#it's been an honour fighting at your side girlies. i would have followed you my sisters. my fellow verderine. my queens.
widevibratobitch · 8 months
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ah di me non vi scordar... o7
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jayda-starrjones · 4 years
My Top 10 Favourite Animes (So Far)
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I've loved nana since I was 10, it was my first anime. I'll prolly love it forever, it makes me cry and I just feels so real and nostalgic idk the aesthetic of this anime is my most favourite thing in the world. It's about two 20 year old girls who are polar opposites but have the same name meeting on a train to tokyo; and their worlds end up colliding. With Nana Osaki, the punk singer in a band trying to make it big and Nana Komaru, the girly romantic, it ends up being a story of young adults trying to figure out their lives. It's emotional and real, with emotional and real characters.
I'm also a nana osaki kinnie
2. Devilman Crybaby
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First of all: I LOVE ryo. His character depth is EXQUISITE. Second of all: I loved loved LOOOOVED the ending. It hurts but it's realistic and makes sense. It's complex... I enjoy complexity 😌✋ The plot is introduced as childhood friends trying to save the world from "devils," but I think it's REALLY a story about love and the complexity of it; how if you're greedy and narrow minded then you'll fuck up love for yourself. If you've seen the entire show then you know why.
I'm also in love with the shot of ryo pulling out his gun and shooting the devils at the sabbath party in episode 1
3. Ouran Highschool Host Club
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The characters are S O endearing. Except for Renge, she annoys me 💀 but honestly this anime is just really fun to follow. It's a girl who joins the host club as a boy in order to pay off her debt to the boys from the host club, while also making great friends with them in the process. The characters have a good dynamic and they work well with each other, especially cause they're all quite different from each other. IDK MAN I JUST REALLY ENJOYED THIS ANIME OK
4. Danganronpa
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Ok so tbhhh I don't really know if this one counts cause I love the games, not diggin the anime, but I think it's referred to as an anime so whatever lmfao. Again, the characters? Great, amazing, tasty. Like I'm being fed a full course meal with a bunch of different shit in it. Danganronpa is so diverse with it's characters, like some of them are kinda out there lmao. Yes, yes, I am also a Toko kinnie 😌✋ I enjoy the story of the main games and the antagonists are MMMM M W A H CHEFS KISS. The style of it is pretty cool too. It's about kids who wake up in a school only to find of they're being held hostage there unless they kill the others to be set free, if they can also escape the Phoenix Wright style court trial without being caught.
Side note: the games were supposed to be a LOT darker than they already are, like sickeningly dark, I almost wish they were what they were going to be just so i could see how they would have turned out.
5. Black Butler
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I am enchanted by the dark plot. I started watching Black Butler when I was like 13 and fell in love with it's universe. It's dark, cold, fun and thrilling. Did I mention dark? It's about a boy who makes a deal with a demon just so he can survive the trauma that was sprung onto him. Ciel is crafted as a kid who hasn't been able to heal, and probably never will. The manga is better than the anime, a lot better; but the series is SO good. This is wack to think about for me but this anime actually got me through some hard times. Not in the most healthy way, but It helped me grow a THICK ass skin because I would relate to the feeling of loneliness and revel in the only other feeling I had in me; rage. I used to kin Ciel so hard bruh
6. Beastars
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This anime gives me like a sorrowful depression afterward lmao like I can't put my finger on it but every time I've gone through it and binged it it's made me like sad, even tho it's not very sad?? I still love it tho. I love the idea of a wolf falling for a rabbit and having to fight his instincts just to be with her. Also, if you're an ARMY, legoshi has Namjoon's eyes. CAN'T EXPLAIN IT HE JUST DOES MK
7. Attack On Titan
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K ya it's a popular anime everyone likes BUUUUUUT it has a nice big place in my heart so it's going on this list. The development between characters throughout the anime and manga is intense. I didn't expect where the story is to this day; I don't think anyone did lmao also? When I first started reading the manga it was cause I needed to finish where the anime left off cause I couldn't wait any longer lol THE MANGA?? GIVES ME LIKE CHILLS?? Idk the manga is scary to read sometimes lol again, I can't place it, but sometimes it's so gritty I can hear the screams in my head and feel the ambiance and death in the air. I like an angry ambitious story 🤷‍♀️
8. Yuri On Ice
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GREAT love story. I also love yuri plisetsky a lot. The anime is really pretty and conveys a warm feeling. The pacing is really good as well. It moves pretty fast, considering it has like what, 12 episodes? I also loved the ending because like :') yurios debut dudes :') did u see the tears :'))))))
9. Death Note
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Ok so I recently rewatched this anime for probably the 4th time with a friend and realized that the pacing isn't too bad but sometimes it feels slow. Nonetheless, I love it a lot. A killer and a detective working together to capture that same killer is fun to follow. It has a really nice aesthetic and I think it's clever with various things handled in the anime. It's very entertaining, I love playing it in the background while I'm painting. Also, I have a death note 🤪
10. Cowboy Bebop
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This anime is different from most animes I get attached to, mostly because it loosely follows a plot but REALLY i think you could prolly tune into any episode and grasp what's going on. It's JUST space shananagins dude. Again, beautiful aesthetic. Cute characters. I love how cyborg man has a bonsai room like cmon that's such a cute character detail.
VERY Honourable Mentions
One Punch Man
K but one punch man is so funny wtf and it's very quirky and fun. Just the thought of a low budget superhero who isn't recognized as a superhero & can only kill bad guys with one punch & hates it is kinda funny idk man, mf does his deed of the day and then panics cause he needs to make it to the supermarket on time for the sale that's going on lmao
Soul Eater
Of course, great characters, great plot. Really good animation style. Funny with a dark aesthetic ♡
Your Lie In April
Okay hear me out. I haven't actually finished it yet. I just know that the characters have so much depth that I've been sucked in. I also don't think I've ever seen an anime THIS beautiful. Like really, this anime blows me away with how beautiful it is sometimes. It makes me rlly sad for some reason tho. Pretty music romance that'll remind you of your childhood mmmm
My Future Diary
mmmm taystey yandere
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scarlet-star-witch · 5 years
Never Enough (Jim Hopper/OC) - Part 2
Summary: Devon and Jim find themselves in a whirlwind romance, the kind that swept the both of them off their feet. While things in Hawkins start to take a turn for the worst, Devon realizes she and her son are more involved in this small town conspiracy than she ever would have believed. At least she has the surly but loveable Chief on her side and in her arms.
Part 1
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ABBA played loudly throughout the studio, almost bursting her ear drums. Being a single mother meant she didn’t get a lot of alone time, but when she was painting in her studio, it was the only time she got to really unwind and let loose.
She sang along to the music, her eyes concentrated on the half blank canvas in front of her as her head bobbed to the beat rhythmically. She felt more rejuvenated than ever. After her night with Jim and waking up with him this morning, she felt more hopeful than ever about their relationship.
She knew there would be more fights, there always were in healthy relationships, but she felt better after last night, knowing they could both be smart and come to each other with an apology. They didn’t worry about letting their pride get in the way, something she had struggled with in her past relationships.
But with Jim, she felt like she didn’t have to prove anything. If anything, she felt like she had to prove the others in Hawkins wrong, not the person she actually cared about. That was something difficult for her, worrying about what everyone else thought about her, whether they were relevant in her life or not.
Devon was so lost in her thoughts, she didn’t notice when the door opened and the Chief himself stepped in. 
Jim crossed his arms across his chest, leaning against the far wall with a smile on his face as he watched her sing and dance in her seat as she painted, totally oblivious to his presence.
The song ended within a few seconds, fading out into silence, when Jim finally made himself known. He cleared his throat, a laugh soon following when he saw Devon jump in her seat in fright.
“What the fuck?” She groaned, placing a hand over her racing heart. Her scowl didn’t last long, the sight of him smiling so widely, something rare for the usually surly Chief, had her smiling along with him.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, her eyes turning back to the canvas in front of her. 
Hopper turned the volume on her record player down before sauntering over to her, shrugging in response coyly. “It was a slow day.”
Devon smiled up at him as he stood in front of her, his 6’3 form easily towering over her. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to her forehead. 
“Yeah? The old bitties of Hawkins aren’t giving you a hard time?” 
“Well, they are, but I’m choosing to ignore them.”
“Hopper! You’re the Chief of police, you can’t just ignore people who need help.”
“I sincerely doubt that getting Mrs. Davis’ cat out of her neighbours trash bins is hard hitting police work.”
“To you, maybe.”
“I’m ignoring them for you, isn’t that romantic?” Jim flaunted sarcastically and Devon rolled her eyes, a girly giggle escaping her.
“Oh yeah, my heart’s just fluttering like crazy.” She chided him. 
“So what? I gotta step up my game?”
“Oh yeah.” Devon smiled in jest, trying to continue to paint, but Jim’s arms slithered around her waist as he began to press soft kisses to her neck. She held back a sigh, not wanting to give in and admit how much he was affecting her.
“You know, I can be pretty damn persuasive.” Hopper mumbled, his lips barely leaving her skin for a second to speak. 
Devon groaned and as she faced him to give him the bad news, his lips crashed to hers before she could. His hands wrapped her around her waist, lifting her out of her seat. Devon shrieked against his lips, she didn’t think she’d ever get used to his brute strength and the way he could just throw her around as easily as he could.
Jim smirked in satisfaction at her response and pressed his lips to hers in a fiery kiss that left her breathless. He hoisted her up into his arms and sat in what used to be her seat, holding her into his lap as she straddled him.
Her voice cut off as he grabbed her hips, grinding her against him. She moaned lowly and kissed him back passionately, her words falling out of her head in an instant. Devon was ready to continue as if she had no responsibilities, but the sound of his throaty groan as her hips met his snapped her out of her lust filled haze.
“Jim, we can’t.”
“No? You didn’t seem bothered last week.”
Devon’s eyes widened and a blush flashed across her cheeks as she thought of when he visited her in her studio just a few days ago. She was thankful the other artists in Hawkins were only using her studio as a hobby and weren’t in every day, otherwise they would’ve gotten an earful.
“Well, I didn’t have kids coming to visit me last week.” Devon moaned as her insatiable boyfriend continued to press heated kisses to the slope of her neck.
Her words seemed to gain his attention though and he pulled away, looking up at her curiously.
“Joyce’s kid and his friends stop by here a few times a week.” She explained, but Hopper’s face contorted in confusion and Devon sighed. “They have A/V club on tuesdays and thursdays but the rest of the week they like to come here and use the radio in the back room. Apparently it’s better than the one at their school.”
“You can’t tell them to go away?” Jim said offhandedly, moving to kiss her again but she moved back, keeping a fair distance between them.
“You know I can’t. I’m a mom, I’m helpless around kids.” She shrugged and Jim laughed, shaking his head. 
“You’re too nice.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s terrible.” She moaned dramatically, making Jim pinch her thigh in response.
“Speaking of Joyce, do you have any idea why she came raging into my office this morning?” Jim asked, feigning ignorance. He knew exactly why she’d come to give him a piece of her mind. He was sure the entire station knew, too, after her visit.
He didn’t appreciate the fact that his officers heard about his relationship drama, but he had to admit, it was quite amusing to Joyce so worked up and it made him feel better knowing Devon had such support on her side. He knew she’d been struggling since she moved to Hawkins.
Jim and Joyce had known each other a long time and had been good friends for years, but the fierce woman was ready to throw all of that aside to protect Devon’s honour. He couldn’t really fault her for that when he’d do the same thing for the woman of his affection.
Devon’s eyes widened and she bit her lip, coughing awkwardly to hide her snicker of amusement. She would have loved to have seen 5 foot tall Joyce Byers reaming out the Chief of Police.
“I guess I may have mentioned some things to her last night.” She mumbled, her fingers fiddling with a piece of fabric on her ripped jeans.
“Yeah? You told her what an asshole I was being?”
“I never said that. Those were her words not mine.” Devon defended, though she was still trying to hide her smile. “But, to be fair, you were being a bit of an asshole. I had to vent.” She shrugged in nonchalance.
Jim laughed, shaking his head. “You’re somethin’ else, baby.” He mumbled, pressing a quick kiss to her smirking lips.
“So, did she straighten you out?”
“Oh hell yeah. I’m terrified of that woman. I’ll never disrespect you again.”
“You’ll have more than Joyce Byers to worry about if you mess with me.” Devon warned, though her sarcasm was a little too easy to detect and Jim was unable to keep his cheeky smile at bay at her teasing.
“I don’t doubt it. The two of you tag-teaming me? I’d never make it out alive.”
“Yeah, don’t you forget it.” She whispered, bringing her lips closer to his. His teasing smile fell and lust overtook his playful expression. He leaned forward, inches away from kissing her deeply when she pulled back, a satisfied smirk on her face.
“You’re an evil woman.” He groaned, his forehead falling to rest on her shoulder. 
“Just keeping you on your toes, honey.” Devon smiled sweetly and Hopper almost melted on the spot. He was still trying to figure out just how quickly she’d gotten under his skin, not that he was complaining. His hands instinctively tightened around her waist, bringing her in closer to him.
“Well, since you’re so adamant about teasing me now, are you free tonight to put me out of misery?”
“Charlie said he wanted fries for dinner tonight so I’m thinking of taking him to Benny’s.”
Jim smiled, his grip on her hips tightening playfully. “Well, I guess I’ll see you tonight then.”
Devon gasped in mock astonishment, a wide grin growing.
“Jim Hopper, aren’t you forward.”
Jim rolled his eyes and let out a loud laugh, leaning back in the chair to admire her form that was still straddling him so scandalously. 
“You didn’t think I was too forward last night when I-”
Devon placed her hand over his mouth and glared playfully at the smug expression on his face.
“Alright, that's enough out of you, you pervert.”
“I’ll see you tonight then?” Jim asked, his voice muffled from her hand that was still across his mouth. Devon nodded, quickly taking her hand away and crashing her lips to his. She had about ten minutes until the kids came and she was going to make the best of it. 
They allowed themselves to indulge in each other for a few minutes, taking no mind of their responsibilities. It was only when Devon pulled away, keeping her hand on Hopper’s chest when he tried to lean forward, his lips chasing hers desperately to keep contact, that they finally remembered they were adults with jobs.
“Don’t wanna scar the kids for life.” She whispered in reminder.
Jim hoisted her up, reveling in the delighted laugh it drew from his girl, and set her back down on her feet. 
“I’ll see you and the little one tonight.” He promised, pressing his lips to her forehead affectionately, the small act making her swoon where she stood. She hummed in agreement, almost too lovestruck to respond.
“See ya.” He smiled cheekily as he slowly walked backwards out of the room.
Devon bit her lip, sending a mischievous smile and wave that left him wanting more.
“Good luck with the cats!” She called out when he was almost out of the room, which earned her a playful scowl and a muttered ‘brat’ under his breath.
Devon giggled childishly to herself and took a couple of seconds to compose her teenage-like hormones until she could get back to work and focus on the painting in front of her. 
She only had a couple of minutes to herself before the door opened and Will Byers and his group of friends strolled in casually like they owned the place. She smiled brightly, she loved those kids like they were her own.
Ever since she met Joyce, and by association, Will and mentioned that she had a huge radio in the back office she was thinking of getting rid of, Will and friends had flocked to her and her studio, spending a lot of time in the summer fiddling with the gadget. Now that school had started she’d seen them less, but they still made time to visit the piece of equipment they couldn’t get enough of.
“Hey, Miss Wicklow!” A polite Mike Wheeler called out to her with a big smile. Devon smiled and waved at the boys.
“Hey, guys. How was the first week back?”
The boys rolled their eyes in unison, making her smile.
“It’s school, nothing to write home about.” Dustin waved his hand passively. “And they’ve cut A/V club down to one day a week.”
“So, If you don’t mind, can we come on tuesdays, too?” Will asked, like the polite little child Joyce raised him to be. Devon couldn’t resist the Byers boy and his friends, they were all so polite and hilarious, she could never say no to them.
“Of course. Anytime you guys need the radio, I’ll be here.” 
“Thanks Miss Wicklow, you’re the best.” Lucas said with a big smile.
“You know you guys can call me Devon, I’m not sixty years old.” 
They boys collectively blushed and nodded bashfully and Devon had to hide her amused smile in fear of embarrassing them out the door.
“So, what are you guys working on?”
“We’re hoping to link our walkies.” Dustin replied immediately, clearly excited beyond belief about their new idea. “Ours don’t have the range to reach my house to Will’s so if we converge the signals to the radio here, which is in the middle of our houses, we can sync the signal so we have a better connection.”
Devon smiled and nodded, as if what they were saying made sense to her. “Alright, well, have fun. I don’t have to leave for another hour, so get what you can done.” 
Another chorus of ‘thanks Miss Wicklow’ rang out as the boys hurriedly made their way to the back room next door. She shook her head, if Charlie has that much energy at that age, she will be in trouble. 
Devon smiled, continuing to sing along to the music that played as she got back to painting. This was what she really loved about Hawkins. Despite the judgment she faced in the small town, the friendships and the nice people she did encounter outnumbered the ones in Chicago.
She worked at her painting, shaking her head in amusement every time she heard the boys cause a ruckus next door as she counted down the minutes until she could see Jim again.
Devon pulled up to her driveway, looking at the white van that had been parked on the road for a few days now, her brows pulled tight in confusion. She was curious, but she quickly shrugged it off, did she really care what plumbing problems others on her street had? 
With a bounce in her step, she made her way to her neighbour’s house. A man in a navy jumpsuit, clearly the plumber that owned the white van walked past her, sending a friendly smile her way. Devon smiled back, the encounter not registering as anything important as she approached her neighbour’s house.
She knocked on the door, shifting her weight from side to side impatiently. She didn’t want to be an overpowering mom, but spending the day without her little boy was quite new to her, and quite difficult still.
Mrs. Carlson, an old widow, opened the door and smiled widely at the woman in front of her. The boy she held in her arms squealed in delight at the sight of his mother, holding his arms out to her. 
Devon happily grabbed her son, pressing a kiss to his chubby cheek, before turning to the old woman.
“Thank you so much for looking after him. He didn’t give you too much trouble, did he?”
The old woman waved her off with a smile. “Of course not. Your boy is the sweetest little thing I’ve ever met. I’m happy to look after him.”
“Well, thank you again, Mrs. Carlson. I really appreciate you watching him.”
“Of course dear, anytime. Now go and have a good night with your Chief.”
Devon’s eyes widened and she tried to hide how surprised she was by the old woman’s comment. She really shouldn’t have been surprised, she was sure the woman had seen Hopper’s truck parked outside her house night after night. 
Devon just didn’t think the old woman would have enough guts to mention her relationship to her face. Guess I underestimated her and the power of gossip.
“Alright, well, thanks.” Devon stuttered awkwardly and sent a wave to the old woman, her heart bursting when Charlie sent a wave to her in goodbye. 
She carried her son back to their house, surprised to see the white plumbing van still in it’s spot. She hoped she wouldn’t be the next one on the block to have problems, that was the last thing she needed to deal with.
“Do you wanna see Jim tonight, honey?” Devon cooed to her son as they stepped into their house. Charlie smiled, nodding happily at the mention of Jim.
Devon could never fathom how quickly Charlie had taken to Jim. He wasn’t a shy kid by any means but the way he’d latched onto her boyfriend was unheard of. The first guy she dated after having her son was shunned almost instantly by her finicky boy.
They hadn’t lasted long and soon she moved to Hawkins where he was immediately taken with almost everyone he met.
It was almost fate how quickly Charlie bonded with Jim and Joyce and her boys. It was what made Devon realize that she’d made the right choice in moving out of Chicago. The last thing she wanted was Charlie’s father finding them. 
Her excitement to see Jim had her practically rushing to get out of her paint splattered clothes and into something a little more formal and out of the door with her son. She strapped him into his car seat and headed off to Benny’s.
Devon had been weary to be out in public the first month she and Jim had been seeing each other. She hated that everyone had been looking at them like they were some new program on T.V. She was the new girl and her novelty had not worn off yet by the time Jim had taken her out for a drink that first time.
Now, she couldn’t care less. She had gotten used to the fact that people would talk about an inter-racial couple with a ten year age difference between the newbie and the Chief with skeletons in the closet in the small town of Hawkins where nothing exciting happened.
Devon got over the fact that her relationship was hot gossip. She enjoyed her time with Jim and that was all that mattered to her.
She pulled up to Benny’s, a smile forming when she saw Jim’s police blazer already parked. With the exuberance of a teenager, she got her son out of his car seat, taking a few seconds to fix her hair in the parking lot and made her way to the door.
She spotted him immediately, his Chief’s uniform making him stand out against the crowd of civilians that frequented the joint.
“Jimmy!” Charlie yelled, squirming in his mother’s arms when he saw him. Hopper looked up, the small voice bringing a wide smile to his lips.
“Hey, Buddy.” Jim exclaimed, reaching out to take the child from Devon.
She couldn’t help but swoon silently as she watched Jim cradle Charlie to him, her son looking content in his strong arms, his head resting on his shoulder comfortably.
“Well, looks like you don’t need me here.” Devon sighed in jest.
“Yeah, I’m good here, you can head home if you want.” Jim waved her off, a smile forming, not able to keep up his sarcasm. The little boy in his arms was just too cute to make jokes about. “So how was your day? You finish your painting?”
“Not yet. Those boys can be very distracting.”
“I bet they feel the same way ‘bout you. I’ll have to have a talk with them about the way they’re looking at my woman.”
“Your woman? Jesus christ, Jim. Don’t embarrass yourself.”
“What? I see the way that Henderson kid looks at you. Gotta put a stop to it.”
“You’re gonna protect my honour against a ten year old boy, how sweet.” Devon gushed sarcastically and Hopper rolled his eyes while taking a swig of his beer.
“Alright, kid, what do you want to drink?” He asked, holding the bouncing child in his lap.
Charlie babbled what sounded like nonsense and Hopper looked up to Devon with a look of confusion, silently asking for help.
“Chocolate milkshake.” She voiced casually, her eyes never leaving the menu in front of her.
“How the hell do you do that?”
Devon shrugged. “It’s a mom thing. It’s like we have a sixth sense.”
Soon, the man himself came to their table, a barely contained grin on his face when he saw his loyal customers. 
“Well, if it isn’t the cutest family in all of Hawkins.” Benny Hammond cried out dramatically, earning twin scowls from both adults.
Devon looked over at Jim wearily, worried that the word ‘family’ would stir up more drama. If they were to hear that the night before, it would’ve blown up even worse than it had. She didn’t know if he really meant when he said he was ok with being close to Charlie again.
But Jim sent a sly comment to Benny, making them both laugh, and the tension was gone as quickly as she had imagined it forming. She sighed in relief, her shoulders deflating as her nerves dissipated. 
“You keepin’ this one in line?” He asked Devon with a warm smile. He was yet another person she’d met through Jim that had been an absolute angel to her. Benny may have looked intimidating but he was like a teddy bear. He was truly the warmest person she’d ever met.
“As best I can. I’m sure you know how difficult he can be.” 
Benny snickered and nodded in agreement, causing Jim to glare at both of them from across the table.
Jim watched with feigned annoyance as his best friend and his girlfriend chatted like they were years long friends. It brought a smile to his face, relieved that the important people in his life got along so well. It just served to blow his mind even more, he had no idea what he did to deserve a woman like Devon in his life.
Once their dinner was over, Jim placed his hand on the small of Devon’s back, guiding her out of the restaurant, ignoring the looks from some of the customers that were a lot more obvious than they probably realized. 
Jim sent a withering glare to the old man that ran a farm across town who was eyeing Devon like she was a main course on the menu. The man quickly noticed the deadly look in the Chief’s eyes and averted his gaze immediately, much to Hopper’s relief.
���You coming over tonight?” Devon asked, breaking him from his litany of thoughts swirling in his head, almost all of them thinking about walking back in there and giving that old man a piece of his mind.
“Uh, I wish I could, but I still got a stack of paper work to finish. I’ll probably be at the station for a few more hours.”
“Don’t stay too late, you’re gonna burn out if you don’t get any rest.” She said, placing a hand to his cheek. The small gesture of affection was enough to have his heart racing. He couldn’t remember the last time someone looked after him like she did, or even cared about him the way she did.
It was a kind of affection he’d been starved for before he met her.
“I’ll try my best.” He mumbled, almost bashfully. He looked to Charlie, once again taking him from Devon’s arms and holding him closely. “Make sure this one doesn’t give you too much trouble.” 
Devon laughed, watching with a lovesick look on his face as Hopper walked to her car, opening the door to get her son into his car seat.
She was practically swooning when she noticed something over his shoulder. Her brows furrowed at the sight of a white van parked at the far end of the lot. It looked like the same one that had been on her street earlier that day.
Surely it was a different guy. She narrowed her eyes, trying to make out the figure in the driver’s seat through the tinted windows. A prickle of fear rose in the back of her mind, but she quickly tried to shake it off.
It was just a coincidence that they were in the same place once again. The guy had been working all day, he was just getting dinner, she rationalized. Totally random.
Her eyes stayed locked onto the van, her mind racing with endless conclusions to justify why he’d been both on her street and at the same restaurant. 
“Alright, you’re all set.” Jim said, sending a wave to Charlie who looked close to falling asleep. “Dev? You good?” He asked, noticing her attention had drifted. “Devon?” He called more forcefully, finally snapping her out of her daze.
“You alright?”
“Yeah, my mind just wandered off.”
Jim brushed off the encounter, not having any reason to not believe her. He kissed her quickly, not wanting to make a scene when they were already the talk of the town.
“Get home safe.”
Devon nodded, trying to make sure her smile didn’t give away anything suspect. “Yeah, you too.”
She got into her car, sending him a final wave and pulled out of the parking lot. She began driving down a quiet road. She was constantly looking into her mirrors, as if to make sure the white van wasn’t anywhere in sight.
She exhaled loudly, shaking her head at herself. She was being too paranoid, she knew that, but when it came to the safety of her son, she wasn’t holding anything back. 
Of course, there was no van following her home, she had no reason to think anything was suspicious about seeing the same van twice in the same day. She cursed herself, that asshole in Chicago really messed her up.
Devon was beginning to calm down when she pulled onto her street and she almost slammed the breaks down. Her eyes widened and she had no voice in her head telling her to think rationally when she saw the same white van she’d seen twice before, parked in the same spot it had been before, just a few yards from her house.
As safely as she could while also being as fast as she could, she pulled into her driveway, getting Charlie into her arms and almost jogged to her front door. As soon as the door closed behind her, she clicked the lock in its place, pulling the blinds down every window she passed. 
She didn’t know why she was being so paranoid over a white van being around every corner. Yes, it was weird, but did it warrant her being so uptight? She didn’t know yet.
There was a part of her mind that told her not to take any chances. The same part that was so protective of her son told her to take every precaution.
Hope you’re all enjoying this so far! I promise, things will come to light soon and we’ll find out more about her past! Thanks for reading xx
Also I’m thinking of adding some smut next chapter? Y’all agree??
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megashadowdragon · 5 years
salem will use the pools of darkness to  grimmify  jaune  doing to him what happened to her when she fell
salem was able to survive being dipped into the pools of darkness due to her immortality but after she was grimmified ( I am going to use that term because I cant think of any other term) she gained the ability to manipulate the darkness and alter grimm like making the flying monkeys and create new grimm for qrow out right said in  volume 3 you havent seen    the     things she  has  created.
what if thanks to her ability to manipulate the pools of darkness allows her to submerge a human into it but keep it from killing the human and instead having it do to the human what happened to her grimmifying the human
and she will do this to  jaune
megashadowdragon . tumblr . com/post/152357996242/salem-is-jaunes-evil-counterpart/embed
jaunes  semblance already resembles the god of lights magic when he turned salem immortal all thats left is to reference salem being grimmified.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
https://hawkeyedflame . tumblr . com/post/152581160728/on-rubys-elusive-character-development-or-why
“ jaune is a foil To Ruby. She’s a prodigy who quickly became a deadly warrior at a young age and is welcomed into Beacon two years early as a result while Jaune is a hard worker who progresses slowly and had to lie his way into Beacon because of his nonexistent combat background. Ruby is a strategist specialized on pre-defined team attacks and wields a self-made weapon capable of long range combat. Jaune is a tactician specialized in creating new team attacks according to his analysis on the battlefield and wields a family heirloom only capable of close range combat. Ruby has a rather broken family but they fully support her decision to become a huntress while Jaune’s family is large and united but they don’t support his choices nor have any faith on him. Ruby is a tomboy who dominates the battlefield but doesn’t enjoy dancing whereas Jaune tends to act girly and is initially terrible at fighting but also a great dancer. The more you look into them as a pair, the more contrasts that can be spotted in the details.”
jaune has a more “feminine way of dealing with emotions” while ruby has the more masculine way of dealing with emotions
https://aminoapps . com/c/rwby/page/blog/why-its-good-for-jaunes-semblance-to-be-a-support-type/xpp7_XQ4s2u6RGX2zboa6JwM2XMekWGZd68
“Joan of Arc is known for breaking gender stereotypes about what it meant to be a woman. And if you think about it in a lot of ways Jaune doesn’t fit into the stereotypical “man box.” We are don’t “men don’t cry.” He wears his emotions on his sleeve. While in the real world men (and in the world of RWBY BOTH men and women ARGUABLY) are told to be strong. And that many people superficially equate physical strength with heroism (Raven?) it is fitting that Jaune’s semblance doesn’t so much doesn’t so much empower himself, as it empowers others. (as well as himself but its more effective on others in the team since they are more skilled than him) The so called “Feminine” strength.” P.S. Hmm as a follow-up to my The Importance Of Foils Part 2 post. I think that Ruby, despite being a girl, fits into the “man box” better than anyone else including it’s UNHEALTHY WAYS OF DEALING WITH EMOTIONS. The only difference is on remnant, it’s not because a man doesn’t cry. But because “a hero doesn’t cry.”
ruby first activated her silver eyes leading to her to learn about them when she saw pyrrha jaunes partner impaled by cinder and burnt to ash failing to save pyrrha  her awakening being in reaction to her death while jaune activated his semblance and realized what it was when he saw rubys partner weiss  impaled by cinder and  was able to save her  life awakening his semblance to do so allowing him to learn what his semblance was ( which is a good example this is an example of them being foils  and how its been shown and effected their storys )
its quite likely as @littlemisssquiggles theorized that the  littlemisssquiggles . tumblr  . com/post/179982580884/rwby-musings-54-a-means-to-an-end-a-way-to
“I also still stand by my hunch of their being a connection between the Fountain of Life and Creation and the Silver Eyed Warriors. I would not be surprised if the First Silver Eyed Warrior was born from the Fountain. Like what if…there is a known legend around Argus about the town being named in honour of the lone warrior who bravely stood to defend the town from a horde of Grimm in ancient Remnant. Alone and cornered, the warrior found themself before the edge of the fountains waters before they were forcibly pushed in. As the hero plummeted into the fountains depths, they fell in a mortal at death’s door unable to fight for their people but what they emerged as became a warrior whose tale will go down in legends—the First Silver Eyed Warrior.I’d bet money on the Silver Eyes being a by-product of the Fountain. It just has to be but…for now it’s only a theory.“
and its been confirmed that  silver eyes come from the god of light
it would be fitting if jaune gets something connected to the god of darkness from contact with the grimm pools  given the connection to silver eyes  which ruby has and the god of light
and  the darkness  would effect jaunes personality like it did  salems but due  to the difference between jaune and salem and how they ended up being grimmified  the effect it would have on them would be different like darkness removed the good in salem so what if jaune will have to unlike salem  resist the darkness so that it wont alter his mind at least too much and control it
salem purposefully keep the  grimm pool from killing jaune forcing him to survive so he can transform into a being like her possibly as an experiment
to try and get him  on her side but jaune is able to retain the morals through will his spirit
edit : 
 jaunes semblance may change as a result of this due to being a projection of his soul which is altered when he is grimmified jaunes semblance is aura amplification allowing him to amplify other peoples auras and I have theorized about jaunes semblance growing so he gains the ability to absorb other peoples auras/souls as well (as in he  what if when he is grimmified he gains that ability as well allowing jaune to steal the maidens power for himself since cinder gained the ability to steal the maidens power and make sure it goes to her is through a grim implant
( which I think does so by absorbing the persons aura) since the maiden powers and aura are tied together remember the aura transfer deviceremember how ozpin and co tried to transfer ambers aura and put it into pyrrhas body so she can gain the maidens power . which ozpin who would know how the process works better than anyone believed would work
I think jaunes semblance will evolve so that he can absorb a persons aura like for example if he kills someone or someone dies near him he can absorb a persons aura into him or he can just use aura drain where he touches you and can absorb your aura/soul which would allow him to get the maiden powers despite being a male breaking the rules which fits you know the part about draining aura reminds me of what cinder could do with her grimm arm since she drained ravens aura in order to try and absorb the maidens power  what happens if jaune sucks a maiden dry of their aura would he gain the maiden powers which would fit jaune arcs inspiration is joan of arc archive . joan-of-arc . org/joanofarc_letter_july_17_1429 . html
joan of arc was canonized by the church as the holy maiden
and joan of arc often referred to herself as la Pucelle, which roughly translates as the Maiden
en .  wikipedia . org/wiki/Name_of_Joan_of_Arc
and the four people with magic that the show talked about this season is called the four maidens and joan of arc was a woman took a role that many at the time believed could only be filled by a man, so jaune has a chance of breaking the rules of the maidens powers especially since he would be a man who take’s a role that many at the time believed can only be filled by women reflecting on what joan of arc did
plus joan of arc was condemned as a witch among other things and a witch is a practitioner of magic like maidens use and maidens use magic
@fandomsallaroundme  @the-kiwi-is-not-a-pewee
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shirewalker · 6 years
wolfinia, wolf x virginia for #93 or #56?
Thank you!! aaaand I went with: 
56 “It bringsout your eyes.”
Virginiarubbed her sore neck with a groan, her eyes dry and itchy after spending somany hours reading the ancient tomes Wendell had given her earlier that morning.Shortly after their baby’s birth, Virginia and Wolf were called back to theNine Kingdoms. A crisis had arisen in the wake of Wendell’s adventure. A curse,they said. A curse had begun eating away life and colour from all over thekingdoms and no one knew how to fight it, what had caused it or who. Virginiaand Wolf had offered their help, of course, even if they had no idea whatexactly they could bring to the table. Wendell had assured them that Virginia’sinfinite knowledge of her world’s lore and tales could come in handy to findclues where others hadn’t.
So far,Virginia disagreed with him plenty.
Time wasn’ton their side and she had gone through all the tomes on curses and destructivemagic but she’d yet to find anything that her 10th-kingdom-experiencedself could find useful. And the fact that Wolf had left an hour ago to puttheir baby to sleep – which was a pretty easy task, thankfully – didn’t helpher frustrations at all.
“Virginia, my love!” Wolf swept into view, hisgrin as shining as ever.
Virginiascowled at him, though her anger lasted for just an eye roll. Wolf was far too…Wolf, for her to be truly made for too long. She sighed, “Where have you been?Christine never takes too long to fall asleep, especially with your lullabies.So,” she arched an eyebrow, “Where have you been?”
Wolfshifted on his feet and mumbled on a few words, “Oh, well… I huh, I was, well…Not with our baby.”
Virginiashot him a look, “No kidding.”
He shot upboth hands in a flash, “I put her to sleep and asked a maid to keep watch onour baby! Do not worry for a moment, our girly is safe!”
“Yes, Iknow.” Virginia sighed, “Will you answer me?”
At thisWolf mumbled a few words again, though this time it seemed he was fighting tohold back something exciting, instead of admitting out loud how he’d left theirchild to do whatever he’d been doing. Probably went after the royal sheep,considering how he’d eyed the lambs as they roamed the fields their windowopened into. Finally, Wolf pulled a chair next to her and sat down with thatextra flair of his, “Well, my love. I was worried about you.”
“And Iwanted to help you relax. You are far too stressed already, I was outside thelibrary and I could still hear you yelling at the books.” He took her hand andnuzzled his face on her palm, “My sweet, sweet Virginia… You shouldn’t worry somuch about others.”
She rolledher eyes, “But Wendell asked for our help, I couldn’t just go and take a nap!No matter how convincing you are.” She blushed a little then, remembering howWolf’s arguments the day before had led them to an empty guest room and a very,very trashed bed. She still couldn’t believe how fast she’d followed him, norhow no one had heard them.
Wolf staredher down, “Yes! And I am very honoured for his trust, but you’re still mypriority, Virginia. You and Christine. My love…” He sighed, “I thought long andhard on what to get you, what could help you ease your stress. And I went totalk with Wendell.”
Virginiafrowned, “Wendell?”
“Yes. Iasked him if there was something that could ease your mind. I told him howstressed you were these past few days and how we hadn’t reached any conclusionyet. He said he had something that might help you.”
Hope andexcitement suddenly bubbled inside of her. Magic was tricky, but if Wendelltrusted it, then it surely would help her task! “Well, where is it?”
Wolfwinced, “It’s a concoction that takes a few hours to brew, I’m afraid.”
Shedeflated, “Oh.”
“But!” Wolfsnapped his fingers and a smile bloomed on his face, his canines shining in thelight, “I decided I still had to pamper you somehow.” He reached for a pocketdeep in his coat, “So I went to the royal locksmith and asked her to makethis.” Wolf placed a box in her palm. It was the size of her palm and coveredin satin, its pale golden shade reminding Virginia of mornings waking up to seethe sunrise in Central Park. Wolf was always so excited to tell her where tolook for magic in the ordinary. There was no one like him. Able to find magicand wonder in even the most mundane and seemingly unmagical things in thisworld or the next.
She fought asmile, but it still tugged on her lips, “What is it?”
Wolf’ssmile was tender enough to make her heart swell with love. God, she loved himso much. “Open it. I found it a while ago, during our…” A shadow passed throughhis eyes and Virginia knew instantly what he meant, “Little falling out,” Hecontinued, without really mentioning how he’d messed up to the point of havingVirginia cast him out mid-romantic dinner. Virginia still wished she’d handledthings different, but Wolf had never, not even once, blamed her for their timeapart. He always assured her he had been the one to blame. He’d broken hertrust in his fear of loneliness. And he had deserved her harsh words. All ofthem. Wolf shrugged off those memories and shifted his gaze downwards,embarrassment suddenly taking over his features. “I saw it while I waswandering and I… Well, it reminded me of you. So I picked it up and kept itwith me.”
Curious asever, Virginia opened the little box. She gasped. A rock was safely tucked in ablack velvet bed, with a dainty silver chain cascading around it in a perfectspiral. The rock was bumpy and imperfect, but it was of the prettiest blueshe’d ever seen. No. It was of a blue she…
“Itreminded me of your eyes.” Wolf whispered and Virginia looked back at him. Hesmiled, “It brings out your eyes.”
Virginia’svision became blurry with unshed tears. She chuckled, “Oh Wolf… It’s…” Sheshook her head, “It’s beautiful.”
“Want me toput it on you?”
She nodded,“Please do.”
Wolf jumpedto his feet and quickly clasped the necklace around her neck. Virginia felt therock settle perfectly in the hollow between her collarbones. She wondered howWolf had gone about his indications, how he’d described her neck andcollarbones, demanding the length of the chain to be perfect. A smile grew onher lips at the mental picture. Wolf sat back in front of her and let out abreath in awe, “You look… It…” He shook his head, “It really does bring out youreyes. It’s as if the sky dropped a bit of itself just to be closer to you.”
She rolledher eyes and a couple of tears fell down her cheeks, “Oh Wolf. You don’t haveto say those things. I love it, ok? Poetry isn’t needed.”
“I know.But I wanted to say it.” He paused, “I love you, Virginia.”
She smiledand leaned in to kiss his lips once, “I love you too, Wolf.” She kissed himagain, “And thank you. It’s a beautiful gift.”
“Are you alittle more relaxed now?”
She sighed,remembering the research she’d put on hold. But she was a little less stressed.“I am,” she nodded, “But we really should continue looking for clues.”
Wolfflashed his wolfish grin and grabbed a book at random, “Of course, mybeautiful, scrumptious Virginia. Research it is!”
Virginiashook her head in mock judgement, a smile still on her lips, as she turned backto the books and continued searching. Wolf was right. His little gift hadhelped her feel a little better. She was sure that with this little nudge fromhim and that brew Wendell would bring in, soon they would find something andfinally offer some palpable help to the kingdoms. But for now, she’d enjoy thecompany of her mate and the lovely gift he’d gotten her.
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whereisvanderwood · 6 years
We Are Animals.
Yona of the Dawn | Akatsuki no Yona
Shinah x Short!Reader - Fluff
My Yona of the Dawn x Reader List for more one-shots! Check it out!
"Yun, do you think... we could rest for a bit?"
"Sorry, Princess. We've been exposed for too long and we need to keep moving to avoid trouble."
"Plus, we're out of supplies. There's a town nearby, so we can get food and then rest."
"Yay~ food for me!"
"But you just said we've been exposed for too long-"
"Shut up, Droopy Eyes."
The bright midday sun was gleaming brighter than it had been for the last few days, and it was proving to be a bit of a hindrance to the Princess and her companions.
Multiple times now, so much so that Yun had lost count, the Thunder Beast had given away their position by trying to do good things for others. But he wasn't to take all the blame, for the White and Green dragons couldn't help but have their share of doing justice. Yellow would continuously run around acting childish, whilst Blue would stand in the open with his strange mask; another factor contributing to their exposure.
"Don't act like you're not at fault here, Thunder Beast. It's really your fault that we have to keep moving."
"Hey, White Snake was also doing it too."
"Don't you dare try to blame me! I couldn't just stand around and let those soldiers torment those poor helpless people like that."
"I know how you feel, Kija." The white dragon looked to the clearly exhausted Princess, who sounded like her words were sincere. "I want to help everyone too, but there are times when we can't save everybody, and we must save ourselves."
Kija sighed in defeat, knowing that his master couldn't have said it any truer or purer. "You're right... Forgive me, Princess."
The sun had gotten so hot, that Yun decided to try and take a shortcut through the trees that would provide everyone with a bit of shade. Though everyone secretly had their doubts, they couldn't resist the cooling sensation of the canopy above their heads.
"Yun, are you sure you know where you're going?" Kija questioned.
"Positive. It's right here on the ma-... wha?"
"That doesn't sound like the words of someone who knows where they're going," Hak mumbled.
"No, I swear I was... The map was right in my hands! Zeno, did you take it!?"
"Why would Zeno take it? I just want some food in my tummy," the yellow dragon spoke like a child as he pat his empty stomach. Yun rolled his eyes and sighed.
"I swear you can all be so troublesome."
"What ever did I do, Yun?" Jeaha spoke as flamboyantly as he could, only for him to be shut down by the beautiful boy genius.
"You joined us, you pervert."
"Can we just focus on finding the map? I want to leave before I see any b-bugs..."
"But there's one on your shoulder, Mr White Dragon!" Zeno pointed out. Kija screamed and flailed about, begging for someone to get it off of him.
"Yun, are we lost?" Yona questioned in amongst all the commotion. Yun huffed, and slouched his shoulders, letting his arms dangle.
"Well without my map... we're lost for sure." At first there was silence, but not long after everyone collapsed onto the ground or against a tree, thankful for the rest they could finally have.
Shinah stayed standing however, looking through the trees to try and find some sort of path. His eyes rested on the rustling of some leaves not too far away from where he stood.
"Yona..." he spoke in his usual quiet tone.
"Hm? What is it, Shinah?" After looking more closely, Shinah saw something emerging. It looked like a blade, and there was more than one.
"Bandits... In the trees," he pointed in the direction he was seeing the intruders.
"Bandits? Right now!?" Yun angrily yelled.
"I don't know if I can fight them like this... I need my beauty sleep," Jeaha complained.
Hak kicked him in the head. "Get up. We need to protect the princess-"
"They're coming closer," Shinah informed once again. But after saying those words, he saw that they were no longer approaching the dragons and Yona, but had started a commotion somewhere else.
"Let go of me! I don't want to put up with this again!"
"Aww she's a cute one, ain't she fellas?" The faint snickering and mocking of men could be heard, and Yona perked right up.
"They were going after someone else?"
"Sounds like it," Yun answered, relief evident in his response.
"We need to help!" Yona dashed through the thicket of the trees and bushes, delving deeper into the labyrinth they were already stuck in.
"P-Princess, wait!" Kija called out, followed by the Thunder Beast.
"Damn it," he cursed before he and the others went after her. The voices of the men got louder and louder as the group get nearer and nearer.
"Looks like a little lamb got lost in the woods."
"You know what we do to little lambs?" Yona halted her running feet at the scene before her; four men with swords grabbing hold of another innocent girl.
"Let her go!" She yelled, grabbing the bandits' attention.
"Well well, looks like we've got another one, boys!"
"This must be our lucky day," another man said as he licked his lips. Disgusted, the Princess drew her bow and aimed straight for her enemies. She was quickly joined by the rest of her friends.
"Please tell us if you're going to run off like that Princess," Hak said, annoyed and short of breath.
Whilst the men were distracted, the girl took it as a chance to shake free from their dirty hands, and make a run for it.
"H-Hey get back here, brat!" Two of the men went to run after her, but were cut of by the huge claws of the white dragon's arm. "W-what the hell!?" they exclaimed.
"You'd best not move if you want me to spare your lives," Kija spoke menacingly.
The bandits, taken aback, drew their swords ready to accept what they believed was a challenge of strength.  The first one thrust his sword forward, going for the stab, however the Thunder Beast's glaive countered and struck down the man.
"Why you-!" The next one went to cut off Hak's head, what with the way he was flailing his sword about, but the green dragon kicked him down. The last two went for Yun and Yona, but Zeno ran directly in front of the two with his arms spread wide serving as a shield, and Shinah cut them down himself.
After that, the forest was quiet again. It was almost as if the fight had never happened.
"...That was certainly..."
Yona looked around. "Where did the girl go? I want to see if she's alright."
"I think she ran off. She was fast, too," Yun responded.
Yona felt a tap on her shoulder as Shinah walked past her and stood at the base of a tree, looking up. The others though he looked very strange.
"Uh... Shinah? What're you doing?"
Shinah then put both his arms around the tree trunk, and suddenly started violently shaking it.
"W-Whoa!" A few surprised yelps were heard as Shinah was shaking the tree. A few moments later, a body fell through the leaves onto a lower branch.
"Oh, it's her!" Yona spoke, surprised that she was still around. Everyone looked up, and Yun saw that she was holding something.
"H-Hey, is that my map?"
The girly nervously rubbed the back of her neck and laughed. "Yeah it is, sorry. B-But I was going to give it back, honest!"
"How did you get up there anyway?" Hak asked, astounded by the fact that she got away so easily.
"I... climbed?"
"My my, I think I like this deary already-"
"You like everyone, Droopy Eyes." The girl continued sitting in the tree with her legs dangling below, watching the strangers bicker in amongst each other.
She stared directly below her, and saw that the strange man with the freaky mask was still looking straight up at her as a miniscule creature jumped on top of his head. The three stared at each other without saying anything for a while.
"Are you alright? Did those men do anything to you?" The girl jumped once the hooded girl was speaking to her.
"Yeah, I'm alright. Thanks for helping me out back there."
"What's your name, deary?"
"(Y/N). And you are?"
"None of your business. Now, (Y/N), why don't you get down from there? My neck is killing me from looking up too much," the Thunder Beast bluntly said.
(Y/N) gulped a little bit. "Uh... no thanks. I like sitting in trees," she sheepishly smiled. The masked man began shaking the tree again until (Y/N) was holding on to a branch. She had no choice but to let go as her hands begun slipping.
The blue dragon swiftly jumped up and caught the girl, (Y/N) bracing for the hard ground beneath her. (Y/N) surprised, stared at the man as he lowered her to the ground.
"Well... that's one way to get someone out of a tree," Yun said, not expecting Shinah to do what he just did.
"You should be lucky that he didn't cut the entire tree down," Jeaha said as he laughed. "I still have a bruise from that one."
Once the group had gotten a better look at the girl they had sort of rescued, they all quietened down.
"Wow... you're really-"
"Short? I know."
"How did you manage to climb up such a high tree?" Yona asked.
"It comes naturally after you've been chased by bandits for a while."
"You poor deary," Jeaha said as he was by her side in a second. "Think nothing of the painful history you've had with those dirty men, now that destiny has brought us together forever and ever-" Shinah stepped in between the two and shoved Jeaha out of the way with one hand.
No one else was admitting it, but Shinah was definitely acting differently around this new girl they had only just met. No one spoke, until the Princess broke the silence.
"(Y/N), did you want to come with us for a while? We're heading into the next town to buy supplies. You're free to join us if you would like," she smiled.
(Y/N) felt honoured to be asked such a thing. Despite her height, these people seemed to like her, and she was happy with that. "Sure! I don't have any plans myself, so why not?" And with that, the group found their way out of the forest and began their journey once more.
Along the way, (Y/N) told the group about herself, and that she was often targeted by bandits because she looked small and helpless. She also explained that she didn't hang around villages very much because people found her height "annoying and inconvenient."
All the while, Shinah was walking next to her and would occasionally pat her head in comfort. Well... so she thought. She couldn't tell if Shinah was genuinely being friendly, or just messing about with her. Neither of them said anything, so (Y/N) put up with it.
  Dinner came around and (Y/N) agreed to stick around with the group for a little longer. With their newly bought food and supplies, Yun cooked another one of his delicious soups, in which (Y/N) scoffed it down in record-breaking time.
"Certainly a hungry one, aren't you?" Hak said as he ate his dinner spoon by spoon.
"Yep. I just travel around a lot, so I get food only when I'm able to."
"Hey~ Just like Zeno!" the yellow dragon cheered as he threw his hands up in the air. Again, Shinah decided he wanted to sit next to (Y/N), and she was okay with that. With the occasional using (Y/N)'s head as an armrest and patting his lap for (Y/N) to sit on, Shinah was clearly enjoying (Y/N)'s company.
Once the campfire had gone out, it just so happened that Shinah and (Y/N) were still awake and playing with Ao. With the scorching sun completely out of sight, the night was starting to get cool.
"Hey..." (Y/N) looked to her new friend as he started speaking. He hadn't spoken much since she was with these strangers, and she didn't know why. "Why... aren't you in a village?"
Trying to dodge the question, (Y/N) answered quickly. "I told you, people found me annoying and inconvenient. So I left-"
"But... why?"
(Y/N) sighed, knowing that Shinah wasn't going to let this go for a while. So she decided to get it over and done with. "Well... in the village I grew up in, there were lots of kids my age. But of course, I was the shortest. It didn't take long before the elders started dismissing me, and I was discriminated a lot."
(Y/N) looked at Shinah, who had taken his mask off because it was night and no one was really around. He trusted (Y/N) for some reason, and he didn't know why he could take it off so easily when she asked him to. (Y/N) saw that Shinah looked confused, which made her confused aswell.
"But... Ao is short," he spoke as he pet his friend's chubby cheek. "He's not cursed. He's cute..."
(Y/N) laughed a little bit. "There's a big difference, Shinah. Ao is an animal."
"But I am, too..." (Y/N) stopped as Shinah kept on finding a way to contradict her sentences. He looked deeply into her eyes, and they were soon both entranced; entangled in the never-window to their hearts. "And you are, too..."
"I'm an animal?"
"Yes..." he paused. "You're like a monkey." Despite the deepness of conversation, (Y/N) couldn't help but giggle at Shinah's remark. Even Shinah smiled after making her laugh like that. "And cute..."
(Y/N) thought that Shinah's comments were pure flattery. But she took them all to heart, and embraced the warmth of his words. They scooted closer together, and Shinah picked up her cold hands into his warm ones.
"Thanks, Shinah..." (Y/N) smiled to him.
"Ao is short, and he is my friend." Shinah then hugged her like a little teddy bear, holding her close to his beating heart. "You're short, and you are my friend, too..."
My Yona of the Dawn x Reader List for more one-shots! Check it out!
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