#it's medic we're talking about after all he probably did it himself
jaratedeguadalupe · 1 year
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whateversawesome · 4 months
Spy x Family Chapter 98: An Explosion
Let's start with the most important thing and we'll go from there. Ready? This panel:
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Blink and you'll miss that insignificant comment from someone we don't even know their name. Nevertheless, given the implications of Project Apple, this panel is huge! Because, even if back then it was just a rumor, there's a chance it could also be true. Project Apple could have started during the first conflict. This leads me to the following theory:
Anya's biological parents were prisoners of war.
The story about Twilight as a soldier, Martha and Henry, as well as Millie, Franky, and even the Lady Patriots Society tell us about the dehumanization of the enemy. So yeah, it's very possible that it was acceptable for either side to do anything they wanted with captured enemies, that includes experimentation.
And by prisoners of war, I'm not only referring to soldiers and medical personnel, but also spies. Wouldn't it be funny if Anya's birth parents were also spies? It's too soon to tell, but it's so much fun to speculate 😆
At the beginning, it's stated that Anya was created by accident:
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Maybe she was "an accident" between two prisoners of war or between a prisoner of war being experimented on and a scientist 🤔
So here's another crazy idea: Everyone thinks that Anya learned Classical Language because it was used in the lab by scientists, but what if it was her biological parents the ones who taught her that language in order to be able to communicate with each other?
At some point, I thought that even if we learned about Anya's past there was a possibility we would never know about her parents, now I think we will.
About the Chapter
Clearly, SXF is an anti-war story that wants to show us how terrible war is for EVERYONE. That's why big and small characters, side or main, have been affected greatly by war.
I'm sure plenty of people will talk about Martha and Henry's love story. After this chapter, I think it's clear that they probably were separated by war and that Henry had to marry to save himself, leaving Martha up in the air. (I know I am a fool, but I keep hoping she's the one he married, but I don't think so 😭)
Anyways, leaving the cautionary semi-tragic love story aside (Ahem, watch out Twilight and Yor)...I see what the author is trying to do: The story shows us very clearly what happens to every person when pushed to their limits, when they and their families are in danger. It's a story about loss, loss, and more loss.
The story is trying to make the readers root for peace and be very adamant against war. This is a masterclass on "Show, don't tell." So even if a lot of these stories seem insignificant because it's about side characters, they are meant to influence the readers' point of view about war, so when it reaches the main characters, we all know what could happen to them. These stories are meant to raise the stakes for the main characters.
Now, I've said it before: It's very possible that close to the climax of the story, Ostania and Westalis will be at the verge of a third conflict. By then, we'll know much more about the main characters' background as well as many other stories of side characters affected by war (don't be surprised if The Garden was created as a consequence of it). So when we're close to the end, when war is about to happen, we'll know exactly what could happen to the Forgers, because it has already happened to so many people: loss.
Something to Keep in Mind
The more the story moves forward, the more curious I am about the Desmonds. Since all of the characters were affected by war, I'm wondering how were the Desmond affected? Melinda certainly has issues (did this happen during and because of the war?) and Donovan Desmond is still a BIG question mark. It easy to relate to what normal characters feel. If any of us were going through something similar, we would be terrified too. However, how is it for someone in charge? How did Desmond see and suffer war? I really want to know.
One Last Thing
If in two chapters focusing on two side characters Endo has managed to create such a beautiful love story, can you image what he plans to do with Twiyor, which is the main couple of the story??
I know I say this a lot, but after seeing this my expectations are high and I am convinced it'll be worth the wait.
Food for thought.
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swamp-adder · 5 months
I keep wondering about the financial situation between Holmes and Watson after the Hiatus. At Holmes' request, Watson quits his job and moves back in with Holmes to continue helping him with cases. Did Watson receive any kind of payment for his help -- a cut of the money Holmes received from his clients perhaps? A lot of fanfiction seems to assume they were equal partners and Watson got half; but honestly any scenario I can imagine seems awkward to me in one way or another:
- Watson being treated as an equal partner and getting half the money seems awkward when according to what's depicted in the stories Holmes was doing the vast majority of the actual work and Watson was mostly there because Holmes liked having someone to talk to.
- Watson receiving some money, but not a full half, makes Watson explicitly subordinate to Holmes in an employer/employee relationship, which just seems like an awkward dynamic to introduce into any friendship.
- Watson not getting paid at all would be awkward because Watson just quit his job for the sake of helping Holmes out, and has also been forbidden by Holmes from publishing any more stories for the time being. Meanwhile Holmes at this point in his career we're told is absolutely rolling in dough, creating a serious income disparity between them which could hardly help but be awkward.
Watson's financial resources that we know of at this point would consist of his wound pension and whatever royalties he's still getting from his earlier stories, plus the money he got from "Verner" for his medical practice. We're told in DYIN that Holmes' "payments [for the flat] were princely. I have no doubt that the house might have been purchased at the price which Holmes paid for his rooms during the years that I was with him." That makes it sound like Holmes was more than paying the full rent for the apartment by himself, so at the least Watson was probably living there for free. (This quote is from DYIN, which seems to be set pre-Hiatus, so this arrangement might have begun even by then.) Which also seems potentially awkward -- like something that could make Watson feel like a freeloader or whatever.
Honestly it's very understandable why Watson never explicitly talks about money, because the whole thing is just awkward any way you slice it!!
In the earlier days the whole thing seems less awkward to me because a) Holmes had less money himself and b) Watson is just choosing not to get a job and to run around with his friend instead, rather than having given up his career specifically at Holmes' request.
One thing that makes the "Watson lives for free at Holmes' place, eats out at Holmes' expense etc but doesn't get paid in cash" scenario seem more likely to me is the fact that Holmes felt the need to give Watson a bunch of money sneakily through buying his practice -- it makes me think he felt like he couldn't pay him in a more straightforward, above-board way -- that Watson would be offended by it or whatever.
On the other hand I was also reading some stuff on the wiki about the concept of the "lady's companion", where a usually single upper-class woman would invite a single female friend to live with her and pay her an "allowance" in exchange for social companionship. The companion was technically an employee but was treated more like a member of the family. Now, there are reasons why this arrangement was specific to women: a) there were very few ways for an upper-class woman to actually earn a living that wouldn't compromise her upper-class status; and b) upper-class women were expected to stay at home most of the time, so a woman living alone (especially in the country) could easily become lonely. But it does show that there was at least some kind of concept in this historical era of "living with a wealthy friend and being financially supported by them as if you were family" without it being Weird. So yeah IDK.
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hi, could you do a x reader oneshot on live action Roronoa Zoro from the live action One Piece series!
Roronoa Zoro x reader oneshot (Netflix live action)
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Summary: you tend to Zoro's wounds after he is hurt on a fight
Warnings: cursing, a bit suggestive, mentions of blood, me pretending to understand medical matters 🤡 (sorry about that, it was for fangirling purposes only ajskajakja)
A/n: hello anon! Thanks a lot for the request 🥰 this is probably set after s1? Sorry for any plot or grammar mistakes 🙏🏻 i hope you like it 🩷
The salty sea breeze hit your skin as you looked out the Going Merry trying to spot your friends.
The straw hats had left to a village to try to confront another crew. Apparently another annoying guy was threatening Luffy and he was not going to let that pass. It was stupid, you thought, but, when Luffy had something in mind, absolutely no one could convince him otherwise.
Luffy had asked you to stay on the ship in case anything happened. Being the crew's doctor, you had to be prepared for any emergency regarding the crew's well being.
Yep, you were the doctor in the straw hats crew.
You had met when Luffy saw you helping hurt people in the middle of a fight at the small island you lived. He was so impressed at how good you were, how you helped everyone with ability but also with a kindness in your eyes that he had never seen before in anyone.
Having lived your entire life with your doctor grandparents, you had learned from them and was just as skilled as them, so you were always ready to help those who needed.
But you were also a dreamer and wanted to go around the world meeting new people and new places, so when Luffy asked you to join his crew you happily said yes.
- we already have a navigator, a cook... we could use a talented doctor like you. I just know it's you. So, what do you say? - he asked, with that excited smile of his.
And that's how you became a part of this special crew. Everyone was so nice to you, so it didn't take much time for you to get along with them all, specially with their cute swordsman.
Yeah, it was like you clicked. You started getting closer, closer... and before you knew you were dating.
That's why you were specially worried today. You were really afraid your boyfriend was going to do something stupid and get himself hurt again (you still had nightmares about the whole Mihawk thing).
You were lost in your thoughts when you heard your friends coming back to the ship. You immediatly ran to check on them.
- is everyone okay? - you asked worried.
- we're fine, we were lucky. Can't say the same about your man over there - Sanji said and your heart dropped. What did this stubborn do this time?
- shut up, Sanji, i'm fine - you heard Zoro say as he entered the ship too.
You ran to him doing a quick check up with your eyes. That's when you noticed the big red stain on the side of his shirt.
- oh my gosh, Zoro, you're bleeding! - you said terrified.
- this? Nah, this is just a scratch - he said shrugging and trying to play tough, even though you could clearly see he was in pain.
- no, it's not! - you said, in a stern way - come on, we have to bandage you up.
You carefully led him inside and brought your medical kit to start tending to his wounds. He sat down as you began.
- take your shirt off - you ordered.
- Wow you're that eager, huh? - he said smirking, but instantly regretting and wincing with pain.
- Zoro! Will you stop being a brat and let me take care of you? - you said angrily - i can see you're in pain and you're not going anywhere until we fix that up!
You were usually a very chill person, but you couldn't stand seeing your friends and loved ones in pain. That activated a side of you people were even a bit scared of lol
- okay, boss - he said, a bit annoyed but finally giving up.
The way he called you 'boss' made you feel all tingly inside. You were sure going to have to talk to him about it later (and maybe share some ideas 👀) but now it wasn't the time. You had a wound to treat.
He took his shirt off and you couldn't help but take in a sharp breath at the sight (even though you had seen it before lol). Boy was sure shredded.
Focus, (Y/N).
You checked him and noticed he had a knife wound just above his hip. It was ugly, but you could do it.
You grabbed a piece of cloth to start cleaning the wound.
- my love, i apologize in advance, but this is going to hurt.
You started the cleaning.
- shit, that hurts! - he hissed.
- i know, i'm sorry.
You knew you had to do it, but you couldn't stand seeing the man you loved suffering like that. You had to distract him out of it so you could finish your work.
- umm baby, could you tell me again about that time you beat three pirates at once with only one sword?
- what? Now? Why? - he looked so cute furrowing his brows in confusion.
- it's just that... i like to work listening to your voice - you quickly made that up lol
Well, it wasn't totally a lie, you did enjoy listening to his voice, but of course it was mostly to keep him distracted ajskjakaja
He was still a bit suspicious but started telling the story since you asked him (trust me, there was nothing you asked Zoro he wouldn't do for you). Your strategy worked cause you cleaned the wound and bandaged it without him wincing too much.
By the time he finished the story, you had finished your work too. You also gave him some painkillers for him to feel better soon.
- there you go - you said softly and kissed his forehead.
He closed his eyes and melted under your touch, not only because of how tired he was, but also because he felt super safe with you.
- thank you, (Y/N) - he said squeezing your hand.
You smiled at him.
- now please lay down and try to rest a bit, or this thing won't heal - you said in a stern tone, but nearly begging for your boyfriend to take care of himself.
You gathered your medical stuff and were starting to leave the room when he said:
- (Y/N), wait!
- what is it? - you asked, worried he was starting to feel pain again.
- I... I might not be feeling 100% yet. I think you should stay and lay down with me just in case it gets worse - he said in a really nonchalant way.
You rolled your eyes at his completely obvious attempt, but couldn't help smiling and blushing a bit at the thought of the great Roronoa Zoro wanting you to stay with him.
- you're the worst, Zoro - you said playfully as you carefully laid down next to him and put your hand on his chest.
- yeah, but you love me - he replied with that smug smile of his and that deep voice that drove you crazy.
You chuckled at his response.
- yes, I do - you said smiling.
His next words came out merely a whisper, but were enough to give you a thousand butterflies in your stomach:
- and I love you more.
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showstopper35 · 4 months
I do not know if you are taking requests, if you aren’t then feel free to ignore. But I was wondering, if you are of course, if I could have Con x Reader headcanons where the reader has really bad anxiety? But like tries to play it off as not that bad as they are visible freaking out?
I hope that is okay and thank-you in advance!
No problem! Sorry for the wait! And also sorry I didn't do all the cons!
-He knows a thing or two about repressing emotions...he mostly just gives you a lot of space. If you want to talk about it, he will listen quietly. Maybe give you a few words about how its okay to not be okay, and that you can allow yourself to feel things in front of him, or just let it out when you feel safe alone. If you don't want to talk about it, he will pretend to believe your "I'm fine" routine until you come clean.
-You're fine, you say? Good. All his soldiers must be fine. So what if your hands are shaking? Maybe you aren't fine after all. But you have to tell him that first, or otherwise let your anxiety so badly affect your performance in whatever your daily tasks are that he notices. Then he won't say anything, but he might let you take a break. Just until you can go back to serving him, of course.
-You don't even need to pretend to be okay. He knows. He's probably tracking your heartbeat or something. The shaky hands, the trembling voice...the anxiety is definitely bad. Well, when he gets nervous (which is never, because the security chief of the Nemesis could never be nervous, right?), he usually would play with his minicons. Don't be concerned when Laserbeak starts flying at you--he's just here to help. Laserbeak never leaves your side until Soundwave has decided you've calmed down enough.
-Don't worry, darling, he is definitely the first one to know you're faking it. After all, he puts on his dramatic act every day. One glance at you and all his medic training kicks in and identifies the symptoms of an anxiety attack. Expect to be escorted into a quiet room while he orders everyone else away from you for "medical reasons". Once you are calmer, he sips energon with you and just does his best to distract you with all the random stuff he has to say, even if he mostly talks about himself.
-If we're being honest, he is not the smartest. It would probably take something as drastic as you breaking down into tears to realize that you're panicking. Even so, he does realize that something is off. He might be kinder to you, or offer to aid you in any of your assignments. He just keeps you company.
-Shockwave would notice that you aren't exactly acting as your usual self. After a while around you, he would come to the conclusion that you are highly anxious. He notices everything, yes, but he wouldn't say much. Maybe he just leaves you alone. He isn't sure if this is his problem. If you did voice your anxiety to him, he would probably recommend some weird medicine he cooked up. Maybe it's best to just avoid him about this issue.
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
My delulu is intensifying. I'm starting to think that the theory of L catching feelings super early, like even when he first met N, is clicking for me. How he remembers meeting her for the first time in such detail. I just think the wheels were starting to turn even back then. Do I think he was consciously aware of it? Probably not. Do I think he ever vocalised it to N? Hell no. Do I think feelings intensified once he was announced as lead for S3? Absolutely. And got near breaking point during filming? Yes, indeed.
The whole unliking J's posts from a very specific time-point is interesting. Some of you have mentioned that maybe something changed for him at that time, which just so happens to coincide with finding out he was going to lead S3 with N. Very close to the time of that cute N and L photo, looking very cosy. They were probably spending A LOT more time together, planning and discussing. Becoming closer. I imagine N would have been super professional about it. However, I think things shifted when they started filming.
May I present Exhibit A. I was watching this video last night (the YouTuber is fantastic, love her work):
First of all, this kiss is IMHO the best kiss I've ever seen. It literally had it all. I fixated on her comments at 16:45 re. L's lower lip trembling/quivering in the kiss. An involuntary, uncontrollable response. I had noticed it before, but never properly contemplated what it actually means. My scientific investigation began... Googles "lip trembling during kiss". Unfortunately, not very fruitful information, talking about possibly having a potassium deficiency or other medical conditions (lol). No google, not random lip twitching! I'm talking about trembling DURING a kiss. Eventually I did find an answer on the 'girls ask guys' page (reputable, of course). Generally the responses went something like this, "definitely a sign of emotion or fighting to control himself. My bf does this when we're kissing slowly then usually becomes more aggressive soon after (losing control a little)". Becoming so overcome with emotion and trying very hard to reign it in... Hmm ok? And this is involuntary, you say, like it cannot be faked or 'acted'? So two possible options. The method acting was methoding and he really felt the love to his core as Colin for Pen OR well... we all know the other option.
Now, looking back at the BTS, I don't think either of them were really method acting. They were easily coming in and out of character between scenes, and you could see the differentiation between the character and the actor. Although, the intimate behaviours were not really stopping lol. I've noticed other involuntary responses from N as well looking at the BTS, like gulping when he touches her face while practicing the dance scenes. I would hazard a guess there was real fire there. But as many have also said, the lines were blurry and they probably were pinning the feelings down to their characters, and the high emotion surrounding leading such a big production. Dismiss those feelings.
Take time apart, and come back, and guess what? The feelings are still there but they're not playing Polin. Avoid, reject internally, become defensive? Give in possibly? Emotionally? Physically? Not sure. But either way, I believe walls were built back up for reasons we can probably deduce. The timing just ain't right.
Now I guess we wait and see what happens during S4 filming.
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yeollie-plz · 1 year
All Too Well
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Preoutbreak! Joel x F! Reader
Synopsis: You met Joel your junior year of college. You had been so focused on your schooling until that fateful night. You were so young, so naïve. He was only a year older but it felt like he knew it all.
Genre: angst! so so angsty its insane
Warnings: break up, fighting, kissing, Y/N insert, pregnancy, labor and contractions, death, drinking (also underage drinking), drunk people, mentions of virginity and losing it, mentions of sex but no sex scenes, hospitals, doctor talk and mentions of medical complications, funerals
Gif credits to owners!
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A/N: So I don't usually like song based fanfics but I had an idea and I ran with it. Tbh after I wrote it, I fell in love with it, hopefully you do too! Also! It is obviously the ten minute Taylor's version!
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Oh, your sweet disposition and my wide-eyed gaze
It was right before your 21st birthday, you had been dragged by your friend Layla to a party at some sorority house. You didn't want to be there, but she insisted.
So now you were standing in the kitchen with a beer you hadn't even sipped and no Layla in sight. Your only company was the people that would stumble in to fill their cups and not utter a word. That was until Joel walked in. He had this air to him, he was calm and collected, and you could tell there was a kindness in his eyes.
He noticed you almost immediately and started a conversation. He told you how his brother dragged him here and you marveled at the sameness of your situations.
You two talked the whole night, neither one of you drinking. It comforted you that he was also sober.
It was almost one in the morning when Layla found you again. She was clearly wasted and you rolled your eyes.
"I should probably take her home." You told Joel.
Grabbing Layla to help her walk, you made your way out of the kitchen. Before you could leave he lightly grabbed your arm.
"Wait, can I get your number? I wanted to know if maybe we could get some coffee sometime?" You stared at him with shock. You had enjoyed the conversation but you didn't know he felt that way.
"Uh, yeah sure." You quickly grabbed a pen and random receipt from your bag. Jotting your number on it, you handed it to Joel with a smile.
He returned the smile and helped you and your friend to the car. You watched him in your rearview as you drove off, smiling to yourself.
'Cause there we are again on that little town street
You almost ran the red 'cause you were lookin' over at me
Wind in my hair, I was there
A few months and a few dates later, you and Joel had become official. You had never felt more like yourself. It was crazy to say a man had done that to you but you couldn't deny the facts. Even your school work had improved!
Your favorite nights were the nights you and Joel would just drive around. The two of you would drive around the town, every time you hit a red light he would look over at you with those soft eyes of his.
You did a lot of driving and he did a lot of staring. You would drive around and just talk about anything and everything. It was so simple, yet so perfect.
You taught me 'bout your past thinkin' your future was me
He told you everything about himself on those drives. How he grew up, his life with his family, even about his petty little fights with Tommy when they were younger.
It made you happy that he trusted you with every part of him. So, you told him all about you in return. You wanted all of him and gave all you back.
And I was thinkin' on the drive down: Any time now
He's gonna say it's love
You never called it what it was
You don't know when it happened but one day you woke and realized you were in love with Joel.
You wanted to scream out into the universe how much you loved this man. But it never felt like the right time.
A part of you wanted him to say it first. But no matter how many times he stared at you with those eyes, he never did.
'Cause there we are again in the middle of the night
We're dancin' 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light
Down the stairs, I was there
You were taking a nap at Joel's house one day when you were awoken to the sound of music downstairs. It was an old song you didn't recognize. Following the sound through the house, you found Joel gliding around the linoleum of the kitchen. You let out a laugh which stopped him in his tracks.
He met your eyes with that look, the look that made you melt. The look you knew all too well. He offered his hand to you. Gladly, you took it. You two danced for the rest of the song.
He pulled you close as it faded away, ghosting a kiss on your lips. That was the night he took your virginity. There was no good reason you had waited, you just had. But it felt right to lose it to him. He felt right.
And there we are again when nobody had to know
You kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath
Sacred prayer and we'd swear
It became the norm, you two would drive around and talk and end up at his place between the sheets. It never made you feel dirty, it made you feel loved.
But it was the lack of actual dates or him being uninterested in hanging out with your friends that made you start to pull away.
It wasn't until one night when Tommy stopped by unannounced to Joel's and he didn't even know who you were. You drove home crying that night.
Joel found you the next day with flowers in his hands, apologizing over and over again. He made an excuse of not wanting Tommy to know about his private life and how he hadn't found the right time.
He swore he told Tommy everything that night and how he would get the three of you together soon. You took him at his word and you two ended up in the sheets once again.
Except this time it felt different.
Well, maybe we got lost in translation
Maybe I asked for too much
But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up
Runnin' scared, I was there
You decided you weren't going to just be compliant anymore. You were human and you needed, no you deserved more!
You brought it up one night and it became a huge fight. Screaming and crying, you two broke up.
You hadn't seen or talked to him for two months until those blue lines showed up on the pregnancy test.
And you called me up again just to break me like a promise
So casually cruel in the name of bein' honest
You called him after crying all night. He needed to know that you were pregnant with his child.
Joel almost let it go to voicemail, but he finally answered. But when he did, he wouldn't even let you speak. He just muttered an, "I'm busy." and hung up.
You cried all night for the second night in a row.
But then he watched me watch the front door all night
Willin' you to come
And he said: It's supposed to be fun turning 21
A week later and it was your 21st birthday. You decided to spend it with your parents since you knew if you spent it was Layla she would force you to drink. With your newly found condition, that was not possible.
All day and night you stayed in your room, not even wanting to eat. All you wanted to do was tell Joel. You hadn't even told your parents yet.
You wanted to keep the baby but you couldn't do it alone. At least you didn't want to do it alone.
It wasn't until your dad came to your room to try and coax you out, that you finally broke down and told them everything.
Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it
I'd like to be my old self again
But I'm still tryin' to find it
After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own
A few more months went by and you were starting to show. You hadn't tried to make anymore attempts to contact Joel in a while. You decided to focus on yourself and the life you were growing inside of you. Whom, you found out at your last scan, was a girl.
You were out on night with Layla when you saw Tommy out on a date with some girl. Neither him nor Joel would've found out if it weren't for that night.
He saw you instantly and made his way over. He casually stroke up conversation, it felt more like a formality than anything.
You nervously swiped your hand across the table, knocking your fork to the floor. All eyes fell upon it.
"Oh, don't worry I'll get it." Tommy said as he knelt down.
As his hands gripped your fallen fork, his gaze began to move upward to your eyes but stopped at your swollen stomach. You cursed yourself for wearing something so tight tonight.
You gulped, letting his name fall past your lips. He stood back up and tried to wipe the shock from his face.
"Is that? Is Joel the..." His question trailed off, but you nodded still, knowing what he was asking.
"Y/N, why haven't you told him? He's been besides himself since the breakup."
You shook your head, "I tried, he just hung up on me."
Tommy put his hand on your shoulder.
"You need to tell him. He'll be happy, I promise."
You sighed and nodded your head solemnly. You knew you had to tell him, it was just so hard.
You went home that night and pulled out the flannel he had left at your place. You slept in it that night, his smell lulling you to sleep. Tomorrow was the day you would finally tell him.
Back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known
It was rare, I was there
The next afternoon you knocked on Joel's door. It was cold out, so you had bundled up a little more. Yet, there was still no hiding it.
His look of shock at your appearance was nothing compared to the look he made when saw your pregnant form.
He started to say something but you cut him off.
"Joel, just listen. I wanted to tell you, I tried but you kept hanging up on me and eventually I just kind of gave up. I never wanted to hide it from you. I never wanted to raise the baby without you but you had given me no choice. I saw Tommy last night and he said things that made me realize I needed to try again. So here I am."
There was a long silence between the two of you.
"Thank you." he finally uttered out.
"For?" You looked up at him, trying to read his face. All you were met with were those eyes you had grown to love.
"Everything. Showing me how to love. Giving me the greatest gift I could ever receive...for coming back." He reached out and touched your stomach. His hands moved slowly to your hips, pulling you towards him.
Leaning his forehead against yours, he finally said those three words you had waited so long to hear.
"I love you."
That's when you felt a raindrop fall on the top of your head. Both of your eyes met the sky to face the falling rain.
"It's raining." You said breathlessly.
"I'm not sure if that's a good sign or not." Joel said with a chuckle.
"I don't think it is, but I'm sure we can change that. I love you too."
He smiled and kissed you.
And did the twin flame bruise paint you blue?
Just between us, did the love affair maim you too?
'Cause in this city's barren cold
I still remember the first fall of snow
And how it glistened as it fell
You were now nine months along. You had moved in with Joel and even set up a nursery for your baby girl. Joel surprised you by painting her room purple, your favorite color. He had become that guy you had fallen in love with again and you couldn't be happier.
It was an even colder night when you woke up with a start. A shooting pain going through your spine. Shaking Joel awake, telling him you were sure you had just had a contraction.
He rushed around the house in a flurry, your eyes just following him around. He would've been making you dizzy if it weren't for the crippling moments of pain you kept feeling.
You yelled his name as another contraction hit.
"Joel, we have to go." He finally looked at you, doubled over in pain. He rushed over and tried to rub your back.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry darlin', I was so busy trying to get everything ready that I forgot how much pain you were in."
"It's fine, we just should go now before I have the baby in our living room. You can bring stuff to the hospital later."
"You're right. Let me help you to the car, baby."
Hours later and you were still having contractions but you were not getting any more dilated than before. The doctor came in to tell you they needed to do a C-section.
"A C-section? What do you mean? She can't give birth naturally?" Joel asked, confused. He seemed a little concerned as well.
"Well the baby just isn't moving along as much as we would like. So for both the baby and the mother's benefit we should do the Caesarean."
"it's fine, Joel, It's just a few cuts. We will be back to you in no time. Both of us." Joel looked at you and then back to the doctor for conformation, who nodded.
"Fine, but take care of her." Joel gave in, slumping down into his chair.
"Of course sir."
They took you away to surgery. Too long ago now for Joel's taste. Time was moving too slowly and Joel was losing it. Tommy had shown up about 30 minutes ago. He had been trying to calm Joel's worry this whole time.
The doctor finally came their way.
"Y/N Y/LN's family?"
Tommy and Joel nodded.
"The baby is perfectly healthy, congratulations you have a little girl. But, unfortunately, Miss Y/L/N began to hemorrhage as I was trying to sew her up. She lost a lot of blood and we were unable to find the source of the bleeding in time. She flatlined on the table and we were unable to revive her. I'm so sorry."
Joel just blinked at the doctor, it took him a minute to process the news. Then it hit him and he sunk down to his knees in the waiting room.
Tears began to fall from his eyes as the rain began to fall outside.
Wind in my hair, I was there, I was there
Down the stairs, I was there, I was there
Sacred prayer, I was there, I was there
It was rare, I was there, I was there
Joel didn't want to attend the funeral but Tommy made him, he said something about how the baby should be there.
He had named her Sarah. One night when you two were laying on the couch, watching a movie you had mentioned how much you liked the name. Joel made a mental note of it.
The three of them arrived at the funeral, Joel couldn't bring himself to talk to your parents. After their last interaction, there was no point. They had all but blamed Joel for your death. He even made Tommy bring Sarah over to them, knowing he couldn't do it himself. But they deserved to cuddle and love their granddaughter, after all it was the last part of you they had left.
As he watched the casket lower into the ground he remembered everything about you. The way you smiled, the way you laughed, the way you unconditionally loved him even after what he did to you.
Joel looked down to the baby in his arms. She looked so much like you. He promised himself he would protect her at all costs. He would protect her the way he couldn't protect you.
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salubriwrites-blog · 21 days
LycaWise Angst story I'll never publish
I'm part of a LycaWise discord where we all circle jerk and share things we cooked.
After reading someone's little angsty one shot they wrote I was inspired. I'll probably never turn this into a full length story especially cause it was piggy backing off someone else, shout out Dartrickx and would only turn this isn't a full scale story with their permission and collaboration.
So I wanted to post what I had cooked in this feral brainstorm frenzy! (I'm literally copy pasting this from Discord, so it'll be disjointed, feral, and I'm NOT sorry). The story kicked off pretty cute - Lycaon and Wise go on a date where Lycoan proposes. Their romantic evening ends with Lycaon fighting off Ethereals, only to realize that he was somehow drugged during his evening with Wise. The Ethereals he fought did not exist, and the large one he fought was actually Wise. Who now lays dead, at the hands of Lycaon. Hugo Vlad - disguised as their waiter for the evening - had managed to drug Lycaon and has effectively framed the thiren for the death of the Proxy.
Here is my addition to what I think would transpire afterward: When PubSec arrives, all they see is a maddened thiren out of control of himself. Lycaon's defense is paper thin, the blood is on his hands, no one believed that he had been drugged and so there's no proof of Hugo's actions. The best thing they can do for him to avoid a more severe sentence is to plead insanity. He is a Hollow Raider after all, all that Ether corruption had to have an impact on him some how... so they plead insanity to save Lycaon.
So Lycaon pleads insanity, gets sent to a psychiatric prison. Hugo infiltrates it and masquerades as doctors, guards, whatever he needs to be around Lycaon. This causes the staff to panic because he's trying to attack the staff, not a good look for him. As a result the prison isolates him further, muzzles him up, puts him in a high risk ward. Basically only has like, two or three people that he sees at any given time of day (a therapist, a guard, a doctor, that kind of thing). Through a series of manipulations (social and medical), Lycaon starts to lose touch with reality. He becomes convinced that he is beyond redemption. Everyone has forgotten about him; Wise is dead, Belle will never forgive him, VHS had to distance themselves to save face. Hugo is all that remains. This does not happen within months either, mind you. We're talking like, years of Hugo doing this. Until everyone that Lycaon knew stops calling him, stops visiting, stops writing letters. He feels completely forgotten about and the only connection he has to his past is Hugo. Let's say about ~5 years go by. VHS has moved on, Ellen is maybe looking at a change in lifestyle. She works at a catgirl/maid cafe full time now, and gets a visit from a PubSec officer. One of them introduces herself as Zhu Yuan, investigator for NEPS. "Are you Ellen Joe?" They ask. She's suspicious, but confirms her identity. "When was the last time you were in touch with Von Lycaon?" They ask. Panic "Maybe three years ago. Why?" "He's part of an ongoing investigation." "I just said I haven't seen him in years, last I saw him he was in prison for murder. You should know where he is." silence "You… do know where he is, right?"
Ellen finds out that Lycaon escaped his isolation cell and they think he took one of the prison's staff hostage. Now Ellen may not think that he's totally mentally stable, but this is still Von Lycoan, Head Butler of Victoria Housekeeping Services and Hollow Raider we're talking about. He knows how to evade detection, hack any level of security clearance, and skilled in different forms of combat. If Lycaon doesn't want to be found, he absolutely can disappear. So she teams up with PubSec to find Lycaon, putting all of the training he inparted onto her to track him down. Doing her own freelance investigation, Ellen learns the truth about what happened. How Hugo had been there, following Lycaon and Wise, orchestrating the perfect crime with Lycoan at the center of it. She figures out that Hugo has been in that prison the whole time, and that this psycho has been torturing Lycaon all this time. Basically uncovers a whole gross discrepancy in the prison's system. "We'll make this right, but we have to find him before Hugo influences him to do something else" Zhu Yuan promises Ellen as they are closing in on Lycaon's location. Eventually, they find Lycoan and Hugo. They're back in the attic playing house or some weird shit like that. Ellen insists that she be the one to go up first and will call if things go side ways, because the presence of cops might agitate Lycaon. "Remember," Zhu Yuan says to Ellen before she disappears inside. "So long as he doesn't hurt anyone else, we can get his sentence commuted or even cleared. That includes you." "I'll talk some sense into him," Ellen promises. Except- "Boss?" She calls, relying on her senses to penetrate the dark room. Though it was day time, the sun hanging directly over head cast the room in unmoving shadows. Lycaon attacks Ellen, she jams the handle of her pole arm between his teeth to stop him from biting her. He doesn't recognize her anymore, she barely recognizes him. He's gray, gaunt, and wild now. A trace of the regal thiren she knew, he's become something of Hugo's creation. As Hugo is standing over Ellen, giving a monologue about how he's won (because he has to) while Lycaon slobbers and snaps at her face as she holds him off with her pole arm, she manages to reach into her shirt and pull out a necklace, and hanging from the chain is the wedding band. Wise's wedding band.
Lycaon sees it and he freezes up as she says something not very dramatic but to the extent of "You forgot about me, that's fine. I deserve that because I forgot about you first. But you would never forget him." Because it's true, Lycaon could never forget Wise. Even when everyone else forgot about Lycaon, and his love for them turned to bitter resentment turned to nothingness. As Lycaon is having this mental collapse, she beats Lycaon over the head and he blacks out. Now that his weapon is out of commission and no longer a danger, Hugo starts to beg for clemency. Then threatening her. But Ellen Joe is a badass, and she calls in PubSec to take care of him and get Lycaon the help she needs. After that day she promises to never leave his side again. She failed him once already.
Hugo goes away for a long time for the grocery list of crimes hes committed. (Tampering with a crime, 1st degree murder, impersonating law enforcement, aiding and abetting a prisoner's escape, unlawful imprisonment). It takes Lycaon a long time to come back from all of that. Ellen and Corin stick around to help him, Lycoan may never get his job back as an attendant for VHS, but maybe Lily's family rehire him full time. It all comes to a head when Belle forgives Lycaon. So they start penpalling, then phone calling, and finally one day they decide to meet somewhere in person - we're talking years later. When Belle arrives she's older now, and she's not alone. There's a young boy with her that looks sort of like her, and at the sight of Lycoan gets really shy, but she insists that Lycaon is a friend of the family. He knows that this is her son, and recognizes how important it is to her that she introduce an important man in her life back to Lycaon. The trust that they've rebuilt is fragile and all hinges on if this child approves of him or not. "This is my son, baby do you wanna tell him your name?" She asks. "My name is Wise..." He is hesitant to say it, maybe he thinks its stupid, or other kids bully him for it. He doesn't know its significance. Choking back tears, Belle watches as Lycaon gets down on a knee and takes kid Wise's hand and gives him a formal little handshake. He can tell that he's immediately imprinted onto her son, who will now have a bodyguard and best friend for life. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, young master. Your mother and uncle are very dear to me, should you ever need my assistance, I will be at your side at a moment's notice." Kid Wise stares up at him with these big eyes and goes, "Cool… can I touch your tail?"
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sokkastyles · 1 year
What would a real life ramification of Zuko's scar look like from a physical and mental view point. I've seen you mention it before and it piqued my interest. Don't feel the need to answer if you don't wish, I'm just curious and didn't know where else to look for answers.
Well, I'm not a medical professional and I don't want to get too graphic with this, but large burns like the one Zuko receives on his face would be a lot more severe and disfiguring in real life. You can google to see pictures of what that would look like realistically, but I recommend that you don't.
There's a lot of speculation in the fandom about whether he still has sight in his left eye. Word of God says he does, but again, if we're being realistic, he probably wouldn't. I tend to take the middle ground with that with my headcanons because even if he didn't lose the eye enteriley it's likely that the muscle damage is going to affect his vision. He can't open his eye all the way so that does indicate damage to the muscles that make the eye open and shut. And that's going to cause problems with his vision because your eyelid is there to protect your eyes. There would also be limited range of sight even if his vision was perfect due to the fact that he canonically cannot open his left eye all the way. In my fics I usually like to include that his peripheral on the left side is not great, and he has to overcompensate for it. I also headcanon that he doesn't like being approached from the left side because he can't see as well, in combination with it being a ptsd response. A lot of people talk about his negative reaction to Song touching his face but it's not just the response of random hand flying at his face, I think it's significant that she approaches him from the left side while he is looking away from her. It freaks him out because he can't see as well what she's doing or what her intention is.
Recently I talked about this in the context of Ozai sending him out to sea immediately after burning him. We see in the Western Air Temple episode that Zuko is still wearing a bandage which means Ozai did not give him time to heal before sending him away. Imagine going from living in a palace with the greatest medical care available to having to live on a tiny military ship. And Zuko is not likely to stop and do the necessary things to take care of himself. I think Iroh would try to encourage it, but we know Zuko would have pushed himself, and likely would not admit his own limits or when he was having trouble. This is also going to cause problems.
Zuko could have died from shock or from the burn itself during the agni kai, since it is so large. And then the shock of being immediately carted off to sea and told you can't come home. That is going to have physical as well as mental effects.
Burned skin is also very sensitive to sunlight, and being on a ship out to sea is like, the worst place to be for that. I think the detail in the Beach about Zuko carrying the umbrella was supposes to be for Mai, the pale goth, but I headcanon that Zuko needs that umbrella. I also headcanon that this is why he's not out on the beach with everyone in Sozin's Comet.
I headcanon that Zuko is at least partially disabled but he absolutely does not want people to know that, although redeemed Zuko is much better about accepting himself. Although even if he had no physical affects, he still might have a ptsd responde to being approached from the left side or hands on his body, especially flying at his face. We also know he is self-conscious about the way he looks from what he says to Katara and Ty Lee about it, we know people react to him differently because of the way he looks and Zuko is going to notice this. What Ozai did was a violation of his bodily autonomy that sends the message that Zuko is not safe in his own body, and Zuko is going to be reminded of that every time he looks in the mirror, and other people are also going to know it. One of the major psychological affects I think is that not only does Zuko have to live with being a survivor of familial abuse, it's that everyone else can also see it on his face. There's a lot of headcanons about Zuko telling the gaang the story of his scar but in reality he probably doesn't tell them because he assumes they already know, because it's right there on his face. It's a constant reminder to him of his own weakness and shame so why wouldn't other people feel the same way? Although, again, I do think redeemed Zuko is much more comfortable with himself and he does learn by talking to other people about it that it wasn't his fault. Like, the way he talks to Katara in the caves when she brings up his face, he assumes she is already judging him and is surprised by her compassion, and already says he knows that it doesn't have to define him. I love that scene in particular because it doesn't say that Zuko has to get rid of his scar to be whole, but opens up a way for him to learn self acceptance, and I think he is on his way to that by the end of the series. Which also means accepting his own limits and working with his disability rather than pretending it's not there.
That's also why I don't like it when people say that Mai "sees him as the same." Like, that's the problem! He's not the same. That's also why Mai can't understand why he's so angry, why he can't control his emotional outbursts. He's not the same and treating it like it's nothing isn't going to help him. One of the things I love about atla is how they do acknowledge and treat disability like it's regular part of life, without pretending that equity is the same as equality. Toph can't do some of the same things that the others can do, for example, but she can do a lot, and it isn't a big deal for her to hold on to someone when her feet aren't on the ground, for example. I think that Zuko, post-redemption, learns when he can rely on others and learns how to know himself to know when he needs to rely on others for help, instead of keeping it all in to the point where his emotions become outwardly destructive.
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dashielldeveron · 2 months
okay i just gotta talk about bnha's ending
and what i thought was gonna happen based on the way the narrative had been setting things up.
some light bnha meta. spoilers obviously.
i will preface with i am not concerned with ships. i would be fine with whatever, really, because ultimately, i am my favourite characters' girlfriend (and you are your fave's significant other, etc.). moving on.
1) the first major red flag for me, as a writer, was when we barely spent any time at all at shigaraki's childhood home with dark!deku. it signalled that midoriya wasn't going to fully understand what was going on with shigaraki and therefore lose some nuance/meaning to [what i thought was going to be] shigaraki's redemption. by only having the audience understand shig's tragedy but not midoriya, midoriya is not making a fully informed decision and therefore his choices weigh a bit less.
1a) additionally, with dark!deku, it sets us up to have a thorough examination of shig/deku mirroring each other. doesn't really happen. and midoriya's getting his arms back within one chapter takes away from the overarching motif of taking someone's hand to finally accept help. like captain kirk once said, the three most beautiful words in the universe are "please help me." this could've been a chance for deku to ask for help from shig or the vestiges and further blur the line between villains and heroes.
2) when nana shimura holds shigaraki--this is probably the most confusing narrative decision from my perspective, because i figured we were about to go into OFA with both shig and deku, have some sort of glorious discussion over a fight about what a hero is and saving yourself and accepting help and friendship and stuff, but we just...don't. we don't go see all the vestiges with shigaraki. i thought that was what we were building up to, this ultimate scene with all the OFA users and shig all in the same place, accepting shig as someone who was used/abused and could still move on. i fully thought this would happen and that some unfamilar, bodily form of tenko would be spat out after the discussion, a tenko who's shoved off all shreds of AFO and can begin as solely himself.
instead we get that weird-as-fuck evaporation scene where shigaraki still wanted to fight. which is weird to me, because i haven't read shigaraki as wanting to fight for a long, long time. i've been reading him as wanting to rest.
3) i didn't want toga to die, but i could feel it coming bc "bury your gays" pervades pop media. but holy shit. not even on screen? the last scene seems to set uraraka and toga up to sacrifice each other for the other, and i figured they'd survive, though both severely injured. toga's death (and other villain deaths/putting away in a box) feels contradictory to the story's themes of saving people, that anyone can change to be anything they want. killing/punishing the villains seems to be saying that villains will always be villains, and even if they showed some remorse, they have to die, because they did bad stuff once.
4) touya is more of that "punishing bc he's a villain" stuff. uh. okay. narratively, he seems to be alive to show endeavor's regret. okay. a better way of showing this would be to have touya medically healing and have endeavor supporting him every step of the recuperation. (not that i would personally want this, bc i don't think endeavor's shown enough growth to do this.) and like. how it is now, with endeavor saying that no one has to talk to him, but he's gonna come visit touya and how the others are going to visit touya as well--it feels like they're arguing over who gets touya in the divorce lol (well, it would be lol, except they're dehumanising/objectifying touya again).
4a) why set up the soba eating with touya/shouto if we're not going to see it. why do that, hori. why would you
5) the timeskip to the hospital was jarring. we spend over a year in this one battle, and then we don't see it wrap up. we're left with questions about characters that could've been answered here, in this moment, in the transitional period of getting everyone medical help.
6) okay this is me being very selfish, but as someone with a focus in disability studies, i'd like to know more about everyone's recuperation. mostly, you'd FUCKING THINK that once they're at the hospital, they'd be able to get a whole-ass edgeshot out of bakugou. that's unfair to both of them. edgeshot was taking the place of medical equipment on the battlefield, so why not replace him with actual medical equipment now that bakugou is safe? we also spend a bit talking about bakugou's damaged arm, so why don't we see him working with it?
7) weird amount of focus on new students. i understand some focus, because setting up the new generation, and all, but since hero society appears to be exactly the same, it means significantly less to set them up to be better than the mistakes this generation made. since society/worldbuilding isn't changing in a major way, the audience desire is primarily to see what's happening with the characters we care about. so this feels unsatisfying.
8) also. attached to point 2 about shigaraki being redeemed. hero society should be changed. there should be a new status quo about what being a hero means and how the whole system works in light of this knowledge. shigaraki, touya, spinner, and toga should be alive and out there doing other stuff, showing that you can grow past what you've gone through. deku should still be out there doing "hero stuff" regardless of quirk/power, because of his character and fortitude.
why the hell is the ending message that anyone with power can be a hero instead of the obvious (and more moral) moral of anyone with courage/determination/"my body moved on its own" to help others, as deku did, can be a hero, regardless of birth or status. it was right there!!!! how was this sidestepped!!!
9) no bookend to spinner? no spinner? babe. i'm not even the greatest fan of spinner, and it feels like we left him unfinished.
10) scratch that. it all feels unfinished. rushed. did something happen to end it this way?
anyway. thanks for reading. i'm confused about the writing choices.
TL;DR: recent narrative decisions make no sense based on what the manga has set up for us, particularly the evaporation/death of shigaraki bc it contradicts the message that anyone can be a hero, regardless of your past, and that it's okay to ask for help.
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if we're talking about fob songs and sorry it's locked, may I suggest "American beauty/American Psycho"
specifically the lines
"I think I fell in love again, maybe I just took too much cough medicine"
"us we were pity sex, nothing more and nothing less"
and "all those dirty thoughts of me, they were never yours to keep"
ooooooooooooo so trueeee, it works for so much of S,IL honestly, like there are some lines that work for Jay and Tim, some for Jay and Alex in uni, some for Jay and Alex during MH, like. Perfect
little lyric analysis thingy under the thingy bobber
"I think I fell in love again, Maybe I just took too much cough medicine" Like, this one feels like Jay and Tim, specifically how I first planned to write them getting together which was gonna take a lot longer, because Jay was basically gonna go the Alex route and refuse to believe he liked Tim (tho not because he didn't wanna be gay, just because he still felt really fucking hurt by everything that happened with Alex) like, he was gonna make all sorts of ridiculous excuses for ages about why he couldn't possibly like Tim in that way. And I did kinda keep that in a little bit in chapter 3 of S,IL i think, just not to the same extent as i had it in the original plan.
The idea of Jay blaming medicine for his feelings towards Tim could be so interesting though, especially with the whole thing about Tim sharing his meds with Jay after they ran into the Operator in entry 72 and Jay had his seizure. Like, idk it feels like the kinda straws Jay would grasp at (especially since he seems to resistant to getting professional help for anything) as another excuse he'd use to avoid going to the doctors to get medication of his own.
"I'm the best worst thing that hasn't happened to you yet, The best worst thing" This line is definitely Jay and Alex in uni, it just is. They are both the best worst things that have happened to each other. Nearly all their problems stem from each other and their relationships over the years, whether that's platonic or sexual or whatever. And like, yeah Alex would probably have ended up getting tangled up with the Operator no matter what, but I do feel like everything would have been different (in S,IL as well as the canon) if he and Jay hadn't been as close as they were/known each other. because without Jay rediscovering the tapes Alex gave him, the MH youtube channel wouldn't have happened and Jay would most likely have just gone on with his life none the wiser, same with Tim. Brian would probably have been the only one still in at least a similar situation.
Also "best worst thing" is a weirdly nice descriptor, it scratches my brain a lot. And "best worst thing that hasn't happened to you yet" is perfect for main series Jaylex because like, the best worst thing that will ever happen to Jay? Dying in Alex's arms (cos that's what i wanna happen in S,IL. I want Jay to die in Alex's arms with Alex crying and telling him he loves him)
"You take the full, full truth, then you pour some out" is just chapter 3 of If It Ain't Broken lol. Like, literally this is what happens in that Chapter (which i should be uploading tomorrow? Maybe tonight but most likely tomorrow). Jay talks to his friends and only really tells them half of the truth and keeps the rest for himself so that he doesn't look like a bad person. its great. he's such a little bastard man and I love him. "And as we're drifting off to sleep, All those dirty thoughts of me, They were never yours to keep" Just like Alex in general wasn't Jay's to keep, especially not after what I have planned for chapter 6 :DDDD but like, to me this feels like it just kinda ties in with all of the stuff Jay and Alex avoided. Like, they never fucked in a bed, Jay never slept over after they hooked up, Alex never used sweet pet names with Jay unless it's during aftercare where he can pass it off as 'just being a good dom' and not have to own his words etc. Like, idk why that lyric just feels like the same kinda thing as all those.
"Us, we were pity sex, nothing more and nothing less" is Alex downplaying everything that happened in chapter 1 of S,IL. Like, you now in chapter 2 where he tells Jay he only called him baby and stuff like that because he was pretending he was Amy? That. It's Alex pretending that them sleeping together again, in a bed this time, and Jay staying there overnight didn't mean anything when really they did. They meant a whole lot to him, but then he realised it had been a bad idea because it'd make Jay get attached to him again and make Jay even more dead set on finding out what's going on, so he had to scramble for something to drive Jay away all over again.
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minniemoo2002 · 2 years
Little Love (Jack Daniels x Reader)
Warnings: Childbirth, Jack is anxious
This can be read as part two of A Tired Wife or a standalone.
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Jack hated hospitals, he had done since he was just a boy. His momma used to tell him about what a nightmare it was if she had to take him in. Everything just felt too sterile, the doctors didn't look human to his small brain. He just hated being at a hospital.
His feelings hadn't changed much as he got older. He avoided hospitals at all costs, even learning how to do his own stitches. It didn't matter too much usually, he could tolerate the Statesman doctors. But the Statesman medical team did not do births, so here he was, stuck outside in the hallway listening to your loud groans of pain.
You had screamed at him to get out after he kept pestering the midwife with questions. He knew he should trust her, she had probably delivered hundreds of babies, but they weren't his baby. Every nurse that walked past him gave a sympathetic smile, just another father who had pissed off mom at the wrong time. Another groan came from your room, this one much louder than the last. Jack absolutely hated how helpless he felt, you were in so much pain and there wasn't a damn thing he could do to help. Suddenly, the door swung open and the midwife popped her head out.
"She would like to talk to you, be quick we don't have much time"
Jack bolted to your side in an instant, grabbing at your hand. You already looked exhausted, he, on the other hand, looked like a puppy that had just peed on the rug.
"I want you here for this but no more harassing the staff, OK?" You explained. He nodded and pressed a kiss to your knuckles. He could do this, for you, for his child.
He didn't dare move once you started pushing. For one, the death grip you had on his hand wouldn't let him, and two, you had practically begged him not to look down there. You knew he had a strong stomach but you didn't want him to see any of that. The nervous feeling was properly cemented in his stomach now, he whispered quiet words of encouragement to you as you screamed.
"I can't do it" You whined, after a long push. You were absolutely drenched in sweat, hair sticking to your forehead. Yet Jack still looked at you as if you were a work of art.
"Yes, you can, honey. We're gonna have our little one so soon, just a little longer" He replied, brushing the hair off of your forehead.
He kept his head pressed against yours until he heard the loud cries of a baby. Even then he was scared to move, scared to do something wrong and ruin everything. It wasn't until a doctor asked if he would like to hold her that he turned. He saw them holding her, his daughter. He felt like he was on autopilot, he didn't even breathe as she was placed into his arms.
The world stopped as he looked at her. She was so small, he didn't even need both arms to hold her. She had quietened down in her father's arms, quite content to just watch him. The whole world could be burning around him and he wouldn't even notice, he was in such a trance.
"Jack, is she ok?" Your weary voice snapped him out of it. You were laid back on the bed, utterly exhausted. But you had been watching him, your heart filled with joy looking at your little family.
"She's just perfect honey, the most perfect little thing" His voice was wobbly, he hadn't even noticed the tears running down his cheeks. He quickly placed her into your arms and tucked himself on the bed beside you. You smiled down at your daughter.
"Hello, little love"
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malarkgirlypop · 10 months
MEDIC Part 18 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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Ah yes my favourite gif of all time finally has come into play, how exciting! We're in France Baby! It's a change of pace and scenery how fun! I feel we are nearing the end and then remember how much I have actually written and then I'm like oh nope we still got a bit bahaha. I'm doing a short chapter cause I was writing it and it was like a good 4k words so I thought it best to just split it into two, I know some people prefer shorter chapters.
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @next-autopsy, @panzershrike-pretz, @xxluckystrike, @bucky32557038ww2 (if you want to be added let me know🥰)
The cold wind whipped at my face making me hunch further down into my jacket. We had finally arrived in Haguenau after the long journey, everyone seemed to be restless. Keen to be indoors and out of the biting elements. Don stood in the back of the truck, his mood appearing low. I wanted to ask him what seemed to be troubling him but there was no privacy on the back of the vehicle. His smiles weren’t as bright, not quite reaching his eyes. I chewed my lip nervously watching the man. They had made him Staff Sergeant, but he didn’t seem pleased. 
“Hey guys.” A cheery voice called from behind me. I turned to look at the man who spoke. I didn’t recognise him. But he surely hadn’t been with us before. He looked healthy, clean, and happy. Compared to the sorry sacks who rode on the back of the truck, myself included. Was he a replacement?
“Some Lieutenant told me to report to 2nd.” The man informed us. I glanced across the truck at Lieb who shrugged. I rolled my eyes, why I looked to him for information I have no idea, he’s no help. I leant back resting on the seat between Grant and Jackson.  
“Your name’s Jackson right?” The soldier asked the young man beside me. God he was so young, he assured me he was 19 but I don’t believe him, he looks like a kid.    
“That’s right.” Jackson replied. 
“Who’s leading the platoon?” He asked, Jackson’s eyes flicked to Don who was still standing. 
“Sergeant Malarkey is.” He tells the soldier. 
“What no officers?” I tilt my head while looking at the man while he talks, his face seems so familiar. 
“I guess you didn’t hear.” Lieb said. 
“No, what's that?” He turned his attention onto Joe. 
“They’re making Malarkey a Lieutenant. He’s on the fast track now.” He says while fiddling with his lighter. A tell that he was lying, the little shit. No one said anything about his blatant lie.  
“Really? That’s great.” It’s bugging me, I swear I know this dude. He probably thinks I’m a weirdo as he glances at me staring at him. 
“Jackson, help me up will you?” He swings his bag onto the back of the truck, pulling himself up to sit next to Jackson. I move from my spot, not having enough room on the bench anymore without me basically sitting in Grant’s lap. I sit in between Babe and Lieb. Continuing to stare at the private. This is going to drive me insane, who is this guy?
 The truck jolts forward, almost sending him flying out again. I hide my laughter behind my hand. 
“So, uh, you come from the hospital?” Jackson asks him.
“Must’ve liked that hospital, cause’ we left Holland four months ago.” I nudge Lieb, silently scolding him for being mean.  
“Who is this guy?” I whispered to Babe.
“Webster, I think.” My mouth flew open, that’s where I knew him from, I think I met him on my first night. Babe reaches out, shutting my mouth, “Close your mouth, you’ll catch flies.”
“Well I wasn’t there the whole time. There was rehabilitation, then the replacement depot.” Webster explained. 
“Well, I’m sure you tried to bust out and help us in Bastogne, Web.” Lieb was pissed off. Lieb would’ve come back and helped, like a lot of the other men did. But they can’t all be like them. Webster got off the line and had a holiday, can’t blame the man for not wanting to come back in a hurry. This was war for god sake, no one wishes to be here. Well I hope not. I mean I do but I have my reasons ok!
“I don’t know how I would’ve done that.” Webster defended himself. I looked at Babe, he seemed to notice the tension, I made a face showing my discomfort. Hiding my look behind my hand. He gave me the same look back. I chuckled and bumped him with my shoulder trying to ease the cringe we both felt in our chests. Like going over to a friends house and having to sit there and watch them be told off. So awkward. 
“That’s funny cause Popeye found a way. So did Alley, right, back in Holland? And Guarnere and –” Lieb turned to Babe and I, we both nodded silently, not wanting to be dragged into the passive aggressive conversation. Lieb was the king of passive aggressiveness, let me tell you. Don’t piss off that guy. He will subtly degrade you and wear you down.   
“Yeah, where is Guarnere? He still your platoon Sergeant?“ Webster asked. I could feel both Lieb and Babe stiffen next to me. I stilled too. It was hard being dragged back to that place of memories. So we didn’t mention it, and kept moving forward. So for Web to come in asking where people were, hit a nerve. It was an unspoken rule not to really speak of those who we had lost. It just made it so much harder, we didn’t have time to process or grieve really. It was for later, after this was all done and we were safe then we could process everything that had happened. 
“No. He got hit.” Jackson said with a huff. Webster was not picking up on the social cues being hurled at him. How did he not see or feel the tension as soon as he mentioned Bill’s name, it was so thick you could cut it with a knife. 
The truck stopped moving as we stood. Lieb held out his hand for me to grab to help me jump down. I took his hand, hopping down and landing beside him, “Thank you.” I said giving him a smile, but I could tell Webster had put him in a sour mood. I waited for Babe to hop down as well. He stood up in the truck, “Yeah, Bill got hit. Blew his whole leg off.” Babe said to Webster. Great now he’s made both of them mad. Babe jumped down, walking in stride with me. We walked alongside the trucks that had parked.
“Spread out. Hold along this line till I figure out where we’re going.” Don said, striding forward from behind us. Making his way over to where Captain Speirs was talking to another officer. I hung back as the men kept walking. Waiting by the trucks for instructions, no good me holding the line with no weapon. 
“Sarge.” Web called from behind me, I turned to look at the man as he walked. He brushed past me, his rifle still in its bag clocking me right in the head. I stumbled backwards, tripping over rubble on the floor. I landed on the ground with a hard thud. Ow! Fucking dick! I rubbed my head, grimacing in pain. He didn’t even realise he had done it, continuing to walk towards Malarkey. I got to my feet, brushing the dirt from my hands. I glared at the man, great now he’s pissed me off too. The sounds of shells being fired whistled through the air. I ducked my head down barely trying to cover myself. I watched with pure shock as Webster dove onto the ground face planting into the snow. I covered my mouth trying to muffle the laughter escaping my lips. Malarkey turned around to see his soldier lying in the snow. I giggled furiously behind the men. 
“What’s the matter there, Webster? Nervous in the service?” Don asked the man. I almost fell to the floor again in a fit of hysterics, wiping the tears from my eyes. The scene of Webster flying through the air replaying in my head. Well I’m not mad at him anymore. 
Don finished talking to Webster, sending him off to speak with Captain Speirs. “Em, you’re with me, let’s go.” Don called to me as he passed. I hurried after him, trailing behind a little so that he could speak to others if he needed. 
I split from the group needing to find Lip, I saw him slink away into one of the houses they were setting up CP in. I hurried in watching Lip take a seat on one of the couches. 
“Lip, how are you feeling?” I asked the man coming to kneel beside the couch he rested on. 
“Great.” He smiled. I placed my hand on his forehead, he was running a fever. His skin was clammy and hot. His complexion was pallor in colour, and even from here I could hear the evident wheeze in his chest. He coughed into a handkerchief, producing a greenish yellow phlegm. George laid a blanket over the man as I assessed him. I pulled the stethoscope from my bag, Lip leaned forward knowing the drill. I untucked his top from the back, sliding my hand under his shirt to press the diaphragm of the stethoscope to his back. 
He winced, “Sorry cold hands.” I apologised from my freezing fingers that touched his warm skin. 
“Deep breath in.” He inhaled for me as I listened in one spot. “And out.” He exhaled. I could hear the rattle in his chest clearly, as he exhaled. I moved the diaphragm around listening to different parts of the lungs, from the top of the lung field to the bottom. I removed my hand from under his shirt, tucking it back in. 
“How does it sound?” He asked, reading over a paper George had handed him. 
“Well Lip it sounds better than last time I checked, but there is still fluid present in the lungs. So you need to rest. If you keep going you’re going to crash. They have this handled, you need to go lie down. There are beds in the back, go sleep. And remember at least three pillows, you need your head elevated.” I tried to explain to him, but even when he first got sick he refused to rest, saying there was too much work to do. I could only drag a horse to water.  
“George, have you had any word about if they will send us some antibiotics?” I asked Luz as he moved around the room organising things. 
“No, sorry Em.” I sighed, frustrated, he needed that medication. 
“Hey, look who it is. Nice digs, huh, Lip?” I tucked the blanket into Lip’s side knowing he would refuse to move and go to bed. I looked over to Webster who stood in the passageway. 
“Sergeant Lipton? Feeling alright?” Webster asked the man.
“He’s got pneumonia.” George informed the curious soldier. I still knelt beside him, concern apparent on my features. He gave me his sorry-I-will-go-rest-soon-face. 
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Webster shared his apologies. 
“What are you sorry about? He’s alive. Got a couch, a goddamn blanket, snug as a bug.” George said cigarette hanging from his mouth. I stood from my position, placing my stethoscope back into my bag. 
“Sergeant Malarkey said to check with the CO if I should be in 2nd platoon.” Webster said. 
“Have a seat, Webster. We’ll get you situated.” Lipton ushered the man to sit. He took a place at the old piano. 
“How long have you been sick?” Webster inquired. 
“Long enough.” I patted the man on his shoulder. Poor guy had been ill for a while. He had a cold at first, which I said in the first place for him to rest and let it pass. But being the caring man that he is couldn’t leave his soldiers. So he worked still, causing the cold to become worse and then it deteriorated into pneumonia. Still even with that he refused to lie still and do nothing. Which I encouraged him to do so many times, I had given up. 
“And when did nurses start helping on the frontlines?” He turned and asked me. 
“Ah, I’m a medic.” I answered. 
“Oh, that’s right! I recognise you now.” He smiled, “Yeah, wow, I’m surprised you’re still alive.” We all stilled. I sent him a disbelieving look, surely he didn’t just say that to me.
“Um… thanks?” I wasn’t sure what to say. 
“Of course Em is still alive, she’s tough as nails. Huh Em?” George came and stood beside me wrapping an arm around me as he gave me a squeeze. I smiled at Luz, nodding my head. 
“Sure am.” I turned to look at Webster, who assessed the interaction. He seemed to be puzzled at the closeness we shared. Too bad for him, it was a common sentiment I shared with all the Easy men. 
Footsteps sounded from the doorway. A young man appeared in the room. “Is this the CP for Easy company?” He asked, looking lost. 
“Yes, sir.” Lip said, moving to sit up on the couch. Everyone else in the room stood as well. I inspected the man closer, recognising the dash on his helmet showing he was a ranking officer. 
“As you were.” He told the men who stood at his arrival. “Lieutenant Jones looking for Captain Speirs.” 
“He’s on his way, sir. Why don’t you sit down.” Lip told the Lieutenant. I moved from my position standing next to Lip’s couch. I gave Luz a small wave heading for the door. Captain Speirs strolled in right as I was about to leave. He gave me a warm smile as we passed. 
“Listen, for Christ’s sake, will you go back in the back and sack out? There’s some beds back there with fresh sheets.” I heard Ron tell Lip. 
“I told him that sir, he wouldn’t listen.” I called over my shoulder. 
“Listen to Emily, she's the medic.” I laughed as Ron scolded him. I left the CP heading to where 2nd platoon had been placed. I passed Winters and Nix on my way out as well. 
“Emily! You’re looking well.” Nixon called to me, I smiled brightly at the man as I hadn’t seen him in a while. He moved forward arms wide, I stepped into his tight hug. I pulled away from Nix. Winters smiled at me, giving me a loving squeeze on the arm, as I grinned at him.  
“It’s good to see you both.” I told them happily. The exchange was brief before they set off again in the direction I had just come from. 
Chapter 19
31 notes · View notes
Could you tell us more about Phone Guy in the fallout AU? Was he ever in a vault or has he always been on the surface?
You have made the Teddy very happy
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He worked as a Vault tech reception as pre-war.
It paid well enough and he mostly took calls for some big corporate man that he never actually met about vault stuff and other boring stuff like arrange meetings. It was enough to support him and his wife and their dog and it was a very nice simple life! Then the bombs dropped while he was at work. He was in the vault tech Office building when it happened and the whole thing almost immediately collapsed with him and nearly 400 others inside... Phone guy was pretty much ghoul like immediately because he was so close to the blast, That's probably why he survived the building collapsing and no one else did the high levels of radiation healed his like broken messed up body when he finally was able to climb out.
Of course by then it was pretty obvious that his family was dead.. He had lived in the area that the bomb had been directly dropped on so all that was left of his nice little life was a giant irradiated crater in the ground. The whole thing was very sad and he did a lot of crying. It wasn't much better after that either. The few people left alive in the city either had by some miracle survived and were now hungry and territorial, Turned like him and we're also now hungry and territorial and scared, Or just Feral Ghoul. It was horrible and scary and there was a lot of blood and phone guy was almost sure he was going to die at any minute but he didn't.
After a while of just like wandering looking for some kind of civilization He came across a small settlement in salt lake filled with mostly ghoul that let him in. It wasn't exactly a nice place to live But it was better than nothing.. That's also where he first met Michael. He came to the camp a couple months after phone guy. He didn't really talk to anyone or except medical attention for his many wounds. Most of the time he just kind of sat there.. Phone guy didn't interest with Mike much over the next 15 years, Michael mostly just doing Small Jobs around that needed to get done. All he learned was that Mikey came from a really rich family and All of them had died out in the wasteland with him.. Mikey then left after 15 years because in his own words he was going to find a safe place, Also the mormons were beginning to become a problem... Constantly showing up at the settlement and getting more and more mad.
In the next year the mormons finally got fed up and Nearly completely destroyed the small camp and phone guy fled once again. He spent the next a years as a drifter, Then he finally got a real job when the animatronics start showing up and he began to volunteer to go out and shoot them away from settlements for caps! It turns out he was pretty good at it! Sure he wasn't allowed to actually go in any of the settlements usually and people were still not kind to him but it was better than nothing! After about 20 years of that Mikey showed back up and began to do the same thing. Michael was now in adult having spent the last 40 years traveling around America's surrounding areas in hopes of finding somewhere spared from annihilation, He didn't so he just came back to Utah...
They continued to do their work sometimes crossing paths for like a 70 years, Until on one especially bad night poor phone guy got covered in egg and got severe Burns all over his body.. So he gave up being a night guard, Moving into an abandoned gas station. That's where he was until Jeremy comes into the plot and phone guy begrudgingly agrees to help Mike and Jerry find the yellow rabbit man, And we're trying to do that gets himself murdered by Animatronic
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idyllicwillowtree · 1 year
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A Good Pair (of Skates) - Part 3
Genre: Steve Harrington x fem!reader, afab!reader, skater!reader
Summary: Steve’s in love with his childhood best friend and he does everything he can to keep his feelings a secret from you. A rollerskating injury might change that.
Word count: 4.4K
Warnings: swearing, friends to lovers, slow burn, injury, broken bones, mutual pining, mentions of drunk driving, surgery, anesthesia, medication, mentions of selling drugs, steve’s feeling very insecure
Author’s note: Please read part 1 and part 2 before reading this one or else it probably wouldn’t make much sense! 
Thank you so much for reading my first story! I had so much fun writing it and I can’t wait to share more. Feel free to let me know if you have any feedback or comments, I love hearing from you!
Part 1 | Part 2 | main masterlist
Part 3
It had been eight whole months since you had broken your arm and Steve still hadn’t made a move on you yet. You two have had some close calls, but nobody was brave enough to cross that romantic threshold yet.
It was driving Robin and Eddie insane.
Steve assured them that he would ask you out eventually but in reality, he probably never will. He’s convinced that his whole self-worth would come crumbling down if you said no, it just didn’t seem worth it.
He even thought about distancing himself from you for a while. Steve figured he could get over you, he just needed time. But that plan crashed and burned the second you saw him and smiled. You hadn’t seen him for a week so you jumped into his arms and told him how much you had missed him. After that, he was too weak to leave you for that long ever again.
“You’ve fought actual monsters before, but you’re too scared to ask out a girl?” Dustin said with a teasing smile.
“Hey! I seem to recall a nervous little middle schooler who had similar problems,” Steve glanced away from the road to look at the curly haired boy.
“I wasn’t…okay, maybe I was a little nervous. But this is Y/N we're talking about, the sweetest person ever!” 
“Exactly! That’s what makes the stakes so high. I don’t want to ruin the friendship and lose her forever.”
“Even if she did say no, you’d at least have the closure to move on.” Steve’s eyes widened, “but she’s not going to say no, so you don’t have to worry about it,” Dustin added.
“You don’t know that.”
“Sure I do! And the longer you wait the more likely it is that she’ll find someone else.”
Steve was actually counting on that. He’s hoping that if he could see you happy with someone, even though he knows it would break him, it would at least give him a good excuse to move on. Since the “avoiding you at all costs” plan didn’t work, he thought this one might.
Dustin eyed him suspiciously, “you don’t actually want that to happen, do you?”
Steve stayed silent, the car turning into the school parking lot. Once he stopped his BMW at the drop off area, Dustin turned to him. 
“Steve, you’re a great guy. She’d be lucky to have you. Stop being stupid and go get her, she doesn’t deserve to just wait around for you.”
Before Steve could ask him what he meant by that, Dustin was already out of the car and heading towards Hawkins High. 
“Yes ma’am, I understand. Unfortunately, we don’t get movies that are currently in theaters.”
“Oh, but my husband loves sports films. And I just think that Rob Lowe is so handsome,” the elderly woman reiterated for the third time.
“It would be nice if we had Youngblood, but like I said before-” Steve stopped as he heard the gentle purr of your Volkswagen Kleinbus outside. Robin rolled her eyes, already on her way to assist the woman once Steve inevitably abandons her to greet you.
He opened the glass doors and stood in the doorway. Steve watched as you ushered the younger kids out of your car and into the arcade next door. You gave Max a handful of quarters before turning towards Family Video, locking eyes with Steve.
You took a deep breath and approached him with a small smile. Steve noticed something was off, your smile not quite reaching your eyes. You were anxiously squeezing your left wrist and chewing on your bottom lip.
“Hey, Stevie.”
“Hey, doll. You okay?”
“I-I need to tell you guys something.”
“So, you guys know how I fell outside in the parking lot back in the summer?”
You were pacing slightly in front of Steve and Robin as they sat in the Family Video  breakroom. 
“When that drunk asshole almost ran you over? Yeah, I think I remember,” Steve said sarcastically.
Unfazed by his sarcastic tone, you continued to pace, “well, I went to the doctor–”
Steve stood, his chair legs squeaking against the floor, “is everything okay?”
“Y-yeah, yeah totally,” you stuttered, trying to calm Steve’s worry. You know he’s about to get even more worked up with what you were about to tell him, “well, sort of…”
“Okay…” Robin said expectantly.
You chewed your lip, “It turns out my left wrist wasn’t sprained… It’s been broken this whole time.”
Robin and Steve’s jaws dropped to the ground. The silence was tense as your eyes shifted from one friend to the other.
“It’s- you…broken?” Steve stammered.
“How are you even functioning?” Robin translated for him.
“Honestly, I have no idea. I mean it hurts a bit when I’m at work but I just figured a sprain takes a while to heal and I’d be fine after a bit. But then eight months went by and it still hurts.”
You work at a 50’s themed drive-in restaurant that makes the wait staff use roller skates when serving the customers. Those four weeks you worked while your right elbow was healing  were stressful enough for Steve, but now he knows you’ve been doing it all with an untreated broken wrist too. 
Steve looked at your left wrist, you were still anxiously rubbing at it so he gripped it gently to release it from your hold. It looked the same as it usually does, no obvious swelling or bruising. 
“Why don’t you have a cast?” Steve asked.
“Umm…I will after.” You said, trying to avoid eye contact.
Steve glanced over at Robin, checking to see if she was as confused as he was. “After what?”
“WHAT???” screeched Steve, causing Robin to jump slightly.
“Y-yeah, I need surgery,” you laughed awkwardly.
Steve was not amused, “it’s been broken for eight months and now you need surgery?! It was that goddamn doctor at the emergency room, wasn’t it? Let me call my dad, I’m sure he knows a good lawyer-”
“Steve,” you gripped his wrist with the hand he wasn’t already holding, “it wasn’t his fault.” You were surprised by his willingness to call his father and wanted to shut that idea down immediately. He never called him.
“What do you mean? Of course it was! He probably didn’t even look at your x-rays.”
“Well, that’s the thing. Apparently, fractures in the bone I broke don’t even show up on an x-ray until, like, 10 days later. So he was technically right, I guess.”
Your shoulders were slumped and you were avoiding eye contact. Steve realized his first reaction probably didn’t help you that much. He was quick to assign blame when he should’ve been comforting you.
You let out a quiet “oof” as Steve wrapped his arms around your waist and squeezed. You slithered your arms around his broad shoulders and let him hold you, breathing in his floral scented hair products. 
“I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with this for so long, I had no idea,” Steve said, voice muffled by your hair.
That wasn’t completely true, he had some sort of idea that your wrist was still troubling you. You started doing everything with your right hand once your elbow healed up. Putting your seatbelt on, opening doors, and carrying shopping bags all became right-handed tasks. After a while, Steve thought he was reading into things a little too much. He felt a bit obsessive so he chose to ignore it, now he was hating himself even more for letting you go on like this. The guilt was already starting to eat away at his gut.
“It’s alright, Stevie. It’s not your fault,” you pressed your nose further into his neck. Steve could’ve sworn you read his mind.
“Dude, that sucks!”
Steve almost forgot Robin was here. He reluctantly let you go so you could receive a hug from her too.
“The good news is we can have a bunch of movie nights while I’m recovering, if you guys are down.”
“You’re not even going to be able to get Steve out of your house this time,” Robin said with a smirk. She remembered how insistent Steve was to take care of you when you were in a cast the first time. All the doting would’ve driven her insane but you were so patient with him and had even made sure he was taking care of himself at the same time. 
“Shut it, Robin,” he hissed.
The day of the surgery approached faster than you would’ve wanted it to. It felt unnatural to willingly let a bunch of strangers force you to sleep while they cut you open and screw a piece of metal into your bone. The worst part was that Steve had to work today, you were hoping he’d be the one to take you to and from the hospital. You knew he’d make you feel relaxed and safe but you had to settle for Eddie instead.
“M’lady, your chariot awaits.” Eddie bowed dramatically at the waist and gestured towards his van. Despite it being 4 AM on a Saturday, he was still as hyper as usual. You would’ve laughed at his theatrics if your nerves weren’t overwhelming you so much.
The chill hit you immediately when you opened your front door, reminding you to get your coat. The phone in your house started ringing as you turned back inside, but you ignored it. It was probably just a telemarketer.
“Hang on, Eddie. I just need to grab my coat.”
Eddie followed you inside and looked around, “your folks home?”
“Nope, why do you think I need you to drive?”
He shrugged, “I dunno. Maybe you just wanted to hang out with your favorite person.” He smiled at you innocently.
“I already asked Steve, but he’s working this morning,” you deadpan.
“Ouch, sweetheart,” Eddie grabbed his chest, “I didn’t have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to take care of your sorry ass.”
“I know, but you did, because you love me,” you said smugly. Finally, you found your coat right when the ringing of your phone had stopped. You walked up to Eddie and kissed him on the cheek, “thanks for your help today, Eds. I really do appreciate it.”
“Of course. C’mon, let's go.” Eddie wrapped a comforting arm around your shoulder and started steering you towards the door. He stopped when the phone rang through your home again, “you need to get that?”
“Nah, I’m sure it’s just someone selling something. Let’s go before I lose my nerve.”
As you approach Eddie’s van, you hear the distant slaps of shoes running across the sidewalk. Not paying it any mind, you assumed it was just an early morning jogger. That was until you heard your name.
Looking down the street, you spot Steve sprinting towards you and waving his arms frantically. He was wearing his flannel pajama bottoms, and a sweatshirt he must’ve thrown on last minute. His hair was sticking up at odd angles and as he got closer you could see the wrinkles from his pillow imprinted on his face. He was stunning.
“Hang on…give me…a minute,” Steve said through gasps of air.
Eddie’s eyebrow quirked up behind his bangs, “jeez, Harrington. Has it been that long since you’ve done cardio? You only live a few doors down.”
“Shutupmunson,” Steve managed to breathe out. His hands were on his hips, head tilted towards the sky. You couldn’t help but stare, Steve looked so beautiful, all flustered and tired. “I just needed to make sure I saw you before you left.”
“You did?”
“Yeah, I tried calling but you weren’t picking up so…I ran and, uh, now I’m here.” Steve said as he scratched the back of his neck.
Eddie’s eyes widened. Was this it? Was Steve finally going to confess? He wished there was a phone handy so he could call Robin, but in the meantime he’ll just wait in the van.
“Steve, you didn’t have to wake up so early. You need your beauty rest,” you said teasingly.
Steve had been going around in circles in his mind thinking about your upcoming surgery. It isn’t a risky procedure but you never know, things go wrong all the time. He just wouldn’t be able to live with himself if something happened to you and you didn’t know how much you were loved. Loved by him. 
 A last minute confession before you went under the knife seemed like the perfect romantic gesture. At least that’s what Robin told him.
“There’s- I should- I should say…” 
“What is it, Stevie?”
But alas, his nerves got the better of him.
“Uhh… good luck! I know you’re feeling nervous, but you’ve got this!” Steve’s voice raised a couple octaves higher.
“Thanks. I guess I am a little nervous,” you said with a shy smile.
“Come here,” Steve pulled you closer, holding your head to his chest and rubbing a comforting hand up and down your back. He felt as you squeezed him back, refusing to let go.
Eddie rolled his eyes. He had been watching from the rearview mirror, ready for the declaration of love, but of course, Steve chickened out. Again.
Robin dropped the stack of tapes on the counter that Steve was resting his head on. He jumped up at the sound and tried rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“What the hell, Robin?” Steve mumbled.
“Eddie told me what you did. Or rather, what you didn’t do.”
Steve blinked at her. Robin was glaring at him with her arms crossed against her chest.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he deadpanned.
Robin huffed and walked off to return the tapes back to the shelf. Steve watched her go with a raised eyebrow.
“What? Now I’m getting the silent treatment?”
Steve rolled his eyes at her lack of commitment, “the silent treatment? From Robin Buckley?”
Robin spun around to face him, “yes, Steve! Maybe I’m just annoyed that my friend is hopelessly devoted to someone who…” doesn’t have the nerve to ask her out. Robin trailed off, realizing half way through her point that she was about to tell Steve your secret.
“I’m not hopelessly devoted to her, okay? That seems a bit dramatic, even for you.”
Robin and Steve jumped as the glass door swung open, causing the bell on the door to rattle violently. Eddie came busting in, eyes wide and scanning the store for his friends.
“ROBIN, I can’t fucking take it anymore!”
“Eddie, don’t,” Robin warned, like he was a dog about to do something he knows he’s not supposed to do.
“What the hell, Eddie? Did you just ditch Y/N at the hospital?!” Steve interrupted.
“Seriously, Robin. It is causing me actual physical pain,” Eddie said, blatantly disregarding Steve’s question.
“I’m in the same boat, Eddie, but we promised.”
“I know, but-”
“EDDIE! Did you leave Y/N alone at the hospital?” Steve yelled, getting tired of being ignored.
“Yes,” Eddie said simply, “what are you gonna do about it, Steve?”
“I can’t- you were-...what??” Steve was deeply confused but mostly he was just pissed off. You were all alone at the hospital, probably in surgery now. If something were to go wrong, there wouldn’t be anyone there for you.
“Go do something about it, Harrington! If you leave now you should be able to get there before she wakes up.”
“B-but what about the store?”
“Why are you questioning it? Just go, Steve!” Robin yelled.
“Don’t worry, I’ll cover for you. Putting away tapes can’t be that difficult, can it?” Eddie said, directing the last part to Robin because Steve had already vaulted over the counter and was out the door.
“Surgery went very well. She should be waking up in the next few minutes,” a nurse said, leading him through the post-anesthesia recovery room. Steve was anxious to get to you, he felt bad that you were here alone, even though you weren’t conscious for most of it. He needs to see you with his own eyes before he can allow himself to relax even a little. 
Steve took a deep breath as the nurse slid the privacy curtain to the side, revealing your sleeping form.
The only new thing about you was the thick plaster cast on your left hand that was tucked in a sling and elevated by a couple pillows. Steve smiled down at you, relieved to see your face again. You were sleeping so peacefully, deep and slow breaths expanding and contracting your chest. He didn’t hesitate to grab your uninjured hand to bring to his chest as he sat on the edge of your bed. The nurse left him alone so he leaned down to place a delicate kiss on your knuckles. His thick fingers brushed a wayward strand of hair away from your face before delicately grazing the back of his hand against your cheek.
Steve thought back to Robin and her insistence on getting him to admit his feelings to you. She seemed to think you liked him back but Steve never allowed her to get his hopes up. That never stopped him from dreaming about what he’d say to you, if the moment were to ever present itself.
I guess I could try it out to see how it sounds… 
Steve glanced around the room to make sure no one was listening in on him. “Hey sugar… glad surgery went well,”  Steve looked at the ceiling before puffing out a breath, feeling a bit silly all of a sudden, “look, I’ve been having difficulty telling you this because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship but…I don’t know, you’re just so amazing, and sweet, and caring and it’s just gotten harder and harder to pretend that I’m not completely in love with you anymore. You’re the greatest person in my life and you make me feel so secure and loved. I always find myself thinking about you and smiling from ear to ear and I just…I love you so much.”
Before Steve could think, you moved your hand out of his grip and face palmed him, pushing his head back.
“Get the fuck outta here,” you slurred. “Woah, is that your real hair?”
“O-oh, hey Y/N. How’re you feeling?” Steve said nervously. He’s hoping you’re too drugged up to have heard his little confession.
“Y’know, I rather you didn’t,” you said lazily, your hooded eyes not focusing on anything in particular. 
Steve’s brows furrowed, “didn’t do what?”
“Love me.”
Steve paled. Any sliver of self-esteem Steve had was ripped from his grasp. He knew you could find someone better but a small part of him thought you liked him back. Those lingering gazes, soft touches, and the teasing from his friends were all just some sort of facade. Some sick joke at his expense. Of course this is how it ends.
“S-sorry,” Steve mumbled, trying to blink away the tears gathering in his eyes.
“I don't love you, ya idiot! Cause I love Steeeevie,” you sang. “I love Steve with all my heart, and more.”
Steve’s eyes widened and his cheeks flushed. What is happening?? “uh, I-I think you’re a bit confused, doll.”
“I thought you knew? You’re always teasing me ‘bout it,” you said, swatting at him lazily. “Y/N’s feeling real good right now, Eds. Like, reeeeal good. You should totally sell whatever they got me on, you’d make a fortune!”
Eddie looked so silly with his new Steve haircut. You made sure to tell him that a few more times.
“Ser’sly, Eddie you even smell like him. Did he tell you his Farrah Fawcett secret?” You tried leaning into him to get a better whiff of his hair but he was easily able to pin you back down to the bed.
Kinky, you thought. 
You probably just exposed Steve’s deepest secret but for some reason you didn’t care. All you could do now was laugh hysterically at Eddie’s attempt to look more like Steve.
Eddie seemed uncomfortable. Maybe embarrassed was the right word. You were probably being really loud, but you were on cloud nine with whatever drugs they’ve got you on so you weren’t worried about anything at the moment. Plus, Eddie dressed like Steve to make you feel better, and it worked. Your friends were so thoughtful. 
“One time I braided Steve’s hair. It was soooooo soft, and it smelled like flowers. Pretty, pretty, flower boy.” Eddie was just staring at you owlishly, so you kept going, “I just always feel the need to smush his face onto my face, y’know? I love him so much! He makes me feel like– holy shit, what happened to my arm?”
Steve was a bit stumped.
On one hand he desperately wants to believe in your drug influenced love confession but he couldn’t help but feel a bit skeptical at the same time. He didn’t want to put you in an uncomfortable position if you didn’t actually mean it. He didn’t want to get his hopes up just for it to come crashing down. Again.
Steve drove you home and put you to bed where you immediately fell asleep. He sat by your bedside, contemplating his next steps. Overthinking everything, as usual.
Once his restlessness started to set in Steve made himself busy. He spent the next couple hours cooking meals you could save in the freezer and tidying up your house. It helped keep his mind busy so he wouldn’t go crazy thinking about what you had said in the hospital. 
Eddie, Robin, and Max stopped by in the evening with your favorite takeout but you were still sleeping. Steve wasn’t hiding his huffy attitude towards Eddie, still mad he left you at the hospital. Eddie just ignored him and did his best to hide his smug smile.
“So, did you tell her?” Robin said.
“Robin,” hissed Steve, “not in front of the kid.”
“Oh, Steven. It’s so sad that you think I don’t already know,” Max said condescendingly. 
Steve rubbed his face in embarrassment, “am I really that obvious?”
“Yes,” Robin, Eddie, and Max all said at the same time.
“Great, that’s just great” Steve grumbled as he leaned back in the armchair he was sitting on.
“I’m just surprised Y/N doesn’t see it,” Eddie added.
“What don’t I see?”
Everyone’s heads whipped towards the doorway of the living room where you were now standing. You still looked tired but you were standing on your own and not slurring your words anymore. You adjusted the arm resting in the sling with a slight wince, the strap digging into your neck. It had been a few hours since the surgery and you haven’t had any pain killers since.
You were trying to hide how uncomfortable you were but Steve saw right through it.
Steve stood to greet you, “hey doll, how’re you feeling? Let’s get some food and medicine in you,” he said, trying to change the subject.
“Okay, thanks Stevie,” you smiled but furrowed your brows at him, like you were trying to remember something. The adorable tilt of your head was making his knees weak as he escaped to the kitchen. 
Steve brought you a pill, a glass of water, and some food to nibble on as you sat in his previously occupied chair. He kneeled next to you, offering the pill and then the water to wash it down.
“How’re you feeling, Y/N?” Robin said from her spot on the couch she was sharing with Max.
“Fine, I guess. I’ll be better once this medicine kicks in.”
“Well, you look like shit,” Max said bluntly. 
“Thanks, Maxine,” you said sarcastically, “Geez Eddie, you letting just anyone in my house while I’m passed out, huh?” You chuckled before noticing everyone’s confused looks, “what? I’m just kidding.”
“Y/N, I didn’t take you home from the hospital. You don’t remember that?”
Over your shoulder, Steve’s eyes widened as he started waving his hands around, trying to get Eddie to shut up. Steve didn’t want to jog your memory, hoping you two could just live in blissful ignorance in hopes of saving you both from embarrassment.
“What? Yes you did. I woke up and you were…” 
Steve watched in horror as your face dropped and your cheeks reddened in realization. Steve could practically see the memories coming back to you as your breathing started speeding up and your jaw kept opening and closing. It was all coming back to you and you were absolutely mortified.
“Wait, what’s happening?” Robin asked, observing the matching blushes on yours and Steve’s faces.
“NOTHING,” you and Steve said at the same time.
You finally looked at him, taking in his wide eyes and pink ears. You groaned in embarrassment before standing up quickly and slapping your hand to your forehead. 
“Sorry, I’m gonna…I just need to, ugh sorry,” you were scrambling to come up with a good enough excuse to leave but it was just making you more flustered. “Steve, I’m sorry I didn’t– I didn’t mean to say, fuck, I mean maybe I did. I just…shit, shit, shit,” you started smacking yourself in the temple in an attempt to get your brain to work properly.
Steve observed you for a moment. This wasn’t the reaction of someone who regretted what they said because it wasn’t true. Your reaction showed Steve that you regretted it because you thought he didn’t feel the same way. Steve didn’t wait any longer, he couldn’t.
“Fuck it.”
Steve took one big step towards you and took your face in his hands. Before he could chicken out, he pressed a soft kiss to your lips. He felt your body stiffened on impact, but it felt too good to stop. He slotted his lips perfectly into yours as he took it all in. Reluctantly, Steve slowly pulled away as it hit him. He just kissed you.
Holding his breath, he hesitantly opened his eyes to apologize but he sees you unable to move. You keep your eyes closed for a few moments, letting your mind process what just happened. The moment it all clicked was when you finally looked back at him and grabbed his shirt collar to bring him back for a desperate kiss. Steve furrowed his brows as he kissed you more passionately, trying to savor the taste of you. It felt like you were having an out of body experience, although that could have been the drugs kicking in.
You both forgot about your friends that were still in the room until Max said “I’m gonna call Mike, he owes me ten bucks.”
“It’s a little weird watching our friends make out, isn’t it?” Robin turned to Eddie, expecting to exchange a long-suffering look with him.
Eddie sniffed hard before aggressively wiping at his eyes, “you kidding? It's beautiful.”
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fae-morrigan · 3 months
Hi! I’ve seen your headcanon of jayjon having a bio daughter and I wanted to ask about your thought process on that? Like how would they go about bringing that up (having one biologically)? And then how they might react to finding out they are pregnant? Honestly, I’m just very interested in hearing more about the daughter you have for them if you’re interested in talking about her more
Hi!!! so glad someone asked me about this I was literally just thinking about it!!!
I think originally my thought process was: The gang and I were discussing fankids. And I made one because I am unable to stop myself from making OCs related to characters I like. And then all the other stuff around that came after. Under the cut for discussions of trans pregnancy, which can be rough for some trans people (including me sometimes!):
I think the conversation is a bit of a difficult one for the two of them. Jon doesn't want to pressure Jay into anything, and Jay has complicated feelings on the subject (as most transmascs do like myself heyo), but they both want a kid. I think its a lot of deliberating on whether or not the choice to have a bio kid is right for them as people, and it probably comes up after someone else in their circle has a kid (Maybe its a discussion prompted by Lizzie being adopted by Diana and that whole situation). Its not a decision they come to quickly, they go back and forth on the pros and cons for years. Its something they decide eventually after Jay does a lot of thinking on it. They both want to be dads, and I think Jay kind of gets to the point where he realizes he's comfortable enough with himself to do it. Its a matter of being able to choose for his own body, which hasn't always been a privilege Jay had access to (as a victim of medical torture and all). Finding out is a different story. I think it maybe happens while Jon is off world so Jay is VERY stressed waiting for him to come back. Nat and Lois are some of the first people to know because Jay's freaking out so hard. The two of them share a lot of the uncertainties that Clark and Lois did: What if something goes wrong? Especially with Jay, who's got his phasing powers? Its probably a very difficult experience physically and mentally on the both of them (Jay especially), something they are like "Alright we're only doing this one time."
I've been calling her Dahlia. I wrote a fic about this once, I think they name her after the first flower Jon saw upon escaping Ultraman on Earth-3. A symbol of hope and survival. Much like her fathers before her, she is a WILD kid. Develops her powers early, likes to bite strangers, very Muffin from Bluey energy. Jon gets Lizzie to babysit not as a valuable lesson but as REVENGE.
They're very careful with her. Neither wants to repeat their parents mistakes, and they try and instill as much confidence in her as they possibly can. She takes it to heart- I think she ends up becoming a hero like they did, but not because she felt she had to, but because she wanted to. Its very bittersweet for Jay and Jon.
All of their family are super involved. Damian especially resolves to be the greatest Uncle ever (he and Osul are in constant competition over this). With Sara gone, Jay basically doesn't have anyone left to our knowledge, so I think passing on his culture to her is also a very sad but sweet affair to him.
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