#it's getting dire lads XD
Happy Wincest Wednesday! I have a few questions for people to answer. Feel free to answer them all or just one (or none at all) even if you’re not tagged!
what song describes samdean the most?
if spn was set in europe, what country would the Winchesters be from? What language/languages would they speak?
if they didn’t have the impala, what car would they drive?
is there a project you’re working on currently? Do you have a line or sketch from it to share?
what’s the first fanfic for supernatural you’ve written? Did you publish it? Or if you don't write: what's the first fanfic you remember reading?
is there another codependent/emeshed duo from a different fandom you enjoy? Are there parallels to Sam and Dean?
what type of wincest dynamic do you currently enjoy most? (sexual, platonic, dark, fluffy, early seasons, etc.)
@luminescent-chorus @applecrumbledore @digitalmeowmix @baronsamediswife @fandom-hoarder @lorehouse @ruinedsam @fungal-waste @youchoseeachother @s2e11playthingsyuri(did you get sniped by staff again??)
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bibliocratic · 3 years
For @babyyodablackwood who asked for tinnies in the park xD
I love your mind! It’s ‘bag of cans with the lads’ but it’s Jon and Martin just getting park-drunk 
jonmartin, nebulous happy non-200 future
“You ever do this when you were a teenager? Jump the gate after dark, freezing your arse off on some kid’s playground equipment?”
“God no.” Jon’s refusal is tinged with a buzzed laugh at the idea. “Though I’m flattered you think I’m cooler than I almost certainly was back then.”
The flat, bulky plastic of the swing-seat is uncomfortably damp under Martin, the seat of his trousers now sodden by the remnant traces of earlier rain. The blocky chain connecting it to the ominously creaking overhead bar is digging painfully into his hip as he sits wedged in place, and he’s content to rock himself back and forth with the soles of his feet, toeing at the shitty asphalt left to fragment through misuse by the council.
Jon’s faring better, making squeaky parabolas. His breath is huffing out in faint gushes of white where his exhales meet the rapidly chilling night.
“You mean you never pretended to be eighteen at some dodgy off-license to buy you and your mates some… I dunno, White Lightening or Buckfast or some gut-rot shite like that?”
Jon makes a face, slowing down so Martin can pass him his can. Martin makes a laugh that he feels rock in his chest, taking it as a no. The buzz from his can of shitty cheap lager makes the world sway pleasantly.
Jon misses his mouth a bit on his next swig, and splutters, wiping at his chin with his sleeve.
“This stuff’s dire.”
“ ‘s why it was so cheap.”
“Ha. It makes me feel like I should be a teenager, to justify this. The end of some shitty date.”
“Are you saying you would have taken me to the park for a date?  And here was me thinking you had class, Jonathan.”
“I never pretended that.”
“Heh. I suppose so.” He takes another sip that fares more successfully. “Me all grumbly and goth and my voice still breaking.”
“I had one of those… you know those moustaches that are just, god, just bumfluff. God, I was so oddly proud of it. Wouldn’t shave it off for ages.”
“My facial hair wasn’t much better, I can promise you.”
“We’d have wandered around all the shops together, but then it’d be getting late, and then they’d all be closed, and you wouldn’t be able to get into the pub for a drink.”
“We wouldn’t.”
“Nah, I never got ID-ed, even before I hit eighteen.  It was the height that did it, I think.”
“Lucky you.”
“Ha. So we’d have ended up here because, well, for obvious reasons, neither of us could take each other back to ours – ”
“ – Absolutely not – ”
“And I wouldn’t have got my license yet because I failed like, three times, so I wouldn’t have been able to give you a snog in the front seat of my banged-up fucking, Ford Fiesta or Skoda or whatever.”
“I wouldn’t have let you give me a snog in your Ford Fiesta.”
“I stand corrected.”
“You’d get one love-bite I’d have to cover up the next day, and that would be that.”
“I’d have taken it.”
“Then it’d be like this and we’d be pretending we weren’t cold, and we’d hold hands on the swing and maybe you’d read me some of your angsty poetry and I’d tell you all the things I hated…”
“…and at the same time I’d be getting paranoid about how sweaty my hands were getting.”
“Christ, this date sounds awful.”
Martin laughs with another belly-deep sensation. He smiles at Jon, who gives him a moon-softened fond look back.
“Might not have been so bad.”
“Yeah. Maybe not.”
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pilferingapples · 4 years
LM 1.1.13
Oh wow, time for Hugo to deploy his deepest insults against Myriel's detractors: "serious", "sober",  "reasonable".   Dire accusations from a Romantic!  True he hasn't called anyone "moderate"yet, but you know he's barely controlling himself! Such language! 
"we admit the possible development of all beauties of human virtue in a belief that differs from our own" --I'm not sure exactly how it reads in the original--I mean , I can read the French on it, but this is a question of Tone and I'm not nearly good enough to Get that-- but I love the ambiguity of this line. Given that Hugo was openly Not Catholic by this point, obviously Myriel's faith is different from his own---but to anyone who didn't know or care much about the personal faith practices of the author, or just wants to read the narrator as Not Hugo, it could also just mean Myriel's particular approach to the Catholic faith. 
- I got curious to know if there even actually were large hairy spiders in France, but my Spider Search Skills have proven Inadequate and I honestly just don't know! But either way I'm frankly offended that Hugo or Myriel would think a spider needs pity, they are fabulous and Good Friends, How Very Dare.  "Not its fault" indeed!  Your FACE isn't its fault, Hugo. 
Anyway if someone can tell me about some Good Spiders in France, lemme know, on this blog We Love and Respect Arachnids. 
French: lui donnaient cet air ouvert et facile qui fait dire d'un homme: «C'est un bon enfant», et d'un vieillard: «C'est un bonhomme». FMA:
that open easy air which makes us say of a man  he is a good fellow and of an old man, he is a good man.
that open and easy air which cause the remark to be made of a man, "He's a good fellow"; and of an old man, "He is a fine man. RoseL  that open, easygoing air that prompts people to describe a young man as "a good lad" and an old man as "a good old stick". 
...I feel like this is one of those passages where some Colloquial Meaning is being super lost in translation? 
- Of COURSE the Bishop has a Very Impressive Forehead XD
-Pope Gregory XVI was the pope from 1831-1846; Hugo is really not trying to make friends with Catholicism here >< 
- The big Interesting Thing to me in this chapter is Hugo sort of stealthily putting forward his own Theory of Animal Souls ; he had some complicated concepts of reincarnation, soul-relationships , and inherent Animal Beings that I've yet to find any clear explanation for , despite seeing him write about it a lot; it's all very Jeremy Bearimy and one of those things that clearly Makes Sense to Hugo, but I don't know if he ever tried to really clarify it; "big mood" is also  a major part of any Hugo philosophy,  and so many of his ideas depending enormously on trusting that people will just pick up the Vibe he's talking about.  I'm sorry for it , bc the Animal Soul Connection stuff is really interesting, and definitely Relevant to the symbolism in LM.  ..And also very Not Catholic Church Approved, I am aware XD   but at any rate it's certainly a major good point to Myriel that he also picks up on this inherent divine importance of animals! 
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sonicringbond · 3 years
Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey - Scene 53
For everyone reading this it’s only been about four days since the last update, but it’s been like two weeks for me between writing and editing XD Suffice to say, life was kind of weighing me down. But here we are. Claymore has appeared and everyone is together. Seemingly to Ix’s expectations. What does that mean? Read on and find out in...
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     -Sonic, Rosy, what’s going on. Guys!-
     “Hmhmhmhmhm,” the laughter of Saber the Red filled the room that Sonic and Rosy had caught up to Ix in and distracted them from Tails’ voice across their wrist device radios.
     “No!” Rosy shouted in surprise as Saber had appeared but a moment sooner, and after Claymore had strode into the chamber. What made Rosy scream however was that Saber had taken one of his namesake weapons from his shoulder pylons and jammed it straight up into Claymore’s midsection.
     “Ho!” Claymore shouted as he looked down at the far nimbler suit of armor. “You would show yourself now, traitor!”
     “Come now Claymore, I had hoped you would be more of a challenge than the autogolems you have roaming these halls.”
     “Curious,” Ix remarked as he looked back at the scene behind him. “How long did I slumber for the Sword Knights to turn on each other. Truly, the state of this world is wrong.”
     Twirling his staff for but a moment above his head, Ix slammed it into the ground, the crystal Rose at its head shining a bright purple. In response the ground cracked and splintered, a torrent of Rings bursting forth in response.
     “Ho! “Claymore shouted as he fell to a knee. “You would risk your own destruction as well foul mage. I had believed you would face me in battle at the heart of Tower Point.”
     “There is little need,” Ix remarked as Fukurokov and Fang stared at him in horror. “I can eliminate two knights at one time and simply choose a new vessel to continue my pursuit.
     “Then…? Ho! It was a trap!”
     “Sneaky,” Saber commented and withdrew his sword as he stepped back from Claymore. “I did not come to be buried this day however.”
     “Neither did I!” Fang shouted before turning pleading eyes onto Rosy. “You hafta get me outta this Rosy!”
     “You think I’ll let you get away?” Doctor Fukurokov leveled Fang’s own gun at the treasure hunter’s head to emphasize his threat. “And what trickery is this! You promised me a return to glory!”
     Turning the pop gun from Fang, Doctor Fukurokov took aim at Ix, and quickly paled as the stone golems rose around them. It was the opportunity Fang needed however and he fell back and lashed out with his tail. “Gah!”
     “Sorry, but I’m not hanging around here any longer,” Fang laughed as he knocked his gun free of Doctor Fukurokov’s grasp. Catching it as he braced himself on his tail, he shook the firearm a moment before springing up into the air and shouted at Rosy. “This time, I’m ready Rosy!”
     “What!” Doctor Fukurokov’ shouted as he saw a Ring Gate appear in Fang’s path disappearing with the jerboa-wolf hybrid in an instant. “Who~?”
     “Was that really a good idea, kid?” Sonic asked looking at Rosy who looked quite pleased with herself. At least until Sonic asked.
     “Soni~c,” she whined and puffed up her cheeks. “Fang is my friend and I had to help him, and now that he isn’t in danger, I can try to talk Ix down.”
     “It’s too late for that, Lady Medium,” Claymore scoffed as a dark purple mist began to swirl around his left arm. “The foul mage has already taken his leave. You fell for his bait and now he likely has another vessel en route to the heart of Tower Point.”
     “To think you failed so badly Claymore. Your sleep has made you rusty,” Saber mocked the far larger autogolem knight.
     “And you have lost all honor, Saber! Ho!”
     With his trademark shout, Claymore became a well of gravity and everything in the room became stuck in his pull. Ix’s stone body along with his golems were pulled apart, the debris pulled into Claymore’s body. A body which healed and grew with the consumption.
     “What is this!” Doctor Fukurokov shouted helplessly before being pulled off his feet and right into a Ring Gate that appeared before him and vanished.
     “You would save your obvious enemy, Ring Mage, Sonic the Hedgehog?”
     “You’re getting closer,” Sonic shook a finger at Claymore. “Just drop the mage bit and we’ll be good. Well, after I clean up your mess, stop Ix, and yeah, make sure no one gets more hurt than you already have today.”
     “Hmhmhmhmhm, it’s too late for that,” Saber laughed and took to the air and out into the cavernous main hall beyond the small room everyone had gathered in. Form his new vantage point, he could see everything collapsing around him and an army of golems rising past the golden twinkle of collected Rings. “Pir’Oth has already begun to collapse the whole of Tower Point. Soon, Yoluku will wake again! Hmhmhmhmhm!”
     “Yeah, not happening! Let’s go Amy!”
     Grabbing Rosy’s wrist, Sonic took off so fast she barely got her feet under her. When she did, Sonic noticed the drag immediately as she still had a long way to go to catch up to him in the use of his speed. Not wanting to waste time, Sonic scooped her up into his arms, and just in time to avoid collapsing debris.
     “Phooey!” Rosy complained, puffing up her cheeks even as she nestled into Sonic’s embrace and blushed happily. There was conflict in that joy though as the situation had gotten dire. “Why did it have to happen like that?”
     “Doesn’t matter,” Sonic dismissed the past. “But if we don’t do–”
     -Guys! Please tell me you’re okay. The data is going crazy and the whole city is starting to collapse!-
     “Tails!” Rosy shouted before remembering she had to activate the radio on her wrist.
     “Tails! I was right! It was Ix, and now he’s collapsing the whole city. I don’t know what to do, but Sonic and me are heading towards Ix now! And hopefully, we stop him. But you need to get out of here! It’s not safe, and–!”
     -What is that!-
     “What is what?” Sonic asked as the whole of the catacombs began to tremble and shake as though the entire landmass was being torn apart.
     The answer did not take long to be discovered.
     As Saber flew out of the growing sinkhole Tower Point was becoming, he was joined by the Tornado under remote control from a desperate to not lose it Zooey. Following them, not in pursuit but rather growth, Claymore emerged.
     He had grown massive beyond compare, the collapsing city feeding his gravity well. Whether or not the people of the city were spared as he grew was a mystery, but his artificial frame could easily harbor them all as it grew.
     “Are we going to be able to get away from that?” Draw asked looking at the absurd sight of the impossibly huge autogolem and the storm of purple clouds that swirled around him.
     “I couldn’t rightly say, lad,” Gill confided from where he joined Draw on the Deck of the Skyskipper. “It’s likely that knight will consume us all.”
     “I thought I was going to be safe here!” Fang surprised Gill and Draw as he came out onto the deck. “What is that fox girl doing!”
    Running to the deck and leaving the other’s confused, the sight of the Avocado Green joining the Skyskipper had no meaning to Fang. Neither did Mighty as he ran by him to demand an explanation, even as Zooey worked to open a Ring Gate large enough for both airships. Mighty did not follow Fang or return to the bridge as he watched the cloud of darkness around Claymore’s left arm become a giant maw of light filled darkness. With that looming maw the knight took a massive bite out of the city with.
     “SO~NI~C!” Rosy cried out at the top of her lungs as everything collapsed around her and Sonic within the gigantic maw.
     “Just get ready!” Sonic yelled as he tossed Rosy into the air in front of him.
     “Just don’t enjoy this too much!”
     Leaping up after Rosy, he grabbed her hand and spun her about into him as he curled into a tight ball forcing her to do the same. Together they formed one giant rolling hedgehog ball and plowed through practically everything in front of them with growing speed. Until finally, they broke apart and Rosy flopped onto her back with swirling eyes and red face.
     “I said don’t get too excited,” Sonic sighed as he looked back at Rosy behind him. “That was simply the Rolling Combo Tails and I came up with. You didn’t do bad for your first go at it though.”
     Unsteadily stumbling to her feet, Rosy smiled as Sonic flashed her a thumbs up. But the expression did not last for long. Sonic had donned a dead serious look and turned his attention forward to the heart of the clockwork sphere they had arrived in. Following his gaze, Rosy gasped.
     She could not find the words to continue however as there were two of him. A wooden one, and one like the autogolem knights. A clockwork skeleton with a suit of armor built onto it, and of course his signature flowing purple robes.
     “So, you really had laid a trap for us,” Sonic gritted his teeth as he looked at the swirling gyroscopic device around the autogolem Ix, and how it and the gears within the clockwork sphere had nearly come to a halt.
     “One I had not expected you to survive,” Ix acknowledged his plan. “Yet, you do not seem to be the hero foretold of by the medium. My plans remain unchallenged. You two are far, far, too late, and there is nothing the fool Sword Knights can do to stop me. I am but one step closer to returning at last to the side of my old friend.”
     “We’ll see about that!”
     Sonic stopped mid-preparation to leap forward as Rosy suddenly screamed. Turning back, he saw the red light of a Red Star Ring pouring from her left eye, her face trapped in a moment of true fear. “AMY~!”
     ~Those were the last words I remember hearing Sonic say while I could see him. Everything after that is almost pure darkness. I can’t really remember anything. But I know I saw the Gear Star Ring in my eye crumble some more, letting the gear be fully connected along three points of the star. I just wish I hadn’t seen that in Sonic’s beautiful green eyes. He looked so desperate as he reached for me, but then I was just gone. But I heard it. At least for a moment. It was my voice. I was talking but it wasn’t me. It wasn’t me, and I’ve never been so scared.~
    “I am most afraid not, Dirt Dweller. ‘My’ Medium is gone.”      
Scene 53 · CLEARED Party Crashing, to be continued
And isn’t that a doozy to end it on? XD Don’t worry, the next scene is out on Saturday (or already if you’re reading this after the publication date). As for who has possessed Rosy. Well, I’ve finally introduced my AU’s villain and I hope you enjoy this initial tease into their character. Next scene is the end of Season 1 and huge changes will be coming after that starting April. Please enjoy and I hope you’ll continue to follow me on The Journey!
Special Thanks to Cutegirlmayra Story by @JoshTarwater/SonicFanJ Inspiring Song – Insatiable (From “Final Fantasy XIV”) - Vocaloid Version – Azina, Masayoshi Soken – Insatiable (From “Final Fantasy XIV”)
Fair Use Disclaimer
Sonic the Hedgehog and all affiliated characters and logos are the express property and Copyright© of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS used without permission under Title 17 U.S.C Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 in which allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. “Fair use” is use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be considered copyright infringement. The Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey alternate universe (AU) consumer written work of fiction is a non-profit transformative work primarily for personal use and can and will be taken down without warning or prior notice at the request of the copyright holder(s) should it not be recognized under “fair use”.
*Sonic Ring Bond logo created by DEE Art – twitter.com/daryliscute.
Sonic Ring Bond AU and Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey are the creation of Joshua David Tarwater/ynymbus/sonicfanj/@Joshtarwater and is to be, including all contents herein considered for all legal purposes the property of the Sonic the Hedgehog intellectual property (IP) and copyright owners, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS. All story contributors via prompt, suggestion, written scene, art, and all and every other contribution acknowledge that all contributed material is forfeit for legal purposes to SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS upon official request from SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.
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norafike · 3 years
23 hehehe👀
Who are five of your favorite bands/musical artists?
This is a question I am more than happy to answer and I will be providing an explanation for some of them too.
First one, Prince & The Revolution
I absolutely love this band and Wendy but I don't really listen to any of Prince's material that he made without the revolution. I don't know why it's weird but I do appreciate the artist, my heart just belongs to the revolution.
Second, Modern Talking.
I love them. They have some of my favourite songs and one specifically 'Brother Louie' had helped inspire an entire character in my original work. I listen to them whenever I'm sad and a lot of the time I'm reminded of happier moments in my life that I associated with the songs. Atlantis Is Calling is also a really good song by them.
Thirdly, Dire Straits.
Now I grew up listening to the Dire Straits so in a way I enjoy the bad because I'm brought back to my youth. However the main reason is because their songs remind me of m Grandad, he loved the band too and so whenever I'm in a particular rough patch of grief I pop on money for nothing, hell even Why Worry and I am calmed down. Private Investigations also helped me start off my original work, I would listen to that song on repeat.
Fourth, Laura Branigan.
GLORIA IS SUCH A GOOD FUCKING SONG. I used to listen to that song ALL THE TIME, I remember August 31, 2019 my aunt held an 80s themed party to celebrate her daughter getting her results (granted I also got my results the same day but my family didn't give a shit about me it was all about my younger cousin). During that party Gloria came on and I sung my heart out, I owned the night with that song.
Lastly, Oingo Boingo
Please I love Oingo Boingo. I've made jokes about starting my own radio station in which I only play Oingo Boingo. My favourite song is Just Another Day, it makes me so happy to listen to and often I just sit on my bed singing along to their songs. Only A Lad is also a really fun song that I enjoy but the song that got me started on it all was Dead Man's Party, although I have overplayed it by now and some of my friends are sick of hearing it xD
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silvadraconis · 4 years
Dantes or Robin (saw you grailed him to 100!) Or hell both if you want, knock yourself out x)
Ima do both!
First impressions:
Dantes: oh shit I'm in prison oh who's this oh dang they're really cool I wanna know more
Robin: oh hell yeah archer card I've been needing a solid archer for my team OH heck yeah robin I didn't know you were a servant!! (Legit though Ive read alot of robin hood tales, I had rolled Billy a few days before but didn't know how to use him so I went with robin as my main for ages, and still to this day really)
Impression now:
Dantes: sir are you aware that you are precious? Seriously though ever since his event where I first met him I just keep finding more reasons to trust this man, I know if I'm ever in a tight spot I can count on him
Robin: best birb best forest birb, so dependable even though hed rather be goofing off, can always count on him to watch the party, hes on of my go to servants I'd summon if we were in dire straits cause hes low mana cost and help a ton in any situations with recon and traps
Favorite moment:
Dantes: hard to pick but honestly the moment in his event where he promises that if you ever want to give up to just let him know and he'll kill you before the 7 days are up, something about how being in that terrible situation and while he is pushing you forward and fighting with you, he also gives you an out if you can't do it, if you cant go on, so you dont have to suffer, that was the moment that I knew I wanted to summon him and its stuck with me
Robin: I dont remember what fecking event it was, but there was an event where he was talking about the weirdness he observed and passion lip accused him of being a pervert, and hes like, no! Stalker at worst! I'm just keeping an eye on everyone, keeping watch over the campfire(not exact wording but something like that) and that made me realize that hes always keeping an eye out,and that I can trust him if he says something's up
Idea for a story:
Dantes: I may be a bit to much a fan of whump but sue me, I want a situation to come about where the master gets like, life threateningly injured, and dantes uses his attendre espere noble phantasm, I think itd be pretty cool story wise to see him use that sort of noble phantasm
Robin: I think itd be cool to have robin teach the master how to make and use traps and poisons, since they're just a human robin would want to make sure they can protect themselves with those if they ever needed to
Unpopular opinion
Dantes: hmm, I dont know what's unpopular really, I guess the one I can think of is hes not a tsun, hes dramatic as all hell but not a tsun, hes not afraid to express that he cares about you, hes just a dramatic edgy lad so like in shimosa hes all, its totally not me that came here to give you info cause I was worried yup not me ima cape flip away nowww, like he knew you got this, but he still couldn't help himself so hes trying not to interfere too much while still helping out
Robin: Robin's the farthest thing from lazy, he just says he is so people don't get high expectations since to him compared to alot of the other heroic spirits hes just a dude with some poison and traps, but really even though he likes to goof off and enjoy himself when things need to get done he always works hard and is very good at managing group dynamics and monitoring the health of others
Favorite relationships(not including guada and them):
Dantes: I like the thought of him hanging out with the authors and musicians, cause one of his lines has him getting anderson a coffee, and hes show to interact with the French squad at times
Also his attitude towards sherlock is hilarious XD
Robin: I really liked his dynamic with nezha in Salem, old time servant showing the newcomer the ropes, wonderful stuff
Favorite headcanon:
Dantes: he knows how to dance really well, he wasnt a count for nothing after all, and I remember seeing a comic of jalter demanding him to teach her how to dance and I thought that was great
Robin: lad always has sweets on him, for the kid servants, or as just a job well done treat
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smallgayblanket · 5 years
5 and 11 for the apocalypse squad? 👀
Guilty pleasures
Obviously, he feels guilty having any time/day off..so to have a day where he can lounge around is always kinda a guilty pleasure to him..I feel like something he often avoids is alcohol, and its usually a depression or a guilty pleasure to have a glass of something hard and rough to burn his throat.
Also if anyone makes a fruit cake he may quietly ask for a piece..
I totally see Marvin kinda guilty for being into hypnosis. Being the magician I think it ironic that he’d sit there and watch spirals just to unwind and chill out y’know? I also think he has a small pet shapeshifter that he hasn’t told anyone about and he secretly takes care of it in return for comfort.  aaand maybe collects candles and gems in various sizes and shapes and gets excited when he buys new ones but does it alone?
Really likes lavander scented stuff.
Also loves bubble baths with a face mask, buts that only if hes really needing a self spoil day. 
This man is a sucker for touches..someone come play with his hair and he’d melt, he’s in dire need of it but won’t admit it. He also sings in his office alone, but god forbid anyone caught him singing “ive been working on the rail road” while he files his papers..
He’s also a sucker for mint flavoured stuff. Those mint shell coated chocolate balls are his favourite. 
I actually think Chase is secretly really fucking good at like comic book style art. Sketching in his spare alone times.
Course chilling out with a video game and some pizza is a huge pleasure but he’s not always guilty about it XD  
Lemon tarts are a special treat of his. 
Well, asides pain..
He likes to listen to like 8bit sounding music and stuff, like the undertale theme and game themes, stuff like that. 
He also has a fondness for sour foods/green apple flavoured stuff and he’s never been sure why but it makes him happy.
Knives are always good.
Dumb but I think Jumper is one of his favourite movies just??..cause.. idk. 
A guilty pleasure for him is a bottle of whiskey and a walk out in the night. No work, no people just him and his bottle and his whistling tunes. 
Also one of his guilty pleasures is coming to Jameson’s bar for a drink..just to watch the other manhandle the bottles and do his magic. A small stupid thing, but for some reason Shawn holds it dear. 
Also I feel like he likes to bake? Breads and stuff, nothing sweet, but just making a nice fresh loaf would be a nice stress relief and fresh bread always tasted great, especially with his famous stews/broths. 
Jameson likes to read and do puzzles, but I also think he’s a sucker for dancing.  Its hard to get him on the dancefloor with anyone around but alone he has some very nice moves.
I also think he really likes cartoons, but because they’re childish feels silyl for watching them..however he loves the vibrant colours and that the characters are alot easier to read.  Plus he likes the escapism. (Though he does enjoy those old classics like Mary poppins and chitty chitty bang bang) As well as some detective shows. 
Liquorice has been a fav, despite some of the others thinking it gross. 
Robbie has a whole fucking stash of soft items and adores every one of them- its no secret really since everyone buys them and usually finds him buried in them but he loves making nests with all his soft stuff.
Sometimes he’ll also get embarrassed about his outfits too..some very soft and small and even a little feminine that he gets shy about. 
Also he mumbles n fidgets and likes to stim so playing with slime or toys or watching stim vids is a huge pleasure of his. Hes also just a huge cuddle slut. 
Robbie loves foam squishes the most.
Bad or petty habits
He tries really hard to stay even on everything, but often his sleep can fall out of whack being a hero and all. Sometimes he also gets more injured in fights then he should. Because hes kinda intoit .He also struggles with poor self-image on rare occasions. Also, he pushes himself hard- He’ll just push and push until he finally crumbles and he has no energy left. Which takes alot because he has a fuck ton of energy.
Dealing with dangerous magic and getting hurt is a big number one..also he doesn’t always take proper care of himself and occasionally dabbles in self-harm. Both for the thrill and the fear of not being able to feel anything during the waves when feels unwanted n ignored. 
Horrid diet and absurd amount of coffee drinking..his sleeping has never quite been enough and hes just ti red..
Also, he bites the edges of his glasses whenever he’s taken them off his face for closer inspection/idel thought when not looking at anything important. 
And he has some serious OCD for stuff. Hence why his office is so neat yet specifically organized and why hes extra stressed when its cluttered and messy… 
Drinking obviously..and the bad thoughts that he should off himself..toying with guns and drowning in bottles of alcohol- sometimes questioning whether to down any bottles from the medicine cabinet..He also forgets to eat sometimes, and his chronic sleep condition paired with migraines can be a bitch to deal with and alot of his poor drinking and sleep habits make them worse. 
Oof huh..Anti is a mess. He has a huge habit of isolating himself and not sharing or dealing with his emotions as he should. Also he toys with knifes which, yknow aint safe so he ends up with odd lil knicks and cuts. He bottles up alot of shit and none of its good for him but he struggles to open up to anyone about it.
He often feels alone and empty and that hurts.. 
Shawn man..He also tends to bury himself in work of making toys and ignoring everyone. Hard lad who doesn’t talk much about feelings and does get touchy easily at all which results in kinda being highly touch starved. He too drinks, forgets to eat and usually only sleeps when his body is at it’s limit and he cant keep his eyes open enough to work. 
My lad Jameson here seriously seriously struggles with eating. He has anorexia, his ribs are far too viable, he’s very much like a twig, but it all stems from the pain in his throat.
Not to mention he talks despite his broken vocal cords- which is painful, but he doesn’t want to burden people with his sign language.
He also has an awful habit of being unable to say no, defiantly quite the passive polite Pisces. 
Robbie, hes a pretty good boy..though he can struggle to listen. Sometimes he bites things he really should..eats things he shouldn’t and also tends to overindulge in foods which usually means a stomach ache. 
Other than that the others usually keep a good eye on him so he never struggles too bad, but he does sometimes wish he wasn’t so childlike n helpless. he tries his best to be helpful but he can get really lonely when the others are busy.. 
He’s also a wee bit clumsy and that’s meant some nasty bruises.
Oh and he chews his sleeves alot. 
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elfyourmother · 6 years
How was the SB scenes where Estinien rocks up to be awesome like with messing up an entire building sized cannon XD?
[Dandy don’t read this, there’s big spoilers for shit you haven’t done yet]
I’m honestly of two minds about it. Like that was incredibly bad ass and v typically Estinien and I adored it, esp the little quip he made (“you’re welcome boy” or w/e). I lost my shit. But then as the story went on and it was clear he wouldn’t factor into the final battles I was disappointed and then when it was obvious we wouldn’t actually interact with him at all I just got angry.
(On a shallow aside: it’s even more obvious than it was at the end of Dragonsong that they switched his model from his original one in the Drachen armor and ngl it’s weird and ugly. Suddenly he has no lips (his best feature!!!) and his nose is all pinched and shit. I have no idea why they did it tbh. My theory before was that it’s because they clearly used his original Drachen-armored model for Haldrath in the Echo flashback you get w him in the Aery—Haldrath’s nose and mouth are what give it away—but tbh idk why that’s an issue. Anyway that’s what he actually looks like in my head helmetless, but with his standard hair)
But anyway it’s one of the reasons I’m so meh on SB. It was absolute bullshit and deeply unsatisfying. Especially since not a single person seemed to question how or why that cannon got fucked up after the fact once they confirmed it was down and it was clear somebody fucked it up. Everyone just seemed to shrug and go about their business. It was an example to me of how bad the writing was in SB when it came to the central conflict.
And it looks even worse after doing the patches too once we learn that there’s at least one Garlean faction that opposes the wars of expansion. We are in dire need of allies and no one thinks to investigate or find out who sabotaged that cannon? WoL doesn’t even have an Echo vision after going to the Castrum specifically to confirm the cannon is down???
The thing with the Eyes bugged the shit out of me too because they made this huge deal about how Shinryu was basically Aymeric’s fault, to where he is blaming himself before the final push on Ala Mhigo (never mind that he was rightfully scared Alph and WoL would get whammied like Estinien did when they yanked them out and it took a fucking Ascian to retrieve them in the first place). But after all that, NOBODY but Estinien thinks to look for them damn things after Shinryu’s dead? It’s not like WoL or anyone else would have known the Eyes were out of juice after having to feed Shinryu. That would have been the prime opportunity for WoL to be reunited with him.
Also how tf did Estinien sneak into the palace in full fuckin armor??? Esp. when Aymeric surely would have had people looking for him after the Ishgardian scouts reported seeing a man in armor (there’s a blink and you’ll miss it line at Porta P between quests if you talk to Aymeric that eludes to it). He’s a dragoon not a ninja??? Even if you assume he jumped up to the Royal Menagerie, not one of the resistance scouts saw him??? Granted I also have this issue with how he managed to get into the Castrum unseen, but I can handwave that once. Twice???? This dude has infiltration chops on par with Thancred, especially when you take into account way back when he stole the Eye from the Vault. Why tf is he not a Scion???? It’s such a waste of a great character to essentially reduce him to a walking Deus ex Machina.
tl;dr I love Estinien to death and I’m starved for any content at all w my Ishgardian lads so I was grateful just to see him at all but boy did it leave me mad how it was written and uh. It’s Different in my verse. To me it was just proof he should have been made a Scion and it underscored why he is in my verse.
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written-rebellion · 6 years
Perfect Distractions
A/N: If you wanna pretend that Jamie and Claire have been kissing in the middle of town since Thursday, I am right there with you xD
Claire catches Jamie off guard, Fergus does what he does best, and as always, all the facts of this fanfic are contrived specifically to make fluffy university/modern-day au scenarios. Please let me know what you think!
Part One: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] | Part Two: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] | Part Three: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] | Part Four: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] | Part Five: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] | Part Six: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] | Part Seven: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2]
Part Seven: The Grand Tour | Chapter 3
Admittedly, he forgot the time and place – he often did when he was kissing Claire.
But who cared if people were watching? Her lips were cold, and who would he be if he didn’t try his damnedest to remedy that? She certainly encouraged him enough to keep going.
“Well, if it isn’t mes parents,” came a laugh from his right.
He and Claire jolted apart, and he cast a deadly glare in Fergus’ direction. The boy remained unfazed, instead beaming at Claire.
“Hello again, Mademoiselle!”
Jamie’s entire body seethed as she pulled away from him to face Fergus.
“Told you he’s your adopted boy,” she said with a sidelong smirk.
Jamie found no humour in that, regarding Fergus and his shit-eating grin from under sloped brows.
“Were ye no’ hiding from Murtagh, lad? Shall I call him here?”
“Ah, n-no M’sieur, please.” Utter satisfaction as Jamie saw the smile melt from his pale face.
Retribution enough, he supposed.
“Well, why’d you leave my room then?” Claire inquired, hands finding hips.
Jamie seized the opportunity to snake his arm around her waist immediately. He could still see the echoes of her smirk, even as she waited for Fergus’ reply.
“Well, it’s only because—” The growl of his stomach eagerly answered the question.
Jamie couldn’t help but chuckle. Going hungry while trying to evade chores was by no means a foreign concept.
“There were granola bars in my bag, I think,” said Claire, and Fergus inclined his head, sheepish.
“Ah oui, Mademoiselle Claire, there... were.”
That sent Jamie’s chuckle into a full-blown laugh as Claire raised an eyebrow at the boy.
She’d make a terrifying mother, said Jamie’s more intrusive thoughts.
Fergus threw his hands up, open-palmed.
“Th-that was all I touched, I swear!”
Claire took a breath and a moment to silence Jamie’s laughs with a glare.
Aye, terrifying, but certainly effective.
“Alright fine,” she said bluntly. “And you came into town because your grand-theft granola bar wasn’t all that filling, is that right?”
“Och, well he’s a growing lad, aye?” Jamie threw in, spurred by the adorable twitch of annoyance just above her left brow. Fergus nodded in agreement and Claire held her glare a second longer before sighing, resigned.
“And you planned on, what? Stealing something from one of the shops here?”
Fergus opened his mouth, but Jamie cut him off.
“No, right laddie?”
“No, Mademoiselle,” Fergus echoed, sounding a touch disappointed. He fished into his pocket then for some money, which he showed to Claire. “Madame Murray gives me some allowance every week.”
“Well,” Claire huffed, holding out her hand, “give it here.”
“I distinctly recall letting you hide in my room, provided you didn’t touch anything. I think it’s only fair I get to choose what you’re going to eat as punishment, don’t you?” she said.
Jamie lifted a brow in Fergus’ direction and the boy’s shoulders slumped.
“Oui, Mademoiselle, alright.”
“Oh don’t make that face, I won’t pick anything too terrible.” Claire laughed as she pocketed the money. “Stay here with Jamie, I’ll be right back.”
She turned on her heel and they both watched her walk down the sidewalk to a diner Jamie had pointed out when they’d arrived.
“Serves ye right, laddie,” Jamie said, turning back to the boy whose eyes seemed surprisingly bright despite having his lunch money taken.
“She is exactly as you described her, M’sieur,” he said with a smile Jamie mirrored easily.
“Aye, she’s…” Everything.
“Have you asked her to marry you then?”
Jamie choked on an inhale, coughing and sputtering to Fergus’ amusement.
“Christ lad, there’s a time and place for—What’s yer problem?”
“What?” Fergus blinked, looking innocent enough if not for the twitch at the corner of his mouth. “Mademoiselle is glowing, non? So you must have—”
Jamie choked again, this time scrutinizing the boy, trying to discern if he was implying anything less innocent.
He’d never admit it to Claire, but Fergus was picking up traits Jamie saw in himself at an alarming rate. He found himself staring at his own inscrutable face.
“Nay, lad,” he said shortly, “I didna ask Claire to marry me.”
“Why not? You love her, do you not?”
Jamie opened his mouth, then closed it. Thousands of replies, ranging from wry to heartfelt, flitted through his brain before he settled on the simplest.
“Aye, I do,” he said, almost sighing like the love-struck idiot he knew he’d become. “But ye ken, Fergus?”
He chose his words carefully. Yes he was a little shit, but he was a child and he was asking. And damn Claire and Jenny and their insinuations, Jamie felt a great deal responsible for him.  
“There’s a space between—” A cough. “—marriage, and the moment when ye first realize ye love someone more than ye’ve ever—well, more than anything, aye?”
He remembered when Jenny had told him she planned on marrying Ian. She was 16, and just as headstrong then. Likewise, he remembered when Ian had told him he planned on marrying Jenny, nearly eight years after.
“It’s nice to be in that space for a bit, ken? Like, riding a current, when ye ken it’ll bring ye to the end eventually.”
“But even still, M’sieur, you and she, you’ve—”
Jamie’s eyes darkened as he drew himself to full height. Fergus’ mask was cracking.
“We’ve what?”
“Done things a bit—” Jamie wanted to knock that quirk in his mouth clean off his face. “—out of order, non?”
Heat rose to Jamie’s cheeks and he wasn’t entirely sure whether it was anger or embarrassment. Either way, he pushed Fergus away from him by the head with a grunt. The boy’s façade shattered into a fit of giggles.
“I was surprised when I met her this morning,” he said over Jamie’s Gaelic grumbling. “I thought her a bit—comment dire?—out of your league, M’sieur.”
“And what the hell do ye mean by that, ye shite?”
“C’est marveillieux!” he shouted, and Jamie followed the boy’s gaze only to find Claire carrying a paper-wrapped sandwich roughly as thick as her forearm and just a bit longer than the length of Fergus’ head.
“Their club sandwich is just a bit excessive, I think,” she said, handing it to Fergus with a weary smile. “I had them put everything on it, hope that’s okay.”
“More than okay, Mademoiselle!” Fergus beamed.
With a pang in his chest, Jamie belatedly realized that between whatever Fergus had been eating on the street and the farm meals he was getting from Jenny, this very well could be the largest meal he’s ever had. He glanced at Claire smiling brightly at the boy and he didn’t have to guess if the same thought had crossed her mind.
Dhia. Her smile, the light reflected off white snow that lit the gold in her eyes. He didn’t think he could love her more than in this moment.
And he was so wrong.
She caught him staring at her and something flickered in that whisky gold before she turned back to Fergus.
“Oh, and I have one more thing for you,” she said. “Close your eyes.”
What was she—?
Fergus obliged, holding out the hand that wasn’t clutching his late lunch, and—
“What’s th—?”
“It’s your allowance back,” Claire answered. “Much like my granola bars, I guess this is my treat.”
Jamie felt his heart leap into his throat and his world shrank to only Claire, so focused he barely registered Fergus’ parting words as he ran off.
Forget the time and place, Jamie needed her.
[End of Part 7]
Read Part 8
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funkzpiel · 7 years
Little Blue Riding Newt
Based off of this gorgeous, adorable piece of art by @mamin-the-troll and once the little doodles started coming, I just couldn’t resist writing it. So here it is, Little Blue Riding Newt, the smartest whatever-year-old that ever existed because I don’t know how to fucking write children. Please forgive that quirk.
Additionally, this is now evolving into a full story...so I guess more will be coming soon. XD HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? HOW DID THIS EVOLVE INTO A CHAPTERED THING, I DO NOT KNOW. 
Newt was going to visit the nice old man in the woods! The man with the kind blue eyes and the long white beard and the big bushy brows that was always so kind to him. Newt had met him in the market once when he had been looking at books about scary beasts.
“That’s quite a dark tale for a lad so young,” the old man had said, but there had been a twinkle in his eyes – joyous and curious and kind – that made Newt feel encouraged rather than admonished.
Newt looked at the cover of the book again. Two dark red eyes stared back at him from within the depths of the forest on the cover, and at its center, a little girl in a red cloak. He frowned.
“But he has to eat too, doesn’t he?” Newt asked quite innocently.
The old man blinked, surprised.
“Well, yes, but—“
“It’s a mean story,” Newt said firmly. “If she had just shared her picnic with him, she would have been fine.”
The old man laughed, a soft and whimsical thing.
“You think so?”
“Maybe,” the man said as he suddenly reached to hand the vendor money, then bent down to clasp his large hands over Newt’s, tightening the boy’s hold on the book. “Keep it. Write a better one, one day – when you’re older. A book to protect people and creatures. One to help people understand these creatures rather than fear them, hmm? We could all use a little more understanding in the world.”
Newt felt a fire grow in his chest – a passion he had always felt suddenly stoked into a blaze. His eyes glittered merrily in his little face.
“You think I can?!”
“I do,” the man said. “In fact, I think maybe you’re the only one who can.”
He ruffled Newt’s hair and stood. The little boy watched as he returned to his carriage, a strange looking bird just barely visible within. Newt switched from tip toe to tip toe to try and see, but couldn’t quite tell what it was. He only stopped when the man leaned out the window of his carriage.
“It was nice meeting you, Mister…”
“Scamander! Newt Scamander!” Newt replied cheerfully, book clutched tight to his chest.
“Newt,” the man smiled. “It was a pleasure. Do take care. Come visit some time, if you’d like to keep pursuing this goal, young man!”
Newt started to run next to the carriage.
“But where do I find you?”
“In the woods, dear boy,” the man smiled. “Where else?”
And then the carriage was gone, and Newt watched it go. He blinked.
What a peculiar old man. He didn’t even tell Newt his name…
And that’s how Newt found himself walking through the woods, tucked tight into his sky blue coat and his little basket of sandwiches plus some fruit for the fairies, if he found any, and some bacon for the beasts, if they needed a snack. He was whistling a merry tune, taking his time jumping in puddles along the path and taking in the huge, vast world around him.
After the man left, he was afraid he’d never find him – the woods were so expansive, after all – but the next day he had found a little bird pecking on his window sill. The moment he opened it, it had flown into his room and unraveled from enchanted parchment into rather ordinary paper in Newt’s hands. And Newt giggled all the while, in awe of the gorgeous showmanship.
It was a map; at its center was a drawing of a little cabin and just scrawled just beside it:
Should you ever need a friendly ear, you can find me here.
A. Dumbledore
The map was very easy to follow, which was good because Theseus would never agree to take him into the woods. None of the townsfolk would, in fact. Newt was the only one enamored with the forest and the life it contained. The only one who thought it beautiful or precious – or so he thought. But now there was this old man, this Dumbledore! Someone who understood!
Newt felt a new bounce to his step as he skipped along, more eager than ever to visit the home of the first person to have ever encouraged his love of all creatures, fanged or otherwise.
He was halfway there according to the map when he heard it, a whimper. Soft and high and keening. Newt went still in the middle of the path, eyes huge and searching as he looked for the source of the sound.
“Hello?” Newt asked, his voice baby soft and worried. “Are you okay?”
The whimpering ceased immediately.
“N-no, no, it’s okay!” Newt said, taking a step forward and speaking to the world at large. “I want to help!”
A growl, soft and angry.
Newt blinked. But he was trying to help! Maybe the creature didn’t understand. Maybe it was just too used to people hurting it. He frowned, just a little, and went first to the edge of one side of the path, then the other. And then he spotted it – a massive black wolf lying at the base of a grand tree. Even laying down Newt could tell the creature was huge; as large as a small horse at least. And it was so close! He’d never been this close to anything wilder than a bunny before. It was…
It was breathtaking. Regal even in injury.
Newt felt pinned beneath those eyes; not because he was afraid, but because he was in awe. They weren’t red at all! Huge, amber jewels within a midnight black face, cool and calculating and watching. Cautious, Newt decided. Hurting. Maybe afraid.
There was blood on the bark near the roots, and even more of it in the grass and the leaves. Something angry and big and metal around his right hind leg, teeth deep in flesh. A Muggle’s hunting trap. Newt gasped and his basket fell with a thud as he covered his mouth with his little hands – eyes watering at the horrible sight. And all the while, the wolf watched him, tail wagging agitatedly as though it were waiting for something.
Newt took a step forward, hands outstretched, and suddenly the growling grew far fiercer. He stopped stock still in his tracks as the wolf attempted to get to its feet to properly intimidate him, only to fall back to the ground with a huff, exhausted from fighting the trap.
The angry rumbling, however, did not stop.
It was scared and it was hurting and it was all grumbly because it couldn’t get away, couldn’t protect itself; and Newt felt horrible. Hated that someone likely from his town had laid the trap. His lower lip quivered, upset because he just wanted to help, why didn’t the creature understand? But forced the feeling down and lowered himself to the path, made himself small – non threatening – unaware that he was doing precisely the right thing. Just following instincts. Small things didn’t scare him. Maybe if he were smaller, the creature wouldn’t mind him so much. He kept his gaze on the creature’s massive paws.
The growling lessened, but the angry thwapping of its tail did not stop.
“I can take that trap off,” Newt said softly as he took a step forward, hands out to prove they were empty. “I have snacks, too, if you’re hungry.”
The growling stopped. He looked up in time to see a strange expression on the creature’s face – head tilted and eyes narrowed. Its tail had stopped its restless beating.
“I can help,” Newt said, voice trembling. He so desperately wished to help. He so desperately wanted to prove the townsfolk wrong. To show them that the little girl in the book was just a little girl in a book. That they could live peacefully with these creatures, if they only bothered to try.
He stopped a foot away.
“Will you let me?” Newt whispered softly, pleading. “Please?”
He remained still as the creature watched him. Patient until finally, the huge wolf nodded at him once, slowly.
Newt was off in an instant, too young to have the patience to hold back his excitement. He didn’t catch how it made the great wolf’s hackles rise, but despite the suddenness of his actions, the wolf remained still.
“It’s a bear trap,” Newt said as he took in the huge maw of steel embedded in the soft fur and flesh of the wolf’s leg. He had gone hunting with his father once. He had been taught how to remove the things, should he ever accidentally step on one. All it took was downward pressure on the flat levers on either side of the massive spring-fueled jaws to open it.
He tried first with his hands, uncaring of how it muddied his pants to be down on his knees as he was. It budged a little, but he was so small and his arms weren’t as strong as metal and springs and cruelty. He bit his lip and stood, determined.
“I’ll get you out!” Newt said, exchanging a promise with the wolf through teary blue eyes before putting a foot on either side of the trap and placing his full weight on the levers. He wasn’t terribly heavy, but it was enough. He felt the trap slowly open beneath him – more and more and more until finally the wolf was able to yank itself free.
And not a second later, it shot to its feet and put some distance between them. Now that it was standing, Newt felt the smallest trill of fear in his chest. Frozen beneath those eyes until finally - a voice.
‘Why did you help me, human?’
Newt’s hands rushed to his mouth to cover his excited grin. It could talk! It was no mere wolf, it was a magical creature! What kind, he wondered! A Werewolf? A Dire Wolf? A Skinwalker or shape shifter of some kind? So many possibilities!
“What are you?” Newt babbled excitedly.
‘Answer my question first, man pup!’
“How are you talking to me?” Newt asked, overwhelmed, and took a step forward to better study the huge beast. “Your lips aren’t moving!”
‘Stay where you are—‘ The creature said, but Newt could hear in its tone that it was losing its firmness, confused by the boy. It took a step back then showed its fangs.
“Is it magic?” Newt asked, boyish and eyes glittering. “I can do magic too! Just a little, though. I’m not old enough, mother tells me.”
He pouted, and the wolf made a strange face. Bewildered.
‘You shouldn’t be here,’ the wolf said, ‘It’s dangerous. I’m dangerous. You should go.’
Newt blinked.
“But so far the only thing that’s hurt anybody was that trap,” Newt said, pointing at the offending item with a fierce little scowl. Then, softly, “Is that why you don’t want to talk to me? Because I’m a human? Because humans did that to you?”
His lip quivered. The wolf took a step back, at a loss. What was wrong with this tiny man pup? Why was it shaking like that and…was it leaking from its face?
“I promise I’m not a mean human!” Newt burst out suddenly, teary eyed and red faced and pleading. “Please be my friend! I’ll give you as much bacon as you want!”
The wolf blinked, then let out a huge, huffing snort. Exasperated.
“I’m sorry someone from my village hurt you,” Newt whimpered, then ran the beautiful blue sleeve of his coat over his face and sniffled. “I just want to be your friend.”
‘You said you have bacon?’
Newt peeked up at the wolf from over the blue of his sleeve and nodded.
With a soft whimper, the wolf delicately lowered itself to the ground. Then, when Newt did not move, it tipped its head to the basket a few feet away and said, ‘well?’
“Oh! Yes, of course!” Newt sprung into action with a small smile and by the time he came back, the wolf could see the child was smiling broadly – excited to help. To eat lunch with him.
“Here you go,” he said as he threw a large slab of bacon at the wolf’s feet, raw and fat and juicy. Despite the regal look of the creature, its stomach growled embarrassingly and Newt couldn’t help but giggle when the wolf merely widened its eyes at the noise, surprised by the strength of it.
“My name is Newt!” Newt said as he pulled out his sandwich, humming all the while. “I want to write a book about magical creatures!”
‘Is that so?’ the wolf asked, more occupied with his meat than with what the child was actually saying.
‘How wonderful,’ he said dryly.
“Isn’t it?! I’m going to name it ‘Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them’!”
The wolf stilled. So a book on how to find them, where best to kill them. He should have known, should have expected it. But the boy had such big eyes; had helped him. A growl threatened to emerge from his throat, angry at being deceived, only to die when he caught sight of the little boy – smiling as he gently pulled the crusts from his sandwich.
“It’s going to show everyone how great creatures are,” Newt babbled happily, unaware of the wolf’s intense gaze. “And then we’ll all be friends!”
The wolf felt something pang painfully in its chest.
‘It won’t make a difference,’ the wolf said coldly. Newt looked up at it from over his sandwich and smiled, a blob of peanut butter on his cheek.
The wolf snorted. Maybe he’d eat the child. That would show him.
“Doesn’t hurt to try,” Newt said cheerfully.
Oh no. Oh no, no, no.
The wolf stood before the man pup could entrance him anymore. He had been down this road before. He knew what lie at its destination. Axes and pitchforks and flames.
Newt blinked at him.
“Are you going? But I have more bacon!” Newt exclaimed.
The wolf didn’t bother answering him; just started to limp off. Newt hastily threw his sandwich in the basket and followed it.
“Wait! Don’t go! You’re still hurt!”
‘I’m fine.’
“No, you’re not!” Newt said, and stomped one foot on the ground. “You’re so stubborn!”
The wolf whirled on him.
‘I’m the stubborn one?!’
“Yes, you are!” Newt pouted, arms crossed.
The wolf looked at him for a long moment, then turned to walk away again, frustrated.
‘Don’t follow me, man pup,’ he said.
“My name is Newt! And don’t make me follow you!”
The wolf stopped. The child couldn’t follow him deeper in the woods. It wasn’t safe where he was going. The creatures there were hungry, desperate things and it would be dark soon. It turned to regard the child. He was so small, how could a creature as vicious as humans create spawn so small and innocent looking? The wolf felt dread pulling on its heart. It couldn’t leave the boy here. It couldn’t let him follow it any longer. That only left one option.
The wolf sighed.
‘What do you want from me, Newt? I have no gift to give you for your…services.’ Unwarranted though they might be.
Newt blinked, then made a show of thinking.
“I’m going to visit a friend,” Newt said, face lighting up suddenly. “He also likes creatures! I saw one in his carriage! I bet he could help you get better!”
‘I’m fine,’ the wolf said again, but Newt didn’t listen.
“And that way, I won’t be following you anymore! Once I know your leg will get better, I’ll stop bothering you, I promise!”
The wolf stilled.
‘You promise?’ It asked skeptically. Did the child really think it was that easy to gain its trust?
“Yup! Cross my heart and everything!” And then he did this odd little gesture on his chest. “Okay?”
‘Where is this place you’re going?’
“It’s real close! I’m almost there!”
‘And it’s safe there?’
“I promise no one will hurt you!” Newt said quite seriously and the wolf rolled its eyes. Did the child not know where he was? How dangerous it was for him, a small man pup, to be out here? After the boy had taken the time to help it, the wolf now owed him a debt. The wolf cursed the laws of the Fae that ruled the forest.
‘Let’s go, then,’ the wolf said, limping up to stand beside the boy. ‘And see this friend of yours.’
“You’ll love him!” The boy babbled as he wound his small chubby fingers into the great wolf’s fur and began to walk beside it, slow to accommodate its limp. “He’s great.”
‘How long have you known this friend, then?’
“A whole day!” Newt exclaimed brightly, excited.
The wolf felt its heart sink.
Oh this precious man pup was going to die. He could feel it.
Best not to get too attached.
“You know, you never told me your name. Do you have a name, Mr. Wolf?” Newt asked, eyes bright and curious as they looked up at it.
The wolf grumbled.
‘You’ll never see me again after this, man pup. Why bother?’
Newt pouted.
“I thought we were gonna be friends!”
The wolf sighed. It was going to be a long walk.
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