#it's my one main complaint about the show other than the pacing is kinda rushed (but understandable bc of episode length)
mageofseven · 4 years
What about the brothers reaction to MC wanting a baby? Like, how they would respond to it, feel about it, deal with all the intricacies that comes with a planned pregnancy and think when they see their children for the first time?
Okay, so I've obviously written about the Brothers becoming parents before, but it was always more of an accident.
Planned pregnancy though? Coming right up!
Oh! And I kept the pronouns gender neutral for this, but since it involves pregnancy, MC is afab, I guess the term is? Not fully sure.
Also, unlike my main series for this, there are no complications for these pregnancies so the brothers don't have to worry about MC as much.
Honestly...the anxiety this man feels is hard for even him to hide.
He loves MC; his Heart is everything to him and the only one that he's ever felt he could lean on emotionally. They are there for him when he'd usually have no one and because of that, he doesn't want to deny them anything as long as he can help it.
However...parenthood is a daunting thing to him. He is already a father, regardless of whether he or Satan acknowledges it, and with the direction his relationship with his son has gone, he honestly feels like a failure as a father
So to have another child to risk hurting in the same way he has with Satan? The man doesn't feel okay with the risk.
It takes a lot of comfort from MC to get him to agree to it
And from then on, he prepares.
To start with, he takes some time off of work and RAD for them both.
It's not just for the baby-making activity, though of course they do plenty of that while his brothers are at school.
It's also time for the two of them to just be together and enjoy themselves. He takes them out for lunch, watches any movie they wish, cuddles with them on the couch or bed, even dances with MC in the music room to one of his safer records.
This free time is not just to start the path of parenthood for them; it's a romantic time to enjoy themselves and express their love for each other more openly and freely without worry of his brothers interupting or Luce needing to get back to work.
When they offically discover that MC was pregnant, the anxiety crept back up in him, but his Love's excitement and smiles were enough to push it back.
Despite always having a heavy work load, the oldest made it a priority to have the nursery done very early on and stocking up certain things like diapers, clothes, and toys.
His anxiety pushed him to make sure everything was perfect, but MC had to pull him aside a few times because Luce, they are only three months along, chill dude, you have time.
With time and more reassurance from MC, his anxiety really did fall, though didn't completely disappear and hovered over her as much as his work allowed.
When MC went into labor, he had everything under control. He called the doctor and kept calm as he watched over his Love.
When he held his daughter for the first time...it was as if everything shifted inside of him. He was less worried about failing her and more concerned with making sure he doesn't.
He vowed to make sure Ksenia always feels safe, valued, and loved.
Um...have you seen his bank account, MC?
Y'all are nowhere ready for children, financially speaking.
In truth, Mammon does want kids; he's a very family oriented demon, even if his family doesn't see him that way.
But damn, he really has to get his shit together in order to be a good dad.
After hearing this Human beg for it though, how could the second brother say no?
Before they actually start the whole baby-making process though, the man has a debt to deal with now that he can no longer justify staving it off.
He managed to pay off a huge chunk of it by stealing from the demon lord's castle but after getting punished by Lucifer and facing a disappointed MC, he decided to pay off the rest and start saving up in a more honest way.
Honestly, it wasn't his preferred way of making his Grimm, but MC went on and on about morals and what they'd be teaching their child if they found out their dad was selling other people's shit so they could have him or her, and a lot of other guilt-tripping that the Avatar of Greed gave into. Man, they haven't even made the freaking kid yet and he already has to get his act together...
Debt gone and a decent start to his savings later, the fun part actually begins--making the kid! The demon couldn't help but gloat to his brothers about much he was getting laid, which was embarrassing to MC but hey, it's cute seeing the human's cheeks all red so no drawbacks for the Greed demon.
Once discovering MC is pregnant...well, Mammon is one of the brothers who hovers over his human, though he denies it the whole pregnancy.
When his Human went into labor, it was the kind of thing where the man pretended to be calm, but was obviously freaking out and eventually he fainted.
He woke up though and just in time for his Human to push out their daughter.
Cassia...just one look at his little girl and he knew that all of his hard work before and the self-improvement he's been trying to do...he knew it was all worth it.
Boy choked on his chips when MC asked him for a baby.
Like what did he just hear???
His Henry wants a baby--with him of all people??
Yeah, I mean, he is their boyfriend, but still, the Avatar of Envy felt like this must be bad judgement on the human's part.
I mean, he's a dirty otaku. The demon doesn't even understand why they'd date him, but wanting a kid with him?
There's also the fact that...well, what it means to be an otaku. Having a kid doesn't exactly fit in with his shut-in lifestyle.
Basically, it left him feeling as if he doesn't deserve to have a kid with his Henry and that he wouldn't be good as a dad anyway; being a shut-in otaku is all he knows at this point and since being dad kinda requires you to, ya know, not be that and putting your kid first, he really has no faith in himself.
But MC did and honestly, that meant a lot to the Envy demon.
Things weren't decided in that moment. Knowing that their boyfriend was overwhelmed, the human simply asked him to give it some thought and told him that they'll love him regardless.
The man let it sit with him for a couple weeks and everytime he saw a kid in an anime or saw a commercial for some kind of toy, the otaku wondered 'what if'. What would it really be like to be a dad?
It was anime that finally made him cave. Seeing families and parents interacting with their children in them, it really did tempt the man. He recognized that it was fiction and being a parent wouldn't be exactly like that, but still; it made him wanna try.
Seeing MC's face light up when he told them he'd do it honestly made the man feel good about himself.
When MC becomes pregnant, he doesn't necessarily hover; he doesn't feel the need to always be around them or limit what they can do. He's simply more touchy-feely, surprisingly enough. Not in any inappropriate way; just more hugs, hand holding, cuddles. He just insists on more closeness than before, which MC has no complaints about.
When MC went into labor, he was a bit panicky, but pulled through. Unlike Mammon, he never fainted and was able to give support to his Henry through the process.
Holding his son just felt...surreal. Like, how the hell did this happen??? I mean yeah, he knows how, but still, it's just unbelievable. He has a son. He's a dad.
Levi honestly never thought his life would be brought to this point, but looking down at Kai, he was glad it was. In that moment, he was anxiously optimistic about their future.
Yeah, MC, sweetheart, this man doesn't particularly like kids...
It's not necessarily a hard 'no' though.
After all, Satan doesn't like saying no to his sweet Kitten if he can help it.
The two spend a while discussing it, going over all the prep work they'd need to do, the finances of the situation (like, both in regards to their own finances and literally showing them statistics of how much Grimm demon parents have to spend on average for their children from birth to adulthood), and about how their life will change if they take this step. About the sacrifices they'll have to make and the new responsibilities. After all, the couple won't be able to just focus on each other anymore; their routines will have to change, their be energy put towards caring for the child. Their whole lives will have to revolve around them.
The human accepted all of it though and was ready for the change.
So the blonde agreed, despite his own feelings on the matter, feelings he never thought to speak up about before and after hearing MC's request, doesn't want to.
The couple didn't really set time aside with baby-making in mind and try to rush things. They simply slept with each whenever they just happened to be in the mood for it, like always, but stopped using the runes on they commonly put on MC for birth control.
Essentially, they just went through their days as normal and just let things happen at their own pace.
When MC became pregnant, the Wrath demon had to admit, their excitment was contagious. Seeing them happy...it really felt good to the blonde, despite his own feelings on it all.
Satan wasn't the type to hover, not really. He looked after them, giving little reminders of what they can and cannot eat in this condition as well as when they needed to take certain vitamins, but otherwise, things continued on as usual between the two.
Though his feelings about becoming a parent never completely changed during the pregnancy, seeing his Kitten's belly grow and them look forward to this child more and more as time went on, it did give him the feeling that he made the right choice
And when he felt his child kick inside MC for the first time, the realness of it all really put a crack in his mentality.
Their baby...this was a being who sparked such joy in his Kitten and that was enough for the Avatar of Wrath to start to love his child, though he didn't recognize that fact at the time.
When MC went into labor, he kept them calm and comfortable. Walked with them when they wanted to walk, which he read was good for helping labor along, and gave encouragement whenever his Kitten needed it.
When his daughter was born and he watched his Kitten hold her close, crying happy tears, the man couldn't even describe what he was feeling within himself.
When MC asked if he wanted to hold their daughter, Satan declined. Not out of rejection for Amelie but...was it really safe for him to hold a being so delicate?
With his Kitten insisting with such a cute, sad face though, how could he not?
Extra carefully, he took his daughter into his arms, causing the small baby to whine and reach up her little hands at him.
This. This was the moment that he realized that despite his original bias that he really did love his daughter.
Amelie was a gift that he never knew he wanted; knew he needed. Thanks to MC though, she's here and with two parents that her more than anything in the three realms.
Asmo is a brother that I can honestly see things happening either way: with MC bringing up the idea to him or Azzy bringing the idea up to them.
Asmo loves babies--at least, I see him as someone whose mostly good with them and likes the idea of them. He can't handle things like diaper changes or anything gross like that, but he finds them adorable.
And what would be even cuter than a baby? His baby. I mean, how can you carry genetics from this man and not be gorgeous?
Luckily, MC agrees. The two don't stop to talk about anything practical with the subject. They want a baby so Azzy has the two of them start making them right then and there (well, after Lucifer scolds Asmo for trying to do so on the living room couch and the couple retreats to his room).
The first of the brothers to be genuinely excited when MC ends up pregnant and not be overshadowed by anxiety.
Very touchy-feely during his Dolly's pregnancy, more than usual. Especially once MC starts to develop their cute little belly.
Lots of kisses and talking to their belly, even long before the baby has developed enough to hear him.
This man just has too much love for his child and can't contain it all till they're born.
When MC goes into labor, he's not too anxious, but he feels bad that his Dolly has to through such pain.
Very good at comforting the human during this time. Gives lots of kisses and encouraging words, telling them how well they're doing and how their baby just can't wait to meet them.
Cries when he first holds his son. Sees Liam as the most perfect and sweet being to exist, only tied with himself and MC.
Let's face it; Beel was the one who brought the topic up. This family man got baby fever and immediately ran to Muffin for help with it.
Like, I can literally see him rushing into the kitchen while they're on cooking duty and MC smiling and asking if he'd like to taste test, only for him to blurt out that he wants a baby, as if it was something as simple a cookie or a new shirt.
After MC gets over the shock of such a request, they sit down with Beel and actually discuss such a big step.
Regardless of whether MC had thought about it before this moment, how could they say no to this big sweet man who has an endless amount of love to give?
After agreeing, MC has to coax the man away because he gets a little too excited and wants to start right then, but the human still has to finish dinner.
After dinner though! Baby making time!
Becomes insanely happy when his Muffin ends up pregnant. This man literally couldn't stop smiling his cute freaking smile even if he wanted to.
Doesn't really hover over them while they're pregnant; there's honestly little to no anxiety in this man over his child or worry about the pregnancy.
He does, however, do practically everything for them. Let him carry that bag. It's fine. They don't need to be carrying something so heavy. Tired? It's okay, go rest; he'll cook dinner instead. Feet hurt? He'll carry them home so they don't need to walk anymore.
Just a reminder that this is all done out of love though and not anxiety. He's not worried about anything going wrong; he just loves his Muffin so much and is so grateful that they're willing to have his baby.
Finding out that MC was carrying twins just made him even happier. MC had no chance of breaking free of his bear hug (which of course, he was very careful not to squeeze their belly so it was more a side hug).
Spent a lot of time during the pregnancy snuggling up to MC's belly. Anytime the two of them laid down together, he did it. Whether on the couch as they watched a movie together, or in bed together at the end of their day or as he laid with the human as they took a nap. He'd nuzzle their belly and speak soft, sweet words to their babies.
The only time this man shows any negativity about this pregnancy is when his Muffin goes into labor. As it progressed, part of him felt guilty since they were in this pain because of him. He loved their twins and wanted them to be born, but hated that MC had to cry and scream and writhe in pain to make it happen.
When it was finally over and his girls were in the world, being fed by his Muffin, this man couldn't stop watching them. His daughters. Daughters. Devil, they were so perfect to him.
And that was the day where he felt his life could never get any better. His Muffin had just perfected his life with their loving heart and hardwork and the man honestly couldn't be happier. Arsenia and Anais are exactly what he's been missing in his life and his love for them is immeasurable.
MC...sweetie...this man doesn't like kids at all 😔
After having to deal with Satan as a kid, he has long decided that he doesn't wanna deal with them anymore.
So when MC brings it up to him and asks their boyfriend for a baby, he honestly will not be able to understand why they'd want one.
Yeah, Belphie loves MC, but this would still be a very hard 'no' from him.
Honestly, the only way MC would be able to get a baby from him would be by reminding him of the Incident™️, of him murdering them, and essentially being like 'a life for a life'.
Belphie holds a lot of guilt within him for killing them and whether he realizes it or not, a part of him has been desperately searching for a way to atone so he doesn't have to feel bad about it anymore.
So if this is the way to do it... he guesses that he has no choice.
It's honestly sad. MC really wants him to want a baby too, but can only hope his feelings will change down the line.
When MC becomes pregnant, he understands even less about why they'd want this. Each day, he hears his human in the bathroom, dealing with their morning sickness, and wonders why they want a baby so bad even when they're making them puke their guts out every morning.
Still, he takes care of them. Belphie is a lot of things, but an asshole isn't one of them. He wasn't just gonna knock them up and let MC suffer through it alone. Even if they wanted this, it doesn't change the fact that they're still his Human and that little gremlin making them puke was his kid so he's gotta take care of them.
Doesn't sleep as much as he used to while MC is pregnant. Tries his hardest to stay awake and help them out when needed.
Mostly only naps when they nap and as MC gets farther along, they need plenty of naps.
Finding out MC was pregnant with twins...devil, the man felt like he had the worst luck. He groaned and with it, he hurt his Human's feelings on accident.
He wasn't trying to ruin this for them. He wanted MC to be happy, really he did; all he could think about when he heard the news was how much extra work it was gonna be though. I mean, one baby already demands a lot of time and energy to take care of, but two? Ugh...
Kinda hovered over them during the pregnancy. He just wanted to make them as comfortable as he could, despite the fact that he still for the life of him couldn't understand why they'd choose this for themself. Puking, back pain, exhaustion, weird ass cravings. How was this worth it to the human?
He wanted to understand, but he couldn't and since he couldn't, all he could do was accept it and try to lighten it all for them, if he can.
When his kids kicked for the first time, MC's eyes lit up before they quickly stopped and grabbed their boyfriend's hand.
"Belphie! They kicked! They--" He watched the light drain from their eyes as they deflated. "Oh...sorry, I forgot for a second..."
God, this was the last thing he wanted. The seventh brother put so much effort into trying to make them happy, but they still think he cares so little about something that made them happy, just because it's about their kids?
"Show me."
MC raised an eyebrow.
"Are your sure?"
Belphie sighed.
"Just let me feel it, Butthead."
The human brought his hand to their belly, watching him closely. When he felt a kick, the man's eyes widened.
He didn't really say or do anything at first.
He took his hand off their belly, but never let MC's hand leave his. He squeezed it.
"You don't have to avoid things like that with me, Dummy. I'm glad they're healthy enough to do that."
And that was the truth. Belphie was glad his kids seemed to be doing fine. I mean, they're strong enough that he can feel their kicks so that must be a good sign
And most importantly, he wanted his Human to share with him the moments that make them happy because that's the point of all of this; to make them happy.
Devil, was this man anxious when they went into labor. Not that he let MC see that, of course. Like he tends to do with a lot of his emotions, he bottles them up and just focuses on helping his Human.
When his children were born and he watched MC hold them so close, so lovingly...he honestly didn't know what he was feeling, not fully.
All he knew for sure was that these three were depending on him and always would.
It took him a year or two, but he did end up bonding with his kids. Judas and Lilith...being their dad was different than he thought it would be. It wasn't always easy, especially with how much Lilith misbehaves at times, but these are his kids and they love him without limit. The Sloth demon had to admit, such love was just contagious.
The four of them were actually happy. This wasn't just some obligation he had to fulfill anymore; this was a life he enjoyed living and he honestly couldn't remember the last time he could say that before his twins.
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ichika27 · 3 years
The World Ends with You
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(Yeah, it’s the same screenshot I used for my post about ep. 1. I couldn’t get a new one so...)
Ah, first week without the TWEWY anime to look forward to. I’m actually kinda sad cause I’d miss waiting for the episode every Saturday night (Ani-One posts theirs on that day here). I have some stuff I wanna say about the anime so I thought I’d make one of these plus this is a good way to end the twewy anime blog post series I make every week. I’ll try not to spoil until the very bottom of this post which will have a spoiler warning.
Also, this will be very long and rambly as most of my fandom posts are haha.
A boy named Neku wakes up in the middle of Shibuya with no memory and finds himself as a player in the Reaper’s Game. For a week he must partner up with a girl named Shiki and both of them must complete missions, battle creatures called noise, and survive as failure meant erasure.
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Neku Sakuraba - our main protagonist who somehow lost his memories and is now playing the Reaper’s Game. He’s a loner who isn’t too keen on getting close to anyone let alone working alongside anybody - unfortunately for him, it’s a requirement if he wants to survive. As a player he has an assortment of abilities to fight off noise and other enemies (in the game this meant he can use a lot of different pins).
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Shiki Misaki - the nice and friendly Shiki becomes Neku’s partner in the Reaper’s Game. Unlike Neku she has knowledge of the game and fills Neku in on things he doesn’t understand. Her ability is to control her stuffed toy called Nyantan/Mr. Mew which she uses in combat.
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Beat - the tough skateboarding player, he’s somewhat more like the typical hot-blooded shounen protagonist when compared to Neku. He’s protective of those he care about especially his game partner, Rhyme. He uses his skateboard in battle.
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Rhyme - Beat’s game partner who is a lot kinder and calmer than him. Rhyme tends to be the one to reason with Beat when needed and the two are always seen together.
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Yoshiya Kiryu - a mysterious boy who seem to know more than he lets on and acts at times acts suspicious. He prefers to be called by the nickname Joshua.
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Sanae Hanekoma - a cafe owner who helps out Neku and the others and would give them advice. His advice prove to be very helpful and Neku takes them to heart. Seem to have a lot of knowledge about the Reaper’s Game but doesn’t seem to be a reaper himself.
(I tried my best to not be spoilery in the character descriptions so some names weren’t written in full)
The World Ends with You (or in the original Japanese “Subarashiki Kono Sekai”/It’s a Wonderful World) is an anime based on the video game of the same name. It had to compress an entire game’s worth of story within it’s 12 episode run which meant they cut out a lot of things and combined some scenes to quickly run through them. It’s theme song is the anime version of the game’s original OP “Twister” although this wasn’t what was originally planned but an incident involving the band who sang the original theme forced them to make changes. The original voice actors from the game also reprised their roles for the anime. The series is created to be watched before the release of the long-awaited sequel game.
The art style is made to be similar to it’s game version (with a bit of change to adapt it as an anime like when it comes to body proportions). They also retained the effect of the characters from the UG (players/reapers) being brightly colored while those from the RG having darker/muted colors. While the noise are obviously cg, I personally liked this since they’re said to be from a different plane anyways so it’s a nice contrast to those from the UG and RG. They had to update the setting though as years had passed since the original game’s creation and they had to model anime version of Shibuya to what it’s real life counterpart now looks. The characters are also given smartphones instead of the flip phones they had in the game (anime-only watchers who are gonna play the game would have to get used to them still using flip phones though lol).
Okay so story-wise... it’s rushed. Of course it is. They shortened it so that what’s left would mostly be important plot points from the main story but they cut out many scenes that consist of character interactions and several little things that could’ve fleshed out the characters more. The gameplay is also made simpler with some mechanics taken away and the mini games weren’t adapted (RIP to Reaper Creeper and Tin Pin Slammer, especially the latter as you’re severely missed). The game boast an assortment of characters and some NPCs have their own stories but due to the anime’s limited run time, they had to either be cut out (and are just given cameos) or given smaller roles (and their stories weren’t adapted). They did, however, give a few bits and pieces of information that weren’t in the game such as some details about certain characters and one supporting character was given a bit more screentime that they did in the game version.
Despite the rushed nature of the series (which may or may not affect how one views the story itself), the anime made sure to adapt several important scenes and the dramatic stuff is made worse... like, they really had to make some deaths harder to take. The battle scenes were nice as well although my biggest complaint about them is that the boss fights were over too quickly. There were scenes that were changed for the anime version and there are those that I liked and those I didn’t but there are many which I think was as good as the game’s version.
Do I recommend the anime? The game is better, the characters and story are more fleshed out and the way the character/relationship development happens is better paced so of course, me, biased already would tell you to play the game instead if you haven’t yet. Do I recommend those who played the game to watch the anime? Yes! Yes I do. I think the anime is better watched when you’ve played the game and know the stuff that they cut out cause it’ll make better sense that way. Plus I found it enjoyable seeing the scenes from the game animated and the characters are speaking whole dialogues and moving. It’s great!
Even if the anime wasn’t perfect, like I mentioned before, they did their best to condense the entire main story in a 12 episode series and it tried to be as faithful as it could to the original story so despite the deviations when it comes to how things got to the way they did, if you summarize important plot points, they would be the same (with some details changed). Overall, it was very enjoyable and it wasn’t as bad as I feared when I heard how many episodes the anime was going to have.
Some spoiler thoughts:
It would’ve been better if the anime had more episode count than just 12. Cramming a 3 week story of game into just 12 made the thing very rushed with Week 1 only getting three episodes, Week 2 getting four, and final Week getting five. They had to get to the good stuff so they cut off a lot of scenes where the characters are interacting with each other which means they suddenly get character developments and relationship developments too quickly. It might not be that obvious to anime-only watchers but to me, it felt kinda sudden and it feels like it doesn’t work out well story-wise since Neku had to learn how to trust other people and make friends and with how he started vs. how he came out of it contrasting each other.
By the way, they made the characters look good in the anime. Especially Joshua. Have you seen Joshua? He’s so pretty in the anime. I want a picture of him I could stare at anytime I want to (I do not own a phone, sadly).
I like how they gave Eri more scenes though and that they changed her outfit for the anime so she won’t look exactly like UG!Shiki. All of her scenes though made me feel like I wish the anime gave closure to Shiki’s own story by showing us her and Eri making up. Another scene I liked in the anime is Neku’s fanboying of CAT when he finds out the truth. It was adorable.
Some info was taken away from the anime. Beat and Rhyme leaving home had scene dialogue and unlike Beat just narrating it in-game but they didn’t mention specifically why he was angry and his trouble at home. Joshua wasn’t present when Sota and Nao gave Neku a pep-talk either which is a shame cause I think that helped Josh as well. 
I mentioned before how the anime made things go too fast. They cut off chunks of not-main-plot story that let the characters interact with each other more which means each game day is shortened as well. I think it made sense that Neku wakes up at the scramble in the end and not stressed out because he didn’t go through as much as his game counterpart did. That said, game Neku learned a lot from more than just the main cast in the game compared to the anime so I like his character development in the game better.
They took away Tin Pin Slammer. I am sad and disappointed. I was hoping so bad for Another Day to be adapted even if it’s an OVA. That and the ramen incident are part of Josh’s week which meant some side of him wasn’t shown (I mean, anime fans don’t know he wasn’t there on week 3 since he’s busy playing a kid’s game elsewhere and how he could talk about food like he is from a cooking anime). Speaking of Josh, they made him very suspicious from the get-go in the anime. I understand as there’s a limited run-time and they can’t really afford to be subtle about it but it meant some of the fun interactions with Neku is gone and so are some scenes where they actually got along. At least they had ice cream together, I guess?
(I have more to say when it comes to Joshua cause he’s my fave character but this is long and my thoughts on it would make this way longer. I might make another post.)
In the end, it wasn’t perfect but the anime was fun and enjoyable enough that I found myself looking forward to it every week. Seeing scenes I recognize from the game in animated form (with voice acting!) felt exciting and awesome. I’ll miss this show and I still wish it was longer.
If you’ve read this far well, thank you. And also I’m confused why but still hopefully that was a good time-killer. I have so many other things I wanted to comment on but that’s for another time. Maybe.
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maxattack-powell · 4 years
Chris x MC as coaches for their kids peewee football team
Awww this is so cute! Thank you for this prompt Nonny 😊
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Pee Wee Football 
Chris paces up and down the field as he watches the kids maneuver through the plays with finesse. Sure, they have a lot to learn, especially some of the children on the team. Of course not so much his kids, as they’ve seen and heard more about football since they were old enough to sit up, but with many youth sports and activities, some children are there because they want to be, and some are because their parents want them to be.
The team’s doing well though, executing the plays better than some college and professional players Chris has seen over the years. This is Pop Warner though, and his team is part of the Pee Wee division no less, so he doesn't exactly expect them to get everything perfect. Hell, he really just wants them to have fun. They are too young to take it that serious, and what’s the point if they aren't having fun?
Some parents don't see it that way though, but that’s their problem. Chris doesn't put up with adults misbehaving around the kids, especially on his team. Yes, his team. Well, his, MC’s and Ryan’s team. The longtime friends are coaches for The Flying Hawks. 
Chris smirks, recalling how the team name was suggested and strongly supported by his childhood friend at the start of the previous season. Ryan Hawkins had been like a brother to Chris since he moved to Cherryfield, Maine many years ago. Coaching with him brings back many memories, some not so great, but most are and he loves sharing the experience with him and the kids again.
He stops, turning at the waist to watch as a child from the opposing team cuts through their line and sprints towards the end zone. 
Cupping his hands around his mouth, Chris yells at one of the defensive players. “Cut across Miller! Don’t let him sidestep like last time!”
Chris continues to watch the movement on the field as The Hawks defensive coach moves to stand next to him. Ryan’s slightly shorter frame is topped with a mess of black hair doing its best to hide his bright blue eyes as he crosses his arms and barks out. “Like we practiced Miller!”
Chris smiles as Ryan takes over, coaching their prodigy linebacker as he closes in on the opposing teams running back. His own experience as a running back gives Ryan an edge to coach their defensive players. That and he loves shutting down the opposing team’s offense.
Once Robbie Miller successfully tackles the player and ends the other teams push, he jogs back to the bench, receiving a pat on the back as Chris, the Head Coach smiles. “Nice work. It looks like your speed is improving too.”
The boy nods and flashes a bright smile. “Coach Hawkins has been showing me some neat tricks… it’s helped a lot.”
Chris turns his head and arches an eyebrow at Ryan as the boy moves on, silently questioning his friend with the phrasing the young player just used.
Ryan laughs and holds up his hands in defense. “It was just how to read footwork and anticipate their next move. Don’t you give me that look Powell.”
MC laughs as she approaches the pair, placing a hand on each of their shoulders as she splits the two. “Let’s not start this again, okay?”
Ryan snaps his mouth shut and laughs through his nose as Chris opens his own to fire back  when a commotion across the field causes them all to pause and turn to face the source. It doesn't take long to identify that the loud, irritated string of complaints is coming from as the Head Coach for The Comets as they watch him march across the field. 
Sensing something is up, the referee comes over to intervene, but the opposing coach steps around him and only pauses when he stands in front of the three, specifically throwing Chris a glare before glancing at the other two. Chris doesn't miss as the angry coach’s gaze lingers on MC longer than necessary before his crabby expression focuses back on him. 
“This is… bullsh-” He hesitates when he sees Chris’ eyes narrow. “It’s BS.”
Chris stands straighter, shifting to put himself slightly between the angry coach and MC. He sees Ryan do the same, moving forward a step so the man can't easily reach MC if he tries anything funny. Chris doesn't anticipate anything like that, but the way he just looked at MC bothers him a little, making it difficult to know what his intentions are. Angry coaches and parents are not a new experience for Chris. He sees it more than he should, especially during a pee wee game for children. Anytime he sees an angry adult during or after a game, Chris feels his blood boil. 
Ryan speaks up next, his body language easily showing his annoyance with the sudden shift in mood. “What’s that exactly? Our players breaking your winning streak with legitimate game-play?”
The red faced coach turns to face Ryan now, his eyes narrowing as his cheeks turn slightly darker. “Legitimate?” He scoffs before turning his gaze and lifting his chin towards Chris. “My offensive coach just realized you’re Chris Powell.”
Chris shrugs and Ryan lets out an amused laugh as he looks across the field. “And?”
“Chris Powell, the Hartfeld Knights National Championship Quarterback.”
Ryan’s nose scrunches up with his increasing annoyance. “And..?”
Chris sighs and turns at the waist to look at MC, noting how unsurprised she looks with the entire situation as the opposing coach continues to rattle off many other reasons why Chris’ involvement is unfair. 
He turns back to the escalating situation, noting that Ryan and the referee both appear to be over the situation at this point. Chris watches the coach disregard the warnings he receives from the ref to go back to his side and continue the game or he will remove him. The tense muscles in his friend’s neck also indicate that if something doesn't stop this from continuing, and quick, Chris might lose his Defensive Coach for the rest of the game.
His own irritation grows from the opposing coach’s words as he clearly implies that it's an unfair advantage for Chris to be coaching in his own kid’s football team. It shouldn't matter what he’s done in the past, or even what he does now. The kids are doing all the work, and they should be getting the credit.
“Okay.” Chris says suddenly, his tone firm as he raises his voice just enough to cut them all off, instantly gaining everyone's attention. “So you think it's unfair that I’m here. What… what do you want? Want me to sit out?”
The other Head Coach takes a step back, glancing at his team and coaches on the opposite side of the field before turning back towards Chris. “Yes.”
Chris does his best not to smile, giving a quick nod as Ryan and MC remain quiet to his side. The referee looks at them both. “Are you sure? You don't have to do this.”
Chris shrugs. “If it will end this nonsense so the kids can get back to their game, I’ll do it.” He doesn't move his eyes from the insecure man just a few feet from him.
The other coach sniffs and glances at both Ryan and MC before focusing on Chris with an almost cocky confidence. MC arches an eyebrow as the man turns and marches back towards his team. 
The ref turns to them once more, his questioning expression making Chris nod once more. “Okay, if this is happening… I suggest you leave the field.”
Chris gives the referee a small, calm smile before turning towards MC, his blue eyes glued to her hazel pair. “Sorry.”
She suddenly smiles wide, her neutral expression in front of the other coach instantly gone. “Hey, I was getting kinda bored with his plays… so no complaints here.”
Chris and Ryan both laugh before he kisses her on the temple and turns towards the stands, giving some of the kids high fives some on his way. He makes sure he's far enough away that the opposing coaches can see he’s removed himself from the game, but not far enough to miss the rest of the game.
Ryan laughs hard as he turns towards MC. “You ready doll?”
Her lips break open into a wide, toothy grin. “Let’s do this Hawkins.”
MC gathers her offensive players, quickly running through the plays they've practiced many times before, making sure to point out specific flaws in the opposing teams behaviors from the game so far. She watches with pride as they grin and nod, their eyes shifting amongst themselves as they confirm their next moves. 
They break and scatter across the field, setting up on the line of scrimmage as they wait for the other team. The team pushes down the field after the snap, making every down before scoring in record time. She claps and cheers as they leave the field, receiving hugs from many of the players before Ryan sends their offensive line out for the next play. 
He coaches them as The Comets do their best to rush, their purple clad players failing to gain much distance with each attempt. It doesn't take long before MC is sending the offensive players out again, leaning over as she addresses some of the blue and white jerseys. “Alright. You know what to do.”
They nod and take off as she watches, placing her hands on her hips as everyone moves into position. Right before the snap, she turns and searches, her eyes easily finding a familiar pair of blues looking back at her with joy. Chris’ eyes crinkle at the corner as he coughs into his hand, trying not to laugh at the stern looks on the opposing coach’s face. 
MC turns back towards the field with new energy, chuckling softly when Ryan bumps her shoulder with his own. “You're enjoying this.”
She shrugs and bites her lip. “Not as much as you.”
Ryan scoffs with a smirk. “That is a lie.”
The Hawks continue like this until the game ends, taking much less time than they typically do. Both teams take the field once the clock runs out, lining up to fist-bump one another with mumbles of “good game” as the lines pass each other. Ryan and MC walk towards the center as well, meeting the opposing coaches for their friendly post game handshake.
They remain silent as The Comet’s Head Coach approaches, begrudgingly lifting his hand to shake MC’s, then Ryan’s. “Good game Hawks.”
They nod, doing their best to contain their amusement. “Good game Comets. Your kids played well.”
The coach does his best to hide his remaining irritation, forcing a smile before nodding once and turning back towards their bench. MC just stands there as Ryan does his best not to completely laugh out loud, her own smile threatening to crack as a large warm hand finds the small of her back.
She doesn't move, but turns her head to look over as Chris appears next to her, slinking his hand over and around her waist to tug her close. “Think he learned his lesson?”
MC’s gaze slips from his as their players run after Ryan as he waves for them all to follow him towards the sidelines, cheering with them along the way. “Maybe. I didn't want our kids to crush the others though. It’s not their fault he’s their coach.”
He laughs. “Ayuh, you’re right.”
MC gnaws on her bottom lip for a moment before scrunching up her nose. “He started it.”
Chris smirks and leans over, nudging her temple with his nose before he kisses the same spot and speaks low, just for her. “That’s my girl.”
I have fun answering questions about my OTP in story form if possible lol… so I hope you enjoyed it.
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miss-musings · 5 years
TROS Review - after second viewing
I’m glad I knew all the spoilers going into my first viewing. If I hadn’t known Ben died, I would’ve screamed. Although I’m pretty sure I heard someone at my second viewing go “What?!” when he fell over and vanished into the Force.
OK, let’s break this down.
The movie looks great.
Daisy, Adam and John Williams all FUCKING brought it for this movie.
I actually liked some of the fan-service-y bits like Wedge getting a cameo, Han having a memory chat with Kylo/Ben, and Luke motivating Rey. I also noticed on the second go-around that Kylo flies an old Imperial TIE fighter (one from the Death Star ruins) to Exegol. And I like that shot of the old X-Wing of the Rebellion and the old TIE fighter of the Empire there alongside each other.
Most of all, I loved ALL the Reylo scenes we got in this movie. About 70 percent of the runtime seems to be dedicated to Rey, Kylo/Ben or both. I mean, it’s basically Reylo: The Movie, and I’m totally here for it. (But more on that below.)
I actually liked seeing Kylo in the mask again. I think it makes him look... sexy? Idk what I feel, y’all.
Some of the new creatures and characters were cool, even if we didn’t spend much time with them. (Again, more on that below.)
Loved Leia’s moments and how she had a big part to play in the story even if Carrie is gone. 😢
Those are all the big things; there might be a few small things that I’d remember if I were watching the movie in real time, but I can’t remember them now.
So, let’s get into it:
Oh, boy where do I start?
The pacing in both the very beginning (first 20-30 minutes?) and the very end (last 10) was ridiculous. My dad even agreed that the beginning felt rushed and disjointed.
While I love Kylo/Ben and Rey, the movie spends so much time focusing on them that no one else really gets an arc. Say what you will about TLJ, but Finn and Poe both had arcs in that movie, even if they were small. I felt like Poe did in this movie what he did in that last one: took to heart the words of wisdom of others around him (or at least, regurgitate their lines). He did it with Leia and Holdo in TLJ, and he did it with Zorri and Lando in this one. Finn doesn’t get any arc in this and the fact that he’s supposed to be Force-sensitive is like ... ??? What? I don’t even have time to unpack all that.
Also, Rose and Hux were sidelined majorly. I don’t even like Hux but even I felt his character and end were poorly done in this movie.
Something about both Finn and Rey’s Force abilities that bugged me was that I thought all Force sensitives can intuit or understand what others are saying in any alien/droid language. Remember how Rey could understand Chewie when she first met him but Finn couldn’t? It makes sense why Rey could understand a droid like BB-8 but why a Wookiee? Are there a lot of Wookiees on Jakku? No, she could understand him bc she’s Force sensitive and it’s an ability she has. But, in this one, neither she nor Finn could understand Babu Frick. I know it’s a small detail, and I could be misremembering canon, but it just bugged me both times.
So, Rey being a Palpatine... makes no sense. How and when did Palpatine have a kid? Was Rey’s dad a cloning experiment, or a naturally conceived and born child? This is something I’m morbidly curious about. I liked it better in TLJ when we thought she was no one, and this seems like a GIANT retcon and slap in the face to Rian Johnson. They even had to write a line about how Kylo supposedly never lied to her. Part of me wonders whether the Emperor was lying??? Maybe making Rey think she was his granddaughter would trick her into being obligated to come and end his life herself? But then, why was that Jedi Hunter looking for her parents? Oh well. Anyway, I did want her to be Rey of Jakku and no one else. But I also appreciate the thematic parallels and the yin/yang thing going with her and Kylo/Ben. He’s the embodiment of the Dark Side even though he’s descended from the Light, and Rey is the embodiment of the Light Side even though she’s descended from the Dark. So I’m a bit conflicted, but I hate it more than I love it.
I also HATE that Ben died. BUT, at least he didn’t die from falling into the pit, and at least there’s still a possibility that he’s coming back. The worst of it is that after he disappears, he’s never addressed again at all. Wouldn’t Poe or Finn ask about him? They don’t necessarily know he’s dead, and he would be a major threat if he were still alive. And why wasn’t he a Force-Ghost at the end? I HOPE it’s bc they’re leaving it open for him to come back. Or maybe his energy is living on in Rey whether spiritually (the dyad thing) or physically (maybe pregnant???).
But here’s the deal: in some ways this movie felt like the series finale of beloved TV show. All your favorites come back for little cameos, your main characters go out on a high note, and everything is resolved to a greater extent. Sure, there are more stories to tell, probably, but the Main Conflict has now been resolved. Think Avatar: The Last Airbender TV show or Star Trek: Voyager as examples.
BUT, in other ways, it DOESN’T feel like a finale. It feels like they’ve left doors to open and questions to explore in future properties. Is Finn Force-Sensitive? Is Jannah Lando’s relative? Is Ben Solo really dead? What’s gonna happen to Rey? Etc.
So, the movie needed to pick a lane. Either be The End of an era, or not. You can’t wrap up a story but then tease us with more stories. That’s not how this works. Fuck, even Harry Potter — as much as everyone hates JKR — got this right. Big Bad Guy is dead and instigating conflict is now resolved. Palpatine was the one who started this whole thing, so now that he’s dead, all is well???
Well, here’s my other big complaint about the movie. JJ & Co don’t seem to know how the Force works.
The Force is about a balance between the Light and the Dark. When one side becomes too strong, the other side grows stronger to compensate. When one side wipes out the other, the other responds. There must always be balance. Snoke even pointed this out in TLJ that Rey was Kylo’s Equal in the Light bc he was growing stronger.
And the Sith and the Jedi are religions on their respective sides. Not all Dark side users are Sith; not all Light side users are Jedi. And there are some Force users who use both freely and some who stay in balance.
The Mortis arc of TCW demonstrates this very well.
This is why so many people were pissed that Ben died. Not only are you losing a great character but you’re also losing the potential of what Ben and Rey could’ve been together as Force-users.
Palpatine and all the Sith are dead. Luke, Leia and all the Jedi are dead.
Except for Rey, who is descended of the Sith but trained by Jedi. So, she (and Ben) would have to figure out exactly how to keep the Force in balance. If the last Jedi just destroyed the last Sith, then the Dark Side is going to have to respond. But, if Rey could find other Force-users and teach them how to be in balance and use both Light and Dark in harmony then balance could be restored. There would be no need for these extremes if everyone stays in the middle.
This means Rey would have to end the Jedi. Which is what Luke wanted in the last movie. But then we find out that Leia received Jedi training??? So was Leia a Jedi? Is Rey? I’m so confused.
I like the fact that Rey’s saber has a darker hilt but it’s a yellow/orange blade. It kinda hints that maybe she will stay in balance — using both light and dark, being neither Sith nor Jedi, but something in between — a Skywalker, if you will.
So I guess, that’s a tiny win. The theory that the Skywalker(s) could be a new religion of Force-users in balance with the Force could still happen after that scene of Rey on Tatooine.
But, still, I hate all these retcons and the idea that the Jedi are the end-all, be-all. The Sith definitely aren’t good; but the Jedi weren’t always great either. And I hate that Rey had to fight Palpatine alone when it should’ve been her AND Ben — the balance between the Dark and Light should’ve been stronger than him, but whatever.
Also, one last thing, but why did Rey have BB-8 on Tatooine? Didn’t Poe make a big deal about Rey hurting BB-8 at the beginning? Why wasn’t BB-8 with Poe? Why wasn’t Chewie with Rey on the Falcon? (I guess he might’ve been and just never got off the ship.) Wouldn’t R2 and C3PO have been more appropriate in that final shot? They were in all 9 films. They’re more iconic and thematically appropriate than BB-8 to close out the saga, but oh well.
TL;DR: I have really mixed feelings about this movie. At the end of both showings, I was smiling, so that’s something. I had fun... I think?? But yeah, it’s definitely bittersweet.
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mochike · 6 years
Tumblr media
ugh i love lapis’ new form, she better get a redemption arc for the shitty things she did and make lapidot canon
my take on the season 5 finale below
ok so i felt that it was a good episode overall. action-packed, decently paced, interesting, definitely provided more insight into everything -- though i definitely felt like white diamond’s change of mind was a bit too quick
it kind of left me feeling empty? because there were still so many tiny unsolved mysteries left, but overall the fact that the main arc/storyline is over kind of relieved me in a way, and i don’t think it was a bad finale at all
basically, storyline was alright, a solid wrap-up, really enjoyed the cute purification montage, really enjoyed the ending song and the nod to the opening scene for the show.
i have some grapples with the fusion/form designs, however.
rainbow quartz 2.0 is alright, the colours are kind of icky together not gonna lie, but i enjoyed their personality and they really did come off as a fusion between pearl and steven. they give off chill sardonyx vibes and i like them a lot.
sunstone.... could have been better. as many people have already stated, i do not see where sapphire comes into the equation, other than the tv psa slogans and whatnot they spout. they’re not bad, per se, but the design was a bit lackluster and out of the blue, and their personality felt rushed and one-dimensional as well. perhaps if they’d gotten more screentime, it could have been better.
obsidian is the only fusion i do not have ANY complaints about WHATSOEVER. she’s everything i could have ever hoped for, my god she’s so badass. not to mention, her SWORD!!!! SO COOL!!!!!!! she’s like a better alexandrite (not that alexandrite was ever bad), i love her. definitely much more terrifying than i was expecting, since most of the fan visuals going around for her had been soft and pastel-y and graceful. she looks like a black widow spider.
now, as for the new forms.... well.
peridot is decently designed, i think the ridiculousness of her visor suits her well, and the star placements look natural. no real complaints there. i’m just gonna have to get used to the visor protuding.
lapis... is growing on me. don’t really enjoy how the neon blue of her skin contrasts against the weird pink-salmon-brown of the ribbon. i was kinda hoping for a flap-skirt situation like a lot of the fan depictions were showing her with, but the genie pants work well. i did really enjoy the dress, especially with the ribbon tied at the back, but this is good as well. loving the sandals.
pearl is, well. i’m a huge fan of her shoaled form with the leg warmers (especially because i think her hair looks better tilted downwards), but i think the drastic outfit change from her original “classy” look does say a lot about her journey as a character and how far she’s come, especially now that she’s less obsessed with rose and finally beginning to actually come to her senses. i did always like the jacket look on her, anyway, and she gives me major 80s vibes now with the shoulder poof. she looks like a mom lol. gonna miss the kimono ribbon, though (i’m starting to think i just have a thing for ribbons).
amethyst is the same old song, but i do like that she’s always had that consistent punk look. looks like she’s going back to her original colour palette now as well. love her shorts, they look awesome, i just really like her new design overall. i think my sense of style and hers just mash really well lmao
ah, garnet. while in some ways, i do enjoy the brighter, more vibrant colour scheme, i really did like her old one as well. i just feel like it reflected her gemstone and her personality better. i know that garnet’s really lightened up throughout the series, and this new palette probably shows that better, but... still. not to mention, i think her characterisation is a bit... off. i like that the show has continued to develop the crystal gems as a team and gradually take the burden of “leader” off garnet’s shoulders as steven matures and they all learn each other’s perspectives a bit better, and it’s good that they show that garnet can be immature sometimes as well, but i feel like she’s gotten a bit too playful, kinda like white diamond. idk, maybe that’s just me, though. also, while i like her new visor, it’s the same case as peridot.
that’s all for now! overall, good episode, thoroughly enjoyed it, can’t wait for season 6 if there’s going to be one at all. doesn’t evoke the same sentiments as adventure time’s finale did, but adventure time was a special one.
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fatedsong · 7 years
My Opinion
So I thought about the Fairy Tail ending a lot after sleeping it through and then after I finished a bag of takis here’s my two cents for whoever cares:
I’ve been reading FT since 2011, it’s just been so many years and has been with me for a big important transition in my life. Fairy Tail came to me when I needed it the most and it has taken such a big part of me, so no matter what it would had become of it, I will always still love Fairy Tail for the rest of my life. I will always love the story, the characters, the music, everything about it. I also joined Tumblr for Fairy Tail. 
-Nalu: Actually I was expecting it to end somewhat like this so I am not surprised. The possibility of having nalu together in a way we don’t see them become a couple but its heavily implied that in the future when they are ready they will become a couple was the most probable. The first thing I found really sweet was were we see Natsu taking on the role of carrying Lucy and taking her home safely  it showed how that is a place and trust only given to Natsu. No matter what happens, the time, the place, he will always make sure she goes back home safely every single time. Now to the main scene, we have Lucy remembering all the times and memories she has with Natsu which then leads to her hugging him, crying and being thankful to have met them because it’s because of them she is who she is right now. To me that was very special because Lucy has thanked Natsu many times, but this is the first time we see her hug him from the front and seen his reaction so clearly to it. It also paralleled with Haru and Ellie. Now the situation that happened afterwards was that, it was a scene were it was shown that they both acknowledged their feelings for each other. In Lucy’s case she was ready to kiss Natsu, she was nervous, surprised, but had closed her eyes, she was ready and when he didn’t kiss her she was shown upset and embarrassed. If Lucy really didn’t want to kiss Natsu she would had pushed him away, it was only because it was him, she closed her eyes, at that point Lucy had already admitted to herself she does indeed love Natsu and if it’s with him she was ready to start a romantic relationship. Natsu is not dumb he knows exactly what was about to happen, it looked like he was about confess or even kiss her, at that point he clearly knows their feelings are mutual, but then he sensed it might not be the time just yet, he felt they might not be ready or were rushing to it, so he quickly went back to the issue about work, telling her in his own way that there was no need to rush because they will always be together because they love each other, so everything will fall into place when it needs to be when it’s meant to be. This was basically a confession and a promise of his part to be always by her side and when the time comes at their own pace they will  take as step forward and begin a romantic relationship. To me that was very fitting for them ,it felt so Natsu and Lucy. It was the best way of making them canon in their own naluish way. So for nalu I don’t have any complaints, I mean sure it would had been nice for a kiss and so but I think it’s fine this way too. It’s canon.
-Gruvia: For this I was actually expecting to see Gray’s confession right after the war, so while I still preferred seeing it and in a more serious environment and could had been more fitting, I am still happy with this scene because despite being small it implicates many things. Since it’s been a year already, their conversation and actions are of people who are already together. Juvia gets drunk and starts stripping and the first thing we see was Gray who quickly rushes to stop her. The thing to note was that Gray was taking care of her, throughout the party he was keeping an eye on her, so when he saw what she was about to do he was able to quickly go stop her and then take her to a more private place were she could calm down. The next thing we see was that Gray was visibly jealous because others had seen her and you could tell this in his annoyance when he ironically scolds her for stripping, he pulls her out in order for her to sober up and because he doesn’t want others to see her. Before whenever Gray got jealous he was more subtle about it, he couldn’t say much or get in the way because it would give out his feelings, something he wasn’t ready for, but now he can finally do something about it. Then Gray asks Juvia if she had asked Wendy if she could do something about her scar, but Juvia doesn’t mind because he has one too. The scar for them is important, it’s a demonstration of how far they will go for each other, it’s a mark of their love, despite how different they act concerning their loves, their feelings mirror each other, the fact that they both decide to keep it is meaningful, especially since Mashima has barely ever lets a female character keep her scars so it means so much. I didn’t think she was going to have it, (also correct me if I’m wrong I think there’s a thing about women having scars and keeping responsibility of it something on Japan so there’s that too). Gray had asked her about it because he was worried about her, when Gray said something about ‘Men and women bodies are different... because.... you’re mine...” he was basically saying “I don’t want you to keep me in mind and cherish your body because you are important to me because I love you.” I like that part because you can see how much Gray struggles expressing himself with words, but he has reached a point with Juvia, were even though he hesitates, and stumbles a lot trying to give excuses, as he promised her, at the end, he is honest with her. They basically kissed after this btw. So it wasn’t what I expected but I am happy with it.
-Gajevy: It was like I expected, I thought we had seen the implications of twins many times and because of this Mashima would give us something that will demonstrate the twins did happen in canon, because of this I thought we might see the next gen, so to have Levy whisper to Gajeel she is pregnant is a good way to end them. It was something that was there and one of the things Gajeel was shown he wanted with her, he wanted to live and be with her forever and, have a family with her, so that part is shown. There really isn’t anything more I can ask for them since they are complete.
-Jerza: lol I thought we would get a kiss or a wedding tbh so I get the frustration. After I started thinking about it I get why this happened. If it was a year and in that year Jellal’s crimes had barely been pardoned I get why we didn’t see them enter a relationship just yet. You could tell by Jellal’s words he was still not sure of how to “live on” and what will be the right next move, it would indeed take at least a year for him to settle down and only after that to start a relationship with Erza. Jellal’s timeline consists of him being a slave, then being brainwashed, killing a bunch of people, losing his memory, then finally hearing about Erza disappearing for more than 7 years and since then never letting himself be happy trying to mend for those sins creating a guild to destroy Zeref. It was only until now that in the first time of his life Jellal is truly free. So it would had been too sudden to see them kiss right after a war and for a wedding it would had meant at least more of a year timeskip, which would change the whole chapter. So I think ending it with Lucy noticing Erza has been taking care of herself and her hair, which was something he loved about her, is meaningful because it implies they already meet once in a while and there has been change between them. One of the first things Jellal did was to contact Erza which means their relationship is progressing and proves how Jellal, himself, is changing, he is learning how to “live on” accepting it is okay to be with Erza and let himself be happy with her. While I do think Mashima could had given them at least an interaction I can see this still fitting in the story. So while I accept it I can see why others would still want more, especially with everything they have been through, but in order for them not to make it seem like Jellal was just waiting to be forgiven to hook up with Erza we would had needed more time.  For me while I would had wanted an interaction I am content with it, also it is very canon. 
-Zervis: I thought we were only going to see them mentioned, but seeing them reincarnated is one of the messages FT always gives, everyone gets a second try in life to be happy so it is fitting. It’s also nice to see what would had happened, how they will had acted if tragedy hadn’t fallen upon them, they will have met normally and fallen in love with a happy ending.
For the whole thing I am happy we got to see them being themselves, they are still Fairy Tail despite everything. Seeing them in a group, Natsu and Gray fighting, Erza stopping them, Gray stripping, each character was doing what they always do every time, it was what I was expecting so it brings out the nostalgia.I thought we might have seen Lucy narrating this closing some book called “Fairy Tail” but I am very pleased seeing her in her own award ceremony having one of her dreams come true. It’s good that we see how all the other guilds are doing well and Chelia can do magic again.I thought it was funny how Anna was still there, kinda feels outta place, but that’s fine. I liked how Mashima didn’t forget Cobra and Kinana lol a couple we didn’t know we needed confirmed. Laxus has a harem. It was nice to see Hisui take the throne and begin her reign a forgiving and prosper one. Anyway I loved how it ended were it began, Natsu and Happy entering her apartment like the first time then pulling Lucy to another adventure and all of Team Natsu saying goodbye to us while they go on. That part was the one I wanted the most and got, to see everyone in Fairy Tail and then to have our team set off into a new adventure as to say that it isn’t truly over, they will always be the same, they will continue moving forward to a new adventure, always, even when we don’t see them.
While the ending could had been better, of course there are things here and there I would had preferred or was expecting, some things that still need to be answered and I will always want more especially for my ships, I am content with it because it feels like Fairy Tail itself, it ended peacefully like it began and how they have always been. I never needed anyone to die, I wanted all of them to be happy and that’s how they did so I am happy.
To me it’s like it feels like FT ended but at the same time it didn’t and it’s an odd feeling.
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