#it's all about the intent and the nature of the senti
even though Felix creating a senti to display the whole representation seems very contradictory to his beliefs, I think what's important to take into account the nature of the senti. if you create sentibeings to be like children, you should treat them with all the respect humans are due. if you create senti"monsters", they are somewhat sentient beings despite not being humans or having a fully developed consciousness, and so you shouldn't throw them on the surface of the sun. but it representation what he created was just a random object. like yeah it was created the same way they were, but at the end of the day it's just a projector. it doesn't matter
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blossoming-sun · 11 months
Thank you for agreeing to listen to my ramblings, hopefully it makes sense
So Dr White is like. An eccentric scientist. He’s technically a scientist, but he believes in magic n stuff, and is seen as a bit of a joke. Little does anyone know that he’s the keeper of the miraculous…
Except for his kids, of course. Vegan has been begging for a miraculous since she was a child, but Dr White never let her have any of them. BP also wants superpowers, but Dr White is responsible and refuses to give kids superpowers. And then one day, the apocalypse happens.
The entire earth starts to shake. Dr White gets into a helicopter with his kids to escape, but something happens (one of the propellers fails or something) and Dr White does an oopsie and accidentally loses…. Almost all of the miraculous.
He only has four left: the pig (which he takes, obviously), the tiger, the dog and the bull. These are all useful powers, but the ones that he has lost are much more powerful. 
He gives the Tiger to Vegan, and the Bull to BP. So BP now has invincibility, Vegan can cause mass destruction, and Dr White can psychologically torment people. Great.
Unfortunately, he has lost the literal powers of creation and destruction, among other things. Which is bad. 
Also in this timeline, there are no mutants. yet. So far all that’s happened is a bunch of natural disasters in rapid succession that has wiped out a lot of the population. Drinking water and food is scarce, and the world has become a lawless wasteland.
And then things get worse. Because a certain someone finds the peacock miraculous and uses it to create a mutant army. Why did Ryan do this, you ask? Because he has nothing left to lose. He has no friends left alive, and now, as far as he knows, his only family member is dead. And then Duusu tells him that if he combines the Ladybug and black cat miraculous, he can have a wish. He wants his brother back. And after seeing how cruel people can be (both in the army and after the apocalypse) he decides that he’ll burn the world to the ground to get his brother back. He transforms and gains the alias “Firebird” (because bird and also he has red hair) and never goes out in public unless transformed. So he creates a bunch of mutants with the ability to clone, because constantly making more would be exhausting for him. And he tells them to find the rest of the miraculous for him. After six weeks, the mutants find the butterfly miraculous. 
After months with nothing to show for it, Ryan/Firebird begins to get lonely. He misses sheriff. He wants to talk to someone. So he uses his power to create a human sentimonster- wart. He looks and acts just like Sheriff did when he was 12 years old- except he has green eyes and purple hair. He also create verruca, because he’s always wanted a sister and also someone needs to counteract how chaotic wart is. He doesn’t let either of them know his real name or see his face, and wears a mask in front of them when not transformed. He doesn’t want to be tracked down, because he was fairly well known as a soldier and it would be possible to discover his base is the abandoned military base that his last battle was that if anyone was intent to take him down. Which everyone would be if they knew about the miraculous.
So Wart creates some akumas and makes a batch of colossuses. He can do this without turning back because according to Miraculous lore, Sentis are whatever you need them to be… or something. Veruca does not have a miraculous. Yet. 
Eventually, Ryan decides that having knockoff Sheriff around is too painful for him, so he orders Verruca and Wart to go run strongholds and stop any humans from getting through. Verruca does not care about this at all, but Wart is devastated. He decides to do such a great job at being evil that Firebird will have no choice but to take him back and accept how great he is. 
Fastforward to episode one. Sheriff has just discovered a group of mutants looking very excited about something. So naturally, he decides to steal whatever they have. 
After discovering he risked his life for some earrings, he isn’t happy. Until he discovers the earrings will give him super neat powers. He decides to debut he superhero career when the mutants attack town. Unfortunately someone else has the same idea, and he’s competing for his heroic status with some idiot in a black cat suit. That someone is shooter, but he calls himself Black Cat because he clearly lacks the braincells to come up with something more imaginative. Sheriff names himself “Red Justice” and Shooter laughs at him. A lot. They fight so much that the mutants are given a chance to destroy everything, and they are chased out of town for bringing the mutants there and then failing at their job. They continue to travel around, but are more friendly to each other until night comes, they detransform, set up camp, and chill out. And then Sheriff wakes up and he doesn’t have earrings. So he runs after Shooter, the one who obviously stole them, and finds himself at Brutux’s house. When there, he demands the earrings back, but before he has a chance to get them from Brutux, Mutants attack. Again. Sheriff manages to to get his earrings back, transform and save the three of them with his yoyo when the tower collapses,  but then two new heroes show up. Sheriff cannot catch a break. So Shooter transforms as well, and they have a fight and get their asses whooped. Vegan and BP get the miraculous, and Brutux, Sheriff and Shooter chase after them. When they get to the la resistance base, Dr White, who’s been akumatised, still has his miraculous, and they have an epic fight. Sheriff convinces Vegan and Bp to give back their miraculouses so that they can help in the fight, and Vegan hesitantly gives them back. 
Anyway, Dr White uses his miraculous and gives Sheriff a “gift” and forces him to live out his dream. Sheriff dreams that he’s with Ryan again, and none of the apocalypse or magic happened. And then it gets ripped away from him, he fixes Dr White, and is extremely traumatised. They have to find all the miraculous in order to stop the mutants from destroying everything, and Sheriff is roped into joining this quest.
What Miraculous everyone has:
Sheriff- ladybug
Shooter- Black cat
Vegan- Tiger
BP- Bull
Dr White- Pig
Katani- Fox (because of the flute)
Apocalypsis- Dragon 
Valley- Dog
Brutux- Monkey (I have not a single reason for this other than the fact that he and Xuppu would fight a lot and it would be funny)
Wart- Butterfly
Ryan- Peacock
Veruca- goat (she uses it exclusively to make snacks and tv remotes)
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Then Again, it could possibly be the fake fog
You see the fake fog was described by the god Zeus as allegedly another deity he doesn't know he actually said that he's not quite sure if it is a deity or not one of the Divine family
But he is sure that it's a severe problem for all deities the fake fog is completely an absolutely sentient and 100% malevolent
It's only intent is to destroy everything in creation
. . .
I sometimes wonder if the fake fog is cancer if you think of God and a Grand Spect of All Thing's !
I wanted to fake fog is like sentient cancer !
Anyway the fake fault does a whole bunch of things one thing you need about the fake frogs is extremely corrupting it's also a complete psychic Elemental
Not an Elemental That is Psychic, No, it's made entirely out of Psionic Energy, aka Psychic Energy !
. . .
I've talked much about this piece of fucking shit but to make things even more deep I thought I let you God damn know this thing has a long list of powers and I only learned about these Powers as I suffered it and figured it out as my soul died throughout my life as it drains me it's always draining me with well I like to call them fog thralls
They're like zombified puppets but they are extensions of the fake fog they have no real free will and no real sentiness but they act like they're completely alive but they're malevolent nature is that of an extension of the fake fog itself
Think of it like Possession of a Ghost, or a Spiritual infection Upon Another Spirit
. . .
The fake fog corrupts all things and perverts all things it does not mean Dark, it will make demons act like angels and Angels act like demons
It will turn fire to water and water to fire, but the soul of the creature is not meant to act that way so it's a form of torture, And Soul Damage
The damn thing also is big on cursing the living shit out of Every mother fucking thing in Existence
The fake fog also drives deities completely insane and that sounds like they act like bad but you have no idea by the level of insanity imagine someone doing a lot of asset I mean like LSD now imagine someone smoking crack cocaine now imagine someone crazier than a Looney tune now imagine someone dropping even more acid now imagine them smoking methamphetamine which is a slightly different from crack cocaine, and that's still fucking same compared to how fucked they are
How long does it take fog last here's the paradox of the fake fog
When the fake fog is locked away it exists nowhere in time but when the fake fog is free it always existed everywhere in time ?
The fake fog also drains all power in all energy and all magic of all things even deities lose all their Divine powers and go completely insane sometimes they gain their power back again but their powers gained back only in to where the fake fall can use it to wear deities go against one another for no good reason they're more insane, then I fucking Looney tune !
They are completely insane and they are become extremely malevolent and they seemingly don't know that what they're doing most the fucking time but they're very sure of it at the same time
It drives dead he's insane and eventually they have to try to break away from it cuz they're possessed under control even Zeus is fucked even God is fucked by this thing it makes God turn on his people yes even God even fucking God so this thing must be equal to the level of God or around the same generation of God
The Almighty Creator, I sometimes wonder in these dire times if it's more important to hold loyalty to God or is it important to break loyalty to God, I sometimes wonder that shit ?
See I'm not a human being I'm a fairy and fairy is supposed to love themselves as we love ourselves we love each other, because we are a high mind we're not just a hive
I often wonder why I should do in these moments I wonder if I should stay loyal to God and keep doing this sacred chance I came up with in the name of God's glory
. . . . .
Air, Earth, Water, Fire in the name of God there is no Higher !
. . . . .
Either way I thank you whoever you are for reading it to the very end I don't know what's going on a cosmet scale is probably a Divine battle ?
At the end of my life whenever is going to happen I said this throughout my life and I'll say it again I'll be happy when I'm dead but I'm also terrified that I'll be brought back that leaves might need to go into great deep rage against God to want to listen say do ultimate battle with him because his creation it's been a cactus of my ass for a long time
And God shows me no mercy despite I show him nothing but love nothing but devotion nothing but dedication nothing but purity
I always wondered by God gave me the middle finger but then again every time the gods acted insane they always have to fog around them or they had a bit of a foggy aura or they had fog in their eyes
Either way I don't know why I have to keep suffering this bullshit when I die I hope I get to fly
When, I finally get to leave this fucking body I hope I truly am done forever
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Dude I just realized that the three times we saw Gabriel twist his ring to control Adrien with full and direct intention on using his sons senti-nature against him it was always in highly important situations for Gabriel where Adrien didn't obey his father blindly.
And it had me SPIRALING about season 5 yall!
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First time after Adrien stood publicly against the Agreste brand' oxygen project in collaboration with the city hall and the Tsurugis, taking active part in the process that undid Gabriels plan.
And the other two times were in "Ephemeral". First when Gabriel wants to ditch his new launch press conference that's dedicated to Emilie so he tells Adrien he isn't feeling well so Adrien will represent him, to which Adrien naturally replies with "but the people are there to speak with you??" and Gabriel immediately feels attacked like the rational person he is
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And the third time of course was when Gabriel found out that Adrien is Chat Noir and force Adrien into getting akumatized after he puts up a fight and makes it verbally and physically very clear that he does NOT want to help his father voluntarily in his mission for the miraculous
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Those are three important and high stakes situations for Gabriel and I just realized that that him using the ring like this against Adrien is basically a metaphor for an highly abusive parent feeling so cornered by their child's refusal to obey blindly that they try to hit them back into obedience.
Notice how all three of these situations are the private moments before or after an event or actions by the Agreste in public and where do abusive parents tend to hit their children much, much, MUCH more often than anywhere else? Privately and behind closed doors where no-one else can see or hear it.
You know when I think about it the occurrence of violence in some form by Gabriel against Adrien is a consistent element in such episodes where the Agrestes escalate.
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The most obvious example is of course "Chat Blanc" where both Adrien and Gabriel where transformed as Chat Noir and Hawkmoth but never confronted each other as civilians so the show got away with blatant physical abuse.
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In "The Collector" Gabriel faked a temper tantrum by destroying his room explicitly to guilt trip Adrien back into obedience and to use it as an alibi for why he got akumatized. He also was directly after Adrien once he was akumatized.
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And in "Gorizilla" Gabriel was back on thinking that Adrien may be Chat Noir so he akumatized the Gorilla when Adrien ran away again and continued to use Adrien as bait while putting him in ALOT of direct danger.
Those are the one I remember on top of my head. There are probably more though.
Anyway, my point was that the dynamic between Adrien and Gabriel always includes some degree of violence again Adrien from his father, always depending on the situation, the circumstances (public, business or private, civilian or transformed etc) when their home situation escalates in some way. As the show went on this violence has gotten more and more explicit and intense in the ways the show got away with til now. And now in season 4 we have reached the point where Gabriel directly using the ring on Adrien like this is fraimed in specific situations that absolutely allow you to read it as a metaphor for "Dude, if the show had a higher age rating Gabriel could have absolutely hit his son here!"
And as most of us know now, this is going to be the case in season 5. The age rating HAS been raised. And not gonna lie, it does make me very worried that season 4 as the last season of the original miraculous story with this lower age rating is the one that was almost entirely focused on Marinette/Ladybug and basically cut the Agrestes out to the minimum the narrative needed them for to set stuff up for Adrien, rip Adrien and Gabriel as good as apart through distance and mostly reduced their entire roles on what each of them can do for MARINETTES side of the story.
I have already spoken about this before, which shouldn't be a surprise at all, look at my blogs name and tells me what you expect me to be here for, but I missed the Agrestes the way s1-s3 portrayed them with most of their focus actually on their FAMILY, ALOT this season. And concidering that the narrative pressed almost everything related to Marinettes miraculous hero/ guardian plot from s1-s3 into season 4 and dialed it up to eleven to take care of Marinettes horrible devils circle to now have put her at the beginning of her way AWAY from it towards healing for good, means this is not what season 5 is gonna be about. At least definitely not in any way near the same intensity of only Marinette/Ladybug focus like season 4, because this season prepared almost EVERYTHING Marinette would need in the season that revolves around escalating the Family Agreste story the same way Marinettes miraculous hero/guardian story escalated in season 4 in intense and unseen heights and resolve not only their horrifying family story but also the very core of the problems that created Marinettes problems and the entire reason all of this even started in the first place through the Agrestes.
And the fact that the last season, the one where everything Agreste related built up til now clashes as the finale season of the original miraculous story, is the one that gets the higher age rating is beyond concerning. Because season 4 was already brutal in its own rights and yet it only included the things that the lower age rating ALLOWED them to include. So with as little narrative presents the Agreste family had in s4 beyond the limited parts of their roles that were needed to serve Marinettes Story... that really makes you ask yourself what the hell the Agrestes have in store for us that the narrative only wants to dive into with a higher age rating. What the writing didn't wanted to waste on even s4 yet because of the lower age rating.
Because not gonna lie, as much as I like the idea of how much importance the Agreste are now gonna have again (and FINALLY back with their emotional core as focuse as "Risk" showed us) im not a fan of how the show seperated Marinettes and Adriens stories into two different seasons to resolve everything from s1-s3, but I guess when I look at the few intense and horrible stuff regarding the Agreste family we DID get in s4 then yeah, okay, I accept that the show waited for a higher age rating to tell their story.
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Which brings me back to my initial topic:
With everything this show has put Adrien through in the lower age rating regarding his family, his father and his place in the miraculous team - ESPECIALLY the things in season 4 that the finale didn't even touch upon to resolve (which is straight up MOST of it) because Adrien as both Adrien and Chat Noir in "Strike back" was still almost exclusively kept in his limited role that serves Marinettes story, which was the focus this season to resolve (Risk set up the Agrestes for s5 and Strike back went back to the Marinette focus to finish up her season), what the FUCK is gonna happen to him in season 5 when EVERYTHING that 4 SEASONS have refused to resolve til now is finally gonna clash here?
Because there is SO MUCH of the narrative still missing. Basically the entire family Agreste backstory and interestingly enough not even season 4 had Marinette take actual interest in the backstory and true nature of the miraculous and Kwamis either. One would have thought that it would have been season 4 where Marinette would explore all of this but it just never came. Su-Han for example was introduced but all three, Marinette, Su-Han and the narrative just said "nah don't explore any of this on a deeper level, do what you want and use it as power ups and more temporary heros in akuma battles".
So the same way season 4 has only set up and touch just a little further on the true story behind the Agrestes the same happened ironically with the true and deeper story of the miraculous as well. Both of the CORE NARRATIVES OF THIS SHOW were only explored further in season 4 in honesty painfully limited ways (do you understand why this season was so frustrating for me??). Meaning these two narratives absolutely go hand in hand to a solid degree. The exploration of the miraculous ALSO requires a higher age rating like the Agrestes and the fact that all of this is now coming together in the season where Adrien will take on a new role in the story as both parts of the season 4 finale VERY clearly establish for season 5 is concerning me in so many ways I don't know how to put it into words yet.
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billiejean485 · 2 years
Guys, I reached a final decision. I will not be watching Miraculous anymore.
Enough time has passed for you to know that this is not a 1st April joke.
Yes, I know I've stated this many times before and tried to do so as well. So what changes this time?
The topic of Adrien not being concieved naturally finally reached me from my religion's POV, and, unless the show treats this as a bad decision in the episodes to come, I will not be coming back.
There is also that last glimmer of hope that he may not be a Senti at all, but I won't be staying to find out by watching. I guess I'll check from time to time, if I manage to hold any interest for the show in the future.
Reasons, like I said, are purely religious. I have no intention to support the creation of human beings (or even animals and the like) through magic. Whoever disagrees with that has their own right to do so through their own choice of free will, and I hold my right to not support this one bit.
... I'm really sorry about this. You know I never believed that Miraculous would take this turn.
I don't want to work on an AU or to watch any previous episodes, because these facts were there from the start, just hidden, and I am only getting repulsed over and over again.
This means that I am putting a stop to my fanfic as well.
I'm sorry. I don't know how much you cared about it, but trust me when I tell you that I feel a ton more devastated. Great ideas I had are going to be thrown in the dump and I'm going to forget about many even if I ever get back to this. All of it hurts like hell.
... I guess I don't even have to tell you that I'm going to stop following all the blogs that mainly share MLB stuff and I'm going to lose some really great mutuals and peeps that I looked up to.
This should have been a fun, tooth-rottingly sweet, serotonin inducing show, but it's never going to be the same for me. Maybe Zag will change something in the movie, but I have no intention of giving it a chance unless this has been made clear.
Again, I am so sorry. The biggest blow to me is losing a character I liked so much and which gave me huge amount of inspiration for both drawing and writing. But... you can't be devoted to both your religion and something that goes against it, and I decided to choose the former.
So take care and Godspeed. I'll be changing my Tumblr accordingly in the following days, and I probably won't hang around here much anymore, since I lost the main reason behind it...
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gentil-minou · 3 years
As someone who's a Big Fan of the SentiAdrien theory, but who also likes looking at negative posts to understand their perspective: for some of the people who don't like the theory, they feel that, since sentimonsters are created and destroyed in, well, a lot of eps, that makes them expendable. Some of them fear that would happen with Adrien too, others go "senti are creatures whose lives don't matter, because LB and CN destroy them, so if Adrien is a senti he doesn't matter". I'm struggling to explain it correctly, but basically if most senti can be killed with no problems, then all of the sentis, no matter how sentient they are, don't matter.
That's why the think Gabriel's abuse could be justified, after all, violence against sentis is just another part of MLB, right? Like, what Adrien is, for them, matters more than if he's sentient. They see no difference (or they fear that, bad portrayed, it could be no difference) between Gabriel's abuse of Adrien and LB and CN destroying, say, August's Candy senti.
Thank you for taking the time to explain this concept to me, I understood your meaning perfectly! I tend to avoid salt tags cause it just really grinds my gears
I've been working on a post about this but haven't finished yet because I know there will be contention, but it's essentially how the word "sentimonster" is derogatory in nature and I think it was actually created by Gabriel, who manipulated sentibeings for his own gain.
I think people sometimes forget that the villain of the show isn't the akumas or the sentis, it's Gabriel who is essentially a dictator manipulating his army and resources for his own gain.
It's a narrative that Gabriel pushes by turning them into monsters, but the show has already said they are more like guardians or sentinals.
I can see how people might think that they're expendable, but we've also been clearly given examples of how they aren't and even had points where characters were shown becoming attached to sentis like Sentibug. In that situation, the true villains were once again highlighted as Gabriel and Nathalie exploiting them.
As we are learning more and more about them, we find that sentibeings are just misunderstood creatures who were forced to bend towards a bastard's will.
If we use the idea that violence against senti's is justified, then we would have to say the same about characters we care about who have been akumatized. Does that make fighting against Lady Wifi, or the Bubbler or even Chat Blanc the same as fighting their non-akumatized characters? No, of course not because in that instance we are not fighting the akuma but the person controlling them.
By fighting sentis, we are doing the same except there is a level of even deeper sadness because then we go into slavery and ownership. I want to avoid going that dark, but I think it really is important to remember that the heroes are NOT fighting the sentis, they are fighting the true villain, Gabriel.
And none of what that man does is justified. The show isn't called Malevelont Tales of Meow Meow Moth. In the end, the akumas/sentis used are unfortunately just soldiers in a war being puppetted by an insane man with zero empathy.
The biggest difference between Mothman and LB/CN is their intent and levels of compassion, along with the ultimate goal.
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Deity Drop 2: Aesdurath
If you’re not familiar with Pathfinder’s daemons with an ‘a’, they’re essentially a group of nihilistic outsiders that want to destroy all of creation because the self-absorbed souls that they were born from hate all of existence instinctively, wanting it all to end and then letting themselves end as well once everything is darkness. The exact reason for this is only touched on briefly because such cartoonishly evil beings can’t really have a motivation that matters too much, but I imagine that themes of jealousy, emptiness, and the like are involved.
In any case, most daemons, big and small, are modeled after some method of death, specifically forms of death that are brutal, ironic, and particularly unfair. Naturally, the more powerful ones like the Horsemen are based on forms of death that are widespread and potentially civilization- and even world-ending: War, Famine, Pestilence, and yes, good ol’ inevitable Death by old age and time.
Between the rank and file and those loftiest of lofties, however, are the daemonic harbingers, those daemons powerful enough to have their own unique form and death-theme and even the ability to grant divine magic to their followers, but not true demigods. These are the equivalent to Hell’s Malebranche and the Abyss’s Nascent Demon Lords.
Today’s subject is Aesdurath, a female daemonic harbinger of immortality, liches, and magical disasters, who appears as a gaunt, skeletal figure that spontaneously manifests bite marks all over her body… and that’s about all we know about her.
We can, however, extrapolate a few things from that. Assuming like all other daemons she is modeled after a particular form of death, then I can imagine that her whole gimmick revolves around how magic is used, intentionally or otherwise, to cause massive amounts of death, in particular in how many rituals to achieve lichdom and other forms of undead immortality call for horrible sacrifices.
Thus, she is the patron of those who seek immortality without regard to the cost, as well as the horrible consequences when those rituals and other powerful works of magic go wrong. She and her servants promise secrets of dark magic to the greedy and foolish, but inevitably, regardless of intention these secrets either call for mass sacrifices or end in catastrophic failure that devastates the countryside. And hey, if a few of these attempts result in nigh-immortal selfish nihilists that have no regard for any life other than their own, then that’s just a perk!
Naturally, the followers of The Pale Dowager would primarily be mages seeking immortality, particularly through lichdom, with a handful of others simply seeking greater magical power without regard to the cost. Inevitably they tend to be either foolish and blinded by the promise of power, or being extremely callous in regards to others. In many cases, the only difference is whether or not they take the time to notice the terrible cost and side effects of the knowledge they are given.
 Aesdurath rules over the domains of Death, Evil, Magic, and Trickery, with the Arcane, Daemon, Divine, and Undead subdomains, revolving in her interest in creating powerful undead like liches, as well as deceiving the foolish into unleashing destruction. Sadly she has not been given any attention in 2nd edition, but we can assume her domains would be similar.
Like other minor demideities, daemonic harbingers do not grant the elaborate abilities seen with other divinities, and so obedience to them only grants a handful of magical abilities. In Aesdurath’s case, these are the ability to absorb the life energy of the dying to heal oneself, basic undead reanimation, and a blast of life-snuffing dark magic.
Daemonic Harbingers haven’t really come up in Starfinder yet, but given that the path to lichdom has evolved into the necrovite in the far future, it wouldn’t surprise me if she was still kicking in that time period. Heck, she probably had or has quite a following on Eox, having both lots of sentient undead, and also a history of apocalyptic-level collateral damage. Then again, plenty of Eoxians, dead or alive probably don’t appreciate whatever role she might have had in that ancient cataclysm. Even if you believe that undeath is superior to life, blowing up your own planet is not pleasant.
 That about does it for today. Minor demideities don’t get a lot of attention, but I do appreciate that they exist, providing a little variety in what evil powers your villains might be calling upon. Check in tomorrow where we’re tackle a very big name in the setting.
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adriensaltprompts · 4 years
Submitted Prompt: "Sentibugged"
AU diverging from Ladybug wherein Mayura is unable to immediately recall and destroy her creation once she rebels.  Perhaps she has one of her moments of magically-induced weakness, allowing the false Ladybug to escape.  Hawkmoth is forced to bail her out, and is furious, berating her for causing more problems for him and using this guilt-slinging as leverage to force Nathalie to push herself ever further to ‘redeem herself’.
The amok Ladybug, or 'Sentibug’, is unable to detransform, effectively being stuck as a superheroine.  Naturally, this suits Chat Noir just fine; Ladybug is more worried about the implications.  While Sentibug is able to help by patrolling Paris, taking a bit of the pressure and responsibility off their shoulders, this is balanced out by the fear that Mayura could return and destroy her at any time.
Chat pledges to prevent this from happening.  He spends as much time as possible with Sentibug, ostensibly to protect her, but with darker intentions.  Sentibug is a more 'ideal’ partner in his eyes by virtue of how she’s much more willing to cater to his whims.  She doesn’t complain about his flirting; at most, she rolls her eyes at him - a behavior picked up from watching the real Ladybug - but isn’t nearly as resistant to his advances.
Of course, he’s well aware that she’s not the real deal.  But that doesn’t mean he can’t enjoy having her around for as long as she lasts.  Using her to taunt and torment the actual Ladybug, who keeps trying to discourage him from exploiting the situation… like she can stop him.
Making matters worse, the people of Paris aren’t widely aware that there’s a doppelganger of their primary protector running around.  This means that when they see Chat making advances on Senti without being rejected, they naturally assume that the two are actually partners in that sense of the word.  Chat’s perfectly aware of this, even coaxing Senti out into the open more so he can flaunt their relationship for the public, knowing full well that this is exposing Senti to danger.
After all, she’s not going to last regardless.  It’s only a matter of time before Hawkmoth and Mayura are able to track her down and get rid of her.  Adrien knows this.  But so far as he’s concerned, that’s all the more reason to have as much fun as he can with her while he can.  Using her existence to trap the real Ladybug in a perceived relationship with him.
And of course, heaven help poor Sentibug if he manages to get his hands on that keychain…
Rules for the blog - send a short prompt - send a long prompt
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riftclaw · 6 years
quaikl lore i’m going to forget about if i don’t post it under the readmore
(3:02:01 AM) Blake: blake: hm. i wanna write ken's profile blake: *now has to re-create senti's date system cause xe forgot most of it* (3:02:06 AM) Blake:  Senti one year = ten months + transitional week = 408 days one month = 40 days = 5 weeks one week = 8 days atara, netae, karm, hytal, doras, maide, oenne, gaiva, vorne, jurei, iltsa /btw (3:27:39 AM) Blake: the transitional week didn't fit into the months so they decided that they'd just have a special week where it's its own "month" (3:27:46 AM) Blake: it's kinda like new years/christmas (3:28:53 AM) Blake: the months all have unique first letters is intentional too (3:29:10 AM) Blake: they literally abbreviate it as the first letter dates are like 33A, 12V (3:30:09 AM) Blake: you can't do it with earth dates because of june/july and may/march and ken gets SO CONFUSED because he tends to automatically do it (3:30:39 AM) Blake: ken: *looks in diary* diary: *something important* 22J ken: ...shit was that june or july (3:31:36 AM) Blake: that's why it's like three letters here because jun/jul and mar/may (3:32:28 AM) Blake: quaikls have this whole lore system based on senti's months, because each one marks something (3:32:54 AM) Blake: i.e. fish spawn in one, the plants fruit in another (3:33:03 AM) Blake:  /i bet they have a ton of gods i've not thought about (3:34:01 AM) Blake: i don't wanna be all TRIBAL cause that's dumb but they live super close to nature (3:34:47 AM) Blake: they like migrate from the sea to inland lakes along rivers over the course of a year (3:35:11 AM) Blake: the "summer" months are too rough for living on the ocean so they move further in (3:37:06 AM) Blake: like they're semi-aquatic so they always stay close to water during winter they live on the sea's edge because it's way easier to source fish and seaweed berries when the land plants aren't doing shit (3:37:26 AM) Blake: but they get crazy fucking typhoons and shit during summer so they head up into the mountains to the freshwater lakes (3:37:44 AM) Blake:  /this is what i mean by close to nature haha (3:38:41 AM) Blake: they don't build permanent settlements either they have specific places they tend to return to but their shelters are pulled down and the wood/reeds/etc are laids out for the forest to reclaim when they leave
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