#it's late now so I'll check over it again tomorrow but I don't imagine I'll be inundated with reblogs lmao
roosterforme · 2 months
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 14 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: After the perfect weekend, three days without Bradley is harder than you could have ever imagined. It makes you think about what it will be like when you have to go months without each other. When he visits your classroom for the second time, your students make him feel welcome as they come up with an amazing idea.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, language, unprotected sex, oral sex, smut, Bradley in love, 18+
Length: 3600 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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You were at Bradley's house on Sunday night a lot later than you originally anticipated, but you just couldn't seem to make yourself leave. He kept luring you back to the couch with the promise of one more quick snuggle, and you fell for it every single time.
"I have to get my lesson plans in order for tomorrow," you whispered as you kissed your way along the scars on his cheek from your spot on his lap. 
"Bring them with you next time," he murmured, big hands warm on your lower back.
"You wouldn't mind?" You knew what a turnoff it was for your ex whenever you even mentioned your classroom full of kids, so it would have never occurred to you to bring your work with you down to Coronado for the weekend.
Bradley's fingers stroked your bare skin as he said, "Maybe I could help you? I actually like a lot of the same stuff as your fourth graders. Like airplanes and dogs and their teacher."
You snorted with laughter against his neck, but you said, "Next weekend I'll bring my lesson plans with me."
"Excellent," he murmured. "Then you can stay even later."
You knew without a doubt that in a few more weeks, you'd be sleeping over on Sunday night and driving straight to work on Monday morning if he asked you to. How could you not? The entire weekend had been incredible even with Vanessa crashing in on Friday. Being around Bradley felt like something close to magic with the way he talked to you and touched you. Earlier this morning, you sent him out for a run with Natasha, and he came back to you all sweaty and needy. You even got an adorable photo of him stopping to tie his shoe on a bench which his best friend texted you. And after lunch, you took a spider outside for him when he begged you to get rid of it, and he thanked you with at least a hundred kisses.
But now, when you tried to stand up, Bradley pouted and wrapped his arms around you a little tighter. "I'll see you when you come up to my school on Wednesday," you whispered with a smile.
"That's so far away," he groaned, letting his arms go limp at his sides as you wiggled yourself free. "I don't like that at all."
You pressed your lips together to keep the massive, goofy smile that threatened to take over your entire face at bay while you collected your things. Bradley watched your every movement as you said, "It's not like I won't text you some potentially dirty photos and call you just to tell you I love you."
He was on his feet right then and there with a ridiculous looking grin of his own. "Say it again, Gorgeous."
You looked up at him as he closed the distance with three long strides, and you said, "I love you."
It took you another twenty minutes to finish making out with him, and then he carried everything out to your car where you made out a little bit more. You got home really quite late.
On Wednesday morning, you made the rookie mistake of telling your kids that a visitor would be spending the afternoon in your classroom, but you were too excited about it to keep quiet.
"Is it Lieutenant Bradshaw?" Violet asked immediately as she bobbed in her seat.
"You'll just have to wait and see," you replied, getting your language arts notes ready to teach.
"Is he bringing his Super Hornet with him?" Harrison practically screamed.
"He can't bring a fighter jet to school," Jayden scoffed. "It would take up too many parking spots."
"I never even said who our special visitor is!" you reminded them as you started writing a few spelling words on the board.
Nia sighed behind you and murmured, "If it's not Lieutenant Bradshaw, then what's the point?"
You had to stifle your laughter, because you didn't disagree. You weren't even sure what he had in store for your kids, but he insisted he was going to need at least two hours with them. When you had questioned him about getting leave from base for the afternoon, he just laughed. "The Navy loves it when we do classroom outreach. I'm sure my commanding officers will all make it a point to thank me for volunteering, so there's no way I'm telling them that I'm visiting my girlfriend's school. But I'm sure they'll catch on by the fourth or fifth time I ask for the afternoon off."
Whenever he used the word girlfriend, you couldn't stop smiling. And the insinuation that he would be visiting multiple times made you giddy. You just had to get through the morning and lunchtime, and then he would be here.
"Spelling words. Let's focus," you told your class. "We can worry about our visitor in a few more hours." But they were already antsy, and they remained that way until you sent them to the lunchroom to cause some havoc without you. That's when you realized that you were antsy, too. How in the world were you already so attached to Bradley that three days apart felt like a week? How were you supposed to do a deployment when the time came? Your heart ached a little bit whenever you thought about spending months away from him.
You picked at your lunch at your desk and checked your phone. Bradley texted you nearly an hour ago to let you know that he was on his way up which prompted you to scroll through some of the photos of him you had saved. "It never gets old," you muttered as you examined the first picture he ever sent you of his face. He looked so tall and handsome on the deck of the aircraft carrier, and you had to stop gawking when your kids came back to the room.
"Is Lieutenant Bradshaw coming soon?" Oliver whined on his way to his desk. "It's taking forever!"
There was no point in denying that he was the special guest, so you just said, "He should be here soon. Practice your spelling words quietly at your desk, okay?"
You walked to your door and peeked out into the hallway. The front office knew he was coming ahead of time today, so there shouldn't be much of a holdup. That's when you saw him. His combat boots squeaked on the floor as he turned the corner, and he ran his fingers through his wavy hair. Each long stride brought him closer to you, and you realized he was holding a large envelope that said CLASSIFIED as well as a coffee from Starbucks in his other hand.
"Gorgeous," he called out when his gaze met yours, and you memorized the way his pace grew quicker so he could get to you. He looked so big and strong in his flight suit, it was unreal. "I missed you," he promised, brown eyes wide and sincere, and then his lips were on yours in the sweetest kiss.
An eruption of voices from inside your classroom started a chorus of, "Oooooh!" as you laughed against your boyfriend's lips. 
"She's kissing Lieutenant Bradshaw!" Violet hissed.
"I already told you they're getting married," Jayden insisted.
"I think they might already be married," Nia whispered.
"No, because her name would be Mrs. Lieutenant Bradshaw," Oliver told everyone while Bradley erupted into laughter as well.
"Are you ready for this disaster?" you ask as you nodded toward your open door where eighteen pairs of eyes were staring back at the two of you.
"Absolutely," he rasped. "Nothing like spending an afternoon with all of my pen pals."
Bradley followed you to the front of your classroom, fighting the urge to put his hands on your waist and pull you close the entire way. Your kids already saw him kiss you, for the second time. Maybe the third time if some of them witnessed him with his lips all over yours in the parking lot last week. You were holding the coffee he brought for you and glancing back to smile over your shoulder at him, and he had to remind himself not to cause too much of a scene in front of your class.
"What do we say when we have a special guest visit us?" you asked with a smile.
"Thank you!" your students all shouted in unison.
You were smirking at him as you said, "Thanks for visiting us again today, Lieutenant Bradshaw."
"I can't seem to stay away," he replied, and when he looked up at the kids sitting at their desks, he realized they were as excited to see him as he was to see them. "I hope you're not sick of me yet."
Violet was shaking her head with her pencil poised over her notebook like she was ready to record everything Bradley said. Henry was halfway onto the top of his desk in anticipation. Jayden shouted out, "No way! You're the coolest adult I ever met!"
Bradley tried to hide his smile, but it was impossible. "You're the eighteen coolest kids I've ever met," he promised. Then he winked at you and said, "And you have a way cooler teacher than I ever had in elementary school." You sipped your coffee happily as he held up the envelope in his hand and said, "I brought a bunch of stuff with me today, including blueprints for some jets that are flown in the Navy. But first, does anyone have any questions they want me to try to answer?"
When one girl's hand shot into the air before the others, he pointed to her and said, "You're Nia, right?"
She nodded as you muttered, "I can't believe you remember who is which kid."
"Yes!" Nia said before pointing from you to Bradley. "Our teacher is really pretty, and we all saw you give her a kiss. Did you marry her?"
Bradley chuckled, and you nearly dropped your drink before ducking away from him. "Uh... not yet, Nia," he told the girl, and her face fell.
"Well, when are you going to?"
Bradley glanced toward Jayden who asked the follow up question and said, "I'm kind of hoping for next summer, but I'll let her decide."
You set the coffee down on your desk and turned to face him with surprise in your eyes. "How about we stay on the topic of aviation?" you asked your class, but your voice sounded soft and breathy. "What's in the classified envelope, Lieutenant Bradshaw?" you asked, barely meeting his eyes as you smiled. "Is it really classified?"
Bradley cleared his throat and murmured, "Nah, I just thought it looked cooler." He really wanted to hear your thoughts on his comment about next summer, but that could wait. "But, at one point in time, these blueprints really were classified government property." He emptied the contents out onto Harrison's desk in the row and held up the first blueprint. "Does this look familiar to anyone? I might have sent your teacher a picture of me sitting in the cockpit of this type of jet."
"A Super Hornet!" called Oliver as he bounced in his seat.
"That's right," Bradley told him. "Anyone remember the other name for it?"
When nobody else immediately responded, you said, "It's called the F/A-18. Right?"
"Yeah," he told you with a grin. "That's a gold star and bonus points for the teacher."
You still seemed to be stuck somewhere between surprised and embarrassed, but you returned his smile and asked, "Which other blueprints do you have there?"
Bradley passed around the copy of the F-35 Lightning II before ultimately letting Oliver keep it. "I do recall you saying that flying it would be like slam dunking off the back of a dragon," he said as Oliver's entire face lit up. Then he let everyone look at the blueprints for the EA-18 Growler, the E-2 Hawkeye, and the P-8 Poseidon. There was still a stack in front of him as he said, "There are actually nineteen blueprints here, so everyone can take one home." He quickly swiped the Super Hornet from the pile and walked it over to you. "This one's yours," he told you softly, doing his best to fight the urge to kiss you.
"Cool!" shouted Henry as the blueprints ended up all over the desks. The kids were still examining them loudly as you took the one for the aircraft Bradley flew in your hands. 
"Thanks," you whispered, holding it against your chest. "And thanks for coming today."
"Lieutenant Bradshaw?" called Violet. "What happens when one of the aircrafts is broken? Do all the mechanics know how to fix all the airplanes? Or do they only learn how to fix one kind each? And where do they fix them? And did your jet ever need a mechanic?"
"That kid has aviator written all over her," Bradley muttered, letting his fingers brush the side of your hand as he walked toward Violet. "You remember my friend Marty? The mechanic from some of the videos I sent?" When she nodded, Bradley said, "Well, he knows how to fix the Super Hornets and a few other kinds of planes, too. He fixes mine all the time. That's why mechanics get deployed to aircraft carriers just like aviators do. But they also work on base on North Island in San Diego. Where I work most of the time."
Violet looked stunned. "So there are mechanics who fix the planes in San Diego?"
"Yep," Bradley replied as she clutched one of the blueprints in both hands. "In fact, I saw Marty yesterday, fixing part of a combustion chamber in the hangar when I got out of my jet."
Violet squeaked. "Oh, please, Lieutenant Bradshaw. Please, let us go to work with you one day!"
He started laughing as he turned back to look at you, but you just shrugged in response. "I mean, it would be cool," you mused as the rest of your kids chimed in.
"We could see your Super Hornet with your name on the side!"
"We could see all the airplanes!"
"We could talk to Marty!"
"We learned so much about aviation this year! Please?"
Bradley looked around the room and everyone was looking right back at him, waiting for an answer. When he met your eyes, he asked, "Are they allowed to go on a field trip?"
When the final dismissal bell rang and your classroom emptied out, you kicked the door closed, leaving you alone with your boyfriend. "Are you serious right now?" you asked with a smile as he pushed you back against the wall and started kissing your neck. "I inquired about taking a field trip to the Naval base ages ago, and everyone essentially told me it's pretty much impossible."
"Mmm," he hummed against your jaw as you pulled him closer. "If you want it, I'll make it happen, Gorgeous."
Your mind was swirling with too much information that didn't all quite make sense but all sounded beautiful nevertheless. "I want it," you whispered. "I want the field trip, and I want you to come back to my place."
He was running the tip of his nose along your ear, and you were slowly melting. "I don't know if I can wait that long. I haven't seen you in three days," he rasped, making you shiver.
"What are you going to do when you're deployed?" you asked him softly, trailing your fingers through his wavy hair.
Bradley groaned. "Baby, we are not talking about that right now."
His deliberate kisses made their way from your neck to your lips, but after a few seconds, you couldn't hold back any longer. You broke the kiss. "Were you serious? About next summer? You and me?"
Bradley's expression was soft as he ran his thumb along your bottom lip and said, "Okay, that we can talk about." Your heart was hammering in your chest as you kissed the side of his thumb. "Gorgeous," he rasped. "Is it really so crazy that I'm convinced we have a future together?"
"No." Your answer was immediate and sincere, because you already knew you felt the same way. "It's not crazy."
He kissed you hard on the lips before taking a step away from you. "Let's get out of here. I'm not going to be able to behave for much longer."
You were all smiles as you added, "And you're going to need to be fed soon."
"See? You already know exactly how to handle me."
Bradley carried your heavy tote bag and travel mug to your car while you held onto the Super Hornet blueprint, and then he followed you back to your apartment in his Bronco. It was almost comical having him there, taking up so much space in each small room, but your smile vanished when he looked you up and down with those pretty brown eyes.
"We should definitely fool around before we eat dinner," you said, and he immediately had you in his arms.
"A hundred percent," he replied, stumbling along to your bedroom. His flight suit was rough against your fingers, but his kisses were soft and sweet. Half of your clothing was off by the time you reached your bed, but he was still trying to pull one of his long sleeves down his arm.
"This is awkward," he mumbled with a laugh as you unhooked your bra. "This fucking flight suit." His movements slowed even more as he watched you drop to your knees in front of him in just your tiny underwear, and you started untying his boots. You looked up at him as you helped him take them off and tossed them aside, and then you pulled his flight suit down to his thighs. "Oh fuck," he whispered, running his fingers along your cheek as you kissed his erection through his briefs.
With his flight suit around his ankles, you looked up at his face and reached for the elastic waistband of his underwear. "Is this okay?" You tugged them down, his cock springing free, and you ran your lips along the tip, waiting for permission to do more.
"Holy shit," he gasped, yanking his undershirt over his head and nodding enthusiastically. "This is never not going to be okay."
You laughed softly before parting your lips and taking the velvety soft head of his cock onto your tongue. Bradley's eyes were glued to your mouth as you swirled your tongue in deliberately slow circles before taking him a little deeper. He was big and thick, but you took him as far as you could over and over, bobbing your head until your eyes watered.
"Jesus fucking Christ," he groaned when you licked at the strands of your saliva dripping down his balls. "Gorgeous. You're filthy." You looked up at him as you rubbed your cheek against his thigh. "And so damn sweet, Baby."
You nuzzled and kissed along his balls, taking his throbbing cock in one hand and giving him a squeeze. Bradley groaned and readjusted his footing, so you did it again. Now he was muttering your name softly and running his fingers along your hair as you sucked on his balls and jerked him off. He let you go for a few minutes, his abs flexing with each labored breath he took, and then you started to suck his cock again.
"Okay, okay," he eventually rasped, reaching for your shoulders and yanking you carefully to your feet. His cheeks were flushed, and his lips were parted as you turned away from him and got onto your hands and knees on the bed. He made a strangled noise, but as soon as you glanced back at him, he was on you, pulling your underwear to the side.
"Oh my god," you gasped. His hands were a bit rough on your hips as he started to push himself inside you, and he took you just like that. After a few hard thrusts, you were whining for more, legs shaking with need.
Bradley was babbling as he fucked you, his chest pressed to your back, one big hand stroking down the front of your body to your clit. "You're so fucking tight. Holy shit." He kissed along your shoulder. "You smell so good. I love you, Gorgeous." It sounded like he was lost in you, his voice just behind your ear as he pressed two fingers to your clit until you were panting and coming apart.
Even when you were both spent, he pulled you to your feet while he was still buried deep, and you were slightly dizzy from your receding orgasm. His lips were soft on your neck, and he held you to his chest with his big hands on your body. "If you want a North Island field trip for your class, I'll get right on making it happen first thing tomorrow morning."
You melted against him and whispered, "We're not talking about tomorrow yet. Not when I get to spend the whole night with you first. Let's go make dinner." His stomach growled in response, and you kissed him and said, "I love you."
This is every kid's dream field trip! I'm actually a little jealous! Bradley better be able to make this happen for his pen pals. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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xdjville · 5 months
nct dream's voicemails
pairing: nct dream x gn!reader
genre: really all of them are different genres so idk buckle up; angst, established relationship (mark); comfort, established relationship (renjun); friends who have a thing going on and the dreamies are menaces (jeno); classmates, acquaintances but you're kinda cute (haechan); sick reader, fluff, established relationship (jaemin); basketball player and his "friend", bonus: he's drunk (chenle); idol x non idol, established relationship, kind of angsty if you squint but not really (jisung)
cw: cursing in mark's and jeno's, chenle's under the influence and he calls reader "pretty"
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"i'm sorry. look, i... i know you probably don't want to talk to me right now, i get it. i shouldn't have said any of that and i'm so fucking sorry. i hate what i did and i have no excuse for being an asshole to you, but it's been almost two hours since you left and honestly i'm so worried i'm losing my mind. you don't have to come back yet, or call me back if you don't want to, but please, for the love of god, just let me know you're somewhere safe. shit, i'm so, so sorry. let's talk when you're ready, okay? i'll sleep on the couch tonight, so if you come back you can take the bedroom. i'm sorry. i love you."
"hi, y/n. i'm sorry for calling so late, but, uh, i wanted to check up on you, you seemed a bit off today. maybe i'm imagining things, i don't know, but i couldn't stop thinking about it so i still wanted to ask. you don't have to tell me now, we can talk about it whenever you're comfortable, or not at all if you don't want to. just know i'm here for you, okay? it's normal to have worse days, so i'll try not to worry too much. i hope you'll feel better when you wake up in the morning. call me tomorrow, hm? we can go to that new ice cream place you told me about. sleep well, love you."
"jesus, can you guys shut the fuck up– hey, uh, sorry for that, it's jeno. um, i'm calling because we're going to get some drinks at the bar down the street later tonight, and i– we were wondering if you maybe wanna tag along? we thought it could be fun hanging out outside of class since the semester is almost over. it's fine if you're busy though, no pressure. we're going out around, uh, nine, i think? so if you're up, call me back and i'll give you the details, yeah? alright, that's all, talk to you later. seriously, you guys are such fucking–"
"uhm... hi, it's donghyuck. you probably didn't pick up since you don't have my number, but, uh, i called tell you that you left your sunglasses at the library yesterday. i asked mark for your number because we won't see each other untill chem next week and i thought you might need them, so... if you'd like to get them back just let me know? we could meet at the library again, or at get a coffee... or something. or i can give them to you in chem. whatever works for you! i don't mind either. just, uh, just let me know, okay? bye."
"hi, baby. how are you holding up? you must be sleeping, that's good. you need a lot of rest, hm? i hope by the time you're listening to this you will be feeling a little better. did your fever go down yet? there's food from my mom that i left in your fridge, you should eat that, i'm sure it's going to set you up. remember to stay hydrated too, yeah? i'll drop by with some groceries tonight, so let me know if you want anything specific. now rest well, love, i'll see you later."
"y/n... you told me to call you when i get home, so why didn't... why aren't you pickin' up? well i– i'm home now, and, uh... renjun drove me there, so don't worry. anyways... i wanted t'say thank you, for coming to the game today. i honestly think we won only because you were there. you looked like... really, really... pretty. like... super pretty. when you, uh, hugged me after the match, i almost kissed you, you know? you're like my lucky charm... yeah, my lucky charm. i wanted to kiss you really bad. i wish you were here now so i could kiss you. can you come over tomorrow? mhm, 'm gonna go to bed now. bye, y/n–"
"hey, how are you doing? it must be the middle of the night for you, you're probably asleep. i hope i didn't wake you up, i'm sorry if i did... i called you because i wanted to hear your voice. i, uh... i miss you, a lot. we had a day to ourselves to explore a bit, it was fun! it really was. but the whole time i couldn't stop thinking about how much more fun it would be with you there. i didn't want to kill the mood for the others, but i couldn't help missing you more today. did you miss me more, too? maybe it's like a soulmate thing... god, i sound so cheesy right now. anyways, the guys said they miss you too. chenle said we should all get hotpot together when we're done with the tour. sounds nice, right? oh, this voicemail is getting long... let's talk when you wake up, i'll call you after the concert. i lo– i miss you. sleep tight."
#taglist ➼♡ @bambisnc @suzayaaa
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gojorgeous · 8 months
Heyyyy I just wanted to say I love the way you write! I’m obsessed with your alpha!jjk character series. I’m very new to a/b/o fanfics buuut I keep thinking about how possessive they’d get if they smelled another scent on the reader, even if it was just from something like borrowing a sweater. I just imagine them like trying to override the scent n theyre like super determined to do it 🫣
Idek if that’s something that can happen in these typa fics but anywaysss
Have a good day!
Hey bestie! I decided I'd write a litle smthn smthn for you hehe. I picked geto cause he's more alpha to me. It's below the cut! (suggestive/a/b/o dynamics/jealousy):
"What are you wearing?"
You don't even look up from your desk, a little irritated that your late-night email check has been interrupted.
"Huh?" You scan a subject line and hit delete as soon as you realize it's no more than junk mail.
"What are you wearing?"
Your body jolts. He's using that tone that makes you melt for him- that he only ever uses when he wants, needs, your attention.
You turn quickly in your chair and your heart thumps when you see the angry furrow in his brow. "It's just... a sweater."
A muscle tics in his jaw and your eyes glaze over a little when smell his scent pumping thickly into the air of your office.
"It's not your sweater, and it's not mine. So where did you get it, hm?"
He's moving closer now, his spicy scent growing stronger with every step. You have to blink and swallow just to form a coherent thought.
"I-I got cold at work. A friend offered it to me..."
He's over you now, a hand curled around each arm of your chair, caging you in. A few strands of black hair have fallen loose from his bun and they brush against your face. The feeling makes you shiver.
His head dips until he's buried deep in your chest and you squeak when you hear him inhaling. You know you're in for it.
"It reeks of male."
You sigh, gently pushing him away. "I'm sorry, Sugu. I'll take it off-" You don't even get to finish before you hear a wretched tearing noise. "Suguru!" You can only watch as he literally rips the sweater from your body and then tosses it straight into the trash can. You swat at his shoulder. "That was a coworker's! What am I supposed to tell him when he wants it returned tomorrow?!"
His hands settle on your hips and the touch makes your skin ripple with electricity. His scent is even thicker now and he's so close...
"Tell him he shouldn't go putting his scent all over my omega." Your eyes glaze over and you whimper when a familiar heat starts swirling in your tummy. The primal side of you loves when he gets like this, loves when he stakes his claim.
You gasp when your ass is suddenly no longer in your seat and instead you're dangling in Geto's arms. Your legs swing as he carries you toward the bedroom.
"Shhh. We have to get that scent off you, no?" His smirk makes you shiver again. "And I have plenty of ideas on how to do it."
Hope you liked bb!!
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petew21-blog · 4 months
Swap your face
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I woke up to the sound of a masculine voice above me
"It's good to see you're awake, Mr. Robinson. I'm Dr. Brown. How are you feeling?"
I opened my eyes. Confused by the sudden abundance of bright light. Then I noticed a handsome man in a white doctor's coat.
"What happened?" I asked with a wheezy voice from the dry throat.
"You got into a car crash and have been in this hospital for a few days. All your vitals are stable. What do you remember?"
"I'm not sure to be honest. I remember walking through the school corridor with my friend Archie. Then he told me he would get me home. And then I remember waking up here. Nothing between that."
"Your friend got out of the car crash unharmed and has been visiting you every afternoon. Checking on you. He will be very glad to see you awake."
"Can you... water... please" my throat was hurting from all the sudden talking and now coughing and choking.
It seemed to surprise the doctor. He started nervously looking for something to drink and finally noticed a kettle with tea and a glass. I must have scared him pretty hard cause while he ran to give me the glass he spilled it all on himself. He murmured something and then got me a newly filled glass. He then took of his wet and stained coat.
"Sorry for that. Don't know what got into me. How is your throat? Feeling better?"
I calmed him by speaking up, but he still checked my throat and used his stethoscope. This was the closest to such a hot man touching me I have ever experienced. What a manly face. Such a beautiful beard.
"All looks good. Now, I am leaving for vacation tomorrow and my shift is about to end now. I'll hand over your care to some other doctor, but I promise you they'll take great care of you."
He then rushed out of the room. What I noticed after a while was his coat lying on the chair. Hmmm. Maybe I could try it on, just for fun.
I got out of bed. Took the coat and took it with me to the bathroom. I put it on while looking at myself in the mirror and imagined me looking like him. His wavy hair. Big manly nose. Scratchy beard.
And then. Something started happening. A tingling feeling, turned into a sudden pain and then warmth all over my body. I tried to understand what just happened. But in the blink of an eye my vision change from my reflection to something undistinguishable and then into Dr. Brown.
I stood there mesmerized. And the reflection of Dr. Brown was shocked just the same. My left hand waved and so did his. I opened my mouth and he did the same. I tried to say hello ending up with "Hel.." coming out as a manly sound of the voice of my doctor leaving just a few minutes ago.
Then I took in the dact that I shapeshifted into my doctor. "Holy shit. I'm a doctor now! No. I am a sexy doctor."
No tíme to spare. I turned on the water of the bath in my bathroom. As the water kept filling the bath, I took of the robe. Looked in the mirror again. Nothing changed. With a big smile on my face, I went into the bath. Forgetting that I was full clothed.
"This is so fucking gooood. I am a man. Not a teenager anymore. My new dick was so throbing hard. I held it over my boxers and kept touching and squeezing everything that got in the way of my hand. I just enjoyed the warmth of the water over my manly body.
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"Are you ok doctor?" a nurse came in with a surprised look on her face
"What? Ah. Eh. Oh yeah. Everything is fine. I just had to... Do you need me for something right now?" I tried not to explain what I just did to not get myself and Dr. Brown in trouble. Too late I guess
"Ok... well, where the patient from this room is? And then I need you to hand over the paperwork to Dr. Manfeld before you leave for holiday. Also. Your pager, phone and wallet have been found in the intern locker room. "
"Yeah. The... uh... patient woke up and has a visit from his friend. I checked him and his vitals were fine so I told him to take a short walk. I'll give you everything needed you mentioned. And Thank you"
The nurse looked at me strangely and then left.
I got out of the bath. Dried myself a went straight to the locker room. Found clothes wuth the name tag Dr. Brown. Yeah, these clothes fit much nicer than before. I took the belongings and put them in my pants. I stood in front of the mirror a started making goofy faces at myself. "I'm the sexiest doctor with a big cock! I'm gonna cum so hard" I said to my reflection. What made this moment kinda unpleasant was the fact that I didn't notice a bunch pf interns changing behind me.
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"Are you feeling ok Dr.?" asked me the hot, tall, shirtless one. Man I have to make them scared of me. I'm their boss after all.
"What are you looking at? Have you finished everything you were supposed to? Or is standing around here and watching me more beneficial?"
They just ran away in fear. Man this is fun. Maybe I could take some of the bigger guys clothes with me just to try if the power still works on other clothes. I put his shir from the locker in my bag and left.
While walking out of the hospital the phone rang. "Yeah, Da.... Brown speaking"
"Dr. You won't believe what happened. We found the patient and he was wandering around and claiming to be you. We got him sedated and in bed. Maybe there will be more neurological damage than you thought? Sorry for the assumption. I'll let the other doctor know. Enjoy your vacation"
"What. The. Fuck. So, not only I shifted into Dr. Brown. He shifted into me as well? So I can basically swap bodies by wearing a piece of clothing with someone? Man. That's brilliant"
I took off my shirt, enjyoing such the view of my chest and proceeded to walk through the alley heading to Archie. He's gonna be mind blown
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1 hour later I was standing in Archie's room. Explaining everything. He didn't believe at first, but after saying some stuff only I knew, he believed. I let him touch my new chest, which helped a bit to calm him down.
"That's really cool, bro. So he has your body now in the hospital and you're here in his body. Wow. What do you think that caused it?"
"Don't know and don't really care as long as the power works."
"So you're gonna swap with other people now? How does it work then? Does Dr. Brown turn back into himself or does he change back and your own body will swap with the next person you swap with?"
"Well, how about we find out?"
I took off his shirt he was wearing, smiled and put it on.
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A moment of waiting. Then the same feeling as before came and suddenly I was a bit shorter, paler and weaker. In front of me was sitting Dr. Brown with a huge smile on his face.
"Holy shit dude. We can swap bodies with anybody. But you just lost your dream body to me. Don't you want it back?"
"Nah. I wanna explore it from a different point of view now. Besides. I already got a body in mind I can get."
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joeys-babe · 8 months
Joey B Imagines: I’m On Fire*
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Summary: When Joe mistakenly leaves his JB9 iced-out chain while at an away game, you bless him with a little photoshoot while you're hours away in Cincinnati.
Warnings: Smut
Paring: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Just the Two of Us
*No specific date for this fic!*
(y/n’s pov)
Joe had just left the house for an away game, and due to some work-related stuff, I wasn't able to go with him.
The pouty expression he gave me when we were standing at the front door just a little bit ago made me want to climb into his bag. His lower lip sticking out was oddly convincing, along with his blue eyes.
“Joe, you know I can't go, baby.” - you
“Please… I want you to go with me.” - Joe whined
“I wish I could go too, but I can't, J.” - you
Joe whined once again, but this time, it made me roll my eyes. My annoyance didn't last long, though, as he hunched over and laid his head on my shoulder.
“I love you.” - Joe mumbled
His face being pressed into my neck made his words muffled, but it was oddly adorable.
“I love you too, but if you don't leave now, you're going to be late.” - you
I laughed when he stood up straight and groaned.
“I'm gonna be so lonely by myself in my hotel room tonight.” - Joe
“We can Facetime, goofball.” - you
“Not the same.” - Joe whined
“Okay, enough whining. Goodbye, Joe.” - you
Joe stared at me for a few seconds, trying to come up with a response that didn't show how annoyed he really was.
“Bye…” - Joe mumbled
I stood up on my tiptoes and pressed a kiss to Joe’s lips. When I pulled away, I giggled at the look of his flushed cheeks.
“Love you, sheisty.” - you
“Love you too.” - Joe grinned
Hours later, I was bored out of my mind, all alone in this big house.
I had cleaned almost the entire house, scrolled through Pinterest, made a dinner recipe I had pinned, and finished a show I had been binging - Fool Me Once.
There was pretty much nothing to do.
All I was doing right now was lying in bed, watching the ceiling fan turn, and feeling kinda sad when I got a whiff of Joe’s scent off of his pillow.
I missed him, and I saw him just hours ago.
That's what happens when your boyfriend turns into your best friend, I guess.
Joe’s game wasn't till tomorrow, but they'd probably just landed at their destination.
Maybe I should text him?
After thinking about it for a few minutes, I made up my mind and texted Joe.
Ew, no. Sounds desperate.
What am I even talking about? I've been with this man for six years.
I had almost deleted my message, but Joe answered before I could.
He's such a dork, I thought to myself with a giggle.
Nothinggg, hbu??
Do I tell the truth or make a lie to seem productive? In the end, I told the truth.
Missing you.
My heart warmed at Joe’s message back.
I miss you too. ☹️
Are you at your hotel yet?
It took Joe a few minutes to answer, but his reasoning was ironic.
Just got back from checking in actually. Imma head up to my room, take a shower, and then ft you.
Okay, I'll talk to you then! 🫶
Talk to ya then, I LOVE YOU! 🥰
I hearted his message and than sent the sentiment back.
Love you more, baby. 😘
The conversation ended after Joe’s simple but butterfly-inducing text.
Not fuckin’ possible.
We were on Facetime for way longer than we should have, but neither of us cared.
The call ended with the usual “I love you more” back-and-forth playful argument.
Joe won in the end, and I can't say I’m surprised because he always did.
After the call ended, I was just lying in bed, my head on Joe’s pillow, just to smell his scent.
I got bored eventually and decided to play around in the closet. Joe always forbade me from trying on his chains, but he wasn't here.
My eyes immediately widened with excitement as I opened the top drawer on Joe’s side of our walk-in closet.
Everything was cleared out except one chain, he probably took them all with him to have options for his fit tomorrow.
“Damn, this is heavy.” - you mumbled
It was the JB9 Nike check chain Joe wore for the AFC Championship in 2022.
One of my personal favorites out of his collection but too iconic to be worn again.
God, he looked so hot that day.
I stared at myself in the mirror, the chain of my boyfriend’s initials and number adorning my neck.
That's when I got the idea.
Settling into my bed for the night, I grabbed my phone and giggled to myself as I looked through the pictures recently taken in my camera roll.
Nothing but black lace and that iced-out chain.
Next Day
Joe won his game, and sure, I was happy to see him win, but being miles away from him and unable to celebrate with him put a damper on my mood.
I watched the game by myself in the living room, and then proudly watched his post-game conference.
Just a minute after Joe left the media room, I received a text from him.
Did you watch the game?
Of course. Watched your conference too, baby.
Joe didn’t answer for a few minutes, and I thought he might've gone to take his postgame shower, but his text back made me laugh.
I just got made fun of because I was blushing from your text. “You texting yo girl?”
What did you say back? 😂
I proudly said yes. 😁
A few seconds passed before another text vibrated my phone.
Hey, I gotta go shower, though. We're set to get home late tonight, so don't wait up on me.
What if I want to?
You'll wake up with me next to you in the morning either way, so no need to wait for me to get back.
He was right, so I left him alone to go shower.
It was around ten o'clock, and Joe had texted me just a little bit ago, saying they were on the bus to the airport.
Out of nowhere, with no context or caption with it, I sent Joe my little experiment earlier.
Attachment: 10 images
When I was left alone with Joe’s chain earlier, I took a little photo shoot with some black lace lingerie and Joe’s chain.
He'd usually take a power nap on his way to the plane, so I was surprised when his response was quick.
Joe sent a picture of himself with his eyes wide and mouth dropped open in shock.
The silly reaction picture made me giggle, but I had no idea that Joe had just pulled his bag onto his lap while on the bus in an attempt to hide the stirring between his legs.
Fucking shit, y/n. I'm getting so hard right now that I might have to rub one out on the plane.
No. 😘
Wdym, no?
How do I word this?
You always get pissed when I get off without you, how about a taste of your own medicine?
I don't get pissed…
Joe, honey.
Please, baby.
Joe sighed and put his phone on his chest, discreetly slipping his hand down his sweatpants to rearrange the erection in his boxers. He's so hard just from the sight of nothing but lingerie and his initials in the form of diamonds on your body.
He so wished he was with you, inside you.
When Joe got home, it was really late.
You were already sleeping, so when Joe slipped into the bedroom he made sure to be quiet.
Joe stood there for a few seconds, just admiring how peaceful you looked while sleeping.
A small smile found its way onto his face when he noticed you were wearing his t-shirt and snuggled onto his pillow instead of yours.
After staring for a lot longer than he anticipated, Joe put his bag down and took his sweatshirt off before crawling into bed beside you.
You stirred for a bit, feeling the presence of someone else near you. After moving around for a bit, you were met with a hard chest, but you knew it all too well.
Joe grinned to himself when you snuggled into him, your face against his pec. He ran his fingers through your hair, and soon, you were peacefully sleeping again.
Feeling tired but unable to sleep, Joe discreetly grabbed his phone to see the messages he wasn't able to answer on the plane and his drive home.
You sent him a video?
Joe made sure his volume was down before pressing play on the video. His eyes went wide when he was met with the sight of you fingering yourself.
All at once, Joe’s heart rate picked up, he started sweating, and his cock stirred in his sweatpants.
He didn't need volume to know you were moaning his name with each thrust of your fingers. Joe was able to read your lips.
The sight of your head thrown back, bare chest, and your sweet heat swallowing your fingers had Joe fully erect in a matter of a minute.
He needed you badly.
Joe can admit he was thinking with his dick and not his brain when he shook you awake. In his defense, most of his blood supply was in the wrong head.
“Joey?” - you mumbled
“Shit- sorry I woke you up…” - Joe
“I missed you…” - you
His heart fluttered, and he hoped you wouldn't shift around and feel him. Please just go back to sleep.
In all honesty, Joe felt guilty waking you up with his sexual needs in mind. He felt horrible and selfish.
“Missed you too, baby.” - Joe
You moved around and Joe’s eyes went wide. Please don't feel it. Please don't feel it.
Abruptly, you paused your shifting and looked up at Joe’s face. Maybe she just found a comfortable spot?
It was hard to make out Joe’s features in the dark, but you could see his piercing blue eyes easily.
Unbeknownst to Joe, you'd felt his hard-on as soon as he got it, but you wanted to mess with him, make him beg for it.
Slowly, you reached your hand out and palmed his bulge. Joe bit his lower lip to stop an audible reaction as you started rubbing him.
“He missed me too, huh?” - you giggle
“Fuck- so much.” - Joe
“Take your pants off, Joe.” - You
Joe shed his pants and boxers off faster than the speed of light, all because his girl asked.
Now that he was completely free from restraint, Joe got even harder, and he didn't think that was possible.
You spit into your hand and firmly grasped his cock, a plan forming in your mind as you started to jerk him off.
Joe was a groaning mess, relishing in the feel of your hand around his length because he'd needed this for days.
Precum was beading at Joe’s tip, so you maneuvered yourself around to take him into your mouth.
“Sh-it.” - Joe moaned
He was close, so close.
“Baby- I'm gonna… cum!” - Joe
You pulled off of him, trying to follow your plan of edging him until he couldn't help but beg for you to finish him off, but Joe was too close to stop his inevitable orgasm.
With a loud moan, Joe shot his load onto your face, some making it into your mouth.
Both of you were surprised when it happened, looking at each other with wide eyes.
“I- I'm sorry…” - Joe
“No, don't be.” - you
You reached out and put a hand on his chest, rubbing comforting circles on it.
He grabbed a tissue off of his nightstand and wiped his cum off of your face.
“That was kinda embarrassing…” - Joe
“Why?” - you
Your voice was soft, a little sad yourself that Joe felt embarrassed.
“I don't know, I couldn't stop it from happening, but it happened so fast. Like under three minutes? That's embarrassing.” - Joe
“Joe, don't be embarrassed. How long you last doesn't matter to me at all, I just wanna make you feel good.” - you
He nodded but bit the insides of his cheeks.
“I think it's kinda hot that I can get you off that fast. Makes me feel good about myself.” - you
“Really? You don't think it's funny or embarrassing?” - Joe
“No, baby.” - you
You leaned up and pressed a big kiss to Joe’s lips, one of his legs slotting between yours, causing you to grind down onto his thigh.
“Mmm, Joey baby.” - you moaned
“That's it.” - Joe
Next Morning
You woke up with a grin on your face as you replayed last night's events in your mind.
Joe had gotten you off twice with his fingers and tongue before he filled you up with his thick cock.
In the back of his mind, he was still feeling a little self-conscious about his first orgasm of the night, but he wouldn't let it show.
When you two were in the shower cleaning up, you could tell something was on Joe’s mind and that something was what had happened earlier.
Without saying anything, you dropped to your knees when his back was to you. He turned around and looked down at you, his dick stirring to life at the all-too-familiar position.
Despite the fact you two had just gone four rounds, Joe’s craving for you was never-ending.
You'd slowly reached out to stroke him, and you finished him off with your mouth.
He manhandled you back to your feet before pressing you against the shower wall.
“If you want me to stop, I will, but you started this.” - Joe
The feel of his thick length against your behind, and his hands holding you in place was getting you worked up all over again.
“Fuck me, Joey.” - you
You two ended the night giggling in bed as you counted up the number of orgasms shared between you two that night.
“Four for me, four for you, gah-lee!” - Joe
“I’m not gonna be able to walk tomorrow morning.” - you
“Fuck I might even have a limp.” - Joe
You were pulled out of your fantasies when Joe walked into the bedroom. Toes curled at the sweet sight of him.
Joe wore nothing but a bashful smile, a pair of sweatpants, and raging bedhead.
“Hi.” - you smiled
“Hi. How'd you sleep?” - Joe
“Good. Get in bed with me?” - you
He did as you asked and curled up in bed beside you, pulling you into his chest in the process.
“Where were you?” - you
“Uh… nowhere…” - Joe
You sat up and looked at him, giving him a skeptical look as you narrowed your eyes at him.
Joe sighed and broke your eye contact.
“I was doing something downstairs. It was supposed to be a surprise after you got ready, but you can come downstairs now.” - Joe
You excitedly jumped out of Joe’s arms and ran out of the bedroom, your hand grabbing his as he followed you.
When you two got downstairs, you saw the dining table set up like a date. Breakfast on both of the plates and a bouquet of roses between them.
Joe walked away from you for a second and grabbed a rose.
He walked back up to you and held the flower in front of his bare chest.
“Go on a date with me?” - Joe
You grinned at your boyfriend so big that your cheeks hurt.
“Of course.” - you
Joe handed the single rose to you, and you stood up on your tiptoes to place a kiss on his smooth cheek.
“Thank god, woulda been really awkward if you said no.” - Joe
“I'd never say no to you.” - you laughed
The blush on his cheeks went deep, almost to the shade of the rose he gave you.
You spent the rest of the morning laughing with the handsome man you loved so deeply, wondering about how you got so lucky, and thinking about your future with him.
You were so grateful to have a man you could laugh with, share secrets with, tell all the drama to, and have intense intimate moments with. Sometimes, all within the same day or hour.
It was scary to realize how much of yourself you put in Joe’s hands, but you trusted him more than anything.
The sweet thoughts and realizations were swirling in your mind and making you smile. You'd been staring out of the window, but your thoughts were abruptly interrupted…
Your wide eyes snapped over to Joe, who was holding a hand over his mouth and shared the same wide-eyed look.
“Sorry, didn't expect it to be that loud.” - Joe laughed
“Gosh, I love you.” - you laughed along with him
Request for this fic;
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Hope you enjoyed! ❤️❤️
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elliesstrapon · 11 months
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-------✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯-------
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。“ Birthday Sex „ ♪°
.・゜-: ✿ :-
✧ Pairings: Ellie Williams x Reader
✧Summary: Ellie wants nothing more than for you to have an amazing birthday; she shows you the time of your life 🤭
✧Warnings: nsfw, smut, (r! receiving/ fingering), Ellie is a sucker for teasing, oral, alcohol, swearing, dom Ellie, flirty reader, I will TRY not to use Y/n please hear me out. Also not very good at writing this stuff so you know.. Anyways enjoy :))
Ever since you'd turned 17, your birthday hadn't really meant much to you, the presents were cool, the cards were alright, it just wasn't anything new to you, it was the same thing time after time again.
And of course today was no different, you were 20 years old. And reasonably so; you weren't doing anything, at all.
Or.. so you thought. Since you'd moved to Jackson (two years prior), your friends insisted on making every day special. Something about "making every day count," and, "You never know what could happen" is typically what Dina and Jesse would say. You'd told them repeatedly you couldn't care less even though you appreciated it, and up until now Ellie never cared what you did for your birthday, she just followed, stayed quiet, sometimes you thought she didn't even like you at all. You guys didn't have anything special and you only hung out because of Jesse, you never talked, nor walked together or went out, when you thought about it really hard, you didn't even know if you really had an opinion on Ellie; she was just there.
Clearly, you were much more than you thought.
"Jesse, has Ellie told you anything?" You asked him, you guys were walking through Jackson, getting fresh air. "Uh.. Depends, like what?" He averted his gaze to the mountains in the distance. "She asked to see me.. like later.. at her place." You let out in disbelief. "I mean, I don't even think she LIKES me, Jesse, she never even spares a single glance at me unless absolutely necessary."
"Okay, well now, I don't think that's true" Jesse chuckled, rolling his eyes and paused in his tracks, bringing you to an abrupt stop as well. "She stares at you all the time, what the hell are you talking about?!" He laughs. "Jesse, no offense, but you're the LAST person I trust with this.. not even going to lie." You sighed. "Remember at the dance, you thought Dina'd dance with you, and just like that it was ELLIE she grabbed? Can you imagine the second hand embarrassment I felt? I had to leave." You joked. "Okay stop, I'm serious." He furrowed his brows. "In any case, she doesn't not like you, trust me, I see her looking at you all the time. You could ask any other person in Jackson and they'd tell you." He assured you.
"Whatever... Thanks." You smiled. "Anything for you" He winked jokingly. "When did she want you over? What'd she even say?" He suddenly brought up.
"Uh, I don't know, it was something like; 'Come over later, wear something nice, don't be late', type shit, it felt kinda rushed if I'm honest." You huffed.
"Weird, I haven't heard any special events round' town for tonight." He thought, watching the horizon absent mindidly. "Yeah.. Whatever she just said I had to be there at like, what? Maybe 7:30?" You tried to recall. "Well you might wanna get ready then, it's 6:00" he checked his watch. "Oh! Shit!" You gasped. "Ugh I had no idea.." You groaned. "Thanks Jesse, I'll update you tomorrow?" You tapped his shoulder, not giving him a chance to respond. "K, bye!"
You raced home, not too far from where you and Jesse had been and decided to get ready, you still weren't sure what the deal was, why suddenly your birthday mattered to her, or why you had to look nice; you just went along with it.
In the depths of your closet you found a black off the shoulder dress. You weren't aware why, or how long you had it. But regardless you slipped it on, it was slim, and fell just beneath your thighs, it assentuated your hips, it was soft, comfortable, you couldn't see yourself wearing anything else 'nicer' than that.
You slipped on your bracelets and a random silver chain necklace and tied your hair how you always did. And checked the time one more time.
‘ 7:00 ’, the clock read. You decided if you were going over, you might as well be a bit early. You left your home locking the doors and made your way to her place.
As you got closer, your heart began to pound. Anything was about to happen, good or bad, suddenly everything you thought about Ellie before had changed. You were repeating how you'd say hi to her, or how she'd react when you got there early, and suddenly that snow ball of thoughts stopped.
Ellies door. You didn't know whether you wanted to knock or just run back home. You breathed deapily, raising your hand to the door, you finally knocked a tune, like in those movies you'd watched with Dina and Jesse.. and Ellie.
Your heart began to race again, as you heard the door knob shake, you let out an equally as Shakey breath when the door opened to an oh so attractive Ellie Williams, standing— no towering over you, with her hooded green eyes and soft looking hair just barley covering her eye brow slit, you couldn't stop, just her muscular arms, and exposed collar bone, to her tattoo, that you had no backstory on what so ever, all you knew was just how she was so fucking hot right now.
"Hmmh.." she hummed. "you're early." Her voice was raspy. "Happy birthday, beautiful." She said taking a long sip from the moonshine bottle you hadn't even noticed she'd been holding the whole time.
Your face began to heat up, you suddenly felt very dizzy, "uh, thanks" you mumbled. She set the bottle of moonshine on what you assumed was a dresser next to the door. "Well? Are you coming inside or not?" She sarcastically said; as if she wasn't smack-dab in the center of the door way. She moved to the side allowing you to enter before closing the door quickly behind you.
It was a open concept type of thing, her bedroom was also her living room, her living room was her kitchen, on the contrary, it was still spacious, she had posters across the walls, her guitar by her couch, she had fairy lights hanging above her bed and a few video games by her TV at the foot of her bed on the right. "Sit where you'd like" she husked. "okay," you breathed, at this point you didn't know how to breathe at all and your words came out without any articulation.
You sat on the couch by the window, taking in the rest of her room, her decor, she sat beside you.
"So.." You started. "Uhm.. why'd you want me over..?" You trailed off and your eyes wandererd, too scared to look into her eyes in fear you'd freeze then and there. "I mean, I got all dressed up, and I don't see anything special" you joked, attempting to lift the awkwardness you casted upon yourself on your own. "Really?" She chuckled. "Yes, really" you rolled your eyes, "Who invites someone over telling them to dress up with no intention of putting in effort yourself?" You furrowed your brows at her "no cake, no decorations, what was the point?" You finally kept eye contact, counting the freckles across her cheeks like constellations, and taking in every hue in her eyes.
"What makes you think there was a point?" She grimaced before every so slightly shuffling towards you. Making your heart skip 2 beats in a second. "I don't know, you don't talk to me" your voice was low, "doesn't mean I don't wanna see you." She started. "With a pretty face like yours, who wouldn't wanna see you?" She whispered. The room began to feel warm. You couldn't think of or look at anything but Ellie, her lips, her neck, you couldn't unfocus yourself from her breath which smelled like alcohol, and yet you still wanted to kiss her more.
"You don't mean that" you lightly sighed out back, starting to feel the sweat form at your neck and forehead.
She shuffled closer to you, leaving you about 3 inches apart, her breath and body both warm. "I do" she smiled. Her arm had appeared at your side all of a sudden, you didn't even know how long it'd been there, and her words were starting to be engraved in your mind. "So what? What're you trying to say?" You raised your brow, trying to stay confident, but the space that was so quickly closing between you was making your heart beat faster and faster by each passing second. "I don't know, what do you think?" She whispered back to you, her smile never dropping; it was the prettiest, you found yourself longing for something to happen already, for her to kiss you? Maybe scootch closer to you? If that was even possible, you were an inch and a half apart, you needed her to lean in already, her strong moonshine scent coming from her small breaths, her body radiating so much heat was almost unreal. If you kept looking into her eyes any longer, you thought you'd get lost in them. "Ellie.." you huffed. You didn't know what to say, or do, you wanted to beg for her to finally do something.
She began to lean in closer, taking that as the green light and she only smiled brighter, you thought how could she be so hot and so cute at the same time? When did the tension become so high. " 'm gonna make you feel so good." She whispered before finally kissing you, so gently yet so roughly; like she'd been waiting for the moment she got to ruin you from inside and out, her lips were wet, and soft, her hands found there way up to your cheeks to cup them, every part of her was just so soft. You held onto her waist as you kissed back. Nothing filled the room but your desperate need for breath and your small whines, she bit on your bottom lip, causing you to spread them, taking the opportunity ever so quickly, she inserted her tongue, you began to moan into the kiss, her hands were roaming your body, feeling every single part of you, and all you could do was grip at her hips harder.
Your tongues danced around, sliding against eachother, if heaven were a person; you'd one the lottery, you were seeing stars, the gates of heaven themselves.
She'd started to pin you down, her knee centered between your legs causing the slightest ever contact, you felt so weak. "Shit.." you moaned, breaking the sloppy kiss. She left kisses around your lips, taking in every breath you took, her kisses started to be left from the corner of your lips to your neck, she nipped and sucked at it, every hickey she'd left was the vague image of almost a butterfly. "You're doing so good, princess" she grinned against your skin, the kisses tracing along your collar bone, "mmhn" you let out, her hands made there way up your dress, playing with your thigh and circling her thumb, out of all that'd been happening, it was the most comforting.
"Take it off" she demanded. "What?" You breathed. "Your dress, take it off" she commended again, you obeyed, you sat up slightly beginning to slide the dress off you put on not even more than an hour ago. "Fuck" she whispered. The last bit of ease you had was gone. You felt exposed.
Her kisses continued from your collar bone to your chest, "fuck you're so beautiful" she gasped against your sweaty hickey stained skin. Your hand played in her hair, roughly keeping her head in place as she left thousands more of wet kisses on your breasts. "Look who's talking" you winced at her hand cupping one of your boobs, her hand soft and gently playing with them. She smiled at your remark. She left another bruise against your skin once more, moving on to your stomach, she licked and traced kisses down your happy trail, "mmhn, god.." your whines and needy moans filled the room. "If you were any louder, Jackson'd here you" she teased, getting close to your clit, her hand was still rubbing circles up your inner thigh. Your pussy was throbbing in your own wetness, you hadn't even realized had stained your panties. "Wet already?" She smirked looking up at you, "who knew you were so turned on?" Her hooded eyes darkened. You swore you could see the amount of unresolved lust behind them now. "Who's not turned on by you?" You flirted back, spreading your legs more so she wouldn't have to ask. "You have no idea what you're doing" her voice was low, leaving kisses inside your thigh near your entrance. She was testing you.
Her kisses become long hard bites, leaving and sucking on the hickeys. "Ellie..." You whined. She looked up at you once more before grabbing the hem of your panties, sliding them off so slowly the throbbing only quickened, she had barley done anything to you and your climax wasn't far off. "I'm gonna ruin every last organ in your body" she seductively smiled.
She raised her hand towards your mouth, "suck" she said, her ring finger and middle finger near your mouth.
You agreed to her request, sucking on both, leaving a string of salvia around them. "Fuck" she groaned. Looking up at you still, "You're doing so good, babe." She whispered, she felt so weak, it almost made her angry. "Mm" you hummed still sucking down her fingers with your warm liquids. "Good" she smirked at you.
She lined her fingers up with your entrance. "You ready?" She looked to you with consent. "Mhm" you heaved.
She started rubbing your clit, her pace slow, "Ellie what the fuck, please—" you begged. "Desperate?" She smiled up at you, her pace increasing just the slightest bit, if she wasn't so slow you probably wouldn't have noticed the sudden quickness. "You listened" you said inbetween irregular breaths. "Maybe I shouldn't have" she teased again before rubbing her fingers faster.
She finally slid them in your entrance, swiftly, it caught you by surprise. "Shit!" You cried, the pleasure washing over the pain, you arched your back, trying to create more friction, somehow get her deeper inside you. "Shh, it's okay" she kissed your neck, your face, everywhere, calming you down so she could adjust her long slender fingers inside you. She kissed you one last time before moving her fingers in and out of you slowly. "You okay?" She asked concerningly, "yes, go— please" you begged, the tears pairing with the beads of sweat on your forehead. Her pace quickened, filling you to the max, "mmnh! God, Ellie, shit-" you cried again as she hit your g-spot so much it felt illegal how good she was at it. "You're doing so well" she kissed your shoulder as she pounded her fingers in and out of you much like how much your heart'd been pounding an hour ago. But much better, she scissored, and pumped her fingers in and out of you so fast, and hard, you could nearly see the end of the world. Every inch of you was trembling, your finishing near and her kisses sweet, it was so much better than a cake, or birthday presents.
"E-ellie, I'm close" you cried, your legs shaking and her fingers doing you so hard it was other worldly. "Don't" she said, suddenly pulling out. "What?" You gasped "Ellie please.." you pleaded. You needed it so bad. "Please just let me" you begged. "I'm not done, gorgeous. You think I'd let you finish without letting me eat you out?" She smirked.
"Shit" you whispered, "don't worry, I'll let you" she smiled "I just need you so bad" she started kissing you inner thigh once more, trailing up sloppy kisses until your clit again, giving the same treatment she'd did your bruised skin, she began to suck at your pussy, sucking it occasionally, her tongue circled, and ate at you, her saliva leaking from you. "God.. mmhn.." you whined as she licked and sucked faster, the circles she was leaving with her tongue turning just as lazy and needy as her wet kisses previously. "Fuck. You taste so good.." she whispered, eating you out like a full course buffay. "Ellie please" you trembled, you legs couldn't stay still, her tongue still licking your clit. "I'm so.." you trailed off catching your breath. "I'm so fucking close" you finished. You could feel it hitting your stomach so low. "Even better" she smirked, she began rubbing your pussy with her fingers as she ate you out, swirling her tongue over and over again, you were wet, and covered in sweat and hickeys.
"Ellie!—shit oh my— fuck of my god" you cried, cumming inside her mouth, "good girl" she said, swallowing every single last bit of it, "Ugh" you sighed. Catching the breath you'd missed the whole time.
"you did so good" she said, lifting her head from your pussy. "Ellie, shit." You breathed. "What'd you think I was trying to say?" She pinned her arms above you, looking down on you, she smiled at the mess she'd made. "Shut up" you sighed. "That's how you wanted to tell me?" You raised a brow, your hair completely undone. "Happy birthday" she joked. "Sorry" she apologized. "Did it work though?" She smirked. "Fuck yes" you smiled. "I'd do it all over again" you fluttered your lashes, grabbing her tatted arm, leaving a trail of kisses.
Round 2 but REVERSED. Sorry it was so rushed this is not my best and it was so difficult I'm never writing smut again (I definitely will) sorry it sucked though😕✋
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yuyu1024 · 9 months
I love you, Two
Pairings: Mingi & Yunho × y/n
Genre/tags: Relationship with two men
Warning: 🔞🔞🔞 poly, smut, cursing, unprotected sex, flirting, angst, seducing, pet names, fingering, kinks
~~~[lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 1.8k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
Note: repost. Check pinned post for more
"Mingi... have you see Yunho?" You ask as you enter the boys dorm room.
"Yah!" Mingi yells in surprise as he covers his upper body with his arms. "Don't you know how to knock?" He rushes to the door and shut it close.
"It's not like I haven't seen you topless before." You scoff as you sit down on the sofa to and put your bag on the table.
"But still! There might've been other people in the hallway... or worst, I could be fully naked and people would see!" He nags
"And why would you be walking around naked in your dorm?"
"I don't know! Because I can... and I could." He sit down beside you as he dries his hear with the towel. "Why are you looking for Yunho?"
"What do you mean by why? He is my boyfriend... remember?"
He stop and throws the towel to your face. "Of course I know that! What I meant is, you two go to same classes right... why are you looking for him here? Aren't you guys supposed to be coming here together?"
"Yeah... but he's too busy." You throw the towel away. "Even when we were eating lunch, he's preoccupied. Reading a ton of books and in his laptop."
"He is the leader of his team so I get it... while you on the other hand..." he gives you a judging look
"Fuck you!" You punch his arm. "I'm done with my part and already helped my teammates okay!"
"I'm just teasing you!" He laughs and then pulls you in. You are now basically leaning on him. "Did you text him?"
"I did. I even called him. He said he'll be late."
"Then... why are you here if you know he'll be late."
You take Mingi's hand and kiss his knuckles. "I know you're here..."
He snorts a laugh, wearing a smug on his face. "Now I get it."
You pout and give him a glare, "If you don't want to. Fine!" You stomp your foot. "I'll just leave and come back when Yunho is here."
You grab your bag and make your way to the door when all of a sudden Mingi scoops you from the ground, making you squeal, and then throw you over his shoulder. His one hand on your legs to support you from not falling while the other is grasping your ass as your A-line shirt flew up exposing you.
"Mingi!" He then throws you down on his bed and crawls on top of you.
"You know I don't decline when it comes to fucking you." He hisses before he starts to kiss you from your ear, jaw and then neck. "Did you bring an extra?" He stops kissing you, waiting for you to answer.
"I did."
"Good." Mingi then gets up and goes down on the floor, on his knees, to start to unwrap you like a christmas present. He takes off your skirt and your panty in one go, leaving only your white loong sleeve top on you. "Does Yunho approve you wearing lace panties under this tiny skirt of yours?"
"Of course he approves. He finds it sexy and easy to maneuver..."
"He f!ngers you in public?" He sounds excited imagining it.
"Sometimes..." you say as you bite your lip and slowly unbuttoning your top
"Damn it!" Mingi snarls, "your so sexy!"
Mingi climbs back on top of you, pants still on, then starts to make out with you. You two are kissing like there's no tomorrow while his hand skims over your now exposed chest area. His thumbs circling and pinching the tip of each breast covered with your laced brassier
"Fucking hell!" He groans as soon as your lips separate. "Your bo0bs are perfect for me y/n... so full and sexy..."
"You do like my bo0bies huh?" You tease
"I do and I'm not ashamed of it!" Mingi kisses you again on your lips then goes down to your chest. "I already told you... the first time Yunho introduced you to me, when you two started dating... All I see is your chest area. It's my k!nk I guess." He smiles, "Makes me hungry and hard every time I see them... especially when you wear tank tops or tight shirts..." he then starts to suck and leave marks on each br3ast.
"I remember the first night I stayed over with Yunho... I went to the kitchen to grab a drink and saw you there... mouth dropped on the floor..." you laugh
"How can I not? You're fucking not wearing a bra and just wearing a silk night gown." He growls and playfully bites n!pple. "I lost it."
"And here we are now..." you lean forward using your elbows for support, to give him a lustful kiss drawing him in again.
While kissing his one hand now goes down and starts to feel your core. You moan the second he touches you there and making you feel good.
"Does Yunho f!ngers you like this?" He asks, whispering.
"Aaah~" you throw your head back, almost collapsing as he pushes two digits in you. "Fuck!"
"Talk to me princess..." he speeds up his rythm, making your toes curl and scream out a loud moan. "C'mon my sexy princess... tell me..."
"F-fuck!" You are panting. "M-Mingi, you know... I love you both... I don't want you guys to compete on..." you pause to let out a heavy breathing moan again, "holy shit!" You scream out his name as his digit hits the spot. Your spot.
"Hush princess... People might hear you." He says with a smug in his face.
"Looks like you two are having fun..." Yunho then appears, leaning on the doorway, arms crossed on his chest.
"Yunho... baby..." you say, breathing heavily.
"You've been busy... So she came to me to have fun." Mingi proudly says, pulling his fingers out leaving you empty and needy.
He raises an eyebrow as he walks towards the bed where you are, legs spread. "You know I can drop everything for you, baby. Why didn't you just tell me that you're h0rny?"
You put your legs down and push yourself to get up on your knees on the bed and climb up to Yunho.
"Do you want to continue with Mingi?" He asks as he tugs your hair behind your ear.
"Can I have you both, please?" You then start to kiss Yunho beginning from his neck and jaw before you went on to kiss him on the lips.
Both your tongues intertwined. This kiss is different from what you had with Mingi. His is lustful, playful and aggressive while Yunho's is sensual, sweet but more dominant.
"Hey, don't forget that I'm here!" Mingi unzips his pants and positions himself behind you. "I'm so damn hard now... watching you make out... I need to fuck now or else..."
You look behind you and see his length. Your naughtiness comes through by seeing him hard for you, so you pushed your behind backwards so he'll have an easy access to your core.
"Please..." you softly say to Mingi.
"I'll slowly put it in..."
Mingi eases himself in you. His thickness and length makes your knees weak. He's that huge and perfect for your needy core.
Each thrust makes your eyes roll and make you shake. It's so good that it causes you to loose your balance a little. But luckily Yunho is right in front of you, giving you support and watching attentively.
"Ah! Y-yunho..." You cry as Mingi wreckes you from behind. You then wrap your arms around his neck. "Baby!"
"Is it good?" He asks
You nod.
"Does Mingi fuck you better than me?" He asks
"Ugh! You two should stop competing!"
"Just say it princess!" Mingi butts in as he continues to thrust harder, "holy fuck! I think I'm going to come soon!" He growls as he throws his head back
While you are on high from the sex. Yunho then then pulls you in for a kiss. He starts to roll his sleeves up whilst kissing you. "Your cheeks are getting red..." he says
"Because it feels... so good..." you say
"Let me make you feel good even more..." he softly says while eye to eye with you. "I need to see you come." He adds as he makes endless circle motion on your core.
"B-baby!" You cry grabbing his shoulders. "Baby!" Tears begin to run down your cheeks. The sensation is too much. One person you like is literally fucking you from behind while your boyfriend is making you go crazy with his fingers.
"Do you want to come in her?" Yunho asks Mingi
"Can I?"
"Sure. She's on birth controls.. plus, I want to see you guys loose your mind because of sex..." Yunho grins, his eyes is fixated to you. "Then after he finishes..." he leans in to whisper, "I will fuck you make sure you'll be sore, satisfied and wanting more..."
"Ah!! Shit!" You are close to climax. You are so turned on by how good mingi is and how Yunho just said that.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!" Mingi groans as he releases in you. "Holy hell!" He is catching his breathe and you're matching with him.
After the sex with Mingi, Yunho's bestfriend, and your 'second' boyfriend of some sort. You went to Yunho's room to take a breather. It's not like you can't do another round or what but you are preparing for your boyfriend.
Yunho may look calm, collective and sweet which he is but when it comes to making love with you or just h0rny fucking he is different. Intense. Powerful. He's stamina is no joke to.
"I'll let you two have the whole dorm." Mingi says as he dresses up. "I'll be at Jongho's place and hang out 'till whatever time. And if you need me for a sudden threesome just ring me and I'll rush back." He smiles, winking at you
"Maybe you should bring this." Yunho hand's a bag to Mingi which makes him confuse o.o
"Why? What is this?" He ask
"I've put two shirts just in case you guys drink and you throw up or sweat a lot. One pair of pants and your pajamas. Two boxers and your toothbrush and deo."
Yunho looks at confused Mingi with amusement, "I'm telling you to stay there for the night..."
Eyes widened in surprise but also pure admiration. "Yaaah~~~ Yunho... so you're telling me that you will have sex the whole night?"
Shrugging his shoulder with a smile on his lips, "You know me..."
"Waah... fucking hell." Mingi takes the bag and shakes his head. "Fine. Let's just schedule a threesome next time then?"
You then walk behind Yunho and hug him. "Till next time, Mingi."
"See you tomorrow, Princess. Hope you can still walk tomorrow."
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corrodedseraphine · 3 months
perfectly wrong | #5 you are not alone
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
chapter summary: Although you are annoyed by Steve's attitude, you feel safer with him than in your own home. Unexpectedly, a concerned Robin appears, which makes you decide to reveal the truth.
TW: mentions of: pregnancy, domestic violence, bruises, blood (let me know if I forgot about something!)
The story is also avaliable on ao3
previous chapter | masterlist | steve harrington masterlist | general masterlist
What can I say... It's been a while. I am sorry and thank you for still being here and reading this chapter.
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The Harrington residence was huge and filled with luxury, but this could not mask the feeling of cold and emptiness you faced as soon as you entered. You didn't have much time to look around though, Steve immediately led you to one of the guest bedrooms saying that from now on this was your room.
"Here are your clothes for change." he said looking into the dresser. "Robin left her things here because she often stays overnight, I think she won't mind if you borrow something for tonight. Tomorrow we'll go and get your stuff."
"How do you imagine that Steve? I'm just going to walk in there, pack up and leave?"
"Exactly like that." he replied dryly.
"What if he won't let me?"
"We'll go when he's not home."
"It's not that simple…" his attitude irritated you.
"Of course it's simple. We go in, get our stuff and leave. Just like that." saying this he snapped his fingers.
"I swear if I hear my name pronounced like that again I'll go crazy!" He didn't let you finish. "You can always go back there, but expect Hopper to be at your door later tonight.
"This is called blackmail!"
"I don't care!"
"You can't just make me stay here!"
"Watch me!" he looked you straight in the eyes. Aside from the irritation on his face, you could see something else. Something the sight of which was extremely rare and confusing. Worry.
After a moment of angry silence, he spoke up in a softer tone. "Are you hungry?"
"No." You answered.
"That's where the bathroom is, and you also know where the kitchen is. I'm going to sleep, and you do what you want." he said quickly and left closing the door.
With that, you were left alone in the big bedroom. Resigned, you walked over to the bed, and slowly sat on it, holding your stomach.
When did it all become so complicated?
There were many conflicting emotions in you, on the one hand, just a few days ago you were sure that getting rid of the baby would be the best decision, but now, when you almost lost it, you felt that you had to do everything to protect it. That's why deep down you felt grateful, for Steve's attitude. Here you were safe. Despite the fact that you considered each other enemies by his side you felt safer than in your own home.
Slowly, you felt your emotions leaving you and being replaced by fatigue. Wanting to take advantage of the comfort offered to you, you simply laid down wanting to fall asleep, hoping that at least in your dreams you will be able to feel calm for a while.
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It's been more than a dozen hours since Steve left you alone in your room. He knew you needed a rest, which is why he didn't even knock on the door to check if you were okay, since he guessed you were probably asleep. That didn't change the fact that he still felt anxious and worried. The darkest scenarios came to his mind.
What if you lost consciousness? What if the bleeding occurs again and this time it's too late?
Every now and then he passed by the room listening, but all he was met with was deafening silence. Finally, unable to stand it, he quickly prepared some sandwiches, put them on a tray, and next to them the medicines they prescribed at the hospital. Using that as an excuse, he knocked on the door.
"y/n? can I come in?" he asked.
"Yeah." he heard from behind the door. Your sleepy voice was a relief to him.
When he opened the door, the sight of you in the big bed in his house made him feel a strange sting in his chest. However, it was not the sting of hatred that very often accompanied him when he saw you. This time it was something that made him feel…emotional.
"I brought you something to eat and medicine. Don't forget to drink water, it's important." He said and put the tray next to you on the bed.
"Thank you." you replied quietly.
"How are you feeling?" he asked. "Do you need anything?"
"How long did I sleep?" you asked.
"Several hours."
"Oh my God…"
"I didn't go to work! Robin is going to kill me!" you abruptly jumped out of bed.
"Hey!" he grabbed your hand and stopped you before you reached the door. "Are you crazy? You're supposed to rest not work! Robin can handle it, I'm sure she's already come up with at least five excuses on how to cover for you from the manager."
"No. No buts or what ifs, go back to bed and eat." he said before you had time to say anything.
"Who are you to tell me what to do?" you asked feeling irritated.
"Are you really going to argue now?" he crossed his arms over his chest without taking his eyes off you.
"I need money, Steve. To have money I have to work! Is that so hard to understand?"
Before he answered anything he looked at his watch and then at you. "It doesn't matter anymore anyway." he said.
"What?" you asked confused.
"Look behind you." He pointed to the clock on the wall. "Your shift ended fifteen minutes ago."
"Damn it!" you cursed and resignedly sat back down on the bed.
"Listen, if you don't want to do it for yourself… do it for the baby. Eat the sandwiches and take your medicine, in the living room I've put some clothes for you, and towels if you want to take a shower." He said and walked out of the room leaving the door open.
Only now did you realize how hungry you were. Looking at the food you once again felt like refusing his help and telling him that he could go to hell, that you could manage on your own. Unfortunately, deep in your heart you knew this would be a lie. With difficulty you had to admit that you were grateful for his care and help.
Pushing your stubbornness aside, you began to eat. Although they were simple ham and tomato sandwiches, they tasted incredibly good. You couldn't remember when was the last time someone prepared something for you to eat.
Just as you were finishing eating, a loud knock sounded at the door in the house, and a second later someone opened it and walked in.
"Steve!" shouted Robin. "Steve, this is important!"
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
"It's about y/n." you could hear nervousness in her voice.
Hearing your name, you walked closer to the door so that you could hear everything. Your first thought was that she came here to start complaining that you didn't show up for work and didn't even let her know. She had a right to be mad at you.
"She didn't come to work today."
"So?" Steve tried to pretend to be unconcerned about the situation.
"She didn't even let it be known that she wasn't coming!"
"So what?"
"Listen, I know you don't like her, but I'm really worried and I have no idea what to do about it. She's been behaving really weird lately. She's late for work, she locks herself in the bathroom during breaks, I've had a feeling for a long time that something was wrong, but today I got confirmation."
You felt your heart go up to the hail with every word she said. You really tried to hide everything from her, unfortunately it was Robin. Robin who will catch every detail and nothing can be hidden from her.
"Can you finally say what happened?"
"Travis came looking for her. He was drunk started a brawl and threatened that if he found her she would regret not being home when he returned. Fortunately, Mr. Munson was there and helped me get rid of him before he forcibly got into the back room. I'm telling you Steve, this man is unpredictable, what if he hurts her one day? What if he is already hurting her! What if all those bruises on her body are his fault?"
"That's not all! Before we got rid of him he said something about the baby. About how she won't be able to raise a child on her own…"
"Ah, fuck."
"You think it's true, you think y/n is pregnant?"
Your heart was beating like crazy, almost drowning out the words that were coming from the other room. Each successive sentence from Robin sounded like a hammer blow, shattering your hopes of keeping everything a secret. You felt a cold shiver run down your back, and your hands began to tremble.
You had to face the truth. You couldn't expect Steve to lie to Robin and take responsibility for your secret. It was time to face the reality you had tried to ignore for so long.
Taking a deep breath you went into the living room holding your hand on your stomach, which very quickly turned into a fist clenching on your shirt. At the sight of you, Robin stood up as if she had been stunned, but Steve looked even more shocked by your appearance there. You opened your mouth to say anything however the only sound that came out of you was a pathetic whine. A second later you were already in your friend's arms crying like a baby.
"Oh my God, y/n, it will be all right. You are not alone."
All you could do was start crying even harder. There was a storm of emotions inside you, sadness, fear but also relief that the truth had come out.
Watching from the sidelines, Steve himself felt like he was about to cry. No matter how unpleasant the relationship between the two of you was, your situation and the sight of you in such a state was crushing his heart. He also tried to ignore the thought, somewhere in the back of his mind, that he wished he were in Robin's place right now. He would also like you to trust him enough to accept his presence and support in these hard times.
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" she asked when you had calmed down a bit.
"We need to talk," you said heading toward the couch.
Robin sat next to you, holding your hand while you slowly told everything that had happened. Steve sat across from you, uncertainly looking at both of you. Although his face was full of worry, you sensed something more in his gaze - something that suggested he understood you better now than ever before. However, every time your eyes met, you quickly looked away.
"Why didn't you tell me? We could have done something about it, found help." she said quietly. Her eyes became glassy with tears.
"I was so scared, Robin, I still am, I am so sorry."
"It's okay." she said and hugged you. "You're safe now. You will stay here with Steven and me. I still think you need to let Hopper know as soon as possible, but it's your decision…Remember that no matter what, I'm here for you."
"I can't stay here."
"You can and you will stay." interjected Steve. "That's not up for discussion."
"Y/n, no." interrupted Robin. "You know very well that you're safer here. It wouldn't even occur to Travis to look for you here."
"Finally someone agrees with me!"
"I swear to God, Harrington, not now!" Robin roared. "Where are your house keys?" she turned to you in a softer tone.
"I don't have… we didn't lock the door."
"We're both free tomorrow, we'll go get your stuff. We'll wait until he's not home."
"I can't just run away from home!"
"Why not?"
"He'll be looking for me, he'll come to work, he won't give us any peace knowing that you're protecting me."
"I'm not afraid of him, I've fought worse monsters than him."
"Can you please trust us?"
You could have trusted both of them with your life. Even Steve, who treated you as an enemy saved it more than once. You knew that the only harm he could do to you was in the verbal way. Although he was often hard and harsh on you, over the past few days he had shown that he was able and willing to help you, willing to protect you. Why, you had no idea however, you slowly felt tired of rejecting him over and over again. Robin, as always, was your rock, ready to stand up to anyone who might hurt you.
"Can you please trust us?" Robin repeated, her voice was soft but firm.
You remembered all the moments when Steve saved you, when, against all his faults, he stood by your side. You remembered Robin, always loyal, always ready to make sacrifices.
"I trust you. Both of you." you sighed.
"You are not alone." she whispered in response.
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When Robin left, leaving you with a sense of relief, you decided to get some fresh air and go out into the garden. The sun was slowly going down towards the horizon, coloring the sky with shades of orange and pink. You sat down on a wooden bench, and Steve took the seat next to you, somewhat uncertainly. For a while you were both silent, immersed in the silence and beauty of the sunset. Finally, he broke the silence.
"I'm glad you told Robin the truth," he began, looking ahead. "You can't imagine how hard it would have been for me to lie to her."
You looked at him sideways, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. Did he really want to lie to her to protect you? "I know, I'm sorry I put you in this situation. It is all so…complicated."
He sighed, combing his hand through his hair. "You don't have to apologize. I understand why you didn't want to tell anyone. But now that Robin knows…it might be a little easier. We're in this together."
"Thank you."
"Just to make things clear… I don't hate you, okay? Let's start over, the more I think about it the more I get the feeling that all this hate between us was somehow one big misunderstanding, I don't even remember why it was all like that."
When you heard his proposal, you felt surprised. You did not expect such a turn of events, but at the same time you felt that this could be a chance for a new beginning. "Let's have a fresh start. It may not be easy, but I think we both need it." He added and extended his hand toward you, as if to seal your new agreement. After a moment of hesitation you took his hand, feeling the warmth and strength in his embrace.
When you got home you immediately went to bed. You felt your heart beating faster at the thought of what the future would bring. Your situation was complicated, and living life with Travis had left deep wounds in you. You didn't know if you would ever be able to completely free yourself from them.
Steve, on the other hand, the last thing he thought about before falling asleep was that he was glad that for the first time in a long time he wasn't falling asleep alone in that big house.
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taglist: @i-me-mine @phantypurple @tlclick73 @sheisjoeschateau @hollandweather @lma1986 @scarletwitchwhore @freezaz123 @ihatepeanutss @joekeerysmoles
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chiharuhashibira · 1 year
Next chappy's up!
And yes, I won't make you cry 😫 I'll try thoooo~
Let's start this now! First part will be written in Sanemi's POV. Then after the --, I will go back to Y/N.
I present you the Part of of 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ☺️!
𝑩𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝒀𝒐𝒖
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙸𝚅
𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐗 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)
<𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
Content Warnings: Curse words, Slightly Suggestive, Angst/Drama
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(Image is not mine)
"Nii-chan, are you alright?"
"Huh? I'm good. What's up with you, though?"
Sanemi hasn't been focusing well lately, even in his classes. He's less harsh than he usually is, and even his closest friend, Obanai, notices this. But of course, knowing the chemistry teacher, he won't really pry that much.
Genya shifted in his seat, looking at his big brother with worried eyes. Usually, Sanemi would say things like...
"Why do you fucking care?!"
"Mind your own damn business, you goddamn brat!"
It's not like Genya likes being yelled at by his own brother, but Sanemi's been acting weird.
"I'm good Nii-chan. I hope you are too. Just remember that you're the sweetest brother in the world. And the greatest teacher too."
Sanemi blushed at what his little brother told him. He scoffed and rolled his eyes, gripping harder on the steering wheel. But honestly, inside, his heart was suddenly filled with warmth.
You were a wreck. The day after that incident with Sanemi, you couldn't find the guts to face him at school. You can't even talk to Kanae well after the jealousy that you just felt from her presence. The science teacher doesn't deserve it, as she was really nice towards you, but you just can't help it.
You're a history teacher, but damn, you don't know how to write your story well enough that it'll be good history in the future.
Sanemi had avoided you as well, and that made you feel worse. Whenever you're in the faculty room, he will walk out, even if he's in the middle of a conversation. Of course, you know that what he tells his other colleagues is just full of excuses.
You silently watched him, noticing how he became less aggressive with his students. But of course, sometimes you'll see him talking to Kanae, and you'll end up sulking once again on a corner with Tomioka, who has no idea why you're there with him at all.
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(this is the usual view you'll see)
But as if the fates were testing your patience, today you found yourself alone with him inside the faculty room.
The teachers decided to go out tonight, but of course, because you were sulking badly, you declined. Even if Tomioka wanted to decline too, Shinobu forced him to do so. So now you're alone at your desk, finishing checking the test papers on the table.
You heard the door slide but didn't look up, as perhaps it was just one of your students.
"If you're looking for other teachers, they're not around. Just come back tomorrow."
"Need a hand?"
You looked up, and standing behind you was Sanemi. With his sleeves rolled up and his arms crossed, you can't help but feel hot on the face. But yes, you longed to hear his voice. You fucking missed the scent of his minty perfume.
You missed Sanemi so much, and him talking to you right now fucking hurts so much.
But of course, you're at school, and this is work. You need to separate your personal life from your career, which you also messed up on doing the last few days.
You gave Sanemi a soft smile, trying your best not to pull him down and just hug him. "Oh, sure, Shinazugawa-san. My students are giving me a hard time!" Your voice sounded as professional as you had imagined, and it had made Sanemi scoff.
He pulled Giyu's chair over and sat next to you, snatching some of the test papers from your table. "Where's the answer sheet?" He asked, and you handed it to him.
Sanemi's fingers brushed against yours, and that immediately almost made you pass out. You were paralysed by the sensation that the little motion sent through your body. You watched as the man checked the papers silently, wishing he'd bring up something from that time, but nothing came.
"For a delinquent kid, Hashibira-kun did well." He muttered under his breath, praising your student which made you smile. "Yep, he's good at history. And Kamado-kun's a great tutor." You replied, smiling as you easily checked Tanjiro's papers. The kid had aced the test once again.
"Eh, I hope he does well in math, though. That kid gets fucked up with numbers!"
"Oi, mind your language." You said, chuckling, which also definitely made Sanemi smile.
You remembered the night when he confessed to you, as he said almost the same words when you cursed at him.
"Why are you still here, though? I thought the teachers would eat dinner together or something. Where's your best friend? Tomioka?" Sanemi asked as he continuously checked your students' papers. You gulped and paused for a bit.
"Oh, Kocho-sama took Tomioka-san. And as for me, I'm busy. I can't go." You lied through your teeth, wishing Sanemi would never notice. "How about you? I thought you went with them?" Kanae's there... You wanted to add but stopped yourself from doing so.
"Oh well, I'm not in the mood for those gatherings. Okay, I'm done here. Do you have more tests to check?"
"Oh, none. I think I can go home. Finally!"
You said, stretching out on your chair. You didn't notice, but a button on your blouse popped out, hitting Sanemi on the cheek. You gasped, immediately caressing his cheek to check if you had accidentally wounded him again. But thank goodness, there are none.
Sanemi undoubtedly blushed slightly as you caressed his face and let your fingers run up his scars. When you realised it, you pulled your hand away, apologising for what you just did.
You were expecting that Sanemi would pull your hand or anything, but that didn't happen. Disappointment filled you, but this is the reality. You turned him down, and that's the end of it.
A warm fabric suddenly blanketed you, making you look up. There, you saw that Sanemi took off his outer vest and placed it over your shoulders. "I don't wear any jackets, but perhaps this vest could cover you up." He said it sweetly, and that definitely tugged at your heartstrings.
"Thank you, Shinazugawa-san."
"You're welcome."
Silence. A deafening silence came right after you wore his vest, covering up your bra that was exposed earlier. His minty scent embraced you like a lover longing for his significant other, and there, you wished it was him instead of just his vest.
The math teacher didn't try to start up a conversation; instead, he played with Tomioka's pen that was left at his table.
You suddenly wondered why he was mad at your friend in the first place. So you asked.
"Why do you hate Tomioka-san so much?"
Your question caught Sanemi off guard, and he was undoubtedly staring at you with wide eyes as a result.
"Uh, sorry to pry—"
"I don't hate the man. But I consider him my rival. He's smart; I'll give him that. But I fucking hate his I am different from you vibes and shit. And the Kochos seemed to still like him despite that. You know that Kanae's my ex. I even became jealous of him before."
Kanae again... You looked away and sighed. "I see."
"But now it's different. It's more like he doesn't vibe with me as much as Obanai does. And he looks like a fucktard."
"Hey! Tomioka's handsome!"
You said it in defence of your best friend, which made Sanemi laugh. He shook his head and continued. "But yeah, that's it. I don't really care if he lives with the Kochos or anything. I have more priorities than thinking about them."
His words moved you. So, does this also mean that he isn't thinking about Kanae anymore? You wanted to ask once again, but you have no right to do so.
"And you're one of those priorities, Y/N."
Your world stopped as Sanemi's voice echoed in your senses. You shot him a shocked look, but he was already looking at you with sadness in his eyes. This sight was too different from his normal attitude, and it makes you feel bad. You want to comfort him.
"I can't forget about you, Y/N. I fucking tried."
"Sanemi stop."
You tried stopping him, but the man held your hand once again and gripped it tightly this time, assuring you that you wouldn't leave him again.
"Please let me start over, Y/N. Please let me prove myself to you. Please give me this last chance. And I swear that if this doesn't work this time, I'll stop for good. I'll fucking leave you alone even if that shit hurts."
This time, tears finally rolled down your cheeks as, for the second time, you saw the usual strong and cold Sanemi beg for you to give him another chance.
You hate how he looks right now. You hate seeing him sad. And with that, you let your impulse take over your body as you gave him a warm embrace and whispered in his ear.
"One last chance, Sanemi. Let's try this again."
𝑻𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅…
𝑰 𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖, 𝑰 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒓𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒓𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆
But why the heck am I sobbing XD
Okay... fuck, I love angst :'( And still I hope this made you happy ^^
I hope Sanemi's not too OOC but this is how I imagined him to be if he ever falls in love again and get hurt. Like he would have this part revealed. And yes, the first part's my fave as I was sobbing over Genya because of some spoilers that I have seen today.
You are my babies and I want you happy so I swear, next chappy will be happier. Sanemi and Y/N is making up here so, perhaps on the next chappy they'll be okay? Or is it? MWHAHAHAHA
But anyways, thank you for reading this fic. I love you and always remember that!
@sofilsworld just tagging you here as you were also in the last chappy ^^ Thank you!!
<𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
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eluxurex · 1 month
Just a little thing I thought of some days ago..
Hearth was doing a late night shift again. He worked at a small convenience store downtown. There wasn't much to do on most nights except for him to aimlessly pace around the store- a habit of his- or just tap away on his phone to check the time. The store wasn't really popular choice, so Hearth was even looking for a new job anyways. Maybe he'll go to a bar or some night club to be making cocktails. That didn't sound so bad to him.
Hearth sharply looked up. He wasn't used to hearing any noises on his shifts so the mere sound of the door opening startled him a bit. He stood up straight, as it was always good to have proper posture when facing customers.
It was a man. He wore a cream coloured dress shirt and had a black blazer slung over his sleeves. He had hazelnut brown hair that neatly braided at on end and had green highlights. The man was much taller then Hearth, easily dwarfing him. He had big smirk on his face, revealing sharp, white fangs and his eyes, a bright shade of green similar to his hair, seemed to be sizing him up.
Hearth took a deep breath, trying make himself look calm and professional as much as he could. The man looked dangerous, but this was no time place or time to be frightened.
"Can I help you, sir." He asked, making his face look placid and emotionless as possible.
The man's smile grew even wider. "Oh c'mon now, Hearth, don't act like you don't know why I am here." He replied. "You agreed to meet up with me at my home, but for some reason, you weren't coming. I thought I might as well go look for you."
Hearth rolled his eyes. "I'll get my stuff. My shift was soon to end anyways."
The man put his hand on Hearth's head ruffling. "That's a good little prey~"
Hearth stiffened. " I told you not to refer to me as that, Benji."
The room was light in a dim orange light that somehow made the room look more amazing than it already was. Hearth had never known anybody that had such a large bedroom and had such an enormous bed. In fact, most of the furniture in the room easily outsized him. Hearth wasn't exactly short; he was pretty tall for a human. But being in such a room built for much larger people than him made him feel itsy-bitsy.
"So...what do you think?" Benji asked. He had change to something much lighter and comfortable, which was just a simple shirt and shorts. It wasn't much, but the clothing somehow empathized his large frame, revealing the somewhat curvy outline of his body. Hearth quickly decided to ignore this. He's a predator, he thought, you can't be admiring his body.
"It's....nice." He finally said. Actually, 'nice' was an understatement. Hearth loved the design of the room. Perhaps if he was an architect, he would have tried to design his room like that. But Hearth was kinda on a tight budget at the moment.
Benji chuckles. " I'm glad you like it. Now, should we start?" He gazed back at Hearth.
"Uh, sure. You'll let me out tomorrow, like we agreed."
He easily lifted Hearth up and grinned at Hearth, almost as if he was non-verbally teasing the human. Hearth could easily imagine himself getting caught and forcefully consumed by this man. He seemed capable. Too capable. "It's okay, it's okay, he reassured himself, he wouldn't do that.
Benji opened his mouth, his fangs even seemed much more dangerous up close. Hearth stifled a whimper. He was nervous obviously.
"Aw, are you frightened?" Benji asked, chuckling a bit. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle."
Then he put Hearth's head and began to swallow.
It was much more tight er than Hearth thought. He was quickly covered in saliva and could feel himself going even further down as Benji's powerful throat gulped him down. It didn't take long before all of Hearth had reached Benji's stomach.
Hearth heard a satisfied sigh as Benji got on his bed. He suddenly felt a small pressure on his head, which was probably Benji rubbing him.
"You feel good in there." Benji said, his deep voice rumbling around Hearth. "We should do this more often.
Hearth rolled his eyes. "Then you're gonna pay extra 'cause I'll rather not be here."
Benji smirked. "Oh c'mon now, you know you love my company."
Hearth sighed, really not in the mood to talk to the predator that literally had him all to himself. "Just leave me alone, I wanna have some sleep."
Benji giggled, relaxing into his bed. "Alright, alright, just relax okay? You're safe with me."
Hearth slowly closed his eyes, ready to take a well deserved rest. "I know." He thought.
Author's Note: Man I love these two guys especially Hearth. This isn't exactly their canon storyline but it's somewhere close to it I guess. I needed an excuse to write about these guys. Hope you all enjoyed reading:)
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lovinggreeniehours · 3 months
↳ faruzan × arin × sethos (though this is more arin-centric than shippy)
↳ 600+ words
↳ trying to conceptualize arin's character more, and i ended up with this. now there's angst with no resolution🥳 (so far) i might rewrite this for something bigger but i wanted to get the idea out of my head first. im not sure how well people might understand this without context but. i hope there's an inkling at least?
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Everything hurt. From the pounding in Arin's head to the soreness of his legs. He expected that, having only woken up several hours ago. But there he sat, late in the night, already dressed to leave. He just had one thing left to check.
Watching Faruzan wake up beside him, he imagined she was feeling somewhat similar.
"Hey, dummy."
Faruzan grimaced, cringing away from even the barest streaks of moonlight from her window. She turned left and right in confusion, hair mussing up around her head.
"Wh-What? Arin?"
Arin simply shook his head. He released a gentle wave of Cryo energy to his fingertips, ghosting his hands over her forehead and scalp to help her relax.
"We're fine, we're fine. I just wanted to see if you'd.." He paused, then shook his head. "Nevermind. Just go back to sleep."
When he was confident she had fallen back asleep, he spoke up once more, now more or less just playing with the uneven strands of hair framing her head. He retracted his hand, reaching to his side to pick up his sheathed sword.
"Sorry, Paruparo. I won't be here when you wake up, I don't think."
He caught a glimpse of the view outside the window. A city perched atop the gargantuan Divine Tree, and the rainforest that surrounded it. None of which was familiar anymore. As far as Arin could tell, everything he knew was inside this room. And he hoped she was sleeping well, despite his intrusion.
"I will return tomorrow. After they've.. told you everything." He secured his sheath to his belt, turning to leave.
"Hey." Someone said. Arin was too entrenched in sleep to care who, though they're only could be one person. The bitter remains of a forgotten dream clung to the recesses of his mind, ruining his mood before he could decide what it was even supposed to be. "You're burning up."
Sethos's light eyeroll was audible in his tone. "Come on.."
Honestly, he was probably right. Arin did feel more exhausted than usual. Maybe warm. He wasn't sure. Wasn't it always warm in Sumeru?
"I think we need to camp out a bit longer."
That got Arin's eyes open. He shook his head as much as he was able (which was, very feebly).
"I'll be fine."
"No, no, no." Sethos held him down him by the shoulders just as he was about to get up. Sunbeams poured down over Sethos's head, resembling a halo with the soft lavender skylight of Vanarana. "No."
Arin had to squint at him to filter out the light. "I'm fine."
"No, you are most definitely not."
"We need to help Rana.." Arin groused.
"We do." Sethos nodded. "But, no offense, you're not going to be much of help to her or anyone trying to travel in your condition."
Arin could only muster a huff. To his own dismay, he already found himself too tired to continue his argument, and all too willing to slip back into slumber.
"We need to help Rana." He repeated, considerably weaker than before; more rueful than anything.
"This is just one obstacle." His companion reassured. "Just rest well. We'll be back on the road in no time."
Sethos's knuckles pressed against Arin's forehead to gauge the temperature. His skin held a soft sort of warmth.
Sethos began to mumble to himself as Arin drifted off. The words were lost on him. Something about Sumeru City being too far. Something about the sky. Something about vision.
"Sorry." Arin murmured in his drowsiness. Notably, Sethos went silent. "I did it again."
"Did what?" Sethos asked.
"Stepped.. I stepped on the pressure plate." Arin mumbled. "I hope we don't stay stuck here too long."
Sethos paused, eyebrows knitting together in thought.
"You know.. it's not your fault. For getting sick."
Arin only hummed, Sethos's voice echoing as he finally fell asleep.
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larabiatasstuff · 10 months
Part three 🖤
"Alright, good news. I analyzed the dart you gave me and it contained some kind of anaesthetics for animals,elephants if you want to know it exactly. I have no idea how he does it but a normal human would be dead by now." Rosa said joining us at the table" So that means he will fully recover?" I asked" We'll see, first he has to wake up. The stuff could have caused some damage to his nervous system but he spoke, not a full sentence but it's better than nothing. " " What did he say? " " He said your name a few times . It's late has anyone showed you your quarters? "Rosa asked" No I... I was hoping that I could stay with him. "" There's just one bed I'm afraid there's no space. "" I can sleep on the floor. I have no problem with that. " " Listen the room is too... " but she couldn't finish" Babe, imagine it was me lying in that room and someone tells you, you can't stay with me. " Miranda said looking at the dark haired woman.Rosa sighed " I'll see if I can find a mattress for you. " with that she got up and disappeared." It's late sweetie you should check on your man and get some rest. " "We'll see us at eight in the morning." Tinker said. "Thank you, really I can't tell you how grateful I am. Have a good night." before I made my way to Sweet Tooth, I stopped at the truck, getting Harold and his blanket. I carefully opened the door to the small room. It must have been some kind of shed before. There he was, lying on his back an IV in his arm. I gently put the blanket over him and tucked him in. I took a seat on the chair beside him and took his hand intertwining my fingers with his. "Hey umm I don't know if you can hear me, actually it doesn't matter. You know that you have to wake up sooner or later right? Cause seriously Sweet Tooth I'm not working very well under pressure .You just can't leave me unsupervised and I scared the shit out of Harold the poor guy almost had a heart attack. Also I... I miss you Sweet Tooth. I know it hasn't been long but I already miss you. Your voice, your jokes and our talks. I'll be working here from tomorrow but I'm with you the whole night I promise. Just please don't leave me alone okay? " then a knock on a door was heard and the door opened." Here I found this mattress and an old blanket." "Thank you so much Rosa." I took the things and placed the mattress on the floor. "I'm in the quarters on the other side if you need me." "Okay thank you. Have a good night." she nodded and left. I tried to make myself comfortable, listening to Sweet Tooth's steady breathing. My head was so full of thoughts and worries that it took me a while to fall asleep, and when I did it wasn't a very deep one. Every time I heard him moving on the bed I woke up and checked on him.He was muttering something but I couldn't really understand what he said.I tucked him in again and looked out of the small window. It was already getting light outside so I decided to get ready and take a walk around the before I had to meet with Tinker. I put my hand on the door knob and left the shed.
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Part four🖤
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crystalsnow95z · 1 year
Just a quick write because I'm feeling really low in life right now. I'm sorry if it's not any good but I want an outlet for my emotions. Trigger warning: depression.
"Taehyung-ah? It's dinner time." Jimin calls outside the bedroom door, but gets no reply. The boys decided to rent a place so they could have their last night as seven together. Taehyung was feeling tired from his long flight from Mexico and went to lay down.
*is he fall asleep?* Jimin opens the door to check. Taehyung was underneath the blanket curled up. He was about to leave when he hears a shaky breath come from his friend.
"TaeTae are you crying?" Jimin sits on the bed, pulling the blanket away from Taehyung's face. He had his face buried in the pillow, but Jimin still heard the muffled sob.
Jimin pulls the pillow away and pulls Taehyung to him. "Tae, why are you crying?'
Taehyung doesn't answer, he just buries his face into Jimin's chest. Jimin could feel the younger vocalist trembling, his heart pounding hard in his chest.
"Taehyung, you need to breathe.." Jimin tells him softly when he hears him hyperventilating. "I'm here with you now, and whatever is wrong, we can figure it out together. Please don't cry.. You're going to make me cry too." Jimin says, but it was already too late. A tear rolls down his cheek.
Taehyung tries to take some deep breaths to calm himself, but they don't work. They come out as coughs. Jimin strokes his back, pressing his head against Taes.
J-hope walks into the room to see what's taking so long and quickly rushes to the bed.
"Taehyung is crying? Why? Why?" He says loud enough for the others to hear and it only takes a few moments for all seven boys to be in the room.
"I don't know. He's crying too much to tell me." Jimin replies to J-hope.
Jungkook sits on the bed, petting Taehyungs head. "Don't cry hyung.."
"Let him cry. We can talk after he lets it all out." Namjoon tells them. "Just know that we all love you Tae."
Taehyung nods, sitting up from Jimin's chest to wipe his face. Jimin helps him try to dry his eyes. Taehyung takes a deep breath finally finding his voice, it coming out small and shaky. "I'm sorry.."
Jungkook goes on the bed."V-hyung.. you dont have to be sorry..what's making you cry?"
"It's..It's just been a lot of things building up.." Taehyung is hardly understood from his voice shaking so much.
"We can figure it out together whatever it is, okay?" J-hope tells him, hugging him to his chest.
"Seojin-hyung is leaving tomorrow, and it won't be long until the others leave too.. we've been together for so long..I can't imagine not being able to call you whenever I like..just wondering if you guys will be okay..' Taehyung is hardly understood through the tears that started running full force down his cheeks.
"Voo, don't worry I'll be okay, I'll call and message as much as I can, and I'll be as careful as I can be." Seojin tells him, offering his arms out to hug him. Taehyung accepts, holding him close.
The sight of Taehyung crying brought Jungkook to tears as well, and he had similar worries.
"I'll do my best to come back as quick as possible. Please don't cry over me. The time will fly by." Seojin let's go of Taehyung to hug onto Jungkook. "The same goes for you."
"It's been hard to be happy since covid hit..and right when I start to feel happy again..we had to announce our hiatus for our solo projects before we all joined the military and I'm really struggling to be happy with my music.. I know army have been waiting for years.." taehyung let's out his emotions.
"I'm scared about my album too.." jungkook admits. "I was so scared doing dreamers.. I really prefer performing as 7..I want to do my best for army.."
"I don't want to be a solo artist. I want to stay as 7.. but there's so many rumors we're disbanding even after we told them we aren't.." Taehyung voiced his fears.
The members took turns sharing their worries, the older members that already made solo albums giving them advice.
"Just because you make solo music doesn't mean you still aren't BTS." Yoongi tells them."I made solo music, and that didn't change anything."
"We said we would continue to make music together for years to come, remember? As long as we trust in each other and army trusts us, we'll make it." Namjoon tells them.
The boys continue to pour their hearts out to one another until they hear Teahyungs stomach growl. He had hardly eaten that day because he was stressed out, but after talking, he was feeling better.
"Let's go get you some food." Jimin takes his hand. "No matter what we're in this together. I love you Taetae. Don't forget it."
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hospitalterrorizer · 3 months
monday - tuesday
need to sleep soon..;
but i am not tired. i did just cut my hair a little, i textured it / sheared it too so it's less heavy on the sides, which i think will help w/ my bangs a touch because my hair will be less heavy so it won't like, go weird ways w/ all the waves.
it's so hard to sleep... i hate that my sleep is messed up and i wake up feeling so ugly and guh. it's too much, it makes me really depressed and on top of this i need to call my stepdad about something that probably showed up in his mail and he either didn't realize or saw and didn't tell me he got it because it is my last check from my job and he and my money have a storied history.
also... i still really need to listen to my album. it's just honestly so hard kind of. it should be easy, i just click play in musicbee and let it go, but i'm so apprehensive, i've already done all this before, i guess i just really don't want to do it again, but what am i going to do? just put it out kind of blind? i don't want to regret the album. i am just scared i won't love it or something. but what am i going to do, then, not put it out? i have spent a really long time on this. i have to! it is some part of my life's work and that's a terrifying thing to say almost, that it is over a year, i think i guess i have to say "years" of work. it is years of work! even not just the thing itself but figuring out how to make music at all, and then the thing, it began before i was working at ross which was before starting even this diary, like, a whole year, i started working at ross in november of 2022. so i guess maybe not 2 years fully. so maybe not 'years' but it's getting rather close. before then the music was a lot less, idk, well it was maybe not simpler, although, idk, it's really just a lot of stuff i was doing to help myself learn to do vocals which was new to me then. i've been wanting to do them since i started making music in highschool, i was 15-16! but i didn't. it took me a long time, almost a decade. isn't that frightful. it is to me a bit. it also took me a horribly long time to be myself as i am now and i wish i were sooner because maybe i'd have a steadier place in the world as such. whatever this is because i'm not anything explicitly and that reminds me i need to finish my bio. brb.
okay i did the bio submitted that + the poem... and i listened to the album and ohmygosh i do really like it still!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can't imagine my relief at only having one song i do need to do some rather serious work on. i'm feeling good about that though, it's really almost there i think. maybe what i do is just combine the guitars to one channel and have that channel super wide and w/ the mid channel w/ some decent cuts in there? it feels a little spare almost? that song, but i know there's a lot there. so it's just about kinda getting everything up to the right levels.
okay, i am really up too late... tomorrow or not tomorrow but the day after but the days are hard to keep track of because i don't know what i am doing to myself blah blah blah whatever i have to go out or maybe i don't but i'd feel bad if i didn't but maybe feeling bad is all i'll really get to in the immediate future because of my stupid sleep. but i have to get my stupid sleep, so i get any sleep.
here's a fanvid of a salem song using footage from buffalo 66. maybe i should rewatch some gallo films. (what do i mean by 'some' there are only 2... i am sometimes such a pretentious sounding bitch (or am i? i'm just tired... i seem so ridiculous through my own bloodshot eyes)).
feels good to hear this before sleeping, anyway:
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princessisabella1950 · 3 months
The intruder incident: Chapter 1-Hallway harassment
Guiding light has heard a noise in the hotel and went to investigate "Umm,Light are you sure we should be in the hallways this late?" Shadow asked nervously
"We have to,Shadow,It's our job to protect the hotel from humans " said Guiding light "Okay" He said
"Don't worry,Shadow everything will be okay" Guiding light said Shadow nodded slowly as they kept walking,Glitch and Void were behind them,as they had also heard the noise
But while they were doing so he could have sworn he saw someone looking at them from beyond the hallway,but it was probably just his imagination _________________________________________
"Shadow?!" Guiding light called "Oh,Sorry!"As he left to catch up to the others,He saw the "figure" move away "G-Guys,I think we're being watched" Shadow said
"Shadow,who would be up this late?"Glitch said "We're the only ones who are awake at this hour" Void said "You're probably just tired"
"But I'm not lying I'm telling the truth-" Shadow started to say"Shadow,look I know you're tired but we have to do our job" Guiding light said As the others left,Shadow stood there motionlessly,
His friends and his own girlfriend didn't believe him But he decided to let it slide as he walked off into the halls again
"Maybe,they're right Shadow thought to himself, "perhaps this is just my imagination-"
"I remember what you did"
Shadow was cut off by his thoughts as he heard a voice "Huh,Who said that?" Shadow asked, Now afraid
"I will make you pay,Shadow!"
"W-Wait....That voice,why does it sound familiar?" He suddenly realized who it was:
"Levi!?" And there he was,A young male,With a huge hole in his heart,A missing eye and blood pouring out from his chest "Why,Shadow....?" Said the human
"I-I'm sorry,I wanted to save you that day,b-but-" Shadow started to say"
"N-No,That's not what I'm saying-"
Meanwhile:Guiding light was checking the schedule for tomorrow "How's the schedule doing? "Glitch asked
"Good,We should be able to get things done tomorrow" Guiding light said "Hey speaking of tomorrow has anyone seen Shadow?" Void asked "He must have wondered off again,I'll go find him" Guiding light sighs
As Guiding light walked into the hallways again,She heard screaming and yelling
"Shadow,Is everything alr-" She paused as she saw him crying and a random human yelling at him,Which he was sensitive to,She runs over and pushed the human away "HOW DARE YOU YELL AT MY SHADOW!" She yelled
"So Shadow is your Boyfriend?"He asked Guiding light was shocked to see the familiar face,she thought she would never see again
"Levi?,Impossible,I-I thought you were dead..." Guiding light said "I was,and It's his fault" Levi said pointing at shadow
"Well there is two of us and one of you, so you can't defeat us" Guiding light shouted while protectively holding Shadow "I beg to differ..."
As Levi said that a young female with a missing arm and a prosthetic leg came in "Does she look familiar to you?" Levi snickers "Mia?" Guiding light gasped as she saw the young female"L-Light,I-I thought we were friends" the human girl whispered to Guiding light "I-I'm sorry...." was all that Guiding light could say"Well now that we've got this out of the way,Let's settle this...."The female human said
Levi grabbed a sharp object and threw it at Shadow "WATCH OUT!" Guiding light yelled as She pushed Shadow out of the way and the knife got stabbed into her hand,She screamed in pain as Shadow just watched in horror
"THAT'S IT,YOU'VE JUST CROSSED THE LINE!!" Shadow screamed as he pushed Levi into a wall as Mia tried to strangle him,But he threw her into the glass window and she fell to her doom
"YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!!"he yelled as he grabbed a piece of the glass and stabbed Shadow's arm,Shadow then screamed in pain
"HOW DARE YOU!!" Guiding light yelled as She grabbed the human boy and threw him out the window along with his sister
Now that the "intruders" were gone, Guiding light went to Shadow to see if he was okay"I'm sorry I didn't believe you,My love"  She whispered as she bandaged his arm"It's okay,dear" Shadow said,kissing her forehead "We better go find Glitch and Void,Who knows if there are more "intruders" in here"
0 notes
jammytriestowrite · 2 years
The new year...so far.
Well, it didn't turn out like how I imagined it to be. First thing is I woke up late (again, ugh). Waking up an hour before lunch doesn't sit right with me, that's just a confirmation that I'm not ready to get my shit together. But I can try again tomorrow. I need to wake up at least by 8am so I can be more productive throughout the day.
At lunchtime, Tatay and Tita Miriam had a petty fight. I can't remember when Mommy (when she was still around) and Tatay had their fights as a couple so seeing Him argue with his love interest now (who I can see is a good person) kind of feels traumatizing. I feel sorry for Tita Miriam, she doesn't deserve him. I realized maybe my father is the reason why I am afraid to love, I thought I would want to marry a guy like him but it turns out otherwise. I'm scared of the thought that I will get yelled at over little things and I will be compared to their past lovers. I'm scared that all decent guys have gone extinct. By decent guy, I mean someone who understands your shortcomings and who still talks to you softly even when they're angry. I wish you were still out there.
They make amends after a while though. Through food. No one said sorry but seeing them interact again made me take a breather. It's Ceasefire, for now.
For the rest of the day, I tried to read. I started on Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which I slept on after a few chapters in, and Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe. I liked the latter better. It's surprisingly good and I can't wait to finish it. For the Potter book, I'll try to finish it after, It's just too long and heavy.
I also reopen this dating app. I have had it for a while but I kept refusing to check on it. I replied to some messages I received over 2 weeks ago. But I wasn't expecting something from it. I really don't like anyone. I'm thinking of deleting the app now. It's useless actually.
Oh, and I beat my Move Goal today! A small win for the first day of the year. Writing this can be a win too. I just hope I keep doing this.
0 notes