#it's an immersive viewing experience. i'm Involved
(article) SHINee's ONEW hopes to make people happy with his songs
Singer Onew of popular K-pop group SHINee has been deeply thinking about happiness, a theme that heavily influenced his latest release."I think it's wonderful to be someone who can have a positive impact on others and make them happy," he said during an interview Thursday with a group of reporters.
"It's a great merit that I can lift someone's mood. When people tell me they've been comforted by my songs, it feels like I'm truly living," he said.
This introspection led to the creation of his third individual EP, "Flow," a departure from his previous albums -- his first solo album, "Voice" (2018), second EP titled "Dice" (2022) and first full-length solo album, "Circle," (2023) -- which centered primarily on his distinctive voice and emotional expression.
Instead, "Flow," due out Tuesday at 6 p.m., is designed to resonate more broadly with the public, featuring songs that are easy to follow and enjoy together.The album is led by "Beat Drum," an upbeat pop track characterized by "kitsch" vocals in the chorus and a synth melody, according to promotional material from his label, Griffin Entertainment. The lyrics compare the feeling of a racing heart to the rhythm of a drum beat.
Also included are five B-side tracks, all of which maintain a bright and cheerful tone.
"I wanted to become closer to the public, so I put a lot of effort into making songs that are easy to follow," the 34-year-old explained. He also tailored the choreography to be accessible, allowing more people to catch on after just one viewing. "I hope even those who don't know me can feel a bit of positive energy," he added.
Onew stressed that while his unique voice and emotional depth will continue to be central to his music, his current focus is on expanding his positive influence.
The vocalist also has a goal of creating his own performance brand.
"I think a concert becomes richer and more enjoyable when many people can immerse themselves in it and have fun together. I want to create an atmosphere where it's not just a performance by me, but an experience where everyone can play together," he shared.
After taking a hiatus of over 10 months due to health issues, Onew returned to the stage in May.
During the break, the vocalist had the opportunity to attend a Coldplay concert in the United States.
"I loved the excitement and anticipation that I felt while waiting for the show," he said, expressing hope that audiences would experience the same thrill at his concerts.
Performing in front of fans and reuniting with his bandmates were what he missed the most as he recovered from neck surgery. He lost so much weight after the surgery, making his fans feel concerned and worried about his health.
"Now, I'm in great shape. In fact, I'm so well that it's almost a problem," he said with a laugh.
He spent a lot of time traveling to places like the U.S., Japan, and Austria during the break, giving himself the space to think deeply on his own.
"While traveling, I learned how to fail. There was a time when I tried to catch a train during a typhoon and ended up sitting on the platform for six hours. Sometimes, things just don't work out. But I realized that you can always try again later. That was the biggest lesson I learned."
After this realization, Onew changed his attitude about performing. He used to believe he couldn't go on stage unless he was 100 percent perfect, but now he's more open to taking risks.
This new attitude led him to boldly take on producing for the first time while working on this album.
"I challenged myself by getting involved in producing, selecting demo tracks, trying out different ideas, and communicating with writers to incorporate my thoughts into the songs. It was a big challenge, but it was a fun experience," he recalled.
Onew also tried his hand at rapping for the first time.
"I was debating whether to use more melody or try rapping," he said.
He thought rapping might work, so he gave it a shot, and fortunately, it turned out well.
"This new challenge has become a great motivation for me," he said.
He has also started taking guitar lessons recently because he wants to play during his concerts.
"I read somewhere that singer Lee Hyori said she started learning something new and that in 10 years, she could become an expert. So I thought, 'It's not too late. If I start now, I could be playing in 10 years too.'"
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acorpsecalledcorva · 11 months
*Maladaptive Daydreaming is the disordered form of Immersive Daydreaming/Dissociative Absorption (which I believe is the foundation of endogenic plurality experiences), therefore would only really apply to "disordered plurals" that don't have a CDD, similarly not all pwMD would identify as plural the same as most pwCDDs don't use that label
*"Plural Dissociative Disorder" is used here as the best phrase I can come up with to communicate disorders that involve systems of parts/alters/headmates as it wouldn't be a CDD. Although I recognise many do not like this term, everyone hopefully understands what I mean by it
This is the best summary I can find that I feel argues for why it should be included as such:
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Arguments against: As a concept it may err ever so slightly too closely to the fantasy model of DID or give credibility to many aspects that the community has worked very hard to move away from.
Overlap: Early reports put comorbidity of MD and DID at only 12.8% but more recent reports have it at more like 40-50%. Prevalence of MD, that is the disordered utilisation of immersive daydreaming/dissociative absorption as a form of escapism, increases dramatically during periods of global unrest, the COVID 19 pandemic saw a marked increase in communities seemingly built around utilising Immersive Daydreaming/Dissociative Absorption such as the reality shifting communities which used guides very very similar to switching and imposition guides shared by the Willo/paragenic communities
Possible explanation for rift in community: many people simply do not have the ability to immersive daydream, and it would seem that the majority of DID research and literature has been written about and focuses on pwDID that don't have this innate ability. A lack of inner world and phobia of the inner experience such as no knowledge and access to parts are commonly described in literature but are at odds with the majority of online presentations of CDDs. It may be that more CDD systems are utilising an immersive daydreaming capability in a more (mostly)positive way thanks to community sharing of experiences, while those who do not have this ability are left dumbfounded by how much the online community doesn't match their experience. Similarly, those with CDDs who can and do utilise this ability would find more shared experiences with the wider plural community including identifying as mixedorigin because immersive daydreaming would be an ability that predates trauma development of a CDD or becoming disordered due to later trauma
Personal experience: I have both DID parts/alters and Immersive Daydreaming headmates. I find this a very useful framework to understand my experience as it allows me to differentiate the needs of both and ensure that one doesn't negatively impact the other. I also believe it's very important to differentiate between them in form and function, while not viewing one as more valid than the other. Treating all ID headmates as alters can quickly become overwhelming if healing is a goal while treating alters as ID headmates can be very damaging and make them feel like they're being exposed and need to retreat further or have protectors and persecutors lash out. I don't think it's wrong to acknowledge that right now there are pwCDDs who mistakenly believe they're endogenic plurals and disordered plurals that mistakenly believe they have CDDs (and potentially therapists misdiagnosing as well).
Psychs: Nijenhuis, Ross, Dell, and Somer all seem to be dancing around this issue from slightly different angles right now, Nijenhuis trying to differentiate purely trauma based pathological dissociative experiences, while Ross has explored a proneness to dissociation, Dell has explored a proneness to hypnotisability, and Somer first identified maladaptive daydreaming whilst also being one of the key researchers into trauma and dissociation over the last few decades. Outside of these there are many psychs that have noticed a marked shift in presentations of patients that supposedly have CDDs resulting in increased research into things like Imitative DID and Malingering/factitious disorder as it relates to DID. Identifying immersive daydreaming as a contributing factor to this change in presentation may help reduce the number of false negatives AND false positives.
I can also very much understand why some might find the particular language of "daydreaming" and "character" to be invalidating towards their headmates, there are cultural connotations to those words. This may largely be due to the research being done into non plural patients but that is clearly changing. There certainly seems to be acknowledgement of the autonomy that can be found when analysing MD through a plural lens though so this language may certainly change as endogenic plurality is brought into the literature more.
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d4rkpluto · 4 days
ꜰᴇᴇᴅʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ-ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ
[£30 chart reading sale going on]
hai hai d4rkpluto !!
ill just jump right into the feedback:
Thank you much for the reading! As someone interested in astrology, this was a fulfilling experience :] When I read about the Aries third house and reflecting on my childhood experiences with my relatives; it was lively and fun, but the "you might’ve considered much of them to be annoying" made me laugh because we called each other annoying all the time (unseriously). I'm surprised with how spot-on a majority of the reading was; I live in a village in Alaska so I'm guessing there could be some cultural differences that might've hindered some part of it, but I don't think that was much of an issue this time.
I like how d4rkpluto goes into the experiences for each of the houses, and the planets and aspects involved (and the degrees too!). And the visuals !! The fonts, the symbols, the ART !! MY EYEBALLS WERE EATING THOSE STUFFS UP !! and I can't forget that I got to have my own astrology-house music playlist after this- curated by the one and only d4rkpluto herself !! AHem. These things (ah, and the "made-with-love" feeling) cooked up such a wonderful treat for me! I'm really honored to have been a client of d4rkpluto.
I also asked for the Nerfertiti asteroid to be included in the reading on a whim, but I'm so glad I did because it was shocking how much it aligned my tastes haha. (I still have a lot I want to reflect on, but I feel like this helped speed up the process.)
There was also insight provided on the types of pitfalls certain placements had and I really appreciated those additions! (As a Nept. conj Asc person + Pisces Mercury,) I feel like it's easy to immerse myself in all types of realities (namely society's and other peoples, but I can be in my head a lot too), and it can get stressful and confusing wondering which is the "real reality.' Although it's valid for each individual to have their own views, and all hold truth in some way or another, it's particularly crucial for me to have reminders to experience reality through my own lens. And this reading was a good reminder :]
So! d4rkpluto, you're an amazing astrology reader, and thank you again !! Sending so much love, best wishes, and take care!!
Off to embody myself the best I can with renewed energy,
[£30 chart reading sale going on]
paid chart reading ⟶ natal chart reading + degrees + asteroid nefertiti
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vapolis · 9 months
jax rarely bottoms and won't do so the first penetrative sex scene, but that can be talked about.
With that "talked about" you mean there would be an option to the merc say something like they're a stone top? On most IFs I've read the pc just goes along w/ what the ro wants, unless the ro is a switch so you get to choose what you want, and both kinda break the immersion, like, that's not how sex works lol (maybe in straight relationships there's that expectation that the woman is going to be penetrated and the man is going to penetrate -- and I think a lot of IFs are made w/ straight women in mind, so the male ros are always going to top -- but even then! Not everyone fits those expectations) I only have experience w/ queer relationships, and all parts always talk about preferences beforehand, if we're both tops there doesn't need to have penetration cause sex isn't just that, an if there were scenes like that in games it would finally make sense like "we both prefer to top, still wanna have sex, let's talk options, if we don't agree on options we leave/do something else". Also, that thing where if you choose to have a 😺 you immediately can only bottom goes back to that "expectations" thing, sure you might not always carry a strap-on or a packer w/ you, but that can be talked about!! Like "sorry don't have what makes penetrative sex comfortable to me, but we can do something else" since it could involve dysphoria or simply displeasure in being penetrated.
Please don't read that as a mean comment 😫 I just started writing and it ended up being a full on vent lol just wanted to give more points of view on Sex™ ksksksk ty for your hard work <3
if the mc only wants to top there's gonna be some difficulties with jax bc I won't make jax be the exclusive bottom in that case. oral or hand jobs can still happen and will be involved in sex scenes but penetrative could be out the window (almost) entirely.
I'm not sure yet how many there will be anyway bc sex really isn't the focus of the routes or the game entirely.
once we get to the sexual preferences (or lack thereof) you'll get to decide whether or not you're more bottom or top leaning or if you're a switch or you don't care either way. and if that choice contradicts the ro's preferences, you'll talk about it and decide whether or not to go through.
having a pussy won't make you automatically the bottom in this IF bc I will offer the choice to use a strap or not have penetrative sex at all bc of dysphoria as you've said!
I do agree that from what I've seen, there's a formula some writers used to follow when it comes to sex scenes but in recent times, there's been a big shift insofar that more queer writers have emerged and I think they've handled sex scenes quite well. especialy as those have become more explicit. I rmr not too long ago, the only sex scenes we got were fade to black or extremely vague.
ty for voicing your opinion and have a good day! <3
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ndvenvs3000w23 · 8 months
Blog 1: Current Relationship with Nature
Hey everyone! I'm currently attending my fourth year at the University of Guelph. I am majoring in Environmental Sciences and minoring in Ecology, and I've loved every minute of it. I am also a co-op student which has allowed me to work in multiple different environments and positions, majority of which have involved a large amount of field work.
In regards to the prompt for this week's post, I've always greatly enjoyed being outdoors and immersed in nature. From camping and hiking in the summer months to skiing and snowshoeing in the winter alongside my family, nature has always been a major part of my life. I've always had a strong passion for the environmental sciences, which is why I decided to pursue it in my post-secondary education. I think a lot of this passion was strongly tied to how often my family involved me in the outdoor activities I mentioned above, and I think it helped to gain an appreciation for nature that I feel many people nowadays do not have.
My first big camping trip was when I was 10 months old where my parents and I visited 4 Ontario provincial parks along our long road trip to Thunder Bay. These included Craigleigh, Windy Lake, Agawa Bay (aka. Lake Superior Provincial Park), and Kakabecka falls. Since then, I have visited and camped at 28 Ontario provincial parks, and 4 national parks in Canada. Of these, my favourites have been Algonquin Park, Bruce Peninsula National Park, Grundy Lake, and Grasslands National Park (SK). It's safe to say that camping is a big part of my life and it has also had a major role in shaping my current relationship with nature. I have greatly enjoyed partaking in hikes and kayaking trips across the lakes during these, and it's always such a breathtaking experience (literally and figuratively). I love the views that the hikes provide, and I always spend a long amount of time taking everything in, and how beautiful nature can be. Often, the views can make you feel small, which is very humbling experience that makes you appreciate nature and, in my experience, creates a sense of responsibility to protect it. My many kayaking trips have provided similar experiences, and I love the many different plants and animals I encounter on these journeys.
Throughout my co-op experiences, I have been able to pursue a position that with a large focus on field work. My favourite has been this past summer which I spent in Indian Head, Saskatchewan working with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in their Agroecosystems section. Saskatchewan was one of the best experiences of my entire life, and I am so grateful to the people who made the trip, and the job, possible. While I was out there, I got to know the 6 other students I was working with and formed strong bonds with them which I will always cherish. I also had the opportunity to explore this province through my field work as well as outside this work and was able to appreciate the different geography and flaura and fauna of the area. It was during the trip out to my placement that allowed me to finally achieve my goal of visiting all 10 provinces of Canada as my last three I needed to visit were Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. I was able to take some time off during my work term to visit Jasper, Alberta, and it was such a beautiful and almost otherworldly experience seeing and experiencing the quiet of the mountains. On my journey back to Ontario, I was also able to stop by Lake Michigan to complete my other goal of visiting all 5 Great Lakes. My next goal is to visit all 3 Territories. Overall, this past summer was one of my favourites, and it deepened my already strong relationship to/appreciation for nature, and I would highly recommend and encourage similar experiences of other people, especially co-op students.
I could likely fill a whole book an my relationship with nature, most of which would consist of my favourite stories and memories of my "adventures", but this post is getting a little long (lol). To answer the question "who offered me 'a sense of place'," I would say my parents who allowed me to visit the many places I have been to. I have so much love and appreciation for both my parents and the experiences they provided for me, and I hope that one day I can do the same for my children. Without them and their passion for camping and exploring what all of Canada has to offer, I would likely not have developed the appreciation for nature that I currently have. Overall, my main takeaway message from this would be that being out and present with nature is an important part of a persons' life, and I strongly advocate for more people to allow themselves time to take a walk in the woods, or even just a regular hiking/walking trail in their city to be able to be present and appreciate nature.
Enjoy some photos I've taken of my travels this summer below :)
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Has your work with the wiki informed how you interact with the fandom? Scrutinizing the source material so closely and all.
Oh definitely, and this is a great question.
I think, without getting too deep into weeds or bitterness, that my attitude towards aggressively non-canonical (or, frankly, anti-canonical) interpretations of ships or characters has shifted both because of my negative experiences with the Fandom wiki and because I effectively have to go over the happenings of each episode two or three times. Additionally, my deep dislike and distrust of conspiracy theories long pre-dates my work on wikis or even involvement with fandom, but now that I spend a decent amount of "fandom time" looking up citations, I have even less patience for it. There are so many wonderful sources beyond just the wiki! We have a transcript search! We have Dani's recaps! We have so many sourcebooks! We have a talkback/commentary show! Please, while I'd love for people to use and add to the wiki, at the very least, if you don't have time to watch or rewatch episodes in full, use these wonderful resources instead of relying on like, someone's personal silly little clip compilations to shape your understanding.
In terms of far more positive things, I think because wiki pages are changing, living documents, going back to them has given me a lot of insight that I might have forgotten. To give an example - just now, in summarizing the party's trip towards Yios, I ran across the fact that Imogen was asked if she wanted to give up her powers - if there were a cure, whether she'd take it - and she responded that while once she felt that way, she no longer does. I think Imogen's relationship with power is fascinating, and I think this puts her in contrast with Liliana in a new and interesting way that I'd love to explore further once we return to more direct conflict. This small moment says so much, but I'd forgotten it in the several months since it aired, and probably wouldn't have accessed again if I were not a wiki editor. I've also been doing a lot of work on editing out plagiarism, or fleshing out largely overlooked details, and it's a delight to get to revisit prior campaigns and see how everything fits together. I get both a very high level view of the world, and also get to zero in on tiny moments, like Veth shooting Caleb in the Vellum Steeple library, and I'm so grateful I get to relive that, and often my meta is informed by what I'm working on and what details I'm immersed in and the connections they spark.
Finally - while I'm obviously super opinionated here, on Tumblr, I think it's a really good and important exercise that I also spend time in a place where I need to consciously prioritize a neutral voice and give attention even to things I dislike. This is an entirely separate post so I won't derail myself but I think part of why I sometimes get extremely bizarre anons/responses is that I'm both someone who talks about CR on the whole, but also am open about my preferences (rather than running a blog that's highly focused on one character/ship nor being a true generalist blog that primarily reblogs art). Anyway, working on the wiki means that, for example, even if I'm really frustrated with an episode or a character or a relationship, I need to spend time and stop and ask myself what is actually happening, outside of my own feelings. I think this is a really good practice to have with fiction! I think you need to be able to do both and compartmentalize and switch between them; to say "what is the author/creator trying to say and how are they saying it and what is literally occurring" and also "how do I, an individual with my own unique perspective, feel about what's happening." Or at the very least, if you can't do this, you can still enjoy yourself, but you will always be preaching to the choir.
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toujokaname · 4 months
Game master / Episode 5
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Author: Akira
Characters: Rinne, Hiiro, HiMERU, Niki, Kohaku, Aira
"That's the very least you can do, sincerely and with compassion."
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[ Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su ♪ ]
Season: Winter
Location: Amagi's House
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Rinne: Haha. It's all well and good to be buddy-buddy, but first, lemme give some necessary explanations.
You see, ES has some intentions behind all this. It ain't just a formality to boost the show by making improvements and changing the stage.
Around Okinawa, in Hoshijima[1] and overseas, the forbidden areas where even the gods that have ruled the idol industry for many years have been unable to reach—
There's talk that after establishing nationwide domination through SS, ES is trying to expand its territory carefully and meticulously, leaving no stone unturned.
Hiding behind this festival-like Matrix project, ES is seeking to colonize even the Amagi Village to complete their nationwide takeover.
Reading between the lines, is their next goal world domination? Gyahaha! ♪
Hiiro: I see. The overarching trend of this year was nationwide conquest via ES.
That was also the concept ES was promoting from the very beginning. A world of idols, by idols, for idols—
The plan to "make idols the center of this world" will come to fruition with this invasion of the Amagi Village, then.
Rinne: Looks like Hoshijima hasn't given in yet, but they're pushing ahead and colonizing simultaneously—that's the long and short of it.
It's laughable, really. While they're pretending to be immersed in a misguided and stupid festival project, ES is relentlessly aiming to achieve their grand ambitions.
Despite facing countless resistances, they meticulously suppress them, slowly but surely—
ES is, idols are, corroding this world.
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Rinne: In this transitional phase, we, the people involved, can still question and make sense of this changing world.
But. The next generation, and the one after that—
By the time our grandchildren roll around, the strange worldview that idols are the center of the world may become the “common sense."
You familiar with hobby anime[2]? They're shows in which a marketable toy becomes the center of the world.
Like a setting where people who play with yo-yos or spinning tops are at the center and considered the most important.
That's what ES is aiming for. A hobby anime world with idols as the theme.
It's easy to understand and enjoy in manga and anime, but if you were actually thrown into such a world, you'd be in trouble.
ES doesn't have ill intentions. They believe it's a wonderful worldview, and that's why they're gunning for it.
No doubt in their minds, they're confident that by doing that, everyone can be happy, and that's why they're ready to do such an outrageous thing.
By overturning the common sense that has been built up by humanity for generations, they aim to repaint the world with their own ambitions—with their desires.
Yeah, it's repulsive and nauseating.
But we, as idols, are also complicit in ES's ambitions.
Hiiro: ......
Rinne: Well, that's fine. It ain't ideal, but even if individuals fight back now, it won't change anything. We're not toddlers throwing tantrums anymore—
HiMERU: That's not very like you to say, Rinne.
Niki: Weeell, Rinne-kun's been like this since way back.
Rather, it's more like his recent attitude of never giving up and pushing forward no matter what is what's outta the norm, or maybe something's changed in him—
Kohaku: Rinne-han's layin' it on thick, huh. Nah, he's just playing out the role of his ideal self.
Rinne: Shaddup, can't you see Rinne-kun's sharing something important? You lot are always like this. Don't butt in with your nonsense, okay?
Hiiro: Hehe. I'm so relieved you have so many people around who understand you now, Nii-san.
In the past, no one understood Nii-san, nor did they bother to try.
Including me.
Rinne: ...Anyway, as I explained, those are ES's intentions.
The real question is how we'll behave in such an "overarching trend."
Aira: But... what can we do?
Rinne: Probably nothing. Especially you ALKALOID, who've become ES's frontline troops.
Just keep in mind, these are the times we're living in right now.
And then. Instead of being mere invading weapons getting their strings pulled by ES, if you're gonna break the status quo, then do it through your own will.
That's the very least you can do, sincerely and with compassion.
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Aira: .........
[ ☆ ]
Referencing Stella Maris, RYUSEITAI's climax event.
Hobby anime are shows created to promote the sale of children's toys, making the plot centered around a product they can sell. So Rinne is comparing what ES intends with stuff like Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Beyblade, etc. But with idols.
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The crazy thing is as our attention spans slowly get destroyed by social media, movies are getting longer and longer. No the actual crazy thing is that movies that should ideally be watched in 1 sitting are getting long while tv series that are structured for watching over a longer period of time are so short nowadays, people have started binging them. No the actual actual crazy thing is that I accidentally zoned out in the middle of Oppenheimer (but it was still a great movie) but I watched jury duty in one sitting
Well, movies aren't getting longer. I know there's this belief now that all of a sudden, a lot of productions are taking more than 2h 30 min, but it has always been a thing, ever since they discovered a way to do it. Abel Gance's Napoleon, made in 1927, was a 4h film. Which I have managed to watch in one sitting, mostly uninterrupted (apart from bathroom break). That was some more than 10 years ago. I don't think I would have that same patience now.
So, I would say that a film could have a runtime of 90 min, 120 or 200 and a lot of us would still pick up our phones simply because our short attention span, a consequence of the media on our phones. I don't need to open twitter while I'm watching 40 min of an episode. Especially when there's nothing urgent or interesting happening online. But I find myself doing it. And I hate it. It's a matter of controlling ourselves, but it can be difficult if we scroll through apps so many hours in a day. It is bound to have an influence on our viewing experience.
There's many factors involved too. For example, if I'm watching something in a movie theater, I'm not touching my phone. Perhaps I'm looking at the time, but I'm not taking it out to scroll or answer texts. For me, it would feel disrespectful for the other people around me. That way, I'm paying full attention. But a movie theater room also offers less distractions. The way it has been conceived (the almost full darkness, a big screen, the audio system) is all there for the viewers to immerse themselve into the story. Nowadays, we can use our phones at home because we can rewind back if we missed anything so who cares, right? We're looking up info about the film/show in real time while watching it. Our viewing experience is mediated through our phones.
It has also changed the very basic fabrics of cinema because the language has to evolve in a way. It either adapts or reacts to current ways of viewing. It has definitely changed some understandings in the context of reception studies, apparatus theory, etc. I mean, that happened the moment we could rewind a vhs tape, but I'd say our current ways of interacting with the medium has brought much bigger changes.
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owlzer · 5 months
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Week 9 - Racer Post Mortem
Fullerton has made some interesting insights in conceptualisation. Where do our ideas and inspirations come from? They talk about how some people that are very inspirational to me such as Shigeru Miyamoto have used personal interests and their hobbies as an influential part of the game design. I feel I have taken my personal interests to heart in all of my mini-games sourcing my own creativity and game mechanics around them. Fullerton talk about Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi who has broken up creativity into 5 stages: preparation, incubation, insight, evaluation and elaboration. The 'creative process' is described as a very fluid thing and we are encouraged to become involved in many aspects of life to fuel our preparation and incubation stages. Although I feel like I have slowed down quite a bit in life with the amount of activities I do, I am still able to draw from a wide range of experiences for inspiration. I have done girl guides, dance, travelled, played and instrument just to name a few. I am going on another trip this year and I will take creative advantage of it. From my experience making my one sheet and one page, I really want to challenge myself going forward to make something completely original and my own and I feel it will really challenge me to go through all 5 stages of creativity and will be very rewarding.
Digital prototyping has really become a main focus of making these mini-games. Game mechanics, aesthetics, kinesthetics and technology are four areas of investigation highlighted by Eric Todd.
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Throughout my process, I feel that I have investigated game mechanics and aesthetics the most. However, I have greatly neglected kinesthetics and technology. Kinesthetics are describes as the 'feel' of the game (e.g. responsiveness and how controls feel). Although I unintentionally focused on this in my first game when I was working on my main grapple mechanic, this was overlooked in my other two games. In my racing game I just kept the original controls which I feel like was a mistake. Although it worked and did its job, I feel like more experimentation with the kinesthetics could have made the game feel more immersive. My interfaces in all of my games were also really bland. My racing game had a decent title screen but the score and game over screen were really lacking as they were very simple text. A more effective interface could have really added to the player experience.
My racer game is the one that I felt had the most potential. This is why I used it for my one sheet and one page. This game, more than the others has shown me the incredible values of playtesting. This is due to the great amount of improvement the game has gained from the feedback I have received. I don't think the game would have reached this potential without it and I will carry these thoughts with me as I continue my journey as a designer. This game also really challenged me as an artist as I had to draw in top-down view, a skill I have barley developed yet. It has shown me that I'm still very early in my art journey and to really practice drawing in different perspectives. Making a powerup for the first time was really fun and if I were to make Captain Sora's Sea Scurry I would really enjoy the challenge of making the other powerups I came up with. I think I have really improved as a coder and in using Gdevelop 5 as I am constantly researching how to code new things and use other parts of the program. Although the game is still very simple, it has really taught me a lot about the true value of each and every stage of the process. I hope from these experiences that it will help me grow into a game designer that can truly master digital prototyping and take these skills with me as I develop my own game with my partner.
Fullerton, T. (2018). Game Design Workshop: A Playcentric Approach to Creating
Innovative Games. ProQuest Ebook. Retrieved
from:  https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/qut/reader.action?docID=5477698
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astrxlfinale · 7 months
hi henlo!! perhaps it is a little late to ask this but i am v curious to know what caelus' thoughts on jing yuan are :0c is there anything he finds noteworthy, any misgivings, anything he could perhaps glean from the stellaron that others could not?
Willow first of all, you can dive into my askbox at anytime for some inquiry! Hell I'm getting more into the motion of doing it myself, so expect some questions right back!
THOUGH- Let's dive onto this particular matter right here!
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The biggest concept that Caelus derives from Jing Yuan is weariness. While this can be easily seen on a superficial note, such as his position or a long life, the time they've spent together and his brand of intuition gave him a different opinion. Within his eyes it feels like the actual tired factor is derived comes more from within than the outside. A primary thing he takes a note of is how for Jing Yuan, he often wants to see the possibilities that people can create with their hands. (Now exactly why can that be?)
He's someone that approves of the potential of others being realized with a nice nudge in the proper direction. Expectations almost felt a joy to have shattered in the more positive circumstances.
So where does that come from? Aspects like natural talent don't quite fit the bill, no, there's people who are good and it's as simple as breathing for them.
Eventually, he discovers (to his approval) that it hails that dangerous realm of experience, a path that from onset, Caelus loves to immerse himself in entirely. It's less in the wisdom sense, but higher in the sense of combat. He's gained a particular eye in being able to tell that unseen extension of spirit, how the culmination of time and that refined repetition tempered a behemoth sized presence within their soul. There was a reason that invisible, soul altering weight carried with strikes they perform.
At the same time this is where it tapers off. Caelus feels like he's far by any stretch of understanding him beyond position of General, and in kind, truly establishing a friendship that situates them as being simply individuals. It'd take time, most certainty, and he'd accept if they never got that deep into each other's circles, but, to hear more about the dreamer side would be cool to him. In many ways.. It's hard to discern where joy can really be discovered in him.
If I were to note a 'misgiving', so to speak, it'd be that external thought of how he should be more proactive. It's more of that 'The Moment vs the Wider Scope' scenario that would be a grating force between them. Where they pick angles apart, view each other, and come to learn is what I find the most enriching here. Sometimes, the most important thing in Caelus's eyes is to ensure this moment ripples with a shared experience, compared to the potential finer result of a plan Even if that means falling into some difficult straits in the process.
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So how about for the seed of calamity that rests within him? Whereas Caelus's perception is focused more on the humane, this side of him witnesses the history. The particulars in how the paths cleaved their influence upon him, the emotion sourced and woefully coalesced due to the price given as a 'gift'. Now these are private matters that involve JY's history, and in Caelus's current experience of interacting with that said power, it's drawn simple as a feeling of more compared to concrete details. So for more of what the Stellaron percieves--
The Abundance's stench runs heavy on their soul, the clattering chains of countless immortals snapping for his ankles. The lux light of the Hunt is immersed around their figure, making them a presence set to rend particulars. Yet, it's The Erudition that draws the most interesting tale. It happens to be the primary path grafted upon them explosive will first, yet, it's the same one that's often the most fought against all the same. Could this be the fabled price of knowledge?
That said though? Images of his past can be perceived more accurately if the Fragmentum's influence come into play. It'd have to be with souls that host a connection to JY, and through the static of destructive Information trying to coat over the World, that unseen barrier can be crossed for a time.
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squidhominid · 9 months
So I've been thinking about capitalism
So, as some people know, before I became the queer anarchist squid lady that you all know and love, I was, um. A teenage libertarian.
That's. Not great! But in combination with my disabilities it gives me some interesting perspective about the interplay between capitalist systems and disability, that I kind of feel like are worth talking about.
See you under the cut for a discussion about techbro nonsense and how it can be seductive in the right context to disabled people.
Now, as I've said before, libertarianism is sort of like, a funhouse mirror version of socialism. Libertarians believe in equality and in the need for social progress, they just, wrongly, believe that capitalism should be the vehicle to get there, and that the obstacle to getting there is government over-regulation.
The thing that's interesting, and that I think is worth talking about, is how this interplayed with the fact that I'm disabled, and how I viewed disability accommodation.
As some know, I'm unable to drive. My vision is too poor, my attention span is too poor, and, honestly I have serious doubts about my motor skills being up to par either. Nowadays if you asked me I'd tell you the solution would be better public transportation, but when I was younger, I had completely bought into the promise of things like Waymo. The idea of self-driving cars was transfixing to my younger self.
You could argue a part of that is due to American cultural indoctrination about the car as a symbol of agency. It was also because, in my experience, travel by bus is far slower than travel by car. Either way, I was so lost in the American late-stage capitalist soup that I didn't realize the actual solution - trains.
And this, I think, explains why things like Elon Musk's Boring Company are so alluring. Trains have a negative image to the average American, and cars are seen as an emblem of American freedom and agency, like the gun (oh boy that's an entire discussion on its own), and so people get swept up into the narrative of cars-as-public-transit, because they either don't realize public transit would have those benefits too, or they place outsize value on the car itself, be it due to the aforementioned agency, or due to a desire for privacy.
The ultimate realization of this, of course, is Elon Musk admitting that he only pitched the idea of the Hyperloop as a poison pill to kill the California high speed rail project, because he didn't want to share a train with other people.
But there's another example of a pie-in-the-sky hypercapitalist dream technology that I think preys outsize on disabled people. And that's Meta's pitched idea for the metaverse, or any metaverse concept that involves supplanting or augmenting reality.
Of course, there are platforms like Second Life, VRChat, Neos VR, Resonite... Platforms where, either officially or unofficially, you can make an income off of paid assets, like custom avatars. When combined with the fact that these are immersive social platforms, especially when VR gets involved, these platforms suggest that one can use them to replace the 'real world'.
To the disabled, this is a swan song - no longer do you even NEED that self-driving car, you can live an entire remote life. If income from these platforms isn't enough to sustain you, you could get a remote office job, and just use social VR in your downtime, or you could find a way to get passive income, by making something people will have a continuous need for, like music on Spotify that's safe to use in Twitch streams, or video game engine asset packs. There's lots of ways to approach that problem, but it's out-of-scope of this post.
To get back to the point, Meta's pitch for their metaverse is like this concept on overdrive. A world where everyone is wearing an AR headset at all times, and as a result, anyone can remote into any location through a sort of VR telepresence. If your friends are somewhere, and you can't be there, say you're sick, say you're disabled, say you have a baby or a partner to take care of, for any reason, you can just start a group call with them over VR, and you'd 'be there' without being there.
Of course, this leaves a lot of unspoken issues on the table. How would this necessarily work? They would need to make and maintain a digital spatial 'layer' over the real world, that people would access, be it using an AR headset in person, or a VR headset remotely.
They aren't going to set up depth cameras all over the world to capture the environment on an ongoing basis, so would they do this using the cameras on peoples' headsets? What if someone was wearing a headset and doing something private, like reading a note from someone? Then someone in VR could invisibly sneak up behind them and read it. What about countries with strict privacy laws, like Germany?
It's a siren song for the disabled, sold on a dream, but that dream is built on implicit and explicit violations of social norms, and it's turtles privacy violations all the way down.
I don't have anywhere I'm really going with this. I just, wanted to get it all out onto paper, because I've been thinking about how leftists will call technologies like self-driving cars, hyperloop, the metaverse, etc, things like pipe dreams by the rich, or the 'torment nexus' (a future technology originating as a cautionary tale against creating it in a sci-fi novel), but I think that misses the intersectionality of how these technologies can be seductive to people that, if they were feasible, would benefit from them.
The operative part of that sentence being 'if they were feasible', and my point being that they either are not, or are not without massive drawbacks, making them a siren song and ultimately destructive.
But who cares as long as Elon and Zuck are making billions off the back of impossible dreams, right? /s
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rise-my-angel · 1 year
I really appreciate your fic for the clear amount of love and effort going on. It's one of the few reader inserts that I find myself going back to. I just don't see a lot that makes the insert an actual person because most of them are a blank slate that winds up loving, dating and fucking a canon character. While I'm not gonna judge people for that sort of thing, I like to feel like the "reader" is an actual person who earns a part in the canons characters lives. So it does bother me when reader fics get a bad rep, because what they're accused of doing is the exact opposite I am looking for. This is a very weird and long winded way of saying I love HoGW for the character build up you do and the great dynamic reader has with everyone.
I actually really appreciate this a lot, a major aspect of writing this story is trying to forge real dynamics between characters. I look at each person involved and try to imagine the truth behind their interactions and be honest about it. The relationship with Robb seems to move fast, but that's beacuse looking at it, I think it genuinly would. They've known each other for almost fifteen years, and Robb is a naturally more assertive person with what he wants and the advent of war would push them close together and in such stressful times they would end up relying a lot on the other to keep them grounded. So they move fast, beacuse their lives are moving even faster around them anyways.
It's why Jon is such a painfully long slow burn. The second they seperated on the Kingsroad, I knew it was going to take a lot to even remotely find a way to get them in the same room again. And I did the work to force it to be realistic as I could. The post red wedding plot is heavily influenced by that idea. By realizing what would the slow, painful truth of the readers situation really be and the answer was it would be fucking miserable. And not showing that truth felt disingenuous.
We can relate to characters in fiction despite it not being us, we watch shows and movies and see ourselves so greatly in such well established characters. So, my thought process was, it's the same for a reader insert. It has the advantage of a point of view perspective so that you more directly can place yourself in the story. But there was no reason to make the reader too generic. Your brain will naturally struggle with the immersion if they feel to blank slate, you as a human require the small nuances of a dynamic character for you to relate too because otherwise they don't feel human enough.
I know the way I write the reader in HotGW isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it's the slow development of what a real person would go through in events I force them to experiance as they would genuinly happen. I write towards the plot I want, but I want the journey to be as genuine as possible. It's why there's so much tension between the reader and Catelyn despite how much I adore her. They would naturally find themselves at odds with one another often despite that they do look at each other as family. It's why even in their small interaction with Brienne, it's incredibly tense and they clearly do not like the other. I love Brienne dearly but the reader would not and Brienne wouldn't like you so why would I ever pretend otherwise? You as the audience would subconciously know those dots don't fit.
The reader isn't a badass, they aren't a spitfire sassy girl, they aren't even very charming. They have more flaws then pros at times and that is beacuse flaws dictate who we are just as much as our good qualities. I asked myself who would this person really be, and I continue to question every step of the way how genuine am I being towards that goal. It's why so much of Jon's story was told in very scattered short pov's. His story would remain much of the same and you would have very little influence on the actions he takes. What's different is the mentality of certain dynamics and that's where I explore what is a more realistic path of this story.
The reader post the red wedding too is clearly very different, and that darker mentality is not going away anytime soon. Beacuse that isn't realistic. They aren't the same calm and collected stone faced person they were before. Things have changed and I refuse to write away those aspects beacuse we as humans know that I would just be lying about what the true experiance of deep trauma and unnatural inhuman experiances would have on a persons psyche.
It's why I love writing their dynamic with Theon. It's a fucked up kindred spirit in the other of absoute torture and realizing that would bond you both in a way that would be impossible to dismiss as casual. So he becomes important in their life and yours in his beacuse that's what path felt the most natural for them.
I just think reader inserts have no reason to shy away from writing fully realized readers with unique identities. Unique identities are what we find relatability in. Make them too blank slate and they feel like a puppet for the author to dangle in front of the other characters.
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lordrul · 4 months
I'm Learning How to Dive: Overcoming My Fear and Exploring the Underwater World
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Learning to dive has always been on my bucket list, a combination of conquering a deep-seated fear and exploring a new, mesmerizing world. As someone who has struggled with a phobia of dark, underwater spaces, the decision to learn diving is both daunting and exhilarating.
The First Steps: Online Learning
My journey began online, with a wealth of resources and classes available at my fingertips. The internet is a treasure trove of information for aspiring divers, offering everything from beginner guides to advanced techniques. I started with basic theory classes that covered essential topics such as dive safety, equipment usage, and underwater navigation.
These online courses are designed to be comprehensive and engaging. They incorporate videos, quizzes, and interactive modules to ensure that learners grasp the fundamental concepts. The flexibility of online learning allowed me to study at my own pace, building a solid foundation before taking the plunge into practical training.
Facing My Fear
One of the primary reasons I decided to learn diving was to confront my phobia of dark, underwater spaces. This fear, known as thalassophobia, has always held me back from fully enjoying water activities. By learning to dive, I hope to transform this fear into fascination.
The process of overcoming such a phobia involves gradual exposure and building confidence. Online learning has been instrumental in this regard, providing a controlled environment where I can visualize and understand what to expect. Watching videos of experienced divers navigating the depths has shown me that with proper training and equipment, the underwater world can be both safe and awe-inspiring.
The Beauty Beneath the Surface
Beyond overcoming my fear, I am driven by a desire to witness the beauty of the underwater world. The ocean is home to an incredible diversity of life, with vibrant coral reefs, majestic marine creatures, and stunning underwater landscapes. The thought of swimming alongside colorful fish, exploring intricate coral formations, and experiencing the tranquility of the ocean depths fills me with excitement.
Diving offers a unique perspective on the natural world, one that few get to experience. It’s a chance to immerse oneself in an environment vastly different from our everyday life, where every dive promises new discoveries and breathtaking views.
Preparing for the Real Dive
As I complete my online studies, I am eagerly anticipating my first real diving class. Practical training is the next crucial step, where I will apply the knowledge gained online under the guidance of experienced instructors. This hands-on experience is vital for developing the skills and confidence needed to dive safely and enjoyably.
The transition from theory to practice will involve learning to use diving equipment, mastering buoyancy control, and becoming comfortable underwater. While the prospect of my first dive fills me with nervous excitement, I am reassured by the thorough preparation I have undergone.
A Journey of Discovery
Learning to dive is not just about acquiring a new skill; it’s a journey of personal growth and discovery. It’s about pushing boundaries, overcoming fears, and embracing the wonders of the natural world. As I embark on this adventure, I am reminded that the most rewarding experiences often lie just beyond our comfort zones.
The underwater world awaits, and I am ready to dive in.
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Which is Harder: Mera Peak or Island Peak?
Introduction: Hey there, fellow adventurers! If you're like me, you're always on the lookout for your next big trekking challenge. Today, I want to dive into a question that many of us have pondered: Which is harder, Mera Peak or Island Peak? Having tackled both, I'm here to share my insights in simple language, spiced up with a personal touch.
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What's the Deal with Mera Peak and Island Peak? First things first, let's get acquainted with our contenders.
Mera Peak:
Height: Standing tall at 6,476 meters (21,247 feet), Mera Peak holds the title of Nepal's highest trekking peak.
Location: Nestled in the remote Hinku Valley, Mera Peak offers breathtaking views of Everest, Makalu, and Cho Oyu.
Difficulty: Known for its non-technical ascent, Mera Peak is often considered suitable for novice climbers seeking their first Himalayan summit.
Island Peak:
Height: Island Peak, also known as Imja Tse, reaches an impressive height of 6,189 meters (20,305 feet).
Location: Situated in the heart of the Everest region, Island Peak offers panoramic views of the Khumbu region and its majestic peaks.
Difficulty: While technically more challenging than Mera Peak, Island Peak's ascent involves basic mountaineering skills like using crampons and ice axes.
My Personal Experience: Now, let's sprinkle in some personal anecdotes.
Mera Peak: When I tackled Mera Peak, I was mesmerized by the sheer beauty of the Hinku Valley. The trek to base camp treated me to lush forests, quaint Sherpa villages, and stunning alpine landscapes. As I made my way up, the gradual ascent allowed me to acclimatize well, although the final push to the summit was undeniably strenuous. Despite being a beginner climber, I found the climb manageable with the right preparation and determination.
Island Peak: Ah, Island Peak, the crown jewel of the Everest region. Unlike Mera Peak, Island Peak demanded a bit more technical prowess. The climb involved traversing crevassed glaciers and scaling steep ice walls—a thrilling challenge for someone like me who loves a bit of adrenaline. With the guidance of experienced Sherpa guides, I conquered Island Peak's summit, reveling in the sense of achievement and the jaw-dropping vistas that greeted me at the top.
So, Which is Harder? Now comes the million-dollar question: Which peak is harder?
Well, the answer isn't as clear-cut as you might think. It all boils down to your personal preferences, experience level, and comfort with technical terrain.
If you're a beginner looking to dip your toes into Himalayan climbing, Mera Peak might be the perfect starting point. Its non-technical ascent and gradual elevation gain make it accessible to novice climbers with the right training and guidance.
On the other hand, if you're seeking a more technical challenge and have some mountaineering experience under your belt, Island Peak could be right up your alley. Its glacier crossings and steep ice walls will test your skills and push you out of your comfort zone, rewarding you with unparalleled views and a sense of accomplishment.
Ultimately, whether you choose Mera Peak or Island Peak, both offer unforgettable adventures and the chance to immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring beauty of the Himalayas. So, lace up your boots, pack your sense of adventure, and embark on the journey of a lifetime—I promise you won't regret it!
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naelogical · 8 months
A Narrative through First Impressions.
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Welcome to the page where you've found me! My name is Sebastian Nathanael, but you can call me Nael or El for short. However, don't worry if you want to give me a new nickname, I'll be happy to accept it. Please note that I have reached the legal age (23+) and I emphasize that I use he/him as my pronouns. I am a Capricorn and an ENTJ, I enjoy socializing even though sometimes I also have a tendency to prefer spending time alone. I enjoy interacting with people from all walks of life and always try to maintain positive relationships with everyone I meet. However, I do also appreciate and value my alone time, as it gives me a chance to reflect and recharge.
Moving on to some more details about me, my cyber account @chanwoin is where I will be sharing my views and experiences on various topics such as my everyday life, roleplaying, work, hobbies, favorites in movies, music, food, and other interests.
During my free time, I like to explore and engage in various activities. One of my favorite pastimes is reading webtoons with genres such as thriller, horror, or comedy, although I also enjoy other genres as long as they are interesting and engaging. Aside from that, I have a great passion for exploring new and unique food. Whenever I have some free time, I always try to visit local markets to search for unique street food or I would buy them from small food shops which offer delicious yet unique menu items. Local markets or roadside food stalls are my favorite places to discover new foods that I have never tried before. In addition to exploring food, I also love to watch travel vlogs, learning vlogs, cooking vlogs, and any other vlogs that offer valuable insights. I love to watch and learn from these vlogs, which inspire me to explore new places, get involved in new activities, and learn new skills. Furthermore, I love to watch movies and listen to music in my free time. Movies give me a chance to escape reality and immerse myself in different storylines, characters, and worlds. Music, on the other hand, has always been an important aspect of my life. It has helped me to relax, be more productive, and appreciate different soundscapes and rhythms. Overall, my free time is not limited to just one or two activities. I like to keep myself engaged in various other activities which help me to learn, grow, and have fun. I believe that life is all about exploring new things and experiencing new sensations, which is precisely what I try to achieve during my free time.
My taste for movies or series
I'm not particularly selective when it comes to movies or TV series. I enjoy watching various genres and exploring new storylines and characters. Here are some of the movies and series that I have watched:
Train to Busan, Peninsula, Kingdom, Little Forest, Next Sohee, Memories of Murder, The Handmaiden, Juno, Little Manhattan, A Walk to Remember, Little Women, To All the Boys I've Loved Before, Save Me, Signal, Sky Castle, All Of Us Are Dead, Duty After School, My Perfect Stranger, Night Has Come.
In addition to movies and TV series, I also enjoy watching anime. Admittedly, I consider myself a newbie in the anime world, but I am excited to discover more of this genre. Here are some of the anime that I have watched so far:
Perfect Blue, Mirai, Usagi Drop, Barakamon, Deaimon, Yuru Camp, Gen AI, Your Name, Grave of the Fireflies, Weathering with You, Into the Forest of Fireflies' Light, Tokyo Godfathers, Suzume, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, The Secret World of Arrietty, The Tale of The Princess Kaguya, My Neighbor Totoro, Castle in the Sky.
A taste for my music
When it comes to music, I don't have a particular target genre but I'm open to listening to any style of music. Here are some artists and groups that I enjoy listening to:
My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the Disco, Twenty One Pilots, Sleeping With Sirens, Black Veil Brides, Paramore, wave to earth, Reality Club, King Gnu, The Rose, Nerd Connection, 48G, DEAN, Heize, Hozier, IU, NIKI, Taylor Swift, TNX, RIIZE, 82MAJOR, BOYNEXTDOOR, AMPERS&ONE, TWS, TWICE, NMIXX, IVE, Billlie.
Just a note that my account is open to anyone, regardless of age, but I am selective about the followers I choose to engage with. If you want to know who I am in my role-playing persona, feel free to hit me up with a DM. On a related note, I am also active on Plato. If you are on Plato, let's connect and play games together. You can find me using my ID: Rintaroui. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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bluev0id · 9 months
Hello. Hope you’re doing well.
Heres your exchange : How will I spend this new years eve ?
New Year's Eve have the potential for fresh and novel encounters on this special night. It suggests an openness to new feelings and artistic expressions that may unfold as you welcome the upcoming year.
However, you go through self-imposed limitations or hesitations. As the clock ticks towards midnight, there might be a tendency to feel bound by uncertainties or fears that hinder the full embrace of the celebratory spirit. Your guides encourages a conscious effort to break free from these mental constraints, allowing oneself to fully immerse in the transformative energy of the New Year. You could be suffering from anxiety or worrying about something in particular.
The archetype of the queen of pentacles advises adopting a practical and earthy approach to the festivities. Whether it involves spending quality time with family and friends or focusing on self-care, the Queen of Pentacles underscores the importance of creating a stable and nurturing environment for oneself and those close to you. Your New Year's Eve might unfold with a blend of emotional exploration, overcoming self-imposed limitations, and embracing a nurturing atmosphere. Begin the night with an open heart, ready to experience the novel and creative aspects of the Page of Cups. As the evening progresses, confront any mental barriers represented by the 8 of Swords, allowing the Queen of Pentacles to guide you towards a balanced and nurturing celebration.
Messages :
- start the night by engaging in activities that fuel your creative side, such as journaling, art, or even dancing. Your guides are encouraging a sense of emotional freedom and expression. As the countdown to midnight approaches, take a moment for introspection, acknowledging and releasing any fears or doubts that you may have.
- consider creating a warm and welcoming environment for your New Year's Eve celebration. This might involve preparing nourishing meals, surrounding yourself with loved ones, or even engaging in a calming self-care routine.
My question is : what is BK feelings towards me ? ( black hair, big eyes and beanie) - A ⭐️
Omg thank u for the long reading!!
I'm gonna be honest with you, I had quite a hard time connecting to this person. I hope you can manage to get something useful and reliable out of this reading
I'm getting quite a lot of different energies here uhhh for starters there's definitely a sense of shakiness and something about this connection doesn't feel "all the way there". I'm gonna go a bit of a longer route here for this to make sense. Because of these fluctuations, I kinda took a peek into how does BK feel about themselves and with the Mountain card describing this person and then getting the Strength and Chariot reversed, it's coming to me that they have certain problems in their life rn that they're having a hard time figuring out. They seem like person issues, but I do think they're affecting your person's view on others as well.
So when it comes to you, even tho with the ace of pentacles and ace of cups, there's a feeling of you being something positive, something they're craving in their life and are interested, can see a benefit of you, tho perhaps they feel it's hard for them to connect to other people rn. They're trying to kinda shake off those feelings and be happy and notice the positive energy you bring and how good the prospect of you looks to them but at the same time, inside they're fighting negativity and cynicism. They desire to have you around, and think their life would be better if you were in it. So generally it's all positive and good except those outside forces.
If youre wonfering how they see you then hmm to them you're also juggling many things in life and perhaps aren't having the easiest time. Seems like you're working towards something or at least possess a skill of long term dedication even if it's not career related. So they think that you know what you need or once you think something is right, it could be hard influencing you to think otherwise. Although I get a bit of a hint that currently they might think that your luck has turned around. Maybe you managed to reach a particular goal or achieve and opportunity or switch up your life. They see this as you succeeding and things going your way. It's quite a realistic way to see someone I guess
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