#it's one of my favorite things about her i love her so much ahhhhhh
continuants · 1 year
"making yourself into a character is surely a way to continue the extended universe of your work" - julia (who has zero understanding of homestuck) on d-clussie
followed by:
"homestuck is as much of a function of tumblr as the frogs* (she means multiple checkmarks), and could most likely be an inside joke that doesn't exist anywhere else"
dating someone who has never used tumblr is truly astonishing hehehehehehe
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irkimatsu · 6 months
AHHHHHH I love Husk and your content is by far my FAVORITE 😍 the sweet, the smut, the little bit of both...I love it all.
So I have a cute idea for this one. Neko!reader x husk. The reader isn't fully cat, but has the ears and tail, a cat-like face and of course the mannerisms. Husk is crushing hard and thinks that she (or they, whichever pronouns :) ) is cute and nonchalantly points out that it's adorable when her ears twitch. And then she's like, "And you wonder why we're always messing with you, eyy Kitten?" which makes him all flustered and he can't even say anything.
I can just picture them doing the equivalent of holding hands only their tails wrapped around each other 😚😚
Thank you so much for enjoying my writing!
I envisioned Reader as an anthro like Husk; I'm hoping that's what you meant with your description! Reader gets drunk and rants to Husk about cat instincts, Husk offers some advice, light flirting and flustered Husk ensues. I hope this is close enough to what you wanted! 1.2k words, SFW, female reader!
You’ve had way too much to drink.
It’s not like you’re inexperienced at drinking; you knew the hard stuff you were knocking back would be enough to get you wasted. That was the point.  Maybe if you got drunk enough, you could shut off the stupid cat instincts that hadn’t left you alone since the moment you died. The exercises you’ve been doing at this hotel for the past few months may have taught you things like not stealing and believing in the power of friendship, but there hadn’t yet been any lessons on how to stop swiping at your own tail every time it entered the corner of your field of vision.
You’re not sure if the alcohol has turned off the instincts, but it sure has turned on your mouth. Without thinking about what you’re saying, you’ve been ranting to the bartender for the past thirty minutes, barely pausing to take a breath. Surely he doesn’t mind, right? Not only are bartenders supposed to listen when their customers want to bitch, but he’s in the exact same position as you are as far as species goes!
“...and the fuckin’ hairballs!” is the latest thought in your stream of word vomit. “I thought mucus was bad! Hairballs! They get stuck in my throat, and they itch like hell until I can cough ‘em up!”
“They sell stuff down here to take care of that,” the bartender says, pouring you another drink without you asking. “It tastes like shit, but it works. I don’t get ‘em anymore unless I forget to drink it.”
“And what about shedding?!” you continue on as if he didn’t say anything. “It’s impossible to keep my room clean! It’s like the more I clean up, the more fur there is!”
“Niffty’s been helpin’ me with that since I met her. She gets pissed about the fur I leave everywhere otherwise. She ain’t gentle with that brush, though.”
You take another gulp of your drink and slam it down onto the bar. “Fuck, think I just swallowed some fur…”
“You haven’t even been dead for a year yet, right?” Husk asks. “ That’s barely anything. Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of time to get used to being a cat. Some of the bullshit never goes away, but it becomes part of you.”
“Do you like being a cat?” you ask.
He laughs at your question. “Hell no! But what choice do I have? There’s no going back to bein’ human for any of us. May as well learn how to deal with it.” He takes a gulp of his own drink, not even bothering to pour it into a glass. “If ya want, I can take you to a good supply place sometime. They’ve got good products if you can put up with the fact that it looks like a fuckin’ pet store.”
“Hmm…” you neither accept nor deny his offer. You only take another drink, swallowing more damn fur in the process. That’s definitely gonna lead to some late-night hairballs. “It’s so annoying…” you whine as you plop your chin on the bar. “Why couldn’t I have been something cool? You know I saw a giant lizard the other day? Lucky bastard…”
“Bet they have a hell of a time findin’ clothes,” he says. “Or even gettin’ into places to begin with.”
“And even you got wings…” you continue on.
“Yeah. Wings. I get to clean up after fur and feathers, and if I don’t find the perfect position while sleeping the fuckin’ things go numb.” He takes your glass away, but you’re too lost in your own self-pity to protest. “We’ve all gotta get used to our new bodies when we get down here, and I doubt it’d be any different if we somehow got into heaven. Just gotta make the best of it.” He turns around to put away some bottles. “Besides, it’s not all bad. At least you’re cute.”
“...what was that?” you say, not expecting that word out of Husk’s mouth.
“I said you’re cute. Everyone thinks cats are cute, don’t they? Even I liked ‘em when I was alive. I don’t want to be one, but you can’t resist their mannerisms, can ya? The big eyes, the soft fur…”
He turns around just in time to see your right ear flicking in annoyance from the condescension. “The twitchy ears…”
You smirk, knowing the weight of what you’re about to say next but too drunk to stop yourself. “So now you get why Angel and I are always commenting on your mannerisms, eh, kitty?”
“Whoa! Hey!” His fur bristles, and you know you shouldn’t find his own agitation cute, but you can’t help yourself. It helps you understand the way he was just talking to you, at least. “That’s different! You’re a young lady! You died at, what, 25? You’re supposed to be cute! I’m an old man who drank myself to death. Nothin’ cute about that.”
“You’ve still got the big eyes and the soft fur…” you continue on.
He groans in response. “If you were a stranger saying that shit to me, I’d kill you.”
“So what makes me so special?” Your tail waves playfully behind you, and he’s obviously following it with his eyes and blushing.
“I…” he starts, but never manages to come up with the rest of the sentence. “Jesus Christ,” is all he has to offer before grabbing a couple of glasses from the shelf. He fills them both with water, then carries them around to the other side of the bar.
“Here,” he says as he sets one of the glasses in front of you. “Drink this. You’re gonna feel like shit in the morning. May as well not be dehydrated on top of everything else.”
You stare at the cup as he takes a seat on the stool next to you. “How do you resist the urge to knock cups over?” you ask.
“Lots of self-control,” he says with a smirk before guzzling his glass in one go.
You place your paw on the side of the glass, originally intending to pick it up, but an overwhelming spark takes over your brain, and you start easing the cup toward the edge of the bar. Husk grabs it and places it back where it started before it can crash to the floor.
“You’ll get used to it,” he assures you. He’s finished his water, but for a reason you can’t determine, he’s still sitting next to you.
“How long have you been down here?” you ask. “A couple years?”
“Mmm… fifty?” he guesses. “Almost as long as I was alive, at this point.”
“Fifty years?!” you exclaim. “And you still have to deal with cat instincts?!”
He shrugs. “Like I said, it never goes away. Just gotta get used to it, take the good with the bad.”
“The good…” you repeat. “Like being cute?”
“Oh, shut up,” he says. “...but in your case… yeah. Like being cute.”
You finally manage to pick up your water without giving into the desire for destruction. As you take a sip, something feathery starts to tickle against your tail. You look over at Husk from the corner of your eye. He’s trying to be nonchalant, not even looking at you, but there’s only one thing that could be brushing against you right now.
Without looking, you shift your tail, allowing it to curl around Husk’s. Husk curls his around yours in turn, your tail tips forming a spiral that just barely reaches the floor.
It’s the closest he’ll get to flirting for now. You’ll take what you can get.
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berryhobii · 11 months
OMG HI😭😭i love your writing so much like im obsessed you’re so talented!!! i see your request are open and i just wanted to see if you do something where it’s after Yoongi and Y/N get into petty argument and Y/N is like “you know what? whatever” and gives Yoongi the silent treatment however, Yoongi hates being ignored (especially by his girl) so after giving her some space for a few hours and trying to get her to talk to him, he’s had enough oh the silence and decides to take matters into his own hands 🫣 I HOPE THIS MADE SENSE😭😭😭this thought has been running rampant in my mind for a week and i would love to see how you would write this ! there’s no rush, take your time if you don’t feel like it that’s TOTALLY okay i just want you to know that you’re writing is IMMACULATE, chefs mf kiss 🤌🏾 and that’s you are so freaking talented!! thank you for sharing your writing with us🥰🥰💕
Ahhhhhh! I love you so much! Your requests have given me such good ideas! I hope I fulfilled this one well. It turned into kind of brat tamer Yoongi who loves reader to pieces because I love everything about that trope. I really hope you love it bb!🩵🩵🩵
“Turn left up here!”
“I know where I’m going!”
“Obviously not! The parking lot will be full by the time we get there.”
Currently, you and your husband were on the way to your favorite store to spend some more of the gift cards you got at your wedding. You received so many and Yoongi made you agree that you’d only use them for important things.
New stuff for Holly counted as important, right? Of course it did.
A few months ago, you two moved to a new neighborhood which meant you didn’t really know where everything was.
As designated passenger princess, it was your responsibility to look hot, control the music and also manage the GPS to get you places but Yoongi wanted to trust his car’s GPS more than you. Ridiculous right?
He sighed. “I know where I’m going, okay? I don’t need your help.”
Your mouth dropped, a scandalized and dramatic gasp passing your glossed lips. How dare he?!
Crossing your arms over your chest, you slumped in the passenger seat. “You know what? Whatever, Yoongi.” You mumbled.
Silence enveloped the car, only the low sound of J.Cole’s melodic voice filling the space.
Yoongi glanced over at you, a smile threatening his lips at your pouty face. Ugh, you were such a spoiled little brat but he loved you so much. He actually took pleasure in riling you up and watching you get all huffy. Everytime he saw that princess personality, it awakened something in him—a need to both smother you with kisses and spank your ass until you were crying.
He reached over to place a large hand on your thigh. “Come on baby. Don’t be upset.”
You ignored him, fully turning your body towards the window. Uh oh, your full super bratty mode was activated.
“Are you really gonna ignore me?” He pondered.
No answer.
“Baby please. I’m sorry.”
He guessed he’d have to roll with this.
When Yoongi pulled into the parking lot of your favorite store, he tried to talk to you again but you were already out of the car.
Unfortunately, whenever you were upset with Yoongi, you got a sudden stroke of independence. He normally opened your door for you so he knew you were really upset when you did it yourself.
You didn’t talk to him the entire time through the store but you almost broke when you passed the pillows.
“Look baby. They have those pillows you were looking at.”
You picked one up before turning to Yoongi, opening your mouth to say, “yeah they…..” but you cut yourself off, remembering your vow of silence. He raised an eyebrow, waiting for you to speak but you held it. Tossing the pillows into the cart, you continued through the store, hands hurting from how hard you gripped the handles.
You couldn’t fight that skip in your heart. He remembered the pillows…..you told him about those weeks ago…..fuck.
You didn’t even notice Yoongi’s sly smirk as he walked behind you. He knew this silent treatment wouldn’t last long and he was honestly kind of amused. He knew you wanted to talk to him but your pride wouldn’t allow you to break first, not until you felt like it. He guessed he’d have to put up with your silent treatment a little longer.
Besides, with you walking ahead of him, he could stare at your perfect ass in those stretch pants all he wanted. His hand itched to grab it but he resisted. He didn’t want to make you more upset…..on purpose.
Yoongi ended up having to practically fight you with the bags, insisting he’ll put them back in the cart and push them to the car. You weren’t happy but you also didn’t argue, huffing and puffing your way back to the car.
Yoongi didn’t unlock the doors until he was finished putting the bags in the trunk which was getting you even more riled up. He knew you wanted to open your own door but doing it for you was just more amusing.
You squinted your eyes at him in frustration, throat burning with the desire to tell him off but you got in the car anyway, still completely silent.
The drive home was silent, as was the short journey up to your apartment. Holly greeted you both at the door, the wiggly dog jumping all over you. You didn’t even try to go through the bags, just heading straight for your bedroom where you could ignore Yoongi better. And of course, Holly followed you, not sparing Yoongi a passing glance.
Traitor, Yoongi thought.
He sighed but left you alone. He knew you weren’t that upset about what he said in the car. You were just being stubborn. He spoiled you too much. He could also be kind of passive(he’s working on it) as well so perhaps this was proving to be a little test for him.
After putting away the few grocery items and leaving the rest of your choices for you to sort through, he flopped down on the couch.
It was quiet.
Too quiet.
He liked his peace and quiet as much as the next person but the noise you brought was different. He had grown used to hearing you singing under your breath or talking to yourself as you thought about dinner or the crash of all of your hair products falling because you had so many and they didn’t fit right in the hallway closet.
You had ingrained yourself into his life—you and your own perfect little storm of gentle chaos.
He missed you. Even though you were in the next room. He missed you.
Standing from the couch, he walked down the hall to the bedroom. He couldn’t hear anything on the other side.
His knuckles rapped gently against the wood before he opened he door. “Baby?”
He found you laid on your back on the bed, phone held over your face as you scrolled through social media. Holly was resting on his dog bed in the corner, little head lifting as Yoongi entered.
“Go.” He motioned to the door. Holly tilted his head in a way that solidified Yoongi’s suspicion that his dog was secretly a human. Human or not, Holly knew better than to stick around.
Yoongi closed the door before focusing his attention back on you.
He approached the bed, leaning a knee on it. You could feel the dip but made no move to acknowledge him.
“Baby please. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said. Of course I need you. I love when you tell me where to go but then you get distracted so we miss the turn. Remember we were late to our rehearsal dinner?”
Your lip twitched at the memory. Of course you do. The excitement of your wedding being the next day had you so caught up in your then fiancé that you couldn’t even focus on giving directions. And thanks to Yoongi being equally distracted by how stunning you were, he didn’t even think to make sure you stayed focused enough to give directions. He missed the exit twice before finally getting on track. Nevertheless, it was still a memorable evening with his family and close friends.
And the precursor to the rest of a wonderful life with you.
You still continued to ignore him. You could hear the sincerity in his apology but you wanted to make him sweat just a little bit longer.
But even Yoongi had a breaking point and you were crossing it.
No answer.
Alright. Breaking point crossed.
“Why do you have to make everything so difficult? Ignoring me, “he scoffed with a shake of his head and landing a sharp smack to your ass. “You’re crazy.”
Your head was buried in the blankets, shoulders pressed against the bed and wrists held tightly in Yoongi’s grip.
His hips were slamming into your ass hard enough to hurt, his thick cock stretching your walls to their limit. He was thick enough to give you that slightly searing stretch and long enough to make you feel it all the way to your deepest parts.
“Mm, Yoongi!” You cry out as his strokes became longer, pulling himself all the way out to the tip remained before slamming back inside. He grits his teeth at your walls sucking him in as if they didn’t want him to go. Thank goodness for his stamina. After meeting you, he’s had to learn how restrain himself longer than ever. He never used to cum quick before meeting you. And yes, that was one of the many reasons he pursued you. “F-fuck….you feel so good.”
You arched your back more, lifting your ass so that he could reach even deeper.
“Don’t ignore me again. Do you understand?” He landed another slap on your bouncing ass, loving the recoil.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, face feeling hot from your breath that kept blowing back from how your face was pressed into the mattress.
Everything felt too tight, too hot, too sweaty, too good.
“Yes! I’m sorry!” You cried.
Releasing your wrists, he grabbed at your braids, twisting them around his wrist a few times. Waist length were definitely a smart investment.
He pulled you up until you were “balanced” on your hands because let’s face it, those things were numb as hell. His hold on your hair was really the only thing keeping you upright.
“Sorry for what? Apologize properly.”
He wanted you to form full sentences? That was like asking Jada to stop talking about Tupac. Impossible.
Another stroke knocked your speech centers loose, third orgasm since you started bubbling in your lower belly.
Yoongi could feel your walls clenching up, your moans growing louder at each thrust. Oh no you don’t.
He stopped his hips, still buried deep in your cunt. You whined as your orgasm ebbed away, wiggling your hips in an attempt to throw yourself back on his cock but a hand on your hip made you still.
“You’re not cumming until you apologize properly. Now, what aren’t you gonna do again?”
You swallowed, lip quivering and tears welling up. “I…I won’t ignore you again.”
He grinned. “Apology accepted.”
His hips set a punishing pace, your ass ricocheting off his hips. It had you moaning in ecstasy, nearly slipping from his grasp but he wrapped an arm under your breasts to keep you steady.
“Shit, I love this pussy. So. Fucking. Good.” Each word was punctuated with a thrust.
Your hand reached back to claw at his side, the slight sting making him groan and thus pushing him faster.
He yanked your hair until your back was pressed flush against his chest, his hips never slowing down. Almost instantly, you turned your head, seeking his lips as you always did when you were close. His heart fluttered, loving how affectionate you were.
You almost miss his lips from how absolutely feral he was going in your poor cunt. Fortunately, he tilts your head better with his grip on your hair, kissing your wet pout. The tenderness has your heart swooning despite all the chaos. He sucks at your tongue, leaving a light bite on your bottom lip as well.
“Gonna cum, my sweet girl?” He whispers in your ear, nipping at the skin.
You didn’t need to answer him, you’re growing moans enough to confirm. The hand that wasn’t scratching at his skin raises up to bury in his hair, yanking his strands similar to how he was doing you causing him to grunt in delight.
The arm around your body moved down to rub circles into your clit and you swore you saw the upper room. He buried his face in the side of your neck, inhaling your sweaty skin, lips leaving kisses and bites along the side of your throat.
His hips move even faster than before, desperate to carry you to your orgasm before he lost his shit. Pent up from that brief denial and riddled from your previous orgasms, you’re quick to crumble against him. Twisting in his hold, you cry out his name that’s like music to his ears.
“Yoongiiiiiiiiii! Cum in me, baby. Want you so bad….”
Your walls grip him tighter than a vice, his hips stuttering with careless abandon as he gives you exactly what you want. The sensitivity between your thighs burns in the best ways, little gasps coming from you another tiny orgasm washes over you.
“Ugh, fuck.” The last few sluggish ruts of his hips make both of you whine and gasp, his grip on you tightening and then loosening as his body shudders.
Your body falls forward on the mattress, muscles and bones weary and your eyes drooping as exhaustion weighs on them. You feel Yoongi flop down next to you, only the sound of his slightly hurried breaths filling the room.
“Not falling asleep on me, are ya?” He asks after a few seconds. He turns his head to find you are, in fact, beginning to doze off.
“No.” You fib, rolling your achy body over and holding up one arm. “Come kiss me.”
His smile is as sweet as him. He scoots over to bury himself in your warmth. Your arm wraps around him as his head lifts to give you your requested kisses.
“I love you.” You confess against his lips.
He hums. “Love you too. Even though you’re bad at giving directions.”
You roll your eyes but continued to peck at his lips. “Marry your GPS then.”
“I already have.” He hugs you closer. “And I wouldn’t give her up for anything.”
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themaeve · 5 months
Oh yeah that's right we were in the midst of this Dham arc.
Well time for some all too relatable pain as Dante and Johann have to deal with being questioned and assaulted by THE LITERAL CHURCH
The chapter was really good. Like, it fucking hurt to read, but it was so good. Having dealt with mostly just Roland the human Golden Retriever and Olivier his dog-handler, and of course everyone's favorite traumatized murder baby Astolfo, it was different to see these Chaseurs as the cold and calculating killers they are. It wasn't over the top, it was simple "We are gonna hurt you and maybe kill you cause we can, whether you tell us what we want to know is irrelevant. No one here will stop us, and as long as no one knows, we won't get in any trouble for it."
Like, "Oh yeah, these guys ARE terrifying assholes, I forgot."
But the dialogue about the Dhams really hits this chapter.
"They're a real eyesore"
"They dress like they're advertising themselves as Dhams"
"Dhams should make like Dhams and live in the shadows, holding their breath"
And then Dante's internal thoughts, the fleeting hope that someone will come to help,
"Who exactly is someone"
"Who'd show up for us?"
"This world treats us like it can't even see us."
And he goes for the gun in his jacket... God it fucking hits. I say it every time, but so much dialogue in this manga can just have the names of things and people swapped out and you could believe it applies to so many marginalized groups. It feels more authentic than a lot of manga and stories I read. Don't know why. That's just probably my queer ass reading too much into these chapters as my own experiences, but fuck. I won't lie that I felt the connection with Dante keeping his gun in the same inner jacket pocket I keep my knife in my jacket. The same jacket with pins that people say I'm "advertising as queer" with. Johann fucking pleading for Dante not to draw his gun cause he knows his partner is gonna die if he tries. That these church goons are looking for an excuse to pin them as the aggressors so they can execute them.
And right as shit is about to happen, Domi shows up. DOMI!!!!!!!
Perfect way for Domi to start making up for her casual prejudice against Dante and Johann earlier. Domi sticks her neck out for them, against 2 FUCKING CHASSEUR PALADINS OF THE CHURCH! Like, yeah Domi is fucking awesome and powerful and an influential vampire noble, but 2 Paladins? They could kill her if things go wrong. But my girl is still here sticking her neck out for Dante and Johann. Congrats Domi, you have a chance to use your Vampire noble privilege to finally be the Dham ally you thought you were.
I love it. I love this manga so much.
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miimo96 · 3 months
Thoughts on TBHK Chapter 115
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Judging by the Cover Card it looks like this chapter is going to be focusing Heavily on the relationship between Kou and mitsuba in this timeline, since the last chapter ended with mitsuba asking for kou to join him in investigating the incident that happened with the Students missing after summoning a spirit AKA Tsukasa, I wonder if this will be like a Scooby doo mystery adventure for these 2 or if it will Entirely focus on them at all like in the Aquarium date a few Chapters back, or heck if we even see any other characters show up like yashiro or hanako, or if This will focus on anything that I had predicted last Chapter, well only 1 way to find out
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Ok 2 things: 1 I'm surprised I Actually remembered who the f#%k this guy was the Minute I saw him since it's been like Chapter 1 when he was 1st introduced and was just there to drive the plot forward, 2 is yashiro in this timeline Still the Same as episode 1, like is She Still the girl that is So desperate for love that she will literally ask anybody if it means even having some sort of a "chance" and that She Never changed Staying the way used to, and 3, TAKE YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF HER YOU TROGLODYTE, The hell you mean if She gives you an "interesting" confession She'll be your TENTH Girlfriend, Sry but she's taken; I'm actually kinda worried that's he's back because when Stuff like this happens, it usually means we're Getting closer to the End, Omg I'm not ready 😰😰
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There ya Go yashiro get the eff away from Him, I'm glad that he got the headbutt treatment she likes to do to Our sweet boy Servers him right, also the fact that she did a freaking somersault and Stuck the landing while getting out of dodge immediately is Just Hilarious 🤣🤣 *sigh* I miss Hanako so much....
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Already this is Starting to become one of My favorite chapters omg I love that she's Finally realizing how Stupid she used to be before meeting hanako, always being manipulated into doing things for other people, always asking out people who Never truly even cared for her, always just being the classic "Doormat" shoujo protagonist she was, Glad She's finally realizing how much growth and character development she's had ever since meeting kou and Hanako, God I love this series ^^
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😦😧😨 No way omg no way Did I call it Omg please
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Wait what was it all a Dream omg my Heart Damn it Aidairo why!? 😫
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Ngl this scene hurt, I went completely silent reading this part, and wow just, wow, Seeing hanako's/ Amane's life and what it is/could've been really hurts and yashiro's tears in this Scene just speak louder than any words possible, God This chapter is so Good 😣
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Ok firstly is it me or is My boys rocking the DRIIP, secondly this Show has gotten Way more Darker than when it 1st started, the fact that this Went from being a Show about ghost stories and spooky stuff, with just a tad bit of Dark topics to it, To literally now giving me Straight Gravity falls season 2 vibes is Really telling me a lot, also Kou in this timeline seems to be a lot more experienced when it comes down to being an Exorcist, the way he was just talking and examining the situation shows that He's no longer a Noob when it comes to this sort of thing, and is a lot more trained than he let's on Which pretty awesome
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Bruh this series is Not holding back Anymore whatsoever, this is just Straight TERRIFYING 😅
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Oh yeah that's Totally Not Nightmare fuel at All, Wow when did this Series become so horrifying, Also this is NOT Tsukasa, this is that Mother effing THING, till this day I still don't understand what this thing is and What it wants, all I know is that it's the freaking Hole the Kannagis were being sacrificed to and that the real Tsukasa sacrificed himself to in the Red house, I've always had a thought that Maybe just maybe a bit of him was still in their after the Red house arc and that he was just fighting or switching out from time to time, But from what I'm seeing It looks like the Thing has Taken him over COMPLETELY in this timeline, Tsukasa is Gone, this just a Shell, an empty husk Wearing his face; yep it's official, This is Absolutely One of my favorite Chapters Now, Omg I can't wait ^_^
Also the fact I was right about that the Next chapter was going to be focusing more on Yashiro, Makes me so FREAKING happy ^^ YEAH! I CALLED IT
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hairstevington · 2 years
Hi! I would love to see the 1st Valentine’s Day prompt(a bouquet of their favourite flowers) for steddie! Specifically Eddie bringing Steve flowers(idk why but I’m a firm believer that Steve secretly loves getting gifted flowers lol!). If you do do this thank you so much!! <3333
Ahhhhhh yes LET’S GOOOO!!! Thanks for the request! (Ao3 link here!)
Word Count: 1.3K
Warnings: Some reeeeal fluffy shit, Eddie secretly pining over his best friend Steve, gay scheming, romance
A/N: This ended up being a bit more than just flowers, but hopefully it suffices! If anyone else is interested here is the prompt post, I also took inspiration from this cute lil post by @grandwretch :)
Eddie always teased Steve about his romantic conquests. They frequently discussed best practices for him to woo women - including knowing their favorite color, their birthday, their favorite movie, etc. Eddie watched Steve date beautiful woman after beautiful woman, always putting in so much effort and getting so little back.
That's probably why Eddie started doing it.
"Should I get her the blue bracelet or the green one?" Steve would ask.
"I dunno man, what's her favorite color?"
"Blue. But her eyes are green."
"Get the blue. The two colors look good together anyway," Eddie answered as if he was somehow the person to ask about such things. He'd never really dated anyone, but he'd seen a lot of movies, and watched a lot of high school couples date each other.
"Thanks," Steve would say. He was always appreciative for the second opinion, even though the opinion was based on nothing.
"No problem," Eddie smiled. "Hey, what's your favorite color?"
Any time Steve asked for advice, Eddie would eventually turn it back on Steve. It was all part of his master plan, you see - he wanted to make Steve feel special on Valentine's Day. Not in a gay way, he told himself. Steve's my friend, it's not like that.
He tried to convince himself he was doing it platonically, or because it would be funny to see Steve all flustered, but deep down Eddie knew that it was far more than that.
But him and Steve were friends, and that's all they'd ever be, and he'd accepted that.
A week before Valentine's Day, there was a package on Steve's doorstep addressed to him. He wasn't expecting any mail, and the box was so haphazardly wrapped it was almost scary. Like, he was pretty sure he'd seen this exact set-up in a horror movie. Main character gets mysterious package that ends up ruining their life.
(It didn't end up ruining his life, but it sure as hell changed it)
Inside the box was a teddy bear - one of those real cutesie ones you find at a giftshop this time of year. Steve was confused, and wondered if it was even delivered to the right place - sure enough, there was a handwritten note that confirmed it. I call him Steve Bearington, it read. Steve smiled, but still had no idea who it was from. The girl that he'd gone on a few dates with could never have been responsible for the disastrous way the gift was wrapped. He shrugged. It must have been a secret admirer - he got those sometimes.
He told Eddie about it the next day, and Eddie pretended to act surprised. He didn't want to give his secret away, especially when he went so far as to ask some random person to write out the stupid note so that Steve wouldn't recognize his handwriting. He probably should have asked them to wrap it, too, but whatever. Steve was so happy about it, so Eddie continued with his plan.
Eddie learned that Steve liked sour candy over chocolate, so he got him some. Then he wrote him a poem - it wasn't, like, the greatest thing ever written, but Eddie did tend to have a way with words. He delivered the candy two days before Valentine's Day, and on the eve of the holiday he had one of his other friends discreetly stick the poem on Steve's front door and ding-dong-ditch while he and Eddie were hanging out, just to throw him off his game even more.
"Oh my god, they did it again," Steve said when he picked the poem from the door. "Who is this person?" Eddie appreciated that he said person, instead of woman.
"What does it say?" Eddie asked, biting his lip to keep from grinning. He watched as Steve read it to himself first, his brow furrowing.
"It's, uh," he said, folding it nicely and putting it in his pocket. "It's good."
Hell yeah it is, Eddie thought to himself.
Steve had a date on Valentine's Day - Eddie knew this, and it was to be expected anyway, since Steve almost always had a date on most days. He was leaving at 7, so Eddie showed up at 6.
Steve didn't have much more to do to get ready for the date - he was already having a good hair day, and he'd picked out an outfit that had done him well in the past. He just was still caught up on who wrote him that poem.
Nobody had written him a poem before, like ever. Steve hadn't ever attempted to write one for anyone else. He wasn't that good at analyzing them in English class, so he'd grown a bit tired of poetry as a whole.
But the one left on his front door sparked a new appreciation for it.
He was confused when the doorbell rang, because he wasn't expecting anybody. Then, he wondered if maybe, he'd find another poem out there.
Instead, he found Eddie. Well, actually, he found a person standing there with flowers covering their face, but the mane of curly brown hair surrounding the flowers gave him away.
They were daisies. Eddie was probably the only person in the world that knew Steve liked daisies, and it wasn't even something he'd explicitly said. He just knew he was drawn to them when he saw them, and he'd pointed them out a few times while he was with Eddie.
"Special Valentine's delivery for Harrington!" Eddie announced, letting himself in. Steve watched as he set them on the table, confident as always, a bright smile on his face. But Steve was mostly just confused.
"What...the hell?" Eddie's bravado faltered just a little bit.
"Hasn't anyone ever gotten you flowers before?" Eddie asked.
"No, but I've bought a lot of flowers before, and -"
"Tsk tsk tsk," Eddie interrupted. "My point exactly. You deserve flowers too, Steve."
"God, what's with all the gifts from people this week?" Steve whined, completely overwhelmed. "Between this and the secret admirer thing, I just -"
Steve's head was spinning, and he wasn't the most observant person, but he did have enough sense to notice the way Eddie winced at the mention of the secret admirer.
"Yeah, well," Eddie said, his tone softer than before. "Like I said, you deserve it."
There was a thick silence as Steve realized what was happening.
"Eddie..." he said, putting it all together. Eddie was the only one who would have known to get him any of that stuff. Steve openly told Eddie all kinds of things he never admitted to anyone else, because he didn't think Eddie was paying attention. He certainly didn't think Eddie had been filing it away to do this.
"I hope you have a good date tonight," Eddie said, suddenly feeling quite stupid about this whole thing. He turned to leave, but Steve stopped him.
"The poem - you wrote it?" Eddie nodded.
Steve thought about straight-up reciting it to Eddie in that moment, to prove to him just how much he liked it. He'd read it so many times it was burned into his brain, just as he wanted it to be.
He wasn't expecting this from his best friend, but he was shocked at how weird it didn't feel. Finding out Eddie had been his secret admirer just made sense.
"Doesn't have to be a big deal," Eddie mumbled. "I just - I don't want this to - Like, I'm sorry if -"
"I gotta go cancel my plans with Deb," Steve said.
"She'll live. Besides, it wouldn't be that cool of me to go out with someone when I'm thinking about someone else."
"What?" Eddie repeated. He really didn't expect to get this far. "What are you saying?"
Steve smiled - his brilliant, trademark smile that always made Eddie feel warm inside.
"Do you wanna be my Valentine, Munson?"
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flatwoods-mothman · 2 months
love that you ship sayosuki, but i’m curious. why sayosuki? i just mean that natsuri seems like the more popular ship even though (i think) that sayosuki is better
Thank you for the message!
Oh boy, this is gonna be a long answer. I hope that’s alright
Sayosuki is by far my favorite DDLC ship (surprise!), one of my favorite ships ever and if I ever had a “comfort ship” it would be the one. I’ve had Sayosuki brainrot since I was obsessed with the game in 2018. Of course on the surface level there’s the “cute pink girls are cute together” angle and that they’re my favorite characters and those are certainly components but why  I love it so much runs deeper than that. To me, I think Sayori and Natsuki suffer the most over the course of the game. Not to say the other characters have presidential pardons from the pain train, but the story of the game highlights the innate tragedy present in both of these characters. Sayori believes herself to be undeserving of happiness or care from others while paradoxically craving those things and puts up a carefree mask to distract others from it. Natsuki goes through it during essentially the entirety of Act 2, as she gets neglected by her father, Monika, Yuri, the player character and from a meta perspective: the game at large. (Natsuki in Act 2 in general is so interesting and I may or may not have an Act 2 Sayosuki fic in the works). Ironically while these characters are at their lowest, it’s also when their most admirable traits are presented. Sayori’s self-hatred is contrasted with her genuine care and love for her friends. When Natsuki drops her abrasive mask, she’s actually a very kind and empathetic person (showcased in her cupcake date at the end of Act 1 and in her note about Yuri’s behavior in Act 2). I think these traits compliment each other well and I think they would bring out the best in each other.
I like to imagine a post-game scenario where these two broken girls who acknowledge and love these parts of each other and could support each other and help each other heal after all the shit they’ve gone through. Natsuki would admire the way Sayori makes everyone happy and I think she would try her best to make her happy as well. Sayori would provide a space for Natsuki where she would be accepted for her interests and would love to hear her talk about them. And maybe they could share some cookies along the way.
Not to mention how hyped I was for their sidestory when DDLC Plus was announced and how I was smiling and kicking my feet the whole time when I played it. I loved enthusiastic Sayori was to get closer to Natsuki (and she says she loves her ahhhhhh) and how they communicated at the end was so sweet.
I feel like there’s a lot more reasons why I love it so much but this response is already long enough as it is, I hope that satiated your curiosity anon :)
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Nightmare Nightmore Highlights.
I'm not gonna recap or analyze the episode too much I just wanna share a few of my favorite things! Not really any spoilers, if you've already seen the leaks of Abbey and her mom floating around then you're all caught up.
Draculaura is throwing a party for the holiday of Nightmore, but I couldn't possibly care less. I'm here for Abbey!
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Heath has the same reaction to seeing Abbey for the first time as a lot of us did. in Awe of her beauty. same dude, same.
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She towers over everyone! even the boys! I am in love!
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Draculaura is like a smurf compared to tall powerful Abbey.
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Abbey's eyes aren't purple anymore, they are brown! and so pretty! breaks up the abundance of purple in her hair and outfit I am super into it!
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Abbey's hair blend is the colors of the Bi flag and I have no choice but to stan.
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Mama Bominable threatening to bring forth a cold harsh merciless winter upon Bloodgoods head if she doesn't produce Abbey is such a mood. I love me a good mama bear.
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WHERE IS NIGHTMARE!? why is this messenger dragon hanging out in Bloodgood's office but her horse isn't!? The episode even has nightmare in the title but I see no Nightmare the horse. I don't like it. A headless horse person without their horse is just a zombie... why are you booing me? I'm right!
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Draculaura already has her license in this gen? I'm here for it! Also Clawd chose to sit next to her. Also Clawd said "nailed it like a coffin" which was only ever said in G1 by Clawdeen and that makes me happy.
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This is the second or third episode where Lagoona inexplicably has flat teeth, the music video for her doll did this too. I'm not exactly a professional animator but I've studied it enough to know that rendering characters off model is a fire-able offense. Fix it Nickelodeon.
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Heath encouraging Abbey to use her ice powers telling her she is strong, charismatic and beautiful. ahhhh! my heart!... I've mentioned on here I'm not much of a shipper per-se. But that was a lie, Habbey was one of my OG ships and it brings me such joy to see them again! I needed this since the only Heath we got during G2 was this:
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*Long suffering G2 sigh*
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Yeti's in this universe seem to basically be water benders and I am okay with that! Mama Bominable is fuckin pissed! LOL Bye Bloodgood it's been nice knowing you!
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Damn, Abbey's dad didn't contribute any genetics to that her at all. Mama Bominables genes were like "this is MY child!" I do love that she has horns and a more pronounced underbite, perhaps Abbey will get these traits as she grows? Or maybe her buns are hiding her horns? IDK but it's fun to imagine! I wonder where they got the idea to give their yeti Horns... HMMMMMMM
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it's a mystery, we'll never know.
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This isn't even a highlight I'm just taking pictures of Mama Bominabe at this point, I love a strong woman willing to murder the school principle for her daughters safety.
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SHE CALLED ABBEY SNOW ANGEL AHHHHHH- I'm sorry I just had to get that out.
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The boy is in love! .... And he actually says something really profound. I'm so impressed G3 is giving Heath some depth and not just making him a one note idiot... Don't get me wrong, I liked one note idiot Heath but there was more to him than that.
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Heath trying to kiss Abbey on the first day of meeting her is absolutely a G1 call back.
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in her intro episode he kissed her hand and his lips froze off.
I love everything about this episode! I love that Abbey is Nepali! it's way more accurate to her Monster type and before some nerd tries to get in the replies and go "Actually Russia occupied Nepal at one point" that's true, they did BUT! the myth of the Yeti originated in 1937, Russia didn't occupy the Himalayas until the 1960's.
This episode is my new favorite! I heard a rumor that we won't get any new Monster High episodes until after the new year, but if they are anything like this? they will be worth the wait!
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muppetears-stuff · 1 month
I love Warren but he is high key lost potential and it makes me so sad. His character doesn't have the best writing and has some pretty bad dialogue lines for no reason. Also we don't lnow anything about Warren besides the fact he loves science, movies, and has a crush on Max. Most major characters in the game have a backstory of some kind....except Warren. For god sakes, we get to talk to poor Taylor and learn about her sick mom, but there's net zero info on Warren His character is already very bare bones effort, the fact the devs caved in to procefielders and fucked him up even more to make them happier makes me livid. I stand on my belief that Carlos Luna was sabotaged. I also think there are other LIS1 characters who are lost potential like Brooke, Courtney, Stella, Dana and etc but that's a story for another day. 💀
Me when devs ruin a completely good character with so much potential to appeal to the bigger part of the fan base
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NO, BUT FR, I was so mad about this yesterday that I ranted to my older bro about it, and I'll do it again‼️
Long rant, you don't have to read if you don't want to ^^
I just wish we got so much more and to see more of who he was because he is so sweet, and I would've loved to see that more. It infuriates me to no end, knowing that the devs doubled down and appealed to the larger part of the fanbase, giving him fewer appearances, stating that he is a "stalker" in canon. I haven't read the comics but I I'm pretty sure they butchered his character there too.
I get that this game was important to many people, ESPECIALLY in 2014, because of the main female character getting the choice to romance her also female friend, that was super important and still is!!! But it's also not good to completely wipe another character, also stated as Max's best friend and another romance option and just. Giving us the option to hug or kiss him?? I'm not a big grahamfield-er either, but they had a lot of potential if they didn't completely ruin Warren's character because people didn't like him. There's still people who do??
Carlos Luna was definitely sabotaged, I reblogged a post talking about it. Here :3
I would've loved more depth to his character, even though it's really nice to read between the lines and make up some of my own things, I'm super afraid of going off of canon but like. There's barely any canon character to go off of so I can make up my own shit as I please- /pos
But I would've loved some dialogue of him worrying over having to study, and he probably shouldn't be out and about, gives us the feel that he pressures himself too much even if he's already doing his best and is one of the highest achieving students at Blackwell. Would've loved to see him being a bit mischievous at times after being exposed to Chloe, I firmly believe he'd be easily influenced and change his personality for the people he hangs out with without knowing. Which adds more depth!!
But ahhhhhh, I'm sorry for all the rants, guys😔😭 I don't want this to be all of what my blog is but everyone has a little hate/dislike in their heart and for me,,,,is assassinations of good characters. Whether literally or within writing. In Warren's case, it's both. I love sharing my art with all of you, but I still love it when you guys interact and send stuff in my inbox. It makes my day😭💖 This is not me telling you to stop because I kind of like ranting/raving about my favorite characters<3 so thank you ^^💖
Byeeee ^^
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I want to enable your BillRita screaming so for those ship asks...
How do they sleep?
What's their most and least favorite thing about each other?
How are they with PDA?
What's their favorite thing to tease each other about?
What little things remind them of each other?
I would apologize for how many of these things I sent but we both know I'm not sorry...
im putting this under a cut because it is. so fucking long. im so sorry for my mental illness
3. What's their favorite thing to tease each other about? AHHHHHH i think we all know rita will bully bill over anything and everything because she's just. so mean to him 😭 but i think her favorite thing to make fun of him for is his accent, or really just his being american in general because i think he’d be the most stereotypical american guy lol. he has a silly, dumb american accent and he likes silly, dumb american sports and silly, dumb american food! rita pretends to find his Americanisms™ exasperating but privately she thinks they're funny lmao
as for bill, his favorite thing to tease rita about is how messy she is. i’ve already said it, but rita being a messy bitch and bill being a neat freak is one of my favorite headcanons about them sjdfhskjgffjs… you’d think being in the army would’ve taught rita how to put things away but no, bill finds her bras and stuff lying around all the time and it was awkward at first but he’s gotten used to it now, so he lets her have her little rebellion against army regulations and politely pretends that isn’t her. uh. underwear. wedged between the couch cushions next to him when he sits down to do Important Media Relations Major Stuff™ on his computer 😳
5. How do they sleep? they sleep back to back because it's a show of trust and vulnerability for both of them... blubbubbublbddlwwbwudfbfbldludubldublub;;,.,$$.,$,&.,., goodbye... i'm crying now...
of course, by the time the morning rolls around bill is normally lying half on top of rita and drooling a bit on her shirt, which isn’t super sexy but bill will be bill 🤷‍♀️
7. What's their most and least favorite thing about each other? AHHHHHH oh my god. i have to think long and hard about this and it sounds like a cop-out but i truly don't think bill really has a favorite thing about rita. if you ask him what it is, he will actually spontaneously combust from thinking too hard.
but the short answer is her smile!!! he works so fucking hard to make her smile—cracking jokes, doing nice things for her, earning her praise by proving his competence—and he swears it lights up the entire room whenever he can get her to do it!!! 😭 and if he can get her to laugh? he won’t be able to think about anything else but that sound for DAYS
on the other hand, his least favorite thing about her is…well, probably her optimism. she's not very good at it. in fact, most of the time it just makes him feel worse whenever she tells him he’ll just have to try harder next time! like gee, thanks rita! he was already doing that but he’ll take it into consideration… just like he did the last time… and the time before that… and before that…
when it comes to rita though, she would never, even on pain of death, say anything sappy like her “favorite thing” about bill where someone else can hear her, but i think her favorite thing about him is—surprisingly, since it’s his least favorite thing about her—his optimism.
for her, it’s just been so long since she was able to enjoy things without feeling guilt or some kind of loss, but bill somehow never lost that. which certainly isn’t to say he didn’t acquire his fair share of trauma or grief or loss along the way, but he remains steadily resilient in the face of adversity even in the very last iteration—“we’ve had worse :)”—and that strikes a chord with her, i think. then, slowly, being around someone so stubbornly happy despite carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders starts to not only impress her, but it heals her. with his help, she learns to enjoy things again: the delight of a good meal after years of carrying a bad aftertaste in her mouth, the comfort of a spacious hotel room and a soft bed after sleeping on the ground for god knows how long, the satisfaction of a healthy jog just around the block after spending years running at a sprint with no breaks. the all-consuming joy of someone knowing her the way she never dreamed anyone would ever know her again after before. the relief of not having to think about 'before' anymore because now she has an 'after' to look forward to instead.
ahem. sorry. i got carried away for a second.
that being said, her least favorite thing about bill is easy to pin down and that is his complete and utter lack of dignity LOL... rita can say for absolute certain she has never met a man with as little pride as bill cage, and although he is rather funny and makes for surprisingly good company on a quiet day, he is often ridiculously embarrassing to be around and can be very difficult when he doesn’t want to do something because he’s being a chicken about it🙄
14. What little things remind them of each other? ohhhhhhh 🥺🥺🥺 i apologize because u will get a LOT of sappiness for this but-
on bill's side, he is reminded of rita in everything, but mainly in their experiences together. he sees her in a young woman's loosely braided hair as she passes him on the street. he sees her in his coffee cup when the waitress taking his order asks if he wants sugar or cream. he sees her in the sun at 6:45pm exactly, when he and rita sat together on the fence outside the farmhouse and watched it disappear over the horizon. in his lifetime, he's experienced everything with her, and he probably has as many things to remember her by as there are stars in the cosmos.
of course, he's reminded of her in other ways as well. things she taught him. he thinks of her when he looks to the sun to check the time rather than turning over his wrist, just like she taught him. he thinks of her when he does his stretches at the gym, just like she taught him. he thinks of her when he checks all his exits every time he enters a room and someone closes the door, just like she taught him. everything he knows he learned from her and for her.
it's harder for rita though, because she doesn't have anything to remember him by, so she remembers the little things instead: his preferences and whatnot. she pretends not to care when he tells her where he's from or what his favorite color is, but she thinks of him when his favorite baseball team is shown on television, or when she goes for a walk in the park and it starts to rain even though it's sunny out because sunshowers make him smile the brightest :')
no but bill has ALWAYS been a pda guy that much is so obvious!! i think he was always chasing something real with his old girlfriends, and even if it never felt like much with them, it was better than nothing... and then he fell head over ass into the mimic war and the closest thing to PDA he got was a kick in the gut or the barrel a gun trained on his temple, so surely no one can fault him for craving comfort, reassurance, intimacy—anything to take him away from the reality he was living in for even 5 seconds.
...and this did not answer the question at all which is to say bill is SO fucking annoying (affectionate) about pda 😭 rita please hold his hand please kiss him on the forehead please cuddle him he wants to hold you he wants you to hold him PLEASE!!! he will actually die if you don't and then you'll be sad (he hopes) :'(
meanwhile rita is a fan of pda in the way cats are a fan of anything. she either wants all the fucking pda or none of it. if she's not the one initiating, bill is Not the one getting it 😔
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mynameismckenziemae · 7 months
I have so many writing ideas. Ahhhhhh… I’ve decided to torture (read share with) some of my fellow writers.
So hear me out okay. Okay. I’ve been watching a lot of Blue Angels (Navy) and Thunderbirds (Air Force) reels cause it’s fascinating to watch. The precision, the speed, being up in the skies.
I can see some of Dagger Squad, if not all, qualifying for a spot on the Blue Angels team. It’s well known that there’s this deriding, but loving rivalry between these two flight teams. (It’s like that between all branches, actually, but I digress.) Now, being on the teams is not necessary for the story, but imagine Jake, a Navy pilot, just bristling with an Air Force pilot, but he doesn’t know she’s an AF pilot.
He sees her at their, the squad’s, favorite watering hole. She’s in her civilian clothing, at the bar, ordering a round of drinks for her waiting friend group. She’s pretty and hangman’s never seen her before. There’s a novelty to that and Hangman just can’t resist and they get to talking. And somehow conversation spirals towards jets and which is best, Hangman honestly a little taken aback by the fact that she knows so much (and he’s ngl, it turns him on but he’s a bit of an idiot and doesn’t ask how she knows so much). And Hangman says “In the end it’s not the plane, it’s the pilot.”
And reader is like “Right.” (Something has to happen here cause I don’t know how to bridge that gap cause then Hangman does the next line).
“Sugar, I’ll let you in on a secret. Navy pilots are superior. In every aspect.” Jake winks, sipping on his beer, and reader just cocks her head. Cause at that point Jake still doesn’t know she’s an AF pilot. She’s not gonna say so either. But fuck, she can’t stand this ego-inflated asshole who thinks he’s better than everyone else.
And she lets him know by making a witty remark of “Those who talk a lot about being the best usually are the worst. In every aspect.” And her eyes, very purposefully, drop to his groin before slowly dragging back up his body and Jake is just like ‘fuck’ and before he can say something witty back, she just walks away and rejoins he group of friends.
And then, their paths cross at Miramar’s air show (I have no clue if they have one there). And for the sake of the story, let’s say they have to do a race type thing, like certain maneuvers within a given time. And Nat, who knew all along who reader is, cause reader and her are best friends and she’s watched the interaction at the Hard Deck, is like. “Looks like Hangman is about to get his ass handed to him.”
And he does get his ass handed to him. He loses by less than a second. And god, his blood boils. He’s more angry at himself than her. Cause the reason he lost is because his mind is occupied by her and that wide grin of hers of when she had saluted him before climbing into her jet. He wonders if she knew that they would face off. Likely not. Cause a name was drawn at random for either team. But he can’t fucking help wonder, if this is some kind of joke the universe is making.
And maybe his ego is a bit bruised. He lost to another pilot. An AF pilot at that. And he tries to make some snide remark when the two pilots shake hands. About how she just got lucky cause the winds were in her favor. But then she smiles, says “Turns out it is the pilot,” she laughs, almost shyly with how her nose scrunches. And god dammit, Jake is done for. So so done for.
“Yeah. I guess so.” Jake breathes, misses the way Nat smirks at their interaction. If Jake keeps holding reader’s hand much longer, their skin might fuse or something.
And then the AF team comes hooting and hollering, congratulating the winner, their best pilot, ushering her to photo ops and Jake is just left standing there for a hot minute.
Meanwhile Bob and Nat side-eye each other. “I give it a year.” Bob says quietly.
“A year?” Nat raises a brow.
“Between first date and wedding.”
(Omg. I’m sorry this turned almost into a one shot…. But ahhhhhhh….)
Okay, so…I LOVE THIS!
Why haven’t you written this?? You seem like you’d be a great writer!
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beatricebidelaire · 2 months
notes i took from my fic reread: Beneath the Music from a Farther Room by @gellavonhamster
four year-old R pretending to be a knight is so cute. a knight in a fairy-tale forest. so cute. and growing up in a family of hers, even at this age she's already seeing (although perhaps not clearly) the responsibilities and the excitement of what her future holds, of becoming a duchess. details unknown but aware.
love LOVE the part of her being 15 and finding out that the balls weren't as she once thought in childhood, and her home didn't seem as grandeur as it did in childhood, after she saw so much more in the world. the feeling of growing up. of seeing how the adults and the society functioned. of people pretending.
BEATRICE! ever so full of life and presence. i love how she so easily inserts herself into her friends' space. the beatrice presence. R's feeling is so relatable though. 10000% relate. who wouldn't feel like near having a heart attack in her position. who wouldn't worry about doing something that might ruin their friendship in her position. it's beatrice. i can feel her presence even on paper (or on my computer screen)
beatrice and olaf interaction. the count shouting for them to calm down. it's a little detail but beatrice interacting with olaf and his family is always just. GETS me. they grew up together. chaotic friends who would one day become enemies.
“With me! I mean…” Beatrice looked a little shy. - beatrice being shy is so adorable. she's so lively and bold but also then there's this moment. and it's so cute
love the r's family backstory, and the story of her parents here.
"Sometimes having other people share silence with you is enough" feeling a huge surge of emotions at this. lemony. he's such a good friend. L&R friendship my beloved.
"As the years went by, all parties with other volunteers blended in her memory, making up a single endless one. Not the Groundhog Day – more like the Groundhog Night." love this description ….. invoking feelings in me. the kind of nostalgia. of youth. something something. i need to lie down.
"Oh, they were a damn good company indeed, with their shared memories and shared secrets, their diverse talents and confusing relationships. The Bloomsbury Group with daggers under their coats. The Bright Young Things with tattoos on their ankles." they really are ……… obsessed with this
R and Lemony on the balcony talking about how they're living the best years of their lives, and how it won't last. and camera panning out to view what everyone else at the party is doing. it's killing me. they were so young and (relatively) happy at that time.
ahhhHHH lemony's arrest. R pretending not to recognize him, saying that she's attended his funeral and that he's dead. vfd and their training to not recognize each other. they're best friends and she wants to scream. im emotional. and the way she keeps her calm, while picturing what her mother would say ….
"It is only in the days of one’s childhood and youth that the whole world seems to be your story only, yours and that of the people surrounding you. As a forty-something you see that you are just one of the multitude of equally background characters, and that there are hundreds and thousands of people sharing your name, your habits, your wounds, and your pain." love this line so much. the world is big, and your story is only a piece of the puzzle ….
now picturing the way Lemony's favorite accordion drowning in swamp in my head
the way she's so happy saying the word wife! im so glad she got the happiness she wanted. (pause) there was an earlier mention of sally's photos …… wait …. (scrolls up to the top of the page to check tags) ah yes sally x r my beloveds
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heyjude19-writing · 9 months
Final q this christmas day (hope youre having a lovely day! I am stuck in bed with a fever 38! Luckily i am at my parent's home but i feel guilty as hell for having the influneza!)
I JUST read in a answer u did for a q that you are WRITING DRARRY! ahhhhhh. and its coming out soon in jan! what a great thing to look forward to this next month!
Which segueayed into my final q which is-
I know you said uve been reading Dramione since teen, but what in your experience has been the differences between writing Drarry vs. Dramione? Everyone has their preferences but what is urs? Do you like both ships equally? What do you think one has over the other?
Excited to starting Drarry reads in 2024! Hopefully if you manage to rank most rec-ed/best reads for drarry in the other q, urs will be in mine in the future EASILY.
hi again! i hope you've recovered by now ❤
i am indeed writing drarry and i am very excited about it, hopefully others will enjoy reading it as much as i have enjoyed writing it 🥰.
hmm. for me, i'd say when im writing dramione vs drarry, there are different canon touchpoints i draw from to inform their relationship and draco's redemption. these relationships are two very distinct dynamics in my mind, and i approached them with their own lens. when im in my dramione headspace, the torture at the manor is obviously a big canon moment, as is draco's calling her a slur, and his childhood bigotry. for hermione to even give draco the time of day post-war, those things will color their interactions and i want them addressed in some way.
when im thinking on drarry, their mutual animosity is on a more personal level, rather than ideological. although, draco's prejudice still has to be addressed, that's very important to me. harry can forgive a lot, but i can't imagine he'd jump into something with a person who used to hurl slurs at his best friend (and harry's own mother, too), before knowing there's been a mindset change. draco and harry have a canon obsession with each other, which has been fun to play with, and i've loved incorporating a lot of their book interactions into their adult lives, showing how they shaped each other, even unintentionally. these two can be at each other's throats in a more vicious way than draco/hermione. i delight in finding the gentleness in these relationships, i just think the path to that gentle love looks different depending on whether it's with harry or hermione.
dramione will always be my favorite ship, my first love. but as i've read so much fic over the years, i've come to appreciate the many different ships we can find in this fandom.
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frida--y · 3 months
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ahhhhhh i loved go busters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was honestly surprised that it was mainly three rangers n two extras.. truly the best to ever do it.
It's just a beautiful show about living through your shared trauma and conquering pieces of it. Some of the more devastating parts of it is realizing how young everyone was.. like when Yoko turns 16 in the show, you recall that Ryuji was just 15 when everything happened.... and Yoko was only 3.. she cant even remember exactly what her mother looked like........ Yoko..
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I really LOVED Yoko, I think shes a wonderful character, and I love her character dynamics with the whole cast. Her friendship with J is so cute! With Hiromu, I loved when he apologized to Yoko on how he couldn't keep his promise to her when they were kids on bringing everyone and her mother back during the first climatic fight.
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You can really feel how this really affects Hiromu, a character who has had trouble speaking his feelings and is seemingly hard to get along with. I love characters like him, who have trouble being vulnerable and saying exactly what he feels. And of course I love Ryuji.. who doesn't..
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He's so kind.. he truly loves the kids so much, when he was about to punch Kurorin for putting Hiromu in danger.. god I love Ryuji. He had great interactions with Enter and Escape. His rivalry with Escape also reminded me of Kobayashi's other sentai gingaman. We truly need more heated one-sided drama between men and woman. The fight scenes in go busters were amazing. Gonna always think about the wearhouse fight with Escape and Ryuji, good lord.
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Banger of an episode and such an amazing way to get heated up, I love Ryuji.
And of course how could I not talk about Jin. I used him as my preview pic for my final thoughts.
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Really loved him and J.. he's fantastic here- both him and J.. mentor characters are always great, but man.. the heroic sacrifice for the future of the next generation will always get me. His rage.. in the finale of at first being denied his sacrifice was great.. just one-by-one yelling at everyone was too much. Kobayashi why must you hurt me so.
The supporting cast was great!! As usual for a Kobayashi show lol I honestly thought Miho was going to ranger later when she was first introduced, I still feel pretty new when it comes to sentai so I don't know what to expect.
god. now Enter and Escape.
What characters, probably one of best so far, for me. I really loved how sympathetic Enter was in the beginning, at least for me I felt a little sad that he truly could not understand humans, but desperately wanted to. He wanted that recognition from Messiah who truly treated him and his interest like shit. You really start to root for him to be free from Messiah control, but when he does.. man is he evil. You even feel bad for him when Escape is made! Messiah made her and she has love! She's special! She has more human emotions than Enter and Messiah lets her do what she wants because she loves Papa! Enter is not loved and he'll never be loved. Favorite contrast between these two was Escape's symbol being on front while Enter's was on his back.
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Enter's is such an evil bastard though, just completely irredeemable. LOVE IT! Made for one thing and one thing only, and wanted to be something more- and when he brags about finally understanding and knowing humans, he's wrong both in the way he thinks and the way he is. Never will be a human. Then when Escape died, he brought her back, even as failed version and with limited personality and loyalty, he hates that she's isn't the same.. He hates it so much he kills her in his rage and just revives her cause, of course he can't be lone! He has to have Escape, Escape has to be here. The jump from going "Enter's fucking evil lol" to "ENTER'S FUCNKING EVIL!!!" with 46-47 was amazing.. he's so cruel. Jeez man, when he brings her back and she's just so corrupted and he can't even kill her (out of the love data Escape downloaded before) and he just.. fucking leaves her and she just starts killing animals is soo.. man. man.. I love Escape and Enter.
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I love her fighting form, it fits she's the first of the two to evolve. Great that Enter saw this and went, "well I can evolve too." Amazing characters, there's so much there for these two and they're one of the highlights of go busters!! You can go on and on about these two tbh..
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Also the organic materials for the inorganic man.. chefs kiss babey. His robo is also sexy. And yo... when that other form comes out... I do not want to spoil it, it's so good.. so prefect, of course Enter would do this. Man, I'm recalling that I actually liked the mech fights in this... rare for a sentai for me lol
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Heavy themes in this show, but so fucking good and well done!!!!!!!
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pics that go hard... I don't usually take this long between finishing the show and writing my final thoughts (its been a month since I finished go busters lol), but man.. did not stop or hesitate after I started writing. This show fucking rules and is easily one of the best.
bonus Miho's desk buddies:
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ultfreakme · 8 months
Hello, Riki...if you don't mind me asking (again), after re-reading SVSSS, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from SVSSS? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the novel? Thanks if you want to answer....
Top five favorite characters!!!
Shen Yuan: Obvious, he's hilarious, love this stupid man. Our wonderful protagonist who gives deep insight into the people he's surrounded by. I love watching things unfold through his POV.
Luo Binghe: Again, probably obvious. I loved how unhinged he is, he doesn't care, and he doesn't hide the fact that he doesn't care. He has a single goal and by god he'll achieve it even if it means literally destroying the world.
Liu Mingyan: Spreading false stories, writing RPF about what is essentially teaching staff in her school and schoolmate, spreading heresies, and stealing Luo Binghe's harem via saucy mlm fanfic all the while giving the most Top energy. The woman you are <3
Shang Qinghua: Love it when he loses his shit. Iconic of him to actually fucking scream at Mobei-jun He's such a twisted little man I want to dissect him.
Shen Jiu: I've been funny with the rest, but Shen Jiu makes me hurt so much. He's been through way too much and he wasn't able to fight it. Left behind, falling behind, talents wasted, manipulated and turned into this cruel, awful person. He's just a very sad character.
Favorites scenes!
Shen Qingiu v Tialang-jun and Zhuzhi Lang in the Holy Mausoleum. The scene where he's in the Mobei Clan chambers, bloody, broken, but his gaze is cool as he awaits his opponents was so badass. Him in the entire Holy Mausoleum is so cool!!! He's so awesome!!! When he says he's going to make the place fight for him??? Protagonist Halo was on SQQ in that moment!
"What's you name?" "Six Balls" "What does that mean?" "When I was born my Pa said I weighed six balls".
The Shen Jiu flashback scenes, the very first one we get when SQQ sees a young Shen Jiu tied up and glaring while he's trapped in the Qiu household. That scene's pretty chilling.
The Heavenly Demons discussion where Luo Binghe's asking how to make a person like you and Shang Qinghua's like "act pathetic!"(inevitably sealing his own fate as MBJ begins to look at his human subordinate VERY differently)
When Yue Qingyuan at the end of the novel tells SQQ to go to LBH, and SQQ describes it like his past(YQY) is one side, while his future(LBH) awaits on the other.
Special mention; Shang Qinghua saying that the best stories are gay<3 Damn right they are
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effelants · 10 months
2 and 6 for Vierna :D
Ahhhhhh yay, thank you, Angy! (❁´◡`❁) So excited to talk about my girlie!
Ask me about my Dark Urge and/or my Tav(s)!
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2. What relationship did your Tav have with their family/guardian(s) growing up? Has that changed with age?
Oh you're hitting me where it hurts the most with this one, Angy! Vierna's relationship with her father, Dinoq, is everything to me, actually, and I have so many thoughts and feelings about it. Her father is the child of quite a difficult home; Vierna's grandmother, Quara, is a very manipulative, controlling woman, who very selfishly uses those around her to serve her own ends, including her son (who she has little respect or use for). She attempted to take Vierna from Dinoq when she was just an infant, and Dinoq stood up to her, for the first time ever, in order to keep his daughter, and broke with his mother for good. He took the child and left, but, from that day on, he's been haunted by the fear that his mother would some day find them and take Vierna, or that Vierna herself would one day become like his mother and leave him. As a result, he restricted Vierna a lot growing up, just out of fear of losing her. He never intended to hurt her, but ended up doing so anyway -- his overprotective ways smothered her at a critical phase in the development of her autonomy and sense of self worth, and the bright-eyed, inquisitive, excitable girl she once was grew into a repressed and withdrawn young woman. In a way, Dinoq did end up losing her because of everything he did to try to keep her safe and by his side forever. Other than his overprotectiveness and the issues caused by that, Dinoq is a doting and loving father, and he's taught Vierna a lot of good things, too: because of him, she's loving, caring, kind, affectionate, and always willing to see the good in others even when they cannot see it themselves. At the beginning of the campaign, this repressed and withdrawn Vierna is the one that takes to the road with a tadpole in her head. She grows and finds herself over the course of the journey, however, and learns things that make her question a lot of what her father told her about herself and her history (he lied and she finds out, basically). That causes a large fracture in the trust she had in him when they see each other again, but, over time, that trust is repaired. They become close again, in a much healthier, more balanced way than they ever have before. The tragedy of Dinoq is that he never intended to hurt her. He just... did, because he wasn't able to break through his own trauma, and put it on his daughter. And I have so many feelings about that, actually. 😭 Vierna doesn't know her grandmother (good riddance) or her birth mother, but her adoptive mother Taviana (her father's second wife) is a wonderful mother to her. Vierna believes Taviana to be her biological mother, and Taviana loves her and considers her her own daughter in every way that matters. She is, however, closer to her father, and that parental relationship is the one that, more than anything else, shapes her into the person she eventually becomes.
6. What is your Tav’s favourite childhood memory?
Vierna's favorite childhood memory is the first time she was allowed into the caves in the forest near her home by herself. She was twelve years old, and it was the first time Dinoq had allowed her into the forest alone to play. She tripped and fell, and, in doing so, stumbled upon a well-hidden entrance a cave system that became her favorite place in the world. The cave is full of spiders, mushrooms, underwater brooks, everything that a little girl obsessed with her family's heritage in the Underdark would be fascinated by. Her experiences exploring that cave system eventually lead her onto the path to becoming a spore druid.
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