crowded with thoughts and sudden realizations. There were two weeks left. You don’t expect a ceremony, but you had summoned the man during the night in your place.
“What if I don’t like him, or he doesn’t like me. Or if we both didn’t seem to make it work. Beomgyu is difficult. I could devote myself to anything, to studies, to work. I know that one day I’ll be serving my mother as I should, but shouldn’t I… should I really marry off to someone who is completely my opposite?” 
The man just looked at you with sad eyes, “if it really cannot be, the goddess said never to force it.” 
That sentence stuck with you throughout the week. Both sentences actually. Beomgyu did say that he could last a year without the vices, those were for enjoyment. He could sing, maybe even dance, but marriage is not of enjoyment. After all, if he could love you wholeheartedly, it would be earning it from you within years, not a month. And he knew you couldn’t love him like that. Not as fast as expected at least. And besides that, Beomgyu was never ready for commitment. That is the top of the list as to why ‘marriage is not of enjoyment.’
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“Let’s just kiss, then after a few dates I could pretend that you didn’t satisfy me enough, and we could go our separate ways like before.” you bravely said. You just wanted this over with. For someone who could read someone within combat, Beomgyu was hard to read. 
“Oh okay, we could do that.” he nods, and leans in. 
You gulp, you didn’t think that your first kiss would end up being like this. But you close your eyes and wait for him. Beomgyu grew impatient for a while, you both looked stupid as none of you leaned in, so he just made the first move. Cupping the side of your face and finally planting a small kiss on your lips. 
You stayed absolutely frozen, scared because you didn’t know what to do. So Beomgyu pulls away. 
“How was that?” he asks. 
“I… I guess it was nice.” 
The rest of the days were just right. Beomgyu had managed to make you laugh the moment he deemed right. And you felt a little attached. “You know, I think you’re a fun guy to be with.” you admit. 
Beomgyu’s face turns a slight pink and says, “thanks. You’re not too bad yourself.”
The rest of the week was spent with awkward stares, but you did feel something. And by Saturday, you asked if he could hold your hand. And he did so proudly. But something inside him felt empty.
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You were both in the hall, sharing a cup of tea. Poking fun of the other demigods as they played with a golden rod. Neither of you have spoken though, because earlier that day he had kissed your cheek so suddenly. Maybe it was the awkward feeling of dread, so silence wasn’t the best right now. 
And so you start a conversation. “I really disliked you, you know?” you tell him. “You threw up on me in front of a guy I liked.” 
Beomgyu did his best not to laugh “Oh, then good riddance to him.” 
“It wasn’t on purpose though, right?” 
“No, but it does feel good now, I guess.” 
You scoff, “Really? Cause you never bothered to apologize.”
“It was because I was embarrassed to throw up, not only in front of someone I admire, but on them too. But I promise I won’t be as impulsive!” he says, clasping his hands together.
But you couldn’t help but repeat one word he said in your head. “You admire me?”
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“Beomgyu.” you call him. You were both in his room as he finally got a sip of wine after three weeks, of course allowed by you. “This is our last week, what should we do?” you say as you fiddled with your fingers. 
He shrugs, taking a bigger gulp. “Hey, don’t get drunk.” 
Beomgyu smiles and puts down the glass, sitting next to you on his bed. “Well, tell me. Would you want to get married together?” he asks. 
You looked at him, and if you could, you scream and say no. But not because you disliked him, well you did, but it was too soon. Even a goddess should know that a month is too soon to fall in love. 
“I think we shouldn’t get married so soon. I asked the messenger last night when you brought me home. He said the moment we agree, the next month is a preparation. I don’t think we should marry each other soon.” you admit. 
“But would you like to marry me? Not that I would marry you it’s just-”
“I don’t know.” you say, cutting him off.
Did it hurt him? Of course, his lifelong crush may have just rejected a life with him. But it may have pushed you to a corner. You were put on the spot, and to make matters worse, his father had to meddle in it. Beomgyu just frowns and says, “how disappointing of an answer.”
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The first few days of the week were just you and Beomgyu, but the moment you said that you didn’t think marriage was a good idea, the next days were just both of you, separated. He did not come pick you up by your place, and you felt pride that you shouldn’t.
But this was the last day.
Surprisingly, Beomgyu picked you up, but he wasn’t smiling, nor was his aura radiant like the past times. He looked like he was just fulfilling a duty. Oh how the tables have turned. Your mother’s plan to get him to ‘behave’ was somewhat seen. He didn’t go to parties even if the temptation was right in front of him, and he made sure that he didn’t at least get one drop of wine in him without your permission. 
Yes Beomgyu may have changed, and that goes for you too. You didn’t see him as the same person who annoyed you for being so obnoxious and off putting. And it actually made you sad the moment you saw him up close. You felt like it wasn’t him you were with at all. But there was one time during these four weeks was where he taught you how to feel free. Maybe it was that one time he destroyed a vase for pure enjoyment, and you had to run with him to not get the blame.
It was exhilarating, til you scolded him of course.
You walked by him, looking behind you as you see your siblings by the window, giving you expressions of encouragement. And you smile slightly as a reply.
“Where are we going?” 
“To meet the guy, and I’ll just say that I failed.” he says. 
You stopped walking and grabbed him by his sleeve, “failed to what?”
“Just, just let me do it.” 
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The messenger smiles and greets the both of you. “So, what’s the decision?”
“I…” you start, but it feels harder and harder to let out. You were torn and confused. You spend little time with Beomgyu, a month feels like a day. You obviously wanted more, you needed more time. Because maybe, you could fall for him right. But was it too selfish of you to ask for more time? 
Beomgyu suddenly places a hand on your shoulder and gives you a small smile. 
“I would- I would love to marry her, but may I have a request?” he asks. 
The man smiles and says, “okay.”
“Can I please request more time? I know this may sound like a stretch, but I do have feelings for her. And I want to make her mine not only within a month, maybe within years. Also, I don’t want to think of marriage right away, if that alright? I would at least like to court her, and have fun. But I do promise to marry her, if she agrees?”
Beomgyu looks at you. His eyes weren't sad nor happy, he was serious. He was still as hard to read, but maybe you should start slower than that. “How about, we start as friends?”
Beomgyu looks down. Eyes moving from left to right. Was he thinking? 
“I’m fine with that. No commitment yet, and we could still hang out.” And now it was up to the messenger in front of you. 
“The goddess and god never said to decline objections and requests. Andi since both of you are in a mutual understanding, and Beomgyu has made some obvious changes, then I shall allow it.” 
Beomgyu cheers, hugging you so suddenly as he spins you around. Maybe too overjoyed as he pecks your lips. “Oh sorry, yes, yes. We’re friends.”
You smile, “yeah, for now at least.”
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girlboss-molina · 3 years
good luck on finals!! flarrie + fireworks
thank you!!!! (also, she/they flynn supremacy)
send me a ship+prompt and i’ll write you a drabble!
Flynn loved new year’s. They were finally expected to stay up late and drink way too much soda, wear blingy clothes for the hell of it, and blow things up without it being “an unorthodox activity for a teenager” and “reckless endangerment.” 
Every year since Flynn could remember, save the year they had their falling out with Carrie, she and Julie had gone to the Wilson’s new year’s parties. They’d recently made amends with her, though, and Flynn wouldn’t deny she was nervous for this year’s party. 
As she and Julie walked up to the open front door, the sound of pop music and the flashing of colorful lights hit them head on. The sunset across the lawn painted the sky with fiery streaks of pink and gold, casting them in a warm glow. She could already tell the sequins sewn into their golden dress were glittering. A sudden swell of confidence rushing through them, Flynn readjusted her distressed denim jacket, stepping through the doorway with Julie by their side. 
“Julie? Flynn?” A familiar voice appeared next to them, and Flynn would be lying if she said her heart didn’t flutter a little bit at the sight of Carrie Wilson, who was wearing a sparkly pink crop top and black leggings, with a scarlet leather jacket draped over her shoulder. Her hair was tied up into an elaborate knot, fastened with a small comb, and the faint blush she’d dusted over her cheeks made her look like she was wrapped in sunset. 
That was the main reason why Flynn was nervous. Since sixth grade, they’d been harboring some very annoying feelings for a certain Carrie Wilson. She wouldn’t admit it, of course; Julie had pestered her about it, and she’d always insisted that no, I don’t have a crush on Carrie. They would even try to convince themself that she didn’t, though that wasn’t happening. 
So, she stuck with pining endlessly. 
“Hi, Carrie,” Flynn finally said, cursing those bastards - ahem, butterflies - in their stomach. Carrie gave them a nervous smile. 
“I’m glad you could make it,” she said, wrapping Julie in a hug. She did the same to Flynn, who was internally panicking but somehow maintained her composure. 
“Wouldn’t miss it,” Julie promised, and Flynn nodded. She still held a tiny grudge, but it was all but erased by then. Carrie gave them perfect smile, glancing at Flynn before leading them into the house.
Flynn grabbed a can of soda, letting the bubbles pop on their tongue as she stood on the deck, leaning on the smooth outer wall, tapping her foot to the music as they watched the sun retreat over the horizon, a few stars flickering into view. She glanced inside, seeing Julie dancing enthusiastically with Luke; ever since their performance at the Orpheum, and Julie setting them free, the ghosts had gained the ability to be both visible and physical when they chose to be, meaning they could touch and converse with lifers. 
Flynn smirked to herself, watching their lovestruck best friend twirl around him. 
“You okay?” asked Carrie from behind her. Flynn’s eyes darted to her. She was leaning on the railing of the porch about five feet away, her leather jacket zipped up rather than draped over her shoulder, Flynn nodded.
“Yeah, I’m great! You?”
“Me too,” Carrie said softly. Flynn caught her gaze, and her eyes were a spiraling mess of emotions; happiness, apprehension, pride, excitement, longing, and something else she couldn’t place. Flynn bit her lip and looked back at the sky, taking another sip of their soda. 
At some point, she and Carrie had ended up wandering their backyard and up to the hill behind the house, up a winding trail that had been beaten in from years of exploring the same areas. Flynn distinctly remembered building one of the little rock towers at the top when she was twelve. Their heart fluttered, realizing Carrie hadn’t taken it down. 
For hours, they talked about who knows what, fun memories from elementary school, awkward middle school stories, hopes for the future (both realistic and ambitious), and soon they were both out of breath from laughter, standing at the very top of the hill with a view of the entire house and further down to the beach and city. The lights glowed like stars, and Flynn almost tripped as she stared at them rather than watching where they were walking.
“Whoa-” she started, before realizing that Carrie had grabbed their hand and caught her.
“Sorry,” she finally said when she’d figured out how to speak. She cleared her throat nervously.
“It’s okay,” Carrie said with a small smile, not letting go of Flynn’s hand. Flynn stared at their clasped hands, before meeting Carrie’s eyes, their lips curling into a soft grin. Carrie lifted her arm and twirled her, and Flynn laughed.
“I don’t dance,” she said, ignoring the fact that they had actually twirled.
“I know you can,” Carrie pressed. Flynn shook her head, but the flushed grin on their face probably didn’t make their case very convincing.
“Not a chance.” Carrie snorted, and if Flynn wasn’t already fucked, she most definitely was now. The crinkle around her eyes as she laughed and the way her face lit up made Carrie look like an angel given human form, and Flynn couldn’t help staring. 
They hadn’t realized it, but she’d left behind her denials of dancing, and her hands made their way to Carrie’s waist, and Carrie’s to Flynn’s shoulders, clasping behind her neck. She smiled as they swayed to no music in particular; maybe the crashing waves barely audible from the beach, maybe the bass from the music back at her house, maybe their own heartbeats.
“I thought you didn’t dance,” Carrie teased. 
“Shut,” Flynn retorted, sure her face was on fire. But Carrie laughed again, and all of Flynn’s worries melted away (that, or she’d had too much soda, which was definitely a possibility). 
So, Flynn retaliated.
They smirked and reached up, gently unclipping the comb holding Carrie’s hair up, laughing when she let out an indignant gasp, even though it was backed by a smile. But then, because of course she did, Flynn lost any sort of coherency she might’ve had, because Carrie’s long, reddish hair was framing her face in soft waves, and she couldn’t help but gently tuck one part behind her ear. 
They weren’t sure if Carrie blushed; it was too dark to tell, even with the city lights behind them.
Flynn wasn’t sure how long they danced; she’d lost track of the swaying and however many times they’d twirled each other. But before they knew it, a loud bang from a firework announced midnight, followed by sparkling light in all sorts of colors, fading into the pitch black sky. 
“Happy new year,” Carrie said quietly, her lips in a small smile. Flynn met her eyes, which seemed to glisten with hope. 
She wasn’t sure who made the first move, but soon they were stepping closer, eyes locked until she could feel the warmth of Carrie’s skin against hers.
It was Carrie who closed the gap. 
Flynn kissed back almost immediately, and then they knew what all those cliché romance books meant when they talked about sparks flying; though that might’ve been the fireworks casting them into a merged silhouette atop the hill.
Carrie’s lips tasted like strawberry chapstick; the same kind she’d used since they’d met in second grade. Flynn’s arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer, Carrie’s hands on her shoulders. 
The crackle of another firework sounded when the finally pulled apart for air, foreheads together.
“I’ve wanted to do that forever,” Carrie confessed, and Flynn’s heart soared.
“Dork,” they said affectionately, kissing her again. Carrie smiled into it, a giggle tickling Flynn’s cheek.
They took it back; it wasn’t sparks she’d felt with Carrie.
It was fireworks. 
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mizumelona · 4 years
set me up | atsumu x reader
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SYNOPSIS: You’re an ambitious career woman, who’s got everything…except a significant other. Your mom, sick of you showing up to family functions alone, sets you up on a series of (terrible) blind dates. You make these dates meet you at your favorite restaurant, Onigiri Miya, but for some reason the owner’s jerk of a twin brother always happens to be there exactly when things crash and burn.
NOTE: Hello? Remember me? Did ya’ll think I’d dropped this. Ahhh Sorry for being slow. I felt like I had to take my time with this chapter since it’s the last one! (In the main story. I’m still planning on having an epilogue). Thanks for being patient! I’m so excited to finally share this with you all!
TAGLIST: @awkwardali6106​ @kasandrafaye​ @veggytaled​ @svtbitch​ @stinkyobeymerat​ @hollypastl​ @differentballooncollection​ @o51oc​ @sunboikyo00 @justxanotherxshipper​ @kaisemieita @rizamendoza808 @tomo-uwu​ @sugardaddykenma​ @celinafeng@ravioliplease​ @thatpersonwithissues​ @humanbobjeanpants​ @suteorra​ @jh-bee​​ @haikyuu-blondes @of-heroes-and-dreams 
Atsumu’s car flew down the highway toward your aunt's house.
It was a bright day. You observed the puffy clouds spread across the sky through the window of Atsumu’s truck. It was an older Tacoma model but somehow it had a fresh leathery smell. You could tell that Atsumu treated this thing like his baby. As shitty as his personality was, you couldn’t deny that Atsumu seemed like a pretty reliable guy.
You looked over at him in the driver's seat. He was sitting with his left hand on the wheel and his right arm slung over the back of your chair. He was wearing a white button-down with the sleeves pushed up tucked into some dark jeans.
The sun was catching on his hair, dancing along its golden waves as he bobbed his head to the guitar riff playing on the speakers. The first few chords of a new song started. It was that one Megan Thee Stallion song that was always on the radio lately. Huh, you never really pegged Atsumu to be into rap.
You were about to go back to staring out the window when Atsumu turned to you and drawled in unison with the speakers, “I’m that bitch~”
You made an incredulous face. He looked over at you with a smirk but didn’t stop. “Been that bitch, still that bitch~”
You burst out laughing and then decided to chime in, “Will forever be that bitch~”
Atsumu flashed a bigger smile, his face turning a little red from trying not to laugh. You had trouble keeping up between your cackles. He was nodding his head and waving his right hand along to the beat. For the next few minutes, you both vibes along with the song until it finished. Once it did Atsumu turned to you with a snicker, “You’re not half bad sweetheart”
“Of course not”, you said crossing your arms. “I am that bitch. And apparently, you are too”, you snickered.
With a sigh you looked out the window, realizing that you were getting close to your aunt's house now. Suddenly it hit you that you were really going through with this. Was it a stupid idea? Would things go terribly wrong? Would someone see through the act and call you out? Your forehead went tense as you imagined all the worst-case scenarios for what could happen.
“Oho it’s a little too late to be gettin’ cold feet”, Atsumu said, clearly reading your thoughts.
“Hnnng”, you grumbled and massaged your temples.
“And anyway”, Atsumu continued, “isn’t this what ya wanted. It’s gonna be fun. Trust me” He turned to you with a boyish grin as he said that, the kind that made your heartbeat just a little bit faster.
Jeez. This guy. It was all your idea, so why did he sound more excited about it than you were?
“Plus. You’ve got me on your side. Makin’ my teammates shine is my special skill.”, Atsumu said with a smirk. Nevermind, he definitely wasn’t cute. Just your every day egotistical asshole. And now your nerves were back. Rip.
“This isn’t volleyball!” You quipped back. “Also slow the fuck down! We’re getting close to the house!”
“Wait, what! Which house!”, Atsumu exclaimed, slamming on the breaks.
“The blue one- No! Not that blue one the other blue one!”
Atsumu pulled the truck into the driveway with a screech. You lurched forward but your seatbelt stopped you from flying into the dash. You were about to flip out at him when you noticed your jerk cousin sticking his head out of the door inspecting the truck. Right. He probably didn’t recognize Atsumu’s truck. Hehe. Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad.
You looked nervously at Atsumu, but he didn’t seem worried at all. If anything he seemed giddy.
“Ya ready?”, Atsumu said, his eyes glinting.
“Of course”, you said, giving him a sly smile.
You both opened your doors and got out of the truck. As you fixed your hair, Atsumu jogged around to your side of the car and snaked his arm around your waist. You raised your eyebrows at him. He leaned down so his lips brushed against your ear and whispered, “let’s have fun with this”
He then moved his lips from your ear to your face and planted a gentle kiss on your cheek. You felt your face flush. He smirked and whispered in your ear again. “That was pretty cute. Didn’t take you as the type get flustered easily”
Was that a challenge? You glanced at your cousin who was still gaping at the doorway and smiled. If that’s how this was going to be, game on. You wrapped your arm around Atsumu and leaned your head against his chest, as you two made your way to the entrance.
“Hey cuz!”, you called out.
“Hey”, he absentmindedly responded, staring at Atsumu. “Who…is this?”
“Oh! This is my boyfriend, Atsumu.”, you said with extra emphasis on the word boyfriend.
“Nice ta meet ya”, Atsumu held out his hand.
Your cousin still looked confused as fuck. To be fair it’d been several years since you’d last been in a relationship and even then you rarely brought your significant others to family parties. In a way, fake-or-not, bringing Atsumu today was a first.
You pulled Atsumu past your dumbstruck cousin, through your aunt’s house toward the backyard where brunch was about to start. You both paused in the doorway taking in the sight. When it came to stuff like this, your family was unapologetically extra. Flowers were arranged and the nice dishware was set out at the large table on the left side of the space where most of your family was seated chatting. Atsumu’s eyes lingered on the volleyball net that was set up on the opposite end of the yard.
You took a few steps ahead of Atsumu, making your way through the door and down the stairs into the yard when your foot slipped. “Woah there!”, Atsumu exclaimed, lunging forward and looping his arm around your waist to prevent you from toppling over the side of the little staircase and into your aunt’s flowerbed. “Jeez that was a close one sweetheart”, he told you with a grin and a chuckle.
“T-thanks”, you stuttered out, hyperaware of how the chatter in the space had suddenly died down. Your aunts and cousins exchanged sly smiles and incredulous looks at the scene in front of them. You gulped. Atsumu beamed.
“Y/n?”, your mom called out looking bewildered. She glanced from you to Atsumu then back to you. “Who is this?”
“I’m her boyfriend, Atsumu. Nice to meet ya. Hope I’m not intrudin’”, Atsumu said with a toothy grin.
“Oh no. Not at all! Come sit down!”, your mom ran up to you both and got you situated next to each other at the table.
“I told you”, one of your aunties whispered loudly to your mom. The kind of whisper that was meant to be heard.
“You told her what?”, you asked.
“That you had a boyfriend. I heard all about it from Daisuke’s mom”, she said with a satisfied shrug.
“You did?”, you said, incredulous. The aunties’ gossip was next level. How did they already hear about that?
“I heard some guy crashed your date with Daisuke to declare his love for you”, she replied in a matter-of-fact tone. Atsumu coughed and looked at you raising an eyebrow. You suppressed a snicker.
“He said what?”, Atsumu said, trying to keep up his dashing smile but his irritation was clearly showing through. You had to suppress another snicker. He was always going on about how fake your smiles were but let’s be real, he was worse. His fake smile intensified and he inconspicuously kicked you under the table, but you just returned the favor and smiled wider. Oh the beauty of gossip.
Your aunt continued, “I also heard that Daisuke was going to fight the guy so you dumped water on him” Now it was Atsumu’s turn to laugh. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. What the hell Daisuke? Talk about a two-faced snake.
“I did what?”, you exclaimed with a scoff.
“And that after you ran off together into the sunset”, your aunt concluded the story. You and Atsumu sat dumbfounded. What kind of warped tale was this? Your aunt leaned closer and asked, “You’re her secret boyfriend right?”
Atsumu thought for a second then looked at you with a devious smirk. While the rumors were wild, they weren’t exactly bad. After all, you were here to convince your family that you and Atsumu were having a sweeping romance. Why not lean into it? You smiled back him and somehow knew you were on the same wavelength. Atsumu put his arm around your shoulder and replied, “Well I guess it’s no secret anymore, but yeah it’s true. I’m absolutely crazy about her”
“And apparently, I’m a little crazy for him too”, you added. You leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on Atsumu’s cheek. As you pulled away, you noticed that despite his nonchalant smirk his cheeks were turning pink. For all his big talk, he got flustered this easily? Maybe you should tease him more often.
You reached for his hand under the table and gave it a little squeeze as the meal began. Atsumu turned to you looking a little surprised, then rubbed your palm with his thumb and squeezed your hand back.
“I’m gonna go make myself a drink”, you excused from yourself from the table, leaving Atsumu who was chatting animatedly with your aunties. You made your way over to the drink table and poured yourself a cup. Your asshole cousin, seemingly recovered from the shock of your entrance, walked up to the table and poured himself a drink too.
“So”, he said pausing to take a sip, “How’d you meet this guy anyways. You were definitely single at my wedding three weeks ago.”
“Why do you sound so suspicious? We just kept running into each other. It was like fate or something”, you said making a grand gesture with your cup.
Your cousin scoffed. “Hah fate? Are you kidding? There’s no way.”
“You’re real funny ain'tcha?”, Atsumu appeared wrapping you from behind in an embrace. You tensed up, surprised by his sneaky hug. Something told you this was payback for earlier.
Your cousin rolled his eyes and turned to Atsumu, “Tell the truth buddy, did she bribe you to come with her today?
“Nah she didn’t, but if I knew you were gonna be here, she might’ve had to”, Atsumu said with a menacing chuckle, “I’m kiddin’”
You snickered.
Suddenly, a volleyball flew in your direction. Before it could hit anyone, Atsumu crouched down and bumped it back in the direction it came from, where a bunch of the kids had been passing it back and forth.
“Watch it kiddos”, he shouted as he returned the ball.
“Thanks, mister”, one of the kids shouted back.
“Nice”, your cousin said with a smirk. “Do you play?”
“Yeah I do”, Atsumu said, fixing his hair.
“Hah. Same. I played for the club team back in university. Hey, do you wanna round some people up and play a little match?”, Your cousin nodded in the direction of the net.
You looked at Atsumu skeptically. No matter how you looked at it it wasn’t exactly fair for a pro-player to go up against a bunch of amateurs. Then again, Atsumu was here for the sole purpose of being petty…
“Sure. Why not?”, Atsumu accepted the offer and winked at you.
Soon Atsumu and your cousin had gathered two teams of three people on either side of the net and a small crowd of children to watch. You were watching seated from the table with your mom and a few other aunties.
“Hey lover boy, I’ll let you serve first”, your cousin shouted, tossing the ball to Atsumu. Atsumu adeptly caught the ball and deviously smiled in your direction. You held a hand over your mouth covering your smile. Your shitty cousin had no idea what he was getting into.
Atsumu stalked away from the net then stopped. You thought back to his little serve routine at his game and stifled a giggle. There was no way. He wasn’t going to do it. Not here. Not to a bunch of 8-year-olds. He turned back with a serious face and snapped his hand up into a fist. The kids looked around awkwardly.
“PFTTT”, you nearly did a spit take. LMAO did he really just try to silence a bunch of 8-year-olds. You slapped a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from full-on wheezing. Your mom gave you a concerned look, so you took a deep breath and tried to pull yourself together.
“So”, the gossiping aunty from earlier turned to you and asked, “What does your boyfriend do?”
“Oh, Atsumu?”, you smiled and watched as Atsumu leaped into the air and slammed his hand into the ball. “He’s a pro-volleyball player”. Everyone at the tables eyes went wide and swung to look the scene at the makeshift volleyball court.
Bang! The ball went flying over the net. You really shouldn’t have laughed, but after all the shit he put you through you couldn’t help the cackle that escaped your lips as you saw the incredulous look on your cousin's face as the ball came barreling in his direction. It slammed into his gut with a dull thud that had him doubled over wheezing.
“Shit man sorry about that.” Atsumu jogged up to the net and rubbed the back of his head bashfully. “I’ll tone it down next time” As he jogged back into position, Atsumu sneakily winked at you. Jeez, what an asshole…but maybe…it wasn’t so bad to have an asshole on your side. To be fair you were kind of a bitch yourself. Honestly together you made a compatible pair. A power couple... A couple huh? You didn’t mind the thought. Maybe even more than that. Maybe you liked it. Because even though today was just supposed to be fun and games maybe, just maybe…you wanted it to be real. Maybe, you liked him for real. Shit. You bit your lip.
“It was great ta meet ya’ll today”, Atsumu waved goodbye to your family and made his way back to his car.
Your cousin grimaced at him through the doorway. Your mom was literally glowing as she waved goodbye. As you ran up to give her a goodbye hug she whispered in your ear, “You are going to fill me in on this later. I don’t know where you found him, but don’t let him get away!”
You smiled and whispered back, “Okay” Well, you couldn’t exactly let your mom down could you? And it’s not like you wanted him to get away either. You made up your mind. There was only one thing to do now.
You and Atsumu got back into his truck and started driving away. The sun was high in the sky now.
“Phew”, you sunk into your seat.
“Tired?”, Atsumu reached over ruffling your hair. You slapped his hand away. He pulled back with a chuckle.
“Just a bit”, you said resting your cheek on your hand propped against the door. “Hey. Thanks for today. For everything”
“No problem sweetheart”, Atsumu said, still focused on the road.
“I can’t believe you tried to silence the kids though. That was fucking hilarious”, you snickered remembering the sight.
“What? It’s my ritual. Can’t serve without it”, Atsumu argued.
“Fine. fine. Also, that serve was hilarious. Thanks for that too”, you chuckled remembering that too.
“I have no idea what you're talkin’ about”, Atsumu said with a sly smile and wink.
“Riiight”, you said rolling your eyes.
“Back to your apartment sweetheart?”, Atsumu asked.
“Hm, can we actually go for a little detour?”
Atsumu raised his eyebrows, “Oh, where d’ya wanna go?”
“I dunno…anywhere?”, you weakly suggested. Atsumu tilted his head, looking even more confused. You continued, “I just don’t feel like going home just yet”
“…Okay”, he had a mischievous smile, "Then I’ll take ya to my special spot.”
“Ooo. Special spot? Wonder where it could be”, you rolled down the window letting the breeze blow through your hair.
“Y’know when you said you were gonna take me to your special spot somehow I thought it was going to be I dunno...cool?”, you deadpanned.
“What! This is totally cool!”, Atsumu exclaimed.
“This is the dingy back parking lot of the volleyball stadium!”, you exclaimed back, motioning to your surroundings. Yep, he’d brought you to the empty parking lot behind Sendai stadium. It was just you two in the truck and the dumpster across the lot. So romantic.
“It’s my special spot!”, Atsumu grumbled.
“…”, You didn’t know what to say to this idiot. You fell for this guy? This guy? Talk about a volleybaka.
“…it’s even more special because this is where we had our first date”, Atsumu continued grumbling.
“Date?”, you asked. Did he really think of that time as a date? Was he just messing around again? You couldn’t keep leaving things ambiguous. You snapped, “Party’s over lemon head, you can drop the act now.”
“Right…”, Atsumu sighed and scowled. Maybe that was a little harsh, but you needed to get real with him right now.
You steeled yourself and turned to him, ”Hey Atsumu. I’m done acting, so can you hear me out for real?”
“…Sure?”, Atsumu propped his cheek on his knuckles, his elbow resting on the steering wheel.
“When I first met you”, You tentatively started, “I thought you were a complete asshole”
“Well jeez thanks”, his face turned even more sour.
“As we kept running into each other”, You continued. Atsumu’s face lit up. “I was even more convinced you were an asshole”
He grimaced and looked down. “You really had me in the first half the-“
“You’re a big, fat, petty, asshole BUT I’m also a greedy, irritable bitch.”, Atsumu looked up and raised his eyebrows. You kept going, “When I’m with you I feel like I can just be my realest, nastiest self and it’ll be okay”
You sighed and smiled a genuine smile at him, “It’s like I can finally take a breath y’know. Be at ease. And because I’m not afraid of coming off as nasty, I have the space to be sweet if I want to, to be comfortable. And the more comfortable I got around you the more I realized you could be sweet and sincere too”
You turned and looked him straight in the eyes. You had to see his reaction to what you were about to say next. “I know I asked you to come today so we could mess around and be petty but”, you paused then squeezed the final words out, “but I think I like you for real”
You stared intently at him, trying to read his expression. To deduce his feelings, predict his response. What was he thinking? For a second his expression didn’t change at all, then he sighed an exasperated sigh, and a small grin spread across his lips.
“Jeez [y/n] that ain’t fair”, Atsumu raked his fingers through his hair and pouted. “You weren’t supposta beat me to it!”
“Huh?”, you paused, not knowing what to make of it. Beat him to it?
Atsumu started speaking, “I’m a jerk and I know it. I don’t care. It makes me stronger this way. Usually, people back off or scold me once they realize I’m an asshole, but you’re never afraid to play dirty.” He stopped to chuckle. “It was kinda charming. I thought that was all there was to my feelings for you: a little sexy rivalry. But lately, that changed…”
Atsumu bit his lip before continuing. “I hate losers…even if that loser is me, but with you…”, he sighed. “Did ya really expect me not to fall for ya? You, the girl who makes me feel cool even when I’m a loser” His face flushed and he smiled but he also looked like he was on the verge of tears. “I didn’t think somethin’ like that could ever happen. Do you know how crazy that feels? For everything you thought you knew about yourself to be flipped upside down like that?” He looked straight at you with determination. You couldn’t turn away. “That’s why I’m sure. I like you. I like you for real”
Atsumu smiled a vulnerable, boyish smile. It looked so different on him from his usual devious smirks. You sat with your mouth agape.
After sitting in silence for what felt like it could be an eternity you finally spoke up, “…So we both like each other”
“Guess so sweetheart”, He shrugged, some mischief creeping into his tone. Classic Atsumu. He bit his lip, seemingly deciding on something and spoke, “Hey, there’s one thing I really don’t want ya to beat me to…if you’ll let me”
He leaned over the console, cupping his hand around your cheek. His hand was warm. You shivered at the touch.
“Can I?”, he asked.
You smiled and leaned toward him, but he swiftly pulled away.
“Woah woah I said I wanted to beat you to it!”
He closed the distance between you.
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struggling-author · 4 years
an Azulaang Family short story
The sun was starting to set on the Fire Nation capital, but the streets were still buzzing with life. A little girl could be seen chasing her brother down the streets, towards the waterfront, laughing all along the way. Trailing behind them were their two parents as well as their older sister, Ursa. Ever the elegant and courteous princess, she rolled her eyes at the younger children's antics, though she too wore a wide smile on her face.
Usually, their father would be right up ahead with them, chasing his children down with the threat of tickles and other oh so horrible forms of torture, but on this day he was content just walking in the back with their mother on his arm. Their children all knew why, of course. They had heard the story many times, and they were sure they'd hear it again before the day was over.
Walking along the streets with her husband, Azula still couldn't quite fathom that this was her life now. She remembered a time when these people, celebrating all around her, would kneel and cower in fear at her presence. She remembered another time, when they scowled and booed at the sight of her, some even going as far as grabbing cabbages off a nearby stand to throw at her. And even when that subsided, she remembered the shocked gasps and quiet whispers when the Avatar first kissed her in public. Things were so different now. The pair had been far from an unusual occurrence, even in the poorer parts of town, when they'd lived in the palace, and even now, after moving to Air-Temple Island, they made sure to visit at least once a year. Partially, that was due to her husband's apparent need to prove to her and the world that he wasn't ashamed of her, and while she'd always been vocally against it, deep down she was eternally grateful.
"Look, it's the Avatar!" A little kid shouted. "And princess Azula!" another followed, pointing in their direction.
Heads turned, and some people gave friendly nods or waved their hats at the couple, before continuing with their celebrations. A few kids swarmed around them, and Azula was glad to have her husband there pulling most of the attention, or she would for sure have lost her mind.
She felt something tugging at her sleeve and turned around to find a little girl staring up at her.
"Look, princess Azula!" She said, pumping her tiny fist in the air and igniting a flame abound the size of a matchstick.
"Impressive." She commented, and the girl's eyes lit up with joy.
"When I'm older, I wanna be just as great of a firebender as you!"
Azula gave a light chuckle.
"I'm sure you will be," and bending down to whisper in her ear she added, "maybe even a little better."
When they finally made it out of the crowd, Aang lead her into a more quiet back road, where they could enjoy being alone for a while. Their children were old enough now not to run off and get lost if they were left unsupervised for more than a minute, so they could afford to take a little detour.
As they walked along the street, Azula laid her head on her husband's shoulder, and as she did, Aang felt like, just for a moment, the weight of the world had been lifted off them, and he saw only her.
"This is the same street we walked along 17 years ago, remember?" Aang mused.
"Hmm... the crowd was all over us for a whole nother reason that day." She remembered the food stains that had covered her favorite dress. "You pulled me into this street to escape, but the night was basically ruined. You looked so sad like you were the one they'd thrown the stuff at, but you still carefully bent every single stain off my dress, until it looked as good as new."
Aang, who'd closed his eyes to bask in the last rays of sunlight, let them shoot open again.
"You're wearing it today!" He said, having just realized it.
She smiled as she stepped back and gave him a little half twirl to show it off.
"You're as beautiful as the day I fell in love with you." Aang said, mesmerized.
Azula beamed at his flattery. Returning to her place at his side, she continued her story.
"You said we should just go home after that, but you sounded so disappointed about it. I knew how much you'd been looking forward to this day though, so instead I dragged you over to the fortress wall overlooking the port. We got there just in time to see the fireworks."
Aang had taken her hand now, as they kept walking.
"I never understood why they'd made losing the war a Fire Nation national holiday, but that day, I finally did. Everything I had now, my whole life, that I never even knew I wanted... none of that could’ve happened under my father’s rule, not even if we’d won the war.“ She gave a brief pause, turning to face her husband. ”That day, I finally let myself fall in love with you“
When they got to the fortress wall, their children were already waiting for them. Ursa just sat there enjoying the view, while Zuki used her glider to fly across the water and Kuzon kept jumping up and down at the wall like he wanted to join her. After a particularly ambitious jump, he almost fell over and into the water, but luckily his father was there to catch him midair.
"Careful buddy, we don't wanna fall now, do we?"
"No," He said shaking his head "sorry Daddy."
Aang gave him a smile. "It's alright. Now go hug Mommy."
And when he ran up to her and was lifted into her arms, Zuki also came to a landing next to them.
”Me next!“ She shouted, looking up at her mother, and received a gentle pat on her little head.
"You too?" the Avatar asked his eldest daughter, still sitting off to the side.
"I think I'm good.“ She answered. "So are you gonna tell us your sappy love story again?"
"You know what?" Aang said as he looked at his wife, smiling and playing with their two happy children. "I don't need to. I live a new love story with her every day."
At that, his daughter burst out laughing, punching him ever so lightly in the arm.
"Oh my god, Dad. That was the cheesiest thing you've ever said! And the bar is already so high!"
Aang just laughed as well, putting an arm around his daughter, as his wife and other children came to sit beside them.
Sitting together on the little fortress wall, just like Aang and Azula had done years ago, they watched the fireworks go off in the distance.
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Hide Your Love Away (Paul McCartney x fem! Royal! reader Oneshot)
From an anon request:  can you write Paul x reader oneshot or something where she’s going to have an arranged marriage the following day, which is forced by her family. but she doesn’t want it since she’s secretly dating Paul. So they go on their last date, pretending it’s their honeymoon just for one day since they know they have to be separated after that🥺(sry I’m a sucker for sad/angst fic with lil fluff)
Word Count: Less than 2K
Warnings: swearing, angst with fluff, mentions of weddings and sex. Lack of editing,
A/N: I hope you enjoy it! In order for the premise to work, I decided to make you a member of the noble class who has to marry into royalty  (I got inspired some by The Crown on Netflix, whoops) when you really love Paul. Much love to my angels @joeneslee​ @bens-jawline​ and @rhapsodyrecs​ for helping me when writers block stuck for this one!
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 “I just met him, how can I marry him?” you asked with tears blinking in your eyes.
Sighing, you could tell the diadem on your mothers head was beginning to droop. Your father began cutting his meat with more fury. It made the metals on his suit follow in a clink, clink, clink.
“Because this marriage is important to us- to your whole family!” he said.
“But he…I…how do you know it will work?” you question. The diamonds on your necklace feel like an icy grip.
“That doesn’t matter, you will make it work. You always have. It’s the price you pay for your title. It’s going to secure everything. The Prince of Cardonia already agreed to it,” your mother said.
“Y/N, you’re a duchess. You do understand the consequences if you don’t do this…money will fall, we’ll lose protection…our house, everything.”
Squeezing your hands together, you began to blink away tears.
“And think of how the alliance will help us, politically. Do you want our people to suffer?” your father pointed out.
You agreed to the match. In a way, you could be a good leader still. Carry out orders. Make changes. Protect people. But it was useless now.
In your room, you began dialing madly for his number. Pacing, the ring on the phone seemed to last forever. Who knew a chance encounter at a party for music led to you both. Then all these phone calls. The meetings. Then meetings led to more talk. And soon your mouths stopped talking and started kissing.
“Y/N…I’m speechless…and you…you can’t say no…” Paul wonders. Your throat feels dry.
“I don’t have a choice! I…I didn’t choose this, they just…announced it,” you mourned.
Those calls are made in plenty the following weeks. You get fitted for the wedding gown a month later. It’s a wide gown decked in lace covering your neck and shoulders with a long train that leaves lace down like a cape. Everyone says you look beautiful, but you don’t feel like it. You are constantly asked for details about the wedding. You gave boring answers. You don’t want to make it too fussy, but at least pretty. But it’s soulless, you feel like.
The day comes sooner, so Paul suggests something…a trip.
You don’t know how, but you managed to get away. You had a few trusted friends who covered for you
The prince of Cordonia isn’t like Paul at all. He is stiff and dull. Not abusive, you don’t think, but that could change.
Paul is super ambitious and works to get the secret trip right.
Right as you get on the plane, making sure it is private and paying guards and the pilot extra, you look at Paul.
“We could…pretend…”
“Pretend what?”
“Pretend we’re married. That we’re going to be at our honeymoon…I don’t know if we’ll get a chance to later…”
Smiling, you begin to drum your fingers on the tan plush arm of your seat.
“How in god’s name did a damn Beatle escape from the press?” you asked. The plane whirred as it soared over the air.
Paul sighs, taking a sip of water from a plastic cup. 
“A lot of help, that’s what. Didn’t you get your friends in? Well, I got friends too,” he answered with a wink that always flipped your stomach.
“Where are you even going?”
He smiled.
“Ibiza, Spain!”
“Spain! I’ve never been to Spain!” you cried. Running up, you give him a girlish hug and kiss his cheek.
The jet plane landed and you both made your way to a hotel. Paul donned fake facial hair and as soon as you were led to your suite, he ripped it off. Though it looked red and tears stung his eyes.
You began to laugh hard at his reaction before tossing yourself on the feathery bed. That first night you both indulged in a large dinner while watching the sun go down and after much evening walking, settled into your bed for the first sleep after traveling.
When you both woke up, you saw his face first. Then your eyes flitted open. The sunshine of the Spanish morning poured in from over his head. He looked even more angelic.
“Hello husband!”
“Hello Wifey!” he said, kissing your forehead. 
Both of you cuddle up against the cold air from the AC before ordering a breakfast and spending time in your pajamas…as well as out of them. Smiling and taking in each other. Chatting about the habits of his other band members and laughing at them like normal.
They explored old towns. Spanish architecture, orange and tall, surrounded them. You bought lunch at little local restaurants, usually saving room for cold gelato served in cones dusted with cinnamon. It was touristy. It was cliche. It was perfect.
Both of you go through markets all afternoon when it’s too hot to do anything else. Thanking the heavens for shade and cheering at the sight of a working fan. One market had a tendency to be overpriced. Not that neither of you couldn’t afford it. 
Glancing over there was a young woman eyeing a necklace. Maybe a local. Her eyes were bright as she admired how the gems shone in the light and how they flattered her skin. But when she glanced at the price tag, she frowned.
Nudging, you murmur “I’ll be over there…”
You walk up to the young woman and smile.
“Hello, do you like that necklace?” you greet.
She blinks in confusion and sighs.
“Yes, I do” she says in a voice as sweet as honey. “It’s just…expensive, is all. I’ll look for another one.”
From the pocket of your pants you pull out several dollar bills and hand them to her. She is frozen looking at the numbers. It’s enough to buy at least five necklaces here.
“Not anymore…”
“Why are you doing this?” she asks.
“Let’s say…I have more than enough. Least I can do.” You answer.
Walking back, you see Paul’s eyes grow wide and then he smiles. He wraps a hand around yours as you walk out. Glancing back, you can see the girl is slack jawed. Then she went and bought the becklace with a smile as big as her face.
As soon as he got home, with only a few packages of things, Paul flung himself on the bed.
“Ooof! I’m bloody exhausted!”
You lean over, smiling. His face has gotten a little red from the sun. Your hands creep over to his shoulders.
“Let me massage you sweetheart…I don’t want my… my husband to be in pain,” you insisted.
Paul grinned larger at the use of the word.
For the rest of the night, you went over piles of photographs Paul managed to take. His love of the camera made him keep it as close as if it was his baby. You both managed to find local places and take pictures. The cheesiest pictures one could manage. Smiling faces, wide arms, and mountains and beaches and buildings too beautiful to be real.
“I’d like to keep a few…” you say.
Paul looks up at you.
“Is that…is that possible, Y/N? They look through your things, y’know…” he warned.
You shrugged, looking at one picture you took of Paul smiling, squinting into the sunlight with a castle from long ago far behind him, poking out of the green hill. Then another one where you managed to travel out and visit another real palace with elaborate floors outside and pigeons flying by.
“I can manage. I have…have places in my home only I can enter. Royalty, y’know…”
Looking back, only your closest friends were in on this. Friends you knew would not tattle. Friends who could influence any nosy servants.
He leaned over on the bed, in a white shirt and long pajama pants. Placing a hand, he traced a strand of hair.
“You might be their duchess, but you’re me girl. Always.”
The next morning, both of you were napping, naked, and smiling in post-coital bliss. Unaware that it was already noon. And there was a newspaper with your brunch.
As you groaned, opening your eyes, you heard Paul nearly spit out his tea from the tray.
“Oof, too hot for you?” you teased.
He looked at you and turned the page.
There was a small, minor article. It shouldn’t have caused much attention. But it was about your parents. It mentioned them addressing rumors that you were running away with another man and may have been spotted in Spain- or someone who looked like you. They couldn’t tell who the man was, but it was not your betrothed.
“Oh shit.”
You toss the paper onto the sheets, looking at Paul with his face, white as the sheets.
“We’ll…we’ll just have to be careful…” you suggest. Leaning forward, you cup his face and he nods.
You both had to be too careful. You went to beach. The sun was bright and you tasted the salt in the wind, but you had to look around you. Everytime there was a stranger, you felt their eyes on you. Both of you picked a time when there would be less people, but it felt there were now invisible cameras somewhere.
Both of you waded in the water and laid around in a towel underneath an umbrella for shade. But even in the most relaxing moments, you couldn’t help but worry if eyes were staring. Paul opened a picnic basket and handed you a bowl of strawberries, but you wondered if even a nice snack would somehow make it’s way to tabloids.
The next few days, you were more careful. Going to less crowded places. On your penultimate day, you ignored the paper. Paul was still asleep. You glanced for any news. Once you saw a photo of your parents worried faces. “We are concerned for our daughter…”
You tossed it into the trash bin. You would deal with it later. You wanted to enjoy each minute while you had it.
You kept trying to sneak into sites with less people, odder hours. If not, you were at each other like rabbits in your hotel room. Savoring intimacy and feeling one while you still could, or lazing about in your pajamas-ordering food and watching the sea. Talking about everything and nothing.
Paul opened his eyes, lashes fluttering. You couldn’t’ help but smile at him. His lashes were long, curved naturally without any mascara. How could one man be so beautiful?
“What…what is it?”
“Nothing hubby…” you said quietly, kissing his forehead. “Let’s just…let’s just enjoy the day.”
Spain had the loveliest sunsets. You watched from your hotel and then walked at night. The stars were out and the ocean was calming. Both of you felt a breeze. Paul handed you his jacket. Even in the dark, you could make out quiet sniffling. Clutching his hand, you turned to the ocean to look up at it’s infinity underneath a night sky. You never let his hand go the rest of that night. You wanted this pretense to last long as it could until you could no more, when the plane landed and you were back home at the palace with photos of Spain snuck into the bottom of your suitcases. 
 Besides, there was a wedding next week. 
Taglist: @stardust-killer-queen​ @queenlover05​
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the-odd-job · 3 years
Up in Flames chapter 15 - Suckerpunch (Ashes Part 2)
Warnings: Major Character Death, Chose Not to Use Category: Other Fandom: Transformers Relationships: Megatron/Sunstreaker, Megatron/Sideswipe, Sideswipe & Sunstreaker Characters: Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Wildrider, Drag Strip Additional Tags: Dubcon, Mechpreg, Sticky Words: 4105
( Previous )
Driving. As exhilarating as flying could be, for a grounder nothing rarely beat driving. Even Sideswipe, as much as he enjoyed heights, wouldn’t have wanted to switch his wheels for wings. It was enough that he could facilitate short-term flight with his jetpack. That was all he’d ever asked for.
Sunstreaker didn’t fear heights any more than his brother did, and he enjoyed well paved roads as much as he did.
They were all sporty vehicles—namely, him, Sideswipe, Drag Strip, and Wildrider of all mecha—and it was a true race as they tore through the roads at utterly reckless speeds. The artificial limitations on their engines were done away with in favor of chasing Wildridre and Drag Strip and being chased by them, because the Decepticons for sure didn’t bother even pretending they were normal Earth vehicles. 
No normal Earth vehicle, definitely not ones of their respective alt-modes, could reach the speeds they were going at.
The sparkling was just about soaring, pulsing its excitement madly, and Sunstreaker had to admit he felt quite a bit of that emotion himself. Not just because of the speeds they were traveling in, but because driving with Wildrider would have been utterly terrifying, were Sunstreaker prone to the emotion. The mech was mad. Absolutely mad, and on the road with him was the last place you wanted to be in. 
But they’d never said no to a good challenge, and when Wildrider had asked if they’d like to go out for a drive with him… Good sense would have said “hell no”.
They had no good sense, apparently. All they’d needed to do to get permission to go from the high and mighty command was take along a fourth mech, and it was only natural to ask another of the Stunticons. Drag Strip, then, because racing the ambitious mech absolutely obsessed with always winning could only go well. 
The plan was fool proof. Give no fucks about any Earth rules and limitations, stick to the well maintained roads because they were all of alt-modes that couldn’t really handle anything else, and fucking drive.
He couldn’t remember the last time he’d gone this fast, this hard, this long. Every curve taken was a death trap, made only more so by Wildrider’s presence. About no one wanting to drive with him, not even his fellow Stunticons? Yeah, that was for a good reason. Anything and everything he could do to harass them into a costly mistake, he did.
Driving at high speeds was a challenge on its own. Doing that while someone was doing their damnedest to make you crash, well, that was on another level. They’d never actually participated in wreck racing before, and while this wasn’t that officially, it was probably real damn close to the real experience. The death traps and ramps were missing, but the murderous competition definitely wasn’t.
Drag Strip hadn’t been too thrilled to come along for that very reason, but the call of showing two Lamborghinis who was the best and the fastest eventually won over the well earned fear of Wildrider. So far, though, nothing disastrous had happened despite Wildrider’s road manners. It wasn’t that there hadn’t been far too many close calls for anyone sane’s comfort, but Drag Strip had had quite a bit of practice at surviving Wildrider, and the twins weren’t bad drivers by any measure. They could handle it.
They burned through rubber and energon for hours. The sun was barely up when they’d left the Victory, and it was well on its downward arch now, when Drag Strip suggested a final finish line to their race. Choose the victor once and for all—or at least, for this particular outing. No doubt there would be a grudging loser who’d want a rematch, no matter who made it over the finish line first.
But so they settled on a particular crossroads coming up ahead as their final destination. Whoever passed it first—that would be crowned the victor of today. 
With that goal in mind, Wildrider turned even more wild, Drag Strip pushed himself to his limit, Sideswipe rerouted more power into his engine, and Sunstreaker… Tried not to have his finish scratched by Wildrider. That, and if they came in enough contact to damage his finish, chances were a painful wreck would soon follow.
No contact was the best course of action, but Wildrider did not make it easy. Whatever was the mech’s obsession with being an absolute terror on the roads, he was very serious about it. If you didn’t know any better you’d think he was trying to kill you. 
Or maybe he was, despite all the reasons why killing Sunstreaker right then would’ve been a terrible idea—mostly centering around the sparkling and Megatron’s retribution if you caused something to happen to it. 
But equally likely it was that Wildrider just didn’t consider those kinds of things, or didn’t give a frag. He had quite a few screws loose already; that really wasn’t a stretch of the imagination.
After another near miss swerve Sunstreaker was at least able to put himself ahead of Wildrider and not have to worry about him sideswiping him off the road—or into the unforgiving rock face that rose up on their left.
Instead he got to worry about him ramming his rear, but the remedy to that was to just be faster.  
Sideswipe was ahead the both of them, neck to neck with Drag Strip, but then he inched past him, slowly but steadily. His brother couldn’t entirely undo his failsafes as Sunstreaker sometimes unwittingly did, but he knew how to push himself to his absolute limit within those constraints, and he did just that now.
All to win the race, despite forcing his engine into redlining. Heat blasted from the vents of his alt-mode, and Drag Strip wasn’t much better off. His field was determination. Sideswipe’s was thrill.
The sparkling was drowning him in that too. He hadn’t raced just like this yet, not with it—if he ever had—but it was loving every moment of it, every close call that sent a zap through Sunstreaker’s spark, and the speed. Wind whipped across his alt-mode as he fought against the atmosphere, and that was enough to bring out the best of his spark—the elementary of what it was like to have wheels. 
Would the little one ever know the feeling? Time would tell what alt-mode it would choose, or if it would go for several like its sire. Moreso it would remain to be seen whether the one or one of the two modes it would choose would have tires, but even if it would… There was still the chance that it would choose to be too large for the kind of physical feats their smaller frames allowed the twins to do.
Racing like this, for example. Maybe it could drive, but you needed to be a comparatively smaller, lighter frame to drive like this.  
Those would be choices it would need to make later. Maybe this experience would influence it though. Who knew.
And it was Sideswipe who made it across their finish line first, hitting the brakes as soon as he did and spinning into a victorious stop. Drag Strip’s engine revved first in exertion, then in annoyance as he too reached the end of their race and braked to a screeching stop that left black tire marks on the asphalt. 
Sunstreaker was the next to reach them, turning sharply out of Wildrider’s way who shot way past the lot of them in his attempt to ram Sunstreaker’s rear. Sideswipe cackled as he transformed back to his pedes, and Sunstreaker couldn’t say he wasn’t smiling when he did the same.
Drag Strip came out of his alt-mode too, his face like a thundercloud. Sideswipe gave him a saccharine smile. “Looks like you still have some improvement to do. I can show you some tricks!”
“You cheated, you damn well did!” Drag Strip accused him, marching over and jabbing a digit in Sideswipe’s face.
His brother had the audacity to laugh at the accusation. Drag Strip growled, and… Then the two were already tumbling across the desert dirt, away from the rock wall framing one side of the road.
You know, the one Wildrider had tried to have him slam against for the past mile or so.
“You’re nuts,” Sunstreaker commented to the mad mech once he drove back from the distance he’d driven to in his excitement.
Wildrider laughed as he transformed. He sounded a lot like a hyena when he did that, and there probably wasn’t even the whisper of an apologetic thought in him. “You’re not exactly the picture of sanity either, Sunny.”
Sunstreaker hmphed, ignoring the jab of a nickname. It wasn’t like that particular one was forbidden territory. 
Primus help anyone who dared utter the ones he wasn’t okay with.
Drag Strip and Sideswipe were… It wasn’t really fighting, more just shoving each other around and sometimes tossing one to the dirt. And bickering. Or, Drag Strip throwing insults and more accusations of whatever manner of things—Sunstreaker was pretty sure he had Sideswipe painted as a criminal mastermind at this point—and Sideswipe doing a good impression of Wildrider with his laughter. His lack of a proper reaction only aggravated Drag Strip further.
On and on they went. Sunstreaker sighed, running a servo down his face as the two tumbled their way towards the sunset. So atmospheric.  
And he was off guard, he knew he was. There had been nothing the whole day to suggest there was any reason to be on guard, so he wasn’t. He didn’t notice anything amiss before the thudding clang of metal hitting the pavement had him glancing to his side in alarm, just to see Wildrider a graceless heap on the ground.
His optics shot upward in the next moment, meeting Mirage’s gaze. “Sorry about this,” the spy said, but before Sunstreaker could do more than rev in fruitless threat, Mirage had already put his spec ops training to good use.
The world was very quick to go dark.
Not for Sideswipe, though, but it was fragging impossible to miss first Sunstreaker’s alarm, then the… Nothing that followed. At once he shook Drag Strip off of him and turned back to the direction of Sunstreaker and Wildrider. It wasn’t hard to recognize Mirage.
It was even easier to make out the sound of a fast approach by aerials that weren’t Seekers. He really wished they had been. Things were far too complicated for Autobots to be considered friends anymore—and complicated enough to consider the Decepticons that instead. 
But now they were quickly getting outnumbered by Autobots, and Sunstreaker was out for the count already. So was Wildrider by the looks of things. That was two against six at best, and that was assuming no other Autobots were inbound.
Sideswipe would’ve taken his chances with them anyway, if Drag Strip hadn’t caught him by the arm. “Don’t–”
“I can’t just do nothing!” Sideswipe viciously interrupted whatever the Stunticon wanted to say, and tried to yank himself free. His spark was spinning wildly in his chassis, strangling him and he had to–
Drag Strip’s hold was surprisingly strong though, and he only yanked back, nearly pulling Sideswipe off his balance.
“That’s suicide!” Drag Strip hissed at him just as the Aerialbots, all of them, landed. Skyfire, too. The Autobots didn’t approach them, and Drag Strip wouldn’t let him approach them– “Or maybe not suicide, but you’ll just fragging get yourself captured too!”
Was that what the Autobots wanted to do? Capture Sunstreaker?
Why the pit would they do that?
What else were they doing? This was looking a little incriminating. Sideswipe growled and he still tried to pull himself free—and Drag Strip still wouldn’t let him. Frustration mounted until he would’ve slugged the fucker across the face if Drag Strip hadn’t continued, “What good are you if you get captured too, huh? You’re tied, right? We won’t know what the frag’s happening to you if they have both of you.”
Sideswipe thought fast, trying and mostly failing at piecing his thoughts together beyond no this can’t be happening! But, he did get the point—point being that he would be the window to everything the Autobots would do to Sunstreaker, if he was with the Decepticons.
Could he really help Sunstreaker if he went with him? He’d just be… Slag, he didn’t know what the Autobots were even planning, but he’d be in the same mess, and maybe there would be nothing he could realistically do about it from the inside–
But if he stayed on the outside…
Sideswipe keened, but he had to… Frag, he had to look at the bigger picture, past the moment. Megatron would never let this stand, not with his sparkling on the line too. He’d blow a hole straight through the Autobots if it meant getting it back, Sideswipe didn’t doubt that.
It would save Sunstreaker by extension.
And this was about saving him, wasn’t it? He couldn’t help his brother right now, not really, but it remained Sunstreaker wasn’t agreeing to this. They were taking his choice away from him, and who knew what the pit they were planning to do next.
Who fucking knew…
“Fuck fuck fuck,” Sideswipe chanted quietly, grabbing his helm with his free servo—but did he have any real choice, if he wanted to do the smart thing?
The smart thing right then wasn’t giving in to his near overwhelming desire to stay with Sunstreaker.
“What about Wildrider?” he asked, knowing his optics were wide, pale, and wild. His spark felt pretty wild too, fighting his processors on what to do—follow his emotions, or follow the conclusion of his thoughts.
He had to do the latter. 
“Lost cause,” was all Drag Strip said before tugging at him, his field not much calmer than what Sideswipe felt, though probably for different reasons.
It was clear he was in a big rush to get away. Sideswipe wasn’t, but… Do the smart thing.
Get the fuck away from here before the Autobots could do something to them too.
Get the fuck back to the Decepticons. If he wanted this mess to be cleared somehow… He couldn’t do it on his own.
And he couldn’t disagree that there wasn’t anything more they could do for Wildrider than there was anything they could do for Sunstreaker right then. 
“Yeah, okay,” Sideswipe said, or tried to, but slag his voice was so full of static. His head swam, but he had to keep it together, he had to, he had to…
He could barely pull a single vent without choking on thin air, but he didn’t resist this time when Drag Strip pulled him, and followed the Stunticon through his transformation.
They peeled off, back in the direction of the Victory, the moment their wheels hit the ground.
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sparky-is-spiders · 4 years
So. About that PoT and OotS Rewrite...
This is that PoT OotS rewrite I was talkin’ about earlier. Some stuff has changed.
I’ma start with Lionblaze, because I find the concept for his character to be the most interesting.
Lionblaze: From a young age, Lionblaze is kinda a prodigy. He’s an excellent fighter and hunter and everybody is convinced that he’s gonna be a great warrior, maybe even deputy. He IS the son of the current deputy and the grandson of the current leader, after all. When the Clan hears about the prophecy from Jayfeather, Lionblaze and everybody else is so certain that he’ll play a starring role in it. He hasn’t discovered his powers yet, the way Jayfeather and Hollyleaf have, but he’s convinced that they’ll reveal themselves. It’ll happen annny day now, he’s sure of it.
But he never gets any powers. Sure, he’s a skilled warrior, but it’s pretty obvious that that’s all he’ll ever be. He manages to hold out hope until he’s assigned Dovepaw as his apprentice. Dovepaw, who can read moods so easily. She appears in his dreams one day, and that’s when he realizes: he isn’t anything special, and he never was. He was always just another warrior, while Jayfeather and Hollyleaf keep moving on ahead. He becomes distant from his siblings and clanmates, and struggles to mentor the cat who took his place and the powers that were supposed to be his. This is when he’s recruited to the Dark Forest. Soon, he realizes what their plans are (more on those later), and he and Ivypaw team up to become spies and maybe sabatoge their plans before its too late. They tell their siblings everything they know, and the bridges that Lionblaze burned start to mend. He realizes that, even without powers, he’s still important, and he can still play a role in stopping the Dark Forest.
Jayfeather: Jayfeather is distant from everyone and always has been. He can sometimes be seen talking to cats that aren’t there, and he can predict some events with startling accuracy. Every time he sleeps, he hears thousands of different prophecies, and he can never tell if they’re important or not. But there’s one that he hears, over and over and over again. There shall be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws. He doesn’t understand it, doesn’t know why he hears it so often. He’s still a kit at this point, and one day Squirrelflight (who’s visiting them in the nursury), hears him murmuring it in his sleep. She takes him to see Leafpool, who takes him to see Firestar. He is told in no uncertain terms that he will be a medicine cat. Firestar announces this prophecy to the whole clan, declaring his three grandkits to be the three in the prophecy. Some are skeptical, but between Hollykit’s supersenses and Jaykit’s strong connection to StarClan, they slowly become convinced.
As Jaykit becomes Jaypaw, life becomes even harder for him. The ghosts of old medicine cats are always whispering rebukes and advice and stories in his ears, and all he wants is for them to shut. Up. He has constant visions in his dreams of things that have happened, things that are happening, and things that will happen. When he first visits the Moonpool, the voices in his head become so loud that he flees. He hates going to the Moonpool, and dreads the night of the half moon. It never gets easier.
Jayfeather gets on fine with Lionblaze, but he’s much closer with his sister. Hollyleaf has similar problems to him because of her super senses, and the two often sneak out of camp to find the quietest parts of the forest. They then spend hours sitting beside one another, basking in the pleasent silence and stillness. Lionblaze joins them every now and then, but he often gets restless and leaves. This habit starts during their apprenticeships, but continues well into their adulthood.
As the Dark Forest battle approaches, Jayfeather gets more and more visions about it. He sees thousands of different outcomes. He watches his clanmates win and lose and live and die. At first he throws himself into his work to avoid thinking about it, but he doesn’t succeed. Eventually he just holes himself up in his den, rarely eating or drinking, and fighting himself to keep his eyes open. The instant they close, even just to blink, more images flash across his mind. When he hears about what Lionblaze and Ivypaw/pool are doing, he freaks out even more. Finally, he breaks down and tells them what he’s been seeing in his dreams. When the invasion finally happens, Jayfeather is able to guide the clans into making the best, least damaging and most effective choices.Warriors still die, sure, but it isn’t the massacre he saw happening so often in his dreams.
Hollyleaf (and also the entire plot, apparently): Hollykit has always been a nosy busybody. It doesn’t help that she can hear every conversation every cat has ever had within the clan territories. She is a firm believer in the Warrior Code, and she believes that her power was gifted to her by StarClan in order to make sure that everybody follows the code. She’s ambitious, with plans to become leader in order to enforce the code. The Dark Forest tries to recruit her, but she knows who Tigerstar and Thistleclaw are. She knows what they did. She refuses to compromise her morals for the sake of her ambitions. She’ll become leader without the help of murdery rulebreakers no. 1 and 2, thank you very much.
The prophecy just strengthens her convictions. She was chosen by StarClan! She and her siblings will save the clans from themselves. She can already see it! Hollystar, noble leader of ThunderClan, with Lionkit as her loyal deputy and Jayfeather as her noble medicine cat. She’s a little jealous of Lionblaze, popular golden boy. But that’s fine. They’ll see her worth in time. They’ll all see.
When she hears the truth of her parentage she has a breakdown. How can she uphold the Warrior Code if her very existance breaks it? She does not kill Ashfur, but she does flee into the night. She travels to the Tribe, joining their ranks and becoming a Prey-hunter. All is well for moons and moons and moons, until a certain gray apprentice is born and Yellowfang visits Hollyleaf in her dreams. Yellowfang essentially tells Hollyleaf to get her head out of her ass. The last member of the three is born, and it’s time for Hollyleaf to return home. She talks to Stoneteller about her dream, and Stoneteller tells her that the angry cat with poor dental hygene is right: Hollyleaf has been an admirable member of the Tribe, but her place is and always has been with her clanmates and her siblings. Hollyleaf says goodbye to Stormfur and Brook (who she was good friends with) and she leaves.
She fully intended to go back to ThunderClan, but then she hears something going on in WindClan. Dissent. Rebellion. And, worst of all, mentions of the dark forest and the cats training there.
Onestar is an ineffective leader, and cats are starting to take notice. They hate his stupid wars and assholish attitude. He never listens to any of them! And he puts his own pride before the needs of the Clan. The younger WindClan warriors and apprentices are convinced that Onestr is horrible. A pair of charismatic young tom by the name of Houndleap has promised to make them strong. Houndleap will help them rise up against Onestar and replace him with a real leader, like Breezepelt, who seems to hate Onestar the most.
The older warriors don’t like Onestar to much either, but the whispers of these young cats scare them. Surely they wouldn’t murder a leader? Even if he was a terrible one like Onestar. Isn’t it lucky that they have a cat like Snowtuft to rely on? One who shows them how to defend their leader, and which cats they can’t trust? So handy! Sure, he’s in the Dark Forest, but he just wants to help. And he can’t have been that evil, or they would’ve heard of him, they way they know Tigerstar and Brokenstar.
Hollyleaf hears these whispers and hushed conversations, and she knows what she has to do. She has to save WindClan and Onestar! And that’s how she finds herself in the WindClan camp, requesting an audience with Onestar.
She’s obviously not welcome in WindClan, but Onestar doesn’t care. She’s one of the ThunderClan prophecy cats! Firestar’s precious grandkit is in WindClan, offering to become a WindClan warrior. Onestar couldn’t resist this brilliant opportunity to one-up ThunderClan and Firestar. Hollyleaf is now Hollystorm, warrior of WindClan and right hand man of Onestar.
Her relationship with Crowfeather could generously be described as frosty. Her relationship with Nightcloud is a dumpster full of turds that is on fire. Her relationship with Breezepelt is a planet made of turds that’s flying into the sun. Her relationship with Heathertail is... complicated. They hate each other, except they seem to be the only two cats who want to help Onestar (I really ike ace!Hollyleaf/storm, but I also kinda like Hollyheather in this specific AU. They hat each other, but at the same time, they’re the only ones they can trust, and I love that dynamic. But I also like Heatherbreeze! AHHHHHH).
Hollystorm’s place in WindClan came with a few caveats, of course. First: she couldn’t talk to anyone from ThunderClan, ever. Second: She had to swear on her life to defend Onestar at all costs. And third: she would spy on the other clans. She hates spying, and she tries to be as unhelpful as possible, but it’s a careful balancing act, and sometimes she has to bite the bullet. She’s doing the right thing, she’s sure of it. But she’s equally sure that she’s doing it the wrong way. And she’s also sure that Onestar was a horrible choice as a leader!
During her time in WindClan, she bonds with Ashfoot. She respects the wise and intelligent deputy, who seems to hold on to her convictions even while dealing with Onestar. Hollystorm tells Ashfoot why she joined WindClan, and the deputy develops a huge amount of respect for her. This warrior had the ground ripped from beneath her paws. She left her home and her family, and when she decided to return, she realized that something was wrong, and she chose her principals and doing the right thing over her old friends and family. As both are certain that Onestar would be hugely offended by the idea that amybody would dare rebel against him OR that he would banish half of WindClan, they decide to team up and take matters into their own paws. They try to get the other warriors on their side. Roughly half of the older warriors and a few of the younger ones agree to stop seeing their Dark Forest friends. But many WindClanners are still visiting with Houndleap and Snowtuft. Hollystorm and Ashfur realize that, if they want to save WindClan, they’re gonna have to take matters into their own paws. It’s time to pay ThunderClan a visit.
Both Ashfoot and Hollystorm hate the idea of going behind Onestar’s back, but they need advice. Hollystorm has heard conversations had by her siblings, heard Firestar’s gathering announcements about the Dark Forest. ThunderClan knows something Hollystorm doesn’t, and she needs to learn what it is fast. Things are speeding up, the WindClan warriors are getting ready for another civil war...
They request an audience with Firestar in the middle of the night, and it is granted begrudgingly. Hollystorm tells them about the unrest in WindClan, and Firestar tells her everything he knows about the Dark Forest. Lionblaze, Ivypaw, and Dovewing join them and tell them all about what Tigerstar and Thistleclaw are doing. Hollystorm is horrified to hear about this. She always thought of Lionblaze as whiny, egotistical, and spoiled (even though she loved him). As awful as she feels, hearing about the ways in which he’s risking his life and reputation, she’s also so proud of him. Together, they realize that the Dark Forest is in every clan. How could they not be? Firestar decides to call an emergency gathering.
Before they leave the camp, Hollystorm demands to see Jayfeather. She was always so close to him, and the fact that he was not at the meeting concerns her. When she hears about how isolated he’s become, she is shocked and appaled and she races into the medicine den. They get into an arguement over, well, everything that’s happened to them. When they finally finish yelling at each other, Hollystorm takes a deep breath and apologizes. She relays the things she’s learned about the Dark Forest in WindClan, and Jayfeather tells finally breaks. He confesses to the others about the visions that haunt his mind day and night.
They leave before the sun rises so that they don’t get caught by Onestar. Ashfoot sends Hollystorm back to her den. Later that day Ashfoot tells Onestar that she met with Firestar, and that the ThunderClan leader has called for an emergency gathering. Onestar is furious. How dare his deputy betray him like this?!? She does her best to calm him down, tells him about the Dark Forest cats who are manipulating his warriors, and he makes his decision. Every WindClan warrior who he doesn’t trust is to be exiled. In other words, half the clan (including Ashfoot) is getting kicked out. Nobody is happy.
The exiled cats refuse to leave. They dedicate their lives to WindClan, and this asshole kicks them out because of what his deputy says??? No. No no no no no. Not happening. Several of the older warriors who are still meeting with Snowtuft are among the crowd being exiled, and they have had enough. They were going to defend Onestar, but maybe he doesn’t deserve that if he’s gonna make stupid decisions like this. It isn’t long until a fight breaks out.
Hollystorm and Ashfoot are conflicted. Onestar has truly hit rock bottom, but they hate the idea of fighting against him. They eventually choose to fight against him. They hate the idea of turning on a leader, but Onestar has proven to be undeserving of his place.
Onestar and his defenders lose. The young warriors choose Breezepelt as their leader. Breezepelt hates Hollystorm for her heritage, and he hates Ashfoot for being Onestar’s deputy. Both are exiled, along with Onestar’s remaining supporters. They go to the gathering island for the emergency gathering.
The three clans and the WindClan exiles (minus a few who are sticking wih Onestar) meet to discuss the Dark Forest issue. Hollystorm notes that many of the other clans are expiriencing unrest, including ThunderClan.
The other clan leaders are shocked by what happened in WindClan and afraid of what Breezepelt might do at Houndleap’s demand. Several members of the other Clans confess to being visited by Dark Forest cats. Hawkfrost and Mapleshade are in RiverClan, and Clawface and Brokenstar are in ShadowClan. The clans realize that the Dark Forest is using them and tearing them apart to weaken them so that when they strike, the clans will be fractured and weak.
The clans unite as one under the joint leadership of Blackstar, Firestar, and Mistystar, with promises to keep each other updated. Warriors are encouraged to stop meeting with the Dark Forest cats, and to report everything they know to their leaders.
The Dark Forest, realizing that the clans are prepared for them and no longer fractured, decide to change tactics. Hollystorm spies on WindClan, discovering that Breezestar has invited many rogues and loners into WindClan to replenish their ranks for the coming war. WindClan patrols routinely invade the territories of the other clans, stealing prey and attacking patrols. Hollystorm can hear them approaching, and Jayfeather can predict the most likely attacks, but cats still die.
Soon, the other clans decide that enough is enough. They decide to ambush WindClan under the cover of darkness on the night of the new moon. While they’re at it, they send out a group to search for Onestar. But when they enter the camp, they find it deserted. The WindClan medicine cat, Antpelt, warned of their approach, and the cats are all set for an ambush, so silent that not even Hollystorm can detect their presence. Jayfeather bursts into the camp and warns then to retreat just before the WindClan warriors leap out of the shadows.
The combined might of the clans is not enough to fight of WindClan, not with its new rogue army, not during a surprise attack. They suffer heavy losses and retreat.
Jayfeather warns them that the Dark Forest is liable to strike back any day. The clans are weakened, and they have many warriors at their command. The clans move to the ThunderClan camp. It’s small but easily defendable, and they set to work shoring up its defenses.
Hollystorm misses WindClan, she finds. She didn’t notice, but it grew on her. She suspects that, once this whole mess dies down, she may return. She’s given up completely on her dreams of leadership. ThunderClan doesn’t feel like home anymore, not the way WindClan’s moors did. And Onestar would probably never even take her back, nevermind appoint her as his deputy. But she’s still determined to be the best warrior she can be. Maybe she can’t be a leader, and maybe the clans don’t need to be saved from themselves, but they do need her to do the right thing. Not spying or accusing cats of breaking the code, but fighting the real threats, the real dangers. She needs to save the clans from the Dark Forest, to take WindClan back from Breezestar, and make sure that it doesn’t fall into the claws of Onestar. Because sometimes the code can be wrong, and sometimes a bad leader needs to go.
Before the battle, Jayfeather tells her not to protect him. If she tries, she will die. She promises not to, but plans to try anyway.
She’s able to warn the clans of the approach of WindClan and the Dark Forest. The ThunderClan camp becomes a bloodbath, and Hollystorm finds herself in the middle of it. She moves to the medicine den, defending the medicine cats, the injured, the elders, and the kits. She fights side-by-side with Lionblaze and Ivypool. When Hawkfrost confronts them, she kills him, but is seriously injured in the process. She is brought into the medicine den for healing. Jayfeather is furious that she didn’t listen to him and terrified that she might die. The voices of those ancient medicine cats whisper in his ear, but this time they help him focus. They guide him gently and he manages to save her.
Onestar and Breezestar fight it out too. Just when it looks like Breezestar is about to lose, several WindClan warriors pounce on Onestar. He is killed multiple times, and soon his soul departs to StarClan.
Firestar still has his dramatic confrontaion with Tigerstar, and he still kills him. However instead of being killed by a tree, Firestar dies of the wounds he recieved in the deadly battle.
When the battle is over, the leaders demand that Breezestar step down. At first, he wants to resist, but he then realizes that many of his clanmates have either swapped sides or abandoned him entirely. He and Nightcloud abandon the clans and do not return for some time. Ashfoot becomes the new leader of WindClan, and she reunites WindClan. She names Harespring her deputy.
Hollystorm decides to follow her. She will always love her brothers, and she has finally reconciled with Squirrelflight and Leafpool after the battle, but WindClan is her home now, and she would never feel comfortable anywhere else.
Coming up soon: Dovewing, Ivypool, and some extra stuff! (What happened to Ashfur, who mentored Hollyleaf and Lionblaze, more Ashfoot stuff, etc.)
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sparrellow · 4 years
What the Heart Wants
“Don’t break my heart again, Rin Kagamine.”
— childhood friends, and the art of growing up.
rating: T genre: romance/hurt/comfort/angst ships: rin/len, a sprinkle of miku/kaito words:  3,357
Rin was not much of a party-goer. She preferred the comfort of the couch and TV in her living room, watching sad love stories and stuffing her face with Happy Turn rice crackers. At least there, she could hear her own thoughts.
But Miku was having a party. A special party. A reunion party, of sorts. And as much as she didn’t want to go, she felt obliged to for the sake of their friendship.
So there she was, standing in the corner of the room, hiding behind a glass of lemon chu-hai. It was busy, full of familiar faces she didn’t want to see. She hadn’t even really thought much about what kind of situation she’d landed herself in until a certain blonde boy—man, he’s a man, Rin—came striding into the room like a celebrity guest-appearance on a TV show.
His smile was dazzling, and enough to turn her world upside-down.
Immediately she made a mad dash for Miku, who was standing on the other side of the room, making small talk with some of her guests. Rin ducked behind her like a shield, praying she hadn’t just caught You Know Who’s attention.
“Rin, what are you doing?” Miku asked with a frown, glancing over her shoulder at her.
Rin shushed her. “I’m hiding,” she said.
“Hiding from who?”
“Him.” She hoped she wouldn’t have to drop anymore hints to give away who she was talking about.
Miku gave her a clueless look, before scanning the room. Her gaze fell on Him, the man, and her eyebrows shot up. “Seriously?” she asked, rolling her eyes. “You’re still not over Len?”
Rin puffed out her cheeks. “It’s not that, I’m—”
“Rin,” Miku said, turning to face her. She grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking her lightly. “You know, maybe it’s time you adult up and take initiative. You can’t run away from him forever. And I’m not going to be your bodyguard at my party.” Her tone was firm, unsaid words heard between the lines: And that’s final.
With that, Miku whipped around and strolled off to greet said person.
Rin ducked back behind a pot plant nearby, her heart racing. Easier said than done, she thought with a frown. It was maybe childish of her, in retrospect—but she hadn’t grown up still, even after all these years.
They were childhood friends, after all, and that part of her life was filled with fond memories of him; the kind that spread through her chest with a warm, bubbling sensation. But childhood was long gone, and they’d long grown apart, and Len had changed in more ways than one.
He wasn’t that scrawny little kid anymore.
Rin stared down into her glass, watching as bubbles rose from the bottom, one by one.
It wasn’t always all sunshine and roses. When they’d grown up enough, enough for her to finally realise that oh no, I might kind of like him , that was when their relationship slowly began to change. Like the Earth orbiting the Sun—they were stuck in a gravitational pull, sometimes close, sometimes far, going around in circles. He fell in love with another girl, and that was when she thought:
I can’t do this. I can’t do this anymore.
How it’d hurt her to cut him off and build a wall between them, how it’d tore her apart—how it’d tore him apart. There was this knot of guilt in the pit of her stomach. A knot of guilt as he had grabbed her hand one afternoon and asked, Why? Why have you been so distant?
Rin had never given him an answer.
They hadn’t talked since. It’d been at least five years.
The glass almost went flying from her hand as someone touched her elbow, shaking her from her thoughts. It was Kaito.
Her shoulders sagged with relief.
“Sorry—sorry,” he apologised, noticing he’d startled her. That didn’t stop him from giving her a look of concern. “What are you doing behind the pot plant, Rin?”
Rin’s cheeks burned. “Hiding,” she mumbled.
Kaito quirked an eyebrow. “Why?”
Not giving an answer, she simply led his gaze to Miku and Len chatting idly in the centre of the room. 
“Oh.” His lips thinned, eyebrows furrowing, creating a crease in his forehead. “You… still haven’t made amends?”
Rin’s thumb drew patterns in the condensation of her cup. Her eyes were glued to the floor. “No.”
Kaito was a lot more understanding than Miku. Forgiving, somewhat. He was like an older brother, but the nice kind, the kind that you would go to for advice. His gentleness was his whole appeal.
“Maybe you should,” he suggested, his lips curving in somewhat of a hopeful smile. “You know, it’s been a while, Rin. He might… I’m sure he would like to talk to you.”
“I can’t,” she whispered. 
He stared at her, waiting for her to continue. Waiting for her to explain why she couldn’t do seemingly the simplest thing in the world.
She kept talking. “I just can’t. It’s so hard. How could I just walk up to him and talk to him like nothing ever happened—it left a hole in me. Maybe it left a hole in him, too.”
Kaito looked back at Len, across the room, chuckling at something Miku said. He frowned in thought. “You don’t have to do that,” he said, reaching up to pat her on the head. “You don’t have to do anything, really. But you shouldn’t hide behind the pot plant all night. Because then nothing will happen at all.”
He pulled his hand away and strolled off, the cold air hitting the top of Rin’s head like a slap to the face.
Slowly, slowly, she took his advice.
When Len had spotted her on the couch later that evening, he sauntered over with a guarded expression. 
Rin had been staring blankly at the TV screen, considering calling it a night at 9pm, when she sensed his gaze and tore her eyes away to meet his. A chill ran up her spine, and in an attempt not to flee the situation, she downed her entire drink in one go.
She figured she didn’t trust her sober self as much to handle the interaction.
He took a seat near her—leaving enough space for another body to sit in between them, had someone want to—and leant back in the chair, folding one leg up to rest on his thigh. Her hand shook as she put the glass down on the table, and it clattered against the lacquered wood before letting it go.
A silence that was enough to drive any person towards insanity stretched between them. Rin knew he was probably finding the words he wanted to say—calculated, well-rehearsed—he was that kind of person. He never said anything without thinking about it first; especially not in this kind of situation.
Her eyes bore holes into her kneecaps as she waited, and waited, and waited.
Eventually, Len cleared his throat. She almost jumped out of her skin. “So,” he said. “You won’t even say hi to me, Rin?”
Blood pooled to her cheeks as her heart jumped to life in her chest. She wasn’t sure if she was embarrassed or guilt-ridden or terrified, or maybe all at once. Her tongue darted over her lips; they were dry, she felt parched despite downing that whole glass. The music that had been playing in the background the whole time suddenly seemed awfully loud.
“I…” Rin squeaked down at her knees. The words were getting stuck in her throat, choking her up, and she had a sudden urge to hurl over the side of the couch. Placing a hand to her mouth, she swallowed, closed her eyes, and reminded herself to breathe. 
His gaze left the side of her face to travel across the room, but he kept talking. “I know you saw me.”
Her fingers curled around the fabric of her dress with a tremble. Tonight, she’d tried for something a little more ambitious, a little more mature; the dress was short and flowy, yellow and floral-lace, it sat high at the base of her neck but dipped down her back, exposing smooth, white skin. 
But around Len, she simply felt like a little girl dressed up in her mother’s clothes.
“I… was waiting for you to say something first,” she rasped out, the words finally untangling from her tongue.
Len’s eyes went back to her. His mouth opened, closed, opened again—the gears were turning in his mind, typing out a script on a typewriter, perfecting every sentence. Finally, he settled for a, “Huh.”
Rin slowly lifted her gaze to meet his. His eyes were a dark, stormy blue; they always had been. Mischievous, mysterious, there was always this glint to them, something so familiarly Len. His fingers drummed against the backrest of the couch, playing out some secret melody—perhaps it was a song he played on piano. He liked piano.
Len swept a stray hair away from his face. “It’s been a while since we last talked, Rin,” he said, eyes flickering between her face and the rest of the room. He reached for his drink on the coffee table in front of them and took a sip, before continuing, “Missed ya.”
Heat climbed to her face, and she looked at her own empty glass on the table, willing for it to fill up. “Yeah,” she breathed, unsure if she’d just heard him right.
“Has life been treating you well?” he asked, casual, but she could tell in his mind he was trying to plot a path to lead the conversation somewhere she didn’t want it to go.
Rin traced out the patterns on her sleeve with a finger; following the stem, a leaf, the flower petals… counting them, five… six… “It’s…” Her mouth was as dry as a wall. She swallowed. “It’s… yeah. Good, I guess.”
If Len had noticed how nervous she was, he wasn’t letting on. “That’s nice.”
The silence that followed reminded her of her table manners. “Erm, how—how about you?”
His lips curved, the beginnings of a smile, and his eyes were now focussed on the TV screen. Some romcom was playing. Not that it really mattered—the volume was muted. “It’s been okay. Work is okay. Busy. Could be paid more, but I guess I’ll never really make big money as a composer, hey?”
That reminded her. She didn’t really know what he went on to study in university. Music, huh, she thought. It was a surprise that even his parents had let him go into such a field. 
“I do tutoring on the side, with kids, too,” he added, a wistfulness to his gaze. “It’s a bit of extra pocket money, at least.”
Rin eased back into the couch. “I’m happy to hear you’re… doing something you love.”
“Hmm.” His lips thinned out. “What about you? Go on to be an English major?”
Probably that was what she had told him, the last time they’d talked. They were still in high school. Young. Full of hope. She shook her head, hair bouncing with the movements. “No. I’m just… an office worker. I work for the advertising department of a record label.”
Len raised an eyebrow. “It’s a pity,” he said. “I thought you would be a good teacher.”
She laughed in an exhale. The thought seemed absurd now. She didn’t need to tell him that, though.
“So.” He was staring up at the ceiling now. His fingers were still drumming. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down in his throat. Rin could just about predict what was coming next. “So… why did you stop talking to me all those years ago, Rin?”
She could predict it, but she still didn’t know how she would even answer it. That guilty rock returned; sinking down heavy inside of her, weighing her down. The blood in her ears was loud, rushing, almost drowning out the sound of the party around them. 
Somewhere, somehow, her mouth started moving, words spilling out like a pot that’d overboiled. “It’s not that I… it wasn’t… I didn’t mean to…” She took a breath, trying to steady the pounding of her heart. “It’s just… so hard to say.”
Len frowned, not satisfied with her answer. “It’s hard to say,” he echoed, in a tone that showed he didn’t believe in those words as much as he didn’t believe in ghosts. “What, you can’t even tell me what I did to piss you off so bad that you wouldn’t talk to me anymore?”
His question sliced through her like a knife, and she winced. Her arms went to wrap around herself, she curled in, like a turtle retreating into its shell. “It’s not even… that,” she mumbled down to her knees. She felt so pathetic. “You didn’t do anything. It was just… me.”
He blinked at her, not quite comprehending that maybe—possibly—after all these years, after all these years of conjuring up some explanation in his head as to why she suddenly hated him, maybe it wasn’t because he had done anything wrong. “Huh,” he said, and this time, it wasn’t a calculated response.
“I’m just…” Rin hovered, choosing her next words carefully. She smiled at her empty glass on the table, but it was secretly a grimace. “I was just a scared, little girl. Scared of a broken heart.” And I still am.
Len was silent, processing her words. She needed another drink if this conversation was going to carry on. She reached for her glass and stood, not looking at his face. “I’m going to the bar. You want anything?”
He shook his head. She left him sitting. She did everything within her power, this time, to not run away.
When she returned to take a seat with another glass of chu-hai, Len’s hand lashed out, snapping up her wrist in a firm, yet gentle grasp. He pulled her down beside him, closer, maybe a little too close for comfort.
He smelt of cologne and alcohol and aftershave, and something familiar, something that made her only think, Len.
His warm body pressed against hers; she forced herself to sit on the edge of the couch, rather than relax into the empty space right next to him. His expression was unreadable, she couldn’t tell what he was thinking. He dragged a thumb down the back of her arm, pressing flat in the soft space of her elbow.
No amount of willpower could stop the ripple of goosebumps from breaking out over her skin.
“Rin,” he murmured. “If you were scared of a broken heart, then why did you break mine?”
His question hit her like an avalanche. She sat, facing away from him, her hand still clutching at her drink like a lifeline. What do you mean, what do you mean, she wanted to ask, but even she knew that was a foolish question. She knew what he meant.
Rin placed her drink down on the table next to his, looked back over her shoulder at him. He was slouched back, staring up at her from under dark lashes. A sad smile slowly rose to his lips, dumping a bucket of ice-water over her shoulders.
“Because I was selfish,” she answered him with truth, sounding awfully confident despite the doubt that clouded her mind. Her heart thudded against her rib cage. “I was selfish, only thinking of me, and not you.”
Len sat up, shoulder brushing hers. “You just didn’t think to talk to me about it?” he asked. “Didn’t think to ever reach out and—clear the air, or anything.” His hand fluttered out in front of him, demonstrating the act.
Her heart hurt. Her whole chest hurt, actually. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, looking away. “I’m sorry.”
Hot tears stung her eyes. She didn’t even understand why she had to cry. She was the fool, here. She had no reason to.
Len’s hand reached for hers—it was large, warm and clammy, wrapped around her own like a blanket. “Rin,” he said, his hot breath hitting the skin of her bare shoulders. “Look at me.”
She shook her head, no. It was embarrassing, shameless, ridiculous. She wanted to crawl into a hole and die. 
His hand went to her thigh as he moved further forward. Before she could even comprehend a single thing he was doing, she felt his lips brush her cheek.
Rin turned to look at him, shocked.
Len hovered near her face, lips twitching upwards. “Don’t break my heart again, Rin Kagamine.”
In one, swift movement, he had her pushed back against the couch; one hand caressing her face, the other resting on her waist. She didn’t hesitate, didn’t fight back. She knew what she wanted. She knew what he wanted.
His lips grazed hers, and the contact almost seared her skin. As he went to pull away, she reached out and pulled him back by the collar, faces colliding. I won’t let you go this time.
Her arms wrapped around his shoulders. They’d grown broader, stronger, with all the time that had passed. A lonely ache filled her chest. With all the time that had passed she spent running away—she could’ve just… been honest?
If she had confessed her feelings to him all those years ago, before drifting apart, would it have changed anything?
Yes, she thought. I still needed to grow.
I still needed to grow up.
Across the room, a weary Miku and proud Kaito watched the pair as they did the tongue tango. Miku reached up to link her arm with her blue-haired companion, the remnants of a smile on her lips.
He leant into her. “This wasn’t really on the agenda, was it?” he asked in a low voice.
“No,” she admitted. “But I’ll gladly take credit for it.”
“You know, he was hanging out for her all these years—and despite knowing that, I’m still surprised.”
Miku chuckled. “I expected a make up. But a make out? No.”
Kaito grinned, shifting his gaze to the girl beside him. She was glowing still, always glowing, and he was sure it wasn’t the highlighter she used. “You think we could, uh, maybe follow suit?”
Her hand skated down his arm, before floating up to pinch his cheek somewhat affectionately. The lights in her eyes danced, laughing. “Get a few more drinks in me, sweetie, before you start dropping the pick-up lines.”
Then she strutted off, and he sighed, defeated.
The heart wants what it wants.
They’d sat on that couch kissing for hours until Miku kicked them out at ten to midnight, telling them to go home with a triumphant expression.
Now they walked down the street toward the station, hand-in-hand, not entirely drunk but enough on the way there that the humid midsummer night didn’t bother them. Rin pressed her cheek against his shoulder; a while ago, maybe it would’ve been the other way around.
“I was a bit of a jerk, admittedly,” Len said.
She lifted her head to scan the side of his face. He stared ahead. She wondered what he was going on about.
“Leading you on, and then dating other girls.” He glanced down at her. “I couldn’t be mad at you, not entirely, for distancing yourself.”
Rin stared at him a moment longer, before lowering her gaze to the curb. “I hated doing it,” she mumbled into his sleeve. “But I told myself at the time it was the best thing to do.”
Len smiled. “We were both kids,” he said, slowing his pace. They stopped near the entrance to the subway station, as if there were a barrier keeping them from going any further. “We didn’t know what we were doing.”
He leant down to steal another kiss from her lips; soft, longing. His eyes were filled with something odd, she hadn’t really seen before. Affection?
“My place?” he murmured against her mouth.
“Yeah,” she breathed. Her heart fluttered with child-like excitement.
They kept going, eager to make up for the time they'd lost.
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madiiko12 · 4 years
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new york’s very own madison ‘madi’ ko was spotted on broadway street in chanel sneakers . your resemblance to kim chungha is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty-first birthday bash . while living in nyc , you’ve been labeled as being obsessive , but also ambitious . i guess being a virgo explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be glittery eyes, dangling earrings, & chanel draped in pearls.  ( cisfemale & she/her) + ( kale, 20 , she/her , est. )
hi honeybuns !! im back and with child. there is a brief mention of an ed under the cut but i block it off with a tw start & end.    if you’d like to plot pls leave a like and i can dm you or hit you up on discord !! my discord is kale#3079  
haneul madison ko was born september 18, 1999 to two immigrant parents from S.K. her birth name is haneul, but she went by the name madison since it was easier to pronounce + madi began to almost detest her culture??
it was just that growing up she would sometimes get bullied for looking different at her school, for the way her packed lunches smelled/looked, the way people would stare if she spoke korean to her parents, how other kids would make fun of her english since she didn’t pick up on vocab/grammar as quickly since she didn’t practice at home with her parents. she just became SO insecure about it that she rejected her culture. she wouldn’t bring her mom’s food to school, if her mom ever forced her to take it she’d throw it away  and choose to starve instead. she wouldn’t speak korean back to her parents in public, barely even in private (which reeaaallly upset her parents). this also REALLY destroyed her korean language skills. she can understand still, but she can barely hold a basic conversation anymore.
as she grew up, and continued this sense of distancing herself from her culture, she ultimately distanced herself from her family. which left her feeling -  - alone often, even though it was all due to her own choices. in this loneliness, she found her escape in music. she would wear headphones constantly through the halls, in car rides, in her room when her parents yelled at her to turn the music down. she just loved music. she saved up the money her parents gave her whenever she worked at the nail salon (her parents owned it!!) to thrift an old keyboard. she became self-taught by trying to copy melodies of songs she’d listen to, thrifting piano lesson books, staying after school with the music teacher learning to play. sometimes she’d even skip lunch to sit in the chorus room with her choir director and play.
it’s not that she had a LACK of friends growing up, maybe just that she lacked a best friend. she had a lot of friends, but no one that she felt so connected to in the way she felt connected to music. perhaps, she was addicted to her loneliness.
she spent a lot of time playing the piano and dabbling in writing music that her grades started to fall (not that she was ever the BEST student) and her parents literally took away her piano. they said it was a waste of time because they wanted her to focus on doing well, so she could get into a good university, and then live a good life. music was just a distraction
but that didnt work
she would sneak out into the city to go to concerts and poetry readings. she’d sneak out and go to indie songwriters scenes while her parents thought she was at the library with one of her school friends
This underground scene had her full heart!! she was surrounded by likeminded people who just lived for music. she was hearing all of these incredible people who were all looking for their start. maybe not looking for anything at than just to sing their songs. tbh i think this was the point she was happiest. she was completely enveloped in music, just for the sake of music. There wasn’t any pressure, just music. Just the songs. she was wide eyed looking at this whole underground scene of artists. So maybe some plots from these underground charas?!
she’d perform some songs at karaoke nights and the indie sessions, and a producer took a keen interest in one of her songs. basically im kind of stealing halsey’s career start, but she posted a song Came in Close on SoundCloud and just blew up overnight. in the morning, she woke up to a record label asking her to fly to LA for a meeting.
and thus, Madison Ko began a career as Madi Ko where she’d release her debut album, Honey, a few months later. (DISCOGRAPHY HERE). her music is very 80s synth inspired!
new album that is most definitely CRJ’S EMOTION is coming soon...
right off the bat, madi is an absolute firecracker!! she’s loud, bursting with personality, has a lack of inhibitions that CHAOTICALLY mixes with her spontaneity
part of this is projecting her insecurities. she felt lonely as a child but doesn’t want to be seen as that to the world. it’s not so much a persona but an exaggeration of who she was. 
she likes to show off her glam bc it, once again, hides her insecurities. 
she just kind of is dramatic anymore
like everything about her
her persona as Madi Ko, upcoming popstar underdog, is like DUNKED in glitter, over the top stages and sets, draped in couture. basically her stages/outfits/dances/mvs are like Chungha’s but with Pale Waves and Carly Rae Jepsen VC. ex: 1, 2, 3, 4
also bc im obsessed with chungha’s famous diamond wink, IT’S GONNA BE MADI’S THING TOO. so basically madi has trended on twt a few times bc of her signature diamond wink bc she effing glues rhinestones and glitter under her eyes for performances !! she said fuck corneas !! ex: 1, 2, 3      ....god chungha is magical
so while madi is like a brand hypebeast n never shuts up, she can also get,,, easily annoyed. and heavily perceives ppl on first impressions despite that being the reason she felt misunderstood a lot growing up. 
definitely argumentative!!! will blow up arguments for no reason n then later questions why she made it such a big deal but cant own up to her mistakes
when she decides she doesnt like you, SHE DOESNT LIKE YOU. it’s done. bridge is burned, she’s not keen on second chances
fame has definitely given her a bit of an ego problem --- she’s a bit more aggressive, self-obsessed while intrinsically insecure, is too busy flaunting her material possessions and trendy life that she can...lose touch of reality. basically most of her high school friends cant stand her. HC that her high school bf broke up with her bc she was no longer was the madison ko he knew!!! so if anyone wants to be that ex lmk !!! she’s written songs about them!!!
definitely the type of girl who is so hype at a party, dancing in fallen confetti, standing on the fireplace mantle, but then midway realizes she’s lonely. sad at a party. 
she kind of always had body image issues growing up, but it was very off and on, but once she got signed and being by surrounded by cameras became normal she formed a full fledged ED. she’s passed out at concerts a few times bc of her ED, but they always brush it off as “not enough rest” or “she wasnt feeling well that day but pushed to perform anyway as to not disappoint the fans”
so feel free for ur muses to point it out !! she’ll get really defensive like “i eat i just work out a lot” and yeah it’s true she works out a lot but she...doesn’t really eat
it’s also one of the causes of her irritability ...
idk why this is so long
always up for mischief! 
does love a good prank. asks weird hypotheticals 
is not scared of an ouija board
will get wasted off a few shots and drunk madi is UNSTOPPABLE 
one time drunk madi cried bc her siamese cat (MOCHI !!!) wouldn’t ever get to go to school and would never know chemistry..... the dramatics.....
she is sensitive and despises it. she does everything she can to not come across as sensitive
however, she’s so obsessive. so deep in feeling. when she feels something she FEELS it. when she is mad it boils through her. when she is in love it is all she knows. when she is sad it covers her like sweaters and blankets on rainy days. she doesn’t know how to half-feel. everything she feels stops her in her tracks.
HOWEVER she’s the most obsessive with her own insecurities — so in relationships she’s kind of known for tapping out early. she just gets scared and the fleetingness of her career and that she’s at her very core, lonely and disappointed in herself, makes her want to run away thinking that letting down her walls and being vulnerable could only be disappointing for her SO. so maybe she ghosted ur chara or gave some lame excuse
Kind of obsessed with how she’s perceived
terrified that at any moment her career could be thrown away, her deemed irrelevant, and she goes back to being Madison Ko, daughter of nail techs in Koreatown. and then her parents would have been right all along, music was a waste of time.
she’s just my little fallen angel who flew to the sun (fame) and it constantly eats away at her girlhood, at her heart.
anyways this is all i got rn <3 come love me sorry i kind of didn’t shut up this is long
an ex from before she was famous who broke up with her because of how she changed!! PLEASE i have ideas for this. plus,,, you get a lot of songs about ur chara!!! could be from high school, maybe someone in the music scene she frequented before she was signed, anything!!
anothr ex/fwb/undefined relationship i’d love is one when she was first famous who just introduced her to everything. something like a whirlwind that was exciting and magical. she’s written songs about this person.
exes in general. 
romantic plots. pls i have songs who need meaning. friends to lovers, one sided (either way), slowburn, ANYTHING. love cruel summer plots, anything lover by tswift
PR relationships -- would LOVE one where she falls in love with the other despite how clearly defined they made their relationship
love triangles in general just get me going
best friend!!!! the one’s who know how the other feels just by looking at each other. they have countless sleepovers. tell each other everything. cry together on bathroom floors. pregame together. 
ex friends. for whatever reason -- maybe madi did smth shitty, maybe they did. maybe there was backstabbing, maybe madi sacrificed friendship for a career, maybe she made moves on their romantic partner/interest despite being fully aware. idk. gimme
People she knew from the underground/indie scene before they were famous!! they’d have bonded over their love for music, little indie dreams kind of vibe. just imagine a group of dreamers !! Would love if they made some kind of pact!!!
party friends
collabs !!
pranks. mischief. gimme
enemies. gotta cook up some drama, yknow
GIRL GANG. god i just want this so bad like make a girls dream come true
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harringtcnx · 4 years
Is that KAI HARRINGTON? Wow, they do look a lot like DANIEL SHARMAN. I hear HE is a TWENTY ONE year old JUNIOR who is studying PRE-MED at Luxor University. Word is they are an ARISTOCRAT student. You should watch out because they can be ARROGANT and BLUNT, but on the bright side they can also be ALLURING and PASSIONATE. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself.
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name : kai alexander harrington
nicknames : k, harrington
age : twenty one
birthday : 21 august (leo)
sexuality : bisexual
born : london, england
relocated : luxor university
height : 6′2
favorite color : blue
hogwarts house : slytherin
extracurriculars : lacrosse team captain (attacker/offense), soccer team center back, & theatre actor
parents : elise (40) & william harrington (43)
siblings : nolan (16), margot (17), ethan (18), & erik (21) harrington
positive traits: adventurous, ambitious, alluring, passionate & heroic
negative traits: arrogant, blunt, sarcastic, & mischievous
american literature 
advanced biology
advanced chemistry
kai was born into a pretty loving normal family, though growing up with mostly all brothers was never a dull moment. his older brother (erik) once stole his date while he was off in the bathroom, he played it off fine until she left. then it took his father and brother ethan to break up the fight that occurred next, not a moment before he broke erik’s nose.
it wasn’t uncommon for fights to break out in the house, the brothers were always testing each other and got bored very easily with all the testosterone roaming about. luckily for his little sister margot she was very well protected which only made her feel free to start shit with anyone she’d like.
with the family living in the UK, they were soon relocated to america because their father was offered a life changing job opportunity. his father was a business major, though most of the time he’d go to local businesses and help them get started or restarted so they’d stand out more. he was offered the chance to redesign an entire line of mohegan sun resorts/casinos. it was a no brainer to transfer his family over. the fresh start didn’t do much for kai and his siblings, there was still tension between him and erik but for the most part kai was focused on causing trouble with someone in high school instead of bringing it home to his family.
kai always excelled in whatever he put his mind to and usually it was some kind of sport.
sure he has a sweet side, but not many people get to see it but he does tend to lose his filter when he’s drunk and the boy definitely drinks a lot but who knows, he’d probably just laugh his ass off before he gave a sincere compliment.
maybe it was all the years protecting his youngest brother and sister but kai has always secretly loved helping people…saving people and that’s what drew him to be a doctor. he has the brain for it, though most of the time he’ll try to prove you otherwise but that’s just because he used to get a lot of shit for being the “smart” brother. that’s mainly why he’s still in school, working to finally achieve the goal he’s been dying for. 
His family is still over in the UK. His parents paid for his entire move, his tuition, and his car.
He’s wanted to be an Actor since he was 7 which led him to perfect his poker face though he’s put that dream to the back of his head in attempts to be more sensible.
He’s very protective of his younger sister. 
Despite being drawn to parties, you’ll find that Kai acts very different with someone one on one…that is if he cares about them.
childhood friend: maia. close friends that know each other too well to let any of their shit fly. they’ve been there for all the colorful moment of each other’s lives.
on/off again girlfriend: open. the two have hooked up a few times and when they’re “on” they’re great, but stupid meaningless fights always end up in who can hurt the other one more.
confidant: open.
best friends: open, open, open
sexual tension: savannah.
friends with benefits: ceci. kai’s the guy who took ceci’s virginity and though it never got to be official, they’ve always stayed on good terms. 
his sister away from home: lavender. kai doesn’t take many trip home due to his loaded schedule but luckily for him he was able to find someone that resembled the good qualities of his sister.
frenemy: open.
wanted connections:
cuddle buddy
drinking buddy
good influence
sibling relationship
workout buddy
hookups, revenge hook-ups, hate hookups
partner in crime
mom friend
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dat-town · 4 years
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characters: BTS & Red Velvet genre: thriller, futuristic au warning: nothing really summary: The twelve most ambitious and promising university students are welcomed in Choego, the world’s first entirely artificial intelligence-driven city, to compete for five job contracts that could change their life. But what if something goes wrong? What if they get trapped? What if the city suddenly turns against them? Can they find a way out before the countdown reaches zero? words: 4K tagged: @philosopher-of-fandoms​
➼ Chapter Index
Empathy towards others had been a foreign phenomen to Jeon Jungkook. Caring about others’ loss had never been his forte. He lived as if life was a zero-sum game: what he won was the cost of the other party and what he lost was the reward for someone else. He didn’t believe in win-win situations, he thought of them as sugar coated lies of enthusiastic believers of fairness and ethics. However, life was - just as it had always been - a game of survival, the natural selection of the fittest, whether it be the strongest, the most cunning or the smartest.
It was his ambition that brought him here, that he stamped over those who were worse than him because that was the only way of living he knew. Otherwise he would have been backstabbed, used and left behind. He had no luxury to let himself lose. Apart from his own monster-like ambition he had mouths to feed, younger siblings and his sick mother. However he lacked the usual brotherly instincts as he spent all his time studying and working under the weight of responsibility.
So given he had no previous experience in such field, Jungkook didn't know what to say, let alone do when Yerim's shoulders once again shook from the force of her silent sobs. She tried her best to contain them, the nasty, salty tears but whenever her brother's face appeared in front of her or anybody mentioned anything concerning death, she broke down. Hoseok on the verge of a mental breakdown didn't help her case at all.
Logically speaking Jungkook shouldn't have felt guilt. It hadn't been his job or task to take care of the young girl. She was here after all, she was qualified enough, at least on paper, so basic survival skills shouldn't have meant trouble for her. But apparently there was no academics that could prepare  them for a situation like this, even Seokjin's crisis management education was in vain in the end. It didn't save him when he would have needed it but oh a selfless sacrifice what a noble, stupid thing. He must have loved his sister a lot but now, she had to deal with the grief and handle responsibility he’d had put onto her shoulders by saving her.
Although there was something... maybe about Yerim and her strange fascination with him, or maybe it was rather about what Miss Raina had said about team work but Jungkook stayed by the broken girl's side when Wendy asked him to.
"You take really good pictures," was what he said in the end to break the awkward silence burying them. It was just as bad as silent but at least it dragged the girl out of her dark thoughts and that was also something.
"Thank you," she murmured, head snapped towards him in surprise and she even had enough presence of mind to blush at the compliment. Seeing the pearl-like dried tears on her cheeks, Jungkook decided to keep it up, drag out the conversation even if on any other occasion he wouldn't have cared. But maybe his own troubled heart needed something other than his thoughts too.
"How long have you been taking photos?" He asked even though he didn't even really care about the answer but the glitters in Yerim's eyes that now resembled the starry sky instead of a black hole. Her orbs didn't hold any hatred or blame towards him and somehow it did feel a little bit like salvation, too. Even if he wasn't religious, he didn't want bloody eyes to haunt him in his nightmares. So he listened patiently as the girl went on about the camera being a Christmas gift and that she used to be on the school journal in high school and for a blissful moment it was all normal. But in this simulation of theirs, something like this couldn't last long and it seemed to be the IT guy's responsibility to remind them that they had a task at hands to finish… If they wanted to survive in this deadly city apparently.
“Let's get going, we can't let ourselves rest while we don't know for sure what's going on,” he looked over the rest of them seemingly taken over the leader's position after Kim Seokjin’s tragic end. However, not everybody was overzealous about giving him authority.
“You think we will just follow you wherever? That you can tell us what to do just like this? We saw where his big mouth took the Selfless Brother, so for your own sake it would be better to control your tongue, Mr. I-Hacked-Into-The-System,” the marketing major muttered under his breath black-heartedly as he parted his ways from the psychology major girl. Up until now they have been quite invested in their own conversation away from the others. It was kind of surprising taken that Taehyung didn't seem to get on well with anyone, not even the quiet and cold Joohyun. He probably thought she was weak just because she needed insulin for her diabetes. He most likely didn't look at her as a real rival. So then why did it look like he was seeking for an ally? Or maybe he threatened her based on the terrified look on her face.
Yoongi didn't waste his time nor energy to question it. They had a much more alarming issue on their hands.
"Why, do you have a better idea?" He scoffed and kept the eye contact, tensed sparks flying in the air around them. Seemingly nobody wanted to pick sides in this dispute. There was no use. Splitting into two or more groups seemed useless and more dangerous if what Hoseok claimed about Jimin's death was true. They were better off together than one by one but to keep the unit together they had to have some kind of consent above the will and want to live. That stupid fight for the five contracts didn't help their case either but instead of bringing that up Yoongi tried a different method: if he could make the one with the biggest complaining mouth shut up, he knew the others wouldn't say a word either.
"Let's go," he repeated his notice after Taehyung merely shrugged off his question with a grimace. Of course he had nothing, they were all out of ideas, this one about going to the research centre was just another excuse to not sit still and wait for their doom. Probably a lot of them wanted to leave already, but a part of them still wanted to believe that this whole thing was just a simulation and the rest, the ones who fought for the longest will be awarded dream jobs. Even if logically speaking this situation felt more drastic and serious than what they had signed up for to begin with.
The mass of people moved as one, the weeping Hoseok ending their queue with Wendy keeping a close eye on him. He seemed close to passing out but they couldn't let themselves deal with a dead weight.
They passed by a little park with a lovely fountain out of water and from there they could see the bridges above the river-width canal of sea water. From what he remembered from their walking trip to the dorms, Yoongi knew they had to cross those bridges to get off the island, so it was already a good place to start. But it would have been better if they knew what they were dealing with all these sectors shutting off one by one. They needed to know the order to survive and what everybody was afraid to ask: what happens if even the last sector is done for?
The eeriness of the place in the early morning was even scarier than some props for horror movies’ dark themes. The city that seemed to hold the future, a promise of a better world just yesterday now looked more like a dead town and Yoongi wasn't sure he would ever be able to live here after everything that happened. He probably wasn't the only one thinking that way. One glance at Hoseok's horrified or Yerim's weeping face was enough to conclude it wasn't only him who wanted to leave as soon as possible. If death was the price for those bloody contracts then he didn't want them anymore. He knew he could get a job easily with his diplome, he didn't need this fancy artificial city to make his life more whole. Unlike some others, he wasn't that desperate.
As they were getting closer and closer to the main researcher building, he also realized that this whole situation was like a dangerous Jenga game. With each sector gone, their chances of getting out became slimmer and the carefully built tower got closer to crumble turning into fine dust carried by the wind. Yoongi didn't want to be the one to pull out the piece that held the fragile structure together, so he was careful, watching every step they took as if they were walking on eggshells waiting for one of them to explode like a bomb.
"We're here," the IT guy announced as his steps came to a halt in front of tall building facing the rising Sun. He checked on the photo he took once more but yeah, they must have been at the right place. At the questioning looks he got, he nodded towards a sign ahead.
Of course, Taehyung couldn't leave it without a comment either.
"This is it? A bit too fancy to be the researchers' place, don't you think?" he scoffed when he reached the metal panel claiming they reached their destination, the headquarters of the creators of Choego.
The glass building towering above them looked just as abandoned and empty as any other on the island. If there weren't the huge sign reminding them of the purpose of the place, it wouldn't have been any more special than the others surrounding it.
However, Yoongi deeply hoped that this new visit of theirs wouldn't end up like the one in the hospital. That was shocking enough for a life, even what they found out about Sooyoung. Being here felt less and less like a competitive simulation game and more like a nightmare he wished to wake up from. Unfortunately, smart city or not, it couldn't fulfil his wishes.
"Don't forget that the whole city is built thanks to their efforts, so of course they built something like this for themselves," Namjoon spoke up staring at the huge building that made everyone feel like they were nothing but ants under the feet of gods. Maybe they were. Maybe there was someone watching over them. Someone who treated them as if they were puppets on a string. It was an unnerving thought.
"Pretentious bunch," the purple-haired guy scoffed with an ugly grin in the corner of his mouth. Yoongi rolled his eyes at his childish behaviour as all of them climbed the black marble stairs to the glass door in the front.
It was safe to say that the IT specialist hated his kind: the ones with big mouth without actually doing anything. The only thing he did was stirring up nervousness and despise between supposed-to-be allies. His presence made the group work more hectic and tensed because nobody knew when would the guy or someone else snap at them for making a honest to God mistake.
After the hospital incident everybody was a bit wary as they approached the glass entrance of the building, nobody wanted to be the one to open the gates of Hell, so Yoongi stepped forward and touched his bracelet to the metal panel next to the door.
Not authorized personnel, the machine claimed almost instantly and the guy's arm fell back by his side resignedly.
"Wait, shouldn't we have a researcher's rights? Does this place need something extra?" Joohyun voiced out the confused thoughts that must have crossed everyone's mind. She seemed like the type to remember even the smallest details anyway, especially when it was about rules. Something about it made Taehyung suppress a pleased grin in the back of the group.
"Yeah, Miss Raina told us we have similar rights as the general researchers," Namjoon nodded and with furrowed eyebrows he crouched down to get a better look at the control panel. It looked just like the ones in their dorms and the hospital. There was no sign that they would need something special permissions to enter. "Not letting us in doesn't make any sense."
"Let me try, too. Maybe something's off with your bracelet," Wendy stepped forward but the robotic voice echoed the same as before.
"Why would it have been different? Do you really think you're so special?" Taehyung snorted loudly from the back and if it wasn't for the peacemaker girl putting a soothing hand over her boyfriend, Namjoon would have been at the guy's throat in that minute. The way the corner of his mouth twitched at the ugly remark told it all, but it didn't seem like the marketing major had plans on stopping his triggering behavior anytime soon. He clearly enjoyed dancing on everyone's nerves, especially Namjoon's whose emotions were written all over his face.
"There's no harm done by trying twice," Wendy claimed calmly, not bothered by the words thrown at her like an offence. She had known better than to care about such comments.
"It's weird," Joohyun hummed touching her own bracelet as if it was more of a handcuff than the key to freedom, her dark eyes not once leaving the automatic door with no handle.
"I'm checking our permissions and try to grant the ones needed for this building," Yoongi sighed as he pulled out his notebook from his bag.
Now knowing how he could easily slip through the crack between the watching eyes of the system firewall, he logged into the database in no time, quickly checking whether their IDs had any privilege or limitation they didn't know about. Though, the more they kept going, the more he realized that all they did was walking around in the dark without any guidance. So he wasn't surprised when he saw that their bracelets were stripped off any rights as soon as they identified themselves in the hospital. Maybe that's why the lab's security system also turned on in the basement.
He quickly wrote out a few lines of SQL commands but the big red error message he got made him let out a nasty swear words.
"What?" Namjoon looked at him curiously.
"I have no permission to change the date in the database," he grimaced even though he should have known this.
Of course, it wasn't that easy. It would have been actually a huge gap in the security if the database let him update its rows without being an admin. Fuck, how could he get that? How could he trick the computer to believe he's an administrator with ultimate rights? If only he could log in as Han Raina! She most likely had every right they needed. They would only need a username and a password...
Or not.
A sarcastic chuckle escaped Yoongi's throat. It must have seemed crazy in such a situation but he didn't care. Could it be? Could they leave a hidden door just for him to find? They couldn't be so careless to leave that opportunity open just like that, not after knowing that he was doing his masters especially in cyber defence, this was his expertise field.
"I think I know how to hack into the database as an admin," he murmured under his nose at the questioning stares he got. "Does anyone remember what was the code on Miss Raina's ID card?" he pointed at his own still around his neck with his picture, name, other basic data including a bold font with his registration code yoon.gi.min.
He looked around hopeful, searching for help since he doubted Raina was the researcher's real name, it didn't really sound Korean enough. However, all he got was blank and confused stares. Sighing he knew he had no other chance than to give it a try. He could only hope that there was no lock on the system or a limit of maximum attempts of failed logins. He typed in rai.na.han into the command line after the username and added a few symbols into the password part. It was a wild guess, an almost childlike attempt.
SQL injection was one of the first and most basic web application attacking techniques he had been taught about during his years as a computer science major. He spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to hack into the data-driven application his professor had created to make his students sweat while doing their homework. SQLI was one of the biggest web application vulnerabilities, one of the greatest mistakes one could commit as a developer if they let open doors like this but maybe they were lucky.
Or not.
He sighed when the error message changed to No such username in the database. Of course, there wasn't, it would have been too good to be true.
"It was hye dot rin dot han," A girl the farthest from them said quietly, barely audible and Yoongi looked up from his computer to stare at the the long, brown haired girl with eyes that held mysteries noone has ever told. He didn't question why she hadn't said anything before, instead he typed in the name Seulgi suggested and adding the same symbol trick he pressed Enter with a hopeful heart.
Everyone looked at him in anticipation and the seconds seemed to roll by slower as they waited for the command to run. It seemed an awfully longer time than the barely 1.2ms it needed. Then Yoongi's usually stern face lit up with triumph.
"I'm in."
Jungkook and Namjoon, the fellow engineer students who had some idea about how programming worked let out an awed wow watching his work while the other let out relieved sighs and exchanged nervous smalls.
However, their small delight didn't last long.
"Fuck this shit," the IT guy groaned. "She doesn't have admin rights and apparently no one has. Which is crazy, it shouldn't be like this. Every database should have an owner."
"I think it's the city's doing. The artificial intelligence doesn't want us to leave," the younger engineer boy brushed the fringe out of his forehead as he carefully reminded them of what they feared the most: so it was really a trap. A trap with no exit? This possibility alone was enough to silence them all.
"Do you... do you think they are all dead too? Miss Raina and the others?" A small, scared voice rang like a chime of bells from behind Yoongi and those who hovered over the notebook in his lap.
Yerim's sudden question had taken all of them by surprise. The young girl looked over them like a ghost, pale and eyes hollow and red-rimmed. She might have seemed like a naive girl but everyone gets over the denial phase of grief at one point, so she could also face the truth. And that little added 'too' in her question hinted that Yerim also accepted the loss of her brother no matter how hard that must have been. Yoongi looked up at the doe eyed boy behind the girl's shoulder and Jungkook looked the most boyish and vulnerable in that moment that he had ever seen. For all his bravado, he looked quite frightened for the first time of the day. Even more so than in the computer room from where they were made to leave.
"If they stayed on the island then... they might be," the med student answered ever so diplomatic, not one for lies but not one for stabbing knives into sensitive hearts either. Unlike Taehyung who had enough of sitting around.
"Okay, so Plan A didn't work. Anyone has a Plan B instead of mourning people we don't really give a shit about?"
It was a harsh truth. No matter how shocked or empathetic they were, none of them felt too bad about the people who built this Hell that killed them in the end. They might have been good people with families but they didn't know them, so their grief was fake like the flowers in their dorm.
"Well, the building doesn't have any windows we can reach to climb in. The glass door is probably shock resistant. So our only chance is the door and this entry system," Yoongi murmured listing off the options he could come up with but it didn't look too promising.
"Actually every system like this can be hacked through good ol’ wires, too," Namjoon claimed, leaning closer to the control panel to check the perforation and the smooth edges of the box. He hummed seemingly finding a good way to open it and then he turned to his girlfriend.
"I need your makeup bag."
"What?" The girl blinked at him, confused and a bit angry at such a ridiculous request. What would he need her stuff to?
"You brought it, didn't you?" Having no time for explanations Namjoon raised a brow.
Wendy sighed and fished the small pink bag out of her luggage. Opening it her boyfriend only pulled out the metal nail file. Everybody held their breaths while the engineer guy picked the metal facet apart, using the tool instead of a screwdriver, untwisting the screws. He hovered over the insides of the panel and the multiple colourful wires that had no meaning to anyone besides him. Wordlessly, he reached for the beauty scissors and with a swift movement he cut through all of them.
"What the fuck?" Taehyung hollered bewildered when he saw what he did. Namjoon snorted at his panic.
"It's not a bomb, idiot, nothing bad will happen, I just disconnected it from the system–"
Shutting down speed doubled. Next sector shuts down in eighteen minutes. The machine voice chimed from somewhere inside, faint through the thickness of the walls but still audible.
"Oh are you so sure? Really?" the marketing major guy growled and fisting the collar of his shirt he pushed the engineer harshly to the wall.
"As if you knew better!" Namjoon said through gritted teeth, the tension between them evolving to a whole new level. Everybody tensed around them both from the fear of them tearing at each other and what the warning meant.
"Well I didn't want to go into that doomed basement either but as always no one listens to me," Taehyung clicked his tongue gripping harder on the material in his hands when prettily manicured fingers tried to pry those off.
"Because you had zero useful ideas! You can only complain!" Wendy spoke up on behalf of her boyfriend. No matter how much they fought, she deeply cared for him, it was obvious and she wasn't going to just let a big mouthed kid tell him off like that.
"Still better than getting us killed like your precious boyfriend just did," the lilac haired guy sneered at her too, coal black eyes boring into her soft brown ones like he was trying to pierce through her.
The others didn't watch the argument in silent anymore, more and more joined taking sides, trying to reason with soothing words but nothing seemed to work, not until like a breeze on a summer day, something gripping brought change into the atmosphere.
A quiet voice trembled in the chaos, barely audible over the argument among the rest but miraculously every head whipped towards Seulgi standing by the door. Her hand was over the glass, leaving sweat stains on the material and the door itself was agape, leaving a slim crack between the edge and the frame. The entrance to the researchers' base was open.
They made it inside, exactly where they wanted to get and yet, it didn't taste like salvation at all. Because there was a grave price yet to pay.
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perseusky · 5 years
Taking a Risk. (NOT FINISHED!!!)
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Paring: Peter Parker x Dom! Fem! Alpha Reader
Words: unknown
Warnings:Smut, Dom/Sub, oral, biting, scratching, orgasm denial, In heat.
Summary: peter never got that many chances out of his hero life to experience thrilling risks and feelings, that is until he met you. A vinx, a beauty, who showed him more than how to have fun. Maybe you’ll even find out each other’s secret identities.;)
Peter was never one to take risks,
Or at least ones that didn’t seem too drastic. He never took risks that involved his identity, or doing things he’d get in MAJOR trouble for in school, since he wanted to go to college and get a great job (other than being a superhero and saving the day) to help his aunt!
Peter was always so stressed with hero work and regular school and life work. Helping aunt may as much as he could with bills and any chores. Getting great grades in school, and keeping his neighborhood safe.
You could say peter never really had time for himself.
That’s what he always went by, “save the day without too many risks. Also help aunt may.”
That was, until he met you.
A cunning, ambitious, brave, tactical, sarcastic beauty. A girl who took no ones shit! A girl who had a title, and not a bad one at that. More of a, fitting name for someone as you.
That title, known around big neighborhood, but small school was, Alpha Female. Which didn’t really make sense, since he didn’t know what it stood for, along with how you got the title.
“Peter, come on. You’re gonna be late for school! Again!”
The voice of his aunt disrupted his train of thoughts filled with you.
Groggily, he took a moment to process what his aunt had just said, until he strained his neck to the side, over to look at his clock on his night stan.
He shot out of bed with wide eyes, after seeing how late he was. Quickly, he ran over to a pile of clean (or dirty, he doesn’t know) clothes on the floor next to his door.
Picking out a random shirt and jeans, along with a pair of shoes. He brushed his hair in his mirror, and after making his hair a bit more presentable, he ran down his apartment stairs, jumping off the last step. He took ahold of his backpack straps to steady his labored breaths and to calm down his rising anxiety. Saying a quick “Bye aunt may, love you!” And running out the door before hearing a reply, knowing his aunt would yell at him to leave already before he’s late even more.
Now, alone with the chilling fall breeze, he put in his old and broken ear phones. They still worked perfectly, since peter knew how to fix them when needed, but also knew how to take care of things more than others since he had less than them.
Choosing a happy song, he couldn’t help but smile. This song was his favorite, since it reminded him of you!
She's a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, gelatine
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind
Suddenly feeling a sensation of some force sucking him into a gravity defying state.
Knowing that he would fall from such a force and make a fool of himself, he quickly shut his eyes.
He could have caught himself, but peters so used to not being able too, he forgot!
Than he felt something comforting wrap around him like a warm blanket. Warm and inviting.
Peter slowly opened his closed shut eyes, only to see the blue awakening sky.
He felt at peace for a moment, out of the stressful morning and day to come.
That was all ruined when that sudden defying gravity feeling, shouted at him.
Peter yelled out at the sudden disturbance, looking up. From the cover of his eyes he could see tresses of (h/c) floating around his face.
This certainly caught his attention, since there was only one person who had that type of hair.
Well, from what he remembered anyways. (This will sound dumb if you have brunette/brown/black or any regular hair color, but I have to add people with colored hair dont I?)
With sudden realization of what happened during his daze, he jerked his head towards you.
Which startled you since you thought he fainted, only to feel him move and stare at you with a surprised look. In your moment of shock, you didn’t realize that you dropped his body.
Which resulted in him groaning and holding his ribs in pain.
“Ughhhh...” Peter has just went up against one of his enemies last night (of course, without aunt may knowing).
That’s why he was so sore.
And also because he may or may not have jerked off to your Instagram picture, where you wore only a tight and small fitted bikini.
Thinking back on it, he couldn’t help the blush rising up from his neck all the way up towards his already rosy cheeks.
As you helped him up after your little out of space moment, you couldn’t help but blush at feeling his arms.
Realizing he wasn’t just a dork, but a dork with muscles. You groped his upper biceps, liking the feeling of them in your hand.
‘So strong and soft...’ your blush darkened as you soon realized you were caught groping the poor boys arm.
“Hehe, sorry. Um, it’s just that you have really nice biceps. For a nerd that is.” Your confidence soon coming back to you towards the end of your sentence, all nervousness and bashfulness pushed away.
Peter could only blush at your statement, but the tiny little smile he had soon fell after hearing the rest of what you said. Did you not think a nerd could have muscles? Is that how you thought of him?
At the thought of you thinking of him as a weak person, with only a brain made his blood boil, he’s eyes narrow, and a low growl emitted from his throat.
You weren’t paying attention enough to see his reaction and hear his growl, as you were scolding yourself mentally and what you just said.
‘Great! Now he thinks you’re a total bitch! Way to go (y/n)!’ With a sigh you look back at peter, only to meet him dead in the eyes. Which, you weren’t gonna lie, kinda creeped you out; but as you look at them longer, you could see the beautiful mix of green and blue circling around the irieses.
Peter, was, and foremost, one of the cutest boys you’ve ever met. It’s not that hard to see why, I mean his personality just made him even more innocent and adorable. He was irresistible to you, and you’ll make him yours one way or another.
Now it was your turn to growl, but this time, the other did hear it. You didn’t care if you just met this boy, or if he even wanted to be with you, you’ll protect him no matter what!
Peter, hearing your growl, only made his blood boil even more! He didn’t know why, but he felt this sudden attraction towards you. The sun hit you just right across the face, and made your angelic skin glow a soft gold. Almost as if you were shining. He wanted to be yours, and for you to be his. He wanted to hug you, and never let go. To take you, and bend you over a school desk to fell the thrill he’s never had experience ever before. To feel your warm slick wall, wrap around his thic-
The television of a nearby store loudly showed the news, and what was seen was a picture of the new hero, She-Wolf. Pete- I mean Spider-Man’s new nemesis.
“Today, the new hero, She-Wolf, has been spotted last night, saving yet another woman from a horrible fate. Will she be the end of Spider-Man, or will the team up? Stay tuned for more information on our new and rising hero!”
The news anchor soon finished what she needed to say, and a commercial soon came on afterwards.
Peter could only scoff at the last question.
‘Yeah right, like I’ll ever team up with someone who purposely wanted to save people only for the fame.’ St that thought, peter would soon explode if his blood boiled even more than it already is.
(Y/n) couldn’t help but smirk st what she had just seen and heard, she was becoming a super hero. Her goal would soon be reached; but it would’ve been resched sooner if it weren’t for that retched Spider-Man. Oh, how she hated him and how he humiliated her on her first mission.
Putting on the last of her costume, (y/n) soon got ready for her first mission. To say she was nervous was an understatement! She felt her body tingle with excitement and rise with goosebumps from the night chills as she opened her apartment window with carful movement, as to not wake up her sleeping parents.
She braced her legs, ready for the impact she might take from the three story high fall. With an exhale, she jumped, as she did, she could hear the whistle and screeches of the wind flying past her ears. She could also hear nearby gasps and yells from passerby’s seeing (y/n) “fall”.
(Y/n) could only smirk at the now forming crowd, as she descended towards the ground faster.
Just as she was about to hit the ground, she pressed her knees to her chest and held onto her legs, letting her body tumble and roll as it hit the cement.
A little dazed, she got up, earning claps and yells of amazement. Her smile could be seen, but only her smile since she had a mask that covered her eyes.
Stepping towards the crowd, (y/n) made sure to not bump into anyone as she made her way out of the now leaving crowd.
All of a sudden, she heard a heaps of gunshots, ringing across her sensitive ears.
(Y/n) winced as her eyes still ringed at the loud noises that came from a nearby bank. And already knowing what was going on, she cautiously ran over to the scene.
Moving towards a shattered window, she peaked in. Seeing at least 3 robbers, she closely listened with all her might and remaining strength from her ears, to hear if there were anymore robbers in the area.
Not hearing any other heartbeats than a couple hostages, knowing this by the smell of their fear, and the three robbers.
You’ve been in this situation once, when you were three.
As a child you were reckless, not that you aren’t today, but it was much worse. And it cost the life of your sister figure, Linda Jennings. (Sorry if that’s your name! You can change it)
From that day on, you knew you had to get your shit together. Well, not completely, you still had to have fun!
Shaking the memories away, you squat down and started crawling over to a nearby huddled group of hostages.
Making sure the robbers were in another room, you stalked over to the nearest hostage. Who almost screamed if you hadn’t put your hand over their mouth before they could.
Sighing in relief, you looked into their eyes, yours turning a burning red, glowing in the shadows of the bank walls.
“I want you to take as many hostages out of here, and go somewhere safe. I’ll distract the robbers.” Letting go of their mouth, you could see their eyes glaze over into an orange hue.
The man, who you compelled, simply nodded and took off. Taking other hostages with him.
You knew they would be safe, you could hear the nearing sirens.
Turning around, only to stop dead in your tracks as you see one of the robbers having caught you sneaking around.
At first you both blinked owlishly at each other, but soon the man, or woman, quickly regained posture and control of their body. Aiming their deadly weapon to your face.
Taking a shaky breath, you slowly raised your hands over your head, as a sign of surrender.
“A-alright, now keep your hands in the air. D-don’t move, I don’t wanna hurt anyone!”, the young boy had yelled out nervously, also shakily grasping the deadly weapon.
‘He’s probably 16 or something. Who would bring a child into this mess? I need to get that gun away from him, or someone could get hurt, even could potentially hurt himself.’ Your thoughts were soon interrupted by a sudden yell and a loud bang.
Jumping up, you look over to the boy, only too see his limp, unmoving body. On the ground, as blood spilled from his back, where the bullet hole must be.
You quickly kneeled next to the boy and took of his mask.
You gasped in horror, this isn’t real! NO! IT....
The boy’s dead eyes stared back at you, as if finally dawned on you.
This boy wasn’t 16.
But 14. You’d heard of him going missing on the news. And now you knew where he went, and what had happened to him. Poor boy was just trying to live a happy life.
‘What the fuck! No! Who would do this?!’ Your visión soon clouded with red, flickering. You brain grew unsteady, your inner wolf scratching to break free once again, and reek havoc.
Your breaths grew labored, your lungs burned with rage, and intensity. So much so that your powers grew visible, as a dark sheet of black wrapped around your body.
A growl resonated from deep within your throat and core, shaking anyone nearby, to their very soul.
The ringing in your ears having stopped long ago, only for the room to be silent.
You could hear your raging heart, and heavy breaths.
Until clapping was heard in front of you.
Looking up, you saw a man, in his late 30’s perhaps. He clapped and smirked at what he saw in front of him. He clapped because a boy died, his comrade. A child!
You look at him through your eyelashes, eyes turning to slits. Slowly, you stood up, not looking at the Man, but at the body of the young boy in front of you.
Having already shut his eyes, making him look peaceful. To which he was probably far from.
Now, finally staring at the man, face to face. You stalked over.
“What a wonderful scene that was. Did you know him? I didn’t, I just chose him at an old, burned down orphanage. He was a worthless child until I taught him some of the things I knew. But even than, he was still never going to amount to anything. He was too weak, too soft. It’s a good thing I killed him.” He laughed as he looked at the boy, than at you.
Finishing his own sentence, “and now, it’s your turn darling.”
Being called that by such a killer, made your blood boil. How dare he talk to an innocent child that way, HOW DARE HE DO THIS TO ANYONE!
‘I’ll make sure you have a special place in hell, buddy.’
The only thing running through your mind before you rip this man apart, was that this kid and many others he’s hurt, needed Justice!
You stepping closer to the man, with heavy grunts and growls. He looked at you, confused at what you were going to do next.
He smirked, he didn’t know what was to come, “what are you going to do? Bite my leg? Hahah” he mocked you, as he kicked the poor boys face.
That was enough to snap the tight, thin rope keeping you from ending him right than and there.
After you felt it snap and you suddenly charged at the man, soon enough, everything turned red. You couldn’t see anything or feel anything. Your wolf instincts must have taken over, leaving you in a cold, black wide mindset. The dark abyss had swallowed you and your human conscious. Leaving only an angry, and feral wolf in control, which was dangerous to anyone around, and yourself.
As you floated into nothingness, you felt as if you could move your limbs again, you soon regained control of your body.
Feeling a tight substance like thingy, move across your body, you felt it restrain you. Shaking your head to get rid of the drowsiness, you slowly look at your surroundings after your eyes adjust to the light shining into your sensitive eyes.
Looking down at your body, you could see that your black leather costume was ripped terribly around the mid section, giving you the idea that this sociopath, had actually got a good hit on you. Although, thanks to your wolf like abilities, you were able to heal, what looked like a big knife gash running down from your left hip, up to your right rib.
Shivering, at the thought of being conscious and not having this healing factor, scared you beyond belief. You were thankful for your powers, and thankful it wasn’t an innocent and helpless passerby in your place. If it had happened to be a passerby, they would’ve surely died immediately after the knife cut deep and firm into their fagile skin.
Taking one more look at your body, you suddenly noticed why you couldn’t move your limbs, it was because of a gooey and ripe-like substance. You strained your hand up, and moved the strong rope onto your upper-arm instead of it being under your elbow. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you touched this unknown gooey thing.
It felt like slime, really sticky slime. Along with a mixture of something else, you just couldn’t think of what at the moment.
“So, you’re the new hero Everyones been taking about.”, suddenly you heard a boy-ish voice behind your concentrated figure. This sudden intrusion to your thoughts had made the hairs at the back of your skin stick up in alert, and you had moved down towards your thigh, where you had your knife.
Only to feel nothing, it was gone. “Yeah, I took your knife. Didn’t know if you were bad or not.”, now you were getting angry at this boy, who was possibly way younger than you from the sounds of it, for taking your knife.
Turning, you were surprised to see another new hero there, Spider-Man.
Of course you’ve heard of the well known spider around town. You were basically his shadow to the world. Only very few knew of you, until your sudden appearance on Captain America’s team against iron man.
Yes that was you, and yes, you may have caused major damage to Stark’s suit, and yes, you were almost sued if it wasn’t for Steve helping you, but besides that, you now have a good relationship with all avengers.
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oikawa week 2017, day 5.
oikawa week 2017, day 5: wrath/patience
pairing: oikawa tooru & bokuto koutarou
❝So won't you smile for me, And I'll take your picture, Make it last a lifetime, Replay it in my eyes.❞ —Smile, The Vamps.
Once upon a time, in an existence that isn't yours, beloved reader, a universe was birthed from where it was tucked underneath great, old feathers of time. A universe supplied with a thing that fabled young children yearn for (maybe, it's crossed your mind, too,) : magic, the skill to control it, and all the endeavors in between.
Take a seat, beloved reader, if I've gotten your interest. Take a seat, if you've the time for a story; a story of two boys in the years of their youth. One with golden eyes and a heart just as righteous and pure, one with the eyes of only the sweetest chocolate.
It was summertime, with all its joyful, painted colors and all the selections and whims that define you as a person. The sky was cloudless, the sun blaring at those who dared to peer at its majesty. The children were set free to skip stones with ones who had the time, who had symmetric smiles to spare. Tooru could hear nothing behind him when he sat at pointed grass blades but he can imagine the laughter, because he's so used to it he doesn't know what to do without it except to look for a word, a funny narrative to start a conversation before he thinks Koutarou is going to fall asleep looking at the earthly tones between his soft calves.
Koutarou hasn't smiled for a long time. That's the day Tooru counts (the days Tooru gets to spend with him,) and all the days in between.
"Hey, Tooru," Koutarou says, softly enough that Tooru has to lean in closer, awkwardly, "I saw a couple of kids on the way here and they were doing some really cool magic. You know magic, Tooru?"
Tooru sticks his lower lip out when he thinks. A habit. "A little," Tooru admits, "my dad showed me, but it's not 'really cool'." But it's amazing enough that Koutarou's eyebrows rise up and a sound leaves him, something like an excited chirp. It's the closest thing to a smile, and Tooru receives it with his own humble grin.
It's hot, yet Tooru can taste humidity in the breaths he takes. In the limited shade of the tree they claimed for themselves, it's only so long before the shade dances somewhere else and with his exposed knees folded into his chest, Tooru tries to guess what Koutarou's going to say next.
"Hey, Tooru, could you teach it to me?" Koutarou's eyes stretch wide, eager and determined and so, so difficult to say 'no' to.
"Sure," is his reply, and Koutarou cheers with his arms raised at his sides, how he's always been when he's lost in excitement.
"My dad taught me how to make a rainbow appear," Tooru says, fresh with the memory, "and he says to, um, manipulate the light, yeah. 'Cause rainbows are like something made out of light- he was talking really fancy-smart I didn't really understand him anymore at that point."
"Anyway," Tooru recovers quickly, getting to his feet easily. Koutarou takes a few seconds longer to follow, "my dad said that the most important part about magic is to concentrate really hard and think about making a rainbow. Dad went fancy-smart about that part too but I guess it's your magic and the light and then it just happens."
"D'you get me?" Tooru asks, a bashful hand going behind his head. Koutarou was still giving him the same starry-eyed expression, like he was an emperor, but Tooru was still too young to know how to act around it.
"I think so?" the twang of question doesn't comfort Tooru, but when Koutarou looked hopeful, Tooru felt hopeful, too. "Dang, I wanna try it out now!"
Koutarou looks ahead but doesn't do anything. "Um, so do I have do something with my hands?"
"No, no. Just focus really hard." And Koutarou does. Nothing happens, except the hum of a fly Tooru swats away with a sour face and a gust that carries away Koutarou's steel determination.
Koutarou flops back on the grass and groans his frustrations, "Tooru, how do you make it work?"
Tooru sits back down, feels the prickle of grass on his butt, and explains it to Koutarou again.
When Koutarou finally does it, it's four days after, after they sneak up to Koutarou's room on their tiptoes before Koutarou's mom can pull Tooru away to chat. Koutarou's room was all unused backpacks and ambitious posters of people Tooru knew, too. They're both swinging their legs to nothing, sitting on the ends of Koutarou's bed; Tooru takes seconds to blink away the harsh sunlight while Koutarou is squinting like a protagonist in an action movie.
They're awfully quiet, anticipating, and Tooru startles himself when Koutarou's mother raps on the closed door to ask if they're still there. Koutarou's the one who answers, voice uneven, and his mom leaves with a contented noise at the back of her mouth.
The rainbow Koutarou made was no larger than their smooth palms, blinking, only five colors out of seven, living a dull four seconds before it fizzes out- appropriate for the first milestone. It's only after it disappears does Koutarou act; shouts and disbelieving sputters and "Tooru, did you see that?!"s. Tooru certainly had, and even the faintest of the hues were living enough that Tooru felt like he was seeing beauty for the first time.
They yell, as if they were at the top of the world, and I suppose to Koutarou, they really were. They bounce up and down, much like a nursery rhyme drafted in another universe they hadn't the time to care more about.
Koutarou looks at his own hands as if he'd captured the squirmy stripes in them. Finally, finally, Koutarou's smiling again, and his grin is radiant enough it makes up for the all the days Tooru's counted and all the days he hadn't. Koutarou nearly trips over his disorganized sheets as he scoots off of his bed, and it makes Tooru burst into unexpected laughter; Koutarou blushes, but he starts laughing, too, and he never does shut up about his first rainbow for a while, even after the summertime quiets for the arrival of another season, another pair of clothes, another meal.
(Koutarou's mom had come up to their door a second time, demanded what the ruckus was about, that "I could hear you boys from the kitchen!" but with a disguised fondness. The two of them quiet long enough that Koutarou's mom figures she isn't going to get an answer and she walks back to the kitchen. They giggle, all carefree and mischievous, after she leaves, basking in their five-color-secret the way tightly-knit children did.)
People do not often receive gifts of bliss, for they flitter past right under noses poisoned by nonliteral morphine, even remarkably less often received without an undercurrent of strife that may come before or after. To Koutarou and Tooru, simple children, the gift of Koutarou's rainbow was made the sweet belle of their summer; they had laughed then as if they'd never laughed before.
Now, in a time that is your own, beloved reader, rainbows are more than just droplets and light and a spectrum that some innocents believe to be the realest magic; more than just a pretty sign of better times after the howling chaos of a sky-seizing storm. Perhaps rainbows are the work of Bokuto Koutarou, grown old and gifted, beaming with great joy at the view of Oikawa Tooru- whom he owes his grateful thanks- designing a mighty rainbow over their heads with a lack of control Koutarou's secretly flustered about.
Rainbows are Koutarou's and Tooru's to share, for in their seven brilliant colors do they contain a meaning that only the two may ever understand. Maybe they decide, with linked laughter, to share the rainbow for others to cherish, to absorb and let their souls blaze with color.
Maybe it's why you may catch a rainbow, so distinct in a single-colored sky, even when water doesn't fall before it.
Maybe it's why you hear stories of double rainbows, sentences woven so they sound fantastical, because some days, Tooru points his fingers to the sky and makes his own rainbow so close to Koutarou's.
These are only the thoughts of a simple writer that delights at simple things; these words of mine have no merit, no element of any truth to it. I can only hope that I've charmed you, beloved reader, with my bizarre story.
Why, in this world of ours, mundane without magic, where materials of many colors and many admirers exist in its place, like artists who inspire with their creative spilling or their unheard voices alike, like sunsets and sunrises, like our special rainbow held in dearness. We need only to think, to imagine of things farther than what our hands can reach, and I can only pray that magic might feel that little bit closer to realness.
We need only to believe. Like Oikawa Tooru had in his friend, like Bokuto Koutarou had in himself.
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