#it's cheesy but that's fine
anonymous-dentist · 6 months
Or: Prince Roier Hires a Faerie to Help With His Divorce (he hasn't gotten married yet)
For day two of @smallchaoscryptid's Spiderbit Week - Fae/Kiss
Once upon a time...
Roier picks his way through the foliage with a grimace. His feet hurt, twigs keep smacking into his face, bugs keep flying into his mouth. This sucks, but it'll all be worth it.
Thunder rolls above, and rain starts pouring down without a second's warning.
...It'll all be worth it.
He's due back at the castle by morning, but, honestly, he'd kinda rather die than go back. If the wolves eat him, so be it!
Grumbling, he pulls his hood up over his head, and he continues onward. If he freezes to death out here, so be it!
He's not planning on going back to the castle alive, anyway.
Legend has it that, deep in the haunted forest surrounding the Kingdom of Quesadilla, there lives a man-eating witch capable of tearing a man's soul from his body before he can so much as breathe in her general direction. Nobody knows this witch's name, but everybody knows that she's totally fucked up: if she isn't eating people, she's eating bears, and her magic is said to be as destructive as the eruption that created the universe.
Roier needs to meet her now.
So he continues trudging through the woods. The lantern in his hand is fighting to stay lit, and his boots are filled with enough water to drown a rat with, but he's fine. He's going to die miserable, but he's fine.
There's a flash of lightning bright enough to blind him, and then there's a crash of thunder loud enough to make him jump and nearly drop his lantern. When his vision returns, the tree in front of him is toppled to the side, leaving only a charred and smoking stump behind.
And then there's the cat.
Roier, frankly, stares. Because... what?
It's a cute cat, at least: brown with black stripes almost like a tiger's and blue eyes so bright that they almost seem to glow in the night. It sits on the stump with its tail curled around its paws, very polite, 10/10 cat.
Hesitantly, Roier approaches. He holds the lantern up to the cat, tilts his head, smiles.
"You're so cute," he coos, bending down to pet the cat between its little ears. "What are you doing out here, eh?"
The cat yawns, and then it huffs, "I could ask you the same question."
Roier screams and recoils and drops his lantern. It goes out, but the forest doesn't grow any dimmer because the cat is fucking glowing now, okay. Okay!
The cat rolls its eyes, tail twitching. "Okay, ouch. I'm not that scary."
"You're a talking cat," Roier breathes. "What the fuck?"
"What, you were expecting the witch?"
A pause.
"Oh, come on!"
Roier finally collects himself, brushing the water off of his cloak and adjusting his hood and picking up his lantern.
The cat stands and starts pacing the stump in a small, annoyed circle.
"The witch isn't even real," it complains. "She never was! Witches aren't real!"
Roier frowns. "Fuck you, man, my best friend is a witch."
"They aren't. Witches aren't real. Magicians are real, but witches-"
"You are literally a talking cat."
"I am a faerie," the cat corrects, sounding almost pained as it does so. "Faeries are real. Witches are fake. It's all anti-faerie propaganda created by the Federation-"
"By the what?"
The cat flicks his tail at Roier; Roier's mouth shuts, and, to his alarm, he finds that he can't open it again no matter how hard he tries.
The cat angrily swipes a leaf off of the stump. Unfortunately, it is really cute as it does so.
But then it starts complaining again, and Roier decides that this annoying fucking faerie cat isn't that cute after all.
"I haven't eaten anybody in centuries!" the cat shouts. "Fucking Cucurucho..."
Roier's eyes widen.
He waves at the cat until the cat does its magic thing again and allows him to talk.
First, Roier sucks in a deep breath through his mouth. That was uncomfortable.
Then, he says, "I know Cucurucho. I'm supposed to marry him in three days."
The cat's eyes narrow. Its shadow beneath it seems to grow; it tinges itself red like a pool of water with blood in it, wow. That's almost cool.
"That's why I'm here," Roier explains. "I need the witch to kill me so I don't have to marry him."
The cat sits.
"I see," it says. "Unfortunately, the witch isn't real."
"Suuuure, but you are." Roier sneaks closer. "Can't you just-" He opens his hands and wiggles his fingers. "-magic me dead?"
The cat stares at Roier's fingers. "Um. No. Faeries can't kill."
Roier deflates. "Ugh."
With a frustrated groan, he sits on the stump next to the cat. The cat grumbles, but it doesn't, like, magic him onto the ground, so that's kinda nice of it.
"But," the cat says, slowly as if questioning itself as it speaks, "I can get you to kill for me."
Oh. Now there's a thought. But...
Roier looks to the side at the cat. "I've tried. I'm pretty sure he's immortal, man."
"You haven't tried killing him with faerie magic. Now, come here."
The cat hops off of the stump and pads into the forest. After a moment, Roier follows.
They walk until they reach a hollowed-out tree. Then, the cat hops into the tree and mutters to itself as it looks for something.
Eventually, the cat pokes its head out of the tree with an opaque brown bottle held in its mouth.
Roier takes the bottle and turns it over in his hands.
"This," the cat says, "is extract of unicorn. Mix this in with Cucurucho's food, and he'll be dead by the end of the night."
Roier's mouth twitches. It'll happen, just like that? Just like that? Decades of oppression over just. Like. That?
"Okaaayyy," Roier drawls. He looks back up at the cat with a small smile. "Thank you."
The cat responds by clambering out of the tree and lounging on a branch hanging by Roier's face.
"No, thank you," the cat insists. "You'll be doing us both a favor if you manage to kill that asshole."
"If this kills him, you'll be a hero."
"Oh, I'm no hero. I'm just..." (The cat grins with far too many teeth in its mouth.) "...an invested party."
Well, the cat is probably evil. But that's fine. So is Cucurucho, and two wrongs make a right, right?
Well, wrong! Because Cucurucho isn't fucking dead.
Roier stomps back to the tree stump with the faerie's empty unicorn piss whatever bottle in hand. He doesn't have a lantern this time because, frankly, he really isn't intent on returning to the castle this time. If he trips over a root and dies, so be it!
The cat is nowhere to be seen. Of course, the bastard.
"Gatinho!" Roier calls. He cups both hands around his mouth and spins in a circle and continues shouting, "Gatinho! Where the fuck are you! Come here!"
No response.
Frustrated, Roier chucks the bottle to the ground and plops onto the stump. He puts his head in his hands and groans.
"I am going to fucking die," he moans. "I can't go home, I need to die, what the fuck."
A twig snaps. A presence ghosts over his shoulder, what feels like fingers grazing his tunic. But, when he snaps his head up and turns around, all he sees is the cat sitting behind him.
Roier's eyes narrow. "You."
"Me," the cat agrees. "Did it work? Is he dead? Please tell me he's dead. He's dead, right?"
"No! He isn't! He thought that unicorn shit was edible glitter! Now he wants it at the wedding!"
The cat blinks. "Huh."
"Yeah, 'huh'." Roier huffs and turns back around and hides his face again. "Fuck you, man. You said it would kill him."
"It should've. He's a demon, right?"
"How should I know? He's a fucking bear wizard thing."
"Okay, again, wizards aren't real, magicians are. But you're marrying him, right? How do you not know what species he is?"
"It's not like I'm getting a choice in the matter," Roier spits. He glares into the palms of his hands, shoulders shaking with barely-concealed rage. "Either I marry him or he destroys the kingdom."
There's a pregnant pause as the cat takes this information in. Fair, honestly. Roier hadn't exactly told him that he's a prince. Wasn't important, still isn't important. Doesn't matter if he's a prince if he's being sold off to marry a goddamn bear like he's a common animal.
It's for the good of the kingdom, Foolish had said. He and Vegetta have always liked Cucurucho despite Cucurucho being a legendary fucking creep. It's either you or Leo.
And Roier isn't the one that's meant to take the throne after his parents die.
"Can't you just kill me?" Roier asks. He waves a hand in a random direction. "Just make a tree fall on me or something. It'll be an accident, it's fine, your faerie cops won't know."
"Um, no," the cat says. "That's fucked up."
"Don't you eat people? How the fuck do you eat people without killing them?"
"Who says I killed them before eating them?"
Ah. Sounds about right.
...Kinda cool, to be honest. Imagining a tiny little kitty cat rip a grown dude apart like he's a slice of bread. Almost funny in a way.
Roier jumps as something brushes the hair out of his face.
He jerks his head upright and glares down at the cat, now sitting delicately in front of him.
"I have an idea," the cat tells him. "Follow me."
As they walk back to the hollow tree, the cat asks, "Does Cucurucho still have that freaky mechanical sword?"
Roier thinks. "Maybe? I don't know, he kinda just sits and stares at people. Sometimes he chases the servants around with a sword? Dunno if it's mechanical, though..."
"Well, any sword will work. Hold on."
The cat leaps into the tree and comes out with a new bottle, this one clear.
Roier takes the bottle and swishes it around. The liquid inside looks like oil, okay...
"This is dragon's blood," the cat explains. "It's corrosive to the touch, so be careful. Tell him that it's a special polish for his sword. It should eat his skin to the bone and kill him dead."
"Huh," Roier says, suddenly much more careful with the bottle. He gently slides it into his pocket, makes sure it's secure between a bag of coins and his headband. "Okay. Cool."
"This should work," the cat says. "But I'll try and think of something else for if it doesn't."
"Yeah, well, it'd better work," Roier huffs. "I'm getting married in two days. Then the gods only know what he's gonna do with me."
"Trust me, we'll figure it out."
"Trust you? Aren't you some kind of evil faerie cat?"
The cat looks offended. "Excuse you, I'm barely evil anymore. All I do is read these days. Do you know how many books I have at my house? More than Cucurucho, that's for sure."
"You have a house?"
The cat visibly bristles. "Of course I have a house. What, do you think I'm homeless?"
"You are a cat."
"Not all the time!"
Oh, that's interesting. Roier can almost imagine what the cat looks like in a human form, but the idea escapes him at the last second.
"Whatever," Roier sighs. "Just kill me tomorrow if this doesn't work."
Roier doesn't even bother shouting as he storms up to the stump.
He sits, pulls his cloak off, tosses it to his feet, kicks it away. What the fuck!!
He doesn't so much as blink as the cat appears by his side.
"It didn't work?" the cat cries. "Really? That should've worked!"
"Yeah, well, it didn't," Roier huffs. "He wore gloves today. And Cucurucho figured out that I've been sneaking out to see someone at night, so he told my parents that we're going to move to a different castle out in the middle of nowhere. I bet he's going to lock me up, the piece of shit."
The cat's ears lay back on its head. Its eyes narrow, and its lip curls back in a clear snarl.
"I know," Roier agrees. "Fuck this guy for real."
"Fuck him."
"Fuck him!"
Roier smiles just for a second, and he even manages a brief laugh before remembering, right. He's fucking doomed. Right.
Sighing, he slumps to the side until he's tumbling off of the stump and splayed across the ground. He buries his face in the grass and screams.
To his credit, he hardly jumps as a hand firmly settles on his back and rubs it. Small circles, firm hand, big hand, it feels like, wow.
Something- a knee?- presses against Roier's arm firmly. It's grounding in a way. Almost.
"I'm getting married tomorrow," Roier whines. "Just kill me, gatinho. I promise I won't tell anyone."
"I'm not going to kill you, guapito," the cat says. (Roier blushes. Guapito...) Its voice sounds deeper, almost. Louder. More clear. "I can't."
"Then what am I supposed to do? Marry Cucurucho?"
"I won't let that happen."
"Why? Because you want to kill him? Because that hasn't exactly been working so far."
"Because it's super fucked up that he's forcing you to marry him. I don't give a shit about the kingdom, I don't live there. I want him dead, but I'm starting to think that he's unkillable."
The hand moves from Roier's back up to his head. Fingers sift through his hair. Woooow, that feels good. When's the last time Roier got touched this softly? Before Cucurucho arrived?
"I've been thinking," the cat continues. "I've been keeping an eye on Cucurucho for centuries, but he's never tried destroying the kingdom before now. Before you. I think that, if you're gone, then he might leave, too."
Roier cracks an eye open. He doesn't shift his head at all, so he can only just barely make out a hint of cloth. So the cat has clothes when he's a human, that's cool, Roier guesses. Makes him wonder where they came from.
"So... kill me," Roier tells him. "If it'll get him to leave the kingdom alone, kill me."
"I can't do that."
"I'm not next in line for the throne! It's fine! Just push me into the river, I can't swim."
"You can't swim? Really?"
"Well, I can, but I can pretend that I can't!"
"You are so... selfless," the cat says, sounding completely exasperated. "And stupid. No, come with me. I know how we can solve this without killing you."
The hand leaves Roier's head, and then a cold nose is poking at his cheek until he's sitting up and looking the cat right in its little kitty eyes.
"Do you still have cat eyes when you're in another form?" Roier can't help but ask. "That would be really cool."
The cat chuckles. "Maybe. Come on. I have one last thing we can try."
They go to the hollow tree, and Roier waits as the cat scrambles into the tree and surfaces with a necklace clutched in its teeth.
Roier takes the necklace and inspects it. It's a solid gold chain with a little charm that looks like a cat's head. Cute.
"What, is this evil faerie gold that will melt Cucurucho's skin off?" Roier asks.
"No, it's for you," the cat replies. "Wear it tomorrow. When the wedding reaches the climax, take the necklace off and break it."
Roier points at the cat accusingly. "You are going to kill me!"
The cat rolls its eyes. "I'm not. Just... trust me."
Trust the man-eating faerie cat, sure. Right.
Roier sighs, but he puts the necklace on, anyway. It's surprisingly warm around his neck.
The cat almost seems to smile. "You look lovely."
"This thing is going to explode and blow my head off."
"No, you'll see."
And, well. What choice does Roier have but to wait and see?
The final wedding preparations go by in an uncomfortable blur.
Leo comes in to hug Roier goodbye. She then punches Roier in the stomach and tells him to write to her once he's at his new house.
Jaiden comes in to help Roier finish getting ready. She's happy about the marriage because she really thinks that Cucurucho is a good person, and Roier can't help but be happy that she's happy.
Foolish comes in to walk Roierto the church. He and Vegetta each take one of Roier's arms, and they walk.
And then Cucurucho is waiting at the church in front of the altar in an all-white suit. His fur is meticulously brushed, his claws are polished, his smile is painted on, he's absolutely grotesque.
Roier hates him.
"Good morning," Cucurucho says as Roier settles in front of the altar.
"It's sunset, you fucking idiot," Roier snaps. He can say what he wants now, right? He's going to die, anyway. The cat is going to kill him.
Cucurucho laughs, and then the ceremony starts.
Roier tunes out most of the goings-on if only to keep himself from breaking down and breaking the necklace before it's time. The cat said to wait until the climax, so Roier's going to wait for the goddamn climax.
He comes back to himself as the cleric asks if anybody in the audience has any objections to the marriage.
This sounds like a fucking climax if Roier's ever heard one.
"Yes," he says. "I object!"
He tears the necklace from around his neck and throws it to the floor. Before anybody can stop him, he slams his heel into the charm.
The entire church erupts into screams as a blinding white light fills it. Magic tears at Roier's skin, biting and pulling. He squeezes his eyes shut, anticipating the end of it all.
"I also object," the cat says.
Two large hands settle on Roier's upper arms, and he's pulled back and against a firm chest.
Roier tilts his head back- not too far, because the cat's human form is shorter than he is, funnily enough- and his eyes widen as he takes in the most beautiful man in the world. Long hair the same color as the cat's coat, scarred face, feathery earrings, cat eyes.
"No," Curucucho snaps. "No!"
"Yes!" the cat- well, not the cat, Roier supposes- shouts. "The prince is mine! He swore himself to me the moment he accepted that necklace, and so he will go back with me to the Faewild and become my husband. You know the rules, bear."
Leo, in the audience, cheers. So does Foolish, who always appreciates a good show.
"Gatinho," Roier hisses.
The faerie shrugs his concerns off. Roier is annoyed about this for exactly three seconds before he gets caught up in the faerie's eyes.
Could be a worse arranged marriage, that's for sure...
A long moment passes, but Cucurucho eventually says a begrudging, "Yes."
"So," the faerie continues, "you will not destroy the kingdom for this. If the prince has already been promised to somebody else, then he never rejected you."
"Yes," Cucurucho sighs.
"You're hot when you're arguing," Roier whispers.
The faerie's cheeks redden, as do the tips of his pointed ears. Cute!
Yeah, no, this arranged marriage will be way better than the last one.
"So!" The faerie turns Roier around so that they're looking at each other properly for the first time eye-to-eye. "You will be coming with me."
"Yeah, okay," Roier agrees. Hell yeah. "Take me, gatinho."
"'Take me'?" Foolish gasps. "Ooooo, this is getting spicy!"
"All you need to do is say my name," the faerie says.
He leans in close and whispers right into Roier's ear, and Roier returns the favor... with a couple of flirtatious remarks thrown in for good measure. Sue him, he's about to get married to a sexy faerie. He's going to make the most of the situation.
"Cellbit," Roier murmurs, and something tickles at his skin. Something... purple. It feels purple. Soft and purple.
"Roier," the faerie replies. He looks positively flustered, aww. He's going to be so fun to tease once they're out of the church.
As the Faewild's magic starts to pick up, Roier can't help but give the faerie a grateful kiss.
The faerie blinks away from the kiss after a moment of some very eager lip-chasing. His face is completely red, and his eyes are wide and unblinking even as the magic around them whips like the wind.
"There's more where that comes from," Roier teases. He puts his arms around the faerie and smiles. "You're marrying me, get used to it. That's just part of the deal."
Because faeries are all about deals, right? Well, Roier's the best deal this guys is ever gonna get.
The faerie swallows, an eager grin teasing at his face.
"Yeah," he breathes. "Alright."
He pulls Roier's head down for another kiss just as the Faewild swallows them whole.
(Legends say that there are monsters living in the haunted forest surrounding the Kingdom of Quesadilla. Once monster is a man-spider with glowing red eyes and fangs the length of one's sword. The other is a furry snarling beast of a thing with magic worthy of the most powerful of witches.
Ah, but don't worry, my child, for these monsters don't hunt humans.
No, they hunt bears, and isn't that a good thing for us?)
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iztea · 11 months
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i personally believe chuuya simply DIY-ed a makeshift leg cast with the stuff he found in prison but ended up bridal carrying dazai out anyways because they wouldn't have made it in time at that pace
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cheesomancer · 4 months
What are you waiting for? I'm totally ready, I tell you.
Full art (with close up!) is here!
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donelywell · 5 months
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February 29- March 2 2024
The first time Sonic went Super in Road Trip wasn't exactly as stunning to Tails as other au's and stories.
Tails is like maybe 5 here (I'm not actually that organized on the timeline for this au yet, I'm getting there though, things are getting in order.) and he wasn't forced to grow up and be a hero in this au. So he's a bit more childish than canon Tails because he doesn't feel as pressured to mature and grow up fast. Plus, he genuinely thinks Sonic is going to die and this is the last time he see's him, so tears are bound to come down.
Part 1
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yume-aeae · 21 days
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okay i mightve gotten back into it have a sona redesign
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eggo-tistical · 7 months
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merry valentine’s day squad
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freakbullet · 10 months
*blasts the senior citizen with my slutification beam*
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cupoteahatter · 2 years
In the wake of the cancellation of Warrior Nun, I am imploring anyone who has Disney+ to watch Willow (2022).
It features a woman loving woman romantic subplot at the forefront, meaning it’s not in the subtext. Episode 1 has them kiss and afterward the lines of romance exist so throughout the narrative for these two characters that it is current and seen to the point that it cannot be argued away.
But there’s next to no buzz for it, only the Disney+ app really promotes it as something to watch with the odd ad showing up on Instagram of the cast playing mini games.
On top of that, it is a well written show that holds all of the love of the original film from the 80s.
I know that it would appear that numbers don’t seem to matter, but I am begging people to watch this show because it is a fantastic piece of media that delights in paying homage to the source material it comes from.
Also hot women with swords. Hot women with swords who could KILL you-
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buckdiazlafd · 1 month
first time writing buck/eddie; and first time writing in years 🫣
pre-relationship buddie. (inspired by talks of backyard camping and tonight’s supermoon)
Buck’s talking about the moon. To his credit it is bright tonight. and big. Kinda like Buck’s eyes in this light, Eddie thinks. They’re laying on their backs side by side on a soft blanket after a pretty successful backyard camping trip if he does say so himself. Complete with s’mores, hot dogs, Chris and Buck telling all about their trip to the natural history museum. But now Chris’ light snoring, and the soft sounds of the city are providing backdrop to Buck’s mini moon lecture. Which Eddie is enjoying quite a bit even if he Is having trouble concentrating.
He’s trying. He really is. But Bucks got one arm behind his head as an impromptu pillow, and one hand pointing up at the sky. He looks over at Eddie every now and again and Eddie’s sure. He’s so sure that Buck can see right through him. Like the full moon’s light is making him fully transparent, and Buck can see every secret feeling and thought Eddie’s been hiding. Thoughts like how beautiful buck looks like this. and how he looked so beautiful when he and Chris were trying to tell a story, but neither one could stop laughing long enough to get it out. Warmth blooms through Eddie that has way less to do with the balmy august air and more to do with how he always feels when he thinks about Buck. and Buck and Chris. And this little family they’ve carved out for themselves that Eddie could never have imagined beforehand but now can’t imagine his life without. He’s staring again. He must be because he got caught.
“Eddie you’re not looking” Buck says pointing up to one of the three stars bright enough to be visible.
“Oh sorry. Yeah Which star is that again?”
Buck huffs out a laugh dropping his hand and laying it on his chest. They’re looking at each other now and Eddie wants to kiss him. It feels good to admit it, even just to himself. Like he’s got his own confidant that he can indulge these little confessions too. It’s usually enough. Usually..
“Sirius. it’s usually way brighter but with the super moon tonight..” Buck trails off.
Eddie wants to tell him. He wants to tell him that he’s sorry he wasn’t paying attention before but he’ll listen to Buck talk about stars and super moons and whatever else he wants every night. He’ll listen to Chris and Buck laugh over shared memories and Buck humming while making dinner and Chris running up to Buck when he comes home. He wants to tell him not only does he want to listen, but that he’s terrified of the silence that might replace it if, when, Buck leaves. When Buck finds someone else who enjoys his stories, his facts, his dinners, his smile, his heart. There’s no way they could love him as much as Eddie loves him. But it’s not about Eddie’s feelings. It’s about what’s best for Buck. and Eddie never wants Buck to feel obligated. Never wants him to feel like he has to stay. Eddies love for Buck is like the supermoon. outshining all the stars that surround it. But bright light can also be too much. grating, and blinding. And if Buck ever wants to branch out and see the stars, Eddie doesn’t want to stop him.
But in moments like this he thinks maybe.. maybe Buck loves being in the moonlight. His blue eyes shining, soft smile playing on his lips.
Eddie finds a spark of bravery, “Do you wish you could see more stars? the moons great but like you said, it drowns out a lot.”
Buck stays looking at him and impossibly somehow there’s an understanding that Eddies asking about more than just the night sky.
“If I wanted stars I’d have left L.A. a long time ago… “ Buck smiles. “I choose moonlight every time.”
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ptanalo · 1 year
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I'll finish this some other time but...qwq
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clonedchaos · 1 month
Am I seriously one of the few people on the internet that actually liked Descendants: Rise of Red??? 😭😭😭
I keep seeing ppl hate on it. And, like, that’s their opinion… But I wanna know why. Bc all I’m really hearing is it’s mostly bc the OG four aren’t in the movie. And like… isn’t that the point? That it’s a new story with new adventures and characters?
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hythlodaes · 5 months
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good morning
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littlespoonevan · 1 year
the thing about romcoms is just- it's never meant to be 'is it believable?' but instead 'do you believe it?' do you believe these two characters are actually falling in love with each other??? do you believe their chemistry??? do you believe whatever obstacle is thrown in their way is legitimately something that might keep them apart for a time and not something that could be solved with one conversation?? do you believe that they believe they need to fake date for this very specific reason??? do you believe the reason why they're 'enemies' at the start, no matter how silly a misunderstanding it may be??? do you believe the grand romantic gesture fits the characters and is actually how one character would show their love to the other?? like!!!! it's about empathy and authenticity and feeling what the characters feel so strongly that even if it's a trope or a cliché it doesn't matter because you believe it
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cliveguy · 8 months
MY take on the barbie discourse that im sure everyone cares about and has been dying to hear is that if you dont want a character to be the most memorable part then you shouldnt give him the lead in the only full musical number
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shinobus-left-eye · 6 months
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i'm going to be brainrotting about the story and its shoujo manga tropes the whole day who's with me—
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local wizard saved an elezen from the void for unknown reasons, hasn't known a moment of peace since.
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she's annoying on purpose, outrageously audacious and yet somehow not suffering any consequences whatsoever.
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