#it's just an interlude lol it's supposed to be posted way later but i got bored and posted it earlier
lost-boys-chapter · 2 months
I am continuing with the sa reread!! hopefully it'll speed up now bc the bartending ✨️chaos season✨️ (aka the euros) is over, so I should have more time. also am on holiday this week and convinced I can get through the entirety of twok by saturday. I'm almost to part 3. my thoughts are as follows:
who are the three guys in the ishikk interlude? I say this, knowing 2/3 of the answer. one of them is galladon, right? and another is demoux? I know one if them is the nale lookalike mentioned in the sa5 interlude preview? do we have any more info on why they're looking for hoid yet? I vaguely remember these three always confusing me.
are the epigraphs for p2 the letter from hoid to frost? the 'old friend' threw me off bc that's how sazed refers to everyone in tlm, but I'm increasingly sure it makes sense that it's hoid.
also, GOD, dalinar and adolin's opening chapters are boring. ik they end up being two of my faves in the rest of the series so I've been slogging through them but they just seem to....not be doing a lot. obviously a lot of the point of their chapters is that the vengeance pact is becoming long and drawn out, and more about sport than anything else, so it kind of makes sense thematically. but still, doesn't feel like there's a lot to sink my teeth into.
relatedly, increasingly it does feel like kaladin is the Personality Hire of the original pov characters. like, he's got a lot less to say in terms of worldbuilding and setup for the general arc of the first half than shallan and dalinar, but he's the only real character who you care about enough to sink your teeth into the plot and properly root for on first read. I definitely felt that way to begin with and I still feel so on reread, so. you can also quite easily see him becoming marginally less relevant in later books so I wonder if part of it really is that he's just the first character you can really begin to love in this series. not saying I don't care for him in later books, obviously. but idk just a thought
rock my beloved !! I had completely forgotten he'd become a bridgeman by putting chull dung in sadeas' soup LMAO he's my favorite ever. also, when him and teft were asking each other's names and teft asked him what his real name was, I immediately said, out loud, 'numuhukumakiaki'aialunamor.' not sure what it says that I remembered this but forgot other characters' entire existence.
the other bridgemen make me 🥰🥰🥰 also. it surprises me on reread that sigzil was one of kaladin's biggest critics to begin with. it reads as kind of weird to me but I suppose the realities of bridgeman life would strip the fundamentals of anyone's character. still, I'm yet to read the sunlit man and we know how much I've forgotten regardless so maybe I've been shaped by fandom perception a little too much.
dunny :( I've not got to the bit where he dies yet but I remember his being the bridgeman death that hurt the most in twok so every time he shows up I get a fun burst of sadness. also for some reason I thought it was hobber who originally almost died, not leyten, but maybe I'm right and just haven't gotten to that part yet lol.
just remembered that lopen exists too. looking forward to him showing up.
and syl!! I love her so much, it's cool in retrospect to see what spren lose and how they slowly regain their sentience while moving into the physical realm to form a bond. seeing her confused about understanding abstract concepts is great. I was listening to the wind and truth predictions shardcast the other day and someone came up with a theory that the way windrunners are recruited might be turned on its head in era 2. in retrospect that would be super cool to see.
speaking of, that episode of shardcast also convinced me that syladin is a possibility, which ruined my day.
unrelatedly: navani is such a badass, that text post that's going around that's like 'navani really showed up at the shattered plains and immediately told dalinar that her son is a loser' is so so real lol. I don't think I originally liked her in twok bc I didn't understand her... purpose, I guess? this time around I'm like 😍😍 mine scientist lady beloved.
also, could the stormfather really not think of a better way to investigate a possible bond than random prophetic visions? though the one we see onscreen first with the weird midnight creatures is very cool in retrospective.
regarding flashbacks: I'm not super invested in kaladin's past, once you've read it once it's not difficult to remember what happens so I'm pretty much just skimming. but I think rereading it a few years older makes it a lot easier to understand that lirin is a far more complex character than I originally thought, esp regarding row. obviously he's got kaladin's best interests in mind, but I feel like his moral reasoning is a lot clearer on reread. I don't think hes a great person, but i dont think hes necessarily more flawed than a lot of other main characters. I don't exactly remember what happens in row but I remember he gets... worse. I'm interested to see how my opinion changes.
and finally on a meta note: I know the first arc is supposed to thematically parallel a ketek, which I remember being able to spot elements of between wor and row. I'm super curious to see if I can spot anything in twok which might be paralleled in wind and truth. I do think I thought of smth regarding syl earlier but I forgot what it was 🫠-- maybe something go do with the recreance questions we're hoping to get answered?
this has been a very long post for which I am sorry but I'm open to discussion points!! would love to hear people's thoughts on my thoughts lol. will inevitably be back with more lukewarm takes
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watanabes-cum-dump · 2 years
Interesting things abt PGR
Things I want to put into a video but I’m really fucking lazy so....
Massive spoilers for PGR’s main and extra stories, including hidden. And character interludes. You have been warned
- Remember Bruce from Fostered by Blade and Cyril from Land of the Fallen star? Watanabe’s interludes? We know they’re father and son, but did you know that they’re Scottish? Cyril’s nickname, The Beak of Islay clues us into this, as Islay is an island in Scotland.
- Nikola isn’t actually part of Kurono. Idk why but my dumb of ass (and a other people from what I’ve seen) thought that he was with Kurono in some way. But, he actually left it long before the main story.
- Speaking of Nikola, despite how cold he seems, he is scared of one person: Collins, the leader of Kurono. It’s not explicitly stated, and we don’t know why, but Collins was his superior and even after leaving Kurono, he has leverage over Nikola. Spicy.
- While we’re still on the topic of command, despite how Nikola and Hassen seem at odds with each other in earlier chapters, they actually work pretty well together and seem to go back pretty far. I will do a whole other analysis post of command/pgr npcs bc they’re so interesting. (And I’m also filling the void where the Dominik’s orphan’s comic is supposed to be, idk if it ever got updated ueehh) 
- Idk if anyone else noticed but in Inscription of Labyrinth but when you first walk up to Luna and Lucia’s old home, you see a shadow dash away. That’s Roland, as you later find out in the Hidden Story.
- Pfaff, Rosetta’s grandfather, shares a name with a name with a sewing machine manufacturing company. Idk, it was interesting to me since they have Pfaff sewing machines at my school. Pfaff is also a German name, so Pfaff and Rosetta (if she’s related by blood which idk if that’s been confirmed) are possibly of German origin
- Kowloong as we all know is inspired by East Asia, mostly China. The description supports this and says that Kowloong is made up of mostly coastal east Asian cities. So there are three possible candidates for Kowloong’s location: Shanghai, as it’s one of China’s most prominent cities Hong Kong is also a strong candidate, as it is also a port city And Hong Kong Island, you know, and island surrounded by water.
- Watanabe wields two kukri knives, a type of machete originally from India but heavily associated with Nepal.
- Asimov is named after the sci fi author Isaac Asimov. It’s pretty fitting, since Asimov is responsible for designing construct frames. Double fitting since constructs fit nicely with Isaac Asimov’s three laws of robotics: 1) A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2) A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3) A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. Someone on the PGR writing team really loved sci fi lol
- The second agent, Vonnegut is also named after an author. Kurt Vonnegut, known for his dark humor in his novels. Interesting, since I believe that Vonnegut says only to call him Vonnegut, meaning it is not his real name. I wonder what prompted him to choose it, but trying to answer that means actually researching Kurt Vonnegut which is... uh... not something I want to do on a weekend. Since I would probably have to read the synopsis of every single one of his works which he has well over 27 of since more were published after he died, and they’re not all novels. Someday, perhaps. 
- Nanami says yeet. I think it’s in chapter 7 or 8 hidden story but she says yeet. I don’t know how to feel about this. It has been haunting me for the past year. 
- In Roland’s interlude, he is an actor on the Mansdati show (I think glbl renamed it but I forgor) in which the main character, Mansdati doesn’t know he’s actually in a show and is just living his regular everyday life while everyone around him are actors. It’s basically the Truman Show, an old movie with the same premise. Except without robots and depressed clowns. (maybe? idk I haven’t seen that movie in a while. It’s pretty good tho, watch it) 
And that’s it, that’s all I got. Let me know if I got anything wrong. 
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noro-noro-noro · 1 year
long dream but i realized my alarms didn't go off & jumped out of bed really fast, so all i have is like the last scene, which is mostly about getting our truck that can drive on water crushed to death in a machine & then talking the guy that controlled the machine out of it. i'm really hungry for pizza.
- in some kind of small museum area with 4 ir 5 disply boxes. the museum is either run by or just featuring some relatively young for that position guy i think early 30s. anyway he kind of seemed like a dick.
- people "in my party" included me, my friend (real), & my other friend (not real, but a somewhat timetraveller). anyway the museum curator/owner guy was secretly kind of a dick. he'd hired us to investigate something - when we looked too closely at some of the artifacts it pulled us to the bay where it was a 2d minigame of a guy driving a truck around on top of & below the water, mostly interacting with a couple different nodes that had color coded icons (i think 7 of them?), & a central cruise or storange ship.
- brief interlude in this scene that was like i was doing a creepy dungeon level of a puzzle where you'd need to control 2 people & my ex was like the character they'd placed in the dungeon for me to also have to use & it was unpleasant & uncomfortable & he was doing this whole thing where he was being like really sanctimonius about the fact i told him to go to hell on an instagram post in 2020 & like "well i never told you to kill yourself" & i was like jesus christ if i didn't need you to stand on that button to free this crate i'd fucking eradicate you. you dumped me because you wanted to fuck my roommate man & were, in fact, doing that a week later, and refused to admit your behavior was wrong. like just admit it to yourself you're delusional if you think i'm not justified. anyway at the end of the level he like went into his house or whatever & i thougght about blwoing it up but i also remembered i wanted to get a perfect score on this level & killing him would detract points.
- anyway! my friend (not time traveller) was controlling the truck. there was supposed to be a more robust series of choices & doing them in a certain order would unlock a more personal ending since hte other ones were just allying with one of the 7 shpes. they each required the ocean to be terraformed in some way - one was like a barren ocean with a lot of bubbles, one had a dark blue icon tht implied a super lush ocean, i think the mental image was fontaine ocean at sunset so everything was kind of greenish. like subnautica kelp forest but less scary/more visibility. there were a lot of icons. they were done in a bold vector style with a slight gradient in like..jewel tones lol.
- as previously said! the choices weren't working out so well so my friend was just locked into supporting one of the icons & he was complaining about it because none of the icon endings were hte "true" ending. Because the millinoaire museum man was actuallly evil and would try to crush us to death with his cruise ship mecha - it'd surround us with its limbs & then start pushing inwards. i assume there was a puzzle to be freed before the boat got too cramped since there was a magnet block that we could hide under and around to prevent the worst of the damage, but in the end the final area was a weird shape and the block wouldnt save us. my friend was getting pissed off at the bugginess of the choice system. i could feel physical pain whenever the truck was crushed in the cutesy 2D interface.
- the time traveller ended up having the right idea - he took us back to the museum's opening, where we saw the museum curator guy doing his first exhibition. he had the power to draw anything & within this room grant the audience aspects of that power. his art wasn't super great, but with some encouragement, maybe he could flourish! the power also might have been from the most central display case in that room. i'm not otally sure i know it was related somehow.
- in the timetraveler's vision he could see the flow of what normally happened sort of vaguely, like if he grabbed a rope and unspooled it, all the details were in the fibers. and he saw that the curator was pushed into displying osmething that granted the audience like a magic wand with projectile powers & they all had soo much fun with that blasting things and breaking shit rather than looking at his other pieces. this led him down the path to evil.
- instead of having him display that, the time traveller secretly swapped out the magic wand one in favor of showing his other (medicore but with spirit!) drawings. curator recognized him as a time traveller & asked eagerly if he was famous & well known for his art in the future. the time traveller told him that people aren't allowed to ask about that kind of stuff (which is a true rule of time traveller society though they don't tell their rules to outsiders much) & instead asked him questions about the art pieces. curator took the bait t& eagerly started talking about llike...his weird alien oc. the fact that someone encouraged him now not for his power or ability but just out of curiosity seemed to eradicate hte bad timeline where it felt like my fingers were getting crushed to death. yay!
woke up then
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Episode 6 was AWESOME. Finally it really and truly felt like Digimon Adventure!!
This episode plus the last one makes me eat my words of despair over the blandness of episode 4. I’m counting that one as just a miss. I’m hoping that it doesn’t bode for the tone they’ll take with all Sora episodes though. Sora’s easy to overlook because she’s already kind, brave, and responsible - the main things the other kids need to work on. Still she never bored me in old Adventure. I only ever wanted more of her and that was my hope for 2020 Sora. Her intro episode wasn’t a great start, but guess what, she got to be pretty darn cool in this episode, and overall the tone of this ep was such an improvement on ep 4 that I’m back to thinking we will absolutely get a modern, cool girl Sora who rocks her spotlight episodes in the future. Pray with me friends.
By the way we finally got some decent animation in this episode. So I took gratuitous Taichi pics and I’ll post a couple to start us off bahahaha
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Okay, so this was the much-awaited MIMI episode. Heck yeah. It’s called “The Targeted Kingdom.” Who is the queen of the kingdom, I’ll give you three guesses, eh what’s that Mimi? like WOW you got it on the first try!
More below!!
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^ So I’m not quite sure what’s going on here. I think Sora is standing on Taichi’s back and Piyomon is helping lift her (them?) up into the trees so Sora can look around? They are trying to find the way to the ocean. This seems like the most awkward way possible to go about it but you do you kiddo...
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See, Adventure Taichi would be making jokes while this is happening. 2020 Taichi is thinking about The Big Picture, at least as much of it as he knows of. He’s turning into such a pensive type. Yamato’s gonna have to work hard to keep his lead brooder status.
Also I was thinking... there’s a few times in this ep, and more in others, where I feel like the animators don’t show us enough... Idk what to call it, movement? The fall out of actions? Like why don’t we see them climb into the tree? Why are we zoomed into so close when they fall out? Later during the big fight scene, there’s stuff going on that could definitely be shown in a clearer, and also cooler to watch, way. My theory of course is it’s all budget issues but what a bummer.
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The kids’ first intro to the bottomless pit that is a Digimon’s stomach. They have no food (seriously? in that pack of emergency supplies Sora brought by pure happenstance there is NO food??) so they go... steal some. But they don’t know they’re stealing.
Not that SHE cares.
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Mimi: Bahaha... you’ve fallen into my trap! *cutest maniacal laugh ever*
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^The trap
There is another trap that comes later in the ep and I’ll just say here. It’s some Jessie & James level shit. Way to go Meems!
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ugh soooo cuuuute I want twenty
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Introducing... Queen Mimi! Yes, Queen. They’ve upgraded her!
Honestly, I love how she’s introduced as royalty, but she’s dressed as a cowgirl. No one would ever ask Mimi to pick just one theme. Like her kimchi fried rice with whipped cream and strawberries, Mimi is not afraid to mix genres!
Like I said, the animation in this ep is a cut above what’s it been recently, which is a relief. And everyone’s appearance is so much like Adventure that I wonder why they changed anything xD But I’m just so grateful everyone kept their unique eyes. It was the one thing I missed in the animation of Tri, even though I wouldn’t have wanted high school kids to have baby eyes. But the eyes really highlighted each character’s individuality. Glad that’s still a thing even if not every animator pays attention to it.
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Taichi & Sora: Were those your fruit trees? Uhh sorry? My Digimon was close to death and we were starving...
Mimi: You will starve again unless you learn the meaning of the law!
that’s a little les mis interlude for ya youre welcome
So Mimi arrived in the digital world, separated from the others, and immediately became Queen of the Tanemon. I SENSE A TREND.
Mimi doesn’t come across as ditzy and selfish as she did in early Adventure. I am not sure if that side of her’s been erased in favor of simply making her reluctant to fight because she’s soft-hearted, or if we’ll see her self-centeredness appear later on. I hope so. Right now the 2020 story is very focused on the plot and not on the children’s growth, which is a huge departure from Adventure, but I don’t think it will remain that way. I hope not at least. But I do think it’s possible that they’ll rewrite Mimi to be a bit less self-centered and/or airheady, and I’m not exactly against that. After all, post-Adventure Mimi showed her cool side more when she was willful or opinionated, and I’m on board with more of that in the 2020 show too. A better balance would definitely be a good thing in Mimi’s case.
She kind of made me think of Sailor Moon in this episode, lol
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GASP! We are all Chosen Children! Mimi immediately says NOOO WAY i’m queen of the Tanemon!! But not because the Tanemon are catering to her every whim (they’re not, as far as I can tell! Though they did make her a throne!). Because she honestly feels a responsibility to look after them. Again, pretty different from old Adventure.
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Pocket Koushirou returns and Taichi tries to absorb him into his brain!!
Taichi: *grunting* HNNNNGGGG!! Give me me your curiosity!!!
Koushirou: Are you Vademon!?!?!
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Koushirou shows video footage from the human world that shows the effect the power outage is having. Though it’s not a complete blackout yet, some places like hospitals have already lost power and are in trouble. 
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Mimi sees her grandfather, the president of Tachikawa Industries, on the TV helping people in trouble. VERY DIFFERENT. VERY COOL. I approve
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Koushirou also points out that there is INDEED a time lapse between the human and digital worlds. I’m not exactly sure how different the time lapse is from old Adventure. At first, I thought it was much smaller, but thinking about it... given how slow the video from the human world was moving, it might be sizable. But I don’t think it’s as big as old Adventure. At any rate, Taichi and Sora figure out this means Mimi was on her own with Palmon and the Tanemon village for longer than they realized.
Also makes me wonder just how much time Yamato’s spent in the digital world...
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Mimi feels torn between wanting to help her grandfather and needed to protect the Tanemon village! Naturally Taichi suggests they work together!
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And a Tanemon rudely kicks him in the face!! Just kidding. But it was too cute not to cap
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Mimi brings the waterworks like three or four times this episode.
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Mimi: Alright! You work for me now!
Taichi: ...??? Okay I guess????
Yes, Princess or Queen, Mimi is still Mimi <3
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So they join up and uhh... get ready for war I guess??
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So this is the second Team Rocket trap, a giant hole in the ground. How did they dig it? How did the build that raft two eps ago?? Inquiring minds want to know
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Greymon is surprisingly limber for a chubby dinosaur.
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Taichi does what he does best in battle scenes: stand in immediate danger and look up a dinosaur’s bum.
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OGREMON MAKES HIS BIG APPEARANCE IN A MIMI EP. I totally called it last week. Okay, technically he already appeared in episode 5... but we barely saw him okay! He uses Soundbirdmon (who may indeed not be sentient?) to mind-control other Digimon to find and apparently kill?? the children. Ogremon honestly sounds kind of mind-controlled himself but not sure. If he is, it’s a different kind of control. He may just talk like that because he’s an ogre and not very articulate...
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I guess I capped this because CUTE CUTE CUTE
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So speaking of rushing into immediate danger... Not only is Sora right in the middle of the right, she’s HANGING OFF BIRDRAMON’S LEG. This show is SO not promoting child safety hahahhahaha
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Cute Taichi. Cuter still - Taichi and Sora tag teaming it. PLEEEEEASE give me more of this!! I want nothing more than for Sora to join Taichi and Yamato as a heavy-hitter. I always headcanoned her that way growing up. Let Sora kick ass 2020!!
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^Palmon’s method of rescuing Mimi... effective, yet questionable
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Capped because Cute.
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Sora and Birdramon take down the blue bird digimon (sorry... forgot its name... will likely forget the name of every other Digimon not from old Adventure as well. i am a senior citizen). Taichi cheers for them and says “You nabbed the best bit from me!” SO CUTE. Come on, they are the best team!!
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Meanwhile, Palmon: *screams bloody murder*
Mimi: Palmon! Noooo!
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Episode 6: Palmon friggin DIES
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I mean she is like glitching in and out. So it totally FIGURES it would be a Mimi ep that tells us “yeah kids we’re not Pokemon!” I mean. Keep watching...
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Mimi recalls being all alone in a strange world when she meets Palmon. Btw they totally revamped the Pyokomon Village for this Tanemon village, I dig.
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Boxing!!! Cactus!!! Eat this Precure!!!!
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While Togemon takes out Drimogemon, Greymon rushes in to protect the kids from Ogremon...
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Isn’t this actually darker than old Adventure? I mean I guess at least no one dies (I think? uhh...) and I suppose that’s less dark... but sawing off body parts... Idk man... I’m down with it, I just don’t know that it’s any nicer than old Adventure... hahahaha
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POW! Err, Drimogemon’s drill ain’t looking too good either...
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More waterworks as Mimi tells Palmon she loves her, and Palmon says it right back. Foreshadowing for Mimi/Koushirou tiffs in the future!? It was lit last ep that Koushirou tried to say he loves his partner and choked on it. Something tells me these two are gonna butt heads again ;)
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Ugggggghhhh so cute I can’t staaaaaaand ittttt
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Mimi decides to go with Taichi and Sora and leave the Tanemon village, Idk, I guess they’ll be safe now???  at least they won’t be targeted for having a human child among them.
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Also I like her leaf bag. The Tanemon totally made it for her.
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We end with Ogremon gripping his broken horn and fricking sobbing. This... does not bode well.
I want to hug him
so cast your votes, who gets the first hurt/comfort scene with Ogremon? Will it be gentle chastisement from Mimi while she patches him up with stuff from Sora’s pack? Or will it be Jou and the toilet paper you know he brought even if it makes no sense?!? hahahaha
I give this ep a 7/10 WELL DONE. That’s what a Digimon episode should be. Very close to VERY VERY GOOD.
I missed the trailer for next week so have more gratuitous Taichis instead.
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eddisfargo · 4 years
The Fifth of October
38 minutes
THIS IS IT, YOU GUYS! The LAST chapter!! And look at that name--we’re closing it off with just one last Dumas Countdown™, because this is the deadline at which our sad little son is supposed to kill himself. And/or discover Juliet. 
And I am off to listen! Wish me luck!!
OK I’M BACK, and I listened to it last night, and posted my “FIN” interlude, and now I’m finishing this! So bittersweet!!
So…… I don’t know what I was expecting. Hahaha I mean I guess I do, and in some ways it was spot on, but I was kind of expecting Val to pop in and stop Morrel from killing himself, not for MC to just… give him fake poison. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Time to do the thing I’ve been doing where I put the book on doublespeed and skip around! 
Also I didn’t do that and it’s days later because I procrastinated this for some reason wanted to give the story some time to marinate so I’m doing something unprecedented and I’m going to post this immediately after I write it. If I’d queued it like normal it would’ve gone up at like 4am today but it’s 10:30am and I still haven’t written it. (11:30am by the time I’m posting it! lol) Every other chapter went up by last night! But hey, LONG ONE INCOMING. 
Getting this out of the way in advance so I don’t have to end on this note: Albert is not, after all, ever mentioned again. 
So Morrell is sailed into Monte Cristo (the island not the d00d) by a guy who turns out to be Yucky Jacopo. He is a very sad guy because this is the last day of his life (no it isn’t), but he gets all happy when he sees his bff MC. And MC is happy too--he’s all laughy, which Morrel notes as him basically being a different person. But MC’s like “OH YEAH I FORGOT THAT HAPPINESS IS FLEETING” like okaaaaay. And Morrel’s like “well glad that you’re either feigning happiness for my comfort or you’re totally OK with my death which is in like 3 hours.” and MC’s like “I chose c) none of the above.” 
And MC’s like “wait you’re not feeling better? Weird!” And he does this WEIRD interrogation of exactly what kind of sad Morrel is and whether he’s “consoled” or not (“consoled” apparently includes being basically heart-dead). Morrel’s happy because MC’s going to give him a nice easy death and he can die in a friend’s arms. And it turns out Max has been kind of hoping for a miracle which is clearly not coming after all (yes it is). 
So Max is like “OK you know how you know literally everything and are basically from a higher plane and I trust you absolutely?” and MC’s like “yes that’s correct, go on?” (the higher plane is called “grief” btw). 
So it turns out MC’s concerned that Max is… not unhappy enough to be saved, and that would be horrible, because it wouldn’t be proper repentance for his sins. So MC’s like “here have $100 million and now you don’t have to die!” and Max is like “frist of all how DARE yo u” and MC’s like “OK phew just making sure”
So MC hands him the poison and goes “hey I’ll do it too!” and Max is like “but you love people and people love you!” (umm, don’t you have an adorable sister??) “in YOUR case it’d be a crime! No doing that, but I’ll give Valentine your regards. Toodles!” And he just… drinks it. And starts to fade out. Now obviously at this point it’s not real poison, haha. It’s definitely a drug though, because he can’t move or speak and is feeling all wonky. But then VALENTINE WALKS IN!!! Oh my god, she wasn’t dead???? This whole time??? I had NO IDEA!!! 
Now I was a bit worried at this point that he’d just… never believe he didn’t die. Like that this was heaven and no one could prove it wasn’t, haha. But that didn’t quite end up happening. So anyway they’re together now, and that’s MC’s atonement. And now MC goes “GIVE ME YOUR GRATITUDE. I NEED IT TO LIIIIIIIVE. POUR YOUR THANKS INTO MY EAR IT IS MY NOURISHMENT.” And Val totally does. But also she calls Haydee her sister, and MC’s like “oh good you love her that’s great because she’s yours now. I’m setting her free and making her a princess again.” 
And Haydee’s like “Yeah that’s fine, whatever you say. No I mean that literally. I will do WHATEVER YOU SAY ALWAYS BECAUSE I LOVE YOU. IF YOU YOU WANT TO [dramatic swoon motion, I assume] CAST ME OFF, I WILL GO! AND DIE! BECAUSE YOU SAY SO!” 
And MC’s like “wait wait wait wait wait are you saying you like… like me or something?” 
And Haydee’s like “I’ve literally been telling you that the entire book. I love you like an immediate family member! Where ‘immediate family member’ is a set containing ‘husband’!” 
And MC’s like “Oh I guess I can be happy then. Like I said in that one chapter that made Eddis so mad. FYI she’s still not cool with this at all, but it’s whatever.” (What a weird thing for Dumas to write in, amirite?)
So they go off to have their happily ever after or whatever and then Max wakes up and is like “wtf I’m not dead! That traitor!” and picks up a knife to finish the job and Valentine goes “I mean or maybe not do that?” And Max is like whaaaaat? Except also he just accepts it instantly. So they go off into the sunset.
They get a note from MC who, it turns out, just… left. Without saying anything. Off to go marry Haydee, one assumes. And speaking of what he left… his houses and stuff to Morrelentine, for starters. Which should be interesting. They’re actually going back to Paris? The city in which she’s supposed to be buried right now? That won’t be a scandal or anything, haha. But whatever, I guess there’s plenty of scandals in Paris. People will get over it eventually. Maybe. Anyway we did need to get Max back to Julie and Emmanuel. That’ll be a nice little family for Valentine, who’s never known love like they have just all the time.
Also Noirtier’s totally waiting for them in Foghorn Leghorn, where he wants to bless the marriage and presumably live with them forever. MC suggests that Val give her whole fortune to charity and also drops in “oh hey literally everyone else in your family is either dead or lost their damn mind, fyi.” But anyway she won’t really need the fortune now they’ve got Monte Cristo bux--because he’s leaving them the grotto treasure. 
So MC suddenly feels humility and remorse and realizes he’s not God, only God is God and he’s just some guy. And why did he let Max suffer so much when Valentine was liTERALLY ALIVE THE WHOLE TIME OMG? Because happy and sad only exist in their contrast to each other, and he needed to be vairy vairy sad before he could properly be vairy vairy happy. You have to die to appreciate life. And apparently all human wisdom is summed up in two words: Wait and hope. 
That seemed it should be the last line of the book, but it keeps going with their reactions. Except spoiler, it totally IS the last line of the book when Valentine repeats it. After the two of them wonder if ever see their father/sister again. 
WAIT AND HOPE. Audible hopes you have enjoyed this program! 
AND SO IT ENDS. (Also that Audible message sounded SO FAST after how slow our narrator talks--I really don’t think this book would be 53 hours read by anyone else, haha. But he did a great job though! Especially at 45% increased speed)
I still can’t believe it’s over! I’m already like halfway through my next audiobook, haha, because it’s actually a reasonably-lengthed book. 
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Tony Awards Thoughts
So it looks like, at least for now, the CBS website lets you watch it for free (at least in the US). Here are my thoughts using those time stamps (be warned I have a long running commentary)
0:23 Oh is this going to be a parody of her playing the piano on last year’s Tony’s
1:05 How has neither one of them won anything? I mean I get if they said neither one of them one a Tony cause I mean, they both did shows that one time…but anything?
1:18 Is there anything more Broadway than saying the same rehearsed thing at the same time and pretending it was just part of the banter? Oh theater tropes I love you
1:36 That’s always been something that bothered me, people assume that just because something didn’t win the Tony doesn’t mean its not a great show, and the show that wins might not even be the best one that season (you know who you are). I love the Tony’s but its an award show, people don’t stop watching tv shows and movies or listening to artists that didn’t win or weren’t nominated, it makes me sad that so many shows close post Tony’s just because they weren’t the big winner. Anyways…
1:53 THEY CELEBRATED THE LOSERS LIKE ME, these A list celebrities that are totally not losers are soooo relatable ;)
2:40 A few years ago Something Rotten did what I thought was a brilliant advertising campaign listing amazing shows that lost the Tonys like them, so the fact that it was put into song gave me a fond flashback. See? SEE??? Oh it feels so good to be vindicated on tv
3:49 “If you make art at all your a part of the cure” :)
4:10 THEY HAD THE ENSEMBLE MEMBERS BE THE ONES IN THE OPENING NUMBER RATHER THAN THE LEADS THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY. If only my high school self could have seen this she would have felt so much better
6:42 I didn’t see any of the plays this year but I heard the most about Angels in America this season so not surprised. Looks interesting
7:45 Happy Pride Month
8:40 Bake a cake for everyone who wants a cake to be baked would actually be a pretty good diction warmup
14:10 Kinda surprised that they didn’t pick Rather Be Me or Apex Predator considering those are the really marketed songs. “Where We Belong” seems a lot like “Status Quo” from High School Musical. I mean you’ll get that about high school clicks in the lunch room with a blond queen bee but like, even the dance moves felt similar, and the lunch tray dancing, even the giant cat decal. But like, it's not as catchy? I didn’t expect them to win anything tonight but I really don’t think they’ll win anything now? Is that mean? Just cause it feels like it was supposed to be a high energy number and it didn’t have that energy I thought it would. Also come on, just cause you want the girls to be shallow and dumb doesn’t mean the lyrics have to be that cringey. This feels like a less good version of if Legally Blonde and High School Musical had a baby (I absolutely love Legally Blonde that was not intended to be an insult to either show).
15:00 Is it me or did Amy Schumer look like she wanted to say something but Rachel Bloom kept talking. But it didn’t really have any joke setup or serve as a good segway for commentary, what could she have wanted to say?
15:35 Later on I’m going to see if I can find the award speeches that didn’t get televised. most of the world doesn’t get broadway they get regional theater, I wanted to hear what they had to say
15:45 Nick Scandalious feels like a cartoon name you’d see in an Onion article about the Me Too movement. His face even looks like the generic celebrity that had a TMZ scandal five years ago. I thought I read it wrong at first lol
16:40 I was cracking up they know their brand so well. The air quotes on emotional, perfect!
17:10 Mini Sara and Josh are so cute!
17:50 Ok I missed the reference, what is the giant bird lady from?
18:10 oh
20:57 celebrity child picture counter: #3 Amy Schumer. Also guess which year the musical described as “a comedy about class and sexism” is from? Yup it’s My Fair Lady, the audience laughed like I did in that sort of this is funny but also sad kinda way
26:00 This was so overacted and hammy and one day I aspire to that level of loud printed robes. Coincidentally my name is also spelled like Eliza but my voice is not nearly that good. Also does it count as drag if they are clearly men in dresses with some comical makeup or is there another name for it when they aren’t actually trying to look feminine?
26:18 The twitter usernames were too small to see on my screen who were the twitter pictures of?
26:30 See above comment
27:00 What show did Billy Joel work on? Also Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen, and Josh Groban maybe my mom will finally enjoy theater
29:12 Oh my gosh that picture of Titus Burgess is amazing as is that suit. And that intro is so Titus its great
30:07 Renee Fleming we’ve got the Opera world here too? It’s so many famous musicians from outside broadway on broadway, think of all the crossovers
32:50: Yes spongebob get Josh Groban to sing more thank you for your service. Ok I’m not a huge fan of spongebob but they have to win for sound design that guy is on overload
33:27 Lol it explains so much why the songs sound disjointed cause they got a billion people to write them. Also lol I was waiting for that joke
33:50 Also what I thought would happen would be a medley that way Spongebob who really is the driving energy of the show and Squidward played by the Broadway darling would both have a song. This wasn’t how I expected them to do it, but I was sort of right so I’ll count it. I’m not really a fan of Spongebob the musical (I’ve listened to it twice once when it first came out and once during Tony Season. I’m not one of the people who hate it off the sheer premise and won’t give it a chance, but I just thought it was meh and not worth having the most nominations.) But Squidward’s song is very me, not in terms of melody cause that is I find most of the melodies to be rather generic but the lyrics are 100% me trying to convince myself. Also all I will be thinking about for the rest of the will be what tap dancing must feel like its gotta feel weird how long do you think he spent practicing it with and without the extra legs. Or it might be nightmare fuel with the sea anemone contributing to it, who knows? Probably both,
38:07 still don’t know whose handles those are
38:28 ^^^
38:40 Ok when I saw the outfits I was expecting a Chorus Line Parody, but this Sia parody fits this every genre but musical theater theme of this Broadway season
39:20 Eight times a week, and all the subsequent puns
40:28 Can I just say I love this return to singing interludes over awkward award show banter?
41:44 I saw the Bands Visit a few month’s back and I still don’t know how to describe it. Normally I would guess it would be the second fiddle of the Tony’s but considering the “purists” it’ll probably win most of the awards
44:16 With all the previous reaction shots you knew it had to be Nathan Lane. I always forget how well spoken he is because of his typical roles but he is really well spoken and sincere rather than trying to wise crack and it was so sweet. It made me smile
47:43 His face saying “blow high” has got to be a gif right?
51:45 The entirety of the Carousel number was me thinking if I had a higher sex drive this would totally make me thirsty. They also used very creative ways to physically embody the shape and workings of a ship but then again I’m admittedly biased. Listen to that number you know their vocal prowess was not why they picked it
52:12 I mean, I know that crew gets less attention than cast and plays less attention than musicals but I would watch the full version stop cutting out the speeches. C’mon I love costumes
53:04 I know your joking but that hurts
53:19 yes #4 famous kid photo Uzo Aduba
55:49 Ari'el Stachel’s speech is made all the more poignant when you realize everyone else in his category were white. Despite this season’s commerciality you actually do have shows and casts with Asian leads and African American leads and Latin American leads and Middle Eastern leads somewhere between the sea of shows like Spongebob and Frozen. Show these shows some love, prove that Hamilton wasn’t the anomaly but the rule
56:55 They brought the Parkland teacher for the theater education award! Fitting 65 students into a high school teacher’s office for hours to protect them is not easy, she saved lives that day
58:17 I thought #5 Matthew Morrison was a girl in his child pic
58:40 They went to Parkland?!
59:35 OMG they’re performing!?!
1:00:10 Seasons of Love is the Perfect song for this, they sound so good too!
1:01:18 Girl has an amazing voice! Dang to get up there in front of all of these famous performers on live TV after the media has already hounded them and putting yourself out there is courageous
1:02:45 I can’t see the handles
1:03:11 Will they be able to top NPH’s Tony magic trick though??? Probably not but let’s see
1:03:31 So cheesy but tbh if I had a Harry Potter wand I’d be even cheesier
1:03:46 Was that line improved or was the tech delay intentional?
1:04:22 C’mon Squidward already pulled the same “trick” you have ensemble block the audience pov while someone enters from the back. Didn’t even come close to topping NPH
1:04:43 Little Patti Lupone I can’t believe she allowed them to include her picture of lil’ Patti
1:05:04 I just wanted to include Patti’s line about a “deep appreciation for outspoken women” cause I actually said “you go girl” out loud
1:05:35 Yeah, fun fact, Tony wasn’t a man but was actually short for Antoinette. They referenced it multiple times before, including earlier tonight, but it was stated most explicitly here
1:06:35 Is that a young or modern Claire Danes, I can’t tell
1:07:39 Also it’s really cool that an older woman won something, I feel like the stage gives more roles for older woman that other acting industries, also if people argue that she was political she served political office. Also how cool is it that apparently people were there from every recognized country?
1:09:27 so that’s how they do Sven, I knew Olaf was supposed to be an Avenue Q style puppet but the way they move Sven is really cool (it’s the technique they used on things like War Horse, I don’t know if it’s considered costuming or puppetry or what the official name is)
1:10:20 Anna looks exactly as I pictured her, and they changed a few minor lyrics for it to fit the stage
1:10:44 There are so many quick changes tonight
1:11:22 Elsa did not look like what I imagined her to be, but the costumes are on point
1:12:00 The chorus versions of these songs have beautiful harmony, but Olaf shouldn’t be there yet right? Isn’t he “born” in Let it Go
1:12:47 Alright I’ve been waiting to see how they’ll do the snow effects!
1:14:00 They got out of building the castle by already having it built at the beginning of the song, which is smart technically but I wanted to see how they do it, unless it’s one of those things that’s a surprise for when you see it live.
1:14:25 Never call it “Daddy’s Day” ever again. Never.
1:14:46 I can’t see the handles
1:14:59 How could you not show Chita Rivera’s lifetime achievement? I’ve been lucky enough to see her in more than one show and she is incredible.
1:15:13 And you also cut out Andrew Lloyd Webber’s?? You made the wrong cuts Broadway
1:15:25 It looks like they’re going to show a tribute I’m excited!!!
1:17:42 Two things: Andrew Lloyd Webber has written a weird collection of musicals, like when you see clips of them back to back you realize just how weird of a collection it is, and Josh Groban needs to be the next Phantom
1:18:08 That exchange was so physically awkward they haven’t even started talking yet and I feel the cringe
1:19:18 Is “I swore I’d never do something like that” shade against the La La Land debacle? In 2018? Or am I reading too much into it
1:19:21 I saw the Band’s Visit but I also saw Once on this Island and I thought that one would win Direction for sure but I guess I was wrong
1:22:36 I read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, it’s a weird read, but I haven’t seen it live so maybe it’s directed brilliantly, who knows? Who else thinks its a weird read?
1:23:56 He’s getting the Tony audience to sing his boyfriend "Happy Birthday" instead of giving a speech and that is both adorably sweet and such a power move. Also a rare occasion of Happy Birthday being sung on key
1:25:10 They’re having DEH perform? You cut out people who actually were awarded tonight for people who already were featured on the Tony’s last year? And that song is a weird choice for a In Memoriam considering that show doesn’t really…respect the deceased. Weird
1:28:17 Give the tech more time in the limelight! You cut out Chita and Webber’s speeches for a weird tribute and you have weird stunts with tech like the magic thing yet cut out all their stage time. I know this is standard Tony procedure but it is something I will comment on every year until it changes
1:29:20 That move for “work hard for the money mom” line was uncomfortable
1:30:30 They really do sound like the original singer
1:31:53 So that’s how the performers follow the conductor. They have a huge teleprompter-like screen in the back of the audience
1:32:52 This cast seems specifically tailored to gather different subsections of internet geeks and I will not tell you which categories I fall into
1:33:18 I never knew “the Jimmy’s” were a thing when I was in high school
1:34:54 THOSE are the great themes of Harry Potter? Really?
1:36:10 Aww look at little Cinderella
1:36:34 How are they going to build that stage for the Tonys? They built a river inside the theater for it before!
1:37:00 Well it makes sense that they’d only include part of the set, you can’t really recreate an entire building. Yes I’m so glad they included Mama Will Provide. That song is like the definition of a Tony performance song. Why did they include the Daniel bit, that was so awkward and broke up the flow
1:40:40 If anyone would be chill with the goat it’s Nathan Lane. Yup, there a live goat at the Tony Awards
1:41:21 Don’t joke about that
1:41:41 Are you going to cut out every technical award
1:42:32 Too relatable
1:43:16 Is this that song from Chorus Line in real life
1:44:10 English Major life
1:46:03 The angel from Angels in America is so Extra TM
1:46:54 That Tony Kushner line was forced
1:47:18 Awkward segway but REMEMBER TO VOTE
1:47:38 That Judy Garland line ties in perfectly with the Happy Birthday to the gay couple
1:48:04 That reaction to the word “money” is me. And also is a gif right?
Am I so much of a Tony nerd that I both knew and was shocked that the accountants weren’t the normal ones from Ernst and Young but instead were from Grant Thorton. Why do I remember what company normally tallies the Tony votes? Why did they change companies? Why do I care so much? But seriously what happened
1:49:00 That phrase just sounded so odd, just the way it was said “my television Daddy-O Tony Shalhoub”
1:53:15 I don’t have the accent and I’m about as white as white can be, but I really want to perform this song somewhere at some point. I have family in this area even though I don’t look like I would but and I just connect to it. The melody is gorgeous and the chorus reminds me of the lullabies of when I was very little.
1:54:15 Every time the young photos come up it puts a small smile on my face
1:54:37 Good on them for putting their money where their mouth is. They actually helped fund arts programs in places where they were cut
1:55:05 I wonder what the rest of the scenic guy’s speech for Spongebob was because this tiny clip seemed so passionate (and just has such an interesting aesthetic). Gosh darn it Tonys stop pretending the only backstage people that count are the directors and producers, you have all these other people who put in so much hard work yet you consistently ignore them. Even orchestrations, choreography and score?? Orchestrations, choreography and score are crucial for musicals to exist as unique entities from plays. You make jokes about people sitting through 5 hour plays but I would gladly sit through a five hour award show if you just included the technical awards.
1:57:10 me trying to open anything ever
1:57:14 Yes! I was so worried they would go with the super old school ones that get constant revivals. I mean, they picked the show that had “1000 pounds of sand, a 100 gallons of water, a goat and 2 chickens into his theater” when you have safer, more conventional bets. Everyone kept sleeping on Once on this Island this Tony season to talk about their feelings about the Spongebob’s and Mean Girl’s of the world but this is such a good show. Maybe this’ll get this show the love it deserves.
1:59:30 what did Robert DeNiro say on the recording the sound cut out. Did the mic cut out did he say something inappropriate, I’ve been avoiding Tony news what happened?
1:59:55 It’s got more than just a big cast, dancing, and a history lesson. You know that applies to, idk like 60% of famous Broadway musicals lol
2:00:06 when someone gives that pregnant of a pause you gotta wonder what the story is there
2:00:27 Truth
2:00:40 “Jersey Boy” that’s such a good one liner, actually, it might sound sarcastic online but that was a funny one liner in context
2:03:00 Is Bruce Springsteen really going to just do spoken word poetry the whole time? Also I don’t know why but this makes me think of Fun Home
2:06:05 Oh he’s going to sing after all. Though that story is about as Americana Fourth of July as anything I’ve ever heard on the Tony Awards ever and that’s saying something
2:07:39: who are these people?
2:08:00 Didn’t Kristin Chenowitz and Alan Cumming do this exact same shtick when they hosted, what 2 years ago? And there’s was much bigger I mean really go big like that Glinda the Good dress or go home.
2:08:23 Was there really no punch line? Also aww baby Kelli O’Hara is precious
2:09:07 The actor’s name sounds like his character’s name and I enjoy that
2:09:39 Well these actors are very different from each other
2:11:28 I am a sucker for genuine sincerity and that combined with some of the earlier moments like the Parkland moment brought me close to tears
2:12:45 Look at this award shows actual diversity, and not just using one show for diversity and nominating a bunch of actors you have 3 out of 6 female leads be people of color and none of them are a “token” and they all support each other. Hailey Kilgore is so young and such a good actress and I wanted her to win so much but she seemed so excited for the person who did win and they all seem happy at the result you don’t have any of that polite loser face they are all genuinely supportive and this makes me happy. I’m happy, look at those smiles I’m smiling, I love it when they show women supporting each other.
12:14:06 “my stupid little heart with so much joy” is me watching these people tonight.
12:14:27 Still can’t identify these people
12:15:00 Josh Groban’s reaction to Bernadette Peter’s name is me. Honestly Josh Groban is killing the potential gif game tonight
I’m sorry I just can’t take this description of them as “empowering stories” seriously when half of your nominations are Spongebob and Mean Girls
2:16:10 Tonight the Band’s Visit really swept. Honestly some seasons shows don’t win any awards that deserved it and other seasons shows that (while still deserving) probably wouldn’t have won win and it’s all kind of arbitrary, but I’m glad out of this batch it won, it was really the only show out of the four that would have gotten the Tony Award ticket sales boost and it got it.
2:17:35 “Music gives people hope and makes borders disappear”
2:19:08 yes another Josh Groan duet!
2:19:25 I love Miss Peters too
2:20:44 This number made me smile, this whole night made me smile. I was worried I would get frustrated by the night with Spongebob and Frozen and Mean Girls and all the potential for it to be a cynical snark fest or a capitalist money grabber spectacular. There are about 10 billion ways I saw myself not liking this year’s Tony Awards before it started and not only am I relieved that I was wrong about the mood of the night but I am elated. I love me some deadpan humor and some snark but you rarely see one of these nights just wholly be genuine and not tongue and cheek and it was such a breath of fresh air. Even the hokey bits like the stupid magic jokes and banter or weaker songs like that Mean Girls number, because everything was in such a kindhearted atmosphere, didn’t feel as bad as they otherwise would have.
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1000-directions · 6 years
8, 9, 13
8. Oldest WIP
lol the timetravelverse 😩 a tomlinshaw story set a bit in the future where nick and louis are in an established relationship (o really, from me, who would have thought 🙄🙄) and then one day a teenage louis (’baby louis’) shows up on their doorstep and they have to take care of him until they can figure out how to get him back to his own time, and he’s an absolute nightmare and nick and louis both despise him, but it also brings up a lot of uncomfortable feelings in louis, like, is that who i used to be and how i used to act, etc etc. and just when nick and louis are reaching their limit, a teenage nick appears too, and baby louis falls head over heels for baby nick, and baby louis is like super protective and adoring towards him even though he’s a monster to everyone else. anyway, the original fic was only supposed to be that much, but then i spent a lot of time thinking about how nick and louis got together and what their relationship has been like up to this point, and what they’ve fought about and what compromises they’ve made, and what it was like for louis to come out as bi and how dating someone bi made nick kind of uncomfortable and paranoid at first etc etc etc it spiraled out of control WOW STORY OF MY LIFE and i definitely spent more time thinking about it than ever actually writing it
9. Current WIP
part 3 of lucky, which i gave the INCREDIBLY UNFORTUNATE working title of ‘dust to dust’ before watching infinity war, rip me, that might have to be changed. part 3 features bucky and louis going to a farmers market, bucky taking care of freddie when he’s sick because bucky doesn’t get sick because of course he doesn’t, and an awkward and hopefully hilarious dinner party hosted by bucky and louis with guests of honor shuri and peter parker. then there’s an interlude, then there’s part 4 where bucky and louis both come out of retirement but not in a way that you would expect, and then my sweet lovely buckles gets the soft epilogue that he deserves, and then maybe i am actually done and i can have my life back!
13. Describe your writing process from idea to polished
oh man, i have no idea. i spend a lot of time thinking about writing before i actually start writing. i’ll write a scene in my head a dozen times before i put it on the page. i just like to see it really clearly and have an intuitive sense of where it’s going before i actually write it. lucky started out as a joke, then it developed through idle conversations with @dearmrsawyer and @queerlyalex and @imlouisaf where i just kinda brainstormed ideas about where it could go. jamila and i still talk about lucky A LOT, i’ll mention a scene that i’m writing and she’ll jump in with an idea that gets me thinking about something else, and i find that talking to her really helps me see how things connect and how one scene leads to another scene, and it also just gets me PSYCHED. i haven’t had my past works beta’d, but @queerlyalex read most if not all of ‘tonight make me unstoppable’ before i posted it, first because i needed help with freddie’s voice and later bc i was just so unsure and needed some reassurance. they gave me some really crucial advice about how to fix some of my scenes that were just like A WALL OF DIALOGUE by going back in later to add more nuance and internal thoughts and all that. sometimes when i have a scene that has to do a lot of work through a lot of talking, i just knock out as much dialogue as i can, and then on my ten million subsequent read throughs, i start adding the shadings and textures, changing words around, making monologues shorter, breaking up big chunks of dialogue with actions and thoughts. @fleetwooded has been helping me deal with some of my pacing issues in part 3, because it just felt wrong to me but i couldn’t figure out how to fix it and which specific parts weren’t working because sometimes i get way too close to what i’m writing and i don’t know how to look at it from far away as someone who doesn’t live and breathe these characters. lol anyway the point is i have no process and i’m making this all up as i go
writer’s ask game
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mariestherapeutics · 7 years
Tumblr media
Crescendo ft. Junmyeon: Part 3. Am I updating too quickly? Also I feel like this series is seriously flopping lol no one has said anything about it. XD If you guys aren’t interested in it, feel free to tell me! I don’t want to post something you guys aren’t reading! :’o -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(♫) Are you strange like me? Lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me?
That positive outlook on the assignment lasted for only that day. Junmyeon was an absolute mess at every instrument they tried out. He couldn't hit the right notes on any wind instrument, he couldn't play the strings fast enough to keep a tempo on any string instrument, he was absolute trash on the electric ones, and don't even get him started on the drums. He won't even think about how that went.
By the time Junmyeon went to bed and woke up the next morning, he was feeling hopeless again. What was the point of him trying so hard if he couldn't do anything but play the instrument that scares him?
He glances at his alarm clock, mentally cringing since it was only 9:46 AM. He could easily slip back into slumber, had he not had plans for the morning. Junmyeon forces himself to sit up, but his grogginess doesn't leave him even after his shower and he's walking out of Building A to meet you.
"You made it, Oppa!" You greet him enthusiastically, just like you did yesterday. He gives you a small wave, too tired to respond verbally. "Same place as before, right?" You ask, and he nods in agreement. Just like yesterday, too, you're in your pajamas (instead of catcuses, though, it's starfish), and Junmyeon didn't make the mistake of overdressing this time. He's also in his pajamas-- well, his actual pajamas are just his briefs, so of course he slipped on some sweats and a loose t-shirt.
Once you're in the studio, Junmyeon sets his bag down while you immediately run over to the cello. He watches you adjust some of the strings, before turning to look at him expectantly. But Junmyeon doesn't know what you're expecting of him, so he just looks at you dumbly for a good five seconds before shrugging in question. Instead of answering, you look away for a moment, before taking a seat and setting the cello between your legs.
The instrument elicits a beautiful interlude as you play it a bit, and Junmyeon takes a seat on the floor in the corner to listen in appreciation. He can't help but compare it to his mother's playing, either. You're not an expert, like she is, but your music still sounds flawless. His mother's playing sounds classic, slow, and lulling, while yours feels more upbeat, comforting, and happy.
Both, though, have him feeling sleepy. Maybe it's because he was already feeling tired, but the next time he blinks, he doesn't open his eyes again. His mind is still awake, but his body is failing to wake up for him. He half-heartedly tries to rouse himself, but to no avail. Your music continues on, quieter, but still just as pleasant to hear.
When it stops, Junmyeon is so close to sleep that he doesn't notice. He also doesn't notice when you sit down next to him, or when you ask him if he's awake. He doesn't notice when you lean against the wall, too, and Junmyeon doesn't notice when you shut your eyes and tell him that he can rest. Yet, at that moment, he really does slip away from reality, as if he were waiting for your permission the whole time.
There are plenty of music studios on campus, and even more off of it, so the college doesn't mind it when students rent one out for a whole day. In fact, that kind of commitment is encouraged, since they want each of their students to excell and practice to their heart's content.
The thing is, in Junmyeon's case, he didn't spend any of it practicing, and almost all of it dozing off. By the time he woke up, feeling refreshed and ready for the day, he glanced up at the clock on the wall and noticed it was already 7:23 PM. Then, he noticed how much of a sloth he was for needing so much sleep just to feel awake. Next, he noticed he wasn't in his room, but in one of the music studios.
It was then that he noticed the still weight against his chest, moving softly in time with his breathing, and ten seconds later he realizes it was you. His mind spins as he remembers you were supposed to be practicing all day, and he can't stop his heart from hammering when the guilt fills him once more for letting you down.
Though, you don't appear to be too bothered leaning against him like this.
And, weirdly enough, Junmyeon doesn't feel too bothered about the action.
Though, that makes Junmyeon feel strange, and he quickly tries to think of a way to explain himself when you wake up. But like the scaredy-cat he is, Junmyeon tells himself he can just try going back to sleep so you’ll have to wake him up and face the awkward situation.
And truly, he does try, but he feels too guilty about it. And his mind is elsewhere from sleeping, like how you're so warm in the cool studio, and how your form seems to fit so perfectly into his, or how your hair, so close to his face, smells so nice.
Junmyeon blames these thoughts on his stagnant love life, and immediately shoves them all down to access the problem at hand. "Rifi," He tries to say, but since he just woke up, his voice comes out quieter and lower than he meant it to. Limply, he moves his hand up to touch your shoulder, which fits so nicely in his palm (and Junmyeon pretends he doesn't notice). "Rifi," He tries again, but says it just as softly.
"Mmm...?" You hum airily, obviously just stirring awake. He gives you a moment to really wake up before calling your name again.
"Rifi," He murmurs, and this time, you slide away from him and lean against the wall, your half-lidded eyes drifting to his form. "It's evening." He tells you. You blink at him, once, twice, before smiling at him and closing your eyes.
"Hi, Oppa.~" You sing tiredly, and Junmyeon wonders if you're even fully awake. "Thanks for waking me up, Oppa.~" You continue. Junmyeon nearly jumps out of his skin when you lean against him again. "I saw Oppa sleeping and thought I should give him a few more minutes, and then I got tired, too, and..." You trail off, and Junmyeon thinks you fell back to sleep, so he shakes your shoulder. "I'm awake." You inform him, but stay still.
He isn't sure how long you two sit there like that, because he doesn't dare look at the clock and check, but with you so peacefully sitting by him, breathing and existing silently, Junmyeon can't help but feel relaxed now. At first he was nervous, because heck, he's sure any normal girl would freak out if they woke up sleeping on someone, but you're awake and he's awake and you're fine with it and so is he, much to his own surprise.
Maybe fifteen minutes later does he hear you say, "Oppa can do anything he wants to do, as long as he tries his best." Junmyeon has no idea where this comment sprung from, but it hits him straight at home. "Just like how I wanted to do something, something that was important to me, and I do it every day now." You ramble, but it makes no sense to him. "All Oppa has to do is try, and believe in himself, and maybe trust his friends to help him, too." Concluding that this is just gibberish talk, Junmyeon decides to take what you said lightly and laughs quietly.
"Are you my friend, Rifi?" He asks to humor you. Softly, you nod, before sitting up again and blinking at him slowly. He stares at you and you stare back, and just like yesterday, he sees that calculating look in your eyes that makes him think there's more to you than positivity and encouragements. And just like yesterday, it's gone before he can comment on it.
"I'm Oppa's friend if Oppa lets me be it." You reply vaguely, smiling again. Junmyeon returns it, though he has nothing to say. Sure, he can talk to you and work with you, but being friends? He isn't sure about that. He didn't come here to make friends. But then, he also isn't sure why he came to this college at all. Yeah, he thought he wanted to help his parent's and their business, but is that really why? Since when has Junmyeon been so selfless and unaspirational?
Once you two sit there for a few more minutes in silence, he finally makes the move to get up and you follow suite. You call it quits for the day, since both of you have homework to do from other classes before midnight. Junmyeon does the right thing and offers to walk you to your dorm building, but you politely tell him that you're fine on your own.
So, with the relieved feeling that the situation miraculously didn't turn awkward, Junmyeon went to his condo in a heap of thoughts. Thoughts about his past, his life right now, his mom and dad, his fears, and you. Oh, and also of the pizza box under his bed that's been sitting there for two days now. He should really clean the place soon, but he knows he's not going to and makes the mental note of asking someone else to.
That leads Junmyeon to think about how he has no friends to even ask these things of, and eventually forces himself to get working. As he does, Junmyeon tries not to realize that his drive to pay his parents back for their efforts of raising a failure is the only thing that gets him up every day.
(Continued in Part 4... Crescendo)
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as-be-low · 7 years
Time for more headcanons lol
So I recently posted this as part of a reply to a comment on AO3 re: how Stanley and Carla got back together and had Stella, and it was so long it took two posts to completely respond. I figured it’d make sense to post it here, too, with the added benefit of proper formatting and a little more expounding where I forgot.
So after Ford managed to get Stanley back from the portal, things between them were still… uncomfortable, to say the least. He left with the understanding that Ford had brought him back as a sense of obligation, not because he actually truly wanted anything to do with Stan (Bill might’ve had a hand in that. A little tiny evil hand covered in bad feelings accelerant.*) So when Ford showed Stan the Stanleymobile, which he’d maintained and improved upon while he was missing, Stanley took it as a “Here’s your car, kindly get the fuck out.” When Stanley was 17, he drove off with an “I’ll show you! I’ll prove my worth!” mentality. This time, Stanley left with “Fuck it, if my family won’t have me, I’ll be my own family of one. All I gotta do is figure out what’s best for Stan.” as his new mantra. He left and got reckless in the sense that he did what he wanted for himself, and started meandering across the states he hadn’t been banned from yet.
As for Carla, I imagine that after she got all “hippiefied” by Thistle Downe (or hypnotized, as Stan put it, though I’m sure that was just him being salty about everything), she ended up leaving New Jersey and becoming a full-on hippie, and would have joined a commune somewhere down the line. Thistle Downe probably fell by the wayside somewhere along the way, but I like to think that Carla actually felt attuned to some of the ideals of hippie culture, and would have found herself a little commune out near San Francisco that she clicked with. I figure that at some point after returning from the wrong side of the portal, Stan would’ve bumped into her while traipsing through California (as one of the few states he hadn’t gotten banned from). They used to be So Close™ and they were together for quite a while before they broke up, and paired with the surprise of running back into each other, I doubt it took too much for them to start back to talking, then hanging out, then Hanging Out™, especially if Carla was still living as a part of a commune. He’d follow her back and tag along as a new member of the group. It was infinitely more desirable than living out of his car with the occasional motel interlude (or in whatever nook or cranny he could eke out back on the other side), plus it had the Big Added Benefit of Carla’s presence.
Stan had gotten reckless in living for himself and doing things he wanted without the ultimate endgame of currying favor to get back in his family’s good graces, which he honestly hadn’t ever done, and was sorta drunk on the feeling he’d superimposed over the concept so he was a lot more open to the free spirit, kinda hedonistic vibes, and so he and Carla spent quite a bit of time together, just being and doing and he loved every minute of it. He was doing well in the co-operative. He fit in well with the rest of the commune. Things felt right.
Carla was his first love, and he fell hard, so naturally he’d kinda daydreamed about that whole white-picket-fence-and-two-and-a-half-kids-and-a-dog thing and all, and when he ran back into her it brought all those hopes back. He's such a family oriented person, and he'd not had a family in so long, it was a wild dream of his to come home at the end of every day to Carla and whatever children they'd have (though that wasn’t something he’d say it out loud to her. They weren’t at that point yet). So when Carla comes to him after the better part of a year of them being together and announces that she doesn’t want to continue their relationship, Stanley is understandably distraught. She lets slip that she’s pregnant, and Stan’s initial reaction is something akin to "oh my god it's actually happening I can't believe something this good is happening to me," only to have it torn away moments later, when the realization sets in that “she doesn't want me or a child with me I am not enough.”
It didn’t stop him from proposing on the spot. That of course led to an argument (though no screaming, mostly just tears and fears on both sides). She was happy with Stan and they were happy together, but a pregnancy was too much for her and made her hit the brakes on the whole relationship. The thought of motherhood terrified Carla. It’s not something she was prepared or ready for, while Stan had been daydreaming about something like this for a while now. The way his life was set up, he didn’t think he’d find anyone he’d feel that same way about. After the incident with his short-lived marriage with Marilyn, he knew the chances of him settling down with someone were slim. But this baby was his and he knew he wasn’t going to get another chance at anything this close to normalcy, and he wanted to make it work.
He begged. His heart hurt more than his pride ever could, and so he begged. She couldn’t handle the prospect of being a parent, though it was the one thing that Stan truly wanted, and so she proposed a compromise. She’d give him the child, on the condition that she wouldn’t have anything to do with raising it. Stanley accepted. It hurt, but he accepted, and started stretching himself thin, putting all of his energy into working to save up for the baby and keep up with his commune duties at the same time. He still needed a place to stay and he still needed to stay close to Carla, in the meantime.
The compromise didn't make either of them truly happy, but that's compromise for you. Taking the child and leaving Carla hurt, but knowing that he could've been a parent but wouldn't get that opportunity would have cut Stanley deep. Carla didn't want that for him. Raising a child that she wasn't emotionally available or equipped to care for would have hurt both Carla and the baby, and Stanley didn't want that for either of them. So they settled. (This part I added in now because I forgot to do it before whoops)
I like to think that once Stan had Stella, things were still pretty decent for a little while (he didn’t have to, but he distanced himself from the commune; it was just too painful to stay there, knowing full well Carla didn’t want him or their child), but life has that way of creeping up behind you while you’re already in a chokehold and then punching you in the back of the neck.
*Ford did feel obliged to get Stan out. He hurt him. He hurt him and tossed him through a portal into a hellscape he couldn't properly fathom, how was Stanley supposed to know what was going on? He was the last person Ford could have trusted to help him, and he wounded him and threw him right into the pit of snakes he was trying to cover. He had to get him out. That was his brother. He might have ruined his chances of success and shattered his dreams, but he couldn't sentence him to death because of it. He'd ruined Stanford's life and his own, but that didn't mean Ford wanted him to die.
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wander-lustier · 7 years
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Well, that was a rather large interlude.  Oops.  Life got a hold of me and I couldn’t find a moment to type ANYTHING!  Now I’m on a plane (for the second time in 2 days… long story) - heading to China!  I have more than enough time to take to the keyboard so here goes nothing!  
UPDATE:  No longer on the plane as it has been 3 months now.  SUPER LONG interlude.  But anyway…
(pretend we went back in time to March lol)
Early morning we drove to Atlanta to visit the Georgia Aquarium.  It was pretty cool but we were on a time crunch because of the time change - our clocks went forward an hour going into Georgia, which we hadn’t considered!  Right after walking in we headed to the sea lion exhibit where they host a sea lion show.  We figured since we were there right on time for it we may as well watch it and then rush our way through the rest.  Good choice! They had four very cute sea lions, all rescued from various upsetting scenarios.  All very clever and very funny, we enjoyed the show (after waiting around for 30 minutes for it begin!) and especially approved of how they treated the animals.  They told us during the show that the sea lions only participate if they choose to.  After the show a bunch of other things caught our eye too, including two big whale sharks and some jellies.
I was supposed to be sending a letter to immigration about my travel document, trying to plead for them to expedite it.  Obviously because we’ve been having such a grand ol’ time, I kept forgetting about it!  Also we couldn’t find a post box in New Orleans and had been too early to head to a post office that morning.  Our post box finding website turned out to be a complete phony, so we found an Atlanta post office and finally sent the letter!
Next up on our hefty itinerary was the drive to Birmingham, Alabama.  Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum was in Birmingham and it was impressive!  4 floors and a basement, plus a big race track which could be seen out of the floor to ceiling windows. Unfortunately we couldn’t head on out to the bridge and watch the cars racing below.  There was an event being held in the museum and a section of the museum, plus outdoor access had been cornered off for that purpose.  We did explore all the levels and looked down on the cars and bikes in the basement.  A huge array of motorcycles and cars from various eras were scattered throughout the museum.  The very first wooden motorcycle and first lawnmower were hidden amongst all kinds of motorcycles and cars ranging from the classic kind, to the speedy kind.  In the museum store we found a sweet Harley Davidson sign on a vintage license plate style layout, which we’re planning on hanging up in the garage when we get home.
Next we drove into downtown Birmingham to see the Civil Rights Institute.  Sadly it was closed and gated so we were unable to get a close up look and had to take a photo by holding the phone between the gaps in the gate.  It was nice to have a wander around in Birmingham anyway, and of course we always take the opportunity for some extra leg stretching.
We finished our drive to New Orleans, checked into our cute Air BnB and jumped into bed.  We’re hoping one day we can go back with Jake’s parents and stay in the same Air BnB.  The location was awesome, as was the view.  The owner called the area ‘New Orleans’ best kept secret’, which it was!  We were on the opposite side of the Mississippi River from downtown New Orleans and had beautiful views.  Late at night we could hear the music from a club across the way, the bass was super heavy and seemed to be bouncing off the river and over to us!
New Orleans began with a blissful sleep in.  I feel like most mornings we’ve either woken up early to begin driving, or have just been incapable of sleeping in past 7!  We chowed down some breakfast and made our way to the World War II Museum.  The first person we saw after walking in was a World War II veteran.  It was pretty incredible to hear how he had been a part of the island hopping campaign, fighting in Okinawa and on a couple of other islands as a marine.  He had earned a ‘purple heart’, which means he’d been wounded in combat.  We took the opportunity to shake his hand and thank him, then Jake spent a few minutes swapping stories with him.  The museum was a lot bigger than we had expected with a TONNE of reading.  I read one exhibit and then we just wandered through the rest of it looking at all the paraphernalia instead, Jacob was relieved ha ha!  We watched a short film in a 4D theatre.  It showed us the history of a world at war and had my body jumping out of the seat and my jaw dropping.  I’ve always been interested in history but never in a classroom scenario.  It takes a museum or a good book to lure my intrigue.  Before leaving, we went to say goodbye to the veteran who we had spoken to earlier.  At this point there was a second veteran sitting with him.  He was a Vietnam War veteran who was a part of the Marine Corps air wing.  He flew marines to all parts of the pacific and Vietnam during the war.  After another brief story swapping session, we shook their hands, thanked them, and made our way back to the car.  I felt a strange sense of pride towards those men after meeting them and hearing all about what they’d been through.
St. Louis Cathedral was on a main street in downtown New Orleans.  It is a replica of a cathedral in France and one of the oldest in the US.  Gorgeous stained glass windows and religious artwork all over from floor to ceiling.  I had never known before our travels that Jake has a special appreciation for architecture.  He can spend a good portion of time looking at all the small details of a building, taking photos, and exclaiming all sorts of things to me.  It was a beautiful building, in such a perfect location!  When we walked out of the church we were welcomed with a sword swallower, artists selling their pieces, fortune tellers, and people posing as statues.  Loud live street music all over the place and mini stalls selling food.  One group had civilians all lined up in front of huge crowd, ready to learn a dance they were teaching.
We found a small bar that looked as though it had a perfect view all the way down Bourbon Street, so we went on up!  Little did we know we had actually wandered into a gay bar.  Totally oblivious, we ordered a bucket of Bud and sat on the upstairs patio sucking them down and drinking in the view.  After a while we noticed all of the rainbow flags hanging from the building and started to look and listen to all the other guests a little more closely.  Ha ha, oops, we don’t really belong here - and we realized why the others had been looking at us oddly!  We left the gay bar with our final beers in hand.  After wandering back to street side madness we noticed that no one else seemed to be carrying a branded bottle.  All the drinks were in plastic cups!  I had to skull mine back and throw away the bottle before we got into trouble!
Jake suggested we wander over to the waterfront and off we went on a little walk.  We took a few photos, searched for a bathroom and then decided it was time to eat!  Saints & Sinners is a restaurant on Bourbon Street - and a bloody good restaurant too!  We sat outside with a fantastic view of the live crawfish that were crawling around in a big open container by the footpath.  We watched as a variety of people walked by (and I say variety because you’ll come across some very unique people in New Orleans!) touching them with their phones, or pretending to touch them with their finger.  One man got so close I thought he’d get nipped!  I imagine that many a drunk person has walked by that container and received a nip!  We ordered alligator tail, mac & cheese balls, popcorn shrimp and some fries.  There was so much goodness sitting there before us and it all disappeared at high speed!  After deciding to head back to our Air BnB for a soak in the hot tub, we went to the movies to see ‘If I Fall’ and munched on more food because a visit to the movies in not complete without popcorn and a frozen drink!  I quizzed Jake on why there were 3 cop cars parked out the front of the building and he told me it was because a movie theatre is a high risk place for a shooting or similar.  THAT made me feel safe… jeez.  
Now, a whole month later and two days away from departing China and I am finally finishing up this post!  By the time I post this I’ll be back in the US and have an entire month of Asia travel to write about… that is after I catch up on the other two months of travel adventures.  Ay yi yiiii, I would never make it as an author.
With love from... Washington! xx
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