#it's like she never left bc she didn't xoxo
scekrex · 7 months
Hello💕💕💕💕 me again I just really love your story's and I would like to be known has '💕💕'<3 another request 💕hurt/fluff 💕
💕Adopted child male reader x parent Adam, were reader died from his father and went to heaven but doesn't have a place to stay of course his like 2 and Sera does not know to do with him so she just give him to Adam and told him to just keep him for a while to find someone willing to take care of y/n.💕
💕While Adam first saw y/n he just take cared for the kid and kept on saying how the kid was soo annoying, after a few months he started to actually started to get attached with y/n but then Sera asked Adam for the y/n back because she found a orphanage that will like to take care of y/n and maybe find a real family but Adam quickly refused saying that he would like to keep y/n so Sera was alright.💕
💕So after a few 10 years y/n and Adam became inseparable! Going to their favorite bands and y/n knowing how to play the electric guitar and even the drums. This year y/n wants to go and see his dad killing those sinners but Adam isn't too sure on letting his son but he let him because he kept on begging him to come so he allowed it just this once and to try stay close to Lute ( Lute is kinda like a babysitter for Y/n ).💕
💕Y/n was rooting for his father while he was fighting with Lucifer ( more like Lucifer fighting with Adam) until when Adam fell on the floor while Lucifer was punching Adam, then Charlie said that Adam had enough before y/n could run to his father and tell him if they could go home now the little red demon girl stabbed his father, y/n quickly ran towards his father grabbing the girl out of his father, crying fat tears and keep on saying "please don't go, dad" ( or whatever you want)💕
You can write the ending I am too lazy 🙃
Okay so I've never written child reader before so I hope it matches your expectations! xoxo/p
Born to Lose
pairing: Adam & child!male!reader (platonic)
warnings: language, canon typical violence, major character death
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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The woman in the pretty white dress with the beautiful looking wings handed you over to that man with golden wings and long horns attached to his head, he looked a little grumpy.
“Why me though?” the first man asked, clearly displeased with the situation that had been forced onto him. What was he supposed to do with a two year old? Sure, he did have children back in the garden but… that was ages ago. He also had Eve back then, to help him raise them. How he was alone with nothing but you in his arms.
Sera was serious about this. A situation like that rarely happened and usually there had always been angels willing to take the child in, but not this time. Not when you had arrived in heaven. Your hands clumsily reached up to one of Adam's horns, you wrapped your small palm around it and giggled happily. Adam sighed. “I wish there would be a better, more permanent solution, it would be the best for the both of you, but sadly there isn't. It's either you taking him in or him ending up homeless.” Sera's words hung in the air for a moment before Adam sighed again, “Okay yeah, I'm taking him in. But fucking hurry up to find a family for that little shithead.” “Language,” Sera warned the first man who simply rolled his eyes at her before he flipped her off and left the building.
So he had to take care of a motherfucking two year old now. Fucking great, thanks for absolutely fucking nothing, god.
You were loud, most children your age were. Well, in Adam's defense, he didn't sign up to adopt a two year old. So he was allowed to complain about you. You needed constant attention, always silently begging to be lifted up into his arms by making grabby hands at him and considering that it was the only way Adam was able to get you to shut the fuck up, he carried you around more than he liked to.
You were a clingy, loud, annoying, stinky little brat and yet you made him soften up. Because carrying you around often resulted in the two of you playing. Adam would lift you up in the air, careful not to drop you of course, while you pretend to be flying - which one day you would be. He also complained about your nightly wake up sessions, how annoying and exhausting it was for him to get up at least five times a night to feed you, change your diapers, or simply give you whatever else it was you were craving.
Yet he loved you dearly and wouldn't give you up for anything.
He had already completely forgotten about what Sera had promised him. That she would find a permanent solution for your problem. To him, this was the permanent solution and he was more than fine with it. So when Sera had ordered him into her office and he had stepped inside with you sleeping in his arms, he was quite surprised to see other angels there too. “Who the fuck is that?” Adam asked as he steadied your little head that was resting on his shoulder. “Those are the people willing to take Y/N in, Adam,” the seraphim explained calmly to the first man, who turned his body away from the strangers in order to protect you. His wings were spread, working as a shield. “No fucking way, he's not leaving me now. I took care of this little fucker for the past six months, he's not going to live with somebody else now.” He pressed your little body a bit closer, yet he remained careful, the brunette had no intention in waking you up. And you remained asleep.
Sera folded her hands as she turned towards the angels that were there to pick you up, “As you can see, I'm very sorry to announce that Y/N will stay with Adam. He seems quite attached to the child and the young boy is visibly feeling comfortable around him. Therefore we don't need your service any longer.” And as soon as Sera had finished her little apology, Adam left the building. There was no need to stick around longer and possibly wake you up.
The years passed and before Adam knew it your twelfth birthday was in the past. Ten years had it been since the first man had been given the task to watch you, raise you. And he did. Once you had learned how to walk and fly, there was nothing that could possibly stop you in any form or way. Talking was also a skill you learned quite quickly, eager to repeat whatever Adam said. At first the first man had thought of it as annoying but he had quickly started to like that little habit of yours. It disappeared as you grew older though.
With six Adam had started to teach you how to play the electric guitar, music had always been a big thing in his parenting methods. He was a guitarist and singer, in God's holy name, of course he would raise you with music. So it had only been a matter of time until he took you to your first ever concert.
The drummer of Adam's band had insisted on teaching you how to play them after you had curiously asked him how he managed to stay so focused on it while also looking ‘badass’.
So. You were twelve, that was fucking old if someone were to ask you. Old enough to join Adam on extermination day. That had been a thing ever since he had adopted you, probably even before. But your father had always told you that you were too young. This year however, you weren't going to back down so easily.
“C’mon dad, you've taught me how to fight, I can defend myself okay? I'm not some whiney, helpless bitch like the other angels up here,” you begged your father.
Ah yes, the language. Your vocabulary was definitely heavily inspired by Adam. A thing Sera disliked, but had stopped commenting on. She still hoped you'd grow into it and learn how to articulate yourself properly.
Adam pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance as he furrowed his brows, “Jesus, okay, okay, fuck, yeah fine.” He had given in. He had officially allowed you to fight by his side during the extermination. “But you're not leaving my side and if you do, only in company with Lute.” That was something you could agree on. Lute was the most badass bitch you've ever met after all.
So extermination day rolled around quicker than Adam had liked it too, if he were to make the decisions, he'd skip it simply because that would mean you'd be safe, instead of being surrounded by demon fuck-ups. But he had already agreed, there was no taking it back now.
Adam was slammed into the ground, neither you nor Lute were in sight as it happened. Lucifer only showed mercy once his daughter reminded him. Adam crawled out of the crater, blood dripping from his face, his body was in pure pain.
You saw him, you also saw the little demon girl that was sneaking up behind him. But things went down way too quick. The little girl pulled out a dagger and stabbed Adam with it. Your father fell face first onto the ground. Pain shot through your body, not physically but emotionally. “Dad,” you screamed as you flew over to his body, the little girl sat proudly on his back. You grabbed her by her throat, your hand was wrapped around it tightly, strategically cutting off her air supply as you ripped the dagger from her tiny hands and lifted it, the tip pointing to her eye. And then you stabbed her.
As you pulled the dagger out, her eye popped out of its socket and blood covered your hands. You stabbed her again, this time in her chest. And again. And again.
The body in your hands went limp and you threw her away carelessly. “Dad, stay with me,” you dropped to your knees next to his head, pulling him onto your lab, “C’mon dad I wanna go home.” Tears started to well up in your eyes as Adam opened his eyes to look at you. His usually bright eyes seemed so lifeless, so dead. Tears streamed down your reddened cheeks and hit his face. “Don’t go dad, don't fucking leave me,” the brunette simply shot you a weak smile of thankfulness. Thankfulness that he didn't have to die alone, that you were there.
it was Lute who came up behind you to rest her hand on your shoulder. “Y/N,” she spoke so softly yet her voice sounded hurt, “He’s gone,” she stated as Adam's eyes fell shut. “No,“ you screamed as you pulled away from her touch and pressed your father's dead body against your chest, “He’s not- he's Adam, he can't-”
In the background Charlie, surprised, asked, “Adam had a son?” Lucifer nodded, “Well, he isn't one of the kids I know, he must either be heaven born or adopted, but Adam sure is a father.” Something tore in Charlie at the sight.
“Dad- Adam,” you hiccuped as Lute grabbed Adam's halo. “Y/N, we have to go,” but you shook your head violently, “I’m not leaving without my fucking father, don't even try it.” The lieutenant sighed heavily before agreeing to take him with you, to take him back to heaven.
You got up from the ground, straightened your back and spread your wings proudly as you and Lute picked up Adam and carried him to the portal the leader of the exorcists had opened only a couple of hours ago.
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riansdiary · 2 months
Hi Riaaan!! I wanted to tell you that I read your recent success stories post (this one: https://www.tumblr.com/riansdiary/755714407932264448/my-new-success-stories-hello-everyone-this-is?source=share) and now I can understand loa more, thanks of that these days I have been consciously manifesting many things!! So I wanted to share my success stories with you too. First of all, sorry if I make grammar mistakes or if some parts are not understandable, English is not my first language, I'm still learning 🤕
It started yesterday right after I read the post I mentioned before, and a similar situation happened to me(?. I went to my grandmother's house to visit her and stayed the night, my nonna was having cereal with milk and fruits for dinner and I wanted to eat that too, but she told me that the cereal and the Milk were done, and she can buy me cereal and Milk BUT tomorrow morning (that's today). I wanted so badly to eat that for dinner, so I went to her room and meanwhile i was doing idk on my phone, I affirmed and visualized my grandma calling me to give me a bowl of cereal, i didn't do it much, just a few times, and then i started watching tiktoks lol, then within MINUTES my grandma knocked on the door and he told me that he left me some cereal and milk, and that I could have that for dinner. I WAS VERY HAPPY AND I HAD COMPLETELY FORGOT THAT I HAD MANIFESTED IT, BUT I DID ITTTTT The second thing I said was gifts for Children's Day. Ok, this also happened yesterday, my aunt had bought gifts for my cousins ​​(they're the real children here lol) and I asked her if she had bought me something, but she told me that I was too old to celebrate this day and giving me presents LMAOOO, I KNOW BUT I'M STILL YOUNG YK, so, I started affirming that my aunt bought me something for Children's Day, and she just had been hiding it from me, AND GUESS WHAAAAT, when I woke up today there was no one at home, just my grandma and me lol, but then my aunt, my mother and my brother arrived, and they went to the supermarket to buy me candies, and my aunt had a gift for me!! She gave me hair clips, animal-shape hair tails(? (😭🩷) and a curling mask!! I was very grateful, and I also forgot that I was manifesting it, I realized when I started manifesting my third success today OMGGG, this happens When I was in my room listening to music on my phone, it slipped out of my hands and obviously fell , but THE SCREEN BROKE SO BAAAD 😭 not externally like cracks but internally, streaks appeared on the screen and it turned white, I was VERY scared because I had already damaged my phone on my birthday a few months ago, so if I told my parents they were going to be mad at me for sure 💀 but then I remembered that omg I am the creator of my life and reality, and I could manifest that nothing ever happened to the screen! Or also the phone would repair itself idk, the point is that again I affirmed that the screen was in good conditions, that it was never damaged bc I said so, etc. This took a little more effort because I was a little scared and anxious, but I understood and that my emotions were normal for what just happened, and I just kept affirming and persisting that in my 4d this never happened. Being honest with you, I don't see any changes on my phone in 3D, but WHO CARES? In my 4d the screen of my phone is as it has always been, and that is what really matters, I'm sure that it will be reflected soon in my 3d. I continue to persist and listen to my 4d!! And if I been able to manifest other situations in minutes or hours, ofc I will achieve this.
Thank you very much for making that post, I feel very happy achieving my manifestations following your example, have a good night!! (or day) XOXO!! 🩷
Oh my God Hi!!!! It's okay, I can understand you very well! Thank you so much for sharing this with me! I just woke up and checked my Tumblr when I saw this! This totally made my day! 😇
I love cereal too so I get that! You're doing so great! I love your success stories! You're much better than me on the phone one. I love my phone so much! I'll try and help you manifest that but who are we kidding? In the 4d, it's already fixed! Just keep persisting that it never happened.
I'm so happy that my post helped you manifest! I've been manifesting really well using that post as an example too!
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this-is-krikkit · 2 years
Hi Krikkit! How's your day going?
For the character game *drum roll*: LESLIE KNOPE
Thought I'd change things up a bit to explore some of our other shared fandoms 😅
hey Alice, thanks for suggesting this one! i miss parks badly these days (tlou and nick offerman starring in it might have a lil to do with that) and i love that we share that fandom too, so kudos to you for that idea 🤗
favorite thing about her: her determination!!! she's so fucking stubborn when she wants to get something done, and she'll find a way to reach her goal no matter what! we have chosen to stan forever.
least favorite thing about them: how aware i am that i would not be able to stand her energy irl lmao like i love her a lot but anyone who tries to wake me up early the one time a month i get to sleep in WILL be killed
favorite line: "the only thing i will be waving is your decapitated head on a stick in front of your weeping mother!!" bc i love an overcompetitive drama queen who struggle to bury her feelings so deep that they end up sounding like over the top death threat during model UN ♥️♥️
brOTP: leslie x ron were always my fave friendship of the show, even before their epic scene in the last season
OTP: benslie is love, benslie is life. it's the healthiest relationship i've ever seen depicted on a TV show, and it's refreshing that they didn't destroy that for the sake of comedy like it happens so often (monica x chandler in friends, barney x robin in himym... i could go on)
nOTP: i guess anything that's not leslie x ben? i didn't like her with the cop dude, although he was funny. they never felt half as genuine and soft and perfect as benslie did from the very beginning
random headcanon: she tried being a supportive spouse and reading ben's star trek fanfiction once, thought it was cool but whatever yk, until ben joked that there probably were fanfic authors who wrote US historical figures fics out there. it was the beginning of a VERY long summer where leslie posted about 30 historically accurate M to E rated works on ao3, 2 of which were over 100k words multichapters. ben, half horrified and half impressed, commented dutifully on each chapter, even getting into virtual fights with rightists (is that a word?) who called leslie names bc they disagreed with the politics aspects of her fics, and even though nothing beats that actual real life punch he once threw to defend her honor, his internet chivalry effectively turned her on still. they had a short but intense reign as ao3's most productive power couple before the triplets came back from chris and ann's for school and they had to focus on their parenting roles + her presidential campaign again.
unpopular opinion: idk how unpopular it is, but there was never a doubt in my mind that she's the president at the very end of the series?? like ik they left a doubt there on purpose, but seriously, does anyone really think leslie's story ends with her being the first lady and not the fucking president when it's been her dream forever?? how rude can the universe be
song i associate with her: sadly, the get on your feet and make it happen campaign song x) anytime i hear her name that's what i think about and it's horrible bc it won't leave my headdd
favorite picture of her: leslie in a suit!!!!!!!!?????? 😍🥰🥵 that hair length and color suited her best too imo, oh god i miss her now 😭
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antheshewro · 6 months
Una mattina - Chapter 3.
It took a cup of tea and a stop on a local café to make Levi learn how Hange, his partner perhaps for life, hid something big from him. Something as big as another person, and a baby, involved. Perhaps going out that day had been a mistake.
✩✩ There I am again!! sorry for the late update but life is a thing and shit happens i guess... i have the entire story ready so lmk if you want another chapter this week! xoxo ✩✩ PS: thanks so much to everyone who read it, liked it and even sent me a message, it means a lot especially bc english is not my first language and it's the first ff i post!! y'all are amazing ♡
Lawrence didn't respond, nor looked at him. She knew, from the very beginning of their conversation about Hange and the minute they met in that café, probably. She still couldn't blame him, but his words were cutting deep. She was the one to carry on with a pregnancy alone. Not Levi.
Several minutes passed, and with them, the nightly sky took the place of the sunset. The living area was dark, no lights on to illuminate the place. Lawrence hoped Levi would leave her alone, once for all. He was still sitting on the sofa, not moving or budging. But Levi didn’t need lights to see. He always moved around in darkness. His eye adjusted itself with relative ease.
Lawrence’s words still rang in his ears. She was carrying the baby of the woman he loved. Her choice over him. Why her? Why not him? He still felt anger coursing through his veins. So much so that he decided to take a step closer. He stood up and moved towards Lawrence. He wanted to leave, to be left alone, to not hear her voice. But he couldn’t just leave like that.
Lawrence, however, didn't move. Her grip around her legs tightened, and just for a moment, she could feel the baby giving her a subtle kick. It wasn't the first time she'd catch it, yet she didn't feel the same happiness she shared during the very first time it happened. Now her pregnancy felt like a weight on her shoulders. Her eyes closed just for a second, and let a quiet breath out of her lips. The living room was completely dark now, the moonlight being the only source of light from outside. The entire house was so silent, it felt like it was empty.
Levi leaned down in front of Lawrence, taking one of her hands in his. He wanted to see if he could feel the baby kicking as well. His eyes stared straight at her, a silent look telling her that he’d been hurt by this. Even if the baby wasn’t his, he felt like it should’ve been and couldn’t help but think about what his and Hange’s child would’ve turned out to be like.
He still felt hurt, angry.
“I hate you.” He said again. “I hate you.”
Lawrence felt her hand being lifted up, yet she didn't bother to look up at his face, nor she acknowledged his proximity, even if she could feel and hear his breath being very close to her. Her gaze was still looking at the starry night through the window. It made her feel like she was just existing in that chair. The burden of having someone dear to her passing away, carrying their legacy along with her, yet enduring such treatment. Levi's words were like dust in the wind for Lawrence.
“It should’ve been me.” Levi said, loud enough for Lawrence to hear. A small hint of desperation in his voice that seemed to catch his own attention, before it all turned back into his regular and plain tone. “But no, it had to be you, right? The woman she chose,” He spat out suddenly. “And why couldn’t it have been me?” He growled the last question.
Lawrence, at that point, snapped her head back towards Levi and yanked her hand away from his grip. As if something switched inside of her mind, she got up and took a step towards him, with a scowl appearing in her face. “All she talked about was you. Levi here, Levi there,” She hissed, raising her voice as she continued speaking. “And I was the woman who got to be the side chick while she never mentioned me to any of her friends. Not even you.”
Her index finger pointed at herself, pressing on her chest as she spoke. Lawrence's voice was close to a yell. “There was no space for me, ever. Only you.”
Levi took a step back from her with wide eyes, a bit surprised with her sudden change in tone. He felt his anger building up inside of him again, although he quickly regained his composure to hear Lawrence out, and once he did, he stayed quiet, thinking about what she had to say and her words hurt him more than he could’ve ever imagined.
“So you blame me for it?” Levi whispered softly, as if he felt ashamed of himself for letting this happen to Lawrence. As though it was his fault. “Is that it?”
Lawrence looked up and down at him as he spoke, shaking her head just so slightly before she took a small step back, staring at him with the same scowl she had before and a stern gaze in her eyes. Her hands were clutching the fabric of her dress, before one of them got lifted up and pointed at the door.
“Leave.” She said simply, without giving any further explanation to that simple word. Her heart felt like it was ready to jump out of her chest in a matter of seconds. “I'm done with your behaviour.”
“You’re asking me to leave?” Levi asked calmly, his eyes watching Lawrence carefully. He couldn’t help but chuckle softly as he saw her pointing towards the door. “Now you want me to leave?”
He took a small step towards Lawrence as his gaze remained fixed on her face. “After you dragged me into this mess, told me about the child you and Hange were expecting, and blamed me for everything afterwards?” He paused, then took another step towards her. “After you were the one who let me stay in this house?”
Lawrence took a step closer to Levi, their proximity making their foreheads almost touching in he process. Both their warm breaths kept hitting on each other's faces, making their skin a little red because of it. Her arm lowered and went back to the side of her body, looking into his eye with the same insistence he had in his gaze.
“I don't blame you,” She whispered, her hand still clutching the soft fabric of her lounge dress, fidgeting with it. “The baby was unplanned. And I told you Hange never knew about it because I found out after she died.”
Leaning in close towards Lawrence, that look in her eyes made his heart skip more than a beat. He couldn’t take his eyes away from her, even if he knew this was most likely a bad decision. Before she could say anything else, Levi placed his hand softly on her bare thigh and stepped closer still, his head getting as close to her belly as he could.
“Let me hear the heartbeat.” He said softly and with a look in in his eyes that nobody other than Hange had ever seen. Lawrence grabbed Levi's hand and placed it on top of her swollen stomach, while her free hand gently pressed on one side of her belly, as to make the baby move. It didn't take long before it moved, and after a couple of minutes it kicked right next to Levi's hand.
“I told you about the baby because you deserved to know,” She quietly said, feeling the baby going on with its subtle kicks inside of her womb. “I was just a fling who got pregnant. You were always Hange's first choice.”
Levi’s eyes widened at the sudden baby movement inside of Lawrence’s womb, a smile creeping onto his face at the soft kick he could feel. A kick from the child he would’ve had with Hange. He pressed his cheek and his ear against Lawrence’s belly, wanting to feel the moment too. His eyes were closed tight, though, as if it were some kind of dream.
“Let me hear it again.” He whispered gently, looking back at Lawrence.
Lawrence gently caressed her belly once again, massaging it in certain spots where she knew the baby would feel it the most. Like clockwork, it began to kick again and move around her womb, as to tell the two of them it was awake.
Even though Levi's reaction was nothing but pure happiness, her own words made her heart heavy. Lawrence was just a side woman for Hange, that unborn baby was just her offsprings. She was never important in the first place.
Levi smiled as soon as the kicks came again and placed his hand, his palm flat on Lawrence’s belly, where he could feel the baby moving around. He then looked right into Lawrence’s eyes.
“I should’ve been here with Hange,” He said with a sigh, as if he wanted to be upset that Lawrence had stolen his moment with Hange. “Not you.” But he wasn’t upset, even if he told himself that he was. His other hand was placed at her waist, pulling Lawrence close to him.
Levi probably didn't realise how his words kept hitting Lawrence as a knife stabbing her repeatedly, yet he continued to reiterate the same thought over and over again.
Lawrence felt her heart aching as time passed, which made the baby move a bit more. As if it knew his own mother was feeling sad. Her lips pursed, one hand gently caressing her swollen stomach as she looked down at it. The more she felt uneasy, the more the baby would kick Lawrence. A small gesture that made her feel less alone. Levi saw how his words affected Lawrence and wanted to keep going. He wanted to see her feeling terrible like that again and again.
“It shouldn’t be you.” He whispered at her, his body now touching Lawrence’s in more places than before. He felt her breathing in his ear and was breathing out softly himself, feeling her warm breath hit his neck.
“You were a one night thing.”
Lawrence's free hand went back to clutch her dress so tightly, her knuckles became white. She wouldn't have been upset on a regulae day but Levi's words, combined with her hormones, gave her a feeling she experienced a very few times in her life.
Her lips began to tremble and quickly pushed Levi's hand away from her body. Lawrence walked towards the stairs of her house, sitting down on the last step, breathing in and out as she covered her mouth in the process. A faint gulping sound escaped her throat, trying to calm herself down.
Levi watched as Lawrence walked away, her shoulders shaking slightly, as if she was going to cry or break down. He looked away for a few seconds and took a deep breath. He then followed her down the stairs and sat down close to her, his breath hitting her neck and cheek as he spoke.
“Why should you get to be a mother and I’m not?” He whispered harshly, looking right into her eyes. “Why should you get to love someone when I couldn’t?”
Lawrence could feel hot tears spilling from her eyes, running down her face and cheeks. The baby kept kicking and she had to caress her belly to make it calm down, breathing in and out to relax herself. Levi's proximity to her body was making it almost impossible. His words, however, made her furrow her brows.
“You wanted to bear a child?” She repeated his own words, as if she was trying to make some sort of sense out of it. “Then get a womb and a vagina.”
Levi took the arm that caressing her stomach and leaned it to her side. It could’ve been his arm caressing her womb, feeling her kicking baby inside. “I wanted to be with Hange,” He whispered softly, his warm breath hitting her face. “Have something between me and Hange made. A family.”
Silence engulfed the already silent house before Levi spoke again.
“We were meant to spend the rest of our lives together.”
And he wanted no one else to be there but him, no one else in Hange’s life but himself.
Lawrence got up again, and abruptly walked down the stairs, leaning on the iron railing as she tried to calm herself down in the process. All the kicking was making her nauseous, but never as much as Levi's behaviour. Yet, she still couldn't get properly mad since stress was gonna affect her pregnancy.
“I'm gonna have this baby and you're gonna keep it,” She spat out at some point, turning her face and glancing up where Levi still sat. “And you'll have your son or daughter.”
He sighed and walked back up the stairs, his eyes on Lawrence as he walked up to her and grabbed her arm. His face was stern as he leaned her against the wall, looking her right in the eyes and forcing her to listen to what he had to say. “But you won’t be the mother.”
He went on harshly, his hand now holding Lawrence’s stomach as the kicks from the baby could be felt again. “I will be. You’re just the woman that Hange chose to get knocked up.”
Lawrence nodded and wiped her tears, with a loud exhale, sniffling up a little as she moved towards the front door and opened it fully, standing on its side as she looked right into Levi's eye with a stern, yet hurt glance.
“Now leave,” She repeated what she previously said, although her tone had a more warning note on it. “I need to rest.”
Levi stared Lawrence down for a few seconds, as if he was expecting her to change her mind in the last second. But when no more words came out her mouth or when her expression remained the same, he had nothing else to say. He wanted to be the one telling Lawrence to leave, but his silence was just that.
He watched as she opened the front door and took her place beside it. Levi then took a few steps backwards, staring at her before walking out of the house, his words and tone stern.
“I will still be the one raising the baby.”
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joftw · 3 years
       “ LET’S SEE... whose outfit choice today do you think is the most ironic ? ”   jo asks, glancing around the ballroom in amusement.     @gallagherstart​
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stillfruit · 4 years
#tw ed#i'm trying to get back to running like i used to before summer but it's still really difficult for many reasons#one of them being i don't know how to handle longer runs food wise#like i know if i burn 1000 kcal on a run i'm gonna need more food but it's so difficult to make that happen#and then after i don't make up the difference properly i'm left hungry bc my body maybe knows something but i just can't trust it#which is dumb but i cant help but think this way#i wanna keep running bc it's free dopamine babey but i also don't want to potentially get anxious for days bc of my nutrition#but like what are u gonna do this is how it is now i guess#also on this note next week i'm gonna sign myself off the ed clinic outpatient thing they're Trying bc it's such bullshit#i know i sound entitled and difficult and like i'm 13yo but i can't believe the nurse person just asked me very simple questions with little#to no follow ups and just took my word for them and i was out in 20 mins#one of them was whether i eat ~treats at times and i was like yeah i do and she probably checked some helth checkbox even tho#for me personally this means nothing since i've never stopped and this exact thing has been my problem with my diagnosis from the beginning#i don't believe i fit in it and i certainly don't think it's thus useful to measure me against the criteria she seems to be using#could therapy be useful for me? i mean maybe but this person just asks simple questions and then suggests i add a snack somewhere#it feels so patronizing to me in some way for her to only do that to actively ~help me so to say as if i didn't know that myself#i hope i have the courage and the opportunity to shittalk her and my doctor to their faces next week xoxo#probably not bc i'm actually nice but like really i'm baffeld by how unhelpful they are#shit talking
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theringers · 3 years
disrespect - lando norris x max fewtrell x reader
summary: you move to a new city and are eager for a fun night out, but your date’s drunk friend just has to ruin it
a/n: hi besties, this has been a wip for a while but ofc it’s still unedited sorry /: hope you enjoy also don’t be mad at me bc i made lando an asshole sorry xoxo enjoy the fic, as always feedback is alwayssss appreciated:)
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warnings: 18+, nsfw, smut, threesome, drinking, dirty talk, asshole lando, i’m in love with max fewtrell so this fic is about him here is your warning
You swiped through Tinder on your phone, hoping that you might come across someone worth spending your time with. You had just moved into your new apartment in a brand new city and it was nerve-wracking, to say the least. Upping your entire life and moving it across the country alone is one hell of a feat and you were proud of yourself. But now that there were no more boxes to unpack, you were left to deal with your loneliness in a half furnished apartment.
It had only been a few weeks since you moved away but you were craving some fun human interaction. Each person that showed up on your screen was either a hit or miss. They had to be a catfish, you thought to yourself. Or you were definitely out of their leagues. The TV was playing in the background and you were mindlessly swiping, but a profile stopped you dead in your tracks. Max, 22. His smile beamed at you through the phone and he looked like great company. Someone you could laugh with for a night and have a good time.
You swiped right on him, matching immediately. You grinned a stupid grin that you would only do when you were alone. He looked like a super fun-loving guy according to his profile. You contemplated whether to make the first move or just leave him to it.
You set your phone down on the couch and decided to get up and do a little cleaning around the house, but conveniently leave on your phone ringer, just in case. It was a single dish you didn't even finish cleaning before you heard the ding. You rushed over to your phone, excited to see a message from Max. "Hi Beautiful" it read. Okay, you said to yourself and nodded. He was pulling out the moves already. Of course, he was though, this was Tinder. What else was he here for?
You responded and got the conversation moving, asking the typical get-to-know-you questions. He seemed like a nice guy and you were desperate for a connection with another human person. You had spent way too much time on FaceTime the past few weeks.
Luckily, he was in a good mood and the two of you made plans to meet at a local pub in just a few hours. Nothing stressful, just a casual drink between new pals.
You threw on your favorite yellow sundress and waited until it was close to leaving. No one could blame you if you showed up at the pub early for a little pregame drink.
Impossibly, the pub looked familiar to you. You had never been to this town before you moved. You took a seat at the bar and ordered a gin and tonic, sipping on the strong drink while you waited.
"You must be y/n," a voice said, taking you out of your gin-induced focus. He looked even better in person. His hair was messy but it looked like he spent a decent amount of time on it. Your favorite look. He flashed his award-winning smile at you and you almost melted.
"Hi, Max?" He nodded and sat down on the barstool next to you.
"Sorry I didn't pick a nicer place. This is one of my favorites."
You laughed at him. "You could have told me this was the nicest place in town and I would have believed you."
He pointed out the door. "I live right across the street there, so this place was convenient. It slowly became one of my favorites after a while."
He had the same mindset as you. You didn't need to be in the nicest restaurant with the most expensive food and drinks by any means. It was always more fun to go to a casual pub for a drink or two and see where the night takes you.
The bartender approached him. "What can I get ya?"
He looked at your almost empty drink. "I'll have whatever she's having and make it two."
You quietly thanked him and began the dreaded awkward first-date conversation. He cleared his throat and turned toward you. "I really love that dress, by the way, you look amazing in it."
You blushed at his words and smiled. "Thanks, it's one of my favorites."
"I can tell a lot about a person by what color they wear."
"Oh, really? And what does my yellow dress say about that?"
"That you're a friendly person. You like to talk to others and you want people to think you are a nice person."
You leaned into him and rested your head in your hand. "Tell me more."
He shook his head, regretting speaking up. "No, no, it's dumb."
"Not dumb at all, I'm actually very intrigued."
He took a deep breath. "Yellow is associated with freedom, independence, and optimism. Which I feel like you have all three." He half declared, half asked. He barely knew you, but apparently, your yellow dress told him more than enough.
"I respect it," you pursed your lips in an impressed half-smile.
The bartender dropped two more drinks off and you continued chatting. You learned about his interests and his family. He learned about your career and friends. At a certain point, the two of you just went back and forth sharing funny stories. You were three or four drinks in when you decided it would be a good idea to get some food in your systems, just in case.
As the bartender walked away, your gaze diverted to a rambunctious group walking into the bar. They were loud and laughing, one even stumbling his way in.
"I kinda wish that was me right now," you joked.
His eyebrows shot up. "Should we do shots?"
"We should do shots." You two were getting along swimmingly. He flagged the bartender over and ordered two shots of whiskey. "No, no, no. Maxy boy, if you're going to do shots with me, we're doing shots of vodka."
He groaned in frustration. “That’s nasty.”
“Okay, either vodka or tequila then.”
“I’d take tequila over vodka any day.”
The bartender was still waiting for your order, tapping his fingers on the bar. You spoke. “Two shots of tequila please.”
He was quick about bringing the shots, but you weren't quick about taking them. The clear liquid sat on the bar while you collected your thoughts and prepared yourself for the shot. You felt a hand slam down on the bar next to Max and looked over.
"Lando?" He asked. He must know him.
The boy stumbled a bit but used the bar as stability. "I want one of those," he slurred and pointed at the shot glasses.
Max laughed. "What are you doing here, mate?"
"We started drinking really, really early today."
"All day?" Max giggled, unable to keep in his emotions. This was hilarious.
"All day!" He shouted.
"Hey, buddy," he said, putting his hand on his shoulder. "Let's keep it down, okay? You don't want to get kicked out, do you?"
He cocked his head to the side and peered around Max. "Oh hey," he said and you smiled back. "Who's this hot piece of ass you got with you?"
"Lando!" Max stood up and your jaw dropped. "I think we should take you home." He grabbed Lando's arm and pulled him away, the sudden movement making him nauseous. He put his hand over his mouth and rushed to the bathroom.
Max sat back down. "I apologize for his behavior. That was so rude of him."
"It's okay, we all have those drunk friends who don't know when to shut up." It was amusing to you.
"I'm going to walk him across the street to my place and put him to bed. Don't move, I'm having a great time. I promise I'll be right back. And if I'm not, just come knocking on my door."
You nodded. "Got it. Can we at least take this shot first?"
"That's my kind of girl," he said. He picked up the glass, tapping it to the table, then to your glass, then to the table again, before tossing the shot back.
It burned, bad, but with him, you almost wanted to do another one. You saw Lando stumble out of the bathroom and tipped your head to Max. You hoped he wouldn't be too long because you were really enjoying your time with him.
You looked around the bar, taking notice of the groups of people you seem to have ignored before. Lando's rowdy friends were still here and you prayed they would leave you alone. There were a few older couples on the outskirts of the bar and a few groups of younger girls, looking like they were heading out on the town for a wild night. This was definitely just their first stop.
You could get behind spending your weekends and your work nights here. You didn't live too far from this place either, so whether this date ended well or not, you were sure to run into Max again. And probably Lando too.
Max walked back into the pub in record time. He sounded out of breath and his chest was rising and falling quickly. "I'm really sorry about him again."
You shook your head from side to side. "Don't even worry about it. I've said worse while drunk."
"Haven't we all." He rolled his eyes and flagged down the bartender for another drink.
You weren't sure how long you actually spent in the pub, but you watched it get crowded for prime time and then die down for closing. You were sipping on what you deemed your last drink and you definitely didn't need it.
Max signed the check and tossed back the last sip of his drink. "Do you want to come back to my place? We can watch a movie or something and then I can walk you home."
It sounded like exactly what you needed right now. You scooted off the barstool and grabbed your purse. Max took your hand in his and lead you to his place.
He fumbled in his pocket for his keys and you watched him intently. You were finding it difficult to keep yourself from drooling over him. You leaned back on the wall and waited. "Ah, got it," he said, looking up at you. He didn't even go directly for the door next to you, but instead eyed your body up and down. "You know, my friend can be a huge asshole, but he wasn't necessarily wrong."
You raised your eyebrows and cocked your head to the side.
"I think you are so unbelievably beautiful and still can't believe you sat down and had drinks with me all night." He took a step closer to you.
You looked up into his eyes and smiled. You pushed up onto your tippy toes and planted a kiss on his lips. He wasn't expecting it, but he reacted quickly, gripping your face with one hand and your hip with the other. You engaged in a few soft pecks before his tongue slipped in and guided yours. You could feel the prominent beat of his heart when you rested your hand on his chest. You smiled into the kiss and he let out a breathy laugh. "Let's get inside," he whispered against your lips.
When he opened the door, he stopped, forgetting that he had let his drunk friend crash on his couch. He groaned quietly and put his head in his hands. "Let's just go to my room, I'm sorry."
You laughed. You were down for anything but you loved to see him get so worked up over this. He led you down the hallway into his bedroom at the end.
He frantically tried to pick up a few loose clothing items on the floor when you walked in but you didn't care. It was something about all the gin and tonics you drank that just made you not care about clothes strewn everywhere. "Make yourself comfortable." He pointed to his bed, and lucky for you the bed was made. He unbuttoned the shirt he was wearing and tossed it in his laundry. You tried not to ogle too much over him, but his body was firm and toned. He quickly slid on a t-shirt and continued picking up.
You laid down on your stomach, facing the TV with your head resting on your hands. "What should we watch?" You asked.
He sat down behind you on the bed, his upper body leaning against the headboard. "Whatever you want. Anything you're in the mood for?"
"I don't do scary movies," you said.
He debated internally and moved his head around. "I can see that. How about something funny? You can never go wrong with a comedy."
"I'm all for it."
There was an abundance of comedy movies available to watch and luckily enough you've seen almost none of them. He put on a movie he got a recommendation for, but you couldn't focus on what was in front of you. You could only think about what - or who - was behind you. He rested his hand on the back of your thigh, not moving it, but more of a comforting gesture. You felt yourself twitch and crossed your fingers that it was just a mental thing.
You giggled and laughed at the movie with Max, his hand slowly moving up the back of your leg each time his body shook from laughter.
He reached the end of your dress, slowly letting his fingers wander under it. "Is this okay?" He asked. You turned back to him and smiled, hoping he got the memo.
His soft fingers traced circles on the skin of your upper thigh, inching dangerously close to your core. He gripped your ass lightly and you moaned in response, trying to keep it to yourself but he definitely heard.
He hovered over your center and applied pressure causing your legs to heat up. It was a natural instinct for your body to heat up whenever someone like Max touched you. He pushed your panties to the side and played with your pussy, teasing you with his fingers and making you a moaning mess.
He slid one finger in, and then another right after driving you insane. Your head was spinning in the best way.
"Hey Max, I, uh-" Lando burst into the room, clearly still drunk. Max stopped the movements of his fingers but didn't remove his hand.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you had a guest." You covered your face in embarrassment. "My apologies." Lando's eyes tried to look anywhere else besides Max's bed.
You could feel Max's finger slowly start to move again and you didn't know what to do. Lando was looking right at you and your face wasn't exactly concealing what was going on.
He looked at Max with a confused look on his face and then noticed his arm moving. "You're inside of her aren't you?"
Max let out a single chuckle. "I think you know the answer to that." You let your head fall, unable to contain your facial expressions from the sensation. Their words were sending tingles up and down your entire body. "My question for you is," he tipped his head to Lando, "are you enjoying it?"
His adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. "Uh," he cleared his throat, "yeah."
"Then sit." Max pointed to a chair in the corner of his room. He didn't have to hide his motions anymore so the pace sped up and the volume of your moans increased. Lando shifted uncomfortably while watching, but the tent in his pants said he was definitely enjoying the view.
Max moved closer to you on the bed and planted a kiss on the top of your head. "Do you want me to fuck you while he watches?"
"Please," you said breathlessly, unable to contain the feeling inside of you that was about to explode.
He tossed your body around and manhandled you like you weighed nothing. You were on your hands and knees now, facing Lando and looking at him right in the eyes. You still had your dress on, so he didn't get to see too much of you. That was saved for Max, but he got to watch you get fucked by his best friend and that was better than anything he could ask for.
"Fuck, y/n." You felt your walls clench around Max entering you from behind, and you sucked in a breath waiting for him to start moving. You squeezed your eyes shut, not ready to face Lando. When you opened them, he was palming himself through his pants.
The grunts and groans of two men now filled the room and you couldn't believe what was happening.
Max felt so good ramming you from behind, his hands gripping your ass and guiding you, but you couldn't help but stay focused on Lando. His eyes met yours and he watched you intently as he touched himself.
He pulled his cock out of his pants and began stroking it, letting his head fall back and staring up at the ceiling.
"Shit," he muttered under his breath. His hand went up and down his shaft fast and rough like he was desperate for some relief.
"You want to fuck her, mate?" Max asked from behind you.
"God, yes. So bad." His words sounded like moans.
Max laughed. "Too bad."
Lando's eyes shot open. "Too bad?"
He laughed again. "You disrespected her earlier. Now you get to watch from the sidelines while I make her cum." You couldn't see his face but he definitely had a smug grin plastered across it. Lando rolled his eyes and continued touching himself.
Max's thrusts started to get sloppy and his breathing was unstable, alerting you that he was about to finish. You reached your hand between your legs and played with your clit, hoping to be able to finish with him.
You began seeing stars and let the top half of your body fall onto the bed from exhaustion. You couldn't hold yourself up anymore. Your legs got hot and slightly numb, and you let out one last loud moan before collapsing on the bed.
Max walked into his bathroom for a towel and cleaned you up. He laughed when he tossed the towel across the room to Lando. "Alright mate, time for bed."
Lando shook his head as he pulled his pants up and headed for the door. "Great to meet you, y/n."
taglist: @honeybadger03 @teenwaywardasgardian @ggaslyp1 @f1oneshots @enchantestuff @ohpuckyeah @e16leclerc @landowishes @pg10ln4 @yugyeomcutie
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mackenzielovee · 3 years
ambivalence blurb: nostalgia - rafe cameron
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a/n: hi i'm back again!!! i love writing for these two bc it's just so comforting. i will never stop. pls enjoy and as always, let me know what you think! xoxo
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, swearing, intoxication
series masterlist
You sit on your couch in between two large gift bags, your mom on your left and Wheezie on your right. You'd told Rose you wanted your baby shower to be small, and she ultimately agreed to hosting it in the guest house. You had (mistakenly - you now realize) assumed that she would listen to you; pick up a few sandwich platters, have mimosas for the guests, and make it as relaxing as possible.
She did have mimosa ingredients, but everything else was different.
She'd gone all out - with the help of your mother - decorations and balloons lining every inch of the room, various foods piling up at the bar, and she'd seemed to have invited the entire island.
The worst part was, she'd told Rafe he couldn't be there. Now, as you sit on your couch and open presents in front of a few people you know and what seems to be forty other strangers, you look around for him subconsciously, hoping he'll pop out of thin air.
"This one's mine!"
You look up for the voice and match it to one of Rose's friends, a woman you'd met at the Club before but didn't feel like you knew her well enough for her to be standing in your living room.
You smile politely and, with one last search for Rafe, who you know won't be here, you suck in a deep breath and shove your emotions down. You feel selfish as you have the impulse to cry, kick everyone out, and demand Rafe come home. A large part of you is just extremely uncomfortable without Rafe's presence, as he knows exactly what you need with one glance.
When you reach into the bag, you pull out a large, stuffed, cartoon-looking elephant. He's smiling up at you and your eyes fill with tears, because one thought pops into your head.
Rafe would hate this.
He'd say it's ridiculous, that your baby isn't going to need a stuffed animal that big, and that it would take up more of the crib than your son.
"Thank you so much," you smile genuinely up at her, hoping it shows through.
"Oh, of course, dear. My Elliott had one when he was a baby, and I never had to get up once during the night! Mostly because I made James do it, but I'm sure the elephant helped, too."
It's meant to be a joke and everyone laughs, while yours is more of a wince. The thought of making Rafe get up every single time makes you feel sick. Mostly because you know he'd do it with no complaints. You just don't want to be selfish with him. Ever.
The room goes immediately silent when there's a crash in the kitchen, making everyone turn their heads. With the crowd, you can't see in there but you're sure someone just dropped something by accident. Your ears perk up when you hear them.
"Nice going, dumbass."
"Dude, I thought it was plastic."
"Does this look like plastic?"
"No, it-"
"Would you two shut up? This is Y/N's baby shower and if you two mess it up-"
"Rafe?" you call, your voice desperate and weak.
He steps into view and you swear you can breathe again, just the sight of his blue eyes and untamed hair calming something deep in your chest.
"Hi, sweetheart," he smiles, and upon further inspection of you, his face falls, "Are you all right?"
You nod and smile in an attempt to convince him, but he shakes his head and starts over to you, charming every single female guest on his way. He says various 'excuse me's and 'thank you for coming's before he reaches you, squatting down in front of you and setting his hands on your thighs.
"What are you doing here?" you ask gently.
He hikes his thumb over his shoulder, "Boys had presents. Wanted to give them to you."
You look over his shoulder and spy Kelce and Topper at the counter, both smiling and waving when your eyes meet theirs.
"Ooh! Mimosas," Kelce grins, picking up the champagne, "Y/N, you don't mind if we stay, right?"
"We're not allowed," Topper hisses, but swipes a champagne flute full of orange juice and alcohol anyway.
You're relieved when you look around and everyone has made themselves busy with conversation, and when you look back down at Rafe, he gives you nothing but a reassuring smile.
"Rafe," you say quietly, tone warning him that you're about to request something.
He doesn't miss a beat, "Yes?"
"Please stay with me."
His eyes soften, the blue piercing your heart the way it always does. Without hesitation, he shoos Wheezie off the couch, then tugs the gift bag to the floor, pulling you into him the second he's seated.
"I'm sorry I left in the first place," he whispers in your ear, "I told Rose to keep it low-key."
You pull back from his embrace and give him a small smile, letting him press a kiss to your forehead. Your eyes flicker down to the elephant sitting on the other side of your lap, so you quickly tuck it back in the bag you pulled it from. While you're distracted, Rafe looks over at Rose and rotates his index finger in a circle, motioning for her to wrap this up. She nods and he relaxes, trusting her to take care of it.
Rafe keeps an arm wrapped loosely around you for the remainder of the baby shower, being the main spokesperson for 'thank you's' and laughs exchanged because he can tell you're exhausted and hanging on by a thread. After another hour, filled with little kisses from Rafe and multiple mimosas for Topper and Kelce, Rose gathers the crowd up and offers her living room to continue mingling.
Everyone files out slowly, including your mom, who promises to come back and check on you before she leaves. You sigh when the door shuts, collapsing into Rafe's chest like you'd just run a marathon. Topper and Kelce remain in the kitchen pouring champagne into three drops of orange juice.
"Y/N, guess what I bought for you!" Kelce demands, thrusting his champagne flute up in the air as if to say 'cheers'.
You turn your head and smile at him, "What, Kelce?"
"Actually, Maddie picked it out. She's so amazing, she hopped right on her phone and found it and I just couldn't believe it. I mean, she's so thoughtful-"
"For the love of God," Topper groans, "You're Rafe 2.0."
You chuckle and then close your eyes, relaxing into Rafe's body. He kisses the top of your head, then drags his lips down your skull and pressing them to your ear.
"Can you give me one sec?"
You nod and sit up, letting him escape from underneath you. He turns and watches as you cuddle back into the couch, while he hurries into the kitchen. Kelce thrusts a mimosa into his chest and smirks.
"I'll go keep your wife company," Kelce grins cheekily at Rafe, attempting to side step him.
Rafe pauses, only for a moment, and revels in the fact that you will soon be his wife. He loves the way that sounds.
"Leave my-" Rafe pauses before the word wife can slip out, no matter how much he wants to say it, "Leave her alone. She's exhausted. You guys need to take off."
"Bro, lighten up. Have a drink! We'll watch-"
"I'm not watching The Fucking Notebook," Topper cuts in, smacking Kelce on the chest.
"It's her favorite," Kelce frowns.
"Focus on your own girl, please," Rafe grunts, "I'll order an Uber."
Topper nods, downing the rest of his drink with one gulp, "We'll wait out front."
"I want to hang out with Y/N," Kelce frowns at Topper, who rolls his eyes.
"Come over tomorrow, both of you. We'll grill and everything. Y/N's been craving a burger anyway."
"Fine, I'll bring her favorite potato salad. Maddie will come too, if that's okay," Kelce says.
"That's fine. She loves Maddie."
"I'll bring the beer," Topper steps in, snagging a plate off the bar and filling it with snacks before he inches toward the exit.
"Thanks for coming, you guys," Rafe says.
Kelce breaks away from Rafe and hurries into the living room, setting his gift and Topper's on the coffee table in front of you and then laying a quick kiss to your cheek.
"Thanks for the present, Kelce," you call out, barely able to open your eyes.
"You got it, mama," he whispers, then rushes back into the kitchen and steals a cracker from Topper's plate.
The boys bicker while Rafe walks them out, all of them making promises about tomorrow before Rafe finally closes the front door. When he steps back into the living room, he smiles softly at you falling asleep on the couch.
He walks over and starts picking up tissue paper laying around on the floor and bagging it up, doing his best to keep the noise to a minimum. You stir and pull your eyes open just as he about finishes up, stumbling upon the bag with the elephant in it.
"Rafe," you call out, waving your hand aimlessly to try to grab him.
"Sweetheart," he says, then holds up the elephant when you open your eyes all the way, "What the hell is this?"
You grin and sit up, "Elliott loved it when he was a baby."
He furrows his eyebrows and scoots closer to you, "Who's Elliott?"
You laugh, reaching for his hand and finding it in your lap already, outstretched for yours.
"Doesn't matter. C'mere."
He smiles and slides onto the couch, looking around the room at all of the opened gifts waiting to be put in the nursery, along with the crib Topper and Rafe put together.
"Lots of loot, huh, baby?" he teases.
"Tons," you agree, "Let's open Kelce's."
Rafe leans forward and grabs the bag, then hands it over to you. You smile and remove the tissue paper, handing it to him without even realizing it and watching as he puts it in his garbage bag. You pull out the soft material your fingers wrap around, and when you see it, your eyes fill to the brim.
Kelce, or rather, Maddie, got a baby blue onesie with the words Little Cameron put on it. Rafe chuckles when he looks at it.
"That's cute," he says with a smile.
When he hears you sniffle, he tenses and shifts his body so he has a better view of your face. He frowns, pulling you closer to him.
"Oh, sweetheart, what is it?" he asks.
"It's cute," you say, voice thick, "So cute. And we're cute, and our baby will be cute, and our wedding will be cute, and- Rafe. We're not even married."
He tries to contain his sympathetic laughter as he sees your expression, cradling you only closer to him.
"Not yet," he corrects, "We can get married now, if that's what you want. Right now. I'll get your coat."
He smiles and attempts to stand, laughing fully when you grab onto his shirt and force him still. He plants a kiss on your forehead before he can even think twice about it.
"Not right now," you say, "As tempting as it is. Can't wait to be your wife."
He bites down on his lip to hide his smile, "Me neither."
"Open Top's," you demand, pointing to the other present on the coffee table.
Rafe leans forward and digs through the bag, peaking at the contents, then stuffing it back in without showing you. Your eyes follow the redness traveling up his neck and to his cheeks, swearing under his breath.
"What is it?" you question, sitting up with curiosity.
"Nothing, baby," he shakes his head.
"Come on, show me," you chuckle.
Rafe sighs and then thrusts the bag over to you. You dig through the bag the same way Rafe did, choking on your spit when you find a box of small condoms in your hand. Rafe scoffs, rolling his eyes.
"Fucker," Rafe curses Topper.
You laugh, then lean over and kiss his cheek, "Stop. We'll have to give them away, they'd never come close to fitting you."
Rafe smirks, "You're right. Although, I'm never putting another one of those on again. If we have ten kids, I'm good with that."
"Rafe," you warn. He laughs.
"I think it's time for a nap. You're tired, which means he probably is, too," Rafe's eyes flick down to your stomach.
"A nap sounds perfect," you agree.
Rafe stands you up and leads you into your bedroom, tucking you in like a kid and giving you a quick kiss before he escapes the bedroom. He wraps up all the leftover food, organizes the gifts, and cleans up all of the leftover garbage. All while you rest, taking care of the baby he's desperate to meet.
Tags: @lurkymurker @scenesofobx @mardema @girlsneedloovee @red-wine06 @itsalexwin @wishing-i-was-rafes-princess @witchwyfe @malums-trash-can @emotionalbruv @anotherdropofnorth @milkiane @kookkyra @sarahwasfound @morganwilliams @lilgoddesshines @proactivetypeofperson @abrunettefangirlnerd @the-chaotic-cow @absolute-fcking-chaos @kaatelyyynn @jordynsharum @anonymousobxfan @premixed-margarita @princesspogue @gasolinesavages @outlaw-abby @samcaniglia @marveloussensations @dr3aming0utl0udx @thisisthewayrose @iammirrorball @r0und3bitch @thesimpletype @fashphotolife @notdisneychannel @gillybear17 @solllaris @lilacsandwhiskey @i-is-for-inspiring @sksliz @drewstarkey @luversgirl
*if you would like to be added/removed from my taglist at any time, please send me an ask!
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(part 1) (part 2)
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A/N: HEY BITCHES, IT'S FINALLY FINISHED !!! This is the last part of the fluff alphabet and omg I thought it was never going to happen bc I've been busy doing life stuff and well my brain had been focused on some other stuff. Either way, here she is! hope you like it anddddd if you want me to do something in particular I'm down for it! I'll write about this birdboi or our beloved silverboi any time. xoxo
S - Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Your boyfriend is your biggest fan! Into his eyes, there is nothing you cannot do! Seriously, you are the most capable, powerful and decisive person he's ever met. Or so he thinks, Warren's perception of you can be a little love-clouded sometimes, which can get annoying because of how high the pedestal he's put you in can be. And it sucks because there had been numerous times, mostly at the beginning of your relationship, where all you wanted to do was to rant out about how, for example, calculus' final was driving you insane or how the newest move Mystic showed you was anatomically impossible, yet Warren's new-found cheerleadingness, even though well-intentioned, was pushing your buttons.
You had decided against saying anything to Warren in fear of accidentally hurting his feelings, after all, Warren being optimistic was a rare sight, and you sure didn't want to be the cause for him to shut down again, especially over just a dumb pet-peeve of yours. So you just let it slide until Warren started to notice how sometimes when he'd tried to lift your spirits up by praising you or degrading the seriousness of the problem, how obviously uncomfortable it made you. he never addressed the elephant in the room, again, he's more actions than words, so he simply stopped, or so he tries to.
He keeps it down a notch nowadays. Wich in itself is a titanic task for him because honestly he just can't help it. But he's working on it.
T - Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Yes, I cannot stress this enough, Warren is a bird at his core. And just like birds, who thrive on routines, so does he. Therefore one would suspect a relationship with him would be doomed to become repetitive and boring. But they couldn't be more wrong!
It is this bird-like personality that pushes him out to pursue adventures quite often. There is nothing your boyfriend craves the most than freedom, so whenever things start getting too monotone the saying "feeling like a caged animal" cannot be more accurate for him.
Thanks to this, your relationship is filled with exciting and thrilling experiences, making up for those in-between more monotonous times.
U - Understanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He has a keen eye for understanding people. What used to be a liability for him growing up, always investing himself in other peoples lives more than he should. Like the time 8-year-old, Warren managed to sneak out one of his mom's diamond necklaces for Vicka, his nanny, to wear at her College's graduation party. He knew how much money she had spent for her parents airplaine tickets from Danemark to New York and how she was barely making ends meet. And he also knew how his mom wouldn't notice if one of the hundreds of pieces of jewellery she owned magically disappeared for only a few hours. But she did. Without little Warren realising it.
He never saw Vicka again before that. The next time he did was the night she saved his life when he turned 14.
So yes, The Angel of Death is capable of empathy and understanding people's needs. Therefore it is to nobody's wonder he knowing you like the palm of his hand. He can read you like an open book, each and every mannerism of yours, the way your head tilts to the left when you are curious about something or to the right when you are in disbelief of anything. How you always raise your voice the slightest when speaking to Peter, thinking it will make him pay attention to what you're saying instead of losing his focus (it barely works but you can't help to keep doing it) or how it becomes softer and almost motherly when speaking with Kurt.
V - Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?
He knows exactly what it is like to have it all and lose it all. But has never thought about what it would be like for him if you were suddenly out of the equation. And quite frankly, it isn't something he likes to think about. So he doesn't, even the thought of it sends shivers down his spine. Warren Worthington III became was the universal heir to a generational wealth which, after his parent's death granted him the title by Forbes of "The richest man under 30 years old".
Yet he would burn each dollar, shred every painting, smash every statute, destroy all the cars and properties he owns if having to choose between having all that or you.
W - Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon
Warren loves waltzing with you at any given time and at any given place!
Growing up Warren used to spend most of his nights on Galas, state dinners, balls and many more black-tie gatherings. Therefore it was a necessity for his mother her child had the best dance instructor from an early age. As he grew older Warren took a liking for dancing, mostly because of the amount of praise he will always get from his audience. the way he effortlessly swang through the dance floor was impressive enough for his mother to wonder whether or not her son should take his hobby to a more professional direction.
He hadn't realised just how much he missed dancing until he moved into Xavier's. To be more precise, during the New Year's Eve party. It was 11:50 PM, dinner was over and the newly made dance floor was already packed. You never took your boyfriend as the dancer-type of guy so when he pulled out his hand for you to take, guiding you straight to the centre of it, you were beyond surprised.
He danced with you even after you had ditched the high heels and Warren his tux jacket and bow, after the music had died down and everyone had left, you kept softly waltzing until the first rays of the sun from a new year hit your tired yet content faces.
From that day on, Warren love dancing even more.
It was one of the very few things he was never self-conscious of. It never bother him when people stared because if he was being honest, each time he twirled you around the mansion's kitchen or swirled with you in the foyer, the world seemed to evaporate.
X - XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Everybody knows your boyfriend isn't someone to joke with, even after having his horseman wings removed Warren remained with an imposing presence. Everywhere he goes places go silent, people hunches down and children stare. Perhaps it's due to the spiked leather garments, face tattoos and punkish hairstyle alongside his aloof attitude. It's not like it bothers him though, he loves it! This is why he is not wailing to let go of his "bad boy aesthetic" for a pair of doe eyes and a cute smile.
Or so he used to say.
This was one of the main reasons why he established the rule of keeping the PDA to a minimum when you started dating. But each time his body ached for your gentle touch after he had to detangle himself from you whenever someone burst in into the common room, or how he would miss the warmth from your lips when he had to let go of your embrace because he felt some staring eyes or how he would still crave for the relaxing feel from your fingers scratching his scalp after he forced himself up from your lap because he heard approaching footsteps. He cursed himself for having such a stupid rule, each and every single time.
So he ditched it!... Partially, he's still slightly reluctant about it (thank his upbringing for this) but at least he won't yerk up from the couch he had been napping on next to you every time he hears a foreign voice.
Y - Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Warren loves you and adores spending time with you. Yet he also cherishes his solitude.
Life in the streets can make anyone overly independent, in the end, if you don't look out for yourself nobody else will. Although it's a great skill to have, it might come across as an inconvenience sometimes, especially in the "relationship field". One of the main reasons why it's hard for them to be in long-term relationships is due to their inability to ask for help of any kind, they will get overwhelmed by their loss of privacy, the need to think about two instead of one, the pulling and stretching boundaries all the time, etc. And Warren was not the exception.
But neither were you.
This is why he felt so drawn to you, to begin with. Even way back to when you two first met, you never pushed it. Never impose yourself on him, never stick around longer than he was okay with. Always allowing him to be the one to decide whether or not he wanted to prolongate his time with you. Until he realised that, the brief chats in the hallways became all-nighters on the rooftop, the sporadic movie nights and picnics near the lake were now a weekly ritual, and what he believed would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, the morning he woke up next to you instead of all by himself, was now what he treasured the most at the beginning of every day.
Even when he cannot get enough of you, there are times when life becomes too much for him to handle, when even his own breathing pisses him off and the world is too bright and everyone is too loud. When he disappears. Sometimes for a few hours, sometimes for a few days, but he always comes back, back to you. Because even when he needs his alone time, he needs you more.
Z -Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Warren is the biggest simp ever to simp. To him, there are no impossibles when it comes to you. Without exaggerating, your man will kill and die for you! THAT IS IT! No need for explanations, he has killed before so it is obvious how he won't hesitate to take the life of anyone who would put yours in danger.
In conclusion, what I'm trying to say is: the sky is the limit, there is nothing he wouldn't do for you.
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cowboyhorsegirl · 2 years
3, 9, 22, 38, 40? 👀
ahhh thank you sm for the ask <3
3. name three favorite writers
in general, I'd say madeleine l'engle, sally rooney, and brit bennett
for stevetony fic in particular, i literally cannot choose just three so i'll just rapid-fire some of my faves with full acknowledgement that i'm still missing people bc there's literally such a depth of talent and creativity in this fandom it would be impossible to list them all!!: @sineala @festiveferret @sirsapling @kandisheek-art @kiyaar @silkspectred @isozyme
9. do you set yourself deadlines?
Not even a little bit! I'll publish when i publish xoxo <3
22. favorite story you’ve ever written
undoubtedly hands down 100% Paradise Blue in 1872 and it's not even close (though I do love all my other fic too!).
Even though it's only about 500 words it took me like 3 days to write it, which i think is maybe the longest i've spent on any published fic yet (and i know relatively that is Not Long but still fjkdalsfl). Every word and reference and metaphor was so meticulously chosen, it was hard while i was doing it but it's extremely satisfying to see that deliberateness pay off. <3
I don't know, I kind of still can't believe I wrote it, because it feels like it was created by someone who is much better at writing than me lmfao. I'm just insanely proud of Paradise, one of my absolute favorite things is hearing how other people engaged with it because sometimes people will comment a brand new perspective or insight that i didn't even realize! Which is an insanely incredible interaction to have for sure :)
Honorary special mention also goes out to Lie de The (Memory Serves Me) because i quite love that one a lot too and i'm really proud of the poetic rhythm of that fic <3
38. do you reread your own stories?
if my previous answer did not tip you off, yes i love rereading all my own stories :D they are good and i hear the author is brilliant and also People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive
40. which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series
honestly, i think i'd most like to see Ralph Waldo Emerson Twilight adapted into a longer fic. as i was writing it, i had some ideas for a more thorough story with that same concept of post-EG Steve and Morgan becoming really close and starting to explore the things Tony left behind together as they piece together more information about his life. It's easy to imagine that this would be a mutual endeavor for them as Morgan tries to learn more about the caring and devoted father she remembers from her early childhood as opposed to the larger-than-life man who's memorialized across the world and who she's reminded of by everyone who meets her and Steve desperately tries to gain a little insight into what Tony's life was like during the 7 near-continuous years they were apart from each other. Was he happy, was he happy despite or because of the absence of the Avengers, what were his thoughts on Bucky and did he know how sorry Steve felt? Smaller things too, like how did he spend his days, would he go swimming in the lake, did he ever get antsy in this new domestic life or is this what he'd wanted but never known to desire all along? All the things he would've wanted to ask the man in person if he'd had more time, more courage. But he gets these faint echoes now, with the daughter Tony had loved and lived and died for, and even though it will never be near enough of what Steve wants, it's more than what he feels he deserves.
of course, this would mean actually writing all of that down and not to let anyone's hopes down but i wouldn't hold your breath on this one lol (though if anyone ever has written a similar story to this one please lmk!!!)
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scekrex · 7 months
I had an idea for a adam xm!reader and its like reader became in a way a sort of friends with the main cast of the demons (Charlie, Vaggie angel ect.) and adam finds out about it when he finds reader with fat nuggets in hel for funzies idk im not so great at English its absolutely not my first language nor the second so if its a complicated idea you can just scrap it dww!!
Furthermore i hope you have a great rest of you’re day 🫶🫶
Sup hun, I simply assumed you mean angel!reader bc it makes the most sense (and it's what I've written) hope ya like it xoxo/p
Forbidden fruits cause damage
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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You knew you weren't allowed to, you knew that if Sera or the other seraphims were to find out, they wouldn't let you come back, that you would only see Adam once a year during extermination day and it really messed with your head to be constantly reminded of how tight heaven's rules were.
And yet you came back over and over again.
At first it had been to visit Charlie's hotel, to make sure she wasn't violating any rules heaven had made - that had been an order from Sera. But when Charlie had greeted you so warmly as if she was one of your closest friends and Niffty had dubbed you 'totally hot not-badboy' you couldn't resist when it came to visiting these shitheads.
At first your visits had been rare, they had been a once every couple month kinda deal, you needed to be careful not to draw any attention to you after all. But soon every couple months turned into once a month, once a month became once every two weeks and every two weeks quickly switched to every week.
And while heaven seemed to either not notice or not care enough - maybe they thought you were doing business with Lucifer, who knew - Adam noticed. Of course your boyfriend would notice that every week you'd suddenly disappear for an entire day. You always made sure to leave early in the morning to be back for dinner. However, whenever you left during the early morning hours Adam woke up due to the lack of warmth that you took with you when you left. He was a cuddly guy, even if he would never admit it so of course he would notice his beloved boyfriend’s absence.
Today was yet another day to visit hell. So you went down to hell early, you had left Adam a note that stated something along the lines of 'visiting Ma & Pa, see ya tonight, big guy'. He however wasn't buying any of it. You had once lied to him by telling him you were hanging out with a friend of yours and when Adam had left the apartment for a walk he had seen said friend alone. The same thing happened a couple weeks later again.
He crumbled the little note in his hand and threw it onto the bed. He trusted you, he really did, but then there were his insecurities. His first and second wife had both decided to cheat on him and leave him. What prevented you from doing so too? He didn't know and the thoughts of you fucking another guy were eating him alive.
What if you disappeared once a week to enjoy time with someone who was more charming and loving than him? With someone who'd constantly tell you how much he loves you instead of jokingly insulting you? He couldn't stand his mind for fucking him up so badly, he wanted to crash his head against a wall until it would split open, but he didn't.
Instead he snapped his fingers to let a small orb appear in front of him. The scene the orb showed him was fogged up at first but the picture got clearer only seconds later. He felt disgusting for spying on you, wanted to scratch the skin off of his bones and claw out his eyes but it was the only thing that quieted down his mind at least a little bit.
The orb showed you a bright smile on your face as you held a little pig, petting the small animal lovingly. Next to you stood Angel Dust.
Angel Dust?
“Fat Nuggets really loves you, y’know, poor baby always gets sad when you have to leave,” the pornstar explained with an arm wrapped around your shoulder. Adam couldn't believe what he was seeing. You were in hell, even worse: you were in hell to hang out with the demon scum like it was the most normal thing to do for an angel as pure as you were. The brunette was so overwhelmed by his feelings that he didn't even recognize it when the orb disappeared again, the only thing that was on his mind was why you didn't tell him.
You were apparently regularly hanging out in hell and instead of telling him you always made up some sad excuses why you were gone for the day. Did you not feel comfortable sharing such a big secret? Adam's mind went crazy, the wildest trains of thoughts were running through his head and there was not a single thing the first man was able to do about it, the only thing that was possible in a situation such as his was to take it.
When you got home that evening Adam was walking up and down in the living room. “You okay, babes?” you casually asked, your voice didn't indicate that you had been lying to him for months, it didn't indicate that you had just gotten back to heaven after spending the entire day with some demon fuck-ups. “You wanna explain me where the fuck you were?” Adam asked instead of answering your question and crossed his arms over his chest. His eyes gave away that he was pissed about something yet they were glued onto your body leaning against the door frame. “I wrote you a note, I was-” you were about to explain but the first man to ever be created didn't let you finish, “Fuck you and fuck your lies. You weren't visiting your parents bitch, you were in hell visiting the demon fuck-ups who think redemption is possible.”
You frowned at his words - yes that was true but how the fuck did Adam know about that? “What? So you were spying on me?” you questioned his behavior and stepped towards Adam. The brunette seemed to be close to crying yet his body was ready for a fist fight. “After I figured out you lied to me twice about hanging out with friends? Duh,” he made a hand movement that was supposed to symbolize something along the lines ‘obviously I did’.
You let out a deep sigh. He was right. And that was way too fucking hard to actually admit. But you swallowed your pride and gave in. You walked past him, your hand reached out for him but he flinched away from your touch which resulted in you sitting on the couch alone. He didn't move an inch from the spot he was standing on, the only thing he did was to turn around in order to look at you. “I’m sorry.” A look of surprise washed over the brunette's face and his body language visibly softened. He had expected many things but an apology without a fight hadn't been one of them. “What?” he dumbly asked as he blinked at you in confusion. His wings, which had been fluffed up to make him seem bigger than he already was, dropped until they were pressed against his sides again. His beautiful golden eyes which had been full of anger only moments ago had softened too, they reflected empathy.
You couldn't bring yourself to look him in the eyes as you continued to speak so you stared at the floor instead, “I’m sorry that I lied to you, that I visited hell without telling you, I know I should have but -” you shook your head as you paused for a moment. “No. No excuses. I was afraid of your reaction to it, I know you hate them, I know you hate their project but they're actually so sweet and caring and- and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about all of it. I should have shared this with you.”
Now it was Adam who sighed as he flopped down onto the couch next to you, he kept his distance though, “I don't fucking like that you're visiting them, what if one day you'll get locked out of heaven? The fuck am I supposed to do without you?” You glanced at him from the corner of your eyes. “I honestly don't fucking care who you're friends with and what they are. That's your fucking life, I won't control that shit, that's yours to decide. Just promise me to be fucking careful ‘n’ stop fucking lying to me about it.” You nodded silently, it was the only response that felt right in that moment.
“N remember, if I have to go to fucking hell just to fuck your juicy little ass, I fucking will. You're not safe from me, not even down there,” the grin in Adam's voice was audible and you peeked up a little only to see the taller man grinning down at you. That made you smile a little.
It was the next day that you called Charlie to inform her that you wouldn't be able to visit as regularly anymore. You weren't willing to risk everything, especially Adam. She being the supportive girl she was obviously understood. “Who are we talking to?” Adam asked sleepily as he entered the kitchen, the poor man had just woken up and followed your voice immediately. “Charlie,” you cheered at him, “You wanna say hi?” You held your phone in front of his face, his mimic was a mix between annoyance and sleepiness as he spoke, “Sup, bitch.” Then he went to make himself a coffee. “You want one too, babes?” he offered to you and you nodded before giving him a quick ‘thank you’ kiss. “Was that Adam?” Charlie asked in surprise over the phone. “Yeah, y’know how I told ya that we're dating?” Your words made pride bloom in Adam's chest, you had been talking to your new friends about him and you weren't hiding that he was your boyfriend even though Charlie and Adam weren't exactly on good terms. “Well yeah you mentioned that but I didn't think- nevermind. I hope you two have a wonderful morning, I assume we'll see each other in two months?” Lucifer's daughter seemed eager to get off the phone now that she knew that Adam was with you. You chuckled at that, “Yeah, sure, see ya then.”
Once the call ended Adam turned around with a sharp grin on his lips, “So, how's hell reacting to a pure babes like you dating me?”
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queen-haq · 3 years
I would love to get into billys mind when it comes to the divorce. Does he just act like it never happened cause he keeps saying ‘your husband’ ‘you’re mine’ like. He has to remember that he pushed her to her breaking point where the only option was to sign the papers.
But does he fault reader at all for letting the divorce go through? I was rereading and i came across the flashback where he said he wouldn’t survive without her and idk. That coupled with the fact that his connection with her sprung back up right after they left the courthouse… thats when he became interested even though he couldn’t recall their past.
I can see billy understanding why she signed but i can also see him being upset that she didn’t fight harder (but lets be real she really gave it all she had to make the marriage work). You write this billy so well because all though he royally fucked up, i am rooting for him to get his woman .. but i’m also rooting for reader to move on. Your writing talent makes it so much harder to pick a side and stay there lol.
Puts me in a tizzy thinking about these characters, Whew. But also Happy hump day :-) hope your week is going well. I know you saw your friend a while back and it made me genuinely happy. i had plans to go visit my friend for a week (in my hometown) and everytime i asked to plan it out she was too busy. Then she stopped replying to me for 4 days but she was on social media and she told me she was with her other friend for one of the days. And that really sucked!!! This was the week i was suppose to be with her so im feeling a little :( (im the anon from before that moved and hasnt made any friends yet - if you remember bc i sent that ask a while ago!)
but i’ve been trying to make myself feel better by reading. I’m dragging my feet to finish this book called the night circus. But i love that i can always come back here and be so engrossed with billy & reader
Sorry this was a wordy message and i just mostly complained at the end lol :( also if you’ve read anything interesting please send it my way! Xoxo
Right now Billy is actively avoiding the word divorce. He knows he's the one who asked for it but in his mind it wasn’t really him. All he wants is to go back to how things were before the accident but obviously Reader is not in that same place. To answer your second question, no, he's not angry with her about the divorce. He knows he's the one who fucked up but he keeps telling himself who he was after the accident wasn’t really him. They're both deluding themselves at this point 😆
And I'm so sorry about your friend flaking on you! That really sucks and I wish I could say something to make you feel better. Hopefully with the pandemic petering out you can join new interest communities and make friends. When I moved to California I didn't know anybody and those meet-up groups were a great place to start meeting people. Good luck!
I haven't read anything interesting bookwise recently but I do read fics ( Shadow and Bone fandom) when I have a few minutes here and there. I bought a whole bunch of mystery books recently that I can't wait to start reading. Gone Girl is one of my absolute favorite books if you haven't read it. Even if you've watched the movie, I'd still recommend reading it because there's so much ruch characterisation in there.
Thank you so much for the kind words 🙏 ❤️ ❤️ I did remember your message from before! Moving to a new city is really tough and I struggled a lot at first but now I really love it here. It will get better after a while!
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twdmusicboxmystery · 3 years
When Rick said to the people in Grady that if anybody wants to come with them why didn't anyone go , I mean the place is bad and the officers are evil people who wants to stay there ?
I think it's strange that no one chose to go with tf so I re-watched Coda to make sure but things just got weirder and realized there were a lot of missing pieces like after Beth got shot they stayed in Grady for a while? Or did they just take her body to bury her . .Did something happen between them and the officers there I mean after all Dawn was bad person but doesn't mean she forced the officers to rape people she just let them do it. and I thought what if the whole hospital was invaded and then they lost Beth's body there but that's still just my idea.. Grady's arc is unfinished and I think they've left it open for something very important, and not only bc I really want Beth to be alive but everything screams im my face
Preaching to the choir here, Nonny. I still remember when Slabtown aired and I watched it for the first time. There were just so many question marks. So many things I didn't understand and that they didn't explain.
I assumed that they were being vague on purpose, and that when TF showed up to get Beth (and then later Carol) all would be revealed. But of course Coda came and went and, even aside from the soul-splitting tragedy of it, nothing really got explained.
It's a big part of the reason TD exists at all. Not the only reason, but a big part. There's never been another storyline in the show like Grady. Where everything is vague and shadowy, unexplained, the community and people left alive when TF walked away, etc. It's just too weird and we could tell there had to be more to it.
I started to understand it a lot better during S5 of FTWD when we were more heavily introduced to the CRM and we started to understand that Grady was probably tied to them in some way.
So, all the details and suggestions you mention above are possible, but it's also all conjecture. We simply don't know what happened after that final scene of Coda. We have some ideas, but we can't know for certain just yet.
But I do believe all will be revealed when Beth returns and the CRM war starts to unfold. We just have to wait for that to get here. Xoxo! 💖
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princelyhelp · 3 years
okay but where is all the tea tho 👀
OH BABY THIS IS LONG!!!! BECAUSE I HAD TO GO THROUGH MY HEAD OF EVERYTHING IVE BEEN APART OF!!!! read down below for the problematic place known as the rpc
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my og gallagher rp ( my first group <3 ) : : THEY KEPT!!!! TELLING ME!!!! THAT TUMBLR ATE MY APP!!!! when really i formatted it wrong and the admins just refused to tell me and i'm still butt hurt about it. but it's whatever, that was my first tumblr group ever so we live and move on
disney rp ( my second group ) : : NOTHING WRONG HERE!!! EVERYONE WAS SO NICE, THEY LOVED MY MINAH FC, THEY LOVED ME, I LOVED THEM!!!! had to close because of activity :( still sad
the island / dating rp ( my third group ) : : other than me having to join with a white fc ( changed that shit as soon as they accepted me ), the admin was planning on closing and revamping the group, saying that "it's not active enough" and ignoring the fact that many of us were still extremely active on the dash. instead of telling us that we could keep our character, she told us we would have to reapply and go against others to be accepted. which wasn't cool but we didn't make the situation better because we made a group to spite the admin. both died within two days xoxo
the family / adopted family rp ( my fourth group ) : : i tried to join using min from miss a as a fc and the admins told me that if i used a korean fc that no one would rp with me because "she doesn't know english". immediate red flag, still joined bc i was a dumbass thirteen year old. shit died within a month
the agency rp ( my fifth group ) : : nothing too bad here, they were cool. lowkey miss them, lowkey dont 
the divergent rp ( my sixth group ) : : hm,,,,, it was,,,,, okay. i left after a week
the high school rp ( my seventh group ) : : OKAY I LOVED THIS GROUP!!!! my only problem ( and in all of these groups minus the og gallagher rp bc i played a white woman ), that no one really plotted with me or tried to do more with my characters. because i ONLY played characters of colors but specifically south korean characters. no ships, barely any friendships, nothing really. i was just there!!! vibing!!!! left after two months and never heard from the group 
gossip girl rp ( my eighth group that i joined twice ) : : same thing!!! people barely interreacted with me bc of my fcs <3 
tv show rp ( my tenth group ) : : BEST, MISS THEM, PLEASE COME BACK TO ME!!!!!!! 
i tried to join a skeleton rp using vernon from seventeen and the admins told me that i couldn’t use him bc 1) “he didn’t have any gifs” he most def did if they looked in the tags and did a google search and 2) he didn’t fit into their aesthetic aka he wasn’t white enough for them. 
high school rp : : A MESS, PROBLEMATIC AF!!!! you had people doing a whole cheating / bully plot which is like cool if handled properly but they were extremely cliquely and just nasty for no reason??? AND THEN!!! WHEN CALLED OUT FOR THIS!!! A WHOLE BUNCH OF THEM LEFT AND CREATED THEIR OWN GROUP JUST SO THEY CAN KEEP DOING THAT PLOT. they’re still around and seem to be thriving, wouldnt join again
the spy rp : : it was great in the beginning!!!! until people who first joined left the group ( they were uncomfy with some of the new people and didn’t like how they were personality wise ). so my friends and i made our own server since they were all gone from the group except for me. but we had a snake who told the admin this and the admin got upset??? and tried to talk shit about all of those members who left ( like a sporadic leave you know??? ) but i couldn’t just sit there so i stood up for them and fought back the many people who tried to come for my friends. i left after that bc fuck them. the group tried to revamp after that but ended up closing within a week, i no longer talk to that group bc of school and they kicked me out of the server OAJGAOGAGA
THE JAZZY RP!!!! : : I JOINED HER GROUP AS A JOKE JUST TO SEE IF SHE WAS REALLY RACIST AND BITCH!!! SHE WAS!!!! i have the screenshots, i sent them to people, and i called her out. she put my ass on A FUCKING TIMER IN THE SERVER!!!! DELETED MY COMMENTS!!!!! AND THEN KICKED ME OUT BECAUSE I WAS RUTHLESS!!!! my greatest moment tbh, would do it again
this could be longer but i gotta work and my brain was going zzzzz a lot but!!!! most of my stuff had to do with people being straight up racist by denying me entry into groups because i used non white fcs, avoiding plotting with me because of said fcs, and just ignoring me in general. people are,,,, doing better with non white fcs! well better than before <3 go rpc <3
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harry-sussex · 6 years
No one asked but I'm gonna share my story too 😂 so I've always liked Diana (even though she died when I was 2) but my mom was/is kinda a royalist so I had outfits inspired by her and when I was like in gr.6 I did a project on her and so on so forth and ofc that loved projected onto her sons!! I liked them but I didn't really follow anything they did unless I saw it on tv or the papers or whatever. With Kate, I remember seeing her in the paper once (I remember it was that charity roller blading
thing) and thinking she was pretty but that was about it lol. But I completely freaked out when William got engaged bc he was my fave and I kinda grew up with him (and Harry) and I was all like aaysjgsifholh. I was so excited and I literally counted down until the royal wedding 😂. Then the day came and my 2 sisters and I woke up at 3 am and we were literally screaming when William and Harry left Clarence house loool we were proper freaking out. And then Kate made her way to Westminster Abbeyand we were like, how can someone be so beautiful???! and when she stepped out of the car, that’s when our Kate love affair started lol. That hair, that dress, that face, that smile.. if Will didn’t marry her, I would’ve lmao no homo. But yeah, even after the wedding, I still didn’t really follow them but I followed their Canada tour and I fell in love with her all over again. Then I followed a Kate fan page on twitter but I still never really follow their every engagements and stuff.
Onto Harry, I was obsessed with him and when he got engaged I was like fahfhssgjddjg but I was also kinda heartbroken bc my babe was officially off the market lol. Like Kate, I saw Meghan in a Reitmans commercials and thought she was pretty but never did I think she would become Harry’s wife lol funny how life works. I kinda became obsessed with Meghan and followed a fan page but again that was about it. Again, woke up for the wedding but I was more tame this time lol
Anyway, I still don’t actively follow every engagement they do unless it pops up on my feed but I love them all. I have a soft spot for Kate though because she was my OG lol. Sorry for the long running and poorly constructed sentences lol I’m at work and I’m bored so I decided to share after I read yours
Okay first of all, this idea is so cute!!!  Tell me how you guys got sucked into this mess that is loving the royal family of your choosing!!!  
Second of all, this story made me smile so much
Also about Harry like same?  I cried tears of happiness and joy and also a little sad bc like….. guess I’ll never be a princess?  :( but it was 99.9999999% happiness/joy 
Also, soft spot for Kate because she was your OG…. same.  I love, love, love William, Harry, and Meghan with my whole heart but Kate…… there’s just something special about her in my heart.  Truly.  
Don’t apologize at all!!!  This made me smile so much!!!!!!! 
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