#it's really fun. partially cuz of the flicking honestly
i think my hottest rhythm heaven take is that like. remix 8 isn't actually that hard. most of the difficulty comes from the flicking, it's not actually that hard-
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crassussativum · 5 years
ooc- Enemies and Allies: Chapter 11
(Another short chapter but it went through two partial rewrites and then a whole rewrite when I finally convinced myself to pace a thing. You’ll see.
Chapter 11
Four days later, Mav docked them at the station again. They didn’t need to resupply as far as Crassus knew but then again Mav’s stock of grenades were probably near to depleted. At least he almost hoped they had been. Who habitually carried more than seven grenades? Of course on the off chance they were going to encounter more Geth, maybe he would start carrying some too.
Mav put the ship into standby as it ran a few diagnostics and cracked his back in the seat. “I’m gonna head to see the pets.” He said. “You can come too if you wanna but I ain’t gonna make you this time.”
“I’ll come with you,” Crassus said after a few moments.
The smaller turian flashed him a grin. “So you did have fun with Ailuros?”
“It would be a lie to say otherwise.” He drawled and ran a hand over his fringe. He had had fun, more than he’d thought he would.
Mav laughed and for once it wasn’t that skin-crawling one. “I’m glad you enjoyed him. Ailuros is… yeah, he’s always been good to me, too. He might even be a little sweet on me.”
“Have you be seeing him long?” Crassus asked.
“Somewhere between seven and eight months,” He said. “Since I’ve been posted here and found that place.”
He flicked his mandibles. “You haven’t been out here as long as I thought.”
“Nah,” Mav shook his head. “Long ‘nough but not that long.”
“What were you doing before?”
“That’s above your clearance level, big guy.” He snorted as he got up from the pilot’s chair finally. “But don’t worry none ‘bout it. C’mon, let’s head out.”
Crassus flicked his mandibles again but Mav probably wasn’t wrong about his clearance level, the little peak he’d gotten at the smaller turian’s dossier had been nothing but black lines. It had hardly been worth the attempt to read. His own might as well be public record in comparison.
Ailuros had a black eye and a swollen mandible and he seemed skittish, looking back at the door as he closed it behind him. He wasn’t dressed in white today but in blue pants and a ragged dark colored t-shirt. To Crassus he looked a little like one of the duct rats on the Citadel: skinny and crinkled and childlike. His mandibles pulled up to his jaw in disapproval.
“What happened?” Mav wasn’t pleased either, his voice low and threatening, his crooked mandible flared.
“It… just someone that thought he was a real master.” The boy sighed, threw his arms around Mav’s neck and hugged him.
“Are you alright?” Crassus asked as he watched Mav hug him back with utmost care, stroking over Ailuros’ fringe.
“I’m fine, really. I hit my panic button and Baast and the bouncer threw the guy out. He’s banned now, thankfully. ...Mavi, you’re squeezing too tightly.”
“Yeah. Yeah, sorry.” Mav let him go and flopped back to couch. “Where’s Baast?”
Ailuros sat between them. “He’s caught the flu.” He chuckled a little. “I don’t know how he can kick so much ass feeling like shit, but he did.”
“I’m glad he was there for you, baby.”
Crassus hummed his agreement, catching eyes with Mav over the top of Ailuros’ head. The boy looked terrible, exhausted and worn with the bruises. He certainly didn’t look as alluring as he had the last visit. He looked like he needed a good long break, a hot drink and a sweet snack, and maybe a good warm blanket.
“Y’know, I’m hungover as all get out.” Mav said suddenly, the lie clear in his tones. He put his arm over the back of the couch and his fingers brushed Crassus’ arm in a clear follow my lead signal. “Honestly, baby, I ain’t feelin’ up to playin’. Why don’t we just have an easy visit and you can just tell your boss whatever you wanna tell him?”
Ailuros glanced at him sideways and then let his head fall to rest on Mav’s shoulder. “I would like that a lot.” He hummed with a smile. “Spirits… I’m glad it’s you two.”
“Us two?” Crassus asked as he propped his feet up on the coffee table to get comfortable.
“Mavi you lie so bad it’s funny,” The boy chuckled again. “And you’re straight-laced, Crassus.”
Mav chucked. “I ain’t that bad a liar. Big guy is that straight-laced though.”
“So you thought telling me I look like shit and you don’t wanna fuck me was gonna hurt my feelings?” Ailuros poked Mav’s chest.
“I don’t think it’d hurt your feelin’s… You do look like shit, baby.” He grinned a little. “I don’t wanna fuck you cuz you look like you need a break. And I didn’t say it that way cuz I was raised better.”
Ailuros laughed again. “So yeah, I’m glad it’s you two.”
Mav leaned back on the headrest of the couch. “I’m glad it’s us too.” He said.
Crassus watched them. They were roughly the same size but all tangled together, Mav looked bigger and he was still idly petting on Ailuros’ fringe. He wondered if it wasn’t Mav that actually felt sweet for the boy, it sure seemed that way. He felt a little like a third wheel on his end of the couch.
Mav poked his arm with a talon. “Hey, you must have some vids on your omnitool, yeah? You sister’s still a kid, right?”
“Ah… She’s fourteen,” He said, his mandibles working along his jaw a little in confusion.
“That’s a kid.” Mav said. “You got vids on there or what, big guy?”
“I do, yes.” He said.
“So queue a couple up.” He spelled out. “Two or three should give Ailuros plenty of time to relax.”
Crassus nodded his head after a moment and shifted so he sat closer to the both of them.
“I’m so for this idea,” Ailuros giggled. “But this would be way more comfortable in the bed.”
“Y’know,” Mav chuckled. “It definitely would be. C’mon you two.”
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