#it's like duuuuuude no it's not the same
acecroft · 1 year
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kindaorangey · 2 years
look at marinette's dad. and look at marinette's mum. now tell me again why you think marinette is skinny petite when she's an adult
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captn3 · 4 months
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My Tooth Your Love is really just out here being so fucking good huh
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neengareadynaaready · 5 months
I finally saw Salaar on Netflix, and as promised, I am going insane over the guys Varadeva.
Music is by Ravi Basrur, same guy who did the scoring of KGF. Let me start by saying that I absolutely loved the songs of KGF. They were high-energy songs perfect for getting yourself hyped up for something. I went into watching Salaar expecting the same thing, but I was proven wrong.
The songs in Salaar are actually more varied. The children in the school singing, "Prathi Gaadhalo" gave me goosebumps. I applaud the fact that Ravi Basrur has such range and versatility in the music he composes and arranges but you can still see his signature in his creations.
Speaking of signatures... The visuals are beautiful. Obviously, Prashanth Neel's style is coming through in KGF and now Salaar. Also, there was something in the way the story is told to Shruti Haasan's character, just like how Rocky's story is narrated in KGF.
90% (or more) of mass action films have a flashback portion where the hero's backstory is revealed. In most cases, it's to clarify the hero's motivation or to show us his heroism/what he suffered/his traumas, etc.
In Salaar and KGF, the flashbacks are the entire story. In KGF, it's through an interview for things that happened in the past. In Salaar, the present and the past are more connected. It reminded me of Baahubali Part 1 where the present-day events make up the first half before we then dive into the entire backstory of Amarendra Baahubali. Mahendra's/Shiva's story in the present only really starts in the 2nd movie.
So this is where my ramblings lead to: we all know SS Rajamouli is thinking on a bigger scale. He's thinking epics. With KGF and Salaar, it feels like Prashanth Neel is gearing up for that, too. A lot of the people who dismissed KGF said it was because it was style over substance, which I'm fine with, to be honest, because what PN was trying to do in that movie was obvious, from the storyline to the music especially. He was trying to create a legend, the Legend of Rocky Bhai. Even if the story is not that unique and/or cringe, the fact is Rocky Bhai will now go down in history as one of the most unforgettable mass action characters of Indian cinema.
Here, in Salaar, we get a new world. It is in Khansaar where our epic unfolds.... (At least that was the vibe I was getting while watching.) I mean, Prithviraj said Salaar had Game of Thrones vibes. I'm a sucker for court politics in an interesting new world, so I was hooked. Also, that revelation of Deva being the rightful heir to the throne? C'mon, it's obvious, but it's a classic for a reason. It's such good angst and how Varadha and Deva navigate this revelation when it's revealed to everyone in Part 2 is gonna be amazing.
In general, I think most of the characters are very interesting. Not gonna lie, I lost track of some of them midway through the movie. I was consumed by Varadeva every time they were both on screen.
Look, I kinda wished Ranga was still alive so there's that one character that has it out for Varadha and Deva would have to come to his rescue again in Part 2. Anyway, he was an interesting character because he spiraled so fast, and he was always clinging to Rudra's arm and going "I have never asked you for anything since childhood. I want Varadha." and then he was bawling his eyes out, like what a certifiably insane character.
Prabhas and Prithviraj's interactions were really very interesting and fun. I wish we had more. They bantered while fighting, and you can feel they're the type to make fun of each other and have fun. But you can also see how much they truly care for each other that time when Naarang was wielding his sword. They're like, "No, kill me, spare him." DUUUUUUDE. I loved that.
And when Varadha made up his mind, Deva was ready to support him. Who knows what's gonna happen in Part 2.
Action is okay. Was very nice to see them fight side by side.
The cast of characters, the story, the premise, the subplots going around... I'm excited for Part 2!
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bishie-haven · 1 month
After-party, Day 2!
Day 3’s contents are here! This one is gonna be a bit different compared to showing off merch or ranking cards…it’s gonna get a little personal.
I’ve been wrapped up in this Obey Me! rabbit hole since January 2020. 2 months after the game released and now over 4 years of my life have been taken over. I’ve went back and forth from trying to tier in events, dumping Surprise Guest items at characters to care about intimacy levels, and have even been in the VIP sphere on both games. However, there’s one thing that’s stayed the same in those 4 years, and I bet you can guess what.
My #1 since the game began has been, and continues to be, a certain pink-hued fifth-born.
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And I know, everyone has favorite characters in whatever media they consume, who cares? Well, this one’s a bit different. I may sound absolutely insane when I say this, but being practically obsessed with this lust demon has actually improved my life for the better. 
I think I can sum the process up in three words: adoration, consolation, and motivation. 
Each of these stages started at different times, but in a way they eventually all melded in the end to create the love I have today. When I first started playing, the word of the day definitely WAS adoration. I remember laying on the couch in January, starting up the first chapter, and Asmo’s energy practically radiated through the screen of my tablet. I think my first statement about it was “Ooooh, you…I like you~ Keep talking!” the second he showed up on screen. 
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Through the first few months turned to a year, I loved everything I found out about him and wanted to know more. I liked that he wasn’t afraid to like what he liked, even making trends through RAD in the process. I found it interesting how he was the only brother at the time with a legitimate power at his disposal that wasn’t just a big blast, and that it actually served a purpose. I loved how in the early chapters of the game he truly had flaws out in the open, ripe for development later on (I mean, not giving a damn about LITERALLY starting a war? DUUUUUUDE-). I adored that, outside of certain lines we don’t talk about, he showed bits of his drive and his loyalty that are key parts of his underlying personality today. I honestly couldn’t get enough! While some loved their sadistic ice kings like Lucifer and others liked their bad boy tsunderes like Mammon, I had my self-centered fashionista.
And somehow…self-centeredness ended up being a comfort for me.
We all know what happened in 2020 and bled into the following couple of years. Well, I found out something through all of that time, whether I was in my house or up at college: my mental health was a wreck. Being cooped up and isolated only exacerbated those feelings.
In other words, me in 2020-22:
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My self-confidence was at an all-time low. I was anxious about everything, and even trying a new place to have lunch or go study sent me sweating lots of the time. It was hard to talk to people, and there was a point where I was holing myself up in my dorm room and only leaving if I had nothing to eat or if I had a mandatory lecture or lab.
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And while it didn’t solve my problems entirely (that’s what counseling helped do), this stupid little mobile game and that strawberry blonde was definitely a help when it came to calming my brain down. It actually comforted me to see, even if it was a fictional supernatural creature at the end of the day, someone who could put themselves out there without any worry and be happy out in the open with others. Especially when we were ripe in the time of social distancing, even if I didn’t necessarily want to be in a crowded club, seeing someone have the ability to just put a smile on my face. 
And soon, as the regulations loosened and daily life seemed to go back to a relative normal, something else came from this passion and comfort.
Now while I would absolutely kiss this demon on the lips if I ever got the chance to in real life, I know that isn’t going to be the case. I must go through the struggles of life alone…in the corporeal sense, at least. 
By that, I mean that in many facets of my life, I see Asmo as a role model of sorts. Not in the sense of being egotistical and putting myself first at the unneeded expense of others, no, but rather putting myself first in a healthy way. I’ve developed a skincare routine because of this guy. I’ve started eating better and have gone to the gym regularly for over a year now in order to care for my body more. I’ve used multiple quotes and scenarios from him in order to pull myself out of self-loathing states and be able to walk into situations with more confidence than I ever had before. I think I even started caring more about my personal fashion style!
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I know that this was a bit more low-key, and even a bit deep, in terms of what I have been posting here for these little celebration things. But, I wanted to use this post to show a bit of reasoning as to why I love this character so much, why I care about and do these things in the first place, and…honestly…to let anyone who is worried about “liking a fictional character too much” know this: there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. As long as you are able to distinguish the lines between fiction and reality at the end of the day and you aren’t hurting yourself or others in the process, love them as much as you want, show that love as much as you want! At the end of it all, your loves and adorations make you who you are. And if there’s anything I’ve learned from a certain fifth-born, it’s this: almost anything you do can make you unique, adorable, and absolutely amazing.
Thank you for listening to me ramble about my experience with how my troubled mind processes this horny boy. Day 4's content is coming, and features a special guest you might recognize~
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hils79 · 1 month
Hils Watches Only Friends - Ep 1
Right! Time to start a new drama. I've been meaning to watch Only Friends for ages because it's got so many people I like in it. From what I've been told it's about a bunch of people making bad decisions so I guess I'll either enjoy it or get annoyed. At least they're adults and not students for a change.
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Time to play GMM bingo. I definitely know him from something else. OH THAT'S BOOK!
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And there's my beloved First who isn't angsty or crying therefore I'm confused
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Oh but First and Khaotung are bickering after they literally just met. That very much is business as usual.
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And of course where there is Book there is also Force. I'm looking forward to seeing them in a slightly more meaty drama. Both of them were too good for Enchante
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Oh and there's Neo. Wow I didn't realise how many of my favourites are in this.
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Oh, I guess they are students. Still, it does seem to have a more mature vibe. Kind of the same way Not Me did. They were students in that too but it felt more adult.
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I'm not sure opening a legit business just to pass your uni course is the best or most legal idea? Don't you need permits and shit?
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Well it's going to have to be either First or Force since those are the only two who aren't here
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Oh and there's Mark. I wonder if this will finally be the drama where he gets a nice boyfriend. I know technically he got one in My School President but it mostly happened offscreen and I was mad about it.
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Well he's looking at Neo (I'll learn their character names eventually) like this so maybe they will end up together?
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Neo is clearly also into it. I'm half expecting them to just fuck on the counter of this store
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Okay, I am obsessed with this drama already. He just very obviously gave Nick the once over to make his interest known.
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I knew it would be one of them. Also I am loving the soundtrack to this drama.
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You literally just met him
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Oh, and there's Drake. I haven't seen him in anything for a while.
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Harsh, but Khaotung was about drive home while wasted
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Well, I had the wrong couple but someone fucked on a counter
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Okay, you don't need to slut shame your friend to explain why you don't want to lose your viriginity to a dude you just met
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Poor First does not deserve this
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Khaotung has spent a lot of this episode puking
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God, I love him so much. Even when he's playing someone grumpy and annoyed he still manages to look devastatingly yearning
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Okay, we are definitely into mature territory here. Nick is jerking off to nudes on Boston's phone that Boston left with him to fix. I've never seen a Thai BL like this before. I mean I'm probably too ace for the amount of fucking that is happening but it's so interesting to see something different like this
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Everyone else: super horny or too drunk to be super horny Mew: let's get to know each other before we fuck please and thank you
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God, I really top Top doesn't turn out to be an asshole who loses interest once he's had sex with Mew. They are too cute!
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I love them!
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Why has he got a set of gym lockers in his apartment?
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Definitely not because I violated your privacy and jerked off to your private photos
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Duuuuuude! I mean to be fair Boston is probably into a hot guy taking nudes with his phone but still!
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Okay, now they actually are having sex in the store. Called it.
Ah, shit! I've hit the tumblr image limit! I guess to be continued in part 2?
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jamisafan · 10 months
I like to write something up when I finish rewatching a season of Ninjago.
And I liked quite a bit of what Crystalized offered.
This is gonna be a long one.
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There were many funny bits (and I'll say that Christofern was fantastic and I just really liked Garmadon overall).
And Lloyd was just..... okay I'll just say it. He needs a break. Man's was getting triggered the whole season from his shitty ex girlfriend to his neglectful father. Though I feel that at the end Lloyd and Garmadon did reach a sort of understanding. Or, at least Lloyd is understanding his father a bit more.
I actually kinda like Harumi. She was sassy and I like that. But her little fight with Lloyd in the woods just felt so.... weird. It was almost uncomfortable and the more they talked a fought the less progress they made. Harumi only really changed when she found someone else to blame aka the overlord.
And Lloyd's whole arch was kinda just him being afraid of becoming his father and never useing his oni form. If he learned to actually embrace it then it could have been good. He let his fear get in the way of the mission at hand, and even when the end of the world was going to happen any second he still let his fear control him. (Also, the fear of him becoming his father was foreshadowed and said in the fire chapter, same with Nya being "normal". Just thought that's kinda fun.)
I really liked the idea of bringing past villains back to really bring it full circle, that was super interesting. And I love Phythor and all but did he really fit in the council? I don't know. I wish him and Lloyd got some more screentime since this basically all started with them and serpentine tombs.
Also the fact that the solution to dragon form is just the theme song. Duuuuuude. That's freaking hilarious!
Kai asking out Sklor hurt me in more ways then one. I was so uncomfortable.
Pixel and Zane had me absolutely cheering and freaking out though. I think I tend to not think about how they are probably my favorite Canon ship. They are just so compatible, ya know?
Nya becoming Samurai X again for a short while was pretty cool.
Jay also being the train kid is fantastic.
I didn't really like the end of Crystalized when I first watched it, but I liked it better the second time around.
Though I tend to just like every season no matter the flaws.
ALSO Adrew Francis did pretty good as Cole. I'll always miss Kirbys but Adrew has done good.
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cherry-bomb-ships · 1 year
Last night before going to bed, I also unlocked Catbat (and N. Brio at the same time!) and although I wasnt able to play any matches as them, I did look thru their progression unlocks and found THIS
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stormcrow513 · 1 year
Been sitting on this for a bit, because it's absolutely going to piss people off, but what the hell if I can make just one person think, then well it's worth it,
I want to lose weight, or more accurately fat,
My reason are as follows,
I'm sure I'd feel better, I have bad knees, and bad ribs, I can feel the fat dragging on these tender spots at times, I'm sure shedding some fat would help,
I want to improve my overall health, my muscles, my stamina, ect. It all kinda comes together,
While I don't hate the way I look, I think I'd like my appearance more if I were trimmer then I am currently,
This is something I only talk to my ma about, because over the years I've discovered there's not really anyone I can talk to, I get the following responses,
People trying to sell me snake oil,
(It took be a while to realize how awful this is, and that you can't really trust any of it, which lately just hearing a fucking weight watchers commercial either feels me with rage or tears,)
These people are either the sellers of said snake oil or have bought into it for a number of reasons, either way no talking to em, it's like an almost cult brainwashing,
People with really stupid and fucking condescending advice,
Go to bed early and get up early,
I'm a night owl, I don't fucking work like that, that would literally make me more unhealthy and unlikely to exercise,
YoU'rE nOt TrYInG hArD eNoUgH
Then there's the 'you want to lose weight!?! Well aren't you a fat phobic pice of shit'
I mean I get how completely messed up people treat fat people, like I get it, it's messed up and unfair,
Here's the thing what I want to do with my fucking body is not in fact an attack on you,
If you were to ask me how shits going and I mentioned how excited I am that I've lost some weight and am feeling good,
This is not a dig at you if you happen to be fat,
I don't care if you're fat,
I really fucking do not,
Also I am not betraying you personally by seeking to change my body,
Then lately in the last year to now it's,
Weight has everything to do with genetics and you will never never ever lose weight and why would you want to you need to seek to love your body as is,
I mean yes we are in fact learning from scientists the sheer scope of the things we inherited from our ancestors, their trauma, and yes famine has its roll to play,
But good lordy am I the only gal around here that here's how strikingly similar that sounds to terf rhetoric?
I am looking around and it seems to me anytime someone is in anyway unsatisfied with their body there is someone out there frothing at the mouth with hate wanting to force you to not be allowed to do that, or laughing cruely at you with hate, trying to shame you into not doing it,
I've seen it my whole life, I knew this kid at school who kept coming at me calling my ma names for dying her hair,
People still get all pissy about hair dying,
Or how someone styles their hair, the most obvious the way black people are treated,
but everyone of the women in my family were afraid to cut their hair to short cause it pissed my sperm donor off, so it's wide spread problem, like also my eldest sister an I had like the same curly frizzy hair, she spent so much time trying to keep hers tame, which I get cause I never have and some people look at me like I peed in the middle of a church,
Then we got tattoos, my said eldest sister got a lizard on her ankle, and his it from our sperm donor since she was afraid of him,
After she died ma got the same lizard on her arm above her wrist, people will fucking sneer at her, even now 2023,
Then there's the plastic surgery of any fucking kind, sweet jesus,
And of course Trans people deserve their own seperate mention,
Sorry trying to start winding down this got real long on me,
One of the things that baffle me here is,
I have seen people be okay with women getting boob jobs (as long as the boobs are getting bigger) but have a fit over anyone else doing that, especially trans people,
I have seen people who are cool with women getting abortions, but not cool with trans people,
People who are cool with trans people on the other hand seem to lose their whole ass shit if any person who isn't trans wants to modify their body in any way, unless it's for medical reasons,
like their cool with you wanting to get a boob reduction cause of chronic back pain, but if you want to Botox your wrinkles you're an old people hating monster,
I saw this one post where this person was like I don't care if you do plastic surgery and they really clearly did cause they kept saying how sad it is that people hate themselves that much, in a tone so nasty it slapped me through the screen,
Then there was the thing where it came out a bunch of rich guys had their legs broken so they could be taller,
Which that upset me cause a, they can do that but someone wanting a dick or boobs or no boobs is becoming a literal criminal offense, b, I would kill a person to get a breast reduction surgery, my boobs are really messed up, completely loopsided not one just a bit bigger but two completely different sizes, one side being pretty big, I run into shit a lot cause my balance is fucked up,
I was mad cause they got to have that and I can't have what I want, but while people did remark on the unfairness of rich people getting whatever the hell they want,
a lot of people were going off saying this like
' jesus what freak would mutilate themselves like that,'
haha they must really hate themselves,'
'they must hate short people assholes, you're still a short person your height isn't real'
On and fucking on,
All of this shit is so tangled with this werid wide spread mentality that you should have a say in what other people do with their bodies,
It's in all, communitys,
I don't know maybe I watched Ripleys believe it or not, too much as a kid,
There was an episode where there was this guy who wanted to look like a lizard and a gal who wanted to look like a cat, they both had full body tattoos the guy green and scaly, the gal tiger orange and black, they both got cosmetic surgery guy had ridges put into his eyebrows and had his tongue cut at the end for the reptile split tongue look, gal had holes punched into her face around her moth and had removable whiskers,
I at first was a bit like ewww, but also thats kinda cool,
I watched that episode every time it came on, it was my favorite,
They did what they wanted done to their bodies, they found a way to be more comfortable in their skin,
I've always wanted that,
Not to look that way specifically, but to have that courage and happiness,
I have since then never found it my business what a person does with their body, and I never will,
I hope I one day live in a world that anyone can do what ever they want to themselves, as if our own bodies can be a canvas of our inner artistic expression,
Or to be left as nature built it,
That there is no shame in either choice,
And no struggle for money or such,
That it is simply a thing anyone can do at any time,
Anyway I don't treat people badly for shaping their bodies and I wish I could be extended that same curiosity,
That's all,
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Soap walls like a bulldog in the new game and it's ADORABLE lol
I haven't played the new game, but my duuuuuude.
He was relatable in MW2 for the sarcastic fun personality. Now relatable because my posture is about the same 😂
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hacknet · 11 months
so carlos is like. weird right. from his first like 20 minutes onscreen you know 4 things about him: he is sexist, he works for umbrella but doesnt know what they actually do, he Does actually care for the civilians' safety, and he thinks jill is hot (i mean she is. but hes being weird about it)
so the sexism part starts to fade at the end of the streets section (i believe the last instance of it is like. the part where he tells her hes not gonna die but does it in a weird joke way and she rolls her eyes at it again) and is practically gone by his first gameplay section. This accounts for like less than 1/4 of the game which is fine and honestly im glad he stopped so fast because it was annoying as fuck, but at what point is it just unecessary to have it in the first place
like tyrell is normal about women as far as you can ever tell?? the only even kinda weird comment he ever makes is when hes teasing carlos for clearly being in love with her and thats more about carlos than jill anyway. and so its a bit strange that carlos acts like that at all
i do like that jill kept telling him to go fuck himself about it at least but man its still weird. i Guess it uses him being a dick to show that jill still cares about people's safety even if they are a bit of an asshole but duuuuuude. theres better ways to get that across than making her have to put up with a guy who wont stop making weird comments about how hot she is while shes being chased by zombies and nemesis. Cmon
anyway he entirely stops being an ass by his second gameplay segment which again is very good and makes me actually like him. and from then on he treats her like he actually should (as an extremely capable woman who can and would kick his ass)
and about the civilians thing. something i Do really like is that even in the first half of the game you can still tell hes not a complete asshole because when jill says "i'm not on your side i'm on theirs (the civilians in the train)" hes like "Hey thats fine we all want the same thing then" and then before he knows that the researcher guy is a douche he gets upset when he finds out theyre there to detain the guy. so youre like Well he was being stupid but hes not 100% awful
eh. Eh. i like him a lot as a character but the writing feels sloppy and rushed just like most of that games. its fun at least
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mostlikelytofangirl · 8 months
Okay okay okay so!
They both come from a bad place (The brothel/Spinners end). They both are scorned by most around them, up until they get into a position of power.
But anyways what I want to talk about are the similiarities bettween Snape/Voldemort and JGY/WRH.
Because like. We know very very little about Voldy (who I will be reffering to by VDM for practicality) and about WRH!
They're both madmans, cold, and sadistic, but that's about it. But we also know they had good relationships with SS (Snape) and JGY.
I'm just very feral about these two powerful madmen who picked up two street rats who no one respected and elevated them, just on the basis that they're useful, skilled and diligent.
The snippet we see of WRH paints his relationship with JGY as pretty much amicable, in the sense that WRH may let slide a lot from him that he wouldn't from anyone else. In the same way I don't think JGY's kindness is a pretense, I don't think his cruelty at WRH's side is one either. He was head torturer, after all, and he has a very cruel streak.
VDM on the other hand, we know next to nothing about him. We know he's cold, we know he's insane, and we know he's cruel. We know he was already these things as Tom Riddle; as such he is much harder to analyse.
But there are two snippets at the end of deathly hallows that point to him caring/favouring SS— the tidbit where he's talking to Nagini, going "This is the only way", and SS's death itself.
The former reads as VDM trying to convince himself to kill SS, and the latter as real regret.The book goes "He said coldly" after VDM says he regrets killing SS. At first read, it makes you go "Does he, really?" And my answer to that question is yes he very much does.
Firstly, it's already incredibly OOC of VDM to ackowledge his actions,much less saying that he regrets them. Rather than a cold apology, it reads to me as if he were occluding.
It's very odd to me, too, that he used Nagini rather than Avada Kedavra, and that reads as him not having enough will to kill for that.
Unforgivables require genuine, irrational hatred/anger, or cold, unfeeling will to kill. That is why HP couldnt crucio Bellatrix properly after Sirius's death, but crucio'd the Sparrows (If I'm not misremembering) after they insulted Minerva. Righteous anger or cold logic are not enough for an unforgivable.
My point is, VDM did not want to kill SS, and as such, he wouldnt be able to cast an unforgivable.It makes me wonder if VDM really did favoured SS? And it majes me wonder about the things SS did to be in a position where he can ask for Lily to be spared with little to no risk for himself.
Back to JGY and WRH, I think JGY was in some manner reluctant to kill WRH because WRH treated him nicely, and while SS was not because VDM killed Lily, at some point he may have appreciated VDM's attention, the same way JGY appreciated WRH's.
My point is, both SS and JGY were picked up by a unhinged madman, and both enjoyed their attention/favor at some point, and both were crucial in their dowfall. The difference is that VDM's downfall was the end of SS's life, while WRH's was the start of JGY's.
Finally got the chance to properly sit down and read this and duuuuuude, you make a hella good point.
Tbh I didn't pay that much attention to Voldy's relationship to Snape and viceversa, but there are definitely some overlaps there with JGY and WRH!
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cowboycakes · 1 year
duuuuuude ehhh i don't like accusing people of things but i swear someone heavily, heavily used my new ao3 series as inspiration... there's a couple instances where they copied things nearly word for word from my series. its like they read my series and remixed it with all the same elements. the same plot so far, same relationship, all the same things mentioned. can someone read them both and tell me if i'm crazy?
im actually so fucking upset. i spent months working on that series and idk what to do.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
# ( Mikey & Leo - same from before :3 )
| send me “#” for cell phone headcanons about our muses including:
*gonna do like raphs both 03/7 -12 verses for the answers
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"Man again? why ya keep going through my phone?"
- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone      
Mikey fidgets with his mask tails a little now "eh see when we were tots I uh sorta had trouble saying my bros names even the short versions and well it was easier to call them Lele, Ra and Dee." He offers a faint smile "so yeah I put Leo, as Lele I still call him it sometimes. Mostly in private between us what can I saw always baby bro at heart."                 
- what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone        [image description] Leo, after his shell got damaged when he was still working through the near death experience they had fighting shredder as he standing up on a roof lookong over the city. His expression is hard to read but stern and held firm like he's worried to lose focus
"When I got challenged for the nexus title, only Leo offered to help me. Ya, he just wanted mkre training. I know that. Sadly the training didn't pay off in the end....and well I just." Mikey pauses a moment "outta all my brothers Leo is the one I look up to the most he's my hero. The reason I love heros! And I just wanna one day be half as good as him I just lack the focus and drive."
- what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone      
Superheroes by the script
Now she's stronger than you know
A heart of steel starts to grow
All his life he's been told
He'll be nothing when he's old
All the kicks and all the blows
He won't ever let it show
"I know we all sort add to Leo's pressure, but guy really carries a lot on his shoulders for us and well I know it can't be easy for him to have to be that for us."
 - my muse’s last text to your muse
[ text ] Lele!!! I scored the good pizza tonight but I don't wanna share with the others meet me at 6th street!
"What? Raph was being a dick and Don took his side so none for them." Turning up his beak as he crossed his arms over his plastron.
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"Dude yo let's go I ain't got nothing to hide"
- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone    
          "captian serious"
"Cause he likes Captian Ryan and man he's always so damn serious all the time" quick to cover his mouth looking around to make sure Leo isn't around to catch that slip of the tounge.    
- what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone          [image description] Leo sat up against a billboard it's clear it was taken up close as Leo smiles for the camera
 " Its nice to see Leo sort of just chill and relax and enjoy himself I like when we get to team up cause we talk about our favorite shows together. He'll go on about space heros and he let's me talk about cronarge the barbarian...it's nice." Smiling to himself "thus is from one of the times we were teamed up together and we just chatted the whole time he's kind if the only one who will let me maybe cause I let him do it too but I dunno it's nice is all."
- what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone
     Hero Too          
Hero too, I am a hero too
My heart is set (my heart is set) and I won't back down
Hero too, strength doesn't make a hero
True heroes (true heroes) stand up for what they believe
"Okay yeah I like and love hazing Leo as much as Raph and Donnie do. Cause yeah Leo needs to chill out sometimes he can be so uptight but...I'm kind if glad Leo is the way he is. He's always someone dependable and able to count on. Leo just wants to do what's right and I think that's I dunno pretty cool?"
 - my muse’s last text to your muse
[ text ] "duuuuuude you gotta check out what I found just now!" Imagaed attached of a captian Ryan action figure "imma break in and get it for you! Don't worry casey keeps giving me cash I git enough to leave behind to pay for it!"
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I wouldn't say that all the routes are bad some has wonderful stories and then suck at the endings Ajjj i hated that, and others fuck up the vampire protagonist and the others too and is like duuuuuude! This people aren't the brothers what have you done with the real brothers? They wouldn't do this and that, is like we went back to the first game! Stuff like that but in my opinion Shu's is one of the real good ones so if you started with him good! .....if you keep in mind my suggestion... The next one should be Ayato's that way you'll go through the worst😖😖 first and leave the best for later..
For the main games, I always play in the same order, doing Sakamaki > Mukami > Tsukinami routes and from oldest to youngest. :p
So it's honestly pure coincidence that the first route I'm playing is one of the better ones.
If I follow my usual pattern, it would be Reiji next and then Ayato > Kanato > Laito > Subaru for the Sakamaki's.
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