#it's hard to tell even if aus where his life isn't *gestures at canon* he's still her golden boy
kariachi · 2 years
Me: I will write some chill centaur au fic with Eva about Kevin.
My Brain: Oh no, ‘chill’ ain’t happening
Kevin was a very precious child and Eva has Regrets.
She may have been staring at the photo in her hand for more than a few minutes, going by the rumbling of her stomach. Not that she could be blamed for it- going through old pictures was always the sort’ve thing just asking to jam itself under your ribs. There was never truly escaping it.
This time she’d gotten herself caught on a picture of her son for what had to have been the millionth time since everything had gone to shit. It was of the two of them, only months before he’d vanished, playing in the summer sun. His fur had still been red-brown then, the last cycles of chick down clinging to all the places he had visible scutes now. He’d only been ten at the time, but already was clearly taller and vastly heavier than Eva herself. They used to get people assuming he was adopted, given she and Harvey’s sizes compared to his bulk.
He was smiling in the picture, a big sharp-toothed grin that shone like the sun just as much as Devin’s had, and that was probably what had stopped her short. There’d been plenty of smiles for her that last year, from him and Harvey both, but it was only with the painful twist of hindsight that she’d realized how few of them shone like this. How few were real, rather than just desperate attempts to hide the fact their household was a ticking timebomb from her.
Her baby, even now too young for any of the struggles he’d had to face, had hidden the downward spiral of Harvey’s behavior and his own wellbeing from her. Because even that young he blamed himself and wanted better for his loved ones. There wasn’t anything that cut through a mother’s heart like that, even for a shoddy one like her, and Eva knew full well she would carry the guilt of not realizing before it was too late with her to the grave.
Shaking herself from her half-stupor, she forced herself to her hooves. She stretched her legs, careful of her injured ankle, and went to dig up an empty picture frame. The photo was a good one, it deserved to be up.
And if it served as yet another of her million reminders of how much she had to make up for now she had Kevin back- if not hale or whole at least alive and free- well.
It certainly kept her pride in check.
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blade-that-was-broken · 4 months
Where’s Barb in Wrath and Rain AU?
What happened to her?
To be honest I kind of miss half life AU- :’D
I understand it’s hard depending on your motivation and your ideas with AUs.
They all are awesome! :D
Barb... is generally kind of similar to canon but also not really?
She'd be with her dad. Idk how old she is in canon but here she's probably not that much older than Branch, so she'd be a teenager by the time the war starts up again. Nothing has really "happened" to her, although considering how she was in canon... she's probably a little crazier here and I imagine gets more involved in the resurgence with a whole attitude of feeling she has to take resistance down, get everyone to be rock zombies, etc.
She'll probably end up with a specific grudge against someone lol
Although since her dad hates JD so much, she does too.
Half Life is like... always in the back of my mind. Literally always. I got stuck on the next chapter of Breathe Again cause I lost my outline (sobbing) and I'm not entirely sure how the things were supposed to go in the chapter and it was kinda driving me crazy. Couple that with my burn out... (as you can tell, I have been able to outline stuff but not really write, write, sadly) it's been a whole mess. Wrath and Ruin is just an outline at this point but I'd like to finish Breathe Again... maybe gets some more shorts and oneshots cause there is plenty I'd love to talk about
Anyways, I know it's not much but I have this little Bowling oneshot wip that isn't finished so here is a snippet from Half Life....
John paid the attendant and moved towards the shoe counter, gathering everyone’s sizes and ordering them up before distributing them around to Spruce, Clay and Floyd. Clay took his shoes greedily and raced over to their assigned lane to put them on, not even sparing the rest of his family a glance before he ran towards the bowling balls to pick his. He found a green and yellow swirled one that seemed a perfect weight for him. He turned around, almost running into a bunch of red hair. 
Delta Dawn, his brother’s best friend, turned to face him, her expression lighting up at the sight of him. “Clay! I didn’t know you were here.” 
“John said we were going to go bowling,” he replied, plainly. “What are you doing here? Did JD invite you? Cause you can join us, obviously. I don’t think even Spruce would mind.” 
It wasn’t exactly a secret that Spruce had the tiniest bit of a crush on Delta but Clay was pretty sure it was because of her red hair. Or the fact that she had the most amazing, voluminous hair any of them had ever seen. Spruce definitely liked his hair. Clay found it weird. He hated brushing his hair or even doing anything with his hair. 
“I’m actually with…” 
A guy came up by her side, looking down over her shoulder. Clay frowned, his brow furrowing as he looked at him a little closer. He was tall, a bit spindly, with dark hair and an angular face. He reminded Clay of someone but he wasn’t sure exactly. “Who are you?” 
“Jim,” he replied slowly. “Who… are you?” 
“Jim, this is Clay, my friend’s little brother. Clay, this is… this is my boyfriend, Jim,” Delta introduced, gesturing with her hand between the two of them. 
Clay looked unimpressed. “Your boyfriend? I didn’t realize going on three dates meant that you were… going steady or whatever they call it these days.” 
Jim snorted, amused. “You’re funny. I’ve heard a bit about you; Delta says you are quite the up and coming horse rider.” 
“Equestrian,” Clay corrected immediately. “She’s… told you about us?”
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enchantedlandcoffee · 9 months
Ash's Prompt List
A list of all prompts I come up with because I'm horrible at finding them again afterwards. Feel free to use any. Please just ask first in case someone else has asked as well 🥰
Person A is a writer/reader and wants to see if the gestures that the love interests do in books (e.g., leaning against a door frame, etc.) are actually attractive. Their friend and crush volunteers to help out
"It hurts!"
"What does?"
"...well, I was going to offer to kiss it better but-"
"...I mean, you could if you wanted to"
"Want to hate the world together?"
You've Got A Friend In Me Feeling lonely? call our company today and meet our platonic escorts. A friend for when you have none. Services can be boosted to lover status with an extra payment
based on 'Little Talks' by Of Monsters and Men - One of them gets in an accident and the other one can see their spirit (sort of like Just Like Heaven but they were a couple). The one not in the accident becomes too attached to the idea of their loved one's spirit being with them all the time and the spirit tells them to let go and live their life until they can come back to them.
"We can't be friends, okay? We're nothing." "Nothing? I love you. You know I love you, and you say we're nothing?" "You don't love me enough"
A 'testing our friendship' YouTube video but each round gets less and less platonic as it goes
soulmate au where soulmates are very rare and each pair of soulmates have a special gift linking them to each other. harry and louis' is teleportation. which is all fun and games until they realise that, if they concentrate hard enough, they can bring the other person to them.
"When I said I wanted you in handcuffs, this isn't exactly what i had in mind..."
People's eye colours change all the time, no one ever knows what their eye colour is... until they lock eyes with their soulmate(s)
One Direction Themed
Omega!Harry does his laundry in the accommodation laundry room, but when he goes to get his clothes and bedding from the dryer, they're not there. He's panicking slightly and mentions it to the front desk before heading back to his room. The next day he goes down to the washing room where all his clothes are followed by a note that says: 'I'm sorry I took your clothes' He bags his clothes up and takes them to his room where he discovers they have a faint alpha scent to them that instantly calms him down.
H and L are best friends (mutual crushing involved). When L finds out that H is gonna spend New Years Eve alone, he suggests throwing a party with their friends (OT5). Then half an hour or so before midnight, L pulls Ni to the side and mentions wanting to kiss H for New Years but not wanting to catch him off guard and Ni goes to talk to H about it before giving Louis a thumbs up. Cue a New Years Kiss and a 'I've been wanting to do that for ages' 'I wouldn't have stopped you'
Harry calls Louis when drunk and starts complaining about his latest date. Louis is half paying attention when Harry goes 'you would've been nice to me'
harry walking by himself through a winter wonderland and childhood friend/crush Louis asking to join him partway through
Harry trying to sign something/write something and his hair getting in his face. Without even stopping in conversation, Louis just stands up and ties Harry's hair into a bun and then places a kiss on his head or just them being domestic husbands
canon ot5 - song writing. either h or l wrote a love song (not together yet) and is singing it to show the band and it either clicks for the other one that it's about them or they ask what its about, cue singing person walking out (too many emotions), and then realization
At the start (X-Factor and start of UAN era), Louis and Harry were just really good friends and sort of "played into" the whole dating thing. Until one of them realised it wasn't fake for them anymore (they were domestic or something)
When Harry is worried, he tends to overwork and stay up way too late. If this happens, Louis grabs his softest blanket (could potentially be omegaverse), goes to where Harry is and wraps Harry up in it, picks him up and takes him to their bed where he holds him until he sleeps
based on 'Make You Feel My Love' by Adele - Harry and Louis have broken up, and Harry's been feeling 'fine' about it until one night he goes to do a domestic thing and goes to talk to Louis whilst doing it. This causes him to break down and call Louis (maybe quote some lines from the song)
"I love you" "Harry, I swear to god you better not be talking to the cat again."
I will keep updating this list as I find more prompts I've come up with 🥰
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goodlucktai · 7 years
introductory course
recently i asked u guys which tmnt series i should work on next, and the answer i received was largely a toss-up between the mummy au and this one. i wrote a little something for the mummy, and now i offer you this for the ghost hunters, because i am on a slow roll
the rest of Give Up the Ghost is here
"wait, where’s woody? he’s an important and well-loved character,” said no one, “surely he’s going to play a part in this au!”
and they were absolutely right
A knock on the door is an uncommon occurrence, and very rarely good news. It echoes through the warehouse-like meeting place of the two-man club, and Mikey puts down his radio to look at Leo, who sits across the table cleaning ash off the nicer of their two cameras, in consternation.
"We already paid the fee this month, didn't we?" Mikey asks, standing slowly. "And there hasn't been any property damage in weeks. We've been super under-radar, right?"
"Don't borrow trouble," Leo says calmly, gesturing for the door. "It could just be someone who got lost."
Mikey doubts that. The student committee tucked their club in the farthest corner of campus, making them all but inaccessible to anyone who wasn't up for a half-mile hike uphill from everything else.
The knock comes again, a little hesitant this time, and Mikey hops up the steps to the door and calls, "It opens out, hang back a bit."
"Oh! Gotcha!" an unfamiliar voice says, and Mikey shoves open the ancient door with curiosity well in the front of his mind.
He's met with smiling amber eyes and a grin to match them, all but buried under a mop of tumbled yellow curls. The friendly-faced young man looks about his age and several inches taller, thin and long-limbed the way Donnie used to be.
"Hey," he says, offering a hand. "I'm Woodrow, but you can call me Woody."
"Michelangelo," Mikey replies, warming to the other man already as he shakes his hand, "and any shorter variation is fine by me. So what are you doing way out here? You're not lost, are you?"
"Man, I hope not. This is the paranormal society, right? I couldn't find your membership application online, so I thought I'd drop by for a copy. It took me almost an hour to find this place. You're a pretty well-kept secret, huh?"
Mikey does his best not to look as stupefied as he feels.
"Uh," he says eloquently, "wait a sec. You want to join the club?"
"Definitely," Woody replies. "We had a similar club at my old school, but it was mostly just watching horror movies and looking up spooky EVPs on Youtube, y'know? I mean, it was fun, but - not really what I was going for."
Standing back to let him in, Mikey says, "So you just transferred here?"
"Sure did. I live with my uncle. We moved from Manhattan to be closer to his sister and her kids. She's going through an ugly divorce and she could use the extra help." Woody smiles at Leo, lifting a hand in greeting and trading introductions before he goes on. "I was going to a Visual Arts school before, but the admissions counselor told me my credits would transfer no problem, so I could finish my film degree here. Tuition is way cheaper, so I'm down with that."
He looks around their club room as he talks. Mikey can't help waiting for condescension or the always-fun, super-incredulous "are you guys for real?" but it never comes. Woody's face stays open and eager, eyes catching on the equipment on their listing table the way of a sticky-fingered kid in a candy store.
Mikey likes this guy.
"We'd be happy to have you, obviously," he says, and laughs when Woody's face lights up. "What, you were worried?"
"Well, a little!" Woody drops his bookbag on a chair and runs a hand through his hair, relieved enough now that he must have been nervous. "I mean, I'll be real, I got a few chuckles when I asked around about you guys. And half the people I talked to didn't even know there was a paranormal society here. Maybe if that's all I had to go on, I'd be a little iffy."
He smiles, and points at Mikey.
"But I found a subforum online, local ghost stuff. People with the same problem all saying the same thing. Some scrawny college kid showed up and helped them, and left without leaving a name. But this city isn't that big, y'know, and there aren't a lot of dudes that look like you and do what you do. You weren't hard to find."
Leo is smiling, a soft, full thing he directs at his hands, probably rightly guessing that Mikey wouldn’t fully appreciate it at the moment.
"A forum?" Mikey says weakly. "Are you serious?"
"As a heart attack." Woody looks fond, somehow, for all that they only met about a minute ago. "So, sure, you might be a bit of a joke around campus, and it looks like you get, like, negative funding, but - " He shoves his hands into his pockets, and shrugs, and says around a grin, "You're the real deal. How many people can say that?"
Mikey sinks into his chair, and promptly buries his face in the scorched tabletop.
"So is there a membership fee?" Woody asks cheerfully, somewhere above his head.
"Nothing like that," Leo replies, sounding amused. "We'll get you a club shirt if you're interested, and add you to the official roster online. Meetings are daily, but there's no attendance requirement. We're actually going to check out a possible passive haunting next weekend, which is plenty of time to get you familiar with all the equipment."
"Nice. I have a Canon at home that I would swear by. Want me to bring it in?"
"Not if you're that attached to it," Mikey interjects without lifting his head. "We lose a lot of gear."
"Duly noted," Woody says, dropping into the chair next to his. "Is it dangerous?"
"It can be," Leo says honestly, "but we're always careful. And Mike usually takes the risky jobs by himself without telling me, because he's the worst club president in the entire world."
"Ouch?" Mikey sits up to look at him, wounded. "Tell me how you really feel, Leo."
Ignoring him, Mikey's best friend goes on without missing a beat. "Fifty percent of our time is going to be spent either corralling him or running damage control when his brother finds out what we've been doing with our free time."
Woody grins. "Protective, huh?"
"Almost to a fault," Leo says dryly. "But you probably won't see him much, so I wouldn't worry about it."
Considering he died a year ago, neither Leo or Mikey add aloud.
"I do a lot of babysitting for my aunt, so I think I'm probably overqualified to keep an eye on Mikester, here." Mikey squawks in indignation and Leo chokes on a laugh, and Woody pushes his sleeves up, reaching across the table for one of the battered cameras. "Mind if I help with some of these?"
It takes two days and most of a third afternoon for Woody to become a regular fixture in Mikey's life. He's hard-working and immensely likable, and ignores Raph's bark and bluster when he comes around with an unflappable ease that blows Mikey's mind.
It takes three months after that for Mikey to work up the courage to introduce him to his always-absent brother. Woody doesn't move for several minutes and when he does, for some reason, it's only to stand and pull Mikey into a hug.
Within a year, Woody is as comfortable with cramming into Mikey's wheezing double-bed as Leo is. His arm is warm across Mikey's waist, his heartbeat is familiar, and Donnie watches over them with a fond smile as they sleep.
And Woody laughs one day, bright and uncontrived, as they wait outside a burning shack for Leo to bring around Mikey's Jeep. They're covered in dirt and soot and some sort of clear, ectoplasmic slime that is a very new development and one Mikey doesn't want to think about for too long until he's had a very hot shower, and Woody slings an arm around Mikey's shoulders. 
"Man,” he says, “I'm glad I’m here."
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