#it's now a race to fill up places with essential items before she fills them up with plants 😂
on-my-way-to-the-woods · 2 years
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Did F buy houseplants before we got any kind of furniture? Yes
Did I expect anything less of her? No
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emmalouisefanfiction · 17 days
Sub Rosa
[The url is not hidden anymore.]
A ministry approved marriage was the last thing Hermione wanted. And the last thing the Wizarding World needed.
And her fiancé agreed.
While the Wizarding World descends into marriage law madness, Hermione Granger faces a different foe.
Teen And Up Audiences
Arranged Marriage, Marriage Contract, Marriage Law, Secret Marriage, Established Relationship, Politics, Wizarding Politics (Harry Potter), Bad Lucius Malfoy, Supportive Narcissa Black Malfoy, Light Angst with a Happy Ending
My contribution to the tumblr 2024 dramione month.
Prompt: Contract marriage.
* Also 'Marriage of Convenience'
I've taken liberty with the exact wording of the prompt, though.
Hope you enjoy. :3
“The ministry is happy to announce the Marriage Contract Law has been a smashing success!”
Hermione Granger had never felt true fear before today.
It was a ludicrous thought considering all she’d been through. Plenty of things had scared her before. The nerves that accompanied her first day at Hogwarts as a wide-eyed eleven year old, despite her outward bravado. The many times she worried Harry had bitten off more than he could chew when facing Voldemort and his many supporters. Being tortured with the Cruciatus Curse over and over again, unsure if she would come out the other end with her mind intact. And this stupid marriage law, written in metaphorical blood, that targeted single wizards and witches, like it was a penalty to not already be married.
But there was one thing that scared her more than any of that.
“Every eligible citizen has finished filling out their forms detailing likes, dislikes, and other important factors that make up a successful marriage.”
The Daily Prophet had not stopped being a mouthpiece for the more conservative members of the Wizengamot.
Hermione had filled out no forms. The wizarding world thought she was single but no forms had been owled to her and nobody had come to her home demanding she fill them out and return them in a timely manner. Yet her name had joined the hundreds of wizards and witches registered with the Wizengamot, to find their match. The very public records which now stated who her match would be.
She had been afraid before, but nothing compared to the pure adrenalin of terror currently coursing through her veins. Which was how she found herself now, in a rush, racing to pack everything she’d need for an extended vacation out of Wizarding Britain. Hermione had already started haphazardly throwing her clothes out of the closet like a madwoman. 
Gone was the normally studious and meticulous woman who had changed more barbaric laws in the past six years than the entire Wizengamot in the last century. In her place was a harried, desperate, version of the woman who was on the fast track to be the next Minister for Magic.
It will be okay , she’d tried to tell herself. She’d been through so much. She would get through this. Tell that to the Wizengamot and Daily Prophet , the voice inside her retorted. That voice that came out in panic. She had been listening to it too often since this law passed. This wasn’t like her.
I need to stop this.
Long, drawn out minutes of her rushing through her belongings passed before she remembered she was a witch and withdrew her wand to start sorting out the rest. There was no telling how long she would be gone, so she packed everything she thought essential. The old Hermione Granger would be fine with a tent and a few muggle items. The Granger who’d gone on the run with two teenage boys had overpacked but that had been mostly books and anything else she had that was even remotely connected to dark arts and the horcruxes they were after.
But now? Now she had no clue what to pack. But they were getting packed anyway. She still remembered how to cast an undetectable extension charm. Laws be damned.
“Couples have been paired together based on both magical and emotional compatibility.”
For some people, maybe. But her own pairing was based on the views of old family vengeance. They couldn’t force Harry, who’d married Ginny the previous year, or Ron who had surprised everyone six months after the Battle of Hogwarts by eloping with the woman who’d tried to give up the Boy Who Lived to Voldemort. Pansy had been a shock to even Ron’s own family. But both couples worked. They were amazing together. Any ninny could see that. Still, that left Hermione as the odd one out in the eyes of the Wizarding World. The one that people wondered about and pointed at behind their hands. Whispering. Speculating. And scrambling to predict who she would fall in love with.
The public was a mess about her alleged non-existent love life. Some made predictions and gushed over every guy she even spoke with, wondering if this was “the one”. Others still wondered if there were even any wizards left that would want her.
This was why her relationship with Draco Malfoy had been secret for so long. At least that’s what she thought, until a few hours ago. Someone had discovered them. And that someone had been the driving force between trying to get her matched with someone else before she could run off with his son.
Lucius Malfoy.
“All couples have been vetted by the Wizengamot and our ministry leaders. They are all amazing matches!”
Draco still officially lived at the Manor but often spent nights in the flat they unofficially shared.
Hermione waved her wand at his closet and a week’s worth of suits and ties exited, levitating their way to the second suitcase on their bed, folding themselves neatly inside. She would have to thank Mrs Weasley for that spell later.
And for looking after Crookshanks for me, during this.
Several other groups of items began magically piling themselves into smaller bags as Hermione cast the feather-light charm on them. She glanced up at her clock on the wall.
Draco is late.
He was supposed to be home half an hour ago. Draco had insisted on talking to his father. On convincing him to back down. If he failed, they were going to run away. Elope. Away from the world. It would be very Slytherin of them, but still within the written word of the law. However, he was now late .
Hermione paused her wand movements, realising she had enough things packed, and peered into the two suitcases, sighing. Extension charms were really a life saver. She swallowed heavily, licking her lips and glancing at the clock again. She reached into her robes, still dressed in her ministry uniform, and fingered the fake galleon within. She’d insisted on this to communicate, when he’d decided to run off half-cocked. Very Gryffindor of him, as she’d said, hoping it would stop him. She was a bad influence on him, it seemed. The fake galleon was warm under her fingers, which meant he was still alive. But he wasn’t returning her questions of “where are you?” and “are you okay?”.
Something was going on. But he’d made her promise to wait for him.
“Every couple will be married at the ministry within the month but are free to plan a larger, more ornate wedding later.”
She forced herself to calm down, trying not to hiccup with frustration. She sat down on the edge of the bed she shared with Draco and focused on her breathing. The last thing she needed now was to have a full blown panic attack.
Draco will be here soon.
He had to be. She couldn’t go on an extended vacation without him. No, she’d break down every ward in Malfoy Manor to rescue him. And ask his forgiveness later. That’s what old Hermione Granger would do. She smiled, thinking of all the things she could do to those wards. Draco had taught her a thing or two about them. Just in case , he’d said. 
Hermione had a vial of his blood to get under the “must be a Malfoy” parts of the wards, and weeks of practice in Malfoy invented counter-curses under her belt. She was confident. She was ready for that potential outcome. In case Draco’s father went crazy and tried to kidnap him.
She wouldn’t put it past Lucius Malfoy to do just that. Staring at the clock as the seconds ticked by, Hermione remembered the last time she’d seen the older Malfoy. A week ago, he’d sneered at her, despite the cameras flashing in both their faces. He was opposing a piece of legislation that had her name all over it. He had support with older wizards but the general public had always been her friend. Not to mention Kingsley Shacklebolt, who’d been the one to warn her that someone in the ministry was trying to rig her match in this new marriage law. He couldn’t do anything about it, not knowing who it was. Hermione knew it was Lucius. Now, mere hours after an exclusive interview he’d done with Rita Skeeter had made it to the Prophet.
An interview where he’d not so subtly hinted to knowing about her and Draco. Comments about keeping his family safe, mixed in with how he always seemed to butt heads with “the Golden Trio” when trying to save the sanctity of pureblood traditions. Marriage was brought up and he’d assured Rita that he and his son were agreed on who the next Lady Malfoy would be.
Draco hadn’t received a form about this marriage law either.
Hermione stood abruptly as the clock chimed. Now he was an hour late.
No, no, no.
She was going to lose Draco. Fuck. If she didn’t hurry up. If he didn’t hurry up. That was her true fear. The thing that scared her more than a revived Voldemort or Umbridge terrorising Hogwarts.
“And the match you’ve all been waiting to hear about: Hermione Granger will soon wed Rafe Rockwood. We’ve been assured the match was met well by both.”
Cousin to known Death Eater Augustus Rockwood, she added in her head angrily. Half-blood who was as despicable as his pureblood relatives, according to Draco. And someone who had been known, in certain circles, to tie women to his bed against their will. With both magic and non-magic means. Someone that Lucius Malfoy had pulled some strings to get her name next to.
Hermione waved her wand angrily at the Daily Prophet that was sitting innocently on her vanity. It burst into flames.
“I don’t think so,” she snarled. “Time’s up.”
She shrunk the suitcases and travelling bags down to fit in the pockets of her robes and took one last look at her bedroom. “I’ll be back,” she said to nobody. “Someday.”
“We believe these couples will usher in a new era of peace and strength for the magical community at large.”
There was no way Rockwood was getting his hands on her. Nor was Astoria Greengrass ever getting her grubby hands on Draco. “Never.”
Hermione closed her eyes and focused on her destination, determination and deliberation. Picturing the wrought iron gates of Malfoy Manor, she turned and disapparated on the spot. Anxiety returned to her the moment her feet hit the ground once more. Eyes open now, she couldn’t help but shudder as the gates towered over her.
You can do this, Hermione.
She whipped out her wand and got to work dismantling the wards. The vial of blood hovered before her as she focused and repeated her spellwork a half a dozen times before she felt the magic take hold. It was blood magic, this. And the blood had to have been given willingly. The Malfoy secret that the ministry would never know about. Even Voldemort didn’t know. He’d broken the wards down through sheer force of will and power.
Hermione was powerful, but she did not have the decades of experience in dark magic this would normally take. Trembling, she almost missed the moment the first magical lock clicked open.
One down, nine to go.
She knew the owners of the estate would detect her before she could finish. But this at least would get their attention. She was using spells only the family knew, after all. It took them longer than expected, however, and she wondered why. Straining against the wards, Hermione unlocked number four just as she sensed movement nearby.
“Lower your wand, miss Granger.”
It was Narcissa. She appeared behind the gates, dressed finely and peering at Hermione like she was a bug under a microscope. Hermione had met her since she started dating Draco. Her impression of her wasn’t bad, per se. But it was hardly overtly positive.
“Go home,” she said. “He’s waiting for you.”
Hermione narrowed her eyes at Narcissa, her wand poised, mid-incantation.
The older woman raised a delicate eyebrow. “Your little incursion provided the distraction I needed to get Draco out from under his wand, but it won’t work for long. He’ll be here soon and neither of us will enjoy what he’ll do.”
A heavy weight of panic set in Hermione’s stomach. Had Lucius tortured Draco?
“You both need to go,” Narcissa said, now with more urgency. “Before he realises what I’ve done and tracks you down.” She grabbed a hold of the wrought iron gates with both hands, the expression of concern and impatience on her face giving Hermione pause. “Go, miss Granger, or all of this will be for nothing.”
Hermione lowered her wand shakily. Warily. She held her breath but nothing happened. There was no second person ready to jump her and Narcissa made no move to show her wand. She nodded stiffly and disapparated again.
The apartment she shared with Draco came into dizzying view and Hermione let out a yelp of surprise. “Draco!”
Not “Granger” like he still insisted on calling her. “Hermione” was reserved for the bedroom or when he was annoyed with her. She frowned. But before she could question him, the man she loved strode towards her, trying to hide the limp in his walk, and opened his arms to embrace her.
It felt so dramatic but that was the moment the floo activated and an alarm sounded. It was the same alarm they’d set up to block his father. It was specialised for him and no-one else. He wouldn’t be able to get through, but it was motivation enough for Hermione to pull away from Draco, assure him she had all they needed, before he started to apparate them out of the apartment.
There was no time to ruminate on what they were doing.
They were going to elope. They were going to leave the country.
And as Draco pulled her into his side and the world disappeared around them, Hermione forgot about everything and everyone else.
Even the irate, booming voice calling for their blood but unable to stop them.
They were finally free.
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ushidoux · 4 years
November Baby - Ushijima x Reader
Summary: Wakatoshi offers you a little more than just chocolate and flowers on Valentine’s Day. (~2.7k words)
Warnings: breeding kink, pregnancy talk, cisfem!reader, nsfw
A/N: Breeding kink and big one-track minded boy just go hand in hand. This is for @prettysetterbaby’s Valentine’s Day collab!
Wakatoshi never told you directly that he wanted children, but he signaled so in every possible way. 
It was initially subtle - of course, he’d always loved your hips, but his eyes and hands started to rest on them more often, and soon your belly became his favorite place to plant soft kisses, and his fingers started to favor the dip in your waist and the smoothness of your hips.
In the evenings when you washed up for the night, his eyes seemed to hone in on your facial features more than usual, and while he stood beside you at the bathroom sink to get ready of his own accord as you brushed your teeth and swiped toner on your face and neck, you could see him perform a sort of math in his head, adding and subtracting from the elements that comprised the two of you. 
You took note of all these behaviors, but you declined to pick his brain because your Toshi was always direct, and you knew that if he was quiet now, it was only because he was still coming up with the proper words to express what he was feeling.
But he let you know all right, in the middle of a crowded department store in the heart of Warsaw that looked like it had been ransacked by Cupid’s battalion many times over.
“Is Poland just really into Valentines’ Day or is it this store?” You joked, as you followed your husband leisurely pushing a shopping cart you’d overloaded with essentially useless trinkets and decorative items. You’d moved into your new home just a couple of weeks ago, and still were engrossed with the task of filling the empty spaces between comfy furniture and elegant fixtures. 
You were now trekking through the realm of cribs and diapers and couldn’t help but stifle a laugh at the frankly quite excessive marketing. Red and pink hearts were everywhere, as were flowers, huge balloons, chubby angels and red crossbows, you name it.
“Oh my God, even the baby section is Valentine’s Day themed??? No wonder everyone I know is born in November!”
You were busy laughing at your own joke, but instead, he looked at you with the slightest bit of caution in his hazel eyes, leaning over the cart as it rolled to a stop and gripping the handles carefully.
“Let’s have a November baby, too,” he said, abruptly enough to stun you for a split second.
Your eyes grew slightly wide, your face growing hot at his clear and concise statement, and you quickly looked around to see if anyone else had picked up his distinct baritone. You knew in your heart of hearts he was completely serious, and flustered, you bumped him slightly on the hip.
“Why would you say it right now?” You hissed.
“Does it matter where I say it?” He asked, with a slight raise of his eyebrows. You pouted, fingers tightening on the handles of the shopping cart as well. His eyes were still on you, again, gauging your reaction, worried if he was too forward and if he had somehow made you upset with his suggestion.
“Only if you want to of course, my love,” he reassured again, his hand now covering yours. His smile was understanding, even if there was a hint of lingering hope.
The warmth was fading from your face, your heartbeat that had sped up due to embarrassment now settling with the stroke of his thumb over the back of your hand.
It didn’t take you long to think because the thought had already crossed your mind. Being heavy with his child, then eventually coming to this very store with a small little one that looked like the two of you

It was a delightful thought, actually.
“Wine and dine me first,” you teased, kissing him quickly on the nose, “and then we can consider having a Valentine’s Day baby.”
He grinned, the slightest bit of mischief in his glance.
“I’ll have you pregnant by the end of the night.”
Dumping your pill pack into the trash was a surprisingly simple ordeal and you were very thankful it was mainly used for birth control over anything else. But out of an abundance of caution, you’d decided to shoot a message to your primary care doctor earlier that morning anyway and gotten the green light to start immediately, which was reassuring if not embarrassing. While you knew she didn’t take it this way, part of you felt like you’d essentially disrupted her life to say by the way, my husband’s gonna fuck me into oblivion until i pee positive on a stick, any objections?
Ushijima seemed to be taking this ordeal very seriously as he was prone to do, his diet even more regimented than usual despite being off-season and adding an extra ten minutes to his morning jog, a protein-heavy green smoothie in hand. While that was cute, what wasn’t cute was the fact that he hadn’t touched you in the past week.
When you rolled over to him in the middle of the night, slipping your hand down his boxers to try to get him to give you what he wanted, he responded with a kiss on the lips before gently removing your hand off of him and intertwining his fingers with that hand instead. 
“If I’m going to breed you, it’s gonna be special,” he murmured almost directly into your ear, a tinge of slumber in his voice making his voice even more seductive.
Breed? The thought itself had your heart racing but not as much when he added,
“I’m saving up to fill you with the biggest load possible, sweetheart.” 
With that, he patted you on the head before whispering for you to go to sleep and anchoring an arm around your midsection to snuggle with you, but the thought of what he would do to you had you wide, wide awake.
The fact that you were so focused on the main event made it easier for Ushijima to surprise you with the rest of the activities he had planned for Valentine’s Day.
It wasn’t the first since you’d been married, but he’d absolutely put even greater efforts into this one, starting with waking you up (after letting you sleep almost into noon) to an oversized box of chocolates and bouquet of roses and a handmade card with a haiku written in his neat script. If that weren’t enough, he’d brought you brunch to enjoy together, cozied up in bed, and topped off morning kisses with the revelation of a tennis bracelet to go with your engagement ring.
“Toshi, it’s perfect
,” you all but blubbered out, ready to burst into tears. He treated you so well.
“Not as perfect as you,” he said with a smile, welcoming you to bury yourself in his chest.
Dinner warranted more of an effort from you, and so you dressed up in your finest attire for the upscale restaurant, armed with the complete awareness that your husband planned to rip every inch of fabric off of you tonight. It didn’t help that while your meal was pleasant, you could see Ushijima grow impatient with time, adjusting and readjusting the sleeves of his blazer as night approached.
When you finally returned to the front door of your home, you were stuffed but not to bursting, and that very little bit of space left in your belly seemed to fill with new butterflies, especially with Ushijima’s hand resting at the small of your back as he opened the door. 
Why were you so nervous? You’d had sex before, many times over, but something about today felt
 different? Maybe it was the looming idea of purpose, and Ushijima knew purpose very well. 
When the door clicked shut, he wasn’t on you immediately as you expected, but he was still ready, as were you. He leaned down to plant yet another kiss on your lips that seemed to whisk the nervousness away - again he was your Toshi, and you were his, and you were going to create life.
“Baby?” He asked, tentatively. 
“Baby,” you agreed, wrapping your arms around his neck to start another kiss anew. He carried you effortlessly, keeping his lips pressed to yours as he pulled off your high heels and tossed them haphazardly, leading you back into the bedroom where a smattering of rose petals along the shag carpet and in the center of the bed greeted you, along with a lightly diffused essential oil blend with heavy notes of ylang-ylang and cedarwood.
Laying you carefully on your back, his eyes shifted from soft to focused, practically to match the level of intensity you saw when he was on the court, and your pulse started to pick up again. While he didn’t exactly tear the clothes off of you as you had anticipated, your dress was pulled over your body quite hastily to reveal all of you. Inches of skin to mark, a beautiful body to fill. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured again, leaning into your neck for soft bites and kisses. He was still mostly fully clothed, and you could feel his swollen length press against your pubis, thick and heavy.
He let out a sigh, and climbed off the bed to undress.
“Don’t move,” he ordered as he pulled off tie, shirt, pants, in that order, and you couldn’t tell if you were more distracted by the sculpted muscles of his shoulders, arms, chest and abs, flexing and relaxing with every minute movement or the swell of his fat cock at attention, anxious to bury itself inside you. 
You gulped. You knew this was a ridiculous thought, but for a moment, you wondered if it was somehow bigger today?
Before you even realized what you were saying, you were already pleading, “Toshi
 please be gentle
Ushijima smirked at your wide-eyed look, then shifted back to taking in your splayed out body with his eyes, as though mapping out his strategy while he idly fisted his length.
“Of course, love. I would never dream of hurting the mother of my kids.” 
Yet, he was absolutely going to have his way with you.
It didn’t take him long to make a decision on how to attack, anyway, because he quickly resumed position hovering over you, taking a moment to appreciate the sight of anticipating, open lips, slightly knit eyebrows over a curious gaze. His lower half pressed against you closely enough that again, you could feel the entirety of his warm, girthy length pressing against the bottom of your quickly wetting cunt to your abdomen.
The sheer span of his cock reminded you that he was basically designed to do this.
The fact that he started moving first, rubbing his length across your belly as if trying out the course before he dove in also reminded you how much your body craved him always. 
His fingers entered you hastily, and he reveled in the way your cunt already made the lewdest of noises, soft audible squishes with every pump of his fingers as he prepped you.
“So eager
 so sloppy, waiting to receive all of my cum, aren’t you?” He teased, withdrawing his fingers to show you some of your slick. “You’re receptive,” he added, pulling his two fingers apart to show you the stringiness of your arousal. 
“I-I want this too, you know,” your face growing hot from the tease, hotter still when he sucked your wetness right off his fingers.
“What do you want?” He said, raising an eyebrow, still moving painfully slowly on top of you, but angling his body so that he was just running the entire base of his cock against your wet slit, killing you with every second he wasn’t immediately filling you up.
“Your babies, Toshi...”
That made him smile, and you earned the slight entry of his cockhead into you, forcing a slight moan out of your throat. The stretch was intense, as always, but the fact that he slowed had you squirming for more, as fast as possible. 
 please, more,” you moaned as you raised your legs to slide down further on his cock, and he held them, pressing both firmly along his side.
“How much cum can you take in this little body of yours?” he asked, pressing right at your umbilicus with one hand, as he pushed in a mere additional inch.
You let out something between a moan and a scream from the overwhelming sensation of being stretched with so many inches to spare.
“Just fill me!!! Please, just put everything inside me,” you whined. 
“As you wish, darling.”
His arms hoisted your legs above his shoulders and he did you the service of thrusting all remaining inches inside you, forcing tears from your eyes from the too full sensation, kissing your ankles beside his head as he gave you time to breathe and adjust. Once you’d settled from the sound of your whimpers slowing, he reached for the headboard behind you before he started his onslaught.
Thrust after thrust after savage thrust, you could hear his groans deepen as he plowed the grounds for his seed, his hands tightening firmly against the wood of your headboard as it creaked for mercy. 
He felt so good, so perfect, so fitting, stretching you out like this to make room for his kin. 
Your fingers etched desire into his back, as you choked up a demand for more sensation, more him, more closeness..
“More, daddy!”
“Daddy is quite correct,” he mused, his hands moving from the headboard to quiet instead the jostle of your breasts, palming them gently. 
They were so pretty to him, he couldn’t wait to see them swell. 
He leaned down again to swallow your moans in a kiss, then opted to flip you above him instead, before he continued to snap his hips, bouncing you into the air.
“T-Toshi, you’re ah- too fast!” You shrieked, barely able to stand upright, the ride too rocky and intense for you. Palming his abdomen to walk your way up despite your movement, he brought you back down flush against his chest again, holding you tightly. 
“Let me do the work,” he whispered, kissing you, making your head swim to distract from the fact that he really was rearranging your guts. “I’ll do at least this much, since you’ll be carrying our child.”
And to that promise, you came almost instantly, an impulse of shock traveling from your slippery cunt up that you could almost feel in the tips of your fingers that made your body clench, your toes curl and the sound that came out of your throat less dainty and more primal, coming from so far deep inside you, even you were afraid.
As if on cue, his fingers dug into the flesh of your waist, holding you steady as he pounded into you even further, faster, pushing past fluttering walls and soundless cries coming from your lips, until he finally came with a shudder, spurting thick, hot gobs of liquid that you could feel hitting your cervix.
And it kept coming; he held you tighter, so desperately you thought you might break under his touch, burying his face in your chest - you could feel yourself still clenching around him, so greedy, trying to milk him for even more than the generous amount he was giving you.
It would be a miracle if you weren’t pregnant.
When it finally stopped, he left an arm around your back pressing you close to him, letting out a soft, pleased sigh with lowered eyelids. You stayed against him for longer, cockwarming him, your hands languidly coming to rest on both sides of his face.
Your darling Wakatoshi

He stayed hard inside you, slowly giving you just one more stroke to atone for the small amount of semen that was already threatening to leak out around him, then laid you on your back.
“You’re doing so well already
” he encouraged, scooping up drops of him spilling out of you. “Keep it all in,” he said breathily, a warm palm pressing on your opening. 
“I will, baby,” you nodded, and he gave you another peck on the lips, then moved to one of your mounds to take a pert nipple in his mouth and suck softly. 
His hand lingered on your hot cunt, warm and dripping; he instead focused on stimulating your nipples with the other hand and his lips, forcing another orgasm out of you with time and dedication.
He’d obviously read somewhere orgasms themselves made pregnancy more likely. Always so thorough.
“You... f-feel so good,” you mewled, your back arching with pleasure as he used a thumb to stimulate your clit gently as he kept his semen inside you. 
He smiled, stroking his already re-hardening cock in his hand, preparing for the next round. 
“Anything for my Valentine.” 
With that was implied, the love of his life, and the mother of his kids.
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ramenaddicted · 3 years
Just desserts WIP (Keigo x Reader cheating angst)
Some angst that I'm writing. @deleteddewewted
Content Warning: Cheating, angst, cursing, and implied drug use.
Again this is a WIP so it's still in the process, so the next time you see it it might be structured differently.
Love is an unyielding force, depending on the person. Some people love hard, others have what I call an inkling of love. Meaning the love is there, just not enough to make them stay or leave. Or some have no love at all; they fake their emotions just to gain a means to an end. So how do I classify the person who threw away three years of a perfectly good relationship?
Here we both stand in our (his) apartment; his eyes are downcast on the floor. He's silently begging for the floor to open up and devour him whole. My body moves on autopilot as I walk away from him, feet leading me to his den of sin. Our bedroom was once a source of comfort for us, now I'm hastily reminded of him fucking another woman on the sheets I painstakingly picked out, a nice burgundy color for fall.
As I hastily pack the essentials: clothes, toiletries, and a few comfort items, all harshly packed away in my purple suitcase. I feel the warmth of his body enveloping me; hands circled my waist, pulling me against his heaving chest. Why is he crying? Isn't this what he wanted?
He wanted an open relationship, he wanted other people, he wanted sex on his terms. None of which includes me, so I'm leaving.
"Please don't go," he begs. Funny for years I had been trying to get him to open up to me and now all because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants he wants to have a breakthrough.
I forcibly pushed him off of me, I refused to feed into his crocodile tears.
"I'll be back sometime next week for the rest of my stuff," I reply venomously.
He screams for me to wait, but I'm already at the door. Fist clenched tight around the doorknob. I take a long breath before turning back to him. He's so beautiful, a cheating bastard, but a beautiful teary-eyed bastard.
"I refuse to be a fool for you anymore."
I refused to listen to his cries and pleas as I opened my gate to freedom and closed it behind me; trapping him in his den of sin or now his gilded cage of guilt.
The first three days were the hardest; when I first left the apartment I wandered aimlessly until I got hungry and hunkered down in a café. It was like God was playing a cruel joke; there were couples everywhere, being cute and loving. It makes me sick, so in between drinking my too-sweet macchiato I called Junko, my dear friend, to let me stay at her place through this whole ordeal. I didn't have to wait very long before a familiar face was decorated with comical makeup (clown core is what she calls it.) Bustled through my section of the café.
"I know I'm supposed to cry with you, but this all-nighter setting spray."
I fucking died at her response, classic Junko; a fashionista to the end.
After leaving the café we went to a nearby convenience store and loaded up with everything: junk food, alcohol, and eye drops...for when we smoke "cigarettes" on the roof of her apartment building. During the walk, my phone kept vibrating in my pocket; I kept receiving calls from Keigo and ...Miruko? I was very tempted to throw my suitcase case and phone over the bridge, just a big fuck you to the birdman with Hella mommy issues.
A blood-curdling scream ripped itself from Junko's throat, startling the fuck out of me.
"From experience, if you don't scream or cry, your thoughts and emotions will cloud your mind." She said with a jovial look etched into her clownish-looking features. "I rather scream than do something stupid, like throwing a 40,000„ phone into a river."
She's right. So for a good half an hour; I screamed into the indigo/orange mixture that was the sky over Mustafu.
"Fuck you Keigo!!!"
My back welcomed the plush bedding of Junko's guest bedroom when I fell backward on it. Back lounging on the softest and not cum stained sheets; did I allow my eyes to close. I didn't allow my mind to dawdle on birdman and all his shortcomings, instead, I thought about-
"You wanna smoke a bowl?" Junko inquired while standing in the doorway.
"You might wanna pack that bowl nice and tight." I meditated while staring at the colorless ceiling. My night ended with me and Junko smoking a bowl on the roof of her apartment building staring at the ever-changing hues of the sky,...yeah I'll be alright.
I don't remember much of day one at Junko's, day two I spent most of the day hiding away and thinking. My relationship with Keigo had red flags from the beginning. His crude personality manifested when the two of us would have fought and in the end; when he got knocked down a peg, would lead him to hide or fly into the night.
Funny, he can insult me, but when I raise my voice I'm being unreasonable.
With my collection of parental issues; I swallowed my pride and apologized. Every single time I would come crawling to that mother fucker his eyes glowed darkly with amusement. Another red flag was the gifts; Keigo expressed early on that he was a gift-giver, and it never sat right with me. One day a Givenchy dress showed up on my doorstep; Keigo was adamant that I wear it to a charity function. The next gift was a necklace he quietly placed around my neck while I was distracted. Lastly and the most shocking, a forced threesome. We had talked about fantasies and whatnot; I jokingly mentioned that I wanted to have a (hypothetical) threesome with him and another Pro hero, you know as a joke.
" Keigo, what is this?"
"A gift for patching me up last week."
"Such a loving girlfriend, Yasmin.” Miruko passionately murmured. Her desire-filled crimson eyes bore holes into my frame. Yes Miruko is a beautiful and intimidating woman, but
I couldn’t stop the chill that ran through my body as I watched Pro Hero Miruko saunter over to my direction, all dressed in expensive-looking lingerie. The necklace that Keigo gifted me before, fitting comfortably around her neck. Tucking a strand of stray hair behind my ear, her lips were on my left earlobe; hot, wet, and hungry. I felt Keigo’s bare chest against my back as his tongue seriously licked my right earlobe.
My thoughts are a mess; my pulse is racing faster than a speeding bullet, my body is racked with tremors, and my throat is dry. Why would he do this? Am I not enough for him? Does he want someone else?
We got as far as kissing, Miruko could taste my uneasiness through her passionate ones while Keigo watched from his place on a chair in the bedroom.
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bloodxbat · 3 years
(Part 2) The girl Mafia George x Fem! Y/N Series
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Warnings: Swearing! (message if I missed any)
Word Count: 2K
Summary: George Weasley is a renowned Mafia boss who took over from his Father Arthur once he retired, to carry on the Triple W mafia legacy. The only mafia known to be able to keep the Death Eaters (their rival mafia) at bay. However there is one item that they stole from the Triple W’s which George is determined to get back
his mothers necklace, the family heirloom. Y/N Greyback has been forced to comply with the Death Eaters wishes as her family are high up members. What happens when George and Y/N meet? And what happens when they fall in love?
Series Masterlist
George couldn’t get the mystery girl from last night out of his head. Was it truly his mother’s necklace that he saw lying on her neck? It couldn’t have been, one of his men would have seen her enter Diagon if it was, either that or they would have already caught her roaming the streets. He didn’t recall seeing a dark mark tattoo on her left forearm, so she couldn’t have been a part of Riddle’s crew. Unless of course, they had gotten smarter and realised that them all having the same tattoo was a big give away. George couldn’t focus, he was sat in the Leaky cauldron, attempting to each his breakfast but continuing to get lost in thought. 
Soon, George felt his pocket buzz, indicating that he had gotten a message on the phones that him, Fred and Ron had all gotten in order to keep in touch. He flipped it open seeing a text from both of his brothers, the usual update saying that ‘No one has yet been caught or seen trying to leave or enter Diagon’. The members stationed all round the boarder of the town were doing an excellent job, George had full trust in them that they had all been keeping an extremely close eye out for any suspicious or unusual behaviour. 
George had well forgotten about his breakfast an morning coffee, trying to figure out any more ways he can ensure that Diagon was free from any Death Eater bastards. Being a mafia boss didn’t come naturally to George, so it was at times like these he struggled most, his mind racing with unreliable memories of the girl from last night and the necklace she was wearing. Hitting the table in frustration, George places his head in his hands and sighed. 
He wasn’t one to confront a lady, but when it came to his mother’s necklace, he really had no choice, he had to find out where she was staying, who she was, and if she was in fact a Death Eater. 
Y/N woke up the next day satisfied with what she had managed to achieve last night. She didn’t know much of George Weasley’s appearance other than the fact that he was tall and ginger. Which suited exactly the description of the man she had bumped into last night. Another thing she hadn’t expected was for him to be so handsome. 
In all honesty Y/N felt it was cruel what she had been sent to do. She hated knowing that she would essentially be leading George to his death. Y/N has never agreed with the rulings that Riddle made, she felt that what he was preaching for was extremely prejudice, he wanted to get rid of every poor family so that “the rich could thrive”, Y/N’s heart deep down was set on truly helping those who weren’t as well off as the others. 
Thoughts of going behind her family’s back and instead helping George take away all power from Riddle had become extremely prominent in her mind. She knew what she had to do, she had to find George Weasley again, whilst under cover so that the Death Eaters that are currently staying within Diagon don’t report back that they had seen her with George Weasley, the very man they’re trying to kill. 
Her mind was set, she was going to purposely seek out George Weasley tonight and tell him everything her family and the rest of the Death eaters wish to do to him, and Triple W. Along with their plans to get rid of all poor people in England. 
George had long since given up on his breakfast, and was now making his way back to the old fashioned bar in which Triple W held all of their meetings. As he walked through the building in which the HQ as it were, was located, he could hear a slight murmuring of voices coming from the bar room. Them most likely being the voices of other Triple W members catching up like they normally would, before a meeting began. 
George walked into the smoke filled room, heading straight to the back where his seat sat in the centre, almost as if it were a throne looking for a king. He stood in front of his chair, clearing his throat as he looked round the room gaining the attention of the men and women before him. 
“As many of you may know, we have had our first night with members scattered round the boarders of this town, and so far there has been no sign of anyone attempting to leave or exit Diagon”
Triple W members began to whisper their frustrations at the lack of Death Eaters being caught.
“Now I know this may seem bad news for right now as we haven’t caught any of those bastards quite yet, BUT, we also need to look on the bright side of things. This also may well mean that we are also, so far safe from any spies getting information of our whereabouts. This meeting is only a short one tonight boys
and ladies, so unless anyone has anymore questions or information they wish to put forward, you are all welcome to go back home, or stay and enjoy a drink” 
George stepped away from where he was standing and went over to his brothers. 
“So really no further info or suspicions for any Death Eaters, coming in or out, isn’t that suspicious I mean surely they would have sent someone by now” Ron says clearly not convinced that no information has been passed down.
“I was thinking that too y’know” Fred added
“Look, I agree, I surely think that if they were really serious about taking us down they would’ve sent a spy, but they haven’t. There is no doubt in my mind that they are dead set on killing each and every one of us, so this could be their tactic. Let us believe that no one is coming, therefore they wait until we eventually let out guards down, so they have easy access and a higher chance of getting to us” 
“You’re not gonna let that happen though Georgie, surely” Fred said
“No of course not, all I’m saying is that this could be their plan, we’re not going to give up to easily just because we get bored due to there being no action, alright so just sit tight because we could be like this for months”
Fred and Ron’s faces both changed into realisation that that could indeed be true. 
“Now, I’m gonna head back to the leaky cauldron to relax, keep me posted if any of the guys near you see anything”
With that, George walked out the room, into the streets and made his way back to the Leaky Cauldron, smiling at locals as they passed. Once at the pub he sat down right in the corner, only ordering a glass of water, picking up the local newspaper, ignoring once again the thoughts of who the mystery girl truly was that he had bumped into last night. 
He felt a tad bit guilty for not telling Fred or Ron about how he had briefly spoken to a woman, about his age, wearing a necklace that looked suspiciously like the one that was stolen from their mother years ago. Before they were born. 
George didn’t know much about the exact origins of his mothers necklace. The basic story he knew was that, his family used to be extremely poor, living off of pennies, barely getting by. Having 5 children at the time wouldn’t have helped either, more mouths to feed, less money to do so. That was until his Father got a massive promotion and therefore a raise in wage at his job. As a treat his Father bought his Mother a beautiful, diamond necklace to remember and symbolise that no matter how much they were struggling, that they were always going to find a way to get past it. Thus it became the most price possession to the Weasley family, becoming their heirloom. You can only imagine the hurt that George’s mother felt when she came back to their house one evening, to find the windows smashed and her necklace gone. 
George was too young at the time to understand fully, the impact that the loss of that necklace had on his mother and father, and what it meant to them. But as he grew, and his father created Triple W in order to track down the people who stole it. 
Y/N had gotten dressed, in a smart but casual outfit. She didn’t have any desire to be immediately spotted today so she had taken off the diamond necklace and placed it in her bag. She decided that she would try and seek out George today, as she wasn’t expected to have a meeting with another under cover Death Eater until tomorrow, to update them on her progress. 
Y/N had decided to make her way down stairs to the pub area of the Leaky Cauldron. As she made her way down the stairs she couldn’t help but notice a fiery red colour sitting in the corner, in her peripheral vision. 
She turned her head only to see the one and only George Weasley, sat with a glass of what looked like water, his head stuck in the local newspaper ‘the Daily Prophet’. Even though he had the paper up at eye level and was scanning it back and forth, his furrowed eyebrows and blank expression told her that he wasn’t really reading the newspaper, and that something else was on his mind. 
Y/N reckoned it must have something to do with the people she has been forced to work for her whole life. She tentatively began to walk toward the ginger man. She could feel her heartbeat quicken, what is his reaction going to be when she tells him that she actually works for the people he is dedicating his life to defeating and that she is actually in possession of his mother’s extremely expensive and extremely valuable diamond necklace. Her hearing began to focus only on the beating noise of her heart and the noise of her shoes hitting the ground with every step as she walked closer and closer to George’s table. 
She could feel the tension rising as if he already knew she was there and who she was. She had caught herself momentarily holding her breath, making her feel light headed and even more anxious at the confrontation she was about to engage in. To say she was scared of George was an understatement, she knew nothing about George or his character. For all she knew he could freak out and kidnap her away to wherever they had their meetings, and torture her for answers. At least, that’s what Riddle would do if the roles were reversed. The only thing that was helping motivate her feet to move closer and closer towards him, was the tiny speck of hope, that he was different to the people she had grown up around. 
Her feet came to a halt after what felt like forever, she looked at the man in front of her with a some what calm expression. Y/N cleared her throat gaining the attention of George, who put his newspaper down on the table in front of him, meeting her eyes with his dark hazel coloured ones. Y/N smiled weakly at her before speaking. 
“Hello, you’re that lady that I bumped into last night aren’t you? I’m awfully sorry about that by the way, I hope I didn’t hurt you” he replied, she could hear the genuine concern for her safety which put her mind more at ease, maybe he was nice, maybe he wasn’t the type of mafia boss to torture people. 
“Yeah I am, and I’m the one who should be sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going” 
“No need it’s all good, what can I do for you?” He smiled
Y/N gulped down any nerves she felt, in order to stop her voice from trembling, she was terrified, not only of George’s possible reaction, but also of Riddle and any other Death Eaters that might see her with him, betraying him. 
“We need to talk” 
Taglist: @amourtentiaa​ @love-peachh​ @pens-and-roses​ @rosietoesy​ @comfortwriting​ @famdomhideout​ @dracofknmalfoy​ @pandaxnienke​ @georgeweasleysbabe​ @le-weasley-simp​ @skarlettmikaelson​ @gaycatlord-stuff​ @midgardianweasley​ @writing-wh0re (MESSAGE/ASK IF YOU WANT TO BE ADDED)
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ohholyfanfics · 3 years
Ten Stages: Stage One| Tom Holland
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Stage One: Realization, the stage where they slowly start to realize that they are falling for someone. Where Tom has a sudden realization thanks to his best mate Harrison Osterfield.
She was running late, a bit later than usual. Checking his watch once more, Tom found himself humming along to the slightly over-played tone filling the car. The hot Virginia sun causes sweat to form on his forehead; reaching over, he quickly switched the AC settings knowing she'd complain the moment she got inside the car. Biting his bottom lip, he felt a wave of relief wash through him as he watched her walk out of the building. Hair in a neat ponytail, her figure hugged by a dress that looked way too good on her. Her light pink blazer rested on her arm as she waved goodbye to a colleague before making her way over to his car.
"Ah always a gentleman.." she hummed in approval watching as he swiftly got out of the car and opening her door.
Giving her his signature boyish grin, he leaned close to her, placing a soft kiss onto her cheek. Closing her door, she couldn't help but roll her eyes, watching as he climbed back in. Tom watched as she fiddled with the climate control on her side from the corner of his eyes.
"You sure you aren't going through menopause or something.." he mumbled, backing out of the spot and soon driving them towards their weekly lunch date.
"Isn't that your job to know.." she hummed, pulling her phone out from her bag. "Plus, I think I'm a bit to young for that Thomas.." she mumbled.
"Well aren't you a doctor.." he huffed out as she took this chance to slap him across the head. The loud groan that escaped his lips was enough the have a satisfied sigh escaping her own.
"Besides the point Holland, how was the first half of work? Any life saving surgery?"
He shrugged, he loved what he did, and every day, he was thankful for it. Sure it was hard work to get where he was now, but here he stood. Now three years into residency, he had somewhat of an idea of what he wanted to do. After learning that a position would be opening up at the hospital, he knew this is where he was meant to be.
"Not really, pretty slow today.."
She nodded her head; Tom was a bit further along than she was. He was nearing the end of his term and now had a whole different set of pressure resting on his shoulders.
"A spot is opening up at the hospital though.." he mumbled once they were seated at the country club—the same country club where they had first been introduced.
"Wow Tom, are you gonna apply?" She asked with wide eyes. They hadn't talked much about his plans after med school; she knew he had some sort of idea of staying local. "Is it in the department you're in now?"
"Um it's actually in the trauma department.." he stated as she nodded her head. This was the first time he was actually voicing his future plans with her. It wasn't that he kept her in the dark or that she felt entitled in being informed. Tom was her best friend, and she just wanted to support him in any way possible.
"Wow that's huge.." she stated as he nodded his head. He knew she had been seeing or talking to some guy from the hospital. It was possibly the first time since March that she had actually gone out on a date. Tom doesn't know if she went on a date or if they even still talked.
"Not sure if it's something I want though."
Y/N knew that was a code for closing that conversation, so she did just that. In an instant, their discussion switched to the fact that she will be gone for a few days. Tom had promised to look after her place along with being on dog sitter duties for Layla. He hummed softly as she basically gave him a tiny little run down of her short weekend trip and promising takeout the moment she's back. He knew it was a code word for debriefing after spending a few days confined with her family members.
"Harrison's coming down right?" She asked once they were seated at their usual table. "He texted me asking if I'll be around.."
"Yeah, he's staying a couple days.." he mumbled, eyes scanning the menu though it was kinda pointless. He already knew both their words.
"Hmm, it'll be good for you." She mumbled, clearing her throat. As much as y/n hated to admit, she knew this time was difficult for any medical student. The ending was nearing, and the sudden pressure to have everything set in stone was terrifying. However, she knew as much as anyone that Tom was in a much different mindset than when they first met.
The Tom Holland sitting before her was different; he had a future planned out for himself. Sure, he didn't plan ahead like she had, but the small amount he did was a great start. She also knew that pushing him into making decisions was never an intelligent choice; Tom knew what he wanted and had all the necessary tools to pursue whatever it was he wanted in life. One thing she was clear on was that he was staying in Virginia.
"Can I ask you something.."
She looked up at him nodding her head. His tone was slightly different, closer to the one he used the morning after their last candle and wine night. The same night where she may have cried a bit too much in his guest room.
"That night at the beach, when when we made the bet, where you in a sense preparing yourself? You know, for like the breakup?" He asked softly, thanking the waiter as they set their drinks down.
She looked at him a little dumbfounded, not really knowing what to say. She knew what she had to say, but the words couldn't seem to come out. She looked at him for a few seconds, mind racing before finally speaking.
"No, I wasn't. If I'm being completely and utterly honest with you Tom, I thought Marc was maybe the one. We were together for so long and everything was so close to perfect. I don't think I really ever saw us ending.."
He nodded his head, ignore the slight sting upon hearing those words, not that he was surprised. It hurt him to know that something that she believed in so desperately ended without any explanation. He couldn't even begin to imagine what she was feeling or what she thought the moment everything sunk in. However, Tom also knew y/n was a lot stronger than everyone gave her credit for.
"Have you talked to him?"
"No, he didn't answer the first couple of texts I sent. So I guess I kinda got the hint you know. I'm not necessarily bothered by it, I mean I was in the beginning but now it kind feels numb."
"Shouldn't you like talk to a professional love.." he mumbled as she smiled at him softly. "I know it's in a sense traumatizing.."
"Don't worry doctor, I talk to my shrink about it. Im kinda coming to terms with the fact that maybe we weren't meant to be.." she mumbled as he nodded her head. "I just, I'm focusing on myself and getting through all this. If love comes my way it comes my way..."
"How knows darling, the one might be right under your nose." He chuckled, leaning over to bop her on the nose. He couldn't help the laugh that escaped his lips, watching her nose scrunch up and eyes crinkle up.
"God I hate you sometimes.."
It's been two days since Y/N had left for New Hampshire on a small family getaway. As much as she wanted to drag him along, and as much as Tom hated to admit it, a weekend with the Y/L/N sounded pretty amazing; Harrison finally got some time off and was coming to visit. He was had just finished stocking his fridge with a few essential items the two would need before the door open and the sound of barking welcomed the blond inside the townhouse.
He couldn't help the sense of familiarity that washed over him seeing his best friend come into view. Tom hated to admit it, but he needed to see him, more than he could like to admit. After a hug that might have lasted a few seconds longer, they were both drowning in beer and one of Harrison's favorite dishes made by y/n.
"Where is our own personal pyschatrists anyways?" he asked before taking a sip of his beer.
"Went up north to visit family, something about get together or whatever.."
Harrison nodded his head, picking at the label on his beer. The two had done a decent amount of catch-up, but he couldn't seem to notice the lack of mention of his neighbor.
"Marc must be happy to see her.." Harrison mumbled as Tom tensed up at the name. He wasn't sure what Harrison did and didn't know. "I actually ran into him a few days ago."
Tom choked slightly on his beer as he looked back at him at a loss. He wrecked his brain on what he could say but kept coming out short. The one thing coming to mind was just blurring out how Marc suddenly stopped responding without an explanation. How he suddenly can't stop thinking about their stupid bet, and how every day the chances of becoming a reality increase.
"Mate, they aren't together anymore..."
"Stop bullshitting me Holland, Marc looked very much in love with her when I asked him how things were between them.."
Tom couldn't help but scoff, thinking back to the night she had shown up with too many bottles of wine and a broken heart.
"Mate he ghosted it, thats a pretty funny way of showing your love."
"Fuck, I had no idea."
"No one did mate."
The past few days were pleasant and relaxing; the two spent time together. Harrison was just what time needed, and within the short few days Harrison was there, Tom realized a couple of things:
One that he couldn't possibly live without both Y/N and Harrison in his life.
Two that he was going to take the position at the Trauma Department.
"Thomas Stanley did you miss me..." she giggled softly as he brought her into a bone-crushing embrace. The sigh that escaped his lips was overwhelming.
Maybe, you don't see her as just a friend, mate. I don't do half of the shit you do with her, with Jessica.."
"Shut up, Y/N.." he mumbled, slightly pushing her away while shaking Harrison's voice out of his head. "I got that wine you told me about.."
"Yum, it's good." she stated as she took a seat at the island. He couldn't help but smile as she leaned over, smelling the candle he had picked out. "Cactus Bloom?"
"Its a good debriefing scent, not too intesne.."
I don't bother to memorize small insignificant facts about just some random girl, not even if we're close. I'd understand a few minor details, but not all.
She watched as he poured them both a glass before handing her a plastic spoon and pushing a carton of takeout towards her. She hummed in appreciation, sending him a wink.
"So how was your few days with Harrison?" she asked, swirling the pasta around. "How's he doing?"
"He's doing, says the kids say he speaks funny.."
"He does speak funny, you both do.." she hummed, locking eyes with him and a wide grin. "But its a cute funny.."
She hummed, sending him a wink before taking a few more sips of her wine. He sighed, leaning back in his seat as he took a good look at her. She looked different; she was happier, lighter even. It was clear these few days away did good on her, and he was glad.
You notice the little things about her Tom, from the color of her nails to when her mood shifts. No one reads that deep unless they fancy someone.
"I'm gonna take the spot in the truma department.."
Her lips formed an 'O' before launching herself into his arms. Her lips lightly brushing the skin against his neck, causing his arms to hold her a little tighter.
Now tell me, Holland, how does she make you feel? Don't hold back anything Tom, it's me. You can be honest, mate. Do you fancy Y/N?
"God, Tommy I'm so happy for you.."
The way her eyes sparkled caused a storm to awaken within him. His heart was beating a bit too fast, the sudden urge to pull her into a kiss. The feeling was overwhelming as she started to ramble still in his embrace.
It was at that moment that the realization kicked in. Tom Holland was starting to fall for his best friend, and he wasn't sure how to deal with it.
@thenoddingbunny-blog @blueberrynonnie @bi-lmg
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anightflower · 4 years
Come and Find Me Chapter 5: The Game
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Sorry this chapter is a bit short, I am in the midst of finals and final projects. Thank you for sticking by my side, despite the crazy schedule 
Spencer Reid x Reader 
Warnings: Stalking, Swearing, Violence
Spencer made his way to the counter, a smiling Ava greeted him. 
“Spencer! I’m surprised you’re not with (Y/N), not that I’m not happy to see you of course.” 
Spencer returned her smile with a slightly nervous one, “She’s still in bed, I thought I would bring her some coffee before I head to the office. I also wanted to talk to you about something.” 
“Oh Spencer, if you’re confessing your undying devotion to me now, I’m afraid it’s a bit too late, I have my own sexy superhero boyfriend now.” Ava said, doing her signature eyebrow waggle, causing Spencer to laugh. 
“I do have a confession, but it involves (Y/N).” Spencer said, a smile spreading across his face.
Her expression became more serious. “Wait is (Y/N) pregnant?” 
“I- no, that’s not what-” Spencer stuttered, Ava let out a giggle out Spencer’s flustered face. 
“I want to ask her to move in with me.” Spencer said finally. 
“Oh my gosh Spencer, that’s fantastic! And I’m honored that you’re asking me, as (Y/N) was mine first, so it’s only right you ask me permission.” Ava grinned, pressing a hand to her heart. 
“Do you think she’ll say yes? I don’t want to rush her, I know we’ve been only dating for 8 months, but it just feels right. I love her so much and I want to wake up to her every morning and kiss her goodnight every night. Besides it will be so much easier because she basically lives at my apartment now and I just want to make it official, you know?” Spencer rambled. 
Ava’s face radiated pure joy. “Oh Spence, she’ll definitely say yes! God (Y/N) will be over the moon are you kidding? You two are the cutest fucking thing, oh my god this is so exciting!” She squealed. 
“I’m going to ask her when she gets back from Florida, I know her lease is almost up so that will make things a lot easier too. I’ve been looking at different apartments that are slightly bigger because I know she wants an at home office and I’m sure it will be nice to have her own space-”
“Spencer, I am so glad she has you. You make her so happy and treat her so well. I know she’ll be happy with whatever. But beware, her full interior designer will come out if you guys get your own place.” Ava warned teasingly. 
“I’m looking forward to it.” Spencer grinned. 
His hand shook as he opened the door to his apartment. As he slammed the door shut, he met the worried face of his roommate, who was putting on his jacket to leave.
“You okay man?” His roommate Nick asked, eyes filled with concern. 
“Don’t worry about it dude.” The Boy said with an angry shrug making his way to his room. 
“Uh, okay dude, if you need anything shoot me a text. I’m meeting up with Ava, I’ll probably stay at her place for a couple days.” 
“Cool bro, have fun.” The boy said flatly. 
Nick looked like he was about to say something, but he shut his mouth and shrugged.
“Later.” Nick said quietly, grabbing his bag and fleeing out the door. 
The Boy didn’t respond. He just stomped into his room, red filling his vision. 
The Doctor was going to take you away from him permanently, he could feel it. 
Moving in leads to marriage, then kids. How could he have let it get this far? The Boy should have intervened earlier, opened your eyes to the truth. 
The Boy let out a scream and punched a whole in the wall. It felt good to let his anger out. He pictured the Doctor in place of the wall, the image brought of that man bloodied and pleading sent pleasurable shivers through him. The Boy made his way to his bed and pulled out a box from underneath it. It was an obvious spot to keep it underneath there, but Nick respected his space, so the boy had not been worried. 
He pulled out his pictures of you. Each image lovingly taken of you, images of you getting ready for work, smiling with Ava, and then his favorites, the ones of you sleeping peacefully in your bed. He had to resist reaching out and caressing your face. He knew he couldn’t risk waking you up, it wasn’t time for you to see him yet, but now it was. 
The boy had started to calm down, until an image of you kissing Spencer fell out of the pile. Red filled his vision once again. He had purposely taken this picture to remind himself of his goal; being in the Doctor’s place. 
He ripped the image to shreds, and threw the box of goods causing your pictures, some of your old coffee cups and Drew’s home videos to fly all over his room. His rage filled him as he flipped his desk. He couldn’t stop himself as he ripped his rooms to shreds, breaking things and tossing various items at the wall in rage. 
When his breathing finally returned to normal, the boy grabbed a bag and began packing. He threw in all of his essentials and grabbed the tapes and photos he could of you. He wasn’t coming back here after this. You and him were going to start a new life in Florida, he had already set everything up. He had his own secluded place and sent ahead some of the things he needed ahead. 
He would leave tonight and be down in Florida a day before you. He had planned to arrive a day ahead of you so he could get your home ready. He had even made a little room for you to adjust to everything, knowing how this big of a change would affect you. But he knew you would do it once you realized that you two were meant to be. 
Joy filled the boy as he looked around his mess of a room, he felt relief at the thought of never seeing this place or the Doctor again. Yet in his happy stupor, he failed to see the photos and tape he had missed to pick up.
Present Day
Reid had reached speeds of nearly 110 as he raced back to the precinct with Emily. SHe had not chastised him for his speeds, too worried about the sorrow in Penelope’s voice and what that could mean. 
They raced into the precinct and found Penelope, JJ, and Morgan in the meeting room. 
“Hotch and Rossi are still talking to Curtis, but they should be back in 30.” Morgan explained. 
“There is no time to wait.” Penelope growled. “I can show this to them once they get here.”
“Any luck at Special Delivery?” Emily asked JJ. 
“It shut down 5 weeks ago apparently. So whoever we saw, still had access to a uniform. They probably did it to copy Curtis.” JJ explained, her face solemn. 
“Shit.” Emily said, flopping down into a chair.”
“I received this ten minutes ago.” Penelope explained, drawing everyone’s attention to the screen at the front of the room. “Reid, you aren’t going to like this, I’m so sorry.”
Spencer’s blood ran cold as he prepared himself for the worst. 
The screen was black for a few seconds and then an automated voice rang out from the speakers. “Ring! Ring!”  the deep voice said. “Have you figured it out, Dr. Reid?” 
Spencer’s heart stopped as images of you flooded the screen. Photos of you and Spencer flashed across the screen. None of which either of you had taken yourselves, each of these was taken from afar. He felt ill when he saw the ones from outside of your apartment. He nearly vomited when the screen switched to photos of you inside your apartment, peacefully sleeping, completely unaware that a completely crazed man was inches away from you. 
“I’ve been to your lectures, Dr. Reid.” A voice narrated from the screen. “I know you’ve studied men like me. It’s very fascinating to hear someone talk about you like they’ve known you since birth, when the two of you haven’t even met once. You took one of my dearest friends away from me. But we adapted, your small victory didn’t stop him from guiding me to my love and taking her from you. Do you think with all your knowledge, all of your cases, all of your team, that you can find her in time?” 
A timer appeared on the screen, counting down from a minute. 
“What?” Penelope cried out, “That wasn’t there before, how in the hell is it there?” She rushed to her computer and began messing around on the keyboard. 
Spencer shot out of his chair and raced over to Penelope’s side. “Penelope, what does this countdown mean?” He asked, panicked.
“I don’t know, I don’t know! It didn’t appear before this. The email didn’t even mention a countdown! I tried to track the email, but it was a throwaway.” Penelope looked ready to cry. 
“Spencer, it could mean anything.” Morgan said, trying to calm him down.
“Oh yeah Morgan?” Spencer spat. “Well considering it was showing images of my girlfriend before it, my hopes aren’t too high!”
“Spencer.” JJ snapped, “Yelling isn’t going to solve anything.”
“What if it was Will JJ? Would you be calm?” Spencer growled back at her. 
The timer was quickly reaching its end. 
“Penelope do something, please.” Spencer begged, his voice breaking.
“I’m trying, I don’t know what to do.” Penelope cried out, horrified at her helplessness. 
Tears began to flow down Spencer’s face. The room watched in horrified silence as the timer reached zero. 
It was silent for a moment and then Spencer’s phone rang.
He looked down at it to see it was an unknown number. His heart stopped as he realized “Ring! Ring!”
“(Y/N) promised to call me after her meeting, if she had been there, she would have called me now.”  Spencer said quietly. 
“Spencer, if you answer it, I can try and track the number and centralize the area it could be coming from.” Penelope explained urgently. 
Spencer took a deep breath and answered the phone. They all jumped up in shock as a video feed came on at the same time he pressed answer. 
His heart swelled with relief, you were alive, you seemed unharmed, but god you looked terrified. 
“Penelope, scan the room, see if you can find any recognizable items.” Morgan mumbled quietly.  
As Penelope’s keys began clacking a way, a voice that sounded eerily like the one in the video of you smugly said, “Hello Doctor, so nice to finally talk to you. Or have we talked before? You never know, let’s see if that big brain of yours remembers.” 
“Who are you?” Spencer hissed into the phone.
“Someone who you’ve taken so much from. My mentor, the woman I love- but luckily this ends now.” The voice purred.
“What do you want?” Spencer tried to keep his voice calm. 
“I want to play a game with you Doctor, let’s see if that genius brain of yours is as good as they say. You have 24 hours to find your girl. If you are so smart you’ll be able to find her. But when you don’t, and you won’t, it will prove that you don’t don’t deserve her. That you never deserved her. If you can’t find her in time, you will never see her again.”
@andiebeaword @haylaansmi @parkastoria @possessedjoker @amronsparty @generaltheoristexpert @sierraraeck @coniumalces @tamedbyafox @anotherr-fine-mess @adoregin @rainsong01 @canyonnmoonn  @mggshoe @boxofsparklingmuses @richardpapensmuse @deanlenaz​ @rainsong01 @goldentournesol @annesauriol @itsametaphorbriansblog @secretpickleprofessordean @shameleswhorehourstm @stepsofthefbi​ @iifloweringnightsii @mggsprettygirl​ @bravegirl221​ @messyhairday-me​ @n1ghtsh4d3-67​ @abbeypaw7​ @findmedontlooseme @hiiwouldlikesomesleepplease @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @ajeff855 @astronomynous
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weasleydream · 4 years
Sirius, little Sofia and the Christmas tree
I feel like this one is so precious đŸ„ș I’ll never say it enough but soft Sirius is bae really 
This one is for @wonderful-writer​‘s ficmas challenge! Thank you for organizing such a fun event, love! My prompt was “Do you want to put the star on the top of the tree?” and honestly I fell in love with it!
As usual feel free to like, comment, reblog and enjoy!
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St-Mungo’s was a place with a special meaning. Of course, as a hospital, it obviously had an immense importance but it was one of the few places that was such a big part of James’, Remus’ Peter’s, Sirius’ and my heart. For James, it was because he had ended up there after particularly severe wounds from Quidditch when he wasn’t at Hogwarts. For Remus, it was because of this amazing nurse that had taken care of him after his first full-moon as a werewolf. For Peter, it was because he had always been welcomed with kindness when his father had stayed there for a while after having been hit by a strange curse. I didn’t know why Sirius seemed to be the most attached to this place. As far as I knew, he had never been here after having been injured and I doubted he had ever visited a family member here. I also knew for a fact that his parents hadn’t worked here for years before leaving the country for an abroad mission like mine. But despite this apparent lack of link between him and St-Mungo’s, I eventually understood how he felt bound to the place. So bound that, a few days before Christmas 1977, he announced to us he would spend Christmas eve at St-Mungo’s. 
“I thought we were staying at Hogwarts all together.” I frowned. “Why this sudden change of mind?”
I glanced at Remus, who shrugged, and at James and Peter who were eyeing Sirius suspiciously. 
“Is that where you spent Christmas last year?” asked James, who ignored our interrogative looks. 
Sirius looked away and I could have sworn he was blushing. 
“It’s a promise I’ve made
” he mumbled. 
He seemed afraid that we would make fun of him or something, but nothing like this happened. Everything in him, from his sparkling eyes to his straight posture, everything was showing how important this promise was for him and never would we have laughed for such an essential mission. 
James fell back on the couch of the common room, the one that was just in front of the fire, and put his arm behind his head before releasing the golden snitch he always had with him. 
“We’ll have to ask Minnie to let us five leave school for Christmas eve, then. Do you think Lily will want to come with us?”
Remus threw a sarcastic remark that only him had the secret and I caught Sirius’ smile which, in my opinion, had nothing to do with James’ dark red cheeks. 
_ _ _ 
Strangely, Professor McGonagall hadn’t even tried to refuse to let us leave for Christmas eve. In fact, it was quite the contrary: she had accepted almost immediately after having addressed a knowing smile at Sirius. 
“I wonder why she accepted that quickly
” said Peter as soon as her office door was closed behind us. 
Remus elbowed him, hissing that she could still hear us, and only spoke when two corridors separated us from Professor McGonagall. 
“I’m pretty sure it’s because of Pads.”
“Obviously. It has to be because Sirius already went there last year and she had to know it.” answered Peter matter-of-factly before waving his wand in front of my eyes. “Y/N! You still with us?”
I removed his hand, my eyes still fixed on Sirius’ back. He was a few meters in front of us, walking next to James who nudged him playfully. Since he knew we would accompany him, Sirius seemed less exuberant, less loud, and I was pretty sure it was because he was scared. Whatever had motivated him to cancel our Christmas together at Hogwarts wasn’t something he had ever told us about, that was for sure. And it probably wasn’t something usual for him, or else he would have kept it a secret. 
“Let her stare,” smirked Remus. “You won’t be able to stop her in anyways, Wormtail, you should know it.” 
Peter laughed and shook his head. Remus imitated him and nudged me. I groaned, used to this almost constant teasing that had begun at the beginning of our previous year. 
“Shut up, Moony.”
_ _ _ 
The street was crowded, way more than usual. The Muggles seemed even more pressed that they were at any other moment of the year. They had their arms full of bags probably containing various presents and any kind of food. A woman who was holding a plastic box against her ear pushed me hurriedly and continued her rushed race to whatever was stressing her. The movement caused me to trip and I would have ended the nose directly against the hard ground if solid arms hadn’t wrapped around me. 
“Maybe one day you’ll learn how to walk properly!” Sirius winked.
I was sure my cheeks were red and that they didn’t stop darkening even when his hands left my waist, leaving my skin almost burning through the wool of my Christmas sweater.While Sirius left and disappeared through St-Mungo’s entrance following James and Peter, Remus patted my shoulder with a broad smile. 
“Admit it, you tripped on purpose.”
“To make a fool of myself? No way.” I groaned.
“Come on, you may be a fool but Sirius thinks you’re a cute one.”
Remus threw me a mysterious glance and disappeared too, leaving me alone in the street with my thoughts and the Muggles. Eventually deciding to join the boys, I crossed the magical barrier with a sigh. 
It had been a while since the last time I had stepped in this hospital during Christmas. It had always brought me betterness and guilt to be there, perfectly well and with my family whereas a lot of patients here were alone. The worst to me was the bunch of kids that practically lived here, kids whose parents weren't with them with or without a good reason, if there was really a good reason for this. 
Sirius led us through the hall and we took the stairs to the cafeteria’s level. In my memories, this lever was the most decorated during the end of the year but it was nothing compared to how decorated it was now. The walls were covered in drawings representing Christmas trees, Santa Claus, snowmen and a lot of other coloured items representing Christmas, all of these drawings coming from children. Each window was adorned with bright red ribbons, Tinsels and wreaths were disposed wherever they fitted. In the middle of the cafeteria, from where all the tables had been removed, a big tree that hadn’t been decorated yet had the pride of the place, and around this tree were gathered nine kids. They were all wearing Christmas-related clothes, and a little girl even had a headband with reindeer antlers. Two little boys and the girl with the headband rushed toward Sirius, their little arms wide open and their eyes sparkling. 
“We were waiting for you!”
Sirius hugged the two boys and then wrapped his arms around the little girl. 
“How are you little princess?”
“I was scared you wouldn’t come
” she answered shyly. 
Sirius smiled softly and ruffled her hair, causing the headband to almost fall. She replaced it, giggling, and extended an arm to mess up Sirius’ hair too. 
“You’ll decorate the tree with us?”
“Of course! Let’s make the most beautiful Christmas tree ever. After you!”
Sirius glanced at James, Remus, Peter and I. His eyes were as bright as the kids’ and my heart swelled at the sight. Then he rolled up his sleeves and headed to a group of three kids to help them open a box of decorations. With barely a glance accorded to each other, the boys and I joined the little groups of kids to help them. 
Christmas carols were resonating, both from little bells floating everywhere in the room and from the kids, my friends and I. Slowly but surely, the tree was becoming the prettiest Christmas tree ever. Thanks to these adorable kids, it was putting on its most beautiful colours. Even though it probably lasted quite a long time, it felt like we had only been there for a few minutes. I was having so much mun, I didn’t want this moment out of time to come to an end. It was too light-hearted, too magic, I wanted it to last forever. 
“Lost in your thoughts?”
Sirius walked to me and stopped by my side. We both turned to the tree around which the kids were debating on which star they should put at the top of it. 
“You came here last year, right?” I asked curiously. 
“Yeah.” Sirius nodded and I looked at him. He had a light smile on his lips and his eyes were sparkling. “To be honest, I don’t even know why I came here in the first place. I should’ve been at James’ but
 I don’t know. I was feeling bad and I left. I came here and I saw most of these kids. Yes, they were already here.” He added when I gasped. “They were so sad and I just- I couldn’t let them have a Christmas as crappy as the one I was having. The nurse on duty was half asleep and she asked me to keep them busy so I helped decorating the tree
“And you promise to come back this year.” I finished softly. 
Sirius scratched the back of his head and smiled almost shyly. 
“I’ve come back a few times already. There’s- there’s this little girl, the one with the antlers. Her name is Sofia. Her parents
 Let’s say they weren’t especially loving with her. She reminds me of myself, you know? Except that she has absolutely no one. I- I just don’t want her to be alone.”
“Sirius, that’s-”
“Sirius! We’ve chosen this one!” suddenly exclaimed Sofia while waving a golden star. 
Sirius immediately joined her and kneeled so that his face was in front of her and asked with a smile:
“Do you want to put the star on the top of the tree?”
“Oh yes!” she beamed and opened her arms to Sirius. 
He lifted her up effortlessly, extending his arms so that the little girl could reach the very top of the tree. Delicately, as if it was the most precious thing in the world, Sofia put the star at its place and all of us applauded. She seemed to be as glowing as the star. Sirius pretended to drop her and her laughter filled the cafeteria. The kids surrounded Sirius and Sofia. 
“You know what? I think your tree is beautiful.” declared Sirius who ruffled a boy’s hair. 
“This is our tree!” corrected the boy, whose name was Tim. 
The nurse on duty - who was fully awake - broughts biscuits and tea. The kids, joined by James, Peter and Remus, gathered around a table to share this well deserved snack. As for Sirius, he stopped next to me. 
“I believe you were going to say something.” 
“I was going to say that this
 It’s incredible, Sirius. You make them so happy!”
“They make me equally happy.” he murmured. 
I turned to him and put my hand on his shoulder. 
“Does that mean you’re a softie?”
“Shut up, Y/L/N.”
We laughed and Sirius wrapped his arm around me . Slowly - because I was now walking into an unknown territory - I rested my head on his shoulder. Far from flinching, he even did the same and we stayed like this, looking at our friends who were making fools of themselves to make the kids laugh. A strand of Sirius’ hair fell in front of my eyes and I didn’t even bother to remove it, afraid it would break whatever was enveloping us. And then, suddenly

“Will you kiss already?”
James and Remus were smirking and Peter was smiling as broadly as the kids. I looked up: there was a piece of mistletoe that was slowly appearing above our heads. I felt Sirius’ other arm pulling me against him. Without losing a second, I crashed my lips on his and intertwined my hands in his hair. Even the whistles of James couldn’t have made me react, at the moment Sirius seemed to be the only part of my world. 
_ _ _
It was very late at night, now. Half of the kids had fallen asleep while the boys and I had told them stories, curled up ones against the others. Not Sofia. Comfortably snuggled in Sirius’ arms, her thumb was in her mouth and her eyes were wide open. She even groaned slightly when the nurse in charge announced it was time for them to go to bed.
“You can’t be tired for the opening of your presents tomorrow!” she said.
The kids who were asleep were woken up and the joyous group left the cafeteria. Tim and Sofia stayed a bit longer. 
“Will you be there next year?” asked the little girl, who was in front of Sirius.
The latter kneeled and shook hands with her.
“I’ll come back even sooner, that’s a promise little princess.”
Sofia nodded, laid a wet kiss on Sirius’ cheek, waved at us and left. Tim grabbed the bottom of Peter’s sweater. 
“And you? Will you come back?”
Peter nodded with energy and James and Remus smiled broadly. 
“Of course we’ll be there. And you know what? We’ll organize a competition.”
“The biggest chocolate eater will win a special prize!” exclaimed Peter. 
“You should begin to train, you have a master in front of you!” added James on the tone of confidence, pointing at Remus with his thumb. 
“Shut up, Prongs.”
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hollenka99 · 4 years
Unus Annus - November
354. Accepting the Truth, 6:11, 2.8M (Nov 1st) - While sitting by the pool, Mark and Ethan announce that a livestream will happen on the 13th so that the audience can join them in reminiscing over the past year and watching the channel be deleted live.
355. The Unus Annus Last Supper, 26:58, 2.6M (Nov 2nd) - Amy creates a 7 course meal for Mark and Ethan based on various past videos. This includes eggnog with bug biscuits, them having 3 minutes to eat a raw onion and edible items of a mature nature.
356. Being Brutally Honest with Each Other, 26:14, 2.2M (Nov 3rd) - Mark and Ethan reflect on how well they have worked together during the course of the channel’s run. Some things that were revealed consisted of them having to re-evaluate their communication after the wall punch, Mark committing to bits even if they start going a little far and how Ethan could build his acting skills. There is a heartfelt moment where Ethan expresses how grateful he is to have Mark as a friend and someone to learn off of, which ends in tears.
357. Recreating Every Single Unus Annus Video, 45:11, 3.2M (Nov 4th) - Amy reads out the title of videos in chronological order while Mark and Ethan do something quick to re-enact that video. Alexa misinterprets a command, some episode segments are just them wondering who came up with the titles and Amy gets confused by a few titles that state she shouldn’t know about them.
358. All Our Video Ideas That Never Happened, 25:13, 1.8M (Nov 5th) - They discuss the videos that never were, including potential collabs, things the pandemic prevented from happening and ideas that were best left not attempted. 
359. Who’s Cutting Onions In Here???, 22:24, 2M (Nov 6th) - The two of them spend the entire video cutting onions and talking about the channel. They discuss their expectations when they started the channel, how they were affected by the deaths of family members and how they would like to die.
360. The 1st Annual Unus Annus Roast, 16:41, 1.7M (Nov 7th) - On Twitter, they invited the viewers to send in their roasts. They just laugh at most of them but a few they roast the poster back. One of the cameras produced corrupted footage so they had to lipsync at times. 
361. God’s Fitness Test, 22:58, 1.9M (Nov 8th) - Along with their personal trainers, they form two teams which consist of Mark and Alex vs Ethan and Andre. They do push ups where you have to have all four limbs airborne during part of it, a burpee hybrid, a race where Mark and Ethan carry their trainers on their backs, weightlifting with squats and a sprinting challenge. 
362. Saying Goodbye to All Our Guests, 39:44, 2.2M (Nov 9th) - Mark and Ethan call up some of the people they’ve worked with in videos over the past year to thank them. Upon learning The Basement LA (where they did the escape room in December) was in financial trouble due to the pandemic, they offer to donate the ad revenue from the escape room video to help them out.
363. Everything’s Legal If You’re Dead, 24:50, 2.2M (Nov 10th) - Mark and Ethan attempt to make breakfast with sex toys again. However, this time they steal the products they got from the shop and Mark’s lawyer Ryan tries to discourage them from their plans of insurance fraud.
364. 7 Minutes in Heaven | 7 Minutes in Hell, 12:41, 1.9M (Nov 11th) - In new inflatable saunas, they are sent to Heaven and Hell with items previously featured in past videos. Ethan goes to Heaven where he receives the scent of essential oils, kiwis, a cupping session using a mouth instead of the cups and wax on his face. Mark, meanwhile, is subjected to Hell where the aromatherapy is of the onion variety, his mouth is filled with hot dogs and the straw his dogs may have used as a toilet is laid at his feet.
365. The Unus Annus Annual Sleepover, 17:17, 2.3M (Nov 12th) - Ethan goes to Mark’s home to spend the night. They shoot cans while the other hides behind the targets, make popcorn as well as friendship bracelets and play truth or dare. Ethan decorates his bracelet for Mark with 'My Pal Annus' while Mark puts 'EEF' inbetween Takis that had been in his mouth. Towards the end, the two of them share a glass of champagne before settling down for the night. At various points, the signature ticking sound is heard.
366. Goodbye., 12:00:00, 1M (Nov 13th - Nov 14th) - This is the farewell livestream. The two of them sit with a television that displays the timer inbetween them. Throughout the 12 hours, they show the editors’ highlight reels, watch and comment on a few videos, look through fanart and memes as well as welcome guests. When there’s around 3 hours to go, Ethan gets 00:00:00 tattooed on his left arm by DanielleSkyeee. They promise that if the stream receives 1 million likes, they will reveal the inside of their coffin and possibly get inside. With less than an hour to go, this does indeed happen, with the fake eulogies making them emotional and the coffin is dubbed the ‘Cry Box’. As the hours become not only minutes but seconds, Mark, Ethan and Amy gather around the laptop so they can press the delete button together. The clock finally reaches 00:00:00, leaving the audience with a black screen as well as a channel that no longer exists.
1. Unus Annus, 1:52, 10M (Nov 15th) - Introductory video explaining the premise of the channel.
2. Cooking with Sex Toys, 12:42, 4.6M (Nov 15th) - The guys buy a bunch of sex toys and use them to make some bacon, eggs and pancakes. Towards the end, someone spots Mark being fed while wearing a gag.
3. Purging Our Sins with a Neti Pot, 11:18, 4.8M (Nov 16th) - They clear their noses with Neti Pots, essentially flooding it and triggering a drowning sensation. Towards the end, the spiral screen appears where Mark and Ethan thank the audience for their initial reaction to the channel, which lead to the intro video becoming #1 on trending. They announce that if the channel reaches 1 million subscribers within a week, a viewer who helped spread the word will be hand delivered the button. Otherwise, Mark will have his nipples pierced.
4. Hot Dog'd To Death, 11:18, 3.3M (Nov 17th) - They attempt to eat 60 hot dogs in 10 minutes. Ethan struggles to work out how long 360 seconds is. The are certain Chica could beat Joey Chestnut's record of 71 any day.
5. Making Our Own Sensory Deprivation Tank, 13:44, 2.7M (Nov 18th) - They filled a pool with salts, blindfold themselves and put headphones on. To mess around, they pretend to try drown each other.
6. The Good Kind of Cupping, 11:59, 2.7M (Nov 19th) - They attempt cup stacking. Mark is better at it than Ethan. The two of them end up trying to walk on all fours while wearing the cups like some sort of cryptid. This is also where they announce the winner of the 1M play button (Kingkasuma 2.0). The next challenge is also announced, get it to 2M subs within a week so a viewer has the chance to meet Mark and Ethan while appearing in a video or Ethan will destroy the Barrel with a bat.
7. The Bad Kind of Cupping, 13:36, 8.8M (Nov 20th) - Mark and Ethan place suction cups on each other. At one point, Ethan is unable to detach a cup and gets very stressed about it.
8. The Worst Kind of Cupping, 10:17, 3.1M (Nov 21st) - They react to Two Girls, One Cup before trying to see if they can find out where the girls are now. This is Mark’s first time watching it and he does not have a good time.
9. Ethan Will Be Kicked in the Balls, 7:30, 4.2M (Nov 22nd) - They plan to use those inflatable balls that you can run around in. Ethan struggles to inflate his so he goes to a shop to ask they can help him with a pump. The staff are nice and chuck it to him via a window. He reaches his car, only to realise he can't fit it in without deflating it a little. Ethan does indeed get kicked in the balls at the end.
10. Doing Each Other's Makeup in the Dark, 12:08, 2.2M (Nov 23rd) - Mark and Ethan blindly apply makeup to one another. There is a risk of blackface when Mark gets into the bronzer but Amy is able to warn him to be careful. Ethan uses blush for its intended purpose and as lipstick. When they look at themselves in a mirror, he compares himself to the little girl wearing makeup while in a carseat. You can tell Amy is the one editing due to her written comments.
11. Baby Hands Operation, 8:29, 2.7M (Nov 24th) - Mark and Ethan assemble and then play Operation while wearing baby hands. When Calamity Pete's buzzing annoys them, they begin waterboarding him and are only able to remove the foreign object after hitting him hard enough to accidentally project the piece. This is where the 'Oh My Fucking God' meme originates.
12. Mark and Ethan Summon a Ghost, 18:02, 4M (Nov 25th) - This is framed as a kind of found footage documentary. While at Ethan’s home, they form a pentagram out of candles before playing Bloody Mary and Charlie Charlie. It ends with them getting attacked by a ghost.
13. 2 Truths and 1 Lie -- Waxing Edition, 16:49, 4.5M (Nov 26th) - They play 2 truths and a lie where getting it wrong means a body part gets waxed. The body part is determined by a spinning randomiser wheel. Korea is mentioned during both times the spinner lands on pubic hair.
14. Poopsie Sparkly Critters (a slime surprise...), 12:24, 4.3M (Nov 27th) - Mark and Ethan buy Poopsie Sparkly Critters, a toy that will eject slime from either their butt (poop) or mouth (spit). They play around with the toys, adding glitter to the slime as instructed. This is the first time ‘Martha Maywho’ (Martha May Whovier from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas) is mentioned.
15. Play-Doh Thanksgiving, 10:35, 2.2M (Nov 28th) - They create a thanksgiving meal with only Play-Doh. A tray full of ‘food’ that are the appropriate colours is created, including a tiny live turkey made by Ethan. A mega turkey is also made using a conglomerate of the remaining Play-Doh. Mark and Ethan then sample their creation.
16. Helium Therapy, 14:55, 3.3M (Nov 29th) - The two of them inhale helium then discuss various topics, including how they’d kill each other, childhood misadventures and their romantic pursuits involving an abundance of Abigails (plus a Sarah).
17. Drawing Memes from Memory, 10:53, 2.6M (Nov 30th) - With drawing pads and scented coloured markers, Mark and Ethan attempt to draw old memes with Amy telling them their prompts.The ‘This is fine’ dog, dat boi, Rebecca Black, dancing baby, the Numa Numa guy, dikbutt, condescending Willy Wonka and trollface all make an appearence. They spend nearly as much time sniffing the markers as they do drawing.
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tvdstelenaforever · 4 years
Law & Lust
TVD Imagine: Enzo St. John
Premise: Y/N is new to town and finds out her new employer is a vampire, not long later things take a surprising turn.
Theme: Mature / Smut (18+)
Other: Y/N goes by she/her and is human
Word Count: 4.5k
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this smutty imagine, the idea randomly came to me so here goes nothing :-)
It was a dark night as Y/N stood in the poorly lit alleyway, trying to find her way back home. She was new to the area and wasn’t fully acquainted with her neighbourhood. It wasn’t just a run of the mill move but an overseas one. Y/N flew from the south of England to move to the southern United States. A golden job opportunity arose that she couldn’t decline, plus she had dreamed of visiting since childhood.
Mystic Falls seemed like a dainty cute town and Y/N hoped to meet some like minded people that also liked hiking, going on spontaneous trips and eating out. Y/N wouldn’t consider herself an extrovert but she certainly enjoyed socializing in the right doses. The people here seemed friendly enough so it encouraged Y/N to mingle a little.
She was just walking back from a coffee date, well not exactly a date as such, with a sweet guy called Matt. She didn’t get his last name but didn’t care enough as she doubted she would see him again. As Y/N continued on she could hear some shuffling noises from behind. Ignoring it, believing it was some sort of animal, Y/N hurried along.
After a couple of minutes the sound renewed. Paranoid now, Y/N turned to face the source of the noise. Before she could process what was going on, she felt herself being pushed against a fence. A scream escaped her mouth as the culprit tried diving in for her exposed neck. Y/N could feel her heart beating erratically as she tried to fend for herself, to no avail. This stranger was strong.
All of a sudden Y/N could feel her aggressors grip lighten and eventually leave and came face to face with a young man instead, who had dark hair and light eyes. “Are you okay, miss?” The handsome stranger smiled. Slightly disoriented, Y/N nodded. “I can walk you to your intended destination” he offered. Usually Y/N would be wary of any stranger and decline, but this man seemed different. Honest and safe. “Okay, sure” With that the pair headed off to Y/N’s new home.
As they approached the front door the young man hesitated. Y/N noticed and smiled softly. “Thank you for walking me back home” He returned the gesture and continued with her to the door. “Goodnight darlin’, stay safe” Before letting him go, Y/N wanted to know his name. “I’m Y/N, what’s your name?” With a grin, he said “Enzo, Enzo St John”. As he said his last name he emphasized it with a British twang.
“Oh, you’re from England too?” Y/N asked as her face lit up. He stayed quiet for a moment but shook his head, smiling sadly. Well, that was odd Y/N thought but discarded that weird feeling she felt. “Well thanks again Enzo”. Taking a step indoors and closing the door, Y/N took a peek through the side window and there was no sight of the handsome stranger who walked her home.
Sighing, she got ready for bed and tucked herself in snugly. Eventually after pondering the earlier incident, she fell asleep.
The following morning Y/N went to work at her new law firm. She was excited to start this new venture. Her boss had informed her that she had a meeting first thing that a.m. With a latte in hand, she walked through the shiny doors and found her way to her boss’s door. Upon entering, she nearly dropped the cup on the floor. Y/N’s eyes widened at her new employer. The one and only Enzo. Enzo St John. Wow, she thought, perplexed.
His eyebrows raised quickly at his new employee, surprised to see it was the damsel in distress from the night before. “Y/N, uh, welcome” The sudden pause indicated his surprise and Y/N blushed involuntarily. Enzo noticed but didn’t react. He suddenly felt awkward and looked away, motioning for her to sit down. “Emily will show you around and get you acquainted with the office. If you have any questions just ask her. She’s been my assistant for over 5 years now and is incredibly efficient and sweet, so you’ll have no trouble settling in comfortably” he started. “I was very impressed by your interview notes that my colleague sent me whilst I was away on a business trip, and I look forward to working with you”. Y/N smiled and thanked Enzo for his warm welcome. As the meeting ended and Y/N got up to grab the door handle, Enzo touched her hand to stop her from leaving.
Y/N blushed again, feeling flushed. What was he doing? She thought. She bit her lip as he kept still, awaiting his next move. Instead of perusing her, he pulled away. Y/N took an intake of breath before pulling the handle, finally closing the door behind her.
Y/N was still thinking about Enzo whilst Emily gave her a tour of the office. Emily seemed nice and as if she loved her job. I guess it didn’t hurt having Enzo as her boss though. He was eye candy as well as seemingly being a gentleman. Y/N would be surprised if she found out he was single.
Once Emily’s tour was over, Y/N sat at her desk reorganizing the layout and filling the desk drawers with all her essential items. The day flew by as Y/N sifted through all the paperwork and made all the appropriate phone calls. As it was time to clock out, Y/N arrived at the elevator doors. When they opened, Enzo was face to face with her. They caught eyes and he immediately looked away. He was nervous much to Y/N’s obliviousness. All she saw was disinterest and professionalism as her eyes followed him walking away.
Y/N was lost in her thoughts as she walked home that night. It felt colder than it was so she hurried along. Y/N wanted nothing more right now than to drink a warm cup of cocoa and watch some Law and Order. Law enforcement shows were her favourite. That was the main reason for her going down the law career route. She was a while away from working with law enforcement though but this was a great step towards that. Luckily Y/N also had duel nationality with the US so she could work with the government if she ever wanted to.
Y/N was slowly starting to drift asleep as the TV hummed in the background. She finally fell unconscious as her dreams filled her mind.
The weekend rolled over fairly quickly and Y/N decided to go for a walk around town to get familiar with the place. Loads of people were gathered in the parks and coffee shops, the weather permitting such occasions. Y/N smiled as she breathed in the fresh morning air.
Y/N laid eyes upon the Mystic Grill and ogled at it. Boy was she hungry right now. She decided to have some brunch and relax. Pushing the doors open, Y/N accidentally bumped into Matt. “Oh, hi Y/N!” He grinned. “Hi Matt” she replied casually. “It was nice hanging out the other day. I have some friends that you may like to meet since you’re new here. I’m sure you’ll love them” Y/N smiled, he was such a kind person. It looked like he was just being friendly which was good. Enzo was constantly in her thoughts that Matt was invisible to her in that way.
Effectively Enzo was just a stranger. Now her new boss. No way were they ever going to be an item. He was classy, highly educated, owned his own law firm, and extremely attractive. Y/N felt like she was totally out of his league. Not that she was below par but nothing special.
As Y/N was assigned a table, she looked over the menu, eyes glossing over the irrelevant details. Eventually she found the perfect dish, a mushroom risotto and white wine. Once her order was placed, Y/N twiddled her thumbs.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket. Emily’s number popped up on the screen as the phone kept vibrating in her hand. Oh, a weekend emergency at the office? Y/N wondered. “Hi Emily!” Y/N greeted happily. “Hello Y/N, how are you? There are just a couple of things Enzo needs to go over with you quickly. Do you mind coming in as soon as possible?” Ah, Enzo needed her to come help him with something? How peculiar, especially for a weekend. “Sure, I’ll be there as soon as I’ve finished my food at the Mystic Grill. I’m literally nearby, I can be there for half an hours time”. Emily thanked her before hanging up.
The food made it’s way to Y/N quickly and she ate it promptly. She paid the bill when she was finished with her meal and headed to the office. The place was deadly silent which felt odd, Y/N was used to a busy office. Once the elevator arrived at the 3rd floor, Y/N found Enzo’s office and knocked.
He opened the door and pulled her inside. Y/N was taken by surprise at the sudden movement. As he closed the door he eyed Y/N, feeling anxious. “What did you need help for?” Y/N asked, confused. “I can’t keep this a secret anymore” Y/N shifted uncomfortably on the spot. He waltzed over to her and stared deeply into her eyes. Her eyes bore into his, completely mesmerized. It was as if she couldn’t look away.
“Y/N, don’t freak out. You’re safe and I wouldn’t ever hurt you. I promise you. I have to tell you what I am. I can’t keep this a secret from you, especially since I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you ever since that first night we met” Enzo declared. “I, I’m a vampire” He said after a short pause. He pulled away whilst still keeping his eyes locked on hers as he suddenly bared his fangs. Y/N’s eyes widened but couldn’t move from her spot.
“When I stop compelling you, don’t run away” he said as he took her hand and squeezed lightly. Enzo finished compelling Y/N and awaited her move.
“But, how? What? I must be hallucinating!” Y/N exclaimed, heart racing at the speed of light. She did as he commanded and stayed put but wanted nothing more than to flee. She had never expected even in her wildest dreams to come into contact with a member of the supernatural. Something completely fictional. Yet not fictional at all.
“Why can’t I leave? Please, let me go” Y/N said quietly, eyes watering. Enzo could feel the fear radiating from her and wanted nothing more than to bring her in for a warm embrace. He was aching for her. “Like I said, I would never hurt you. I really like you Y/N. You’re smart, kind, intelligent, interesting, and beautiful” He said beautiful slowly, taking a deep breath.
This was everything Y/N wanted to hear before, but now that he revealed himself to be a vampire, Y/N felt scared. She wanted to believe him, but she needed space. “Please, just give me some space and time to process this”. Enzo sighed in defeat and nodded. “Okay, but please come back to me when you’re ready” He pleaded, placing a soft kiss on Y/N’s forehead.
As soon as she could move, Y/N bolted for the door. She ran outside, ran as far as her legs could carry her and cried herself to sleep once she arrived home, curling up on the sofa.
Work was filled with awkward silences between Enzo and Y/N, Y/N avoiding his gaze every time she came into contact with him. One night after work, Y/N went to the Mystic Grill for a drink. Once she got to the bar she ordered a bourbon whiskey neat. After 5 minutes a friendly face appeared. Matt smiled at Y/N and took the free seat next to her.
“Hey, are you okay? You seem a little off” Matt asked worriedly. “It’s that obvious?” She laughed sadly. He squeezed her forearm and offered her a sympathetic smile. “What’s troubling you?” He asked. “You wouldn’t believe me even if I tried”. Matt felt like he understood what she was insinuating but let her continue. “Try me”. Y/N took an inhale of breath, afraid of sounding crazy.
“I found out my boss is... a vampire” Y/N cringed at how insane that sounded. “Ugh I know, you don’t believe me do you. I understand. I wouldn’t have if you told me the same thing. I feel like I’m either going crazy or I’m living in a much scarier world than I ever imagined”. Matt kept silent for a moment, and Y/N bit her lip in anticipation.
“Let’s talk somewhere a little more private” and with that he took her hand and they walked to a nearby park and sat at a lone bench. “The supernatural are real. I’ve lived among them for years, and at first I had no idea. I actually, um, really dislike them. Sadly some of my friends are supernatural but that’s just the reality of life here in Mystic Falls. People you care about most are undead or some sort of creature. Take werewolves for example”. Y/N’s ears pricked up at werewolves and gulped.
“I know this is overwhelming but you’ll get used to it. Anyway, so who’s your boss?” He asked curiously. “His name is Enzo St John”. Matt raised his eyebrows, stunned. “I know him. He used to date my friend Bonnie. He’s good friends with Damon Salvatore. He’s one person that gets on my last nerve, he knows it and uses it to his advantage. Enzo is alright, but I haven’t had much contact with the guy. If he was good enough for Bonnie then he must be okay”. Y/N took all this information in surprisingly well, Matt thought.
“I just can’t believe it, it’s just so surreal! I don’t know what to think. Also what do you mean by Enzo being okay if Bonnie dated him?” She asked curiously. “Bonnie had an aversion to vampires like me but since she’s a witch, she eventually fell for another supernatural”. Wow, Y/N thought. “There are witches too?” She said in awe.
Matt laughed, she was definitely taking this way better than he did. “Yeah... and hybrids, sirens, doppelgĂ€ngers, heretics among others”. “Oh my, this is overwhelming. I think I just want to watch some TV and fall asleep” Y/N confessed. Matt nodded in agreement. “If you need anything, just call me. Take care” he said as they parted ways.
It was a few days later and Y/N was in her kitchen preparing some leftovers for dinner. There was an unexpected knock at the door. Y/N wasn’t waiting for anybody but as she opened the door she froze. It was Enzo. Y/N was starting to accept that she was walking among the undead and beyond. It was still a shock but the initial feeling wore off. She finally felt okay to be in his presence.
Y/N held open the door for Enzo to walk in but he quickly hesitated. “You can come in Enzo, I won’t bite” She said, unaware of the pun. Enzo was surprised at her casualness. He raised his eyebrows at her and she realised what she said. She laughed, for the first time in weeks.
She went back to her food whilst Enzo sat at the island. Y/N had a nice house for someone who just moved to the area. The place was already decorated and felt cozy. She definitely tried to bring her culture with her and it showed in the decor.
“Why’re you here Enzo?” Y/N wondered. “I wanted to check on you to see if you were okay”. Y/N could tell that he felt on edge. “I had a chat with Matt Donovan a few days ago and he told me everything about the supernatural, and about you and Bonnie”, Y/N said the last part a bit quieter.
Enzo’s head snapped up to look at Y/N. He wondered what Matt had told her about him and Bonnie. They were a thing of the past, a flame blown out. “We used to date, yes. But we’ve moved on. It was years ago. I don’t want to talk about it” Y/N smiled knowingly, she could relate about not wanting to talk about an ex.
“Of course, I understand” Y/N offered, feeling sympathy for the vampire. Enzo used his vampire speed to come up behind Y/N and slid his arm around her waist. He nuzzled into her neck and kissed her ever so softly. “I want you” Enzo closed his eyes as he moaned into her neck. His body was pressed closely to hers, the warmth radiating from her back.
Y/N pushed her plate to the side and gripped the counter for balance. Enzo was satisfied that she was submitting to him. He slowly shoved his right hand under her skirt and rubbed circles on her clit. She moaned out, eyes closed tightly shut. “I’ve dreamed about doing this to you since we met the second time at my office” he whispered seductively. Y/N quivered under his touch and her legs felt wobbly. Enzo held on tighter and squeezed her hips.
He wanted to take her right then and there but wanted to prolong the sexual tensions. He wanted to hear Y/N moan out his name so he pushed the fabric of her panties aside and inserted a couple of fingers inside her. Y/N licked her lips as Enzo kept sliding his fingers in and out. Eventually his name escaped her lips and he smiled satisfyingly. “Does that feel good baby?” He cooed. Y/N nodded, unable to use her words. The intensity increased and Y/N gripped the counter tighter, knuckles turning white. Enzo let go and gripped her hands as he pushed his body into hers again. This time both of them let out a moan, Enzo close to Y/N’s ear. She shivered from the almost touch of his mouth to her face.
Immediately, Enzo carried Y/N bridal style upstairs to the bathroom. Y/N raised her eyebrows in question. Instead of answering her he smirked and kicked the door shut as he sat her down at the edge of the bath.
“Ever had sex in the bath?” He winked. Y/N hadn’t, and the idea turned her on. They undressed each other and Enzo caressed her cheek softly, in adoration. He gazed into her eyes for a second, looking for any hesitation. Luckily Y/N stared at his lips, biting her own seductively.
“Has anyone ever told you how incredibly sexy you are?” Enzo said with his voice hoarse. Y/N could see his erection emerging so she grabbed hold of his waist and shoved herself against his body so that their naked bodies were molded together. The unexpected motion made Enzo groan deeply. His sound made Y/N feel wet down below. She wanted him inside her asap.
Y/N climbed into the bath and laid down, arching her back and touching herself, hoping for Enzo to ravishingly devour her. He went in after her and gripped her hips to lift her onto him. As she sunk down her weight they both exhaled deeply, a soft moan escaping Y/N’s lips and a deep groan escaping Enzo’s.
Enzo moved very slowly at first, then quickened his pace. He wasn’t going quick enough for Y/N’s liking and she sighed. “I need you so bad, please go faster” Y/N moaned, eagerly awaiting more friction. “I’m the one who’s in charge here, darlin’” Enzo used that term again for the second time, but on this occasion it oozed sexiness. He kept his movement slow just to punish Y/N. She jerked her hips up, grinding hard. “Please baby...” Y/N stuttered, who was beyond desperate.
Since she was so needy, Enzo pushed into her roughly and she screamed out. She gripped his arms as he kept his rhythm fast. Y/N then wrapped her legs around his hips to get him to go deeper. Enzo wrapped his hand around Y/N’s neck with light pressure as he pounded into her. “Does that feel okay?” Enzo asked breathlessly. “Uh huh” Y/N whispered. Y/N could feel herself nearing her climax. “Babe, I’m so close” Y/N whined. “Hold it for me” Enzo demanded, he wanted to cum with her.
“Can I cum yet?” Y/N pleaded, she was ready to burst. Enzo’s lips found hers to drown out her moans as he quickened his pace. He was nearing his climax and was about to come undone. He grunted as they were both ready to release. “Oh, fuck...” They moaned together.
Once they were finished, they ran the shower. Enzo lathered soap in his hands and rubbed it on Y/N’s back from behind her and moved his hands over her stomach and inner thighs. She rested her head against his collarbone as he massaged her body. Once she was all rinsed off she returned the favor. After the water washed over him, Enzo placed both hands against the wall while trapping Y/N between his arms. He rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. “How do you feel?” He asked genuinely, hoping she felt finally safe with him. “Like I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be” She smiled.
Enzo felt reassured and walked Y/N to her bed where they laid together in a warm embrace. Y/N fell asleep quickly while Enzo just kept her close.
The following morning Enzo was still by her side and she looked up at him with a sweet smile. “Morning my love” He beamed. It was the first time he used the word love and Y/N’s heart fluttered. “Morning handsome” Y/N said into his chest.
Going to work after they became intimate went surprisingly well and with no hiccups. Nobody knew of their affair and even if they had been obvious around each other, Enzo would compel suspecting individuals to become oblivious.
Weeks had passed whilst Enzo and Y/N got to know each other more in their spare time. One night they sat on Y/N’s couch and drank some wine. “Damn, you’re so beautiful” Enzo said out of the blue. Y/N smiled, her eyes lighting up. “You’re quite dashing yourself” Y/N laughed. Enzo bit his lip as he stared at Y/N’s.
Instead of replying, he grabbed her face and kissed her aggressively. Taken aback, Y/N pulled away to catch her breath. Their faces found each other’s again and Y/N sat on Enzo’s lap. A low growl escaped his lips as Y/N slid up his crotch, the friction of their clothes rubbing against their privates making them both aroused.
“I’m desperate, please fuck me” Y/N moaned. This surprised Enzo but excited him at the same time. They both undressed and stared at each other whilst doing so, eager to feel the burning desire building deep inside them to become ignited. “Are you going to be good for me?” Enzo asked dominantly. “What if I want to be bad?” Y/N cooed seductively. Enzo laughed, not expecting that response. “I’ll only fuck you if you’re a good girl” He replied more confidently. “I want it to hurt” Y/N blurted out, surprised at her eagerness. It wasn’t like her to be so adventurous in bed but Enzo ignited a deep desire to be wild. Enzo was equally stunned at her sudden request. He was going to start softly and work his way to being rougher. He just didn’t want to literally hurt her.
First Enzo shoved his fingers inside her and moved around, starting his handiwork. Y/N started moaning loudly. “You’re gonna have to stay quiet if you want me to let you cum sweetheart” Y/N bit her lip instead of answering. He really wanted to shove her against the wall and fuck her senseless.
He couldn’t wait any longer so he took her in for a kiss as he guided her to the nearest wall. He pinned her arms above her head and pressed his body to hers. She could feel his dick pressing against her inner thigh and leaned forwards so she could rub against it. “I told you I was in charge babe” Enzo said as he pushed her off him an inch. Y/N groaned in response, all she wanted was for him to be inside her. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on every sensation he was giving her. He touched her core and hummed. “Gosh you’re so wet right now”
Enzo demanded that she turn around. She did as he asked and he parted her cheeks as he slid his cock inside her. She yelped out from the force of it but relaxed into him as he slid in and out or her wet center steadily. He pulled out so he could bring her to the kitchen counter. The cold marble sent shivers down Y/N’s spine as her back touched it. He resumed his previous position and continued pounding himself into Y/N’s core. He whispered in her ear “You’re all mine, moan for me baby”. Y/N happily let out her pent up frustrations, crying out in ecstasy.
“I’m about to cum baby, please let me” Y/N was in total euphoria. Enzo wanted to keep up his dominant persona but was just really into letting Y/N get what she wanted because he was so in love with her. “Let go for me” Y/N moaned several times as she came around him and clenched. Enzo groaned as he was reaching his own orgasm, the squeezing of her muscles sending him over the edge. They both panted from the intense fucking and fell limp in each other’s arms. Y/N started standing up but Enzo wasn’t having it.
“I’m not done with you yet” He said as he brought her close to him again. She didn’t know what he had in mind but awaited his next move. “Get down, now” Enzo ordered. Y/N’s doe eyes widened for a spit second as she obeyed. He used both hands to force her head to his member. “That feels so damn good Y/N” Enzo grunted as she took his whole length in her mouth. She gagged so he pulled out slightly. She then used her hands to pump him as he fucked her mouth. His own mouth hung open as he tilted his head back against the wall. He shook under her touch as she increased the speed. “I’m about to cum Y/N” Enzo gasped. Y/N edged him further as she wanted to hear his raspy voice curse out in pleasure. He grunted out repeatedly as he came in her mouth. His hot seed was falling down her throat as she swallowed. “You were so good babe, I’m still buzzing from that whole experience” He grinned.
Y/N took Enzo in for a passionate kiss and her tongue found his hungrily. When she pulled away, he grabbed her hand and placed his soft lips to them. “I love you”
She looked away for a moment which panicked Enzo. However when she turned back her eyes were watering. “Babe, are you okay?” Enzo asked worriedly. “Yes, it’s just that I love you too” She sniffed. Enzo’s heart felt full and he gave her an affectionate hug.
Y/N finally felt at home in Mystic Falls, but most importantly she found home with Enzo, her one true love. She smiled to herself as they fell asleep together, her dreams finally peaceful.
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philthepegacornfics · 4 years
Stained Hearts
Michael Clifford x Reader
Summary: What happens when Michael tells his FWB he loves her?
Trigger Warnings: Swearing, implied sex, mentions of past abuse, angst
Word Count: 6k
A/N: @galcalirwin​ and I wrote this together! What inspired it was a conversation we had about the songs “i love you” by Billie Eilish and “Why Won’t You Love Me?” by 5 Seconds of Summer.
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~Michael’s POV~
“Fuck!” I giggled, rolling onto my back, tucking my arms under my head.
“That good, huh?” she giggled with me, snuggling into my side.
“Always,” I murmured, moving my hand to run my fingers through her hair. “Gonna miss you when I’m gone.”
“You fuckin’ better.”
“I always do, don’t I?”
“Yeah, you’re pretty good at that. Pretty good fuck, too,” she winked before kissing at my jawline.
I laughed loudly, hooking my fingers under her chin and bringing her up for a proper kiss.  “Fuck, I love you,” I breathed, before going in for another kiss.
She pushed against me, rolling out of bed, her feet hitting the floor. She didn’t say a word as she quickly shimmied into her jeans, throwing her shirt on over her head as she headed for the door, her things gathered up in her arms.
“(Y/n)?” I asked in confusion while my mind caught up with the last 30 seconds. Oh, shit
 “(Y/n)!” I scrambled to my feet but the front door was already slamming shut. I slumped back down on the bed. “Fuck!”
~Y/N’s POV~
Panic consumed me as I booked it out the door and drove home. He said those words. Words that we agreed to never say. Friends with benefits. That’s all we were. Nothing more.
My heart was racing. What the hell did I do for this to happen?
“Maybe he was joking?” I said aloud, questioning everything as I entered the threshold to my home.
No, if he was joking he would’ve laughed his way through saying it. He can never tell a joke with a straight face.
“Fuck!” I yelled, throwing my purse across the room. The items in it spilled onto the floor where it landed.
Tears streaming down my face, I ran into my room and locked the door behind me. Michael has a key to my place and the last thing I wanted was to see him. He ruined everything!
Not bothering to change, I climbed into my bed. My thoughts were racing a million miles an hour. The last time this happened, things ended badly. Very badly.
“I love you,” he said when I caught him in bed with another woman.
“I love you,” he would claim every time he beat me when I tried to leave.
“I love you!” his voice echoed in my head for years to come.
~Michael’s POV~
You're still coming in a few weeks, right?
I stared at the message, waiting for a reply that never came. I sighed, swiping my thumb up my screen to hit the airplane icon on my phone before clicking it shut. I sighed again as I leaned my head against the glass of the plane’s window. “Fuck
” I muttered. Then I scoffed at myself. Really Mike? Fuck? That’s the only thing you’ve been saying for the last 6 hours.
“Jesus, who died?” Ashton’s voice asked me.
I opened my eyes that I hadn’t realized I had closed to peer back at the man frowning at me. He may have been frowning, but his hazel eyes were lit with humor. “I fucked up, Ash. I said the words we promised to never say.”
“Oh, shit
” The humor vanished as he took a seat across me from, resting a hand comfortingly on my knee. “Did you at least mean them?”
I swatted his hand off of me. “Of course I fuckin’ meant them!”
He raised his hands in surrender. “Alright, fuck. Well, what’s the problem then exactly?”
“I wasn’t supposed to! That was the deal. Just sex. Keep the loneliness controllable. No real emotions. And I fucked it up!”
“Okay, back up. What exactly happened that made you say it in the first place?”
“Well, we had sex.”
“Yeah, no shit.”
“And I dunno. We were just lying there like we always do. Joking with each other about how I better miss her and shit. And then, I dunno
 it just sorta slipped.”
“Sorta slipped? How do those words just sorta slip?”
“Fuck if I know. But she just
 she feels so good in my arms, mate. And I guess for a second I just wanted to pretend what it would be like if things were different. If I could have all of her.”
“So you didn’t mean it, then?”
“No, I did. That’s the problem. Like I know I should apologize, but I can’t. Because I don’t know how to apologize for saying something I meant to say. Like ‘whoops, sorry I let you in on how I’ve been feeling, my bad, you weren’t supposed to know’? I don’t know what to do, Ash. All I know is that I fucked up probably the closest thing I’ve ever had to the real thing. Three stupid fuckin’ words! If I ever met him, I swear I’ll kill him.”
“Not if she gets to him first, you won’t,” he chuckled. “Look, mate, and I know it’s easier said than done, but just try and move past it. Maybe this’ll all blow over by the time we head back home.”
“She’s gonna be with us in a month,” I reminded him.
 well, who knows what’ll happen a month from now.”
“Yeah, Mike?”
“I appreciate all this,” I gestured about the man. “But, can I be left alone now?”
“Sure thing, buddy.” He patted at my leg as he got up and went over to bother Calum and Luke.
I clicked my phone, my home screen lighting up to a picture of her smiling brightly at me.
“We’ll never be lonely, right?” 
Course. Wouldn’t miss it.
I smiled at the notification. Maybe Ashton was right. Maybe this could blow over if either of us could pretend it never happened in the first place.
The plane rumbled and I turned my attention to the window, watching as the ground rushed by, then grew smaller and smaller as we climbed higher and higher. I felt a tear start to roll down my cheek, so I hurriedly wiped at my face, sniffing back even more. Or maybe we could just pretend she loved me too.
~Y/N’s POV~
In front of me were dark chocolate double doors. From the other side I could hear an orchestra playing a beautiful melody. I looked down at my hands to see myself holding a bouquet of cream coloured roses. 
I then notice that I’m wearing a beautiful dress. The top is white with intricate lace and pearl beading that overlap onto the skirt. The skirt was long and cream coloured to match the roses.
My cheeks started hurting because of how much I was smiling. Suddenly the band began playing louder, causing my heart to accelerate. The double doors opened slowly to reveal a beautiful ballroom that was decorated from top to bottom in whites and creams. Rows of chairs sat on both sides of the room creating an aisle for me to walk down.
I looked up to see Michael standing at the end of the aisle waiting. He hadn’t seen me yet. I start walking faster. He’s wearing a white tuxedo. His hair is combed, but still slightly messy as it always is. He turns and sees me. A smile breaks across his face as tears well up in his eyes. It takes everything in me to not drop the bouquet and run to him.
As I reach him, he steps forward and takes my arm. Walking me the last couple of steps. I turn and face him, basking in his presence. In the corner of my eye, I see a man I assume is a priest. He’s talking, but I don’t pay any attention. I was too busy studying Michael. And Michael was studying me back with bright green eyes.
“I love you,” he mouthed.
“I love you too,” I mouthed back.
I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing on my nightstand. I let out a groan as I rolled over to see who could be calling me at this ungodly hour. The screen was lit up with my best friend’s face. I let out a heavy sigh before answering.
“What’s up?” I grumbled.
“(Y/n)!” She squealed into the phone.
“Jesus Christ, woman. What do you want?!” I snapped.
“Well good morning to you too,” she giggled.
“Rosa, it is,” I pull my phone away to look at the time, “Holy shit, it is five in the goddamn morning. What do you want?”
“Well, I have news and I couldn’t wait anymore to tell you.”
“And that is?”
“I’m engaged!” she cheered into the phone.
Hurt panged into my chest as my dream flooded back to me. I stared blankly at the wall, not saying anything to Rosa about her news. My thoughts were racing. I could feel tears well up in my eyes.
“(Y/n)?” Rosa called out, bringing me back to the moment.
“Sorry, I zoned out for a second.”
“What’s wrong?” she sighed.
“Nothing, I’m just tired,” I mumbled.
“No because if I told you this two weeks ago, you would’ve been screaming. It’s Michael, isn’t it?”
“I can’t get him out of my head,” I sobbed as I continued to tell her about my dream.
“Honey, you need to talk to him.”
“Rosa, I ran. There’s nothing to say!”
“He’ll forgive you if you just talk to him. You’re still going on part of the tour, yeah?”
“Yeah. He asked me if I still planned on it, and I told him yes.”
“See! He wants you there. Just talk to him.”
“I don’t want to,” I admitted to her.
“Avoiding this isn’t going to solve anything,” she said sympathetically.
“You’re right.”
“I know that, Girl! Now, I’m going to let you go back to sleep. Dream about my wedding for me, okay?”
With that we hung up. Before laying back down to sleep, I decided to check the notifications on my phone. I had three missed calls from two in the morning. All from Michael. I quickly made a mental note to text him in the morning before I left for work.
I sighed as I sat my purse on the kitchen counter after returning home from work. It had been another long day. It didn’t help that that was the night I was going to be flying out to see Michael.
“Leave it to me to wait until the last minute to pack,” I muttered to myself as I headed to the bedroom. Once I got to the door, I hovered my hand above the doorknob. Do I really want to go?
I shook the thought of staying here out of my head. You promised Michael that you’d go.
Without waiting another moment, I quickly opened the door and made my way in. Grabbing my suitcase, I shoved as much clothes as I could fit in it. I was going to be spending the rest of their tour with them, so I needed as many outfits as I could get. I then took a backpack and filled it with the rest of my essentials. As I packed, I let my mind wander. Mostly in thoughts about Michael and trying to figure out what I was going to say to him.
“Shit, I forgot to text Michael about him calling me!” I groaned. “He probably thinks that I hate him.”
A sudden knock at my front door pulled me away from my thoughts. I made my way to it and opened it to find Rosa on the other side.
“Why didn’t you just let yourself in?” I asked.
“With you being so stuck in your head, I didn’t want to scare you,” she shrugged.
“Well thanks for that. My stuff is in my room, let me go grab it.”
After grabbing my things, we took a silent trek to her car. It wasn’t until she started driving that Rosa spoke again.
“Did you talk to him?” she asked.
“No, I forgot
“How do you forget something like that?”
“He called me at two in the morning last night. I didn’t hear. I told myself I’d text him before going to work, but I woke up late. And I just kinda forgot,” I explained.
The rest of the car ride was silent until we got to the airport. I thanked her for giving me a ride and we made small talk until I had to go through security. Right before I went though, I took a picture with her and made an Instagram post. I then made my way to the gate and boarded the plane. Michael was always nice enough to buy me a first class seat.
After the flight had taken off, I motioned for the stewardess and asked her to get me wine. To keep the wine coming. My plan was to get drunk enough to pass out. I couldn’t be alone with my thoughts any more. They were all about Michael and what I may or may not feel for him. One thing I knew for sure though, was that I missed him. My body yearned to be held the way he holds me.
When I was half way through my second glass, the person next to me decided to make small talk, “Going to be up all night?” 
“Not the plan,” I gestured to my glass. “But, red eyes tend to do that to you.”
“Where are you headed?”
“Just seeing some friends. What about you?”
“I’m going home.”
“That’s nice,” I said before finishing my glass. “I wish we never learned to fly.”
“Fear of flying?” they laughed.
“Fear of what’s to come when we land,” I gave them a tight lipped smile before turning in my seat to end the conversation.
I made my way through the airport begrudgingly until I heard Michael shouting my name. When I spotted him, he was waving his arms in the air to further get my attention. A smile spread across my face at seeing him act like his goofy self. I quickly made my way over to them excited to see him, but as I got closer, my steps felt heavier. Every instinct in my body was telling me to turn away and run.
“Hey!” Michael said, pulling me into a hug the moment I got close. I returned his hug as quickly as I could. Not squeezing hard like I normally do to try and get it over with.
“Hey,” I mumbled.
As we let go, I saw Ashton walk up. An escape! I smiled at him.
“Hey, Ash!” I pulled him into one of my signature hugs.
“Hey, love. How was your flight?” he asked me as we pulled apart.
“Oh, it was great!” I lied. I quickly told him stories of previous flights I had. I didn’t want to admit that I spent most of it drunk and crying.
~Michael’s POV~
“Dude, would you relax?” Ashton scolded, looking at my leg that kept jostling his.
“Shit, sorry,” I mumbled, pressing my palm flat against my leg to keep it from bouncing, but my other leg started it back up again.
“Jesus, you’re a fuckin’ mess, Mike
“Well, she hasn’t answered like any of my texts.”
“Did you call her?”
“Yeah, and she didn’t answer. I mean, I realized after that I had called her at like 2 in the morning, but still.”
“Hey, Mike?”
“We’re not hanging out outside an airport just for fun, are we? Like, (Y/n) got on the plane?”
I nodded. “Yeah. She made a post about catching her flight. I just don’t get why she can tell me that she’s still coming and then fuckin’ ignore me. Like I know she’s coming out to be with all of us and shit, but
“But we all know who she really comes for, and if she’s been ignoring you, then why is she bothering?” Ashton supplied.
 maybe whatever she wants to say, she wants to wait to say it in person.”
I sighed, hoping he was right. “Shit, I see her!” I scrambled out of the car. “(Y/n)!” I shouted, waving my arms over my head to get her attention.
Her head lifted at the sound of my voice and she quickened her pace.
“Hey!” I smiled, pulling her in for a hug the moment she was close.
Her arms wrapped limply around my shoulders. “Hey
” she mumbled.
I felt myself deflate as I let her go. I bit my tongue when she noticed Ashton, perking right up. “Hey, Ash!” she beamed, giving him the hug that held all the warmth in the world.
“Hey, love. How was your flight?”
“Oh, it was great!” She started prattling off every detail of her travel, which sounded more like a mixture of other stories she had told us. I paid special care to pick up on any new details, wondering why she was hiding the truth of her most recent flight experience as Ashton and I took her bags and placed them in the trunk before we all climbed back in the car. 
When her leg pressed up against mine, I was willing to believe that she was just nervous about being around me given everything. But when I rested my hand on top of hers, she not only moved her hand away, but crossed her leg, shifting in her seat to give Ashton her full attention and effectively shutting me out.
“Mate? Mike? Michael!” Ashton shouted in my ear.
I flinched away, swatting at him like I would an annoying fly. “Fuck! What?!”
“You’ve been sulking all night. The last three days, really.”
“Thank you, Captain Obvious
“Have you talked to her?”
“She doesn’t wanna talk to me, Ash.”
“How do you know that? She’s here, isn’t she?”
“Because I just do, alright?!” I snapped, slamming the beer bottle I’d been spinning in my palm down on the table and rising to my feet. “You think you know everything, but you don’t! You don’t know her! I do! And she doesn’t wanna fuckin’ talk to me because she fuckin’ hates me! Because the last guy who told her he loved her was a fuckin’ liar and that’s all she knows! All she knows to associate with those words is hate! And since I’m the one who said ‘em, guess who’s on the receiving end of that hatred? Me! Can’t you see that I’m losing a whole lot more than just some girl?! So, yeah! Sorry if my sulking is bringing you down, but I think I’m entitled to sulk when my world is fuckin’ fallin apart!” I knew people were turning their attention to watch me scream at Ashton, but I didn’t care. I didn’t care about the tears streaming down my face either. All I cared about was the pain in my chest threatening to break me wide open. Hell, if I had just yelled at Ashton in public, maybe I already had.
To Ashton’s credit, he just stood there, letting me go off. “Are you done?” he asked, his voice terrifyingly calm as I stood in front of him, my chest heaving.
“Yeah,” I answered, keeping my voice low as I felt the shame wash over me. Ashton was only looking out for me, and I knew that. “Sorry for yelling
His hand clapped on my shoulder. “Aw, it’s alright, buddy. C’mon, I’ll round everyone up and we’ll head back to the hotel.”
I nodded, watching him turn to leave me at the table. “Hey, Ash?” I called out.
“Hmm?” he asked, turning back around.
“Thanks. For listening and stuff. I know I’m getting on everyone’s nerves.”
“You’re not getting on anyone's nerves, Mike. You’re just going through it. It’ll be okay, I promise.”
I chuckled a little, shaking my head. “Well, forgive me if I don’t hold my breath.”
“I’m going to get another drink,” I told Calum and Luke before standing up from our table and heading towards the bar.
I only took a few steps when I suddenly heard Michael yelling. I frowned and took a few more steps to get closer to hear better.
“You don’t know her! I do! And she doesn’t wanna fuckin’ talk to me because she fuckin’ hates me!” he snaps.
Is he talking about me? I take a few more steps until he’s in sight. In front of him, I see Ashton whose jaw is set as he just let’s Michael continue to yell at him.
“Because the last guy who told her he loved her was a fuckin’ liar and that’s all she knows! All she knows to associate with those words is hate! And since I’m the one who said ‘em, guess who’s on the receiving end of that hatred? Me!”
He’s definitely talking about me

“Can’t you see that I’m losing a whole lot more than just some girl?! So, yeah! Sorry if my sulking is bringing you down, but I think I’m entitled to sulk when my world is fuckin’ fallin apart!” he finished. His chest was heaving as tears trailed down his face.
My heart felt like it was ripped in half. Tears started rolling down my own face. I turned on my heel and ran out to the patio of the bar. I didn’t want to become part of the scene that Michael just created. The air outside was nice and cool. I tried taking a few deep breaths to calm myself down, but they ended up more like hiccups. I leaned over the railing, feeling sick to my stomach.
“(Y/n)?” Ashton’s voice called out for me after a few minutes.
I turned back to look at him and the frown he was wearing deepend in concern as he walked up to me. I leaned over the railing again.
He started rubbing my back and asked, “Are you okay?”
“No!” I cried. Tears started falling faster.
“What’s wrong?” he pulled me into a hug. I buried my head into his shoulders and cried on his shirt. He continued rubbing my back as he held me.
“I don’t know what to do!”
“Are you talking about Michael?”
I nodded my head and Ashton let out a heavy sigh, “You need to talk to him.”
“I can’t!”
He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me out an arms length away. With his hands still on my shoulders, he looked me in the eyes, “You have to.”
“I know,” I sniffled, wiping my eyes. “I know I have to, but I’m just so scared.”
“Why are you scared?”
“I hurt him, Ash. I hurt him bad. I don’t know how he’d ever forgive me.”
“He will-”
“Let’s say he does. Then what? He thinks I hate him. He’s always going to wonder if I do or not. Which I don’t. I could never hate him. When I’m with him, it’s like nothing else in the world matters. My heart races and I get butterflies in my stomach, yet I’m so happy and comfortable at the same time. I like him, Ash. I like him so much it hurts. It’s killed me not being close to him this past month. I want him in my life. I can’t imagine a future without him! I even had a dream that I married him! And that scares me. What if he doesn’t want the same thing? What if it doesn’t work out? What if I can never differentiate between him and my ex?” I cried.
“Have you ever thought about the fact that he’s probably just as scared as you?” Ashton asked. “He cares about you a lot, (Y/n). You’ve known Michael for years! He’s not like your ex, and I know that you know that.”
“Michael’s the first man I trusted after him
“Just talk to him.”
“I don’t know if I can,” I whispered.
He let out another sigh, “Come on, everyone is waiting for us. We’re going back to the hotel.”
~Michael’s POV~
I ducked into the bathroom as Ashton went to round everyone up. I gripped the sink as I peered at myself in the mirror. My eyes were bloodshot and the tears I had shed had left track marks down my cheeks. I splashed water in my face to try to clear some of it up, hoping to pass for drunk rather than someone who had just sob-screamed at his friend in a public space. A feat that probably would work out better if I had actually gotten drunk. But I’d been scared to have anything beyond a single beer because I was afraid of how I would feel in a drunk state. I was already drowning sober, I didn’t want to risk hurting more than I already did, or confessing more things I was better off not confessing. 
I gave myself one good last stare before I threw on my sweatshirt, pulling up the hood to hide more of my face.
I found Calum and Luke towards the front of the bar, waiting expectantly. “Where’s everyone else?” I asked.
“Ash is getting (Y/n) from outside,” Calum answered. “You alright?”
“Yeah, ‘m fine.”
Calum and Luke shared a look, before shaking their heads. “No, you’re not. But, whatever it is, you and (Y/n) will figure it out. You’ve been friends for too long to not bounce back from this,” Luke told me.
“I hope you’re right
” I sighed. Unfortunately, I had the sinking feeling that the conversation that would need to happen for me and (Y/n) to “bounce back” wasn’t one with a happy ending. Sure, the regression to basic pleasantries was killing me from the inside out, but at least it meant we were still in each other’s lives. Which, come to think about was how I had gotten into this mess in the first place. Wanting whatever part of herself she was willing to give me no matter how badly I wanted more because it was better than not having her at all. And yet, I still couldn’t bring myself to regret saying “I love you” to her. That was the one small comfort I could take away from all this pain. And all I could do was cling to the hope that she believed me.
I felt what small composure I’d been able to reassemble crack when I saw (Y/n) walking towards us with Ashton, and the wave of shame washed over me again. It wasn’t fair how the sweetest arrangement of eight letters had completely shattered us both. 
Ashton kept nudging me into her as we walked the block and a half back to the hotel, constantly clearing his throat as obnoxiously as possible. “Alright, I get it
” I growled at him under my breath, knocking my shoulder roughly into his.
“Then fuckin’ do something,” he muttered back, practically shoving me into her.
“Shit, sorry,” I mumbled, my hands going to catch her as she stumbled, throwing a glare at Ashton.
“Ss fine,” she sniffed, moving a step out of reach from me. “Sidewalk’s really uneven. Dark. Hard to see.”
“You okay?” I asked stupidly.
“Are you?” she countered. She drew her jacket tighter around her and picked up her pace to hurry into the hotel with Calum and Luke.
” I answered, and my feet stopped carrying me forward.
“What the fuck?” Ashton questioned, hands going to my shoulders to keep pushing me forward. In front of us, Calum raised an eyebrow in silent question as an elevator arrived. Ashton waved him off.
“I tried
” I told him, tilting my head upwards like gravity would keep new tears from spilling.
“Try harder!” he hissed, as we waited for another elevator.
“Try harder how, Ash?! Talking things out doesn’t work if she doesn’t talk back! In fact, the only thing that’s kinda working is keeping my mouth fuckin’ shut. Like I should’ve to begin with
“Oh, don’t pull that shit! It wasn’t a slip of the tongue when you told her you loved her and we all know that. You meant to say them because you meant for her to hear them. You two just need to stop acting like you can sweep this under the rug.”
I shoved him into the elevator as the doors dinged open, hard. “We need to stop acting like we can sweep this under the rug?! You’re the one who keeps forcing our hands!”
“I’m not forcing shit! I’m trying to help you guys ‘cause I care about you!”
“Well I didn’t ask for your help!”
“Ask me if I give a fuck!” He slammed his fist into the buttons and the elevator started moving upwards. “Look
” his voice was soft when he spoke again. “You can hate me if you want to. This shit between you and (Y/n) is between you and her. You’re both adults. But you told her that you loved her for a reason. And she still came here for a reason. And if you two want to keep pussyfooting around the truth until one of you dies, that’s your choice to make. But you’re both my friends, and I’m not just gonna sit in silence when you’re both hurting.”
“It’s not you I hate, Ash
 it’s him. I hate him so much. I hate what he did to her. And I hate that no matter what I do, I’ll never be enough. I’m not good at a lot of things. I know that. I’ve accepted that. But the one thing... the one thing I know I’m good at is loving her. It’s the greatest thing I’ll ever do.”
“So, tell her that,” he said as we stepped off the elevator and walked towards our room.
“Ash, you don’t get it
 my greatest isn’t enough. I’m not enough. And I can hate him and blame him all I want, but it doesn’t change the fact that I wasn’t good enough to be hers before him, and I’m still not good enough now. All I am is a distraction. So, I guess I’m good at two things...”
His jaw set as he pulled out the key card to let us into the room. “Well, lucky for you, I’m good at a few things myself.”
The look in his eyes frightened me. “Ash
 what are y-”
He held up his hand, cutting me off. “(Y/n)?” he called out.
“Yeah?” she asked, poking her head out of the bathroom.
“Could you c’mere a second?” he asked as he opened up the closet and hung up his jacket.
“Ash, what are you doing?” I asked again as she came over to us with a confused, “What’s up?”
“Remember,” he said, grabbing our arms. “It’s not me you hate.” Then, he pushed us both forward, quickly shutting us inside.
“Ashton!” she gasped in surprise.
I rammed my shoulder into the door, but he must have been sitting in front of it because it didn’t budge. “Ashton! Open the bloody door!”
She pounded her fists against the wood. “Ashton! This isn’t funny! Let us out!”
“I will once you two figure out your mess! Don’t worry, I won’t eavesdrop. Just text me when you’re done.”
“It’s no use (Y/n), he’s not going to let us out if we’re struggling,” Michael said, putting his hand on my shoulder.
“I’m going to kill him,” I muttered, stopping my banging on the door.
“That makes two of us,” he sighed.
We moved so we were facing each other, leaning against either side of the closet. Even in the low lighting, I could still make out Michael’s figure. I could tell he was looking at me too.
“Do you think there’s a light in here?” I asked, breaking the silence that engulfed us.
“I don’t think so, and if there was, I think the switch would be on the other side of the door,” he answered.
I sighed and started feeling my pockets for my phone, coming up short. I let out a huff of annoyance.
“What is it?”
“Nothing, I just breathed,” I shot.
“That’s not how you breathe. That was you huffing about something.”
A small smile crept onto my face. “I can’t hide anything from you, huh?”
“I was going to pull out my phone and use the flashlight, but it got left out there,” I gestured to the door.
I watched Michael’s figure shift around until he pulled something out of his pockets. Suddenly a screen lit up, indicating that it was his phone. He quickly turned on the flashlight and shined it at me.
“Is that better?”
“No,” I giggled, blocking my eyes from the light. “Now I can’t see you at all.”
“Shit, sorry,” he mumbled, pointing the light at the floor.
Michael shuffled to his left before sliding his back down the wall until he was seated on the floor. I mimicked his movements and shuffled the opposite directions until my shoulder was pressed against the door frame. Michael then placed his phone on the ground between us.
With the light, I was then able to see his face. His eyes were glossed over with red surrounding the green. There were tear trails on his cheeks. I absentmindedly reached a hand over and cupped his cheek.
“Crying isn’t like you,” I murmured.
“I couldn’t help it,” he whispered, leaning into my touch.
I stroked his cheekbone with my thumb a couple of times before pulling my hand back. Michael appeared to deflate at the loss of contact.
“I’m sorry,” We both said at the same time.
“Why are you sorry?” I asked.
“Because I scared you off. I put a stress on us, that never should’ve been an issue,” he explained.
“Don’t be sorry. You only said the truth. I should be-” my voice broke. I cleared my throat as tears started to roll down my cheeks. “I’m the one who ran. I’m the one who created all of this drama because of something we both felt.”
“You mean that-”
“Yes,” I cut him off. “At least I’m pretty sure.”
He nodded his head, asking me to continue.
“I really like you a lot, Mikey. When you’re not around, I feel like I can’t breathe. Whenever I imagine my future, it’s always will you. I’ve been having dreams of us getting married, for crying out loud! And that scares me. I don’t know what to do. You said those words, and I panicked. For a moment all I could think about was him.”
Michael’s fists clenched the moment I brought up my ex. I put my hand on top of his before continuing.
“But you’re not him, and I know that. I fucked up and ran. I hurt you so bad and that hurt me. Because I was hurt, I got defensive, and I continued to hurt you. And I am so, so sorry. Michael, I don’t know how you’ll ever be able to forgive me.”
Tears were now streaming down my face. I looked up at Michael to see that he was crying as well.
“You’re already forgiven,” he said, grabbing my arm to pull me closer.
I shifted my body to allow myself to be pulled closer. Michael wrapped his arms around me. We wept into each other’s shoulders. 
After a little bit, I pulled away slightly to get Mikey to look at me. The moment he was looking at me, I smashed my lips against his. The kiss was salty from our tears, and held so much emotion. My heart started racing as butterflies erupted in my stomach.
We kissed until we were out of air. With our foreheads pressed together, a smile spread across my face.
“I’ve missed you so much,” I admitted to him.
“I’ve missed you too. Now, let’s get out of this closet.”
Taglist: @galcalirwin​ @frontmanash​ @cxddlyash​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @talkfastromance4​ @aneclecticwriter​
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imagineofallkindsxxx · 3 years
Eternal Flame- Kol Mikaelson 3/?
Chapter 1- You're the Hybrid?
Summary: Singing. Thats all what Alexandra Gilbert has cared about since she was young and all she would care about until she met him.
With Alexandra fighting vampires, werewolves an all between she may do a thing she vowed never to do, fall in love.
And to think it all started with a walk in the woods...
The room was pitch black I could barely see what's in front of me my fingers getting clipped and cut on the item in my hands. Finally, it was fixed but then the worst thing happened. The door opened.
The room was filled with light from the lights on the ceiling of the room and all of the hard work we created was useless now with all the neatly placed mouse traps springing open making me question the reason of everything. I looked up and saw an alarmed looking Matt Donovan making me feel even more depressed, wondering what I ever did to deserve this.
"Oh come on! Seriously?!? Do you know how long this took for us to set all this up?!?" Caroline yelled at the blonde footballer essentially expressing my thoughts out loud.
"Forgot about senior prank night?" Tyler Lockwood asked his best friend.
"Clearly." he replied seeming confused by the whole ordeal that has been tradition since well ever.
"How could you forget We've only been waiting for this since freshman year!" Caroline once again yelled and not gonna lie I agree with her until last year all of us had been dying for us to prank the teachers following the footsteps of those before us trying to outdo them.
"Yeah, Matt if I'm doing this, you're doing this" Elena chipped in
"Doing what? Having fun what a travesty" I sassed rolling my eyes at my sister "Lord give me strength." I whispered so no one but Caroline would hear me throwing me a glare where I just shrugged innocently. I mean it's not my fault that Elena became boring when dumb and dumber came along.
"I'm surprised any of you are doing this" Matt said, what are we supposed to do just stand around and worry about what might happen? Feel guilty about the deaths we've caused? If we do that, we'll miss college.
"Caroline's making us." Bonnie piped up
"Not making me. To be perfectly honest I'm enjoying myself" I shrug attempting to fix a mouse trap not making eye contact with anyone but still managing to make Caroline to smile at me.
"We're about to be seniors. These are memories that will stay with us forever, and if we don't..." she trailed off still trying to be positive compared to the rest of us.
"And if we don't create memories now, then what's the point of it all?" My sister finished for her best friend making Caroline deflate at the tone of her voice making me feel like snapping at her again but for sake of Caroline I decided to focus on her more than my annoyance or Elena.
"Go ahead make fun, I don't care" She replied, obviously lying to us, hurt how the majority of her friends are making fun of an idea to get all of our mind of the supernatural by doing normal things a teen would enjoy. I wasn't the only one seeing how upset Caroline was with her boyfriend saying.
"You're all lame. And I've got ten more classes to prank." I decided to pitch in after he announced his leave.
"Yeah, I'm meeting my boys in the chem lab, we're 'doing something awesome to Jones' according to Jamie anyway" a small smirk on my face "See you losers later" winking at Caroline.
When out of the class I headed along the hall to get to the class seeing Tyler giving some students instructions "Seems like Caroline's rubbing off on you Ty" a small smile on my face, instead of verbally responding he just rolled his eyes playfully continuing to give instructions.
I kept on wondering down the dark and quiet hallway feeling creeped out. All of a sudden I heard a slamming of a door making me feel more aware of my surroundings ready to run in case of any well unusual people out there
"Who's there?" I shouted out on instinct before realising what a stupid move that was. Well done Alex if they didn't know you were here they do now my subconscious reminded me, I slowly walked towards the noise until I heard from behind me.
"Boo!" I turned around and punched whoever it was on instinct "Fucking hell Andie!" the mysterious 'creature' yelled making me realise it was just Mark then hearing laughter behind him making me see he isn't alone but thing one and two were here as well.
"Jesus Andie remind me never to get in a fight with you" Sam managed out before James saying "Yeah next boxing match I'm putting my money on you"
I give them an unimpressed look "oh you mean all 10 cent you know seeing as though the last time you bet you lost 100 dollars" casting up how he bet on the Dolphins winning the super bowl losing 100 dollars in the process. "And you. carry on way you're acting and we'll be getting in a fight quite soon" I told James.
"Not a word." was all I said to Mark knowing a sarcastic comment was coming causing him roll his eyes. "Right gents what class are we supposed to be pranking?" before following a still grinning James to the chemistry lab belonging to Mr Jones' the hatred between him and Jamie running deep with the detentions and destruction in the past 3 years.
"Of course it would be Jones. Your obsession with each other is genuinely unhealthy." Sam remarked with an eye roll.
"Gotta agree with Sammy on that Jame" Mark seconded with me making a noise of agreement while looking through the bag he brought with him finding confetti, superglue, a large cut out of about 8 feet cut out of the periodic table and purple paint?
"Yeah well, I could say same for you and Kayleigh Jackson." referring to the rivalry between Kayleigh a kind blonde braniac who was on the cheer squad and honestly the only girl in this school I would trust with my life. Her and Sam had a rivalry which stemmed from how Kayleigh fought over a red crayon with him in kindergarten ever since they fight over the most stupid things, from what colour nitrogen mixed with sulphuric acid to whose cake was better in home economics, honestly, it's just became a way of life.
"Right before we start fighting about whose rivalry is worse let's get on with the prank?" I suggested with the back up from my blue-eyed best friend.
"So, you want to superglue the periodic table coloured in purple his least favourite colour" I started before Sam butted in
"How do you know his least favourite colour exactly?"
"I have my ways you have yours" Jesus this is hard work but I tried to continue "Then rig up this contraption when he opens his door tomorrow, he'll have confetti fallen on him?"
"and superglue" he added
I stared at him for a few seconds before saying "Sounds good. I'll get started on the confetti and super glue"
We all joked and tried our best to prank Mr Jones to the best of our ability and not just because of the hated between a certain drummer and the teacher himself. After we did that, we walked to the next class Mr Curtis our favourite music teacher but before we could begin, we were interrupted by Harry from my political studies class coming in and telling all of us
"Hate to break it guys but we've been busted, teacher saw us pranking the gym hall." he told us with a sympathetic smile. once he told us this, we all groaned and complained
"That's shit"
"You're joking!"
"No. That aint right."
"Jesus Christ. Why is god against me?"
"Don't shoot the messenger guys." Harry replied with his hand up in surrender walking out of the class.
Mark sighed "Well this is shit."
"I know fucking hate this" James agreed shaking his head. I swear I saw a tear in his brown eye.
"What can we do gents? We're caught. Just think of Mr Jones face tomorrow that's all you have to think about to get through the day" I told them trying to show them a silver lining to this horrible end of a great night.
"Yeah, doesn't make it any better." The drummer moaned "Do any of you need a ride?"
"Yeah, that'd be great"
"Yes, please my man" the two other males answered the brunette.
"Can't sorry boys, have to go home with my sister. Sorry" I declined
"Good luck, Alex" Mark said somewhat making it sound sarcastic making me throw a pencil at him as he raced out the classroom.
"See ya tomorrow my girl"
"Adios gorgeous" the other two more sensible- at that moment- boys said. I waved them good bye before we walked out of the class going in opposite directions with them heading out to the parking lot and me like an idiot going through all the school looking for my sister. Texting her asking where she was.
"She better not have left me" I muttered before opening the doors to enter the Gym hall.
"Alex! get out of here!" was all I heard looking up from my phone seeing an unusual scene in front of me to say the least. An empty hall with the exception of my sister, chad from Miss Golds class and Dana the girl who co-organised the whole prank night with Caroline and a man in his 20's? next to Elena seeming to be talking to her.
For once it looked like my sister had the right so I turned and bolted towards the doors only to be stopped by the same man that was conversing with the doppelganger.
""Now, now love. Who may you be?" He said in a nice posh British accent looking into my eyes therefore me being able to understand I'm being compelled.
"Someone on vervain." I snarked back "Try an eat me and it'll be like drinking acid, or so I've been told." I told him acting innocent at the old. he rolls his eyes as though expecting the sarcasm. Stefan must have told him everything about the entirety of the school.
This dick of a vampire gripped my am tightly and threw me onto the ground.
"Jesus be a bit gentler. Love." adding a bit more English mannerisms sarcastically where he just smirked back. Asshole.
"Alex! Are you okay?" My sister asks worried for my safety. I looked around my surroundings once more seeing Dana keeping her leg up wobbling every now and kind of like she's being controlled.
"Been better, been worse." I replied to my sister getting up "What's wrong with Dana and Chad?" I asked the brunette doppelganger; she opened her mouth but before she could reply the mysterious and freak of a vampire answered for her.
"Well love I compelled them. You seem to know what that means?" I glared at him thinking of any wooded objects that would kill the vampire in front of me there's a pencil you stole from Sam in your back pocket use that but before I could I heard my sister ask the vampire.
"Where's Stefan? What did you do to him?"
"Stefan's on a bit of a time out" What? Stefans with that psycho hybrid? Oh my days... before anything else was said I gave out a little laugh
"You're the hybrid? the scary murderous sociopath everyone is talking about? you look like an old man with dire need of a new war-" but before I could finish, he ran towards me pushing me against the back wall threatening to kill me in a chokehold.
"That may be so but I can break your neck with a single flick." he said with a murderous tone and eyes that look like he wanted to kill me but couldn't?
"Duly noted." I managed to get out before hearing him laugh in my face letting me go and fall to the floor with a crash.
"Now what is your name sweetheart?" but before I could reply Bonnie and Matt open the doors and enter the huge hall
"Bonnie, get out of here!" My sister yelled
"Go, Bon, Leave!" I shouted along with her well attempted to shout. But in a blink of an eye the hybrid was in front of the Bennett witch, now this is a fight I would like to see. On Bonnies side of course.
"Ah I was wondering when you'd show up. Now we can get started."
A/N: thought I'd end it like that cause I want to do two chapters an episode maybe. Therfore warning to readers itll be a while until you meet Kol however there will be bits and pieces which relate to Kol but not going to say anything else.
Let me know what you think and if I can do anything to improve my future writing or this chapter.
Also Ashleigh is a REALLY good friend of hers, her best girl friend.
Thank you for reading lovelies xxx
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bellalikeskitties · 4 years
mixed ☟
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pairing: jung jaehyun x reader x seo johnny
being a rare half-turned and half-true born vampire with dangerous men at the tip of your fingers proves to be difficult
word count: 2.2k+
genre: vampire au, doctor au (just a dash)
warning/s: blood, injuries, kidnapping, suggestive themes
It wasn’t even late at night yet, but here you were. Tall men cornered you in a dark alleyway after a small chase away from the city. “You’ve got nowhere to run, lady!”. One of them says, and he takes something out of his pocket. Seeing the silver glint, you groan. “Okay. Let’s not be hasty". They laugh as your back hits a wall. 
“Give us everything you have, and we won’t hurt you". Exhaling, you take out your wallet and phone, placing it on the ground before raising your hands up. “Will you let me go now? I don’t want any-”. He quickly presses the knife into you, watching the light disappear from your eyes. “Can’t sweetie. You’ve seen our faces so letting you run isn’t an option”. You sink to the floor as he pulls it out.
Chuckling, he wipes his weapon off and bends to pick up your items. “You should have just let me leave, man". They freeze. You lift your body, grimacing at the pool of blood around you made. “What? Don’t act like you’ve never seen a dead person talking before". He gasps in horror as he stares into your red glowing eyes. 
You smile and flash them your fangs. “V-vampire! A vampire!“. He stutters and crawls back. The rest of his friends flee, leaving just you and him. You take your belongings and taunt him, “Boo”. He shrieks and blacks out. You laugh but quickly wince, the wound in your stomach proving to be a problem. Groaning a bit, you leave the scene and head home.
In this world, vampires existed, but they weren’t the sparkling, garlic-hating, can’t-see-reflection kind. They were the blood-thirsty, undead, God-fearing kind. They were divided into two halves. The Divine and Cursed, or in easier terms, the trueborn and turned. You were a rare kind. Made from a true-born mother and turned father. 
You were a myth, the impossible. The blood of the divine was not compatible with those of the cursed, any child conceived from a turned would die. That’s why most male trueborns rarely select turned females as their mates, wanting to keep their bloodline sacred. Your mother was one of the elite; powerful and well respected within the Divines.
She fell in love with a male human. Turned him into her kind and did the unthinkable. She was pregnant with you. They were beyond elated, but their happiness was short-lived, just like your mother’s life. As soon as you were born, her own divinity passed to you. It killed her and drove your father insane. 
Unfortunately, the turned were called the cursed only because they were. As their bodies accepted partial divinity, they were burdened to love and worship the vampire that made them so. Your father, out of grief, killed himself. Leaving you in this sinister world alone.
You push your body into the tub, grimacing when the warm water turns red. You didn’t expect to be mugged, even more, because they were human. Most of your kind avoided you, they hated your rare case. Scoffing, you remember the disgust and fear your trueborn relatives had when they first saw you. Only your aunt liked you, she raised you and helped you get on your feet. Telling you weird stories about your sort. 
One day she told you about why they disliked you. You had the power to rule over all the vampires. You were the most perfect kind; the most loved and blessed by God. You could walk under the sun, but you had no heartbeat. You could eat human food and human blood too. But most importantly, you had the authority to make every vampire worship you.
“(y/n)! You’re hurt!”. Just like this one. Jaehyun was a trueborn vampire from a noble family who had been alive for centuries. Their family was one of the richest, dealing with major businesses all over the world. He met you while you worked at the hospital, immediately going on his knees and saying you were the love of his life. “It’s not that bad, Jae. Just a few stitches and I’ll be good to go”. With a small pout, he crouched and moved closer to the tub. 
“It doesn’t matter you’re still hurt”. Another man says, leaning into the door frame. Johnny was also trueborn, but his folks were one of the more terrifying ones. They dealt with shady stuff and attacked humans for no reason or for fun. While Jaehyun was ‘courting’ you, he found you. Smelling your scent from a distance, he approached you and quickly became attached. After a few months, they were both endurable. They visited often and would do anything you asked them to do.
You sighed, watching the two fuss over you. “Johnny could you pass me the kit?“. He nods, reaching over the cabinet to pass you a container. As you pretended to be human, you landed yourself a decent education and even a well-paid job. Working as a doctor had its downsides, you were constantly tired and overworked. But you had access to an excessive amount of blood for your monthly cravings.
At the hospital, you were the kind and talented senior, always looking out for everyone while still being competent to save tons of patients. Among your race, you were the samaritan, handing out ‘food’ and help to the vampires who had no power or weren’t able to suppress their hunger and harmed humans. Slowly, you had a group of individuals under your protection. Their lives changing, because of your kindness.
Wincing, you poke the needle through your skin again. You finally finished after a few knots here and there. Sighing, you press your head on the mirror. A hand brushes on your shoulder. “You okay?“. You watch your reflection in the mirror. You looked paler than usual. Johnny lifts you and walks to your bed. Clutching onto his shoulder, you relax, thankful they were there to help you. “Get some sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning“.
One of them tucks you in and the other brushes the hair from your face. You close your eyes, feeling the exhaustion of taking a knife directly. The men continue to talk. The last thing you hear was something about ‘fucking someone up’. The next morning you’re up and ready. The boys asked up to stay home and rest for the day. You argued, saying your work would definitely make you better.
You walked through the hallways, your coworkers greeting you. Fortunately, your day went by with no complications. A few ‘people’ you’ve helped before dropped by and gave you flowers, saying they got news of your attack last night. You remember the two, they said they would stop by and check up on you during your shift. Your visitors left after you thanked them, but now your office was filled with different plants. That’s why you were walking, looking for places where they needed some help. Fortunately, the ER paged for you.
It wasn’t that far, but you still had to walk there. It was fairly short, but due to the injury you had, it took longer than expected. A longer and a more unexpected turn. While you rounded the corner, you had accidentally bumped into someone. Although you didn’t mind and made your way, that person didn’t. He forcefully took your arm and hauled you to him. “Found you“. He whispered. He had bloodshot eyes, chapped lips, and deep bags. He scared you.
“Oh, my God! I’ve been looking for you everywhere!“. You knew exactly what he was, a crazed trueborn who wanted the ‘ruler’ to reign over them. You’ve met one in the past and successfully escaped from them, but his grip on you was unrelenting. “Let go“. You pushed away from him, terrified. He grinned, jabbing his hand into your wound. You gasp and fall back. 
“You can’t leave. You can’t leave me, us! You’re the only hope for us!“. He snaked his bloody hand around you, dragging you away. Looking around, you searched for someone to help. You could’ve stopped him, but you were practically human at that point. You hadn’t fed in weeks and your body was too busy healing you.
Heavy breaths left your lips. You were essentially dead, but everything still hurt. Somehow, you had grabbed his shoulder to stop him and he turned to you. “Why can’t you understand?“. He yelled. “You are our only salvation! Only you can deliver us from evil, you can be one with God!“. 
Tears slipped through your eyes. You were drained, tired of your life constantly at risk. He was talking about you being a God and that made you sick. “Please, just let go“. You choked and screamed, but he was determined to take you with him.
“What do we have here?“. A familiar voice echoed in your ears. You whipped your head back and there they were. The man turned to them. “Nothing. Turn away if you don’t want to get hurt“. You sobbed, the relief washing over you. “I could say the same to you“. Johnny’s eyes flashed and in a second his hand was on the man’s neck. Jaehyun rushed to your side, holding you as you cried. 
You buried your head into his chest, not wanting to listen to whatever Johnny was doing. “What took you so long? I was waiting for you“. The younger man cradled you. “We were dealing the man from last night, princess. I’m so sorry we were late“. He was stroking your back gently like you might break if he did anything else.
You finally felt your nerves ease, sniffling a bit before looking at Jaehyun. “Can you tell Johnny to stop? He doesn’t need to go that far“. He looked reluctant but signaled to the other male. You hear something drop and footsteps moving to you. “(y/n), how long has it been since you fed?“. You jolt and push yourself up. A bloodied mess in front of you. You grimaced, patting your side. 
“(y/n), I asked you a question. I expect an answer“. Johnny was staring at you, eyes glowing. They held no evil intentions towards you, you knew that, but he still frightened you. Licking your lips, you murmur. “2 months“.
They both sighed. Knowing you fasted again. It’s not like you hated drinking, it just seemed unethical and weird. Johnny lifted your blouse, examining your wound. “If you had just fed, this-“, he poked your wound teasingly, “would be gone by now”. You pushed him away, and the younger growled, “Don’t give her more pain“. 
Rolling his eyes, Johnny used his nail to make a slight cut on his wrist. His blood flowed freely and your senses spiked. Hunger resonated in you, the tips of your fingers tingled at the scent. It wasn’t like you couldn’t feed on each other’s blood. Actually, it was something only mates do. The two men frequently feed you with their own blood. It should’ve marked you as theirs, but because of your divinity, it never did.
“Stop, (y/n). Don’t fight it“. Jaehyun held you in place, his hands firm on you. The other placed his wrist gently on your lips, letting you suckle on his skin. You sighed, the deathly thirst in you burning down. You felt lighter, and the stab didn’t bother you anymore. As you sighed and relaxed, the other men watched with a sinful gaze. Filling their minds up with your vulnerable state. To male vampires, feeding each other was as similar to having sex, but you didn’t know that.
You continued to lap and suck at his skin, whining when he removed his arm. “Ah, Johnny“. He clenched his jaw and watched you pout. Only then did you realize the heavy breaths Jaehyun was making and the tight grasp he had on you. You feel your face flush when you notice the tightness in their pants. “Princess, don’t say my name like that in public, unless?“. You choked, stepping away from them. “W-what? I-I mean, we should, um, clean this up“. They both chuckled. Your stuttering made their hearts melt.
You were glad none of the patients walked by. If they had, Johnny would have killed them on the spot. Jaehyun found out who your attacker was. A deranged turned vampire whose trueborn died. He was looking for something to ease the pain, and sadly, it was you. 
“I’m fine, auntie. It wasn’t serious at all“. You lied through your teeth, pressing the phone into your ear as you leaned into your couch. They finally persuaded you to stay home this time, focusing on healing instead of work. “Don’t lie, I heard from one of my friends that the Jung and Seo family helped you“. You could feel her fuss through her voice.
You hummed. You weren’t sure what to do with them, but they didn’t mind. They were content with you by their side. “With them with you, you could just really be the ‘supreme ruler’!“. You laughed with her. When she said that, you felt like you could do it. But you weren’t influential, nor did you have the strength to do it, for now. “Yeah, leading the entire race doesn’t sound too bad, sounds fun actually“.
You had said it with no intentions. You just went with the flow, chatting with your favorite relative. But to the two trueborns who were secretly eavesdropping, it was a mission. Their smiles were wide, blood rushing, they were excited. Excited to see you rule over them.
yay vampire au! how was it? im not used to writing about graphic scenes yet so
anw, hope u guys liked it
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dazed--xx · 4 years
Request: Can you do a one shot were you fight and he says something that really hurt you bc you were insecure about that and then you act kinda distant and idk can it fluff and angst pretty please đŸ„ș I love your blog 💜(tae)
Summary:  “Maybe I wanted to have some time to myself for a change? Did you ever think about that? Maybe I didn’t want some clingy leach attached to my hip at every second of the fucking day... I finally wanted to be able to fucking breathe. Like damn I can see why your parents didn’t want you... you're fucking useless....” The foul insults like venom. Useless... He thinks you're useless...
Member: Taehyung x Idol!reader
Word Count: 2,276
Genre: Angst, light smut, light fluff
A/N: Shout out to the reader who requested my first Tae one shot, hope you enjoy. I got some big things planned to come out so i hope yall follow make sure you check out my masterlist for other stories 
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(Not my gif)
“Y/N!!” Tae shouts from the living room finally acknowledging my presence for the first time today. Waking me from a dead sleep, that falling feeling startling. “Y/N!!!” His voice booming. Sluggishly, WHAT TIME IS IT?? 1:54 am the alarm clock reads I scream into the pillow and make my wake to the living room. The bright light blinding, Tae on the couch with Jungkook. “Yes?” the annoyance in my tone evident. “We’re hungry can you make us something please?” THE FUCKING NERVE!!!! I roll my eyes “Did you speak to me for the last 16 hours?” confusion creeping onto his face at my passive aggressive attitude. Jungkook’s face contorts obviously uncomfortable. “I was just asking you to make us food, no need to be a bitch about it ill just order out” He snaps back “and by the way if you have something to fucking say then say it I don’t appreciate the off handed comments especially when you could have come to me as well and speak to me..” his eyes roll, Jungkook eyeing the door “WELL!.... this has been......fun. I'm gonna head out. Sorry Y/N didn’t mean to upset you” I smile at his friendliness. “Goodnight Jungkookie, I'll see you next time okay I'm sorry to make you feel uncomfortable.” I escort him out the door.  
Tae’s eyes fuming as I turn around. “Look what you fucking did! You made him leave all because of you’re stupid fucking attitude!” He shouts, throwing his controller on the ground smashing it. “You couldn’t just say you didn’t fucking feel like it instead of pushing my friend out the fucking door” fear creeping up in my body. Me and Tae have fought before but he’s never raised his voice like this. He’s never been THIS angry before. “Tae, I’m sorry but I was sleeping and-” “DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WHAT YOU WERE DOING?” his terrifying voice booming. Tears sting my eyes all my anger from the day boiling over as the confession spews out of my mouth “NO YOU DON’T BECAUSE YOU NEVER FUCKING CARE ABOUT WHAT THE FUCK I DO TODAY WAS A CLEAR INDICATION OF THAT NO? YOU HAVE A FUCKING DAY OFF AND YOU LITERALLY SPEND IT IGNORING ME AND PLAYING YOUR STUPID ASS GAME. I ASK YOU TO TAKE A WALK WITH ME AND YOURE TOO TIRED. I ASK YOU TO TAKE A NAP WITH ME YOU WANT TO BE UP. SO, WHAT THE FUCK IS IT HUH? SO, WHEN I FINALLY, FINALLY FALL ASLEEP YOU WANT TO FUCKING WAKE ME UP TO ASK ME TO COOK FOR YOU AND JUNGKOOK?????????”  
“Maybe I wanted to have some time to myself for a change? Did you ever think about that? Maybe I didn’t want some clingy leach attached to my hip at every second of the fucking day... I finally wanted to be able to fucking breathe. Like damn I can see why your parents didn’t want you... you're fucking useless....” The foul insults like venom. Useless... He thinks you're useless...
“Y/N! YOU RUINED IT! IT WAS MY FAVORITE AND YOU BROKE IT!!” My older sister shouts, as her hand harshly cracks along my cheek. Tears stream down my face, “I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to...” I whimper. The mirror on the ground shattered like my heart, my sisters rough hand shoves me to my knees. Glass stabbing at my skin like a thousand knives, her hand in my hair. “CLEAN IT NOW!!!” Her shouting alerts my mother. “Y/S/N? What's going on?” My mother's soft voice asks as she comes into the room. “Tsk....Y/N what did you do now?” Annoyance in her tone, her eyes rolling. “She broke my mirror. She broke my favorite mirror....she's so useless mom why is she here she needs to go.” My sister whined.  
“Let her go, Y/N pick this up and come to my room...” the tone dark. Fear taking a hold of my chest. Whilst cleaning the mirror my sisters torture did not end glass penetrated my hand every time, she shoved me over as I held each shard with care. Dread fills me as the mirror is completely clean. Slowly, I trek to my mother's room my 12-year-old frame trembling as I stand in front of my mother's door heart beating threatening to burst out of my chest.  
“Y/N LETS GO NOW” my mother shouts from the other side of the door. The beating didn’t last too long the pain only temporary; the lecture lasted a lifetime the pain forever. “Why do you have to be so damn useless huh? It's like you enjoy ruining our lives, you never seem to do anything right and I'm so god damn tired of fucking covering for you. SO, you need to go, I don’t care where it is you go but it's not here. I want you out by tomorrow and don’t take none of that expensive shit that’s mine”. I was out within the hour, terrified of what may come if I lasted until tomorrow. Rushing out of the door at 3 am with all of my essential belongings in hand, with no destination in sight.  
Months go by living all around Seoul at parks, bus stations, motels when I get really lucky. Singing in the street to come up with a few dollars to eat. Some days I didn’t make enough and I would slip items in my clothes, becoming quite the “artist”.  One day, I’m singing in front of a small store front 2 gentlemen dressed lavishly listening intently phone recording as my verse comes to an end. Their eyes burning holes into me as a blush creeps up onto my face. The crowd disperses at the top of my hat a business card BIG HIT ENTERTAINMENT. Confusion strikes me turning the card over. A small hand written note and address on the back ‘TOMORROW 2 PM’. My heart races WHAT????
“Y/N-AH STOP BEING SO DAMN USELESS AND PLEASE HIT THE BEAT ON THE RIGHT COUNT!” My groups dance lead, Hye-un shouts. Fury in her eyes, “Seriously we probably would have debuted by now if you could do something right like you can't sing, you can't dance...what can you do huh?? Stand there? Remember you’re only here because Namjoon oppa felt bad for you.” her words cut like knives. “Namjoon oppa thinks I'm good..” I mutter weakly, under my breathe as tears slide down my face. Every girl laughs, “No, honestly no one does like come on, you can't see it, He felt bad for you idiot. You were homeless and needed a place to go.” Jisoo snaps. Her words breaking my heart, grabbing my bag and dashing toward the door. They won't get to see me cry...not like that... not for them.  
Running down the hallway, hunting for the farthest studio away from them to release my demons. THUD! “Oof DUDE WATCH WHERE YO-” The loud voice cut off “LOOK IM NOT IN THE FUCKING MOOD MOVE” I shout as I stand up to run past the stranger. “Damn... Okay... rude... are you okay though you look like you’re crying” He says as I wipe my eyes getting a clear view of the man that I've collided with. A blush instantly creeping on my face as the familiar face becomes recognizable and my head shoots down, Taehyung oppa. All the anger in me fades quickly as the god like man shifted. My voice is shaky, “IM SO SORRY, I wasn’t paying attention. I'm just having a rough morning. I should get going, I'm so sorry... I..Um...S-Sorry” He chuckles “Ha, you said that already...3 times in fact” a small giggle escapes my lips.
“So, I know you don’t know me or anything but I’m a great listener. Maybe you can tell me what's going on, it might help” He says sincerely. Hesitant, I look down “um....-” “Look, don’t worry if you don’t want to physically tell me give me your number you can text it to me then that way you and I don’t have to be face to face and it can help you to get more out that sound good?” I nod as he pulls out his phone and asks for mine. His number in my phone as Tae<3. A smile creeps up onto my face as he pulls me into a hug. My body melts into his like I've known him for years. “Okay so I'll talk to you later” A smile on his face as he walks off.  
Blushing, as realization dawns on me as I pull my phone out to text him.  
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From there I told Tae everything, my fears, my past, insecurities. Useless....that's all I’ve ever been. My sobs no longer able to be held back as they barrel their way through my chest. “F-fin-ne then Tae you won't have to worry about me being in your way anymore” I whisper as I turn around and walk into the bedroom Tae and I share. Locking the door behind me I curl up in bed and let the tears take over me. Mama never loved you, the girls never wanted you to debut with them, they made you go solo because of how useless the group thought you were, You're so fucking useless to Tae. I ruin fucking everything I'm sorry Tae. The tears putting you to sleep eventually.  
FUCK!! FUCK!! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!! FUCK! YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO???????!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!!! The regret fills my mind as the bedroom door locks in my face. Her sobs filling the apartment, my heart cracking at the sound. Sitting outside of the door listening to the love of my life cry herself to sleep in our bedroom, alone, because of me. Baby I'm so sorry...you know I never would mean anything like that, but the words never come out.  
Nothing can physically come out as my heart pounds in my throat terrified of what tomorrow could bring. Would she leave? NO! Tae don’t think like that Y/N loves you and she’ll know you could never mean that...right? Tears streaming down my face at the thought. You fucked up...you fucking hurt her in one of the worst fucking ways possible. There's no way she's going to forgive you. Trudging back to the couch as I let the tears consume me.  
The sun beaming in my eyes, burning, as I blink myself awake. Eyes sore, Tae’s words resting at the front of my mind. Making my way to the restroom, the second the door is open Tae is in front of me on his knees. “Baby, I’m an asshole okay but I love you and-and I'm sorry” He pleads as he wraps his arms around my waist head resting against my stomach. Disgust filling me, “Move, I have to use the restroom” Tae’s saddened figure retreats back to the living room defeated. Tears stream down my face as the hot water from the shower soaks me. My pain evident, Tae shuffling outside of the bathroom door every few minutes whispering to himself before disappearing back into the living room.  
Placing one of my tank tops and sweat pants on, I make my way out of the bathroom. Tae rushing behind me as I walk back into the bed room. The saddened puppy looks still on his face. His regret in his eyes, his face is puffy and red proof he’s been crying over his words. The sight weakening my angry state as he reaches for my face and looks into my eyes caressing my cheek. His gaze drifting to my lips, slowly leaning forward he brushes his lips against mine looking for some form of consent. My eyes close as he presses forward and kisses me with so much emotion, his tongue delving in to my mouth and tasting me. A slight moan released from his lips as he presses me against the bedroom door slamming it shut. He lifts my right leg over his waist pulling me closer, as lips slide down to my neck. The way his tongue attacks my neck, drawing a puddle in my panties, his member grinding against me hard as a rock. The need for more grows inside me as Tae pulls his lips off of my body as he whispers in my ear his voice shaky and terrified “I-I’m so s-sorry, I love you and you’re not useless. I didn’t mean it. I could never mean it, you’re perfect I swear. And I'm such an ass for saying something like that there’s no excuse for what I said but please, okay, I'm BEGGING you don’t leave me.”  
A tear slides down my face as he shakes, crying into my ear wrapping his arms around my waist. Tae’s sadness washing away any animosity toward him at his words. “Baby... you hurt me but I'd never leave you. You're all I have and I'm never giving you up” I hug him back. His smile against my neck. “I don’t deserve you.....I'm sorry” I nod and run my hands through his hair. “SO! Were you just being a tease or are you gonna finish what you started?” I ask seductively as I put Tae’s hand in my pants, a smirk creeps onto his face.  
“Oh, Kitten, I have so many plans for us today”  
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Everything Burns - Chapter 23
Pairing: Ledger Joker X OC
Warnings: Violence, Explosions, Blood
Word count: 1793
Previous Chapters: Chapter 1 | - Chapter 22
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Chapter 23: Goodbye Gotham
It was deadly silent that night as Scarlett sat waiting for this plan of Jack's to take place. She had no idea what was going to happen or how but she knew it would be tonight. She chewed on her straight jacket again hoping to free herself, so she was useful when he came to get her. Maybe part of her hoped she could touch him again as well, it had been so very long since she had felt his skin against her own.
He had told her nothing other than to sit as far away from the door as possible. So she sat her back against the back wall of her cell but when the hours passed by and still there was no sound Scarlett began to worry, but then just as she was about to give up hope.
"Working late, Doc?" came an all too familiar voice before a gun shot was heard and a signature cackle.
"La la la la la" sang Joker's voice and she swore she could hear him skipping.
"That one there, big man" said Joker's voice and then there was a strange, groaning sound as the door to Scarlett's cell visibly bent inwards until with a mighty crash and it was torn from the wall and landed with the door still in the frame, inches from her feet flat on the floor. An enormous man with muscles that looked as though they were about to burst out of his own skin, stood in the doorway. His head was mostly bald but there were a few strands that still persisted, though it looked as though he ripped at them with his enormous hands. The man stared at her for a moment before he roared at her so viciously that she felt the spit from his mouth hit her cheek.
"Now, now Aaron, what have we said, happy thoughts. This is a lady and we show ladies respect" cooed the Joker and finally, she could see him. Though he was still dressed in his grey tracksuit bottoms and a grey t-shirt, he was grinning again and she beamed at him. He looked like Joker again.
"Jester, this is Aaron he's helping with our escape," said Joker as he moved into the room and began to cut her straight jacket from her.
"Oh J," she laughed as he pulled her to her feet and he just grinned.
"I got you a gift," he said happily and she smiled before he handed her a handgun with a paper flower stuck onto the barrel.
"I love it," she said and he giggled before he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the cell.
Aaron the giant of a man was now breaking other patients out. Joker pulled her through the rabble as somewhere above them an alarm blared out. A few guards were on duty but didn't even see Joker and Jester coming as they tried to control the other patients and soon both guards had a bullet between the eyes. It all moved so quickly as Joker and Jester ran through the commotion of the Asylum riot, every guard they came across lay dead by the time they were through.
"I killed that Doctor lady for you," announced Joker as he rounded a corner with Jester in tow.
"Oh how romantic" she laughed and Jack cackled again, before he shot her a look that told he did indeed think his actions were very romantic and that only made her smile more.
They were heading straight for the main entrance, when the beast of the woman Heidi, who had taken pleasure in torturing Jester as best she could, rounded the corner blocking their escape. Her enormous chest was heaving as she stared angrily at the pair. Joker raised his gun towards the woman, but Scarlett held up her hand.
"No, I want to," said Jester in a voice similar to a child asking for a sweet.
"Oh of course, go ahead, princess," said Joker as he lowered his gun. Jester pulled out her own and pointed it at the enormous woman who was staring at her with venomous eyes.
"You weren't very nice to me," whined Jester, shaking her head at the woman.
"Are you going to say sorry?" asked Jester but the woman only sneered.
"SAY SORRY" Joker roared in a voice that was almost demonic.
But still Heidi stayed quiet and so without blinking Scarlett lowered her gun and in a swift movement, fired twice blowing out both of Heidi's knee caps. The gargantuan woman roared in pain and collapsed to the floor.
"I'm sorry" she sobbed lying at Jester's feet.
"Pardon, I didn't hear that" Jester cackled and the woman cried.
"I'm sorry, you psycho bitch!" Screamed Heidi tears streaming down her face.
"Oh, that was the wrong answer," joked Jester happily before she fired again catching Heidi in the throat. Joker allowed her to stay for a moment and watch the woman who had tormented her, choke on her own blood, her eyes desperate. Jester seemed to be filled with life and joy. Once the life had completely drained from her and hole in her neck had stopped squirting, Jester allowed Joker to pull her away and towards the large double doors that lead to the foyer.
Aaron the giant had caught up with them and was breaking through the doors that lead to foyer, behind Jester were hundreds of escapees just waiting to get out. With one enormous push the double door broke apart and opened with such force they ricocheted off the wall of the foyer and swung back inwards catching one inmate off guard and breaking his nose.
Joker somewhat dragged Jester to the front desk and pointed the gun at the guard that was sat there.
"Me and my lady would like to check out, so we will be wanted our things," said Joker as he draped an arm around Jester shoulder, and smiled with a sickly sweet smile. His gun still pointed at the guards head. The guard took a quick look around before deciding it was best not to argue with the hundreds of inmates and especially not with the psychopath pointing a gun at his head. The Guard unlocked the room where all the personal items were kept and Joker smiled.
"Much obliged," Joker laughed before he shot the man in the eye and headed for the room. Joker found all his things smiling at the note on bag which read.
"Name: Unknown
Alias: The Joker
Address: Unknown
Next Of Kin: Unknown"
He snatched up the clear plastic zip lock bag that held all his worldly goods and glanced over at the girl beside him who was holding her own equally large bag.
"Lets get out of her, gorgeous," he said and Scarlett laughed loudly.
He grabbed her hand again and pulled her through the rabble of inmates. The sound of the alarm filled the air still as they made it out into the fresh cool night air, at the bottom of the steps leading up to the asylum sat a lone black car and Joker laughed with triumphant as he led her towards it. The sound of police sirens was breaking through the sound of the Asylum alarm as Joker held the door to the back passenger seat of the car, with one final look behind him he jumped in beside her.
"Go Go," he said excitably jumping up and down in his seat slightly as the car shot off, the blue lights filled the rear view mirror as they headed away from the asylum. Just as Joker was about to lean out and fire at the cop a great lumbering form leaped at the police car and turned it over. Aaron roared at the police officer as he climbed out the wreckage of the car before Aaron lumbered over to him and literally pulled the police officer apart. Tearing his limbs from his body like he were made of wet paper.
Jack's cackles filled the car as it raced away from Asylum and Scarlett turned to him and with both hands she grabbed his face and brought her lips to his. He responded almost instantly as he wrapped his arms around her and brought her as close as possible. They crashed teeth in their sloppy and manic kiss but as they pulled away both were grinning.
Jack peered out there back window of the car and nodded to himself when he saw nothing but empty streets.
"Could we just stop here for a second" Jack called out.
"Sure boss," said the driver and slowly the car pulled to a halt at the side of the road.
Jack held up a finger motioning for her to wait as he got out the car and closed the door before climbed into the passenger seat.
"I've got a problem," said Joker to the driver who suddenly looked worried but made not motion to move.
"You see me and Jester are not going to get caught again. So the fewer people to know where we are going the better, so I'm afraid your services are no longer needed. It's nothing personal" said Jack before he raised the gun and fired.
It was horrific not only had the shot been such close quarters that the drivers head had essentially exploded but also the noise inside the car a reverberated causing Scarlett to become incredibly disorientated. By the time Jack had dragged the body out of the car and dumped it on the sidewalk before getting back into the driver seat, she had only just got her head to focus again, her ears still ringing and her eyes watering slightly.
"We are going to have to leave Gotham for a while," said Jack and he drove the car away from the curb.
"Okay" Scarlett said
"Come get in the front," he said and she nodded and with some difficultly, she pulled herself into the front passenger seat.
"Where are we going to go?" Jester asked as she looked out the window of the buildings rushing by.
"I don't know yet, just not Gotham" Jack didn't say much more after that and Jester watched at the passed by the sign that read. "Now leaving Gotham, Thank you for driving carefully" and she sighed Gotham sure had been a lot of fun.
"Don't worry Gorgeous, I'm not done with Gotham yet, we will be back before you know it." He said reaching across the car and squeezing her thigh slightly and with a grin Scarlet lay her head on his shoulder.
"I love you, Jack," she said and Joker glanced at her on his shoulder and smiled.
"Me, too Gorgeous"
The End 
Thank you all for reading and I really hope you enjoyed this story. I may write a sequel or follow up oneshots but I currently have no inspiration or plans to do so. Please like and Reblog if you enjoyed.
Much Love
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jackdawyt · 4 years
Contaminated with the Blight. Known to thin the Veil, and forces anyone who dare wield it go mad. There’s a lot we’ve got to talk about regarding this most blighted material, however, in order for us to foreshadow what involvement red Lyrium may have in the future, we’ve got to excavate its original source – raw lyrium.  
Regular, non-tainted Lyrium is a mineral constantly mined for its properties, it has many purposes in Thedas today. The dwarves have built a trade empire mining and selling the material across the entire continent because of its usage. This trade is the main reason why Tevinter and the dwarven kingdoms have such a close relationship.  
Lyrium is essentially a mana booster, able to strengthen one’s magical power beyond what anyone might naturally muster. When mixed into liquid and ingested, Lyrium allows mages to enter the Fade consciously.  No wonder the mages of the Imperium have such a secure trade of the substance.  
While mages combine Lyrium with spells and rituals. Templars ingest the substance to enhance their abilities at resisting and dispelling magic, while the dwarves and non-magic wielders use Lyrium to create magical runes and enchant items.  
Even the Qunari were intrigued by its usage and began experimenting with the properties of Lyrium to bulk up their own mages called “Saarebas.”  
In the current Dragon Age, Lyrium has become a beneficial and essential mineral for the majority of Thedas.  
As Lyrium exists in both the physical world and The Fade, the Chantry believes Lyrium to be the “emerald waters of the Fade, the very substance of creation itself.” While others call Lyrium a conductor that "bridges the gap between the dreamer’s world and the waking world” (WoT V1).
Whatever the truth is... There’s a lot beyond the surface regarding this powerful substance that the common Thedosian may never know.  
The dwarves call “Lyrium” - “Isana” which translates to “singing stone” (WoT V1).
This is because Lyrium is; in fact, a living substance, it’s said to be the very blood of the world-shaping Titans.  
According to; their children, the dwarves, the legendary, ancient beings sculpted the world. Their earthquakes are apparently their method of reshaping Thedas to their accord.  
It's impossible to describe in words how truly vast a Titan is. The one I met is so large you can only glimpse parts of it. I had wandered inside its body for who knows how long without even realizing it. I've heard tales of dragons and giants on the surface, but descriptions of their size do not compare to the Titan's.
Its blood now flows through me, and its song fills the gaps in our history. I close my eyes and see glimpses of the world that was, before everything changed and the dwarven race broke in two. Something caused the Titans to fall, and the fate of my people fell with them. The Titan wants me to know. No, more than that. It wants me to understand. There is a loneliness to its song.
Codex entry: Titans: Shaper Valta's personal journal.
Whether the Titans, or “Pillars of the Earth” created Thedas, and have since been dwelling since the beginning of creation itself is still a rather ambiguous mystery. However, based on codex entries, we can confirm that the Titans existed before the Veil was created.  
In actuality, before the Veil’s creation, the Kingdom of the Elvhen hunted and declared war against the Titans, stating their death will be a mercy and will make the earth blossom with their passing.
"In this place we prepare to hunt the pillars of the earth. Their workers scurry, witless, soulless. This death will be a mercy. We will make the earth blossom with their passing."
Mythal, All-mother of the Elven Pantheon struck down a Titan, as the people praised her name.  
"Hail Mythal, adjudicator and savior! She has struck down the pillars of the earth and rendered their demesne unto the People! Praise her name forever!" 
With the defeat of a Titan, the Ancient Elves discovered Lyrium from its body. The elves continued to fight with the Titans, mining their bodies for raw Lyrium and "something else" which has been made unclear.  
"The runes say the Evanuris fought the Titans. They mined their bodies for lyrium and... something else. It's not clear."
While I’m trying not to theorise and speculate, Cole once said: "They made bodies from the earth. And the earth was afraid. It fought back. But they made it forget."
Perhaps the Ancient Elvhen made Lyrium bodies from the Titan’s blood. Crafting strong, resilient vessels for the Evanuris and their people to inhabit. Continuing their savage hunt against the Titans.  
Thus, explaining the fall and disconnect of the Titans from their children, the dwarves. Justifying why the dwarven kingdom have grown disattached to their creators throughout the ages, and only now have begun to re-establish that connection once more.  
In any regard, the Titans were not completely silenced. They slumbered for years, and somewhere down the line, Red Lyrium came into existence. Perhaps caused by the Evanuris war, or perhaps self-inflicted by the Titans themselves, we don’t know. Red Lyrium’s origin is still a huge enigma... However, we do know that the spread of Red Lyrium has merely just begun.  
The red corrupted substance is a perverted form of raw Lyrium. Just like its predecessor, Red Lyrium is alive, it has a lifespring, and it grows and multiplies across Thedas. It too ties power between the waking world and the Fade.
To answer your question, my lord: yes, I have indeed heard of this "red lyrium" of which you speak. A single piece of it surfaced in the eastern city of Kirkwall, and its influence alone was nearly enough to cause the city's destruction. As near as we can determine, it is regular lyrium that has been somehow corrupted. Those who have touched red lyrium—or even come near it—report that it "sings" to them, like whispers in the mind that slowly drive them mad.
—From a partially burned letter by an unknown writer, affixed with the Grey Warden seal.
As discovered by Bianca Davri, Red Lyrium carries the blight, explaining its twisted form.  
Unlike regular lyrium which requires you to digest it in order for it to impact you. Red Lyrium corrupts everything it touches, being in close proximity to it will greatly affect you.  
Far more disturbing is the fact that lyrium could be corrupted at all. Treat any red lyrium you encounter as if it were poison. Do not go near it, do not attempt to destroy it... and most importantly, do not attempt to use it.
—From a partially burned letter by an unknown writer, affixed with the Grey Warden seal.
The substance is most unique, it can thin the Veil, allowing spirits and demons to interact with the real world. Prolonged exposure will change not only your mental outlook but your physical appearance too.  
It tends to leave people or animals in a mad-like state. They become paranoid, and see no reasoning for morality, as Bartrand sabotages his own brother Varric. Red Lyrium tends to consume the mind and take over. Much like the reasoning for the Red Templars in Inquisition, Red Lyrium is very deadly, and grows off of anything living.
We do not know, however, what might stem from extended contact with red lyrium. Madness, surely, but would there be a physical corruption as well? What would happen if a mage or a templar used red lyrium as they use regular lyrium?
—From a partially burned letter by an unknown writer, affixed with the Grey Warden seal.
Speaking more specifically on Red Lyrium’s growth - its corruption throughout the land has merely begun - and attempting to remove the mineral is likely a fruitless effort, as it will have already introduced itself into the food chain, which begets more corruption: as Red Lyrium effects all it touches, insects digest blighted soil, animals then digest the blighted insects, this will have a knock-on effect, more animals, plants and trees will become tainted by merely following their survival instincts until eventually the people of Thedas are infected by their own harvest.  
While a lot of the growth of Red Lyrium has been greatly caused by the hands of many Thedosian’s, a great deal of its development into the eco system is simply inevitable. It's merely a matter of days until a Ferelden Farmer has spoiled crops, an Orlesian Noble eats an infected nug, and a predator hunting its prey soon becomes blighted.  
And that’s not all that lingers for the future, Red Lyrium has plenty of involvement in many scenarios that awaits Thedas.  
The Titan’s connection
When Valta connected with a Titan, she felt pure, wasn’t afraid anymore, and could somehow survive without needing food or water, as if the Titan’s essence was her sole sustenance. The Titan connected with one of their children stopped the tremors throughout the land.
Valta established a longing connection with the dwarves supposed creators, as adult and child rekindled once more, Valta’s consciousness intertwined with the knowledge of the Titans. Vital information that would shake up the entirety of the dwarven kingdom’s foundation.  
With Valta’s connection, surely the Titan’s seek to find the rest of their children, becoming one once more.  
Red Lyrium Idol
The Red Lyrium Idol is still a mystery. This McGuffin was brought back in Tevinter Nights, instead of being destroyed when Meredith created her sword Certainty, it stayed within her statue-like corpse, preserved for a fair while.  
it’s been described as: “a couple hugging, too thin to be dwarves”, or “a god mourning their sacrifice.” However, disregarding what it supposedly looks like, this idol belongs to Solas. It’s his, and he wants it back, he has a purpose for it.  
Its current whereabouts have been set up for interpretation, we can assume the Idol is either with a noble’s son heading to war torn Tevinter, or Solas has indeed collected his long-lost possession after some time. Again, we can only assume at this point where it may be, and why Solas requires it.  
Red Lyrium Sarcophagus
In Dragon Age: Blue Wraith, the most recently released comic book roster, the comic cast uncover a Lyrium Sarcophagus, originally utilised for Fenris’s transformation into a “Blue Wraith”. The device infuses the occupant with Lyrium markings that grant the host with immense power like the ability to go through walls, and tear an enemy's heart out of their chest.  
Towards the end of Blue Wraith, we understand that the Venatori have this device and intend on willingly putting one of Fenris’s trusted friends through the device using Red Lyrium to make him a most formidable, unstoppable warrior.  
If successful, perhaps this practice may become common in Tevinter for the remaining Venatori and their elven slaves.
New clusters of Lyrium  
Discovered briefly in Tevinter Nights, The Horror Of Hormak, other colours and variations of Lyrium seemingly exist. A massive Lyrium crystal glowing yellow and green hung suspended deep within a lost dwarven thaig.  
Above it, a massive lyrium crystal hung suspended. It glowed with a sickly light, tinged with yellow and green. Streamers of energy flowed from it into the pool, sending it bubbling wherever it touched. (Horror Of Hormak, pg. 100).  
With more variations of Lyrium deep underground, perhaps we’ll begin to see different properties of this mineral, who knows, perhaps this could lead to other Titans waking up across Thedas.
Origin Of The Blight
And of course, we need to comprehend how the blight began. I attempting at looking at this plot thread, without going to deep into theory, but I do believe it has something to do with the Titan’s war between the Evanuris, because suddenly Red Lyrium pops into the picture and the Elven Pantheon are becoming mad with armour of the Void, turning against each other.  
Perhaps a Blighted Titan is the original source of the blight, as it reaches out for revenge against the Evanuris, attempting to establish a connection with their children once more, destroying everything else in its path...
So many mysteries, and so much to go on for the future of Dragon Age!  That is it for my first entry in this Road To Dragon Age 4 series, let me know what you thought of it, and tell me your potential theories for the future Dragon Age narrative.  
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