#it's an azerty keyboard.
jessplaysgenshin · 2 years
His life once you've passed
Mondstadt edition
let's break those new years good vibes
he knew this fated moment would come
he was prepared for it
so why ?
why did it hurt so much ?
he only wanted you to have the best of life
as he's had the best of his with you
always teasing you and such
you've always assured him you loved him with all your might
he never truly managed to believe it
after all,
wasn't he just making sure his friend's memory was alive ?
if anything
you loved his friend more than him
didn't you ?
in moments like these
he wished he could run up to you and give you a bear hug
he needed you and your kind words
your smile
your voice
your warmth
your laugh
he will forever sing this ballad about you
Kaeya was one of those guys who aren't swept by emotions that easily
he's been very composed the whole time
even in private or alone
he's long since stopped tears to swell up in his eyes
but that didn't mean that his fake smile looked even faker than usual
or that his heart didn't feel like it was crumbling apart
despise everything,
you were nothing but a human
weak and fragile
your embrace with death was simply tighter than others your age
he kept on reading the books you recommended him
and once he would be done, he would share his thoughts to your tomb
reading was the only thing he could do to be close to you now
and once he was done reading every book you mentioned or recommended,
he would read them all over again
he remained as cheeky as ever
he was asked what in the world was "the angels' drink"
the answer he gave was a given
"something that the angels drink."
"it's just some fruit juice"
he would glare at the customer
on the verge of throwing them out
how dare they make such remarks
he did consider it when you asked him
"Diluc, what's the share of the angels ?"
he looked at you in confusion after that
he decided it to be your favorite drink
he never would have admitted it to you if you were still with him
he'd be very flustered if you pointed it out, though
not that he'd show it
the drink ended up being a total flop
but he never took if down
he would keep it up until someone takes over
he would also drink it once in a while
to remind himself of you
the angels' share was a piece of his heart
he kept that sketch of you with him at all times
emotions weren't his forte
he did what he could for you
and he did find you extremely interesting
for one
why in the world would you stay on dragonspine just for him ?
especially with a wide grin on your face
completely disregarding how much you were shaking
most of the time you just sat there and asked questions
when you didn't asked questions, you'd either stare at him working
or he'd be explaining you how things work
not to say
he felt lonelier now
he never knew why you stopped coming
but he had an idea of what happened
on his next trip to mondstadt
he learned what happened to you
he didn't appear sad in the least
but instead
his work's quality dropped
and the amount he made was significantly smaller
what a strange guy he was
he'd draw your picture again
to make sure he wouldn't forget how to make you
it was strange to him
but it was an activity he did
and it was now a part of his daily routine
strangely enough
the moment you passed was the moment Bennett's misfortune stopped
call it fate
call it the ultimate misfortune
his luck simply returned to him
and his misfortune left
maybe was it because his misfortune poured out completely after you were gone
maybe was it because he's been out of it ever since
or maybe he didn't cared as much anymore
he'll always regret taking you with him that time
of course he didn't stop adventuring
but he wouldn't complain if the weather was terrible and he had to stay in
you two were still teenagers
his dads were very concerned about him
with a lot of time he moved on
ever since that day
he would tell that you took his misfortune with you
to protect him and protect others
you'd forever be his hero
he'll talk about your adventurous tales to the younger adventurers several years later
he managed to move on
even if Mondstadt doesn't see you as such, you'd forever remain the person he looked up to the most
he was doing terrible
he still wasn't used to be around humans
and he was just a kid, too
thankfully his wolf pack was here for him
plus some kind hearted people from Mondstadt, such as his friends
even Amber who only met him once
Lisa also came by every so often
he was surrounded by care and kindness
but he felt so lonely and empty
who was going to fall asleep next to him while watching the night sky ?
who was going to tell him stories about the stars
or some gossips of what's going in town
or talk about stuff he doesn't understand
teach him how to live with humans
he didn't want to leave his pack
but if it was with you
maybe he would have
in the end
his pack was all he's always had
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cringesnail · 6 months
"Now you see the power of a qwertz keyboard"
- Baghera (she's the only one who doesn't need to rebind her keys to play microworks)
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logogreffe · 2 years
I empathize with boomers that had to learn how to type on a keyboard whenever my foreign friends ask me to write something on their phones and they're using a QWERTY keyboard. "PUTAIN DE MERDE IL EST OÙ LE A ? " "L'APOSTROPHE EST OÙ PUTAAAAAAAIN ? "
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cozy-phantom · 2 years
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snakepyre · 1 year
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Rate my setup
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vergess · 2 years
Who here has shoulder injuries and uses atypical keyboad layouts as symptom management.
Do you prefer Colemak standard or DH? Something else?
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wolfp-ck · 1 month
gaming on laptop or pc is so hard here almost every game is like "use w a s d to move." *looks at my azerty keyboard* that's gonna be a little hard to do chief
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necrogfie · 2 months
i think i mat have ibs bcjz i swear there is smth wrong w my blwel im fighting for my lide evrrsay
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chaos-and-recover · 2 years
Completely unrelated, but as someone who has family in the UK but lives in the US, even those two countries have different keyboards, despite English being the primary language for both. I am not getting involved in the other discussion.
Okay this inspired me to go look at what the differences are and now I'm mad Canada uses American keyboards and not British ones? Like I get WHY but it would be so much easier for switching between English and French to have the accents easier to access but THEN I Googled some MORE and realized there IS a French-Canadian keyboard and now I think I'm going down a keyboard rabbithole. This is my night.
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envyliger · 2 years
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jockw · 24 days
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my guy adobe fresco sucks. i think ill switch back to clipstudio lmao
the brushes sucks ass, the eraser is difficult to tell the exact size when theres no underlined circle - unlike ibis paint, which gives you a lot of options to edit your brush, this program is very limited. and the most annoying ive had to come across is when i want to use the pencil brush, tfym i cant just manually click on it??? you srsly want me to look at my azerty keyboard to find p or b???? smh
overall adobe fresco isnt so bad if you just wanna do easy doodles or so, but when i wanna draw lumberjack lenore.... how dare you limit my options??
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jonphaedrus · 7 months
it is extremely funny to me that after a year and a half of sam getting used to being able to tell which cat had stepped on my keyboard based on whether or not there were diacritic marks because for whatever reason leo has a magic diacritic mark paw. like keep in mind that i have a us intl keyboard set so to get a diacritic mark requires hitting alt+letter and he still manages to write shit like
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literally no idea how he did that one. and its this shit all the time.
anyway now @insecateur has to put up with it too and he of course has an azerty keyboard because he is french which means it's even more open diacritic season, and that's... how you get this.
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logogreffe · 2 years
French keyboard : AZERTY
This is what a basic French keyboard looks like :
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As you can see, we have keys for é, è, ç, à. Like most keyboards, if you want to write a letter in uppercase you have to press SHIFT (MAJ in French) + the letter. BUT if you want to write a "ç" in uppercase, you cannot press MAJ + ç because... this is how you write "9" (for most French keyboards and windows users). Same goes with é, è and à. This is where my poll comes in : I've asked the French speakers of Tumblr how they type É , È, À and Ç on their computer.
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Translation : How do you type À, É, È, Ç on your computer (when the corrector doesn't work) Option 1 : I know the shortcuts Option 2 : I type " E uppercase grave accent" on google and I copy/paste it. ("Ordi" is the shortened version of the word "Ordinateur") Result : 56% don't know the shortcuts and/or find it easier to use copy/paste and google. Note 1 : Here are some of the shortcuts mentionned in the tags if you want to try them out (I'm team copy/paste so I won't be using them) -> Set n°1 of Shortcuts :
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-> Set n°2 of Shortcuts :
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Tranlastion : #So you're telling me that Alt+020X was...a waste of time...? #My honnor as an ex-computer specialist...gone {The shortcuts Alt + 020X are the following : À : alt +0192, É : alt + 0201, È : alt +0200} Note 2 : The issue seems to be nonexistent for people using an international keyboard, a MAC, or Linux. Note 3 : Some people remarked that they had learned in school that you're not supposed to put accents on uppercase letter in French.
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And they were right ! It used to be a rule ! But our dear Académie Française seems to have changed its mind and it's now recommended ! Source : X « En français, l’accent a pleine valeur orthographique. Son absence ralentit la lecture, fait hésiter sur la prononciation, et peut même induire en erreur. » L’oublier, si l’on suit cette logique, constitue une faute d’orthographe !" // "In French, the accent has full orthographic value. Its absence slows down reading, makes one hesitate about pronunciation, and can even mislead." Forgetting it, if we follow this logic, constitutes a spelling error! In the article, they also give the following example : "UN INTERNE TUE" This sentence without any accent can be read as " Un interne tue " // An intern kills " Un interne tué " // An intern killed " Un interné tue " // A person interned into a psychiatric facility kills " Un interné tué " // A person interned into a psychiatric facility killed You see this issue... Final Note : I'll definitively keep using copy/paste because it's easier, but it was interesting to see how other people do it ! Merci à tous les gens qui ont voté / commenté / tagué / reblogué mon sondage ! Bonus : Funny Tags/Comment
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Translation : Third option : I don't give a shit
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Translation : #I don't put them [the accents] #My laziness is more powerful than my love for French grammar rules #(might be a red flag lol) My personal favorite :
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Translation : But still, France produces thousands of AZERTY keyboards but can't get a layout that allows you to make your accents the way you want easily ? It's not serious, did you try to talk about it to a minister or they are all in jail ?
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free-puppy-girl · 9 months
What are you doing to dumb yourself down?
Here are some of the things i do do
Please please please give me more advice 💕
- turned off autocorrect and NEVER reread anythinh i type
- always go to bed late qnd wake up early bc i heard it messes with the brain to not sleep much
- regularly switch between azerty and qwerty keyboards (as soon qs i get used to it)
- pavloving ms into liking makeup (touching ms whenever i put on makeup)
- pavloving ms into saying dumb stuff (same than before i saw it once on a tumblr post, been doing ut ever since)
- listening to files (hypno or sub) for at least 1h a day
- watch or listen to p0rn for at least 1h a day
- only watch girl movies (clueless, mean girls etc. Give me moooore please)
- stopped reading i only audiobook crappy romance novels
- NO FEMINIST BS i block them on sight
- seek male validation, always (eg: i ask my men friends which outfit looks better, i always go shopping for ms with a man etc)
- talk in an higher pitched voice
- edge 1st thing in the AM and last thing in the PM at least
- use abreviations
- i’m quitting smoking so i edge and/or go on tumblr every time i crave a cig
- installed mispel on my default browser
- do web math minute only when imm dizzy or drunk so i can see it later and convince ms i’m stuuuuupid beyond repair (fake it till you make it) i gotta do it as doon as i get home btw oh i should add spelling tests to that right ??
- i have a remote controlled egg thati use at work everyday also but it only has like 2-3h autonomy
Any more suggestions ? 💕 please help 🥺
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insecateur · 10 months
hello i am stealing my boyfriends computer: and also losing the fight to his azerty keyboard where the fuck is the perIOD
the period is q ashift whqdadda hell
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icharchivist · 8 months
the game immediately starts saying you really should have a controller (i don't have one) and there's no keybind settings (i need to always check keybinds setting since i play in english but i have an azerty keyboard, and english games tend to automatically map for qwerty so usually i have to remap some things)
this is. mhm.
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