#it's just that they're so incompatible thinking about them ending up together hurts
maddy-ferguson · 2 years
a part of me thinks (or considers) that they brought stncy back bc they might seem the situation from the angle that steve personally developed and changed, and when nancy is 'ready' to enter a relationship with him again he will wait. they also might have planned nancy and jonathan to have relationship problems without fixing them as a set up for breaking them up, and it kinda seems sus to bring stncy thing and tease it if it is not going anywhere. and as much as i see it as an 'evidence' for jncy, them staying together and holding hands in the last shot is not enough of a narrative proof to say that they will end the show being a couple.
this stncy thing and teasing it would be pretty much nonsensical and unnecessary if it is not going anywhere is what im saying at the end of the day. bc they had the capacity to make steve move on in s3 when he's said he's over nancy, and there was no point of showing nancy's 'sort of attraction' towards steve in this season and leaving it ambigous. xDDD? i am sorry at the end of the day but the writers legt things that way and stncy happening is an actual possibility as well as the single!nancy route, and thinking jncy is 100% endgame just bc of that last shot is negating the overt narrative and how their relationship has been portrayed in s3-s4.
i think the stncy thing and teasing it can still makes sense even if they don't get back together. the thing though is what would steve even get from getting back together with nancy. is "giving" him the girl who got together with the guy she really wanted to be with while steve was buying flowers and planned on apologizing as a reward for becoming a better person much of a reward. lol
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 6 months
love all your thoughts on eridan so much!! ive had erikar as a passive concept in my head since i started slowly rereading homestuck, bit i never invested as much thought into it...it makes a LOT of sense.
very curious on your thoughts on eridan and nepeta, if you have any? i dont really see much around of the two of them and how they may act around each other (most likely because, iirc, they have basically no substantial interaction in the comic....) but its a concept ive twisted around in my head a little.
Hahah, one of my friends is a Nepeta roleplayer, so we have hashed this OUT. Basically, I think if they talked a bit more, under the right circumstances, they might try pitch for a bit, but resolve to normal friendship. TL;DR, at the end of the day, they just don't really have anything to particularly hate about each other, or to particularly love, but I think they'd make for really good friends actually, if Eridan gets his shit together and Nepeta comes out of her shell a little more. She might wind up having to play auspice for him because... he has a lot of problems... and as a Heart player, with more proximity to him, she'd realize "oh, wait, he's not that bad, hes just mentally fucking ill," and there are people on the team who would not give him that kind of grace.
Flushed is pretty canonically off the table - despite having hit on her several times, Eridan seems to have accepted the rejection, and Nepeta herself comments that it always came off as "cr33py and insincere", which it probably was - he's clearly not over Feferi, and has a kind of "please god anyone would be fine I just don't want to be alone" vibe. Nepeta is definitely looking for more sincerity than that, and although Eridan's Type is very much cheerful, bubbly, nice girls (what he thinks Feferi is), I think they're pretty incompatible overall.
His antics and Emotional Issues would probably be super taxing on Nepeta long-term, he'd wind up in a million fights with protective Equius (Eridan is a crazed murderer even just objectively), and he's really not a particularly kind or pleasant person.
Meanwhile, although he's basically willing to go along with anything that'll get him attention, I think he'd be very puzzled by Nepeta's expectations that he do Romantic Things, or otherwise adhere to certain romantic tropes and social norms, which he can't do; when this inevitably leads to hurt feelings, his response to perceived danger is "fight," so he'd probably end up making it worse. So! Flushed is flushed. Down the load gaper, I mean.
Trying on pitch, I think if Nepeta was already a little bit out of her shell - say, Equius has died, or she's otherwise locked in a SGRUB dungeon with him, or something like that - she and he would come to blows over Eridan's performative casteism. Nepeta's the anti-casteism troll, after all, and if she's worked up enough, she's quite spirited and opinionated, and Eridan is down for anything, so it would be something I can absolutely see forming.
Actually, hilariously, when my friend and I RP'd this out, Nepeta wound up with a pitch crush, and Eridan wound up with a FLUSHED crush, because he was THAT BAD at differentiating between good and bad attention. Nepeta was totally floored, she was like, dude i was calling you stupid and terrible??? how the fuck did you interpret that as FLUSHED??? and eridan was like i dont know... maybe... i might have mental illness......
The problem is, I don't see their pitched dalliance lasting, for two main reasons - the first is that Eridan wouldn't hate Nepeta long-term, even if he can work up some caliginous energy because he's desperate; she's too genuinely nice and kind and he loves nice and kind people. Similarly, Nepeta wouldn't be able to hate Eridan the more she got to know him - since he's kind of the least casteist highblood, despite his initial impression, she would lose her fundamental reason for opposing him, and would instead start going "oh god, hes so traumatized, he's like that because he's really messed up inside."
The second is because I think they're dangerous for each other, physically. Eridan is a volatile highblood with severe emotional problems and a bodycount in the thousands, and Nepeta is very reckless in the face of danger; I can genuinely see them going a little too hard and Eridan getting a bit of a highblood buzz and winding up severely injuring Nepeta, which he would feel completely fucking terrible about, and then not allow himself to ACT like he feels terrible about it. Even if they stay in the relationship, it would kill his vibe, since when he isn't on an outright murder spree, he doesn't want to hurt his friends ("wwhat kind of friend wwould i be"). And that's not even factoring in how much EQUIUS would flip out over it.
I also don't think Nepeta is particularly equipped to deal with Eridan's problems, even if she does recognize and sympathize with them more than most on their team. Although she'd have more success than others, I think it'd leave her exhausted, because Eridan is exhausting. A Heart player obsessed with true feelings and sincerity and genuineness is just a bad match for the kid who's 90% façade.
So, ultimately, I think they'd resolve to really good friends, and Nepeta might wind up being a middle leaf for Eridan in an auspicetism situation, since Eridan... tends to draw aggro, and Nepeta at least would care about him enough that she doesn't want to see him get killed (even in the comic, as Nepetasprite, she expresses sadness that Eridan is dead, although she doesn't seem to know about his murders).
Eridan is also a roleplayer, lest we forget, and if Nepeta is able to draw out rare flashes of genuineness, they do have a bunch in common - she could commiscerate with him over the thrill of the hunt (although she'd have to be careful not to get too into the weeds about the, uh, Troll Murder aspect), RP with him (in a safe environment), or gossip about romance. They're both pretty painfully sincere people at their core, so while I ultimately don't see them being particularly romantically compatible, I do really love the idea of them being close friends. If only Eridan didn't always make things Fucking Weird.
And also since I really love pitch FefNep, Nepeta becoming friends with Eridan would help fuel her hate dates with Feferi - ":33 < do you even realize how messed up killing lusii fur YOU left him???" "W)(at would you )(ave preferred, t)(at my lusus went )(ungry and krilled everybody? 3X0"
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greenerteacups · 7 days
I think that the main problem with romione is that because jkr didn't want to deal with teenage sex, they took too long to get together and it ended up looking like they are completely incompatible.
Not being able to get together for four years when you are that young, very good friends AND you are bad at hiding your feelings is a big fat red flag for romione that is hard to get over. The narrative tiptoes around it, too, everyone knew they had a thing for each other, Fred and George didn't even make fun of them.
Draco didn't make fun of them! And you know he would!
If they started dating at the end of the fourth year with Harry becoming a perpetual third wheel (or at least in the middle of the sixth year) - that would have been a realistic teenage couple that had a shot at becoming a stable couple in their adult years. Also it would have been hilarious but thats neither here nor there.
When Ron and Hermione couldn't discuss their feelings and reach a consensus even when they were on the run in the forest and the society was their best friend who approved of that relationship - that's just pathetic tbh. They just don't like each other then, come on.
With hinny I think i was just triggered by them as a child, so I can't perceive them at all. Both the description of Harry's love for her (the beast metaphor frightened me, it was so unlike Harry, although now its just feels turbo cringe), and the fact that Ginny had to change into a tomboy popular hotgirl, who occasionally behaved like she and Harry were married for 45 years at least and was never unreasonable or angry with him.... it just sucks
Yeah, I don't disagree about the Ron stuff. I dunno if it was JKR's general weirdness with romance or her not wanting Ron and Hermione to get together early because it would third-wheel Harry and fuck up the dynamic — which you have to imagine is also canonically one of their concerns, too — but it didn't hit for me. In their defense, they are usually Preoccupied With Other Shit, but after a while the bickering gets grating and it ate up so much space in substantially crowded books that I gave up on it. It's definitely realistic; kids IRL will have these miserable situationships that last all throughout high school because they're so petrified of talking about it, and sometimes that's literally all that ever happens.
The problem IMO isn't anything that Ron or Hermione actually do, it's a problem with the author not creating believable chemistry. There are few plots that believable chemistry can't fix, and only few love stories that can survive a lack of it. But chemistry is also in the eye of the beholder.
Also, I think the parts in Book 6 where they make each other jealous on purpose with Cormac and Lavender are just awful, and that's just my thing — jealousy is and can be sexy in romance fiction, but trying to invoke jealousy on purpose is just like. Not hot to me. IDK. It reads as immature and as deliberately trying to hurt the other person, which I don't... okay, well. I don't find it hot in that context.
I like Ginny and Harry together, though.
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justjesse116 · 2 months
Yooo, eeeextra long, kinda rambly dabihawks post incoming. I talk a fair bit about myself, because that's where my experiences come from, shocker there. God speed.
Woooooof here I am being extra emo about dabihawks tonight, so sit back and pull up a chair while I make good on outlining exactly what my main malfunction is concerning them, for the 3 people that care. One ticket to sad bitch island, population: me.
So I'm beginning this by saying; no this is not about canon dabihawks, I do in fact think those bitches are not good for each other from what I've seen, HOWEVER. I tend to look at things as they could be, not as they are, and the potential here is just ridiculous.
Source? Me. And people I know. And what I mean by that is I've lived as close to Dabi's life as I feel anyone is going to get without turning into a real life murderer, and I know plenty of people (myself included) who share plenty of attributes, aspirations etc with Hawks as well.
And I know, I know, they're fictional characters and there's no way anyone can pin down who they truly are, but I guess that's kind of my point. There's just enough suspension of disbelief that you could explain away pretty much anything, but that's true for most fanon pairings, and not my point.
SO. Onto my main point.
..........Human nature.
I hate to get all psychological but STAY WITH ME. As long as I can remember I've been very independent, the "I don't need anybody" type, because life had so thoroughly kicked the shit out of me that I was downright afraid of human connection because it always ended badly and I was always so hurt by it. Well now, later in life, and a couple diagnosis later, not only can I better sus out which relationships are worth pursuing, but I can understand what I'm looking for from other people and how to get it. And do you know what it is that I want now, no matter the cost to myself? Yessir, it's love, as fucking cringe as that is for me to say. Who saw that coming, eh?
There was a meme of sorts another user posted on Tumblr of the LOV and what they all wanted most as tweets or something, and someone else edited it(?) to have all of their reasons just say 'LOVE ME, LOVE ME, LOVE ME', and that lives rent free in my fucking head.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it turns out love is, in fact, the answer.......(*soft gag*) Shit do I hate to admit that.
Dabi and Hawks understand at least broadly what the other has gone through, so they would at least have a vague understanding of one another from that. People underestimate the power of empathy.
I'm gonna be kinda toxic here and say I'm at a point in my life where I need a partner to argue with. I need to bicker, and I also do NOT need to be surrounded by yes men, I need someone to call me on my bullshit, and I feel like they would truly be like that together. Going along with the understanding, I feel like they're very well suited to holding the other accountable.
Their chemistry in my mind is undeniable. I'm a red/blue pairing bitch, I have no defense for that one.
And I'm not gonna lie, at this point I'm having a very difficult time articulating what other reasons I have beyond projection, so perhaps I'm full of shit??
There's the ever constant popular trope of both their relationships with Endeavor complicating things, their quirks being incompatible, the, you know, literal backstabbing etc, but for my purposes that's all neither here nor there. Because there is something about their relationship, both as it is and what it could be, that makes me half feral. It's The Good Shit™.
Yet again, all this to say that I truly believe despite Dabi's villainous tendencies and Hawks' position as the No. 2 hero, at some point both of those shits are going to be mighty sore for a similar connection, and I truly believe they are best suited for one another.
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comicaurora · 10 months
Hiya Red! ♥️
This is in regards to something you mentioned about the OST of Last Unicorn.
I love that film and have watched it many, *many* times! And - like you - I always found the duet distinctly... off. I never could pin down why, I just knew it made me uncomfortable and didn't seem to fit. With the movie or even just the rest of the soundtrack. But when you discribed it as 'out of the singers' range' I had something of an epiphany and I couldn't help but wonder what you'd think of it, so here I am. 😆
What *if* that is actually sneaky characterisation/commentary on the romantic subplot? I mean, this whole soundtrack is so well put together I feel like it has to be intentional, right?
The way I see it both singers are straining just like the characters are, for something that is just out of their reach. And also isn't really right for them. And I feel like on some level they know it. That, I think, is why the climax of the song is particularly discordant. It's to signify that them coming together, as they are doing in the scene, is wrong. For them as people and for the story at large.
Dunno. Just my two cents.
I would love to hear your thoughts on it. IF you have the time and energy to spare! No stress! Most of all I just wanted to let you know about a possible (maybe?) reason for this weird thing, just in case it kept bothering you. (As a fellow ADHD brain I know it be like that sometimes. 😄)
Thank you so much for all your hard work! Love your channel so much! You guys are the best!! And can't wait to see your next stream! (You gotta save my giiiirl!!! 😭🐉)
Tbh I kinda doubt they'd intentionally make music that sounds bad to do that, when there are many musically pleasing ways to signal that a romantic duet is between characters that are actually incompatible - even things like Love is an Open Door, where "we finish each other's-" "sandwiches!" "That's what I was gonna say!" helpfully hints that Hans is fluidly saying whatever he needs to in order to appeal to Anna without making the audience's ears hurt. One of the more impactful bits of the Death Note musical is that Misa keeps trying to have a romantic duet with Light and Light is much too busy having homoerotic duets with L instead, so Misa ends up basically belting a solo over the much more synced-up music of the dynamic duo. It's a musically pleasing way to signal which characters are in sync and which ones aren't. Several songs in Wicked do this too, like in Dancing Through Life where the romantic duo declare that since they're both perfect they must be perfect together, or the song that basically says "I must be happy, because happy is what happens when all your dreams come true."
I think the main thing that makes that duet not work is that it's one of the only parts of the OST that's sung by the main voice cast rather than a professional singer. The composition is solid, but it kinda sounded like it wasn't composed with their personal ranges in mind - possibly composed before they were cast. They could've done what disney was doing - cast a singer for the character songs and a separate voice actor for the dialogue - which they apparently did in the theatrical release, having Kate Irving sing instead of Mia Farrow, but they didn't for the video release, so the voice actors have to just try their best, possibly with only one or two takes to do it in, and the end result is a bit of a mess.
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kyrakyrakitty · 4 months
this might come off as cruel or sadistic, but i don't want walpurgisnacht rising to have a perfect ending for madoka and homura. i dont want a doom and gloom ending, either - i think the best outcome of the film would be a bittersweet ending ♡
i dont wanna flood your dashes, so ill elaborate below the cut!! and in case you dont want to read, ill wish you a good day now ♡♡
first tho, pmmm is a story of hope, and it's given that to me and so many others for over a decade now. i think everyone is touched by it in a different way, and that's one of my favorite parts of this community!! but that's also to say, i know i don't speak for everyone here, and i love seeing posts about a happily-ever-after scenario for the holy quintet ♡ i love all of these characters immensely, and i definitely understand the desire to see them finally find peace, so i dont write this with any ill intent towards the characters or all of you in this community who just want to see them happy ♡ i know many of you have just as special a place in your heart for this series as i do, and i think thats incredible for so many reasons ♡
that said!
madoka's wish and homura's wish are inherently incompatible. they're mutually exclusive. madoka cannot sacrifice herself for the greater good without devastating homura, and homura cannot keep madoka safe without preventing her from fulfilling her dream of giving everything she has to others. there cannot be hope without despair, after all.
ive always loved the ending of the og series for being so bittersweet. it says "life can be painful, but there's always reason to hope", and "you are never alone", but it doesn't promise a perfect outcome. life will hurt, and you can do everything in your power to change it, but just as you can always find hope for a better tomorrow, you can never erase all of the pain from the world. i think a happily-ever-after ending would muddle that message, and i don't think its possible for madoka and homura to live happily together - at least not as they are now.
if madoka and homura were to end up together at the end, they'd both have to undergo major character development. madoka would have to realize that as hard as she tries, she can't save everyone, and sometimes the pain you'll cause by sacrificing yourself will outweigh whatever hope you might instill. homura would have to come to terms with the fact that she cannot spare madoka from every source of pain without, herself, hurting madoka.
the happiest ending i could forsee (for madohomu, at least) would involve both of them undergoing a major event to come to their respective conclusions and move forward together with that trauma and an earnest desire to reach an equilibrium. i think the most effective way to accomplish this would be a major character death - probably mami and/or sayaka (and if both, may as well throw in kyoko and nagisa for extra angst! :) ♡) - that occurs specifically because madoka has overused her magic to help others and no longer has any to give to save her friend(s) without completely corrupting her soul gem, and similarly because homura could not prevent madoka from witnessing the death(s) of those she cherished and experiencing that grief and pain.
alternately, the two could cease to exist together. perhaps the "homura is walpurgisnacht" theory is true (i think there's a solid chance) and in order to save the world, madoka has to use all her strength to kill her and the two of them go down together kyosaya style.
another fun ending (albeit not one where the two are together) is a variation of madoka killing homura as walpurgisnacht - what if madoka had to kill homura before she becomes walpurgisnacht, in a direct parallel to homura shooting madoka's soul gem to prevent her from becoming a witch? oh how the turn tables,,,,
ooh! or what if both homura and madoka have to disappear together, but ai (clara doll #15, and our mystery magical girl if that theory holds (which i also think is likely)) lives on as a remnant of the love they shared?? then we could get a manga afterwards thats just a lil story about ai's life as a magical girl too!!
i think i forgot the thesis of this post towards the end there, but thank you for reading!! id love to hear any thoughts you have!! ♡♡ may you always find reason to smile ♡♡
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thosewildcharms · 6 months
If Lori had lived do you think Rick and Michonne would’ve still fallen in love? I’m sure most of us do but I’m curious as to how you see an alternate universe like that playing out? I feel like either Rick mirrors Lori and tries to sticks with marriage (either a broken or healing one) and as such it takes even longer for him and Michonne to connect. Or having Lori’s presence actually forces whatever grows between Rick and Michonne to be uncomfortably brought to the surface and instead accelerates their realization of their feelings. What do you think?
hey anon! these are all really interesting questions to think about.
i mean, i definitely think rick and michonne would have fallen in love anyway, and that was before the ones who live came into my house and said yes, definitively, they are soulmates and michonne is the love of his life.
i liked lori, and i think the amount of hate she gets can be unfair and sometimes uncalled for, but i also think she and rick were fundamentally incompatible and that michonne or no michonne, wouldn't have made it in the long run either way. in the very first scene of the show, rick tells shane that he and lori have been having a rough time, that she always seems pissed at him and he doesn't know why. this lack of understanding between them only seems to build over seasons 1 and 2, no matter how hard they're both trying.
that being said, i do think rick had every intention of trying to work things out with lori. he said as much when he was talking to her (to himself) on the phone after she died. specifically, he was going to get them safe first, and then he would "put it back together" as in, work on fixing their relationship. he was angry with her, and extremely hurt, but he still loved her, and at no point do i think he had ever really given up on her. that, i think, is part of why she haunted him for so long and why he felt so much guilt. he never really had a chance to tell her all of that before she was gone.
i don't know how long it would have taken them to call it quits had lori survived childbirth but i do think the chemistry and connection with michonne would have still established itself pretty quickly, and i think rick would definitely feel that innate understanding and connection in sharp contrast to how out of sync he and lori have always been. and i think lori would probably clock it as well. BUT, rick is no cheater - in fact, he's so honorable in that regard that i think as long as he was still focused on working things out with lori he would never let himself even think about going there with someone else. and for her part (and, from what I know, unlike her comic book counterpart but don't quote me on that) michonne would never get within a hundred feet of that situation - romantically - until it was completely resolved. this show doesn't really do love triangles (even shane/lori/rick wasn't so much a love triangle as it was a vehicle for rick's growth) so i think rick and lori's relationship would end and resolve itself on its own without any interference.
so with all of that in mind, i think rick and michonne would still have been a slow burn that matched pretty closely with what we saw in canon, except this time instead of rick having to get past the grief of losing lori, it would be just be the decline and resolution of that relationship that had he'd have to work through. while that was happening, i think rick and michonne would still naturally build their relationship, which would be platonic until it wasn't, just like in canon. for example, i think they'd still find it very easy to open up to each other, still be like-minded in most areas, michonne would still bond with carl. they'd still like being around each other and understand each other in ways no one else really could. and then they'd realize they were in love once they were safe and available to examine their own feelings. i think they'd still have been quietly and subconsciously in love with each other for a long while, but unready and/or unable to do anything about it until suddenly they were. so they could very much still mirror canon in that regard.
as for exactly how it would happen beat by beat, well. i'm no fanfic writer lol but i think there could be some subconscious yearning in there as well. as a treat.
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the-badger-mole · 4 months
Hope you are doing well. I saw some of your How I Met Your Mother posts, and that got me a little intrigued, because I watched that show and was stumped by its ending.
Anyways, I wanted to ask you, also inspired by YouTube videos of the show, do you think having that fixed endpoint was wrong? Because some of the videos make it seem that if the show was to end by season 2, then that made ending made sense, but extending it to nine seasons, it would have been better to change the ending. Also, one other thing I found is that even if Ted did show up outside Robin's house as the end, there is no chance of a happy ending there because they never really got those issues that caused them to break-up to be resolved at all. Just because Ted and Robin's respective goals are achieved does not mean the issues probably won't be there.
I would like your thoughts on this.
Having a fixed endpoint for a story is tricky. I'm not saying it should never be done, but up until the last season or 2 of HIMYM, the writing was so well done, so careful to remember plot threads and foreshadowings and running gags that it set up in earlier episodes. They wrote characters and relationships that felt real, and made the audience care, and yet, they couldn't pull off the ending they'd written almost a decade earlier.
I agree with the take that the ending they wrote could only have worked if the show ended in season 2. And it's their own fault. They did far too good a job showing why Ted and Robin didn't work. Then they did too good a job showing why Robin and Barney DID work. I started wanting to see the two of them end up together from the first season (although, I do maintain that Robin being single would've been a great ending for her, too). The one episode that I think should've clued the writers in that their endgame pair didn't work any more was "Baby Talk". Specifically the talk that Robin has with Ted, where he complains that she didn't make him feel needed during their relationship, and then her conversation with Barney where he tells her she didn't make him feel needed during their relationship, and that was awesome. The reason why Ted and Robin ultimately didn't work isn't just because they had a difference of opinion about having kids, or career plans. They were fundamentally incompatible personality-wise. That's not a failing on either of their parts, but it is irreconcilable. In the end of the show Ted has his kids and they're nearly grown, and Robin has been able to travel for her career, but their personalities haven't changed much. Ted still wants a fairytale ending, and Robin is still fiercely independent and doesn't need him (and btw, she isn't even that old. She'll probably still be traveling, which I doubt Ted will appreciate since it'll still mean either giving up his career and proximity to his kids who seem to still be in high school and will need support through college, or staying home and having a long distance relationship with a woman who is probably meeting a lot of interesting and interested people without him. His jealousy issues could NEVER).
Having a set ending can work. I've written fics where I knew exactly how I wanted them to end, so I know it can work. But i also know that sometimes the plot or the characters can develop in ways that make the ending no longer fit the story, and a writer has to be able to be flexible with that, even if it hurts that you don't get the ending you wanted originally. The creators of HIMYM wrote themselves into a box. When the ending didn't fit the story or the characters, they regressed everyone involved in order to make the story fit the ending, and the result was...bad.
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williamaltman · 5 months
Ok, so... I finally finished Room No.9. I have some mixed feelings...
The third route was really sweet. There are so many sweet moments between them. In Daichi's narration. The tasks of hurting Daichi were kind of nervewracking, but not too much really. The way the whole post-enema shower thing turns out makes me, again, sad at how that went on the end B/C route, because it really, really was avoidable...
I won't even talk much about ending E. It just feels like the "wrong/bad" option of the route. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to take that Seiji is really fine and distanced himself like on ending D, or if he got taken out by the people responsable for the study. Anyway, it doesn't really feel "real", even less than endings D or B.
The F ending one... Yay, they got out, they're fine, they're still friends.... They're still friends. Ugh. It's so frustrating to hear Daichi talking about just forgetting everything that happened. Like, yeah, I get wanting to "leave the room behind", but that he straight up says he'll just ignore it? That they didn't learn ANYTHING really? Even after that sex scene? Come on. They even have Seiji saying he doesn't want to get married, and Daichi talking about maybe drifting apart because they would have their own families, as if to hammer home the point that they'll really stay just friends?
Look, I can kind of appreciate the feeling of holding onto your friendship. I do. I managed to appreciate it after the other endings where that is lost. But that should be like, one of the endings. Or maybe, not even that. If it was one or the other, there should've been a romantic ending. There should've been a romantic ending one way or another. Because it's honestly so frustrating that at the end of all that they're still in denial. Or at least Daichi.
Like, again, I get valuing friendship, but Daichi is SO IN LOVE. Like he's so in love it's stupid. I'm sorry but there re SO, SO MANY LINES THAT SHOW THAT!!! Not just the ones where he generally compliments Seiji as in appreciating his good qualities as a person, but like, the ones where he notes how attractive he is. And there are a lot of those, some horny ones but also some that are neither platonic nor sexual, just, romantic. There's no way they really wrote some of those with us not meant to think that.
I guess the writers didn't want for there to be just one ending that was fully great and satisfying above all the others? I don't know. I guess ending C is the romantic one? Sure, whatever...
I don't want to read too much into it but it really does feel like the game is sort of trying to send the message that lust/physical attraction and a true/pure love are inheretly incompatible? Like it's a good thing that they'll only stay friends and never have sex or even kiss again? Like that's the only option because anything else is just a ruined friendship? I really hope that wasn't the creators' intentions.
In the end I guess I can still headcanon that in the F ending they will eventually come to terms with being in love and getting together. Who knows. Maybe I'll write something.
I'm a bit disappointed to end this with such a sour taste in my mind. I, overall, really loved the game. But I'd be lying if I said this (the way the "good ending" goes and no romance issue) doesn't make me really sad. I saw people sort of complaining about it, but I thought it was just gonna be that they didn't outright said they were in love/gonna be in a relationship but that was still implied, you know? That's what that CG in the train looked like to me... Like I saw someone frustrated that they didn't talk about their feelings but I thought it was just gonna be something like "but after everything Seiji and I are even closer" as they held hands implying a romance.
Anyways. Still a great game overall. I love the premise, the characters, the unsettling vibe that we're able to feel, the sweetness in it, all the horniness and guilt and exploration of the human psychology. The art, the voice acting, all the technical aspects. I guess it's really over. I've been finally freed from room no.9. 🫡
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Alright mi gente, we're just a few hours away from the release of TTPD and I have successfully managed to stay away from spoilers and leaks completely.
However, I have potentially hot takes that I haven't said here bc I'm scared of being cancelled but since it's almost release time anyways fuck it imma just say it:
- Everyone expects the album to reveal that Joe Alwyn cheated in some way. The lyrics and hints we have gotten so far all point to that too. However, since before the album was announced, what made the most sense to me timeline-wise is that she was the one who was unfaithful at the end in some way, whether emotional or physical, and most probably through her involvement with Matt Healy. I neither judge nor condone this behaviour, but it makes sense and I will be the opposite of surprised if she reveals that's what happened.
- I never once thought Taylor and Joe would ever break up until it was announced on April 8th 2023. I rooted for them a lot, I wanted her to be happy. HOWEVER I will say Renegade strongly changed my perception of how things were. In 2019 when Lover came out I thought "cute they're on the same page and getting married good for them". When the pandemic happened I assumed that was the reason they hadn't done it, of course they would want to have a celebration with their loved ones. BUT when Renegade came out in 2021, I realized the reason why they'd stopped moving forward wasn't that.
- I knew something was Wrong with them on Eras Tour opening night when he was not there. Even then, I never thought they'd break up.
- I strongly disagree with ppl who say he gaslit and manipulated her and that things were wrong from the start. I think that assumption is profoundly disrrspectful to Taylor and to her art. One of the things I love so much about her songs is the raw humanity and complete emotions they portray. Fucking up, blowing things out of proportion, hurting those who we love the most etc are extremely human experiences present in everyone and every relationship. Most artists don't include those aspects of love and relationships in their personal art but Taylor does and that's what makes her music so real and relatable. Do not descredit that by claiming she was manipulated and gaslit for 6 years and never actually loved. On the contrary, there was SO MUCH love there, so much adoration, that it makes the fact that they couldn't make it work bc of fundamental incompatibilities all the more painful.
Sometimes all the love in the world is not enough to keep two people together.
Love you guys. See you on the other side ✌️
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twothpaste · 1 year
Ok so we know about Claus and Porky...but what about Ness and Porky in your AU? How did that fall apart and where are they standing now? I havent' read too much into the fic...
Intermission Ness & Porky are the same old story, minus the divine intervention. The fallout between these two has always been one of my favorite parts of EarthBound. There's something so raw and relatable about it - I think most folks've can recall experiences with childhood friends that, in retrospect, weren't so nice. Friendships between kids often drift apart over time, or rupture cataclysmically, or crumble under the pressure of something petty. Ness n' Porky were besties from a young age, but come adolescence, there's this sad realization that they're growing into totally incompatible people. Porky started mirroring his parents' behavior, lashing out, taking on all these manipulative tendencies ('cause his needs simply weren't being met). Taking advantage of Ness' naivete & unconditional kindness. Treating him like a plaything instead of a friend. But around 12/13, Ness was finally getting old enough to grasp the difference between lighthearted teasing & outright maliciousness. He came to understand, the hard way, that no amount of goodwill or forgiveness on his part would get his friend to stop hurting his feelings. The downhill from there's not explosive fights with baseball bats, time machines, and alien spider mechs. It's just the ordinary bitter, jealous, festering sort of fallout that real teenagers go through all the time. More under the cut.
I like to imagine they had a really sweet & genuine bond as little kids. Couple of dorky chubby nextdoor neighbors who probably got bullied at school, but found endless fun & solidarity together. From perhaps too young an age, Ness got the jist that Porky's home life wasn't so great, and wanted to provide his best bud with all the fun and safety he could. And ended up bein' kind of glued to him at the hip. Porky felt that Ness was the only person he was allowed be himself around. He could be confident with Ness by his side, and use that confidence to uplift them both. Because they were so close, a little dependent even, the wound is really raw for years to come. Ness feels a weird sense of responsibility for Porky. Like it's somehow his fault he turned out this way, or like it's his job to protect others from him going forward. Porky feels totally abandoned - essentially betrayed - by his dearest friend. Ness used to always put up with his antics, and then suddenly stopped, and poor little ol' Patrick Minch doesn't understand what went wrong (he does) (he just won't admit it was his fault).
There were a bunch of breaking points. Ness befriended Paula in middle school, which drove Porky absolutely feral with jealousy. He still maintains that she "stole" Ness from him, that Ness is an impressionable little ball of dough who got molded against him by his smartass new "girlfriend." There's also, uh. A nonzero amount of transphobia trickling down from Porky's conservative parents. My Ness spent his early childhood a quote-unquote "tomboy," but he proudly declared he was Actually Just A Boy at age twelve. And Patrick had so much internalized nonsense caked into his brain, he couldn't make heads or tails of it without barfing up Aloysius & Lardna's influence. (Which really hurt Ness, coming from his longtime closest confidant.) Porky's folks were breaking out into divorce and mayhem around the same time, while Ness' family seemed perfect as ever. I think some degree of envy was going on there. Porky's growing consciousness of the stability afforded by Ness' happy home life, versus Ness' growing consciousness of Porky's outrageous wealth. Some nasty tweenaged arguments might've flown in both directions, back then.
It broke Ness' heart to forsake Porky, but he bravely did it and stood by it. By the time they hit high school, the two of 'em were thoroughly cut off. Though Porky still made frequent efforts to fuck with Ness, hoping to snag his attention back… Stealing his stuff, threatening him, leaving cryptic notes begging Ness to come find him in isolated locations. It, uh. Never worked. At least never as intended.
The big thing about Intermission Porky is like… in EarthBound, he Phase Distorts away, becomes an immortal thirteen-forever manchild, and artfully dodges all consequences forever. Here, though, he's granted no such luxury. He's literally just some guy. He's forced to grow up, kicking and screaming. Expected to act his age, just like everybody else. And all the while, he's bitterly comparing himself to Ness. Watching his old bestie grow into a happy, likeable, well-adjusted young adult. Ness maintains jobs & internships. Makes new friends everywhere he goes. While Porky drives away everyone he knows, skirts by on his parents' wealth, runs ill-fated crypto schemes 'cause he's too good for (read: genuinely terrified of) any sort of employment. The bitterness is eating him alive from the inside out, and corroding his sense of self worth, but he'd rather die than apologize or ask for help. So he just sits in his rut, secretly mortified by the progression of time & the lonely mundanity of his plight, taking it out on the version of Ness that lives on in his head. The more I think about it, whatever the hell Intermission Porky is going through might just be canon Porky's worst nightmare. Huh.
Ness, on the other hand, has this huge sad sore spot in his psyche where Porky used to be. Because he's such a hopelessly sappy little dude, he still feels all kinds of pity & nostalgia & loss about it. But he's also grown a spine since his youth. Learned his lesson, for sure. He treats Porky with an excessive degree of caution. Avoids interactions at all costs, and encourages others to do the same. He's got this funny thing where he's normally the most laidback guy you'll ever meet - but if Porky comes up, he instantly becomes uncharacteristically jittery and irritable. There's a bit in Intermission (the fic) (the first one) where he stands up for Claus by confronting Porky - it's the only time I've ever written Ness shouting or swearing. All in all, though, he's recovering mostly peacefully. Learning how to move on & let it go. There will probably come a day when Ness is in his thirties and he thinks back on Porky and he realizes, with a contented sigh, that he's more or less over it. (Which is also, probably, one of Porky's worst nightmares.)
Bonus: Here's a snippet from Hatchback. Ness reflecting on his friendship with Porky (they're like 9 or 10 here).
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yandere-daze · 2 years
Aaahhh I feel bad sending more ideas because you're so packed with them but I had another one - imagine if darling Did date someone in Enstars, But they're exes now, the ex unit would deffo be batshit insane and obsess over what made you two broke up, even if it's reasonable in normal circumstances... (Ex: breaking up because you two don't mutually connect or are compatible enough, the relationship was too toxic, etc) the others units though, hoooo... Yeesshhhh - diary anon
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Oooh this is such a good idea though, very spicy!! Yanderes and break-ups don't match well, huh?
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, possessiveness, jealousy, implied stalking
What if darling dated someone in the Yandere! Enstars world but broke up with them?
Well, I think your little description was very fitting for this!
When you first agreed to date them, the yandere in question was probably over the moon. They've been yearning for you for so long, always thinking about you and daydreaming about what it would be like to spend every waking moment by your side.
They were trying their hardest to get close to you, to hopefully worm their way into your heart just as you did to them, and then it actually worked out. They couldn't believe it at first, too overwhelmed with happiness, that you were now a couple.
They did it. You're dating. Somehow it all worked out in their favor and they can't believe their luck. Now they can proudly proclaim themselves as being all yours! They want everyone to know that you're dating them and that you're happily taken. These other pesky idols should stay away as far as possible and leave the two of you alone!
The yandere is probably the happiest they have ever been and they're already imagining spending the rest of their life with you, moving in and growing old together, when you approach them one day, an uneasy expression on your face.
Of course they smile as soon as they see you but they can't help but be worried about the frown on your face. Did something happen? Did someone hurt you?? Are you okay???
But instead, you say something completely different. Something they didn't expect and quite honestly never wanted to hear from your mouth.
"I think it would be best if we broke up"
A single sentence, and their heart shattered into tiny pieces. Where did this come from? Weren't you both so happy together? Weren't you having a lot of fun? They enjoyed every single moment they got to spend with you so where did they go so wrong? They don't understand!
They're so taken aback and in despair that none of your words even register anymore as they try to think of *anything* that might have been the cause for this. They don't listen when you explain that you're incompatible, that you need some space from them, that you don't feel like this relationship is healthy for either of you
Did they accidentally say something that upset you? The very thought makes them sad but they'll be sure to apologize if that's the case! No matter what they did, please don't give up on this relationship so easily!
Or maybe the gift they gave you last time wasn't to your liking and you think that they don't actually know what you enjoy? Well that couldn't be further from the truth, they know all about you from secretly watching you for so long!
Or.. did someone else put this silly thought into your head? Did they feed you lies and told you to break up with them so they could sneak by and take you for themselves? Is that it?! No, they won't let anyone else take you away, you two are perfect for each other! They love you so so much, they can't just let it end like this! They need you! They can't live without you!
Please just give them a second chance! They promise they'll make it up to you, they can be good for you! Just don't give up hope and believe in them and your relationship!
And yet, when word gets out that you're single again, your ex isn't the only one that practically goes crazy.
When it was announced that you were now dating someone, everyone else quickly fell into a pit of despair, sadness and anger. They loved you just as much, no, even more so!! They wanted to be with you so desperately but you were deceived and stolen away by someone that was unworthy of being with you!
Of course they had always hoped that the relationship would fail and maybe tried putting some uncertain thoughts into your head that maybe your current partner wasn't a good match for you...
But it actually worked? You broke up with them for good?? Oh, they couldn't be happier! There's a huge amount of relief washing over them, now that they know that there is still a chance. A chance for them to fill the void in your heart and make you fall in love with them.
They too want their happily-ever-after with you and so they will do their absolute utmost to finally win you over! They won't take any chances and let you get swept away again when they know that they're your soulmate!
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Dorian x Beau ( @monoma-neitoblog-blog )vs Deputy Dean Sinclaire x Jacob Seed ( @derelictheretic )
who makes up your ship?:
Dorian x Beau
why does your ship deserve to be considered the most toxic?:
Beau and Dorian were childhood best friends. They've known each other since they were little and they became even closer as they grew up. They dated for a little while, and had an unofficial third in their other best friend, Orias. But Beau moved away to seek better opportunity (because he desperately wants to be famous) and broke up with Dorian before leaving. Fairly healthy so far right? But Dorian is a MESS. He's super reserved and never deals with his emotions, but he just WILL NOT leave Beau alone. It's bad, like every night he calls him and leaves him some heart-wrenching and VERY manipulative voice-mail, he sits there crying all the time, admits he would do ANYTHING to see him again. Beau just ignores him the whole time. Eventually, they're brought back together in a VERY public setting, with Orias there too (who has been watching Dorian crumble this whole time) and they all hook up. Beau wants to keep it hush-hush and not get back together with Dorian but Dorian is so glad to have Beau back. Orias wants to stay with both of them but doesn't do anything about their relationship either. Eventually Beau and Dorian kind of get back together? But it's still a mutually destructive relationship because of their inherently conflicting priorities and incompatible personalities. It's bad Tl;dr Beau left because he wanted to be famous and Dorian won't leave him alone so them and another friend are all brought back together and get back together even though they're all worse off for it.
ship tags/playlists/pinterest boards?:
I don't have any art of all of them together but feel free to contact me and I'll find a way to whip something up!
who makes up your ship?:
Deputy Dean Sinclaire x Jacob Seed
why does your ship deserve to be considered the most toxic?:
It all starts with Jacob kidnapping Dean, or having his chosen kidnap him for him technically. You know, how most loving relationships start. Then it goes into Jacob starving Dean for weeks, mentally conditioning him, psychologically torturing him and chipping away at his mental resolve until he breaks and becomes the perfect murder machine; which is when Jacob tricks him into killing one of his closest allies. (Not to mention his initial goal was to make someone deserving of killing him, romance in self destruction via outward force and so on and so forth). After all of this you'd think they hate each other and honestly a part of Dean does hate him but another part of him craves his praise and attention and he knows he's too far gone at this point and the only person who could love a monster is another monster. He's everything he ever feared he'd become and Jacob is the now steady force holding all his broken peices together. Congrats to Jacob for literally making him worse! And congrats to Dean for making Jacob unhealthily obsessed with him and making him feel something for the first time in years! Even if it was possessiveness and a twisted version of love! They beat the shit out of each other on multiple occasions, sometimes before or during sex. They threaten to kill the other's families and almost go through with it a few times. By the end Dean is willing to kill anyone who tries to hurt Jacob and Jacob is willing to do the same, they're tragic, they're toxic, they're the worst, they make everyone uncomfortable and they'll probably die covered in each other's blood. But at least they'll be holding hands <3
ship tags/playlists/pinterest boards?:
Tag: #ship: Only Us Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4GDAKjOCyUKxWqw7acgzgi Pinterest: https://pin.it/2WOuuEp
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majorbaby · 1 year
ships: hawk/trap/oliver, hawk/bj, obiwan/anakin, troy/abed
i have so much to say lol
hawk/trap/oliver - yessssssssssss
What made you ship it?
specifically that scene that i believe you've giffed of hawkeye and trapper having their actual first fight ever over real estate of oliver's shoulder.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
it's really fucking hot. there are so many configurations about it i love too: oliver and trapper running a train over hawkeye and/or spitroasting him, oliver topping both hawkeye and trapper, oliver topping trapper while hawkeye lies around naked eating grapes and shouting pointers at trapper while he takes it from behind. like every cringe position you find in M/F/F porn but with these three.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
oliver is the hottest one of the three and it's not even close.
hawk/bj - also yessss, but with fewer 's's
What made you ship it?
I don't know what the right term to use is but they have.. good negative chemistry? i like to watch them fight. the best beejhawk episodes to me are the ones where they're fighting.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
it's messed up. angst and melancholy potentials off the charts. sometimes i'm in the mood for a bad ending. i'll never be as into that as i am into eventual happy endings, which i don't like for them, but sometimes i need some weird-bad vibes and they are that for me.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
all of my opinions are them are unpopular but i guess the big one that feeds all the other ones is that i think they're fundamentally incompatible as romantic partners.
obiwan/anakin - weird one, i appreciate the fanart for it, but they are too squicky for me to engage with in any other way.
Why don’t you ship it?
i don't mind saying it: it's because obiwan is in his mid-20s when he meets anakin as a child. i've seen episode i so many times and i just can't distance myself mentally from that little kid enough to where it isn't weird for me to read about them fucking, especially if it's fluffy or framed positively.
What would have made you like it?
literally if i'd never seen episode 1 i'd be all over obikin. the above reason i have for not being able to ship them is a technicality. the chemistry between hayden christensen and ewan mcgregor is undeniable, their rivalry is compelling, the possibilities for corruption kink are endless. i am annoyed that i'm squicked by them.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
the above answer sums that up pretty well.
What made you ship it?
to me they're the flagship couple on community. their on-screen relationship only 'ends' because donald glover left the show.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
so many great gay moments on the show. "abed, i love you" "i know" - that happens to be one of my favourite episodes of the show for other reasons, but that was a bonus.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
aheh... i'm into more toxic explorations of their relationship. to me, it's right there. there are quite a few moments where i perceive abed to be doing things that actively hurt troy. troy's not perfect either, i think his indulgence of abed's every whim could be potentially bad for abed too.
i get why people like a fluffier version of their relationship, but the show has repeatedly dealt with the issue of the group being codependent upon one another and to me troy and abed are an extreme version of that. there's even an episode that deals directly with the fact that they "spend too much time together" but iirc it doesn't actually change much.
i have to say though, that for ~political~ reasons i do want them to have their gay kiss and happily-ever-after because it seems enough people are on board with that that it could actually happen. some may disagree but i think in this case, the value of having two racialized men on a mainstream show that debuted in 2009 get together is more important to me than seeing the aspects of their relationship that i personally find more interesting be made canon. i can read about the bad version of them in a fanfic.
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fakeosirian · 1 year
it's my duty as your house of anubis mutual to ask you about patricia and eddie (for the ship bingo)
BLESS YOU BELOVED MUTUAL if i can rely on anything in this world. it's this <3
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FIRST ACTUAL BINGO BABEY (and arguably there are more squares that depending on what i'm doing with them i could say are true that would make at least one more bingo but i reigned myself in a bit LOL)
peddie is so flexible in vibes?? i love that you can take their relationship in multiple different directions and it's still totally legit/within their range because there really is That Much to do with them (depending on the level of tragedy you want to milk out of them/what point in the show you're talking about/how much you want a happy ending for them) while it still feeling like their very specific brand/within their characterization
in my view (and this may be unpopular? idk) the only thing keeping them together by the end of the show is sheer force of will to not let go of their relationship because its just. A Thing They Need To Keep Doing. even if it hurts. literally everything around them (not just the plot tho that is too lol) is a huge neon sign saying BREAK UP PLEASE GOD. now dont get me wrong they absolutely are compatible, but there's so much about them that isn't re: small things that get in the way that become big things, sometimes incidental/situational and sometimes genuine incompatibilities, that they have to put a LOT of effort in to keep from flying apart by default. that's not a diss/not me saying i don't like them together -- tbh two people that are that devoted despite The Agonies is fascinating esp in the context of season 3b -- but more that they're SOOOO flexible narratively/thematically as a dramatic pairing and i love them for it + they are one of the few ships i genuinely enjoy breaking up/getting back together/breaking up/getting back together ad infinitum in my imagination LOL
definitely unpopular opinion is i don't see them working as a long term couple post-show? (or at the very least they break up For Realz/get different partners/maybe get back together later in life but as far as they know at that point they're done) like ok i enjoy the fics ive read + headcanons that keep them together A LOT but in my heart of hearts...my peddie breaks up dramatically, makes up after a lengthy period of Not Talking and causing hijinks and shenanigans for those around them, and then become the type of incredibly close friends you can only be if you have a very overdramatic romantic past LOL like new partners need to be "approved by [patricia/eddie]" "who is that? your sibling? "ew no of course not. it's my ex" "?????"
expanding on that: i don't really have a "preferred ship" to replace them with (i know i have specific non-peddie ships for them lined up in my fic but those are for the circumstances of That Fic specifically and not necessarily my ideal pairings for them) all i know is i like them when they're messy because they're sooooo good when they finally get catharsis (esp when it's not in the way they're expecting as two people who expect the worst from life and preemptively react accordingly, thus reinforcing the bad things they expect more often than not)
the irony of that is i kind of find it tedious sometimes in the actual show when they're being messy and enjoy their functional romance scenes the most but tbh it's mostly because they get stuck in cycles of being the same type of messy ('explainable misunderstanding #9387982734' i'm looking at you. Sorry) the toxicity is at its best when it's Fresh
inherent eroticism of attempted murder being ? is for 3b but the more i think about it the more i wish i had just full-on colored it in because it really is them even when there isn't possession involved actually LMAO
cursed thing i realized: this may be one of the very few totally legit enemies to lovers ships ive actively gotten into and written content for. i'm usually a friends to lovers pining and yearning enjoyer (if that wasn't obvious already) or, if there's antagonism there, prefers rivals to lovers but peddie....peddie hits
anyway closing thoughts they are highly entertaining and of all of the hoa ships i've spent a significant amount of time thinking about/writing for, probably the most versatile/fun to do things with and have the widest range/mileage? not a ship to be comforted with but a ship to challenge me creatively LOL especially since outside of hoa, if i have strong feelings on ships in a given fandom, i tend to get very. rigid and picky with what ships i like/what i don't (ie. i like despite the horrors of Having Conflict in the Narrative for my ships to have happy endings and tend to avoid ones that have fundamental incompatibilities that would most likely result in a breakup) and peddie is what i have to thank for Opening My Mind to that tbh
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omeleta-omelete · 2 years
i want your raz and lili psychonauts headcanons. All of the emojis!! or just whichever ones you feel like answering
Thanks for asking! Man, I surely had to think a lot about some headcannons here, and doing so was very laborious for sure... but I finally got it all! 😅 I'm going to split this answer in two separate posts, though, or the text next will be bigger than a person can stand to read! So stay alert to the yet to come next post right after this one! 🎉
Now the ask itself, divided emoji by emoji - Lili first:
🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQIA+ headcannon - I guess Lili definitely will be "a mean bisexual 💅" when she grows up. It just feels right! Haha
💌 Fluffy headcannon - she may have a rough persona, but we can see in Psychonauts 2 that she's actually a very nice girl who just needs some more appreciation for who she is. You know... she's though, but she also enjoys watching cartoons while hugging her favorite teddy bear, or to give pots of meaningful flowers for the people she loves - even though she won't admit any of that.
💔 Angsty headcannon - as most people in the fandom, I headcannon that Lili's parents are divorced... well, Truman definetly has the vibes of a single dad! But I also headcannon that such unfortunate thing happened because both Truman and Lili's mom (who I call Martha) personalities and psy-powers were incompatible. He was calm and weighted, she was hot headed and stubborn. He loved dealing with plants, she was a specialist in pyrokinesis... in other words, Lili and Martha are way too similar. So similar they can't even live together without arguing like crazy🔥. Of course Lili hates seeing someone who looks so much like her, who has the same flaws as her, being so hard to deal with! It makes she feel terrible about herself - after all, what if people hates her not because she's psychic, but because she's almost exactly like her mom?
🧸 Hurt / confort headcannon - I guess that when Lili was little she had lots of trouble when trying to control her psy-powers, specially her Pyrokinesis. But instead of trying to accept her parents' training, she tried to repress it due feeling pressured by the anti psychic prejudice from almost everyone else around her. In such denial, it's unecessary to say that she argued with / accidentally hurt mom, dad, her teacher and classmates an odd amount of times, until she agreed going to Whispering Rock and finally receiving some training. In the end everything ended up well, and not only Lili finally accepted being a psychic, she also started to feel good about it!
🪀 Silly headcannon - I guess I don't really have any silly headcannons for Lili, but I like to imagine two things: first, she's a very ticklish person (and yes, she will beat you if you make her laugh too much). Second, she won't eat any vegetables, no matter what you do or say, specially salads 🥗. You know, Truman definitely explained to her that he grows / harvest the vegetables they eat in a painless way, and that the same process is done in all Psychonauts' builds, but she's way too skeptical to accept it! 🤣
💤 Sleep headcannon - again, I never thought about it before! But Lili does look like the kind of people who sleeps very stiffly! That's why her sheets are always tidy, because she doesn't move a single muscle while sleeping.
✨ A ship I like with this character - Raz. They're cute together, and they surely will develop a very strong psychic connection in the future, despite the many ups and downs they will have as time passes.
🔪 A ship I don't like with this character - Elton! I guess no one really ships them together, but he used to like her even though she didn't give a shit about him. And solely that would be enough to a relationship between them never work, but there's also the fact that their personalities are way to different: he's too soft and deluded to be in a relationship with someone who seems to praise for a more honest way to deal with things.
🎃 Something I think she's afraid of - insects in general. Not because she's actually scared of them, but because they ruin whole crops and parasite perfectly fine plants. She doesn't want any of her dear non-human friends hurt, after all! I also think she's terribily afraid of her powers hurting the people she loves, specially her pyrokinesis - she experienced such situations and /or the consequences of them before, she knows there's nothing beautiful in it.
📦 Overall feelings about her - overall, I love Lili as a character! She's layered, with her both soft and though sides - and she also has that subtle but kinda angsty depth (probably due her experience as a psychic) implied through all games that also make her very interesting.
📢 Favorite thing about her in canon - again, something I never thought about! 😅 But I really enjoy her personality! She has some cool scenes in her account! LOL
🧨 Least favorite about her in canon - it's definitely the fact of how misused her character is! Like, in Psychonauts she has her scenes, and in Psychonauts 2 she has her moment in that level... but she could appear more! Double Fine, why are you depriving me to experience a two players mode in which Lili is player two? WHY?
💬 Favorite line she said - I'm seriously devided between "shut up and kiss me!" and "give back my dad's brain!". Both lines and it's respective scenes are just so good! 😂
🔔 Unpopular opinion - I've seen lot's of people in the fandom portraying Lili as a spoiled brat who mistreats everyone, but really? She doesn't seem like a brat to me! Not when her mistreat is directed just at certain Whispering Rock campers (let's be honest here, some of them are straight up mean without any good reason), never at counselors or agents - actually, most of said mistreat is just and clearly, as shown by her interactions with Raz, a not-so-healthy way to defend herself based on past relationships. Plus, Truman seems to have his head in the right places, so I'm certain that he would make sure Lili grows up as a decent human being.
🔈A song that reminds me of her - I'm pretty sure almost no one here knows what song is this, but I'm not going to chose an American song just to be relatable! 👁️👄👁️ So that's why I chose instead that masterpiece called A Beleza da Rosa🌹! You know, I just guess this exact song is the perfect expression of at least some of her feelings!
Part two will be posted tomorrow, featuring all my Raz headcannons! HURRAY! But for now, I hope I could give you an answer satisfactory enough!
Do you reader have any other Psychonauts related asks for this ask game? Go ahead and ask them all - answering you guys is always a pleasure! ❤️
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