#it's her right to have all flowers from all realms dang it!
kuroarimiyazaki · 2 years
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The flower collection side quest is so important! I just want Freya to be happy :')
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big-nerd-boi · 9 months
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A sneak peak of a part of my very own storyline/ au/ fanfic or something- I don’t know guys I’m just here for monkeys.
But I do have a name for it!
Kill the crown.
Pretty cool right? I think so-
Okay basic run down!
At the end of
“the journey to the west”
Which I have not read yet so bear with me on this canon divergence— Wukong goes to the jade emperor to have his crown removed. JE decides that no, Wukong is too unruly and dangerous to keep around; unfortunately killing him is out of his options because Wukong is effectively completely immortal now, so instead— JE recites a variation of the crown’s spell and effectively puts Wukong into a coma cannot wake himself up from.
From there, Wukong is thrown back onto flower fruit mountain ( the art is of Wukong in his coma) and left to rot. Neither his brothers nor master know where he is, so they wait… and wait- until they continue with their own lives.
Eventually heaven is taken over by someone else, the jade emperor destroyed by a creature only known by the veiled emperor.
No one knows their face, their real name, or the extend of their powers. Only that they’ve laid siege on the celestial realm, destroying anyone who stands in their way.
Fifty earthly years pass, parts of China are now controlled by the veiled emperor as well- and said power is creeping along, covering more and more kingdoms.
Humans and demons alike of course fight back, warring against the celestial realm.
One free kingdom is The Kingdom of the Eastern Sun. Ruled by a demonic king, and his empress… the stone ape, the long armed gibbon, Min-Yáng. Together she and Bojing ( her husband ) have four children.
The main of which is the second oldest, Ming-Yue/ Yue for short. Over the years, there have been rumors of Monkey King’s staff being hidden among the earth- and she was fascinated by it.
She was even more intrigued when a general spoke about finding what they thought to be said staff, requesting her parents for an expedition group.
Heng, Min-Yáng’s sworn brother and the stone baboon, offered to join this party. Yue snuck out, hiding away to join the crew. No one was any wiser until it was too late to bring her back.
Finding the staff is the catalyst, even more so when Yue plucks it from the crater it had formed when falling from heaven.
From then on, she and her uncle Heng are hunted by misguided ( if not outright forced ) celestial soldiers, even other demons! All of them wanting the staff to give to the new emperor.
There is only one person still on the mortal plane that can help, the legendary monkey king. But only one of equal power and strength can awaken him from the crown’s curse.
Someone that had been dead for decades, the last monkey born from stone… the six eared macaque: Luhan.
And that’s a quick summary of Kill The Crown so far!
Of course there’s so many more characters and details I’m skipping over like Yue’s siblings, Guanyin’s role, and so much more!! But dang I’m so excited to share this story with everybody! Of course, soon to come is art of everybody once I format it all to Tumblr. But if you’re too impatient- my insta has quite a bit of kill the crown art!
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harunayuuka2060 · 3 years
Imagine, one of the brothers said will marry Onee-san when they grew up. How is her reaction and who will said that ? 😏
Asmo: Guys~! I found our old album~!
Satan: Old album? You mean the photos there would be the ones when you were still angels and living in Celestial Realm?
Asmo: That's right~! It's actually from Sister's collection.
Satan: Ah... So Lucifer's memories would be in that too, right?
Asmo: Oh! Come to think of it, I remembered that Lucifer did something embarrassing-
Lucifer: Asmo, Satan.
Asmo and Satan: !!!
Lucifer: Give me that album. NOW.
Asmo: No way! I got sister's approval to look at it!
Lucifer: *tries to get it from him* But my photos are in there and I'm not going to let you see it-
Satan: *stopping him from getting it* What's the harm?
MC: *came back from the attic* Are you three fighting?
Lucifer, Asmo, and Satan: Sister!
MC: This is an old album. Why do you think I would keep something embarrassing in it?
Lucifer: But still...
MC: It's a collection of everyone's baby pics and memories. If one wants to see it, you need to let them.
Lucifer: *pouts*
Satan and Asmo: *snickers*
MC: *randomly opens a page*
"Will you marry me, sister!"
*Lucifer was holding a flower that was much taller than him*
Them: ...
Beel: That is Lucifer, right?
Belphie: Yes.
Mammon: Dang. He's so tiny.
Levi: How old was Lucifer in there, sister?
MC: He was four.
Lucifer: *blushing in embarrassment*
"Eh? You want to marry me?" - MC
"*nods* I love sister! Like this much! *trying his best to stretch his arms wider* " - Lucifer
Asmo: Ah~ So cute!!!
Lucifer: *sulking* Shut up.
"*smiles* But Lucifer, you can't marry me because I'm your sister." - MC
"Huh? *his face saddens* I-I can't? *on the verge of tears*" - Lucifer
Mammon: Hahahaha!
Lucifer: *whacks his head*
Mammon: Ow!
"However, we can make a promise to each other." - MC
"Promise?" - Lucifer
"*nods* Sister will always trust you and be by your side. Against all odds! *tilts her head* Okay? *showing him her pinky*" - MC
"Okay! *intertwined his pinky to hers*" - Lucifer
"And the one who'll break this promise will have to eat a bowl of cheese!" - MC
"Ah! No! Not the cheese!" - Lucifer
The rest of the brothers: *laughs*
MC and Lucifer: *fell silent*
Asmo: Sister? What's wrong?
MC and Lucifer: *both stood up*
Their brothers: ???
MC: Lucifer, it looks like we both broke our promise.
Lucifer: Yes, sister.
MC: Let's go to the kitchen.
*both left with a serious aura*
Satan: ...
Satan: Are they going to eat a bowl of cheese?
Mammon and the rest: ...
Mammon: We need to see this!
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skellebonez · 3 years
Prompt 69 with Syntax, except he's the one doing the glaring but at who, you decide!
So uh... what would have happened if MK didn’t just run in to get the sign in episode 9? What if, before grabbing it, he heard a certain voice that he recognized and went to investigate? Yeah, consider this an AU. Need a name for this one, I am accruing many now.
You see that death glare means she (he) likes you
This was... not exactly the predicament that Xiaotian expected himself to be in. At all. Not after being chased away from Spider Queen by her spider trio. He had just wanted to get Pigsy’s sign back... and he did! Eventually! 100% A+ marks on that! He just... hadn’t expected to find Macaque there as well.
Or some back with him and another... straggler.
"So... Syntax, was it?" Pigsy said roughly, earning a glower from the spider demon in turn.
They were inside Pigsy’s noodles, away from prying ears but still in their night clothes. Not that they had time to change. Not when Syntax was immediately interrogated and started explaining, and then Xiaotian had tried explaining over him, and then Macaque just. Revealed everything in one sentence. And that lead to a very tense, very uncomfortable explanation of exactly what was going on.
Xiaotian didn’t tell them Macaque was from the shadow play. Or what he did before than. Only that he was someone he knew through Sun Wukong who had tried to teach him before and wasn’t on good terms with his mentor, which wasn’t exactly a lie. And oddly, Macaque didn’t say anything either.
"Care to tell us exactly what the plan was for dealing with this "immense evil power" you were tricked into assisting at the cost of your entire clan's deaths?" Pigsy continued, brandishing his spoon he was using to make an emergency meal at him.
"Pigsy!" Tang chided with an exasperated look. "We don't know if they're dead."
"Could you maybe stop saying dead please?" Xiaotian asked quietly, curled up at a table in a corner away from the others, so quiet that the only person who seemed to have heard him was Macaque.
They wouldn’t be here having this conversation if MK hadn’t heard Macaque yelling in frustration so he supposed that was a slight victory. If Xiaotian was being honest with himself... he probably wouldn’t have told the others anything about what had happened. You can’t exactly hide a suspiciously familiar monkey and a very familiar spider when the three of you crash land on a roof together.
Going to see what was up let him free the immortal from the draining webbing he was tied up in, and had alerted Syntax to their location. If he hadn’t insisted on going back for the sign and that had not lead Syntax after them.. That would not have lead to the Spider Queen almost, almost, agreeing to work with him, and if he hadn’t grabbed the other at the Spider Queen’s insistence maybe...
“We were attempting to rebuild the mech from new years, if you must know,” Syntax answered haughtily. There was a shaking in his hands that no one pointed out, but Xiaotian could tell at least Pigsy and Macaque picked up on it from their expressions, as he did something with the gadget on his arm. Schematics, bright digital holograms, displayed in the air before them. “It would have worked, I’m positive of that! The White Bone Spirit is powerful, but not unbeatable as she is right now. Unfortunately, even if the Monkey Boy-”
“Kid, but if you’re going to call him the wrong name at least call him a man,” Tang said, a slight glower shining through his glasses.
“Monkie KID,” Syntax corrected himself tersely, returning to look at the schematics with a frown. He looked... genuinely upset as he reviewed them. “Even if he hadn’t interfered by coming for the sign my bots stole from you, we wouldn’t have had enough time or material to finish it before she found us out. It was... inevitable that something like this happen if we couldn’t convince our Queen to leave. And we couldn’t.” Syntax reached up, massaging his head as the hologram dissipated. “And we weren’t going to leave her alone. If only Huntsman had started asking questions sooner...”
At the mention of the eldest spider demon Sandy frowned, something deeply sad that Xiaotian couldn’t quite understand or parse from it. But clearly something had happened between them when he went to get the flower for his hiccups. He hadn’t hid their encounter from them, even if he didn’t tell them exactly what happened.
Syntax on the other hand went quiet, the mention of his comrade seeming to be the last thing to make him need to sit down at the counter and hold his head in his hands. “You know... he was annoying. Always trying to one up me, get the approval of our queen over me. But seeing him like that... and Goliath... they didn’t deserve that. He was good at what he did and I never got to tell him I didn’t actually hate him.”
The room went quiet after that. Xiaojiao moved to sit beside Xiaotian, wrapping her am around his shoulder. Tang stayed sat at the counter across from Syntax, watching him from the side with the barest tilt of his head. Sandy sat at a table away from the others, pulling something out his his pocket and cradling it in his hand. Pigsy continued to cook, more focused on it than he had been before.
And Macaque... Macaque stood in the middle of the room and scowled. Probably because he was so drained from the webbing that if he sat down he looked like he would pass out on the spot.
“There is... one good thing,” Xiaotian said after a moment, reaching into his jacket pocket. “Maybe? I-I was kinda distracted by the, you know. Spiders. Macaque screaming he was going to ‘send WBS to a realm even she can’t escape from when he escapes’, but I passed this room full of stuff...”
That got Syntax’s attention. “What room full of stuff?”
“It had the Trigram Furnace in it,” Xiaotian continued. “And a bunch of other stuff. Like this.” He pulled his hand back out and uncurled up on top of the table, letting his prize gently float down. Bright and golden-orange and as vibrant as the day Sandy had picked the whole thing. “I thought since Huntsman tried so hard to steal it from Sandy it might be important?”
“You stole back the Crimson Jimsonweed!?” Syntax yelled, jumping up and using his spider legs to nearly catapult himself in Xiaotian’s direction. “That... that may have been the most dangerous thing you could have done! And... and the smartest!”
“What?” Xiaotian asked deadpan, looking at the spider in confusion.
“The White Bone Spirit needs that flower petal to finish whatever she is making with the furnace!” Syntax continued, now pacing back and forth between the table, a smile slowly forming on his face. “Without it, she can’t finish it properly! She may be able to try, but there is no guarantee it would work, if she takes the chance and it does work than she will be significantly weakened by the lack of a key ingredient! She-she probably doesn’t even realize it is missing yet! YOU!” He pointed a spider leg in Sandy’s direction, making him jump in surprise. “Huntsman said you were knowledgeable of the flower’s properties, and I know there is a way to make it into a non-tea like medicine. Do you know of it?”
“Y-yes!” Sandy said after a moment of surprise. “It’s not hard to make, I could make it with what Pigsy’s got.”
“Good, make it immediately before she realizes,” Syntax continued, smirking. “She needs that petal whole and in tact. If you can break it down and make multiple small doses of medicine out of it-”
“Then she wouldn’t be able to use it because it wouldn’t be enough and what is left would be contaminated by the other ingredients!” Sandy finished, jumping up and rushing to the back of the shop. “PIGSY I’M USING YOUR SUPPLY CABINET!”
“What the hell is happening?” Pigsy asked in confusion, looking around.
“Your Monkey Man accidentally figured out the best way to mess up everything that was being planned,” Macaque said with a smirk, nodding in Xiaotian’s direction. “Gotta say, Kid, I’m impressed.”
“Wait, won’t this WBS person figure out what happened?” Xiaojiao spoke up. “She probably won’t be happy about it, she’d probably going to come after it!”
“....so we leave,” Xiaotian said, looking to everyone. “Maybe not all of us, but some of us should leave the city, stay in the forest or the desert so that if she does come back for it no one else will get hurt. Besides...” he smiled, finally, kind of sheepish. “I, uh.. think we should maybe stop squashing the city when we train. I think the neighbors are starting to get annoyed.“
“I think... that’s an excellent idea,” Pigsy said with a smile, taking his finished soup off the stove. “And you ain’t leavin me behind!”
“Or me!” Tang spoke up, turning in his chair to smile at Xiaotian as well.
“I DON’T KNOW WHAT WE’RE AGREEING TO BUT I’M IN!” Shouted Sandy from the back.
“And you know your girl is not getting left behind!” Xiaojiao laughed, pulling Xiaotian into a proper hug.
“Great, a whole gang,” Macaque said with a sigh, looking to the everyone before smirking in Xiaotian’s direction. “I know you’re not gonna let me just walk away, so I guess I’m stuck with you. But remember how I told you that you couldn't have too many teachers? That offer’s still open.”
“Tomorrow,” Xiaotian said firmly, more serious than his friends had ever probably heard him before. “We can start tomorrow. Real training, no tricks.”
The answer seemed to genuinely shock the immortal monkey, his un-glamored eyes wide in surprise. “Uh... ok. Tomorrow it is. No tricks.”
If everyone was confused by what they meant they didn’t say anything.
Syntax, moved back to the counter, tapping his hands and fingers against it in nervous energy. “I supposed I am stuck with you, after all my Queen said to go with you, and I can give you any information you need. Help with tech. That sort of thing.”
“As long as you don’t steal my dang sign again,” Pigsy scowled, depositing a bowl in front of the spider. He looked at it with suspicion, like he didn’t trust it to not be poisoned, much the way he looked at Pigsy in turn. “Or I’ll be the one squashin ya.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Syntax countered, his bright tone betrayed the severe lack of threat he felt at the other’s words. His glower though...
“Don’t worry about him,” Macaque said with a laugh, gesturing to Syntax. “You see that death glare means he likes you.”
“I DO NOT!” Syntax protested quickly and sharply, turning back and grabbing the bowl of soup and shoving a spoonful of noodles in his mouth before pausing. He said nothing, just looked down at the bowl before proceeding to devour it like a starving man who had been trapped on a desert island for weeks.
And for a moment everything seemed hopeful again.
It was the first time Xiaotian felt like this in a long time. He just didn’t expect it after revealing his secrets and with two of his enemies in the same room.
As they left to get on Sandy’s drone an hour later, full and ready to get more sleep after landing, Xiaotian couldn’t help but notice that Macaque stood father back from everyone else. Masked in shadow at times but still close enough for him to be seen. Syntax, on the other hand, seemed to have situated himself between Pigsy and Tang, talking to the scholar and the chef spiritedly about his recipes and the science of gastronomy (did this guy just know random stuff?). Which was weird, but at least they weren’t fighting.
Things felt... like maybe they could be alright.
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elsanna-shenanigans · 3 years
August Contest Submission #1: Attainable
Words: 701 Setting: Canon Lemon: No CW: None
Elsa’s favorite flower had always been the crocus. 
  Anna did her best to find the most beautiful ones. As princess, she had dominion over all in her realm, and what was more her domain than her very symbol? So she searched, and paid for, and hunted the most lovely flowers in the realm. Then she took her prize and returned to Elsa.
  Each and every time she presented one, they danced their special ritual. First, she would enter the room, arms held behind her back. Then she would kneel in submission to the queen, whereupon Elsa would kiss her gently on the forehead to show approval. That was to be followed with the presentation of the crocus, and the hopeful look. Elsa would then respond with, “Oh, are those for me?” and Anna would laugh and say “Yes silly,” while her heart fluttered. The ritual concluded with Elsa pulling her close and peppering her with kisses and love out of gratitude for the flower.
  Still, Anna could sense the slight disappointment in her sister. Never had there been the perfect crocus to sate her eye for perfection. Never was there a flower that was perfectly crisp, properly colored, and had the pleasing aesthetic shape of a well-grown flower. There was always some failing point.
  It frustrated her at times, it did. Finding the perfect flower was no easy task, and they had gone through countless perfect flowers to no avail. Her frustration then would ebb away, turned into fuel for the search.
  This time, she was determined to find the single most flawless crocus that had dared erupt from the soil. It was currently the flowering time for the Arendellian Crocus, and Anna intended to capitalize on that.
  However, this was a good time of year and an important date that required the best flower that ever sprang from Gaea. For the fact was that Elsa’s birthday and their anniversary was soon upcoming. Anna really wanted to make that day the best birthday-versary ever.
  So, she had to find the perfect crocus.
  Lucky that she had always been a more rough and tumble princess while simultaneously maintaining royal grace. That was important for knowing which flowers were perfect while also having good reason to be off crawling in the fields.
   Finding what she wanted was hard. Especially when sitting in fields of the dang flower she wanted to find the best one of, and even more when she accidentally stepped on the closest candidate she had seen. They all looked so identical! Well, not really. That one had a splotch, and that one was twisted, and that one’s petals were browning at the tip. 
  Aggh! All of these flowers with no answer made her head spin and it was so hot, she could barely tell the differences anymore, so blurred was her sight from searching! In frustration, Anna stomped over to the middle of the field and plucked a random flower.
  She went to throw it before freezing as her eyes processed what she saw before her. Perfectly colored? Check. Unblemished? Check. Even the stem itself was delicate and more like an artist’s rendition of a stem than a true stem.
  In her hand she held the picturesque flower at point of being tossed away. This was followed by clutching the thing tightly to her breast.
  The day of Elsa’s birthday arrived. They celebrated it with cake, and Kristoff, and great fun. Then, on the eve of their anniversary, Anna stood outside Elsa’s room. The golden rays of twilight set her hair alight, and she swallowed nervously prior to her entrance. 
  So, they performed the ritual. Anna’s palms found themselves sweaty as Elsa laid her sweet kiss upon her brow. Then, came the presentation. The perfect crocus. The moment that bore truth.
  “Oh, is… is that for me?”
  Elsa’s breath was momentarily stolen and her eyes widened as she beheld the supernatural beauty before her.
  “Of course! Happy Birthday Els. I love you.” 
  Anna smiled and delicately handed Elsa the crocus before lunging and hugging her after Elsa set the flower down.
They laughed and kissed and hugged, everything right in the world, frozen in a single instance of unadulterated joy.
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leggomylino · 4 years
S&M Act I, Scene I | Windstorm ༄
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Genre: Adventure, Drama, Comedy, Fluff, Angst
Pairing(s): Lee Minho x fem!reader x Kim Seungmin
Au: Wizard of Oz au
Word Count: ~2.6k
Warning(s): Minorly to moderately dark themes of suppression, depression, panic, and insanity. Mentioning of blood, dark magic, violence, and (censored) language. 
A/n: I’m so happy this story is finally coming to light! <3 Thank you to everyone behind the scenes who has supported me on the creation of this series, and to anyone who has ever supported my writing ever. ^^ I hope you enjoy!!! | Inspired by the events of Dorothy Must Die, by Danielle Paige.
Tag List: @hanniiesuckle17​ @distrikt9​ @hanstagrams​ @hyunsunq​ @smolboiseavey​ @jisungsjheekies​ @iluvlix​ @moonlit-han​ @stay-nctzen​ @yangomangos​ @stayndays​ @cotccotc​ @skzctnightnight​ @multi-stan-present​ @dreamy-dreamies​ @yunhoesss​ (Please let me know if you’d like to be added! Comment, ask, or DM me!!!)
ღ S&M M.List | Stray Kids M.List | M.List ღ
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The dreams had been plaguing you for a while now.
“Y/n,” a boy’s voice spoke. “Y/n, always remember, and never forget. You must forgive, and never forget.”
“Remember what?” You’d cry out into the empty space. “Always remember what? What is it I’ve forgotten? Who is it I’m supposed to forgive?”
Alas, the empty space never told you anything. It was just a soft chuckle, the feeling of eyes lovingly watching you from somewhere far away, cloying and envious, and then, in the blink of an eye, it was gone.
~ ♕ ~
The rain pelting against your bedroom window that night had been harsh. You listened to the uproarious melody, now awake, lying in a pool of your own sweat, heart racing, wondering where you had come to and where you’d just been. It was always this way, taking time to cool down from such a feverishly swift and spiraling dream; although you were theoretically standing still in a vacant space, you felt the effects of falling as you arose.
The rain calmed you. Despite its intensity it was the one thing that gave you peace, something mentally stabilizing to cling onto and give full focus to as the echoes of a dream deferred vanished into the far recesses of your mind, where they’d be all but forgotten until the next evening. You didn’t know what you’d do when the stormy season was over-- it had already been unusual to have such a large mass of wacky weather one after the other this time of year-- and sure a ferrying rain shower or two was normal-- but you’d grown accustomed to running to the storm’s ferocity for guidance, a child’s blanket, a figurative teddy bear that you could squeeze against your thoughts when escaping the dream realm. The heavy downpour washed all of your fears and anxiety away. What would you do when it was all over, and Fall returned?
It had been so odd; with all the rain and fluctuating humidity, the flowers and Spring-Summer crops were in full bloom. You’d never experienced seasonal allergies in the Fall until now. Neither had your best friend, Hyunjin, and...speaking of… 
You hadn’t realized it was morning until Hyunjin came bursting into your room with one of your uncle’s chickens in his arm. It was still raining, hard, the droplets sounding like tiny fists pounding to come inside. Doubtful to let up anytime soon. “Y/n! Are you still auditioning for the role of Sleeping Beauty up here? ‘Cause I’m pretty sure Mia Harper’s got it covered, and Aunt Em’s gonna slide me your stack of pancakes in the next ten minutes if you don’t get your share of the chores done.”
A yawn escaped you. Hyunjin and his sidekick Kkami had been coming over to assist in your busy-hermit lifestyle ever since you could remember. He was your neighbor, after all, but...more on that later. The moment Hyunjin’s words soared beneath the backlash of bad weather, you’d completely forgotten what it was you’d just been thinking about, before the rain, what it was you’d dreamed. (Ever ironic how the dream had instructed you to remember, and yet, here you were, doomed to forget.) “Yeah, okay…” You yawned, stretching and easing yourself into the usual morning (sometimes afternoon) routine. You glanced at the chicken in his arms, and his subtle goofy smile in the doorway. “Is this your way of saying you’d rather have Pluckers as your lab partner instead of me?”
He shifted his eyes thoughtfully to Pluckers, watching him twitch and litter feathers like drops of rain before giving you his answer. ��...I mean, that’s not a bad idea, actually. Have you even started your half of the worksheet yet?”
Ugh. Always about school. You wanted to tell him yes, but in all honesty you’d been spending your free time and late nights with your nose lodged between Harry Potter pages or your eyes plugged and gasping over YouTube storytimes. So you clamped your mouth shut.
And now, the backstory: Hyunjin had been your best friend for years. The two of you grew up next door to each other, which for country living was pretty dang far; having someone as your neighbor here was the same thing as having them live down the block. You’d never known your parents; you were adopted at a young age by your Aunt Em and Uncle Henry, who weren’t biologically related to you in any sense and just as good as any biological pair of adults. The details surrounding your DNA relatives-- and the year you’d come to live here-- were all unknown to you. The only story you’d ever gotten out of Aunt Em was that they’d had you from “knee-high” and that you couldn’t remember because of a nasty fall from one of Uncle Henry’s apple trees; Uncle Henry himself refused to speak of the subject at all, either pretending he needed hearing aids or choosing to run into the next room.
Hyunjin was your only friend in school. You’d never been very good in the communication department; growing up in a small town made your comfort zone the same. But not Hyunjin. He was popular and kind and got along with everyone. He had a gift for catching people’s eyes: every boy envied him, every girl drooled over him, and all your teachers and professors fawned and smiled and patted him on the back, even when he’d blurted out the “dog ate my homework” excuse in eighth grade and you proudly stood up and announced that he didn’t have a dog, disregarding Kkami, just for the amusement of finally seeing him choke and get scolded for once in his life. Instead you found yourself pouting with the Cone of Shame in silence while Hyunjin outrageously was given a star on the Good Noodle chart. It’d been the one moment to ruin your friendship for the remainder of class...until he gave you his Free Ice Cream ticket for PeachyKeen’s ice cream parlor downtown. Then, you were okay.
Even now, in your town’s small local college, he was applauded by all. The only person you’d ever seen frown his way was Uncle Henry, who often argued that a boy of his age shouldn’t be barging into a young lady’s room anymore. But Aunt Em always shrugged him off, quoting her famous “times change” saying and shoved a slice of pie before him, and he was back to watching TV.
A flash of lighting lit up the dim clouded sky, followed by the roar of thunder, and with a panicked squawk Pluckers shot out of Hyunjin’s arms, leaving a trail of feathers to follow down the hall. With a nervous look the two of you exchanged a nod before Hyun gave chase, closing the door behind him, and you got right to work getting ready for the day. It was Saturday, meaning no school, however there was still plenty of farmwork to do and the crops in the field weren’t going to protect themselves. Not from yesterday’s shower, and not from today’s.
You hustled downstairs with toothbrush hanging from your lips, dawned in your favorite plaid skirt and lime-green raincoat, the one with the little frog face over the left breast. Ruffling Kkami awake, Hyunjin’s “beloved baby,” you tossed her a treat from the clay jar you and Hyunjin had made together for her in sixth grade art, spinning and spitting in the kitchen sink. 
Aunt Em gave you a nervous look as you tossed the brush in the dishwasher and started aggressively inhaling cinnamon apple pancakes like a beloved Nintendo character. “...And how is my favorite girl this afternoon?” She asked. Her whimsical tone made your neck blush. 
“Sorry, I stayed up late studying again.”
“Studying the wizarding world of Hogwarts, you mean?”
You smiled apple bits and maple syrup, and she laughed, waving a dish towel at you and squinting the other way. “Keep your mouth closed until you're done. Didn’t I teach you better manners than that?”
“I dunno, did you?”
Her eyes bore into yours in warning and you laughed harder, nearly choking on the last bite of spiced apple goodness. Aunt Em sighed, shaking her head while wiping her hands clean. “I suppose I walked right into that one.” She nodded toward the side door, leading to the barn. “Hurry before the storm picks up. It’s gonna be another bad one, they say, so if the wind picks up anymore or it starts hailing or God forbid you see a giant funnel in the sky, I want the two of you right back inside, you hear?”
“Funnel cake?!” Uncle Henry called. He was glued to his usual pleather chair when he wasn’t out tending to the garden or the farm animals or fixing a leaky faucet. He was also in need of a hearing aid; working eight hours a day around screeching metals and brazen farm animals had left his eardrums in shambles. Aunt Em rolled her eyes, cupping her hands around her mouth. 
“Not cake, I’m talking about the weather!”
“It’s raining cake?!?”
She groaned, earning a chuckle from the two of you. It was cut short when Hyunjin came stumbling past, spitting out feathers and just in arms reach of a couple hens, Pluckers in the lead, signaling that brunch was over. “Thanks for the meal!” you said, shoving the plate forward. 
“Be careful!” Em’s voice bridged across the living room. “You two look out for one another! And hurry!”
“We will!” You shouted back. The sound of the door clicking shut was barely audible beneath the heavy thunks of raindrops slamming against the tin roof as the two (five?) of you ventured out into the stormy play. 
You wished then you would have taken just the sliver of a moment to look back.
~ ♕ ~
You’d never seen a flourishing of colors much like the one taking place outside. Turnips turning upwards, tulips banging heads, carrots and corn stalks exchanging blows before ending up on opposite sides of the field. Sunflowers having the sun beat out of them. It was something out of the rising action of a thriller movie. You’d seen similar scenes in nearly half the Harry Potter movies; the only thing missing were wizards and wands and perhaps a giant dragon.
“You round up Maribelle!” Hyunjin yelled over the storm. His arms were spread wide as he squinted and squatted through the blinding rain, ushering the rest of the chickens and hens inside the barn. “I’ll get the horses next!”
Nodding you ran through sloshing mud puddles and drowning fields of grain towards the feeding pasture, where dear old Maribelle the could be found, often grazing on weeds or spreading out for an afternoon sunbath. The lone cow of SunnySkies pastures for fifteen years, and the first to join the farm. Instead you found her darting bug eyes around wildly, her knobby limbs quivering beneath a willow tree that provided little protection, the willows only adding to the streams of precipitation pouring over her stiff brown fur. She gave you a frantic moo and bobbed her head in relief to see you. 
“There, there,” you soothed, whipping the grass and water from her eyes. “Quickly now, let’s get you into the barn before this picks up anymore.”
She moo-ed again, lower this time, giving you an argueless agreement.
You sledged hard against the rising winds, the blades of greenery that cut surprisingly sharp like razor blades, leaving a small mark upon your cheek. You winced, annoyed at the slight sting, the small drops of crimson that came up against your fingertips only to be washed away just as quickly. It began to rain harder, faster, the wind practically howling in your ears. The faint sounds of a freight train or some sort of heavy machinery filled the distance.
“Let’s hurry, now,” you encouraged your steed, pulling her along beside you. She was reluctant to move, frightened by the spiraling commotion around her. It didn’t help when something snapped beneath your feet, a twig, maybe, or some glass. As if on cue the willow tree came crashing down with a thud. 
You braced yourself, sucking in a sharp breath; you needed to get inside; but Maribelle had other plans. Startled, she ran a wayward direction, disappearing in the fog that was beginning to settle over the pasture. “Mari--!” you began to call, taking two steps forward-- ‘til the cries of another all but took your breath away, making you forget about Maribelle, making you forget about everything.
You stood, jaw slacked, slit-eyed, watching Hyunjin blow away. He wiggled in the fierce storm breeze like a flag pitched on the roof. “Y/N!!!” He screamed, clinging to the roof’s edge for dear life. “Y/N, GET INSIDE!!! CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT!!!”
“HYUNJIN!” You bleated back. “HYUNJIN, HANG ON!!! I’M COMING!!!”
“NO, IT’S TOO DANGEROUS, GO-- AHHH!” He shrieked and ducked his head beneath a flying branch. “...GO INSIDE!!! CALL THE PRESIDENT!!!”
“I’m not calling the President,” you huffed, fighting your way across sideways weather and flyaway hairs to latch yourself onto the barn ladder. Of all the times to crack jokes, only Hyunjin would choose a raging level eight storm. “Hang on I’m coming…!”
...Your voice trailed off as your head listed aside, something bouncing in the corner of your eye. There, rounding the side of the barnhouse, was Kkami, frolicking like a happy-go-lucky lamb to Hyunjin’s side.
“Arf! Rwarf!”
Your blood went cold. If Hyunjin caught wind of Kkami, it was all over. “Kkami!” you hissed, or at least tried to over the roaring ninety-miles-per-hour winds. “Go back inside! Go! Shoo!”
Ushering Kkami with a branch at least beneath the safety of the barn roof, you hustled back to the side of the building. The rain made it slick and hard to hold onto, but you scaled the side of the barnhouse as fast as possible, avoiding loose vegetation and swatting at leaves and smaller branches and once a lemon wedge that the storm must have torn in two somehow, crawling up loose shingles and various askew obstacles and then...then…
This was the hardest part to remember, a part you wish you didn’t have to remember. Face wet, hair whipping in the tempest breeze, you reached for Hyun’s hand, kneeling, pleading, focusing thoughts on hot cocoa and warm lemon pie inside, an Aunt Em specialty. The reality you were so certain in. A reality that would never come.
Your hands met, fingers touched, smiles of relief shared. But it only lasted a moment before the rainstorm ripped him away, your cries drowning in the funnel that appeared in the sky...or at least that’s how you wished to remember it: in reality there was a soft, whimpering arf!, followed by your best friend’s gasp as he relinquished your grasp to adhere himself to the skies after Kkami, now paddling against the storm’s current, cries of “My baby!” and anguished “AAAAH”s lost on the wind. 
And you could only watch him go, just seeing him manage to latch onto his beloved pet of nine-odd years before disappearing from sight, sucked into the giant magnetizing center of it all you’d completely failed to notice, the last thing from his lips a cry to your name. It’d appeared out of nowhere, substantial and vigorous. Pulling into the station, the train had arrived, uprooting and tearing apart everything in its path. A giant, swirling cloud of gray and gravel and doom.
Oddly enough, in that paralyzing moment, something clicked in the back of your mind: a cursory afterthought at the eye of the storm. 
“Always remember, and never forget. You must forgive, and never forget.”
You stared into the eye harder.
“Come home, Y/n. Come home.”
“Y/N!!!” Aunt Em’s frantic voice screeched below. “Y/N, HYUNJIN!!! Y/N?!?”
You couldn’t look. Couldn’t move. Horror froze you to the barn, eyes locked on the exact spot you last saw Hyunjin disappear, the trance calling you deeper and deeper into a strange petrifying submission, until the tornado whorled to your doorstep and swept you away; the pasture, the barn, your home. Everything.
༻✦༺ ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺ ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
ღ S&M M.List | Stray Kids M.List | M.List ღ 
Smoke & Mirrors. Copyright © 2020 - 2021 poeticallyspaghetti.tumblr.com. Unauthorized use or reproduction of works is expressly prohibited. Do not repost, plagiarize, claim as your own, or translate my works. Thank you. <3
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halfwayinlight · 4 years
Paton and Belle finally get that real first date.
dang… I had NO IDEA it would end up being this long…
Paton Rumfield would be lying if he didn’t admit to himself that he had been a little nervous about tonight. He reminded himself more than once that the last time they were together just a week and a half ago in Chicago, Belle had kissed him. During the last days in between getting Bae settled back into something like a routine, calls with his lawyer about Milah’s case and his pending petition for full custody of his son, he had read up more on Belle’s role as Director of Community outreach for the Knights. It was impressive.
She seemed quieter tonight, although to be fair she was usually directing a gaggle of young children when he was around her. He assumed it meant she was nervous, too.
As they took the last steps to the roof area of the restaurant, he hoped that it would help to be settled into their table. Their hostess was discreet in ushering them to a table for two. The rest of the roof area would remain solely theirs until they were finished tonight. Two glasses of ice water were waiting, along with the informal arrangement of pink tulips. He hoped she enjoyed the bistro.
Stepping forward, he pulled out the chair for Belle and gave her a moment to scoot forward a bit before he moved to his seat. “Would you like wine or something else to drink?”
She bit her bottom lip, clearly in thought for a long moment while she reached out and let her fingers brush over the petals of a nearby tulip. “I think I’ll stick with water for now.”
With that, the hostess left them to enjoy their seats and the view of the sun just starting to set over the skyline.
Paton took his napkin and settled it in his lap before scooting a little closer to the table. Deftly he unbutton his shirt sleeves and began rolling each shirt to mid-arm length. It wasn’t particularly warm, Belle herself had brought a light jacket, but he was suddenly conscious of the formality of the moment. The ‘official-ness’ of this first true date. “Will it bother you if I drink?”
Her head shook slightly. “No, it’s not that. I don’t have a problem with people drinking, I simply never cared to do much of it myself. Sometimes on holidays… But, ah, it doesn’t mix with my pain medication if I need to take it later.”
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking when I chose upstairs.” He grimaced, and wondered if there was, perhaps, a lift somewhere that they could take to go back down. He didn’t think so.
“It’s okay,” she reassured him with a soft smile. “Today has been a good day for my knee, overall. I was in my office most of the day with Paige working on plans for helping with the Special Olympics in a few weeks. So I was sitting a lot today.” She was still fiddling with the flowers, seemingly fascinated with the petals and texture.
Paton took a slow sip of his water and let himself settle a bit more into his chair. “Do you mind me asking what’s caused your knee to bother you so much?”
A rueful smile crossed her lips. “I was a catcher for most of my years playing softball. It’s murder on knees. It’s… not a pretty story to tell.”
“Still…” he trailed off, curious to see if she was going to share or if he hadn’t earned that right, yet.
“I’ve had so many injuries, including one that was caught on tape that I will never be able to bring myself to watch. I don’t remember much about that one except a collision and god-awful sounds and the worst pain I’ve ever been in. At some point I woke up in recovery after a surgery with a nasal cannula and days of foggy pain. That was my sophomore year of high school, well the spring part in play offs for state. It’s never been the same since… a few more injuries in college, enough that I didn’t get to try out for the Olympics. It’s gotten worse this spring, though. One wrong move during a workout… My orthopedic specialist has been after me for months to consider a new technique, but it means surgery, so I wanted to ride out the season with Step Up to the Plate.”
The silence that stretched out was surprising. Deep blue eyes lifted from the flowers to meet Paton’s. She looked a little surprised. “This… probably wasn’t the type of conversation you were expecting.” It sounded like an apology.
His mouth quirked into a half smile. “I think it’s safe to say that you have not been at all what I was expecting from the first day I met you.  I have yet to be disappointed about that.”
“Maybe a little disappointed when Bae had a black eye.”
“For half a moment,” he conceded. “But then disappointed later that I couldn’t stay angry with you because you handled an angry parent so well. I had in mind to call up your supervisor and give them a piece of my mind.” It made her blush, something that had happened several times already tonight. Paton found it rather endearing.
She smiled a little at that. “Until you realized I was the supervisor.”
“Something like that.” Before he could comment further, their waiter was emerging with a small salad and crab cakes for both of them.
They tucked into their food, which broke seemed to make both of them feel a little better. Belle finally took a sip of her water and continued. “Anyway, Graham and my father have both been dropping subtle and not-so-subtle hints that they want me to go through the surgery.”
“What do you think about that?” It was clear from her long pause before answering that it had been a while since someone had asked her about her thoughts. He made a mental note to do that more often.
She mulled over the question, chewing thoughtfully but the quiet was more relaxed now. Nearly halfway through, she took a long drink of her water before answering. “It’s hard… knowing how long recovery might take. The physical therapy I’ll have to deal with… But it’s not getting better, either. It’s more or less a knee replacement. And since I’m younger, it could mean another knee replacement eventually.”
Paton didn’t often feel out of his depth, but he was in this realm. He’d enjoyed pickup games of football, or rather soccer, and rugby as a boy. Sometimes even a game of cricket. Although he’d been better at football. But he’d never played at the level she had.
“Okay, your turn,” her sudden comment brought him from his reverie. “What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?” Belle took a bite of her salad and watched him expectantly.
He dabbed his mouth before answering. “Cracked ribs and, bruises, and a broken wrist in something like year nine of school.” Her surprised was evident as he shifted in his seat. “It was a rough neighborhood. My mum was scraping by, and I think your term ‘jumped’ best describes it. That, more than anything, showed me how important it was to get out. To go the places my mum hoped I would. She cleaned homes and took in all sorts of mending and other work to keep us going.” He knew that Belle was sharp enough to notice he hadn’t mentioned his father, but he was glad they weren’t tackling that subject just now.
“It must’ve been hard.”
He nodded, “It took me a while to appreciate all of that. And I wasn’t the nicest person back then. Let’s say no one beat me up again after that.” Paton winced a little, knowing his choices when he was younger were certainly not ones he wanted Bae to repeat.
The rest of the meal eased into more relaxed conversation as they enjoyed their coq a vin and the sunset. As much as he was coming to like her, and possibly more that he wasn’t quite ready to admit to himself, Paton was surprised to find they had a few more things in common including a love of brunch, crème brulee, and the stars.
As they sipped coffee and watched the sky darken a touch more, Belle gave a contented sigh. “I wish we could see the stars better in the city.”
He swallowed a bite of dessert and cleared his throat. “We could drive outside the city and watch them. I, ah, didn’t bring a blanket this time, but we could still enjoy it if you like.” Paton couldn’t help but squirm a little, hoping she didn’t misunderstand him or think he was trying to lure her to some tawdry make-out point. Not that he didn’t want to kiss her. Because that had been an extremely pleasant surprise…
“Hhm?” He blinked and she came into focus, chuckling a little.
“I said that could be nice.” Belle took one last sip of the water and set her napkin beside her plate. “No rush,” she added.
He took the moment to take a final drink of his coffee and then stood. “Don’t forget your flowers.”
Her eyebrows lifted in surprise. “I thought those were…”
“For you,” Paton assured, lifting the small arrangement, clear vase and all. He offered his free hand to help her to her feet and stepped back to allow her a moment to collect her things. As the approached the door and the stairs down to the foyer, he offered his arm. “Next time I’ll be sure there’s a lift.”
Belle wrapped one hand around his upper arm and the other went to the handrail. “As long as we take our time, I’ll be fine,” she promised.  Their descent was slower, but he let her set the pace, pausing when she did as though nothing was out of the ordinary about it. He wished he could make it magically better.
  She was glad she had her jacket. The night air coming in through the moon roof was cool, but Belle was not willing to say anything. The stars were so bright out here in a vacant lot on a back road outside of town. It was a breath of fresh air in every way, and Belle relaxed further into the reclined passenger’s seat.
“There’s the Big Dipper,” Paton murmured, pointing lazily above him from his spot reclined beside her. “Next time I’ll think to bring some blankets and the telescope.”
“You have a telescope?” she asked in surprise, twisting slightly to regard him, although she could barely make out his profile.
“Mhmmm, I want to get a better one when Bae is older, but it serves its purpose for now.”
“I had one when I was younger. We didn’t bring it when we moved from the west coast, and I think by then I was so busy with softball that I kind of … lost track of the idea of getting a new one. Sometimes when I was having a bad day in college Graham would take me down a dirt road, and we would go watch the stars… I dunno… things… just make more sense out here like this. Our… smallness. How big earth is. That it keeps going on and on despite us…”
“Graham seems very protective of you.” The words were neutral, but Belle caught the curiosity behind them.
She smiled a little in the darkness. “He’s the big brother I never had. And he’s been in love with Ruby for years. She’s too wild to see what she’s looking for is right in front of her. And he’s too far gone to look for anyone else.” It was a little amusing that Paton would wonder about her and Graham. “He’s also the best trainer we’ve ever had. And he’s one of the few people I’m willing to let near my knee when it’s bad.”
Somewhere in the distance the tree frogs were singing their night song. And occasionally Belle caught sight of a distant lightening bug. Her eyes scanned the sky again. “There’s Andromeda… it was one of my favorite stories as a girl.”
“The sacrifice given to the gods, rescued and made queen,” he mused quietly.
“I’ve always loved a good princess and dragon story.”
“Beauty and the beast,” Paton teased lightly.
“Yes,” she admitted. “I loved archetypes and theme. I almost majored in English or in Library Science.” She bit back a sigh. “Sometimes I think about going back and getting a second degree.”
“What stopped you?”
Belle went silent for several long moments. She’d never really fleshed it out. “There aren’t many jobs in libraries… and I have a lot of privilege because of my father and his money. It seemed… a little selfish to take a job I didn’t really need. If I could’ve landed one.”
“Any library would be proud to have you.”
“Business Management with a minor in non-profit seemed like something I could do to return a lot of … good back to the community. And once I found my niche, I do enjoy it.”
“There’s always time,” he added quietly. “If you really wanted to go back, the door is always open.”
She gave a murmur of agreement before feeling around a bit on the console. It was so dark out here, and she almost considered turning on her phone’s screen for some extra light, but she didn’t want to break the darkness. There was something intimate and more private about it. Her fingers finally found his, and she gave a soft squeeze. “Thank you. Tonight was wonderful.”
He gently brought her fingers to his lips, and she shivered feeling his warm breath against them before his lips brushed them lightly. “You’re welcome… and you’re cold. Shall we head back?”
“Can we stay just a bit longer?” she asked.
He reached over and turned on the car but left it in park and adjusted the settings so that warm air began blowing from the vents. “Of course.”
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moonlightreal · 5 years
Winx Club  Season 8/18
You’re right, all the episodes were gone from Raiplay!  Dang, now I wish I’d watched til the end when they were all up.  This was the last episode I have; now we’ll have to wait until the next batch drops on @winxclubcomics. Go send her a nice note wouldya?  She is a true load-bearing member of this fandom.  And I hope her sources deliver the rest of the season soon!
Shameless plug: I also write fiction.  Very long fiction.  If y’all need more Winx while you quarantine, I’ve got a story that’ll probably last you ‘til we can all go out again!
In the meantime...
In which Palladium teaches a spell and some lumens lay down the law.
18 Valley of the Flying Unicorns
Yay flying unicorns!  Bloom seems just as enthused as I am when she voiceovers the title.
In Palladium’s class.  The girls take notes.  Bloom draws a picture of Sky.  Love it when the writers remember that she draws.
Palladium announces they’re going to learn to make a perfect hair and makeup potion! He sounds totally thrilled about it, heh.  Is that how Palladium keeps his hair lookin’ so good?  Is it normal in elf society for dudes to be all about the perfect hair?  Or is there something we should know about our favorite elf?  Well in the comics he has a girlfriend, Athris, so I guess the only canon we have for Palladium in love says he’s straight.
Stella is enthused too, of course.  She squees about how she adores cosmetic potions, and leaps to be Palladium’s assistant for a demonstration.
But these potions are very delicate and require “maximum concentration and minimal excitement.”
Stella deflates. Dang, there could’ve been a callback to season one where we hear Stella blew up the potions lab trying to create a new shade of pink.
Palladium decided Bloom is a better choice for assistant.  But she’s distracted by mopily drawing Sky.  Tecna pokes her and says, “Are you offline?” which I have never heard to mean that but I think it’s great.  Like Tecna’s “achievement unlocked” thing I think Rainbow is trying to get her back to a unique (nerdy) way of speaking.  I kinda would have preferred the real season one’s “I am logical and don’t understand normal stuff” Tec rather than “Nerd is the new cute!” Tec, but either one is an attempt to make her unique, so props to Rainbow!
Bloom mopes. Palladium growls.  Bloom pops up and has no clue what she’s supposed to be doing.  She drops things in the cauldron.
Ingredients: five drops of liquid beauty, three petals of a young lily, and a teaspoonful of lunar essence.  Hmm, so if I were going to make this… the lily petals are easy, and for lunar essence you put a quartz crystal in a bowl of water and leave it in the light of a full moon. The “liquid beauty” is a red liquid in a test tube, so… lemme get Cunningham’s… where the heck is my Cunningham’s?!… well, none of the plants listed under” beauty: to attain” are plants that would create a red liquid.  So I’d use some kind of pomegranate juice drink, because pomegranates are associated with Persephone whose beauty was so great that death himself fell in love with her.
Next Bloom has to visualize the final effect of the spell.  But since Bloom is distracted there’s a poof and then Palladium’s hair is a bird’s nest, with an egg and two parent birds in it!  He is very grumpy, but still cute!  The rest of the class laughs and Bloom apologizes. Stella snarks that her excitement didn’t turn out to be the problem here!
So it’s not a potion for drinking, so you could totally cast this spell.  Just not if you have cats; lilies are toxic to cats so they shouldn’t be in the same house just in case.
Great outdoor shot of Alfea.  In the courtyard the girls ask Bloom what has her so distracted.  It’s Sky, of course it is, he hasn’t been in contact for days!  Bloom knows he’s on a secret mission, but she can’t stop worrying that he’s in danger.  A rather sensible worry with the Trix and Valtor out there.  But Bloom was worried about Sky getting caught by “Eraklyon’s royal condors” which resulted in the bird nest.
Bloom shifts to the next worry: either Sky isn’t able to message, or he’s choosing not to.  Flora rather shallowly tells her not to think about it, but here’s Twinkle to shift the scene by crashing into Bloom!
There’s no trouble, Twinkle just came to visit.  But then the star case appears. “The third prime star waits on Monocerous, not far, look beyond the clouds and higher, you’ll find the trust that you desire.”
Monocerous?!  I- I- That is a dumb name!  Yeah I know it means one-horn, it’s still dumb sounding!
Stella doesn’t know the place, but Twinkle has visited and tells them about the unicorns.  She’ll take them there!
Valtor’s watching.  He sends the Trix out.  Darcy says following the Winx is getting annoying.  Stormy says the riddle was about trust and she trusts—herself!  She wants to go alone!  can’t say I disagree, Stormy, with sisters like yours.
Icy jumps on her about how finding one star doesn’t make her the strongest witch in the magic universe and how SHE’ll get the star just time.  Stormy snarks back.  Lovin’ Stormy this season!  Valtor gets bored with this and snaps at them but he does show off his green star, he’s keeping it in a bubble with a sort of pink thorny vine grown around it.
Cut to winxboarding over a green land of lakes and rainbows and waterfalls, just the kind of place winged unicorns like to live.  This realm also has floating islands, what I think are called “earthmotes” in D&D, they’re a terrain feature I’m fond of.  The girls enjoy boarding.  Twinkle says it’s “starsome” here.”
Tec says she’s read that winged unicorns don’t trust strangers and maybe they should “prepare some kind of speech.”   but Stella and Flora are sure they’ll be fine.
And then Diaspro plummets out of the sky.  Wait, what?  It looks like the same world but clearly not exactly where the Winx are.  Sky is flying with his Specialist suit and Disapro has similar metal wings-- NOT her fairy wings—and she’s flailing around unable to fly straight.  “I hate this flying gizmo!  Sky, can’t you just carry me?” she asks in the most smarmy voice ever.
Sky says that’s not an option, in the most utterly done voice ever.
Why isn’t Disa using her own wings??  Is she for absolute not a fairy since the timeslide??  
Sky says they need to get past the floating rocks to reach the lost locket of Eraklyon, which they’re apparently still looking for.  Was that temple on Monocerous?  Why would the locket be on an uninhabited world that’s so out of the way Stella hadn’t heard of it even though it has unicorns and I’m sure Stella went through a phase when unicorns were the greatest thing ever, since every girl goes through that phase!  I’m not sure I ever left that phase!
We see some flying unicorns, white with wings and colored manes and tails.  I think the sight of them does Sky some good because he questions if they’re really going to find the locket—but Diaspro’s walked away.
Then she… startles a unicorn and it tries to take off but Diaspro floats into the air for no discernible reason and she falls on Sky.  Did her wings malfunction?  Do the unicorns have a flight field around them that she got caught in?  It was a very weird little moment.
Because this is not an anime, she does not land with her boobs on Sky’s face but I’m sure she wishes she had.  Sky gets up, growling, and Disa says, “I can’t imagine what I’d do if I were alone, among such fierce creatures!”
“Yeah.  Very fierce.”  Sky says with all the skepticism we’re all feeling.
He flies off into the sky with Diaspro wobbling after.  He asks Diaspro if she’s sure they’re in the right place.  She unrolls her ‘map’ again—still emojis of her and Sky in a heart!--and says the medallion is on one of the floating rocks.  But there are a lot of them.  Sky suggests splitting the party but Diaspro is too scared.
But they’ve got company!  Unilumens!  With pink hair and unicorn horn headbands. They say the floating rocks are just for unicorns and their friends.
Sky starts to ask about the medallion but Diaspro says, ‘We’re on a special mission for the king of Eraklyon so we can go where we please.”
Disa, these lumens are not Eraklyon subjects…
The lumens attack! Ahahahaha!  Yay unilumens!  They shoot pink blasts and Sky and Diaspro jump into the air to dodge.  Diaspro drops her map, which unrolls on the ground.  Sky sees it!
Sky: “But this is not a real map!  it’s a fake!”
Diaspro; “Um, uh, I, I can explain, well actually...”  she admits she made it up to keep their mission going as long as possible.
Sky yells at her.
Eventually he realizes there is in fact no medallion to find.  Disa admits to this too.
Lumen: “I think she deserves to be punished!  Can we handle this?”  She sounds delightfully eager to lay some karma on Diaspro, it’s a wonderfully delivered line.
But Sky says, “No thanks, lumens.  We’ll just go back home.”  He throws the map at Diaspro’s feet and walks off, leaving the crowd of lumens disappointed.
Diaspro: “Ooooh! My plan has failed!  And it’s all your fault!”
Unilumen kicks the map and sticks her tongue out at Diaspro.  Ahahahahaha!  Love it!
Back with the Winx, more boarding, gotta sell those toys!  They land and watch the three unicorns, but every unicorn they approach flies away.
They’re talking about looking for the prime star when up rumbles… a stampede of unilumens!  
“More uninvited guests!  Are they all coming today?”  Heh.  Unilumen attack!
But Twinkle stops them.  The unilumens recognize her as a fellow lumen and she explains the mission.  Unilumens consult each other and decide to trust the Winx.
Cute scene of everybody sitting on the grass as the unilumens give them flower necklaces.  The head unilumen introduces herself as “Esteria, leader of the Monocerous lumens tribe.”  I would’ve gone with “Epona” because I’ve always liked that name, but Esteria is prettier.
Bloom tells them about the mission, and Esteria says the prime star may be in “the horn” but only the ubnicorns can fly there; a magic barrier blocks anyone else.  Stella despairs.
But Esteria says the unicorns just don’t trust them yet.  She whistles and color-coded unicorns fly down.  Purple, blue, pink, green, more-pink, and yellow.  They’re… boring designs.  Your basic winged unicorn, nothing special.
Esteria says winged unicorns are kind, but they choose who can ride them.  Stella’s keen to give up after just being snubbed by a few unicorns, but Aisha gets her back on target for the mission.
Esteria says they just have to walk slowly through the group and the unicorns will choose them.
Bloom steps on a twig and it scares her unicorn, but they make friends anyway.  The other girls and unicorns pair up in short order.  Aisha is adorably enthusiastic, I knew she’d be the most keen on riding.
Stella is the least interested, which is weird. I’d think she’d love everything about unicorns.  Her unicorn takes a bite out of her skirt and sniggers at her.
Then the unicorns grin in a way unicorns should never do, and their horns light up and the girls get new clothes!  Cowboy wear!  With short layered skirts that are super cute but probably not practical for riding, boots, and cowboy hats.  The unicorns gave themselves hair decorations at the same time, heh.
Esteria confirms that the girls have made another bond, I guess the new clothes are a sign of it.  Could this be a transformation?  Without wings, because a transformation granted by a winged creature wouldn’t need them. We shall call it… Cowboyix!  ...or maybe we won’t.
Everybody mounts up, the unicorns kneel to let them, except for Stella’s who makes her chase it.
Now the unicorns will take them where they want to go… if “he” allows them through.
Everybody’s off! Twinkle stays with the unilumens.
Flying!  Stella’s unicorn bucks her off but then catches her.  Stella screams a lot in general.  Stella really doesn’t like riding, or unicorns.  Do we have any precedent for her not liking horses?  I don’t remember her having any trouble riding Shiny in Tynix form, and they all ride horses in season 4, right..?  It’s been a long time since I’ve seen season 4.  So maybe not being good at riding is a new quirk the riders gave her, or maybe it’s just part of her general Usagi-ish comic relief-ness.
On the other side of wherever, Sky is giving Diaspro some well deserved grief.  Good grief Sky, just haul her home and dump her already.  Diaspro sits and pouts while he rants about how she noticed his fight with his father and sprang the mission knowing Sky wouldn’t check with Erendor since they were on the outs.
Diaspro: “Oh, lay off!  Was it really so terrible to take a tour of the magic universe in my company?”
Sky: “Of course it was terrible!”  Heh.
Sky rants how he hasn’t been home and hasn’t seen Bloom, Disa says if Bloom really cared she’d understand it was an important mission, Sky points out that it was not in fact an important mission.
A scary wind blows! “He” is coming!  Unicorns and unilumens, who were totally watching Sky and Disa fight, flee!
It’s… it’s…
The baddie from the My Little Pony movie?  
(which I haven’t seen since I didn’t get around to getting it out of the library.)
It’s a big black unicorn with a silver horn that’s broken off halfway up.  He rears and trumpets, then dives at the two humans.  Sky drags Diaspro out of the way.  The black unicorn chases them!
Sky leaves Disa on a small floating island and flies off, leading the black unicorn away.  Oh no, he went the wrong way!  Dead end!  The unicorn blasts him with fire from its horn and he falls down, his suit sparking.  No more suit powers!
The unicorn advances menacingly… cliffhanger!
Hmm, this unicorn has fire colored eyes, just like Diaspro’s.  I’m glad we got more from Diaspro this episode, I was so looking forward to seeing more of that “map.”  Hehehe.  
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fanfic-inator795 · 5 years
Sooooooo I’ve been listening to wayyyyy too many Bridezilla/Disaster Wedding Reddit stories so, to remind myself that not all weddings are expensive timebombs: RotTMNT weddings!!!
Warren and Hypno: Admittedly, Warren is a bit of a Groomzilla, though it’s more nerves than anything else and once he and Hypno have a talk and he assures his worm bf that yes this is for real, Warren becomes a lot more tolerable (though still spends an hour making sure his tux and hair are perfect).  Hypno, naturally, makes all the flowers for the wedding himself. They walk down the aisle together, Warren on Hypno’s shoulder and the two of them holding hands (er, finger). It’s a small wedding with really only the ELoM attending, but it’s special nonetheless and they get it on video so they can watch it over and over. Hypno’s vows are so dang sappy and romantic that it takes Warren a few minutes to calm himself down enough to say his own vows. At the reception and after the first dance, Warren sings a love song to Hypno, wanting to give Hypno a little something extra since their dancing is really just Hypno swaying back and forth with Warren in his hands, and Hypno absolutely loves it, practically falling in love with him all over again on the spot.
Lieutenant and Brute: Neither of them were really expecting to get married, so when they decided that they wanted to be together for the rest of their lives they really had no idea what to do. They ended up just eloping to keep it simple, though it was still intimate and meaningful with lots of candlelight and traditional vows. They spend the rest of the day and night together, just the two of them - no clan work, no Shredder, just them enjoying their new official bond. They continue this tradition each anniversary, seemingly disappearing from their clan for 24 hours and doing whatever they want together - usually lots of kissing and cuddling, looking back on old memories, marathoning movies or lying down and reading together, and going on long peaceful walks. On each century anniversary (one hundred years, two hundred, etc.) they renew their vows to each other and then share a cake. The last cake was a Lou Jitsu themed one that they just loved.
April and Sunita: Their wedding is in the Hidden City so it’s easier for Sunita’s relatives to attend, and of course April thinks a wedding in a mystical realm is just rad so she’s all for it. The ceremony is a mix of Yokai and human traditions, the latter Sunita was VERY excited to learn about. All four of the Turtles are her best man (or rather, men) and Mayhem is the cutest ring bearer ever! They ditch the traditional white wedding dress in order to wear each others colors - April in a slime green suit-dress with a pink tie and sash combo while Sunita wears a yellow gown adorned with tiny green crystals. The reception is, naturally, at Run of the Mill Pizza. April and Sunita share several dances, ranging from slow and romantic to silly and fun - never let Leo be assistant DJ for a wedding, he WILL play meme songs and Mikey has no problem letting him - before they dance with their fathers (or in April’s case, father, turtle brothers and surrogate Rat Dad) or anyone else. They later sneak off from the party to unwind a bit and just snuggle up to each other, hands intertwined as they watch the beautiful NYC nighttime skyline. 
April and Recruit (I like both April pairings, what can I say?): Much like her senseis/surrogate fathers’ wedding, the affair is very small and intimate, only including Lieutenant, Brute, the turtles and Splinter, April’s parents and Mayhem, as well as any of her family that live in the NYC area. April doesn’t mind, and enjoys their small ceremony in Central Park. Speaking of her senseis, they both walk Recruit down the aisle (barely managing to hold it together), as well as providing the ceremony with plenty of beautiful origami flowers and candles. They all then share a meal + cake at April’s parents’ place, a mixture of traditional Japanese dishes and her family’s favorite New York style dishes. Recruit isn’t much for dancing and there really isn’t room for it in an apartment anyway, so the rest of the reception ends up being mostly enthusiastic storytelling - how they met, the battles they fought together, memorable dates and their eventual proposal, as well as fun and/or embarrassing stories about each of them courtesy of their families - and conversation as well as a few party games that the turtles drag out to liven things up. Lots of laughter and good memories, and the two brides happily team up to kick butt at Pictionary. Later on, when they get back to their place, Recruit requests one dance with April. April tells her they don’t have to, Recruit insists that she wants to, nerves and her slightly awkward dancing skills be damned. So April puts on her iPod, and the two dance around their apartment in the dark for what feels like hours, occasionally stealing kisses and whispering promises and I love yous to each other.
I’d write a BaronJitsu wedding bit but @halloweennut already did a great job with that prompt for one of her fic requests, so instead I’ll just focus a bit on the boys. We may not ever get love interests for them in the show, but I feel like at least one of them would get married, SO:
Raph and Mikey both wear traditional montsuki for their weddings - Raph as a nod to his pop’s culture, Mikey cause he just really likes the way it looks - while Leo and Donnie stick to tuxes. Leo’s is a classy and cool looking dark blue while Donnie wears a glamorous purple tux (sorta like his Dynamite Don look but with a black tie and more sparkle/flair) that he insists is NOT tacky, thank you very much! Heaven help whoever his spouse-to-be is, lol
April, naturally, is their Maid of Honor at each of their weddings. Raph also gets Buddy/Frankenfoot to be his Best Man at his wedding while Donnie chooses Shelldon to be both his Best Man and Ring Bearer. With how close they are, Leo and Mikey end up being each other’s Best Man (causing Raph and Donnie to get a bit jealous/feel a bit left out but they get over it quickly)
The ceremony is always in the sewers, but the receptions then get moved up to the surface in Central Park so they can party in the fresh air under the stars. Reception meals are usually pizza and one other main dish (probably chicken or filet mignon) for those who don’t like pizza, and then a few side dishes. Needless to say, Run of the Mill gets a LOT of catering jobs from this family
Raph’s vows end up being a bit rambly and wayyy too long, but they’re so sweet that his fiance can hardly care. He also picks his new spouse up as they/after they kiss, because he’s just so darn happy and because he can. No threshold to carry his spouse over in the sewers, so he just holds them and carries them all the way to the reception. That has to be extra good luck, right?
Donnie sets up small fireworks to go off at his wedding reception, because this boy is Extra. He also has plenty of dances with his spouse - though thankfully he’s more interested in being romantic and making his spouse smile than showing off.
Half of Leo’s vows and toasts are bad wedding puns, and he nearly gets cake thrown at him for it. Later on, Leo and his newlywed spouse end up ditching their reception halfway through, portaling to a private spot for the two of them to cuddle/makeout a little/talk about their wedding day. Leo may like to talk, but he can enjoy quiet moments with the one he loves too
Mikey gets inspired to spray paint an entire wedding mural for him and his fiance, which ends up being a great wedding photos spot. He also tries to cook his own wedding meal/bake his own cake, but the others insist that he sit this one out and just enjoy the food without having to make it.
And, of course, Splinter cries at every single one of his baby boys’ weddings, though always insists it’s just allergies cause of all the flowers. He gets plenty of hugs from his sons anyway.
aaaaand that’s all I got, lol. Anyway, feel free to add onto this with your own ideas/pairings ^v^
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carli113 · 5 years
Its been so long since I’ve been back here.  I joined the xuania fandom and wrote a chapter for a non existent story.  Now I want to draw some pics.
Okay.  Continuation of Dong Hua and Bai Feng Jiu Eternal Love Drama story.  This was supposed to be something that could transition from the drama to the novel without much trouble. 
Bai Feng Jiu held back the tears as she formerly responded to Donghua's message upon her coronation.  The time for games was over, she had to become queen and with that new position, many new responsibilities would come her way.  She remembered that when Si Ming had answered her request regarding a message from Donghua,  he had mentioned that the secrets would be inside the map. Her curiosity was peaked and for many hours she waited awaited, until finally the crowds had filtered out of her home.  
“Thank goodness!” she cried when all was quiet , “Who knew that a coronation could  be so exhausting?”  With that the young queen retired to her bedroom, trying not to notice the fancy gift that was carefully situated beside her bed.  Doing her best to ignore the map, Feng Jiu crawled into her covers  and did all she could to get comfortable.  Her attempts were in vain as she tossed and turned, but to no avail.
With the mysterious map staring at her from the side of  her bed, Bai Feng finally gave up.  Her curiosity had peaked, and Bai Feng couldn't  help but open sacred treasure. “Oh my.” she gasped as she slowly revealed the picture.  The map was absolutely beautiful.  From the eloquent calligraphy to the perfectly inked and detailed map of the ages.  The world had indeed changed, not a thing remained, but why in the realm would Dong Hua give her such a valuable item?
Peering over the map with laser eyed focus,  Feng Jiu  grappled to see if there was any message that he could be trying to give her, but could find none.  Scanning the map with her essence, Feng Jiu sighed  in defeat. She had no idea what Donghua's message was, or even if there was a message.  Grumbling away, Feng Jiu began to return the map to it's  place.  It was then that a small piece seemed to resonate with her touch.
“What's this ?” she thought quietly,  and quickly focused her energy on the strange oddity.  An unusual fog began to settle in when a chime rang loud and clear from the Wu Wang sea.  Startled out of the fogginess overtaking her, Feng Jiu slammed her hand on a sharp rock that seemed to appear from nowhere.
“Ouch!” she hissed, her eyes wide with horror as the object disappeared and two drops of blood fell upon the priceless treasure.  “No!” she cried, her body suddenly feeling weak.
“Feng Jiu!”  
“Feng Jiu!”
“Your Majesty!” Came the faded cries, but it was no use.
Feng Giu woke with a start as her body seemed to burn like flame and her whole body seemed to be encased in an inky blackness.  “Where am I?” she asked quietly, “Is this a dream?”
“Little flower, little flower,” called a frightful voice, loud as the thunder, and deep as the sea, “ Why have you hidden from me?”
“Hidden from you,” she asked , “What do you mean?  Who are you? ”
“I am you, and  you are me,” said the strong voice, “A Shadow of what once was and still can be.”
Hazily an image appeared in the inky blackness, a tall man, swift and strong with eyes as stormy as the ocean and hair as bright as the moon. “Is that...” she whispered, as the hazy image soon became clear ans sharp.
“Donghua.” Feng Jiu whispered quietly, her face pale as the figure slashed through hundreds and thousands of bodies.  Never had she seen such a deadly look in his face.  Soon  a striking man with sharp eyebrows  and long black hair revealed itself.  “Yehua?” she whispered, then taking a look once again, “No... “ she whispered, “ Mo Yuan?”
“Yes,” the voice called, “This is an image from long ago,  when the demon uprising nearly destroyed the world twice over.  The battle was long and harsh and millions of souls died,  god and man a like, even more so then battle of Roshui from so many years ago.  Times were harsh than and the needed light had not yet appeared.  Three great sacrifices were needed to stop the war filled with death to no end.”
“Three sacrifices...” trailed the young princess, Feng Jiu did not understand at first, but as she reflected on the most recent goings in her present life. “Are you saying...”
After a long pause, the voice rang out loud an clear once again.
“Yes,' whispered the haunting voice, “Of these three, there are two that you know quite well.  The Donghai bell, a powerful artifact that required a powerful spirit to seal or quell the spirit of the vilest soul, the phoenix heart to scatter the darkness and start the world anew, and loss of love to tame the passionate  fury of the strongest soul.” a pause, “Tell me little flower...do you know what this means?
“No...no.” stuttered the young queen, though a dawning of understanding seemed to appear behind her eyes.
“The Donghai bell has been destroyed, the strongest soul has weakened, the light has appeared, and the calamity that threatens the world has begun to move...”  after a long pause, “ Your role, little flower, has come into play.”
“No. No, ” Cried the young princess, “ My role?  What do you mean?”
“The phoenix blade is calling for it's master, and you little flower, must light it's way.”
With that the darkness seemed to fade, and Feng Jiu cried out as her essence seemed to melt away, and every inch of her body turn to Ash. Never in her 30,000 something years of life had she ever experienced such pain,  not when the pagoda beast slashed her, the lightning struck her, or she took the full brunt of the Demon Lord's power to protect Donghua.
Feng Jiu bit her lip as a shining tear fell from her eye. The unbearable heat had been calmed and  thousands of images filled her mind. Images of what once was and what can be came into play. Her purpose had been found, and her dear Donghua had guided the way. Feng Jiu just  smiled, as her burning body began to cool and a bright red gem appeared on her forehead.  “Donghua...” she whispered, “I understand.”
“Huh!” gasped the young queen.  She was back and her body felt much stronger than before.  Grabbing the mirror to her side, Feng Jiu looked at her appearance to see the half closed flower mark on her forehead had appeared to bloom.
“Majesty!” cried the beloved Migu as he attempted to embrace her.
“No!” cried the princess, putting her hand out , a fiery flame engulfing her palm.
“Princess!” he exclaimed in surprise, “What happened?”
“She's ascended,” came the familiar voice of Si Ming. “Congratulations once again, high immortal Bai Feng Jiu.” he said, bowing slightly.
“Si Ming, what are your doing here?”
“His majesty Dong hua, requests your presence,” he said calmly.
Widening her eyes, Feng Jiu willed her heart to stop it's wretched hopeful pounding. Donghua and her no longer had anything to do with each other, so why was he requesting her presence?   She hadn't talked to the ancient deity once since Yehua had been taken from their home three years ago, though she had indeed been tempted. With all he had told her on their last acquaintance, Why would he be summoning her now?
I don't understand, she thought silently, but her words came out, “I understand, please tell his majesty I will meet with him shortly.”
“His majesty Donghua Dijun requests your presence immediately.” emphasized the lord of dipper.
“ But father...”
Silently the familiar blue cloaked figure slipped out behind the silver clad figure. Clearing his throat, he gave her an almost proud look.  “The manner has been addressed, ” quietly the man put his hands behind his back and gave a slight bow.  “Though your power is strong, your discipline is lacking, do not keep the Dijun waiting any longer.”  Though he did not say it, Feng Jiu could tell her father was not pleased with development,  most likely do to her shameless actions,  but no one was to stand against the formidable Dong Hua.
“Of course.”
“Little highness,” bowed Si Ming, and Feng Jiu nodded before following him to the aforementioned place of meeting. Swallowing slightly, Feng Jiu tightened her fists as the entered the deity's chamber.  She had been here hundreds of times for thousands of years,  but for after her ascension to high immortal, she had learned so much more about him.  Suddenly being in his chambers seemed a thousand times more intimidating.
Presenting himself to the ancient deity, Si Ming bowed and announced his formal greeting,“ Lord of Dipper has arrived with Her highness, high immortal Bai Feng Jiu as per your request.”
“Thank You,” spoke the high deity, “ you may be excused.”
“Your majesty.” he responded and disappeared into a puff of smoke.
“No. Dont leave me!” squeaked out the young queen,   her heart pounding as the object of that had earned her respect, awe, affection and recently her fear transported within a few centimeters  and pulled her close to him.
“Don't leave me?” he quirked his eyebrow, ignoring the little prick of annoyance that cropped up in his stone heart.  “Since when have you wanted his presence so much?” he teased  before letting her go and stepping a way, arms folded behind his back.
“W...what?” she sputtered, “Thats not it...I just did..” want to be alone with you right now.  She thought silently, not after-
Stopping less than a meter away from his little fox, Donghua . “Since when have you been afraid to be alone with me, little fox?”
“What?” oh dang it, she cried silently, I forgot! “Well I mean...”
“I seem to remember a little fox here not too long ago who dispersed just before my waking, snuck into my quarters with drinks, snacks, and lets not forget those lovely outfits...had I been a normal man, it may have been too much to bear.”  
“Eep.” Feng Jiu squeaked out, body stumbling backwards as the man stretched out his arm and wrapped it around her , a knowing smirk on his face. “You mean ...You knew.”
The stone hard God nodded his head, “Of course I did.”  he stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “After spending all that time at my palace, do you think I'd be fooled by your tricks?”
“N..No. I mean ” she breathed, face as red as a tomato. “I know I shouldn't have but.”
Remembering how her aunt used to break into the back way of heaven Feng Jiu decided to disguise herself as one of the deities and did the same.  She didn't see much harm in it as she quietly watched over her Lord Emperor, brewing his favorite tea , dressing in his favorite outfit, or making his favorite snacks. As long as she left no trace, it would be fine.
“Now now,” he said almost kindly, “Did I say anything against it?” Though he should have dissuaded her from returning, her presence was like a drug, and whether or not he could be with her, he would drink it in like the addict he was.
“So pray tell” he stroking something attached to his belt, “Why are you so frightened  now?”
Based on the set up in the end,  I strongly believe the new producers could do it.  However, Dong Hua would need to continue that change from after he saw the rock of three incantations, Bai Feng Jiu would have to train and Ji Heng ( Bai Feng Jiu’s rival) would have to be introduced differently.
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Solar Return Musings and other Stuff, May 27, 2020
Short note: These are just my solar return rantings and musings, so if you just need the energetic support to get through the crazy energies running around right now,  just go to the end of the post for an energetically-infused photo to fill you with love, hope, and courage =) have a great day! OK long-a$$ post coming right up lololol As of yesterday, I have entered my mid-30s, which I would have fretted over greatly have I not awakened to my infinite being-ness. Weirdly enough, priorities do change when a person reaches a certain point in life, and for the past 10 years, maybe more than than or something this body started its own awakening process. It felt weird just thinking about it because my brain took so much time before it awakened, so yeah basically I already manifested nearly ALL spiritual awakening symptoms and I still wasn't doing the work needed, I just though it was all work-stress. I had constant callings to meditate but I was too busy watching anime, movies, dramas, throwing too much of myself to my former uhm, life, stuff, insert words here. Fill in the blanks lol. And then everything just comes crashing down until I had nothing but my own shattered dreams. That's when I slowly started using binaural beats to induce something to happen to my body, or at the very least use my legs (they kinda died along with my hope and dreams back then).
Whew. That felt like a lifetime ago, but honestly it felt so far away even though I only started to consciously-awake 4 years ago or something? Maybe less? I really don't know. Then again, as many spiritually-woke people kept saying, these are interesting times, wherein you live inside a body with as many lifetimes as a buy-one-get a multitude free. Basically as long as a person consciously (or in my case my body freaking chose it for me, dang it) chooses to, anyone can live at least 2 or 3 lifetimes in the same body. I actually feel like I have lived 30+ years in a span of 10, I feel like after having so many losses, meeting so many people both nice and not, all the heck-ups that happened, it’s a miracle I am still alive. What’s even more amazing is that despite whatever hell on earth I experienced in the past 10 years, there were nice parts to be grateful for, like learning more metaphysical stuff, learning what needs to be healed and transmuted like traumas and other genetic stuff, regaining and embodying my old psychic self from my childhood days, establishing clear boundaries because unscrupulous people will DEFINITELY step all over wishy-washy, extremely-giving or doormat people, and whatever needs to be done in order to help clear not just my own morphic field but the mass consciousness energies as well. Seriously though, for me, my best takeaway was learning that I am actually able to channel energies, and if I didn't have a psychic friend to return whatever I channeled I would have doubted everything. So in a way, even though things were seriously slow-going, I guess I'm ok at this pace. It would be better if it was a lot faster though
Speaking of gratitude, I got fed up being ungrateful for quite a while, so for a change I just chose to find something to be thankful for, even if it's just one. I guess it started clearing my energies bit by bit. I couldn't do it all by myself though, so aside from channeling the energies on my own, I also started adjusting the flow of energies (chi or prana) in my own space by bringing in some fallen flowers (they just fall out of the plant even if they look perfectly fine), and I guess it sorta helped me manage my depressive states to a certain degree. In the beginning I honestly just wanted to see some other living thing other than myself and some lizards, or the occasional insects that pop in, and weirdly the flowers helped a lot, even if there were just 3 or even 1 of them in a bowl. I guess it became meditative for me to gather them in the afternoons, before night falls. The flowers resemble hibiscus but they change colors, from yellow in the morning as they bloom, to having red-orange petal tips in the late afternoon or dusk (I gather them during these times) to being fully red at night. After about 4 weeks of doing it daily, I found a trend on how many I can collect per day: Saturdays bring a lot, at most 9 (it's a day that promotes planting and other agricultural pursuits); Tuesdays bring at most, 3? (it is a Mars Day afterall); and the rest of the week ranges from 5 to 7 flowers. I did my best not to put too much attachment to the meanings, I just did my best to be grateful for how many I can pick in a day. As long as I get at least one per day, I'm all good.
Of course, on the day of my solar return, after having difficulty getting some work done (it was hot and humid and everything just feels fuzzy) I finally got out and decided to just check on my passionflower vines and see if I got any flowers from this weird hibiscus plant. As always, the passionflower vines went haywire with the growth again, and I have yet to figure out how to even manage them so they won't strangle the other plants nearby, including the weird hibiscus plant. Speaking of, here's the weird thing about the plant yesterday. It was a Tuesday so I was expecting to just get around 2 or 3, but I got a whopping 14, it was a miracle I was able to hold them in my hand. It felt like the universe gave me a nice birthday bouquet, and I just enjoyed the feeling as I gathered them while a rolling thunder passes over my head. It felt great. Even one of the other flowering plants that only bloom a handful of tiny flowers actually had so much flowers, so I guess it made me giddy. I guess it's nice to receive flowers from the universe, it was a gift that lifted up my spirits. Also it was a small reminder to just embrace my romantic-AF side lol So after thanking the universe for the nice flowers I collected all of the weird hibiscus flowers, gathered them into a bowl, and they looked like these:
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If you squint at the photo, the bowl looks like pizza lol but hey, that's a nice thing I could look forward to once citizen mobility becomes an actual thing. I mean, I'm not the only one who got stuck at home for their birthdays, there's like 2-3 months worth of birthdays that got stuck at home, among other things, so I truly feel for those who wanted to feel special even under quarantine. Yes the flower-bowl photo is also energetically-infused so if you're someone who didn't get to enjoy your special day due to the pandemic, please allow the loving energies of the flower bowl to fill you with universal love.
Other stuff I was able to be grateful for was getting a handful of birthday stuff, I mean, in times like these it's easy to expect people to take care more of themselves, and I honestly don't mind if people chose to just do their own thing today. My mother rarely makes birthday food (her birthday is 2 days ahead of mine so I normally just eat whatever is left of that lolol) but I got some fruit salad and it was great, but I think I had way too much and my tummy kept making U-turns. I also got some greetings from people that I care about, and it was nice. The thing about birthday energies is that it brings a lot of mixed emotions, and instead of enjoying the entire day, I had to transmute a lot of old traumas stuck in my head, in my body, all that stuff, to the point that I just decided to send my grateful replies to the messages I received like, today. I wouldn't wanna tie my low vibes with people who wished me well so I did the proactive approach and just cleared whatever low vibes I had. It took a long while, and by the time I was done, it was already midnight and I had to do some quick and soothing meditations just to feel great about myself. At times, whenever I had to do these things, I sometimes wished I never woke up in the first place. Unfortunately, this kind of awakening is like learning how to ride a bike, once you learn how to balance and move forward (hint: pushing the pedal faster makes falling down nearly-impossible lol), it’s forever bonded with your entire being.
Seriously, this whole conscious awakening business is not exactly all sunshine and rainbows, and I often find myself cringing whenever I come across a post or a video about spiritual awakening and the path of enlightenment as something all unicorns and ice cream sprinkles like I have to use ALL of my powers NOT to judge them. Because that's what they have at that given moment, and that is what they wanna share. As for me, even if my own experiences weren't 100% magical, they're not all that bad either. I just choose to embrace all of the experiences as stuff that helps me move forward, good or bad, ugly or beautiful, crappy or not, intentional or accidental, they are all for a better good. It's normal and OK to feel victimized every now and then, we have deep programmings that need to be rebooted so that we can enjoy everything in 3D, regardless of whether we got extremely lucky or extremely screwed. I mean, that's the weird thing about duality and playing that game: seeing both sides of the coin and accepting the fact that it's all the same coin is what brings back our lost power, instead of just choosing all that is light or all that is dark. Everything is connected and that is what sets people free. The only thing that people must consciously choose is to live in their own truth, otherwise choosing to live other people's truths will continuously run their lives, and that's what breaks people. I should know, I was stuck in that crap for a long time. Now I'm currently in limbo but I am doing my best to continuously connect to the higher dimensional realms, and to heal and increase my capacity to feel and receive universal energies so that I won't have to live someone else's life anymore. That's what I promised to do for myself and I am doing the best that I can to uphold that. I honestly don't know where I am right now but I am hoping to become a whole lot better in my own personal journey.
In relation to that idea, I am doing my best to be my own support group, cheerleader, therapist, and all that stuff because to be honest, for the next years and decades after this pandemic issue, there will be a call for independence, of being able to fix the self, because the energies are coming in to change the excessive interdependent natures of people. I mean, don't get me wrong, nothing bad about that right now and we will all continue to be dependent on others, and others will be dependent on us, but certain parts of humanity will start to go inwards, like finding the truth within themselves. Also, there will be a greater need to be kind, understanding, and forgiving to the self, more so than others. Denying the self's needs are what caused disorder in the first place, and universal energies are coming in right now to push people to be more selfish, in a healthy way, in a more abundant setting, because excess greed has taken a toll on the psyche of humanity for a very, very long time. And this time, the higher dimensional realms are ensuring that balance shall be achieved. So if you think this pandemic thing is the worst, well sorry to burst your bubble but more bumpy rides are ahead of us, and adjustments WILL be done to accommodate the new things that need to happen in this timeline, and beyond.
Oh glob, that's a lot of stuff lolol I guess that just flowed out of my hands, and I feel like I'm not even done yet. Oh well, I can always post something else, like I dunno, as needed? Anyway, for those who are only here for the energy-infused photo, here it is, to support your need for hope, love, and courage in these trying times:
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I hope you enjoy, just relax and let it come through your being. And if you’re wondering, yeah the cactus has a white bloom. Cute, right? Thank you so much for your time in dropping by this post, I know that times are changing really fast and it feels like we're at the mercy of the elements, but also know that despite things, the universe will always work in our favor, but first we must feel that we're worth that universal assistance, otherwise it's just going to stay outside the realm of our experiences. Our worthiness is more important now, than ever before. Because you are indeed, worthy. I pray that you become your truest and best self. Wishing you all the best, Mikazuki
PS. If you found the information in this post to be very helpful, insightful, and of great value to you and your own personal journey, please feel free to reblog, share and heart/like, or if you feel super-generous, energetic exchanges are welcomed! Please click here and use this email address: [email protected]
Thank you so much and be blessed!
PSS. If you’re interested to get a personal card and energetic reading, for inquires please send an email or an anonymous ask in this page. Thank you! =)
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scarlettaagni · 7 years
The Birthmark (play rewrite)
In Creative Writing, we read The Birthmark by Nathaniel Hawthorne and for an assignment, had to rewrite it as a one act play.
This is mine. And perhaps the sassiest thing I’ve ever written.
In the times of the 19th century… science was advancing at a rapid pace. The work was so important, that the men making it happen were so into it, they couldn’t see their wives waiting impatiently for them just in their field of vision. Or rather, they didn’t even have time to get wives. Nerds. They were the definition of “nerd”. Like dang, you must have married her for some reason if you married at all, go and be a gosh dang husband to your wife, she’s a person with feelings and needs too and you most likely vowed to be by her side, and not by a stupid beaker full of acid’s side. GOSH. Anyways, Aylmer was one of these turbo nerds, and Georgiana was his wife.
Georgiana was the finest little lady to ever bless the earth. Very sweet, very cute, and just a pleasant little thing to boot. But she had a birthmark on her cheek, just the smallest little red mark in the shape of a hand. Of course, turbo nerd Aylmer couldn’t focus on the amazingness of his wife, or even the astonishing revelation that he had a wife at all, only on that sole mark. Very stupid, but if something is insignificant but still exists, is it really so insignificant at all? Aside from that, its very existence haunted Aylmer, because he’s superficial wrapped up under clear “science can make anything perfect!” cellophane. But he was making such a big deal out of it, even though it was just him looking at the mark and looking away like he was about to vomit, it began to affect Georgiana as well.
She loved him, with all her heart, and GOSH DARN this mark for upsetting him! Obviously, the solution was for turbo nerd extraordinaire Aylmer get rid of something she’s had since birth rather than him to stop being a superficial walnut and accept her as she is! Now, to their dilemma...
Georgiana: *preferably read in a Southern accent* Oh dear! Oh my! My nearest and dearest love, how you look upon me in disgust because of this accursed mark! Remove it! Remove it with the science you love so much!
Aylmer: *feel free to sound like a nasally little brat* No worries, my lady! My wife Science and I can scrub this imperfection from your perfect cheek! I mean, my livelihood. My livelihood science and I.
Georgiana: Oh, thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you! If it means you can look on me without disgust because of this meaningless insignificant mark! ...Wait, excuse me?
Aylmer: AMINADAB! Have you ever met him? He’s my lackey. Don’t be horrified when he walks in, it took me months to get used to it, because my shallow self could only ever perceive him as vaguely simian.
Aminadab: *sound like you hate your life, through gritted teeth* Yes, ssssssir?
Aylmer: You know that HIDEOUS blob on my wife’s face? She’s getting it removed. I’m removing it. Prepare my instruments!
Aminadab: You know, if she were my wife, I would treasure her love and reward her with my own love, because this societal perception that your spouse is like a ball-and-chain is an unhealthy idea and promotes neglectful or even abusive relationships when the whole point of marriage nowadays is that you meet someone you love and bond with them eternally, and this whole ha-ha-funny shtick of acting like they’re a burden right when they marry you is sick and backwards and frankly, quite insulting. Georgiana, you are perfect even with all your imperfections, because with them, you can do anything. A mere mark that was in fact seen as nice by some others and wasn’t a bother for most of your life since birth should be left alone. How convenient it is, not for him to accept this minute detail but to remove it altogether… It is emotionally abusive to convince your spouse to hate themselves or aspects of themselves, and even moreso in that silent passive-aggressive way he looks at you and reviles at that birthmark. If a mark is putting a hinder on your relationship, that is not the sign of a horrible mark, but of a weak and shallow marriage.
Georgiana: ...
Aylmer: … Excuse me?
Aminadab: Huh? Oh, I meant, “Right away.” (aside) Jackass.
Aylmer: Nevertheless, onward we go! I will take off that abysmal-- OH, HOLY MARY, I NEARLY FORGOT HOW UGLY IT WAS!
Georgiana: Oh! Oh, my! *faints, twirls down into his arms, hand brought to her forehead, dramatic sigh*
Aylmer: Oh, I forgot how gentle and sensitive she is… AMINADAB! Prepare the special room for her awakening.
Aminadab: Yeah, sure, sure… (aside) Jackass.
Georgiana: *wakes up* Oh… Oh my heavens, am I in Heaven?
Aylmer: Nay, my love, just an aesthetically pleasing room. Don’t you like it? Here, have a flower. Take it quick.
Georgiana: *barely touches petal, flower literally combusts* It’s magic! Burn it, burn it!
Aylmer: It’s already burned you dolt! You touched it too hard! *singsong* ANYWAYS… *tosses metal plate into a vat of acid*
Aylmer: Hey, want to see the elixir of immortality I made?
Georgiana: Whuh- Why would you keep this from the world?
Aylmer: So I can sell it 50 dollars a mere drop and monopolize the medical industry and extort money from the sick and poor and take bribes from the extremely rich, I MEAN… It’s, uh… too powerful for mankind… Yeah… More importantly, a few drops of this in a liter of water can wash away any imperfection.
Georgiana: Oh, so is that for lil’ ol’ me?
Aylmer: No, dear, your mark runs farther than skin deep, like a vein. This baby can only wash away things like freckles.
Georgiana: Why did you show me this, then?
Aylmer: *loudly* Oh, well, you know, to get the idea of flaw removal across and show you I can make things that will get rid of imperfections--*leans in, whispers in her ear* Also if I get arrested for monopolizing the medical industry, you’ll go down with me as a knowing accomplice.
Georgiana: …
Aylmer: I must attend to my scientific duties. Off I go.
Georgiana: What about my--
Aylmer: *singsong* I’m leaving…
Georgiana: Doh, sometimes I feel you love your scientific duties more than me! *marches into lab*
Aylmer: What are you doing in here, woman?! *pushes skeleton diorama away from his embrace* You must not trust me!
Georgiana: Oh, I trust you! It’s you who must not trust me! Use your precious science and get this blemish off my face, right now!
Aylmer: Oh, well… I’ve never seen this side of you… I must say it’s quite… attractive.
Georgiana: You know what else is attractive? NOT THIS BIRTHMARK! Get it off of my face and out of our lives this instant!
Aylmer: And so you will it! By God, I’ll purify your image!
Aminadab: It is literally just a birthmark.
Aylmer: Silence, lackey! Bring me… the pitcher.
Aminadab: Here you are, sir… (aside) Jackass.
Aylmer: Here, take a sip, babe.
Georgiana: No thank you, I’m not very thirsty.
Aylmer: It’ll get rid of your mark, genius. No wait, I’m the only genius here. Just drink the freaking thing.
Georgiana: *drinks it* Oh, is it going away already?
Aylmer: Of course it is! Of course my invention is working! How do you feel?
Georgiana: I feel so-- no, wait… I feel like I’m dying.
Aylmer: Like the angel you are to become!
Georgiana: No, I literally mean I’m dying.
Aylmer: Oh. Darn?
Georgiana: *dies, spirit rises and gently cradles Aylmer’s face in her hand* I was a literal freaking angel and that birthmark was the only thing tying me to this earthly realm, you judgmental turd. *ascends to Heaven*
Aylmer: Well… I did said it’d get rid of your birthmark, never occurred to me that you dying was a possibility… let this be a lesson to both of us.
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knitmeapony · 8 years
After Episode 10 of Mabel
Wherein our heroines engage in rampant speculation.  Spoilers for all of the Mabel podcast within.
Me: Oh God, in her journal Lily says she drowned in the carp pond when she was three.
GBO: I know, I don't know what to do with that
Me: I'm starting to wonder if it is a combination. That fairies are ghosts and ghosts are fairies. That when you die they can enter your body and that's how you become a changeling.
GBO: Eeeeeeeeeee Or, maybe more conventionally, dying is how you get to Arcadia. I mean, you come back. Sort of. I'm stuck on "There’s more than one way to kill someone." If you leave your world and come back, isn't that a kind of dying?
Me: Maybe. But I'm thinking like, maybe the fairies don't have faces until they take a body. Maybe that's why the girl in the mirror changes.
GBO: Oh fuck. Or. Or. Or Lily did die. And Sally made The Bargain, and the fae brought her back.
Me: The fae are the fae, and the dead are the Dead, but one rules over the other.
GBO: Maybe? I think Lily disappeared when Mabel was four, but I'm no longer certain who the "her" is in "They cut her out of the mountain for me." I still think it's probably Lily, but it could also be Mabel.
Me: Well, now I'm thinking about how Juniper as a flower symbolizes fertility and motherhood, and how lily as a flower symbolizes death. Oh God damn it. What if Lily isn't really Sally's daughter. What if she was a gift from the thing because she couldn't have a child? They made her literally cut her out of the mountain for her.
GBO: I mean, that is totally possible. I mean, juniper is also sort of undying - it's an evergreen, yeah?
Me: Yes it is. With poison berries I think.
GBO: Fuuuuuuuuu
Me: I think they have to be processed before you can eat them, which is why we have gin but we don't have juniper berry pie.
GBO: That doesn't sound at all appealing, but then, I don't like gin.
Me: Okay. New Theory. Lily was a gift given to Sally but Sally didn't give keep up her end of the bargain. So they level the curse at the family. Juniper, either a changeling or a fairy herself or maybe a human raised in Fairyland, tries to save her by bringing her back to the Fairyland. But Lily has too much in the real world, and can't go no matter how much she loves Juniper. Oh my God. Lily was thinking about all these things that tie her to the Mortal Realm, and she lists Joe who was supposed to wait at the bus stop but never turned up. How much do you want to bet that that is Anna's Uncle who disappeared?
GBO: Eh, not that much. I looked at the transcript, and they spell it "Jo," which makes me think it's a girl. It could be, but idk.
Me: Oh dang. Well instead, it's just going to make me believe once again that Lily was Sapphic as hell.
GBO: In other shocking and unforeseen news, the Vatican has just announced that the Pope is Catholic. (I am such a fan of having sapphics in podcasts. #makeitacliche)
Me: Glass that breaks at the end of episode 8, when Anna starts talking to someone, that's definitely Mabel coming through a mirror to save her right?
GBO: YUP Wait. No. The mirrors are brass, aren't they?
Me: Well some of them are anyway. The ones downstairs are, but I'm sure there are other mirrors.
GBO: Or is that just the frame? Okay, then yes. The brass mirrors are 100% a door to Fairyland, otherwise Mabel wouldn't have been able to piss off the girl in the mirror by covering them with black sheets. Oh, all of them, nvm.
Me: So Sally and Luna, Lily and Juniper, and Mabel and Anna. I guess this could also be a thing of playing out over and over again for Generations. I wonder how far back it goes?
GBO: Hmmmm. I don't know. Maybe very far back - but Oh I wonder if that's how Juniper's mother knew to warn her against Lilly
Me: Oh?
GBO: Because Juniper's mother is Luna, and she and Sally were... Not a well-supported theory, but. I guess, were the lipstick-kiss letters love letters or trying to collect on Sally's debt?
Me: Yeah, I mean imagine Sally's family trying to keep her apart from Luna. That's what she screams at all the Return to Sender letters. All those love letters, never being received or sent. Maybe that's the debt that never got paid. The promise that never got kept
GBO: Goddamn.
Me: Sally promised to love Luna.
GBO: Never read They weren't opened.
Me: Never even received. Stamp Return to Sender.
GBO: No, no, they had to have been received. How else would Sally have had them? They were addressed to her
Me: Oh man, I wondered why stuff that was sent to the house was also stamp Return to Sender.
GBO: Kinda confused now?
Me: So maybe Sally's family tried to return them, but they always kept coming back to the house, So eventually they just hit that because there was nothing else to do.
GBO: Well of course they kept coming back to the house Where else is the closest mailbox to Fairy Hill?
Me: Return to sender and send them back, and they showed up at the doorstep fresh and crisp and pristine like the money in Anna's wallet. Anna's uncle's wallet I mean.
GBO: They did get returned to sender. It's just that sender and recipient are basically in the same place.
Me: And then Luna finds out Sally's daughter has seduced Juniper, her daughter.
GBO: Good lord. Lilly was doomed after that, wasn't she?
Me: Setting up her daughter for a heartbreak. How mad would you be? Heartless child of a heartless woman, you'd call her.
GBO: Question - how does "They cut her out of the hill for me" fit in?
Me: Sometimes people are made for each other. Metaphorically or literally, the words are the same.
GBO: What if What if Sally's bargain wasn't with Luna? What if it was with him?
Me: I think you're in the same place I am. What if Luna was the one that was made for Sally, and then they thought she treated her like a rejected gift.
GBO: Ohhhh. Yes.
Me: Sally was lonely, and she needed someone to love and be loved by.
GBO: So she makes a bargain with him, and gets Luna. "She shouldn't have promised anything. Not to them."
Me: And then her parents find out, and they hide the letters, and they tried to make Sally you know, what they would call normal.
GBO: Luna tries, but no - oh god. What if What if it's not her parents keeping her from Luna? We haven't heard anything about Sally's parents. What if it's the house?
Me: Oh God.
GBO: Wouldn't it have the power to send letters back, if it thought they were a threat?
Me: Or to take them and hide them in a closet until it was too late To steal them from its mailbox and put them somewhere else. Or, oh no, what if the housekeeping the letters was how it protected her but not the way we think?
GBO: In, say, a box in the attic that used to have Christmas decorations. Elaborate?
Me: What if they tried to send the letters back, and the house knew that if the fairies so of the rejected messages they would hurt Sally? So it had the Return to sender sender letters in the Attic so at least it was a mystery and not a rejection.
GBO: Maybe.
Me: God, either way, what the f*** is this show?
GBO: Or the letters weren't love letters; they were trying to demand payment from Sally for Lilly. But the house loved Lilly too, and didn't want her to go back, so it hid the letters. That's why Sally got angry with Mabel when she kept trying to leave the house. I don't KNOW, it's AMAZING The house is protection against the fae.
Me: I'm thinking about making a crescent moon pendant out of mirrored acrylic, and Engraving I am not Moon and mirror I am flesh and Bone on it. Just in case anybody thinks that I'm a fairy.
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