#it's a minor detail for something
starfall-spirit · 1 year
Random ? Irrelevant to Any Fic
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falmerbrook · 3 months
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Happy extremely belated Valentine's Day! I've been struggling to draw these characters of mine for awhile now, so I thought what better way to figure them out than animating them.
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sukirichi · 3 days
I am by no means gatekeeping concepts or tropes. We all know that it’s normal to see the same tropes or AUs be used differently, and that is not plagiarism. However, I recently found a fic that was oddly similar to my old (and discontinued) Gojo x Reader series, Reckless. The CEO! Gojo is nothing new, and neither is an accidental pregnancy trope. The only reason I am concerned is because this Gojo series I found has the exact same themes as Reckless that consists of: a playboy CEO Gojo with a very notorious reputation, a poor reader who is an employee and asset to the company (someone who works closely with Gojo), reader getting knocked up from a one night stand with Gojo, reader with a seemingly dead/absent mother yet still in contact with her father, Gojo with a very traditional family who does not like reader, and Gojo with an ex he struggles to let go of - which are all elements of Reckless.
The first chapter of that Gojo fic is also eerily similar to my first chapter with the same flow of: YN finding out she’s pregnant and her friend being there for her, Gojo saying he’ll take responsibility because ‘they both made the baby’, YN having to move in with Gojo to take care of the baby, and both of them coming to a mutual agreement that their ‘relationship’ will be purely for the baby’s benefit. The flow of events and specific details about the characters’ backgrounds are too similar to mine.
Again, I am not gatekeeping concepts, just as how I’ve had other writers ask me if they could write their own stories or takes based off of the NAOYA’S TROPHY WIFE COLLECTION or the BONTEN HUSBANDS EXCLUSIVE, and I’m fine with that. I’m even happy people are inspired by what I write. But being inspired is completely different from taking someone’s story and posting it as yours. Please trust your own creativity and skills in writing. You can write amazing stories and have people love them without having to steal from others.
It’s sad to say this is not the first time I, and other writers, have been plagiarized. It’s even more upsetting to know that a friend of mine who has also written a Gojo series (that I’m sure you all know and dearly love) experiences the same issues with the same person. The fact that this is happening to many writers out there is disheartening. We work hard and pour a lot of love in the stories we create. None of us are getting paid for this, and we simply want to share our passions with others. So please, let us be kinder with one another and show love and support the right way. If you love a fic, you give feedback and rb/comment + show support to the writer. You don’t steal their ideas and play it off as your own because you liked it.
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bamsara · 1 year
I'm going through my entire storage:
I found about 30ish pages of FNAF PACK stickers (biblically accurate sun n moon heads, sl jacket, both drop candies, pickle monty, superstar freddy) in a binder and I've discontinued most of them and they're no longer compatible with my machine since they were printed with old guidelines before the Cricut update
However I feel like trash if I just throw them away cause,,wasteful so I'm gonna cut them out by hand and sell them for 50% off in kofi store later today (there was also some IZ pages but I haven't counted them yet)
I'll also be putting together miscuts/misprint baggies again, I havent counted how many there will be but there is a LOT of miscut/misprint of the Reaper Moon from October. I will also be throwing Miscut and Misprints prints into the sticker bags with the corresponding fandoms this time, I have a lot of 4x6s...so, free miscut/misprint print with your miscut stickers? lmao
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rotzaprachim · 10 months
A wild detail about cassian’s character is that he apparently managed to keep a baby alive without grown adults around from presumably the age of like. Six
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queerdiazs · 8 months
tease tidbit tuesday 💨
i’m at work for a few more hours but i have plans (to sleep) when i get off so i’m doing this early + am sure i’ve already shared this but i’m sharing it again in hopes i can add to it in the coming weeks!
it’s from the burning house fic (NOT to be confused with the house fire fic, mind you) which actually has a real life proper name now, teehee
"Jesus Christ, Buck." He shakes his head and laughs, ugly and mean and rueful, and stares at the photos on the fridge. "Sometimes, I think caring about you hurts worse than getting shot."
i was tagged by my loves @wikiangela, @disasterbuckdiaz, @thewolvesof1998, and @daffi-990 mwah mwah
and i’m no pressure tagging @eddiebabygirldiaz, @eddiediaztho, @callmenewbie, @callaplums, @wildlife4life, @exhuastedpigeon, @try-set-me-on-fire, @fortheloveofbuddie, @folk-fae, @giddyupbuck, @honestlydarkprincess, @jesuisici33, @loserdiaz, @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy and whoever else wants to share 🫶🏼
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mattodore · 1 year
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kavi and his business major backpack
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pa-pa-plasma · 4 months
okay i just marathoned the entirety of ATLA live action & i might do an actual review of it explaining my thoughts more in depth, but the TLDR version basically boils down to this:
if you want to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender, just go watch the 2005 cartoon
#i was trying to keep an open mind & all that cuz of OPLA (my beloved) but. holy shit it was actually worse than i expected :/#like what were they thinking. did they use AI to write this or are the writers just like. really shitty#notes: they linger too much on random bullshit & refuse to move character development along#they tell when they should be showing & when they DO show it's for stuff that benefited from brief environmental storytelling in the OG#the plot drags so hard it was basically stagnant#there were some fun things but like. those things could've been funner if they'd been given the time other useless stuff was taking up#they changed so many minor details that really don't matter in order to make them more important#but this failed spectacularly because now there's just. stupid bullshit clogging up the plot??#instead of having 10 minute monologues 3 times an episode about plot irrelevant things#they should have taken a page out of the original's book & kept minor details to a minimum & focused on ACTUAL PLOT#SO MUCH CGI. LIKE I KNOW THEY NEED IT BUT COME ON. EVEN THE CHARACTERS?????? WHO ARE JUST STANDING THERE????????#they were given 8 hours & almost all of it was Aang angsting (lol) over being the avatar & not practicing actual bending#& then they ended the plot too early so they had to fill in the last like 20 minutes with something else#so they made up random lore that literally makes no sense. & overexplained all of it to the point i was blanking out from boredom#i think this is why i didn't enjoy Korra. they over explain the spirit world stuff & avatar powers & bending#that plus i just don't vibe with the aesthetic#being a writer is a curse because when i dislike something it's because i know exactly what went wrong & why#it's always with the analyzing & the judging & the internal note taking#even when i really try i can't just enjoy shit for fun
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ssruis · 20 days
One of the funniest things abt tsukasa is that he suffers from an excess of personality (suffers isn’t the right word he chose to be like this and clearly enjoys it) but his fashion choices and room decor are literally so boring and bland to the point that it’s funny. Like he’s such a weird freak just a truly bizarre specimen who thinks shouting his scripted self introduction whenever is acceptable behavior and has a massive ego and has to express all of his emotions in the most extreme way possible and has a magpie like tendency to gravitate towards shiny/sparkly things but he also dresses like a junior yacht club member who frequents the country club and decorated his room in a manner that I lovingly refer to as “room of a kid who has moved out to college so it’s a guest room now but when the kid comes back they stay there”-core.
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razorpilled · 11 months
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roughly how i imagine kaeya's home layout to be when reading fics
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imwritesometimes · 3 months
so tired of the 'they didn't show us every single tiny little detail unfolding in this story so I don't find it believable' take like... part of watching a story unfold is connecting dots between scenes and picking up on the general narrative and actually engaging logically with what you're watching not just letting colors flash before your eyes
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kanerallels · 6 months
Finished Nevermoor and it remains one of my all time favorite books
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ajdrawshq · 6 months
i want to say that if i were siffrin id abuse the hell out of loops to sleep SO often but. considering that they tend to spiral when left to their own devices. i understand
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dragonleighs · 5 months
Despite it feeling like pulling teeth, I've finished the penultimate chapter. I hope that tomorrow I can get at least a decent chunk of the last chapter done! I refuse to allow this draft to drag further into 2024. Then it's on to editing!
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underrated aspect of prufra is arthur being a Menacing Offstage Presence
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answrs · 6 months
whoever convinced kids it's Totally Normal™ to make these "intro" posts and tag them with everything under the sun really fucking hit a gold mine on exploiting vulnerable people for easy marks, didn't they.
this is legitimately the third child in five days that has had their post RECOMMENDED TO PEOPLE who's all but doxxed themselves and all their vulnerabilities in the MAIN TAGS for like twelve communities. like holy shit DO NOT FUCKING DO THAT???? WHEN THE FUCK DID THEY STOP TEACHING INTERNET SAFETY TO CHILDREN BECAUSE THIS???? AIN'T FUCKING IT!
"hi I'm 15 and autistic/BPD/18-other-at-risk-disabilities and and queer and have no boundaries and live in a tiny town in the X part of X state and have no irl friends or mentors please be my friend :3" - basically every one of these "intro"(???) messages
like if you are a teenager and you do this? you are going to get scammed at the best and indoctrinated or groomed or suicide baited/killed at the worst.
so like!!!! please stop fucking doing it!!!!!! what the fuck!!!!!
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