#it's important to think about these questions and stay informed on how we're reacting
aurosoulart · 1 year
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some before-and-after pictures of how I’ve been using AI generated images in my art lately 🤖
I share other artists’ concerns about the unethical nature of the theft going on in the training data of AI art algorithms, so I refuse to spend any money on them or to consider the images generated by them to be true art, but I’m curious to hear people’s thoughts on using it for reference and paint-over like this?
my hope is that with proper regulation and more ethical use, AI could be a beneficial tool to help artists - instead of a way that allows people to steal from us more easily.
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somatheking · 1 year
Your game is indeed interesting. I like the way you divided each criteria for a game clear or game over, especially that last part with the voting, as it forces the players to actually collaborate in order to stay alive, since choosing the right antidote for yourself doesn't mean an instant game clear. Here's how I would go about it: gather everyone to work as a team and for each doctor option, we can make teams of two people. Each team will then interrogate their assigned doctor to gain the information they have about the poison. Having two people go at one doctor is useful in this sense because if one forgets a detail, then maybe the other doesn't and information is key in this game (also, it's important that we don't allow for people to fall prey to manipulation, so each player must prevent their partner from being too trusting). We'd then compare the results of each team to see what each doctor said and then see what matches and what doesn't between their descriptions and what the symptoms are (since we're talking about poison, the speed at which it affects the body differs from person to person, so there surely might be at least a player who'll start showing symptoms quicker then the rest of us). The best match should be the antidote. From there, it's game clear if we all vote for the same thing.
I like your attempt at my game, Kukki! I do have a few questions, if you don't mind:
1. When will you begin to interrogate the doctors? Will you wait until someone starts showing symptoms? Or until more than one person does? If you choose the former, do you think that's enough information to actually be able to do something with it? And if you choose the latter, what will you do to calm down the people who have started presenting symptoms when you tell them 'even though you're freaking out because you're already affected by the poison, we're going to spend more time doing nothing'.
2. How will you ensure that no one backstabs anyone else? Some players might try to force others into choosing an antidote soon, so they can see how they react to it and start to cross out options.
3. How will you deal with players freaking out? Amongst other things, doctors will try to waste your time as much as possible. We are all prepared to die, so threats won't be as effective as you might think. So what will you do?
4. How will you communicate with the rest of the players? I imagine the twelve of you haven't gone into the game with walkie-talkies.
5. How will you attempt to get information out of the doctors? Will you make up general symptoms or specific ones?
To everyone else: if someone else has thoughts about my game, do feel free to send an ask to discuss them. I also welcome asks about strategies regarding other games! I really like games, they're so fun!
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riddlecrux · 3 years
What is past is present: Azriel and Elain, Helion and Lady of Autumn Court
This post is going to be a long one. I will be talking about parallels between Helion - Lady of Autumn Court - Beron and Azriel - Elain - Lucien situation. How their relationships mirror each other, how the blood duel mentioned in ACOSF and ACOWAR will come to an end, but also how the first triangle was used as a plot device in ACOWAR. I believe it is not a coincidence that SJM decided to put these scenes and histories in the same book with such a short span of time passing between things happening on the pages of their story. I would like to say that this post is a pro Elriel meta, so if they are not your cup of tea please scroll past this. Many thanks to Gardening Tools, especially @silverlinedeyes !
We are going to start with the Lady of Autumn Court and the scene at the High Lord’s council. She is there with her husband, Beron and as the conversation surrounding Hybern increases in intensity, we are presented with a bit of background information about the Lady.
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Lady of the Autumn Court had 2 sisters that died during Hybern's soldiers' attack. We got to see another family of three sisters, two of them dying for their sister. What's even more important is a mention of Hybern's war camps and how it's very unlikely for anyone to survive their time there.
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Here Beron taunts Kallias by telling his mate that Hybern and his people probably torture and abuse women before killing them. (Please be sure to remember that because we're going to go back to this notion later in this post.)
Another big insight about Lady's life and this particular accident comes from no one else but Helion.
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Few things that are very important to mention: - she had already given birth to a few of her children - Hybern directly attacked the estate they were in - her sisters let her run away because they loved her - she tried to fight and stay with them till they convinced her to run - the beasts sent by Hybern tailed her and finally cornered her in a trap
What Feyre says in this particular scene - about Helion knowing too many details holds great importance for the further quotes. We also get to know that, in fact, it was Helion who rescued the Lady - not only saved but found her. The setup, the build-up and the fact that it wasn't her "husband" that came for her are the main things I wish to bring attention to, as we are going to analyze different scenes from the same book with this knowledge.
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He could have ended it differently, yet he didn't. Why? The question seems to be imprinted in Feyre's mind as she tries to connect the dots and points she was given, just like us readers. I do believe that what we are being presented with is the notion of the mating bond. Helion's rage at Lady's attack projects typical mate behavior - such as unnecessary violence against the ones who dared to hurt their mate. It also goes with the information of him finding her - how was that possible? Her husband wasn't there, it was Helion who essentially knew that something was wrong. How? Well, by applying the mating bond in this picture we can easily deduct few things: Helion probably felt her distraught through the bond, was able to locate her and save her.
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Another insight given by Helion is about Lady's relationship with Beron. Not only it gives us information about her young age (cue to Rhysand's mother and how her young age was also brought up as something very disturbing and not in favour of some mating bonds), but also we get to know that her marriage was arranged. Just like the reader, Feyre is left with these very personal insights and detailed descriptions - so she presses Helion more, to speak, to see if her suspicions are correct.
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Another person jumps into the conversation and it is Mor who hands the information of a possible romance between Lady and Helion. We learn that both of them met at an equinox ball before she was proposed with an arranged marriage with Beron. Feyre's curiosity is evident in the way she perks up at Mor's words. Helion on the other hand counter-attacks and provides us with the political background of the story. The Lady was basically left without a choice when it came to her love life.
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Helion saved Beron's wife during the war. And Beron didn't know and still doesn't have an idea that it was Helion who saved the Lady.
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Feyre tries to fish for more information - and Helion seems to be very reluctant to answer her question about his relationship with the Lady. It makes us think that, in fact, their relationship was somehow forbidden, being kept in secret. Moreover, what's even more interesting is the fact that we suddenly have a shift of focus on another person - Azriel. We are deliberately made aware of the fact that Azriel is listening to this important conversation.
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We are starting to see Helion becoming slightly less humorous - Feyre can spot the difference between his usual self and the way he delivers his question. It suggests that the relationship and potential mating bond is a very touchy subject for him.
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Their forbidden relationship went on for decades. They were secret lovers till Beron found about them. We see that contrast between the Lady with Helion - all brightness and smiles, Lady with Beron - withdrawn, timid, scared.
I clenched my teeth. “If you were her lover, why didn’t you stop it?” The wrong thing to say. Utterly wrong, by the dark fury that rippled across Helion’s face. “Beron is a High Lord, and she is his wife, mother of his brood. She chose to stay. Chose. And with the protocols and rules, Lady, you will find that most situations like the one you were in do not end well for those who interfere.”
Helion reacts with anger at Feyre's inquiry about his lack of participation in the case of the Lady's wellbeing. "Dark fury rippling across Helion's face" is also an interesting word choice. Again we are reminded that their romance was meant to end that way due to the notions of choice and politics.
“Beron never called you out for it?” “To publicly do so would be to admit that his possession made a fool of him. So we continue our little dance, these centuries later.” I somehow doubted that beneath that roguish charm and irreverence, Helion felt it was a dance at all.
Helion reminds us about politics that bind different Courts - in this case, we can easily see that the matter of choice in this example ends with Lady choosing duty over love. It also supplies us with an idea that if Helion would have wanted to fight for Lady he would need to participate in a blood duel. Yet, the Lady chose Beron - we don't know why Helion probably was left alone with the same question. However, by analyzing this situation I believe that Lady knew about the possibility of a blood duel happening she didn't want her potential mate to be hurt. So, in the end, she opted for a life in a loveless marriage with Beron. Furthermore, we have Rhysand and Feyre coming to the conclusion that Lucien is Helion's son - and he is the fruit of the loving relationship between Helion and the Lady.
What does this mean, though? Nothing—ultimately nothing. Other than the fact that Lucien might be Helion’s sole heir. And that … it changed nothing in this war. Especially not with Lucien on the continent, hunting that enchanted queen. A bird of flame … and a lord of fire. I wondered if they’d found each other yet.
The usage of the word "this war" is not a coincidence, as well as Rhysand's poor prediction of the future. Because as we know, right now - it changes a lot. Elain being his mate bounds him to the Night Court, so losing that relationship puts the Court at risk. Especially now, when Lucien doesn't know that Helion is his father. Another very important addition is the part about Lucien and Vassa. Feyre has prophetic tendencies and her thoughts about both Vassa and Lucien always focus on their... relationship. Not to mention that it was brought up after that whole conversation with Helion. With all these things above, I would like to move on to Elriel parallels. Starting with the Cauldron kidnapping Elain. Please bear in mind that this scene happens after the meeting with Helion, after learning about the story of Lady's and Helion's romance.
But Azriel asked softly, “What about Elain?”
The one who noticed that Elain was absent was Azriel, we can speculate whatever it was his intuition, his shadows, or perhaps some kind of feeling that made him aware of her absence. Yet, it's not a coincidence that another male character, the one who doesn't have an official mate is the only one who either felt/realized that she was taken. That's the first parallel I would love to bring to your attention - Helion was the one who found and rescued the Lady. Now, the situation is almost identical - Hybern attacks via Cauldron takes Elain to the war camps.
And what Hybern would do to Elain, might already be doing— From the shadows near the entrance to the tent, Azriel said, as if in answer to some unspoken debate, “I’m getting her back.” Nesta slid her gaze to the shadowsinger. Azriel’s hazel eyes glowed golden in the shadows. Nesta said, “Then you will die.” Azriel only repeated, rage glazing that stare, “I’m getting her back.”
Azriel reacts with rage, a silent debate raging within him. He is battling something deep inside him, which is obstructed from the reader's point of view. I wonder why? He is the one who swears to find her and rescue her. Also, worth mentioning how Feyre seems to realize the graveness of the situation - as if she can remember the conversation she had with Helion about what happened with sisters of the Lady of Autumn Court. War camps. Nobody would walk away from them alive.
We looked to Rhys, to Cassian and Nesta, to Mor—right as she appeared, breathless, between the tent flaps. Her eyes went to me, then the shadowsinger, and flared with shock and fear—
In this scene we also have Mor. Mor was present during Helion's conversation and gave input about their love and forbidden relationship. Mor that possess the power of Truth. Is it possible that Mor knew about the mating bond between Helion and the Lady? Is it possible that Mor knows about the truth of the mating bond between Lucien and Elain? Does Mor know about the potential mating bond between Azriel and Elain? There are so many questions and we don't get an answer. Mor keeps secrets, which is understandable yet it provides a whole new aspect of Mor being the one who realizes what's happening. (Not to mention that Mor is always present when Elain is with Lucien, assessing them.)
Screaming. A shadow gripped my shoulder, reminding me not to run. Ianthe would not run—would not show alarm. My mouth went dry as that scream sounded again. I couldn’t bear it—to let it go on, to see what was being done— Azriel’s shadow-hand grasped my own, tugging me closer. His rage rippled off his invisible form.
It is Azriel who reacts once again with - rage. At the thought of Elain being tortured, abused, or being killed. Feyre can't stomach the idea of what is happening to her sister in this war camp.
I could feel Jurian’s smile against my ear. “She’s in his tent. Chained with steel and a little spell from his favorite book.” Shit. Shit. Perhaps I should have gotten Helion, who could break almost any—
The mention of Helion is such a beautiful parallel. We, as readers, are amidst a rescue mission. A situation that was very similarly described few chapters before, a situation in which it was Helion in Azriel's shoes. In the past it was - Helion and Lady, here in the "future" we have - Azriel and Elain. The same circumstances - Hybern attack/Hybern powers, three sisters, and the only one is targeted, a savior that isn't husband/mate finding and rescuing the girl.
Azriel gently removed the gag from her mouth. “Are you hurt?” She shook her head, devouring the sight of him as if not quite believing it. “You came for me.” The shadowsinger only inclined his head.
I could write a whole meta about this quote because it's ridden with such enormous parallels and foreshadowing. Let's start with the simplest one, which is the word "devour". It has very strong connections to physicality, it basically means that Elain greedily took him in, he was her focal point at that moment. Also, the following addition of her not quite believing that, in fact, it is Azriel who arrived before her - she hadn't expected him to rescue her and you may be wondering why? It all beautifully goes with the idea of two mates/true mates theories - what is making me say this with so much certainty? Well, first of all, ACOWAR is full of descriptions of how a healthy mating bond works, for example, Feysand one. It's a bridge connecting two souls through which our emotions, thoughts can be perceived for the other person.
Find me, find me, find me, I tried shouting down that bond. But my mate’s wry voice didn’t answer. There was only the roaring void.
This happens at the begging of ACOWAR when Feyre tries to communicate with Rhysand through their mating bond. I find it very interesting that throughout the whole book the trope of "finding your true love, significant other" is very persistent. This brings me back to the theory that both Azriel and Helion heard their mates' cries of help and that's how they were able to rescue them and find them. In addition to that Elain's "you came for me" is striking so many questions. What does she mean? Why is she so docile and peaceful? As if she somehow had an idea that someone will come for her - did she perhaps inwardly call through the mating bond? This, again, brings us to another parallel - Beron doesn't know that it was Helion who rescued the Lady. Lucien doesn't know that it was Azriel who saved Elain - which, we really don't know if he even felt/knew that something has happened.
The hounds closed in, two breaking away—to cut to the side. To herd us. For that was a cliff at the other edge of the camp. A cliff with a very, very long drop, and unforgiving river below.
I'm bringing this up because the setting is oddly familiar with the run of Lady of Autumn's one. The isolated place, a trap etc.
Azriel’s roar echoed off the rocks as the hound slammed into him, dragging those shredding talons down his spine, his wings— The girl screamed, but Elain moved. As Azriel battled to keep them airborne, keep his grip on them, my sister sent a fierce kick into the beast’s face. Its eye. Another. Another. It bellowed, and Elain slammed her bare, muddy foot into its face again. The blow struck home. With a yelp of pain, it released its claws—and plunged into the ravine.
Parallel on parallel. We have Hybern's beasts, we have a similar setting again and fight. What is different, however, is that in Helion's case it was solely him that destroyed beasts while rescuing the Lady. Here, however, it is Elain that fights against beasts - she who had never trained, she who is a gardener is fighting against evil. She is kicking as the beasts hurt Azriel. She took the initiative and killed the beast at that moment when they previously hurt Azriel. Also, the most beautiful comparison in my opinion is the fact that after Elain knocks the beast it falls down the ravine, dying. It is somehow very symbolic that Elain kills the beast that falls into the ravine, whereas Lady of Autumn is stuck in the ravine as beasts approach her and it is the moment when Helion saves her.
The gray light of morning had broken over the world, mist clinging to our ankles as we headed into that camp, Azriel still cradling Elain to his chest. He dripped blood behind him the entire time—a trickle compared to the torrent that should be leaking out.
After that intense battle, they arrive in the safety, but Azriel still holds on Elain even if he himself is bleeding all over the place.
Rhys lunged for Azriel, taking Elain from him and gently setting my sister down. Azriel rasped, swaying on his feet, “We need Helion to get these chains off her.” Yet Elain didn’t seem to notice them as she rose up on her toes and kissed the shadowsinger’s cheek.
Another mention of Helion in that very parallel setting. He was very present during the rescue mission, which is a neat way of showering the audience with foreshadowing. If I wanted to indulge even more in the symbolism of this scene, I would point out that the chains on Elain are very symbolic as well. They could either mean the restrain of her powers, but also the chains of the "lack of freedom", "lack of choice". Being freed by both Azriel and Helion is something that I believe is very important to remember while waiting for the next book. Because even if Elain is a mirror to Lady - Elain will change the course of her story. Elain is going to choose love over duty, she will choose Azriel - which ends with them discovering that, in fact, the bond was there from the beginning. Helion getting rid of those chains is also a metaphor for what is to come. He will break Lady's chains by fighting with Beron during the blood duel. In this timeline, Azriel and Elain are symbolism of healthy love, mating bond, freedom of choice. Lucien doesn't mirror Beron, because he himself doesn't want to be with Elain since both of them don't feel comfortable with each other, they are making each other miserable. Not to mention the fact that their mating bond is... very weak and through the ACOWAR and ACOSF we see that it is different from the true mating bonds that are present in the universe. Azriel-Elain-Lucien triangle will break the past wheel of unhappiness and forced love, changing it by their own rules of free choice. As for Helion-Lady-Beron love story, if I may be so bold, the blood duel is going to happen and Beron will die - freeing Lady and Helion from him and politics that kept them away. If you are still not sure if these two situations are foreshadowing I would love to put this quote as the ending of this very long meta.
Azriel shrugged. “We—Rhys, Cass, and I—will occasionally remind each other that what we think to be our greatest weakness can sometimes be our biggest strength. And that the most unlikely person can alter the course of history.”
And as you can guess, that very unlikely person who altered the course of history in ACOWAR was Elain when she killed King of Hybern.
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sporadiclilbook · 3 years
Yan!Childe x Singer/Dancer!Khaenri'ahn! reader
Proof-read by: @choquackette
a/n: in a way, does this count as a songfic :D? Also I'm gonna use Lost in Thoughts All Alone for this. And to be fair you're pretty much like Shigure/Azura from fates in this
TW: Kidnapping
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You are the ocean's gray waves
Destined to seek life beyond the shore
Just out reach
Your voice rang out through the crowd who was listening. Your Hydro Vision glowed as you made particles of water float around you. It created an illusion that made them looked like it was sparkling. It was mesmerising. To Childe, it amazed him how you used it so beautifully for a show. Unlike his more....bloodthirsty uses of his. To think a Vision can do something so graceful and morbid at the same time.
Of course he had his Electro Delusion but this is the Vision we're talking about. He uses it as a weapon while you used it for entertainment. To be honest, he never thought he'd see something like this. It was all thanks to a mission he has to do. Tailing a guy who was in debt to the Fatui and all. Childe think he was a fool. Instead of trying to make his business better, he wastes it on shows like these. But now that he sees you, he understand why. Your exotic appearance was a sight to behold. The only known person to have the same eyes as you was that Favonius Cavalry Captain and he only showed one eye. One already can make one look intriguing but having both made you look ethereal.
Yet the water ever change
Flowing like time
The path is yours to climb
Your dance was graceful, fluid movements that did flow like water. Childe think you could've been a good sword fighter if you were able to incorporate these movements into sword fighting. But for now he'll enjoy your voice and dancing. There's just something about it he loved so much. Sure fighting is always the one he loves but there's just something about you that he's attracted to. Was it your appearance? Vocals? Movements? Or those pupils of yours? He thinks it's quite silly, he doesn't even know who you are and yet......
A burdened heart
Sinks into the ground
Here he is, eager to look for you after this whole mission thing. If there's one thing he knows, is to not judge someone's prowess by appearance. Take the traveler for example. They have a petite form and yet they were able to defeat his Foul Legacy form! Who knows what you might have in store for him? Just the thought of you actually being able to fight makes him feel giddy.
Alas, all he can do for now is listen to your song. With that said, he didn't forget his mission. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw his target. The man was also in awe of looking at you. Too in awe of noticing his presence that is. He'll get right back to him when your show's over.
A veil falls away without a sound
Not day nor night
Wrong nor right
For truth and peace, you'll fight
He wondered if his siblings would love your singing. Sleeping to a lullaby sounded like a nice idea to him. Why he even thought of that was a mystery to him. Is this what they called love at first sight? He just can't help but wished to woken up by your voice that will roll out his name softly in the morning.
Sing with me a song
Of silence and blood
The rain falls, but can't wash away the mud
Within my ancient heart dwells
Madness and pride
Can't no one hear my cry?
The song ended and the crowd threw a round applause. You bowed and left the stage immediately. Childe, who hasn't forgot his mission, quickly trailed the guy he was after outsidd. "Ah! Hello there Mr. Wei Xing! I reckon you know who I am yes?" And so from there, he scared the poor man to the death with threats and grim reminder of the debt he owed. But Childe was feeling a bit merciful today "Tell you what I'll give you some more time on one condition." Wei Xing, his target, was confused. The Fatui giving a bit of leverage? Still, he would be an idiot to refuse "And that condition is....?"
Childe chuckled at his quick response. It's natural after all. All of his intimidation must have triggered his survival instincts. "Just answer me this. Who was that singer with a Hydro Vision?" Wei Xing was baffled. That's all he wanted? "A-as far as I know, t-their name is (Y/N). They're a performer that was passing by Liyue to gain more popularity across Teyvat." Childe hummed as he hears it. 'A travelling performer huh? Looks like I'll have to act quick if I want to meet them' There was moment of silence before he asked another question "When are they leaving?" "I-in a few days"
Childe let him go and as promised gave him more time for him to pay his debt. Should he fails again to do so.....he'll be history. He only had a few days to meet and talk to you so he has to be quick. Thankfully being a Fatui Harbinger does have it perks. One of those perks being having informants that can collect informations for you. And since this is no top secret info, it was quite easy to find out where you were staying and exactly how many days before you were gone.
As he wait for you at the road that led guests from Wangshu Inn to Liyue, he thought of what you might say. Maybe you'll recognise him right away? Or perhaps you were too innocent to notice the horrors of the Fatui. As he notices your figure walking on the horizon, he prepared to greet you casually. But then he was perplexed by your outfit. It seemed less travelling performer and more of a......fighter? Interesting. He drops the idea of greeting you and opted to follow your path instead.
He followed you until you reached a domain that was near one of the ruins. You stood in front of the entrance as he awaits your next move, intentionally letting his presence seep out. "You're not doing that much of a great job to hide yourself, Fatui. Or is it intentional?" Childe walks out from the spot he was hiding in and approached you slowly while saying "Well, isn't this a surprise? I just happened to be passing b-" His actions stopped midway as your pointed a spear at him. "Not a step closer, what do you want?"
Your starred pupils were sharped and narrowed. It held an intense emotion in it. Childe held up his hands in some sort of mock surrender and laughed a bit "Hey now! There's no need to get aggressive, is there? I was just curious why someone like you is doing here. Not exactly a good place to perform isn't it?"
"That's none of your business."
"Are you gonna go inside this domain?"
"If so, can I follow?"
"I said no."
"I'm very good at fighting you know. It'll be a shame if someone like you gets inju--"
Your spear was closer to him now. Threatening to slice him open any minute you wanted to. It didn't faze him at all. In fact it made him thrilled. He knew there was something about you that was enchanting and perhaps this was it. An unrelenting fighting spirit. In a blink of an eye, he immediately summoned his hydro javelin and parried your spear. You backed away in surprise but kept your guard up.
"Listen I have no time for you Fatui. Leave me be. I have more important matters to attend to." Childe just gave a fox-like grin at your attempt to intimidate him. "Is that so? Like what exactly?" You rolled your eyes at him. He was getting annoying for sure. "Like I said, none of your business." It looks like you might have to halt your plans for tonight. The Abyss Order can wait. "So, what are you gonna do little star?" Without warning you immediately engulfed yourself in a torrent of water and disappears. Childe was shocked when he sees it but still grinned. If you wanted to be a challenge then so be it. If he can't bother you during your 'missions' then he'll bother you during the day.
And that is exactly what he did.
For two days straight he kept trying to talk with you whenever you were out visiting the Liyue Harbour. At first you tolerated him but now he was insufferable. You were glad you were leaving as soon as possible next day but Childe was not having any of that. In just the span of two days his little curiosity had turned into a tsunami of obsession. Your expressions and reactions not to mention the little heart warming moments he saw you cheering up some of the kids in Liyue. He wants to know even more of you.
And precisely why he is fighting you right now.
As he has deducted, your move was as graceful as your dance. Your fighting style was as unique as your eyes. Something he has never seen before. You dodged his flurry of arrows, panting while doing so. How long has he fought you? It felt like an eternity. You tried to dash to him and deliver a swift strike but him and his stupid shield won't let you. You jumped back just in time before he strike his hydro swords at you. You can't even get an elemental advantage here, you had to mostly rely on your weapon.
"Well (Y/N), it's been a fun fight really. But why don't you surrender now? You're tired aren't you? I promise things will go smoothly if you just give up."
You didn't want to. There's no way you'll give up. What does he wants with you anyway? You only stared down at him in silence, refusing to answer. "Ah, stubborn now aren't we? I guess I'll have to use a little force...." He activated his Delusion and immediately dashed towards you, giving you no time to react. The electricity made you groan in pain. You use your spear as a stabiliser from falling to the ground but you were running out of energy at this point.
Before you could fall, Childe took a hold of your body. "See? It's not that hard to give up." You wanted to mutter a remark but darkness shrouded your vision before you fainted. You woke up in an unfamiliar room. Certainly not Liyue's architecture nor your homeland's. Your first thought was to look for an escape.
The door was locked.
Windows were barred.
The wardrobe had the clothes you brought with you across Teyvat along with some new ones.
There was a chain at your leg that's long enough to get you to the bathroom.
Your Vision and weapon was missing.
You waited in silence, pondering what to do. You certainly can't escape like this. But then you heard the door open. And as expected it was him. "Did you had a good sleep? You were knocked out for a while there." You scowled at him "Drop the act, where am I?" Childe hummed before answering "You're in Snezhnaya of course! Where else would I bring you? I'm quite lucky to be able to bring you here and visit my siblings! Say would you like to visi--" "Why would I do that?"
His grin dropped and his eyes stared at you. His eyes was....hollow...empty...devoid of any humanity in them. He walked towards you and you instinctively stepped back. He had you trapped against a wall. He lifted up your chin and let out a small but terrifying smile "Well, because your fate is in my hands. There's nothing you can do now, is there? But I'll forgive your behaviour for now.....if you sing that is."
You hated it. You hated the fact he was right. So you had no choice but to stay obedient and be his 'little songbird' until you found a window of opportunity. He lets go of your chin and sat down on a chair. With a heavy heart, you opened your mouth to sing.
You are the ocean's gray waves
Destined to seek life beyond the shore
Just out of reach
Childe smiled as you sing. He's sure you'll come around and fall in love with him soon enough.
Yet the water ever change
Flowing like time
The path is yours to climb
Shame that you can't meet his family yet. They would've love you. He can't wait for that day to arrive though. He can't help but feel joy. His little songbird, all his and no one else.
You are the ocean's gray waves.
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mindswriters · 4 years
Next Morning - jj maybank × reader
Summary: y/n and jj are friends with benefits for a couple months ago, in secret of course, but after a night where the blonde could not control himself, you guys have to chase after a next morning pill.
Pairing: jj maybank × reader
Warnings: a tiny bit of smut, unprotected sex [no glove no love my friends], swearing, pregnancy scare, probably typos.
Word count: 3.1K
A/N: this is "low" key inspired by otis and ruby from sex education, i thought they were cute.
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gif by @toesure :)
"Oh fuck Y/n, you're doing so good" JJ grunts as you speed your pace bouncing your hips against his shaft, riding him like your life depends on it.
Tonight was being just another boring Thursday night at the outer banks, at least until your best friend, JJ Maybank, calls you saying that he was alone at the chateau, and asked you to come over. A few months ago you guys updated your friendship with some benefits, and since then a day without your other Pogue friends means a huge opportunity to enjoy yourselves together, so why not.
"You fill me up so nice J" you moaned tugging his blonde locks while you sank yourself on his cock one more time.
Incredible as it sounds, this is the first time you're riding JJ's cock. After lots of tries, he finally left out his dominant side and let you take control of him, but obviously at some point he would buck his hips and meet your thrusts, making it feel even better. Honestly, he wasn't expecting it to be this good. He loves the way your breasts are pressed against his chest while you move your hips roughly, this position basically gives him a free pass to cover your neck with bites and hickies. And all of this plus your moans filling up the room are driving him insane.
"Fuck, I can't" he breathed out under your ear but you kept with your pace, looking for your high, and you could say it wasn't so far "Y/n, I think I'm gonna- oh fuck"
"What the actual fuck JJ?" you cursed panting when you felt the stick liquid scratching your inside walls and reached your high too.
At the beginning of this 'thing' you were still two good kids who always protected yourselves, but as deep as you dived in each others lusts, you discovered that neither you nor JJ were the biggest fans of condoms, so you made a deal, you can do it without them, as long as he don't release inside of you. And by the looks of it, he just broke the deal.
"Did you just came inside me?" you just aren't freaking out because you're still dizzy from your orgasm
"Shit I think I did" he said by passing his hands through his messy hair and heavy breathing.
"This is not a joke, JJ. Didn't you felt it coming?" you asked in a hard tone while reaching for his shirt to clean yourself up
"It was impossible not to feel it" the blonde answered with a smirk
"Then why don't you warned me, pulled off or whatever?" you now have a worried tone in your voice
"I tried! but come on Y/n, I'm mild high and you were having no mercy with me!" he exclaimed throwing his hands on the air
"Don't put this all on me" you ran your hands through your face and trying to stay calm, realizing the big problem you had just created.
"Hey, I'm sorry okay, even though you were riding me like a goddess, it was my dick who painted you so..." he said getting close to you and wrapping your naked body with his arms.
You softly giggled relaxing a bit with his touch, you know he's worried too, his brain is only a little slower than yours to process information, but you're sure that once he remember that one of the consequences of this "slide" could be an unexpected pregnancy and you becoming parents with 17 years, he'll freak out.
"So what do we do now?" he asked caressing your hair
"Since we're on the cut, without the twinkie and there's none 24-hour drug store in here, we'll go to sleep and wait until tomorrow morning to go buy a next morning pill." you explained what seemed to be the best option now.
"It means you're staying over?" he asked and you nodded smirking "Sounds good to me then"
After that, you guys took a quick shower just to free your bodies from the sweat and other things even more disgusting, and didn't even bothered in putting back your clothes, you just cuddled and fell asleep naked under a thin blanket, because above all, his body's heat still makes you feel safe.
You can't say that you slept like an angel this night, you were too worried for it. So as soon as you saw the bright light from outside trespass the room, you carefully reached your phone on the nightstand and checked the time, it was almost 8 in the morning. Considering you don't want to be naked with your best friend in the spare room when John B arrives, and that the sooner you take the pill the better, you decided it was time to get up. You slowly pulled JJ's arm away from your waist and stood up without waking him up. You picked your underwear from the floor and put them on, along with your jeans shorts from the day before and lent one of JJ's shirts, the one with a Kildare Marina print. The boy only woke up when you got back from the bathroom, and opened the curtains, basically torturing him.
"Oh come on, what time is it?" he grunted scratching his eyes with the back of his hands.
"Time to fix the previous night, sweetheart" you answered picking up some clothes that were still on the floor.
"Can't we just wait a little more?" he yawned.
"No, we can't, unless you want to increase the chances of me having a mini you on my uterus" you stared him cocking your eyebrows.
"Okay, right, I'm up" he stood up quickly, but he wasn't 100% awake yet.
"Uh, try to put some clothes on, I'll be in the kitchen" you faked a disgusted face pointing to his not too little exposed friend.
While JJ was doing his morning routine, you started looking for something you could eat, but the old pizza slices, mold breads and cereal wastes didn't seem at all attractive to you and your lack of hunger. At that moment the feelings that consume you most are those of concern and guilt, concern because you know that the next morning pill isn't 100% effective, and you definitely can't handle having a baby now, you are too irresponsible for this, and that's why you also feel guilty, because if you wouldn't had accepted that goddamn "no condom" deal, nothing of this will be happening. But suddenly you were dragged away from your thoughts by the sound of the Chateau's front door opening, you could say that John B was trying to be quiet, but it didn't work very well, since the doors of the house are old and creak with any movement.
"Shit!" the brunette whisper-shouted placing a hand on his chest when he entered the kitchen "Wow Y/n, you scared the shit out of me, what are you doing?"
"Uh.... breakfast?" you quirked your eyebrows showing him the cereal box in your hands
"Yeah I can see you're doing your breakfast, 'what are you doing here?' is what I meant" he said placing his keys on the counter.
"I'm waiting for JJ, we have some important things to do" you said staring your cereal bowl, avoiding to meet eyes with your friend.
"JJ? Doing important things this early in the morning?" you pursed your lips in a suggestive smile and nodded your head "And why are you wearing his shirt?"
You almost chocked with milk at the question, stuttering to find a plausible answer "Because... I- spilled toothpaste on mine?" it definitely sounded more like a question.
John B was about to question you again but thank God JJ finally joined you, now wearing his classic boots and cargo shorts, and some random shirt.
"Oh hi Jombie" he said scratching his eyes with the back of his hand.
Before your friend could even answer, you stood up and made your way towards JJ "Finally sleeping beauty, can we go now?" you said linking your arms.
"I was actually craving for some breakfast first" he pointed to the table, where John B was putting some cereal for himself.
"You know what might happen if we get late, don't you?" you whispered quirking your eyebrows and giving the blonde a serious look and heading to the front porch.
"Ok, breakfast can wait, see you later JB, oh and we're taking the twinkie" he grabbed the keys John B had previously dropped on the counter and hushed to meet you outside.
"See ya weirdos" John B shook his head and rolled his eyes seeing the antics of his two best friends.
The drive to the drugstore was silent, but not an awkward silent, more like a reflexing silence. The more you tried to stay calm and shrug off all the "what ifs" in your head, the more the anxiety took hold of you. For JJ, you were going to take the pill and everything would work out, but you know it's not like that, these emergency methods don't always work, and if it doesn't work this time, you have no idea how to deal with a possible pregnancy at 17. What your friends will think when you come clean and tell them about your escapades and that they resulted in your pregnancy? How would you explain this to your parents? How would they react? How JJ's father would react? All this thoughts were zoning out in your brain when a gentle touch stopped you from freaking out. You moved your gaze from the window to JJ's hand rubbing your tight, and then you looked at his face to see a reassuring smile, like saying "it's going to be ok" but without words. You smiled back, feeling the anxious feeling leave your body and mind. It didn't take long for you guys to be parking the van a few meters from the drugstore.
You were about to enter the store when something clicked on your mind "Wait!" you said grabbing JJ's arm, making him stumble on his feet.
"What's wrong?" he frowned staring at you.
"JJ we live on an island. What if someone sees me buying next morning pills? I don't want the whole obx gossiping about me and my sexual slides" you said crossing your arms and looking away from him.
"Okay, I'll do it then" he said and you immediately stared at him, surprised and trying to figure out if he was being serious, just when you were about to complain, he gently squeezed your shoulders "Wait here, I'll be right back"
And just like that you were left alone in front the small store, you looked around, thankfully the street was pretty empty, so you decided to sit down on the curb and wait for him to come back. Which was faster than you expected. As soon as you heard the bell, you got up and waited for him to give you the box that he had in his hands.
"These are just bubble gums" he shrugged rolling his eyes.
"Bubble gums? What the hell JJ?" you laughed in disbelief.
"She said she couldn't sell it for me because I don't have a fucking vagina" JJ protested trying to not be so loud.
You sighed licking your lips. But is better to deal with buying the pill in person, to deal with having a baby. You opened your purse, looking for your sunglasses and when you found them you tapped JJ's shoulder "stay at the door, you'll be my look out"
"At your disposal, boss" he said holding the door while you two entered the store, you put on your glasses trying to disguise a little smirk in your lips.
You slowly walked between the hallways, pretending to be some random costumer, not that you weren't, you just don't want to seem so desperate. When you finally reached the cash counter, you looked over your shoulder to see JJ nodding and giving you tumbs up.
"Hey, can I have a next morning pill?" you mumbled twitching your nose.
"Sorry, I couldn't hear you" the woman on the cashier said.
"A next morning pill, please" this time you were clearer, masking the awkwardness with an even more awkward smirk.
"When did you last have sex?" the cashier asked.
"Last night" you stated, isn't it obvious? you thought to yourself.
"Did you use contraception?" the question made you stomach turn. Why did you have to be so irresponsible? Stupid deal.
"No" your whisper could barely be heard by you, let alone the woman behind the counter.
"Miss, did you use contraception?" she repeated the question after your lack of response.
"No, we didn't" your eyes widened when you heard JJ's voice coming from a few meters away.
Both you and the cashier stared at him, who immediately regretted the previous words "Sorry, I'm just the look out" he scratched the back of his neck.
Returning the attention just between you and the mild-age woman, she made a few more questions and after finishing to fill up your form, she finally gave you the little box with all the prescriptions to take the pill. You also asked for two Pepsi cans for you and JJ, you were about to pay the woman when you felt an around your waist.
"What do you think you're doing, lady?" JJ asked taking your wallet from your hands.
"Well, if you please give my wallet back, I was going to pay for those things" you stared at him trying to reach his other hand behind his back.
"No way, I'll pay for it" he returned the wallet for you and grabbed his own one on his pocket.
"J, you don't have to, it takes two to tango remember?" you protested biting your inner lip and giving him non-intentional puppy eyes.
"Then we should at least split it" he definitely has a point now.
"Okay, fine, you win" you rolled your eyes giving up and earning a grin from your best friend.
After you and JJ have paid for the pill and your sodas, he said he wanted to go somewhere else, so he drove the twinkie to the old forts on Battery Jasper, some kind of cliff or mountain where we could almost see the entire Outer Banks. You guys sat on some old big rocks and while you struggled against the wind to try to read the pill bull, JJ decided to break the silence.
"Do you think we should break the deal?" he hesitantly asked.
"You mean the 'condom free' deal or all the friends with benefits deal?" you chuckled looking at the paper in your hands.
"Do you want to stop what we've been doing? 'Cause if you do I'm not stopping you, it's just- I really enjoy spending time with you and..." he started rumbling but you soon interupted him.
"Hey! chill out blondie!" you giggled cupping his face with your right hand "We don't need to stop it, even because I like messing around with you too, a lot. We just need to be more careful" you explained.
"Okay..." he relaxed with your touch and you two shared a smile and stared at each other for a few seconds.
You cleared your throat when you remembered that you were the one hurrying him up and now you almost forgot that you have a pill to take asap. You opened your Pepsi and medicine, putting the pill on your tongue and taking a sip of the drink to help you swallow. JJ watched you and while you were drinking again you heard little laughter coming from him.
"What?" you gave him a suspicious look.
"Nothing" he giggled making you narrow your eyes at him "I just imagined us being arrested for killing a poor little baby"
"So would you prefer waking up at 3am to changing diapers?" you laughed arching you eyebrows.
"Ew, no" you both erupted in laughter, you love the way you and JJ never feel awkward, not even in scary moments like these.
When you recovered from your crisis of laughter, you took a deep breath and felt a grip on your tight, you looked up to see JJ staring at the horizon, and you could say that he was thinking about something.
"You know, I would like to have a baby with you" he said with a shy grin.
"Oh come on J, give it a rest" you shook your head chuckling and taking another sip of your drink.
"No, I meant it! Of course not right now, but if we reach our thirties without meeting our perfect pairs, we could marry each other and just maybe have a little bit of kids" he said nonchantly.
"A little bit of kids?" you smiled and stared at him, trying to figure if he was being serious or not "I can't believe you're real Maybank" you giggled.
"What? Have you never heard that people are happier when they marry their best friends?" he suggested.
"Maybe" you shrugged looking away.
"So what? Do we have a deal?" he bit his lip quirking his eyebrows in your direction.
"I'm not making anymore deals with you, blondie" you said, immediately seeing his happy face fall to a sad one "But maybe, just maybe, I liked your idea" you smirked turning your face to look at him.
"I knew it!" he cheered with a kiss on your cheek and clicking your cans he said "To our future possible marriage"
"Cheers" you gave a little laugh, which was interrupted by your phone ringing.
As soon as you unlocked your screens, you were surprised with dozens of notifications on your twitter, and also 2 messages from John B, you opened them first.
Jombie 🏄‍♂‍: so is that the "important things" you guys had to do? am i missing something?
Jombie 🏄‍♂‍: 📷 Photo
When you downloaded the file, you came across a screenshot, it was from Topper's last tweet: a picture taken from outside the drugstore, through the glass wall, you and JJ standing in front of the cash counter, his arm on your waist, and thanks god, only the two Pepsi cans could be seen on the counter. Your eyes widened even more when you read the caption "Looks like Maybank and Y/l/n finally assumed their shit! What would those lovebirds be doing on a drugstore this early in the morning?"
"What happened?" JJ asked seeing how your expression went blank looking at your phone.
"Weren't you supposed to be the look out?" you said turning your phone to him and pointing to the screen blowing with notifications, but still showing the picture on Topper's tweet.
They have some things to explain now, or maybe some good excuses to came up with.
taglist: @blueflame2778 @outerbongs @maybebanks @k-k0129 @dani-c20 @jjsmaybcnk @wicked-laugh @wallflowercal @obx-pouges @alwaysasadaesthetic @marvel-ousnesss
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anon ask about life
I don't know how long i can go on.
Life is so weird. I just feel weird, not in place. I think i love what i do but at the same time, some days feel like i don't even know what i'm doing.
I'm happy!
Am i?
I'm a hard-worker.
Am i?
I am also scared. I live close to ukraine and even though i don't think my country is at risk i just remember how i was thinking the same thing in 2020 when the pandemic was first starting in China and then corona came and my life and me was changed forever.
Some days i just really can't. Just can't. Why should i? I'm put here to creat my own pattern and follow it for the rest of my life.
What do u think abou that?
First things first. The situation in Ukraine is out of your control. COVID-19 was also out of your control. Stay updated and informed, act accordingly, use common sense. Make sure you know where all your important documents are. Check in on those you love.
Life always changes. Nothing will ever stay the same. There are some things that clearly need to be done and there are some things you can't do much about in your position. You can't make Putin see reason. You can't fight nature. You can play your part and aid when you can. Also, remember.
You can't help anyone when you're dead.
Second, your thoughts. Is it ideal for you to feel that way? No, of course not. That doesn't make them invalid. These are questions everyone asks themselves at some point. In fact, there are probably people reading this right now and think the exact same things you do.
You might hope that I have answers.
I don't.
Ask any adult. They have no idea what they're doing. They're just doing it. You can ask why? why? why? and at the end of the day the answer is "because I want to." People who want to make the world a better place do it because they want to. People who want to be shitty people do it because they want to. People do nothing because they want to.
Am I happy?
I don't know. I don't really know what happiness means. I just do shit I feel like doing.
Am I a hard worker?
Depends on your definition. I have an intense work ethic / internal drive and I don't react much to external influence. I do things on my own without being prompted because I have my own desires. If you call that "hard work" or "diligent", then I suppose I am.
I don't know why we're put here. I doubt there is any real reason other than pure randomness. People become obsessed with finding the answer. I don't really have an interest in that. I have my own moral code. I want to learn things. I want to know people that stimulate my mind. I want to fuck. I want to listen to music. I want to see what I can create. If it means something to someone, cool. If it doesn't, cool. If people like me, awesome. If they don't, awesome.
If someone wants to stick by me so much even though they know exactly who I am, I would call them crazy.
Absolutely bonkers.
I know a handful of loons it seems ahaha but, hey, that's fine with me; I like crazy. I'm fine with having no answers. I'm fine with liking what I like, meaningless or not. I'm going to go and if that has meaning, then it has meaning, and if it doesn't, ah, well.
Least I got to fuck.
I will be no one's puppet, especially not to the universe who is desperately trying to paralyze me with questions.
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one-boring-person · 4 years
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@theghostof-myndi I'm so sorry this has taken such a long time to write! I hope it was worth the wait, though!💛💛💛
Are You Paid To Say That?
Kevin Richter (Trapped In Silence) x reader
Warnings: mentions of violence, mental illness/challenges
A/N: Im really sorry if this isn't as good as you were expecting, I find the characters quite difficult to write, but I've tried my best. I wasn't really too sure where to take this, so I hope thinks ok.💛💛
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"How're things going with Kevin?" I inquire as I walk with Jennifer out of the building, pulling my coat tighter around my body as the icy winter air surrounds us, biting at my heated skin.
"Well, I thought they were going well, but he had another outburst today, so I think we might've been set back a bit." The shrink admits to me, adjusting the box in her arms, making the bits and bobs inside clatter against each other.
"Another outburst? How come?" I frown a bit, knowing that this particular patient can be violent at the best of times, concerned now for the older woman's safety.
"I'm not entirely sure this time. We were talking about meeting more people his age, when he mentioned something about seeing a girl around here...hang on, how old are you?" She asks, looking over at me curiously.
Lifting an eyebrow, I quickly respond.
"I'm seventeen."
Realisation seems to dawn on her face as she hears this, knowing that there are, in fact, no other younger workers in the institute, and definetly none that work with the more challenging patients.
"What?" I question when she continues to start at me in amazement.
"I think he was talking about you, (Y/n)." Jennifer reveals, frowning to herself as if thinking something over in her head.
"About me? He doesn't even know who I am, and I don't think he's ever seen me before." I protest, thinking back to the fragile, highly volatile boy currently residing in the Quiet Room.
"Maybe, but the description he gave matches you pretty well." She informs me, smiling gently at the look of genuine shock on my face, "I'll ask him more about it tomorrow."
"Ok, thank you." I respond, not knowing quite how to react to this information, waving a little as she walks off to her car, leaving me standing in the cold to mull over what I've heard.
Jennifer's hurried footsteps echo through the corridor as she approaches me, eyes intent on me, clearly needing to say something to me, prompting me to break off the conversation with the security guard I was having so that I can greet her. When she sees this, she speeds up a bit, hair blowing past her face with an air of importance.
"I was right, (Y/n), it is you that he meant." She blurts out as she reaches me, eyes filling with a mixture of curiosity and sympathy as she regards me.
"What do you mean? Who are we talking about?" I ask her, though I have a feeling I know where this is going.
"Kevin. I showed him a picture of you and he took it from me. He seemed pretty attached to it, and went ballistic when I asked him for it back." She informs me, leading me away from our original spot, back the way she came.
"Kevin? Are you sure? I might just look like someone he knows." I try to reason, feeling a dull sense of fear as she drags me down the corridor, my eyes wide at the idea of going to see the troubled boy.
"Oh, I don't think so, (Y/n). He's drawn out pictures of everyone he want to remember, and I've spoken to the remaining members of his family: there is no way you just remind him of someone. I've been working with him for a while now, I know his habits." She clarifies, leading me down a more secluded corridor, towards the main office, at which point my fear fades into curiosity.
"Are you sure?" I ask one last time, looking away guiltily when she sends me a pointed glance, "Sorry, you know better than I do. Where are we going?"
"Right here." She gestures with a smile to the door we've stopped outside of, knocking just below the sign determining the owner of the room: the head of the institute.
Eyeing her curiously, I remain silent as we wait for him to respond, following her hesitantly when his voice sounds from behind the door. Respectfully, I stand just by the door as she goes inside completely, waiting there as she speaks with Dr Tomlinson, staying quiet as I let the older members talk with each other.
"Jennifer? What do you need?" The doctor greets her, sending a cursory glance at me, before returning his eyes to her.
"I want someone to help me with Kevin's case." She states, excitement creeping into her voice at the thought, clearly eager to keep up with the therapy.
"You do?" Dr Tomlinson looks surprised, eyes widening at her words, my own quickly fixing on the back of Jennifer's head.
"I do. I think it could really help him socialise better, and he'd get to speak to someone other than me for once." She nods enthusiastically, smiling to herself, as if aware of somehow we're not at liberty to know.
"Ok. I guess I can ask around, though I doubt many people are rave enough-" The doctor starts, only to be cut off by Jennifer, who is shaking her head at his words.
"No, don't worry about that. I already have someone in mind." Confusion and curiosity flood me at this, my mind instantly trying configure out who she could be talking about.
"Oh? And who is that?"
"Well, it's (Y/n) of course."
It takes everything I have not to faint.
"Don't worry, (Y/n), you'll be fine. He's not as bad as everyone makes him out to be." Jennifer reassures me as we get ready to enter the therapy room.
Trembling in nerves, I shift from foot to foot as I think through what I'm about to do, well aware that this is only the second case I've ever worked on, and that he doesn't have the greatest reputation. On our way over, Jennifer had given me a rundown of what she knows of his backstory and old living conditions, explaining that she had managed to get him to talk and communicate, but also that he is highly volatile at times, my trepidation and dread just building up the closer we get to the room. Now that we're here, a cold sweat has broken out over my forehead and skin.
"I know, I'm sorry. I just haven't really done this too often." I confess, feeling it important she know that I'm not an experienced worker here, reminding her that I'm only a volunteer who helps out here and there.
"Oh, right, I forgot about that." She frowns, reconsidering as she recalls this, "If you don't feel ready, you don't have to come in. I'm not going to make you."
Taking a deep breath, I decline her offer, biting my lip as I then follow her into the room.
My eyes quickly find the hunched figure in the corner, his messy hair matted and dishevelled, skin pale around his face except under his eyes, where deep purple bags have formed, though the blue-green irises that briefly flick up to greet us are sharp and probing as anything, homing in on my presence instantly. His muscles go rigid, eyes remaining fixed on me even as Jennifer and I move furher into the room. Awkwardly, I hold eye contact for a few seconds, before dropping my gaze with a blush covering my cheeks.
"Good morning, Kevin. I brought along someone to help us with today's session, that ok? This is (Y/n), the girl in the photograph I gave you a week back." Jennifer introduces us, setting the box of items on the table in the centre as I gingerly step forwards, looking up again.
"Hi, Kevin. It's nice to meet you." I say to him, not expecting anything back as he keeps staring at me, only to feel slight fear when he suddenly surges to his feet, scrambling over to the table. Once there, he grabs Jennifer's box and starts rooting around in it, pulling out a sheet of paper and a pencil seconds later, his movements erratic and rushed. I watch in fascination as he seats himself and starts drawing something, expecting us to do the same.
Looking at each other, Jennifer and I do the same thing, a brief flare of surprise lighting inside me as Kevin moves to sit directly opposite me, rather than across from me like he was before. Quietly, I pick up a pen and paper and start sketching, listening to Jennifer as she makes conversation, answering the correct questions and interacting where necessary.
The hour passes quickly, by which point I've managed to finish the drawing I started, sitting back to look at it, before noticing that Kevin is, in fact, also watching me, eyes flicking downwards towards the sheet of paper, almost as if in questioning. With a smile, I push it over the table towards him, offering the drawing to him with little confidence. He picks it up off the table, holding it up so he can see it properly, finger tracing one of the lines, folding it and sticking it in his breastpocket without a second thought.
"Hey, Kevin. That's not yours to take." Jennifer reminds him, looking at me apologetically.
"Oh no, it's fine. You can keep it." I assure her, addressing the last part to him.
He nods at me, not making eye contact.
A few months on, and Kevin and I have actually managed a conversation, the boy no longer too shy or distrusting of me, feeling mostly comfortable around me when in therapy. Jennifer has yet to leave me alone with him, thankfully, though I've overheard her talking to Dr Tomlinson about Kevin requesting for me to have a session alone with him, something which I'm not entirely sure I'm comfortable with.
Even now, as we read through another of Jennifer's books, it surprises me when he shuffles over to sit beside me, his body incredibly close to mine, as if with the intention of touching each other, but not quite doing so yet. I have a copy of the book open in my lap, giving him a perfect view of the text, as well as my crotch, which draws a small squeak out of me when he goes to turn the page for me, his fingers gently brushing against my jeans, his hand retracting as quickly as I sink back into the seat, neither of us saying anything.
But even after this, it takes a good two months more for Jennifer to finally decide that I'll be safe on my own with him, as long as there are guards outside, and either Dr Tomlinson or herself nearby to help out in case anything goes wrong. At first, I'm sceptical, but eventually I realise that my presence in the room seems to be what keeps him calm and collected, meaning I'm the perfect candidate to look after him alone.
I was wrong to be worried.
A soon as I step into the room, Kevin has stepped up to me with a broad smile on his face, soemthing which always makes me happy to see, making me smile back at him as he eagerly leads me to a place on the floor in the corner, where he sits me down. Taking his place beside me, he rummages around in the breast pocket of his hoodie and pulls out a dog-eared piece of folded paper, silently handing it to me. Opening it, I feel my jaw drop at the sight of it: it's a portrait. Every aspect is drawn perfectly, giving it it's realistic quality, though it does surprise me that he'd draw me of all people, seeing as he knows Jennifer much better. In my head, I remember what she said about him drawing pictures of everyone he cares for.
"This is amazing, Kevin! Is it for me?"
He nods, a smile crossing his face as he shuffles closer, pressing the side of his body against mine.
'Thank you. I really appreciate this." I thank him, starting when I suddenly feel his cold fingers brush against mine. Absentmindedly, they trace their way into my palm, interlocking our fingers together as he moves ever closer. Smiling, I lean back furher and pat my chest, signalling for him to lay there, which he is only too happy to do, his arms wrapping tightly around me, face buried into my midriff as he holds me close to himself.
"I have a crush on you." He suddenly states, voice muffled through my shirt.
For a moment, I don't know what to say, shocked that he feels this way about me.
"Jenny said I should tell you." He testifies, snuggling closer, before pulling back slightly to nose at the bottom of my jaw.
"You have a crush on me?" I ask once more, biting my lip when he assents, "That's helpful, beacuse I have a crush on you, too." I decide just to spit it out, looking to him for a reaction.
"Really? You actually like me? Or are you just being paid to say that?"
"Kevin, I'm a volunteer. I don't get paid at all.
"So, you actually mean it?"
"I do."
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diaxfeliz · 3 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞’𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 | 𝟗𝟎𝟖
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A Genshin Impact Fanfic
➵ Character/s: Il Dottore, Signora (briefly)
➵ OC/s: Captain Pix
➵ Warning/s: mention of death, depression implications(?)
A/N: all my school requirements are 👌 but then my writing’s still 🤢 but it’s ok!!
The doctor thought he knew everything about his only child. It turns out they both share a curse from the same person who ruined their family.
“Well, don't you look terrible, Rising Sun?” Signora remarked.
Pix didn't seem to react as they put away books into the bookshelf. This irked Signora.
“Pay attention while I'm talking to you, Everhonorary, that is a—”
Pix took out a pill bottle and downed a few tablets. Signora was confused when she saw the round red tablets. Usually, all te Harbingers would be aware of Pix's physical health. After a few moments, Pix finally realized Signora was talking to them and turned around with their hands behind their back. They looked tired.
“Sorry, we're you saying something, Master Signora?”
Signora ignored their question and pointed to their hands. “What's that?”
“Oh. Antidepressants.” Pix said, showing the bottle and rattled it slightly. “I got them during my stay Inazuma.”
“Antidepressants?” she scoffed I was in disbelief. “What do you need that for?”
“Ever since my mother was killed, every year during the week of her death anniversary, I've been feeling off.” Pix said with a shrug as if it wasn't important which in fact it was. “It's another curse from the Abyss. It's just as bad as Glacies Cordis now that I think about it.”
Pix stared down at their hands. Signora could tell they were losing focus by the way they looked inattentive despite being as attentive as they could. It was inconspicuous, but Pix slowly began to sway from side to side.
“I don't die, but it does leave me vulnerable.” Pix clenched their hand as their vision blurred and head swirled. “Very… vulnerable…”
They quickly opened their pill bottle in a panic, trying to consume more of it before they could go unconscious, but they hadn't even removed the cap before their body numbed and sent them to the floor. Their medication scattered around their limp body — a concerning scene. Signora acted quickly and went to check if they were still alive. They had a pulse, but it was agonizingly slow. Three violet stars appeared and began to circle Pix's head. It must've been the curse in play.
“Pix…?” Signora mumbled, thinking they were dead despite knowing they aren't.
“It doesn't get any better… Master Signora…” Pix whispered, eyes too tired to open. “I never… asked… for this.”
Signora took Pix's hand and intertwined her fingers with theirs. Pix always had this habit of intertwining their fingers with whoever held their hand from when they were a child. This time, however, they didn't react, alarming Signora.
“Pix, are you with me?” she said but received no reply.
Signora then picked up Pix and slung their arm over her shoulder. Pix slumped in Signora's grasp which knocked off her balance. From the doorway, Dottore peeked inside to see Pix unconscious. Dottore, with his fatherly instincts, rushed to Pix to check their condition.
“What happened?” the doctor asked as calmly as he could despite the panic in his heart.
“Pix said it was another curse from the Abyss.” Signora said as she gave Pix to Dottore for him to carry. “It won't kill them but—”
As Dottore carried Pix bridal style, one of the stars that circled Pix's head flashed and transferred over to Dottore's head. It began to swirl around his head like Pix's. Dottore was confused, but Signora had an idea of what was about to happen.
“What's this—”
He didn't even need to touch it before his eyes momentarily glowed the same violet and had an ache in his heart. He flinched and lowered himself on one knee as to not drop Pix. He squeezed his eyes shut because of the pain in his heart and Signora could tell it was because of the death of Pix's mother, Dottore's wife. In under a minute, everyone shocked, Pix and Dottore were out cold out of the agony in their heart.
“Master Dottore,” Pix smiled. “you're finally awake.”
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Dottore grumbled as he forced himself to sit up from his bed. His head and heart ached like never before. Pix handed him a few tablets and a glass of water.
“You're looking better.” Pix smiled as Dottore downed the tablets. “That's good.”
“How long was I unconscious?” he asked.
“You and I we're unconscious for a few days now. The other Harbingers had to take up our tasks while we were out.”
His eyes widened at the information. Even if it were just a few days, that was a long time for him.
“What happened, Pix?”
“It appears that other than Glacies Cordis,” Pix sighed. “the Taskmaster also inflicted a curse on the both of us that puts us in a heavily depressive state in the week of Mother's death anniversary. It originated from me and when you touched me a few days ago, it transferred onto you which triggered the curse.”
“That bastard…” Dottore mumbled, clenching his fists before his heart ached again.
Pix made him lie down again to rest. “It takes an average of 5 days for the curse to subside, so just rest for a few more hours.”
“And you?”
“It'll be fine.” Pix smiled though Dottore could tell it was a forced one. “I've been handling it ever since I left for Inazuma. Rest tight, alright?”
Dottore wanted to argue, saying that Pix should rest to, but he felt guilty having to put them through the experience alone. He backed down and listened to his only child.
He sighed. “I will.”
“Thank you.” Pix said before kissing their father's forehead.
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msjr0119 · 4 years
The Greatest Show
“I wish for happiness like this forever.”
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In this series all chapters are based on each song and quotes from ‘The Greatest Showman’
Characters belong to Pixelberry except MC - Amber Smith-Beaumont and Brett Parker
Warnings: Swearing, smut 🍋, gambling
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@pedudley @kacie-0156 @loveellamae @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @cmestrella @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @dcbbw @qammh-blog @nz1091 @cordonianroyalty @custaroonie @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @princess-geek @jared2612 @desiree-0816 @gardeningourmet @twinkle-320
“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas huh?” She said, barely able to keep her eyes open.
“It doesn’t have to? Where are you from? We could meet up again. I wish for happiness like this forever. You gave me the chance to be free, let loose.” Looking at him, she was unsure about what he meant by being free, but she didn’t have the time to question it. It wasn’t important.
“John, I have just started seeing someone back home, you know this. This was just a stupid one night stand. I drank too much.”
“We were both drunk. But you remembered everything right? Is your boyfriend as sexy as me though?” He winked at her, whilst flexing his pecs.
“Of course I remember! Some bits were blurry. But I remember. Don’t flatter yourself.” Standing up, he held her close to him- sharing one last lingering kiss.
“I hope our paths cross again Pocahontas.”
“Keep dreaming Prince Charming.” If only she knew.
“What’s your full name. I’ll find you on social media, we can keep in touch.” Quickly thinking of a surname, she knew they would never cross paths again.
“Marie Walker.”
The night before
Everyone was on a high, ready to celebrate their friends twenty first birthday- deciding to go to Vegas they dread to think what mischief that they would get up to, but you’re only twenty one once.
Arriving at Caesar’s palace, they checked into their villa that they were sharing- the villa that nearly made them all bankrupt. Hoping to be successful with their gambling later on in the night, this would help them retrieve some of their money back.
“Okay, so we need fake names.” The friends all looked at each other confused as to why they would need a fake identity. “We are now known as; Marie, Mel, Kim, Elsie and Mitchell.”
“Okay, so I understand Elsie and Marie - family members names. I’m using my surname. But Mel and Kim?”
“Takin' chances, bold advance-e-es, Don't care if you think we're out of line.’ We sung Respectable at the karaoke bar the other night. Besides Mel and Kim were sisters like we are. We need fake names, in case there are any creeps or we get arrested or something.”
“Or married!” Mitchell said winking at the girls.
“Come on its my birthday! I need to get hammered!” Playing a few drinking games in the room, they were all instantly becoming gradually tipsy. Walking to the elevator, they all put their hands together- What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, they all reminded each other in unison.
Leo wandered around the slot area, throwing money away as quickly as he was he may as well of flushed it down the toilet. Every time he won, he placed it back into the machine. It became busier as the night drew in, the playboy prince kept declining incoming calls from Bastien- knowing it would only be a matter of time before he would catch up to him. Leo was gradually becoming more intoxicated- people watching whilst leaning against a machine- his focus lingered on all the women around him.
Nice ass.
Nice tits.
Nice lips.
Blonde- no avoid blondes, especially if they are like Madeleine- my future wife. Eurghh.
She’s curvy, but still okay looking.
Too tall.
Too small.
Too drunk.
Too boring.
Bride to be- what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas though.
Too young.
Too old. Way too old- cougar though.
Leo shook his head, even considered giving himself into Bastien- that was until a group of people walked closer towards him. His eyes lingered on towards the brunette, the red dress that she was wearing flaunted all of her assets. Plucking up some courage- not that he needed it, he decided to walk over to the group of friends.
“Hello beautiful. Do you want a drink?” She looked at him, their eyes locking- before she focused her gaze to her drink before back to him.
“I’m good thanks. Save your dollars, it’s my birthday so I’m sure I could get a few drinks free.”
“Happy birthday!” He said enthusiastically, ignoring the fact that she had rejected his offer.
“Thanks. See ya.”
“Wait!” She looked at him, knowing he was probably just a ‘creep’- undeniably he was a handsome man but she wouldn’t admit that to anyone.
“Hey.... Marie.... we are going to head to the tables... you coming?” Kim shouted from a distance.
“Yeah, I’m coming. See ya around.” Pulling her closer towards him, he wanted to get to know the stranger.
“I’ll tag along, Marie.. beautiful name.” Shrugging her shoulders she released herself from his presence- she followed her friends- Leo soon became their shadow. Smirking at her, stealing glances every so often she shook her head- this awkward situation would soon disappear as the drinks flowed she believed.
“So you know my name, what’s yours?” She asked, to be polite- now knowing that he was like super glue- insisting on sticking with them.
“John Smith.” Rolling her eyes, she let out a slight giggle.
“I bet it is.”
“Are you calling me a liar?”
“Maybe? It’s just a generic human name that is used- like John Doe. I suppose that makes me Pocahontas then.”
“Well you can be my princess for tonight then?” Placing his arm around her waist, she felt his warm breath linger around her ear and neck.
“This isn’t some fairytale. This is Vegas baby. I’m celebrating my birthday with friends and you’re intruding.”
“Don’t you believe in fairytales?”
“Ill tell you what, why don’t we both go over to the roulette table. If you win more I’ll leave you alone....”
“And if you win more?”
“Then you’re stuck with me all night.” Great. I don’t know how to play. It’s just fluke on the roulette. Right?
“Fine deal, I’ll let my friends know.”
Walking over to her friends, they knew exactly what was about to happen- all smirking at her then at the mysterious man.
“What?” Marie snapped at them.
“You’re going to ditch us... it’s written all over your face.”
“I need to win more on the roulette, he said he would leave us alone if I did.” Maybe she was being naive, or maybe he would genuinely leave them if she did win the bet- her friends all laughed in unison, the could already predict exactly how her birthday was going to end. It wasn’t going to end with them, like they originally planned.
“Of course he did. He isn’t leaving you at all- he’s providing you with ‘fuck me eyes’.... a certain man back home won’t be happy.”
“No he’s not- his flirting skills are atrocious. And regarding a certain man, we aren’t together officially yet. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. But nothing is going to happen. I’ll ring you once I’ve got rid of him.”
“Fuck!” Marie muttered to herself after an hour on the roulette table, knowing that she had now lost the bet- dramatically.
“So babe, I assume I won the bet then...” Sighing she knew this was a bad idea to begin with, now knowing that he would be acting all smug.
“You’d assume correct, stop smirking at me like that...”
“Like what? This?” He asked in a seductive tone of voice whilst placing his hands around her waist again. He continued smirking- her heart began fluttering, not knowing if it was due to the alcohol. Brushing a stray strand of her brunette hair behind her ear, she froze not knowing how to react- her breathing rapidly increased due to the handsome strangers touch. He leaned down claiming her lips taking the plunge. Wrapping her arms around his neck, one hand tangled through his hair as she pulled him closer- as if they were a magnet, attracted to each other immediately. His hands hovered at the sides of her tiny frame before gripping her hips, pulling them flush to him. Moaning into the kiss, she felt as if she was hypnotised- in some type of spell. In the back of her mind, she felt guilty as she had just started a relationship back home, but in this moment in time she felt lust and desire towards the stranger. Breaking the kiss, she looked at him feeling breathless- feeling his hardening length pressing on to her, she didn’t know what to expect for the rest of the night.
“You could carry on throwing your money down the drain, or there’s another option...”
“Oh... what would that be?”
“Ditch your friends and spend the night with me..” The angel on one shoulder was trying to convince her to not stray from her loyal friends, however the devil demanded that she gave in to temptation.
“What would you say if I ditch you instead?”
“That you’re a let down, I mean you’ve already kissed me... wouldn’t you like to experience the whole package?”
Guys I’m really sorry but have a good night, I’ll see you in the morning - please don’t respond. I’m fine. I’m okay. I’ll send an SOS if I need you. Love you all x
“Lead the way then John Smith... but....”
“But what?”
“I Erm... I’ve just sort of started seeing someone back home...” Grabbing her hand, he led her up to his room ignoring the information she had just provided him with- hoping that she wouldn’t back out due to this. In the elevator, they were alone- pressing the button, he then turned to her. Pushing her against the wall, his hands frantically roamed her body as he crashed his lips onto her- opening her mouth gasping for air he took the opportunity to place his tongue next to hers. Their tongues were dancing along with each other until the doors opened and other people entered, immediately letting go of her- he smirked at her- feeling frustrated as he would have carried on if they hadn’t been abruptly disturbed.
Opening the door, he welcomed her into his penthouse- her eyes widened at how a single man could afford this on his own.
“Help yourself to the mini bar, I’ll just get ready.” Nodding her head, she headed towards it- bending down scrutinising the options Leo became immediately distracted gawking at the view in front of him. Fuck she’s got a nice ass, why do I need to get ready? I’ve got a beautiful girl in my room. These thoughts kept roaming through his mind, usually he would open his bedroom door and immediately demand that for his date to get into bed, straight to business- he was known as the playboy prince after all.
“Hey, what did you choose to drink?” Turning to face him, she admired his toned muscled body and sparkly baby blues now that he had removed his shirt and glasses. “Erm... I’m ... undecided. Maybe you could help me?”
Walking over towards her, deep down he wanted her - not a drink. Caressing her cheek, she felt weak at the knees immediately. “Or we could decide to avoid the drink?” She barely whispered, into his ear. Leo’s hands gently roamed up and down her body, whilst placing gentle kisses on her bare skin that was on show- as she stood frozen hypnotised by his good looks. “You are beautiful, how about we take this over to the bed?” He asked confidently, knowing his charm had never failed him before. Gulping she agreed, carrying her over bridal style- he gently placed her onto the bed - feeling his erection against her immediately again as he hovered over her, she wanted him - there was no doubt about that. “I think you’re a bit overdressed Marie...”
“Maybe you could sort that out for me?” Standing her up at the edge of the bed, he unzipped her red dress- the material effortlessly fell to the ground, she was standing in front of him in her matching red lacy bra and thong which turned him on, not that he wasn’t already. Unclasping her bra, he cupped both breasts- before pushing her back on to the bed.
Marie arched her back, moaning quietly but loud enough for him to hear as his thumbs rubbed her nipples in gentle circles, whilst kissing her neck. His lips began to wander down from her neck, along her shoulders before taking one nipple into his mouth- flicking his tongue around it, before swapping to the other one. Once he had finished, his hands wanted to explore the rest of her body. Sliding down her petite body- reaching her inner thighs- he spread them open taking full control. Pushing her lace thong to the side- his fingers teased her at the entrance, even with a brief touch she was immediately damp. “So wet already baby. It must be my good looks.” He winked at her. “Of course it is, your ego could explode if you carry on talking like that.”
“Do you want me or not Marie? Because I could always back out if you carry on with this sarcasm...”
“Don’t you dare stop John, I’ve ditched my friends for you- so you better carry on....” Forcing a demanding kiss on to her lips, he tugged at her bottom lip with his teeth. Moving his thumb over her clit, she couldn’t contain her moans- these light touches soon changed as he plunged his fingers deep inside.
“You like that baby?” Ignoring him, she just nodded, removing his newly coated fingers- he licked them seductively in front of her, this gesture aroused her at once. Leo smirked knowing he was showing how to treat a girl with fantastic oral sex. Seeing her breathless already, he removed his fingers. Removing her lacy thong, he threw it- not really noticing which direction it landed in- kissing her inner thighs, he now replaced where his fingers previously were with his tongue instead.
“You taste so good.” He said before plunging his tongue deeper inside. “Fuck! Don’t stop please.” She screamed, as she dug her nails into his back leaving a slight mark. Removing his tongue, he placed his fingers there again giving her that bit more pleasure- smiling at her, her whole body was now trembling. Her fingers brushed over his chest, before arriving at the waistband of his jeans. Seeing the bulge- she bit her lip- their eyes focused on each other, showing his infamous smirk he stood up removing his jeans and boxers knowing that they were both thinking the same thing. Whilst he did this she sat up- watching him releasing his growing manhood. Fuck he’s going to break me in half with that. “Like what you see?” He asked noticing her gaze was down below, before giving him full eye contact. “I like what I see, but I’d prefer to touch and feel you...” Leo let out a sigh, as she wrapped her hand around his length- even though he loved her hand expertly stroking him, he didn’t know how much longer he would last. Licking her lips, she stroked his length, before taking it fully in her mouth.
“This feels amazing, but I believe you said you wanted to feel me as well...” Looking up at him fluttering her eyelashes, she did want him- but wanted to finish what she had started. Feeling his cock pulsate at every move- knowing she was pleasing him as he did her, she picked up her pace, before removing his cock. Laying her backwards he forcefully placed another passionate kiss on her lips. His firm muscled chest, was now pressed against her bare skin- separating her legs as if she was an expert gymnast, he thrust against her- teasing her at her wet entrance. Lining himself up, he didn’t think about the consequences- he was hoping that she was on contraception, as she didn’t stop him. Slowly pushing in, he heard her moan- pausing for a brief second allowing her walls to get used to him, he began with slow gentle thrusts. This slow yet steady pace soon turned powerful, every thrust hitting that specific spot. “Fuck.” She kept whimpering, was it worth ditching her friends- yes. In her mind this was the best sex she had received, but she wouldn’t admit that to the already confident stranger, if he asked she knew she would play it down. Her hands remained on his back, every thrust she would unknowingly scratch her nails deeper into his skin.
Arching her back, her legs felt like jelly- her whole body fluttered, hoping that this night would never end. Kissing her on the lips, he was ready to finish- not wanting to, he felt slightly embarrassed at how quickly this was occurring. Slowing his movements down, he gripped her hips tightly as he felt that sudden rush of semen, his warm seed soon exploded in her. Staying in that position, he rest his forehead against hers- sweat was now dripping from his forehead and down his body. Slipping his cock out of her, he gave one last thrust against her wet folds- the remainder of his cum was now mixed along with hers. Laying next to her, they were both breathless and remained silent, both fixating their eyes towards the ceiling. “Could your friends provide you with a fantastic birthday present like that?” He asked before turning to face her.
“Would be slightly weird if they could...” She laughed at him, before snuggling into his embrace still trying to catch their breath. “Four girls and one man- you never know... he could share you all.”
“I don’t think his girlfriend Lo- Kim would agree with Mitchell sharing us all...”
“Fair enough, so you’ve already technically cheated on your new boyfriend.... we could make the most of the night?” The cheeky grin that appeared on his face was too hard to ignore, not knowing if he was being sincere or just having a joke. Rolling onto to him, she straddled him- gripping on to her hips, she leaned down for another kiss- it was her new addiction- an addiction that she would never taste again. Why not? She thought. “I’ll take control this time.”
Coming out of her trance, Maxwell noticed Amber wasn’t her usual self. Drake had left them with Leo to get some drinks.
“Ambs? What’s up?” Placing his hand around her, he knew her the best out of everyone- he could see she was worrying and over thinking.
“I’m Marie.” She responded looking out towards the horizon, not making eye contact with her brother but instead resting her head on his shoulder.
“Yeah I know you are, Amber Marie Smith-Beaumont. My baby sister.”
“No... I’m that Marie. Leo’s Marie. Leo’s Vegas one night stand. If Drake finds out, he’s gonna leave me.” Finally looking him, he believed she was pulling some practical joke- until he felt her take a long breath.
“What? Rewind... you went to Vegas... slept with Leo... neither of you have recognised each other?”
“I was twenty one, I’m sure I’ve got a few more wrinkles due to stress in those four years. He was wearing glasses, I was drunk. He was drunk. I remember it though. I went with Riley, Lola, Beth and Daniel. Lola insisted that we had fake names... he did a bet with me, then I ended up in his bed. Fuck.”
“Shit, you just need to sleep with Liam, Rashad, Neville, Connie and Godfrey- then you’ve done them all. Id say you’ve done a full house, but obviously it would be wrong if you slept with me and Bertrand. But it’s as close as a full house.” Cheekily grinning, he was having a joke until he felt her punch him in the shoulder.
“Sorry, Sorry.” Holding his hands up- he wished he had a white flag to surrender- he didn’t want a replay of what she did to Madeleines nose. Drake and Leo, joined the pair- Drake kissed Amber making her heart flutter instantly.
“Drake? Can I have a word in private?” Maxwell asked, seeing Drake become frustrated before eventually agreeing. I’ll be back soon beautiful. Leo laid next to Amber, admiring the beautiful view in front of them- remaining in silence, she knew she had to tell him the truth.
“So John Smith, had anymore Vegas flings?” Leo looked at her confused, before his eyes widened.
“Leo, please don’t tell Drake.”
“This is so fucking funny!” Hysterically laughing, she provided him with looks that could kill.
“It’s not funny Leo! I never thought I’d see you or should I say John, again.”
“No the whole situation isn’t funny, but you have to admit it was a good shag. The funny thing is you called yourself Marie Walker. Marie I assume after your mother. But now it’s funny because you used Walker as your surname. One of these days you could actually be a Walker.”
“How do you remember that?”
“I tried to find you, why did you use Walker? I thought that kiss you gave me in Lythikos was slightly familiar.”
“Because if I said Smith- Beaumont you’d find me straight away as my middle name is Marie. So technically I wasn’t lying unlike you. My mom always spoke about Jackson Walker, I panicked. A kiss is a kiss surely?”
“I had to lie, I was on the run from Bastien. Listen, as you said before what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Our secrets safe, although you do know where to find me if you want round three though.”
“If you wasn’t a Prince even though you’ve abdicated, I’d be tempted to punch you right now. Thank you for keeping this between us. Still friends Zimmer?”
“Of course suture. But the offer is still there- ya know if you get bored of Walker.” Hugging her, they both had closure and both eventually laughed at the awkward situation. She now realised why Olivia kept running to him- Leo was great in the sac, she couldn’t deny that and she would never admit that to anyone. But he wasn’t Drake. Her boyfriend.
“Hey baby.”
“Hey you. What did Maxwell want?”
“He gave me the protective brother lecture. Begging me to not hurt you or leave you- I wouldn’t do that anyway. I’d rather have this ‘lecture’ from him than Bertrand. Are you ready to go back to the palace?”
“Im ready for you.” One of these days you could actually be a Walker. Leo’s words kept repeating in her mind, placing a kiss on his lips, she melted into his embrace.
“C’mon then m’lady.”
Arriving back at the palace, Amber wanted to go to her room first to collect some ‘sleepover essentials’. Opening her door, there was a box surrounded with holes and a ribbon in the middle of her bed. Peering in her mouth was agape believing this wasn’t reality- more like an hallucination, tears began pouring down her face.
“Jackson!” Opening the box eagerly, the puppy jumped out of the box- excited to see his mom.
“You have a pup? Called Jackson?”
“When I got him I couldn’t think of a name, my mom suggested Jackson. I think she had a crush on your father, the name kind of stuck with him.”
“Well who wouldn’t have a crush on a Walker? But how has he got here?” They both looked concerned at each other, in the back of her mind she just assumed that one of her friends sent him. Scrutinising the box, Drake found a note- passing it to Amber she read it out loud.
I think he’s missed his Mom, meet me in the ballroom. I’ll be waiting for you. Come alone X
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For information and my safety and their sainity,
I do not own any pictures, art, drawings, or epic pieces of art in this story.
All ponies pony names, names of pony songs, pony songs, or any thing else that could get my ass sued. Also all chacters, locations, phrases, items, names of spells etc... They belongs to Hasbro, Hasbro entertainment, and Hasbro productions.
Witch will inevitably be bought by Disney like everything else. So we can get a pinky Deadpool ship!
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Hello . My name is...well I guess I.. well how about you can just call me Dayrl for now. You see my story ... It is true, very true well the beginning is any way. Oh though how I wish this was a true story. The true story though has not yet occurred. If I'm to change my life would to change my life and find the one I was destined to meet. I'd have to find the one the cupcacake of my eye that for years or more I might of gone without noticing. I'd have to go through hell to find true love. I'd was going to be sent through life's emotional hell.
But that is later
This... is where my story began...for now...
My pony life started in high school. I don't even rember much of it, and I know I did not know about fan fictions back then. What had happened is that I saw this kid with really cool shirt with on and it something really cool on it with a rainbow maybe ?
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Yeah that it defintaly not the design that was on the shirt but it is 20% cooler
So I asked the dude about it his shirt I mean he said it was from a short about ponies now at I was uncertain but I'm really open minded and also I was in high school so i think that was at the time where I was more use to watching cartoons so theres that by the way it may now be important but I really love to brag ... So you know the really famous season four tirek episode where twilight had the power of four Alicorns and when she when to battle tirek the stated exchangeing blows and beams energy waves throwing rocks at each other having a good ol time well I watched as .... It ... Aired ... Which alot of people can say that they did that to but ya know like I said l love to brag
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So now ya know how I came to the fandom that's well and good and I really don't remember alot after that other than ya know watching the episodes now and then but if knew then what I know now ...... Well I often say don't it's not got look at the past unless your looking to learn
Now apparently ..... Very apparently I seem to have falling away from the fandom at sompoint and I think it it a fairly simple reason that I faced a problem that all us bronies have to and will learn to over come if we want in this fan community
Mockink, taunting teasing
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Eventually if you can't get over something like that and face your problems your fears and lack of self confidence you become ..... Lost alone ....unhappy you will be unable to move on with life... like...
Now eventually after a while I found the fandom again I don't really want to say ... Hoooo....huuummmm I guess if I'm going to be telling this story I'm going to be honest with you
So any way here it I'm not what a normal person would call normal ...or at the very least average I have these psychological disorders there called autism, ADHD, ADD, OCD, and plethora of behavior probelems you see growing not the best behaved i had a lot of social issues and trouble making friends on account of my autism and the fact my dad had passed away when I was two and technicaly speaking im still not the best behaved or social
any way I was in this assisted liveing home becaus my mom need a break from me a person with less .... Metal advantages sometimes just can't handel you all the time and one day i was watching tv in the day room nothing on as per ussaul you know I did have my phone back then too and hardly ever watched TV when I did alot of it was Steven universe and any one else who watches that can tell you that hiatused are a Bitch so basically steven universe was hiatuse and there nothing on and I found my self watchin TMNT alot but ya got know there nothing on there's nothing on but one day there was...
Now one thing you have to understand about me is I absolutely love my music all music any music any at and I'm not that picky
I don't really have that many thing I won't listen to most of the time I only have one rule and that is that I won't listen to anything where I can't understand the lyrics I feel like what the point in music if you can't apeel to everyone and if one person can not what your saying that's one person you did not reach but the point of the matter is that I like and appreciate a lot of music what I'm realling to say is that the music is a big part of why I loved in Steven universe so much like comet, giant woman, it's over isnt it and I will straight up right now say that show deserves ten Grammy's (not to mention the Annie award, animation award, it deserved deserved deserved for best episode paraphrasing the name of the award Mr. Greg instead of that dumb ass adventure time vr episode) but I'm getting off toppic now I like music and what is my Little pony without alot of music
So I'm pretty sure no I'm beautifuly one hunldred percent sure on who I have to thank for saving me from when I was down in my funk the it was none other than the cuti mark crsaders let me explain it is definitely not the first song iv heard in the series but damn shur if it's not one the best I was watching mlp one day and ya know I thought here go just another friendship song ... Fuckin ass then out of no where I was blown away the kiss makeup , the lights, the crashes, the danger, and rock be e de de e dew
All I have to say right now is I don't know where I'd be if it weren't for you the cmc
so from the bottom of my heart for as broken and shattered it gets every day thank you
You help me so much
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Now let talk about something really serious do you believe in simplicity that things just simply happen an that they are all coincidences maybe you believe in faith it can come from strangest places in apparently very ummm... If you believe in faith how far does that faith go how long are you willing to let the Signs just pass you by ignore faith some people get second chances but some never even get a first and if you do nothing if it something ....or someone that is a greater power or forces .... why not at least play along Just to see where you end up
Ok im a guy so naturally I do what guys do I watch porn and please just stay with me for one minute here because this is probably the most important part this is where I the divine intervention made it's first move it a very crucial part to this story so please just stay with me who know here what the rule 34 is ... Oh come on...
Shut you all know it is everyone knows the rule is it's states if exist it can be sexy and there porn of it
so me being the very lonely guy that I was never had being been in a relationship and alwase watching porn I knew for a fact that they did not show porn on YouTube so showering pornsites for pony porn and finding none (or not look hard enough not find what I wanted or worse just being internet lazy) went YouTube and they had ..... Somethig
Right now I challenge you to go to someone who is not a mlp fan and ask them to watch clop then ask a brony the exact question and compare just their face reactions yeah I had no idea what it was I did after though
So I got my fill of clop now at that time I was also a big anime fan this is the second event that seems to line up just perfectly to be some kind weird divine intervention I was watching frieza react to the video where pinkie pie beats up all her friends to the theme of the smile song and I'll give you a thousand Guesses what video was in description
Now yeah it was a weird video but I did even here it was a fanfic till way later the next couple of web searches we're mostly fan made songs untill ...
My first fan fiction by scribbler of course
Scribbler i dont know who you are but if could only realize what a monumental difference youve made in my life I have goals now because of you on I've found love and pepol can say they are fictional chacters all fuckin day I ve got more than that I want to and need to
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So let's go back where all began
Rocket to insanity my first mlp fan fiction ever butt you know I think I've told you quite a bit now so ill save some for next time
That where really interesting ...
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fcdings · 7 years
"Sebby, you never really got to tell me this before... and I feel like it's a really touchy subject, but now that we're settled in this beautiful home with our Baby Ben. I just wanted to ask you... What were your parents really like?" from Cameron c: bc after being together for so long, I don't think he'd want any secrets kept from each other
discussing his parents had always been a subject he avoided. the vague information that he’d given people in the past made it obvious that his parents weren’t the nicest people in the world.  that would usually end the conversation. he thought at this point in their relationship, cameron would understand he didn’t want to talk about his parents. so when the question comes up he doesn’t know how to respond at first.
sebastian almost wanted to brush off the question with some sort of vague answer that would pacify cameron, but he stops himself. cameron had the right to know about his parents, right? after all, the blond had been nothing but open about his family, and sebastian loved them all. silence filled their bedroom as sebastian thought about the best way to approach this new situation.
with a heavy sigh, he took his phone out of his pocket and started to type something. he stayed silent as he did before the image popped up on his phone. “well for starters, these are my parents.” he handed his phone over to cameron. a man and a woman stood together, posing in front of some logo. the woman looked to be in her late 30s to early 40s, and dressed in elegant clothes. her cheeks sunken slightly, her professional done makeup didn’t completely mask like sebastian’s. her eyes had a familiar look to them, almost identical to sebastian’s besides in color. the man looked in his mid-40s to early 50s, and stood straight with a ridged posture and stone faced. there was a small amount of scruff on his face, and his facial features were more like sebastian’s except with a hint of aging.
“that’s my dad, daniel lawrence.” he says, eyeing the picture for a second as he thought of a good place to start and how honest he wanted to be with cameron. in the end he decided on being as honest as he could handle it. “my dad is the ceo of our family insurance company. i don’t know much about what he does at work since i never paid attention to him when he talked about it.” he remembered his dad would complain every night about clients or his employees. his younger self wouldn’t pay attention since it didn’t interest him.
“he’s a pretty important man in the insurance world i guess. we’d have to go to a lot of boring events for his work, and he’d leave on business trips for a week or so at a time.. i never missed him when he was gone.” he’d count down the days until his father would leave on another trip, looking forward to having time away from his dad. “he had this obsession with our family having the ‘perfect’ image. if any of us– or more often than not, me– broke that image, he would… ‘correct’ us.” it seemed like his dad’s sole purpose in life to correct everything that he did, more than his siblings. “CPS got called twice, but with my dad’s money and connections, it didn’t do much. the only thing that came out of those visits was my dad learning where to hit me so the bruises wouldn’t show.” 
those visits and having to talk to police were one of the scariest things that he went through as a seven year old. he was so scared that he was the one in trouble even after the nice lady reassured him that he wasn’t in any trouble. he lied to her. he shook his head over and over again when she asked him if his dad ever hit him, or scared him in any way. he made up lies about how he got the fading bruises, he was used to doing that much. sebastian remembers after the police and nice lady were gone, how angry he was at himself. why didn’t he tell them the truth when he had the chance? how different would he had turned out if he had told the truth and been taken away from them? 
he felt himself get a little choked up and cleared his throat a little, “and that’s my mom rachael lawrence.” it was better to get off the subject of his dad. cameron would maybe recognize his mom a little more as she was a little more known. especially after he saw cam once wear a jacket from her clothing line. he had felt sick to his stomach for that entire day and shied away from his boyfriend’s attempts to be affectionate. it almost felt like that stupid piece of clothing was mocking him. he was grateful that cam hadn’t worn it since. “she’s a fashion designer, and was once a model. her fashion line is ‘totally rachael’.” he gave something close to a laugh at that. he always thought the name of his mother’s clothing line was a little self centered but who was he to judge her ? 
“i don’t think she was ever a mom to me. if anything the roles were reversed for us.” there were so many times that he had to be the one to take care of her when everyone else in his family didn’t care enough to. “some of my earliest memories of her were me having to help her get out of bed, and get her ready for the day. i don’t know when i decided to take care of her, but it was like my job in the family.” he knew since he was a child that it wasn’t normal, but at the same time he didn’t know anything else. he didn’t want to go into detail about her drinking habits, so he leaves that issue to rest. 
“she’s the one who… who kind of started my.. ‘issues’ with my weight.” that was a whole other topic was on the ‘do not discuss’ list of sebastian. “she– she, uh… she had issues with eating.” she didn’t have issues with eating per se, more with keeping the food she ate down. “i remember she would disappear right after every meal and would be gone for a half and hour or so. i asked my brother about it once and he told me ‘she’s making sure dad stays interested in her’. i-i didn’t understand, so i didn’t ask anymore.” he takes the phone away from cam, who was looking at him with an expression that he couldn’t decipher. “i was eleven or twelve, i think. i guess she wasn’t happy with my weight, so she put me on a diet. believe it or not, i actually hated dieting at one point of my life.” it was a heavy kind of joke but he thought he’d try to lighten the mood a little. “i remember i was complaining about the diet, and she told me..” a pause, “she told me.. ‘don’t be dramatic, lacey. no one will love you if you’re unattractive. don’t you want someone to love you?’” 
that seemed to be the straw that broke the camel’s back as sebastian put his face in his hands, shoulders shaking. as he sat there he remembered why he avoided talking about his parents. all those feelings of hatred and self-loathing came rushing back into his chest, making it hard to breathe. “i was only a kid. who tells their kid that?” he didn’t want to go into detail into how much those words had harmed him as a teen or they were always in the back of his mind whenever he tried to eat. so he doesn’t. he hadn’t even told cameron about how his parents reacted to him coming out. how they threw his things out and left him in the cold, or even how his siblings had treated him. this was a small fraction of everything that his family had put him though.
he would usual go to cameron for comfort, and the other seemed to have that idea.  he feels the blond’s arms try to wrap around him and he flinches, moving out of reach of his boyfriend. “don’t touch me.” there was a hint of fear in his tone as he closed in on himself. “cam.. leave me alone for awhile, okay?” it was a struggle to keep his voice even enough to for the words to come out clear enough for cam to understand. he needed a couple minutes by himself and hopefully he’d be able to close the pandora’s box that he had opened in his mind.
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