#it's kind of degrading to view her as the victim and the victim only... who's afraid of little old me isn't dependent on a particular event
dylanlila · 5 months
eve didn't get bitten... taylor chose this career... try and come for my job...
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uninformedartist · 4 months
Screenshot from Showtoonz
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She saw many MANY people seeing how obviously one sided their "relationship" is and made this tweet, emphasising BOTH made mistakes.
Nah Vivienne, the only mistake Blitz made in their "relationship"... was nothing, ha WAS NOTHING.
Stolas though, lets see. Made that contract during a time Blitz's life was in danger, Blitz reluctantly agreed to it. The contact in question was ALWAYS about sex & fulfilling Stolas's desires. Blitz's business, livelihood, employees, family was on the line. Stolas's contract put Blitz's under & I say it again economic duress & the contract in its nature is cohesive rape. Blitz had no say on the details of the contract he just agreed because his life was in danger & his business was on the line when it was initiated.
Stolas then in many instances throughout so1 degraded Blitz. Touching Blitz without his consent, making sexual remarks & vances on Blitz that made Blitz visibly uncomfortable, gave him the pet name "Blitzy" a name Blitz on multiple occasions was verbal on denouncing. He used Blitz as an ash tray in one bedroom scene, called Blitz an impish plaything, referred to him, his employees and daughter as little creatures. He abuses the imp staff that works for him, using them as some kind of stress toy. Read a flipping book called "imps in the sheets" in front of his family, fetishising imps and so much bloody more.
So piss off Vivienne that people are seeing your racist, rapist elitist bird boy for exactly what he is. No manipulative tears from Stolas can change what YOU wrote him as. Like you wrote him as the most trash of a character & now want to change the game by writing him as a sad uwu birdy who is actually done wrong by cos the imp he exploited yelled at him, the imp he kept chained to him metaphorical in this contract. Blitz in his hallucinations literally viewed Stolas like a sort of slave owner, having him in chains by Stolas.
...Do I need to even mention that Stolas in his human is white as hell & Blitz is brown on account of how his twin sister looks in her human disguise.
So no it ain't clear that BOTH made mistakes, piss off with that. It genuinely boggles my mind she sees nothing wrong with how much of a piece of shit Stolas is & how Blitz is the only victim in this situation.
But then I remember the kind of person Vivienne Medrano really is... all I'm gonna say.
Credit to versosikastrikerexcuser, they got a really good blog post on all the shit Stolas has done:
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loveharlow · 1 year
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PAIRING‧₊˚ Racer!JJ x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS‧₊˚  [3.5K] During a race against Rafe, JJ's the victim of poor sportsmanship, leaving his girlfriend and the crew to not only patch him up but defend his honor as well
WARNING(S)‧₊˚  swearing, mentions of injuries, foul play, mentions of blood, self-endangerment, degrading names, mild violence, mentions of abuse
A/N‧₊˚ I am super shocked that I have not seen this AU anywhere, like if JJ had any alternative personality, I feel like a racer is my first thought and this just became my favorite version of him.
˗ˏˋ jj masterlist ˎˊ˗
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UNRULY TEENAGE POGUES FROM EVERY CORNER OF THE CUT were tucked onto a vacant street as two daring boys, who held a grudge against one another since seemingly the beginning of time, geared up to race against the other. 
Every weekend, kids on The Cut gathered on any unoccupied back street, preferably off of Shoupe's radar, to watch the unorthodox relay— where two bike-obsessed, thrill-seeking teenagers went head to head. For being an unofficial Pogue event, it was fairly well organized.
There were mechanics who made sure the bike were good to go, flag girls who strut their stuff in checkered outfits and signaled for them to go, and people like you who advised your racer of their route, their speed, and whatever else to make sure they got to the finish line first.
So, while the crowd cheered, you were busying yourself with securing JJ’s helmet as he strapped on his gloves. You pushed his head up after he looked down to fiddle with the velcro strap for the fifth time.
“Someone’s a little rough tonight. You alright, mama?” He questioned, the only readable part of his expression being his eyes that peeked through the small part of the hard headgear. You offered no response, only continuing to loop the straps through the adjustments before he grabbed your wrists gently, lowering them in front of his chest.
“Talk to me.” His voice was slightly muffled and his concern gleamed through his eyes. 
“It’s just…” You started apprehensively, looking to your left where Rafe Cameron and some kook chick stood in a similar stance, her adjusting his helmet before tapping him on the head. “If you don’t dust his ass, we won’t hear the end of it. But I don’t want to put that kind of pressure on you...”
JJ bent his knees slightly, bringing his face closer to yours. “Hey, there’s no pressure. I’ve been doing this way longer than him and you know how that asshole gets; too blinded by his own rage to do anything right.” He assured you, speaking hearteningly.
“The thing is, I may have already come up with a...system, of sorts…” You started, avoiding JJ’s eyes as they fell into confusion. “C’mere.” You mumbled, slipping your wrists out of his grip to grab one of his, leading him to your setup off to the side of the main road where the bikes waited to be driven— two portable laptops, a keyboard, and your headset that connected to the mic inside of his helmet lay on the small table. You released his wrist in exchange for pointing at the dimly lit laptop screens, a path outlined in red on the screen.
“What’s this?” He asked, bending down next to you to view the monitor. 
“I made a slight alteration in your route.” You started. “You already know how to read this; the red line is your entire path, the yellow dots are your mile markers, the flag is the finish line, yada yada.” You continued, trailing your finger up the display and stopping on the fifth yellow dot. “Right here is where I made a change. Originally, I was going to have you follow along to the end of the road and make your right turn to the finish line as sharp as possible to cut down on the speed lost during the turn…”
“But this is a street race, so we can bend the rules. Considering, y'know, there aren't any.” You tapped the panel with your finger twice for emphasis. “Once you hit the five mile marker, I made it so that you’ll veer off the main road. You’ll end up on another street, much more narrow and risky but you can do it and it cuts down the distance between you and the finish line by an entire mile, leaving Rafe a good distance behind you.”
“And how will I know when to make the turn?”
You looked up at him in question. “The same way you always do — I’ll tell you. Just keep your mic on and make sure that you can hear me.”
“And you’re sure this’ll work?” He was looking down at you now, standing to his full height.
“No.” You were honest, this was JJ’s well-being, and his reputation, on the line. Lying wasn’t in his best interest. “But I’ve gone over it in my head so many times, you wouldn’t believe it. This is our best shot.”
He let out a deep breath, shaking his shoulders out and bouncing slightly on his feet. 
“If you don’t think this'll go smoothly, we can stick to the original route-”
“No, no, It’s good. I’m good.” Once he was steady and unmoving, you looked him in the eyes — any sign of uncertainty and you were going back to the original plan. But as you scanned his eyes, you couldn’t find one. So without any other protests, you nodded and edged closer to him, kissing the side of his helmet.
“Ok then.” You turned your head towards your station once more, picking up your headset and adjusting it to your head, leveling the small microphone with your lips. “You better get out there.” You encouraged, head tilting in the direction of his waiting bike, hearing your own voice in your ears due to the close proximity.
“You got me?” He asked.
“Always.” You smiled, turning to make sure everything with your display was up to speed. JJ took the opportunity to grab a small handful of your ass considering you were bent over the table slightly. “Get away from here.” You chuckled, swatting his gloved hand away.
“Can’t help myself.” He joked, retreating towards his motorcycle with his hands up in mock surrender.
As you hit keys and adjusted settings, you could hear the crowd get louder as the boys mounted their bikes. You took your eyes off the monitors in front of you to see the flag girl strutting between the two with the checkered banner held high in the air, crossing one leg over the other as she walked to the front, the crowd dying down as she turned to face the two boys. 
It was a small pause, a brief second, then she was bringing the flag down like a hammer on a nail and all that was heard was cheers and engines popping, tires creating clouds of smoke in the empty space behind the vehicles as the bikes practically launched themselves off the concrete.
You wasted no time in whipping your view back to the monitors, the icon that resembled JJ’s bike position moving fast along the path. 
“Hey, J, can you hear me?”
“Crystal clear, baby.”
You smiled, letting your elbows rest on the wooden surface, eyes never leaving the bright interface, watching as JJ practically zipped past the first mile marker.
“You’re doing good, alright? Keep going at this pace for now, but once you start to come up on your turn, you’ll need enough time to slow down. It’s a narrow path, JJ. I need you to focus.”
“I hear you.”
“Good.” You continued watching as the crowd watched the race on a bigger monitor that was set up within their view, watching the live feed from small cameras attached to both of their bikes streaming side-by-side. It wasn’t long before JJ passed the second marker, then the third, coming up on the fourth.
“Okay, this is where you need to decrease your speed. Not too much, about two-thirds of what you’re going now.”
“If I do that, I’ll fall behind.”
“No, you won't.”
“Baby, I'm telling you. He’ll pass me and be miles ahead before I even reach the mile marker.” His tracker was showing that he hadn’t dropped his speed at all and he needed to if this was going to work.
“Listen to me. The path is shorter and allows you to travel less distance, you'll still be ahead. Slow down, now.”
You could hear him sigh into the mic. “We're doing this your way.” He said almost skeptically, like he didn’t believe this was his way to the finish line. Your eyes zeroed in on the computer screen, watching him roll through the forth mile marker at a more compatible speed.
“Okay, edge towards the right side of the road to get further out of Rafe’s peripheral. If he sees you, he might follow.”
You watched him veer off down the path with no issue. A bright smile crept onto your features as you silently cheered to yourself. “Yes! Okay, we can do this. Just keep going, J. You’re not far from the end.”
“The hell?” JJ’s voice boomed on the other side of the line. His tracker icon swerving side to side on the screen. “Shit! He’s tailing me!”
“What?” You could feel the way your face immediately fell.
“He reversed his fucking bike to follow me... Dammit!” His frustration was as clear as day, the sound of engines revving growing louder in the mic. The crowd's demeanor changed as well, causing your vision to reluctantly drift over to the large TV monitor, watching as Rafe’s side of the screen grew closer and closer to the back of JJ’s bike.
“JJ, speed up!”
“I’m going as fast as I can! Is there a way off this damn road?!”
“No, there isn’t! When I- fuck!”
You were frantic, hands above your head as you paced around in your space. Eyes never leaving the screen as the crowd grew more and more anxious. 
You were trying to think. If this were any other person, your assumptions that they would run your boyfriend into a ditch would be low. But this was Rafe Cameron. A man with something severely wrong with him. And you could hear your heartbeat racing, thump after thump, as you watched Rafe’s bike grow close enough to collide with JJ’s back tire, sending him flying off of the bike into the middle of the street. The screen showing JJ’s bike view as it slid across the concrete before glitching out.
The crowd grew half-angry with Rafe’s actions and half-shocked, loud protests breaking out as arms flew in the air. Your eyes burned with tears and your voice croaked as you practically hollered into the speaker unit. “JJ?! I swear to God, can you hear me?!”
You snatched the headset off your head before making a b-line for your own bike that you’d rode here, wasting no time in knocking the kickstand and taking off. The wind blasted the tears out of your eyes as you followed the path you’d mapped out yourself, coming up on the road where you could see your boyfriend curled up into an unmoving ball.
Your bike screeched as it came to a halt while you hastily hopped off with not a care in the world as it clambered to the ground. You almost tripped over your own feet as you ran towards JJ, skinning your knees as you fell to your knees next to him before you stopped running practically sliding before you flipped him over onto his back.
“C’mon…” You mumbled to yourself as you worked on getting the helmet off of his head, throwing it to the side without caution as his face was exposed to you — blood leaking from his nose and trickling from his now split lip accompanied by a large bruise on his cheek. He was coughing and groaning and you were too focused on scanning him for more injuries that you didn’t hear the distinct rumble of John B’s van pulling up, five distressed friends who had been watching from the sidelines piling out of the vehicle and surrounding the both of you.
“Oh my-”
“Is he okay?!”
“Does he look okay?!” You yelled, lifting his shirt to take a look at his torso — purple-ish splotches blooming around his ribcage, red and irritated skin abrasions beginning to bead with blood. You cursed under your breath, slipping your arms underneath him in an attempt to lift him on your own. “We need to get him to the garage.” You spoke as your friends crowded to help you carry his weight as you all hoisted him into the van.
“Why not a hospital?” Cleo quizzed incredulously.
“Too many questions," John B offered.
"And they’ll call his father. We can handle it.” You spoke absentmindedly, carefully laying JJ down on the floor of the Twinkie as you, Kie, Pope, and Cleo piled into the back while John B and Sarah rounded the front. The automobile jumped as John B turned the key before the engine roared and it was taking off down the road.
“I think we should get him to a doctor.” Kie spoke up in a troubled manner.
“No! Okay, we all know they’ll call his dad and he’ll walk out of there with more bruises than he went in with.” You reprimanded. JJ’s health was the first thing on your mind and though they may not understand, taking him to a hospital would make things worse. Between racing illegally, his abusive father, and his already not-so-clean record? Walking into a building full of mandated reporters was not an option.
The van fell silent, all eyes on JJ's heaving figure or looking out the window watching street lights go by. Deep down you all knew he’d be fine but until you knew for sure, the space hung low with tension from worry and disagreement on how to handle the situation. 
“You’re bleeding…” Pope pointed out, motioning to the blood leaking slowly from your knees. It must’ve happened when you ran over to help JJ.
“Don’t worry about me.” You eased the boy’s concern. It wasn’t long before the van was pulling into the garage, the fluorescent white light illuminating the space in the dead of night. The vehicle hadn’t even come to a full stop before the side door was flung open as you, with the help of the others, hauled JJ’s limp frame to the sofa in the corner of the workspace. Once he was situated, you rushed over to the opposite corner of the room, sifting through boxes of tools and manuals until you found the long buried first aid kit and medical supplies. 
JJ had sustained a decent amount of injuries in the duration of his hobby of his but it never exceeded much more than a few shallow cuts here and there. Kneeling next to the worn down sofa, you doused a cotton ball with alcohol and dabbed it onto the injured parts of his face. Of course, you were met with the loudest groan he’d made since you all plucked him from the road.
“I’m sorry.” You mumble apologetically, turning your head slightly when you feel a warm hand on your shoulder.
“You’re shakin’.” Cleo observed. Looking down at your hands, she was right. From your wrists to the tips of your fingers, you were trembling. “Go pull yourself together, girl. I’ll patch him up.”
You gave her the best appreciative smile you could muster, truly grateful for her kindness and keen eye. Handing her the cotton ball, you placed your hands on your stinging knees to help yourself up, walking a just few feet away. You’d clean yourself up later. You just needed a moment to collect yourself.
You couldn’t help but feel some guilt. There was a part of you that was mentally scolding yourself like a parent for suggesting the route change in the first place. What possessed you to put JJ’s safety on the line like that? But then there was that more lenient part of you that kept reminding yourself that Rafe Cameron was not one to play fair and that there was a chance that he would’ve pulled something like this either way.
You were facing away from the group, one hand on your hip as the other ran down your face until it settled on covering just your mouth as you finally allowed the hot tears that took home in your waterline to fall. A small, almost inaudible sob left your lips before you shook your head; sniffing up your tears, rubbing the wetness from your eyes, and telling yourself to stop being ridiculous.
As your mind cleared, you could hear engines in the distance, your brows pinching in puzzlement. You, along with Pope, Kiara, John B, and Sarah, edged towards the opening of the garage as Rafe's bike pulled up with Topper’s truck trailing close behind. Cleo was still kneeling and attending to JJ’s wounds.
Rafe stationed his bike and tore his helmet off as he dismounted, Topper and Kelce hopping out of the truck behind him. Rafe’s lips curled into a smirk, parting to say something but he never got the chance before you were closing the space between you two, clocking him in the jaw.
You stumbled forward a little as you did so, watching him recover from the hit as he took the opportunity to grab you by the shoulders and spin you around and push you down, practically pinning you to the solid ground. You could hear his friends and yours screaming as you both brawled on the concrete.
Rafe’s first raised and came down, just missing your face as it collided with the street, causing him to let out a mangled cry. Distracted by his own pain, you managed to push him off of his straddling position above you as he fell on his ass, you taking the opportunity to kick him in the chest, knocking him completely on his back. You scrambled to your knees, little rocks getting in the cuts on them and strand of hair obstructing your vision as you frantically hit his chest and face. Not landing every hit but enough of them. 
He spoke through the blood in his mouth from your initial hit, calling you all sorts of names ranging from ‘lowlife’ to ‘bitch’. He eventually managed to grab a hold of your wrists that were coming down on him in a frenzy. He pulled you up by them, slamming you against Topper's truck that was still running, your head spinning for a few moments from the collision.
“Get off of her, you psycho!” Kiara's voice rang out.
You found enough strength in your daze to snatch your arms out of his grip, pushing his shoulders back cruelly just in time as John B and Sarah stepped in between the both of you. Rafe wiping blood from his lip as John B pushed him further back while Sarah’s hands were on your shoulders asking you questions you could barely hear through the ringing in your ears.
Your eyes wandered, seeing a frazzled Kie and an enraged Pope in front of Topper and Kelce who were trying to get past them to get to Rafe, Cleo seemingly safe-guarding JJ’s resting figure as she was crouched beside him with a switchblade clutched in her hand.
Once the humming in your eardrums ceased, you could hear John B telling off Rafe and his goons. “She's a girl, dipshit! You don't touch her!”
“She hit me!” Rafe tried to defend.
Then Sarah’s blonde hair was whipping in front of you, now facing her crazed brother. “Because you ran her boyfriend off the road, Rafe!” She screamed. “Just…go! Okay, leave! Go home.”
Rafe licked his lips, nodding his head and looking side to side before shrugging his shoulders. He rubbed his jaw, taking wide strides towards his bike as he snatched his helmet that had fallen out of his hand in the scuffle from off of the ground. He stopped less than a foot in front you, his face distressed and eyes mad. 
He didn’t say anything, just glared at you before chuckling under his breath and throwing himself over his bike. Topper and Kelce following his lead and clambering back into the truck before both vehicles reversed and sped back in the direction they came.
"Jesus..." John B breathed out, running his fingers through his hair.
You took a deep breath, running a hand over the top of your head. 
“Guys,” Cleo called out. “I think he’s wakin’ up.” She waved you all over.
You all rushed over, crowding around the injured blonde who was shifting as his eyes squinted, groaning as he clenched his torso.
“What the fuck…”
A small chorus of laughter was shared amongst the group, looking at each other in relief.
“My ass hurts.” JJ pouted, Cleo shaking her head and rising from her crouched position beside him, patting him on the shoulder. 
“Don’t move too much, blondie. You need to heal.” She offered before leaving the space beside JJ open, motioning for you to take it. John B and Pope walked by him as well, giving him a pat on the shoulder, mumbling similar variations of ‘Glad you’re okay, man.’. Sarah offering a simple smile while Kie rolled her eyes telling him he was reckless.
“She’s totally glad I’m alive.” JJ tried to joke.
You brushed the sweaty strands of hair from his forehead. “We all are.” Your voice was solemn. “This was my fault. I should’ve stuck to the initial plan.”
“Don’t start that.” He insisted. “I agreed to it and it wasn’t our fault, regardless.” His voice was strained and raspy. “He couldn’t stand to lose. That’s all. Don’t sweat it, ‘kay?”
Reluctantly, you nodded, laying your head on his shoulder as one of his arms went around yours. 
You both laid in comfortable silence for a few moments until he spoke again.
“I know I was out of it but… did you fight Rafe?”
You smacked your teeth and groaned while he chuckled. “I was upset. I got him in the jaw one good time, though.”
He squeezed you closer to him as much as his body would allow for a quick moment, planting a small kiss on the top of your head. “That’s my girl.” He praised. “I’m still gonna kick his ass for putting his hands on you, though.”
“I expected nothing less.”
“Glad you know.”
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General taglist; @livlaughquinn
JJ Maybank Taglist; @ronnieissupermegafoxyawesomehot @maybankslover
feedback is appreciated! thanks for reading.
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cornsoupflavour · 3 months
Untapped Power (LoL NSFW Smut) [META]
Syndra x Gamer!Male Reader
Tags: 2.7k, slight verbal degradation, creampie, power exchange, mention of k1ll1ng (in-game though), mommy, meta
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Image credit: Minory Fox on ArtStation
You'd been browsing the selection of champions, your fingers tapping against the keyboard as you contemplated which one to use tonight. The variety was staggering, as always, and the background hum of the loading screen brought a sense of excitement and anticipation.
Suddenly, the room around you began to dematerialise, leaving you at what was seemingly a jazzy and oddly calming bar. Surrounding you were the champions you were just browsing through. Syndra walked by you, her violet eyes ablaze with power. Her silvery–white hair flowed around her like a cascade of silver water, the intricate design of her armor glinting in the light. You found yourself taking a step back involuntarily, your eyes still locked onto her.
You looked up, seeing yourself through a large rectangular screen, looking dazed and bored. It finally clicked in your head. This was part of the new update that League received. It said something about the integration of new–age technology, and this must be it. You decide to pick Syndra for the match tonight. Approaching her, you call out, "H–Hey, Syndra– Ms. Syndra...?"
"Well, well," Syndra began as she turned to face you, her voice like the cracking of electricity. "It seems you're the one who dabbles with our kind. Are you going to choose me tonight, or shall I have to force my way into the game?"
The other champions nearby were moving around and chatting, taking a break after acting out a long–winded battle for some other players. They seemed to brush over the fact that you're there, like you were invisible. As your attention landed back on Syndra, you could feel the weight of their gazes, but you maintained eye contact with her.
"You're quite the intimidating presence," you commented, trying to keep your composure. "But I think I'd like to give you a shot." A grin tugged at the corner of her lips as she presented you with a holographic champion select button. You locked eyes with her once more before gazing up at the You through the screen in the sky and laid your hand on the button. 
Syndra's eyes narrowed, as you're both transported to a different place, now surrounded by walls of blue pixels. "I like your courage. You're about to find out just how good of a choice you'd just made." With a smirk, she disappeared from view, leaving you to complete your selection.
In the blink of an eye, the game loading screen sprang to life, and you found yourself slipping into the role of Syndra, her voice in your ear. The familiar map of Summoner's Rift began to take shape around you, and the adrenaline started to course through your veins. Her headgear materialised onto your head, as you made your way down MID.
As the game began, you could see the minions arriving, you could feel fingers twitching over the keyboard, but your consciousness was in the game. You spotted your opponent on the other side, it was another player with Lux's gear. She seemed to know what she's doing with  her pure essence shining from her regal armor as she cast her shimmering spells. You prepared yourself for a battle as she began to move towards you.
The first few encounters were disastrous. Syndra's voice screamed into your ear, "Dodge her Q– What are you doing?!", "Oh for the love of all that is mighty, stop walking DIRECTLY INTO HER Q!"
You may have escaped the toxicity that is the League of Legends chat function, but it seemed as though it has reincarnated in vocal form. There were times where she'd whisper, perhaps out of pure exhaustion or disappointment, "...you're letting her stun you too easily. Please... react to her Q and E combo faster..." 
Almost every single time you were stunned, you died. Falling victim to her combos. Syndra may have stopped shouting, but you could tell her patience was running thin. For a player with this many hours in the game, you'd think you could dodge almost the basics of abilities. Perhaps it was just a bad day.
In one particularly devastating fight, you were sent back to your tower, your health at 1%. Syndra's voice grew strained and frustrated, if she could choke you through your screen, she would have.
She took a deep breath, "...you have to dodge her Q, be unpredictable. Once you dodge her Q, you can hit her with my Q, E and W combo..." A flicker of dark energy formed at your fingertips, demonstrating the power you could unleash.
But it was then that you started to get the hang of her. You could feel Syndra guiding you out of pure disappointment, but at least it was still guidance. Her power surged through your veins. You stood your ground, anticipating Lux's movements, dodging her Q and E combos  with a sudden burst of speed. Syndra's eyes blazed with satisfaction.
"Good. Now, wait for the right time, and use my R." She instructed, as you watched her summon a dark sphere. "This is my ultimate, Unleashed Power. All those spheres you've been summoning with my Q? Yeah, they're gonna act as extra ammo for my R, got it?"
You did as she said, and as the right time approached, you saw the stunned expression on Lux's face as a barrage of Syndra's dark spheres went barreling at her, taking her out and retrieving the bounty she had gotten from the early game. You took advantage of the opportunity, recalling and buying some items to make you stronger. The tide of the match began to turn.
The game progressed, and with Syndra's guidance, your mastery over her abilities grew. You could feel her delight and approval, her voice filled with pride towards your growth as you coordinated with your team to decimate the enemy. The battle became a symphony of destruction, as you and Syndra's combined efforts brought forth a chorus of tower takedowns and eventually reaching the Nexus.
The enemy team began to crumble under your onslaught, their once–confident demeanor replaced by fear. A devious grin spread across Syndra's features. "Yes... just like that... You're doing so well... I've truly taught you excellently... Keep it up, and you'll know what true devastation feels like."
Your combined efforts with Syndra paid off as your team emerged victorious. The enemy Nexus shattered, as you camped right outside their spawn to farm kills. You'd managed to dominate both the lane and the game, your victory a testament to Syndra's untapped power and your newfound understanding of it.
The screen faded to the character select lobby screen, and Syndra appeared before you. "Well done. With the power I granted you, you've proven worthy of my essence." She bowed her head slightly, pride and respect in her eyes.
"Y'know, for a character who's supposed to be in some medieval universe, you've got some modern slang."
"Yeah, well, if you've existed within this game long enough, you'd pick up a thing or two from the players."
"Oh– yeah that makes sense," you nodded.
"Perhaps next time, you'll choose me again," Syndra said with a wink, her voice a sultry promise. "Y'know, unless you wanna celebrate somehow, the player count drops at around this time, so I'm not expecting any matches soon, let alone matches where I'm picked."
The two of you shared a knowing look, the air between you thick with unspoken desire. She took your hand, leading you through the Post–Match Lobby, passing by other champions as you made your way to a secluded, dark corner. A comfortable silence enveloped you as she leaned in close, your lips brushing against each other. You let a soft moan escape.
"You've been a very good student today," Syndra whispered, her voice a sensual caress against your ear. "And I intend to reward you." With deft fingers, she unbuttoned your shirt, exposing your chest. Her hands roamed over your skin, her touch electric.
"Oh wow... for a League player, you're surprisingly fit..." she playfully whispered. You returned the favor, running your fingers through her silky hair, tugging softly before moving downwards, unfastening her armor. The cool air brushed against your heated skin as she shrugged off the Ionian gear, revealing her slender form.
Syndra's lips trailed down your neck, as her hands gripped your waist, pulling you closer. You let out a soft, pleasure–filled whimper, as she began to unbuckle your belt, her fingers working with precision. As your pants fell to the floor, she smiled devilishly, before kneeling before you.
"Impressive, you're already so hard for me," she whispered, her breath hot against your throbbing member. "I'm going to take care of you." Her tongue swirled around the tip, making you gasp in surprise.
She took you into her mouth, her lips engulfing your shaft. Each slow, deliberate bob of her head was met with a series of moans. "Ugh– fuck, Syndra–" escaped your lips as she sucked you deeper. Her tongue flickered against the sensitive underside, eliciting a moan that vibrated through her mouth.
She increased her pace, her hands massaging and fondling your balls, giving them a gentle squeeze. The intensity of her movements, paired with the warmth of her mouth, sent shivers down your spine. Her eyes looked up at you, full of lust and desire.
You grabbed a clump of her silky silver hair, her headdress laid out on the floor. Her slurps and gawks echoed throughout the empty corner. "Damn– do you do this– nngh, fuck– for all your players?"
She momentarily popped your cock out of her mouth, the shaft glistening with her saliva and spit, trailing back to her plump and purple–tinged lips. "Mmah– No, this is actually the first time I'm doing this. And something tells me, I won't need to find someone else~" she teased as she winked.
Syndra resumed her oral pleasures, her mouth working you with a renewed passion. The sight of her, her purple eyes locked on yours, a smirk pulling at the corner of her lips, made your body tense up. Her hand started to play with your balls again, rolling them gently between her fingers, increasing the pressure with each roll.
"Fuck... Syndra, I'm..." You gasped, unable to finish the sentence as you felt yourself getting close.
She paused, her mouth pulling away, leaving you dripping with her saliva. "Hold on, darling, don't cum yet. I want to see how you'd fuck me." She got up, her body swaying seductively, her ample breasts bouncing with each step.
She turned around and bent over, her ass cheeks perfectly round, her back arching, inviting you to take her. You moved closer, positioning yourself at her entrance. Her slick folds welcomed you as you slid inside, her warmth enveloping your shaft.
"G–Goddamn... I should pick you– mmmf~ more often..."
A soft moan escaped her lips as you began to thrust, the sound echoing through the secluded corner. "Mmh, so big, I can feel every inch of you."
You grabbed her hips, your thrusts becoming more depserate, the sound of flesh meeting flesh filling the void. Her head tilted back, exposing her long slender neck, her hair cascading down, framing her like a silvery waterfall.
"Fuck, yes, that's it," she panted, her voice breathy and needy. "Take me, just like this. Fuck– you just bottomed me out–"
You increased your pace, the sound of hips slapping against hers growing louder, her moans and whimpers accompanying the rhythm. Her body bucked back each thrust, her movements in perfect sync with yours.
"Oh, fuck, yes, Syndra, your pussy feels so fucking good," you grunted, your grip on her hips tightening, feeling every ripple as she clenched around your shaft.
She leaned forward, bracing herself on the floor, a muffled moan escaping. You could see sweat beading on her forehead as she turned to look at you over her shoulder, the effort of taking you, a testament to her desire for you. Her body shuddered, her inner walls contracting, milking you with every thrust.
"Fuck, I– I'm close, Syndra," you warned, your breathing growing more ragged.
She looked over her shoulder once more, her eyes glittering with lust. "Don't cum yet, I want to be the one to push you over the edge." With that, she stood up, pulling you out of her, leaving you panting, your cock glistening with her juices.
Instead of returning to the floor, she spun around, climbing onto a nearby surface, her legs spread wide, beckoning you. "Climb up here, baby, let's do this with a view."
You obliged, your legs trembling as you stood on the higher platform, your throbbing member leading the way to her dripping folds. You positioned yourself at the entrance, feeling her walls part and engulf you as you pushed inside.
"Fuck, your tits look beautiful like this."
You began to thrust again, the heightened view and angle giving you a new perspective of each movement. Her eyes locked on yours, her body rocking with each thrust, her moans growing louder, more desperate.
"Mmph, god, that's it, just like that, I'm so close, I need to feel you–" she gasped, her voice raw with need.
You could feel your control slipping, your orgasm looming closer. You wanted nothing more than to give into the pleasure, but as she had said, she wanted to push you over that edge. You increased your pace, fucking her harder, your bodies colliding in a frenzy of lustful desire.
You leaned forward, your hands kneading her tits as you connected your lips with hers in a passionate kiss. All illuminated by the backdrop of a vast world of what were seemingly lobbies of other games.
The world began to fade away, replaced by the feeling of your bodies locked together, the primal rhythm of your fucking, and her breathy, uninhibited moans.
"Syndra, wait– I'm... I'm going to cum..."
Syndra pushed you on your back, her eyes shining with lust as she sat up on your cock. She turned her body to face away from you. She used her abilities to lift the both of you in the air as she began grinding her hips against yours.
Syndra's eyes locked on yours, her body swimming and smacking against yours, her breasts swaying with every movement. The sensation of her taking you in reverse cowgirl was exhilarating, the sight of her body, her purple eyes, and silver hair intensifying your arousal. Her hands rose to her chest, gripping and kneading her own tits.
"Nngh~ Goddamn, Y/N– you're in really deep–"
"Oh, fuck, this is amazing, Syndra," you gasped, your hands gripping her ass, squeezing her firm cheeks.
As she rode you, her body undulating, her moans grew louder, more desperate. Her orgasm began to build, her pace increasing, her walls constricting and pulsing around your cock.
"Nngh fuck, I'm cumming, I'm–" She started to cry out, her walls clamping down, her pussy milked everything out of you.
Her climax ignited yours, your body tensing, your cock pulsating as you poured your hot, thick seed deep inside her, flooding her womb. A muffled roar escaped you as you came, your body quivering, the pleasure coursing through you.
As you both rode the waves of your orgasm, she turned back around to face you, your gazes meeting longingly, sweat beading on both your foreheads. Breathing heavily, your chest heaving as you both regained your composure.
"Holy shit, Syndra, that was–"
"Amazing. I'm glad you enjoyed it," she replied, the satisfaction evident in her voice.
She slowly lowered the both of you back down onto the ledge. Her body remained atop yours, her chest heaving as she caught her breath. The two of you remained entwined, the afterglow of the sex still lingering.
"I'll keep this memory with me... I think I'll just main you from now on... Want me to get you a new skin?" You whispered, your thighs still quaking from the climax.
Syndra sat up and arched her back, her head hanging behind her in utter satisfaction, her eyes closing, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
"Show me what skin you want me in, Y/N." She whispered back, her voice laced with content and desire, her hand idly running along your chest as she leaned back to lock eyes with you.
The two remained on the ledge, Syndra's body sitting straight up while still impaled on your cock as you laid flat on your back. Looks like you've truly found your main.
[Let me know if you want a part two or if you want me to make this a long running story. And let me know who else you'd want to see a fic about.]
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I'm kinda curious about your view on vil and your thoughts on the trauma he possibly or could have inflicted on Yuu during book 5.
I have this headcannon inspired by this one shot by uniquethingtastemaker
The headcannon: Basically Yuu (who is female for this) hides the fact that she's a girl for safety reasons (I mean not only is Yuu magic less in another world, she's also in a all boy school. Yeah that doesn't scream good idea). The only who knows are the teachers, Crowley, Grim and later Ace and Deuce when she's comfortable enough to tell them. At some point before book 5, Yuu is allowed a small vacation out of NRC for the crap she had to deal with jamil in the previous book; during her vacation goes out as herself and runs into neige. They become friends and stay in touch with one another. Yuu made Neige promise not to say anything about her actually gender as a few know in NRC.
*Also have a headcannon where Yuu is a school idol like love live and secretly helps Neige and the dwarfs write a song and dance that works for them for VDC. Yuu and Neige were already writing a song together just for fun since Yuu missed being a school idol and hasn't written a song since coming to twisted wonderland 😅
Plus it's something she has a choice in and would fun doing with a friend. During book 5, Crowley literally forced Yuu's hand by threatening their plumbing and Vil just dub them the manager without asking if it was okay with them. There's also how forceful he was being. . . .
There's no rule that has she can't and she's not even in the group.
Sorry for rambling 😅
So I've written about my thoughts on Vil before and honestly he's kind of one of my - if not my most - least favourite character(s).
I've cut this up for length:
I know that he has a lot of trauma and that he's a character that lots of people can mischaracterize and hate irrationally but he just rubs me the wrong way - and I'm saying this as a former gifted child and as someone who has witnessed people go through burn out both in Primary and Secondary school. I feel sorry for him and I understand that the pressure of perfection can be an incredible burden to bear but the way he treats others is just so grating that I can't say I like him that much.
Honestly, Book 5 is my least favourite book (then it's 3 then 4) and I have so much to say for everything; the blackmail, Vil's behaviour, Vil cursing our food without telling us, having to share a dorm with Jamil when he used Yuu and endangered them for his own gain (and then Kalim for sweeping it under the rug), Vil almost making Deuce cry, the Neige hate, Vil facing absolutely no consequences for trying to murder someone and then nearly killing everyone and destroying a building.
Yes, I agree that Epel has a mindset of toxic masculinity and yes, it should be addressed and challenged. But Vil's military dictator training and forcing him to do things that he hates (and even making him hide his accent - something that connects him to the home and family he loves) is not how you do it. I don't despise feminine things like he does, but even I would hate to live up to Vil's standards every single day (especially when Vil degrades far more times than he praises).
Something I really really hate about the twst fandom is how lots of people put down Neige or make him the butt of a joke just to make Vil better. I've seen so many jokes or fanfics or imagines where Neige gets rejected or laughed at or treated terribly just so that Vil can be seen as superior and as someone who actually really likes Neige and has Snow White as their favourite princess ever since they were in reception, I just can't stand the Neige hate. Especially when he was almost a victim of a poisoning plot - as in Vil literally tried to kill him for absolutely no reason at all (before he then tried to kill us for 'seeing an ugly side of him' which we are supposed to forgive because of course we are)
I really loved that Neige story and I actually do headcanon that Neige and Yuu are really close friends and they text each other 24/7 (and also with Prince Rielle). I did make a #JusticeForYuu post where I said that I wanted Yuu to just send the entirety of NRC (minus Ace and Deuce) to coventry and not give them the time of day so I thought it would be just delicious if Neige is the one that helps Yuu with all things fashion related since he's just as famous (if not more so) than Vil with his own line of clothing and make up and would have access to things they would need.
And I think you somehow managed to read my mind because I have this Yuu that's a theatre kid (this is not relevant at all but this fem!Yuu was also Christine Daaé in her theatre's performance of Phantom of the Opera) with the voice of an angel that's best friends with Neige and the two of them totally duet together - I did kind of toy with the idea of Neige hyping her up to sing something for VDC as a closing performance and her blowing everyone away but I digress...
You know what? I am actually against the headcanon that RSA is filled with snooty, condescending, stuck up rich kids with a holier-than-thou attitude - I'm under the firm belief that the RSA students are actual sweethearts who are kind and caring and aren't the type of people who would inflict trauma on an innocent magicless teenager. The only reason why I don't want Yuu to transfer to RSA is because they'd have to leave Ace and Deuce behind (as well as the Ramshackle ghosts) and those boys are literally everything to me so I like to think that Yuu likes to go to RSA like once a week or something to spend time with people who don't try to manipulate or mistreat them.
I do have a lot more things to say but my brain has gone to mush and I can't think of anything so here
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neerdowellnarrator · 2 months
hi hi hello, my love for greek mythos is being ignited SO strongly and you are a VISIONARY, so this is an open invitation to talk about jace and jaceclones as the women of mycenea! please share any and all thoughts and reasoning you wish 👀
Obligatory disclaimer, I am not a classicist and haven't read the Illiad or the Oresteia trilogy in a hot minute. I do however have a bachelors degree in Jace Stardiamond studies and am working on my vibes-based PhD thesis so actually I'm an expert and everything I say is correct. Now let's talk about the jaceclones:
J2 as Iphigenia:
J2 the innocent, J2 the acolyte, J2 the sacrificial lamb. Iphigenia was a priestess of Artemis, you know, before that same goddess ordered her death. She spent her life in service to her god only to be murdered for her father's fuck-up. What justice.
Iphigenia does not know she is going to her death. She thinks she is going to her wedding. She does not know until the last moment that the alter she stands before is for sacrifice, not matrimony. She's so busy looking into the eyes of her "fiance" that she does not see the knife.
I'll say this for J2. He sees the knife. He saw the knife a mile away and still put on the veil (obscuring his view) and went to the alter. His god has decreed it. Maybe he will get to die a married man. Maybe his blood staining holy stones is the closest he'll get to divinity.
In the kind versions, Iphigenia is spirited away by Artemis at the last second. God says to Iphigenia, to Isaac, to Bluejay: "I was only kidding. I don't want you dead. I just ordered your murder as a test and you passed. I love you."
We tell a lot of stories in our little circle. Very few of them are kind.
J3 as Helen:
J3 wishes his face would launch a thousand ships. He wants to be so desirable he starts a war and so empty that no one asks what he thinks about it. He wants a goddess of lust to declare him her favorite. He wants to be wanted so much that men swear to kill and die for the chance to have him.
He wants to stare at the bodies of soldiers who died for him and say "oh what a whore am I." He wants lustful men to put words in his mouth to degrade him. He wants to be mistranslated in a way that makes him sexier, more alluring. He wants to be so lost in translation he ceases to be a person and becomes only an hourglass silhouette on a much-fingered page.
He wants everyone to want him so badly they hate him for it. He wants them to never forgive him.
J3 wants to be Helen so badly and fails to realize that he is already her in every way that matters: trapped and miserable, with no agency over his own life.
J4 as Electra:
Electra's sister's blood starts her story. She sees her sister, Iphigenia, die with a trusting smile, she sees her aunt, Helen, be stolen and locked away. She sees that the only way out is through. She sees red.
Red as in anger, certainly, but also red as in blood as she murders her mother, who murdered her father, who murdered her sister, who murdered nobody at all and died first anyway. Is this justice? This is the justice the gods will give her.
Electra's brother will suffer for their crime. Electra herself, however, walks away. She washes the blood off her hands. She tries to build a life.
J4 would murder her creator and walk away. She wants to. She wants to kill her god and save herselves. In the good ending, she does. In the bad ending...
J4 as Cassandra:
J4 knows what's coming. She knows they're doomed. She can do nothing. She rages, she screams, she refuses to fall into Porter's bed, she tries to save the others from doing the same. It's not enough.
Cassandra is captured and ensalved by Iphigenia's murderer, and she herself is murdered by Electra's murder victim. An alternate version of herself trying to save her, but, like J4 being too late to save herself.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
"Cleaved In Twain." Danny Jonson/DBD Ghostface X AFAB! Reader.
SO it was Lottie or the amazing @lucifers-horror-harem birthday yesterday! And I wrote her a lovely little Danny fic, she has a more personalized version but you lovely people get a reader insert version to enjoy! I hope you all love it! Let's get into it!
Rating. Explicit. Length. 3.2K. Danny Johnson/DBD Ghostface X AFAB! Reader. No Pronouns Specified. Warnings: Obsessive Danny. Stalking. Breaking And Entering. Voyeurism. Chase. Predator/Prey. Degradation. Dirty Talk. Fucked Up Praise. Rope Play. Restrained Punishment. Spanking. Reader. ManHandling. Knife Play. Threats Of Harm. Actual Harm. Blood Play. Spanking. Punishment. Vaginal Fingering. Vaginal Sex. Unprotected Sex. Dub-Con. Threat Of Death. Actual Death. Dead Dove Do Not Eat.
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Love is a funny thing isn’t it?
There are movies and tv shows, books and podcasts, and tons and tons of songs, stories and more about the subject spanning back as long as human history has, and part of that is because trying to capture that feeling and articulate it to others is difficult as hell. The person to person experience of it is so varied, the differences can be vast or minute but all of them are there and valid, and yet, even with all these clearly laid out examples of what the conceptual idea of “love” is, he is damn sure he has never experienced it in any of the ways people have claimed that they have.  
Danny doesn’t think he is capable of feeling it, not like he thinks he is missing out on anything, not when he has other things to fulfil him.
It isn’t like he doesn’t feel anything though, you make him feel some pretty big things, just ones that weren’t conventionally or typically appropriate. He got those intense feelings from a job well done, and from a victim well stalked and eventually skinned. He loved the thrill of being able to sneak around and view every sordid detail of a person’s life without them being the slightest bit aware of his existence. The getting to know you stage was always a total joy, finding all the little quirks that make a person unique, nailing down schedule, habits, before really going in, revealing himself and going in for the kill.
He has been watching you for, God, months. The window placement you have going on makes his job very easy.
You aren’t the only one he has been watching however, he normally has multiple irons in the fire while narrowing down who was worthy of his attention and who he really wanted to fuck with. You were interesting in how unassuming you were, the way you behaved at home, so quiet and looking so domestic, he couldn’t help how the thought got him so excited. He would get thoroughly amped up to choose a night, one that you would think is any other evening, and then come in and tear your whole life apart, end it, slash and cut until you are unrecognisable and that sad little life you called yours would be no more. Learning all he could about a life before he ended it made it all the sweeter. 
Months of build up and tonight is the night, boots laced, hood up and knife sheathed and he was ready for an evening of fun ahead. He’d planned his way in over a month ago, found the easiest way one afternoon when you were out of the house.
It was late, after midnight, he was inside and ready as he will ever be to strike, he doesn’t think he is a nervous guy, a little too prepared and confident to have that kind of petty thing holding him back. Nerves are what the person on the end of the knife feels, not the one brandishing it. 
Now, sometimes, no matter how much planning is put in, how much care is taken and how well he gets to know a victim, at times, they can be unpredictable. 
He didn’t count on you getting up to fetch a glass of water from the kitchen and you and he staring at each other from across the hall. Him about to go to your bedroom and you standing just outside your door, hand still on the knob. You were just slightly shocked to see the strange man, over six feet tall and clad in black and leather and a mask and holy shit what were you going to do?
A beat and then you did something he wasn’t counting on tonight, you ran.
He wasn’t planning on a chase, he was planning on tying you to your bed while you were still passed out, and just ripping into you, cutting you from- Well it doesn’t matter because right now you were fucking booking it and he wasn’t going to let a small deviation like this stop him from being able to salvage his night and your murder. 
As he started after you he thought it would be easy.
Ten minutes later when he still didn’t have a hold on you he thought otherwise, where the fuck did you learn to run like that? And that mouth of yours! You actually threw a few choice insults his way when you had locked yourself in the bathroom, he managed to get the door open but you still got around him, he wasn’t expecting any of this from meek little you and frankly it was pissing him off. 
Well, not just pissing him off, you catching him so off guard, being so different than he was anticipating, than what he thought he knew you to be, it was, annoyingly hot. 
He finally got you in the kitchen, cornered you, had you on the tiled floor on your back, his knees to your shoulders, holding you down firmly. Slight uptick in his breathing just as yours had from all the exertion, but now he’s got you. 
Eyes locked up on that ghostly white mask and true while you felt fear, there was another feeling brewing inside of you.
The struggle in you stopped in short order when he forced his knees down harder and you groaned, your head tipping back against the floor and he said with a strong point, “You,-” A shake of his head with a breathy laugh he said your name and then, “- are a hard one to get a hold of.”
He sighed, “I wasn’t counting on that.” 
A hard swallow and you asked, “How do you know my name?”
“That’s your biggest concern? Not how did the big scary man get into my house?” He asked and you had to give it up, he had a good fucking point. He spoke before you could, “I learned your name a while ago, been getting to know you, watching a while.” 
“Watching?” You asked and he hummed, he sounded amused as he pulled out the coiled rope he brought,, “I like to watch, what can I say? I know what I like.”
A creepy, stalker with a voyuer kink, you really lucked out, didn’t you? When it rains it pours.
He reached down, began to secure and tie your hands together, movements practised and confident, “I had the whole thing figured out but then you just had to give me the run around. Do you know how fucking annoying that shit is?”
He tightened the ropes and you winced at the bite of them into your wrists, he didn’t stop, his tone was sharp, venom practically dripping from every syllable, “I didn’t think you had it in you! I thought I had you all fucking figured out but you managed to really surprise me. But, funny thing about me that you’d have no way of knowing-”
He leaned down and said the last part, his mask almost an inch away from your face, “-I don’t like surprises.” 
He was angry, legitimately pissed off but still, very into this, he didn't want to let on to it, the last thing you needed was to know that small tidbit, he was hard as hell and as soon as you felt that it might just give it away. He pulled back, finished tying up your hands and he was still talking, “Who the fuck do you think you are that you think you can get away with acting like this? Fucking up MY night?”
“YOUR night?” You asked incredulously and he said, “Yes! My night! I’ve been planning this for you don’t even want to know how long and you are acting like a fucking brat and ruining this, your body, this body-”
He reached out, a leather glove clad hand reached out and gripped your throat, your whole body tensed under him, your breath caught and his other hand latched onto the blade’s handle. He unsheathed the blade and brought it down, “-is merely where I am putting my fucking knife, a vessel for my art and for my entertainment, it is not actually about you but what YOU, give to ME in this exchange.-” The knife was pressed right under your jaw as he squeezed your throat and he gritted out, “Stop being selfish and making your murder all about you.” 
He stopped, he was so focused on how angry he was, on verbally berating you that he was only just now focusing on your expression and more importantly how it had shifted. You were flush, pupils dilated, panting and you were squirming, thighs rubbing together and it struck him, he tested it. He squeezed your throat and your eyes rolled back with a moan and he laughed, “Holy shit you are into this!”
A very nervous laugh spilled out, you rushed to defend yourself, “Ha! What? No! God, no-”
He pressed the blade closer and you whine pitifully and he accuses, “You are!”  You try to protest more but he talked right over you, “Oh my fucking God, and here I thought I knew you! What else are you hiding from me, hmm? I’m gonna have to figure it out for myself because you are clearly no help.” 
He moved off of you and he let go of your throat, he started to manhandle you and paw at your body to manoeuvre you, he knew it hurt, he wasn’t being anything near gentle but you were loving it, leaning closer. He said it in this fascinating combination of delighted and mocking, “Freak, you are a total fucking mess.”
He sighed and when he looked up, seeing something that gave him an idea,  “You know, I’m still annoyed from before, I think you deserve some serious consequences.”
A questioning sound leaving you and his hand came down, a hard hit on your ass, a barely held back moan from you and he said, “Shut up, idiot.”
He got up and said firmly, “Stay slut.” 
Like you could go anywhere even if you wanted to when he forced you face down ass up with your wrists tied, you were exhausted from the chase earlier too so even if you were unencumbered and in a better pose, any chance at escape was nil. 
You heard him get something from off the kitchen counter and then he was back on his knees beside you, he put whatever he got down and then both hands were yanking your thin pyjama bottoms down over the curve of your ass. Another laugh rings out, his fingers hooked in your panties and he tugged, you feel his thumb rub over the crotch he had to practically peel off of you, “You’re fucking drenched-” He sing songed out the last part, reminding you again of the obvious, “-you love this.”
He was right. Your cheek was resting on your forearm, face burning with shame, you did fucking love this. How he chased you, talked to you, taunted you verbally and with his knife, spanking you, somehow he managed to tick all your boxes without even realising it at first. You feel the smooth leather of his glove on your ass after he let go of your panties, and another hard hit, another jolt of pain, “So! What else are you into?”
You keep your mouth shut and he tsk’d, “You could hardly shut up when I was chasing you and now you clam up. Shame. I guess I’ll have to figure it out all on my own…”
A pause, tension inside you builds and he says, “I did notice you seem to enjoy my knife, so I got to thinking, and it’s not always true but in the case I think that maybe bigger-”
You now know what he got from your counter. He stole the meat cleaver from your knife block and was now holding it in your line of vision, “-is better.”
A shiver ran through you before the whisper of, “Wha-what are you gonna do with that?”
He laughs, “You’ll find out soon enough.”
The cleaver is pulled back and true to his word you weren’t left in the dark for long about what he had planned with it. You feel a hand resting on your lower back, and then feel it, the large plane of ice cold steel meeting your bare ass cheek and you yelp in pain and shock. Another hit and then another and the pained sounds change, shift, and yep, you are into it and it is obvious and you are totally fucked. He is using the cleaver as a makeshift paddle to punish you, it was extremely painful, unrelenting, covered a ton of surface area in one hit, he was strong and could put a lot of power behind it too. 
“You’re dripping down your thigh.” You feel him wipe some of it up, “Maybe you have more potential than I thought, disgusting thing that you are, I wonder what else you’d be into.”
Another hit and a much bigger shock of pain to your system, the edge caught you when he pulled back, he cut the back of your thigh, right before the meat of your ass started and you hissed, a suck of your teeth as tears welled up, voice wavering, “Did you cut me?”
You asked it without thinking and he laughed, “Oops.” 
Another hit and you moaned, fingers curl, you wish you had something to hold onto and he didn’t fucking stop. The guy clearly had experience with knives, you are sure the cuts that he continues to give you are all on purpose, the pretending they were an accident was part of the bit. 
Between your legs, the backs of your thighs were a total fucking wreck, slick and sweat and blood, you were crying into your forearm’s sleeve and he hadn’t stopped with the creative insults, and you were loving every fucked up second of it. 
“How many hits was that?” He asked and you were still crying into damp fabric and he repeated himself, louder, “I asked you a question, whore.”
You were supposed to be counting this whole time? You sniffed, lifting your head slightly, “I-I wasn’t-I-”
“You didn’t keep count?” A hard hit, you cried out in pain and he admonished you further, “Fuck. You are totally useless.”  
He brought the cleaver down, hard, right next to your head, he cracked the tile in the process, the sound and action made you jump. “Awe, scared?”
Not wanting to piss him off further, you say, “Yes.”
His response was only one word but it’s all he needed. “Good.”  
Hands were back on you, “Look at all this.” His fingers trailed through the dripping blood he drew from you earlier, and then he managed to do something to surprise you, glove covered fingers dragged up through your folds and you gasped in shock. After so much pain the sudden rush of pleasure hit you like a ton of bricks and stole all the breath from your lungs. 
A moan crosses your lips as his fingers dropped back down, he rubbed your clit, the slickness of your blood acting as lube as he touched, you leaned back, closer to him and he said, “You’d never guess how depraved you are just by looking at you.” 
His digits slide back up, two fingers delve inside and he starts to finger your own blood into you, a loud moan tears out, your head falls forward as he hooks his fingers and finds that sweet spot inside that makes you gasp. He sounds very amused as he teases, “Too easy.” 
And you feel him press his hips forward and you feel how hard he is, “You feel what you’re doing to me by acting like such a little nympho? Taking all this with an arch and a moan, you are so fucked-”
He continued to rock his fingers inside of you, focusing on that same spot and you are taken by all of this, head nearly spinning from how tonight has gone, the lingering pain, the searing pleasure, weak, you felt very weak. Fingers fucking in and out, his thumb stroking tight circles around your clit making your writhe.
His fingers leave you rather unceremoniously and you whine, another hit on your already bruised ass and you sob, he spits out, “Stop bitching.” 
You hear his pants opening and then feel him press to you, hard and unbelievably hot. “Got any cute comments or complaints?”
A weak shake of your head and he asked, “You want it?”
You did, you nod with a bite of your bottom lip and he said, sickeningly saccharine, “Course you do.”
Thankfully he didn’t make you beg but he seemed pretty riled up too. His hips slam forward, making you take him all at once and you cry out against the floor, the sudden burn and stretch overtakes but there is no time to linger, his hips move, no time for you to adjust. 
“Fuckkk-you act like such a slut but you don’t feel like one.” His hands gripping your hips, he started to really take, fucking into you quicker, harder. It’s disgusting, filthy, you feel like it too, he was your stalker, he broke in here to kill you for Christ’s sake and you are getting fucked dumb by him and you were…
Living for it, loving it, of course you were. 
You have given up any pretence of pretending that you aren’t into it, not like you can hide it, he can feel you clenching on him, hear you moaning, feel you moving back onto him. “You are so stupid-”
You agree, unthinking, just concerned with the pleasure coursing through you, steadily building, the mix of it with the pain from every slam of his hips into your ass, aggravating the cuts, making them weep more blood was doing everything for you. “M’ so stupid-”
“You wanna know why?” He asked, another thrust punctuated with a moan and you bite, “Yea-yeah, God, yeah.”
“Because you think I’m still not gonna kill you-” 
You gasp, dragged ever closer to the edge and a loud moan is pulled from him, followed by a laugh, “Fuck! You just clenched THAT hard from the threat of death. It’s got me wondering something-”
He reached out, he picked up the cleaver and leans over, his chest to your back, his hand comes around, he holds the cleaver to your throat and he says, “I wonder how hard you’d squeeze me if I cut your fucking throat right now.”
He pressed harder and you couldn't stop it, eyes squeezed shut, you can barely hear it through the haze as your orgasm overtook, positive it might be the last thing you ever do, him taking you cumming as consent, he asks the obvious, your body has already sealed your fate, “You wanna find out?” 
Again, Danny doesn’t think love is for him, doesn’t think he can feel it. But swinging that cleaver with a little force, slashing into your throat, causing it to break open before you’ve come down from your orgasm. Blood pouring out over the blade, over his wrist and down onto the tile, your cunt still twitching and then seizing impossibly tight on his dick while he is buried balls deep, making him unable to pull out, is pretty fucking close to what he imagines love feels like for “normal people.”
Cumming in a victim at the moment of death is the ultimate high, he thinks he might just never top it. If you were still alive or conscious or able to hear him he’d thank you.
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bisolationist · 1 year
I'm so sorry. This is so funny. I agree with the post itself but it's hilarious that she can't see she's doing literally the EXACT same thing about bisexuals. When lesbians call us dick worshipers, compare bi women to TIMs, or talk shit about our rape statistics to make us sound like liars and harpies, her response is the exact thing she's criticizing! She mentions it in passing, in some completely non-confrontational "well I don't 100% agree with everything but let's agree to disagree" way and rushes to praise the author for being soooo insightful and to say we all need to listen to her lol. When people get mad she's sidelining the rape apologia, she triples down on that bisexuals are zeroing in on the wrong thing and anyway she didn't fully agree with it or anything and something something Andrea Dworkin! Why can't anyone get it through their skulls that it's ALSO demeaning and triggering to lecture people they shouldn't "zero in" on people belittling their rape and instead they should use "criticial thinking" to care about "(what is implied to be) more important conversation" about lesbophobia. Clearly she gets it if she sees why a useless disclaimer that then gives all the textual sympathy to the perp is bad!
Not to mention how she reacted to the blackpills harassing bi rape victims, saying they're just angry at bisexual homophobia and they need compassion and anyway what does it harm. Is that not the same shit she's criticizing here?
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omg you're right anon.
The easiest explanation I can see is that these people DO think that biphobia of any severity SHOULD be dismissed for more important things (literally anything is more important), and they DO think in some way that bi rape victims deserve to be demeaned and degraded as punishment for other bi people being homophobic (or at least they have no right to complain if they are).
If it's not that... then, what? I guess maybe they're just so secure in their assumption that bisexuals are always in the wrong and whining about nothing that they become incapable of seeing how spreading rape apologia with only passing criticisms about general misogyny (and absolutely not addressing the homophobia of it; more on this later) and then immediately dismissing it to focus on "the real problem" is actually kind of insane? Like just a complete lack of empathy there? I guess this just loops around to being the first thing to me.
But yeah, it just seems IMPOSSIBLE to get anyone to just stand up to say "no you're just being homophobic and/or misogynistic" and accept that as enough of an answer when someone starts belittling the homophobic abuse of bi people. There's always a million conditionals that get spit out - "oh they're angry because they've been hurt by homophobic bisexuals" - "oh these people are wrong but they need compassion uwu" - "oh well bisexuals are sooo privileged this doesn't affect them who cares". And ultimately the conversation shifts about how much of this shit bisexuals deserve it and to what degree lol. And yeah you know, it never gets called homophobic, despite the fact there's really not many things more severely homophobic than belittling, silencing, and ridiculing SSA ppl attempting to speak out about homophobic abuse they've suffered. Just a fun quirky thing to do if it's some bihet ig?
I guess part of the problem is that so many people are so much worse and so much more outwardly hateful and wretched, that these cowards dropping "Well I don't agree with aaaall of it but gross language aside she's RIGHT and you bihets need to to get over yourselves and listen to her <3" bullshit honestly think they're nuanced heroes giving neutral and enlightened views - and they get mad if we see through it! They actually get mad if we don't want to be sold rape apologia in a polite package, just because their friends are worse and outwardly wishing hate crimes on us!
There's no point in calling out the hypocrisy though because as we already saw they just spin it to say bisexuals are weaponizing our rape or whatever and we should stop trying to censor their andrea dworkin or whateverrrr.
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bogusavathepit · 2 years
House of the Dragon: Episode 8 “They Were Supposed to Be Adults?! Was Anyone Even a Person?”
*CW: SA*
Ryan Condal, one of the showrunners, mentions in the post-episode interview on HBO that this episode was supposed to showcase Rhaenyra and Alicent’s children as grown adults now....
But this is basically why I think this is the bottom-ranked, dullest episode so far for me: 
There is little nuance or complexity to our characters if it doesn’t serve Viserys’ Jesus-savior character development. Where is more of the political backstabbing aside from the Driftmark claim?
The tension and dread that the writers, directors, etc. created for us from the last episodes’ has disappeared and become a standard, almost impersonal presentation of the character’s emotions so that we only focus on Viserys’ death....when this is supposed to be a dramatic portrayal of several characters’ development. 
And overall, the entire show appears to try to show how patriarchy degrades and victimizes queer people, women, the poor, etc. Basically those marginalized in a feudal, patriarchal society.
But most of the women in episode 8, more than before, are oversimplified, or they aren’t presented as impressive as they are described in Martin’s own lore and compared to the men around them. And even then, the men who aren’t Viserys seemed held back to make room for Viserys; “Last Supper”, as Condal calls it.
Pacing and Tone
as if someone were reading aloud either dispassionately or wanting to get to a certain point of the story
the episode that is the most explanatory than a display of action, i.e. exposition
very business-like: “here is what’s happening and what’s happened” for the first 20 minutes (1/5th of the entire episode)
compared to episode 6 and 4 which placed us in the place of having to figure out what is happening and piecing moments together
despite what Condal says at the end of the episode, it is 30 minutes in, where we finally get any hint of tension ramped up when we witness Rhaenyra and Rhaenys’ conversation, but they still shoot the scene with that uber-objective way (static torso-up, full body shots) rather than the past episode’s emotionally dynamic ones
Character Development
*Everyone feels more like pieces in a game rather than actors with agency in a game against each other, again compared to all the last episodes.*
After listening to Jessi Gender’s points about the character’s screentime and comparative portrayals, it’s more obvious than ever to me that a lot of our empathy is screened towards Viserys.
that huge entrance with the half-mask to interrupt Rhaenyra 
him making that walk unhelped (at first) in either an show of strength or with everyone supposedly too taken aback by his appearance--maybe both--
the same scene really showing  versus telling us with how decayed he is compared to literally everyone else
camera moving with and in front of Viserys as if in his own perspective view (and no other characters received this kind of shot, so we are meant to empathize most/only with Viserys)
(same view) Rhaenyra & the two sides anticipating his approach--he comes in as her metaphorical savior
everyone conspiring against Lucerys/Rhaenyra looking extra-shocked: Vaemond swerving to Otto, who slowly gets up from his seat, both with their mouths open
at dinner, removes his mask and uses the hole in cheek/eye to discomfort and pull more focus to his words about how they should be more united in the face of his imminent death
camera staying on him as everyone else talks together after his speech with no suspision...as if his speech really could have solved years of conflict and hostility and distrust when all the others couldn’t?!
very last scene is of him struggling to breathe; Alicent leaving him alone, him reaching up saying, “No More” twice; a close up of a single tear rolling down the side of his face; a disturbing quiet; the cut to black as he whispers, “My Love”. 
all shot either above his body/face or the left side parallel to him--centering him and his pain to lead up to that supper and his death
Instead of the many public and suggestive  political clashes that would have occurred between Rhaenyra and Alicent and others inbetween the time Alicent and Rhaenyra fought and now when Rhaenyra returns. The issues between Alicent and Rhaenyra and their kids now that they are so emotionally distant do not feel substantial at all.
We get a Viserys that is hero-painted into being like a messiah character that Rhaenyra pleads to for intervention. The showrunners even said the words, “This is Viserys’ last supper”. 
The actor, Paddy Considine, says of Viserys:
actor for him: all this fighting, this is what it does; this is what being a king does
he was doing his duty...was too human to be king...kept his belief in the prophecy until the day he died....and that was ll he could do....so in some respects he want the right man for the job, but in history, 200 years later he was kinda the right man for the job. So he has a legacy.
Saying that Viserys has given a lot of himself to broker harmony between his relatives for the realm’s own peace, thus performing his own duty. But unfortunately this simplifies Viserys into being an all-suffering, near allegorical figure in a higher moral position than everyone else...when he himslef made the problems that sets the stage for the coming war. 
Then there is the fact that his speech is supposed to make  Alicent and Rhaenyra put aside their feud and let bygone be bygones, as if the feudal political ramifications depend entirely on modern familial re-bonding and agreeing on how much they love this one dying old man who they never really interact with on account of his being too sick to even leave his room all by himself for the past (at least) 3 years.
For the sake of Viserys’ Jesus status, we’ve also simplified Rhanyra, Alicent, Daemon, Vaemond and every child-young adult who the showrunners say are supposed to come into their own  before the civil war....but really don’t.
Ryan Condal (paraphrase): The time jump supposed to introduce the kids as now adults (young adults) of the “17-21 age range”.
Of all the time he lived, for the past 6 years in Dragonstone even....he now is trying to learn High Valyrian?!
His lack of knowing how to speak it seemed like an excuse to have him express his earnest desire to fight in the suggested conflicts against the greens  and prove his strenght in the face of the countless illegitimacy rumors. It also seems  let us know that he wants to prove himself to be as “Valyrian” as his parents and prove his legitimacy through his actions.
But we really only feel the emotional weight through our seeing the past episodes and that was even more focused on Aemond’s struggles than Jaecerys. 
Though we can logically ascertain that this desire has come from Aemond calling him and his brothers bastards, the fact that he is one, and that incident with Alicent trying to take Lucerys’ eye/Rhaenyra getting hurt, the point is that because we don’t really see him alone with a very close shot maybe, struggling internally. We don’t get hit with that emotional impact that could accompany that logic, like how we saw Rhaenyra switch up when she was talking to Alicent in episode 4.
Baela is the more vocal, assertive and active than Rhaena, taking on that masculinized trait in contrast. However, they still are more devices of Rhaenyra-Viserys-Lucerys-Daemon than acting more for themselves or at least displaying the affection and ties they have with anyone other than Rhaenys. Their interactions with Rhaenys and anyone else doesn’t really last more than a few seconds in real time, and they both appear less emotionally close with Jaecerys and Lucerys and more in quiet agreement.
Rhaena is used to soften up Rhaenys for Rhaenyra (at least 40 mins in). Baela, stands beside Rhaenys against Vaemond in the first scene of the episode and doesn’t reallya chieve anything there. Her biggest act is a contribution to Rhanyra and Daemon when she writes them what Vaemond intends to do.
And in the dinner, Rhaena is smiling, silent, and pleading while her sister, while ready to fight Aegon, was seen more in the background being hel back than anything. It reminded me of when she was a child before Laena’s death and she said that single line over her possible marriage to the Pentoshi man. She doesn’t act maturer than then because the character isn’t allowed to other than emphasize the wrongs of Aegon’s actions.
The woman who has been whispering prophetic sentences to herself and has only displayed something apart from that prophetic role interrupted Alicent’s confrontation with Aegon asking specifically about where her nanny/maid was. Motherhood again.
After another prophetic sentence, “Beware the beast beneath the boards”, she finally displays some personality by implying Aegon only pays attention to her when he’s drunk and wants a lay.....in a toast to her female cousins’ arranged marriages....after they themselves showed little to no real personality other than conciliatory vs flaccid antagonism.
In a dinner set up entirely with shots and acting meant for us to empathize with Viserys more than with anyone else at that table.
The episode shows us his fighting skills and how the Velaryon boys (JAce) are intimidated by him and other then him calling them “stong” and fighting them, there’s not much else to Aemond. Just looking cool, observing with his admittedly cool eyepatch.
He also ignores Alicent’s rebuke, which is fine as it shows some sort of autonomy, but we’re not really given enough to feel his personhood. His and the other boys’ altercation is shown more to be an opposition to Viserys, our suffering man’s desires and makes them to be more...disobedient than pushed by political stakes.
We can’t really believe in Rhaenyra’s political power when we’re told to believe that she’s completely helpless without Viserys.
Rhaenyra’s authority or autonomy up until this point has been wrapped up entirely in her motherhood instead of being a part of it.  The problem is that the writers, directors, etc have shown us Rhaenyra-as-mother far more than Rhaenyra-as-heir since episode 6. And now she feels both like she’s too helpless and too privileged, that she doesn’t do enough action on her own apart from her father backing her up like how she did when she confronted Daemon in episode 2. What we see as her independent attempts at power-consolidation is always followed by Viserys’ backing her in the moment, instead of just sometimes.
We don’t really get to see her apart from her children or their prospects and displaying more of the ambition that could have been hinted at in episode 5. There, Rhanyra tried to suggest to Cristin that she won’t go with him because of Aegon’s prophetic dream besides the disgrace it would bring to her father, her house, and its legacy. She doesn’t show some sort of pleasure in becoming the first female ruler of a patriarchal society so that this TV Rhaenyra would be connected more to the canon/Martin Rhaenyra who actively and willingly competed against the the canon/Martin Alicent.
We could have gotten so many more incidents after Alicent lost control and before Rhaenyra goes back to King’s Landing where she’s actively competing against Alicent, Otto, Cole, even Alicent’s kids in micro-situations. While Cersei also was obviously out to further her children’s prospects, she also canonically tried to gather alliances for herself as opposed to for her father or son, to instill others’ confidence in her decison-making and authority.
We get another moment where Rhaenyra extends an olive branches out to Rhaenys and Alicent in different ways, mirroring how she tried in episode 6 to Alicent. With  which is to show her declined influence and control over her children’s prospects. It is a reflection of the public decline in her authority as the future ruler and heir. 
Rhaneyra’s shown motivation for moving to Dragonstone came from that moment where her breasts leaked in the council of mainly men as she stuck out that marriage proposal that Alicent unsubtly refused. Which implies that her already fragile authority will be always be compromised by her motherhood when she struggles to be taken seriously in a room of men culturally unfamiliar with child-rearing and childcare and who also do not see masculinized “strength” in those things and their consequences (since death is not involved as a risk). 
And when she goes to visit Viserys again, alone in the night, she brings up Aegon I’s dragon dream and how she thought she wanted that responsibility to lead the realm against a “common foe”. So we are meant to see her as overburdened from a constant stress of keeping her position against the greens
but it is also too easy to look at how she lives apart in Dragonstone with Daemon and her kids (before Baela’s message) and think that she hasn’t really hasn’t had to face the greens head on. They seem too settled and there isn’t an indication she has been fighting. 
And the reason why is because we aren’t given any scenes apart from the nipple leak situation and then this Driftmark event where she would have not won anything and been subject to the farce (unlike how Tyrion took some control when he was put on trial) if Viserys hadn’t stumbled into court. 
It’s tiring to see the imbalance when we’re told that Rhaenyra is supposed to be a baddie. Her personhood gets pulled back, always, to Viserys and his suffering apart from it being tied to her motherhood.
Condal said that Alicent basically works to atone for that one incident of losing her composure by devoting herself to the religion of the Seven and being more repressive while also having less control over her children’s violent and predatory actions.
The problem here aside from the children being, again, an element that interruots than adds, is that all that tension is lost and we move into Alicent-as-Viserys’ caretaker. Instead of her as her own political manipulator, like how she’s displayed in her new clothes before the supper and how Martin writes her in the canon lore.
What makes Alicent interesting is not her willful actions, but how she is so feeble against other’s intentions. It doesn’t change into her adulthood.
It’s to be expected that she could again despite her clear attempt to restrain herself, or the attempt to exude more force while also showing “appropriate” restraint....a futile, self-effacing task. Following the showrunner’s comments about how they developed Alicent’s character as being like a “Trumper” who only follows both her father’s suggestive and vocalized instructions in perpetual fear,  she’s more lukewarm because. An oversimplification of her motivation at the very beginning which also make her too modern...this is a medieval, fuedal state here!
It also makes her too supectible to Otto’s influence, yet when we see Otto again, he’s not doing much, which makes it too easy for us to think that Alicent’s actions are coming only from her as an alternative to the idea that Otto’s influence is total and inescapable. 
Alicent does seem to have the most autonomous development of the women presented to us in this episode. When she talks to Dyana, the raped servant girl, she appears to see Dyana’s lack of bodily autonomy and her ability to seek out proper justice for it in herself. We also see that element where Alicent considers how this may reflect on her son’s prospects of becoming king and even having a good public reputation and how this quickly becomes Alicent intimidating the girl with the possibility of the court blaming and going after Dyana. 
Some of us might remember Cersei and how she definitely would have killed Dyana or somehow mutilated her for a cover up and wondered if Alicent would be as authoritarian. There is tension here. there is also tension when she confronts Aegon, displaying a struggle to restrain her anger (not violence) while trying to get Aegon to see the danger he provoked not only on himself but her and her daughter/his sister-wife, Halaena. The episode compels us to compare her even more to Cersei, but now even to Daenerys by her outfit changes and the portrayal of how she deals with her unruly son: will she kill the girl like Cersei would? How close is she really to losing her shit again? 
But when Halaena, her daughter/daughter-in-law, comes in and interrupts her confrontation with Aegon asking about her own kids and their nanny-maid, we don’t get anything more from that moment as it seems Alicent lets her anger against Aegon’s predation go.
Despite her looking like Cersei with that thickly fitted, modest A-line-ish gown up to her neck/chin, her hair up and not framing her shoulders as before with the sharp epaulettes out, like Daenerys of GoT’s last seasons.
(I like this) He is still a bitch, as we see his sarcastic self with Alicent.
What is more contentious for me is this: his new and more open emotional vulnerability in this episode is more tied to Viserys’ suffering than personal ambition. The nuance of his desires is lost.
He displays more open concern and gentleness towards his family than he ever did before even before he goes to King’s Landing as we see him gather the eggs Syrax lays presumably for Rhaenyra and Joffrey, lay a hand on her pregnant belly as they consider going back, and helping Viserys on the throne in his big moment.
But we’re cut to a shot of Daemon’s face and only Daemon’s...when before we literally were about to hear Rhaenyra speak. Couldn’t we have gotten more people since that scene showed all the players in one place? And before Vaemond really gets into his uproar against Viserys, we shoot to Daemon’s face (instead of Lucerys, or better Rhaenyra) as he talks about how Viserys can’t be allowed to decide the succession/future of the Velaryon house after having flouted tradition by installing Rhaenyra as heir. That act allowed us to contrast Vaemond’s flaccid attempt at rebellion to Daemon’s more “charming” ones in the past. 
And why exactly is Daemon coming across as more charming? One, because he’s safe in his position as a prince and Visery’s favored brother, but here in this episode it’s because Vaemond is the one-dimensional device to make way for Viserys’ supper scene. As Viserys is the one the epsiode ahs us empathesize with the most, Vaemond comes across as more his powerless antagonist than a person with complicated, substantial struggles against a specific political setting. We are asked to pity Viserys more than pity Vaemond, and we don’t have any pity for Vaemind aho also comes across as clueless.
Daemon is Viserys’ protector in that scene, and thus we sympathesize more with him than we do Vaemond. And we do so easier because we didn’t get to see Vaemind’s struggles with Rhaenyra’s sons being allowed be called Velayrons over the past few years until this one explosive moment.
Why should we feel more for Daemon as opposed to Vaemond when they both suffer from this second-son syndrome?
Vaemond brings up how Corlys only ever cared about the house’s legacy instead of its current material prosperity/survival and this is his assumed motivation. Besides upholding the tradition allowing him to take the Driftmark throne/seat.
One problem is that, canonically, it’s not just that Vaemond dies but his own wife and kids were “punished” by Viserys for Vaemond’s protest. Viserys not hurting Vaemond’s family after his death removes that layer to Viserys’ image because it narrows down his character to being the put-upon sufferer and sacrificer for everyone else. 
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The unequivocal “good guy” vs this new threat that is actually shown to be more of a nuisance than a real threat at the end. And it’s fine to have a static character, but the issue is that his purpose in being an obstacle is without enough empathy versus the drama we receive.
There are two different ways the people working in this show feel about Vaemond (paraphrasing):
Miguel Sapocnik, a showrunner: he’s one of those guys that’s not particularly likeable but always tells the truth, so it’s never gotten him far in life....yet he finds himself close to inherit and finds himself in the middle of the strife b/t the two sides...because of his attitude about upholding tradition, he doesn’t perceive how just how “much” everyone “cares” about this issue of the boys’ parentage...“he becomes a sympathetic character, he dies with a little bit of honor”
Wil Johnson, actor for Vaemond: Vaemond is no-nonsense. He will speak out about the boys’ illegitimacy in spite of how everyone else won’t. He is a truthteller who’s been resentful of Viserys, Corlys, and the Targaryens for almost 20 years, so whsn he sees that he won’t become the new head of his house, he decides that he will die on his own terms.
But I think he comes across more as a fool than a hero. We keep shooting between him, Viserys, Daemon and Lucerys, and moments before his death in the throne room, we see Daemon leering at him to take that final step towards him killing him.
He hasn’t had that complex a characterization apart from: questioning Corlys in episode 3 and now Rhaenyra/Rhaenys/Lucerys’ right to have Driftmark. 
The audience also doesn’t expect Vaemond (as opposed to Daemon) to succeed in his attempt to gain power or respect because plus he seems to stand alone in the middle of the two closely-standing sides while being so antagonistic to a sick man and a child. It implies that Vaemond has no true allies, and no one really agrees or tolerates him and with his very simple role, why should we?
Actually, I can reference 3 different times: he stood alone against Baela and Rhaenys; in the conference room; even though there was agreement, Otto and Alicent are family and allies against his lonesome; when he walked surrounded by the Kingsguard, strutting past past Jace and Luke
When he’s with Otto and Alicent before the throne scene, he comes across as slimy, as he keenly plots alongside Otto, our resident boogeyman. We don’t get much in terms of his possible confliction, so we feel less empathy or confliction over his removal.
So he ends up looking more like he is throwing tantrums that the audience, in the last few episodes, tolerate more in Daemon than Vaemond. Daemon acts more affectionately to his family members, especially his rotting brother-king, Viserys.
Again, why should we feel more for Daemon as opposed to Vaemond when they both suffer from this second-son syndrome? Vaemond acting out of line is more him acting tyrannically against the Targaryens than that plus other issues that Daemon himself had faced at one point.
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Movie Review | Star of David: Beautiful Girl Hunter (Suzuki, 1979)
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There's a scene here that pretty much every review of this rightfully brings up, that gets across pretty succinctly why this movie comes with a great big "Watch at your own risk" warning. The protagonist, after learning about the Nazis in school, goes home and masturbates to images from the Holocaust. And lest you think this might be implied because these movies can't show genitals and whatnot, there is no doubt about what is happening here, especially when certain bodily fluids splash onto a photograph. On one hand, this is all kinds of offensive and were you to swear off watching this movie forever based on this image, you'd probably be justified in doing so. On the other hand, I'm always looking for movies to give me images that I haven't seen before, and this is certainly an images I haven't seen before. Like I said, watch at your own risk.
What I do think needs to be noted is that the scene doesn't exist in a vacuum, but is a manifestation of the protagonist's and movie's rage at the whitewashing of Japan's history, the way perpetrators of war crimes have been able to reintegrate into society after the end of the war. But the protagonist's rage is not based on any moral standing, but a certain jealousy that they were able to get away with it. Imagine every meathead you know who viewed movies like Wall Street as aspirational, but instead of Gordon Gekko they're looking up to, it's Hitler. Like the other pinkus I've been watching recently, there's a theme here of transference of abuse and trauma. The main character is borne of a rape of his mother by a criminal, which causes her husband to torture her to death out of her perceived enjoyment of this degradation. Having grown up, he channels this childhood trauma into carrying on in the footsteps of both father figures, by kidnapping and torturing women, usually of perceived public influence, like a pop singer ("The more famous we become, the more we’re forget our real names") and a schoolgirl who gave an award-winning speech in favour of peace ("The history of human beings is the history of wars"). The only levity here comes from the Game of Death fake beard disguise sported by the main character.
Like the scene mentioned at the beginning of this review, the movie's expression of this rage is unrelentingly queasy. Because this is a pinku, the protagonist's torture of his victims is captured with extreme fetishistic detail. But lest you start to think it's okay to get off on this and that the victims might be enjoying this, the movie finds a particularly pungent image or act of cruelty to snap us back into ugliness. (An early example has the main character covered with the arterial spray of a victim as he thrusts into her.) It's genre critique through self-immolation. The sheer repellence of the material seems jarring given the lushness of the visuals and the tinkly piano music, but images like the juxtaposition of suspended victims alongside a picture of Christ or the cross of candles somehow intensifies the proceedings. This movie's themes have been explored in some of the other pinkus I've watched of late, but here they're delivered with a particular forcefulness.
This is directed by Norifumi Suzuki, best known for the nunsploitation pinku School of the Holy Beast, considered a classic in the genre. I remember struggling with that one as I found it too perverted to work as religious satire and too serious-minded to be enjoyably perverted. Given how well this worked for me and that its effectiveness seems directly tied to its sleaziness, I'd like to revisit that one and see if I gel to it more this time around. (I should say I enjoyed some of the more action-oriented entries in his oeuvre, like Roaring Fire, Girl Boss Guerilla, and Terrifying Girls' High School: Lynch Law Classroom, the last of which has a respectable amount of sleaze.)
Very good. Very grimy. Like I said, watch at your own risk.
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In the past few years I’ve done a lot to get over my family issues and try to take responsibility. I’m ready to move on. But idk…
It’s only in these moments where I really connect to my sister, and we talk openly, that I feel understood. I don’t often meet anyone who relates to my experience, since I come from such a bizarre family. I mean some people do with parts of it, but my sister is the only person I can talk to who was there, who also lived through it.
I don’t have an easily explainable, digestible childhood. I can’t just say I was abused or traumatized bc it’s so much more complicated than that, it involves things that happened before I was born and things that happened to people other than me. While I went through my own thing, more than being victimized, I think the thing that’s really haunted me is how much I was twisted—my mind and spirit were degraded and I did not develop into a healthy, stable, or kind adult.
Idk if I can really explain my mom. It’s hard not to make things into a drama. Like, I learned early on that to get anyone to listen, you have to play up the more shocking angles, ‘cause no one’s gonna take “I don’t like when my mom pinches me” seriously, even if she does it viscously with no warning to punish her children secretly in public…
I was thinking about this one moment from my childhood where I was describing how another kid at school was disrespectful to their parent. I remember feeling pretty neutral at the time; I had been getting into conflicts with her lately, but we were just having a casual conversation at the moment. And she looked at me and coldly said, “back in Biblical times, they stoned disrespectful children to death. We should bring that back.” It was not a joke. It wasn’t exactly a threat either. It was that menacing, dictatorial attitude she would get at times.
If I brought it up to her now, she’d deny it. I doubt she remembers it. She has what I might call a dissociative personality, I think, where she has different sides to her and seems to forget what she does in other “modes.” Everyone does this to some degree but she’s more extreme due to her own childhood.
It’s hard to to tell anyone else about that kind of thing, because it’s not like how abuse is portrayed in media. Like. I didn’t fear for my life, I knew she wasn’t really going to kill me. She only ever beat me to the point of bruises once that I can remember. What moments like that did… I don’t think I could really process them beyond shutting myself down. As in, what that communicated to me, that moment and others like it, was that my mother could, at any time, completely cease caring for me, and in fact sadistically delight in my suffering. Which she did.
Authorities and society more broadly seem to view the degree of actions as most relevant. So like, my mom did lock me out of the house for a night, but she didn’t kick me out again when I snuck back in. So. Not that bad. And I’m not saying that degree doesn’t matter, it does. But the damage of it all, for me, was in that core sense of brokenness that came from living under the thumb of someone who professed to love me while also taking pains to systematically destroy me. Whether she did that through subtle coercion or screaming fits, it affected me.
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usetheeauthor · 2 years
The Nightmare on Hawkins Street +18 (Request)
Dom!Vecna x Dark!Virgin!Fem!Reader
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A/N: Hey this is a request I took from a friend who loves the idea of Vecna as I do so I decided to write this. I made Vecna a kind of hybrid of Peter and Vecna so that it’s still has that monsterfucking aspect along with some human properties as i do not know Vecna’s full anatomy (also i just love jaime’s face)☺️ This will be like a diary entries of an anthropologist who slowly descends into a path of darkness.The diary will be first person but after it’ll be second point of view. Also I use the words “vines” and “tentacles interchangeably. Part 2
Summary: Banished to the world that has now became “The Upside Down”, Peter/Vecna marks his first victim an anthropologist with morbid curiosity. But when she shares his same philosophy, he finds himself wanting her by his side.
Word Count: 2.9k+
Warnings: mention of murder(s), morally ambiguous reader, loss of virginity, blood kink, use of tentacles (sexual), anal sex, choking, pain kink, spanking, vaginal penetration, corruption kink, spit as lube, degradation kink, doggystyle, drooling, tummy bulge, breeding kink, creampie, uses of names like “sir”, “master”, “king”, cum eating
June 16, 1983
Dear Diary,
I’ve seen him again today. Vecna. That’s what I call the monster that haunts my dreams. I’d accidentally fallen asleep from exhaustion for a split second and next thing I knew I was back in his lair. Whenever I’d close my eyes, he’d be behind them. Waiting. I’ve fought to stay awake ever since. He’s threatened to show me my “true nature” or so he puts it. Somehow knowing my true self scares me. I know I’m not like other my age. I’ve always had a fascination for things that are strange which only increased the moment I saw him.
Vecna looks pained. Like someone’s hurt him in the past. I found myself wanting to know who could have hurt monster like him. Yet from what I understood he was once man. A man who had his on motivations and his own ideals that were slowly ripped from him and banished from human society. Now he was a former shell of himself. Part man, part other worldly being seeking revenge and power. It’s like I could feel his every emotion. Like I know his story. I dare say that I sympathize with the entity.
June 20, 1983
Dear Diary,
I’d managed to close my eyes again. I don’t fear being dragged into his reality. I’ve embrace it. I’m still alive. I assume there must be some reason why he wants me alive. Maybe I could find him. Any chance I’d get to be in his world, I would commit every detail of the strange dimension, The Upside Down, to memory. I’d draw the details and displayed them on my wall. I’d stay up late nights going down a rabbit hole researching and looking into random experiments done in Hawkins hoping it’d mean I’d find him soon. I think he’s finally taken ahold of my mind. I welcome him.
June 30, 1983
Dear Diary,
Strange things are frequently happening in Hawkins. Murders, people disappearing, sightings of cryptid creatures. I know it’s him. He’s getting powerful. I could feel him getting powerful. It…excited me. I’ve never been so interested in learning about a person’s life the way I do now. To think that a human could be so powerful? Would be considered human at all since he’d been born with these gifts? I’d like to think that he could feel me, too. That he understood my devotion to him. That I’d only ran away and kept myself from sleeping because I was scared to know who I really am. But he’s shown me that gradually over time.
None of the research I’ve done in university could ever match what his existence. I want to know him now more than anything.
July 1, 1983
There it was in front of you. A gate to The Upside Down beckoning you to enter. It’s a hidden hole in a tree surrounded by a wet sac. You enter not even thinking of the consequences. This will be the first time you’ll get to see him physically so consequences be damned. You break through the slimy barrier. The cold wetness of the unidentifiable substance coating you and your scantily clad red dress.
Once you made it through, an immediate chill goes down your spine. You know he’s close. You explore the grounds, taking note of every sight. It looked just like your worlds except dark. You speculated that through this shadow world this was how he accessed his victims.
You walked through the streets searching for the street where your home lies. Not surprisingly, your home was in fact there. You walked through the doors. The atmosphere eerily still. Looking around, it’s like nothing changed. You notice a light under the door frame of your room upstairs. It grew bright. Tiptoeing up the steps, the floorboards creek underneath your bare feet. Your heart racing.
Once you’ve reached the room, you lower yourself down attempting to look under the door frame. No movement, just blinding light. You stand up, grip the knob, take a breath, and then slowly turn it. The light flickers as you walk through the room.
You notice your diary rested on your bed. You pick it up, flipping through it’s pages. It’s all of the entries you’ve written since the beginning of his mark on you. It’s practically duplicate.
Suddenly, the air shifts and you were sure you were alone anymore. Wet, heavy footsteps thumped against the floorboards. You don’t dare to turn to look. Even as the slick appendage wrapped around your neck, you remained still. You hear his rumbling growl.
“Y/N.” He says, turning you slowly to look at him. His voice, an overlay of a growling beast mix with a hint of his original innocent voice. His facial features part man, part creature. You could tell he was handsome with enticing lips and bright blue eyes. The other part of him was of this strange world. Dark, wrinkled wet skin almost reptilian and flesh in texture. He donned white clothes that had been torn and darkenedfrom what appeared to look as if he were struck by lightning. Several tentacles extended out and around him like extra limbs. Both sides of him were gorgeous and you could feel yourself weak at the knees at this discovery.
“My king.” You moaned.
He looked as if he was psychoanalyzing you in his head, trying to pick you apart. Were you here to serve him? The answer was yes. You were his to use. You spent years wanting to figure out the nuances of humanity and once you realized it, it only made you want to seek something new. Exciting. Morally corrupt. He was exactly who you needed.
“King?” He questions with a head tilt, releasing his grip from your neck.
You take this as an opportunity to show your worth to him. You fall to your knees, bowing your head and hands flat on the ground. You look up at him with admiration. “I understand. I know what you feel and how you think. For years, I’ve studied humanity. I’ve seen the things we’re all capable of. We are not perfect. We are destructive, cruel, irredeemable. That is why I give myself to you and will hang on every word you say. I want you to teach me to be in your light. To serve by your side and fulfill your every wish. I want to be perfect for you. Please claim my body as yours to use however you like.”
He takes a step closer to you, tilting your chin up with an elongated finger. “Such a needy little thing you are. Typical of you humans. Always wanting regardless of if it’s bad for you,” He pulls his cock from his confines. It’s hard and the tip leaking precum. It was large in length smooth, slimy, reptilian skin but appeared like the average male anatomy. “Go on. Show me how you’ll serve me.”
You take his harden member in your hand taking in its beauty. You’d never seen a man like him. You settled with the idea that he would be the one to take you precious flower. He was worthy of corrupting the purity you’ve tried to maintain.
You swirl your tongue around his tip, sucking hard. You earn a grunt from him. This makes you want to hear more. Lowering your mouth down to the base, you swallow around him. He looks so beautiful above you, watching you take his down your fragile throat. He couldn’t wait to rip you apart on his dick and show you how to be taken and trained properly.
A tentacle slithers between your legs. You spread them wider wanting to show your submission to him. He just under your panties. You could feel the slimy suction of the feeler caressing the inside of your thigh. It light goosebumps against your skin at its texture. You gag around him, taking him deeper and deeper.
“Mm, you’re so greedy for me. I’m sure you wouldn’t care that I’ve killed before. Your life could be in danger right now and yet you still lust for cock. You’re such a greedy, fucking whore.” He slaps a tendril-like limb against your ass hard, the wetness causing the contact to sting even more. You choke against him.
The limb between your leg teases your clothed pussy before pushing the soft cotton of your underwear to the side. He flicks your clit back and forth, the suctions on the vine catching it over and over.
Your eyes roll back. “Thank you, sir.” You mewled, stroking his cock while you moaned out and ground against the thick appendage.
He pulls you by your hair and yanks your mouth back onto him. “Did I tell you to stop? Now I’m going to rut into your throat until it’s raw.” Wrapping two tentacles around your hair like pigtails, he drives your mouth down his length over and over. You’re forced to continue to breathe through your nose. His hips moving into your mouth so rough you could feel him in your esophagus. The limb playing with your clit rubbing harder against you. It was borderline painful.
“Look at how wet you are,” He pulls himself from between your legs even with the wet texture of his skin, you can evidently see your creamy slick against the dark blue tendril. “You enjoy being treated so poorly. I can let all my frustrations on you and you’d take it.” He pulls your mouth off him by your hair. Groaning when he sees the lines of saliva connecting his cock to your tongue, break off and drip down you chin and chest.
“Yes, master. I love to be used and ruined by you.” You say with a gasp. He shoves himself down your throat once again while thrusting the vine inside you. You cry out. You hadn’t expected penetration so suddenly. He was just at the barrier if he thrusted further you’d officially be his.
“Sit.” He commands you.
You adjust yourself, shifting at the knee so that you could take him deeper. You’re mouth yanking away from his cock once more. The barrier is finally broken and you stutter out a groan. “F-fuck!”
He maneuvers in and out of your quivering pussy, groaning at its tightness. You look down between your legs watching the extender inside you. There was blood trickling down your thighs. He was fascinated by the sight, pulling himself out of you and tasting the salty, warm liquid. His eyes glimmer with a newfound interest.
He tears off your dress and panties from you in one swift tug, your body completely bare. You instinctively cover your breasts. He couldn’t help but notice how innocent you looked under him. Like a little lamb put up for the slaughter. But you had offered yourself to him. You asked for this. So how innocent were you really?
He rips your hands away. “Do not hide yourself, little one. You belong to me.” His vine coils around your neck lifting you off your feet and slamming you against the bed. You were like a rag doll in his grasp, biting your lip at the feeling of being manhandled. You’re flipped over, forced on your hands and knees. You can hear him fumbling with his clothes. You peep over your shoulder to witness his full body which also bore resemblance of that of man and creature.
“You’re so beautiful, master. I can’t wait to have you against.” You moaned, rolling your hips in anticipation.
He smacks your ass once again then entwining an extended limb around your waist and pulling you against him. He plunges himself deep into your walls, bottoming out in one swift move. You wail, gripping the sheets in front of you. He forces your face down into the mattress while your ass remained high in the air. It was angled just in the right position for him to pummel into your wetness over and over. His grunts above you mixing in with your whines.
“So fucking tight. I’ll ruin this cunt so that no other man can have you.” He growls, smacking your ass once more. You can feel the extenders slithering all over your body caressing every part of your skin and tweaking your nipples. The suctions on them lighting goosebumps against your skin. He spits at your puckered hole rubbing a thumb at the entrance then you recognize the familiar slimy, wiggling of the tentacle penetrating your anal cavity.
He thrusts in and out of it in time with his hardness driving into your pussy. You rise up on all fours again, your tongue sticking out, panting and drooling at the pressure of being filled in both holes. “Holy fuck! Yes, yes, yes. Just like that.”
He mercilessly pounds into you, pulling you closer to him so that your back was flushed against his chest. “This is your role now. You are to take everything I give you. Everything. You’ll serve as my queen. Never to question me. Do you understand?” He whispered into your ear. He sounded so fucking sexy. His voice strained from the moans he held back so that he could speak his commands explicitly.
“Yes, master. Yes, my king. I will take it all.” I throw it back against his cock and the tentacle. They stretched both holes with a mix of pain and pleasure. You want to prove to him you can handle it with ease.
“You’re such a fucking whore. You’ve come here searching for trouble. You beg for me to take you. Then you sacrifice your whole life up there just for a taste of my cock. You’re despicable.” He smacks your ass.
“I’m filthy, sir. A fucking degenerate. I want to be whatever you want me to be. I want you to mold my whole world into your liking.” He pounds harder and it’s as if he’s got even more inches of himself to give to you.
You can feel him sloshing around inside, knocking at your insides and forming a bulge at your belly. You press it causing the two of you to hiss at the action. He swivels his hips making certain that he hits every square inch of you. His length nudges at the small, fleshy button inside you repeatedly. It felt as if he’d touched that part of you from both entrances, the tentacle flicking inside you back and forth.
Your drawn out groans are now, short gasps of air. “I’m gonna fucking cum. You’re so amazing, master!”
He rubs at your clit, the suctions pulling at your clit. You were beginning to feel delirious at this point. It was all so much and you knew that you’d finally lost any sense of sanity, you once had. A wave of bliss takes over you and you can feel yourself gushing, the evidence of your arousal dripping down your inner thighs and his cock.
“Mmm,” He moans, witnessing your creamy slick and blood make a mess of your lower bodies. He pumps sloppy, long strokes into your pussy. “Would you like to be filled to the brim, hmm? Make you drip with my cum.”
“Please fuck your babies into me. I wanna be round and full and take all of it inside. I don’t want to waste a single drop,” You fucked back against him faster, ruining his pace. You were set on him cumming in you and you could feel another orgasm beginning to bubble in the pit of your stomach. “Hurt me, master. Just the way you like. I know it’s what you need to cum. I’ve studied you. All so that I know how to please you. Please hurt me.”
That was all the encouragement he needed. He knew you could take the pain. His thrusts returned to the same force that crossed the line between pain and pleasure. He bites at your shoulder, choking you simultaneously. Your air supply had been cut off; you were getting dizzy. Your orgasm was approaching soon and you crawled at the tentacle that constricted your throat. He pounds into your sweet spot once again and a cry rips from his chest and you both tremble against one another. You both arrived at the same time. You felt as if you were dying the orgasm that shook through you so powerful, your wetness shot out like a sprinkler, wetting the bed.
His cum is hot as it paints your walls white inside you. He continues his thrusts to the point of overstimulation wanting to make sure his essence remained deep inside you. Vecna lets go of your body and you immediately collapse against the mattress. Your face down and ass still in the air as you heaved for air. He stares down at your quaking core which had been coated with a mixture of your blood and juices as well as his cum that began to seep out. He takes a finger gathering it and you turned your head to the side to face him, sticking your tongue out. He runs his finger back and forth against your tongue until you clasp a finger around it and sucked.
He removes his finger, patting and rubbing you on the head. You accept the warm embrace, nuzzles your head into his hand. “I knew you’d be the perfect queen. You understand.”
“Yes, my king. I’ve always known I was meant to serve you. I don’t care if you hurt others. You do it because you want you humanity to be better and recognize its deplorability.”
“You wouldn’t turn against me if I were to ask you to carry out an important mission?”
“No, sir,” You sit up, resting your butt on the bottoms of your feet. “I will do anything you say. I meant every word.”
“Then, there is someone whom I need you to bring to me?”
“Bring me the girl, Eleven. Alive.”
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Tag: @stygianoir
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
I read your post about Ruki's redemption being difficult to write. I wanted to ask how do you see his canon redemption arc, especially in MB. The afterstory really threw me off because it seemed so abrupt.
I mean in the sense that it looked as if Yui's suffering had no meaning whatsoever. The transition from hateful to caring was never shown [Eternal blood took the same stance, an already caring Ruki from Track 1]
That's why i wanted to ask your views on the canon redemption arc and his development, whether they really were given justice or not.
🧩 Hello, Anon. Thank you for the very intriguing ask. In fact, it compelled me to even re-read his More, Blood route, which admittedly isn’t something I do often at all. If anything, I read his Dark Fate route the most because I find his characterization in that route in particular very heartwarming compared to the others. Anyway, his More, Blood route is pretty much what I remembered from the last time I read it, and suffice it to say it actually made me feel pretty good about my portrayal of him because I’d like to think I’m not making him act more sadistic than he really is, which was quite reassuring to say the least. Immediately when he meets Yui, he already threatens to kill her, and throughout the route he is constantly hating on humanity and dismissing the idea of love altogether, which makes one question how Yui can even develop romantic feelings for him in the first place.
Now, just as a disclaimer, I haven’t read very many other DL routes outside of Ruki’s. I’ve read all of Ruki’s content, but I’ve only read Ayato’s HDB and MB routes, as well as Shu’s DF route, so I cannot speak in general for the formula the franchise tends to opt for, but from what I’ve noticed… Love tends to be developed out of Stockholm Syndrome (when victims cope with their imprisonment by bonding with the captor). All throughout Ruki’s MB route, Yui is getting tortured, bitten, degraded, and psychologically manipulated in every single chapter. There is very little letup from him, minus the few times he decides to free her from the dungeon or stops his punishment midway (i.e., opting not to put her in a collar and chains, saying he’s merciful for not ending her life, etc.) but he does have his moments of “kindness” which is probably giving him more credit than I should since I’m biased and I love him.
For instance, there is a scene at school where Yui begins to feel sick from the lack of blood. Ruki then takes her to the infirmary, and what’s special about this moment is that she is so shocked he would even help her get there in the first place. Another scene is when she is swimming to retrieve Azusa’s knife, but he dives in and saves her despite all that he has done. Now, I’m not saying these are reasons to forgive what he has done by any means, but that’s just the kind of protagonist Yui is in general. Not just with Ruki, but with everyone she meets, she often tries to see the absolute best in them and tends to disregard the abuse even if she is on the receiving end. After she sees the flashback of his past and is taken away by Ayato, Yui deems Ruki as a “kind person,” wishing she was back at the Mukami estate. Even before this, she has a little monologue to herself as she polishes the silverware (one of the very basic punishments he frequently assigns to her), wondering if she has genuinely taken a liking to living under Ruki’s rules and if she has accepted herself as livestock.
There is this phenomenon they will teach you about in psychology class called the Ben Franklin effect, and honestly, I’m not certain how strong of an effect it is or if it’s just a load of baloney, but basically it asserts that if you carry out a favor for someone, your brain begins to rationalize that you must be doing it for them because you like them in order to prevent a cognitive dissonance from eating away at your sanity. After all, who wants to act benevolently for people they hate? I believe it’s possible Yui might’ve undergone this same effect under Ruki’s care. Constantly carrying out these chores, following his every order, and drilling it into her brain that his rules must be followed not only for her survival but also to avoid his brutal punishments. He certainly doesn’t make it easy, either. Even for the smallest mishap, Yui is always being ridiculed by him. Though, that isn’t to say his discipline is purely cruel. Ruki is known to be a very possessive man, much like the other DL boys. As he inflicts pain unfathomable on her, he litters in dialogue like “you belong only to me” and “it irritates me how those guys (the Sakamakis) treated you.” Those all imply he cares about Yui in a very, very twisted way, even if it’s as mere property.
It's for this reason that, whenever I roleplay as Ruki, I remind myself he is no knight in shining armor. Yes, he wants to protect Yui, and he wants to steal her away from the Sakamakis, her previous abusers. However, by no means does he want to spare her the punishment for those same reasons. In fact, nothing gets him off like seeing his prey suffer at his own hands. We all know that much. At the end of the day, he is a sadistic Vampire even if he was once human. He says this himself throughout his route as well, and even Yui comments on how much Ruki hates humans which seems to baffle her. What’s interesting about this dynamic, however, is how he comments to her “looking at you reminds me of myself,” given his past. So, yes, at least he is self-aware that he is taking her freedom away and reducing her to a human who might as well not be alive, since for Ruki, autonomy = aliveness.
So, in a corrupt sense, I do believe Yui’s suffering had meaning in Ruki’s route. Watching her suffer as much as she did probably gave Ruki a thrilling show indeed. Not only that, but over time he likens himself to her. He sees himself from his past in present day Yui, trapped, freedom stripped away, and branded like livestock. That much he can resonate with, and even when Yui comes back for him on the rooftop, he is shocked she would choose him after everything he did, saying that he would kill his own captors if he could. Which, if you ask me, is a much more realistic response than hers. But then again, that’s Stockholm Syndrome for you. Even if she wanted to appeal to Kou and the others, she could not because at every given opportunity for his brothers to intervene, Ruki put a stop to it immediately, making her reliant on the eldest for any means of survival.
This discussion also begs the question of what Ruki might’ve saw in Yui for him to suddenly care whether or not Ayato also loved her at the end of Ecstasy 10. I believe in their shared moments together, since he was able to sympathize in his own sadistic way, there was a bond that developed between them. One of mutual captivity. One that reminded him of his own humanity, whether he liked it or not.
Ah, sorry, this is getting off topic. I tend to let my thoughts ramble on subjects like this.
Anyway, I do think Ruki’s redemption arc was a bit abrupt and poorly executed, more so for people who selected his route out of mere curiosity rather than liking the character from the beginning. I can just imagine the people who chose his route “just because” being really confused by his actions. From abusing her every day, to caring whether Yui will be loved or not in the right hands, then finally betraying Karlheinz to elope with her in the after story. At the end it’s revealed he likens Yui to someone who taught him how to believe, trust, and love others again. And, this last point is more related to Dark Fate than More, Blood, but before their wedding it cuts to a screen of a vast, blue sky, and he says to himself something along the lines of “Finally… I’ve obtained it.” I don’t believe he was referring to the act of obtaining Eve, but rather the blue sky him and his brothers looked to when they tried to escape the orphanage together. Instead, he refers to the act of being free. Free of Karlheinz, free of debt, free of living for someone else’s sake. It’s the first time in any main story route that he has claimed something of his own free will, of his own volition, living entirely for no one but himself.
One might deem this as “selfish,” but to me, this life lesson hit immensely hard. Sorry to make it personal and about myself, but one reason why I will always love and cherish Ruki as my comfort character is because I think we both experienced similar hardships in life, albeit in the form of different obstacles. I know exactly what it’s like to live for someone else’s best interest rather than your own; I think we all know what that feels like. So, to finally free yourself of that burden… Nothing can be more liberating. All throughout both MB and DF, Ruki denies his true desires. He accepts the Adam and Eve plan as his will to repay his benefactor’s saving grace. However, I believe deep down he always wanted to find someone who will love him unconditionally, as much as he argues against it. Someone who will teach him what true freedom is, which is what Yui did for him. In the end, she came back to her abuser out of love, and contrarily, he wishes to love Yui not as Eve but for who she is. To do such a thing is not only betraying Karl, but also to live without caring what others may think. Which is an important lesson we all need to learn eventually. 
Yet at the same time, I know not every person is like Yui. Not every story will be arranged in such a way that Ruki will resonate with the person in captivity. Which is why I also try to develop romance/redemption through shared interests and the two muses overcoming a challenge together, if you look at my rp threads. 🧩
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antiporn-activist · 4 years
The Children of Pornhub
Why does Canada allow this company to profit off videos of exploitation and assault?
By Nicholas Kristof, Opinion Columnist, Dec. 4, 2020, New York Times
This article contains descriptions of sexual assault. It’s also really long.
Pornhub prides itself on being the cheery, winking face of naughty, the website that buys a billboard in Times Square and provides snow plows to clear Boston streets. It donates to organizations fighting for racial equality and offers steamy content free to get people through Covid-19 shutdowns.
Yet there’s another side of the company: Its site is infested with rape videos. It monetizes child rapes, revenge pornography, spy cam videos of women showering, racist and misogynist content, and footage of women being asphyxiated in plastic bags. A search for “girls under18” (no space) or “14yo” leads in each case to more than 100,000 videos. Most aren’t of children being assaulted, but too many are.
After a 15-year-old girl went missing in Florida, her mother found her on Pornhub — in 58 sex videos. Sexual assaults on a 14-year-old California girl were posted on Pornhub and were reported to the authorities not by the company but by a classmate who saw the videos. In each case, offenders were arrested for the assaults, but Pornhub escaped responsibility for sharing the videos and profiting from them.
Pornhub is like YouTube in that it allows members of the public to post their own videos. A great majority of the 6.8 million new videos posted on the site each year probably involve consenting adults, but many depict child abuse and nonconsensual violence. Because it’s impossible to be sure whether a youth in a video is 14 or 18, neither Pornhub nor anyone else has a clear idea of how much content is illegal.
Unlike YouTube, Pornhub allows these videos to be downloaded directly from its website. So even if a rape video is removed at the request of the authorities, it may already be too late: The video lives on as it is shared with others or uploaded again and again.
“Pornhub became my trafficker,” a woman named Cali told me. She says she was adopted in the United States from China and then trafficked by her adoptive family and forced to appear in pornographic videos beginning when she was 9. Some videos of her being abused ended up on Pornhub and regularly reappear there, she said.
“I’m still getting sold, even though I’m five years out of that life,” Cali said. Now 23, she is studying in a university and hoping to become a lawyer — but those old videos hang over her.
“I may never be able to get away from this,” she said. “I may be 40 with eight kids, and people are still masturbating to my photos.”
“You type ‘Young Asian’ and you can probably find me,” she added.
Actually, maybe not. Pornhub recently was offering 26,000 videos in response to that search. That doesn’t count videos that show up under “related searches” that Pornhub suggests, including “young tiny teen,” “extra small petite teen,” “tiny Asian teen” or just “young girl.” Nor does it necessarily count videos on a Pornhub channel called “exploited teen Asia.”
I came across many videos on Pornhub that were recordings of assaults on unconscious women and girls. The rapists would open the eyelids of the victims and touch their eyeballs to show that they were nonresponsive.
Pornhub profited this fall from a video of a naked woman being tortured by a gang of men in China. It is monetizing video compilations with titles like “Screaming Teen,” “Degraded Teen” and “Extreme Choking.” Look at a choking video and it may suggest also searching for “She Can’t Breathe.”
It should be possible to be sex positive and Pornhub negative.
Pornhub declined to make executives available on the record, but it provided a statement. “Pornhub is unequivocally committed to combating child sexual abuse material, and has instituted a comprehensive, industry-leading trust and safety policy to identify and eradicate illegal material from our community,” it said. Pornhub added that any assertion that the company allows child videos on the site “is irresponsible and flagrantly untrue.”
At 14, Serena K. Fleites was an A student in Bakersfield, Calif., who had never made out with a boy. But in the eighth grade she developed a crush on a boy a year older, and he asked her to take a naked video of herself. She sent it to him, and this changed her life.
He asked for another, then another; she was nervous but flattered. “That’s when I started getting strange looks in school,” she remembered. He had shared the videos with other boys, and someone posted them on Pornhub.
Fleites’s world imploded. It’s tough enough to be 14 without having your classmates entertain themselves by looking at you naked, and then mocking you as a slut. “People were texting me, if I didn’t send them a video, they were going to send them to my mom,” she said.
The boy was suspended, but Fleites began skipping class because she couldn’t bear the shame. Her mother persuaded Pornhub to remove the videos, and Fleites switched schools. But rumors reached the new school, and soon the videos were uploaded again to Pornhub and other websites.
Fleites quarreled with her mother and began cutting herself. Then one day she went to the medicine cabinet and took every antidepressant pill she could find.
Three days later, she woke up in the hospital, frustrated to be still alive. Next she hanged herself in the bathroom; her little sister found her, and medics revived her.
As Fleites spiraled downward, a friend introduced her to meth and opioids, and she became addicted to both. She dropped out of school and became homeless.
At 16, she advertised on Craigslist and began selling naked photos and videos of herself. It was a way to make a bit of money, and maybe also a way to punish herself. She thought, “I’m not worth anything any more because everybody has already seen my body,” she told me.
Those videos also ended up on Pornhub. Fleites would ask that they be removed. They usually would be, she says — but then would be uploaded again. One naked video of her at 14 had 400,000 views, she says, leaving her afraid to apply for fast-food jobs for fear that someone would recognize her.
So today Fleites, 19, off drugs for a year but unemployed and traumatized, is living in her car in Bakersfield, along with three dogs that have proved more loyal and loving than the human species. She dreams of becoming a vet technician but isn’t sure how to get there. “It’s kind of hard to go to school when you’re living in a car with dogs,” she said.
“I was dumb,” she acknowledged, noting that she had never imagined that the videos could be shared online. “It was one small thing that a teenager does, and it’s crazy how it turns into something so much bigger.
“A whole life can be changed because of one little mistake.”
The problem goes far beyond one company. Indeed, a rival of Pornhub, XVideos, which arguably has even fewer scruples, may attract more visitors. Depictions of child abuse also appear on mainstream sites like Twitter, Reddit and Facebook. And Google supports the business models of companies that thrive on child molestation.
Google returns 920 million videos on a search for “young porn.” Top hits include a video of a naked “very young teen” engaging in sex acts on XVideo along with a video on Pornhub whose title is unprintable here.
I asked the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to compile the number of images, videos and other content related to child sexual exploitation reported to it each year. In 2015, it received reports of 6.5 million videos or other files; in 2017, 20.6 million; and in 2019, 69.2 million.
Facebook removed 12.4 million images related to child exploitation in a three-month period this year. Twitter closed 264,000 accounts in six months last year for engaging in sexual exploitation of children. By contrast, Pornhub notes that the Internet Watch Foundation, an England-based nonprofit that combats child sexual abuse imagery, reported only 118 instances of child sexual abuse imagery on its site over almost three years, seemingly a negligible figure. “Eliminating illegal content is an ongoing battle for every modern content platform, and we are committed to remaining at the forefront,” Pornhub said in its statement.
The Internet Watch Foundation couldn’t explain why its figure for Pornhub is so low. Perhaps it’s because people on Pornhub are inured to the material and unlikely to report it. But if you know what to look for, it’s possible to find hundreds of apparent child sexual abuse videos on Pornhub in 30 minutes. Pornhub has recently offered playlists with names including “less than 18,” “the best collection of young boys” and “under- - age.”
Congress and successive presidents have done almost nothing as this problem has grown. The tech world that made it possible has been mostly passive, in a defensive crouch. But pioneering reporting in 2019 by my Times colleagues has prodded Congress to begin debating competing strategies to address child exploitation.
Concerns about Pornhub are bubbling up. A petition to shut the site down has received 2.1 million signatures. Senator Ben Sasse, a Nebraska Republican, called on the Justice Department to investigate Pornhub. PayPal cut off services for the company, and credit card companies have been asked to do the same. An organization called Traffickinghub, led by an activist named Laila Mickelwait, documents abuses and calls for the site to be shut down. Twenty members of Canada’s Parliament have called on their government to crack down on Pornhub, which is effectively based in Montreal.
“They made money off my pain and suffering,” an 18-year-old woman named Taylor told me. A boyfriend secretly made a video of her performing a sex act when she was 14, and it ended up on Pornhub, the police confirmed. “I went to school the next day and everybody was looking at their phones and me as I walked down the hall,” she added, weeping as she spoke. “They were laughing.”
Taylor said she has twice attempted suicide because of the humiliation and trauma. Like others quoted here, she agreed to tell her story and help document it because she thought it might help other girls avoid suffering as she did.
Pornhub is owned by Mindgeek, a private pornography conglomerate with more than 100 websites, production companies and brands. Its sites include Redtube, Youporn, XTube, SpankWire, ExtremeTube, Men.com, My Dirty Hobby, Thumbzilla, PornMD, Brazzers and GayTube. There are other major players in porn outside the Mindgeek umbrella, most notably XHamster and XVideos, but Mindgeek is a porn titan. If it operated in another industry, the Justice Department could be discussing an antitrust case against it.
Pornhub and Mindgeek also stand out because of their influence. One study this year by a digital marketing company concluded that Pornhub was the technology company with the third greatest-impact on society in the 21st century, after Facebook and Google but ahead of Microsoft, Apple and Amazon.
Nominally based in Luxembourg for tax reasons, Mindgeek is a private company run from Montreal. It does not disclose who owns it, but it is led by Feras Antoon and David Tassillo, both Canadians, who declined to be interviewed.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada calls himself a feminist and has been proud of his government’s efforts to empower women worldwide. So a question for Trudeau and all Canadians: Why does Canada host a company that inflicts rape videos on the world?
Mindgeek’s moderators are charged with filtering out videos of children, but its business model profits from sex videos starring young people.
“The goal for a content moderator is to let as much content as possible go through,” a former Mindgeek employee told me. He said he believed that the top executives weren’t evil but were focused above all on maximizing revenue.
While Pornhub would not tell me how many moderators it employs, I interviewed one who said that there are about 80 worldwide who work on Mindgeek sites (by comparison, Facebook told me it has 15,000 moderators). With 1.36 million new hours of video uploaded a year to Pornhub, that means that each moderator would have to review hundreds of hours of content each week.
The moderators fast forward through videos, but it’s often difficult to assess whether a person is 14 or 18, or whether torture is real or fake. Most of the underage content involves teenagers, the moderator I spoke with said, but some comes from spy cams in toilets or changing rooms and shows children only 8 to 12.
“The job in itself is soul-destroying,” the moderator said.
Pornhub appears to be increasingly alarmed about civil or criminal liability. Lawyers are circling, and nine women sued the company in federal court after spy cam videos surfaced on Pornhub. The videos were shot in a locker room at Limestone College in South Carolina and showed women showering and changing clothes.
Executives of Pornhub appear in the past to have assumed that they enjoyed immunity under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects internet platforms on which members of the public post content. But in 2018 Congress limited Section 230 so that it may not be enough to shield the company, leading Mindgeek to behave better.
It has doubled the number of moderators in the last couple of years, the moderator told me, and this year Pornhub began voluntarily reporting illegal material to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. After previously dragging its feet in removing videos of children and nonconsensual content, Pornhub now is responding more rapidly.
It has also compiled a list of banned content. I obtained a copy of this list, and it purports to bar videos with terms or themes like “rape,” “preteen,” “pedophilia” and “bestiality” (it helpfully clarifies that this “includes eels, fish, octopus, insects”). Diapers are OK “if no scatophilia.” Mutilation depends on context but “cannot depict severing parts of the body.”
So while it is now no longer possible to search on Pornhub in English using terms like “underage” or “rape,” the company hasn’t tried hard to eliminate such videos. A member called “13yoboyteen” is allowed to post videos. A search for “r*pe,” turns up 1,901 videos. “Girl with braces” turns up 1,913 videos and suggests also trying “exxxtra small teens.” A search for “13yo” generates 155,000 videos. To be clear, most aren’t of 13-year-olds, but the fact that they’re promoted with that language seems to reflect an effort to attract pedophiles.
Moreover, some videos seem at odds with the list of banned content. “Runaway Girl Gets Ultimatum, Anal or the Streets” is the title of one Pornhub video. Another user posts videos documenting sex with teenage girls as they weep, protest and cry out in pain.
While Pornhub is becoming more careful about videos of potentially litigious Americans, it remains cavalier about overseas victims. One Indonesian video is titled “Junior High School Girl After Class” and shows what appears to be a young teenager having sex. A Chinese sex video, just taken down, was labeled: “Beautiful High School Girl Is Tricked by Classmates and Taken to the Top of a Building Where She Is Insulted and Raped.”
“They’re making money off the worst moment in my life, off my body,” a Colombian teenager who asked to be called Xela, a nickname, told me. Two American men paid her when she was 16 for a sexual encounter that they filmed and then posted on Pornhub. She was one of several Pornhub survivors who told me they had thought of or attempted suicide.
In the last few days as I was completing this article, two new videos of prepubescent girls being assaulted were posted, along with a sex video of a 15-year-old girl who was suicidal after it went online. I don’t see how good-faith moderators could approve any of these videos.
“It’s always going to be online,” Nicole, a British woman who has had naked videos of herself posted and reposted on Pornhub, told me. “That’s my big fear of having kids, them seeing this.”
That’s a recurring theme among survivors: An assault eventually ends, but Pornhub renders the suffering interminable.
Naked videos of Nicole at 15 were posted on Pornhub. Now 19, she has been trying for two years to get them removed.
“Why do videos of me from when I was 15 years old and blackmailed, which is child porn, continuously [get] uploaded?” Nicole protested plaintively to Pornhub last year, in a message. “You really need a better system. … I tried to kill myself multiple times after finding myself reuploaded on your website.”
Nicole’s lawyer, Dani Pinter, says there are still at least three naked videos of Nicole at age 15 or 16 on Pornhub that they are trying to get removed.
“It’s never going to end,” Nicole said. “They’re getting so much money from our trauma.”
Pornhub has introduced software that supposedly can “fingerprint” rape videos and prevent them from being uploaded again. But Vice showed how this technology is easily circumvented on Pornhub.
One Pornhub scandal involved the Girls Do Porn production company, which recruited young women for clothed modeling gigs and then pushed them to perform in sex videos, claiming that the videos would be sold only as DVDs in other countries and would never go online. Reassured that no one would ever know, some of the women agreed — and then were shattered when the footage was aggressively marketed on Pornhub.
Girls Do Porn was prosecuted for sex trafficking and shut down. But those videos continue to surface and resurface on Pornhub; last time I checked, videos of six victims of Girls Do Porn were on Pornhub, which continues to profit from them.
One of the Girls Do Porn women I saw on Pornhub is now dead. She was murdered at 20, allegedly by an angry ex-boyfriend who is about to go on trial. I’m not disclosing her name because she should be remembered as a vibrant college athlete, and not for a sex video that represented her most mortifying moment.
So what’s the solution?
I had expected the survivors to want to shut down Pornhub and send its executives to prison. Some did, but others were more nuanced. Lydia, now 20, was trafficked as a child and had many rape videos posted on the site. “My stomach hurts all the time” from the tension, she told me, but she doesn’t want to come across as hostile to porn itself.
“I don’t want people to hear ‘No porn!’” Lydia told me. “It’s more like, ‘Stop hurting kids.’”
Susan Padron told me that she had assumed that pornography was consensual, until a boyfriend filmed her in a sex act when she was 15 and posted it on Pornhub. She has struggled since and believes that only people who have confirmed their identities should be allowed to post videos.
Jessica Shumway, who was trafficked and had a customer post a sex video on Pornhub, agrees: “They need to figure out who’s underage in the videos and that there’s consent from everybody in it.”
I asked Leo, 18, who had videos of himself posted on Pornhub when he was 14, what he suggested.
“That’s tough,” he said. “My solution would be to leave porn to professional production companies,” because they require proof of age and consent.
Right now, those companies can’t compete with mostly free sites like Pornhub and XVideos.
“Pornhub has already destroyed the business model for pay sites,” said Stoya, an adult film actress and writer. She, too, thinks all platforms — from YouTube to Pornhub — should require proof of consent to upload videos of private individuals.
Columnists are supposed to offer answers, but I struggle with solutions. If Pornhub curated videos more rigorously, the most offensive material might just move to the dark web or to websites in less regulated countries. Yet at least they would then not be normalized on a mainstream site.
More pressure and less impunity would help. We’re already seeing that limiting Section 230 immunity leads to better self-policing.
And call me a prude, but I don’t see why search engines, banks or credit card companies should bolster a company that monetizes sexual assaults on children or unconscious women. If PayPal can suspend cooperation with Pornhub, so can American Express, Mastercard and Visa.
I don’t see any neat solution. But aside from limiting immunity so that companies are incentivized to behave better, here are three steps that would help: 1.) Allow only verified users to post videos. 2.) Prohibit downloads. 3.) Increase moderation.
These measures wouldn’t kill porn or much bother consumers of it; YouTube thrives without downloads. Siri Dahl, a prominent porn star who does business with Pornhub, told me that my three proposals are “insanely reasonable.”
The world has often been oblivious to child sexual abuse, from the Catholic Church to the Boy Scouts. Too late, we prosecute individuals like Jeffrey Epstein or R. Kelly. But we should also stand up to corporations that systematically exploit children. With Pornhub, we have Jeffrey Epstein times 1,000.
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baecvlt · 4 years
hi um.. this might be an odd request and ofc you dont have to do it but uh can i get a byakuya togami x reader (smut oneshot) in which the reader has a degradation kink and well, its byakuya, you can decided on the rest
The Same Deep Water as You
in which the reader is degraded by Byakuya Togami 
Byakuya Togami x Reader
(as stated in follow up dm) fem reader
requested by anon: first tike working with this kind of thing
warnings: degradation and slightly masochist actions to be aware of (not too severe). good ending tho so..
enjoy !
She was a quiet girl, never really spoke to anyone but Makoto and Kyoko. They weren’t so awful. While others weren’t awful, she didn’t think of them as approachable. She could talk to them, but she couldn’t be too trusting. Especially of—
“What did I tell you about looking in my direction, you cretin”
Byakuya Togami.
Makoto and Kyoko looked back at Byakuya, staring. “I wasn’t staring,” she argued,“Honestly, I wasn’t”. He approached her,“So, I’m a liar now?”. She shook her head frantically, hoping he’d go away. “Give it up, Togami,” Kyoko said,“Leave the poor girl alone. She’s having a rough day”. She looked away and put her head down on the table. “Whatever,” he said,“I’m not even half interested to know why. Just keep your distance”.
She had no idea what was wrong with him, why his cruelty shone on her and no one else. He was a dick to everyone, but most of all towards her. It was kind of starting to hurt, but mostly because being in this situation of a killing game was rather stressful. Byakuya’s unnecessary cruelty didn’t help. Still, she tried to keep a smile, if not, at least a friendly face.
“Well, Makoto and I have business to attend to with that whole next blackened bullshit. See you later. By the way, just stay out of Togami’s way. He’s a prick, it won’t do u any good to be near him. Okay?”
She nodded, taking his advice a little too literal.
She did exactly as Kyoko told her as she tried keeping a routine. She went to her room, grabbing her very little laundry. She walked to the laundry room, pusbing open the door. When she got a view of the room, she immediately turned back, for Byakuya was sitting there doing his laundry. She went to her room, set her clothes down, and waited for Byakuya to leave.
Finally, he was gone. This allowed for her to wash her clothes. After drying and folding, she decided it’d be a good idea to relax and enjoy what the school had to offer, such as the sauna. What? Who cares if this is a killing game? It was far more luxurious than anything she had in her day to day life. She has the right enjoy things. Wearing her bathing suit underneath, she walked her way to the sauna, but before that, she stripped down and put her normal clothes in a locker. Then, she was off.
As she sat in the heat, she thought to herself. All these thoughts were regarding Byakuya. It was things like “Why is he such a dick?” and “Why me? What did I do?”. They were all valid thoughts. At this point, he was treating her worse than he treats Toko. It’s got to he something he has against her. Then again, she couldn’t act like she didn’t like it. The sheer degradation of it all gave her a thrill, but Byakuya wasn’t fucking her so really he had no reason to act that way. Just as she wrapped up her thoughts, she decided it was a good time to leave before the sauna burned her skin right off. She walked right out of there. When alone, she was pretty confident about herself, her body. Its when she’s around others that she gets quiet. Judgement is a fear of hers, so she’s learned that the more you say/do, the more susceptible to judgement you are.
...but she was alone, she didnt worry.
Confidently, she walked out of the sauna. Despite the heat, it was refreshing. She opened her locker, getting her clothes out. She began to get dressed, realizing no one was around, then straight up stopped giving a fuck. She got her normal underwear on without interruptions, sliding on her pantyhose then skirt. Now it was time for her top. She took off her bikini top and replaced it with her bra. That was when she heard footsteps approaching, but they faded, so she ignored it. Putting on her long sleeve button up, her torso faced the entrance as her eyes focused on her buttons.
“Christ, screw me”
Without thinking, she replied,“Give me a time and place?”. She very slowly realized who the voice belonged to as she stopped buttoning up her shirt. Byakuya stared, she covered her mouth. “Eager, aren’t you?,” he scoffed. She finished her buttons as she walked right past him, ignoring his snide remark. That perv. Surely, he could’ve said something. He was there for a while. Was he judging her or did he like what he saw? Who knows?
What we know now is that the Togami’s raised a weirdo.
This only gave her a better reason to avoid him. Everytime she went somewhere, if she saw him there, regardless if he had seen her or not she’d walk out. Like when she wanted a snack, he was there. “Hey,” he said to her, but she was gone. This also happened in the Rec Room, where she was playing with Celeste. He walked in, looking for Makoto. Even still, and mid-game, she dismissed herself. If only there was one place where she wouldn’t have to see him. Then, she remembers she overheard Byakuya say he was in no need of the library.
She figured it’d be a good opportunity for her to go there and read something, be in solitude. She’d been there once and it was so quiet. She walked her way there, peeking first to make sure the coast was clear. She picked up a random book of poetry. It didn’t matter what book it was really, she just wanted to read. She was glad the library was unoccupied. It was quite peaceful. Unlike the sauna, it took her mind off Byakuya. God, he’d be perfect if he wasn’t a prick. Why was he so cute? So attractive? If given the chance, she would show him how she cares, but what’s it worth if he despises her for no reason? Oh, well. She had read enough pages, deciding to leave an hour later. Suddenly, she got the feeling that she wasn’t alone. She had a pretty good instinct when it came to these things.
She didn’t want to be the next victim of anything, so she ran out and hurried to her room.
Bing-bong, Bing-Bong!
Nighttime, how great. Well at least that night ended on a rather okay note, despite everything else. Just as she was headed to her bed, there was a note slipped underneath her door. It startled her, picking it up.
“Come to my room at once. Togami”
So not only did she have to endure his verbal abuse during the day, it seems it could also branch out at night. She knew she didn’t have to go, but maybe if she did as he said, he’d back off. She walked to his room, only a few doors down the hall. She knew, this was disobidience of the bed time rule, but in that moment, it was the least of her concern. She put on her clothes from earlier today, heading out. She knocked on the door, waiting for him to open the door, and it did after a few seconds. Her heart was pounding as the door opened, his blue eyes shining in the dim light. “Y/N,” he greeted casually. She noticed he still wore his suit and in no way looked like he was at all getting ready for bed. “Good evening, Mr. Togami”. She wanted to be as respectful as possible. “Come in”. She cautiously stepped in. He closed his door, going to sit on his bed afterward.
She sat down on his chair, still nervous. “You look so tense,” he said in a softer tone, much softer than his usual demanding tone,“Relax”. She nodded. He looked at her and got up. Walking behind her, he ran his fingers through her soft hair. “How does it feel to be the object of my lust?,” he whispered. A chill ran down her spine as she muttered,“What?”. “Do you want it?,” he asked,“Me, treating you like a stray dog, I see how it excites you. I’d be more than willing to give it to you”. Her breath hitched and her face was hot. “Y-Yes”. He raised a brow. “Use you words, Y/N,” he said, placing a hand on her throat. “Fuck me, please,” she groaned, craving him. That was enough for him to start putting her on edge. He wanted her to beg, he loved to hear it. “How long has it been since you’ve been touched this way”. 
“Too long”
His hands reached for her breasts, teasing them as he kissed her neck. “Oh my god!,” she cried. Her legs spread and he took note of this. “Go to bed,” he ordered,“I want you on your back”. She didn’t hesitate. She leapt to his bed and lay down. He immediately followed, hovering over her. He pinned her wrists down and began kissing her skillfully. She couldn’t help, but bite him and him flinching further increased her excitement. “What the hell?,” he cursed, she smirked. It angered him that she was having fun with this. He pulled off her skirt and ripped open her pantyhose, spreading her legs. “From now on, you are to call me master and nothing else,” he told her, moving her panties aside and licking her pussy. His tongue focused on her clit, but god, it felt good. She whined, reaching for his hair. While she was able to pull it a little, he grabbed her by the wrists and pinned her down again. His tongue began focusing on all other parts of her, rolling his thumb on her clit, softly. All she could do was squirm, but even that was hard to do. “Who’s pussy is this?,” he asked. 
“Yours, master”
“That’s my girl”
She was cumming, practically dripping the more he touched her. He let go of her wrists, allowing her to finally tease her breasts and play with his hair as he ate her out. He loved her taste; she was sweet. Without moving his mouth away, he carefully worked two fingers into her, allowing him to taste her even more. “How’s that making my little slut feel?,” he asked. “Really, really good. Please, m-master,” she whined, but other than that, it was all incoherent babbling. She was frantic at that point.
“Look at you,” he whispered as his mouth was really going into it,“You’re making quite the mess, you know?”. “I know, master”. Her apologetic tone begged a question. “Come here,” he ordered. She sat on the balls of her feet, waiting for his next words. His hand was soft as he put it on her cheek, caressing her.
“Has my little slut had enough?”
She shook her head, muttering,“I want more”. Her lust-filled eyes stared into his as she went for his belt buckle. “Not like this,” he said, sitting down properly. “Okay,” he assured,“Come here, doll”. She went for his belt buckle and undid it. Carefully, she took his cock out, spitting. “Master, you’re aching”. He twitched as she stroked his sex with those words falling from her mouth. His stomach sank as feeling of her hands touching him this way dawned on him. He needed her, so bad.
“Bend over for me”
Her stomach lay flag on the bed as her ass was in the air, waiting for him to fuck her. “Shit,” he exclaimed, that was the first time she’d hear him cuss. “What’s wrong?”. He sighed.
“I don’t have any protection on me”
Thats when she reached into her shirt and bra, handing him a condom. “What the hell? How long did you have that in there?”. “No more questions,” she said softly,��Come on, baby”. Slowly, he teased her entrance, rubbing his cock slowly and making her shiver before grabbing her hips, slamming into her. Upon impact, her pussy spasmed around his cock as she reached for the pillow in front of her. He gasped, his fingers digging into her soft skin. “I’m gonna stretch you out”. She whined into the pillow as he repeated that, slowly at first. As much as he wanted to pound into her, he knew knew if he did that, he wouldn’t last long. “Ah! master, that feels really good,” she cried,“I need more.. please!”. He could barely speak. “I go at whatever pace I want, slut!,” he managed.
“M-Master, is it because you know you’ll cum fast if you do? Even thinking about pounding me makes you go slower than you already are, doesn’t it?”
“Shut the fuck up!”
His hand slammed onto her ass. She winced, gripping the sheets as he picked up the pace. Her eyes then rolled back. “Is this what you wanted?,” he said with gritted teeth. She let out a shaky cry and said,“Master, it’s what I needed”. A mirror was in front of them, Byakuya using it to check how she reacted to certain things. Letting him hit all around her walls drove her insane, but he still wasn’t going so hard. She also used the mirror to her advantage. She saw how he was struggling to fuck her hard without cumming. She wanted to mess around too. She smiled with lustful eyes, putting two fingers in her mouth and drooling over them. “What the hell”. Her playfulness left him flustered. He grabbed and held her up by her hair and slammed into her repeatedly.
“Oh, master, don’t ever stop! Please, don’t stop!”
He held her up with his hands on her breasts, kissing her neck. Her stomach went crazy, finding new ways to make her sick every time he hit her sweet spots. He had no problem finding them, he must have them memorized by now. There was about her, something so fucking intoxicating. She was like a drug and he was addicted. At first, he despised her for it, but soon enough, he started love her for it and that was scary. It all hit him when he saw how this woman devoted herself to him, even before fucking. She always respected him and saw him for other than money or looks. Immediately, guilt struck him.
That’s when he wanted to take things slower and actually look at her as they fucked. He sat up as she straddled his lap, riding his cock slowly, rhythmically almost as they kissed. Their kisses were much more passionate. His lips let her win, allowing her to kiss him sweetly. His hands held her back, hers wrapped around his neck while one played with his hair and it all felt right. Melting onto one another, he admired her eyes and how satisfied she appeared to be and how angelic her face was when he hit just the right spots. They spoke in between kisses. “Master-”. He shushed her, softly, rather than abruptly. “You don’t need to call me that now,” he whispered as he caressed her cheek.
“Byakuya, fuck, I love you”
“I love you too; all of you,” he muttered, maneuvering her hips in a way that made her groan. She rolled her hips down and tightened around him. That was when he realized that he could no longer continue. “I think I’m-”, he grunted and gasped, digging his head into her chest. “Did you cum?,” she asked, Byakuya nodding. His head suddenly peeked up. He was flustered and asked,“Did you really mean all that? You love me?”. He spat the word as if it sickened him. She nodded and played with his hair.
“I knew you’d mock me for it. Falling in love during the killing game? Pathetic”
“So... am I also pathetic?”
“No, what?”
“I said it too. Does that make me pathetic?”
She shook her head. “No,” she whispered,“Of course not”. There was a moment of silence between the two, where they just lay there and waited till someone said something. “I’m gonna head to my room,” she said. He nodded, although deep down, he protested and wanted to ask her to stay. He couldn’t do that, though. So there, he watched her get dress and leave the room with a funny walk.
The next morning, she got dressed and on her way to meet with the others. Upon opening her door, she was greeted by Byakuya. “Oh, good morning, Togami,” she said,“I didn’t expect to see you-”. He suddenly kissed her, taking her by surprise. “I love you and I want you to be mine,” he blurted. It shocked her even more since this was extremely out of character for him. “What?”. He held her hands. “Ever since we made love the other night, it’s been impossible for me to stop thinking of you”. People stopped at the door, staring because for some reason he heavily emphasized that fact. “You what?,” Kyoko asked. Byakuya stood in front of her to block her.
“Come on, Y/N”
There was a twinkle in his eyes as he asked for your hand (in a way). He loves you? It was hard to believe, but the more you thought about it, the more it felt right. What are you to say?
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ilikekidsshows · 3 years
I edited the ask slightly to make it clear this is about apologists making excuses for Chloé's behavior and not fans who just feel frustrated over not getting an arc they wished to see.
Anon said: I think what really annoys me is Chloe apologists that cry she’s, “just a kid she can learn to be better and outgrow her abusive tendencies” seem to gloss over or ignore that Chloe has been given MULTIPLE chances to do better for 3 seasons and at every turn she always returns to her spoiled bratty bullying ways. Especially in season 3 where she didn’t listen to Ladybug about never getting the miraculous and felt entitled to the power.
It’s just so annoying how chloe apologists act like she’s the real victim just cause her mommy doesn’t love her, news flash she’s not the only character in the show who has a bad relationship with a parent. It doesn’t give Chloe the right to degrade and abuse people. Im not sure if Chloe needs to hit rock bottom before she turn things around or this is heading towards a corruption arc. However im also annoyed when parts of her fandom claim it’s misogynistic that she doesn’t get better.
Because sometimes bad people stay bad and never get better, it would be a very powerful lesson to teach kids who are in toxic abusive relationships especially with childhood friends that sometimes you have to let them go and cut them off because they’re causing you harm. It was very powerful of Adrien to stand up to Chloe multiple times as an abuse victim and not let her drag him down to her level. All the people mad at him for queen banana don’t realize that Adrien can’t make chloe a kinder person. No one can make someone mean good.
Plus the show is chock full of actual good and kind girls with positive supportive friendships so having one or even two female characters turn out bad isn’t sexist to me. Same with people who claim Zoe is a Mary Sue and it’s wrong that she’s replacing Chloe. Which is weird because Zoe can’t replace what Chloe never was, a friend to the main cast. Chloe was never close with the class or their friend even if she tried to be involved in their projects he never tried to get along with the others.
Plus Zoe made a mistake by trying to emulate her family and be a bully but eventually realized being awful like them wasn’t worth their approval. Whether she’s a better hero or deserves the miraculous is another discussion but we’re talking about Chloe here. If she continues down the path of selfishness and hate becoming like her mother and her sister Zoe, who also comes from an abusive family, doesn’t that just means one overcame their trauma and the other didn’t.
Sorry for the rant just I’m so tired of seeing the tag be cluttered up by Chloe apologists who won’t stop crying or complaining about her character.
With what the canon actually gave us, Chloé's arc could have gone, and could still go, either way on the redemption/corruption scale. Yes, Chloé messed up royally in the season three finale, but she was under duress to a degree. While Chloé showed few signs of becoming a selfless hero, since most of the people she helped as a hero were people she put in bad situations to begin with or she helped out to get to hang out with Ladybug, she's also showed no signs of becoming a true villain the same way Lila has. We can clearly see Lila developing into a supervillain, but Chloé is very much stuck in the middle and could go either way if she suddenly got superpowers with no strings attached.
The real issue here is Chloé's civilian life. She's never been kind to her classmates and goes out of her way to make sure they have a bad time. This has never been influenced by whether or not she had a Miraculous, so obviously something not-superpowers-related needs to happen for her to see anything wrong with what she's doing.
And there's a real chance Zoé is meant to be that thing that makes Chloé see. Chloé could see how her sister was forgiven and welcomed by her classmates and realize how easy it is to stop being awful and get validation and friendship from the class that way. This realization might make her look down on the class as gullible fools, like Lila, or it might make Chloé want to belong and try to adjust her behavior, having her follow Zoé's lead.
Of course there's still a chance that Chloé will just keep swinging between sitcom arch nemesis and not-quite-a-supervillain, that she'll still be used as a civilian life obstacle for the heroes to overcome and she's not meant to be redeemed or corrupted. In this case I can see this fandom discourse continuing for years to come, since it's the uncertainty of Chloé's role that's fuelling it so much.
Crying misogyny every time your favorite female character is treated in a way you don't like, when it’s used in a way that’s clearly just a buzzword meant to manipulate people, is something I'm just so done with. In the case of Miraculous, though, it's especially misguided, with how much the creators clearly try to be feminist. It's one thing to say something they did fails at that goal and leans into sexist attitudes and another to say they're being purposefully misogynistic because the show isn’t to your tastes. Because, let’s face it, a lot of the show’s attempts at being progressive have been tone deaf, but it usually seems to happen by accident and sometimes, at least with Fei’s design, they seem to be willing to amend a mistake when it gets pointed out.
Also, because sexism and feminism are about gender politics, the thing with discussing sexism is not actually comparing a female character with other female characters, it's about comparing a female character with male characters. If a show aims for gender equality, a character's gender can't influence how they are treated. This means we need to see if we can compare Chloé's character to a male character and find equality.
And we can. Miraculous Ladybug has a male character who causes others pain on purpose. This same character has several chances to stop being awful with "not being awful" costing him nothing. He even shows a softer side in 'Style Queen', just like Chloé in that same episode, but ultimately tosses that change aside when he finds something he thinks can help him gain his goals, like Chloé does in 'Miracle Queen'.
I am of course talking about Gabriel Agreste. I have repeatedly said that Marinette and Chloé are mirrors, what the other could be if they changed how they view other people and themselves. Gabriel is a foil to Marinette, so he naturally mirrors Chloé as well. However, Gabriel's arc has a similar forwards-and-backwards beat as Chloé's does. Even Chloé Apologists recognize the similarities between the two, since I've seen them voicing concerns that Gabriel might get redeemed while Chloé doesn't, because they think Gabriel having sympathetic aspects is a sign of a redemption arc for him like it supposedly was for Chloé. Instead, they are still both firmly in the area of antagonists and villains.
Although I will concede one key difference: Chloé is still way more likely to get redeemed than Gabriel.
I also think that, even if Chloé does get redeemed eventually, it’s still important that Adrien didn’t just hang on waiting for it when she spent so long proving again and again that she didn’t want to change. Because the other characters couldn’t know for sure if Chloé would change. Just like in the real world you won’t know for sure if your toxic friend will ever change, so you might have to let them go for your own sake. Even if they might get better one day, even if you’re not their target, it’s not on you to stand by them when they do things that are against your personal ethics.
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