#it's mad dog's day yayyyy
hesbuckcompton-baby · 6 months
Better Off - Bernard DeMarco x OFC - Chapter 5
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Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 |-| Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
Summary: A nearby air raid forces Susie to confront the past
Warnings: Drinking, alcohol, death/description of dead body, angst again yayyyy
Word Count: 4.1k
Tags: @xxluckystrike @latibvles @footprintsinthesxnd @mads-weasley @joyfulbookreviewmarvelspy
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The band was in full swing, the sound of Egan's terrible singing almost drowned out by the overlapping din of music and conversation that filled the officers' club, the flight crews toasting another successful mission. Susie couldn't recall what the mission had been about - she wasn't even sure anyone had told her in the first place. She'd gotten used to taking Meatball without question and going about her day - what the pilots did never affected her, save for the faint sense of anxiety that had begun to permeate her during the hours they were away. It was unnerving.
"Oh, you have got to be shitting me," Maeve huffed, eliciting a proud laugh from Charlotte as she forked over another fistful of the peanuts they'd acquired from the bar to act as poker chips.
"Call it a punishment for being so young and sprightly," Charlotte shrugged, a smug grin curling her lip as she took her share. They had acquired a table in the back corner of the club, far from the dancing but comfortably close to the alcohol, Charlotte's huge engagement ring and Susie's resting-bitch-face a foolproof deterrent to protect them from any unwanted attention.
"She's just jealous, Maeve - her freedom's running out, and she's taking it out on us," Susie smirked, reaching for the bottle of wine in the middle of the table to refill their glasses. It was a recurring joke among the women - that Charlotte's engagement had only been dragged out as far as it had because she secretly dreaded being 'tied down', dreaded losing her individuality and becoming one of those stereotypical housewives, like the girls Susie had never gotten along with growing up. It was all in jest. Her sisters were married, and most were decently happy. But it had never been a future Susie had been able to picture for herself, and maybe that was why she felt the need to poke fun.
"Ha-ha," Charlotte drawled sarcastically, and Maeve let out another sigh of despair as she turned over another card. "You'll be the only ones showing up to the wedding alone with that attitude - two old spinsters in the back."
The sound of whimpering distracted the group from their petty bickering as Meatball padded over, resting his head dramatically in Susie's lap, ear twitching against her thigh. As she reached for a couple of the peanut-poker-chips, tossing them into the dog's waiting mouth, the other two let out cries of annoyance, and Maeve hunched over the table, beginning to try and count how many remained.
"Ladies," From behind her, DeMarco approached, drink in hand as he surveyed the state of their table - peanuts scattered all over the place, interspersed with an almost-empty bottle of wine and several glasses, their playing cards tattered and stained. The game was a mess, entirely indecipherable to anyone except the three of them.
"Your dog's eating our poker chips," Charlotte stated dryly.
"Susie's fault!" Maeve added, reaching over to scratch behind Meatball's ear.
"Oh, I'm sure," He nodded, smirking faintly as he lifted his glass to his lips. His other hand rested on the back of Susie's chair, fingers occasionally brushing against her back when she moved.
Susie stared down at her hand of cards. Her gaze had not shifted to look at him since the moment he arrived. "Thought you usually dance at these things. Why don't you go ask... Gwen, or someone. She'd probably say yes."
"I don't wanna dance with Gwen," Benny shrugged. "I came over here to see if you'd dance with me."
Maeve's brow raised, shooting Susie a pointed look, but she didn't notice, playing her turn. "Can't. Busy."
He peered over her shoulder at the cards in her hand. She was losing. Badly, in fact. "... I can see that."
Charlotte stared across at him, noticing the way his brow furrowed, frown deepening slightly as he noticed Susie's hand. "DeMarco has a terrible poker face."
"Oh, dammit!" Susie huffed, turning sideways in her chair to whack him across the arm with her cards. With a stubborn frown, she tossed her cards down onto the table, and Maeve let out a sigh of relief at the game's sudden ending. "Enjoy your peanuts, Charlotte. I hope your wedding sucks."
Standing up from her seat, she came face to face with DeMarco, who appeared slightly appalled at her last remark. "Jesus, sore loser much?"
"Wouldn't have lost if you could keep a straight face."
"I don't think anything could've saved you there, sweetheart," He admitted as she reached for her wine, pouring the last of the red liquid down her throat. It clearly wasn't her first glass - the slight flush in her cheeks could attest to that - but she was holding it well, her aggression no more irrational than usual.
"So?" DeMarco prodded.
"So... what."
He put his empty glass down on the nearest table, holding out his hand for her to dance. Susie hesitated for a moment before letting out a scoff, rolling her eyes as she took his hand in hers, letting him lead her towards the dancefloor.
"You know I hate dancing," She pointed out somewhat bitterly.
"You hate most things. And you're a nice dancer."
"God, I don't like you."
"See, that’s just not true," DeMarco grinned. "Hurtful. But not true."
Susie couldn't stop herself from smiling, looking down at her feet as they moved in time with the music. "There she is," She could hear the smirk in his voice and tilted her head back up to face him, biting her lip to stop a chuckle as she refused to meet his eye. He was staring. She could feel it, resisting the urge to squirm.
"Stop it," She shook her head, pushing against the palm that held hers.
"Stop what?"
That boyish grin never wiped itself from his expression as he tilted his head sideways to get a better look at her. Susie couldn't reciprocate his gaze, not when he looked at her like that, turning away as a nervous chuckle escaped her throat. DeMarco felt her grip on his hand slip, and was about to speak again when a sudden interruption sounded.
"Come on everybody! Bike race in the mess hall! Who's in?"
The very moment the invitation was issued, the crowds began to disperse, couples fleeing the dance floor in a dash to the door, their ranks thinning by the second. Susie pulled away, hands dropping to her sides as she took a step back. "That sounds like your cue, DeMarco."
His hand was still raised where it had been when she'd held it, and as she turned away to find her friends, he let out a long sigh. "...Damn it all."
She found Charlotte and Maeve halfway along the path to the mess hall, a new bottle of wine in Charlotte's hand as they passed it between themselves, sipping straight from the neck. Susie stepped in seamlessly, announcing her arrival by tugging it from Maeve's grip, the tart liquid running smoothly down her throat.
"Thought you were off with your pilot," Charlotte teased, stealing the bottle as soon as she was done.
"He's racing. I'm babysitting again," She raised Meatball's leash, and Maeve let out a slight gasp of delight as she noticed the dog trailing along beside them, tail wagging in satisfaction.
DeMarco dragged his bike into position beneath the mess hall lights, shouldering for space among the crowd of pilots, pressed together so tightly he barely had room to pedal. Buck and Bucky had pushed their way to the front, exchanging grins with him as they passed, and all around the edges of the room spectators pressed themselves up against the wall, waiting anxiously for the race to begin.
His gaze searched the crowds distractedly, not quite attuned to the announcer's instructions as he searched for Susie among them. When he spotted her, he couldn't help but let out a laugh, drawing the confused stares of the men beside him. She was stood in the far corner with her friends, cradling Meatball in her arms like a giant baby so that he wouldn't get underfoot and trip any of the cyclists in all of the excitement. Her head was turned away from him, talking to Charlotte, but every now and then one of the other women would raise the wine bottle they were sharing up to her lips, a red droplet running down her chin where it missed.
Maeve must have told a joke, for Susie suddenly began to laugh, nose scrunched, eyes screwed tightly shut. The sight made him smile, and the sudden bang! of the starting pistol startled him, pushing off with a clumsy start and almost knocking over the man beside him as the race began.
Her expression contorted into momentary horror as DeMarco seemed to almost crash before even crossing the starting line, but he quickly found his footing, and her friends let out cheers of encouragement as the men zipped past, navigating the twists and turns with reckless abandon. Meatball let out a howl, mimicking the whooping of the crowd, and she laughed, the wine beginning to go to her head.
All three of them had begun to go red in the face, everything seemingly far funnier than it had been an hour ago. And as Cleven and Egan screwed it up on their final corner, their bikes taking a tumble, knocking down the cyclists behind them in turn, it suddenly seemed one of the funniest things they'd ever seen, tears brewing in Susie's eyes as she let out a cackle of laughter.
DeMarco had just managed to avoid the crash, wheeling to a stop and a long, sobering siren split the air. The energy in the room didn't seem to dissipate for a moment, realisation about what was happening encroaching slowly, but the sound had ripped Susie out of her somewhat-drunken haze instantly, a sudden nausea bubbling in her stomach.
Her gaze darted wildly across the room, waiting for the rest of them to notice, to get up and move. It wasn't until Charlotte shot her an unnerved glance that she realised her breathing had quickened, coming sharp and ragged, panic clearly visible in her expression.
"It's ok, we're good," She assured her, a hand on her arm as she put Meatball down, his claws skittering against the linoleum. "Let's go, yeah?"
Susie nodded firmly, making a beeline for the door just as the situation seemed to become apparent to the rest of the room, the cyclists collecting their bikes and calmly departing for the air raid shelters. Leaving the warmth of the mess hall and stepping out into the cool night air seemed to make it easier to breathe, panic beginning to subside as she took in their surroundings - the squat Nissen huts, the rolling countryside in the distance.
This wasn't the city. This wasn't home. No one was out to get her here.
But then she reached the top of the stairs to the shelter. Staring down at the dark doorway, she couldn't take that next step, couldn't descend below ground level to wait it out.
"You take Meatball and go down," Susie turned to Maeve, pressing his leash into her hand. "I'll come in a minute."
"Okay," Her friend nodded, looking up at her with concern as she took the dog down the steps, disappearing into the shelter with the others. People flooded past as she pushed against the tide, pulling away from the crowd and stepping back into the grass.
The sky lit up with dozens of colours, explosions of flame and flak smoke like blots of watercolour against the clouds. The hum of engines and the rattle of anti-aircraft guns were far from unfamiliar sounds to Susie's ears as she sat down on the lawn, pressing her hands into the grass, tethering herself to the knowledge that it was different here - that they weren't the target.
She'd been awoken by these sirens so many times before, listening to the rustle of bedsheets beside her as Ellie scrambled awake, shaking her shoulders until she got up. Susie couldn't even remember why Ellie hadn't been home the night they'd killed her. All she remembered was sitting in the shelter with her mother, and the blinding daylight as they reemerged the next morning.
"Hey," A voice broke her train of thought, tugging her gaze from the planes that circled above like moths to a flame. The woman standing above her was dressed in a WAAF uniform, frizzy brown hair falling to her shoulders, an unlit cigarette between her lips. She recognised her, but she couldn't quite pinpoint who she was.
"Hi," Susie nodded, brow furrowing slightly as the woman sat down beside her. She stared at her for a long moment, watching the way flickers of orange light flashed across her face as the fighting continued above.
"... You're the mechanic, right?"
The woman smiled, holding out a hand to her. "Frankie."
She accepted, shaking it gingerly. "Susie."
Frankie nodded, and Susie accepted a cigarette as she held the box out to her. "Not many people 'round here with an accent like yours."
"...Ah," She let out a long sigh, clearly piecing things together immediately. "I got friends in Coventry."
"Everything's a shitshow," Susie huffed, lighting her cigarette, and Frankie let out a low hum of agreement, leaning back on her elbows.
"We're okay out here, though."
"My sister... Got a sister in London. One of the plotters. She'll be all over this."
"My friend George takes their telegrams."
They sat in silence for a long moment, and Susie suddenly realised she was still carrying the half-empty bottle of wine, too consumed by panic at the mess hall to have bothered putting it down.
"... You want some?" She offered, holding it out to Frankie.
"Oh, thanks," She smiled, tipping it by the neck and taking a long sip. Susie couldn't stomach the idea of drinking anymore. She didn't reach for it back, and Frankie didn't pass it.
Sucking in a long, tight breath, Susie lay back, feeling the damp grass against her scalp. 'My sister...' She'd almost told her. A complete, utter stranger, and she'd almost let it slip. She almost told everyone these days. Ellie's body had been dragged out from the rubble, pale and battered and limp, but it hadn't been her. Not truly. Her body was an empty vessel - whatever had truly been her had slipped away the moment her head caved in. It seemed as if every room she entered now, she brought with her a silent cry of ‘Have you seen my sister?’, a quiet search for her soul in the eyes of others.
It lasted just less than an hour. As soon as the planes had arrived, they were gone again, the sky falling flat and black, the buzzing silenced. Frankie had said something to her before she left, but Susie hadn't been listening. When she looked up, the mechanic was gone. So was the wine.
Her watch had just ticked past midnight by the time she sat up, smoothing down her damp hair with one hand as she rose to her feet. Something bubbled within her, something caught in her throat that made her feel all at once about to vomit and about to weep. She took a deep breath, watching as people began to clamber out of the shelter across the lawn. DeMarco was with them, a part of the dispersing crowd of spectators, and even through the darkness, he caught her gaze, a frown creasing his brow. They drifted towards each other as they walked, meeting halfway.
"Where were you?" He asked. "You were supposed to be in the shelter."
"So were you," She huffed. He could tell something was bothering her. She reached up to scratch her nose every other second, an incessant, phantom itch that she couldn't conquer. "D'you have a phone?"
"... Are you ok?"
"Fine. Just need to call someone."
DeMarco frowned, watching her expression keenly. "There's one in the officers' club. I'll walk you over."
She was surprised the place was still open, the door hanging slightly ajar, left open as its inhabitants had hurried to find shelter. The bulbs buzzed as he flicked the lights on, showing her over to the bar where a phone waited on its hook. He hesitated for a moment, watching her hand twitch as she tried to remember the number, the dial rattling as she turned it. Susie looked up at him, and he took it as his cue to leave, the door closing behind him with a click as she was left alone, glancing around at the half-finished drinks and still-smoking cigarette butts that littered the room as she waited for the other person to pick up.
An irritated groan sounded on the other end of the line, and she could hear the rustling of sheets as she waited to speak.
"Hello? What is it?" Beatrice huffed, sleep lining her voice.
"Hey. It's me."
"Susie? What do you want?"
Her sister always had such a way with pleasantries. "Just watched a raid over... Norwich, I think. I was wondering if... if you knew anything?"
"Wasn't my shift," She replied curtly. Susie could picture her now, half sitting up in bed, rollers in her hair as she leant against the headboard, scowling.
"Oh, right," She paused, mentally scrambling for something to say before Beatrice hung up. "Is your husband there?"
"No. Staying in his flat, probably with his girlfriend."
"... Ah."
It was quiet for a moment, before she heard her sister let out an irritated huff. "What do you actually want, Suze? I know you don't care about bloody Norwich."
Beatrice's accent had changed since she'd left Manchester - she'd married rich, and she'd made sure she had something to show for it. But whenever she got annoyed, that familiar northern drawl seeped back through.
"I was just... I dunno, I needed to talk to someone."
"You were thinking about Ellie, weren't you?" Beatrice asked. The silence stretched out between them, and it was all the answer she needed, letting out a sigh. "You've gotta get unstuck, Suze. You can't live like this forever."
"I'm not stuck," She replied indignantly, brow furrowed.
"Yes. You are. None of us ever saw you cry after it happened - you never felt it like the rest of us, you never let yourself move on."
Susie bristled, suddenly defensive. "I'm just not like you - I was always braver than the rest of you."
"No, that's the opposite of what you are," Beatrice thundered. "You're a coward, Susie - you don't ever move on with your life because to do that you've gotta feel something other than fucking angry. You were there when they found Ellie and I know the rest of us weren't, I know it's different. But stop making that everyone else's fucking problem and just deal with it."
"She was my-"
"She was my little sister too! But so are you! I'm sick of listening to you make excuses for why you just wallow in it - it's been years since I've seen you not miserable, and it's your own fault. You know I love you. And I'm only being like this because everyone else in our family is much too bloody nice. But get over it, Susie."
She'd been gnawing at the inside of her lip the entire time she'd been listening to Beatrice speak. With a hiss, Susie realised she'd broken the skin, a droplet of blood pooling in her mouth, coating her tongue with a sour, metallic flavour.
She wanted to snap - a thousand cruel words poised on her tongue, a hundred things to hurl back at Beatrice. But not one would have made her point any less true. Tears were forming in her eyes, blotting out her vision until she could barely see an inch in front of her face. Susie squeezed her eyes tightly shut, feeling them roll down her cheeks, leaving warm, wet trails in their wake.
"Susie?" Beatrice's voice came tentatively, and she realised it had been a few minutes since she'd uttered a sound.
"Goodnight, Beatrice," Her voice came firm, hanging up before her sister could reply.
Suddenly the silence in the officers' club was too much to bear. She felt as if she were about to explode, the hot sting of tears in her eyes, the sudden, painfully breathlessness in her throat all too foreign, too frightening. Susie opened her mouth to suck in a breath, a hoarse, choking sound ripping through her, the air getting stuck before it could reach her lungs. She felt her expression contort in anguish, and the first, involuntary sob broke free. Once the floodgates opened, they couldn't close, tears streaming down her cheeks as she fought to catch a breath, fumbling blindly as she crossed the room to the door, desperate to be anywhere else.
The door to the officer's club swung open easily, and Susie stormed out into the night, chest heaving up and down over and over as she sobbed, hands trembling. She turned her head, caught off guard just long enough for a sob to catch in her throat, coming out as a hiccup as she spotted DeMarco, throwing up her hands in frustration. He'd been leaning up against the wall as she came out. He had waited for her.
"Susie? Hey," DeMarco hurried forward, expression twisted in worry. He reached for her hands, thumbs rubbing against the backs of her palms. His voice was so incredibly gentle, more than she'd ever heard it. "Hey, c'mon."
Susie's lip trembled, and she let out a croak as she fought to catch her breath, heart beating too fast for her body. He sighed, letting go of her hands to wrap his arms around her, pulling her forwards against his chest. It was too close. For a split second, she wanted to push him away, to peel his touch away from her body.
But it was so warm here. Her head turned to the side, her ear pressed up against his ribcage, she could hear his heartbeat, soft and steady. In the cage of his arms, for the first time in a long time, she felt tethered to something. She had balled her hands into fists. Slowly, they unfurled, and she wrapped her arms around him, hands resting against his spine.
"My sister didn't die. She was killed." She whispered, voice muffled against his jacket, just loud enough to hear. "They bombed her factory. I was there when they pulled her out."
Everything suddenly came into alarming clarity. DeMarco nodded, releasing a long sigh. He brought a hand up to the back of her head, her curls snaking around his fingertips as he gently stroked her hair.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," He uttered, tilting his head downwards, his nose pressed against her forehead.
"I want to. You waited."
"I thought you looked a little spaced out earlier. After the raid. So that was because-?"
"Jesus. I'm sorry, Suze."
"It was a few years ago, now."
"That doesn't make it okay, though. Does it?"
She looked up at him then. In the darkness, her eyes looked like bottomless pools, the brown turned black in the starlight.
"... No. It doesn't."
A few strands of hair had stuck to her cheek where her tears had begun to dry. He lifted a hand to brush them away, the warmth of her skin against his fingertip so wonderfully soft. Susie sniffed, and it was as if some trace had broken, her arms tugging away from him, the squeeze against his back suddenly gone as she stepped back. Exhaustion tugged down at her face, dark circles forming beneath her eyes. She looked so helpless it almost broke his heart.
"God," She sighed, running a hand across her brow. "I don't-... I don't know, I don't think I wanna go back to my hut. Too many questions."
"Ok," DeMarco nodded. "That's ok. I know a place. C'mon."
Susie had no idea where he would take her. Perhaps if she'd been in any better state she would've refused. But she wasn't. She was tired, and he was kind. Her mind was clouded over, thoughts barely half-formed.
But she trusted him. She'd gotten him out of the middle of nowhere when their truck broke, and now he was getting her out when she did.
"... Alright."
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garf-lover96 · 19 days
beyond beyond beyond first thoughts!!!!!!!!
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they really just released the best songs as singles, i'm honestly grateful for that because i could listen to them for longer. the order is bound to change after i listen to the album a bit more of course. i loved it so much though!!!! ESPECIALLY the singles. mad dog really caught my ear too!!! i can't wait to listen to it every day for the next few months. STREAM BEYOND BEYOND BEYOND YAYYYY HOORAY
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Waittt omg this reminds me of an objectively crazy piece of youngestdaughtersyndrome lore but its kind of long so im putting it under a cut ....
So like way back in the day (like wayyyy back im talking 4-7th century) in scotland-- and this is the way my great grandma tells it so who knows if its the official story-- there was the macleod clan of castle dunvegan. And this kid loses his favorite hound right? So hes searching for him everywhere, far and wide, just wandering over the moors for days until he comes to a bridge just sitting in a clearing, totally purposeless like not crossing over anything, and he hears a bark. And hes dead certain that its his dog so he searches the surrounding forest around the bridge but he cant find his dog. Unthinkingly he crosses the bridge and all the sudden a beautiful girl is in front of him with his dog and hes like. Thats my dog. And shes like no its my dog wtf also youre in the land of the fae and if your dog crosses back over he'll die immediately so he needs to stay here and besides i love him so much. The son very quickly realizes that hes like mega fucked and hes standing in front of a faery princess and shes so so beautiful and she has his favorite dog. And because that shit used to fly hes like Well if you marry me and come live at my home you can have the dog and shes like yayyyy okay <3 so they get married and some years pass and they have a baby. At that point shes like i have to return to my people bc im a princess and they need me but im leaving our son with you. Take care of him or im going to be so mad. Then off she goes and the macleods have a banquet to cheer the son up (its not working) and the nursemaid slips off to have a drink and a bit of chat, as one does. The baby kicks off the blankets though because hes a baby and the window is open so he gets cold and he starts to cry. Now the princess is all the way in the realm of the fae but she hears him crying and flys over to the castle into her sons room. And objectively hes well taken care of so shes not really mad. Besides, she loves her human husband and the baby, so she just tucks her son in with a scarf or something of hers. At this point the nursemaid comes in and is like oh shit youre back? And the wifes like not really but keep the blanket ive wrapped him in because if you wave it you can either cure a cattle plague or summon extra fighters in battle. Also you can only wave it three times so like be choosy about it. And then she disappeared and was never seen again but the baby grew up to be a valued member of the clan and whatnot. And supposedly my mothers side of the family is that faery babys descendants. The story is up for dispute as all folktales are but the fairy flag is real u can look it up 👍
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if you had to rank them, which dynamics do you prefer?
Evil!Chase and good!Omi
Evil!Chase and evil!Omi
Good!Chase and good!Omi
Kitty!Omi and Dragon!Chase
Kitty!Omi and Chase
Omi and Dragon!Chase
Thank you for this wonderful ask anon! And I’m really really sorry for this late reply!
This answer is going to be a long nonsensical ranting because this is what I love so much so I’m sorry in advance XD we’re really in it now anon
Evil!Chase and Good!Omi:
The classical dynamic that pull me in like a mad person. It’s all about that delicious irony of the evil and vile antagonistic force being the only one who truly understand and obsessed with bringing out the blossoming potential of the young and naive protagonist of the opposite side. “I can fix him” “I can make him worse”. Chase wanted to forced Omi into his folds and principals. Chase care about Omi too much to actually leave him scars in any way. Chase believe in Omi in a way that no one else cannot. Chase doing all of that while staying true to his selfish and tyrannical way until the very end. Evil mentor who actually act and even wanted to be a mentor to this Xiaolin young warrior. They never truly give up on each other, for the better or the worse. Omi get his ego inflated because of Chase. Omi learn true humility because of Chase. Individuals who feels isolated from their peers because of the inferiority complex cause by themselves and others. Chase in one way or another help Omi avoid Chase’s own fate. This is the pinnacle of everything that keep me up at night. Peak protagonist and antagonist dynamics. XC prove that this relationship is the true core of their character development because without it Chase and Omi are just simply horrible people.
Evil!Chase and Evil!Omi
This is the most hypocritical thing Chase had ever done and I love it. Chase is so deep in delulu land and as the same time he isn’t. Omi will join me this Omi will join me that and then he’ll do the brainwashing anyway. Funky little murder monk jumping around his lair. Chase thinks this is completely normal. Omi’s first man hunt yayyyy. Omi’s first time betraying his friends and master yayyyy. Omi first time experiencing the evil that he’s always fight tooth and nail against yayyyyy. Omi’s first time being robbed of his own agency by his own mistakes yayyyyyyy. Imagine knowing that you can’t really convince your self proclaimed student to side with your ideals so you just make a very convoluted plan to brainwashed him and make him loyal to you after by his honor code, couldn’t be me. Evil!Omi is always laughing but there’s nothing but bitterness in their situation, it’s hysterical, it’s vile, I hate and love it so much.
Good!Chase and Good!Omi
I’m sorry for being mean but we know who will win the custody battle between Chase and Fung. Og Chase is evil and even then people are seriously consider just let Chase raise Omi anyway. With good Chase there isn’t even going to be a competition. He literally kneel down to talk to Omi on eyes level. He’ll throw hands with the most dangerous Heylin warrior to protect Omi. “We’ve never met but I feel like I know you”. Vs Fung who thinks that acknowledging Omi’s need for validation from parental figures for once will make him arrogant. Chase and Omi knew each other for like a day and immediately become generation gap besties. The path that og Chase could have had if only there was someone stopping him from going to the wrong path, the true verdict for Chase’s nobility if fate had given him a chance. It’s the foreshadowing Chase redemption arc that only appears in my dreams because of course season 3 have to be about beans
Kitty!Omi and Dragon!Chase
All I’m saying it if you go back to the fight for Omi’s freedom battle episode, when Chase crawled after Omi to get him and Omi yells the classic sparrow eating hot dog that literally throws Chase of his reptile maniac mode for a second, you can see just before that moment, Dragon!Chase looked like he was actually grab kitty Omi by his own hands. Like, just give the cheese kitty a really bone crushing hug to stop him from starting a revolution against your dictatorship with his friends. We got a doting cat owner in the form of a giant lizard and his rebellious newly acquired cheese kitty who give him headaches but he still love him. I’ve been thinking about that for five years.
Kitty!Omi and Chase
Look at me I’m like the new overlord of the earth, just split it in halves btw, there’s fire and blood and agonizing screams of the damned around me and all, real hectic if you asked me, I wonder how I can ransack the next poor neighborhood with a bunch of volatile, vicious army of well trained warriors turned predators, and-oh Omi do you need a scratch? Okay let me just stop literally everything I’m doing real quick.
Omi and Dragon!Chase
This is the real reason why Chase wanted to recruit Omi, only after that did he realized Omi’s potential too. Omi is a dangerous-side-of-nature magnet and Chase is an oversized venomous (figuratively and literally) lizards with an army of carnivorous cats. It just simply what’s going to happen. Nobody can ovoid it. Mother Nature put attracting weird creatures in Omi’s genes.
Annnnnd lastly, my personal favorite dynamic, Good!Chase and Evil!Omi
Long story short, this fine young gentleman have a crazy chihuahua who will bites every one except him. He’s think his chihuahua is the most cutest thing ever. He knows about the bitings tho, but whether he cares or not it’s entirely up to debate. In conclusion pure dose of serotonin for me.
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articsmiths · 2 years
Day 2 After school
Hello again, articsmiths back at the daily blog :)
my day was shit
i mean everyone will say that if even one bad thing happens to them but i mean it was just ok? Idk
i went to sit in the cafeteria at my school to see my friend and my girlfriend let's call my friend Claire and my gf Becky. Becky has a identical twin who apparently, she had an argument with this morning because Becky and Claire where chatting shit about him and he found out. it wasn't really chatting shit but they were making fun of him without him present so idk if it was classed as banter if he wasn't there. i do this thing where i can make anyone think I'm 100% pissed off when I'm not so i decided hey let's make my friends mad and force them to say sorry to Bryan we will call him.my friend Claire is my least fav friend, we all have one, we just don't rlly get along as well but i still love her to bits. we always argue over a seat at the table cus it's the best seat and who gets to be partners with Becky at rehearsals and mainly over Becky. But she is still my friend and i would be upset if we feel out like some of the times we have before. i forces them to say sorry. me and Bryan are ok, I'm dating his sister and hes kinda Awkard but hes cool. he doses post super cringe photos of himself cus he looks like harry potter (Becky and Claire were making fun of his Instagram post that's why he was upset) i even make fun of his posts but i do it to his face and not behind his back :) kind of passive aggressive but tis true they shouldn't have said that stuff like i get Becky cus they are related by Claire shouldn't have without him being there.
Started off with an hour of maths! Yayyyy i sit by nobody i know in maths so i just sit there and look into space thinking about nothing. The only thing i remember doing is listening to what the other people on my table where taling about. This taller lad we will call harry went to the loo, and apparent he had this girl vape on him and he tried stealing it from her. the nitty lad next to him who looks like Sid from Toy story (so we are gonna call him Sid) was hyping him up like yeahhh mannn let's go!!! but as soon as harry came back and said to the girl "i dropped it down the loo you can even search my blazer" as he snecks the vape into sids pocket. OUT OF NOWHERE siddy boy passes the vape to the girl and snitches on harry for no reason?!?!?!? Like i understand you don't steal but why would you cross your friend for some Chavy orange girl who looks like a sheep? Then Sid goes to tell harry why he did it "she got her vape taxed yesterday, so she's spent like 20 quid in 2 days over vapes man i felt bad" so harry went all bitchy with him cus he "picked pussy over his mate".
they were not even trying to hide the fact they were talking about vapes even tho they are way under the age of buying one even when my teacher was right next to them. rlly shows how much my school cares.
Science was another bore, but nothing happened in that lesson, all i remember is talking to the girl next to me about the Norris nuts-
we had break where we just talked about random stuff that i can't remember cus its irrelevant. BECKY DID GIVE ME MY BOOK BACK THO! she's had it for ages but she hasn't touched it so i got it back.
I had tec next which was A BOREEEEE but i got to email Claire while we did stuff so that was fun ig?
then i had ART!!! I'm not hate best at art but I'm one of the only people my art teacher can trust and enjoys talking to. she's a very grumpy old woman but for osme reason cus i cried to her about me getting bullied she likes me now? i also sit next to claire in that lesson so its fun cus we just get to paint and shit.
at dinner its Friday so we got chips and the nice food, school food never fills me up and the ques are always to long cus all the year 11 roadmen push in and cus they do it, why can't i? so i find someone I've spoken to once in my whole life and push in with them. i get my dog bowl of chips sausage and beans and go sit IN THE BEST SEAT ON THE TABLE CUS CLAIRE ISNT THERE YET!! its next to my girlfriend its next to a bin against a wall so i can lean on it and i just enjoy that seat. this girl who im on and off with (my friends who go a different school don't rlly like her) lets call her grace, she is ther next to beck talking and i sit down, gcse sees her boyfriend who is with 2 little midgets who seem quite nitty. ALL 3 OF THEM COEM SIT ON OUR TABLE. excuse me. who do you think you are I've never spoken to you in my whole life GO AWAY!!!! me and Becky sit there in silence thinking of what to do as we can't do much cus it would be rude to tell them to fuck off cus they are not rude. Bryan and Claire show up tho so it's fine as they tell them to get out their seats. my school doesn't let us walk to lesson after dinner and break. we have to wait for our teachers name to be called when dinner is over in silence and then they take us to lesson it's called lesson prep (very dumb). In my school last year my friends asked about music gcse as they are music neeks and my school doesn't do it until now >:) Mr music man comes up to us and says "do you lot still want to do music gcse?" they say yeah, and he says the school might be able to do it so yayyy!!! I might be able to do it but i want to pick drama and idk if we can pick them both lol.
in my school, we do this lesson called aspire which is like sex ed, drugs, alcohol, social issues, mental health, issues that are new in the news. it's that type of lesson and all the kids in my lesson said "hey lets be pricks " and the where shouting for ages like 15 mins in my teacher snaps she goes OK IVE HAD ENOUGHT YOU GET OUT YOU GET OUT OK YOU ARE NO EVEN GOING TO GET TO DO THE LESSON YOU CAN WRITE FOR HALF AN HOUR AND NO TALKING WRITE ABOUT THIS THING YOU HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT and her room was super warm so i was sweating and bullshitting a page about a topic i have never herd off
i was very happy to leave school after that and i BOLTED IT HOME none of my friends walk the same way i do so ;-;
i sat in my uniform and i remembered a tenner to top up my phone so i waddled down the shop down the street and got myself a monster as well cus I'm treated myself cus i can
i made some spaghetti and tinned meat balls cus i eat like a baby just to find out MY MUMS ORDING A TAKEAWAY >:(((((((((((( I'm still getting one I'm just getting something little
that's all for today
articsmiths sighing out
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jk3dsparrow · 2 years
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Happy birthday to our mad dog, Goro Majima!!
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beerecordings · 5 years
ok the box jj bein mean to jackie hc? okay. listen. jameson finally being comfortable around jackie but not realizing that jackie doesn’t own him, he’s not “his.” so at first jameson is like, all over him. jackie says “god i’m so thirsty-“ and jameson is RACING to the kitchen getting him a glass of water. jackie says “i’m so tired” and jameson is hushing everyone and double checking the locks and helping him put his things down. jackie says ANYTHING and jamie is jumping to follow his orders. 1/2
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okay i. i have been thinking about this for literal hours i’m. yes. yes. this is so - yeah. yeah. okay let’s do this.
okay so this turned into a damn essay hahaha
Jameson for sure feels like Jackie is just the new Anti. a better Anti, maybe, because Anti used to hit him and yell at him and never loved him like this, yeah, but still the new Anti in the sense that he is in charge, he should take care of Jameson, and Jameson belongs to him. And if he belongs to him, it’s his job to obey him and to try and make him happy.
So Jackie’s like “yayyyy new little brother, new friend! :DD!!!!” and Jameson’s staring up at him like “i’d kill for you, ride or die, tell me to fuck someone up - NO INSINUATE that you want someone fucked up and I’ll DO IT MAN DON’T TEST ME - ”
so right off the bat there’s a lil miscommunication.
and here’s the thing, Jameson’s a clingy little guy with all the others at first, so Jackie doesn’t think much of it when Jameson starts spending a lot of time sitting near to him (guarding) and making most of his requests for things he needs to Jackie (trusting master to caretake) and being a little over-affection with Jackie (trying to make him happy), he’s just a little weirded out by it. but you know you always gotta learn how to love people as they are and Jackie’s willing to let JJ figure this out and help him set boundaries and stuff and he’s not worried or anything.
and then it starts to get obsessive.
Jameson’s losing interest in his other brothers because in his experience another person for Anti to take care of is just a competitor. He starts getting upset when he sees Jackie spending time with the others but not him, and then one day he and Marvin go out for lunch together and Jameson spends the rest of the day in complete panic, terrified that he’s going to starve because he’s not the favorite and there won’t be enough food left for him. Once a cute girl even asks Jameson out, but he tells her no because he’s like... “wait, I belong to Jackie. I don’t think I’m allowed to do that?” Love to him has never been anything but ownership, selling his soul for a full belly and enough affection to keep him alive.
And there’s a part of him that knows it’s stupid!! there is!! there’s a part of him that still thinks Marvin and Chase and Henrik are really cool and great to him and he wants to just chill out and relax and trust that nobody’s going to abandon him on the side of the road or let him starve!! but the part of his brain that’s chanting “survive, survive, survive” has been the hardest-working part for a long time, and it’s strong now, it overrides everything else. so yeah, Jackie sneezes and Jameson’s bringing him a tissue, Jackie trips and Jameson’s giving the floor dirty looks, and Jackie gets hurt?? Jameson still remembers how to be an attack dog. Big brother can’t always be strong, and when he isn’t, you protect him, no matter the cost, no matter the threat to yourself, you protect him. He snaps at Stacy for telling Jackie to watch over Chase (don’t order him around!!) and gets jealous when Jackie kisses his boyfriend (he could take him away!!) and YANKS a scalpel right out of Henrik’s hand when he makes Jackie cry out as he stitches him up (don’t!! hurt!! him!!)
And at that point there’s no more denying that there’s a problem here, and Jackie is mad, because Jameson nearly hurt Henrik, and that’s not how they do things in this house, and Henrik’s not a threat, and then before he knows what he’s doing, he’s shouting, standing tall while Jameson shrinks, and cornering him in the back of the room, and Jameson crumples to the ground and goes right into a panic attack -
Oh, fuck, he’s sorry. Jameson, don’t cry!! ahhhh shit, he’s sorry, he just - “you just - you don’t have to do this!! you don’t have to do any of this!! i’m not trying to own you or control you, I don’t understand why you’re acting like this?? don’t cry, buddy, here, um, your kangaroo puppet! sweetie, just calm down.”
And Jameson is swallowing back sobs, trying desperately to stop, because he upset Jackie, he upset master, and he didn’t mean to, and he was told to calm down, so he needs to calm down, but he can’t, because he’s bad, he’s bad, he’s bad and Jackie isn’t going to want him anymore because he prefers Henrik and he could have hurt Henrik and - and -
He just doesn’t get it.
Shouldn’t Jackie be happy he’s his pet now? Shouldn’t Jackie want that? Can’t he make himself in-disposable if he’s a good little whore and does whatever Jackie needs, without complaint, without protest? Isn’t that how he came out of being Anti’s with his body mostly whole and parts of his sanity still intact? With his heart shattered but pounding, pounding, pounding in his aching chest?
Survive, survive, survive.
It was easy with everybody else, he thinks, almost bitterly. He had Henrik and Marvin and Chase wrapped around his fingers in minutes of coming here. He learned exactly how to get their affection and anything else he needed. He watched the way every single one of them interacted with each other and he took what he needed. Learned to cry like Chase, to put on a tough face like Marvin, to chide like Henrik, so he could, as he chose, make them pay attention to him, laugh at him, feed him, hold him, advise him, protect him, and on, and on. Anything he needed. People are just input = output, and once you learn the buttons to press, you can get anything you want.
That’s all this is supposed to be. Isn’t that what happiness is? Finding people whose buttons you can press, so they keep you safe and whole?
And Jackie’s here looking at him, realizing, “Fuck, Jamie, you don’t even know how to be who you are anymore.”
It sounds harsh as it comes out of his mouth, but maybe it’s true. Jameson puts on personalities the same way he puts on outfits these days. He can no longer tell the difference between real distress and crocodile tears for attention. He didn’t mean to use anybody, it’s just… that’s what you do. That’s what people are for. That’s how you survive, survive, survive.
“James,” says Jackie, and he’s never called him that before, it’s only ever been Jamie. “James, you gotta start trusting that I’m not going to throw you out if you show me who you are. If you aren’t convenient to me all the time. If you have more complex needs than a hug and enough to eat. You’re not my pet, Jameson. You’re my brother. My friend. My equal. You don’t have to earn my love, do you know that? You have it. You’ve always had it. When Anti had you, and you were all alone in the world, and your hands had already done horrible things, you had my love then. That has never changed and never will.”
And Jameson’s sitting there crying and apologizing, over and over again, and fuck, he realizes he’s holding the kangaroo stuffy in front of his face to remind Jackie that he belongs to him, instead of holding it for comfort, and Jackie just gets down on his knees with him and hugs him tight, tight, tight, and pushes that kangaroo to his chest, and holds Jameson for as long as it takes, cause “you’re not a toy or a pet and I’m never going to hurt you, do you understand, I am NEVER going to hurt you, break my heart and I will still be here waiting to keep you safe, just like that time Henrik broke my favorite headphones and I still made him breakfast the next day - ”
and Henrik goes “HEY” and Jameson snorts and hides his face in Jackie’s shirt. and for once it doesn’t actually feel like “hell yes I’ve earned some affection!! hell yes I’m in his good books so he’ll take care of me!!” it’s kind of just like “this is Jackie and he loves me.”
it’s a start, you know? he has a lot to learn and sometimes the world still feels like a board game where survival is the goal and everybody else is just a card you can play. but he doesn’t want to use anyone. love is better when it’s real.
and damn, but Jackie really does love him.
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harris-coopers · 6 years
The Sprousehart Timeline
Or the Story of how we went from  🐈 to  🐺. 
So here it is! This runs from 2016 to Today. It has pictures but videos are linked. Huge thanks to @emmalrb @forsythpendleton and @sprousehartinvestigation for the help. This was 30 pages so be warned it’s really long! - Rose
-          Casting is announced for ‘Archie Comics remake’ Aka Riverdale. Lili and Cole are cast as Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones respectively.
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March 21st
-          The cast have dinner to celebrate one week of filming Riverdale
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June 5th
-          Lili goes to the beach with Cole and Dylan
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-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUSfYSKYKWY
July 22nd-25th
-          The cast go to comic con. Lots of looks and the infamous hug video.
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July 27th
-          Cole and Lili hang out with Debby at her place in LA.
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-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=xZHJi8VZSgc
August 4th
-          Lili wishes Cole a happy birthday
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September 22nd
-          Roberto posts this picture. Filming for season two has resumed.
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Sometime in October
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January 8th
-          Golden Globes: Lili is reportedly sitting in Cole’s lap.
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January 27th
-          The cast watch Lili and Camila on Seth Meyers
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiADYuyUuDw
Febuary 6th
-          Madelaine does a livestream. Lili disappears halfway through and Mads claims she’s ‘doing laundry’ whilst looking somewhat distracted, and when a fan asks to be shown around, Madelaine looks off of the camera (seemingly at someone) ‘You know I would but it’s a little dirty right now… Yeah. Dirty”
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjlL-PdQIQI&t=15
Febuary 13th
-          Run in with a fan whilst out in Vancouver
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Febuary 23rd
-          Hanging out with Debbie Ryan and Mad Hill after a live tweet session
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Febuary 25th
-          Madchen posts a picture of them at an Archie Comics art show
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Febuary 26th
-          Watching the Oscars at Debbies
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvZUwBunDig
March 6th
-          They take a nature adventure together
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March 16th
-          Lili comes back from filming a movie and the two take a trip together
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpnXy-51-iI
March 17th
-          Cole posts an Instagram story from the same field from a few days before
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March 18th
-          Cat sitting Debby Ryan’s cats at her place.
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March 19th
-          Both respectively posted the pictures of Lili in the flower field.
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March 30th
-          Livestream with Lili and Camila, Cole joins towards the end and they seemingly forget that they are on live (it basically becomes the Lili and Cole show)
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2QopGkT5rI&t=782s
April 1st
-          Wondercon with all the infamous interviews, the looks and the jokes.
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KKYYPj4eg0&t=1s
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loHQbxR3DNU
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBGe89llmfg
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bupIy9_W2mE&t=91s
April 2nd
-          They have a breakfast date together. Cole is in the same clothes from Wondercon
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-          The cast hang out for a pool day at Skeet’s.
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April 3rd
-          They fly to Mexico together for the Riverdale promotion.
April 7th
-          Cast do a photoshoot in mexico.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/159318225796/betty-and-jughead-bts-vid-of-shoot-with
April 8th
-          The cast explore Mexico together and Cole and Lili matched outfits.
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April 9th
-          The cast explored Mexico a little and Lili and Cole seemingly went on their own adventure
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April 11th
-          Cole uploads bts pictures of Lili from behind the scenes of Riverdale season 1. Aka the Lili Reinhart Slideshow.
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-          http://betty-and-jughead.tumblr.com/post/159466991892/thank-you-cole-sprouse-for-blessing-us-with-these
April 15th
-          The Riverdale cast attend Coachella together.
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-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/159644335946
April 17th
-          Cast video from Mexico, Interviewer asks “Who has the most secrets?” Everyone else responds with “Cole” and Lili responds with “I feel like if you ask Cole anything, he’ll tell you”
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxV5_fSmdBk
April 20th
-          Lili and Cole went on a road trip to the Antelope Valley Poppy fields after Lili posts on Instagram stories.
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April 23rd
-          Cole shares black and white Instagram picture of Lili and Lili shares a similar one in color. Her caption reads ‘Thank you for indulging me’
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-          Cole and Lili on a lunch date spotted by a fan
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/159916118938/oh-my-poor-sprousehart-heart-they-married-i
April 27th
-          Riverdale cast attend Paleyfest 2017
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-          Cole and Lili get asked by MTV about their recent pictures of each other in an interview.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/160098987696/betty-and-jughead-mtv-shared-a-new-interview
May 2017
 May 5th
-           Mads and Lili do a live stream – Cole is in the background and says “just our chemistry baby”
-           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wRmEK_UG3s&t=4s
May 6th
- Lili posts another picture to her Instagram taken by Cole from the antelope valley (Pic)
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 May 12th
-           Riverdale season 1 finale Cole and Lili sit next to each other whilst watching the episode
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 May 15th        
-           Someone mentions Lili’s scientastic video on Cole’s Reddit and Cole responds with “I wish I never mentioned this in an interview she is going to kill me”
May 16th
-           On twitter someone posts a pic of Dylan and Cole as kids and asks which one is Cole and Lili replys with “He is on the Left”
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May 17th
-           Cole, Lili and Mads fly to New York for the CW upfronts Cole puts Lili on his instagram story and Lili puts Cole on her Instagram story.
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 May 18th
-           CW Upfronts numerous pics together pls the interview of Cole discussing his first onscreen love scene “ Lili and I are professionals but I was excited.. it was great”
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-           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfbYCtCaURg
 May 21st
-           Lili uploads a group shot of the girls from the cast on her instagram, Cole comments with the heart eyes emoji 
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May 22nd
-           Lili uploads photos to her tumblr of Cole in the car when they arrived in New York for the upfronts
 May 26th
-           Cole and Lili go out on a breakfast date Lili uploads this to her story but soon deletes it
-           Also spotted by fans on same day
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June 2nd
-           Twitter banter between Cole and Lili about having to sit near to each other at the con – Cole hits back saying “coming from someone who scrambled to get on my flight earlier”
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 June 3rd & 4th
-           Lili and Cole are in Philadelphia for Wizard World con we get multiple moments such as “how did it feel to kiss Cole – Fantastic how bout that” “The dogs because I’m whipped”
- We later learn through tumblr photos and a birthday post that Lili also photographed Cole whilst in Philadelphia
-           Also really cute photo ops of Cole and Lili with their arms around each other
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- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bRLlfQ62ig
 June 10th
-           Game night at Debby’s house footage of Lili’s putting her feet up on Cole’s lap
 June 12th
-           Twitter banter continues with Lili replying to Cole’s stocking over the face picture with multiple emojis  
 June 14th
-           Lili comments on Cole’s Adidas campaign picture on his instagram saying “Yayyyy!”
 June 15th
-           Lili uploads to her IG story ‘bold and brash’ Spongebob episode that she looked up on youtube which is what Cole used to describe Jughead in the May livestream with Cami.
 June 16th  
-           Lili posts instagram story of Cole dancing in her trailer
-            https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/161906307803
-           Twitter banter Cole roasts Lili for getting KJ’s birthday mixed up
 June 21st
-           First table read for season 2 of Riverdale: Cole and Lili are sitting next to each other
 June 23rd
-           Cole and Lili spotted out in Vancouver together by fans
  June 27th  
-           Cole and Lili spotted by fans in the same car together 
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 June 28th
-           Cole is in Lili’s IG story flossing his teeth in the makeup trailer
-            https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/162342325251/lili-via-ig-stories
July 2nd
-          The cast celebrates Canada day together
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July 9th
-          Lili, Cole, Casey and Madelaine went out for breakfast together
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July 13th
-          Cole and fan have an encounter when Cole asks said fan to stop busking while they film their scene.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/162942827736/rarecolesprouse-another-video-of-cole-talking-to
July 20th-July 23rd
-          Riverdale Cast attend comic con. He gives Lili his jacket
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/163334288441/prettyshows-comic-con-2017
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/163495195696/for-people-who-do-not-believe-you-are-bothering?is_related_post=1
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/163469516520/already-the-third-video-here-ig-conrant
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/163341488711/bronwynn-riverdale-video-the-cast-gets
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July 29th
-          Cole and Lili go to the movies with her Mum and Sister
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/163567229916/quirkyanya-cole-lili-her-mum-and-sis-at-the
July 31st
-          Cast are back to filming
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/163628163386/why-its-so-cute
  August 2nd
-          Lili and Cole on a breakfast date
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/163727212601/bugheader-i-know-we-should-give-lili-and-cole
August 4th
-          Lili posts a birthday message for Cole to Instagram
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August 5th
-          Cole posts a picture of Lili’s hair
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August 8th
-          Cole posts a picture of Lili in a wheat field
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/163955156496/leaalda-bugheadjones-the-third-mionetrash
August 11th
-          Skeet’s “They have great chemistry” interview
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/164073315651/riverdale-star-skeet-ulrich-dishes-on-cole
August 13th
-          Teen choice awards, Lili win’s Choice breakout star and Cole and Lili win Choiceship for bughead.
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August 20th
-          Fan sighting’s in whistler with pictures
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/164399085211
August 22nd
-          Fan sighting with (blurry) pictures. They’re with a dog.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/164483478086/gershwinn-can-you-believe-coles-so-distracted
August 26th
-          Lili posts a picture of Cole to Instagram stories
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-          Pictures from Antelope Valley surface, ones that Cole has put on his photography portfolio
August 27th
-          The cast all do Karaoke
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/164665522561/sprouseharts-god-listened-to-my-prayers
September 13th
-          Entertainment weekly behind the scenes shoot
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92ZF6lgw4us
-          Cole’s “It’s very pleasing that people talk about Lili and I in that way” quote
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/165310944671/b3tty-jughead-freetimefase-adorebughead
September 16th
-          Taylor’s infamous shoe picture.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/165407326356/just-mafe-g-adorebughead
September 17th
-          Cole takes Lili on a hot air balloon for her birthday weekend
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September 18th
-          Lili posts an Instagram story with Cole
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/165486724911
September 20th
-          Cole, Casey and Lili out to lunch
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/165556469056/gershwinn-amab1060-cole-casey-and-lili-at
September 21st
-          Another food date
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/165593745991/mariafernandez4-well-they-have-to-eat-a-few
September 22nd
-          Cole posts a picture of Lili to Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/165611094446/this-is-pure-omfgggggg
September 26th
-          ‘Make up tutorial’ Instagram story
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/165774345113/they-just-all-together-cami-via-ig-stories
September 27th
-          Lili’s first impression of Cole
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/165799704506/perfectingfaith-this-really-attractive-normal
-          Twitter banter between Lili, Cole and Miss Piggy
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/165808125721/gershwinn-rubyventure-amab1060-i-am
October 1st
-          Lili and Cole are seen at a grocery store buying baking ingredients. Fan picture and Lili posts to Instagram story
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/165930324716/gershwinn-gingerheel-juggybetts-domestic
October 5th
-          Lili posts a video of Cole to Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166097388559/lili-via-ig-stories-5102017-oh-cole
October 7th
-          Lili and Cole are seen at the airport
-          Lili and Cole are seen in San Francisco
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166163867071/paperlesscrown-deathlydelight-saw-this-on
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166163833521/amab1060-wrightst3-lilis-ig-story-i-hope
October 9th
-          Cole and Lili got out for breakfast (eggs and toast) at 1am
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166211835126/quirkyanya-ashsays-bettyscooperr-and-his
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166211821046/hotsforbughead-cole-singing-in-the-background
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166211845926/quirkyanya-baes-having-breakfastfor-late-dinner
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166211898871/disneygeekgirl71-so-now-theyre-watching
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166235514176/gershwinn-still-enjoying-their-trip-guys
October 10th
-          Lili and Cole arrive back in Vancouver
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166257203336/riverdalesource-lili-reinhart-cole-sprouse
-          Marisol posts a picture of SH in regards to Riverdale
Tumblr media
October 11th
-          Riverdale cast does a livestream without Lili. Fan asks where she is and Cole responds “Lili’s asleep”
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166303924751/amab1060-lilis-asleep-oh-my-sh
October 16th
-          Lili and Cole went shopping in new York together
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166475384961/amab1060-so-cole-got-new-clothes
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166484636121/carnivalsofsilverfish-the-accidental-gif-i-got
October 17th
-          Cole posts a picture to Instagram of Lili from their San Francisco trip.
-          Lili posts pictures from San Francisco too
Tumblr media
October 18th
-          ET interview is released Lili says this ‘“We get along quite well,” Reinhart said coyly. “We’re doing good.”
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166585483046/gershwinn-ohmysprouseheart-this-i-stg-if
October 19th
-          Lili posts two pictures from the San Francisco trip to tumblr
Tumblr media
October 20th
-          Lili posts an Instagram video with Cole and Charles
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166622399306/amab1060-cole-saying-lilis-name-is-my-thing
October 23rd
-          The cast are pumpkin carving together
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166700904856/amab1060-theres-a-cole
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166701147141/inthemoodforchaos-camis-ig-live-101117
-          Lili posts another San Francisco picture
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166726950701/gershwinn-jugheadsbean-another-one-your
October 24th
-          New pictures of the cast from the Entertainment weekly shoot are posted
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166749904731/itsbettyandjughead-new-photos-of-the-riverdale
October 25th
-          Cole does an interview with Kelly and Ryan ‘They’re contractually obliged to give me as many kiss scenes as possible”
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166780314431/bugheadotp-cole-sprouse-riverdale-complete
October 29th
-          Halloween: Cole is talking about Lili having fomo.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166901771091/quirkyanya-coelsprouse-i-wonder-who-cole-could
October 30th
-          Fan pic of Lili and Cole out and about. She is wearing his jacket
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166937327316/amab1060-inahologram-how-fucking-adorable-is
November 1st
-          Lili posts a selfie with Cole where they’re both wearing Halloween make up
Tumblr media
-          Marisol does an Instagram live and talks about Lili and Cole “And Lili is waiting for him”
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/167030966371/bettsxjuggy-confessionsof-riverdale-youre
November 5th
-          The cast are doing karaoke together
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/167149401416/sprousehart-cole-and-lili-in-ashas-story-are
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/167150383451/juggybetts-bless-our-captain-casey-cott
November 6th
-          Lili posts another San Francisco picture
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/167205825586/bugheadjones-the-third-magnificent
November 7th
-          Cole posts an Instagram story of Lili
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/167250928081/amab1060-cole-loves-a-bearded-angel
November 8th
-          Lili posts a video of Cole to Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/167276289461/gershwinnlili-did-that-part-iii
November 19th
-          Lili posts another San Francisco picture
Tumblr media
November 22nd
-          Cole does an interview with People magazine and comments on the relationship
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/167780269541/cole-sprouse-on-riverdale-sexiness-lili
November 24th
-          Lili posts another San Francisco picture
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/167846303941/gershwinn-amab1060-daaaaaamn-holy-shitttttt
November 26th
-          More twitter banter
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/167922492286/amab1060-amab1060-dead
December 4th
-          Camila posts an Instagram story including Lili and Cole. HEART EYES
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168203856503/we-blessed-cami-via-ig-stories-4122017
December 5th
-          Lili posts an elf gif to Instagram ‘I’m in love and don’t care who knows it’
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168211468866/omgggggggfffffffgfndjdbsushwvsvhsgggg-what-is
December 6th
-          Lili posts a picture of Cole on Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168250154901/she-also-seems-to-want-to-kill-us-all
December 7th
-          Lili, Cole, Cami and KJ are spotted somewhere in Vancouver.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168295166274/part-1-source-6122017
December 8th
-          Lili posts an Instagram story
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168330651272/lili-via-ig-stories-8122017
December 9th
-          Lili via IG stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168377507816/lili-via-ig-stories-9122017
 December 11th
-          Cole and Lili with a fan
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168428161986/amab1060-inahologram-cuties-today
December 12th
-          Lili posts a picture to Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168488516861/amab1060-holy-hell-this-night-keeps-getting
December 17th
-          Lili posts to Instagram stories about Cole as a child in Friends.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168638260691/lili-via-ig-stories-16122017
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168638252656/lili-via-ig-stories-16122017
December 20th
-          Skeet posts a Happy Holidays picture of Lili, Cole and himself
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168760946641/quirkyanya-sprousehartlikes-so-fucking
December 29th
-          Lili and Cole were spotted at the airport
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169075740141/bronwynn-colelili
December 30th
-          Lili posts an Instagram story
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169130256261/rarecolesprouse-theyre-enjoying-the-beach
-          Lili posts an Instagram story
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169132140261/lavandersunrise-lol
January 1st
-          Lili and Cole in Hawaii
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169208364791/amab1060-hi
-          Lili and Cole in Hawaii with a fan
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169210296976/a92vm-amab1060-hi-again-oh-hey-i-am-dying
January 2nd
-          Lili and Cole in Hawaii with fans
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169213873151/duskyblossom-cuties
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169215565621/om-my-gooood
-          Lili and Cole walking away
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169227516601/quirkyanya-zumpie-from-thecwrivedale-and-i
January 3rd
-          Lili posts to Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169255584536
-          Lili and Camila’s cosmopolitan interview comes out
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169266475521/the-riverdale-actresses-are-cosmos-february-cover
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169266543641/camila-and-lili-on-what-they-think-the-biggest
-          Helicopter tour
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169290541831
 January 4th
-          Insta live is posted mentioning Sprousehart
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169321338021/amab1060-i-found-this-on-instagram-and-thought-it
-          Lili posts to Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169320645601/ultimatecaptainswan-so-romantic
-          Cole posts to Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169326220146/cole-via-ig-stories-4012018
-          Fan photo
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169331872186/new-photo-1012018
January 5th
-          Lili’s cosmopolitan interview comes out
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169362345446/sproushart-my-heart-ahhhhh
-          More sprousehart Hawaii comes out
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169362993696/quirkyanya-gershwinn-amab1060-this-is
-          Hawaii photos come out
Tumblr media
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169363214886/a92vm-quirkyanya-hawaii-magic-source
January 6th
-          Lili and Cole arrive back in Los Angeles
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169397238296/super-madi16-so-i-talked-to-the-guy-who-got-the
January 8th
-          Lili and Cole arrive back in Vancouver
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169461548026/strawberrytrifles-another-picturesss-7118
January 9th
-          Cole interview where Hawaii is mentioned
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169504205251/cole-lili-sprousehart-winonal-bronwynn-it
January 14th
-          Cole and Lili sighting in Vancouver
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169712968181
January 16th
-          Cole posts an Instagram story of Lili
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169802507428/cole-via-ig-stories-16012018
January 17th
-          Lili does an Instagram live and mentions Cole. “I think Cole’s lucky that he gets to
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169833833917/lili-ig-live-17012018-iconic
January 18th
-          Lili posts a picture to Instagram of herself in Hawaii.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169858123561/ohmysprouseheart-lili-by-cole-on-ig-011818
January 19th
-          Cole posts an Instagram story of Lili
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169905179021/adorebughead-these-kids
January 21st
-          Casey posts a picture of KJ, Cole and Lili to instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169950095436/strawberrytrifles-holyshhhhhhhhhttttt
January 31st
-          Lili posts to Instagram stories, videos with Cole on set, doing the box.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170334874441/lili-via-ig-stories-30012018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170334890150/lili-via-ig-stories-30012018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170334850535/lili-via-ig-stories-30012018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170334825164/lili-via-ig-stories-30012018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170334867019/lili-via-ig-stories-30012018
February 2nd
-          Riverdale Instagram story
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170426156516/riverdale-via-ig-stories-2022018
February 4th
-          Lili and Cole via Instagram in whistler
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170484682866/super-madi16-love-this-little-family
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170508174256/cole-via-ig-stories-4022018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170513872931/for-those-who-doubt-in-something
February 6th
-          Lili posts to snapchat. ‘When he calls me hot, even with pimple cream on’
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170598965986/erkay-lilz-she-just-did-that-lili-via-snapchat
February 7th
-          Hart via Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170630626366/hart-via-ig-7022018
-          Lili via Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170636332596/the-way-he-looks-at-her-though-i-will-never-get
February 8th
-          Hart Denton via Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170664537836/a92vm-amab1060-bronwynn-ruverdale-im
-          Lili via Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170664864801/a92vm-n0pleasestayhere-wow-i-love-one-1
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170668391356/sunny-and-hart-via-ig-8022018
February 13th
-          Cole and Lili spotted at the airport
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170853277855/rachael-peterson-via-ig-stories-13022018-sh
February 16th
-          Lili via Instagram stories (72 ROSES)
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170962941456/lili-via-ig-stories-16022018
February 17th
-          Lili via Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170999766092/lili-via-ig-stories-17022018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171096469461/strawberrytrifles-whistler-valentine-getaway
February 20th
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171110821326/lili-via-ig-stories-20022018
February 26th
-          Cole posts an Instagram picture
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171334313846/roothful-isnt-too-hard-to-connect-the-dots
February 28th
-          Lili via Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171396835677/lili-via-ig-stories-28022018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171394963766/lili-via-ig-stories-28022018
March 1st
-          Lili via Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171404742071/gingerheel-amab1060-lilis-insta-i-see
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171421707951/ashsays-out-with-cole-i-see
-          Lili via Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171438399101/jeemyjamz-jeemyjamz-lilireinhart-i-cant
March 10th
-          Lili and Cole out shopping together
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171743234881/gershwinn-lili-and-cole-out-and-about-and
-          Lili and Cole out and about in Vancouver
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171753830056/sprouseharts-oh-but-look-who-was-around-for
March 11th
-          Lili and Cole out and about
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171775569651/gershwinn-the-actual-cutest-couple-alive-a
March 15th
-          Madchen via Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171962094235/madchen-via-ig-17032018-posted-but-was
March 17th
-          Casey via Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171974985531/casey-via-ig-stories-17032018
March 18th
-          Cole via Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171988680716
-          Timena via Instagram stories. Cole and Lili dancing together at the wrap party
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171989568976/tim%C4%93na-apa-via-ig-stories-18032018
March 23rd
-          Cami via Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172191212989/cami-via-ig-stories-23032018
March 25th
-          Paleyfest. ‘Lili I’m coming for your man’
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172252221281/imbadwithusernames1-lili-i-am-coming-for-your
-          “Are you guys dating?”
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172256459781/heytherejones-my-poor-babies-oh-mygod
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172260641776
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172255228011/love-and-music-r-life
Tumblr media Tumblr media
-          Paleyfest snapchat
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172263219756/paperlesscrown-gingerheel-bugheadmyloves
March 30th
-          Lili and Cole (and Matt) arrive in Paris
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172415362826/cole-sprouse-lili-reinhart-arrive-in
March 31st
-          Lili and Cole leave their hotels
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172442559101
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172442579241/idreamyourface-lili-is-with-him-in-the-car
-          Lili and Cole at Rivercon
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172447635516/amab1060-i-cant
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172450951841/people-convention-via-ig-31032018
-          Lili’s chat with fans at Rivercon
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172467408541/sprousehartfetus-gershwinn-jugheadass
April 1st
-          Lili and Cole at Rivercon
Tumblr media Tumblr media
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172500233021/lilireinheart-on-twitter-has-coles-face-when-lili
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172500193171/amab1060-lili-and-cole-by-antoine-bice
April 2nd
-          Skeet via Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172520545546/skeet-via-ig-stories-2042018
-          Lili and Cole on date night
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172533533456/look
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172552934046/lili-and-cole-in-paris-2042018
-          Lili via Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172550884611/lili-via-ig-stories-3042018
April 3rd
-          Pictures in Paris from paparazzi
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172554362861/paris-2042018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172554621086/paris-2042018
April 4th
-          Lili and Cole at the airport from paris
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172608493441/lilirenhart-lili-and-cole-at-lax-airport-in-los
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172609787526/lili-and-cole-at-lax-airport-in-los-angeles
April 5th
-          Marisol tweets about Lili and Cole
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172625780021/rarecolesprouse-marisol
April 7th
-          Lili and Madelaine at a Chicago convention
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172694500783/heroes-villains-fan-fest-in-chicago-7042018
April 12
-          Chicago convention question
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172860503586/gershwinn-if-you-could-pick-anybody-to-play
April 14th
-          Lili and Cole are in Mexico together
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172929563006/lili-via-ig-stories-14042018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172930572229/cole-via-ig-stories-14042018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172930454963/cole-via-ig-stories-14042018
April 16th
-          Cole via Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172930454963/cole-via-ig-stories-14042018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173005120726/a92vm-first-lili-in-his-instastory-and-then-a
-          Lili via Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173016406831/hey
April 17th
-          Lili and Cole post to Instagram pictures from Mexico
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173032456536/lili-via-ig-17042018-mexico-april-2018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173034103101/cole-via-ig-17042018-mexico-april-2018
-          The ‘You’re the fish’
-          https://sprousehart-x.tumblr.com/post/175186189432/what-does-ur-the-mean-thank-yiu
Tumblr media
April 23rd
-          Lili posts another picture from Mexico to Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173228986686/a92vm-proud-boyfriend-and-supporting-friend
April 26th
-          Lili and Cole are together in LA and post stories to instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173340608727/cole-via-ig-stories-26042018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173340465387/babes-together-lili-via-ig-stories-26042018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173342388051/amab1060-h4rombutera-on-twitter-26042018
April 28th
-          Lili and Cole post to Instagram stories about oatmeal.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173403702131/murderyoursoul-they-were-truly-made-for-each
-          Lili posts an Instagram story about cuximala
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173410656713/lili-via-ig-stories-29042018
April 30th
-          Lili posts to Instagram another mexico picture
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173457779826
May 7th
-          Lili and Cole attend the Met Gala 2018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173679674036/teen-vogue-via-ig-stories-7052018-so-fucking
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173682468596/lavandersunrise-amab1060-omg
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173683280731
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-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173685235591/amab1060-sprouseharts-lili-reinhart-and-cole
May 8th
-          Lili via Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173708305336
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173709240161/a92vm-sprouseharts-lili-reinhart-and-cole
 May 10th
-          More Met Gala content
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173758071701/closeyoureyesandbelieve-lili-reinhart-and-cole
-          https://sprousehart-x.tumblr.com/post/173754639462/lili-and-cole-at-the-met-gala
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173757815716/inahologram-cole-is-not-subtle-at-all
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173757918566/inahologram-new-photos-from-inside-look-at
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173770426996/met-gala-2018
May 15th
-          Vogue posts a picture of Lili and Cole at the Met Gala, taken by Kendall Jenner
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-          Cole posts to Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173928313581/cole-via-ig-15052018
-          Lili posts to snapchat
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173933676296/you-should-see-lilis-snapchat-story-she-wrote
May 17th
-          The Riverdale cast at the CW Upfronts
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-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173993619846/2018-cw-network-upfront-at-the-london-hotel-on-may
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173993416711/cole-sprouse-attends-the-2018-cw-network-upfront
-          Lili and Cole at the after party
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174010628931/instaaachris-via-ig-ig-stories-17052018
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May 19th
-          More Met Gala content
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174066202111/closeyoureyesandbelieve-lili-reinhart-on-the
-          Lili and Cole at Debby Ryan’s birthday. ( Wasn’t confirmed until later that he was there)
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174073703748/lili-via-ig-stories-19052018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174073757688/lili-via-ig-stories-19052018
-          Cole video
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174103925751/queenserpette-amab1060-i-think-i-do-see-his
May 21st
-          Lili and Cole at a CW photoshoot via Lili’s snapchat
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174119940741/closeyoureyesandbelieve-lili-reinhart-and-cole
May 23rd
-          Lili and Cole via Madelaine’s youtube channel
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174186997461/gershwinn-mr-mrs-sprouse-in-action
May 25th
-          Lili’s Men’s health magazine comes out. “The last man to sweep me off my feet shipped six dozen roses to a hotel for a weekend getaway.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174237040386/tikibabe-hopefully-its-a-little-clearer-and
-          Lili and Cole in New Orleans. Cole is filming Five Feet Apart there.
-          https://sprousehart-x.tumblr.com/post/174300554302/lili-and-cole-in-new-orleans-may-25th
May 26th
-          Lili posts some bts pictures of Riverdale season 2
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May 28th
-          Lili and Cole out in New Orleans
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174330805896/rachel-lynn-mattews-via-ig-stories-28052018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174331502659/julesdougherty-via-ig-stories-27052018
May 29th
-          Lili posts a picture to Instagram stories of herself wearing Cole’s Jacket.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174370392331/ccshbh-goodbye-productivity-because-lili-just
May 31st
-          Lili posts a picture from the Met Gala to Instagram. She has left NOLA
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June 3rd
-          More Met Gala content
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174526938371/sprousehart-x-lili-and-cole-at-the-met-gala
-          Cole posts to Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174548573341/cole-via-ig-stories-3062018
June 6th
-          Picture from Lili’s birthday 2017 is released by the hot air balloon company
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174633358611/amab1060-okballooning-on-instagram-from
June 9th
-          KJ on Lili and Cole at Oz Comic con
-          https://sprousehart-x.tumblr.com/post/174717144357/cole-and-lili-have-a-very-special-relationship
June 10th
-          KJ on Lili and Cole at Oz Comic con
-          https://sprousehart-x.tumblr.com/post/174739674442/any-bughead-fans-here-are-you-shipping-them-for
-          https://sprousehart-x.tumblr.com/post/174772735155/kjs-full-answer-to-what-are-your-thoughts-on
June 14th
-          Fan commenting on Cole’s Camera Duels Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174878986756/rarecolesprouse-canoeing-in-central-park
June 17th
-          Lili and Austyn talking about Cole via Austyn’s Instagram live
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175007396726/babyourenotalone-here-the-important-part-of-the
June 23rd
-          Lili posts to Instagram a text convo with Cole about Shrek
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175162823476/okay-but-how-many-times-has-lili-send-cole-shrek
Jun 24th
-          Lili and Cole go on a double with Hart and Sonny
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175229019578/we-love-double-dates-lili-via-ig-stories
June 26th
-          Lili does a glamour video and mentions the Met Gala briefly.
-          https://sprousehart-x.tumblr.com/post/175270216812/this-look-was-one-of-my-favorite-looks-it-was-my
-          A fan posts a picture with Lili and Cole
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175293484406/lavandersunrise-lili-girlyou-look-good
-          Cole via Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175292278361/cole-via-ig-stories-26062018
June 30th
-          More Met Gala content comes out
-          https://sprousehart-x.tumblr.com/post/175419087054
July 1st
-          More Met Gala content
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175433464151/sprousehart-x-lili-and-cole-at-the-met-gala
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175433470311/sprousehart-x-lili-and-cole-at-the-met-gala
-          Lili and Cole in Los Angeles (video made 30th June)
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175449085791/gershwinn-sam-mcilvaine-heres-the-full-vid
July 2nd
-          Lili does an interview with Harpers Bazaar
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175472792426/sprousehart-x-i-dont-act-to-be-famous-she
-          The Riverdale cast does a photoshoot together
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175485947286/clairetastic-via-ig-stories-2072018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175480900931/cami-via-ig-stories-2072018
July 4th
-          Cole and KJ Are road tripping back to Vancouver for the starts of season 3. KJ posts to Instagram stories with Cole talking to Lili in the background
-          https://sprousehart-x.tumblr.com/post/175554871820/you-can-hear-lili-in-this-one
July 7th
-          Riverdale cast dinner
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175644014896/gershwinn-robertoaguirresacasa-dinner-with
-          Lili posts to Instagram and Cole comments
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175664755386/cole
July 10th
-          Cole posts to Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175765916255/cole-via-ig-stories-10072018
-          Lili tweets about it
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175769453896/hes-literally-shitposting-from-the-bathroom-with
July 13th
-          Lili posts to Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175873332676/bugheadlover101-lili-reinhart-vis-ig-story
July 14th
-          Unofficial announcement that Lili will be in a feature film. Cole and her have flown to another part of Canada for this.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175902356066/gillesdemaistre-via-ig-14072018
July 16th
-          Bts of season 2 episode 8 comes out with Lili and Cole
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175964727011/bts-2x08
July 17th
-          Lili posts a snapchat with Cole and Luke
-          https://sprousehart-x.tumblr.com/post/175983037093/lili-and-cole-and-luke-via-lilis-snapchat
-          CW Comic con promotional shoot is posted
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175992039016/sprousehartlikes-cutest-smiley-beans
1K notes · View notes
Because I am long and detailed
Can I request a fem reader x Alice where I am jacobs sister and visit him one day and he takes me to go see the cullens and I imprint on Alice. Everybody is taken aback, but it explains to Alice why she could never see me and to get everybody use to the idea, I stay with the Cullens. Me and Alice become closer and she accepts me as her mate when she realizes I am leaving, giving me the option to stay in forks, which I do. Sorry if this was too long. Your blog seens cool. 💖
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WARNING: CURSE WORDS ( if u mind curse words, why are ou even on this blog?)
“y/n!!!!! let’’s go, otherwise I am leaving you here.’’ Jacob yelled. ‘’ I am coming, just.let me put one some new clothing.’’ since this transformation to a shapeshifter I couldn’t buy any more cute clothing, cause it would be wasted money. sad me :(                          
Me and my brother Jacob were driving in his car to the Cullen’s house, I knew a few things why i was allowed to meet them 1) they were “good” vampires, i am new at this so I haven’t met any vampires yet. 2) Bella was pregnant with the child with one the Cullen’s sons, what was his name again? Edgard? no. Eduard? no. Edwald? yes! that must me it, sounds like an old name to me.         and apparently Bella needs protection from Sam Uley and his pack. so yeah.
When we arrived at thi-S BIG FUCKING HOUSE, WHAT THE HELL?!!! why are they so rich tho?  I heard some chuckles inside, must that mindreader Edwald. ‘’’HEY Edwald!!! one thing, i like my privacy so please keep it to you, it is something between us.” Jacob and I were walking into their home. a stone cold and beautiful and omggg so sweet smelling thing was infront of me. ‘’ sure will do, and my name is Edward btw, you must be y/n’’ ‘’Oh, I am sorry, and thanks,” ‘’What?’’ Jacob asked andlooked confused. “nothing’’ Edward and I said in choir. another beautifful creature popped up at the top of the stairs, A beautiful woman with a heart shaped face, beautful brown wavy hair. she looked at me so warm with her stonecold eyes I was shocked. 
‘’Edward, please take our guest upstairs already!” she said. as we walked upstairs i saw the beautiful Interior of the house. two blond males, 1 blond female. or should I say goddess?!!! were in the room. then one bulky man!a small human girl on te couch. They all introduced themself to me. ‘’Alice will be here in a second.” Edward said, and indeed in a just a second a pixie looking gril walked in, with the most beautiful golden eyes, yes they all had golden eyes but her’s were the best! wh-? Time looked to be standing still and she was standing at the centrum of it. i love her!  ‘’OH HELL TO THE FUCKING NO NO!!!” I looked shocked at Jacob.’ what jus happend?’ i asked, ‘’you..... you imprinted....” oh no! that can’t be true, right? Alice looked at me shocked as well. ‘that explains why you never could see your mate Alice...’’ Edward said, she looked at him speechless and nodded. everybody looked shocked cause this has never happend before, shouldn’t happen! but I can’t fight the feeling of wanting to hold het cold and petite body in my arms. ‘’But Alice! this is great, you finf him um .. her!” Bella obviously tried to lighten the mood, i smiled slightly at her, she smiled politely back. 
‘’you’re right Bella, this is what Iwanted, didnt just expected it be a Dog!”’ she looked at me mad but with hurt in her eyes and run away. I wanted to go after her but Jacob stopped me.’’’Let go Jake’’ “no, I dont want you to get hurt, if she fights you, you will loose!” “ Jake!,I would’t even fight back.” and with that i ran after her, followed her sweet smell, that actually smelled very citrus fruit with some floral, like violet, jasmine.
finally i catched her. she stopped, turned around and said ‘’ I am sorry what I said there, I didn’t mean it, will you forgive me, and let us start over?’’ she looked at me hopeful, awhhh she is so cute. oh wait! she wants an answer. I went behind a tree and change into human-shape. ‘
‘’yes i would like that, my name is y/n, and yours?’’ i asked her with a smile. ‘’alice, alice cullen is my name.’’ she said and returned the smile. ‘’alice, would you like to take a walk with me and get to know each other?’’ ‘’’I would like that.”
at the end alice and i got to know each other very well, we had same interest, she glowed up when i said i loved shopping, clothing fashion and more, and whe she heard that my closet was shrinking she already planned 5 shopping dates!
 we went back to the house with smiles up on our faces. ‘’Esme, don’t you think it is a good idea to let the family get used to the idea of y/n if she stayed with us for a while. if she wants ofcours?’’ Alice looked at me with hope. How did she expect me to say no that?!!!! ‘’sure’’ ‘’yayyyy’’
a few months later
me and alice have been in a healthy relationship for just 2 months. I lived with he and the cullen’s but i miss my dad, the beach my own home andthe rez. i wanted to go back but then i would miss her, but imprints can go on the rez so why not go with her.
‘’alice, baby can we talk?”’ ‘’sure thing sweatheart’’ she came into our (her) room and gave me quick kiss before  sitting next me on the bed.’’’ i  miss the rez babe, would you like to move to the rez with me, toget closer to the beach, and we can hunt together and have our own space and time- .’’ ‘’yes!!!! i love that idea, i will look for some cute cottaes to buy our we could build our own!!!! o and i can design it and do the Interior.’’’wuith that she was talking and talking.
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_________________________________________________________________ this took me so long idk why, iam not a very actieve writer, but I am trying. I hope you like it, i changed it a little bit tho..... sorry!!!! @serpensangel
xx m
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