#it's demon slayer it's got canon typical violence for the anime
ingo-ingoing-ingone · 7 months
For the first time since his brother had become a demon, Kudari gets to ride a train. Nobori and his other friends are there too, and for a while, things are nice. That changes when a powerful demon attacks. Kudari has to first face his inner demons if he ever hopes to defeat the one endangering the passengers. Lucky for him, he has a brother who would never let him down.
Hey! Happy Pokemon Day!
I am FINALLY posting, at long last, my @destinationunownzine fic! Figured today was a great choice lol. Thank you, mods, who organized the fic and let me participate <3 It was literally a dream come true!
It's my Demon Slayer AU! I need to share more about this one ngl, it's been a while since I thought about it! Either way, please enjoy this fic free for all to read <3
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syndxlla · 11 months
best friends don’t look at each other the way we do
A low stakes, high reward and self-indulgent Zelink fan fiction. Canon-compliant. Takes place between both and totk
Chapter Six: This is Home
Read chapter five here
My masterlist
Song: Run To You by Leah Michele
Summary: Link is brought on to investigate a new strange monster plaguing the farmers in Hateno. He is faced with a new type of post-traumatic experience he doesn’t expect to have.
Warnings: canon-typical violence, suspense and horror, PTSD, squint and theres very base-line sexual content, GRAPHIC descriptions of animal mutilations!
Word Count: 3.5k words
Authors Note: I didn’t update for two and a half months and said “lemme give you guys the best chapter yet” (imo). Thank you for being patient with me. I restarted school, closed one musical, opened and closed a 30 performance long run of another musical and literally fell in love with a man 16-years-older than me in that time lol. Also I wrote this in one sitting and I’m starting chapter 7 now 🫡. Its unedited be nice.
Also please do not make fun of me for using a Leah Michele song for this chapter its so good and it works really good so just shut up. Kloveyoubye
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The summer starts to get hotter. A week passes and nothing changes, neither of them ever address the hand holding, Link is fixing the hole in the roof and Zelda is reteaching herself how to fix a clock, an activity she originally learned at the age of seven. Everything is so normal, the sun starts to set a little later, and the fireflies have started hatching.
Link never really thought he would end up in a position to do housework. He tried to get Bolson to fix the hole before Link bought it, but it would take a certain number of wood piles and when Link went out to get them he got a little distracted. And by distracted he means ending the sandstorm in the desert caused by the Divine Beast. It just got put on the back burner, and now here he is, using basic tools to hammer in new shingles. He wipes his brow, his shirt off again. He takes a look at the hammer in his hand, thinking about the savage Lynel sword that same hand has swung.
The passage of time is weird.
Maybe he does want to go back to work. Going from Demon slayer to roof repairman in two and a half weeks is a little jarring.
He hears a groan of frustration from inside the house, and makes his way inside, where it's much cooler.
“Everything alright?” He asks, looking at the girl who’s hunched over the kitchen table.
“No, this is absurd.” She slams the machine on the kitchen table. “I can’t remember how to do the most basic thing in engineering ever.” She frowns.
Link chuckles and places a dirty hand on her shoulder as he walks past her. He moves to the water basin and wets a cloth that he wraps around his neck. “I don’t know the first thing about that stuff, so you have me beat.” He shrugs. “Man, what I would give for an hour at Lurelin right now. Or better yet a weekend at Tabantha. I bet the weather there is a comfortable 60 degrees.” He sighs. Trying to slyly put the worm in Zelda’s ear about a possible trip.
Zelda groans, “I agree. I don’t remember it getting this hot.”
“This is just the beginning, wait until it’s the midsummer festival.”
“A festival?” Zelda’s face lights up.
Link nods, “It’s something they started about thirty years ago. It’s right here in Hateno. People from all parts of the kingdom will travel for it.” Link drinks some water, leading against the counter at the hip. Zelda makes special effort not to admire how his obliques curved. “There’s music and dancing, it’s quite fun. I was invited last year as a special guest. The “chosen hero” or something like that.” Link shrugs.
At that moment they hear a sharp knock on their door. It startles both of them. Link moves to answer it, setting the rag and cup down.
“Dantz, what is it?” Link says as he opens the door to a distressed farmer.
“Master Link, so good to see you,” His voice is shaky, “I didn’t know who else to go to.” Link listens more intently, Zelda even stands. “Two more of my cattle have been killed. When I heard you were back in town I knew you could help me. I don’t know who—or what—is killing them, but it's not a moblin. It’s something darker.” He’s speaking a mile a minute.
“Slow down,” Link stops him, “When did this happen?”
“In the night, I came here as soon as I could. They were covered in something… unnatural. Please, Link.”
Link turns back to look at Zelda. “Stay here.”
“What? No. I’ll come with you!” She moves to him and Link stops her. If this is anything like what Cado saw at the castle, he didn’t want her to be anywhere near it.
Link completely turns around and puts his hands on her shoulders, “Zelda, you cannot.” He stays sternly.
“Why? You don’t have to baby me. I can help you.”
“I’m better! Please don’t leave me-“ Before she finishes the sentence she’s falling back down, like she was going to faint again. She had gotten herself worked up and now her heart was weary again. Link catches her before she falls, her knees knocking together.
“Oh, Goddess.” Dantz says. “Should I help?” He asks and Link snaps, telling him ‘no’ a little too forcefully.
“Zel, come on, let's get you to bed.” He wraps her arm around his shoulder. “Dantz, I’ll be there within the hour. I’m sorry.” Link says in a calmer tone.
“I understand, Link.” He nods and turns to leave.
Zelda can’t get up the stairs and Link picks her up, carrying her up to her room. He places her in bed as she starts to cry.
“Hey, hey it’s okay.” He brushes her hair out of her face. She takes his hand.
“No. It’s not.” She replies. “Stop telling me it’s okay.” She groans. “It’s ridiculous that I can’t do anything without this happening.” It was the second time this week.
“I have to go help them.” His hand is held back by her, but she eventually lets it go.
He turns to leave her, pulling his green tunic over his messy hair, and getting ready for combat. He isn’t even anticipating a fight, but he wants to be ready. He puts his gloves on, and straps both his sword and shield to his back. He even gets his bow ready because he has no idea what it might be. It sounds serious.
It’s the first time he’s been entirely suited-up since the castle. He forgot how natural it feels. He forgot how much he felt like himself.
Zelda has gotten up and stands at the railing of the loft. “Be careful.” She says in a weak voice.
Link looks up at her, he wants to stay here with her and hold her and let her know that it's going to be okay. “Please rest.”
He walks out the door.
The cattle are lying dead in the corner of the pasture. Flies buzz around them. Dantz and Link examine the scene, a pit in both their stomachs.
“What could it be?” Dantz asks.
Link crouches down, getting a closer look. The gunk is a deep maroon color, almost like malice but thinner, almost like a glossy serum as opposed to a thick slime. Link takes a risk and touches a bit of it that was strewn across the grass, rubbing it between his fingers. It didn’t seem to hurt him the way malice did. He sniffs it, it’s rotten and foul. He gags almost immediately. Link wipes his hand off in the grass.
“I’ve never seen anything like this.” He admits. “And I’ve seen a lot.” This was only confirming his worst fears.
“The other ones that were killed were left like this too.” Dantz explains, “There isn’t even any meat taken out of them, only their eyes are gouged out.” He points out.
“Whatever is killing them is doing it for sport.” Link stands back up and folds his arms. “This is bizarre, I must say.” It was starting to be late afternoon, he still had a few hours of sunlight. “What did you do with the other ones that were killed?” Link asks.
“We tried to clean them up and butcher them for food. But the meat inside was rotten, like it was poisoned under the skin.”
Link hears a giggle from behind them and turns around to see the two daughters of the rancher watching them from behind a post. When he catches them staring they both hide.
“How old are your girls?” He asks.
“Siva is eighteen and Catli is sixteen.” Dantz replies. “They are my pride and joy, I can’t let anything bad happen to them.”
Link advances towards them, “Girls.” He smiles, charming as ever. They both sneak out from behind the post, sheepish and giddy. The older steps forward.
“You’re the hero.” She puts her hands behind her back. Link nods.
“Can you girls show me the edge of your property?” He asks, wanting to test a theory. They both happily nod and start to lead him, he notices especially how Siva looks at him as she walks by. She was very agreeable: long, dark and curly hair and alluring eyes. He follows them. They take him past the fence and through the forest, the younger chatting and asking questions about his quests and whatnot. He just smiles and nods, answering with basic “yes’” or “no’s”.
Link’s theory starts to prove right, he sees a set of two acorns on the ground, then a pair of two foot tracks, and eventually, at the end of the property, where two songbirds lay dead at the bottom of a tree, both covered in the same strange goop. Whatever this is, it’s looking for things in pairs. Like two sisters.
Link would never imagine putting these girls in danger, and would send them home in about an hour or two when it started to get dark, he just wanted to lure out whatever was killing with a pair.
He sat down at the base of a tree, and listened as the girls talked themselves up, clearly competing with one another for who can be the most impressive to the hero. Link decides to let them have their fun, it’s not like he was getting this attention from Zelda.
She’s all he could think about. He listens to the girls for a full hour, but doesn’t comprehend a word they’re saying because all he can do is think about the woman he left at home. He wishes he hadn’t left her home, she’s probably sad and lonely. Or maybe she isn’t, perhaps she’s enjoying some alone time. He doubted it, though. He was sure she was fuming at him for just leaving her, for going in such a rush. Proximity can cause problems, maybe this was good for them.
Link must have zoned out because all of a sudden the younger sister was gone, and he was left alone with Siva. This was dangerous territory.
“Where did your sister go?” He asks, clearly uncomfortable.
“Oh! I told her to go get her tapestry to show you! Of course.” Siva says in a tone that was a little too flirty for Link’s liking. She sits next to him, facing him. Link knew the look on her face, and he knew he should stand up and put an end to whatever was about to happen. “Because you know… now we’re alone.” She sighs and leans in.
Stop. Stop. Stop. He tells himself but doesn’t move, he lets her place her lips on his.
Link is not an experienced kisser. He’s had a few drunken nights in the last three years where he ended up in a Gerudo’s bedchamber or a stable-workers hideout, and while those were all agreeable experiences, he’s never actively sought them out. It was always nice to get the tension from his journey off, though.
Link makes the mistake of kissing her back, and she’s sighing into his touch and he’s pulling her in. Being alone with a woman he’s been in love with for three years and not being able to touch her or talk to her the way he wants to has left him with a lot of pent up energy, it felt good to get it out.
Link puts his fingers through her hair, and starts to kiss down her jawline and neck and she’s letting out the prettiest little sounds.
And then he starts to think about Zelda. The sounds Zelda would make, the feeling of her hair intertwined in his fingers, how her lips would feel against his…
“Zelda.” He sighs, and then Savi is pulling away.
“Hm?” She asks, and Link is dazed and confused, thinking with anything other than his brain. He doesn’t know how long they were kissing because suddenly it's much darker outside, and if Dantz caught them like this, Link would be the one hunted down and killed, not whatever monster is out there.
Link immediately feels stupid, this was a rookie mistake. He shouldn’t have let it happen.
“What?” He responds to her, and then out of the corner of his eye, he sees something run behind the tree. “Shit.” He jumps up. “You need to go. Right now.” He pushes her back towards the house. It wasn’t far, she’d be okay. “Please don’t tell anyone about this.”
She nods, also remembering their reason for being out here. She runs back home and Link shakes his head, trying to refocus. He sees it again, it’s fast, moving from tree to tree, but further away. Link grunts and starts to slowly follow it. He isn’t sure if it saw him. It’s tall, and it’s dark. He would guess it’s a Moblin by its size but it's much too fast to be a moblin. Perhaps a wizzrobe? But he could hear its feet on the grass. Link starts the stalk, prowling towards it like a predator.
He doesn’t think it knows he’s following, because he’s able to follow it halfway up Madorna Mountain before he accidentally steps on a branch that snaps loudly. Again, a rookie mistake. Link was out of practice, rusty. He silently curses himself for that. The beast turns around to look at Link, but he’s able to hide behind an oak tree. It was still a little light out, and the lights from down were getting smaller and smaller as they worked their way up the mountain.
Link stayed vigilant. It’s been a long time since he’s had to fight a new enemy, and he wasn’t sure how powerful this was going to be. It gets quiet, he doesn’t hear it move. Even with Link’s impaired hearing, he had a knack for the details, but not today, not now. A cricket chirps but it’s silenced halfway through its sound. The wind goes still. A cloud covers the moon.
He girds up, and moves from behind the tree to keep following it, but he’s met with a horrific sight.
The creature is standing there, about six feet away from Link.
It startles him. He’s met with a feeling of dread.
It’s tall, probably seven feet. It’s hunched down, a humanoid-sort of beast that looks like a shadow covered in the same maroon gloop as the animals.
Link freezes up, he is paralyzed with fear because he knows exactly what it is.
He knows who it is.
It opens its eyes, those awful, yellow, glowing eyes. He chuckles at Link and it fills his skull. It wasn’t quite human, like it was a pile of goo that was regaining its strength and slowly rebuilding itself into a human. Into a phantom.
They stare at one another, his laughter taunts Link. Link can hear his heartbeat in his ears. His palms start to sweat. He is met with the images of three weeks ago. The battle, the castle, the evil.
Or at least some form of him.
He doesn’t move, he just laughs at Link. The boy swallows, and he wants to run, but he rolls his shoulders back.
“Courage and Bravery are two different things.” Zelda’s words ring in his memory.
He grabs his sword.
The Master Sword unsheathes with a light ring, and it glows in the darkness.
In an instant, the monster is screeching and howling like a Lynel and melting away from the light of the sword. The pure power of the holy blade made the beast slowly melt into the ground, like an ice cube in the desert. It covered its eyes, and screlted into the forest, echoing no doubt into town.
Link walked closer to it, waving the blade, spinning it in his hand until the creature was completely put away.
Whatever that was, it isn’t very strong. It will surely get stronger, though. Link had a feeling this was not the end of it. It left behind a puddle of goop. Link’s stomach dropped when he realized why it was killing for sport and in pairs of two. It was probably seeking Him and Zelda. Unable to differentiate what living things were hylian and what was cattle or animals. The stealing of the eyes surely had something to do with it regaining its strength, but what?
How did it know to come look in Hateno already?
After sheathing the sword and thanking the Goddess, Link took a moment to bury the secretment. He still felt sick to his stomach. Why did he freeze up like that?
Maybe that final battle had more of an effect on him than he thought.
He heads home, explaining to Dantz what had happened and what he saw, sugar-coating it a little and just saying it was a ghost. Link wasn’t sure how long it would stay away for, but hopefully long enough he could talk to Impa about it. Clearly the Master Sword was protecting him. He made a special effort to avoid Savi.
When he gets home, he drops his equipment off, pulling his gloves and boots off and leaving it all in his little corner downstairs. He pulls his shirt off. He would sleep out with Epona again tonight, he would need to to avoid the nightmares. His Mare had that effect on him. The feeling of safety and home.
Zelda was asleep, snoring lightly in her bed. He stayed quiet and went to sit at the table, grabbing a baked apple to silence his rumbling stomach. Guilt washed over him as he remembered what he did today. Savi came onto him, but he knows he shouldn’t have let that happen. He was ashamed of his conduct.
The laughter of the phantom rang in his ears. Flashes of its grin and glowing eyes projected in his mind. He felt ill.
Link disassociated. He sat at the table for three hours and it went by in minutes.
What snaps him out of it are the screams of terror he hears from upstairs.
His mind immediately jumps to the worst possible situation. He grabs the master sword and sprints upstairs. He sees nothing but a scared girl, crying from a nightmare.
“Zelda, what is it?” He asks, setting the sword town and running to her. He kneels by her bed and takes her hand. “I’m here, what’s wrong.” He whispers.
“You’re here?”
“I’m here.”
“B-but. The guardian, it got you. It killed-”
“It was just a nightmare, it wasn’t real.” Link reassures her. “I’m here, breathing, alive as ever.”
Zelda shakes her head, she’s clearly so traumatized that she cannot differentiate dream from reality anymore, she probably thinks him saying that is the dream.
“Here, feel.” He grabs her hand and places it against his chest where his heart is. “Feel that?” He asks, “Bum-bum. Bum-bum.” He whispers. “That’s my heart. Its pumping, it's beating.” Zelda sobs and he pulls her into his chest. “It’s okay, I got you. I’m here.”
He holds her for a moment and then stands up, “I’ll get the stool if it will help you sleep.” He turns to go.
“Stay with me.” She asks, tears wetting his collarbone.
“I’ll be right here, I’ll grab the stool.” He says.
“No, stay with me.” She says, and gestures to the bed.
“Please. I cannot sleep without you by my side. I’m too afraid I’m going to lose you again.” She sniffles.
“Zelda I can’t-“
“Why?” She asks. “Because of decorum? Because I’m royal? Because you don't want to get caught?” She picks up her hands ‘None of that matters anymore’ she signs.
Link nods, “Are you sure?”
“Please.” She pleads.
Link moves back to her, trying to control his racing heart. Zelda scoots over to she’s closer to the wall, and Link carefully crawls into the covers of the bed. There wasn’t a ton of room, there would be no way for them to lay in the bed without being in full contact. “Is this okay?” He asks as he pulls the covers up.
She nods.
“Hold me?” She asks.
Link looks at her and it takes every ounce of his self-control not to kiss her. He nods and lays his head down, his chest facing up. He pulls her into his chest, wrapping his left arm around her shoulders and his right arm over his stomach to her waist. She tries to control her breathing, and it gets easier as their hearts begin to sync up.
Link wants to cry too, because this is the safest he has felt in a hundred and three years. This is the most at home he has ever been. He mentally-pinches himself because he’s sure he’s dreaming. But he doesn’t wake up, in fact, he starts to fall into the deepest sleep he’s ever had.
Every muscle in his body starts to relax, his eyes get heavy, and the scent of the girl on his chest fills his dreams with images of fairy forests and gentle ocean waves and the time of day when the sun moves into twilight.
This is home.
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milkttea · 2 years
Journey of a Divine Slayer
Chapter 5: What doesn’t kill me makes me slightly woozy, but otherwise fine.
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Note: Things spoken in dialogue that aren’t Japanese will be in italics and thoughts will always be in italics.
Warnings: strong language, canon typical violence
Word Count: 2k
Demon Slayer x Reader; Female Reader.
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You and Tanjiro ran far into the mountain and slowed to a walk, keeping your hands on the hilt of your blades in case a demon was spotted. Speaking of demons, aren't two demons supposed to arrive now and argue about eating Tanjiro? Your memory of the manga and anime is impeccable, truly the eighth wonder of the world.
Yet you still can’t remember where you placed your headphones back in your world. You swear they were on your bed but apparently your eyes say otherwise.
It was nighttime and still no demons had showed up yet, you were getting a little worried. Did your arrival change the timeline? That would be concerning since you saving the characters depended on your knowledge of the original timeline. Well this is a pickle.
Yelling soon began as two demons came into your sights.
“Hey! Hey! Get lost! I’m gonna eat these kids!”
“No, you get lost!”
Tanjiro put his arm in front of you with his blade drawn. You frown to yourself, but discreetly get two feathers from your pouch tied to your leg. Internally you were glad the two demons were there, it meant that your arrival hadn't changed the events.
‘Two of them! Out of nowhere! Can I win? Can I keep (y/n) safe?’
‘That tongue is disgusting, put that thing back in your mouth ew ew ew ew-’
The demons continued to bicker as if there weren’t two five course meals in front of them. If you weren’t in shock at actually being in front of demons, you would be offended.
“They’re my meal!”
“Shut up!”
Suddenly they surged forward, crouched lowly as one of them manipulated his body into weapons and the other bared his fangs.
“The one who kills them first gets to eat ‘em!”
“It’s been so long since I tasted human flesh!”
‘Yeah and you’re gonna wait longer ugly ass.’
Tanjiro moved first, breathing in first and used Total Concentration to use his water breathing. Smelling out a thread he could visualize two threads, strung taught and leading right to the center of the two demons necks.
You watched as he moved with grace, you decided that for the plot to advance as smoothly as possible you wouldn't interfere with the bigger kills so he gets his strength growing. He was going to need it after all, he wasn't like you who had training from a literal angel of all things and he didn't know how this would all end.
‘Water Breathing Fourth Form: Striking Tide!’
With quick precision, Tanjiro had moved first and decapitated both demons, their heads falling to the floor in less than half a minute.
He stood still after the bodies fell, shock taking over his system.
‘I did it. I beat two demons. I’ve gotten stronger.’
He closed his eyes as they got watery, he turned his head away from you so you wouldn’t see.
‘All that training worked… I can do this!’
The bodies of the decapitated demons fell to the ground, their clothes crumpling with an audible thump. Despite them being demons, they’ve killed people, done unspeakable things, you couldn’t help but feel bad for them as you knelt down to their garments and folded them before placing them back down.
Tanjiro looked on as you did so, with slight shock at just what happens when he wielded his blade against the demons as well as the compassion you held for the demons.
‘When I use the katana that Urokodaki gave me, even the bones crumple! Rest In Peace.’
He put his hands together in prayer, taking place beside him you did the same to show your respect.
'Even though they've killed people, if their resolve is weak then they'll succumb to the evil that is Muzan. What a terrible existence,' you thought as you made a makeshift grave for the demons and put their garments side by side.
Though you couldn’t see it, from above Eden looked on in their human form, invisible to all, and smiled to themselves at your show of compassion. Truly you were an interesting person.
However, Tanjiro clutched his nose as he took in a deep breath through his nose, inhaling a rotten stench only he could pick up. You couldn't smell that rotten stench though, but you could feel the blood lust and evil. It made you sick and you clutched feathers in your hand as you kept a strong grip on the hilt of your blade.
A scream and the rustling of the bushes were what got you both out of your momentary stupor. A fellow demon slayer ran through the clearing as Tanjiro made eye contact with him.
“There’s a huge, deformed demon back there! I’ve never seen anything like it!”
He continues to run away as the demon gains ground and appears. Coming into view, a large hand thumps on the ground.
What follows after is something that would haunt you.
You knew how grotesque the demon was just animated or in the manga, but to see it in the flesh. The veins were a sickly, almost rotten looking green and had bulged out eyes. It made you sick to your stomach but you refused to throw up.
The demon was covered in hands, said hands sticking out in multiple directions and one of them holding the clearly broken neck of a former demon slayer. Tears entered your eyes before you could stop them.
Before you or Tanjiro could think of what to do, the demons arms came together and propelled themselves forward to make an attempt at grabbing the boy in front of you both. Tanjiro reacted first as he uses the second form in Water Breathing, Water Wheel.
He cuts the arm off the demon and you pull the boy behind you and brandish your blade holding it in front of you both protectively as Tanjiro goes to your side to protect your other side from a possible attack. The demon doesn’t move only staring at you both with a glare, then realizes what masks you’re r both wearing.
“Another of my dear foxes has come!”
Meanwhile, back at the house Makomo couldn’t help but be worried for both of you. Looking up at Sabito, perched on the boulder with his face hidden away by his mask she voiced her concerns over the two of you. If the same demon were there, it could be trouble for both of you after all.
“Sabito… do you think Tanjiro and (Y/N) can really do it?”
Sabito was silent for short time, before answering back quietly.
“I don’t know, but no amount of effort is too much and you know that right?”
They resumed the silence that had taken place in the small clearing and could only hope for the best of their two friends.
Back in the dark forest, the both of you stood protectively in front of the boy as the demon stared harshly at you.
"Tell me fox children, right now, what Meiji Emperor sits upon the throne?"
Tanjiro jolts before responding shakily, "the Imperial family is Taisho!"
A terrible shriek was then let out making all three of you wince and back up further away from the monstrous being in front of you.
"I've been here so long that dynasties have risen and fallen!"
This alarmed Tanjiro and the boy behind you, the demon continued his yelling.
"Again and again! All while I've been trapped here! Unforgivable! Unforgivable! Damn Urokodaki!"
He repeated these words as Tanjiro stared blankly at him with furrowed brows.
"You know Urokodaki-san?"
“Oh, I know him! Urokodaki was the one who captured me! I will never forget! It’s been 47 torturous years!”
The demon continued on as the information settled in the minds of the teenagers in front of him. 47 years… it’s insane. That's older than your will to live, granted that is a very thin line you walk.
"Can this idiot please hurry up with his speech so he can be killed and we can move on with our lives?"
You said this with a straight face as Tanjiro looked at you with concern and wonder, he really wanted to learn the language you spoke so you both could have conversations. Maybe another time Tanjiro because right now it looks like the demon is mad at you.
In actuality, yes the demon is mad at you. Despite you speaking in a different language, it understood you as demons have a vast knowledge of languages. One of the "perks" of being a demon you suppose, and he did not take kindly to you calling him an idiot. In a fit of rage he decided to attack you throwing you off guard as you jumped away from Tanjiro and the other boy.
You quickly turned and held your blade as you slashed the hands that came towards you, before getting smacked to a tree a little ways away from the boys. Tanjiro went to help you, but you just waved him off coughing and slowly moving to get your bearings back.
“I’m alright, hear that ugly! I’m all good bitch boy!”
Tanjiro didn’t know if he wanted to laugh or cry.
The demon ignores your rudeness and continues on with his little speech as you prepare yourself for the inevitable fighting.
“Back then he was a demon slayer! In the Edo Period… the Keio Era!”
While this information meant virtually nothing to you, it seemed to mean a lot to the two boys with you as their eyes grew and their pupils shrunk. The boy that Tanjiro and you were protecting shouted first.
“You’re lying! No demon here has been alive that long! Lies!”
Turning back to him you glared at him with a mocking expression on your face.
“‘No demon here has been alive that long!’" You mocked as you made a face at the no-name boy with both of you, "What the fuck does that look like in front of you?! Jesus born in a golden manger Christ? Eat shit and live idiot!”
You responded as you got up shakily from the ground and inhaled before spitting out blood that had entered your mouth.
Tanjiro had never felt such embarrassment, meanwhile the boy shrunk in fear. If the demon didn’t kill him maybe you would. Still the boy continued his yelling.
“They only put demons up here that have eaten two or three people and they get killed during Selection! Plus, the demons eat each other too!”
Hissing you glared at him from your protective stance.
“Lord give me the strength to not clock your shit right now.”
Tanjiro decided to then stand in front of the now most likely traumatized boy to protect him from the demon and from you apparently.
Listen you knew what you signed up for, but damn if you didn't anticipate the worst then how would you survive in this world. How that boy lived long enough to even get to this point, he must have an angel looking after him. You pointedly looked up to where Eden may have been and just gave a look. Eden, though you couldn’t see it, looked away making a face.
The demon continues with his tangent, “As I was saying, I still remain alive in this prison of wisteria. I’ve eaten a total of fifty small kids.”
You would yell out pervert, but since you didn't feel like getting bitch slapped again you decided not to.
Tanjiro goes blank from that, everything begins to fade from him as the demon continues muttering.
He begins to think back to a conversation that he was having with Urokodaki when his hair was first starting to grow longer.
'The number of humans a demon eats determines how powerful a demon is. Demons increase their strength by eating humans.'
"Tanjiro! Tanjiro! Damnit pay attention!"
“-elve, thirteen, and then fourteen and fifteen!”
Tanjiro snaps out of whatever trance he was in as he comes back and yells out, “what are you talking about?!”
You look at the demon as it says the words that will soon set of Tanjiro.
The demon looks Tanjiro in the eye as he says the next sentence.
"I'm counting the number of Urokodaki's apprentices I've swallowed. I've decided to kill all of his apprentices."
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The Illusion Hashira's Final Stand
The Illusion Hashira's Final Stand by Ilikeeggs
None of the other demons he ever fought in his entire career as a slayer ever matched the true and terrifying power that was of Upper Moons. Regular demons were babies compared to the third strongest demon ever to walk earth, standing right before his small, trembling frame. Breathe. He needed to breath.
He felt like he was going to die. This was what the true entrance to death finally felt like.
“But wow!” Hitoshi continues, “That was some speed, tell me, are you a Pillar?” The purple haired male's marked eyes lit up amusedly.
Despite not wanting to, Neito found himself nodding against his will.
Why did he answer?
As one of the nine Hashira, Neito fights for his life as well as the vengeance to the demon who took his sister's life.
Words: 3758, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, 鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Monoma Neito, Shinsou Hitoshi, Eri, Toga Himiko
Relationships: Monoma Neito/Shinsou Hitoshi, Monoma Neito & Shinsou Hitoshi, Eri & Monoma Neito, Monoma Neito & Toga Himiko
Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Violence, Character Death, Midoriya Izuku is a Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba), He's mentioned in the fic but doesn't appear, Implied Sexual Content, Humiliation, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Emotional Manipulation, Unhealthy Relationships, Demon Slayer AU, Demon/Human Relationships, Implied/Referenced Torture, Heavy Angst, Brainwashing, Quirks as Blood Demon Art, Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga Spoilers, based on manga, Monoma Neito and Toga Himiko are Siblings, Monoma Neito Needs a Hug, Sorry Not Sorry, Not Beta Read, Neito is a Hashira, Hitoshi is a demon, That bullying and being called a villain really got to him man, I'm insane, What am I doing
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29783694
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milesprower2011 · 5 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: 鬼滅の刃 | Kimetsu no Yaiba (Manga), 鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kamado Tanjirou & Kamado Nezuko Characters: Kamado Tanjirou, Kamado Nezuko, Hashibira Inosuke, Agatsuma Zenitsu, Tomioka Giyuu, Urokodaki Sakonji, Kamado Kie, Kibutsuji Muzan, Shinazugawa Genya, Tsuyuri Kanao, Kamado Tanjuro Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Canonical Character Death, Genderswap, Period Typical Attitudes, Women Being Awesome, Demons, Intimacy, Implied Sexual Content, BAMF Nezuko, Taisho Era Japan, Tanjirou's a dumbass but what else is new, i got no regrets, guys kny is SO GOOD please watch it if you haven't, Female Kamado Tanjirou, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Gender Identity, Action/Adventure, Defenestrating Gender Norms, i think the best way to sum it up is, tanjirou might not follow gender norms, but that doesn't mean everyone else does, Defenestrating Your Feelings, kie had 6 children how on earth, tanjirou's bisexual energy deserves its own tag Summary:
Tanjirou is born on top a snowy mountain with hair and eyes as red as the sun.
Tanjirou is born a girl.
This changes things.
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chizue-witchery · 3 years
The Undying Chaos of This World | Series Masterlist [DISCONTINUED]
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image by worstholger on deviant art and dividers by @firefly-graphics
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⚜️. *. ⋆ Fandoms: My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, Noragami, Seven Deadly Sins, Original Work
⚜️. *. ⋆ Series Summary: While the Higher-Ups were fixing other worlds, Chaos went inside to multiple Anime’s, and started changing everything in its path. It is up to the assistants, that volunteered, to keep them distracted, while the others fight off the very Chaos that could destroy the entire world.
⚜️. *. ⋆ Series Warnings/Tags: canon typical violence, reaction fic, character watches the show, mild language, manga spoilers
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⚜️. *. ⋆ The Undying Chaos of This World; Prologue | (1/1) > 2.2k+ words
Work Summary: While the Higher-Ups were fixing other worlds, Chaos went inside to multiple Animes, and started changing everything in its path. It is up to the assistants, that volunteered, to keep them distracted, while the others fight off the very Chaos that could destroy the entire world.
AO3 // Wattpad
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⚜️. *. ⋆ A Hero's Future | (3/145) > 38.2k+ words
Work Summary: When the Class 1-A and 1-B students were about to departure and make their way to the training camp, a portal suddenly appeared, sucking a classmate in it. The rest of the students, pro heroes, and a few other people also got sucked in to only wake themselves up to be in a cinema with a floating teen looking down at them.
The floating teen tells them that they could watch their future. Should they risk it or be left with this floating teenage that looks to have more power than them?
Work Warnings/Tags: manga spoilers, graphic depictions of violence, suicidal thoughts, past bullying, panic/anxiety attack, past character death, reaction fic, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
AO3 // Wattpad
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⚜️. *. ⋆ A Slayer's Future | (0/?)
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⚜️. *. ⋆ A God's Future | (0/?)
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⚜️. *. ⋆ A Sin's Future | (0/?)
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⚜️. *. ⋆ Epilogue | (0/1)
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