#it's either Oscar or Raj
i-lavabean · 9 months
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Another animation test with Elsie because I really just want Procreate Dreams and I don't have it yet
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raniamich · 8 months
Cosmo Grimm : Dies. I'm almost certain. I want him to live and be a happy little old fellow but, I strongly doubt it.
Dr Elsie Roberts : Dies. I do not think our good doctor is escaping this. Now I did read a theory that the beast is what keeping her alive and grew super fond of it, therefore, I think she either gets separated from the beast and ends up dying or eventually turns, most likely hurts or even kills someone on the party and ends up killed herself.
Rajan Savarimuthu : I'm 50-50 because he's my favorite and I am probably delulu, as they say. For Raj, my mind is making up a lot of things, especially after that very slick We from Nosh in episode 2. Not to mention the welcome home. I believe Raj is either killed by Elsie or dies as a heroic / dramatic sacrifice. Though he is most likely dying, I want to have hope on two alternatives. Alternative one, he makes it out alive but is overtaken by the hive or alternative two he makes it out and his villain arc begins. I know it's probably not happening but I'm still manifesting alternative 3 that is Rajan Savarimuthu happy ending.
Oscar Grimm : I'm also very 50-50 when it comes to our favorite immortal father. He either cures himself and finally dies, which is probably a happy ending for him or survives despite everything and most likely ends up in jail with survivor's guilt. Like stated above, I hope there's an alternative 3 where him and Rajan get to be happy but, I doubt it.
Cordelia Glask : I'm kinda hopeful but at the same time I'm not, if that makes sense. I want to imagine she's the only one that has the most chances of getting out alive but there's this what if scenario in my head. What if everything goes sideways and she's killed during the assignment? OR what if something happens to Mina and she ends up giving her life to protect her?
And that's all folks! As you can see, I'm not super hopeful but this is candela after all! I'll come back to this in two days to see how accurate my predictions were 😭 Lemme know what you think!
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chaosverse-mainblog · 7 months
3/15 of 15 days of headcanons/ Lore
Digging into the Villain Sibling Support Group universe;
Travis actually has a friend outside of camp and the support group. It’s none of his mortal friends either, but rather a group of boys named Raj, Issac, and Oscar. Together they’re “The Misfits” sometimes a few kids from another town join them, they’re Alec, Devon, Greg, and Kelsey
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yessadirichards · 7 months
Oscars producers promise cameos and surprises for Sunday’s show
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With just day to go until the 96th Academy Awards on Sunday, the show’s producers are feeling good about what they’ve put together.
The nominees are some of the best the Oscars have seen, including some true blockbusters like “Oppenheimer” and “Barbie.” Ryan Gosling is singing “I’m Just Ken” during the show. There will be a live orchestra in the theater. And the ever-reliable Jimmy Kimmel is back to host the proceedings for the fourth time.
“We’re really excited about this year,” said Molly McNearney, who is executive producing the show for the fourth time. “It’s a phenomenal year of movies. And we have great movies that the home audience is familiar with, which makes our jobs easier.”
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The producers were hired earlier than usual, meaning they’ve had more time to plan and study past Oscars broadcasts to try to home in on what works and what doesn’t. One thing they’ve learned is that if the room is laughing, the audience at home is usually laughing too.
McNearney, who is married to Kimmel, said that they’re focusing on jokes over big, highly produced comedy bits. Kimmel will do his 10-minute monologue to kick off the show and will be sprinkled throughout.
“I think an evening that just makes people feel good is a win,” McNearney said. “Our job as producers is to keep that feeling good moving quickly because it is a long show and we want to make sure people are staying throughout.”
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Another thing that works: When the speeches are good and people feel invested in the winners. Last year there were a lot of great comeback and underdog stories, from Brendan Fraser to Ke Huy Quan, which helped. This is not something the producers have any control over, but they are optimistic about the nominees and setting up scenarios with presenters who have a genuine connection either with each other or people in the audience.
“We want everybody to feel included, that they are part of our story,” said executive producer and showrunner Raj Kapoor. “I hope that we have put another kind of modern take on it that really focuses on storytelling and connection and that the audience in the theater and at home will just feel immersed in the experience all throughout the evening.”
Kapoor noted that the live performances of the Oscar-nominated original songs should be a real highlight of the show too, from the Osage singers to Gosling. They’ve also re-designed the stage so that an orchestra of 42 musicians can be in the Dolby Theatre and seen on camera. And Kapoor teased that the In Memoriam sequence is something they’ve put a lot of time and thought into and that it is poised to tug at audience heartstrings.
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“There’s going to be entertainment and lots of surprises and a few cameos and things that haven’t been announced yet. We’re just really excited for everybody to come watch with us,” Katy Mullan said. “The Oscars is one of those last giant tentpole pop culture moments that everybody looks forward to and gathers around that TV set. It’s co-viewing at its best. And we’re in this moment where there’s more interest around these big live moments than there has been in years.”
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Their main concern at the moment is that the global audience remembers that the broadcast begins an hour earlier than normal, at 7 p.m. EDT. It’s also the first day of daylight saving time.
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“I think people are going to bed earlier and people are very excited, hopefully, that it’s starting at 7,” Mullan said. “It won’t be so late for everyone hanging on for the best picture announcement.”
The 96th Oscars will be broadcast live on ABC from the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles on March 10 with the pre-show beginning at 6:30 p.m.
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namedoggo · 3 years
Ok so- I noticed that we didn't really get much of a Conclusion for Raj and Isaac in OOS (I still love the Story either way) so I just wrote a short scene for that
   The Boys finally got back to Oscar’s now chewed up House exhausted. It took them a while to even get back to said house since they got lost in the woods. Oscar looked down at himself to see a few scratches from the Trees on his Arms. It was luckily only minor injuries, Oscar didn’t even see any bruises from where his body hit the Ground from the Jump.
   They didn't talk at all the walk back or when they got ready to go to bed. Oscar just assumed they were tired or didn't know what to say, which Oscar was in the same boat. Everything that just happened in the hour or less was simply too much to process at all once, so they tried to sleep on it. They failed miserably at that, or at least Oscar did.
   He kept tossing and turning in his Sleeping bag. His mind was wide awake while his body begged for some rest. Oscar just gave up on Sleeping after trying to sleep for what felt like 30 minutes, and just stared at the dark ceiling. Not focusing on Sleeping anymore made him realize he felt a bit of shaking to his side. It wasn't anything huge like from an Earthquake, but it was enough to make Oscar notice. He turned his head and could only see the silhouette of Raj. Were they even still awake? ,Oscar thought figuring out Raj was the one causing the slight shaking.
   "Raj?" Oscar blurted that out, forgetting that it's the middle of the night and should've kept his voice down. Even if Raj wasn't awake beforehand, he certainly was Awake now.
   "What?" Raj turned to face Oscar as they Whispered. Facing eachother didn't do much since they could hardly see anything with how Dark Oscar’s living room was.
   "You Ok?"
   "Yea I guess." After Raj spoke, there was a bit a silence before Raj started speaking more of their Mind.
   "I was just thinking about earlier and wondering about that...it's stupid." Even though Oscar could hardly see Raj, he was still able to make out Raj’s shoulder movement as if he was shrugging it off.
   "I doubt the Chaser is Gonna get up again and attack us Raj, there's nothing to worry about."
   "It's not about the Chaser Oscar, it was about You standing in front of the Train." Oscar could hear the Strain in Raj’s voice saying the last part of their Sentence.
   "Huh- Why?" It took a few seconds for Raj to even reply.
   "I Thought you were going to Die Oscar, I thought you were going to Die to a Train. Why wouldn't I care about you more than the Chaser?" Silence was met once again between the two boys.
  "...Were you wanting me to answer that question?"
   "Yes, Oscar."
   "Oh uh..." Oscar tried to think of a Reason, but his Mind was stuck. On one hand he didn't see a reason why Raj wouldn't focus on Oscar almost dying. On the other hand he couldn't understand why they would only care more about that moment than almost dying to a Chomping Rabbit the whole time.
   "Because....you Could've died to the Chaser?" Oscar wasn't confident with his answer, but it was the only one he could come up with. Oscar’s answer was returned with a sigh from Raj.
   "Look, I know we like joke around alot and make fun of Eachother, but I genuinely Care about you dude. Probably more than you even think. Isaac does too, we worry about you alot. I'm glad that Isaac seems to be taking everything that happened well, but I'm not. I've just been thinking about what if you didn’t survive the Train...and that's terrifying to me." Oscar was a bit stunned by what Raj said. Even after all the times he was Grateful for his friends, he never really thought about if they cared about him the same way he did. He never considered about how much they could be worrying about him or what he did.
   "I'm...sorry for making you worry, Raj. I care about you too." Raj gave a slight chuckle, slight enough it could've been considered a Cough.
   "You don't have to apologize man, and I know you care. I doubt you would've made such a dumb decision like that if you didn't want us ok." Oscar felt a warm feeling in his chest after that. The fact that They still cared about Oscar even after all the stupid decisions he chose, made him feel more cared about than he ever has.
   "Would it be weird if I said I love you?"
   "Hm- Nah, I love you too man." Raj hugged Oscar even though they still had a hard time even being able to see eachother.
   "Awe, I would say that's Heartwarming if you guys didn't wake me up." Oscar heard a voice behind his back.
   "What the- Isaac you're awake?" Raj stopped hugging Oscar to stare into what might as well be an abyss with Isaac’s voice.
   "Well I am now."
   "Why didn't you help me explain to Oscar that WE Care about him?" Raj put a hand on Oscar’s shoulder.
   "I'm tired...plus I didn't wanna ruin something you're good at."
  "Good at?"
  "Talking about your feelings and stuff." Isaac was still pretty laid back while Raj sounded more confused.
  "That's...not really something that's hard to be good at."
   "It's also not hard to be good at Super Smash Bros, but you still suck at that."
   "OH- FRICK YOU DUDE." Raj got angry and embarrassed as Isaac laughed about him being able to set up an insult to Raj's gaming skills. Oscar felt a wave of relief even if Raj was now annoyed. His two friends are back to Normal, and maybe now their friendship will be even better.
Yea it's Really Short, but I Didn't think It needed to be very big Anyway. I just wanted to write something since I'm kinda taking a Break from Wanted Rabbit while working on Halloween stuff and the Comic, and I didn't want My writing skills to Die.
Also sorry if There's Spelling Errors and Stuff. I suck a spelling alot of Times and have a Hard time Proof reading Text.
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Can we get some headcanons about Lefty's kids school life?
So I'll try to explain individual things:
Best subjects:
Sarah: Geometry
Millie: Poetry
Greg: Graphic Design
Alec: History
Hazel: Art
Oscar: Chemistry
Devon: Metalworking
Pete: Ancient Greek
Chuck: Mathematics
Their school days starts at 8:30 AM and finishes at 2:30 AM, although the older kids (Greg, Alec, Oscar and Pete) can sometimes finish earlier before lunch depending on their schedule.
As for the routine: the kids usually wake up at 7:45 AM, depending on how much time they have to get to school (which depends on how long it takes for them to get ready), they will either get the bus that arrives at 8:10 AM in the neighbourhood, or ask if someone can take them to school. They sometimes walk home (the home is a 20 minute walk from highschool, so while it is doable, they wouldn’t do it in the morning unless they had enough time).
Some facts:
•Sarah, Millie and Dylan are all in same poetry class, Millie is the best out of the three of them.
•Greg is more conscious about failing classes, as his father would use that an excuse, the first time Greg failed a class while living at the house, Lefty looked at the result and said “Oh well, nobody’s perfect, I’m not either, it's okay to fail, would you like me to help you study?”
•Alec having dysgraphia (writing unclear in some spots) actually got a laptop so the teachers wouldn’t get confused trying to read his writing, he generally uses the laptop where he can for taking notes, sometimes he has to write. He found using the laptop, making his assignments and notes clear, actually helped his grades improve.
•Oscar, Raj and Isaac probably would unintentionally cause trouble in chemistry (nothing extreme bad, probably just being silly as the Chemistry teacher is pretty calm and only disciplines trouble makers, not kids who are clearly having fun).
•Devon was failing a lot of his classes originally, but he now averages Cs and Bs. He just didn’t have a passion to learn at all.
•Pete was failing class for a while after his encounter with Foxy, this went on for some time, he found studying with Greg helped.
•In the sense of any physical fights, the kids only cause physical fights if another party annoys them first (Lefty tells the kids “Be kind to your classmates, but if they want to steal your money or bother you, teach them a lesson if necessary”).
All of the kids have actually gotten involved with physical fights in some way (some examples: Greg was attacked by another boy during gym class, so Greg fought back. Hazel was being relentlessly bullied by older kids from the highschool, so Alec taught them a lesson. Pete got into a fight with someone who stole his prosthetic arm, who also subsequently broke it before Pete decided to punch them). Most people learn pretty quickly not to screw around with them.
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365days365movies · 4 years
February 6, 2021: Romeo + Juliet (Review)
This movie is, in two words, a LOT.
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Now, it’s not exactly a bad thing to be a lot, but that still means that it’s a lot. Of course, that’s to be expected of a Baz Luhrmann film, so I really shouldn’t be complaining. Before I get into my breakdown, though, I should probably consider what I think of Romeo and Juliet as a play, as well as other adaptations. Well, other adaptation.
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Fact of the matter is, Romeo and Juliet definitely isn’t my favorite of the Bard’s plays. Maybe it’s because of overexposure, maybe it’s because of the romance...and maybe it’s just because I find the teenage love story and the protagonists overly melodramatic and not terribly convincing.
And, yeah, that really isn’t a good argument, and this play is an undisputed classic, of course. I mean, one of my favorite Shakespeare plays has a vengeful magician in command of a fairy servant and a mutant monster-man. Another one of his plays has a man bake his enemy’s children in a pie, for god-sakes. So, yeah, the “convincing” point isn’t fair. But, yeah, this has never been one of my favorites. However, I LOVE Franco Zeffirelli’s adaptation, which is legitimately fantastic. And, yes, I like it more than Luhrmann’s version. Is it my favorite adaptation of a Shakespeare play with the original play’s dialogue used? Well...
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Goddamn it, Tumblr, you dropped the ball on this one! WHERE THE HELL ARE THE IAN MCKELLEN RICHARD III 1995 GIFs?!? Am I gonna have to make a GIFset myself? ‘Cause I’ll do it!
Anyway, let’s get into reviewing this mess, shall we?
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Cast and Acting: 7/10
Fin fact, that I already mentioned in the review: Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes HAAAAAAAATED each other while filming this movie. And I’m gonna be honest...I’m not surprised. I’m not saying that their chemistry was bad, but I AM saying that it wasn’t as good as it should be. That might be because of their feelings towards one another...or it might be the fact that they aren’t great here. In the case of DiCaprio, he was good, even if he was a little clumsy with some of the lines of the play. And, to be fair, some of it can be blamed on Luhrmann’s direction. Danes...Danes isn’t great as Juliet, sorry. Compare her to Olivia Hussey and she’s WAY worse in the role. Not trying to be too harsh, but they aren’t great. They aren’t exactly bad, but making this lines work takes a real comprehensive knowledge of how to speak and read Shakespeare. DiCaprio sometimes shows that...Danes shows that skill far less.
Everybody else, though? I mean, Harold Perrineau is GREAT, as is Postlethwaite, Margoyles, Sorvino, Curtis-Hall, and even Mihok sometimes. John Leguizamo...let’s just say that, the entire film, ALL I could hear was Sid the Sloth threatening to destroy the Montagues.
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Plot and Writing: 9/10
I mean...it’s Shakespeare. Might not be my favorite of his play’s but it’s still a timeless masterpiece. Not that all of his plays are amazing (coughcoughThe Taming of the Shrewcoughcough), but this one is perhaps the most timeless of all of them, with Hamlet as a possible rival. And since this is a direct-word adaptation, I’ll have to judge something else: the screenplay. That is, HOW the text is interpreted on-screen. And, uh...guns are called swords, and have swords on them, which is silly. And that’s the only real flaw I’ve got. Craig Pearce and Baz Luhrmann had the unique challenge of making a direct-word adaptation that could be accessible to the viewing audience, most of whom aren’t Shakespeare scholars. And in that purpose...yeah, it totally works. Credit where credit’s due.
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Directing and Cinematography: 7/10
Cinematography throughout this movie is pretty goddamn great, not gonna lie. Now, there are many reasons for this, but at the end of the day, this film organizes its shots quite well. Nice one, Donald McAlpine! Directing...directing. Baz Lurhmann is..a lot. But that’s not entirely his fault. However, the way certain actors are directed is ENTIRELY his fault, and there are points taken off for that. Because sometimes...sometimes...just...SOMETIMES...
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Production and Art Design: 10/10
NO hesitation with this one, this film’s appearance is iconic, memorable, visually distinctive...amazing. It’s an amazing looking movie! Yeah, this one’s a perfect score, no goddamn joke there!
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Music and Editing: 3/10
...Look, the music is fine. Three people (Nellee Hooper, Marius de Vries, Craig Armstrong) worked on it, and both the original score for the film, and some of the premade songs use work quite well. Some of them, however, like “When Doves Cry,” are just...weird. But, still, credit where credit’s due. So, then, why the low score?
BECAUSE JILL BILCOCK’S EDITING MADE ME STROKE THE FUCK OUT, THAT’S WHY. This movie’s frenetic editing, while typical of the Luhrmann-Bilcock collaborations, HURT MY GODDAMN MIND. And, yeah, this movie was nominated for Best Visual Edting, and Best Sound Editing, AND ABSOLUTELY DESERVED NEITHER. Listen to me, OK? Editing is a notoriously difficult thing to judge, and that goes for the Oscars committee as well. Often, the editing that makes it to nominations is the editing that’s easiest to see, and therefore easiest to judge. But just because your editing is obvious DOESN’T MEAN IT’S GOOD GOD FUCKING DAMMIT MY EYES ARE BLEEDING
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All things considered, I’m going for a 72%
It’s fine...but it’s also a lot. As Shakespeare adaptations go, this definitely isn’t the worst. Hell, as RaJ adaptations go, it probably isn’t the worst, either. But in any case, this one just...hurt my mind. MOCK ME IF YOU MUST, but that editing really took a toll on my psyche.
I could do more Baz Luhrmann, and tackle Moulin Rouge...buuuuuuuut, no. Not now, anyway.  How bout we go for another adaptation of a British author’s story? And for that matter, let’s go for a recently popular one!
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February 8, 2021: Emma (2020)
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zordonmlw7 · 5 years
Orphan Black Headcanons: Friends and Family
Felix- flaming since preschool babey! Pretended to be straight in high school but literally no one believed him. Not that he wanted it to be believable.
Siobhan- definitely has been with her fair share of women but still identifies as straight for some reason. I like to imagine if she had survived she would have found a pretty older woman to be her second love.
Vic- has given blowjobs for cocaine before but that's about it
Amelia- has been in one relationship her whole life but it was probably with a man
Cal- his cousin tried to fool around with him once but he was NOT cool with it. Tbh Sarah is probably the first person he's actually ever considered actually committing to.
Benjamin Kertland- is gay and has a husband who even after all these years doesn't question all the shady stuff his husband gets into
Kendall- If bastard can be someone's sexuality, that's hers. But for reals probably swings both ways.
Adele- hetero flexible all the way. And it's not always because of the alcohol
Collin- tried dating a girl in high school but it didn't work out. Suspected he was gay beforehand but that was definitely the thing that made him sure. Because apparently dreaming of Justin Timberlake shirtless and sweaty wasn't enough for him.
Art- straight. Has never even questioned his sexuality in his life. If he ever did he'd probably have an existential crisis that ends in him realizing he's still probably straight.
Paul- has DEFINITELY bottomed for some of his fellow military men. Identifies as straight though.
Angie- is a zedromantic ace but has not figured it out yet. Goes home from hook ups feeling like something is wrong with her. :(
Raj- straight, but has only been with one person in high school, who broke up with him right after taking his virginity.
Donnie- says he's straight but has always felt weirdly uncomfortable in locker rooms changing with other men. For the record though, every time he imagines what it would be like to be with a guy, he's always the top.
Gemma and Oscar- 🗡🗡🗡 CHILDREN 🗡🗡🗡
Aynsley- has tried to fool around with women before but could never get into it. Not that she's been that into the guys shes been with either. Has probably never had an orgasm ever. And I guess now she never will. 🤭
Sarah Stubbs- bi, and is in a secret poly amorous relationship that she keeps from the neighborhood. Tells Alison about her boyfriend in New York but not about her girlfriend in Torronto or her other boyfriend in Vancouver.
Jason Kellerman- has only been with women EXCEPT for one passionate love affair he had with his former male best friend right after high school. He thought he was the one until one day he just ghosted him and eventually wound up marrying a woman. Jason never really dated after that until he reconnected with Alison and became all clingy trying to get back together with her.
Marci Coates- is an absolute Dom but has never gotten the chance to express it being a black woman in a conservative Christian community. Would probably really enjoy being with a woman but will she ever? Can repress any and all sexual thoughts the moment they appear.
Connie Hendrix- gets so much dick in her retirement community in Florida. GET IT, Connie!!!
Delphine- thought she was straight before meeting Cosima. Tbh still identifies as straight but doesn't care about her label near as much as she loves Cosima.
Scott- definitely into women but has never been in a relationship with one. Has never had his feelings reciprocated. :(
Shay- had a boyfriend as a teenager but she cheated on him with a girl. She ended things with him before he ever found out. She's grown out of her infidelity phase and is ready to settle down but dating is hard. :(
Hell Wizard- is ace because I say so. Has a Tumblr where he reblogs literally every piece of asexual art he sees. Wants to write an entire rap album about being ace.
Jesse Towing- has "helped out a bro" before but really only is attracted to women
Brie- definitely bi. Krystal knows but no one else does because she's still coming to terms with her identity. When she's ready she's going to make a coming out video on her channel with Krystal.
Sammy- probably pan. Also began exploring his gender before he got shot. :( Definitely was in love with Tony who liked him back but saw him as more of an occasionally romantic f*ck buddy than a full on lover.
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weekendwarriorblog · 5 years
The Weekend Warrior Feb. 7, 2020 – BIRDS OF PREY: ETC. ETC.
Thank heavens that there’s only one new wide release this weekend, and just as thankfully, it’s a movie that could help revive an ailing box office that’s been all about Sony’s Bad Boys for Life, Universal’s 1917 and Dolittle for the past few weeks. I never got around to seeing last week’s Gretel and Hansel, and I might still if I have time, but The Rhythm Section wasn’t that bad, and it certainly shouldn’t have bombed as badly as it did, making less than $3 million in 3,000 theaters. Yup, last weekend wasn’t great, and it was only partially due to the Super Bowl.
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Clearly, it’s time to move on to this week with the first “superhero” movie of the year, the follow-up to one of DC Entertainment’s biggest outings but also meant to be its own thing, which is BIRDS OF PREY: AND THE FANTABULOUS EMANCIPATION OF HARLEY QUINN (Warner Bros.). It stars recent Oscar nominee Margot Robbie reprising her role as Harley Quinn, the Joker’s girlfriend/therapist, who is branching out on her own with her own supergirl group, which includes Huntress (Mary Elizabeth Winsted), Black Canary (Jurnee Smollett-Bell), Renée Montoya (Rosie Perez) and Cassandra Cain (at one point, called Batgirl), played by Ella Jay Basco.  Robbie first played the role in 2016’s Suicide Squad, which earned over $300 million domestic, which some might point to the popularity of Harley as a comic character, but you could also point to things like the fact it starred bonafide box office star Will Smith (whose most recent movie Bad Boys 2 is currently the biggest movie of the year. Birds of Prey also stars Ewan McGregor and Chris Messina, as two well-known Bat-villains, Black Mask and Victor Zsasz, making their big screen live action debuts.
Unlike Suicide Squad, Birds of Prey is Rated R as DC and Warner Bros. have seen the huge success of the recent Joker movie, as well as the two Deadpool movies as proof that R-rated comic book movies can still do well even without the teen and tween audiences that usually go to see them. Presumably, Birds of Prey will attract more women due to the characters, although I’m sure there will be some men who who are just as interested due to the connections to the DC Universe. I’m just not sure this will be as big a draw to men as some of those other movies. I’ll have my own review on the blog a little later today.
While I don’t think Birds of Prey will open as big as Joker– let’s face it, the characters therein just aren’t nearly as well known, even Harley – I do think it will do quite well, making somewhere in the $60 million range, maybe more if the reviews are as positive as the early raves that were posted last week. (Having seen the movie and with my review on the way, I don’t think it will fare that well among real critics. You can read my own REVIEW here.)
Either way, Birds of Prey will the weekend with relative ease, although we’ll have to see how Sunday’s Oscar celebration affects all the movies’ business towards the end of the weekend.
This week’s Top 10 should look something like this…
1. Birds of Prey, Etc. Etc (Warner Bros.) - $64.5 million N/A (up $1.9 million)*
2. Bad Boys for Life (Sony) - $9.7 million –45%
3. 1917 (Universal) - $6.3 million -35%
4. Dolittle  (Universal) - $4.7 million -40%
5. Jumanji: The Next Level  (Sony) - $3.7 million -38%
6. The Gentlemen (STXfilms) - $2.9 million -48%
7. Gretel and Hansel  (U.A. Releasing) - $2.8 million -55%
8. Little Women (Sony) - $2 million -35%
9. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Lucasfilm/Disney) - $1.7 million -46%
10. The Turning  (Universal) - $1.3 million -55%
* UPDATE: I lowered my prediction a bit after seeing the movie but seeing that reviews have mainly been positive, I think it will help the movie bring in more business before Sunday.
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Two genre films that have been playing on the genre festival for the last year or so will open in select cities, the first being COME TO DADDY (Saban Films), the directorial debut by horror producer Ant Timpson, who was responsible for horror anthologies, The ABCs of Death and The Field Guide to Evil, as well as popular genre flicks Turbo Kid and The Greasy Strangler. In the movie, Elijah Wood plays Norval Grenwood, a young man called to the remote cabin of his estranged father (Stephen McHattie) who he hasn’t seen in 30 years, since his father walked out on his mother when he was just five years old. Once he gets there, he learns that his father is an abusive alcoholic, and yet, nothing is really what it seems. I saw this at the Tribeca Film Festival and mostly enjoyed it, and I really like Timpsons’s sensibilities as a filmmaker but it really starts to go off the rails as it goes along. Some will definitely enjoy that.
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Severin Fialla and Veronika Fanz, the Belgian filmmakers behind Goodnight Mommy, return with THE LODGE (NEON), a creepy thriller in which a couple kids (Lia McHugh, Jaeden Martell) go to a remote cabin near a lake for the Christmas holidays with their new stepmother (Riley Keough) after learning a lot more about her dark past before meeting their widowed father (Richard Armitage). There’s so much more to this movie than what you can see in the suitably eerie trailer, and I certainly will not spoiler any of the experience, although personally, I found this to be more of a downer than Hereditary, a movie that I absolutely loved. This one might take another viewing for me to really get behind it, but other than the performances, the overall look and eerie feel and the twists, it’s pretty dark and depressing, so I’m not 100% sure I’d really want to see it again or can recommend it wholeheartedly.  Either way, both of these movies are opening at the Alamo Drafthouse in Brooklyn as well as other select cities.
Ben Cookson’s Waiting for Anya (Vertical), adapted from the novel by the same name from the author of War Horse, stars Noah Schnapp as Jo Lalande, a 13-yearold sheperd boy who joins with a reclusive widow (the amazing Anjelica Huston) to help smuggle Jewish children into Spain during World War II.
From Yash Raj Films comes this week’s Bollywood selection Mohit Suri’s Malang, starring Aditya Roy Kapoor as the introverted Advit, who visits Goa where he meets a free-spirited girl from London named Sara (Disha Patani), who has come to India to live like a vagabond or “Malang.” Something happens that changes as five years later, we meet a vigilante killer cop (Anil Kapoor) and a righteous cop (Kunal Kemmu)… And suddenly, I feel like I need to see this movie. It will probably open in 100 theaters or more.
Let’s start out with the Netflix offerings, beginning with the recent Sundance premiere, HORSE GIRL, the new film from Jeff Baena (The Little Hours, Life after Beth), co-written and starring Alison Brie as a socially awkward woman into horses and supernatural crime whose lucid dreams start infiltrating into her waking life. I haven’t seen it yet but I’m definitely interested in the premise, and I generally like Brie’s work.
I never really got into Joe Hill’s books/comics, but I’ll probably give the series LOCKE AND KEY a look when it debuts its first season on Friday. It involves three kids who move with their Mom to an ancestral estate where a series of keys unlock secrets and powers.
On Wednesday debuts the Netflix docuseries They’ve Gotta Have Us from Simon Frederick and Ava DuVernay’s ARRAY will premiere, looking at some of the important and iconic voices in Black Cinema.
If you haven’t had a chance to see DGA winner Alma Har’el’s Honey Boy, starring Shia LaBeouf, Lucas Hedges and Noah Jupe, based on Shia’s semi-autobiographical screenplay, then it will premiere on Amazon Prime this Friday.
Premiering on Hulu this Friday is Into the Dark: My Valentine, the latest horror feature from Blumhouse as part of this ongoing horror series, this one written and directed by Maggie Levin, who has directed a bunch of shorts. It involves a pop singer whose songs and identity are stolen by her manager ex-boyfriend and pasted on his new girlfriend, which comes to a head when they’re locked up in a small concert venue and things get violence.
If you went out to see Makoto Shinkai’s Weathering with You and enjoyed it but haven’t seen his previous movie Your Name (which is just as excellent) then you’re in luck cause the Metrograph is showing it a number of times starting Friday. Thursday might be your last chance to see the new 35mm print of Martin Scorsese’s 1977 film New York, New York unless it’s extended, but the Hal Hartley serieshas been extended through the weekend with reruns of Trust (1990), Simple Men (1992) and Amateur (1994), all good, but Trust is my favorite of those three. This week’s Welcome To Metrograph: Redux is a good one, Lars von  Trier’s 1996 film Breaking the Waves, which will screen Saturday and Sunday nights.This week’s Late Nites at Metrograph is Orson Welles’ The Lady from Shanghai (1947), while the Playtime: Family Matinee sselection is Amy Heckerling’s classic Clueless (1995).
Wednesday might you can maybe get tickets for the “Weird Wednesday,” the Lone Wolf and Cub movie Shogun Assassin (1980) – I’ll be there for the 7pm screening. Thursday night is a screening of the 1932 Dorothy Arzner film Merrily We Go to Hell. On Monday, Video Vortex presents a J-Horror Bloodbath double feature of Demon Within and Biotherapy, both from 1985. ($5 admittance!) Next week’s “Terror Tuesday” is 1980’s Terror Train, starring Jamie Lee Curtis, and then next week’s “Weird Wednesday” is 1990’s White Palace, starring Susan Sarandon and James Spader, picked by Alamo programmer Christina Cacioppo, so you know it’s gotta be very weird! J
The Weds matinee is the musical The King and I (1956), starring Yul Brynner and Deborah Kerr. Weds. and Thurs. night are double features of the Safdies’ Uncut Gems with The Object of Beauty (1991), starring John Malkovich and Andie McDowell with the Safdies doing a QnA on Thursday. Friday’s matinee is the 1982 Paul Schrader Cat People remake, while that Friday’s midnight is True Romance, while Saturday’s midnight movie is 1975’s Aloha, Bobby and Rose. This weekend’s Kiddee Matinee is 2002’s Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, continuing that series, as well as there being a Cartoon Club on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Monday’s matinee is Vincent Gallo’s Buffalo ’66while the Monday night double feature is Fear is the Key (1972) and Villain(1971). Tuesday’s Grindhouse double is Hot Potato (1976) and Golden Needles  (1974)..
Mostly taking a break this week to air the Oscar-nominated shorts but Joseph Mankiewicz’s 1950 classic All About Eve will screen in 35mm as part of the “Sunday Print Edition.”
Elliot Gould will be on hand Friday to discuss M*A*S*H* airing as part of the “Antiwar Cinema,” then Friday, there will be a double feature of Grand Illusion(1937) and Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence  (1983). On Friday, Aero will screen Masaki Kobayashi’s “The Human Condition” trilogy, three movies from 1959 through 1961, airing as a triple feature.
QUAD CINEMA (NYC): This Friday, the Quad begins screening Albert E. Lewin’s 1951 film Pandora and the Flying Dutchman, starring Ava Gardner and James Mason, restored from Martin Scorsese’s own 35mm print. Also starting Friday, the Quad will also be screening a series of Man Ray shorts from 1926 to 1929.
The “Black Women” series continues this week with The Omega Man and Strange Days on Wednesday, Set It Off, Bright Road and Poetic Justice on Thursday and more over the weekend. It continues through Thursday, February 13. This weekend’s “Film Forum Jr.” is the recent movie-musicalDreamgirls.
Modern Matinees: Jack Lemmon continues this week on Weds with 1951’s Kotch, Thursday with Robert Altman’s 1993classic Short Cuts, and then on Friday, another screening of the 1960 Oscar winner The Apartment co-starring Shirley MacLaine.
On Friday, FilmLinc starts a new one-week series called “Dreamed Paths: The Films of Angela Shanelec,” and I honestly have no idea who that is. It’s a pretty comprehensive retrospective of the German filmmaker’s work, so I’m shocked that I’ve never seen a single one of her movies. Besides her work, the filmmaker will also be showing a few hand-selected films like Manoel de Oliveira’s I’m Going Home (2001), the Korean film The Day After and Maurice Pialat’s 1972 film We Won’t Grow Old (1972).
The Anthology’s “The Devil Probably: A Century of Satanic Panic” continues this weekend with Edgar J. Ulmer’s The Black Cat (1934) on Wednesday, Sidney Hayers’ Burn Witch Burn (1962), Terence Fisher’s The Devil Rides Out (1968), Roman Polanski’s Rosemary’s Baby (1968) and more screening over the next week.
Not to be outdown by the Roxy, Brooklyn’s Nitehawk is getting on the Nicolas Cage love-a-thon with the Williamsburg doing an “Uncaged” series starting with Cage’s latest Color Out of Spaceat midnight on Friday, and then Peggy Sue Got Married (1986) on Tuesday. (The latter is sold out.) Williamsburg is also screening Tony Scott’s True Romance (1993) on Saturday afternoon.Prospect Park is showing Barry Jenkins’ Schmoonlight Saturday to kick off its Valentine’s Day series.
Weekend Classics: Luis Buñuel is taking another weekend off for no obvious reason – it’ll be back next week -- but Waverly Midnights: Hindsight is 2020s will screen the 1973 sci-fi classic Soylent Green and Late Night Favorites: Winter 2020 is going with the 4k restoration of David Lynch’s Blue Velvet.
Starting Friday at BAM is Horace Jenkins 1982 film Cane River, starring Richard Romain and Tommye Myrick (both doing QnAs over the weekend), and the actors and relatives of Jenkins will be appearing at a number of screenings this weekend.
2001: A Space Odyssey will once again screen as a Saturday matinee in conjunction with MOMI’s exhibit.
The Nicolas Cage love continues with two of his movies from 2003: Charlie Kaufman’s Adaptation (2003) on Wednesday and Disney’s National Treasure on Thursday.
Not to be outdown by the IFC Center, the Nuart’s Friday midnight movie is Dario Argento’s Suspiriafrom 1977.
Next week is Presidents Day weekend, another four-day holiday weekend, but it’s also Valentine’s Day Friday, so we’ll get kiddie movies like Sonic the Hedgehog (Paramount), romantic movies like The Photograph (Universal) and horror movies like Fantasy Island (Sony).
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godzillablogs · 7 years
~ getting to know you tag ~
Thank you for tagging me, @everyoneisqueerandpolyau! I loved reading your lovely answers :)
RULES: Tag nine people you want to get to know better
Kenneth Parcell, 30 Rock - "Oh, he’s always been a special boy. I remember the day he was born. He looked up at me and he said ‘Mama, I am not a person. My body’s just a flesh vessel for an immortal being whose name if you heard it would make you lose your mind.’”
Gob Bluth/George Oscar Bluth/G.O.B., Arrested Development - This was a tie between him and Tobias, so, like, when I saw that there were only three slots to fill, how could I not pick the guy wearing a $4,000 suit over a guy who doesn’t make that in four months?
Calliope Iphegenia “Callie” Torres, Grey’s Anatomy - She’s the first and only bisexual Latina I’ve ever seen on television, and, at one point, known of ever and I’m just really glad she exists. I’m also really happy with the way she was written. She’s a genuinely good person- she’s just had a pretty shitty life, but she still allows herself to be happy and vulnerable and loved. And I love her so so so so much.
Poussey Washington, Orange is the New Black - lmao I know that there is a three character limit, but she deserves more than an honorable mention. She’s the wholesome, beautiful girlfriend I’ve never had. And the writers are honestly the worst. They didn’t have to do my baby like that. Whatever. She’s still the loml and she deserves everything good in this world.
TOP 3 SHIPS: lmaooo I cannot be stopped
Johnlock (Sherlock BBC) - I love exploring all of the ships in this universe, but Johnlock will always be the OTP.
Niles/CC (The Nanny) - This is seriously the first couple I’ve ever shipped so aggressively. My (first) fave love/hate straight couple of all time.They’re the reason I got into reading fanfics and it’s the first show I’ve marathoned ever- all of the episodes were in these suuuper low-quality 240p rubbish YouTube videos. My summer of ‘09 was w i l d.
Jim/Pam (The Office NBC) - The reason I have such an exaggerated, idealized, unattainable idea of a future partner. No straight couple can do gentle/tender/healthy love quite like them.
Seddie (iCarly) - I know that I am as emotionally expressive/evolved as Sam is tbh, and I’ve always had a thing for Freddie so my beginner shipper heart fell for these two. Don’t even @ me if you were/are into/can even entertain Creddie. idc idc idc ijdc
Shamy (The Big Bang Theory) - They’re the #1 reason I even like the show. Their relationship arc was just written so beautifully that I was okay with ignoring how the writing for other characters (RAJ!) has just gotten SO lazy since season 4(5?)-ish. Like, they make me feel every type of way. LIKE... THE EARWORM EPISODE ???? COME ONNNN. BRILLIANT.
BOOKS I’M CURRENTLY READING: A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin but tbh I’m still on a single digit page number because my attention span is [Jean Ralphio voice] the woooOOooooOoorst. Maybe I just need an audiobook version? unclear tbh
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single/compensating for lack of love (/emotional inability to allow myself to be loved/love) by immersing myself in shipping culture
FAVORITE COLOR(S): either black or, like, a nude pink... Like 89% of my clothes are black or a dark grey so like lmao
LIPSTICK OR CHAPSTICK: tinted lip balm or a base of lip balm and a hint of lipstick (from the tube, not from a wand/liquid lip formula)
LAST SONG I LISTENED TO: Black is the Color of My True Love’s Hair by Nina Simone or Gyal You A Party Animal - Remix by Charly Black ft. Daddy Yankee
LAST MOVIE I WATCHED: I was so close to saying Little Shop of Horrors, but, you know, we’re all friends here... no judgement... it was actually Twilight, and I am only a little ashamed. It just reminded me of my carefree days/youth so pls don’t judge me :)
Can’t wait to read your responses, and if you just want to answer a few, or none at all, that’s totally okay. I still love your blogs ~
Here’s who I tag: @whyimmathere @dundermifflinscranton @hot-fried-human @cutieshamybabies and YOU. If you see this now or months or years from now, I’d love to see them! Have fun :)
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scienceblogtumbler · 4 years
Lightweight Green Supercapacitors Could Quickly Charge Devices
Texas A&M University researchers have created a novel plant-based energy storage device that in the near future could charge devices — even electric cars — within a few minutes. Furthermore, they say their devices are flexible, lightweight and cost-effective.
“Integrating biomaterials into energy storage devices has been tricky because it is difficult to control their resulting electrical properties, which then gravely affects the devices’ life cycle and performance. Also, the process of making biomaterials generally includes chemical treatments that are hazardous,” said Hong Liang, Oscar S. Wyatt Jr. Professor in the J. Mike Walker ’66 Department of Mechanical Engineering. “We have designed an environmentally friendly energy storage device that has superior electrical performance and can be manufactured easily, safely and at much lower cost.”
The research is outlined in the June issue of the Energy Storage.
Energy storage devices are generally in the form of either batteries or supercapacitors. Although both types of devices can deliver electrical currents when required, they have some fundamental differences. While batteries can store large amounts of charge per unit volume, supercapacitors are much more efficient at generating a large quantity of electric current within a short duration. This burst of electricity helps supercapacitors quickly charge devices, unlike batteries that can take much longer.
Supercapacitors have an internal architecture that is more in line with basic capacitors. Both these devices store charge on metal plates or electrodes. However, unlike basic capacitors, supercapacitors can be made in different sizes, shapes and designs, depending on the intended application. Furthermore, supercapacitor electrodes can also be built with different materials.
For their work, Liang and her team were attracted to manganese dioxide nanoparticles for designing one of the two supercapacitor electrodes.
“Manganese dioxide is cheaper, available in abundance and is safer compared to other transition metal oxides, like ruthenium or zinc oxide, that are popularly used for making electrodes,” Liang said. “But a major drawback of manganese dioxide is that it suffers from lower electrical conductivity.”
Past research has shown that lignin, a natural polymer that glues wood fibers together, used with metal oxides enhances the electrochemical properties of electrodes. However, Liang said there have been few studies looking into combining manganese dioxide and lignin to leverage both of their useful properties.
To create their electrode, Liang and her team treated purified lignin with a commonly available disinfectant called potassium permanganate. They then applied high heat and pressure to initiate an oxidation reaction that results in the breaking down of potassium permanganate and the deposition of manganese dioxide on lignin. Next, they coated the lignin and manganese dioxide mixture on an aluminum plate to form the green electrode. Finally, the researchers assembled the supercapacitor by sandwiching a gel electrolyte between the lignin-manganese dioxide-aluminum electrode and another electrode made of aluminum and activated charcoal.
A prototype of the green supercapacitor made by the Texas A&M team.
Courtesy of Hong Liang
  Upon testing their newly designed green electrode, they found that their supercapacitor had very stable electrochemical properties. In particular, the specific capacitance, or the ability of the device to store an electrical charge, changed little, even after thousands of cycles of charging and discharging. Also, for an optimal lignin-manganese dioxide ratio, the specific capacitance was observed to be up to 900 times more than what has been reported for other supercapacitors.
Liang noted that these supercapacitors are also very light and flexible. These properties extend their use as structural energy storage elements in vehicles, for example.
“In this study, we have been able to make a plant-based supercapacitor with excellent electrochemical performance using a low-cost, sustainable method,” Liang said. “In the near future, we’d like to make our supercapacitors 100% environmentally friendly by incorporating only green, sustainable ingredients.”
Other contributors to this research include Swarn Jha, Raj Likhari and Weston Stewart from the mechanical engineering department; Yan Chen from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering; Siddhi Mehta from the Texas A&M Energy Institute; and Dilworth Parkinson from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California.
This research was funded by a Texas A&M Energy Institute fellowship.
source https://scienceblog.com/518381/lightweight-green-supercapacitors-could-quickly-charge-devices/
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
7 Amazing And Inspirational Indian Women From Different Fields Who Make Us All Proud
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/7-amazing-and-inspirational-indian-women-from-different-fields-who-make-us-all-proud/
7 Amazing And Inspirational Indian Women From Different Fields Who Make Us All Proud
Chaitra Krishnan Hyderabd040-395603080 July 11, 2019
India is a land of misogyny and no woman can deny it. If you’re born a girl, you would have experienced it at least once in your life either because of your parents or the society that you are a part of. There have been cases where the girl child has been killed even before her birth and the mother being a woman, hardly ever gets a say in this — she doesn’t even have the right to protect her own baby! When it comes to education, we’ve often seen many families denying their girl child formal education because they either don’t want to invest in her or they just want her to stay illiterate enough to never have a mind of her own. And when it comes to marriage, girls are sold like broodmares which is ironic because there are as many goddesses in temples as the gods and nobody ever cares about the gender then.
Even if you’re an educated and hardworking woman with a mind of your own, you’ve always been told or made to feel that you are not good enough to stand where the men in the society stand. However, there are some women who have fought through all the odds and became a true inspiration for those who feel like they don’t have a voice. These are the women who are the torchbearers for the upliftment of women in the coming years.
Let’s take a look at a few among the many amazing women out there who have proved that women can not just be equal but sometimes can be even better than men.
1. Hima Das
hima_mon_jai / Instagram
Hima Das is India’s only track medallist at the global level. She won a gold medal at the IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations) World20 Championship, also known as the World Junior Championship. Currently, she holds the national record in 400 meters with a lightning time of 50.70 seconds, which she set during the 2018 Asian Games that was held in Jakarta, Indonesia.
2. Mary Kom
mcmary.kom / Instagram
The 35-year old woman boxer became the World Champion in boxing for the sixth time after she defeated her opponent with the greatest of ease in 2018. Coming from a small village in Manipur, Mary literally shed her blood and sweat to reach where she is today. There’s no doubt that her success is an eye-opener for those who believe that women aren’t as good as men.
3. Neena Gupta
neena_gupta / Instagram
The National Award-winning actress made us all proud with her stellar performance in movies like Badhai Ho and Mulk. In Badhai Ho, she plays the role of a mother to a 25-year-old songets pregnant. As portrayed in the movie, something like i.e. a woman who getting pregnant at an age when her son is ready to be married isn’t easily accepted in our society and it takes a lot of boldness to give life to such characters the way Neena did it. We’re so proud of her!
4. Mithali Raj
mithaliraj / Instagram
Popularly known as Lady Tendulkar, Mithali Raj is one of the finest women cricket players the world has ever seen. She is the captain of the Indian Women’s Cricket team and had recently recorded 2000 T20 runs becoming the first woman player to do so. Also, she is the only woman cricketer to play 200 ODI matches! Her career has lasted for 19 years and is still counting. We hope we can see her own a bunch of more records before she bids farewell to the ground.
5. Menaka Guruswamy
indiaculturelab / Instagram
Menaka is one of those lawyers who fought for the takedown of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code. Section 377 says that any man or woman who commits a sexual act that is against the “order of nature” with another man, woman, or animal, will be punished. The punishment included imprisonment for life or imprisonment at least for 10 years with a fine. This is the law that made homosexual relationships illegal. We’re glad that it’s just a painful memory now.
6. The All-Women Navy Crew Of INSV Tarini
insvtarini / Instagram
This Indian Navy crew circumnavigated the earth in just nine months! The group of six women officers sailed in a vessel called INSV (Indian Naval Sailing Vesse) Tarini. The expedition which was called Navika Sagar Parikrama is an expedition which is the first of its kind carried out by Indians with an all-woman crew. Now, who said that women can’t travel alone?
7. Rima Das
rimadas13 / Instagram
Rima is the director of the movie Village Rockers which was India’s official entry to the 2019 Oscars. The movie won the National Award for the Best Film even though it couldn’t get through the Oscar crowd. Rima also won the Best Editor Award for the film at the national level. The 37-year-old filmmaker is among the many talented women directors who prove that women can do a lot more than just dancing to the tunes of item songs and playing the weak secondary roles in the film industry.
These are just a few among the many women who make us proud. Also, there are many women superheroes about whom we don’t know yet. All of them prove that strong determination and hard work can never go wrong. Who is your woman role model? Let us know in the comments below.
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Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/trending/indian-women-who-make-us-all-proud/
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molecloth26-blog · 5 years
The Big Bang Theory Season 12, Episode 13 Recap: Sheldon and Amy Fight for Their Nobel Prize
After last week's weird episode, The Big Bang Theory is back on track with the return of "Fun with Flags," no mention of Leonard donating his sperm, and Sheldon powerfully sticking up for Amy (you tell 'em, Dr. Cooper). The episode also introduces Sean Astin and Kal Penn as physicists who could make or break Shamy's Nobel prize hopes, though the Muppet's Statler and Waldorf, two cranky obnoxious dudes, could have easily played the same parts.
Anyway, "The Confirmation Polarization" starts out on a high note when Amy receives an encouraging email from Dr. Pemberton (Astin) and Dr. Campbell (Penn) during a taping of "Fun with Flags." They seem to confirm Sheldon and Amy's theory about Super-Asymmetry, which sends Sheldon and Amy into a state of delirium. (They're so excited that Penny, Leonard, and the rest of the gang hear them from across the hall and assume they must be having sex.)
Sheldon and Amy tell Professor Siebert their news, and he suggests they could be looking at a Nobel-winning achievement. If they do win, they'll be the 39th and 40th Nobel Laureate winners from Cal Tech. Surprisingly Sheldon doesn't ask for a statue of himself immortalized on the campus, but you know that's coming. Later, Shamy meets with Drs. Pemberton and Campbell, who reveal this happened so fast because their experiment accidentally confirmed Super-Asymmetry. Sheldon and Amy are not amused. Pemberton and Campbell don't even understand Super-Asymmetry, but they don't care. They're just excited to be in Los Angeles and have tickets to a taping of Ellen. "Look at the four of us," Dr. Pemberton says, "changing the face of physics!"
Um, "the four" of you? Yep, apparently Pemberton and Cambell need to attach themselves to Sheldon and Amy's theory if there's any hope to win a Nobel.
PHOTO: Michael Yarish/Warner Bros. Entertainment
Later, Sheldon meets up with Leonard, Howard, and Raj to complain. Raj says he shouldn't worry because, "Super-Asymmetry is your paper. Everyone knows you discovered it first." Raj is right, Leonard says, but the Nobel committee has often favored scientists like Pemberton and Campbell. Either way, the whole thing is infuriating. (Not as infuriating, of course, as Leonard thinking of donating his sperm to Penny's ex-boyfriend.)
Sheldon then tells Pemberton and Cambell not to steal his idea; they can come up with their own. Campbell's all, "Yeah, that's not gonna happen." Pemberton snidely says, "Wouldn't that be something though!" Forget what I said about these two acting like Statler and Waldorf. They don't belong in a nice theater balcony. They deserve to live in Oscar the Grouch's trash can.
They eventually say they understand where Sheldon is coming from, but they're going to be part of this submission anyway. Sheldon's not thrilled—but if that's what it takes to win a Nobel, he's not going to say no. But that's when Pemberton and Campbell drop another bombshell: Only three of them can be named to the discovery, not four. (Side note: When did this thing turn in to a ride at Disneyland, where there's only room for a set amount of people in a row? Glad I never had Nobel ambitions.)
Sheldon wants Pemberton or Campbell to leave their name off the discovery, but neither's willing to budge. They reason that they're all physicists; since Amy is a neuroscientist, she doesn't belong. Sheldon storms out, but first he makes Pemberton and Campbell think he's on their side. Little do they know there's still 10 minutes left in the episode, and Sheldon's not going down without a fight.
Sheldon returns home for dinner with Amy and reluctantly tells her that only three people can share a Nobel prize. He explains that Pemberton and Campbell's university is recommending the two of them and Sheldon, and they want Cal Tech to do the same. If they present a united front, they'll have a better shot at winning. Amy reacts as if she's had the wind knocked out of her. "That makes sense," she says, still in shock.
Sheldon says he won't leave her off the submission, but Amy says maybe he should. Now Sheldon's shocked. "This has been your lifelong dream, and maybe you won't get another chance," she says. "I don't want to be the reason you don't win a Nobel."
Then, in the blink of an eye, Sheldon turns into Mr. Romance and tells Amy she's the only reason he even deserves a Nobel. Amy is touched but says if his best shot is to partner up with those idiots (my words, not hers), he should take it. "I just want you to be happy," she says. Amy, we do not deserve you.
Sheldon makes it seem as if he's going to move forward with this plan, but there's one more surprise left. In the next scene he storms into Professor Siebert's office and demands that Amy's name be included on the submission. "I will not be part of an award that does not recognize the value of her contributions," he says. "You either include both of us in the recommendation letter or don't bother writing one." More of this Sheldon, please!
PHOTO: Michael Yarish
Surprisingly, Siebert doesn't stand in Sheldon's way. Siebert acknowledges that it might cause a fight with the other team, but he also respects Sheldon's decision. "You and Dr. Fowler have my full support."
Sheldon's shocked, but also impressed with himself. I'm impressed with him, too. Amy can fight her own battles, but Sheldon's looked up to superheroes his entire life—it's nice to see him kind of turn into one, too.
Source: https://www.glamour.com/story/the-big-bang-theory-season-12-episode-13-recap
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yessadirichards · 7 months
Oscars producers promise cameos and surprises for Sunday’s show
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With just day to go until the 96th Academy Awards on Sunday, the show’s producers are feeling good about what they’ve put together.
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The nominees are some of the best the Oscars have seen, including some true blockbusters like “Oppenheimer” and “Barbie.” Ryan Gosling is singing “I’m Just Ken” during the show. There will be a live orchestra in the theater. And the ever-reliable Jimmy Kimmel is back to host the proceedings for the fourth time.
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“We’re really excited about this year,” said Molly McNearney, who is executive producing the show for the fourth time. “It’s a phenomenal year of movies. And we have great movies that the home audience is familiar with, which makes our jobs easier.”
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The producers were hired earlier than usual, meaning they’ve had more time to plan and study past Oscars broadcasts to try to home in on what works and what doesn’t. One thing they’ve learned is that if the room is laughing, the audience at home is usually laughing too.
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McNearney, who is married to Kimmel, said that they’re focusing on jokes over big, highly produced comedy bits. Kimmel will do his 10-minute monologue to kick off the show and will be sprinkled throughout.
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“I think an evening that just makes people feel good is a win,” McNearney said. “Our job as producers is to keep that feeling good moving quickly because it is a long show and we want to make sure people are staying throughout.”
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Another thing that works: When the speeches are good and people feel invested in the winners. Last year there were a lot of great comeback and underdog stories, from Brendan Fraser to Ke Huy Quan, which helped. This is not something the producers have any control over, but they are optimistic about the nominees and setting up scenarios with presenters who have a genuine connection either with each other or people in the audience.
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“We want everybody to feel included, that they are part of our story,” said executive producer and showrunner Raj Kapoor. “I hope that we have put another kind of modern take on it that really focuses on storytelling and connection and that the audience in the theater and at home will just feel immersed in the experience all throughout the evening.”
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Kapoor noted that the live performances of the Oscar-nominated original songs should be a real highlight of the show too, from the Osage singers to Gosling. They’ve also re-designed the stage so that an orchestra of 42 musicians can be in the Dolby Theatre and seen on camera. And Kapoor teased that the In Memoriam sequence is something they’ve put a lot of time and thought into and that it is poised to tug at audience heartstrings.
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“There’s going to be entertainment and lots of surprises and a few cameos and things that haven’t been announced yet. We’re just really excited for everybody to come watch with us,” Katy Mullan said. “The Oscars is one of those last giant tentpole pop culture moments that everybody looks forward to and gathers around that TV set. It’s co-viewing at its best. And we’re in this moment where there’s more interest around these big live moments than there has been in years.”
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Their main concern at the moment is that the global audience remembers that the broadcast begins an hour earlier than normal, at 7 p.m. EDT. It’s also the first day of daylight saving time.
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“I think people are going to bed earlier and people are very excited, hopefully, that it’s starting at 7,” Mullan said. “It won’t be so late for everyone hanging on for the best picture announcement.”
The 96th Oscars will be broadcast live on ABC from the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles on March 10 with the pre-show beginning at 6:30 p.m.
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Can you talk about Raj and Isaac? Do you have designs for them?
No I don’t have any designs yet but I really need designs for them, I would like to draw some moments from Out of Stock with them included, and they are very important to the story overall, so I'll probably design them with reference and post them along with Oscar and Plushtrap (I'm aiming to do the references in sets).
You can have some headcanons about Oscar, Isaac and Raj instead:
•I imagine they probably met when they were young, after Oscar met Alec (I headcanon Oscar and Alec met during their preschool years).
•Raj is mixed.
•Isaac is the most mature usually, Oscar will usually be like “I would like to do *potentially dangerous thing*” and Isaac will say “No, let's do something else like *safer activity*”. Isaac sometimes questions Oscar.
•They either attract trouble or find it by accident (i.e. the Plushtrap incident).
•Oscar use to want a pet rabbit when he was younger, he unfortunately never got one.
•Oscar's father died when Oscar was 12 years old, his death immediately changed Oscar, as Oscar felt he barely had any time to grieve his father due to needing to help his mother and his life changed quickly, this effected his relationship with Alec, all together, he stopped talking to Alec during this time (Alec's mother also stopped him from reaching out because she doesn’t like Oscar's mother for a few reasons).
•Oscar is dork, they are all dorks. Three dorks.
•Oscar obviously doesn’t like Plushtrap anymore, after the events of Out of Stock, he developed some habits, sometimes if he didn’t feel safe, he'd put something in front of his door.
•Oscar gets injured regularly and Isaac and Raj help him out generally.
•Halloween is the best holiday to them, do not change their minds.
•Oscar some point after the events of OOS starts having nightmares and doesn’t tell anyone, he starts hallucinating seeing Plushtrap around, Raj sort of unintentionally worsens this by saying he thought he saw Plushtrap outside his house one night (Isaac brushes it off as a wild animal, which Raj agrees it was likely a wild animal, Oscar becomes panicked that Plushtrap could have pulled himself back together).
•Isaac loves sour candy, Oscar loves chocolate bars (particularly Butterfinger bars), and Raj loves mini marshmallows. They all like lollipops. Oscar has a biggest sweet tooth out of the three of them.
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wionews · 7 years
Forgetting 1962, can India and China be friends?
Momentous 1962
It was a year of many firsts – American John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth in February, 1962, Beatles recorded their single “Love me Do”, America’s sweetheart Marilyn Monroe sang Happy Birthday to President Kennedy which was also her last public appearance before her death a few months later.
Spider-man of Marvel made his maiden appearance in a comic.
Brazil beat Czechoslovakia 3-1 to win the 1962 World Cup and Pele became a household name the world over.
The United States created the Navy Seals and the first Walmart store opened in the same year. Oscar-winning movie Lawrence of Arabia opened for public in December.
And amid all this between October 20th to November 20th, when the Indian subcontinent trembled as India and China went to war, the Cuban missile crisis was at its height with America & Russia close to World War III.
Why are countries attacked on weekends?
That date - October 20th, and as it happens had to be a Friday – ever wondered why an invasion is always executed on a Friday through to Sunday?
History has been witness to many wars breaking out on a weekend – the attack on Pearl Harbour by Japanese bombers on December, 7th 1941, also known as the ‘day of infamy’ on a Sunday.
Operation Barbarossa: Hitler's Germany attacked Russia on Friday, 20th June 1941.
Nearly 150 years earlier Napolean’s Grand Army began its assault on ‘Fortress Russia’ on a Saturday, 24th June 1815.
The logic is simple: An attack on a weekend is the ultimate 'surprise element' as most offices are closed, bureaucrats are busy planning their holidays and the general public has its guard down, it is the best time as any to strike!
India & China: Locked eye-to-eye
This time, India's Ministry of Defense officials and PM Jawaharlal Nehru knew beforehand war clouds had gathered over the Indo-Sino border because Indian and Chinese soldiers were locked in an eye-to-eye conformation at the LAC, reminiscent of the recent Doklam crisis. 
Also, to make matters worse a few years earlier the Dalai Lama had escaped to India, walking all the way from his homeland in Tibet to take refuge in Nehru’s India.
It had of course been less than 15 years since both China and India had gained their independence – India became free of British Raj on 15th August 1947 and China under Mao founded the People’s Republic of China on October 1, 1949, naturally the two big powers were keen to assert themselves on the world stage.
As things stand, 55 years later both countries now see each other as “frenemies”, not in the Hindi-Chini bhai, bhai sense, but more or less as “equal partners” on the world stage in a post-cold war as the centre of the universe shifts towards BRICS and ASEAN.
After another 50 years, when India and China recall that dull, dreary day at the border on October 20, 1962, experts won’t be thinking about what happened that day but perhaps how two men perhaps unwittingly may have brought the Tiger and Dragon together – Deng Xiaoping, who literally 'opened up' China to the world in 1978 and India's then finance minister Manmohan Singh who spearheaded economic reforms in 1991.
The Net effect of Deng and Manmohan Singh would be seen as a turning point when historians get down to write about India-China and the relevance of October, 20th, 1962 in the lives of the two countries.
Economies win-or-lose wars
It is often said Armies do not win wars, economies make-or-break wars. Wars are won by nations who can constantly keep the tap open for the supply of food, raw material and other resources. 
A closer look at the GDP of the two Asian giants reveals the real story.
China's GDP in 1962 was at $47.21 billion, slightly ahead of India's GDP at $41.6 billion. China had only one bank -  People’s Bank of China(PBC)  -  till 1978. However, after Deng's groundbreaking market reforms PBC turned into a monetary authority.
In the 80s, China began to be recognised as the "Dragon in the making" as Deng's reforms began to show results. India, however, was still a sleeping giant at that time, Indians had to wait for more than a decade until finance minister Manmohan Singh unveiled his reform agenda.
China, Japan and India currently dominate Asia's GDP rate.
In the post-1962 world, India and China find themselves on opposite poles - India as a rising power is now aligned with the US and China the dominant Asian giant, poised to overtake the US economy in the next decade is still trying to define its philosophy through a raft of policies, declarations and deals across the world. 
China’s supreme leader Xi Jinping, 64, would have very scant memories of that day as a nine-year-old. India has changed too, PM Modi, 67, who recently met Xi at the BRICS summit would also have to strain himself to remember the India-China conflict. As the clock turns and a new generation takes control on either side of LAC, an opportunity knocks.
The big question is: Is there a dreamer in our midst in India who can bring back the True spirit of Hindi, Chini bhai bhai and make the subcontinent the Centre of World Existence?
The search is on as the world awaits with baited breath…
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