#it's been a fewish days
mustluvcatz-reloaded · 4 months
The Big Move - Finished Edition
We're done! Took the 2 of us 5 days - using 2 grocery carts. The help we were supposed to get didn't show up, but you know what? It.got.done. *dusts off hands* Do I feel like I've aged 100 years in 5 days? Maaaaaybe. :D
I do wish that someone had been taking pictures, I'm sure there were parts that would win on a funniest video show. Like Matt pulling my mattress AND me - I was only there to support the other end of the mattress I guess and I can't walk as fast as I used to. Or me ending up as the filling in a mattress sandwich. I'm still kind of sore from that, lol.
All in all, things went better than I expected. I know I did things I shouldn't have but what can you do? Nobody wants to help, you roll up your sleeves (or pretend to in my case, I hate sleeves!) and do what needs to be done.
There were a few mishaps. My sheets got ruined moving the mattresses. My bedroom rug got ink spilled on it - I SAID to watch out for my craft cart! The air mattress we had (as a backup when Matt didn't want to sleep on the futon or for company) got popped.
All in all, this move was a good thing.
Yes, there was more here. I, as the owner of this here blog, deleted some stuff as it was outdated and I didn't want to look at it ever again. :)
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wolfcha1k · 5 days
I'm about to feed my fellow Sonaze connoisseurs with this big edit I've been working on a fewish days now. Its not done yet since I got a ton of masking left to do but here's some crumbs in the meantime from the project. Also song is Tongue Tied by Faber Drive because I always associate it with Sonic/Blaze lol
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feelingdeath · 1 year
The last one (for a while)
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I have zero drafts now, fewish followers, and this is going to be my 385th post.
I am logging off of tumblr, for a good bit. I did think about deleting my account, but i have people on here that i care about and who care about me (also i remember when @doritosaftersex deactivated his account and i felt bad). So instead ill come back in maybe a few months or years, or maybe never depends on well lol if i actually kms. Although don't worry i really doubt i have the time or energy for that. Before i go though i lowkey realised that i haven't ever spoken about like the well other side of me. The parts that i don't tumblr about. So here's this post- an Introduction and a Good-Bye.
My name's Piki, and that's me in the pfp { One of the good days}.
i like cats. (I think most people would start off like that).
M a living cliche and also a hypocrite cos i hate cliches and i literally wanna do something different, but oops =).
I have been in two relationships, second one going on right now, been over six months (and i think this is the last one because i might marry him [ totally will] and i couldn't ask for anyone more better).
I think I am an extrovert ? I don't really know. Making tumble mutuals was so hard for me i literally have only one ( @mqstermindswift ).
i like cyanide, the color and the song and the vibe. (My favourite artists are The Chainsmokers, Linkin Park, MGK, OH AND JAKEHILL [i love jake hill])
I like Italian food and will. eat. anything. that has cheese. I am kinda vegetarian though, i don't like the idea of eating an animal who probably had a family but i absolutely HATE animals as a whole (ref to point 3 about me being a hypocrite)
I hate everyone and everything, the first thing that i said to morphi and it also got me my nickname piki - which means m picky about everything.
i also love doing everything (fk m confusing). i dance, and love to cook, and i draw really well, and i can play the guitar, i learnt the violin nd the piano too a bit, i like debating a lot, and volunteering for things.
On the surface my life seems great, but then comes the well the stuff- i mean clearly it would take you a few scrolls across my blog to see how er bad it really gets but well-
I might have bpd? i am not sure.
i feel terribly lonely sometimes and also inferior to everyone around me.
my parents are not the greatest people out there. they both have done stuff that well i wont type it out here of course, but its bad.
the above thing dig this really deep pit of trust issues and well now i believe in tragedies more than hope ( morphi hates that but he'll get it once he knows)
i have tried to km, when i was younger. And if i had a penny for everytime i thought about killing myself elon musk and i would be homies.
i am really gorey, and i like horror movies and the gore and CNC and stuff.
i cant open up. too many expectations.
i get really low sometimes and i end up saying stuff or doing stuff and i don't particularly remember why or what i did, and so i poof (another thing morphi hates).
i hurt myself a lot which probably comes from point 6.
Sounds like two different people now. There is SO MUCH i haven't told about me, but if you have even like read this at all. M lowkey impressed. I am not going to go in and fix my spelling mistakes and capitalisation so go figure.
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urlocalmagicalcat · 1 year
ghs posting will return in a fewish days or so. been trying to recover from burnout and from being in physically in pain from the past few days + today. I’ll also try to finish Soul Collector too… depends. I just need more time to get back to my normal self.
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doyouknowhoyouare · 5 years
i got my period and i’m in pain and i have work in less than an hour 😔
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birb-tangleblog · 4 years
Hey guys, sorry for the radio silence recently! I hope everyone had a happy holiday, or just a nice few days!
Pardon the inactivity on my end- it’s been p crazy over here. It’s calming down a bit now tho, so I’m hoping to be online more in the next fewish days!
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suudonym · 7 years
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did you know that today it’s been one whole year since I first started writing Can’t Help Falling? I’m not gonna get sentimental or anything but man what a wild year it’s been
full size textless version can be viewed here
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100 Pound Update/Holiday Struggles
After about three weeks of my weight staying in around the same place I finally dropped and reached my 100 pounds lost milestone. I was a little worried that it was seriously not going to happen. I mean I’ve lost a lot of weight and people hit plateaus (that word always makes me struggle when I am writing it out...just me?) I tried to not stress over it though. I had spent a couple months losing a solid amount week after week and I know that eventually the body starts to self regulate and level out. Plus stress is not conducive to weight loss. I just tried to keep my calories in line and work on my new macros, which I am still really bad at but trying is what counts. And no one is good at macros when they first start, at least that’s what I told myself. But practice makes everything better, so I just need more practice. I also think that is what was slowing my weight down. I had changed the way I was eating and how much I was eating. 
I also started to take creatine with my post workout protein shake. I read that initially that can bump your weight up a little bit for some people. But it would eventually level out and lead to more muscle which increases the metabolic rate of your body and that means more fat loss in the long run. Now the real struggle for me has been that I had been so into the weight loss and the way I was eating that I kind of took a little break just to give myself a mental break. It is really difficult to always be so focused on your diet. I do tend to get a little obsessive about my weight loss. So I was cheating my diet quite a bit cutting corners. Snacking on things I shouldn't have been having or over indulging. The Halloween candy was a hard fight that I would often lose and just absentmindedly grab a few and later a few more. Though they are small and easy to write off its also easy to over do it and have more than you probably should have.
Then that leads into Thanksgiving. I tried to take that easy there and not over eat. But I mean come on its Thanksgiving that’s kind of how it works. I didn't count any of my calories from my family dinner Wednesday night or all day Thursday. I will eventually go back in and add everything I ate in but I just didn't want to stress about it for a couple days. Today is a new day I have counted everything I’ve consumed this morning or at least have the barcodes to scan for the couple of new low cal energy drinks I’ve tried today. I decided that I would get back on track after the holiday had passed. And today was that day. It is so easy for people to let some minor slip ups get them down. But you can't focus on that you can eat a big Thanksgiving meal and just get back on track the next day. Yes my weight has gone up a bit since I hit my 100 pounds mark. But I'm not letting that get to me and there is plenty of time to course correct to reach my end of the year weight loss goal. Only 5 new pounds to lose and a fewish regained pounds to lose by year’s end. It seems like completely achievable goal. 
At the end of the day this is a long journey I am on and its bound to hit a few potholes along the road and some rough patches. Sometimes things just slow you down but as long as you don't let it stop you completely and you're still trying your best then you can't fault yourself as long as your honest about it all.
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peachytexts · 7 years
(im the anon who confessed to her crush lmao) so we talked for a little and it was so awkward because he doesn't like me back and he even friend zoned me lmao + he didnt come to school today lol
aw i’m sorry things didn’t work out :(( it’s been a fewish days since you sent this so i hope your friendship healed a bit!! you’re a stud and i’d mail you a boyfriend if i could
if it makes you feel better i found out that the boy i like has a girlfriend haha
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