#and the reason he was sad about the moon is because he created her out of so much anger (like his dad created him out of jealousy)
even though Felix creating a senti to display the whole representation seems very contradictory to his beliefs, I think what's important to take into account the nature of the senti. if you create sentibeings to be like children, you should treat them with all the respect humans are due. if you create senti"monsters", they are somewhat sentient beings despite not being humans or having a fully developed consciousness, and so you shouldn't throw them on the surface of the sun. but it representation what he created was just a random object. like yeah it was created the same way they were, but at the end of the day it's just a projector. it doesn't matter
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klausysworld · 1 year
Okayyy so i just had a idea and since you are amazinggggg with tvdu fan fiction, thought I might a request😅
Basically, yn is a wolf but for some reason or another, her puppy sized wolf is out of control and so whenever she gets emotional, she slowly starts transforming, like first she will get the ears and like the shift is slow but not painful anymore since it has been happening a lot and she just gets a headache.
Elena's gang except for Tyler and bonnie dislike her and Caroline doesn't have much of an opinion. She is usually a happy person since she is homeschooled so doesn't have to deal with any bullies or anything.
Klaus finds her with teary eyes and her wolf puppy ears out as she tries to stop herself from full on crying.
Klaus takes her in and cares for her and helps her control her wolf side so that her emotions don't control them. At this point, she loves her wolf form so much that Klaus has to scold her and treat her kinda like am actual naughty puppy and he even has a hard time keeping her in human form because she has learned that she can run off in her wolf form and not have to study
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Tamed and trained
Y/n’s parents had always been worried about her. She wasn’t exactly normal, being a werewolf anyways was hard enough let alone a completely out of control one. They assumed there must have been some sort of mutation in the gene system or something similar which caused her to turn at any time, like how only few vampires were rippers and few witches were siphoners.
They had been to the Bennett’s who told them that this had only happened a very rare few times since the first werewolf was created and that she would learn control as she grew.
Of course their first fear was she would be picked on, misunderstood and seen as a monster, so they kept her inside. And then they worried that her werewolf anger would be 10x worse as instead of having emotions heightened on a full moon, hers are 24/7. But it turned out she showed nearly every emotion but anger. But the tears were the worst. As soon as they started falling they knew they needed to hide her asap. The ears would sprout from her head, then the tail and claws, the nose and paws, until she were howling her sorrows for the world to hear.
And gosh did she cry when she was little, always in a puddle of pity and fear of her own shadow.
He parents had pretty much given up with trying to control her. Just locking her in the house and telling her to be quiet while they went out and tried to live like normal people, pretend they didn’t have a daughter that the council would kill to obtain.
When Bonnie grew up they tried to convince her to spell Y/n but Bonnie refused when she saw the fluffy ears a big sad eyes looking back at her.
They tried to have Tyler help her when he broke his curse but he wasn’t sure what to do either other than bond over the experience of being in wolf form.
So she continued to hide inside, only getting out when her parents had gone away, most likely to get drunk and forget their worries.
She knew she was an inconvenience for them but the harder she tried to control herself, the worse it made her feel and then she ended up turning again. She didn’t know how to fix the cycle she was trapped within.
But on that day, her parents had gotten a little too angry at her. Called her a freak and a mistake causing her to run as far as she could on her human legs, praying to god that she wouldn’t turn halfway through a step.
She huddled up to the big willow tree besides the Mystic Park and kept their until dark. Her sniffles were the only sound heard as she wiped her eyes and cheeks.
Her knees dragged to her chest and she rest her chin on top of them as she kept her cries to a minimum, hiccuping as she tried to fully stop.
It was the sound that drew Klaus Mikaelson toward the park that night. His eyes squinted as he spotted a girl in the distance, two large and fluffed ears on her head which twitched very few seconds. His curiosity was peaked and so he approached the source of such sad sounds and crouched before her. His hand slowly touched her knee making her jolt and look up at him alarmed. Immediately smacking the top of her head to make her ears go away making him frown and grab onto her hands
“It’s alright love” he mumbled as she shook her head and tried to squirm out of his hold. He sighed and resorted to picking her up which made her cry again and him to panic. “No no no” he whispered, covering her mouth with his hand and his eyes widening when a tail curled up between her legs and little claws scratched at his arms. “Oh bloody hell” he muttered before speeding her to his home and getting her on the floor just as she turned entirely.
His brows shot up seeing her so small, running around like a lunatic and barking continuously. He blinked in surprise and slowly shut the front door, locking it and walking around the smashed vase and torn painting as she chewed at his brand new sofa cushions with her tail wagging so wildly that her whole body shook.
He made a gradual approach but the second she was in reach, she had darted up the stairs making him sigh and chase her through the house for the next 20 minutes. Having a little too much fun for an almighty hybrid as he tackled a small wolf to his kitchen floor and kept her firmly to his chest until eventually she turned back.
Asleep and completely naked against him. He cautiously lifted her up and brought her to his bed, not wanting her to run off while he slept.
He slipped his boxers up her legs and henley over her head, not without peeking at her lovely little body of course, and quickly stripping to his boxers before tugging the covers over the both and watching her from the other side of the bed. He kept an eye on her for as long as he stayed awake, until the steady beating of her heart sent him to sleep.
When he woke he was entirely on top of her, her big eyes looking up at him as he lifted his head to find her squished beneath him and shoving helplessly at his chest.
He kept quiet and in response so did she, swallowing thickly as she watched him observe her. She didn’t comment as his eyes lingered on her nipples that stood out against the soft material on his top, nor the way his tongue wetted his lips when he studied her legs.
“Do you do that a lot?” He asked just above a whisper when his eyes came back to hers and she nodded with a blush of embarrassment coating her cheeks.
“I don’t mean to” she uttered and he tilted his head ever so slightly
“I wouldn’t have thought you did” he murmured and she kept silent. He thought to himself for a moment before making an unklauslike decision “I think I’ll keep you love” he told her and she opened her mouth to speak but he was already talking again “no arguing, I’ll teach you to control yourself and we’ll see what happens from there okay?”
“But my mother and- and school! I learn at home, I can’t-“
“Do you know who I am love?” He cut her off and she turned her head
“Klaus?” She questioned, having heard of him before when her parents were researching, the mention of him from Tyler and the smell of both vampire and werewolf which twisted together when she lay under him.
“That’s right little wolf, Klaus, now I’ve been alive a very long time, I can teach you much better than any mother could. And besides, your mother would’ve found you before I had if she were worried” he waved it off and she frowned
“She will be…” she whispered and he watched in amazement again as the ears formed at her head. His hand automatically reached out to feel the soft fur against his skin making her lean into him. He could feel the smirk pulling at his face as he calmed her back down
“Oh you’re right love,” he began, seeing her brighten up a little bit in curiosity, “she will puppy, so how about I’ll handle it okay? She’ll let you come here, you want me to help you don’t you?” He manipulated and she immediately fell into it, nodding and laying still under him. Klaus couldn’t help but admire how she looked beneath him, her big round eyes and wolf ears still on display. If emotion was what brought this out in her, he could only imagine how she would howl if he treated her the way he desired.
But he would wait, he needed to get her under control at least a little so that she didn’t destroy his house and hurt herself in the meantime. He didn’t believe she would be able to hurt someone else, especially not purposely but he saw how she basically ran into walls without a care and worried for her own sake.
He snapped out of his thoughts at the whine she produced, confused on his face before he realised his knee was inbetween both her legs and she had almost definitely never been touched like that. One because of her little wolf issue, and two because she clearly had a lack of time outside her home just based off how afraid she was outside and then looking in wonder at simple objects in his home. Not that it was an issue for him, the more unaware she was in general, the better. She would be easier to tame if he could train a fresh mind.
And she was just that, a breathe of fresh air.
Simple and appreciative. No matter how small a thing he did for her, she was smiling brightly with her tail wagging and ears up. Whether it be a new bookmark or a diamond bracelet.
He remembers when he told her she could decorate her own room, he had never seen someone get so excited so fast. The room looked completely out of place, the rest of the mansion was relatively dark and gloomy but her space was bright but soft, calming in a way instead of tense.
He loved how she was like that, calming. Whenever he was having an awful day, there she was in his lap, ears up and a book in her hands that he had ‘assigned’ her to read for her ‘schoolwork’. She seemed to have at least her ears out all the time, especially when he touched her, just a hand on her leg would have her tail wagging and he couldn’t find it in himself to make her stop.
But he found that if he did tell her to put them away, it was the only way she would do so.
He had found her in tears over two star crossed lovers in a book she had gotten from her personal library, a gift from him of course, and watched as she struggled to calm herself down. But the second he used a commanding tone on her to put the canine features away, they were gone and she was whimpering quite literally like a puppy being told off.
He found that he had more control over her wolf than she did. And he loved it, she was his good girl, his little puppy to play with and look after.
She kept his bed warm when he was gone and made his heart swell when he was there.
He loved seeing her so freely running around in her wolf form, finally able to control where she was going and what she was thinking as she chased the birds and and spun around to get his attention. Only issue was when she gained more control, he seemed to lose some. And she was quick to tease him, running circles around him and nipping at his ankles when he was busy, having him chase after her because she had taken his phone or worse: the white oak stake. Of course she didn’t understand the importance but to her it was a game and she wanted him to play too.
He understood her mindset of course and she was completely entertaining for him but it was a pain to have to hunt her down every time he needed her to practice her school work.
He would always remember the first time he turned to chase her down. The surprise in her eyes when she skidded to a halt and looked up at him. He must’ve been nearly 10 times bigger than her and although she should probably have been terrified, she yipped happily and darted for the tree line. He shook his head before following after the flash of grey and brown that weaves through the woods, ultimately pinning her down and bringing her home before claiming his prize for winning the game.
The prizes varied greatly, sometimes he got a kiss on the cheek from her, sometimes he would get to sink his teeth into her sweet skin, sometimes he would just lay with her, y/n on the other hand got very different prizes, on the rare occasion that she won he found himself wearing a face mask and cucumber on his eyes as she giggled and held his hand.
Whatever she did, whether she were human or a little wolf, he kept her happy and hidden from the rest of the world but this time she didn’t feel like a disappointment, she felt adored.
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
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My new Clangen clan, Kittyclan, a year (12 moons) in! 
I thought it would be fun to draw my clan every 12 moons or so! (though after these first 12 moons I prob wont draw every cat! this took forever...)
The backstory of this clan, is that they were all Kittypets who decided to run away and start their own clan in the woods! 
More info on the clan so far below! v
My first starclan cat, Onetree, used to be a warrior, and then a med cat, in a old clan, but in her old age she was guided by starclan to the Twolegplace nearby. There at the twolegplace she was taken in by two twolegs, and was named Granny Cat. Her Housefolk had another cat, a kitten named Milky, and Granny knew once she met him that he would one day do something great. Milky would take a group of cats into the forest and create his own clan. Granny knew Starclan had guided her here to teach Milky of the clans and the skills of a warrior and so she tried her hardest to do just that, taking Milky in as her own.
After Granny Cat passed away Milky became determined to live in the forest that Granny had once lived in. Not only this, Milky decided he should create his own clan! He convinced several fellow kittypets to join him in his mission and he named their new clan Kittyclan for their kittypet roots. He took them into the woods to find a territory and camp and Starclan guided Milky to a gully in the woods, perfect for a camp, and the new clan knew that this would be their new home. That night after settling Milky received his 9 lives from starclan, and was given his Leader’s name, Milkystar!
Notable things that have happened so far:
Milkystar has already lost two lives?? He lost one to a border skirmish where Onyxpelt also died, and he lost another falling from a tree (tho I suspect he was very distracted that moon due to his mate announcing that he was expecting kits lol)
For some reason Milkystar and Sweetpea have little to no feelings about each other. They slightly like each other and slightly hate each other?? all the other cats og cats have at least a good amount of platonic like towards each other (except for Lint ig)! I guess their Leader and deputy relationship is like an awkward coworkers relationship lol.
Milkystar and Fredheart are mates! they both had the beginnings of romantic feelings for each other and I wanted kits so I got them together! Idk if this was a good decision however because their dislike bars towards eachother are starting to go up :/. Love hate romance. They are going to have kits tho!!
Fredheart and Sweetpea are BFFs for ever, they have such high platinic love bars! its kinda funny since Sweet does not care for Fred’s mate lol. 
Poor Fluttershy lost her leg in a twoleg trap... 
I got three new additions to the clan! Jessicapuddle, Onyxpelt and Splashmoth! Onyx almost immediately died in that border skirmish, but luckily that's the only death so far!
Jessicapuddle came out as a trans man and i think that’s hilarious bec this is one of the only times when i have seemingly got a female kittypet name on a female cat.
Splashmoth’s name kinda sounds like Smashmouth.... also I designed her to look kinda similar to Onetree/Granny bec they have the same personality traits, and spotted pelt pattern... maybe they r related, who knows. (I also like the idea that she eerily reminds Milky of Granny)
Lintheather has no friends??? like at all??? nobody has strong platonic feelings towards him at all!! its so sad... I feel like hes so lonely and kind of regretting joining the clan now :( 
Beanzsong on the other hand is everyone’s favorite omg... he’s also very close with his mentor Sweetpea!
Creatureivy is also very close to her mentor Milkystar and i like to think that Milky treated her as his daughter since she was a kit at the start of the clan!
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gale-gentlepenguin · 10 months
Gale Rates: All the break ups of Ramona and her Evil exes
1. It will have 3 ratings. How bad the break up is, How much fault is on the Ex, and How much fault is on Ramona.
2. It will be rated 0 out of 10. 0 being that it was not their fault, 10 being it was completely their fault.
3. This is going as objective as possible. I will be using the Original source (the comics) and any supplemental source that gives insight on the break up.
1. Matthew Patel
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Ratings: Break up: 3/10
The relationship always felt like a means to an end. Plus it was middle school and it barely counts
Matthew’s Fault: 3/10
From my understanding he was too immature and his Capriciousness (moody) , but it was Ramona that indeed ended the relationship and he didn’t take it well
Ramona’s Fault: 7/10
Ramona said up front the only reason she dated him was to get the jocks off her back and because he wasn’t a Jock and wasn’t white (her own words). Which really makes it a means to an end. She doesn’t make it sound like he didn’t know this. But Ramona could have handled it better.
Lucas Lee
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Break up: 10/10
Considering Lucas felt this was a big deal and he was cheated on, it’s clear that this was a hurtful break up. As For Ramona she hardly seemed to think much of the relationship. But still it is completely on their actions it ended
Lucas Fault: 1/10
Ramona did mention that there was a lot of Drama in their relationship. To the point that she wasn’t sure what class she met him (drama, or math). But even so Ramona ended up leaving him for her next Evil Ex which she cheated on him with. Now I can’t fault Lucas too much, because he doesn’t even hold much ill will towards her, he hates Todd more. At worse he was described as whiny.
Ramona’s Fault: 9/10
She cheated on him. Like that pretty much sums it up. She might have not really considered it much of a relationship, And I’m being understanding and trying to be as objective as possible. Ramona has completely created this Evil Ex,
Todd Ingram
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Break up: 2/10
They ended up breaking up cause they were going to different colleges and it was mutual. They were the bad kids together but there was no real malice in the split
Ramona: 4/10
As mentioned above, it was a mutual break up cause they were going to different colleges. Ramona even pointed out that Todd was a bad guy known for fooling around. And she was mortified by the moon thing. So even though the break up was mutual, I feel like she still would break it off sooner or later.
Todd: 6/10
As mentioned above, it was a mutual break up cause they were going to different colleges. But Todd also had a girl back home he was waiting for him. And he was a prick.
Roxie Richter
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Break up: 8/10
Ramona's university roommate and the only ex-girlfriend. She alleges that their relationship was just a phase. But as expanded upon in Scott Pilgrim takes off, Roxie fell hard for her and the way they broke up was Ramona leaving without saying a word. So it was heartbreaking and sad.
Ramona’s Fault: 8/10
While not as bad as what she did to Lucas, I find what she did to Roxie on a similar level. Ramona never really gives a reason aside from it was a phase. Which Roxie is hurt by. I can’t entirely fault Ramona because if you realize you aren’t into another sex (or just not attracted To Roxie) you shouldn’t stay out of obligation. But that being said, she should have talked with Roxie about it.
Roxie’s Fault: 2/10
Roxie really isn’t at fault here, I guess the only thing one could argue is she could have pushed Ramona to get some answers and maybe be a bit more forthcoming with her feelings. But that is really all I can say. Though in the comic Roxie and Ramona have a more friendly relationship.
Kyle & Ken Katayanagi
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(Mostly they are in the background I’m sorry)
Break up: 10/10
Ramona blatantly cheated on them with eachother. Like yea according to her they were womanizers and sleazy, but it never made it sound like they were cheaters or anything worse. And the relationship ended when they found out about the cheating
Ramona’s Fault: 10/10
She intentionally did this. This is her fault which she admits. And quite frankly I feel bad for the twins, screwed over by screen time and Ramona. I will point out how intentionally f***ed this is
Kyle & Ken Katayanagi: 0/10
Maybe they were complete douchebags, but they got intentionally played by Ramona. It’s often skipped over but it’s probably the most justified why these guys are Evil Exes. At least they have eachother.
Gideon Graves
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Break up: 10/10
Gideon was an abusive asshole that experimented on Ramona and got angry when she left because she ended the relationship and his ego couldn’t understand why
Gideon’s Fault: 10/10
Gideon is an abusive asshole that thinks he’s God’s gift to humanity and can’t understand why people would ever want to leave him. He EXPERIMENTED on Ramona. Not experimented with like in a kinky way, but in a science lab rat kind of way. This doesn’t even include what he WAS planning to do with her later. Point is, this one’s on him.
Ramona’s Fault: 0/10
See above, she is 100% valid for leaving that abusive relationship.
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dsaf-confessions · 7 months
I've been in the dsaf fandom for a year or two by now lol. but like I've only been lurking and...some fans take dsaf TOO seriously. Like, no hate. none at all. but,, I wish people acknowledged more often that Dayshift at freddy's at it's core, is silly. like, all three games are full of jokes (some less than others) and that's the original premise. Yeah, there's the serious lore bits and all.. but what about the SILLY bits? Can we have the silly bits appreciated? Jack can piss for 15 minutes straight, Dave ate an entire ashtray of lit cigarette butts and lost his sense of taste after, ALL the phone guys were programmed to say "darn" and "heckin'!" as a substitute for swearing, and Dee is a tickler (not ticklish, a TICKLER she tickled Dave til his springlocks went off in the premature ending, and she can tickle Jack when in the suit to set it off if you don't wind the box). Henry is the reason why they have cameras in the fazbender's bathrooms.
I love seeing the serious bits too, but I wish people spent as much time with the silly bits as the serious ones. Even when it comes to making your own silly bits!!! Like, yess!!!! Go write that Undertale!DSAF AU. Go write about Dave and Jack as kitchen appliances. Go write about what you headcannon Dee's favorite songs and movies are. Go write about Jack having magical princess half wolf demon powers. EVEN WITH THE PAINTINGS!!! I saw a drawing of Dave and Jack in sailor moon get up and they killed it. absolutely. I know the dsaf artists out here are killing it with their art, it's all amazing and I have lovingly gazed at all of them before. and yes!!!!! Go RP as Peter Kennedy having a deep carnal desire for bird watching, go RP as Harry Fitzergald enjoying himself at an aquarium, go RP as Dave Miller spending hours trying to figure out how air fryers work so he can give it a shot at building one at home.
Please do anything your heart desires!!!!! You can look out the car window with your headphones in and listen to music while imagining sad sfms of the characters and keep it to yourself. But if you wish to share, just now that there's people out there that have been wishing someone would create what they've been imagining too!!! Make your funky spotify character playlists!! Even your youtube music ones!! Because there will be someone out there who thinks the same as you and enjoys them the same as you !!
I live for the serious ones too. Please, go write that heartfelt fic about Dave yearning for his soulless friend's presence in the afterlife. Please, go write about Jack despairing that he doesn't just stop existing after death, and is stuck in a void. Please, go write about Dee speaking to the gang in afterlife about how she wishes she had a longer childhood, and how she is sad that the very few things that made her childhood a childhood is gone and that she can never truly have it back( jack, and all the friends and lovely gifts and animals and all the joy). Please, go write about DaveTrap surviving the fire in the good ending and being miserable because no matter how much he was angry and hateful, he missed Jack, he missed having a quarrel with him, he missed asking just one more time, if Jack wanted to kill kiddins' with him, and then him having to visit Jack's grave and despairing that Jack had never lied when he told him his name. And then DaveTrap sees the other graves, all the other ones, of the kids that died at fazbender's because of fazbender's. And he also sees a grave bearing his own name. His real name. And it was right next to four other graves, of people who's names rang bells in his ears, of people with a last name he recognized, of people he remembered betting on whether or not they'll die with Henry.
AHHH I think this might be too long. i just love ranting about my ideas because as much as i have a love for writing, i can never execute the ideas. they are cursed to forever be just an idea i can share to my friends who don't like dsaf but like hearing my rambles.
So, whoever is reading this, please go enjoy the games as much as you wish!! enjoy the silly AND the serious side !!!!!
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jolapeno · 1 year
the day frankie meets you
frankie morales x f!reader | resurrected chances
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summary: a chance meeting or event is one that is not planned or expected. set after the events in Colombia, single-dad Frankie meets "Pretty Girl" at one of Benny's fights. kick-starting a second chance at happiness he'd long since abandoned.
wordcount: 3k themes: mentions of past drug use. relationship falling apart (not the one with reader). fluff, falling in love, second chances. dad!frankie (so mentions of a child) and use of nickname pretty girl/PG, but no other use of name or y/n.
an: this is a series that isn't a series. you can follow along with updates, but they won't be uploaded in chronological order, but will all be connected (muhahah).
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For a long time, Francisco Morales had felt like he was drowning. 
Sinking into mud he can’t pull his boots out of. Drenched in regret he couldn’t shake from his shoulders.
It felt worse when he landed back on home soil—wrapped itself around him as he clapped his hand on the backs of men. The rain hammered down as they all said their goodbyes, soaking their civs to their skin. 
It tightened its hold when he stepped through the threshold of his home. People greeted him as he placed the bag down. Her (and her vast smile), family—and the friends he’d made because of her—cheering at his arrival. Them all swarming, patting and wrapping him in affection and words that never quite land.
Frankie would smile until he didn’t have to.
And then the darkness knocked, and the sadness crept over him.
The moon high, the house silent. It all worsened as he thought of the decisions he should have made—the calls he should have shouted earlier. The men, and their faces, the ones he can’t stop seeing when he blinked.
Then his nose vanished the white powder. Just once. Merely to forget.
And then he did it again a few weeks later. When they’d been fighting, and she’d gone to bed alone.
He hadn’t heard her come to fetch him, discovering what he’d been doing off the top of a CD album—her favourite one too.
The pattern of loneliness continued as he lost and he lost, his grip on his life being tugged from his fingers—even as they turned pale from how hard he held on.
Happiness appeared at his door, but he was never in time to answer. Just missing it, forever chasing. The echoes of it banging circled his skull.
Then, he was born. His light, his reason. All wide-eyed, little nose—hair that shifted into curls and a smile that could rival the sun. A beacon, hope, and the warmest of days all wrapped into one tiny bundle of joy. 
His little cries never fazed him. He was awake anyway. Frankie all content to bring him close, bask in the scent that was all natural to him, patting his little back and listening as he hiccuped against him. 
He should have put his foot down when Pope asked. 
Dug the heel of his boots into the ground—doing so—until pain shot up his calf, right into his knee. He didn’t. Instead, he agreed. Nodded—thought of his little one having a room full of stuffed toys and days out with him on his shoulders. 
But, then it rained worse in Colombia. 
Soaked him to the bone, made a home in the osseous matter, becoming a part of him as it all frayed. But then, it had done so before he left. 
She held their little one, glaring at him like he’d burned her: do not do this—an ask that was more a demand. The crumbling edges of what the two of them could have been fraying further, almost unrepairable—the little one babbling, not realising he’d been born into fracture.
If you go…
Frankie never did allow her to finish her sentence, but he knew. 
Had felt it in the air of their home. 
It all further chipping at the cracks in his heart as he pushed his aviators up his nose, listening to Benny harp on and on about buying cars and trips to Vegas. 
No one asked, so he didn’t tell—didn’t share that he wasn’t happy with his lady, that his purpose for doing it was solely on the baby they managed to create in the brief times they didn’t despise one another.
Whatever ruin he’d left their relationship in before he left had worsened by the time he returned. His grief, guilt—and sea of other things—pressed down, almost taking pieces of his height, as well as his confidence. 
He was lonely in a different way then. 
Standing in an apartment with little to his name—some boxes with Sharpie scratches on, dull walls which needed more than just a lick, and a mattress he’d managed to barter for. The only time he wasn’t lonely was when he picked him up, his reason, his sun, his Luca. 
Friday to Sunday every other week, Frankie didn’t think of rain, foliage or Tom. He learnt to make things go silence his mind. He thought of him, focused on him—the little thing he made, loved, adored. 
And in between, he worked on his room.
The one that was the largest out of the two, restoring bits and pieces he could find in groups and selling pages, so when he grew up, he didn’t think his dad was the fuck up that he actually was. 
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If Frankie is out in public past sunset, it's because of Benny.
In the years since the four of them had gotten back, it was Benny who stayed the most in touch.
Will texted, called when he could, his job keeping him on the road, picking up pieces of accents to confuse them all when he returned.
Pope was Pope—both around and not all at once. A text here, a visit there. 
It was on Benny’s insistence he’s now in a packed-out room tonight. The air all tinged with fragile masculinity and sweat, as bells rang and people jeered.
He had wanted to ask why he’d begun again, having stopped for a short while when he met her—Ena, his fiancé. But Frankie never got the chance.
Instead, Benny’s arm—hands already wrapped in preparation—came around his shoulders, pulling and turning him in as Frankie fought a grin at another one of the Miller hugs. He doesn’t quite hear him, the crowd choosing the moment to bellow, but as he tuned in as hard as he could, he manages to follow the odd word, and begins to piece bits together from: glad— here—just, wait. 
He’d been about to question, clarify, when Ena came into view, and behind her….
Frankie is told your name three times. 
Once by Benny, straight into his eardrum. 
Second by Ena: clarification added, such as my best friend and to be nice (as if he’s anything but).
Third by you—hand outstretched, sleeves off your jacket rolled up, exposing several bracelets on your wrist that jangle when he shakes it. 
Then, you’re suddenly both alone. Benny being all busy, pulling Ena away, practically vibrating with puppy-like energy as she shakes her head and he stares back, grinning.
Seconds build, him taking a sip of his drink, before you clear your throat and say: 
“So, do you come often?”
His brow arches almost entirely on its own. His mouth twisting, the edges lifting into a smirk. 
Even if Frankie knows what you mean (your question being about the fight—to Benny fighting), it’s hard not to hear it as a line. Something you must also catch onto because your eyes widen, lips curling similarly to his own, and then you whisper: shit.
And he laughs. 
Low, throaty—almost like it’s coated in dust from how long it’s been since he has done. In a way, it likely has. It comes from somewhere different from the laughs Luca pulls from him, the ones born from his little movements and toddler oddities. 
Before he can even unravel how sad that is, he hears your laugh join the mix—all soft, light and sweet. It makes his ears burn under his hat and curls, your eyes looking around before landing back onto him, making the same heat flood his cheeks. 
He waits for it, the tension. Remembering all too well what meeting someone new is like—memories of being introduced to Luca’s mum returning. But, it doesn’t come. The tension never arrives, not slamming into the two of you.
Instead, you talk. 
Tell him how your friend invited you to watch her fiancé have his face smashed in—your words, not his—and that you had no other plans so said yes. 
To his surprise, he shares too. He tells you how he served with Benny, taking a large sip to fill the silence so you don’t ask him about it. 
If you can tell, you don’t mention it. Choosing to begin muttering other things and questions—little things—like who is your money on, what do you do? and his personal favourite, do you think the large man walking out currently knows what the lyrics to his walkout song mean? 
With each one, Frankie relaxes and even answers. Interjecting his own, his mouth close to your ear at times, allowing him to capture the scent of your perfume—all jasmine and wisps of vanilla—as you gaze into his eyes as though you’re trying to see into his soul. 
He’d let you.
It’s the first solid thought he has when he thinks it, arriving before he realises how dry his throat is, how warm it is under his jacket and shirt—the crowd around them all of a sudden silent, as though they’d been turned down for a moment. Before it all rushes back, overwhelmingly so.  
“Do you want another drink?” you ask, pointing to your empty cup—the plastic bending under your thumb and fingers. 
He blinks, swallowing. “Think I should be the one buying you one.”
Shrugging, you smile—more playful than anything else. “If you continue to keep me company, I may let you buy me one back.” 
It takes Frankie a minute from when you’re out of sight to realise he’s grinning, bringing his own cup to his lips, draining it in one swoop. 
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You weren’t long, back by his side in under ten minutes. 
(Not that he was counting.)
He makes quick work of his phone, stuffing it back into his pocket as he takes the plastic beer from you, fingers lightly brushing yours, pretending he doesn’t feel the flickers of electricity shoot up his hand. 
“Guess what?” 
Tilting his head for you to continue, he takes a sip of his drink. 
“Even if I was given a perfectly good name by my parents, pretty girl is the name the sweaty man—“ your finger pointing to the man licking his lips across at the bar. “—at the bar has given me.” 
Frankie grits his jaw—it tightening almost on command. 
“I’m flattered, obviously.”
The corners of his lips smirk as you lean a little closer. 
“I also kinda told him I’m with you. Which I mean, I am on the one hand, but I implicated it in another way,” you add, staring up at him. “I… I hope that’s okay—he just really gave me—“
Your words fade, fall off into non-existence, because he wraps his hand around your waist. Pulling lightly until your hip nudges his, fanning his fingers out as he watches your eyes fall from his face and your smile seeps into your cheek. 
“S’all good, pretty girl,” he says, smirking—watching as your lips curl into one not too dissimilar to his. 
Then you’re staring ahead, and Frankie follows suit. Watching from your places as the people around the ring—the ones jumping and raising their arms—begin really shouting, before he feels you wince, flinch and then lean back, his hand tightening on you as one man begins to take punch after punch—
You drag yourself from looking, body almost curling into him, eyes landing on his face.
And it bubbles, the thing he feels he should have said conversations ago. The face from his phone screen sitting behind his eyelids. It burning, clagging in his throat, eroding a hole in his throat—
“I have a kid.”
He had hoped to say it with more tact. 
The thought running around his head, whipping, pressing down on him—nipping at him to tell you. As though by not saying it earlier, he’d committed some crime. 
Your face blinks, expression smooth—unreadable—before your brows rise slightly, and your face illuminates. “Oh! How old?”
“Three. Almost three—next month.” 
You grin. “Do you have pictures?” 
He does. More than a few. Something he comments under his breath, and you manage to hear, curling into him even as his hand drops from yours to grab his phone.  
It’s easy to tell you about him. 
Even if he usually keeps him like a well-guarded secret. 
You listen as he explains how he likes to colour, has begun kicking a ball, how he’s obsessed with the colour yellow—which means often, he has fistfuls of flowers from the park—and his name is Luca.
“He has your smile, right?”
It's instant the way he beams, barely a gap between the two of you as he looks to meet your gaze. “Y-yeah...”
Swiping a finger over the screen, you glance at the next photo, finger ready to swipe to the next photo. “What’s his favourite thing to do?” 
“Building a fort in the living room, currently.”
“Fairy lights?”
“Of course, I’m not an animal?”
Grinning, you take a sip of your drink. “Just checking. He’s gorgeous, Frankie.” 
He has to bite down on his tongue so he doesn’t tell you that you do too. 
“I have to ask—“
“We’re not together. His mum and I. Haven’t been for years. Not since... I’m single,” he interrupts.
Then he watches as your lips slowly close before your lips slide into a smirk, eyes dropping to the ground as you take a sip. 
Scratching at the curls under the bill of his hat, until he clears his throat. “That… that was what you were gonna ask, right?” 
“No,” you say, lifting your gaze back to him. “I was gonna ask when Benny’s fight is—I’ve… I’ve never been to one of these things before.” 
Smirking, you take another sip. “But, good to know I’m not barking up the wrong tree or anything.” 
It’s his turn to smirk, then. 
“You’re not. At all,” he adds, staring ahead, feeling your eyes on him.
Then he looks at you from the corner of his eye. Spotting you smiling. Lifting your cup to your lips as you try to hide it in foam and beer. 
His throat goes dry, impossibly so.
But not because you’ve moved a little closer, elbow brushing his.
Rather because you have the smallest amount of foam on your lip, and he wants nothing more than to lick it from your lips. 
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Benny wins. 
His eye doesn’t look like it, but he has. Ena tries pressing a cup of ice to it, the shade already beginning to purple, as he watches you animatedly tell her all about the man and his walkout song from earlier. 
He knows he’s staring—unable to tear his eyes away. Even as Benny takes the cup from his fiancé, letting her talk to you.
Even on the first prod from Benny, Frankie isn’t able to pull his eyes back, only managing to do it on the third when it’s more a pinch than a prod.
“You good?”
“Yeah, man. You?”
Benny smirks, all knowingly. “She’s a nice girl.”
Frankie says nothing, taking a sip. 
“Y’deserve nice.”
“Yeah, yeah. I got Luca, though. And y’know how work—”
“Y’deserve nice, Frank,” he repeats. 
It’s said more forcibly, all wrapped in more meaning than the first attempt. 
His throat goes dry, nodding—dismissing the other buts he had lined up and instead letting it sink in—allows himself a brief moment to consider that he does too.  
Before he watches you hug Ena, before throwing a wave at the two of them.
Something extinguishing inside of him, sinking—like a balloon had popped. 
Frankie should move. Wants to. Tries too. His feet stuck to the floor as his tongue doubled and his throat tightened. Needing something, a shove or a shout.
He jolts as Benny slaps him on the back. 
“Cheers, man.”
“No problem, go get her.” 
Connecting his shoulders to others, he tries to part the crowd. Watching, focusing on the top of your head as you make your way through people to the exit—his pulse quickening, palms growing clammy as he unconsciously wipes them on passersby until the cool air hits him, smacks into him. 
“Hey, pretty girl.”
He inwardly cringes. So much so that he tries to turn on the spot, head up at the star-speckled sky as he groans internally.
“Pretty girl, huh?”
You’re grinning. All wide and beautiful. 
Your fingers playing with the strap of your bag, the other a button on your jacket—a slight tremble, barely noticeable, except he’s been talking to you all night. 
“I just thought, if you fancy—y’know—meeting up that doesn’t require watching someone we know getting bruised, text me.” 
Your lips slide into a smile, eyes looking down before you dig into your bag, pulling out your phone before unlocking it. It takes mere seconds, adding his number, saving it—handing it back, allowing you the chance to look at what he’d saved himself as.
“The man who owes you a drink, how cute.”
Shoving his hands into his jacket pockets, he laughs. “Well, I do.”
“I’ll call you.”
“I’ll look forward to it.” 
Tipping his head, he whispers goodnight—something you return, all soft and sweet. 
His hand all set to yank open the door, it briefly cracking open, allowing the jeers and bar-sounds to escape into the quiet car park as he feels it—hears it. 
Frankie’s hand moves to his pocket, pulling it out—a momentary clench of his heart—until he sees it’s an unknown number. Not a hospital. Just unknown.
“Francisco Mor—”
“It’s me... Pretty girl.”
Doing a 180 on the spot, he spots you—leaning against the back of a small car, one he assumes is your own. Your hand lifting, waving your fingers. 
“You said to call if I fancied meeting up, so…” 
And he grins again for the billionth time since he met you tonight. 
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an: i love them, your honor. i love them.
huge thank you to G for just being my sounding board, telling me i can do this and constantly being such a rock. this wouldn't be a thing, it wouldn't be fit to be shared, and i wouldn't have fallen so deep without you. i love you.
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Hi. same anon that just started watching Helluva Boss here. I just finished the Harvest Moon Festival
AND LET ME FUCKING TELL YOU- Striker is so amazing I love him so much. I want to strap him to a chair and disect his brain (affectionatly) he's so interesting, and I love his personality and skjaksjskakaaksdj. Can't believe Blitz passed up on a great opportunity like that, I would absolutely team up with that man and make out kill a certain blue bird.
UGH I'm not looking forward to seeing them ruin my boy. I'm actually kinda glad I'm already had already gotten spoiled about the show, so I won't have to suffer through the 'wtf, they unexpectedly retconned this character', cause I'll already know. But regardless, I'm not looking forwards to that. time to just pretend that none of the weird shit later on is real and just like. Blitz halucinating or something.
also I'm already tired of the Moxxie bullying. Its already getting old and its only episode 5. and i KNOW that its not going to be better later on. poor Moxxie man. just give the guy a break.
(also Stella, i love you, you can do whatever you want, absolutly. but maybe don't talk about wanting someone to assasinate your 'husband' when HE'S IN FRONT OF YOU. like girl- whatever, she slayed tho)
Striker is so fun in every way and first seeing him, his initial addition, man it was so good I don't even have the words to express it properly. A more serious antagonist that ramped up the discussions of classism in this show, that was clearly a very bad guy but that made very correct points, and that caused there to be cool fight scenes? SIGN ME UP! Too bad the discussions of classism got a little too real and the writing staff got cold feet and had to flush it for St*litz -_-.
Stella screaming about killing St*las in front of him was honestly actually a favorite scene for me, largely because you can see he has no idea whats going on. And Stella knows that. She knows how detached from the family he is, that hes completely learned to tune her out, that she can scream about killing him at the top of her lungs, at the dinner table, and he still won't hear her. Its part of the writing that was genuinely so impressive in S1, little moments like that said so much for what they were. I really do feel like S2 lacks being able to create more subtle yet still cleverly character packed moments like this. S2 outright tells you whats going on instead a lot more.
And yeah the Moxxie bullying. You really feel it watching HB. Its so excessive for no reason, I really hate it. ESPECIALLY now in S2. When St*las exhibits the same behaviors, for some reason when they come from him they're taken seriously, instead of him getting HAHAHA slapped around for it. Moxxie seeing the best in people = STUPID IDIOT, Moxxie liking "theatre kid" interests = LOOK HOW OBNOXIOUS HE IS, but then when St*las like soap operas omg hes so lonely and sad and endearing! His pain is so serious! Its so ugh...
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The slugcats I have the most feelings about are Spearmaster and Hunter, for the same reason.
Artificer's story is really sad, but this was her choice. She chose to flip and massacre her way to Five Pebbles, and in the end I'd like to think she found a home in Metropolis, looking after Pebbles.
Gourmand, Survivor and Monk are just out there living their lives.
Rivulet is a silly little guy who does a favor for this funky little robot he found and makes a friend with Moon. I feel like Rivulet is so chaotic and hyper that killing one god and reviving another is a normal Tuesday for this little dude.
Saint is hard to connect with in the way that eldritch beings are hard to connect with. Saint tracends emotions and feelings and understanding.
But Spearmaster and Hunter make me feel really strongly. I love them, I grieve for them, and am sad and upset for them. Because they are both so loyal. Spearmaster and Hunter were both created by an iterator, for a single purpose. They both push themselves so hard and so far just to fulfill their creators' wish and deliver a message. All to save a being they haven't met and will never meet again. And both are doomed by the narrative, destined to go through so much pain. Spearmaster lives, does make it back to Suns. But he was hurt badly by the being he was sent to save. And in the end, Spearmaster failed. He was supposed to help Pebbles. He was supposed to take a message back to Suns. Instead Pebbles threw him out, killed his connection to Seven Red Suns, and Spearmaster was left aimless.
But he still chose to go to Moon, braving her falling apart can, for further direction. And he chose to take her message to Sky Islands. Fulfilling his purpose, even when he didn't actually have one anymore.
And Hunter. Who knows she is dying. Sick and in pain and dying because of No Significant Harrasment. But she still chose to deliver the message and slag keys. Even though it cost her an eternity of suffering. She was still loyal to the end.
Both slugcats were hurt because of their iterator. But they were still so loyal. And that hurts and makes me love them at the same time.
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meowmeowgrrrl123 · 2 months
Part Two of Clouds KNY Role Swap AU
Kokushibo is a descendant of Yoriichi, the first Breather. He’s in love with Nakime also
Douma is a totally sadistic fucker. However he met the requirements for becoming a hashira 🤷‍♀️
Akaza is the Mist Hashira and he uses Mist Breathing to create pockets of low visibility to allow for him to get close, cause he prefers close combat with nichirin knuckles. He CAN use a sword but he doesn’t like to
Gyokko is the Water Hashira for obvious reasons. I don’t like him so I haven’t thought about him too much.
For the Hantengu clones I’m going based on their separate powers and not necessarily their emotions or appearances. Sekido has the staff that gives off lightning, so I made him a Thunder Breather. Karaku has the leaf so he’s Wind Breathing, and I can’t remember what exactly Aizetsu does so I did give him Stone Breathing to go along with the weight of his sadness.
Gyutaro is the Insect Hashira for obvious reasons. I was going to make Daki a hashira along with him but I realized she was too weak to ever get that high. She hangs out with the Hashira a lot though.
Upper One Gyomei is fucking massive. Huge. He can control the earth and makes heavy stone chains. He’s also blind but of course he doesn’t need eyes to see. He’s like a gigantic fucking mole
Upper Two Sanemi loves to make horrid dust tornadoes to blind and choke his enemies as he attacks them. I think the most unsettling thing about him is the smoothness of his skin. Like it’s so smooth it looks fake. Almost like it’s been wind-polished.
Upper Three Kyojuro has a strange fascination with the Mist Hashira, Akaza. He loves to watch him fight and can never bring himself to kill him. Kyojuro is big, with large red horns and fiery hair. The heat that comes off of him is immense. He doesn’t like to walk in forests because he’s started fires before. He was also once a Flame Hashira, many decades ago.
I haven’t given much thought to Upper Four Obanai yet but I figure he’s not much different than the snake demon that killed his family in canon.
Muichiro is Upper Five. I absolutely adore Mui and I love the thought of this child—a 14 yo who’s actually one of the most formidable and powerful demons.
Upper Six Shinobu is probably way too high for how weak she is. However, he proficiency in poisons and her cunning has allowed her to climb quite high. Her blood itself is poison. She also has a pair of wings.
Lower One Mitsuri is probably technically stronger than Shinobu but she lacks the guile to climb higher. She likes to think she’s a lover, not a fighter. Tbh in my head as a demon I think she’s basically just a magical girl. Although she can also give off powerful love pheromones when she wants, and she loves spending time with the quiet Upper Four.
Giyu is Lower Two. He’s a total downer and he doesn’t work at getting higher. The only reason he’s not dead is that Lord Ubuyashiki is quite fond of him.
I thought Kanao would be a great Lower Moon since in canon she’s nearly Hashira level. She’s quiet but strong and is fantastic at taking orders.
Since becoming a demon, Tanjiro has risen quickly through the ranks. He currently sits in the Lower Four spot. He’s ruthless and bloodthirsty in his slaughter of both humans and demons alike. However, he’s paused in his climb to sort out his feelings for the graceful, obedient Kanao.
Kaigaku is Lower Five and I fucking hate him so I’m not talking about him.
Kyogai is Lower Six. He’s my baby and I love him. He deserves so much better than what happened to him, so he’s still Lower Six here :))
How Tanjiro became a demon:
Nezuko went down the mountain along with Tanjiro that day. Because they were together, they thought it would be safer, and they climbed back up the mountain after nightfall. Tanjiro stopped them when he smelled blood. He went on ahead and sent her back for help. He arrived just in time to see the Demon King, Kagaya Ubuyashiki, murdering his family. Kagaya changed him and took him, leaving Nezuko to pick up the pieces on her own. Kokushibo is the one who arrived a day late and advised Nezuko to become a slayer herself.
Unfortunately I have to go to work now but I’ll do part three later
Edit: Part Three now posted
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sacredjake · 1 year
To Be Loved By You
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pairing: sam kiszka x reader
word count: 4.1k
warnings: angst, pining, fluff, drinking. let me know if i missed anything
i’ve gone back and forth on this fic and almost wasn’t going to post it, but here we are. this fic is very, very loosely based off the song To Be Loved By You by Parker McCollum. every time i heard it i just had this vision in my head for some reason and needed it out :) huge thank you to @malany-gvf and @gretasimp for proofreading and editing <3
“So? What do you think?”
The words bounced around in your head, creating a hollow echo against your brain. You should be ecstatic, over the moon, jumping with joy. Part of you was, but another part of you just felt sad. And you hated yourself for it.
“Oh my god… Is it that bad?!” Seth’s panicked words brought you back from the corner in your mind where you had been hiding away.
“Oh no! No! Seth, it’s perfect. Em is going to absolutely freak and say yes. Honestly, you planned the perfect proposal and I am so excited for you both!” You quickly shoved your sadness deep down to reassure him that his engagement proposal to your best friend is perfect.
And it was. Seth had everything planned out exactly as you would expect, so when your best friend, Emily, said “yes” you were not surprised in the slightest. You were extremely happy for them both, but it also loomed over you as a reminder of how awful your own love life was.
You had never been in a serious relationship and every date you went on was an utter disaster. The guy was either a creep, or wasn’t interested in actually dating. After so many years of your closest friends falling in love and getting married, you were starting to turn bitter and sad about the subject of love entirely.
“Ugh, Sam, you should’ve seen it. It was absolutely perfect, and of course she said yes because I mean, how could she not?!” You exasperate over the phone to your best friend as you walk inside your apartment and drop your keys on the kitchen counter.
“And the way he looked at her? My god he looked at her like she was the only woman to ever walk the earth. And when she said yes? I just can’t even take it anymore. I am beyond happy for her, I am, but when is it gonna be my turn? When am I going to fall in love? When am I going to have a guy look at me like I am the only woman to ever exist?”
Sam gave you a hefty sigh from the other end of the phone as you continued to ramble and pity yourself, voice beginning to crack from the heavy emotions you felt.
You made your way through your apartment towards your bathroom to get ready for bed, petting your cat who lay on the armrest of the couch along the way.
“C’mon y/n, stop talking like that. There are tons of guys out there who would fall at your feet if you so much as glanced their way. Maybe your time is coming soon.” Sam effectively cut off your rambling, but his words of optimism didn’t help. If anything they drove you closer to tears.
As you entered the bathroom, you could feel your throat closing and water starting to prickle in your eyes, your chest tightening with hurt and sorrow. You shut the door with your back pressed against the wood and slide down the length of it until you were sitting on the cool tile.
“Don’t say that to me, Sam. Please. I’ll only get my hopes up for nothing to happen. Constantly reminded that I’m unloved.” You choked back a sob trying not to cry to your best friend on the phone. You have done enough of that these days.
Sam has heard and seen it all. He was the person you were able to go to with these things because unlike all of your other friends, he was single. He knew what it felt like to be lonely and want someone to share things with. But my god was he so optimistic and hopeful with you, always ensuring that there was someone out there for you.
“You are not unlovable, Angel. Far from it. You just need to… I don’t know… gain a new perspective on things?” His nickname for you caused another round of sobs to wrack through your body. It wasn’t often that he called you Angel anymore, but when he did it was always in situations like this. When you needed it most.
He sounded sad and longing, but you were too wrapped up in your own pity to even notice. It stayed silent for a few moments while you tried to pull it together, Sam giving you time to gather yourself.
“I think I’m going to go to bed. Could you do me a favor?”
“Anything for you, Angel.”
“Could you be my plus one for this wedding? I know I will be in the bridal party, but I don’t think I can stomach it without you.” Tears threatened to fall from your eyes once again as you spoke.
“I would love to be your plus one. I’ll be there.” His voice was soft and gentle, calming your emotions once again. You took a deep breath and stood from your place on the ground.
“Thank you, Sam. I appreciate you so much.” You gave a slight smile even though he couldn’t see you.
“Anytime, Angel. I’m always here. Get some rest, okay? Goodnight.” You could picture the look on his face perfectly in your mind. Eyes and smile soft and warm on his face as he bid you goodnight.
“Goodnight, Sam.” Ending the call and you continued your regular nightly routine, but still feeling weighed down by your own heart, the sadness lingering. You knew eventually it would subside, but tonight was another night in which you would fall asleep alone, wishing for the comfort of another.
As the months passed on, Emily had asked you to be a bridesmaid, as you had suspected she would. You were thrilled to be a part of her big day in this way, but being a bridesmaid also meant you were constantly talking about wedding things and love. Which songs they will play, what song they wanted their first dance as a married couple to be, what kind of cake and flowers and decorations they would have. It was exhausting.
By the time the wedding rolled around you were grateful the whole ordeal was going to be over. Part of it was the stress of having bridesmaid responsibilities, but the other was because it was a constant reminder that you were alone. All of the other bridesmaids were either taken or married which didn’t help the resentment towards love that you were beginning to feel after months of helping plan this wedding. Not that you would ever let it show around them or Em, but you couldn’t wait to be out from under its crushing weight.
You vented to Sam about the wedding and how you felt, frequently. You would have felt bad constantly burdening him with your emotions had you been able to see past them. He never faltered and always seemed willing to listen and give advice. You were thankful that you had him, and even more thankful that he still agreed to come with you to the wedding.
“Alright people! It’s showtime!” Em’s sister, Audrey gathered the attention of the bridal party, signaling that the wedding was about to begin. You walked over to Em one last time before finding your place among the other bridesmaids.
“Congratulations, Em. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and I am so happy for you.” You lightly grasped her shoulders as you spoke. Tears began to well in both of your eyes and deciding neither of you could afford to ruin your makeup now you added with a pointed finger, “And if Seth ever hurts you, I will kick his ass.” Causing you both to laugh lightly.
“I know you will, y/n. I know you will.” She shook her head giggling slightly. You let go of her shoulder to give her a tight hug, basking in each other for a moment. You pulled away from Em giving her a soft smile before joining the other bridesmaids to begin the wedding procession.
As you joined the groomsman you had been paired with and marched down the aisle, you searched for Sam. His eyes found yours in the crowd of people sitting in the pews and he shot you a smile and wink, earning a smile from you in return.
The way Seth watched Em walk down the aisle pulled on your heart, drawing it near your stomach. His eyes were solely focused on her, tears threatening to break through as she approached closer with every step. You longed for someone to look at you that way, to love you that deeply and strongly.
The ceremony was beautiful and filled with tears from all throughout the church. You cheered loudly as the newlyweds walked out to their awaiting car to be swept off towards the reception venue. Eventually you were able to find Sam among the sea of people leaving their places in the pews.
“Thank you for coming, Sam.” You greeted him with a hug and bright smile, though he could see the sadness that held your eyes. He immediately wrapped his arms around your frame, hugging you close with his chin resting lightly on the top of your head. He was intoxicating. His warmth, his smell, his touch, everything about him soothed you and drew you in.
“Anything for you, always.” He squeezes you tightly before letting go. Gesturing you to walk outside, you followed his direction out of the church and into the warm spring air.
“Nice suit, I didn’t know you could clean up this well.” You nodded to his outfit of choice. He was wearing a deep red blazer and dress pants set that complimented his skin well. You ran your hand down the sleeve of his blazer feeling the crushed red velvet beneath your fingers.
“Not so bad yourself. I think fuschia suits you.” He nodded his head back towards you and gave you a wink. You wrinkled your nose and pretended to gag at his words.
“Please, you know I hate the color pink.”
“You never listen, huh? This isn’t just pink, it’s fuschia.” Sam huffed jokingly. Shaking your head you lightly shoved his shoulder with your hand, barely pushing him away from you.
“It’s still a shade of pink, dummy.” You looked around and noticed that most of the guests had cleared out of the vicinity, more than likely heading to the reception hall. “We should probably get going though. Mind if I ride with you to the reception? I rode with Audrey here.”
“Not at all. This way, milady.” Sam held his arm out for you to loop yours through, guiding you to his car. Your time with Sam didn’t last long, as you had to perform your last bridesmaid duty. Pictures.
You didn’t mind this aspect of being a bridesmaid, it was just extremely tedious, and you were not a fan of having your picture taken. You were relieved when the photographer announced that they would be taking pictures of the newlyweds and you were free to join the guests in the reception hall.
As you walked into the open ballroom you began scanning the area for Sam, finding him sitting at a table with his back to you, in what looked to be a deep conversation with a girl. She was laughing at something he said with her hand on his upper arm, leaning in closer to him. You instantly felt anger bubbling inside of you, rising up to your face. You couldn’t explain why you felt this way, but you were definitely feeling an odd tinge of jealousy. Deciding to bypass Sam and the girl, you walked straight to the bar to order a drink. Thank god Em and Seth insisted on having an open bar, you were going to need the liquor.
As you waited in line, you felt a hand gently land on the backside of your tricep. Turning your head slightly you were met with Sam’s face looking down at you, a soft smile gracing his lips. You offered the best smile you could muster, shoving the ugly green monster back into his little box and turned back to face the bar.
Sam still felt the shift in your mood as you turned away from him without a word. He dropped his hand from your arm, and opted to not bring it up in fear that it would only upset you further.
“What can I get for you?” The bartender looked up from the current order they were working on as you approached the bar.
“Can I have a jack and coke, please?” Sam glanced at you, eyebrows raised in surprise at the drink you ordered. You didn’t drink jack and coke unless you were planning on getting drunk, fast, and he knew it.
“And for you?” The bartender looked towards Sam waiting to fill his order.
“Tequila soda, please.” The bartender got to work on your drinks as you and Sam stood in silence. In a few moments you both had your drinks and were heading back towards the table you saw Sam sitting at with the girl earlier. Although, this time she was nowhere to be found.
“Drinking heavy tonight?” Sam nodded his head towards the drink in your hand as you sat down, taking a sip of your jack and coke.
“I figured I’d need something stronger than my usual to get me through tonight.” You shrugged, taking another sip. You weren’t sure it was even possible, but his eyes softened more at your reply. He rested his hand on your knee and gave it a light squeeze. Even through the fabric of your dress, your skin felt warm under his touch.
His hand didn’t linger for long as he picked up his glass and tilted it towards yours. “Then drink we shall.” He gently knocked his glass against yours before lifting it to his lips.
The night went on, and Sam helped lift your mood as toasts were made, food was served and drinks were downed. You were definitely feeling slightly drunk from the rounds of drinks you frequently got, and that helped to soothe the sting of heartache. However, your mood quickly turned sour once again as the cake was being cut and the couple shared their first dance as husband and wife.
“Why can’t I have that? Look at the way they’re staring into each other’s eyes… I want someone to love me like that.” You sighed, chin resting on your arm that was draped over the back of your chair. “No one has ever looked at me that way. No one has ever wanted me that way.” You cast your eyes down to the empty drink in your hand and sighed again.
“I’m going to get another drink.”
You stood, earning a huff from Sam as you set the glass on the table. His large hand wrapped around your wrist as you began to leave, stopping you in your tracks. You turned back to face him, shooting him a questioning look, eyebrows raised.
“I think you’ve had enough, y/n.” Sam’s voice was stern as his downturned eyes bore into your own. You scoffed at him. Anger seeped into your body, boiling in your veins. Who was he to cut you off?
“Excuse me?” You bit back at him, tone venomous as you tried to pull your wrist from his grasp to no avail. He wasn’t budging, his hand like a vice around your wrist.
Still holding onto you he rose out of his seat coming face to face with you. “God, how blind are you?!” His voice was hushed so as to not draw attention, but his tone was cutting, teeth clenched. You stared at him, eyes wide, confused and not daring to speak. You had never seen Sam so angry before, and especially not so quickly.
“You don’t see it, do you? Of course you don’t, you’re so self-absorbed in your own sorrow to even notice.” His hand finally let go of your wrist at his last word slicing through the air. You stood there shocked and shaking from anger.
“What the hell are you-“
“Forget it, y/n.” Sam shook his head before he stormed off towards the exit of the reception hall. You stood there for just a moment as he walked by before you turned on your heel and stormed after him. Thankfully no one noticed the interaction between the two of you as they were all watching the happy couple dance.
Sam exited the hall through a small door that led out into the foyer of the building with you hot on his heels. The room was dark, only being lit from the moon and lightning flashes as a thunderstorm rolled in. “Go away, y/n. Leave me alone.” He spat as he continued to walk towards the exit of the building, crossing the room quickly due to the stride of his long legs.
“No! What the hell are you talking about?! Why are you so angry?” You practically yelled and he stopped in his tracks, one hand resting on each of the giant double doors that lead outside. He shook his head and gave a cold, mirthless laugh as a flash of lightning cracked across the sky, illuminating the mostly empty room for a short, fleeting moment.
“That’s exactly it! Don’t you get it? You don’t even realize!” He pushed away from the door, turning back to walk towards you.
“Realize what, Sam?!”
“What the hell does a man have to do to be loved by you?!” He stopped in front of you, his face less than a foot from your own, breaths coming out heavy and uneven. His tone was angry and frantic, but his face was sad and pleading. Desperate, wanting. Begging.
“Tell me! Enlighten me, please! What do I have to do for you to love me back?!” You felt your entire body turn cold and rigid as Sam confessed his love to you, a small gasp hung in the back of your throat.
“You always come to me crying. Angry. Longing… And it kills me everytime! I hate seeing you cry. I hate knowing that when we hang up you cry yourself to sleep because I know you hate sleeping alone. I am in agony over you, constantly. So what do I have to do?” His voice was as pleading as his eyes this time. All of him begging for you to see him. To love him. To love him the way he loved you. You began to feel your throat and chest tighten as tears pricked your eyes.
“What more do I need to do to show you that you are loved? That I love you?! That I have always loved you? You want someone to look at you like that? I do. I have always been right. here.” He punctuated the last two words with anger and sorrow causing you to blink as they flew from his mouth.
“Sam, I- I never-“ You began to speak, but Sam cut you off.
“You never what? Noticed?” He spat, causing you to recoil slightly and take a step back as you nodded your head.
“You never noticed because you’re too busy watching happy couples and feeling sorry for yourself! Maybe if you looked at me, you would’ve noticed I’ve been looking at you. Waiting for you.” You stood still letting what he said sink in. He was right. You had been so self-absorbed that you didn’t realize Sam had been there all along.
Every bad date, every phone call, all the times you cried to him and he would suggest there was someone out there who loved you, that your time for love was maybe around the corner. While you had been waiting for love, he had been waiting for you. Waiting for you to notice him. To love him.
Tears uncontrollably rolled down your cheeks as you stood there in silence, staring at one another while lightning illuminated the room more frequently, the storm approaching faster. Sam instantly softened at the sight of tears littering your face, beginning to smear your makeup.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. Please don’t cry, Angel.” He sighed, raising his hands up to your cheeks to pat away the tears as they continued to fall, not wanting to ruin your makeup any further.
“No, Sam, you’re right. I’ve only been thinking of myself. All I ever do is talk about my feelings and what’s wrong with me and my love life. Not only have I been a terrible friend, but I’ve also been missing what's right in front of me.” You brought your hand to lay over his, leaning your face into his touch and closing your eyes. “I’m so sorry, Sam. I truly don’t deserve you in any way.”
“Hey, don’t do that. Look at me, Angel.” He lifted his hand from your face to skirt his fingers down your cheek to the underside of your jaw and finally stopped under your chin, angling your face up to his. His other hand dropped to your hip, resting lightly. Your eyes fluttered open instantly being met with his milk chocolate irises, a smile growing on his face.
“Hi.” He breathed out as his hand under your chin fell to rest on your other hip, holding you close to him.
“Hey.” It came out as a broken whisper, barely audible, even to your own ears.
“I’m going to kiss you now. Okay?” His breath fanned across your face while he spoke, and you nodded your head giving him permission. His right hand snaked up from your waist to cradle the back of your neck as he leaned in closer, sending chills across your body. His lips were soft and gentle against your own, and you found yourself melting into him. The kiss only lasted a few moments before he pulled away, resting his forehead against yours and sighing, eyes still shut. You felt as though you were frozen in time, stuck like this for an eternity, overtaken by his presence. His intoxicating, woodsy smell mixed with a hint of cologne, the way his hands felt on you, how beautiful he was with his eyes closed, and content.
His eyes met yours at the mention of his name being whispered into the air.
“Yeah?” He whispered back, eyes flicking between yours trying to gauge your reaction. Your hand found purchase on his cheek, cupping the left side of his face.
“Kiss me again?”
“Anything for you, Angel.” A smile stretched across his face before he leaned in once again to kiss you. His lips met yours, gliding against your own with a feeling of something deeper behind this kiss than the first. It was more passionate, hungry even. His tongue swept across your bottom lip eliciting a sigh from you which Sam swallowed down as he took the opportunity to let his tongue roam the inside of your mouth, trailing along the roof. Your brain finally catching up, your tongue met his. Sam’s fingers dug into your waist at the feeling of your tongues dancing against one another, and pulled you impossibly closer.
He pulled away again, this time bringing his lips to your ear. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to kiss you. What do you say we get out of here?” His breathing was labored and heavy against your skin sending tingles throughout your body.
“I’d like that very much.” You beamed, Sam taking your hand in his and leading you out into the stormy night where rain was pouring from the heavens, effectively soaking you both from head to toe. Without a care for the rain falling from the sky, Sam stopped abruptly using his grasp on your hand to pull you into him, kissing you for a third time that night, his lips spreading into a smile mid-kiss.
“Sam, what’re you doing? We’re going to get soaked out here.” You smiled into the kiss as well, a giggle bubbling past your lips.
“Just wanted to kiss you in the rain is all.” He pushed the strands of damp hair out of your face with both of his large hands, peppering it with kisses as he did so causing you to erupt into a fit of laughter.
“Think we could do this in your car? I kinda have to return this dress.” You laughed as you felt a shiver begin at the top of your skull and travel down your spine, making your whole body shake. Sam shrugged his blazer off and draped it around your shoulders, smiling at you sweetly, although it didn’t do much as it was already wet and cold from the weather. He placed a quick kiss to the tip of your nose before intertwining his fingers with your own and dragging you off towards his car.
“Anything for you, Angel.”
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raxistaicho · 11 months
Where do you think the people who are specifically pro-Church of Seiros are coming from? Generally fans seem to pick their faction through some combination of their ideology and the lord's personal appeal. However, Church fans seem to mostly rewrite the church's ideology with their headcanons, and while they like the green hairs, it doesn't feel as intense as with the other lords. I guess genocide comes up a lot in their takes, but then they don't seem too concerned with Duscur.
I have noticed a desire from Church of Seiros fans for there to be a religion in a JRPG game that isn't evil (I think the presence of evil churches in JRPGs is somewhat overstated, personally), and I guess they partly project onto that, but that doesn't really explain all of it.
I think the bigger reason is simply that the game gives people a lot of cause to sympathize with Rhea. She's a genocide survivor who never really grew up or escaped from her tragedy. There's several scenes of her emotionally letting down her walls and expressing the long centuries of pain she weathered, and even Crimson Flower, the route where she's at her worst, portrays her end as a wounded, cornered woman, desperately and vainly calling out for her mother to save her. The final panning shot of her corpse is a somber one.
It's far, far easier to picture sad, lonely, and burdened Rhea, the woman who did her best to keep Fodlan together all on her own, than it is to imagine the generations upon generations of people who suffered and died in Fodlan, in the the world she created the social framework of when she glorified Crests as the the manifest approval of the goddess. Just as the game never really questions Edelgard's ideals, only her means, it never questions whether Rhea at least tried to do good, even if she ended up causing more harm than she ever intended.
Media simply primes us to care more about characters and less about nameless masses, see how Strikes hyper-focuses on Edelgard striking down Judith while ignoring how she then spares all of Judith's grunts in that very same moment. See how people praise Claude for trying hard to protect his friends at Derdriu, while ignoring the way he futilely throws away the lives the generic soldiers standing between him and Edelgard. See how people just don't give a shit about Fleche despite her being a perfect reflection of Dimitri, the person so many praise for his character arc, in her final moments.
Because Rhea ties all her work and all her identity to the Holy Church of Seiros, Edelgard fighting it means fighting her. People who sympathize with Rhea more than Edelgard are naturally going to oppose her and want to support the church, though this comes at the cost of building up Rhea's positives and ignoring her own flaws and the flaws of her church.
As for the huge difference in reaction to the Duscur genocide, there's a lot of pieces to it. The biggest thing is that the narrative of 3H just doesn't care about Duscur nearly as much as the Nabateans. The only person of Duscur we ever meet is a character who properly exists on only one route and who does not have plot armor, so in every route other than Azure Moon you'll barely hear about Duscur, and unfortunately because Azure Moon is obsessed with tying everything in Fodlan into Dimitri's personal tragedy we hear more about how Duscur effected him than it did the actual genocide victims. Also we just don't see Dedue weep for the slaughter of his people the way we do with Rhea.
Hope that cleared some things up!
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itjazzbicch · 1 year
Unraveling Truths
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Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Fem Reader
Summary:A request from my Wattpad: (Also for the sake of this fic, Kuina is alive)
The reader and Zoro are inseparable BFFs, but when Zoro suddenly isn’t around, the reader learns that he ran into his old friend, Kuina. Zoro starts ignoring the reader because of Kuina, who sees how close he is to the reader, creating a huge turmoil that finally opens Zoro’s eyes and makes him realize his true feelings for the reader
Warnings: Kuina is toxic (as per request) Soft Zoro! Sword duel that leads to injury (read is stabbed but she all good lol) Reader is mentioned to have incredible abilities. SMUT! (18+ ONLY! MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!) (Fingering, oral F receiving, first “I love yous”)
Word Count: 4.1k
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It was a normal routine to explore and at least attempt to relax while the log post reset.
Thankfully we landed at a island where they weren’t so frightened by pirates. So we could just enjoy the towns, shop, do whatever we needed to.
I woke up, ready to tackle the day, the first thing I planned to do, train with Zoro like always.
He was my best friend, the one person who truly lit up my world and for some reason, I couldn’t find him anywhere.
He probably just got lost again, but after searching for what felt like forever, I found Nami at a store, going to ask if she had seen Zoro till I heard his laugh and a woman’s too.
We were right across from a swordsmith where Zoro was laughing with a girl with short black hair.
I didn’t recognize her, but it looked like they knew each other well.
“Hey Zoro!” I called, heading over, ready to introduce myself, but they started walking away, “Hey, Zoro! I’m talking to you-“
Following them around a corner, they were suddenly gone. It was weird as if they disappeared. My voice was loud enough, so he had to of heard me.
I tried not to stress myself out about it, going back to the Sunny and doing whatever to distract myself.
Before I knew it, dinner time came around, Sanji serving the fresh food as we heard:
“Hey everybody. I brought a guest.”
“Oh yeah? Who?!” Luffy jumped up excitedly, all of us watching that girl from earlier walking in:
“Remember my friend Kuina I told you guys about? She’s in this village. What a coincidence, right?”
The way he smiled at her made me feel sad, a bit jealous even. All of them welcoming her and I was so zoned out, watching as everyone introduced themselves, Luffy tapping me:
“And this is Y/N!”
Trying to smile, nothing but anxiety came out, the silence so awkward as Kuina just stared at me.
“Y/N is a swordsman too. Well, swordswoman,” Zoro sat next to me, and Kuina followed, looking me up and down as she passed:
“Mhm, interesting.”
I was so anxious that I could barely eat, Zoro managed to make some small talk with me. Saying that he got caught up with the swords smith where he ran into Kuina.
Zoro sounded genuine, so I smiled at him:
“Can’t blame you there. They did have some nice swords. We should go back tomorrow. I have the money.”
“Looks like you need a real sword instead of that pocket knife you have,” Kuina mumbled, not thinking I heard.
If anxiousness wasn’t enough, that pissed me off. I had one of the rarest katanas on this whole planet. I tried to ignore it and eat, but my stomach was in knots, having to put my fork down, covering my mouth.
“Hey, you ok’y?” Zoro said with his mouth stuff, patting my shoulder, looking at him, I saw Kuina’s eyes darting at me and I said quietly:
“I think I need some fresh air is all. Excuse me, please.”
Leaving the dining room and going up deck, staring at the moon with deep breaths, it helped my nausea, but I couldn’t build the courage to go back in there.
Maybe I could just train with Zoro tomorrow morning. Not bothering to go back to the dining room, I just went to bed, curled up in my pillows, hoping tomorrow would be a better day.
“Rise and shine, Zoro,” I said sweetly, going to his room and peaking my head in the door and no one was there.
“What are you doing?”
Turning around, I found Kuina, arms crossed with a scowl on her face.
“I was just looking for Zoro. We train every morning. It’s practically a ritual,” I explained, trying to be as kind as possible.
“You know, calling yourself a swordswoman is pathetic. I can just tell that all you are is a giant weight strapped to his leg, holding him down.”
“You’ve never even seen me wield a sword!” I scoffed, baffled by her assumptions.
“I’m sure I’d want to gouge my eyes out if did. You stay away from-“
“Kuina! Y/N! You ready to train?!”
I just stood there, puzzled by how quickly her manner changed, looking at zoro with a smile as she nodded:
“Always ready! Y/N was just hear showing me her katana. I’m ready to see what she’s capable of!”
That made my jaw drop, Zoro so oblivious as he laughed at me:
“I bet that’s nice to hear from Kuina, right?”
“Just a bond, between swordswomen,” She giggled, glaring at me as Zoro had his eyes closed, still laugh, wrapping an arm around him and practically flirting with him, “How about you and I do our traditional warm up first though. You haven’t taught her, huh?”
“No, that’s just for us,” He smiled at her, falling right for it, saying to me, “It won’t take us long though-“
“That’s okay. You two just practice,” I whispered, walking away while fighting tears, “I’m nauseous again. Probably from that squid Sanji made.”
“Wouldn’t surprise me,” He chuckled, changing moods so quickly as he took Kuina, “Time to train, Kuina!”
“Im always ready!” She smiled back, but glaring at me as I stopped and watch them walk away.
For the entire day, I sat out by some rocks that where by the shore and I could see the two of them training, walking into town together.
Zoro and I were practically inseparable and now that Kuina was here, it was like I didn’t exist. If I was even the tiniest bit quiet towards Zoro, he’d be asking what’s wrong. Now nothing.
Heading back to the Sunny as I was starving, I found Nami reading, sitting at the counter with her.
“Hey you, haven’t seen you at all today. You alright?”
“Is it okay if I ask for your opinion, Nami?” I asked, taking a deep breath as she nodded:
“Of course.”
“So, ever since Zoro ran in Kuina, he’s being treating me so differently.”
“Define differently,” Nami tilted her head at me as she was intrigued.
“Like I don’t exist,” I said while fighting tears again, “He ignores me and only pays attention to her. He won’t even train with me. And that Kuina, she keeps saying smart things under her breath. She even threatened me this morning! But the second Zoro comes around she acts like some Angel. I’m not overreacting am I?”
“What? She threatened you?!” Nami’s response made me feel somewhat at ease, clearly agreeing with me, “I could punch Zoro for that. It’s completely unfair to you.”
“Thank goodness, I thought I was going crazy,” I sighed, Nami being the great friend she was as she rubbed my back.
“You’re not crazy, Y/N. You know what actually? Skip Zoro! Let’s go have a girls day or something. What do you say?”
“I’d like that a lot,” I smiled softly, holding her hand as she dragged me along calling out:
“Oh Sanji! Y/N and I would like to go town! Would you be so kind to escort us?!”
I realized then what she was doing, laughing as Sanji was so far away his voice echoed, but he zipped right over:
Putting down the ramp so we could exit the Sunny, he held both hands out for us
“Shall we go, my dear princesses?”
“We shall,” I giggled with Nami, taking his hand and heading for the town.
“First things first!” Nami pointed at a boutique, smiling at it and Sanji running to get the door.
“Buy whatever you want, my loves. My treat.”
“Say less!” I laughed, heading in and this was exactly what I needed.
Trying on so many clothes, we left with handfuls of bags, trotting along with Nami and Sanji, but darting an eye as I heard:
“What the hell are you doing shopping at a boutique?”
Zoro. It made me remember when he ignored me at the sword smith’s yesterday. So, I did what he did to me. Ignored him and kept walking.
“Y/N?” Turning at the wrong corner, we finally lost trail of him.
I hoped that I would be the last I saw of him till we all went back to the Sunny. Sanji treated us for dinner and while sipping an excellent glass of wine, Nami and I glared as Kuina approached the table with Zoro.
“We can join you, of course right?”
“Why of course!” Sanji’s lovesickness was a pain, but I acted as if she wasn’t there. Only talking to Nami.
“So, uh-, you see that swordsmith today?” Zoro leaned towards me, staring with a cocked eyebrow as I only shrugged.
For a change, he sounded nervous, trying to talk more:
“You really should. I saw a katana I think you’d like.”
“Tomorrow,” I huffed, looking and focusing on the food being served.
Zoro wouldn’t stop staring at me, not knowing why I would only talk to Nami and Sanji.
Sanji did keep his promise of paying, going to leave and I was last next to Zoro.
“You going to finally tell me what’s wrong?” Zoro pulled me aside where no one could see, growing angry at my response:
“Nothings wrong.”
I went to walk away, but he pulled me back, claiming:
“You’re lying. Now tell me what’s wrong, damn it.”
No words this time, I snatched my hand away, going to leave to, of course, find Kuina who was waiting.
“Taking my advice huh? Good girl.”
Referencing what she told me in the morning, I only stared at her, stopped dead in my tracks, ready to lose it on her.
“Not getting lost again, are you Zoro?” There went her good girl act again, and it made me clench a fist, “I’ll make sure you don’t get lost.”
“Leave me alone,” He groaned, rolling his eyes at her, “I have you two to guide me.”
Rolling my eyes at him, I shook my head and headed for the Sunny.
Luffy apparently found a bunch of things he liked and wasted his allowance again, but it was nice seeing the whole crew practically on the main deck, dancing and laughing, Sanji serving drinks.
I decided to stick with Sanji, who was tending to me as if I really were a princess. I wasn’t so blue or angry, but I shouldn’t have given my hopes up.
“Want another glass, my love?” Sanji offered and I smiled at him:
“You’ve been treating me all day, dear. You stay put and enjoy yourself. I got it.
Heading to get more wine, I stopped as a request caught my attention:
“Mind bringing me a refill too? Since you wanna be so sweet?”
Zoro was sitting against the wall, holding up and empty bottle. I was conflicted but my soft spot for him softened some more, going to take it but it was snatched away.
“Don’t worry, Zoro. I know what you like.”
“I thought you haven’t seen each other since you were kids. Unless Zoro has been drinking since he was a child, I don’t know about that.”
Finally, something in me snapped, not tolerating Kuina’s fake attitude anymore.
For a change, she was speechless. Zoro looking at us confused, Kuina starting to show her true colors as she was breaking too:
“What did I tell you earlier?”
“Guy, hold up,” Zoro quickly rose to his feet, but I ignored him again, raising my voice:
“Why don’t you tell me again? Tell everyone for that matter! Especially Zoro, who’s eating up all you’re fake bullshit!”
“Y/N!” Zoro tried pulling me back, but I swatted him away, silence falling with all eyes on Kuina and I.
“I’ve had enough,” Kuina was bold, pulling out and wielding her sword, “Y/N, I challenge you to a duel.”
“Nothing Id love more,” I smirked, circling around the deck while wielding my katana, “You’re going to regret this, Kuina.”
“Y/N! KUINA! STOP THIS NOW!” Zoro was pissed, but shocked by the anger he’s never seen from me:
“For once, she’s right,” Kuina agreed, taking her stance, “I won’t bother to lie. I’ve never liked you and I will finish you.”
Everyone was in pure shock and I was done talking, only motioning her with a finger and as she charged me, one swing of my sword, striking hers, sent her flying into the wall.
Needing to pick herself up, there was fire of anger in her eyes meanwhile, I stayed composed, not even a hitch in my breath.
Blinded by anger and charging me again, we exchanged one clash before I knocked her to the ground, sword falling out of her hand.
She was quick enough to grab it. Rolling back just to get met with a strong hit from me that nearly knocked her down.
Able to regain balance, she went to strike me, but the moment she rose her katana, I sliced it in two, breaking it and sending it flying into the wall. 
“I’m done wasting my time with you,” I growled, putting my katana away as she kneeled before me, “You’re no match for me.” 
“Holy shit,” I heard Zoro whisper, that making me chuckle, ready to return to my wine, but freezing as everyone gasped. 
There was this sharp, pierecing burn in my stomach, shaking as I looked down, blood oozing out of me as Kuina pretended to stand but rammed her ragged blade through my stomach, close to my belly button. 
“Y/N!” Everyone yelled, Kuina hiding the space between us to twist while pulling out her broken blade, making me fall to my knees instantly, Zoro screaming:
“Oh my god,” She tried playing little miss angel again, even putting on fake shaking, “It was an a-accident.”
“Accident my ass!” Luffy screamed, running to my side along with Chopper and Zoro, Zoro making it to me first. 
“Don’t worry, I have you.”
Before he could touch me, I slapped his hand away, holding my wound with pressure and snapping:
“Don’t you touch me!” 
Managing to make it to my feet, it was hard to ignore chopper who was only trying to help:
“That’s a deep wound! Please let me-“
“I’m fine,” I groaned, staring at Kuina, “I’ve been through far worse.” 
Blocking Kuina from my sight, Zoro had his back turned but I could tell how pissed he was, screaming at Kuina:
“What Luffy said! Accident my ass! You were trying to kill her! You were taught better than that. I can’t believe you! Get out of here! Leave!” 
“Right now!” Luffy added, Zoro’s last words making me tear up:
“I don’t want to see your face ever again.” 
I didn’t imagine him saying something like to her, but the last thing I needed was more drama, biting my lip as the pain started to kick in and Chopper was right, this was deep and bleeding more than expected. 
While everyone was distracted by Zoro’s yelling, I limped to my room, tossing my shirt and getting my first aid kit. 
I was able to stop the bleeding and just as I expected, I needed stitches. Nothing to numb it either. 
Putting a towel between in my mouth, I got a needle ready, starting to stitch but hearing the door open:
“The least you can do is let one of us help you, Y/N.” 
Shutting the door and seeing that I had stitching started, he rushed over: 
“I got it. Bite the towel if you have-“ 
“I don’t need your help,” I muffled, watching as I stitched carefully, biting the towel as the pain increased some. 
“You just don’t want it, and why?” He barked at me and I had enough, spitting the towel out and yelling:
“Because! For days now, you’ve been an complete dick head, ignored me, and all for that stupid Kuina, who just tried to MURDER ME!” 
Standing there silent, I didn’t stop there:
“I get it! You haven’t seen her since her since you were a kid but how LONG have we been friends, huh? All we’ve done together! DOES THAT MEAN NOTHING TO YOU?!” 
There were tears streaming down my face, but rage still all over it, straining my voice:
“She’s threatened and bullied the hell out of me from the second we met and you didn’t notice a got damn thing! Some friend you are, huh?
I was an emotional wreck, crying more as I admitted, “and to think I actually love your dumbass.” 
As I was crying, I felt blood on my stomach, looking down and seeing that I made my wound bleed some again, patting it away then stitching it as Zoro stood there looking stupid. 
“Will you just leave?” I sighed as I finished, “I need to shower and clean this up.”
“No,” He breathed in, squatting to me, “I messed up and I feel like shit, seeing that this is what it took to realize what was going on.”
“Serves you right,” I murmured, trying to stand but sitting back down from the pain, Zoro fixing me back on the bed softly, sitting next to me.
“You know that I love you too, right?” He whispered, my eyes about popping out of my head as he confessed, “I’m sorry and I don’t know how I could ever make this up to you. I was stuck in the past when I reunited with her and it blinded me and my judgement. You can be mad at me, I understand. Know that you’re right. We’ve spent a lot of time together and I cherish those moments more than you know.”
Zoro wasn’t the type to talk like this unless he was serious, his every word making tears stream down my face more. 
I knew he wasn’t lying, I could see it in his eyes. All of these emotions, the pain from my wound, it was all too much, needing one thing and getting that as I wrapped my arms around his neck, Zoro hugging me back delicately. 
“I love you,” He whispered, brushing his nose against mine and kissing me. 
I had to press my lips hard to believe this was real, and it surely was, melting as his lips parted a bit and came right back, soft and full of passion. 
“I love you too, Zoro,” I whispered back, needing to breath, but feeling at ease as he gave one more kiss, sitting up:
“Now, you stay here and trying to ease up. I’ll clean you up.”
The massive weight that I felt was on my shoulders finally started to ease away into nothing. Zoro did as he said, helping me clean up, then even stayed in bed with me as I surely needed the sleep. 
In the morning, as I expected, Chopper came in to check on me along with Nami. 
“Wow, you stitched this well,” Chopper complimented, leaving some medicine and herbal tea, “These should help you heal quickly.” 
“I don’t doubt it,” I smiled, patting his head, “I’m feeling better already.” 
“I don’t understand how you guys have superhuman bodies. You got stabbed, you know?” Nami was only concerned, but that made me laugh, shrugging:
“I don’t get it either, but I’m grateful. Thanks again guys.” 
“Yeah, I got her,” Zoro came in, holding something behind his back, “Now that I’m back.” 
I must’ve slept well. I didn’t even realize that he left, looking to try and see what he was hiding. 
“Mhm,” Nami side eyed at him, leaving with Chopper and once they were gone, I asked:
“Whatcha got there?” 
He was fighting a smile as he sat next to me, showing me a sheath.
“It’s the katana that I thought you’d like at the swordsmith’s. I spent what I had left just so you could have it.” 
“Zoro-“ I cooed, touched by his gift, in awe as I slowly pulled out the katana, seeing that the blade was red. It was beautiful, “You sure know my taste. I’m in love with this.” 
“I knew you’d love it,” He smirked, teasing, “Better start training with it as soon as you can.” 
“Hell, I will right now. I feel fine!” I was actually excited, ready to get up, but Zoro took my hand, putting the katana away:
“Maybe later.” 
“What? You have other plans?” I wondered, oblivious till he made his next move and kissed me. 
“You’re gonna be my girl?” He whispered between kisses, nodding slowly as I kissed back, carefully laying me back on the bed, throwing his shirt off in the process, “You sure you feel just fine?” 
“Oh, I’m sure,” I murmured while admiring his massive chest and toned abs, already helping with my hands on my shorts. 
“Good,” He hummed, taking my shorts for me, burying his head between my thighs the second my panties were gone. 
“O-Ooh,” I moaned shakily, biting my lip as his lips closed around my clit, hands holding me carefully, but tongue working into me with his beastly instincts. 
 After so much of his tongue fucking me, I was whining and shaking, a higher pitch in my voice making him pick his head up. 
“Don’t stop,” I said quickly, panting softly as my high was starting to drift away, “I was so close.”
“Oh,” He snickered, head dipping back down, “Let me make it up to you, then.” 
“Pleaseee-“ I whined, thighs trapping his head this time as his tongue went after my clit again, making the high I was feeling before come right back, “Yeah, that’s it, Zoro!” 
He watched my every move as my hands went above my head, gripping onto the pillow, breathless as my orgasm flowed over, his humming while eating it right up making me shake. 
Sitting up, he rubbed the shake in my thighs away, hand slipping between my legs, slowly adding a finger, then a second, pumping softly. 
“Gonna let me love you some more, hm?” He whispered, looking down to meet my eyes as they opened, moaning softly at his fingers, but responding:
“What are you waiting for?” 
It was a lot to process that this was happening, but wanting it, wanting him more than anything like I always have, chest heaving at the sight of him naked. 
Not sure if it was a hex or if I was just madly in love with him, but I felt like I was in a different world, his eye staring deep into mine while coming to me, noses nuzzling with he positioned himself, pushing in.
“F-Fuc-“ I hissed through my teeth, the friction so strong already, that hiss melting into moans as he worked his cock into me with few inches at a time. 
“You can take it, baby,” He cooed, kissing at my neck, promising, “I’ll keep taking it easy.” 
Looking up as I shook my head, even he was a bit astonished by how my wound wasn’t affecting me in the slightest, telling him:
“I want all of it.”
Up straight and watching carefully, he fed every inch of his cock with a slow thrust, barely pulling back as he started rolling his hips at a steadier pace, smirking as I fell into deeper thoughts, spreading my legs wider and throwing out:
“Faster, Zoro.” 
“Faster, huh?” He huffed, creating a shake in the bed as he did so, having my head nodding frantically, just a small series of those thrusts making another orgasm run after me. 
“Uh huh!” The burn I was feeling was the best I ever felt, walls clenching him hard and my hands shooting out to grab him. 
Wrapping my arms around his head, he gave me the contact that I needed so badly, knowing I was close again, sneaking his arm up to hold my chin: 
“Look at me.” 
Doing as so, I never felt such a deep connection between us before, eyes swelling with tears as he panted out with some soft groans:
“I love you.” 
“I love you too, Zor-,” I meant that whole heartedly, but words being broken up by the moans signally my orgasm, “Zoro-oh! Oh!” 
With his lips smacking against mine, I held his shoulders so tight my nails dug into him a little, air stuck in my chest, gasping hard against his lips as my walls pulsated then let my slick smother his cock, dropping limp from how hard it hit me. 
“Damn, Y/N,” He huffed, buried deep inside of me with his head rested against mine.
“I just got an idea,” I whispered, making us both laugh as he looked for an answer, “This should be our new training.” 
“I’m just that good huh?” He laughed, kissing me and I nodded with a smile as I kissed back:
“You are and I love it.” 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome
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smokingtomas · 1 year
Goodbye, Hasashi
Summary: Takes place before the event of Mortal Kombat, you find yourself dealing with the certainty of losing Hanzo Hasashi, the captivating son of Shirai Ryu’s grandmaster whom you’ve been having a secret affair with, to someone else’s embrace in an arranged marriage. (Hanzo Hasashi/Female Reader)
AO3 / original Tumblr post / playlist
A/N: This fic is sort of an ode to the past– a fic that was written 7 years ago that I was highly insecure about. This was the last fic before I took a 6 month break and hadn’t created any fics for Mortal Kombat up until my recent one because this one really wore me out. I had been through hell and back to getting this published– quite literally had to drive myself to gloom to convey the emotions into this sole fic.
Reading it now, I’ve decided that I’m going to give it a proper love I hadn’t given back then. I really used to make fun of this– thinking this was cringey, which was unfair to my past self. But thankfully, I’ve grown up and am able to appreciate this a lot more. I didn’t even edit that much.
So If you are reading this, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I really hope you could feel how much this means to me these days.
Whew, sorry for the long/sentimental A/N.
“We visited Harumi and her family today.”
As soon as he speaks of those words, your entire body feels numb. The teapot you were tilting earlier immediately bumps the cup over, causing some of the tea to spill and mess your tabletop up. You can feel your lower lip slightly tremble– thankfully biting the inside of your mouth helps a little bit, but you are certain the gloom within your eyes can’t hide the pain.
What kind of strange woman wouldn't be hurt when her beloved is forced to leave her to be tied with some other woman? And to make it even worse, for political reasons.
This is Hanzo Hasashi you’re talking about. 
The feisty, passionate and… handsome son of the Grandmaster of Shirai Ryu whom you’ve been having a secret affair with for what, four-five months? Yes, it hasn’t been a lifetime, but for you, it does mean something in spite of how young you and him are.
Oh, but the relationship isn’t perfect. Both of you have to keep it a secret since you are nothing but a filthy huntress with no title and no one considering you-- your skills for survival are probably the only thing that has been keeping you alive for so long. If the Grandmaster ever found out about you two? Ah, the possibility of burying you alive is real.
Though to you, being in love with someone like Hanzo Hasashi and to have him love you back is like shooting for the stars, but got the moon instead. For once in your life, you feel like you’ve done something too good that this is blessed to you as your reward.
Turns out, it is nothing but an illusion. Because soon, he will fall into someone else’s embrace.
It’s not that he said something, but you knew that tonight is your last night with him as he mentioned a few nights ago about getting married the next day from now. No, you’re not actually planning on a sad farewell night, but staying positive is no simple task.
Time does fly indeed, and how you wish you realized this earlier. If it is possible to turn back time, you’d definitely do it just so you can hold him longer a few more times… or at least caress that pompous face of his every time he thinks he has impressed you with something he does...  
You will miss the way how light always pierces through his hazel eyes and makes them look sort of aglow-- if you could, you would look at them forever. You will miss how he rubs his nose every time he gets nervous and he always tells you to stop teasing him about it.
You will miss how his stubble slightly pierces you every time he presses his face against your skin. How he knows it itches you but he keeps on teasing you with it anyway. Though he knows you like it every time he buries his face on the crook of your neck when he makes sweet love to you.
Oh, Hanzo… how could you survive without him now?
As you feel a tear rushing towards the brink of your eye, you bring a finger up and wipe it away… realizing how much time is wasted since the first time you laid your eyes on his features.
Those eminences of him that hit you all at once. That one sunny day when peaches were harvested; the day that’s impossible to forget...
It was the time of the month when peaches were blooming beautifully. Everywhere you looked-- from trees to the market stalls-- there were those ripe, mouthwatering goodness. The sun shone friendly along with the thin air that would occasionally blow the thin strands of your locks. Birds were swarming beneath the bright blue sky stretching majestically above you, and some of them that were perching on trees seemed to be enjoying the sweet smell of the sunset-colored fruit by the way they chirped so cheerfully.
And there you were with a belly filled completely with peaches you picked earlier, cozying yourself up above a larger, leafier tree on one of its bigger branches as you soaked up the warmth of the sun, resting your head above your hands. The crystal clear lake spreaded close to the tree streamed calmly in sync with the crisp air, sending those leaves slow dancing and making them let out a calming shrivel. This was the kind of surrounding that could send those insomniacs drift off in no time, and the drowsiness just kicked in to you.
Your eyes were getting heavier at this point, but you could care less-- you could drift off any second and you weren’t fighting it. Eyelashes swung as your mouth parted slightly in comfort. Oh, it really was a good day to sleep…
When you just thought nothing could bother you at this moment, crunches were heard next to your tree, followed by a sound of a frustrated male groan. Your eyes shot open at the remark and you knew something was caught in the trap you had set earlier today.
Now, you set the trap for animals-- something you could surely eat, but why was the male sound present?
Hastily, you maneuvered yourself and climbed down the tree. Of course, you were dying to find out what was going on, and what laid before your eyes was way out of your expectation that you felt your jaw drop slightly.
And there was Hanzo Hasashi; inside your net trap hanging strongly beneath a tree trunk, letting his mid-length hair down framing his solid cheek bone. Beads of sweat dripped from his temple and you were guessing he had been running. His callous fingers were shaking the net while his other hand held a whole bunch of peaches, and you could see some of them sliding off his grip onto the ground. Frantic was clearly drawn all over his face, but what you couldn’t get your head wrapped around was the fact that he was dressed in a lousy brown hoodie and torn, old cargo pants.
Instantly, you recognized that face-- who wouldn’t? This was the first time you’ve seen him up close and… well he didn’t look bad. But you figured it would be fun to mess with him since he always looked so serious.
“Well, well, well, look what we have here,” You uttered smugly as you swung your knife. “Was expecting a deer, but got the Grandmaster’s son dressed like a hobo instead.”
His forehead wrinkled at your remark as his lips formed a perfect ‘o’, “What the… how did you know?!”
“Easy, you got one of those kunai in your pocket,” You scoffed, “And your mask fell off.”
He did not look happy by the way he palpated his bare face before letting out a growl, obviously just realizing his mask went down to his neck, “Alright look, huntress! You need to help me off and hide me! Quick!”
“And how could you think I would do that, Hasashi?”
“Because I just stole these peaches from the market!”
As you placed your knife back in one of your boots, you almost bursted out of laughter hearing his explanation. The son of Grandmaster stealing fruits? Now, that was funny. 
“What? Like you can’t afford it?” You mocked sarcastically.
“I was undercover and things sprawled out of my control so--” He snarled once again. “Listen! I don’t have time for this. The villagers are chasing me, and I need your help!”
“You know, help doesn’t come free these days. Even huntresses need some--” You cleared your throat, “Gold.”
Rolling his eyes in advance, he finally gave up, “Alright, I will hand you 50 gold coins if you let me off your net and hide me-- but quick!”
“50 golds? Okay, I’ll keep your stolen peaches for you.”
“I’ll keep your peaches, and probably won’t eat them.”
“You’re robbing me, huntress!” He exclaimed irritatedly, “Final offer; 150 golds, and you must help me.”
Satisfied with his offer-- and messing around with Grandmaster’s son-- you finally agreed as you got your knife out and made your way towards him to free him. “Don’t have to ask me twice.”
As you were cutting the ropes off the branch, for a split second you thought you could feel his eyes on you. Reflectively, you looked up to meet him. From the distance so close, the features of his face hit you all at once; his perfectly carved bone structure with light stubble framing his… alright, you had to admit he’s gorgeous. Though what hooked you the most were those sharp hazel eyes.
And then you felt your heart skip a beat.
Trying to regain your focus, you chose to ignore this weird feeling as you shook your head back to reality, keeping your hand on the work.
“Can’t you cut faster? They’re coming!” Exclaimed Hanzo.
“Hey, I could easily leave you here if you keep that attitude.” You replied without stopping your rough work.
Thankfully, he only clenched his teeth at your remark-- that was the least he can do, so you couldn’t complain.
Before you knew it, all the ropes were cut and his feet were set on the solid ground. All the peaches he was holding earlier fell onto the ground and you think he could care less in the way he sighed in relief.
“Now go climb that big, leafy  tree over there. As high as your feet can take you.” You ordered as you pointed to the tree you were resting on earlier. Without saying anything else, Hanzo quickly rushed towards the tree while you cleared his tracks by covering your net trap and peaches with some fallen leaves.
As footsteps and chatter were heard from a distance, you spread the leaves as nonchalantly as you could as if you were just about to set a trap-- just another day in the office.
Sooner than you had expected, a swarm of villagers were moving towards you, and they were bringing all kinds of things they could use as a weapon: a stick, shoes, even some fabric which you had assumed would be used to catch Hanzo.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop now!” You commanded, stretching your hands out to them as they immediately paused their tracks, “You take another step and all of you will get inside an animal trap I just set up hours ago.”
“Did you see a street boy coming this way?” Asked one of the villagers, “He stole my peaches!”
“I’ve been here for hours, and I’ve seen nobody. I can’t help you.” You replied.
“But I saw him go this way!” Another villager shouted, “And look! There’s a peach on the ground!”
Good God, what kind of eyes do these people have?!
“Hey, I picked those earlier as a part of my trap!” You lied.
“Bullshit! I don’t believe her! It’s just her way to save her kind. I say we go this way!” Another villager decided to interlope and crunk the heat of the situation.
“For the last time, I’ve been here for hours and I don’t see nobody coming by, alright? If you don’t believe me, please take another step so you all can rot together inside my trap!” You threatened the villagers which sent them into dead silence. Some of them actually showed fear on their faces and were debating if they should go back.
“Hey, what are you all waiting for? Go! Now! You’re scaring my food!” You demanded as the villagers went another way with nothing left to say-- you could hear some of them curse behind their breaths, though.
As you watched them slowly disappear, you made your way towards the tree on which Hanzo was hiding as you looked around to make sure the situation was thoroughly cleared.
Looking up, you placed a palm close to your mouth as you shouted at him, “Get down, Hasashi! You’re safe.”
“Nicely deceived, huntress,” He complimented as he showed himself beneath the leaves while he tried to climb down, “Those people could’ve hurt you easily.”
“I may be a woman, but I’m immune to pain, y’know.” You scoffed.
Hanzo stopped in his track regarding your remark, and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, “A little hard to believe, but--”
His voice trailed off as his feet stepped on a fragile branch and immediately lost his balance. It all happened so fast that the next thing you know after you shut your eyes in reflex of him falling off the tree was his robust figure over you.
The coarse feeling of the ground surely did not help the blinding pain on your head and hip.
“Ouch! Ah...” You grunted in pain as were him, “Fuck, you’re heavy as hell!”
Out of your expectation, Hanzo bursted out laughing at your remark over you as he rearranged his arms next to your head instead of immediately raising up to his feet. In this sort of inappropriate position of his, you could feel his perfectly sculpted chest above you and the unexpected tremor lining between your legs.
You were certain you could feel yourself blushing over the somewhat awkward situation, but in that moment, you were sure of one thing; he’s a hard candy with a surprise center.
But no, you weren't going to convey your thoughts aloud.
“What’s so funny, Hasashi?” You snapped under him.
“I knew you weren’t immune to pain,” He replied playfully, “I’m always right.”
“You did this on purpose?!” You shouted as you gave his shoulder a push in order for you to raise up, “Ugh! Get off me you sicko!”
Even though he was still laughing uncontrollably, he did as you say and ascended up to his feet. He stretched a hand for you, but instead of taking it, you pouted your lips and got up by yourself.
Not because you didn’t want to, you just refused to give him any ideas.
As he regained his self control and his laugh slightly dimmed-- but obviously still couldn’t get over it, he said: “Alright, alright, I apologize. And thank you, for your help.”
“For a Shirai Ryu, that was really shallow of you,” You pouted, crossing your arms, “But I guess I can let it go.”
As you were trying to straighten your dirty outfit, Hanzo asked: “So, have a name, huntress?”
Surprised by what you had heard, you turned your attention to him and scorned, “Yeah right, asking her name after getting them under you-- way to go, Hasashi!”
“It’s Hanzo,” He chuckled, “If you want to retrieve your gold, we need to see each other in a few days.”
“Is this how a Hasashi flirt?”
He shrugged at your remark, “I’m not exactly denying it, but suit yourself.”
You quickly turned your head away as you felt your cheek heating up. Despite him being good at this, you weren’t going to let him be an asshole about it.
Gathering your things as if you were ready to leave, you let out a chuckle at his remark as you hung your belongings on one shoulder, “Keep your gold, Hanzo. I don’t need it,” You assured before throwing him one of the peaches he had stolen which he reflectively caught with one hand.
“I only need one of these,” You added, sinking your teeth into another peach in your hand without caring about its juice that dripped all over your palm before you took some steps back away from him, “These are good peaches you have stolen.”
As the sight of him got slightly further, you could see him stretching both of his arms as he raised his tone, “So should I see you or not?”
“I don’t know, what do you think?” You shouted.
“I really think I should!”
At his assertion, you stopped your tracks and sank your teeth inside the peach once more as you shrug, “Well, you’ve found my hideout.”
As you turned your attention back on the road, you found yourself smiling. As much as you were dying to see his facial expression, you decided not to and keep this little game of yours happening.
Without knowing what the future will bring.
“Are you there?”
“Uh… yeah, yeah.” Startled by the depth of his voice, you hurry your fingers and wipe the vestiges of your tears, settling your feet back to earth as the trip down the memory lane has you caught up. “I just-- I made a mess.”
You grab the steaming cup of tea as you make your way to the edge of the bed and hand him his beverage, sitting next to him afterwards. You’re not sure how you can make it through this night, but you need to try as if nothing’s going to happen tomorrow. For his sake.
“So uh…” Trying to sound as normal as possible, you mutter while he takes a sip from the cup,  “How is she?”
Hanzo deliberately retreats the cup off his lips and rests his forearm above his thigh. The way his head falls tells you that sorrow is consuming him alive. His hazel eyes that usually glow with spirit are now covered by woe. 
As a sigh escapes his mouth, he simply replies, “She’s… kind.”
“I bet she’s beautiful.” Your lips twitch up into a wry smile. “More beautiful than what people have said about her.”
For what you have heard about Harumi, her beauty is beyond compare to even the most beautiful flower. Her long hair is the color of a midnight sky with ivory skin wrapped around her slender, small figure. People even say that her honey colored eyes beam brighter than the moonlight, and when she speaks, her voice is as soothing as a summer rain.
At your remark, Hanzo takes a short pause before he weakly shrugs, still refusing to turn his attention to you.
As you run your fingers through his soft, black locks, your gaze is locked at his complexion you’ve grown to love that not even the chill of misty, starless night sky displayed beneath your window pane overshadowed his beauty. No matter how much you’d love to mourn with him, you know you need to stay strong for him and not making this fucked up situation even worse.
Though if you look back, you wish you’d never meet him.
But ah, it’s too little too late now; you’ve fallen for him. You should’ve been ready for the risk of having to give him up to someone else-- someone better than you. You must be kidding yourself if you think he’d actually be your forever.
“It doesn’t matter,” He suddenly utters, “She’s not you.”
“And that’s better, right? I mean, look at me.” You scoff, ”Who am I kidding? I--”
“Can you stop making this about you for once?!” Cutting you off, his strenuous voice suddenly fills the empty room as he recoils your fingers off him. His profound gaze towards you clearly shows nothing but unhappiness.
“Hanzo, who says this is about me? I’m just trying to make it better for you.” You assure firmly.
“All you’ve been doing is making this worse for me!”
“How is that so?” 
“Did you think I asked for this? Did you think I wanted to make this choice?” He bleaks. Eyes gleaming with pain, and you don’t think you’ve ever seen him like this.
“Well, no, but--”
“Then your attempt on making it better is useless! Because it’s sad enough for me to have to choose the clan over you!”
As he winds his attention away from you and buries his face above his palm, you sense the frigid of the night starts seeping inside your bones. This empty space you call your sanctuary feels even more depressing than it already is. You gently press your palms against the wonky mattress so it’ll make some noise within the silence that’s slowly killing you.
At this moment, you’re lost for words. You feel like you should say something, but your jaw feels rigid and your throat is just drying away. Even the spider in the corner of the room seems to have more of an idea of what it’s doing as its little feet slowly knitting its web. 
Unlike you. Clueless of what to say-- let alone doing something about it. You know you shouldn’t have fallen this deep with someone as powerful as the son of Shirai Ryu’s grandmaster, but for some reason your heart calls for him, and you knew in that moment you laid your eyes on his hazel ones, he’s what it’s longing for.
But why is it longing for someone you know you shouldn’t go for? How you wish you could rip your heart off your chest and throw it into the ocean, even though you know it wouldn’t be as painful as how you’re feeling right now.
“Wow…” You finally mumble slowly, relieving the silence.
“You’re madly in love with me, aren’t you?”
At your remark, Hanzo gradually lifts his head and turns his interest to you. Unlike before, he looks much calmer right now, but you can tell he’s still absorbing the pain of this state like a sponge. It’s like he knows you already know the answer to your own question-- heck, you’re not even sure why you asked such a question in the first place.
But one thing you know for sure-- whatever his answer is, it’s going to crush your soul.
Whilst he elevates his shoulders, he lets out a sigh. “To the point where I would actually give it all up,” Hanzo weakly answers.
At this point, you can already hear your heart cracking through your ears.
“By the Gods…” You grumble, running your fingers through your locks as you shortly stand up and taking a few steps away from him, heading to the small, dusty window ahead of you. Greeting you is a cloudy night sky-- a sky so cloudy that even the moon chooses to hide itself underneath the thick, gray clouds; a bed of sky that perfectly describes your feelings.
In a perfect world, if someone just told you they’re madly in love with you, your heart will fly as if it had wings of its own. Turns out in your case, the wings your heart once had are torn apart by force.
You know he loves you-- he’s said it before. But madly? Oh, how you wish you could ask him to stay. Though what’s breaking you the most is that you know you couldn’t.
As you feel your face heats up and clumps of tear start to cloud your vision, you can hear the bed squeaking with Hanzo’s footsteps following behind as he asks for your conviction, “Aren’t you?”
You press your palms against your eyes, gulping hard so your answer won’t be as croaky. After all, the point is to hide your sorrow from him.
Alas, your attempt seems to fail as you feel a tear slide down your left cheek, and you just find it hard to even contain yourself, “To the point where the whole world shatters with my heart when you told me you’re marrying somebody else.”
All of the sudden, you can feel two robust arms gently wrapped around your figure together with a strong cheekbone resting on the side of your face. The familiar warmth instantly drowns you in and you welcome the strong arms in your embrace. You don’t even mind the stubble that you normally would push away because of how it pierces through your skin, but you know even your skin will miss the slight roughness when it’s gone.
“I know,” Hanzo responds simply by leaving a peck on your temple, “I’m sorry…”
“I’m sorry too…” You bring one hand to caress his cheek, which slowly trails down to the side of his neck, “Shirai Ryu needs you, Hanzo. Don’t ever give it up, especially for me.”
“I just never thought that-- I would have to lose you for it.” He brittles, keeping his gaze far away as if he’s looking for some understanding.
“It’s the risk we should’ve prepared for.” You enlighten him as you turn yourself around and face him, cupping his jaw afterwards. His hand slowly slides down at your movement and you adore how they circle your waist perfectly. “ If I could turn back time, I really wish we’d never met-- let alone giving you a helping hand. Because even then I know, if I ever fell for you, I could never get back up.”
As your hands gradually travel to the nape of his neck, you pull him closer to you as he closes his eyes. His heavy breath pools down your frame and you add, “And now, I guess it got the best of me.”
At your confession, Hanzo stays still as if he's decided to get lost in your embrace and enjoy the closeness between him and your features. His hands stay ringing on your lower back and you don't think you'd want him to ever let go.
At the same time your fingers dig through his scalp, you whisper as you let out a feeble smile, “But you're my sweetest doom, Hasashi. And I've never felt more alive.”
It feels like you haven't had time to absorb your next move, but the next thing you know is that his lips brushes against yours like a drop of water in the middle of Sahara-- a kiss so chaste, so pure it could brace even the faintest heart.
As soon as he retracts himself, he mumbles, “Anata wa watashi no yume no josei da.” 
You're the woman of my dreams. His words are like a magnet to your soul and you’re instantly drawn to him. Another drop of tear slithers down your cheek as you let out a weak chuckle, and your lips yearn for him in a blink of an eye.
Against his lips, you let your lips slow dance with his moist ones as if it has a mind of its own, cupping his jaw and you let his hands roam every inch of your body. In this very tranquility-- and with his lips attached to yours, what’s been troubling your mind seems to be forgotten. Maybe making these last moments just for the two of you to embrace might be the best.
Still, you and Hanzo devour each other in your own utopia, and you’re not planning on letting go soon. Even when the heat of his hands slowly but skilfully undo the buttons of your top, your mind has its own way to stop working.
And as if new minds are planted at your fingertips, you let them do their work in unclasping his belt and out of his uniform.
You’re not sure how long it takes for your back to finally feel the softness of the bedsheet, but you know at that moment, your brain has retired and your heart is at work.
And for the rest of the night, there are only moans, ragged breathing, and the creak of the bed to be heard.
“I love you. Did you know that?” Hanzo’s voice is low and tense.
His gaze meets yours in the dim room filled with candle light. You rest your head above his shoulder as his arm wrapped around your figure. Legs intertwined and there’s nothing you love more than how his bare, warm skin collides with yours in silence under the sheet. The way his thumb slowly flatters your chin lets you know that he means what he says.
“Kind of,” With a smile, you nod, “You’ve said it a few times by now.”
You don’t need anymore assertion from him by the way he harbors his lips on your forehead softly. You’re not sure what it is with the forehead kisses he gives, but all you know is that they give you the thrill, and you can even feel it even through his fingertips that still caresses your back.
“Hanzo,” You call him tenderly, to which he responds with a small hum, “Do you have any regrets?”
For a split second, his forehead wrinkles as if he’s thinking about the true meaning of your random question, but he doesn’t keep you waiting until you start to get nervous.
“Ah, regrets?” He sighs, “I think my life itself is based on it.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well… by now you must have been aware that being born into a clan isn’t something I ask for. When I grew up and accepted it, my father didn’t allow me to participate in the clan’s business-- quite strange, but again, I accepted it until he proposed this...”
His voice suddenly trails off before he rolls away from you. Your body still lies above his arm, but the empty gaze he’s showing tells you that he’s trying his best to stay composed. Even though you swear for a split second there you see his eyes sort of glisten.
“...forced marriage I don’t even want, and making it the only way for me to be involved in Shirai Ryu.” Hanzo continues.
“I’m sorry…” You whisper weakly, not knowing what to say but to move your body closer to him and rest your palm on his chest, supporting your weight with your other arm.
A hopeless sigh leaves his mouth at your remark. His eyes are fixed to the torn out paint mark on the roof as if it’s the most fascinating thing in the world, but you know the corner of his eyes are watching you.
Despite the woe that is drawn clearly through his face, he still looks beautiful.
Shortly, however, he shifts his body to your direction so you’re now face to face as he mirrors your position, causing the sheet to maneuver in sync with the movement of his solid figure.
“But do you know what my biggest regret is?” Hanzo triggers.
You shrug in response, by which he answers, “It’s not being able to choose you.”
His words sure don’t catch you by surprise-- you’ve known all along about his feelings towards you, but it sure leaves your stomach knotting and your gaze to drop. 
When you thought things couldn’t get any worse, he adds as he reaches for your hand, “See, I’ve never thought about marriage until I-- until I fall in love with you. Since then, I always thought if I ever got married, it was going to be to you.”
And in this moment, your heart drops. And it’s smashed into pieces.
You wish you could decide your own fate if you knew you were going to fall this deep for him. You wish you’d been born someone else-- someone like Harumi just so you could stay with Hanzo. Or at least you wish your soul could leave your body and stay inside Harumi’s so you could still feel the warmth of his body next to you every night.
And in this moment, you hate yourself as much as you hate the universe.
It hurts to be you. It hurts so much that the pain seeps into your chest. You wish you could go up on a limb and pull your hair so hard that it pricks your scalp as you scream your heart out to the universe for such an injustice. 
Breathing seems like no easy task as your vision gets blurry with a layer of tear in your eyes, and it’s about to stream freely anytime soon. You’re just thankful your face is dipped and Hanzo can’t see how much of a blubbering mess you are.
“I-I don’t know what to say…” With a croaky voice, you mumble.
And the unbearable tear finally drips.
“Shush, hey.” Hanzo’s voice is soothing. A thumb of his is brought up to your cheek as it wipes off your tear, “I’ve never seen you cry before.”
You decide to ignore his remark and keep your face to the sheet. Besides, it seems pretty reasonable to cry-- you can’t possibly stay rock hard when your world has appeared to turn upside down. 
Lifting your chin up so your eyes meet his, he despondently says, “Maybe this is how we are destined to be-- you and me, against the universe. I just wish we could win this battle by… coming clean.”
“Don’t, Hanzo. Please… It’s too late now.”
“I guess you’re right.” He sighs, taking a short pause. But then a ray of light emerges within his face, “But Harumi will be the one moving here once we get married. Nothing is going to change between us, I will still be seeing you every night. Here.”
You raise an eyebrow in confusion at his statement, “You mean… we’ll still see each other when you’re married?”
“Yes. Why wouldn’t I?”
Surprisingly, you’re not feeling better-- your heart is still broken and it refuses to fix itself even when Hanzo tells you nothing’s changing. Inside, you know it’s not entirely true.
But for some reason, you find yourself fetching him an uncertain smile realizing your head goes empty at his words.
And your body still freezes as he moves even closer to you before his lips reach for yours tenderly. His palm finds your jaw before you find yourself, once again, under his mercy.
Oh, you’re dying to say a word-- about how wrong this feels, but you forget that the power of his kiss could shed away even the hardest problems.
And that’s exactly what it’s doing as you find yourself lost within it.
“Nothing is going to change between us, I will still be seeing you every night. Here.”
Those words Hanzo said keeps echoing in your head like it’s shouted in one hollow room. No matter how many times you try massaging the bridge of your nose or even simply shut your eyes, drifting into a peaceful slumber appears impossible.
You shift your head to your left, and there he is. Eyes closed, looking serene with his lips perfectly formed in one single line. The sound of his unwavering breaths could usually doze you off, but not tonight.
Because deep down, you know it won’t be yours to hear the next day.
Your hand reaches out for his stubble, and the way your hand gently caresses it is as if it knows it’ll be the last time you feel the slight pierce. You know you will surely miss how it feels on the back of your hand that slides softly on the curve of his cheekbone.
No-- you knew even then you have to leave him some time, and you’re afraid the moment has arrived.
As you gaze into his aristocratic frame, your brain searches for a reason to stay-- for you to possibly have him near you as long as you can.
But no matter how hard you dig, the thought of the future always buries the hope back even deeper. The thought of his warmth being someone else’s to cherish leaves a huge burden in your heart. 
And no, that is not the only thing that troubles you-- what if they have children someday? Of course, Hanzo would be happy to have his descendants, and he’s going to love them with all his heart.
And in time, you know he will eventually fall for Harumi.
At those thoughts, you can feel as if a dagger stabs your heart repeatedly, but the pain is nothing compared to the fact that this is the last time you will witness his fair looking face. 
And that… you have to let yourself out of his life.
Right now, there’s no use holding the tears back-- you let them stream freely this time as your mind wanders to the happier times you’ve spent with Hanzo, and how you wish you could do something to turn back time and let yourself showered with joy all over again.
But even by sacrificing your soul to the most powerful God, you know it’s not feasible.
With a heavy heart, you wipe away your tears before forcing the stiffness of your feet to move and out of the sheet, making sure to keep your movement slowly so you don’t wake him up. 
Keeping yourself as stealthy as possible, you put on your clothes and gather your things before you sit in one corner of the room to write him a farewell letter, glancing one in a while at his direction. You can feel your hand shaking as tears keep flowing down your cheek, but you try your hardest to power through the sorrow and ignore those tears that drop on the paper.
Dearest Hanzo,
I'm sorry I have to leave you like this, but I can't stand the thought of me being in the middle of your marriage. I understand this is not a part of your will, but you will have to learn to love her in time, just like you did to me.
I want you to know that this is hard for me to do, but I know I'm leaving you in a good hand-- she will take care of you and love you with all her heart. For that, I'm grateful, and I'm lucky.
But if by any chance we meet again in the future, I'm hoping to see the same spirit and light I've witnessed in you these past couple of months. By then, I can always remember that one summer we spent under the peach tree, and how it will always bring joy to my heart. 
Even though I might not be the one that puts that smile on your face, knowing you're well and happy is more than enough for me.
I love you, always.
P.S: Anata wa watashi no yume no otokoda.*
Finished writing the letter, you slowly maneuver to his side of the bed and you kneel down, placing the letter neatly next to his resting face as you take one last glance at his perfection.
After landing your lips swiftly on his cheek, you stroke him and slowly whisper, “Goodbye, Hasashi.”
As you step out the door, you turn your head back to this worn-out hideout you’ve called your sanctuary for the last year-- the place you’ve made most memories at, and you know you’re not going to easily forget everything.
Now, you’re not sure where your feet will take you. You have to survive in some other strange place and start a new life on your own, going back to the solitude you haven’t felt ever since your first encounter with Hanzo Hasashi.
You’re not sure how you’re going to survive without him by your side, but as you sweep the tears off your cheek and move forward, you know you somehow will.
*you’re the man of my dreams
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liliumsabyss · 2 years
I keep finding myself rereading the request I sent and I somehow fall in love with your writing more and more it’s just ❤️✨❤️✨❤️✨❤️, you know? Anyway I have found myself once again rereading it because I can’t sleep and I thunk a thought. Newt and reader star gazing in the glade and reader falls asleep with his head on Newt’s chest with his arms around his waist and Newt’s just laying there looking at reader like he hung the stars and moon himself. Please don’t worry about getting this done, take your time and enjoy the holidays, things usually feel more rewarding to finish when you enjoy making them. All the love ❤️
Moon and Stars
Newt(TMR) x Male Reader
Word Count: 1.292k
Tw: Very fluffy and maybe out of character Newt?
A/n: Hey! Im so glad you enjoyed your request it makes me so genuinely happy to hear that! Your request reminded me of “The Tale of Princess Kaguya” or “The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter” for some reason so I included some stuff about that there especially since I headcannon Newt knowing a lot of mythology and fairytale’s. I think I had even more fun writing this than last one which I had a blast with these request have been so fun and spark so many more idea’s thank you so much! Thank you so much for requesting, Im sorry this took so long. I hope you enjoy and thank you once again!
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“ Kaguya grew into a beautiful young women so beautiful that she had to remain away from people.” Newt began, laying on the soft grass of the glade. The weight of the (h/c) haired male resting on his chest was a soothing contrast to the terror that surrounded the glade.
“ That sounds quite sad.” The (h/c) haired male said looking up at Newts face who was fixated on the stars and moon above. Newt peered down seeing the others face in a slight pout.
“ Well maybe that's the reason your here.” Newt said smiling to the (h/c) haired male who had a flustered expression on his face before letting out a little huff and then smirking.
“ Well wouldn’t that apply to you as well?” The (h/c) haired male smirked up at Newt as Newts cheeks turned bright red. Newt was thankful for the angle of his head so the other male couldn’t see the coloring on his face.
     “ (Y/n) shush I have to finish the story” Newt said playfully squeezing his arms around (Y/n)s waist making the other chuckle.
    “ Five princes came to ask for Kaguya’s hand in marriage. Kaguya came up with a plan, she told each of them to bring her a specific item of her choosing that was impossible to collect and if they could she would marry the one.” Newt started again as the other peered in curiosity, “ The first prince was told to bring the stone begging bowl of the Buddha however when the first prince returned with a bowl it didn’t glow the holy light it was supposed to Kaguya saw through the princes lies he wasn’t the only one. The second prince was supposed to bring a jeweled branch from the island of Horai however one again the prince lied the branch was created by one of the greatest craftsmen in the country rather than from the island. The third prince who was required to bring the legendary fire-rat robe of China instead brought a regular robe that blazed when it was lit a flame. The fourth prince, when attempting to acquire a jewel from a dragon's neck, encountered a storm at sea and died during the conquest. The fifth prince while climbing up a cliff to collect a cowry shell bore from a swallow fell to his demise.” The blonde male explained adamantly staring up at the stars as the (h/c) haired male stared at him in awe.
    “ Why is this so depressing!” (Y/n) said complaining to Newt despite the fact he loved Newt's voice.
    “ Don’t worry it has a good ending but you have to be patient.” Newts tsked at the other shaking his head, chuckling squeezing the (h/c) haired males waist once again.
    “ Fine”
    “ Then the Emperor of Japan came for Kaguya, falling deeply in love with her asked for her hand in marriage but Kaguya rejected him telling him she is not of his country so she couldn’t go to live with him at his palace. Yet they still kept contact even after he had gone back, he many times declared his love for Kaguya and every time she rejected him. Several years had passed and they still wrote to one another.” Newt spoke, moving his hands off the others waist to explain with his hands. 
    “ This is still depressing Newt.” (Y/n) said, propping himself up as Newt craned his head toward him.
    “ It gets better but you have to be patient, love,” Newt started as the other was scowling at him for a depressing story, “ I have to actually finish it to get to the good ending.”
“ Okay fine but I'm holding you to that.” (Y/n) said turning around so that the back of his head rest on Newt’s chest and he looked up towards the stars.
    “ Now that summer every time Kaguya would gaze at the full moon her eyes welled up with tears. Her adoptive parents started to worry for her asking what was wrong yet she would only refuse the question. She slowly and slowly became more unpredictable till she couldn’t keep her secret anymore, she was not this Earth she belonged to the Moon .” Newt said as solemnly as he could for a story as he glanced down to see the other staring at the sky, his (h/c) hair splayed out on the blonde males chest.
    “ The truth was she was sent to Earth as a punishment, a punishment where she would make material attachments and would be forced to return to the Moon. As the day would near where she had to make her return the emperor sent his guards to protect her from the Moon people coming to get her. However when the Moon people went to get her she apologized to all of her Earth friends telling them she must go and wrote a letter for her adoptive parents and the emperor apologizing to them. With the letter of the emperor she attached the elixir of life, which has the ability for anyone to live forever. With these letters and gifts she left, leaving behind the ones she loved and the ones that had loved her. The emperor receiving the letter and the elixir was heartbroken and asked his servants where the closest place to the heavens was, they responded with the Great Mountain Suruga Province. So the emperor told them to bring a letter and the elixir of life to the peak of the mountain and burn it, for he could not live without seeing his princess, especially eternity.” Newt finished.
    He felt a soft thud on his chest only to see that the other male had fallen deep asleep, slightly snoring comfortably in Newt’s arms. The blonde smiled fondly, staring down at the other with so much affection that if anyone else saw they would surely think they were dreaming despite Newt’s caring heart. Newt gently shifted arms, being sure not to wake the other one up even though he had been asleep so deep that the entire glade could be screaming at the top of their lungs and he’d still sleep through it.
    “ Many people say that Kaguya’s beauty was too ethereal for the Earth and that's why she had to return to the Moon, the same could be said about you,” Newt said thinking allowed as no one could hear him the glade silent at the late hours of the night., “ I just beg that one day you will not have to leave me to return to your people. As selfish as that may sound, I want to spend eternity with you. If you are as ethereal as princess Kaguya, that must make you a prince of the Moon and Stars.”
    Newt stared at the other warmth swelled in his chest, his gaze softened and a genuine silence struck against his face. The blonde cranked his neck just enough so that he could place a soft kiss on the head of the other. Newt closed his eyes leaning his head back even further in the grass that tickled his cheek as he moved his hand up and down his lover's side.
    “ Goodnight…my little prince.” Newt whispered, tightening his grip around the other's waist, drifting off letting the land of sleep claim him. The pair slept comfortable on the soft grass, the Stars and Moon above blanketing the night sky over the glade. For a place with not much warmth and love that invoked much fear and death the pair juxtaposed it so well. The males rested in peace together for now as a new day and new dangers may arise they would enjoy their love till and after the day one would be claimed by the heavens.
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theerurishipper · 1 year
Felix and Kagami dating is way too out of the blue that Adrinette dating can't even compare. Kagami went from "You kidnapper!!" To "He's the same as me just socially inept kid!" In less than ten minutes top and I always wonder what the heck is happening. But the last scene where Felix give back Kagami's ring make me wonder if he slipped a command to make her change her mind about him. He's an oportunist thorough and thorough and also despite his claim that creating and destroying a sentimonster is cruel act, he didn't seems to have big moral flop after the red moon incident. So what's the chance he didn't do it, especially if he think it will works in some way?
Yeah like, they speed-ran enemies to lovers so quickly and both their characters suffer for it. It makes Kagami look pretty awful for siding with the guy who betrayed her friend and hurt her so badly, who is the reason their city is in danger, and Kagami goes ahead and lets Felix know her identity? What the fuck Kagami?
And I don't like how Felix is considered to be redeemed just because he's dating Kagami. He hasn't changed, he still justifies himself and doesn't apologize for the hurt he's caused Adrien and Marinette.
And literally, Kagami apparently falls in love with him a few days after he kills her mother in front of her. Sure, he brought everyone back, but he had to be talked into it, and yet she's so chill about trusting and defending him. This all also after he's just kidnapped her violently and admitted to having spent the past few days stalking her. It's played off as endearing because Marinette also does the same thing, and she just goes "you're so bad at social interactions" instead of calling Felix deranged and trying to get away from him. And apparently it just takes Felix giving one hint at a sob story and one speech about Senti-rights to convince her that everyone was wrong about him and that he never did anything wrong and that he was just misunderstood and couldn't express himself. That's some BS if I ever heard any. Kagami with the strong sense of justice who held a grudge against Adrien for not being a good boyfriend (she had the right to hold a grudge, I'm not blaming her for that, just pointing it out) just... instantly forgives Felix and defends him, and agrees with his justifications for betraying Ladybug and the people of Paris for selfish reasons? Kagami, who hates liars and manipulators, goes behind Marinette's back to reveal her identity without her consent to the last person she'd ever want knowing that information. Feligami as a ship thoroughly assassinated Kagami's character in every single aspect, and I hate what they did to my girl so much. The moment she started a relationship with Felix, her character just became so insufferable.
And Felix goes from being a wild card villain to just "sad boy uwu" the moment he meets her, and the writing just starts pretending his negative qualities, like his manipulative ways and his tendency to lie and take advantage of other people don't exist anymore. Because if they acknowledged those, then they'd have to acknowledge that Kagami "I hate liars" Tsurugi would despise him. Their personalities do not click at all, and for them to have any kind of dynamic and to speedrun their relationship, the writers wrote out their qualities that oppose and clash with the other person and just made them so OOC that it would enable them to get together in a few days. Kagami is saying shit about how Gabe and Tomoe won't allow them to "love each other freely" with her whole chest after she's known this guy for less than a week. And like, the way Kagami now just cares about her love with Felix instead of about anyone else around her, especially in the season dedicated to her friendships with others is so... bleh.
And I don't think Felix can be considered redeemed just because he's now just focusing on his obsession with this girl instead of trying to ruin his cousin's life again. All that talk about how he's doing this for Adrien and how he wants to fight for Senti-rights, and it all goes down the drain the moment he meets Kagami. Apparently, those things don't matter to him anymore, because he never mentions or speaks to Adrien ever again, outside of bringing him up as "the boy who Marinette loves." And he's perfectly okay with killing the Senti-projector, so I guess the drive to find freedom and justice for his fellow Sentimonsters was just a silly phase that he gave up on once he found a girlfriend? Okay.
And the implications! Felix just loves her because she's a Sentimonster like him, Kagami just confessed to still being in love with Adrien and he has Adrien's exact face and is similar to Adrien and Marinette (because they are both stalkers apparently). It just seems like their projecting their feelings onto the first person who seems like they meet their expectations instead of liking them for who they really are. Felix doesn't know jack shit about Kagami, and Kagami doesn't know anything about Felix other than that he's a massive jackass, and they are apparently in love less than week later? Sure Jan.
I don't think Felix used her Amok, honestly, but I also can't help but think it makes so much sense as to why Kagami does a complete 180 about him, like, she went from hating his guts to defending him against Ladybug and Chat Noir in less than a few hours. That ain't the Kagami I know, and it would make sense if she had been commanded to do so with her Amok. I used to think that Felix wouldn't do that, at least, but given how willing he was to give Adrien's free will back to Gabriel and how willing he was to kill his Senti-projector, I don't put it past him honestly. He's a massive hypocrite.
I have plenty more thoughts on these two and not enough time to write it all down, but I have written a long critique of Felix and Feligami here, if you're interested. But yeah, they suck lmao.
Thank you for your ask!
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
Okay, so I am doing research for my fic and so I'm reading about nogitsune. So far, what I've read indicates that they do sometimes possess people BUT they prefer women because they tend to feed off of the life force of women. They also hide during the day, are afraid of swords and dogs, and are not necessarily always malevolent.
Kira and her mother, by definition, would be considered nogitsune because they are not in service to the goddess Inari.
Tangentially, it does seem that Allison should have been the target of the nogitsune since she is the preferred target. Stiles' weak emotional anchor either played a role in his possession, or he was targeted for a very specific reason (Derek and his dad would do anything to keep him alive, whereas Allison and Scott have weaker protectors.)
this is interesting, definitely. the show didn't really care about appropriate lore so lol.
i do remember how fandom theorized that allison was actually the nogitsune or there was a 2nd nogitsune especially after riddled where she didn't answer her phone when stiles was missing and was left that message in japanese.
you've got me writing meta on this now lol
the so called "darkness around the heart" that came from the proxy sacrifice made scott, allison and stiles the most attractive targets because they were participating in a ritual and left vulnerable
now i have a few ideas as to why stiles was chosen over allison and scott.
we can eliminate scott immediately though. he was left vulnerable but not for possession as he was never an option. he is already something magical. one cannot be a fox and a wolf.
when the cellar collapses during the freak magical storm jennifer created in lunar eclipse allison, isaac, melissa, chris and the sheriff are all right there under the nemeton. allison would've been an easy attractive choice.
however i think the nogistune booked it the hell outta there only to come upon stiles.
after the sacrifice scott went off with deucalion to confront jennifer, lydia went to the loft, allison and isaac went to find the nemeton together and stiles was all alone with the jeep.
where he crashes due to the storm and he was unconscious for an unknown amount of time. so not only was stiles vulnerable due to the proxy sacrifice creating a darkness in his heart but also that he has no mental defenses at that moment.
but was it just the nogitsune hitting the jackpot?
i'm not so sure.
that episode showed us that allison, scott and stiles were all around the nemeton the night of wolf moon.
(also the nogitsune was present when derek killed paige and it would have access to stiles knowing about it. how spicy. how interesting. i'm sure it tehehehe'd about it).
so why stiles and not allison?
allison doesn't have the access stiles does. she's a hunter which gives her fun toys but not full access to the sheriff. the nogitsune possessing stiles destabilized the entire police force by personally compromising the sheriff.
possessing stiles compromised both scott and derek. i cannot stress enough that if scott and derek are both freaking out than nothing gets achieved. sure scott would be useless if allison got possessed but derek would be like "that's sad. anyway." neither of them are willing to kill stiles. scott would rather die and derek would throw himself at anything rather than do that.
stiles knows shit about everyone. he's a smart and resourceful bastard child. the way stiles is the common vector for knowledge someone shouldn't have is high.
allison had a stronger anchor with isaac than stiles did with lydia AND allison and isaac remained together. isaac was literally holding up the ceiling to save everyone. lydia and stiles were separated. maybe if lydia had remained with him it would've helped.
everyone wanted to protect stiles. chris was reluctant to harm him despite the code. it's not that i think chris would be eager to harm or kill allison but i think he'd feel way more obligated to keep her from harming people and terrified of her being kate like. he'd feel responsible for allison doing harm in a way he doesn't for stiles. even peter wanted to help with stiles (whatever his own ends were). tbh i think the only person who wouldn't budge on allison would actually be scott.
and the 6th secret reason is if you believe that stiles is something.
it's interesting that the nemeton tried to warn stiles about the nogitsune and it tried to warn allison about kate being alive.
except allison died.
i think an allison possessed storyline could've been fun though.
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