#it's like wandering to the kitchen opening the fridge just to close it and go back to the living room
krirebr · 2 days
More Than This 6
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Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x f!reader, Steve Rogers & f!reader
Word Count: ~3.4k
Summary: Arranged marriages have always been used to solidify business deals among the ultra-wealthy. Your stepfather wants to be in business with Harlan Thrombey, so now it's your turn.
Warnings: Heavy angst, age difference, adult themes, institutional sexism, the threat of Linda, explicit language, panic & anxiety, my own rampant abuse of italics, the slooowest burn - Warnings will be added as needed for subsequent parts. All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
Series Masterlist
A/N: Well. Here we go. Things are coming to a head now.
Permanent thanks, as always, to @paperweight91 who lets me talk her ear off about this and always has the best input.
Any comment, reblog, or ask to let me know what you think will be greatly appreciated. And if you need to come scream at me, that's ok too!
As always, thank you so much for reading! 💜
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You sat on the closed toilet seat in Ransom’s ensuite, your knees pulled up to your chest, as you watched the seconds on the timer tick by, Linda’s gift bag sitting right beside the under-the-sink cabinet you’d pulled it out of. This time would be different, you told yourself. It wouldn’t be the same result as the last three tests you took. It couldn’t. It couldn’t. 
Your phone buzzed and you turned the timer off as you closed your eyes tight. Please please please, you chanted to yourself. After forcing yourself to breathe, you opened your eyes and picked up the test off the counter. Pregnant said the easy-read display. Just like the others. Shit.
This was what you wanted. You knew that. But– But you were stupid. You were so fucking stupid. You were so focused on getting pregnant that you’d forced yourself to forget about what would come when you actually were – a baby. You and Ransom were going to have a baby. You were fully trapped now. Completely fucked. This had cemented the rest of your life, no way out.
And the same for this poor baby you carried inside of you. A childhood just like yours. The same future too. You cradled your stomach even knowing there was barely anything there yet. 
You wandered into the hall. You wondered where you would even put a baby as you looked across at the home gym you'd never seen Ransom use. His study. The storage rooms. You tried to imagine a little kid running around in this house. You couldn’t. You couldn’t picture a single moment of your future beyond this day. It terrified you.
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The rest of the day passed in a haze before Ransom came home at his usual time. You froze at the sight of him, just staring as he bent down to pat Lola and tell her hello as she yipped excitedly at him. He turned to you and his brow furrowed. Oh god. Could he tell? Could he see it on you? You opened your mouth to tell him. You had to tell him. But no words came out. After gaping at him for who knows how long, while his brow just got more and more furrowed, you asked “Are you hungry?” and moved into the kitchen without waiting for a response. You had no idea how he’d react. 
Would he be happy you’d finally fulfilled your purpose? Angry because he’d never wanted a kid to begin with? Or maybe he did want a kid, he just didn’t want one with you? Maybe that didn’t matter. Maybe you didn’t even factor into this equation. Maybe the kid would be good enough on it’s own. That might be the best outcome you could hope for. That thought terrified you just as much as the others.
You pulled two of the premade meals out of the fridge. You hadn’t tried to make dinner again since your disastrous first attempt. You thought of your kid. Eating the housekeeper’s meals, being taken care of by a nanny, driven around by a chauffeur, while you just faded away into the background.
Ransom calling your name brought you back to the present. He was just on the other side of the kitchen island from you now. “Are you okay?” he asked, and you couldn’t tell if it was concern or annoyance in his tone.
Tell him tell him tell him. You had to. You knew you had to. But. You couldn’t right now. It wasn’t the right time. You’d come up with a plan. The right way to do it. That’s what you needed. You forced a benign smile. “I’m fine,” you said. 
Something passed over his features. Frustration, maybe. But what did he have to be frustrated by? You were doing what he wanted. Making yourself as small as possible, doing everything you could not to intrude on his life. 
He just stared at you as you plated a meal for him and put it in the microwave. He looked at you as if there was something to decode. The more he stared, the more afraid you became that he’d be able to ferret out your secret. Not yet. Please not yet. It wasn’t the right time. “Actually,” you said, as you took his dinner out of the microwave and replaced it with your own, “I’m not feeling great. I think I’m just going to take this upstairs with me and maybe read until I fall asleep. Don’t bother waking me if I’m sleeping when you come up. Think I just need to sleep off whatever this is.” You were babbling. You knew it. You needed to get out of this room.
“Are you ok?” He asked. “Do you need anything?”
“No, no,” You said, taking your plate out as soon as the microwave beeped, not bothering to check if it was truly done. “I’m fine. Nothing a good night’s sleep won’t fix, I’m sure. Goodnight.” Then you fled upstairs, not looking back.
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You spent the next day trying to pretend like everything was normal. You read one of Harlan’s books, you took Lola for a long walk, you hid from Carol. Everything was fine.
Late in the afternoon, you got a text from Ransom.
How are you feeling?
You stared at it, confused. He didn’t know. He couldn’t. You hadn’t told him. What was– Oh! Last night you’d told him you were sick. Right.
I’m feeling much better. Thank you.
A few minutes later your phone dinged again.  
Ok. My parents want to take us to dinner. I’ll be home around 6 and we’ll go right to the restaurant.
You looked at the time. That was less than two hours from now. Less than two hours to get ready for Linda. That– that was not enough time. You tried to push down the panic building in your chest. This was fine. You’d just start getting ready now. It was fine.
  You went into Ransom’s bathroom and started doing your makeup. It was fine. Your hand only shook a little. 
When that was done, you went into the closet. All you had to do was pick an outfit. You could do that.
But as you rifled through the closet, the panic you’d tried so hard to shove deep down came back. Not only that, it grew. You didn’t know how you were supposed to pick something to wear when you didn’t know what Linda wanted. But if you didn’t get it right, she would look at you and she would say something. And she would hate you even more. But every time you thought you might have found something that would please her, you became overcome with worry over what Richard might think – if it showed too much chest, or too much leg, or too much neck or maybe it highlighted your ass and he would take it as an invitation. It was too much. You sank down to the floor, surrounded by all the clothes you’d pulled off hangers. You were paralyzed. There was no option that wouldn’t get you in trouble, wouldn’t cause problems.
You didn’t even realize Ransom was home until he was in the closet too, standing over you, with an impatient scowl on his face. “Are you fucking kidding me? Why aren’t you ready? We have to go! Linda’s gonna lose her shit if we’re late for the reservation. Get up and get fucking dressed already.”
You looked up at him, at the way he was glaring at you, and suddenly you just couldn’t hold it in anymore. None of it. Not a single thing. 
“Then tell me what to wear!” you yelled, and Ransom took a step back, surprised. “Because none of this is going to be good enough! Not for your mom, who hates me. Or your dad who looks at me, and– and– And you! I have no fucking idea what you want. I can’t figure it out! But I’m here. I have to be here. And I have to do what you want, but I don’t know what that is because you won’t tell me! I only know what you don’t want. You don’t want me to cook and you don’t want to fuck me and you don’t want me to work! And I really don’t understand that one because you told me I could but then you sicced your mother on me–”
“Wait, what?” Ransome tried to interrupt. “What did–”
You barely even noticed he’d said anything, too much on a roll now to even think about stopping. “And you don’t want me to leave! You keep me locked up here, stranded and I think I’m starting to lose my mind. I don’t– I don’t have anything to do or anyone to talk to! Steve is too busy for me and that’s probably good because your mom is sure we’re fucking, so I probably shouldn’t talk to him anymore anyway. But I miss him. He’s the only one who cares about me. I’m so alone. And even Lola loves you now. I don’t have anyone or anything! And I know, I know I’m supposed to make you happy. I know that’s what I’m for now, but I don’t know how! You don’t want me. You don’t want me here but you won’t let me leave. And now I’m pregnant! And I’m stuck. This is just my life now, the way it’ll always be and I–” 
A hand on your wrist shocked you back into the room, into the present, where Ransom was crouching down in front of you, eyes wide. “You’re pregnant?” he breathed. 
You froze. Oh god, had you said that? You didn’t really remember. You barely remembered anything you’d just said. It’d all come tumbling out of you without much conscious thought. But as he stared at you, you knew that you must have. You locked eyes with him for what might have been just a moment or an entire age. And then suddenly, this, fucking everything, was too much for you and you bolted.
Up and out of the closet, out of the bedroom, and into the hall. You looked around wildly. You didn’t have anywhere to go. You heard Ransom start to move, so you ducked through the nearest doorway, into his gym, slamming the door and locking it behind you. You paced around the room, wringing your hands. What the fuck had you done? Why had you said all that? You were just so tired. You’d been so tired since that day in Joseph’s office. You just couldn’t muster the energy to keep everything inside anymore.
A knock came at the door and you froze. Ransom called your name gently, but you couldn’t say anything. He called it again, a little louder, but you still kept quiet. The doorknob rattled as he tried to get in. You backed up, still feeling the urge to run but there was nowhere to go. Your back hit the far wall and you slid down it.
“I just–” he started through the door, “you don’t have to talk to me. I just– I just need to know that you’re ok.” It was his tone that surprised you more than his words. He sounded– you weren’t sure how he sounded, honestly. Wrecked, maybe, if that wasn’t so fucking ridiculous. “Can you at least tell me you aren’t having a panic attack? I’m–” You swore you could hear him grinding his teeth. “I’m worried.”
You gaped at the door for a moment, then forced out, “I’m not having a panic attack,” just loud enough to travel through the wood. 
“You’re sure? Your breathing’s normal?”
“Yeah,” you said, hunched over by the wall now.
You heard him let out a deep breath. “Ok, good, that’s good. Uh, will you please come out? I’d really like to talk to you.”
You were shaking your head before he finished speaking, your stomach clenching in fear. You couldn’t face him. Not yet. Not ever, a voice inside you whispered. That wouldn’t be possible, you knew. But you’d hold off as long as you possibly could. “No,” you finally said out loud, your voice unsteady. 
There was just silence at first. It stretched on. Then, finally, you heard him move away from the door and down the stairs. You took a slow, deep breath. Then another and another. You stood up and started moving again. Around and around the room. You were so relieved he was gone but you were terrified of where he might be going, what he might be doing. How he might feel. How angry was he? And was he just upset about the outburst or was he mad about the baby? He’d never been an enthusiastic participant in the making of it, just doing what he had to. This baby wasn’t his choice, it’d been pushed on him, just like you were pushed on him. Of course he resented you. And he’d resent your child, your family. A whole life he never wanted. 
You cradled your stomach as you crumpled down to the floor. This poor baby. Parents who barely spoke, a mother who was only ever sad. Tears slid down your cheeks. History just kept repeating. Over and over again. There’d never been anything you could do to stop it. 
Your pathetic spiral was interrupted by a scratching at the door. Then a huff and then whimpers. Lola. You started to get up, move towards the door, but then you stopped. Opening that door felt insurmountable. Like it would destroy any small modicum of safety you currently felt. Like everything outside, everything you were scared of would come crashing in. You couldn’t do it. Even for Lola, you couldn’t do it.
You heard footsteps on the stairs again and you pushed yourself into the wall. You heard him stop in front of the door and then say, so softly you could barely hear it, “Hey, Lola, she just needs some time alone right now. It’ll be okay. Come on, let’s go downstairs.” Then there was more movement – was he picking her up? – and footsteps on the stairs again.
You couldn’t explain why that made you so angry, but– He hated dogs! He’d told you! And now he was comforting Lola? Gently picking her up? Taking her from you? He didn’t make any sense. He’d constantly say one thing then do the opposite. The only consistent thing about him seemed to be that he didn’t want you, didn’t like you, didn’t need you here. Maybe once the baby was born, he’d send you both away. Maybe that’d be a good thing. Maybe that was the best you could hope for.
You didn’t know how much time had passed before there was a soft knock on the door. Ransom’s voice came through. “Can you let Lola in? She’s freaking out. You can stay in there, I just– She needs you.”
You moved towards the door. “I– She can come in, but I don’t want to talk,” you said. 
“Yeah,” he muttered, “you’ve made that clear.”
Then there was more shuffling before you heard him walk away. You just stood there until there was a desperate little scratch at the bottom of the door. You unlocked and opened it quickly, just enough to let her in, then closed and locked it behind her. She immediately jumped on you, torn between her excitement at seeing you and her annoyance that she’d been shut out to begin with.
You picked her up. “I’m so sorry baby,” you whispered. “It’s okay. We’re okay.”
You didn’t know if that was true. You held her close as you went back to pacing. What were you doing? You were being childish, probably. Hiding from your problems. It wouldn’t be so bad, maybe, if you weren’t so fucking alone. You got out your phone and without thinking texted Steve
I really hate that you’re so far away.
You stared at it for a few moments but the little checkmark that showed he’d read it never appeared. That was fine. Working still probably. Or at an important dinner or event. He had his own life to lead. You couldn’t expect him to always have time for you.
Another knock on the door. You looked up with a sharp “What?” Why couldn’t he just leave you alone?
“Are you planning on coming to bed tonight?” he asked through the door.
“No,” you said, voice much more firm than you felt.
“What?! You’re just gonna sleep on the floor between my weights?”
“Yeah, I guess that’s exactly what I’m gonna do.”
“Oh my god,” he grumbled. “You can’t sleep on the floor!”
“I’m fine, Ransom,” you growled.
“Fucking ridiculous,” he muttered to himself, but loud enough for you to still hear him, before he stomped down the stairs. 
You rolled your eyes and checked your phone. Still no response from Steve. It was fine it was fine. 
He came back up, his gait significantly slower and uneven, and dropped something in front of the door, which hit the floor with a muted ‘oomph.’ Then he was stomping down the stairs again. You froze, staring at the door, your curiosity warring with your fear. What the fuck was he doing?
He came back up, adding something to his pile with a faint ‘tink.’ “You can’t fucking sleep on the floor,” he growled, then thundered into his room across the hall and slammed the door.
You counted to thirty before you were brave enough to open the door. Stacked just to the side in the hallway was a collection of cushions and blankets, along with your pillow and Lola’s favorite blanket. Carefully placed on top of all that was one of Carol’s dinners with utensils and a bottle of water. You just blinked at it all for a moment, before lugging everything into the room. 
You sat down to eat first. You’d been so stressed and anxious you hadn’t even realized you skipped dinne– Oh fucking shit. Dinner. With Ransom’s parents. Well, if Linda hadn’t hated you already, she certainly did now. You wondered what he’d told her. That you were crazy. Ridiculous. A child. Had he told her you were pregnant? If you’d been able to tell her yourself, under better circumstances, would it make her like you more? 
You put the plate aside. You weren’t very hungry.
Next was making space for you to sleep. It took you a while. Neither the stationary bike nor the treadmill would budge. You didn’t even try the rowing machine. So it was just moving his weights out of the way, which you did one by one with both hands, trying to shoo Lola out of the way when she insisted on being underfoot. When you were done, you sat down against the wall for a moment, trying to catch your breath, before arranging all the cushions and blankets into something you’d be able to sleep on.
You looked around. He never fucking used this gym. You were sure it’d be covered in dust if Carol didn’t clean it every week. He had all these rooms you’d never seen him enter, let alone use, while you had absolutely nothing. Well. Fuck that. Fuck him.
You pulled out your phone and hurriedly typed out an email to the manager of your storage unit. Your bedroom furniture was just languishing in LA, while all these rooms went unused. Well, you were done with that. You’d done your job. Your goals were accomplished. You were pregnant. There was no reason to share a room with him anymore. He’d be relieved too, you were sure of it.
As you unfolded all the blankets, you also found your comfiest pair of pajamas. You changed into them, knowing it was just a coincidence, that they must have been the first pair he’d found in your drawer, but you still appreciated it. As odd as it felt to appreciate anything from him, especially now. 
You sank down onto the cushions. It was early still, but you were exhausted. You hoped that you might sleep, even though you were terrified of what the next day might bring.
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music good
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Dream Lover (dp x dc)
The alarm on his cellphone rang and Danny groaned as a fumbled blindly to close it again.
“Wha’ izzit?” Came a sleepy voice at his back.
Danny rubbed his eyes as he sat up. Then, he turned towards the other man entangled in the sheets.
“Nothing, go back to sleep,” Danny said before dropping a kiss on the man’s forehead, displacing his white streak. The man muttered some unintelligible words as he wriggled around a bit before settling back down.
Danny gave him a fond look before a yawn forced his eyes closed. He slipped off the bed and padded down to the kitchen. With bleary eyes he put the coffee machine on and got the milk out of the fridge as he waited for the beans be ground.
The machine was way fancier than anything Danny had ever owned but his boyfriend liked good coffee and Danny liked making him happy. The breaker-hammer noise stopped indicating the coffee was done and the halfa sipped at it as he tried to figure out what that niggling feeling in the back of his mind was.
Before he could delve into it very far, he heard his boyfriend coming into their little kitchen.
“Did the noise wake you up?” Danny asked as the man wrapped his arms around the smaller man’s waist and buried his head in his back.
“Was already ‘wake,” the octopus masquerading as a human mumbled.
“Want some coffee?”
“Please.” His boyfriend pressed a kiss to his nape before staggering towards the kitchen chair and sagging into it.
”Good night?” Danny asked as he started the machine again.
“The usual,” the man said as he rubbed the sleep out of his face.
“Why are you up early?”
“Gotta fix up the bike.” The man yawned which made Danny yawn too. “It kept backfiring last night.”
Danny hummed as that niggling feeling came back at the mention of the motorcycle. There was something there…
“What about you?” The man said as he held his face in his palm.
“Nothing much,” Danny said as he refocused on the conversation. “I don’t have to go in today, so I’ll probably just study.”
“I made butternut pasta when I came back. There’s some left for lunch,” his boyfriend said as he grabbed a banana from their fruit bowl.
“You’ll be here for lunch?” Danny asked as the flow of coffee stopped and he took the cup away from the little shelf.
“Thanks,” the man said as he accepted the cup. “Probably.”
Danny nodded and he leaned on the counter as he looked into the distance. His eyes caught on a clock and again, that annoying sensation he was forgetting something tickled him.
Clock meant hours which meant seconds which meant sand trickling in an hourglass which meant time passing and Time meant-
“Everything ok?” Came the low tenor of his boyfriend.
Danny shook away the thought and smiled at him. “Just zoning out.”
Then the smaller man finished his cup before he put it in the sink. “Gonna go brush my teeth,” he said as he walked out of the kitchen
“You didn’t even eat!” Came the voice Corning from the other room.
“Not hungry,” sing-songed Danny as he grabbed his toothbrush.
As he put the paste on the brush his mind wandered a bit. He started brushing, in the back and made his way forward. He was up to his canine and he started on his fangs which had him frown. Fangs? Wait a minute.
And then it all came rushing back. Phantom. Ghosts. This was a dream which meant-
“Nocturn,” Danny said. Sure it had been a while since he dated anyone but this was a whole new level of single if Nocturn had resorted to creating the ideal boyfriend to trap him in a dream.
Danny walked back to the kitchen and stood in the door entrance and stared at his imaginary dream boyfriend. Said boyfriend turned his head around and lifted an inquiring eyebrow.
“You really are perfect,” Danny said.
“You say the sweetest things,” the dream-construct said and the corner of his eyes creased beautifully as he smiled.
Danny sighed wistfully before bending to kiss his cheek. “Until then, dream lover.”
With a snap the dream collapsed and the halfa opened his eyes to the green of the Infinite Realms with the ghost sensation on his lips.
Simultaneously, in one of his safe houses in Gotham, Jason’s eyes snapped open as his hand flew to his cheek.
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laiiaaa · 10 months
grocery trips with Carmen are so special to me. u don't understand.
When he lived alone he rarely bothered to make dignified trips—this much you knew, because the first time you were over his old apartment you had to ask if he ate anything in his time off. All he had was a sad loaf of bread, some condiments, chips, and a few cans of soda. But now that you’re living together, in a new place with a new fridge and a new kitchen, he takes it very seriously. 
He keeps a handwritten list so he doesn’t forget anything, he has a steadfast route he follows every time, and he leads the way while you push the cart and trail behind. Definitely gets caught in his own world looking at produce, but keeps a hand tethered to the end of the cart just to make sure you’re still there. Mumbles to himself about how the fuckers keep hiking up the prices for stuff that’s in season, and if you ask him what he said, he’ll just tell you, “It’s nothin’, baby” and go right back to talking to himself with a furrowed brow. 
He’s exceedingly particular about how he arranges the cart, stares at it for a few seconds when he adds a few things just to make sure everything computes. But every time, he looks back at you with a half smile before moving a few steps closer and pressing a kiss to your forehead, or your cheek, or your temple, as his hand rubs affectionately on your shoulder. He can’t get enough of the way you trail behind him, arms leaning against the cart’s handle as you chat about your plans for the week, or the hot goss at work, or anything else that piques your interest. He just wants to listen to what’s on your mind while he ticks off products on his list.
A bittt of a control freak, too. Not in the sense that he won’t let you do anything or pick up a snack you want, just that he has to work it into his route first. Doesn’t like it when you wander off to grab something right away and he honestly gets insecure about it, starts thinking he’s boring you or taking too long or that he’s being too hard on you.
“It took me ten seconds, Carm, it was just in the next aisle.”
“No, no, I know that, I just, um…” He nods his head persistently, hands on his hips and eyes downcast—that classic look he gets when he’s thinking too hard about something. “Y’know, if—you don’t have to come, if you don’t want to…y’know I can—” Stumbling for the way to word the thoughts he can’t fully wrap his head around himself. "If you don't like it—"
“Hey—” You wait for him to meet your eyes, and when he does, you soften. Stepping close to him, you pry one of his hands away and instead tangle it with yours. “C'mon, I love doing this with you, y’know?”
He lets out a careful breath, and his chest relaxes at your tenderness.
“I want to be here, just following you around. I just wanna spend time with you, okay Bear?”
He pauses, has to swallow what you say before he can respond. “Yeah,” he nods, “Okay.”
When you press a kiss to his cheek, he gives one right back to you, keeps it sweet and brief as a soft smile curls at the corners of his mouth, chest warm and calm before getting back to business. 
Does not, under any circumstances, let you pay. Won't let you open your purse. Doesn’t want you lifting even a finger to line up items on the conveyor belt. No, not that bag of chips you snagged, either. If you start helping he’ll nudge you away from the cart and take your spot, or just take whatever you’re holding out of your hands while shooting you a look.
“I got it, baby.”
“But I wanna help.”
“Uh-uh, I’m takin’ care of it—”
“I can lift a bag of apples—”
He raises his brows again and cocks his head to the side, making you freeze. “Just lemme do it for us, aight?”
You huff but concede anyway. “Fine.”
Yet another kiss to your temple, and he’s pulling out his wallet to grab his card. “Thank you, baby.”
After that it’s borderline criminal for you to even think about helping. He pushes the cart to the car, loads the bags in the trunk, drives home, carries the groceries up to the apartment, stocks everything where it belongs. Kisses you sporadically along the way, maybe lets himself get distracted when you pull him back for more. Just maybe.
He takes care of it—all of it—for you, because you being with him makes him more content than he’s ever been, and ever thought he could be. He's so in awe of you that nothing feels like quite enough to express it.
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boldlyvoid · 6 months
Snowed In
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18+ Aaron Hotchner x Fem Reader
Summary: what happens when you're the last two in the office on Christmas Eve and the roads are closed due to an unexpected blizzard?
Warnings: divorced touch starved hotch, Agent reader, blizzards, alone at Quantico, cuddling, flirting, making out, face sitting, munch hotch, teasing, p in v smut, soft dom hotch, spit, biting, fluffy aftercare
word count: 5.3k
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The weather forecast for Christmas Eve didn’t look nice… but you can’t really call out of work at the FBI for ugly weather when there are terrible people out there to catch. And, unlike everyone else who thought it would be smart to head home before the storm, she had paperwork to do.
So by the time her last file was closed, the roads were too. 
The power was still on, and it would stay on thanks to the generator at Quantico and the best part was that the kitchen was newly stocked with snacks. 
She wandered down to the floor 6 break room, which just so happened to be in the BAU bullpen. Everyone had gone home, the desks were empty and the only lights on were in the kitchen area. She took out a mug, flicked on the kettle and started to make herself some toast with one of the many Jams in the fridge. She’s so caught up in her snack that she doesn’t hear a door open, or someone walking down the steps towards her until he's taking a deep breath and scaring the daylights out of her. 
“Oh god,” she jumps, hand on her chest as she turns to him. “Agent Hotchner…” 
“Agent Y/L/N,” he smiles. “Sorry, I thought you knew I was still here.” 
“I figured you went home to your wife—
“Ex-wife,” he sighs, showing his ringless hand. “She has our son this year, I thought I’d catch up on some work and then the snowstorm got… well, you see,” he points to the big glass windows covered in snow. 
“It hasn’t snowed like this here in years,” she shakes her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe we're stuck here…” 
“Well, it’s not like there’s nothing to do,” he teases. “We have a TV, lots of snacks, the power won’t go out on us so it’ll stay warm in here and Daves got a cot in his office if you need a place to sleep…” 
“Oh, thank you,” she’s shocked he’s thinking about her like that. “I didn’t even think about that part.” 
“you’re just hungry?” He teases. “What are you making?” 
“Tea and toast… you want some?” She asks, hopeful he’ll say yes. 
He nods, “I’d love some.” 
They work around the kitchen like a team. She makes the toast, he makes their tea and they share exactly how they like theirs done… and there's a hope in her heart that maybe this is just the first time she makes him a breakfast meal. She’s always found him handsome, everyone in the bureau had, honestly. Not only is he good-looking, he’s strong and smart and kind until he can’t be anymore. And when he’s mean, even that’s a little sexy.
He invites her up to his office where she finds he’s been sitting on his couch, his laptop on his desk, watching old episodes of Fraser… “seriously?” She can’t believe it. 
He blushes a bit, “it’s a good show. I have every season on DVD and this laptop has a disk drive, so…” 
“Honestly, I’ve never really watched it,” she shrugs. “What season are you on?” 
“The first one, I can start it from the beginning again?” 
“No, it’s okay,” she waves it off. “I think I can catch up, you’ll just have to explain some things to me.” 
And so he does, he gives a rundown of the first few episodes. Who Fraser is, his weird brother, his dad and their dad's helper— who his brother eventually falls in love with. It’s a good show. It’s funny, she gets to see Hotch smirk and sometimes, actually, giggle… it’s something she’s not used to. 
In the handful of times she’s worked with the BAU on things, Agent Hotchner has never cracked a smile. Episode after episode, he gets happier and friendlier and she takes that as an invitation to move in closer and closer until their shoulders are touching. And then he lifts his arm to rest it on the back of the couch and she’s even closer to him. His tie is off, his first two buttons are undone… he’s comfortable and handsome as ever and it takes everything in her to watch the show and not stare at him. 
“Do you want to watch another?” He asks in a hushed tone, just for her to hear— as if they weren’t completely alone here. 
She nods, “I can do another.” 
“Cool,” he smiles ever so softly and goes to get up so he can switch the disk to access another 4 episodes.
She watches him take out the old disk, put it back in the case and take out the new one. He places it in the tray, closes the disk drive and watches as it loads up to the title screen again. He hits play, and makes his way back to the couch with a sigh, placing his arm on the back again, just as close to her as last time. 
“This is really nice,” she compliments. “Thanks for making this night fun for me.” 
“I’m actually really glad someone else got snowed in here too,” he teases. 
“I really thought I was alone in here,” she sighs. “I’m so happy I’m not…” 
“Are you happy it’s me?” 
She can’t help but smirk, “Yeah… alone time with Agent Hotchner wasn’t something I ever expected to get.”
“Would you want more?” He asks, staring at her lips. “I mean—
“Yes,” she cuts him off. “If I knew you were single I would’ve asked before…” 
“It’s only been 6 months, we haven’t worked together since then,” he reminds her. “I haven’t— I haven’t even tried to spend time with someone else, yet.”
“But you think you’re ready?” 
He shrugs, “I— I think you’re pretty and you’re nice and we’re here and we’re having a good time…” 
“So are you asking me on a date hotchner, or do you want to bone in your office?” 
He laughs, “Bone? Seriously?” 
“Canoodle, bang, bump uglies, fuck,” she lets out all the slang and he laughs again, good and hard and it’s beautiful. 
She cups his face and he pauses for a moment, “I think I’d like to start with just kissing you.” 
“Okay,” she breathes out as she leans in to kiss him. 
He’s so gentile. His lips are soft, and he’s tentative and reserved. He keeps his hands to himself and lets her set the pace. She never would’ve guessed that making tea and close proximity would lead to kissing the most handsome man she’d ever known in her entire life. When their tongues meet, he finally reaches out for her. Holding her side, he grips her just enough to make her crave more. She moves in closer, desperate to throw her leg over him and sit in his lap… but it’s him who initiates it. 
He tugs her in, helps her settle in his lap and wraps both his hands around her to cradle her body against his. She sighs against him, making him smile into the kiss. She smiles too, coping his face she pulls back to look at him, “I didn’t expect Frasier to be the show that rials you up like this…”
“Well… tossed salads and scrambled eggs are both euphemisms,” he teases.
“How so?” 
He lets out a deep breath through his nose like he doesn’t want to explain it. “The phrase ‘toss my salad’ is slag referring to rim jobs— or really any kind of oral pleasure, I guess…” 
“Oh,” she wasn’t expecting that in the slightest. “And I guess scrambled eggs is how he likes his eggs done in the morning?” 
He nods, “who knows, really? The theme song has never actually been explained but… how do you like your eggs in the morning?” 
“Why? It’s not like you can make me some in the morning,” she teases. 
“Maybe, when the roads are better we can go get breakfast?” He offers. 
“I thought the whole point of the saying was that you’re supposed to make them for me?” She stares him down, hoping to make him laugh… she gets a smirk and a shake of his head as he tries to hold it in. 
“I will make you breakfast, at one of our places, the first chance I get,” he assures. “If… if that’s something you’d like?” 
She nods, “Yes, Aaron, I would love to get to know you more, and spend time with you and see where this goes… I’m literally in your lap right now dying to see what we get up to.” 
“Dying to?” He couldn’t believe those were her words. “Why?” 
She runs her fingers through his hair and then traces down the side of his neck and watches her hands as they trail over his shirt to rest on his chest. “When you look in the mirror in the mornings, do you plan on being the sexiest agent in the building or is this all just a happy accident?” 
He blushes, “I mean, I don’t really plan it— I just put something on and come to work.” 
She just shakes her head and sucks her tongue, “Well I guess now I have to show you just how handsome you are every single day.” 
“And how would you do that?” He asks, gripping her hips a little tighter. 
She leans in and kisses him softly, “You’re so handsome.” She kisses his cheek, “And pretty…” She kisses his jaw, “And cute…” he starts to smile and blush uncontrollably. 
As she goes lower with her kisses, she works on his third shirt button, exposing a bit more of his chest so she can drag her tongue over his collarbone— which makes him toss his head back and whine. “Oh god, you’re so sexy,” she praises. “I want to hear more of your pretty noises.” 
“So we’re doing this?” He asks, looking nervous.
She smiles softly and looks him in the eyes. “Only if you want to, baby,” she whispers. “We can do whatever you’re most comfortable doing, I’m sure this is going to be weird venturing into a new experience for the first time in so long, but we can go as far as you want and stop the moment you don’t want to do it anymore, okay?” 
He nods, “Thank you.” 
“And if you want to stop we can go right back to cuddling and watching the show and we can still go on that breakfast date,” she assures him. “I’m going to want to do that no matter what happens, okay? I like you, not what I can get from you.” 
“You’re so nice,” he swoons a bit. “Seriously, why are you so nice to me?” 
“you’re a good man, I’ve enjoyed working with you… and looking at you,” she teases. “But in all seriousness, you deserve someone to be gentile with you, you’re only so stone-faced at work to protect yourself, I get that, but you deserve some softness too.” 
“I had a feeling you’d be sweet to me,” he whispers, breaking his walls down for her. “I’ve wanted to do this… I’ve wanted to break out of my shell and be with someone new and forget about how much my wife—my ex-wife broke my heart, but I’ve been scared.” 
“It’s a scary thing,” she sympathizes. “But if you want me to be the first one you're with, I’ll be so good to you. I’m going to take care of you and make it fun and easy and soft and-and even if you get emotional or it’s too much, I’m not going to hold it against you.” 
“I want to do this,” he nods, staring at her lips. “I want it to be you who I start over with.” 
“I want to be that for you,” she cups his cheek again and smiles. “Thank you for picking me, Aaron.” 
“Um… I don’t have any condoms,” he warns. “There might be some in Dave's room… maybe Derek's desk?” 
She laughs, “I have some in my purse upstairs, I can go get them?” 
He nods, “Yeah, that would be good and then I can turn this sofa into a bed while you’re gone.” 
“Okay,” she goes to get off him but then stops herself, she leans in and steals on last kiss and he smiles into it. “Sorry, I needed another.” 
“You can have a million more when you get back,” he keeps smiling, overjoyed with his choice. 
He has about 6 minutes of freakout time while she goes to get her purse. He turns the couch into a bed, having a sleeper sofa in here was a blessing for nights like these… and when his wife kicked him out. He untucks his shirt and then re-tucks it and pulls it out again, he thinks about unbuttoning it and laying on the couch or maybe waiting for her at the elevator doors— he’s so nervous he has no idea what to do with his hands or his body. 
He wanders around the room and talks himself into meeting her at the bullpen doors just as she’s walking up the couple stairs to his office. “Oh, hi.” 
“Hi,” she smiles so beautifully. “You know you can still back out?” 
He shakes his head, “I don’t want to… I’m just nervous. I haven’t done this in a while.” 
“How long?” She asks.
“Since the last time with my ex-wife or with someone new?” 
“Either?” She’s simply curious. 
“My ex-wife was my first and only… and I haven’t been with her in almost 8 months now.” 
“You know you could have anyone in this office in a heartbeat if you wanted to,” she reminds him. “You’re the most handsome agent in the whole FBI— just don’t tell Morgan I said that.” 
He laughs, “Thank you.” 
“This is cute,” she motions over to his sleeper sofa. “You want to cuddle and make out a bit, again?” She asks while kicking off her shoes and she does the same thing, making it easier for when they shed all their clothes later. 
He nods and pulls her in close, “Kissing you has been the best part of my day.” 
“Well, let me make it even better,” she teases, leaning in and connecting their lips once more. 
It’s just as heated as before, only now his hands are on her lower back and he’s so tempted to grab her ass… so he does, he hauls her up so she can wrap her legs around him and he knees on the end of the bed. He lays her down, still kissing her while he attempts to hover over her— but she wants more. 
She grips his hips and pulls him down flush against her, so she can wrap her legs around him once more. And by wrapping herself completely around him, he suddenly feels at home. His nervousness dies off, his apprehension to experience something new and different and unlike himself diminishes to nothing and he’s able to enjoy this. 
He wraps his right arm around her, trapped between her and the mattress, while his left-hand cradles her head. He kisses her with passion and care and she gives the same energy right back… if not more so as she moans into his mouth. He pulls back with a smile, “you like kissing me that much?” He teases with his newfound confidence. 
“I mean yeah but do you not realize how hard you are against me? It feels amazing,” she explains, her legs wrapped around him still, she pushes him down against her core and has him grind against her once more. “You feel so good, baby.”
He was so in his head he didn’t even realize his other one was so active… he blushed a bit, “You like it?” 
She nods, “If grinding with you all night is all I get, I’m going to leave a very happy camper.” 
He leans in and kisses her cheek and then her jaw right up to her ear, “Oh, you’re getting more, believe me… so much more.”
She moans again and he takes that as enough incentive to keep kissing her there. He bites her earlobe gently and sucks on her neck just enough to stimulate her and yet not enough to leave a mark. Her hands search his back, feeling him up as he tenses from hovering over her and then releases when he drops his body weight against hers once more, and she sighs when he does that. She loves the feeling of him on top of her. It’s like he was meant to always be there. 
He withdraws his hands from under her and grips her hips as he sits up, “can I unbutton your shirt?” 
“You may,” she says, a look of excitement plastered over her face. 
“I want to just rip it open but I know you don’t have another shirt to wear home tomorrow,” he teases. “and it’s just too pretty to ruin.” 
“Hopefully you don’t feel the same way about me…” 
“Oh no, that’s precisely why I need to ruin you,” he assures, making haste on her buttons, he leans back in and starts to kiss the newly exposed skin of her chest. Right between her boobs and down her tummy until her shirt is completely unbuttoned and all he has left to pop is the button on her pants. 
Her tummy is so soft, that he gets inside her shirt and wraps his arm underneath her back to feel how warm she is and uses it as an excuse to undo her bra in the process. He pulls her forward and gets her out of her shirt and her bra and can’t help but stare down at her chest and then back up to her eyes, “mesmerizing.” 
“My turn,” she whispers, “let's flip.” 
He listens, laying on his back, she straddles his hips and leans down to kiss his neck while she undoes his shirt. Button by button, she gets him exposed just to press their naked chests together and kiss him right on the mouth once more. She hauls him forward so they’re both sitting up and she pushes the shirt off his shoulders so they can feel each other up. 
He grips her hips and tugs her in, grinding her against his bulge once more. She breaks the kiss to kiss his jaw and down his neck, “mm, Aaron,” she pulls his attention from the kiss. “Lay back.” 
“Okay,” he listens, leaning back and she reaches for his belt. 
“Can I?” 
He nods and so she starts to unbuckle him, she pops his button and pulls the zipper down so she can reach into his pants. She feels over his bulge, watching as he tosses his head back and bites his lip to hold back a moan. “Let it out baby,” she whispers. “A touch-starved man like you… come on, let me hear you.” 
“It’s not the only thing I’m starved for,” he jokes, blushing again. 
Her eyes widen as she pulls back, “oh yeah?” 
He nods, he wants to go down on her so bad that his stomach flips with anticipation. “Please?” 
She sits more on her knees and reaches for the button on her pants, “how do you want me?” 
“Would you— if you want, I mean, you can pick but I’d like to—
“I can sit on your face,” she knows exactly what he was trying to ask. 
In the same way, she liked feeling his weight on top of herself, he wanted to feel completely smothered by her pussy and thighs. 
She pushes him back so he’s lying flat and climbs off the bed so she can take her pants and underwear off, shoes long gone, she’s in nothing but her socks as she climbs back onto the bed and straddles his chest. 
He’s a little impatient, pulling her forward and wrapping his arms around her thighs, he gets her right where he wants her and kisses her right where her thigh meets her cunt. He eases into it, kissing her gently, whispering praise about how beautiful she is and how lucky he feels. 
But then he looks up at her, “don’t be afraid to really sit, I can take it.” 
“Tap me twice if you can’t,” she agrees and within seconds he’s going at her. 
“Fuck,” she gasped as she leans forward to rest her arm against the wall behind the couch, grinding against his face, exactly the way he wanted it. 
His tongue deep inside her, his nose nudging at her clit, he savours the way she tastes as if she hasn’t said she would be willing to do this again… and from her noises, he knows this experience just makes her want it again soon.  He wants her to enjoy it, he’s always been more into making his partner enjoy it. This time it feels a bit more selfish, as the more she enjoys it the more she’d be willing to come back and the more he can do it. And he wants to eat her out for the rest of his life. 
Her sounds are a price, her weight on top of him is magnificent and she’s absolutely delicious. And he hasn’t even gotten to the best part yet. Making her cum on his face is going to change his life. 
When he inserts a finger, her legs start to tremble around him. She’s so close, he can tell. Sucking on her clit while he massages that wonderful spot inside of her with his middle finger, she moans so deeply it vibrates her whole being. She starts to chant his name, right on the edge of her orgasm, so he adds a second finger and the damn bursts. 
She trembles harder than before, and a beautiful elongated moan leaves her mouth as she cums on his face. He’s quick to withdraw his fingers and replace them with his tongue, gathering it all with the most disgusting sounds he could ever make— but fuck, if she wasn’t the most delicious woman in the whole world. 
He was so into her, so transfixed on getting her off that he didn’t realize he was grinding up against nothing and the largest precum stain had marked his boxers and surely was on the inside of his work pants. 
“Aaron, Aaron, oh my god, stop, stop, holy fuck,” she makes him stop by pulls off him and sits down on the pillow beside his head. Hand to her chest to catch her breath, she melts against the mattress, “sweet Jesus?” 
“I need to do that every chance I get,” he muses, so in love with how it went down. “You’re delicious.” 
She laughs, placing her hand on his big bicep as she looks down at his glistening face, “I’m going to take you up on that all the time.” 
“Merry fucking Christmas to me,” he teases as he sits up, noticing just how close he was that whole time. 
His cock is strained against his boxers, soaking them around the elastic band, darkening the gray fabric so much that he feels a little embarrassed. She notices it too, but she smiles, “Oh, you really liked that, didn’t you?” 
He nods, unable to say much. 
“Come on, get your pants off, I think I’ve calmed down enough to take care of you now,” she assures. 
He doesn’t have to be told twice. He gets off the bed and starts to take off his pants while she looks around for her own, “can you get the condom from my pocket?” 
“Yeah,” he goes right for her pants right after his are off. 
She just looks around the room, avoiding eye contact with his cock even though he knows she wants to look, “I didn’t even ask if you have cameras in here…” 
He laughs, kneeling on the edge of the bed with the condom between his fingers, “No, I don’t. With all the confidential material I see in here and the conversations had in here, they didn’t put a camera in here. But there is one directly outside my office so they know you’re in here but they won’t know what you’re doing.” 
“And who is this they you speak of?” She teases. 
“Whoever watches the tapes but probably also Penelope… if she learns I was here all Christmas she will go back and look to see what I did,” he shakes his head with a loving smile. “She just cares a lot.” 
“She’s the sweetest,” she agrees. “But thank fucking god no one can see what we’re doing… I’m glad this is just for us.” 
“Mhm,” he hums, he gets between her legs and tugs her down the bed a bit so she’s lying with her head on the pillow, “they don’t need to see what’s about to happen.” 
“although someone should teach more guys how to eat like that…” 
He laughs again, leaning down to kiss her, “Then you’d have any guy you want and I'd rather be the only one for you.” 
“Very true,” she says against his lips before pressing her lips against his. 
They just kiss a couple times before he pulls back and sits on his knees once more, opening the condom and rolling it on. She finally takes a look at what he’s got going on between his legs and he sees her lick her lips while taking in a deep breath. “Fuck sake, you really are going to ruin me…” 
He smirks, “Do you want me to? We could just have a sweet and slow—
“No, I need a good fucking, like the fuck my brains out kind,” she assures. 
“It’s your lucky day,” he teases, running his hand over her inner thigh as he helps her spread them. “I can do that for you.” 
“Do your worst—
“Oh no, it’ll be my best,” he says, gripping his cock and tapping it against her pussy. “You ready?” 
“Please?” She begs, pleading with her beautiful eyes. 
He slips in ever so slowly, letting her adjust to his girth as he leans over her. He caresses her face with one hand, holding himself up with his lover, watching her take it all in. Head tossed back, she bites her lip and then lets out a blissful sigh. She grips his sides, wanting to desperately pull him down on top of herself once more, but she waits until he’s fully inside. 
“Oh my god?” She whines, “please move, I need more, please?” 
He smirks, leaning in to kiss the side of her mouth as he starts to rock his hips. He wraps his arm under her as she pulls him in closer and moves her mouth so they can kiss for real. She moans against him as his rhythm changes, his hips speed up and she wraps her legs around him to get him even deeper inside her. 
She feels so amazing, he almost forgot what it was like to fuck something other than his own hand. The way she flutters around him and grips him so tight, the feeling of her nails in his back and her tongue on his own. He’s in absolute heaven. So good in fact, he’s afraid he might not last as long as she deserves. 
He reaches between them and rubs her clit with his thumb, moving his kisses to her neck and just below her ear, “doing so good, baby.” 
“Holy fuck, Aaron,” she moans, tossing her head back and pushing her chest up. 
He looks between them and can’t help himself, he kisses her chest and she looks down to see what he’s doing, he looks up to her for permission only to hear, “suck on them, please? Please, oh my god?” 
He takes her nipple in his mouth and swirls his tongue around it before gently running his bottom teeth over the nib. She gasps, tightening around him which makes him moan with her nipple in his mouth. He brings up his other hand, using it to pinch her other nipple and she absolutely flutters around him, it’s everything. 
When he lets go of her nipples, he reaches his hand under her knee and pushes her right leg up. The angle changes, he’s so much deeper now, hitting her right where she wants him again and again, he kisses the inside of her calf gently as she tosses her head back. She moans, tightening around him to the point he’s so sure he’s about to lose control. 
He may be out of practice, but he’s not out of manners. He needs her to finish first. 
Using all the power he has left, he keeps her leg up like that but adjusts himself so his pubic bone can rub against her swollen clit with each and every thrust. “More,” she spits out. “Please? ‘M so close.” 
His hand slips down her leg, “I know baby,” he coos, keeping her stretched open, he just needs to get his thumb on her clit. 
He stills for just a moment, gathers some spit in his mouth and drops it between them so it lands right on her clit to release the friction but then he picks right back up. She whines, sweating and her head tossed back, getting ruined just like she asked to be. 
She somehow tightens around him again, and he’s so fucking close he feels like he could go insane. “you’re right there, sweet girl, let go when you’re ready,” he says through bated breath. So fucking close. 
And that does it, she starts to tremble again, her core tightens and so does her grip on his arm. “Oh, Aaron!” She moans out a string of incoherent words follow as she lets go and gets lost in her pleasure. 
He keeps going, helping her ride through it before his rhythm changes. He’s right there, dropping down onto her and kissing her shoulder as he pile-drives into her for the home stretch. Her hands roam his back, caressing him, “Fill me up, Aaron, you deserve it,” she whispers in his ear. “Cum for me, come on, baby.” 
He whines, right there, scared of what noise is going to come out of him when he does cum but he also doesn’t really care at this point. He whimpers and groans, biting her shoulder slightly as he fills the condom and stills against her, “Oh my god? Oh, my god… holy fuck?” 
She wraps her arms around him once more, tighter like a hug this time, still panting, she agrees. “I know, Jesus.” 
He laughs against her, high on endorphins and feeling completely invincible, “You’re amazing.” 
She grips his hair at the nape of his neck and pulls him up off of her shoulder, “You are incredible, that was the best sex I think I’ve ever had.” 
He can’t help but smile as he leans in to kiss her. She brushes his hair off his forehead, it’s sweaty and slicks right back. Their kissing is softer this time, lazy and less lust-filled— more loving. Thankful. 
He kisses her one last time before going to sit up on his knees and pull his soft cock out of her but she pulls him back in, “No, can we just cuddle like this for a bit?” 
“Yeah,” he nods, not expecting her to want this but so glad she does. 
He settles back against her shoulder, hand on her boob while she traces shapes over his back, “this is my favourite part,” she whispers. 
“Me too… but I’m never usually on top,” he admits. “Or still inside…” 
She lightly laughs and he can feel it all over, “What, your wife wasn’t a big fan?” 
“Not really, she was quick to go get cleaned up and then she would cuddle into me and go to sleep… but I don’t want to talk about her anymore,” he admits. 
“That’s okay,” she coos, soothing her hand down his back. She rests her cheek against the top of his head. “This has been the best night. Who thought getting snowed in at Quantico would end like this?” 
“Not me, but I’m so glad it did.” 
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General Taglist 
@ncsls0515 @stevesmunsons @reidsbookclub @sweetyyhippyy @manuosorioh @mrs-dr-reid @k-k0129 @squishyturtle @katsukis1wife @buckleyhans @mrs-ssa-hotch @ssavanessa22
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Remember me, please (don't let me die a second time)
love is not designed for the cynical - series masterlist here
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pairing: jason todd x reader (gender neutral)
length: 1.7k
genre: hurt/comfort, angsty fluff
warnings: turns out your bf being dead for three years leaves some lasting scars on both of you, lots of talk of grieving and recovering
a/n: three posts in one night ok gnight I die now until next weekend
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Your legs swing back and forth where you're sitting perched on the counter of your kitchen, scrolling idly through take-out options on your phone while you wait for Jason. You'd sent him into the living room to put music on, admittedly, long enough ago to get suspicious, having told him that your record collection is expansive enough that he should be able to find something he likes.
Hopping off the counter, you make your way after him, turning the corner to see him standing in front of the bookcase next to your TV stand, staring at the records piled onto the shelves.
"Jay?" You ask gently, moving next to him to put a hand on his arm, smoothing over his skin under his t-shirt. He doesn't look at you yet, his eyes staying forward with his fists balled at his sides. You bring your hand up to brush through his hair gently and sigh.
"You'd talked about it so many times, you know," you explain. "The kind of turntable you'd get, the records you'd collect. When I started buying them for myself, I just thought… I don't know, it just felt right." Jason, as you speak, reaches forward to brush his fingers along the spines, tracing titles of all his favourites. He knows what you're talking about, of course - remembers the days of the two of you, young and broke and wandering the streets of Gotham, dreaming about all the things you knew you'd never really become. He just didn't think…
"I didn't," he clears his throat. "I didn't think you'd remember all this." You don't quite have it in you to hide your hurt at that.
"Of course… I remember everything about you, Jay. It's all - it was all I had left of you. Of course, I held onto it." There's an honesty in your words and Jason thinks he should be grateful for it, should thank you for cutting open your chest for him and letting him see inside. 
"You shouldn't have," is what he says instead, and you pull your hand away from where it had been resting on his shoulder, wrapping your arms around your waist, instead.
"I'm going to go order dinner," you say gently, and Jason squeezes his eyes shut. "Take your time." When you leave, going back to the kitchen to find your phone, he stays standing in front of the records, letting his fingers brush over all the edges of them. There's something real about seeing them, about seeing the ways in which your grief manifested, real and tangible and taking up all this space in your life.
He picks up one of them, eventually, the sound of you chatting on the phone with whatever restaurant you've decided on snapping him back into the present movement and leading him to grab it. When he gets it set up on the turntable, letting the music fill your apartment, your home, the life you built while you were waiting for someone you thought would never come back, Jason finds himself wishing, just for a moment, that you had just moved on.
The guilt, of course, immediately follows this as he digs the heels of his hands into his closed eyes before following you into the kitchen just in time to see you hang up and drop your phone back onto the counter. You smile when you see him, patient and understanding in a way that makes his stomach roll.
"Do you want a drink?" You ask him.
"I'll get it," is all he responds with, putting his hands on your waist to quickly move you back up to the counter, sitting you there before making his way to the fridge. You let him - you always let him, seemingly knowing when he needs to be kind, to do something good with this body of his. You let him pull a beer out of the fridge, popping the cap off and catching it. You let him wipe the condensation off of it before he hands it to you so that your palm doesn't get wet. You let him do whatever it is that he needs to do while he thinks whatever it is that he needs to think, sipping slowly while he stands between your parted legs.
"You shouldn't have waited for me," he says quietly, and you pause with the bottle half to your lips. 
"I wasn't waiting. I was remembering." You put the bottle down next to you on the counter, placing a cold hand onto Jason's cheek.
"You should've forgotten," he pushes.
"I chose not to," you retort, voice still gentle, hands still kind. "I didn't want to forget about you, baby. I couldn't let myself." Jason sighs, letting his head hang as his hands tighten their grip on the edge of the counter on either side of your hips.
"You deserve better than that, baby," he says sullenly, and you cup his cheek in your hand as you coax him to look at you.
"There is nothing better than the ways that you've loved me, Jason. I couldn't possibly deserve more," you say, blinking as your eyes mist over. Jason notices it, naturally, making a wounded sort of noise and cupping your face in his hands, his palms solid and warm and grounding as he leans his forehead against yours. 
"You wasted three years on me and I… I can't forgive myself for that. I can't forgive myself for doing that to you, for leaving you the way I did," Jason says, his voice choked. You pull back to look at him firmly.
"You didn't leave me, Jay - you were taken from me. I mourned you because I lost you. None of that is your fault… and it never will be." Your voice is clear when you say it and Jason almost, almost smiles at the stubbornness that you wear so well. But he can't help but see those records every time he closes his eyes and he can't help but imagine you buying them, putting them on your shelf one by one as you let the grief consume you.
"Did you ever date? While I was dead?" He says it easily - or, in a way that's supposed to seem easy, pulling away from you to get his own beer from the fridge and leaning against the opposite counter while he pops it open.
"Excuse me?" Is your only response. He doesn't say anything more. "No, Jason, I… No. No, there was never anyone other than you. You know that - I've told you that. If you don't believe me, I -" "I believe you, baby," he says, and the relieved slump of your shoulders only lasts until he speaks again. "I just think you were wrong for that."
"I beg your pardon?"
"You should've moved on with your life," he says, and there's a hard edge to his voice that you're sure you don't appreciate being pointed in your direction. "You should've moved on from me."
"Well…" you say carefully. "That's not a decision you get to make for me. And it's not a decision that holds a lot of weight now, seeing as you're, well, alive and standing in my kitchen wearing my sweater."
"You wasted three years on me," he presses on. You stiffen.
"I grieved for three years," you retort. "I sent flowers to your grave every week for three years. I - I built a home and a life for myself and I had to do it without you and, yes, I tried to fill that life with whatever pieces of you I could hold onto because I loved you and I missed you. And you're telling me now, what? I should have just gotten over it?" Jason stares at you through your outburst, at your trembling lip and watery eyes and your hands, fists clenched so tight he's sure your nails are digging into your skin. He stares, eyes wide and mouth open as he searches for words, until you burst into tears.
That, of course, is enough to have him lurching forward, slamming his beer bottle onto the counter as he gravitates towards you, slotting himself between your parted legs again to shush you and hold you and wipe the tears from your cheeks.
"I'm sorry, baby," he whispers, over and over. "I'm so sorry, please don't cry for me." Your palm connects with his chest as you slap him weakly, your other hand scrubbing at your eyes.
"You still don't get it, Jay," you lament. "You're the only person worth crying for." He laughs a bit at that, finally, and pulls you impossibly closer.
"I'm sorry, pretty," he says again, his lips pressed to your forehead. "I just…" 
"I know, baby," you sigh, letting yourself relax against him, your tears slowing as you sniffle. "I know."
"I love you so much," he says earnestly. "And I - I'm grateful that you waited. That you remembered. I…" he sighs then, his grip tightening on you as he blinks back his own tears. "Thank you for remembering me," is all he says, and he hopes so desperately that the way he clutches onto you will help you realize how much it all means to him.
"Of course, Jay," you soothe, running a hand through his tousled hair. "That's what being loved is, I think. It's remembering. And I… I love you always, you know? I'm happy to remember you, always - even when that's all I have left of you." Jason sighs at your words, his eyes squeezing shut. He knows what you mean - knows his mask will claim his life once again, that you'll be left alone once more. You never talk about it, too scared to bring it up, but you both know the truth. The possibility is just too high that one day, Jason won't come home for the second time. 
He isn't sure who takes more comfort in knowing that he's solidified in your life enough that he'll never really be gone. He isn't sure it's so good - that he wouldn't still prefer you move on to something with hope and safety and happy endings.
But he knows that he's loved and that he's remembered, and that's enough for him to settle for tonight.
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truetogaia · 6 months
"𝙍𝙊𝙊𝙈 𝙁𝙊𝙍 𝙏𝙒𝙊" dbf!roomie!könig x fem!reader
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✩ pairing: dbf!roomie!könig x fem!reader
genre ✩ smut, 18+
warnings ✩ explicit and mature themes, depictions of wet dreams of: dbf!könig, pussy eatin', age gap (reader is of legal age). poor little perv!reader who uses königs stuff to get off.
When you enrolled in college, money was tight. You had the costs of education to pay, food, transportation and rent for a place to live. It quickly got too much for you and you had to run to daddy for help. Luckily, your college was located in the same town where your dads best friend had an apartment. He wasn’t home much considering his unusual amount of working hours, and that was perfect for you. 
Essentially it was like living alone, but despite the huge and luxurious apartment, it became kind of boring after a while. The apartment was close to your college, but it was still some thirty minutes away with public transport. And at the end of the day, you were too exhausted from all the studying and the long lectures to invite any friends over. 
Most weekends were spent the same, alone in the huge apartment. Sometimes, König would be home during the Fridays and Saturdays, but he’d mostly keep to himself. Occasionally he’d come out to the kitchen to make himself some food, always shirtless and in sweatpants, when you were watching tv. 
Really the only time you'd see him was when you’d catch a glimpse of him through the crack of his door. His back turned to you as he pulled his shirt off. Your eyes always seemed to linger on the way the heavy muscles on his back flexed with each movement, the mysterious scars littering his shoulder blades and torso (there always seemed to be more when he came back from his trips). His pants were always hung really low on his hips too, just perfectly showing off his back dimples and the mass of muscle. 
You admit, you were no saint. There had been multiple occasions where the man who shared his home with you had invaded your dreams. Where he had tainted them with lewd words and wandering hands. You'd always wake up in a sweat, stopping yourself from sneaking into his room and waking him up to say something you’d regret. 
But when he was away on his trips, leaving the apartment and his room empty, and suitably unlocked, you just couldn’t help yourself. 
You had just come home from the store, the apartment was empty since König was away again. A few days back he had briefly mentioned that he was going on one of his business trips again, and he had marked his return on the twelfth in the calendar on the fridge. It was now noon of the eleventh. The rest of the day went on in the same manner as any other. You cooked some food, storing some of it away to leave for König when he came back, you had taken a shower, and gone to bed as per usual. 
After waking up from a particularly steamy dream that night- which had started with just an innocent makeout session with the older man, but had developed into full blown railing -you were just simply too desperate. Too worked up to listen to the reasonable side of your brain which was screaming at you to not get up from your bed. 
Your legs trembled slightly when they carried you to the door of his room. The springs creaked almost mockingly when you carefully pushed it open, almost wishing, but also fearing, to find him sprawled out on his bed. Much to your disappointment and pleasure, the room was completely empty. The bed was made, the gray covers completely smoothed over, and there was a lingering cedar scent in the air. 
The bed looked so inviting, and you sighed in embarrassment when you easily slid under the covers. The material of the sheets was cool against your soft legs. The tingling between your thighs just became too much when you saw half a pack of condoms thrown carelessly on his nightstand. 
Your hand trailed shamefully down your stomach and abdomen before finally reaching the hem of your panties. One finger hesitantly tugged them down until they were wrapped around your ankles. You ached at this point, all your sense of judgment being thrown out the window the second your dainty fingers came in contact with your throbbing clit. 
Your mind wandered as your body sunk into his pillows, imagining it was his tongue instead of your digits, his fingers stretching you instead of your own. His hands wrapped around your plush thighs as he dragged you closer to the edge of his bed, tongue lapping at your soaked cunt as his stubble scratched your soft skin. You bit your lip, trying to contain your sounds of pleasure but in the end it just didn’t work.
Pathetic, breathy moans tumbled from your lips as your fingers continued pumping in and out. His pretty eyes bore into your own from between your legs, fingers stretching and scissoring your pretty pussy open to prepare you for him. 
You came quicker than you would’ve liked, juices covering your fingers as your face burned from embarrassment and the intense orgasm. But just as you were coming down from your high, you heard a series of clanking pans in the kitchen, and it hit you. It was now the twelfth.
You quickly got up from his bed, pulling the covers back up and clumsily smoothing them over to the best of your ability, before you dashed out and into your room, locking the door behind you and hoping to god that he wouldn’t notice the mess of his sheets.
-click here to be redirected to the cod masterlist !!
note: i had to re-upload this idk what happened, I think it didnt appear in tags or sumn oops, but idk what to think of this, might make a part 2 if ppl want it!! x ♡
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hoesformatt · 5 months
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Chris smut, ykwtfgo, the freaks know
dom!chris (all my writing is all inclusive unlike some of y’all hoes and is poc friendly)
contains: smoking weed (I’M ON THAT GOOD KUSH AND ALCOHOL), pet names (use of mama, baby), hand-jobs, blow-jobs, heavy petting, no use of y/n
word count: 1.1k
Contemplating on the bean bag in room, my eyes wandering around my room, the tin of kush on my bedside table glaring at me. I gave in grabbing it marching down the stairs.
“What’s good” Chris sat on the kitchen stool glancing up at me then looking back at his phone which was propped up on a water bottle.
“Hey” He said dryly
“Hello, what are doing” I waved my hands around seeking for his attention. “I’m on live” He looked straight at me smiling with a ‘Don’t say anything smart’ face.
I nodded then opening the fridge and searching for water as I took one popping the cap off the bottle.
Taking out the tin and my phone out my pants turning it off. “What are you turning your phone off for?” He asked
I hand signalled paper putting it on the table, crushing up weed, placing it on the ‘air’ paper, rolling it up, licking it and smoking it. He got the idea pretty quickly gazing towards his phone contemplating if he was going to come out and smoke with me or keep being on live.
I stood there and waited but I just rolled my eyes took my shit and walked to backyard. I slid open the back door to sit on the patio furniture.
Opening my tin, it already had my blunt I rolled up earlier and I grasped on the lighter igniting it and placing the fire on the end of my blunt.
Setting in it my mouth breathing in taking a puff, releasing the smoke almost instantly calming me down. “Pass the blunt”
Chris pulled out one of the chairs next to me sitting down manspreading before stealing the joint from my hand. He was making me so fucking horny and I wasn’t even that high yet, I just want to kneel in-between his thighs and suck him off.
I watched him drag the blunt and hold the smoke in his chest then throwing his head back then exhaling slowly.
Chris’ adams apple bobbed out as he opened his eye to look up at the night sky the stars within his gaze. The starry night gave us a chance to adore the world around, At this point we don’t even know how many hits we’ve taken, half of the joint is blown but I’m just happy and high. And horny.
Almost the whole thing was down and I placed the weed back in my tin before I closed it and glanced over at Chris who was already creating a hole through my head.
“Are you thinking, what i’m thinking?” His speech was almost perfect it was just the redness of his eyes that threw me off. “No what are you thinking” I giggled.
“I think we need to fuck” I stopped giggling when I saw his face which was dead serious. And dead hot, like what the fuck.
I got nothing let to lose and this high is about to make this spicer than it can already get. Just him saying that made me notice the way brown hair fell on his face, his pink lips that could match the color of his tip, perfect straight nose, very rideable.
I walked around to sit on his lap, eyes locking in with each other. “Grind.”
I did what he asked grinding on his clothed dick with my wet cunt. Chris groaned loudly holding his hands on my waist guiding me to press down harder on his bulge.
Moving my hips up and down Chris would buck up his hips once and a while for extra stimulation and his moans got louder. “Get on your knees” I followed his lead pulling down his sweatpants along with his boxers revealing his length making me gasp at his size.
I began on the end of his length, slowly kitty-licking Chris’ pre-cum leaking out his slit which I rubbed all around his shaft for lubricant. I kissed his pulsing tip as he became impatient with me.
I fully put his cock in my mouth bobbing my head at a fast pace, gaping up at his face his lips parted, moans and whimpers stemming from his mouth. “Oh fuck mama”.
Chris pushed my head farther down fronting his balls, his tip hitting the back of my throat and my moans sending vibrations through his dick. He twisted the blunt in-between his long fingers before I heard the joint burn and crackle before he placed it back on the ashtray. Chris was still gripping my dark curls as I fought the urge to gag as I was being distracted by how heavenly he looked, my panties were soaking with wetness.
The squirming and his cries told me that was ready to cum, I felt his legs shaking around my head until Chris pushed my head down completely his length choking me out till thick liquids streamed into my mouth.
Chris lifted me up, gripping my neck then my waist to place me on his lap, sitting on his hard raw dick under my clothed cunt. I turned for my back to face him and his hands snaked up, unclipping my bra and throwing it onto the chair I was on.
I held his cock in my hand positioning it to my warm and wet pussy slowly lowering myself onto him, my mouth refused to stay closed as I huffed. “Chris y-you’re so f-f-fucking b-big”
He smirked at me before I completely nuzzled around his cock and Chris wrapped his arms waist helping me shift up and down. “Fuck mama you’re so fucking w-warm and tight”.
Bouncing on his dick I was reckless, I’ve never experienced so much pleasure in my life, feeling his length abuse my cunt as he thrusted his hips going deeper into me. “S-Shit, Chris!” He quickened his pace surprising me, as a high flushed through my body.
Moving on my own Chris laid back on the chair just staring at me bouncing on his cock, mostly watching my ass recoil with every motion I did. He snook his hands into my shirt holding my tits, “Come on mama, work that shit” He placed the blunt to my lips as I dragged it and slowed my movement until Chris yanked on my curls, my head pulling back.
My stomach tied up as I reached my orgasm and my breaths got heavier “You’re gonna cum baby?” I nodded profusely “Cum all over my cock baby, cum for me.” With his go I came with ease making a mess all over him. Letting go, I let my body fall back as he pulled through his last thrusts into me and before pulling out and cumming all over my back and his stomach.
“Shit, you gonna clean me up?”
this took longer to write than I thought…
tags:@chrisenthusiast @miguelsangel @lunariaxzz @angelic-sturniolos111 @littlebookworm803 @79sturniolo @alinaa131 @luv4kozume
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hitomisuzuya · 7 months
i remember u writing abt hybrid catboy scara and fox childe and im literally in love🤭🤭
catboy scara fluff ur fluff is literally amazinf
Hybrid! Scaramouche x fem!reader. Fluff fluffy fluff fluff.
I'm really glad you guys enjoy my fluff. I love writing it. I'm not feeling the best so I am sorry if this is shit. I don't want you guys to write me off or abandon me for inactivity 😭
You could feel Scaramouche's cat eyes staring, or rather glaring at you, peeking his little head out just so around corner. He wanted to be close to you while you did chores around the house. But, you know, people sucked. He had an image to uphold.
You turned your head to smile at him. A smile that always took his breath away, be it in his cat or human form. "Come hang out with me while I clean, Scara," You coaxed.
You swore you heard him give his trademark scoff, tinged behind a meow before he darted off around the corner out of sight. You sighed and went about your day.
You decided to try again once you finished cleaning. You knew right where he was, hiding in your room under your bed. "Scara, I'm going to the farmer's market down the road today for some fruit. Do you want to come? We can stop by the grocery store, and get your favorite, expensive cat food."
You saw his eyes staring at you from underneath the bed. You heard a low meow followed by the sound of his stomach growling. Howver, he made no move to come out from under the bed.
You hide a laugh behind your hand, making him glare at you. "Okay, I understand. I'll still pick up cat food and your favorite treats," You left your room, leaving the door open so he could wander the around the house as he liked while you were gone.
Scaramouche came out from under the bed when he heard the front door close. Trotting downstairs, he stared at the front door for a long time. He was being distant and short tempered with you, and you still were being considerate of him.
You were different from other people. He could more than see that. You'd already proved that to him when you'd found him injured. You hadn't dropped him when he clawed at you a little picking him up. You'd bandaged his leg, stayed up reading to him all night and didn't fall asleep until after he did.
He waited right by the front door for you to return, wishing with ever fiber of his being that he had gone with you. Who knows who would be lurking around the corners of the farmer's market or the grocery store, ready to take to you away from him?
"Hi, Scara," You greeted, hearing a soft meow, "you finally came out of hiding. You wanna help me put the groceries away," He trotted into the kitchen behind you, hoping up on the counter to sit with you while you put the groceries away.
"You wanna watch a movie with me after you eat?" You asked, closing the fridge and getting a can of cat food out for him. Scaramouche didn't want to eat first, though.
He just wanted to be with you.
Scaramouche followed you right to the couch, leaving his cat food untouched. You even read the titles outloud to him, scratching him behind his ears and petting him after he settled in your lap. He was just starting to purr softly when he shifted into his human form, sighing contently as he rested his head in your lap.
"Was this what you wanted the whole time, Scara?" You asked, running your fingers through his hair.
"Mhm," He admitted shyly, his cheeks flushing as his ears twitched. After the movie, he slept next to you in his human form, holding you to his chest to keep you warm.
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birdy-bat-writes · 1 year
You've Got the Real Thing Right Here
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
A/N: I kid you not, I wrote this in 30 minutes in a Gatorade-induced, TikTok-fueled romantic fit of filthy feelings. So…it’s probably not edited well and I’m so sorry haha. But I hope you like it:D
Summary: You come across a scene in a book and wonder, is this really attractive? Luckily, your boyfriend is there to show you that it really is.
Content Warnings: almost smut, really borderline smut, fluff, Jake being a sweetheart, Jake being way too hot to handle, and some swearing. Let me know if I missed anything :D Minors DNI!!!!
Word count:  1047
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You didn’t usually get many days off, so today was a rarity. Your boss left for a personal vacation and since there was nothing to do at the office, you were told that you simply didn’t have to come in. It was impromptu and random, but you knew exactly how you were going to spend it. There were only 8 more chapters left in your book, and you’ve been dying to find out of the two love interests finally get together.
It was a little cold out today in San Diego, another rarity. After a warm shower, you slipped into some cozy leggings and your favorite of all your boyfriend’s sweatshirts; a gray and burnt orange Longhorns crewneck subtly scented with his cologne, your perfume, and the smell of brownies from your shared baking excursion last weekend. You opted out of wearing anything under the sweatshirt because why not? It was your day off, after all. With a cup of hot chocolate, you sat down by a window and opened your paperback to its little crocheted bookmark and let yourself sink into the story.
You didn’t realize how much time had passed by the time you closed the book and placed it on the coffee table. You started at 10:00 am and now it was 3:00. Emotions were swirling within you, and you couldn’t help but twirl around your living room, smiling. They finally got together! Oh god, that was so cute—and a few pages later, so hot. Still grinning like an idiot, you decided to head on over to the kitchen and grab lunch. You microwaved last night’s leftovers and let your mind wander. Every romance book you’ve read has the same scene; the guy leaning on the doorframe and looking down at the girl. What’s up with that? It makes you feel warm every time, and you just know that whatever scene comes next is bound to be good but what the heck makes a doorframe attractive? It’s just leaning; something you do every day.
Your thoughts were interrupted by keys jangling at your door. Jake was home! You leant over in your chair, putting yourself in his line of sight. “Hey, Babe, welcome home.” Jake could hear the smile in your voice.
“Why, thank you, Darlin’. What’s got you in such a good mood?” he asked, walking over to you and placing a gentle kiss on your cheek.
“Nothing much,” you replied as he walked to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of Gatorade. “How was work?” Jake started talking, and you’re sure you heard some of it but from here on out, another thought consumed your mind entirely. Jake isn’t that much shorter than your kitchen door….
“…so I told him that was crazy. Right?” Jake looked to you to find you absolutely spaced out. “Y/N? Everything okay…?”
“Uh, yeah! Sorry, what were you saying?” Jake grinned, amused at the light blush that was dusting your cheeks.
“No, no, what’s got you so distracted?”
“Nothing, I promise.” You insisted, standing up to join him in the kitchen entrance.
“Sweetheart, you’re great at a lot of things,” he started, putting his hand in yours, “but you’re a shit liar.” You giggled with him and looked down.
“Okay, okay. Can you do something for me?”
“Alright, uh,” you didn’t expect to suddenly get as shy as you did. “Could you just put your hand up here, on the doorframe corner and like, lean over a little?” Jake, with his Gatorade still in hand, looked down at you, confused, but still did it anyway.
“Like this?”, he asked.
“Yeah! Now, bend your elbow a little. Lean naturally into it.”
“Is there a reason for this or…?”
“Satisfying my curiosity.”
“Okay, perfect.” You took a small step back, one hand still on Jake’s chest to get a look at the full picture and…woah. Okay, now you get why curiosity killed the cat, and why every book had this scene. It was freaking hot.
Jake’s green eyes were darkened by the shadows of his lashes and his lips had the slightest shine from the Gatorade. God, you bet he tasted like lemon-lime right now, and his posture…you knew he was tall, but did he really always tower over you like this? His biceps were on full display along with the tan skin of his neck and, god, he was so close, and so big and his cologne was intoxicating. You felt hot.
Jake saw it immediately. He knew that look; he saw your lips part and the way your legs squeezed shut. Oh. He took a long drawn-out look at your figure up and down and he knew you were done for.
Smirking, he asked, “Y/N, Honey, you okay there? You look a little red.” A teasing tone lacing his voice. He reached toward the coffee table to put down his Gatorade and he saw it. It’s that book you’ve been reading. There it is. Jake curled his hand around your waist, snaking it under your his sweatshirt, making you shiver as he pulled you close. His fingers were icy against your hot skin from holding the cold bottle. You gasped when he pressed you flush against his chest. “All this because of a book?” he took his other hand down from the doorframe to place it on your cheek, stroking it softly with his thumb. “Baby, you’ve got the real thing right here.” He whispered, lips ghosting over yours before pressing into you for a rough, heated kiss. You wrapped your arms around his waist while his fingers pressed into yours. He peppered kisses along your jawline, feeling the warmth of your skin on his. The sensation of his stubble on your neck went straight to your core and made you whimper, an act that tore down what little resolve Jake had left. He pulled away and took you by the hand out of the kitchen.
“Jake, why’d you stop?” You uttered, breathlessly.
“I didn’t. Come with me.”
“Where are we going?”
“The bedroom. Oh,” he took two steps back to the coffee table and reached for the bottle of Gatorade. “Better take this. You’ll need it by the time I’m done with you.”
Moral of the story? Read books, stay sexy.
Taglist: @glorified-red
Please let me know if you'd like to be on my permanent Top Gun or general tag list :)
Tagging some friends, no pressure to interact y'all:
@tongue-like-a-razor @roosterbruiser @roosterscock @girl-in-the-chairs-void @bussyslayer333 @roosterforme @glen-powells @roosters-slut @callsign-fangirl @roostersrooster
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wileys-russo · 7 months
remotes and notebooks ficlet plssss
remotes and notebooks
your head lifted from your laptop hearing keys jingle in the lock. standing up from the dining table you hurried over to the door, flicking the deadbolt and jumping back as the door practically flew open.
"mierda! we live in a building with lots of security amor why do you always bolt it?" your girlfriend huffed as you smiled sheepishly. "habit?" your nose scrunched with a guilty grin.
mumbling apologies you pecked your girlfriends lips repeatedly. "mm you are forgiven. hola!" your smile widened as alexia picked you up, your legs wrapping around her waist as her lips connected back to yours.
you smiled into the kiss as the midfielder mumbled how much she'd missed you, kicking her gym bag to the side and walking the two of you toward the bedroom. "mm no ale, i have to study." you pulled away with a smile, one arm shooting up to grab the top of the door frame halting her in her tracks.
"we shower together first." your girlfriend demanded more than asked, lips moving to your neck instead as your eyes fluttered closed and your resolve wavered momentarily.
"no. my paper is due soon, you go and shower cariño." you smiled apologetically as the older girl sighed but placed you down on your feet none the less. "bien." alexia frowned as you stood up to kiss her again, shaking your head and grabbing her hands before they could grip your hips.
"shower! you smell amor." you teased, pushing her chest lightly as the captain scoffed, flicking your ear and stealing one final kiss before retreating into the bedroom as you returned to the table, propping one leg up on the chair and resting your chin on your knee.
you had a few moments of uninterrupted peace while alexia showered, darting back and forth from the printed in her office as you sat back down to do a read through and edit of your paper.
you didn't look up as you heard your girlfriend return, her footsteps passing by you and into the kitchen as she rummaged through the fridge. "why do we have no food?" calloused palms settled either side of your face tilting your head up to look at alexia.
her faded pink hair was damp and she wandered around in an old pair of black barca sweats and a white tank top. "it's your turn to go do the groceries amor. you tell me why we have no food." you smiled, her slender ring clad fingers tracing your cheek bones.
"but we do have food, you just have to cook it." you teased, placing your hands over hers and giving them a gentle squeeze before moving them away and turning back to your laptop.
"i am just so tired after training all day princesa, can you cook something?" her toned and tanned arms instead now wrapped around your neck as the taller girl bent down to rest her cheek against the back of your shoulder blade.
"yes, but later. if you want something now you'll have to make it ale, i'm studying!" you smiled, feeling her groan against you and you squirmed as she huffed, warm breath tickling the back of your neck. mumbling something in spanish she kissed your cheek a few times and left you be.
well, for a little while.
your back starting to ache from being sat in the hard wood chair all day you stood up with a stretch, closing your laptop and grabbing your paper, a highlighter and a pen.
your girlfriend perked up as you settled beside her on the sofa, though her eyebrows knit into a frown spotting the assortment of paper and pens nestled in your lap, resting on one of your textbooks.
you paid her no mind as she stretched out on the couch, feet digging into your thighs. you knew she loved nothing more than to have at least one part of her skin in contact with your own at all times, you were the exact same.
you'd glance over to the older girl with a small smile every now and then, forever amused by the stoic look that never seemed to leave her face when she watched tv. arms crossed and seemingly glaring at the screen though you knew she wasn't actually aware of what she looked like, it was just a force of habit.
but as alexia grew bored she found herself stealing glances at you now, glasses hanging off the bridge of your nose and bottom lip clamped between your teeth as your eyes scanned the thick stack of papers in front of you.
you'd mumble to yourself every now and then with a shake of your head, crossing something out or scribbling over your draft paper with an annoyed huff. normally alexia found the sight of you studying something to behold, she was endlessly proud of your work ethic and intelligence, and it was no secret how much she'd let you know what the sight of you in glasses did to her.
but today she found frustration growing in her chest, every single minute that passed where your attention was on the paper and not on her causing her to become irritable. which is why her resolve was quick to melt away.
"ale." you mumbled quietly, moving a hand to squeeze her ankle as her feet started to push into you more, slipping up the hem of your shorts. "hey!" you sent her a scowl as suddenly she kicked the pen right out of your hand, sending it sliding across the floor, waking nala who raced off into your bedroom to continue her nap in peace.
the pink haired footballer only smiled, watching as you stood to grab your pen and dropped back down, attention again focused on your paper. "alexia." you sighed, the taller girl shuffling her body down so her feet pushed onto your lap as you hastily picked up your paper.
"mm?" the girl hummed, eyes focused on the tv pretending not to notice. "ale!" you huffed as her tattooed foot kicked up and sent your paper flying from your hands, pages scattering on the floor. you insulted her under your breath as you dropped to your knees, trying to re-organise them.
your girlfriend once again only smiled as you shot her an unimpressed look, taking a seat again and shuffling further away from her, curling up on the end of the sofa. alexia huffed quietly to herself, crossing her arms and you felt her eyes piercing holes into your forehead.
"what?" "you know what." "you know i have to study." "you have studied all day! take a break."
you rolled your eyes and ignored her, focusing back on the paper. but that didn't please your girlfriend who stretched out further, kicking and poking at you with her feet as you did your very best to continue ignoring her.
you found it amusing to say the least that when she wanted to be left alone to study a match you were expected to comply, but the moment your attention was on anything but the catalan she became infuriatingly needy.
"baby." you sighed as she changed tactic, swapping how she was positioned on the sofa, knocking your legs apart and settling herself in between them, her head resting on your stomach. "take a break amor." she mumbled, your eyes fluttering closed as she pushed up the hem of your shirt, pressing gentle kisses to your stomach.
"ale-" you started, her hands gripping your hips and pushing your body down into the sofa more. "take a break." she spoke again firmer this time, hazel eyes locking with yours as she pressed a kiss just below your sternum.
you opened your mouth to explain why you couldn't but the words fell short as alexia began to wiggle and move, her head now pushing up and inside your shirt. "ale!" you laughed as it popped up out of your collar, her much taller body collapsing on top of yours.
"hola bebita." the midfielder grinned, hands still squeezing your hips as her mouth ghosted yours, though right as you thought she might kiss you her lips attached to your neck instead.
your breath caught in your throat as she went to town, starting off with gentle and loving kisses which rapidly became a little sloppier, her teeth starting to tug and bite at the more sensitive areas of skin, causing you to squirm underneath her.
"alexia!" you gasped, wincing a little as one hand slipped up your top to press teasingly on a particularity nasty love bite on the left side of your neck as simultaneously her teeth sunk into your shoulder and she sucked harshly, your body bucking.
"no no no amor, you need to study." she warned quietly, hand shooting out to stop your own from dropping your papers to the coffee table. "read me your paper." the older girl pulled away to look down at you with a wicked and toothy grin.
"i can't-" "you can, keep reading or i'll stop." her pink hair tickled at your nose as her teeth tugged teasingly on your earlobe and her hands moved up and down your sides, her body still pressed against yours inside your shirt.
"you are so unbel-" "read it."
so you did, struggling with each sentence as her lips devoured your neck, alexia having nothing but patience when it came to providing pleasure, if she knew you were showing even the smallest signs of enjoying something she could and would do it for hours.
and so you read through your paper as she left your neck a mottled mess of love bites and bruises you knew you'd be yelling at her for later but you didn't dare stop, alexia not growing bored even for a second as she showered you with attention and affection until finally you struggled through the final sentence.
"good job hermosa but now i think it is my turn to study my favourite subject, you."
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sensei-venus · 7 months
Mama’s Boy, Stress Relief (Robby Keene x Chubby!Reader)
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(Unedited) (Mommy Kink, Tit Sucking, Cumming In Pants, Stress Relief, Reader taking care of her boyfriend)
The pout on Robby's lips was very telling of how he was feeling. It wasn't often that the dirty blond wear a genuine pout. It was something that only ever occurred on a blue moon. It was common to see him scowl or grimace at something. Not getting his way was something that happened a lot but nothing caused him enough pain to pout.
So when Robby walked into his and Reader’s shared apartment after a long day of work, she knew something was really wrong.
Her eyes glanced over at his from the corner of her eye. Watching as he put his bag down by the door and kicked his shoes off. Huffing as he slid them off his feet and tossed them to the floor. He slowly made his way into the kitchen, head hung just a little lower than what Reader would have liked from him. Robby tried to keep his spirits up no matter what so this was a big change from his usual vibe.
“Hey babe, you doing okay? How was work?” she questioned as he fully entered the room. She was busy doing the last of her daily work on the computer. Quickly shooting off one last email before closing her laptop and giving Robby her full attention. She cocked her head as she watched him open the fridge and pull out a cold bottle of water. Taking a few sips he hummed at her, eyes downcast as he finished a long sip from his drink. She didn't really like that look at all. She gave him a moment to speak but nothing ever came out leaving the room silent.
“It was okay guess…”his reply was short and bitter sounding as he looked at the floor.
This definitely didn't sit right with Reader which is why she quickly stood up and walked past Robby. This left him in the kitchen alone as she walked to the living room. Sitting down on the couch she threw a “Robby please come in here please.” in the air. The soft sound of feet shuffling filled the air as he followed her voice into the other room. He sat his water bottle on the coffee table before walking over to her. He stood quietly in front of her for a good long moment before the silence was broken.
“Come here Robby, sit on my lap.” Robby's face slowly turned a light shade of pink. Color dusted his cheeks as he obeyed his girlfriend's words. Robby had always been a bit more resistant to some of Reader's approaches on some things. He was good at taking orders but he still had a bit of how you say, fright. Secretary was scared he would mess up and cause the girl to become upset at him for not doing as she asked of him. Sitting on her soft lap was something he enjoyed but was also sacred of. Feeling her thick thighs under him was nice but also scared him. Mostly the idea of accidentally hurting hurt always came to mind more than he would have liked.
Once he was fully on her lap she gave him a small peak to the cheeks. He slightly relaxed at the small kiss. His body slowly going lax under her eyes and body slumping just a little. It made her smile as she held him close.
She gave him a small smile while giving his hand a squeeze while saying “I don't think that was a very good answer. Did something bad happen at work today?” Robby gave a small nod.
“Do you want to talk about it, Sometimes that tends to help.” She gave him another kiss on the cheek as she finished her statement. He shook his head with a deep sigh. His eyes wandered to the other side of the room, avoiding her gaze altogether. With that she gave him a grin.
She pulled at the bottom of her shirt, lifting it up and tucking it under her chin. Licking her lips she said “If that’s the case…maybe mama can make you feel better in another way then.” she grinned at his flushed face. His eyes slowly crept over to look back at her. Eyes darting to her exposed cleavage, bra doing just enough to hide her heavy tits. His eyes locked on the tiny metal clasp in the middle of the fabric. It sat right between her breasts snug against her skin.
With a flick of the wrist the little metal clasp was split open letting her heavy tits fall free. They spilled out hanging heavy on her chest. Her soft nipples sitting pretty all for him. Robby could feel his mouth watering just by looking at them. His eyes widen as he looks at her for some kind of confirmation on what she was hinting at. She gave him a small nod.
“Let Mama take care of you baby, let me make you feel better after such a hard day.” she pulls him down into her warm breasts. Robby moans as he snuggled into her soft flesh. His hands gently worked at her sides. Moving up from her chubby belly to cup her underboob. He did his best to hold each one in his palms but they easily spilled over in his hands.
He insticfuly licks his lips before bending down and sucking on a nipple. It hardens against his flat tongue. His eyes flutter shut at the new feeling. He relaxes as he uses her breasts as stress toys. 
“There you go, just relax for me. Such a good boy aren't you Robby. Your be so good for me right now.” She softly smiled down at him while he suckled at her. He moaned lightly as he drew closer to her. Her arms wrapped around him and rocked him a little.
One of her hands found yet back of his head, fingers laced through his brownish golden locks. Her fingertips scratched against his scalp just right to have him shivering. Her other hand rubbed at his back. Making circles over the fabric of the dress shirt he wears. It's just enough to have him completely zone out.
Reader stops herself from giggling when she feels something poking her belly. It's hard and warm through his pants. She can already guess what it is by the way his hips try to jerk. Over time the jerking starts to become despret rutting. Brushing against the underside of her soft belly. His breathing starts to become more heavy as the minutes. His suckling starts to get harder and harder, his grip on her other tit getting stronger as well.
When his legs jerk and his hips snap she knows.
The wet stain that starts to bloom at the front of his pants speaks volumes.
With a loud pop, he detaches from Reader’s overly sensitive nipple. It's hard and engorged, dripping with Robby’s spit. Robby looks at her with a dopey look. His eyes hazed over as he still clung to her waist. Lips were plump and red from his earlier actions.
With a smile Reader says “You feeling any better now that Mama helped you get some stress out?”
“Umm good, next time you need to let some stress out you just come to me. You know I'm always here for you.” she gets closer to his ear.
“Mama always knows how to make you feel good, just remember that.”
Robby’s feels himself flush over her words and ducks into her neck.
Sometimes his girlfriend knows just the way to keep him on his toes at all times.
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mull3ts · 1 year
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⚠︎ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | Smut (18+), Dilf! Aged Up! Stepfather! Jeno, Unprotected Sex, Infidelity, Daddy Kink, Heavy Teasing, Praise Kink, Nipple Play, Size Kink, Slight Dacryphilia, Implied Breeding Kink
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What you and Mr. Lee did behind closed doors was nobody's business. What you did with him nearly every day was nobody's business.
Nobody needed to know what you do with your mother's almost ex-husband and nobody needed to know what the Lee Jeno did with his almost ex-stepdaughter.
You beckoned for it—the day the divorce would be completely finalized—the day you'd never have to worry about a single thing other than yourself and Mr. Lee.
But for now, you stayed in his big, nice house—your mother already long gone after what you call “the confrontation”.
You looked back at the college algebra study guide given to you by your professor. So much for taking a class over the summer.
You sighed. Bullshit. You continued working.
Until, you heard the garage door open. Your ears perked up and you immediately sat up. Though, you regained your composure and slouched back down on the couch.
He's home.
Your insides danced around.
You were definitely going to get fucked.
Jeno and you, you and Jeno, you and Mr. Lee, Mr. Lee and you—it was…something.
The moment you met him there was a sense of tension. Too much tension to the point where you can recall the moment like it happened a minute ago. From the moment when he married your mother, you'd always be attached at the hip with him. And, obviously, your mother noticed and didn't like the intimacy all too much.
Nonetheless, Mr. Lee just couldn't keep his hands to himself and the cat was then out of the bag and right in front of everyone a little too much. Basically, your mom caught you.
His footsteps went through the kitchen. He opened the fridge, getting something from it, and his footsteps wandered in to the living room. You're in the living room, studying, making sure to put your education he pays for to good use.
“Hi, honey,” he greeted, stepping right in front of you.
You didn't look up from your paper. It's part of the game.
You both liked to play to play it sometimes. You'd pretend to be so very busy and ignore him until he'd coax you out of it. Or, Mr. Lee would pretend to be oh so busy (honestly, sometimes he was) and you'd sit on his lap, get all up in his space, until he slapped your face and you were on your knees underneath his desk.
“Hi, Mr. Lee,” you dismissed, your eyes trained perfectly on the paper.
He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear before moving his hand to your chin, lifting your face up to look at him. You could see his other hand, it was a water bottle.
He must've gotten it from the fridge.
Mr. Lee stood large in front of you. He was just very…brooding. But now, towering over you, he appeared huge. Not to mention, his frame was partially covering the light above the two of you, making him seem like a big, bad man, just here to take what he wants.
And typically, that's what he does. Not that anyone minds. Not that you mind.
And, you supposed that what's happening right now.
Mr. Lee's white button-down (folded at the forearms, as always) was nearing tight around his chest. His black slacks were just barely tenting from what you briefly saw.
You looked up at him through your lashes. There was heat rushing to your face.
“Did my pretty girl miss me?”
Your lips formed a thin line before growing into a soft smile, “Mhm.”
“Did you have a good day?”
He caressed the side of your face, running his thumb along your cheekbone before taking a sip of his water.
You watched in great awe as he drank, his throat bobbing when he swallowed.
Good lord.
“Tiring day,” you told him, “m'very busy.”
He cocked a brow and set his water on the coffee table. He came back and stood in front of you.
Mr. Lee placed his hands on his hips. “Are you?”
“Yup” you answered, emphasizing the “P” and looking back down at the paper. “I've got an exam for physics, algebra, everything.”
“Got it; you're in a mood, hm?”
God—he knows you so well.
But god—he’s nearly obsessed with you. The thought of you runs through his mind 24/7.
He sat next to you on the couch before grabbing the remote to the TV.
Mr. Lee tugged you onto his lap causing you to whine.
“Really? M'busy.” You eyes never left the paper, but you obviously weren't studying anymore. Even your eyes couldn't focus. You leaned back against him, your head slightly on his shoulder, back flushed against his chest, fully on his lap.
He turned on the TV and settled on golf. Boring. He thinks it's interesting sometimes. However, you're sure he's not paying any mind to the game—he was never a Tiger Woods fan.
His arms wrapped around your waist, holding you. His nose nuzzled against your ear; then, behind your ear where he knew exactly where it felt good. He mouthed at the spot behind your ear—licking you there, sucking you there.
“Your lips are cold,” you grumbled, tilting your head so he'd stop. “Quit, I really need to study.”
His hold around you grew tighter. His bulge under your ass grew harder. You really wanted to squirm on it.
Mr. Lee's lips traveled to your earlobe making you sigh on complete accident. “Oh there's my girl,” he purred.
“No,” you mumbled with a whiny tone. He chuckled in your ear.
You swore you could turn into putty with him.
With one arm still wrapped around you, his free hand rested right at your lower tummy, right above your cunt. His hand slowly inched to the end of your shorts. He played with the lightly colored lace between his fingers.
“Did you wear these for me?”
You shook your head, “No.”
He hummed. “I think you're lying, honey.”
“I think you're distracting, Daddy.”
He hummed again.
His hand slid to your inner thigh, slowly moving until he reached between your legs. Mr. Lee widened his legs causing you to do the same. He leaned back against the couch leaving you no other choice but to do the same.
You tried your best to lift your paper into your field of vision. You failed the instant Mr. Lee ran a single digit up your cunt.
“I am trying to study.” you tried to say as firmly as possible. But, the man only held you tighter.
“And I am trying to play.” he whispered.
You really had to bite back a moan leading to you accidentally squirming on his lap, feeling the way he was basically pressing his whole hand on you—just cupping your cunt like it was nothing to him, like it was casual to him.
“It's warm here,” he mumbled. “wonder if it's wet too.”
You swallowed thick. "Uh-uh."
“Can Daddy check?” he pressed, nuzzling his nose into your hair.
“No, m'bus-”
The hand around your stomach quickly snatched the paper and promptly flung it across the room.
“No you're not, honey,” he said, shoving his hand down your shorts, cupping you there. “Stop bein' so damn fussy.”
His legs widened, so did yours, again. You spread wider and his fingers finally ran up and down your slit. You took a sharp breath in as his fingers ran over your clit, then over your very empty hole.
Jeno relished in the way he could hear your wetness.
He teased your hole, feeling you squirm on top of him with want. He pressed a finger inside only to pull it out and rub your clit. Your cunt clenched around nothing.
“Daddy, I need...I need-” you couldn't even form words at this point. “Study. I need to study,” you sighed out.
“No you don't.” he said softly.
You hummed this time, only shakily.
He rubbed your clit in slow circles. He was pressing down harder than usual. You tried closing your legs, but Mr. Lee moved your thighs more to the outside of his making you open even wider and hook your feet near his calves.
You certainly felt locked.
“Please, Daddy,” you whined, “please lemme’ go back to work. I really need t-to—”
He held you close to him while he still, slowly, rubbed on your clit. Your head lulled back against his shoulder leading him to suck and nip at your neck with this teeth.
“Not until you gimme what I want, baby,” he murmured, nearly biting your neck. “So wet. You all wet for Daddy?”
You shook your head. “Nuh-uh.”
You wiggled your ass against him. Mr. Lee groaned against your neck, nipping at your skin a little harder. You whined and squeezed his thighs as you held onto them.
“Naughty fuckin' girl.”
Mr. Lee ran his fingers down to your soppy hole again and circled around it.
You could've lost your mind.
However, he never dipped his fingers inside.
“Daddy,” you accidentally whined.
He hummed, “What? Thought you needed to study, hon’”
His other hand slid up your shirt, lifting up your top above your tits.
You swore his dick twitched underneath you the moment he rubbed your nipple between his finger tips.
“Oh, don't worry pretty baby, Daddy knows what you need.”
His finger slid inside your hole and you nearly lost it. Your hips moved with his finger, fucking in and out of you. He pushed in another finger making you nearly sob.
“N-No,” you whimpered in faux protest. “Study. P-Please, Daddy, I need t-to study,”
But, actions speak louder than words and your hand was on his, making his palm press down on your clit.
“Ah, ah, ah,” he tsked, pulling his fingers out of your pussy. “I thought you needed to study. Why the hell are you using my hand, honey?”
“Daddy!” you squeaked “Please!”
You felt like you were in the filthiest porno someone definitely had to pay for.
“Please just fuck me already,” you begged, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. “Just fuck me, Daddy, please!”
You were definitely crying.
“You've gotten quite the dirty mouth lately.”
You sniffled, looking at him though wet lashes. “Are you gonna punish me, Daddy?”
He slapped your pussy making you cry out.
“Please!” you cried, your voice changing due to the tears. “Just fuck me instead!”
"Thought you needed to study."
You could hear his shit-eating grin.
“Fuck it,” you whined. Tear just kept falling. “Fuck this. Fuck the game.”
“You're very needy, and dirty mouthed; you don't even wanna keep playing.”
“I'm done playing, Daddy, please just fuck me!”
“Whatever my little lady wants.”
You were being pushed off his lap, standing and pulling down your shorts, watching Mr. Lee watch you.
He stared at you with a hungry look in his eye as he unbuckled his belt, taking his cock out of his underwear. It was red and hard with precum at the tip. Good fucking lord.
You scrambled on top of him, straddling him, and kissed him. You tangled your hand in his styled hair, his nose pressing against your cheek. Your hands found their way to the buttons on his shirt, shakily undoing them.
“Such a sweet girl,” Jeno mumbled to no one but himself.
You notched the tip of his dick against your hole, slowly sinking down on his cock. You felt like you could pass out.
The “issue” is Mr. Lee is huge. Massive. You weren't quite sure he'd ever fit inside of you.
He's near unbearably heavy. And you felt it.
Everytime he'd fuck you, Jeno slid in slowly. “Savoring the feeling” he said. He remembers once telling you how much he liked the feeling of plunging his dick inside your tight cunt. He loves the feeling of your walls stretching, pulsing around him. He loves feeling himself fill you.
Your tummy always gets a little pouch.
It's happening right now. He thinks it’s the prettiest thing he’ll ever see. Other than you.
You sunk down slowly, feeling everything as you held onto his shoulders; your mouth agape. Mr. Lee kissed you with no kiss back from you, but he understood because he knew exactly why. His poor baby was too absorbed in him. “Holy fuck,” he nearly whined against your lips.
You sighed the moment you were fully seated in his cock, beginning to move your hips. You always liked riding him, liked the look on his face—like Mr. Lee was about to explode or collapse…or die just from the sheer feeling of you. His hold on your hips were tight, guiding you exactly where he needed you.
Mr. Lee’s eyelids were heavy, his mouth also agape, breathing hard. Your teeth sunk down on your bottom lip at the sight, biting back the urge to scream. Instead, your arms wrapped around his neck and you rested your cheek on his shoulder.
At this point he was fully in control, forcing your lips up and down his cock. All you had to do was, “Relax and take it, honey,” he groaned in your ear. “Take it like the good girl you are”.
You nodded, your whines making Mr. Lee spank your ass just to make you scream so sweetly right near his ear.
In a haze, your hand snaked up to his head, tangling your fingers in his hair. “I love you,” you whimpered.
Mr. Lee stared at your for a while, blinking slowly, then gave you a wide, lazy grin. Kissing your forehead, he murmured. “I know, honey.” He sucked in hair through his teeth when you tightened around him before saying, “I love you too, sweetie,” there was a pause, more moans escaped his lips, “I love you so…so much.”
God he's perfect.
You whimpered before closing your eyes, letting the feeling of his cock dragging against your soppy walls take over you. There was no way you'd get used to this—no way you'd get used to him. Your lips made it to his throat, your kisses quickly developing into nearly biting his neck when Mr. Lee told you, “Don't be so shy, sweetie.” with a smug tone in his voice.
It wasn't long before his hips were slamming into you, his dick stretching you out with every thrust making him (and yourself) a complete mess. He groaned, his hips stuttering the moment he heard you gasp.
Mr. Lee was so deep inside your cunt you could almost see stars.
He chuckled and kissed the temple of your forehead; wrapping his arms tightly around your waist he continued to fuck up into your like it was almost nothing.
“Aren't you glad you're not studying?” he mumbled.
You hummed, nodding.
“Always rather be fuckin' your Daddy, huh.”
You released your bottom lip from in-between your teeth, panting “Yes!”
You felt him hit a spot so deep you almost cried, instinctually clenching tight around him. Mr. Lee growled, swiftly delivering a harsh slap to your ass. “Don't do that to me, baby,” he sighed, spanking you again “you know I can't fuckin' take it.”
And he really couldn't. Especially when you lounge around the house—his house, his couch, his room, his office, his job. And especially when it was times like this where the only thing he could focus on was you and the way your slick dripped down his balls.
He really can't help it. Especially now that you live with him.
But then your walls squeezed him tightly. He was about to nearly growl a threat in your ear when your whiny tone beat him to it.
“M'sorry Daddy!” you cried, “M'gonna...gonna cum...m'sorry, s-sorry, sorry...fuck!” your arms were wrapped tightly around his neck, though not as tightly was your walls wrapped around his cock.
Mr. Lee hissed at the way you felt around him. He could barely move, stunned by you and your little apology for him. He never told you to cum, he never told you that you could cum, but you were just so desperate he didn't quite care.
Once your walls were almost done fluttering around his cock, he took it as a sign to shove his dick as far and as quickly as possible inside you causing tears to fall down your face.
“Daddy,” you panted, crying out of pleasure “slow, s-slow down,”
Though you really meant for him to go faster, harder—your mind just couldn't quite grasp on the words you meant to say.
“D-Daddy, please,” you sobbed, “c-can't-”
He quickly cut you off, his hips slamming into you as he chased his own orgasm. “Yes you fuckin' can, sweetheart.” he stated. “Y-You're just gonna let me fill you up with my cum,” he paused, groaning. “And when I'm all finished, you're gonna say ‘thank you, Daddy’.”
He slapped your ass. You were sure there was going to be a mark.
You nodded, “M'kay.”
“Good girl,” he praised before becoming a mess of groans beneath you. You were sure he was close when he let out a string of curses—but it wasn't until he shoved up all the way into that you knew he was coming.
You gasped. “Daddy!”
You could die happily the moment you felt his cum fill your used hole.
Mr. Lee groaned when he came inside you, relishing in the way you'd always gasp at the feeling. He mouthed at your neck, mumbling sweet nothings accompanied by small groans.
It took him a few moments, eventually regaining his senses.
He sighed, nuzzling his nose in your neck before repositioning the both of you on the couch. He laid against the armrest with you on top—cock still nestled deep inside you. Neither of you seemed to mind all the slick dripping out and onto his thighs.
You kissed his jaw over and over again while Mr. Lee simply shut his eyes, catching his breath.
“What did I tell you to say, honey?” he reminded, eyes still shut though his lips were forming a smile.
“Thank you, Daddy,” you said in-between giving him kisses. His lips broke out in a grin. “That's my girl.”
His living room was silent. Your living room was silent. The living room was silent. It was silent for a while. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of Mr. Lee breathing softly.
You broke the silence, softly asking, “What's for dinner?”
Mr. Lee hummed. “Maybe pizza.”
“Can you not get Hawaiian this time? I know you like it but it's a little…off-putting.” you looked up at him, his eyes still shut.
He laughed, finally looking down at you. “Don't worry, honey, I won't get Hawaiian.” he pecked your lips before tapping your ass exactly three times.
You pouted.
“C'mon, honey, get up or else leftovers.”
“But then some of your cum is gonna leak out and, Mr. Lee, you know how I like to be all full.” you whined.
He stared at you for a second. You swore his eye twitched.
“Well I should get you a plug then.”
The way you looked at him—it was almost taunting.
“Maybe you should.”
And you both stared at each other. It was weird. Mr. Lee wanted something. He could tell you wanted something. You could tell he wanted something. You both knew you were fully capable of giving that something. But, you both were aware that right now maybe wasn't the right time. You still had college. He still had to completely finalize the divorce with your mother. But one day. Definitely one day.
“I-I'll get up.” you said, your voice shaky as you moved to get up. But then he looked at you, very seriously, before pulling you back down.
“No.” he stated. “Stay here until I get back.”
He maneuvered from you. Standing, he zipped his pants back up, buttoned his shirt back up, fixed his rolled sleeves, his belt.
He leaned down to kiss your forehead before handing you back your discarded study guide off the floor. His kiss lingered like it never had before.
“Be good.”
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TAGLiST | @shescharlie @electric-hearts @hyuckzlipz @neovy1 @chonlo @shuasxn @lenaluvs @haven-cove @dojoonsgf @hikaru-lana @dreamwithunicorn @seuomo
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storiesofsvu · 2 months
Decadent Desires Ch 3
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, alcohol, minor political conversation, minor mentions of sexual encounters.
It was the sound of your coffee pot automatically brewing that originally roused you from sleeping, the beeping signalling it was done the reason you finally got out of bed. Traipsing down the stairs still in your silk pj set you yawned, starting to stretch out your body, dropping your phone on the breakfast bar before padding through the living room to open the blinds. The sun slowly rising through the sky and you deemed it warm enough to crack one of the windows, letting yourself actually get some fresh air on a work day. Wandering back to the kitchen you pulled down a coffee mug, adding a bit of creamer from the fridge before filling it with coffee. Right as you went to take your first sip, your phone buzzed on the countertop and you let out a huff, scooping up the device to a text from Heather.
‘You can work from home, it’s a low day.’
‘Thank god. I really didn’t want to put real clothes on.’
‘Well you’ll have to at some point. You’ve got lunch at Old Ebbitt Grill at two.’
‘Who am I schmoozing for you?’
‘Emily Prentiss.’
‘The fed from yesterday? What’d’ you need with the FBI?’
‘She asked to meet with you. You’ll have to discuss it with her.’ ‘Put it on my card.’
‘Alright. Thanks.’
‘Wear that Tom Ford blouse I like so much.’
‘The blue one?’
‘It brings out your eyes.’
‘I’m beginning to think you might have ulterior motives going on here...’
‘Enjoy your lunch.’
You dropped the phone back onto the counter with a huff, knowing you weren’t getting another word out of her on the subject. It wasn’t unlike Heather to send you in to do a certain level of dirty work when it came to getting other politicians to do what she wanted. It was technically part of your job, she would simply just suggest you use your assets in a way she couldn’t to get them to lean her way, and it almost always worked. Still, you couldn’t possibly imagine what a Section Chief from the FBI would want with your skill set, surely the bureau had their own type of publicists to deal with whatever kind of a situation this was.
You glanced to the clock above the stove to find it was barely eight o’clock and nearly debated going back to bed but you knew that was a bad idea and turned to your coffee instead. You thought about what to do for breakfast while you grabbed your work phone and laptop from your bag, setting them up on the breakfast bar before opening the fridge. You settled on some easy eggs and avocado on toast and restarted the coffee machine to brew a fresh pot, turning on an instrumental playlist on your phone to get your day going and your brain running.
Finished with the food, you refilled your coffee and settled in at the counter to start sorting through emails, shooting one off to Heather with reminders of all the upcoming week’s appointments, meetings and appearances. The rest of the morning felt rather dull, the anticipation of lunch piquing your curiosity more often than not, sending you down spirals rather than focusing on your actual work. You caught yourself leafing through FBI websites and any news articles you could get your hands on, and considering the status you held, that was more than the general public.
Finally around eleven thirty your brain couldn’t get through another email and you opted to jump over to the gym for a quick workout to distract yourself for a bit. You left more than enough time to shower, making sure you were fresh and styled, selecting the blue blouse Heather had recommended before finally leaving your house.
Old Ebbitt Grill wasn’t far, it only took you ten minutes to get there, especially considering the lack of midafternoon traffic. You’d been there a few times before, a standard choice for business lunches among the elite of Washington, close enough to Capitol Hill that it was convenient but just far enough away that it was slightly more away from eavesdropping ears. You pulled up the drive in front and were offered valet service that you accepted, passing off a five for a tip before heading inside where you were greeted by a young bubbly hostess.
“Hi,” you smiled back, “reservation at two, could be under Walton, Prentiss or Dunbar. I think it’s only for two.”
Her finger began scanning through the reservation look in search of one of the names, “oh! There you are.” She beamed up at you, “Walton for two. You’re the first to arrive, would you like to wait or be seated?”
“I’ll sit.” You laughed softly, “god knows I could use a drink.”                                                    
“Of course, right this way.”
You were led past the bar area to the dining room and directed to a green velvet back booth, white table cloth adorning the table. You slid in as the hostess scooped up the extra place settings and wine glasses,
“Can I get something started for you?”
“Uh… two waters and a glass of pinot grigio would be fantastic, thanks.”
With another smile she was gone from the table and you were left to settle in, glancing at your watch you realized you were practically twenty minutes early and let out a soft sigh. Punctuality was almost too much of your strong point, but at least you were never late for things. You scanned the menu quickly, sliding it off to the side to pull out a work file that you’d been putting off looking through, thanking the server that came back with your drinks.
When Emily entered the restaurant she wasn’t entirely too sure what she was getting into, it almost felt weird to be doing this during the day, especially on what was technically a work day. She’d gotten an out of office lunch and work from home afternoon approved so she didn’t have to drive back, and it was Friday so she just kept telling herself it was an early weekend. The hostess picked up right away that she was meeting someone and offered up your last name to confirm before guiding her through the room.
The moment they were through the bar Emily had eyes on you, neatly tucked into a booth, a pen in your hand and a file folder in front of you that all your attention was focused on. Your hair was pulled back off your face but most of it still down and loosely styled. The make up on your face was slightly more detailed than it had been when she’d met you at the office, a little heavier around the eyes, a slightly less neutral lip. Your outfit hugged your frame, accentuating your body perfectly, blue top dipping slightly to expose a tasteful amount of cleavage, black pencil skirt leaving just enough leg out to be admired, and of course designer heels on your feet. It was all accented with a silver bracelet, necklace resting on the swell of your chest and jeweled earrings to match your shirt. You glanced up at the movement coming toward you, a smile taking over your face as you greeted her.
“Agent Prentiss,” you smiled as she slipped into the booth, “or, is that a demotion? Should it be Section Chief Prentiss?”
“That’s way too much of a mouthful.” She laughed, “just Emily’s fine.”
“Alright.” You shot her a grin, flipping the file shut and capping the pen before you slid it back into your purse, “sorry, work never ends.”
“I didn’t keep you waiting, did I?” While she was concerned she may have been late, she was happy to see that you were completely content on your own, and that you took work on the go, already another green flag in her book.
“Oh not at all, I have a habit of being insanely early wherever I go.”
There was a slight pause as the server came over to ask about drinks and Emily glanced towards you, your eyes flicked to your half empty glass and you thought about it for a second.
“You may as well bring another one.”
“Heather okay with you drinking on the clock?” Emily asked with a small grin.
“Have you met a politician who doesn’t?” You laughed, “you know… I think that’s the biggest difference between our branches of government, you’re usually armed. The only weapons we carry are our words and nefarious blackmail.”
Emily chuckled at that, watching as you took a sip, “well I took a half day.” She turned to the server, “I’ll have a sauvignon blanc please.”
A few moments later they returned with Emily’s wine and the two of you placed an order for a round of appetizers consisting of scallops, beet and burrata, calamari and the bread service. Conversation flowed easily enough, chatting here and there about the day, how the weather seemed to finally be warm enough to enjoy being outside, little tidbits about work. Emily found joy in the fact that you could keep up with her when she mentioned work, that it didn’t take an extra three tangents of explaining details for you to understand what she meant. By the time the food came out, the two of you were fully comfortable around each other and after a bite of a scallop, you decided to make the jump to attempt to get to the point.
“So, I know I’ve heard that the BAU’s in a bit of hot water right now, but I didn’t think you needed a full PR takeover. Don’t you have your own communications team for those kind of things?”
Emily stalled, quickly popping a piece of calamari into her mouth to spare her a few seconds to figure out how to start things. “Uhm….” She swallowed the food down, chuckling awkwardly, “that’s not exactly why I wanted to meet. Heather… recommended you for something else.”
“Ah…” You leant back against the booth, your elbow draping over the back of it, “I knew Heather had ulterior motives about today but I didn’t realize she was passing me off to utilize the extra skill set.” You chuckled, having now figured out exactly what Emily was alluding to, but you weren’t going to let her off that easy, you wanted to hear her say it. The corner of your lips twitched up at the way she tensed across the table from you and you went in with another tease and false lead. “You want to know what other PR teams I’m close with, whose assistants have loose lips or an axe to grind, dig up a little dirt on someone. Director Bailey? AG? Who’s the thorn in your side, hmm?”
The knot in her stomach burst at the latter part of your sentence, suddenly distracted she glanced up at you with a furrowed brow, “wait, you could really get in with the AG for me?”
“Mmhm.” You nodded over a sip of wine, “she thinks she’s a good friend, would you like me to do some nosing around?”
“No, no.” She waved you off, “that could get you in trouble.”
“Emily, believe me, with most of them all you need is a few too many glasses of wine, a little flattery, maybe a hint of an illegal substance and they’ll tell you whatever you want.”
She let out a low laugh, “I’m going to ignore that last part.” You chuckled as she picked up her wine, taking another sip while you scooped up another scallop. “You certainly have some kind of pedigree, don’t you?”
“I had a lot of ladders to climb to get where I am now, and a decent education and quick thinking always helps.”
“Was PR always the goal, or did you have your eye on Capitol Hill?” She asked and you nearly snorted.
“Where I am is where I want to be. Communications Major at UCONN, followed by a stint at Georgetown.”
“What does a ‘stint’ consist of?” She asked with a raised brow.
“Just a little law degree, never really intended to use it just wanted the knowledge.”
“Did you write the bar?”
“Mmhm.” You nodded, taking another sip of wine, “passed with flying colours. Just never really saw myself as a lawyer, fighting in courtrooms isn’t my style.”
“So why bother with the extra three years then?”
You shrugged, “Heather paid for it. Said if I was overqualified for a role I could bargain for better pay.”
“Wow…” Emily’s eyes widened, “she must really like you.”
“We’ve known each other a long time. She always knew she wanted me working for her in some capacity and she needed someone who she could trust, someone who was going to know what they were doing and was right for the field. When you work for Dunbar you have to fit the brand. Now making sure that brand is upheld is my job, she had to start with someone.”
“You enjoy working for her? She’s a good boss?”
“Are you kidding me?” You laughed, “being on her payroll is better than any other politician in the country, maybe even the world. She has a much higher level of expectations that always need to be met, she knows quality, she knows class and she demands it out of everyone. So she supplements with extras to make sure we know how appreciated we are and to keep us loyal.”
“Sounds like she knows what she’s doing.”
“She always does.” You leant forward, bracing your elbow on the table so your chin could rest in the palm of your hand, “which is why I know whatever she suggested I help you with is exactly what you need. But I’m starting to feel like I have to sign an NDA to even have this conversation.”
Emily sucked in a deep breath letting out a sigh before reaching for her wine glass, “well… I am hoping for a certain level of discretion and the previous couple of times I’ve tried this it didn’t exactly work in my favour.” She glanced back across the table to find your head still perched on your hand, eyes full of curiosity as you looked back at her and she nearly gulped.
“Do tell… what is it you want from me Agent Prentiss?” Your voice was lowered, both an attempt to get her to own up and to make sure you weren’t overheard, “I work in PR, I know how to uphold an image and believe me, I know how to keep a secret.”
She swallowed down a gulp of wine before slowly beginning to speak, “I’m… looking for someone who is willing to spend a night or two a week together, could be friendly company, could be more if you’re comfortable. And I’m willing to pay.” She winced, suddenly stopping herself, “wait, that sounded bad.”
You chuckled softly, smiling across the table at her to urge her to continue.
“Basically, I’ve got a bit of spare time and extra finances. I need someone who understands I can’t always be around, that work can and will upend plans constantly and suddenly. Someone who values privacy. I don’t have time to do the whole dating thing, the strings that come along with that.”
“Casual intimacy in exchange for fancy dinners, pricey jewels and lavish vacations?” You murmured softly, your head tilting in her direction and she nodded, “well… now we’re finally on the same page.”
“And you’re comfortable with that?”
Your eyes slowly raked over her, taking in her beauty, a small grin on your lips as you nodded, “Mmhm.”
“And the stipulations that come along with my work?”
“Not an issue. As you know, I have my own career and working for Heather can be a twenty four seven, seven days a week job and similar to yours, it includes a lot of travel. Discretion is easily attainable and I know how to uphold a certain image.”
“Good.” She let out a low huff of a laugh, “the last couple of dates I went on before this were garbage.”
“Mmm… I think you likely got caught with the ‘professional’ babies… they don’t want to work; they just want to get paid for being hot.” You rolled your eyes, “they don’t care about careers, they want to be center of attention at all times.”
“And lord knows I don’t have the time or patience for any of that.”
Before you could reply your phone began a series of buzzes on the table top, your eyes flicking to the lit screen and you sighed, “hold on, it’s Heather.” You picked up the device to swipe open the text chain, half muttering to yourself, “bitch said I could work from home today but god knows I can’t go twenty four hours without having to put out a fire.”
“Duty calls?” Emily asked with a near grin, watching as you finished your wine.
“Unfortunately.” You cast a smile in her direction, “and right as we were getting to the good part, sorry.”
“No apology necessary, go. I’ll take care of this.” She gestured to the table.
“Are you sure?”
“All things considered; I think it’s my responsibility.”
“Right.” You laughed softly, popping your phone back into your purse as you slid out of the booth, “you have my number?”
“I do.” She nodded, “I’ll make a reservation for next Friday, we can do dinner and discuss this further?”
“Of course.” You smiled at her, “I’ll see you Friday Emily.”
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @daddy-heather-dunbar @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @supercriminalbean @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @scorpsik @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @regalmilfs4me @ara-a-bird @five-bi-five-mind @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @hotchs-bitch @ollysmulti @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @hopedoesntknow @venromanova @waitaminuteashh @noahrex @imlike-so-gaydude @wittygutsy @cx-emerald-cx cx @momily @nilaues @borinxnovak @soverign @v3nusxsky @blackbird-brewster @mccdreamys-writes @l4yne @obsessedwjill @supercorpstan97 @asolitaryrose3 @honeyycatt @trauma-factory @lisqueen
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kangaracha · 2 months
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pairing chan x reader
genre ninth member au, angst, fluff, coming of age, social media, cancel culture, anxiety, depression, forbidden love,
summary To JYPE, the solution is simple; take the sole trainee that will not debut with your brand new girl group, and use her to replace the missing vocalist in your male group that insisted on starting as nine.
Unfortunately, to the fans and the members themselves, it isn't that simple.
status ongoing
taglist OPEN
a/n today's self promo is catskin which is a felix x reader fantasy/fairy tale oneshot that i am pleased enough with that i might write a part two. anyway, here's more of the drama you're really here for.
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At 6:05 on the dot, there's a knock on your door.
He must have been up all night waiting for your text, you think as you answer it, the way that he'd made it down the stairs within five minutes of your alarm going off. You're still in your pyjamas, a hoodie thrown over the top when you'd dragged yourself out of bed to combat the early-morning cold of your apartment. 
The boys waiting outside your door are dressed similarly, at least, padding around in clothes they've chosen at random from a laundry hamper somewhere and shoes that they kick off as soon as they pass through your doorway. You're not surprised to see Chan, hair sticking up at every end like he's gotten straight out of bed for this and not bothered to even try to stick it back down again, but you are surprised to see Changbin. You don't think you've ever seen or heard a peep from Changbin at this time of the morning.
"Good morning," Chan says as you close the door, lingering within arm's reach as Changbin wanders his way further into your apartment like he's looking for something.
"Good morning," you echo, your attention divided between the two of them. "What are you doing here?"
"Well," Chan hedges, hesitating like he's not decided yet what he's going to say next. "Changbin is here to steal your cereal."
"Hyunjin ate all of mine," Changbin says, his feet carrying him one step closer to the kitchen in question.
You wave him towards it, despite warnings you've been given against ever giving him free reign over your pantry. "There's eggs in the fridge too if you want them," you offer, and your heart lifts at the way his face lights up. It's funny how such a little thing could cause such simple joy.
"Gamsamnida, noona," he says, and disappears into your kitchen. 
Chan steps into your line of vision.
"What are you doing here?" you ask when he doesn't immediately say anything, though the pit in your stomach and the sleepless night unravelling behind you say that you already know the answer.
He draws in a breath and holds it, anticipation paling his face just enough for you to notice. "I'm being honest," he says, his eyes flicking up to the kitchen door. Changbin doesn't appear - he's busy making a lot of noise with your pans in there, the slam of a cupboard door a little too obvious to be anything but deliberate. "I promised I'd be honest with you, so...I'm here."
"About the things they're saying online, or what's going to happen next?" you question; and you don't miss the way that his face falls, his brow tightening imperceptibly.
"You've seen it," he sighs, as if he'd been hoping for something different.
A grim smile twists itself around your mouth. "It's trending," you point out. "It's kind of hard to miss."
"True." He looks away, eyes casting behind him to where Changbin is being deliberately noisy in the kitchen as he hunts through your cabinets for something. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" you question. "You didn't do anything."
"They're my fans," he says and then blinks, correcting himself. "Our fans - if something I've done makes them think-"
You've seen the messages he's talking about, the back-and-forth between fans debating whether this was his idea or something that had been forced upon him by the company. Always Chan - Chan's group, Chan's members, Chan's decision. If the trending tags were anything to be believed, the general consensus was that the Chan they knew and loved would never do this to them, nor would he endorse it. It was obvious that you had forced your way into the group, and at first opportunity he would drop you right back out again; if only they screamed loudly enough in opposition, JYP would give him that choice quicker.
You didn't find that daunting at all. There wasn't a black pit opening inside your gut every time you thought about it, the urge to get back to the practice rooms and gruelling hours of work scratching at your skin. 
"You're acting like you told them to do this," you tell him wryly, and the corner of his mouth quirks upwards. Nearly a smile, despite how sardonic it feels. 
"I definitely did not," he answers, a hand pressed to his chest in honesty. "I meant what I said the other day. You're one of my people now."
Inexplicably, warmth blooms in your chest around the icy cold that has had a stranglehold around your stomach since you'd first seen...well, everything that's happening. The reminder of the conversation you'd had before all of this began is timely - it was easy to forget sometimes, around the screaming of a thousand voices that it couldn't be true, that he had chosen you, in a backwards way. That all of this was only happening now because he'd fought with the company for you. Because he'd won the fight, a feat you've never seen accomplished before, in a long career of letdowns.
Your teeth grit together at the thought of those voices online, hiding behind screens as if they know anything about what’s happened in the last three months or even the past six years. You had forgotten for a while last night, all the things that Chan had said; you’d felt like throwing something across the room, God’s Menu playing over and over through a tinny speaker until your body moved without thinking. You’ve contained most of that rage since, under the assurance that none of them know what they’re talking about, and truly, you don’t think that you’ll really care at all as the days wear on; but still-
"Someone should have told them that," you say without thinking, and then watch as Chan's brow furrows. "Sorry. I didn't mean you. It's not your fault."
"Someone will," he replies. "Once I've been to this meeting with management. Which I am probably going to be late for."
His phone appears in his hand, the screen lighting up to show him the time. "If you have to go-" you begin to say, already moving out of the way of the door.
"He's eating breakfast first," Changbin says from the kitchen door before Chan can argue with you himself. 
"Am I?" Chan asks; but his voice is mild and his feet are already turning towards Changbin, all the fight draining from his body before he has even begun.
"You think I'm going to eat all of the eggs myself?" Changbin fires right back. "I'm not a pig."
"But I thought you were a pig, Changbin," Chan says and watches in amusement as the sound of Changbin shouting indignantly fills the air of your apartment.
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@kokinu09 @rainfallingfromthesky @lixie-phoria @mysweethannie @chlodavids @hanniemylovelyquokka @tfshouldidohere @lauraliisa @puppysmileseungmin @kalopsian-thoughts @puppy-minnie @readerofallthingss @dvbkie099 @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @acker-night @d-chagi @lynlyndoll @borahae-reads @ihrtlix @yienmarkk @minhwa @i2innie @jinnie-ret @conwunder @amesification @starssongs98 @weirdhumanbeinglol @morinuu @the-weird-mold-in-the-sink @bokkiesplace @amyyscorner @jiisungllvr @skzstaykatsy @blackhairandbangs @jungkookies1002 @hyuuukais @imsiriuslyreal @thatonedemigodfromseoul @gini143 @mercurywritesstuff @splat00z @filmbypsh @palindrome969 @crabrangoongirl25 @enzos-shit @jabmastersupriseee @kayleefriedchicken @slutfortits @duhgurl @cheshireshiya @keepswingin
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mj0702 · 4 months
The other Bronze – Part 10
okay.... this is a short one but it'll do for tonight 😅
thanks to my gold star anon and my manager @valewosomtb who's also my inspiration
also a big hug to MY bubs @samkerrworshipper
“BUBS!!!” you heard your sister yell down the hallway again “Move your ass – Kei will be picking us up in roughly 10 minutes!”
“COMING...” you yelled back from the guest room which you claimed as yours now
“Jesus Christ woman... calm your non existing tits” you mumbled as you closed your bag slung it over your shoulder looking once around the room again that you packed everything essential before walking down the hallway towards Lucy
“Why does everything has to be last minute with you?” your sister asked nervous going through her bag a fifth time “Do you have everything?”
“Yes mom” you rolled your eyes
“Shorts and Shirts?” she continued to question you and you nodded
“Joggers and sweaters? It's England after all” Lucy went through her mental list
“Yes” you sighed out annoyed
“Always can wear yours” you mumbled knowing your sister doesn't even want an answer from you she just needs to get it out
“Okay... should I pack the harness?” Lucy mumbled to herself which caused you to look at her horrified
“Scuse me???” you shrieked
“I don't know if I need it...” your sister scratched her brow
“For WHO?????” you squeaked out
“You of course” Lucy looked at you confused
“I'M YOUR SISTER!!!!!” you lost it – right there and then
“I KNOW” your sister imitated your tone
“That's just... no... you can't be serious!!” you retreated to be aghast
“Of course I'm serious... I mean Sarina maybe need it too... you can be quite the handful” Lucy said not understanding why you would make such a big deal out of it
“I... I... I... WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU????” you screeched bewildered
“What is wrong with YOU???? Dear god, I know you don't like Bronzo but I need to concentrate on training not wonder if you're wandering around London again getting lost” your sister said looking at you like you have two heads
“Bronzo?” you asked confused after a minute
“Yes... Bronzo... what did you thought I was talking about?” Lucy shook her head
“Ehrm... nothing” you huffed embarrassed your cheeks heating up
Lucy looked at you puzzled recapping your conversation in her head before she turned to you with wide eyes
“You thought I'm talking about the OTHER harness?????!!!! Oh my God... oh god... NO!!! I was talking about Bronzo” she said more than shocked as she realized you were talking about her little fun toy for Onas and her “alone time”
“I'm happy with Bronzo” you squeaked out your face still red “Bronzo is a good guy”
“We'll NEVER talk about that conversation ever again” Lucy said firmly swallowing hard
“Agreed” you nodded quickly
“Underwear?” she looked at you expectantly
“Not planning to wear any” you sarcastically answered
“Back and pack underwear” she pointed down the hallway as she heard honking from the outside
“Okay... no more time... we'll buy some in London” Lucy said even more nervous as she opened the door grabbing her bags and started to walk towards Keiras Car closing the door behind her
You just stood in the hallway with a blank face waiting for your sister to realize that she – again – forgot you. You already were used to this. Not the first time you travelled with her – normally it was Keira who would remind Lucy that she needs to take her sister but this time Keira was driving so it would take your sister at least 3 minutes to come back. You walked into the kitchen grabbing some bread opened the fridge and made yourself a sandwich knowing you'd have enough time. Five minutes later – you were happily chewing on your Fuet and Garrotxa cheese sandwich as Lucy hastily opened the door looking at you stressed
“Come on... we're going to be late” she took your bag pulling you along
“We have three hours till boarding... I haven't flown as much as you but even I know that's more than enough time” you rolled your eyes biting of your sandwich
“If you get Garrotxa all over my backseat Bitsy you'll pay for the cleaning” Keira threatened you slightly but smiled at you nonetheless
“As if... I'm a Bronze – we don't waste food” you smirked as you let her pull you into a hug
“True with your sister... but you always had very wary eating habits” she chuckled before pressing a soft kiss to your temple “Still can't believe you got hooked on Garrotxa”
“It's the spaniards fault... the made me try...” you huffed
“I didn't thought anyone can MAKE you do anything” the blonde laughed lightly as she slipped into the drivers seat while you got into the back
“Tweedledee and Tweedledumb dared me... not backing down from a dare” you spoke with a full mouth
“Why don't you take another bite, Bubs.. I understood so well what you said” Lucy said at your display of non existing manners
You were about to talk back as Keira quickly shot you down with a short harsh “eh”. So you swallowed your bite before speaking again
“Said tweedledee and tweedledumb dared me...” you said shrugging your shoulders
“And when they dare you to jump off a bridge would you do it???” Keira asked bewildered
“I mean... I would asked with or without a rope and if they say without I would want to see the bridge first....” you shrugged your shoulders again not really getting were the blonde was going with her questioning while Lucy barked out a laugh
“Dear Mary mother of god” Keira sighed “You're going to give me a heart attack one day Bitsy”
“You lived a happy life... isn't that what's important? Dad always told me that the steak I'm eating had a very happy life and that's why it's okay to eat steak...” you said nonchalantly smirking when Kei hit the breaks quickly and the car behind her honked aggressively
“Strike One Bitsy” the blonde warned you “You remember what happened at strike three?”
“Yes” you mumbled out remembering when you pushed Keira so far that she actually grounded you
“Good... since I can't use that anymore I'll warn you.. three strikes and I'll make sure Leah is going all Capitan on your ass...” Keira smirked
“I'm not part of the squad... she isn't my Capitan... she's yours” you threw back
“Oh we all know that's not true... you are very much a part of the team and we all know if Leah wants to you run laps until your feet bleed” the blonde smirked “So don't push it”
“Ugh” you just huffed and sank back into the seat
“What a good girl” Keira praised you teasingly as she smirked knowing she won the argument
20 Minutes later the three of you were pulling into the big Airport of Barcelona and Keira parked her car in the parking lot.
“Bubs... no running off... no lurking about and no going into shops without one of us informed” Lucy said firmly
“I'm 16” you whined
“Yeah... you really sound so grown up” your sister rolled her eyes as she got out of the car getting hers and your bag out of the trunk
Keira held her hand out for you and you burgundy take it as the blonde smiled at you.
“It's for your safety and our nerves..” Keira smiled as she held your hand tightly walking inside the airport.
Immediately there where phones turned towards you three and you started to feel uncomfortable what Kei of course immediately noticed since you grabbed her hand a little tighter
“Relax...” the blonde said lowly as Lucy did her best to cover you from the fans who obviously took the chance to take photos and videos of their idols “Ignore it... We're here and if they want something from you they have to go through me and Lucy first... breath Bitsy”
You tried your best to just listen to Keiras soothing voice but it was oh so hard since the fans got a bit... excited to see Lucy and Keira coming into the airport together and since you weren't very much known outside of the inside football world they wondered who you were. Your sister always tried her best to keep you away from prying eyes since she knew how hateful social media could be and how you were still working through your issues. She never would forbid you to use social media however you please but when it came to photos or videos (either from fans or the official photographers) she tried her best to keep you out of the spotlight. You once had a run in with a photographer at Lyon and it ended with her pulling rank with her name to have the picture removed from the internet. As for now she relented to pull your hoodie over your head as you kept your head down anyway trusting Kei to lead you and not let you run into things. When you all reached security you gasped in relief letting out a breath you didn't even noticed holding.
“You did good Bitsy... I'm very proud of you” Keira said keeping her voice low so no bystanders would hear her
“Thanks Kei... never gets less scaring when they flip their shit like this” you mumbled as you felt a hand on your shoulder squeezing lightly
“Good job Bubs... so proud of you for not freaking out” Lucy smiled warmly as you copied her movements to get through the security area
You haven't flown as much as Lucy or Keira so you seeked their guidance with how it works.
“Belt too Bubs” your sister said warmly as you were about to step forward – Keira already through the body scanner waiting for you and Lucy waiting behind you so you wouldn't get freaked out
“But... then I'll loose my pants” you whined
“You won't... but the bloody thing will scream like you murdered a pig if you try to get through it with a belt on” Lucy said calmly
“Speaking of experience?” you smiled
“In fact... yes...” your sister smiled “forgot I was wearing one”
You recutlanty took off your belt holding on to your pants as you stepped into the body scanner. The security guard waved you through a couple of seconds later and you grabbed onto your pants again as you hurried over to Keira who waited for you with open arms to pull you into a soothing hug. As if on cue the scanner behind you started to ring loudly and you quickly turned around as you saw your sister rolling her eyes at the machine. Two more security guards got over to her as she stepped out of the body scanner her arms spread her hands facing upwards.
“Don't worry Bitsy... Luce is used to it... it's always her” Keira chuckled as she saw your uneasy face
The female security guard patted your sister down while her two male co-workers stood nearby if something went south. Two minutes later your sister was waved off to go on and she came over to you and Keira
“Knew it... those bloody things hate me I swear” your sister grumbled
“Maybe they're fans and it's not a annoyed ringing but a machine wolf whistle” you mused shrugging your shoulders
“Sometimes I wonder what is going on in your head but then I decide I'm better off not knowing” Lucy looked at you bewildered
“You wouldn't be able to follow my geniusness anyway” you stick your tongue out at her
“You constantly get in trouble... nothing genius about that” Lucy shrugged your comment off as she lead the way to your gate
You were seated right in front of the gate on your own as Keira went to get something to drink for the three of you and Lucy was off doing - whatever as you noticed four girls whispering and looking over at you. Keira forbid you to interact with anyone and since you weren't in the mood for it anyway you just nodded and stuffed your Air Pods in texting your girlfriend that you made it successfully through security. Her reply was instant that she herself just got of the plane at Heathrow and she couldn't wait to see you again. You smiled at your phone as you felt someone sitting down next to you
“¿disculpe?” you heard since the music you were playing wasn't loud as you don't want to disturb other passengers but you acted like you didn't heard the girl.
“¿Disculpe?!” she tried again this time louder
Obviously now you didn't had a choice other than to react since people already were turning towards you. So you pulled out one Air Pod looking at her expectantly
“Huh?” you asked trying to give an “please just royally fuck off”-vibe
To your annoyance the girl started to talk to you in spanish obviously not understanding that you just want to have some peace. You made out the words “Keira” and “Lucia” (it still sounded so wrong in your ears that you couldn't stop the eye roll even if you would genuinely tried) and “Barca” and “fan”. You didn't even tried to interact with the girl as you just put your earplug in again starting your Spotify going back to text Georgia. But the girl just didn't give up as she touched your shoulder quite firm and you yelped and sprung up. Thankfully Keira chose this moment to come back immediately putting herself between you and the girl. You were now placed behind the blonde who spotted her famous angry game face talking animatedly with the girl – most likely a very VERY firm scolding. You knew Keiras scolding tells having been on the receiving end quite a few times. Now you also felt an arm around your shoulders making you jump again just to feel the side hug tighten and you felt the familiar calm presents of your sister
“Time to board Bubs” Lucy mumbled after she carefully pulled your earplug out.
“Please tell me I don't have to sit anywhere near her” you said a little pained nodding towards the girl who went back to her friends
“No... we're flying business … she doesn't look like business” Keira said reassuring pushing a water bottle into your hand “I want you to drink at least half of it until take off Bitsy”
“Why?? That will make me need to pee and I'm not going to the toilet at five million feet in the air” you exclaimed upset
“Because you're not used to flying and staying hydrated is important otherwise you'll get a killer headache later” Keira explained calmly knowing you just need an explanation and most of the times you're good with that
“Flight is only two hours, Bubs... you can sprint to the toilets in Heathrow” Lucy smiled as she pushed you down the bridge towards the plane
“We're flying Heathrow???” you stopped dead in your tracks looking with big eyes at your sister
“Of course... what did you think?” Lucy looked at you confused
“I thought were flying Stanstead” you said starting to smile
“Nope... Heathrow” your sister confirmed
“Perfect” you grinned discreetly pulling out your phone
“Huh?” Lucy looked confused at your sudden mood change “You were at Heathrow like a million times... it's not like they changed anything”
“Oh no... but I love the sight flying into London” you grinned while Keira noticed you were texting someone
So she decided to lean over to you as Lucy pulled her phone out herself to text Ona that they were about to board
“If I remember correctly G is flying into Heathrow as well” the blonde smirked knowingly
“Possible” you started to fidget
“Hm... tell her to wait first floor Sierra 5” Keira smirked at you leaning back again to not raise Lucys suspicions.
G and you will have enough of Lucy around that Kei was more than happy to give you a little uninterrupted minute – even if it was in an airport and there were probably some fans around.
“Thanks Kei” you mumbled gratefully
“No problem Bitsy... you both deserve to be happy” the blonde squeezed your hand lightly as she pushed you towards your seat.
“Can I have window??” you asked hopefully looking with puppy eyes at your sister
“Ugh... the things I give up for you” Lucy rolled her eyes for good measure but let you slide into the window seat.
Two hours later the plane touched down on english soil and you couldn't contain your excitement your knee bouncing up and down quickly. Lucy laid her hand soothingly on your knee trying to calm you down
“I know you're happy to be back home but PLEASE calm down... your making me nervous” your sister said her voice low reading the situation completely wrong
You didn't care about England – you cared about Heathrow airport. More specifically first floor Sierra 5 – whatever that means
“Sorry” you mumbled biting down on your lip preventing you from grinning
The second the seatbelt sign was turned off you leaped out of your seat to just get pulled back down by your sister
“Wait” Lucy sighed out annoyed fixing you with a glare while Keira chuckled in the row behind you
“Calm Bitsy... won't be long” Keira scratched the back of your neck from her spot behind your seat
You whined impatiently starting to bounce your knee again until you remembered something
“I need the bathroom” you whined setting up your story already
“Gosh Bubs... really now???” Lucy rolled her eyes
“Kei made me drink a whole bottle of water!!!” you exclaimed
“I mean.. I did” the blonde shrugged her shoulders winking at you
“Just a few more minutes” your sister said
Finally she got out of her seat letting you get up too. You exited your row getting sandwiched between Lucy and Keira as you got out of the plane.
“Okay... off you go... we meet at exit B in 20 minutes.. we need to wait for our baggage” Lucy waved you off as you started do speed walk towards the baggage claim belts
“God... finally...” you mumbled
“Bubs!!” Lucy held you back for a moment “Where do we meet?”
“Exit B... 20 minutes” you repeated and shuffled from one leg to the other for show
“Good... off you run” she let go of your wrist and you continued your speed walking
You found section “Sierra” which was just section S on the first floor quickly and after some searching (and walking into the wrong direction first) you were standing in front of the sign that spotted a big 5 on it. You turned into every direction if you could see your girlfriend somewhere but no such luck.
Suddenly you got grabbed from behind getting pulled into a kind of secret door which led to a secret hallway obviously used from the staff to keep the airport running without the travelling people noticing. Before your brain could catch up and you started to scream you felt a pair of lips on yours. It took you a few seconds to register what was happening but than you kissed back with just as much hunger. When air became a problem you gently pushed against Gs chest getting her to back up a little bit
“Fuck I missed you” you panted out
“Missed you too” Georgia practically purred and laid her forehead against yours as she pecked your lips again
“Have about 13 more minutes and you need to leave before us so Lucy won't flip her shit” you mumbled but pulled your girlfriend down to meet your lips again by her neck
“Mhm” G sighed as she put her hands on your waist before letting them wander to your ass squeezing lightly
You moaned quietly into the kiss pulling yourself up by her shoulder jumping up slightly before locking your legs around Gs waist as she supported your weight easily backing you into the wall.
You separated panting hard and locking your eyes
“We need to stop... right now” you breathing laboured
“Sorry... sorry” your girlfriend apologized immediately her breathing just as flat
“NO.... don't be sorry... but if we don't stop right now we won't stop for a long time... and I plan to have you all to myself in a more fitting environment” you mumbled against her lips leaning into kiss her again
“Think Lucy will let us off easy?” your girlfriend asked between kisses
“Nope” you snorted pulling her closer again as your alarm went off
“Need to go... we're exit B... So get out any other way and be at the hotel before us... I can buy you about 15 minutes” you said as G gently put you on your feet again kissing you passionately one last time before leaving.
“Where is she??” Lucy said looking stressed as she glanced left and right
“She'll come... calm down Luce – she knows her way around Heathrow” Keira said calmly
“Sorry... got held up” you came to a scattered halt next to your sister “I found that shop and...” you rambled on as your sister narrowed her eyes at you
“Come on Lucy” you grabbed her arm pulling her back inside the airport as your girlfriend left said building two door downs, wearing a “London” cap and a pair of sunglasses as a disguise, locking eyes for a second she gave you a smirk as she waved at Keira quickly who of course caught on immediately
“What are you doing? Our car is waiting” your sister stumbled slightly behind you
“Good... it can wait a minute longer... I want to show you” you smiled happily as you pulled her further along
You picked out a small souvenir shop in the distance pulling your sister towards it showing her a “I Love London” shirt smiling brightly
“Seriously?” Lucy looked at you bewildered
“It's cool” you said pressing
“No.... and I'm here for work... come on Bubs” your sister said annoyed pulling you back and outside to shove you into the car waiting for the two Bronzes since Keira already was sitting inside smiling
You exit the Multivan that picked Keira, Lucy and yourself up from the Airport huffing a little bit as the cold english wind grazed around your face and you pulled your hat deeper into your face. Your sister was already five steps ahead basically running up the stairs to the Hotel entrance. Keira got out of the car after you chuckling
“Not used to the english weather anymore, Bitsy?”
“I understand now why Luce chose Barcelona... it's fucking freezing... why aren't you cold?” you asked her as she just smiled at her
“It's a bit chilly I must admit...” Keira started as you interrupted her
“You sound like fucking royalty... it's a bit chilly” you rolled your eyes imitating her
“Careful there wee one...” she warned you but smiled noneless
“What's her mission?” you asked as you watch your sister standing in front of the entrance looking like she's mentally preparing for a World Cup final
“Oh she's probably looking for G... you remember... the “talk”...” Keira grinned watching as all colour leaves your face and you frantically pull out your phone shooting your girlfriend a one word text “HIDE”
“Lucy!!” you shouted sprinting after her as you watched in slow motion how your sister entered the Hotel lobby
“STANWAY!!!” you could hear her yell once inside while you sprinted up the stairs stumbled over the last step nearly fell but catched yourself just in time to not face plant either into the glass door or the concrete
“Lucy... please... don't...” you panicky started as you entered the lobby to just find your sister looking around confused
“Where is she?” Lucy asked into the round of Lionesses who just looked at her with pure confusion on their faces
“Welcome to camp Bronze... who exactly are you looking for?” Millie said bewildered
“Yeah hi” Lucy answered quickly still looking around “I'm looking for Stanway”
“She was here just a second ago” Ella said starting to look around too
You also scanned the Lobby as you received a text from Georgia which just contained a picture of the group and you standing a little to the side. Your head snapped up and you tried to figured out from which direction the picture was send. As you finally spotted some blonde hair hiding behind one of the large bushy plants just a few feet away from the group you had to hold back the laugh that threatened to escape your lips.
“Where is she??” Lucy now fixed her eyes on you
“Don't see her” you shrugged her shoulders but your eyes quickly glanced to the stairway and you hoped your sister would take the bait
God you really knew her. Of course Lucy picked up your rapid eye movement and went for it straight on as she turned towards the staircase and you could see her brain working before quickly running towards the door.
“Toons... get me the elevator... go” you shoved your best friend “I've got about 90 seconds to get my girlfriend out of here”
You saw Lucy stomping threw the door and quickly signalled to G to get to the elevators. All while most of the Lionesses started to chuckle.
“You little...” you heard your sister yell through the lobby just as the elevator doors were closing
“Sorry...” you smiled innocently trying to hug your sister “But I don't want you to kill her – you wouldn't survive in jail with your knee”
“You're lucky I'm obligated to love you” Lucy mumbled pulling you into a hug “But I will get her at some point”
“But not right now” you mumbled against your sisters shoulder
“Lucy!!” you heard the only voice that make your blood boil
“Hey LJ” your sister pulled her into a side hug while still holding onto you and you growled lowly but before you could snap at the intruder
“Alright Lionesses!!!!” you suddenly heard Leah Williamson speaking up “Welcome to Camp... It's nice to see you all again... we're doing Rooms now then you have time to change and shower and then meeting in an hour!”
“Aye Skipper” the group replied
“Okay... Walsh and Stanway” Leah called out holding up two room cards which Keira picked out of her hand
“I'll tell her when I find G” the blonde grinned winking at Leah who just grinned back
“Bronze and Russo” Leah called out
“YES!!” Alessia and you high-fived
“Not you y/n... Lucy Bronze... I'm not THAT stupid!” the blonde Capitan interrupted you
“Man...” you whined as you saw Lucy got the two room cards
“Earps and Toone” Leah said ignoring you
“What have I done???” Mary asked confused and her tone had a whine
“Come on Mearps... that will be so much fun” Tooney grinned as she tried to get the cards but Leah held them out to Mary
This went one for a couple of minutes until there were only a few people left – and at this point you actually would choose Lotte. You never were particular close to Lotte but she was nice enough too you. Sadly you just weren't that lucky
“And that leaves... Bronze and James” Leah summed the room assignments up holding out the last two room cards
“WHAT??” you asked her angrily
“You... and LJ... one room.. not that hard, poppy” the blonde Capitan said knowing you wouldn't be happy
“HELL to the NO... I'm NOT sharing a room with... HER” you growled pointing towards the young player
“You will... you will suck it up and act as grown up as I know you are” Leah said lowly not getting your anger get to her
“When hell freezes over I'll share with... I wish I could say what I want but I already have four sets of 15 on my hands... not adding a fifth one” you growled out between gritted teeth
“Calm down... be open and you'll may be surprised and maybe you discover that you and LJ are not that different” the blonde spoke lowly
“You have no idea what you're talking about, Williamson” you sneered and Leah just considered if she really made the right call on the matter since you never called her by her last name
“If you really want we can swap okay...” Leah offered holding her hands up in surrender
“No... no... don't want to mess up the team spirit” you growled as you turned around leaving the lobby
“Y/n!!!! You're NOT leaving the hotel on your own” Leah yelled after you for you just to flip her off and keep walking
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