#it's really not)
thatlesbiancrow · 23 days
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this is taking foreverrrrr
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vikugnavikugna · 7 months
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Made a thing idk. Name of character names after the cut
Jade Harley (Homestuck); Leorio Paradinight (HxH); Siri Keeton (Blindsight); Nico Robin (One Piece); Alexandra 'Sanya' Kazarina (PafL)
Tabitha Scarlet (Scarlet Hollow); Kaladin Stormblessed (Stormlight); Isaac (Castlevania); Superman (DC); Rachel Lindt (Worm)
Finral Roulacase (BC); Kitty Pryde (X-Men); Cheery Littlebottom (Discworld); Aradia Megido (Homestuck)
Shigeo 'Mob' Kageyama (MP100); Valerie (Echopraxia); Travis Touchdown (NMH); Sanji (One Piece); Maki Zenin (JJK)
Petrichor (Saga); Blake Thorburn (Pact); Thorfinn (Vinland Saga); Alluka Zoldyck (HxH); Galaxy 'Alex' Stern (Ninth House)
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highfantasy-soul · 4 months
I think if you felt that Sokka's sexism in NATLA was removed, and with the show we got (with Sokka still holding sexist/machismo views) that means that the showrunners are saying that sexism is ok, actually, then I think that you're shooting yourself in the foot. You're so wrapped up in 'the women don't explicitly tell Sokka "Hey, women are tough! We can fight too! Don't devalue women's work!" which means his issues with masculinity aren't addressed' that you completely missed...when they are addressed in almost every episode.
The show didn't have to explicitly state "Sexism bad. Women strong." in order to show Sokka's struggle with 'traditional' masculinity and how that was hurting how he engaged with women and others around him. It's a much more nuanced view of gender dynamics and expectations that is much more fitting to analyze today since "Women can fight too! Women's work is valuable!" are like...not the issues we're really facing right now. In the early 2000's, sure. Now, it would feel childish and very past it's prime to have that as the lesson.
Just because it wasn't addressed the extremely in-your-face way it was in the animated show, doesn't mean Sokka's struggles with gender dynamics are ignored or 'approved of' in the narrative
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alexjcrowley · 1 year
I thought for a moment about The Banshees of Inisherin but with Mark and Wardo and my head exploded
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kiramekisketch · 1 year
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....Ray....are you sure this is a good idea...:D
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silverameco · 4 months
the american discourse on tiktok saying USA is basically the same thing as the EU is driving me craaaaazy😩
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aparticularbandit · 5 months
me: .... me: wait me: is enogiri just a reskin of carterwood
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hellocatbruhbi · 1 year
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Girl activities
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lilirot · 9 months
Personal Opinion of difficulty of OG vs. NB with events (as a noob who'se been playing both). Firstly, NB definitely gives out stage retries (the energy drink) a lot more then OG. I was saving in both and had significantly less then in NB (I'm at 80+ in NB now). OG also gives out less AP from achievements (it's like 20 something) while NB gives out a lot more (50-100 AP). Pop Quizzes are about the same for the first card (in OG & NB) but getting more then that is significantly harder in OG. If you're really going for it in NB it's easier then OG. Celestial Blessings in NB are harder because it costs more event tokens to get per pull vs. OG and NB has a worse prize spread over (the high value rewards are stuck in later boxes).
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catcatb0y · 7 months
Giving every Narcissist a little kiss on the head.
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chopsueylou · 8 months
Been reading more about the conflict genocide between Isra and Pale for the last few days. I must admit that I didn't know much before last week. It's embarrassing but it is what it is. But the more I read, the more I see, the more I kind of losing enjoyment in life. It's just so fucking sad. And I see posts about other stuff and I try to engage with... like, "normal" stuff but... it's hard to not think about this horrific situation.
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dragynkeep · 2 years
this would’ve been better to discuss during pride month & not when it ended lmao but there are a few things that rubbed me the wrong way with the merch promoted for rt’s pride endeavour.
like, why is one of the three pieces zwei & not blake, the bisexual main character? or yang, the apparent sapphic? why are the other two both lesbians when this is supposed to be a pride merch which means far more than just the first letter of the fucking acronym lmao. especially when they just lazily slapped the rainbow behind coco & ilia’s amity arena artwork when the rainbow is for the entire community. if you just wanted to do the lesbians, why not put the lesbian flag behind them?
& the main thing is that only a portion of the proceeds would be donated.
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this just completely rubbed me the wrong way. not only has this company had a history of being incredibly queerphobic in it’s writing & to their queer fans, but this use of rainbow capitalism & vague writing doesn’t tell us how much was actually donated. one would expect all of the proceeds to be donated, considering rooster teeth is now a large company who could certainly swallow the cost if they wanted to help queer youth in their own community. is 10% being donated? 20%? 50%? 70%? we don’t know because there’s no transparent & open communication in just how much is being donated & this article shows just how shady & problematic that can be, especially in charity donations which can also be further compensated for in tax write offs.
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it’s not a major thing in the scope of everything else like their current sexual abuse court case scandal or the confirmed ongoing crunch of their animators, but it shows that even in the scope of their “benevolent” rainbow capitalism; it���s putting their own wallet & reputation first. instead of the queer youth it’s supposed to benefit, who are facing a borderline genocide right now with the state of queer rights in texas.
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cassassinated · 1 year
here's the thing about my writing
I write sex scenes very suggestively - not explicitly
I can take you through the entire act, and the encore, and never use explicit language
and the reason that I use innuendo and inference is largely personal, not because I think that there's something "dirty" about explicit language
and I've been thinking about this a lot. my work is built on the shoulders of other erotic writers. of artists. of sex ed and pornography and just. people who fuck, you know?
you can't have flowery, implied depictions of a thing without having a solid understanding of what's actually taking place. it just doesn't work
and I think that more and more, as we sanitize both the internet and the rest of the world, it's going to have an even bigger impact than expected. my art, as "safe" as it is, would not exist without explicit etotica
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Writer’s block over how to describe this bullshit in text
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
I’ve seen some hype around Spy x Family.  And, as I live in Japan, I can watch it pretty easily legally.  It’s on Netflix.  So I decided to sit down and watch it.
Watch the first episode.  Okay, dude is a dumbass, kid is in need of all the therapy.  Okay, I can go with this.  Kinda dumb, but it’s a kids show, so I accept these things.  
Beginning of the second episode... and I nearly threw my fucking tv out the fucking window.  I hate Japan so much at times, especially for just accepting a plot line like this.  So this group of office ladies is standing around gossiping (I accept that, office workers gossip during coffee breaks), and they start going off about how odd one of the women is just because she lives alone at 27!  And they tell how another woman nearby was reported and arrested for doing the same thing!
What.  The.  Fuck!
Like writers, you assholes, there is nothing wrong with a woman choosing to live alone at 27!  Nothing at all!  It means she gets to decide her life on her terms, and she doesn’t have to worry about roommates eating her damn cheese, or who is cooking dinner, or anything else!  
And then her brother calls her and keeps hassling her over not being married either.
I turned the episode off at that point and made myself a sandwich.  With extra crunchy peanut butter.  Because fuck that shit.  I’ll finish the episode, I know she’s some kind of super thief or something, but the fact that the writers just accepted shit like that and displayed it as culturally acceptable pisses me off so much.
I’ve had experience with it, though from an older generation.
When I was in college I got lucky and managed to get my own apartment for a while.  It was a shit hole and the landlord was an asshole, but it was mine.  And all my friends just accepted that and called me lucky, because fuck yeah.
My grandmother made a comment asking if anyone thought I was a whore (a woman with a reputation, grandma never would have used the word whore) simply because I was living alone.  In her day such things weren’t allowed.  Apparently she lived in some kind of women’s only place in college and if there was a male visitor she wasn’t even allowed to shut the door so the woman running the place knew there was nothing going on.
I had to explain to her that no, in the 21st century people just thought I was lucky not to have to deal with roommates, no one thought I was a whore.  
Still brings a smile to my face to remember seeing my grandmother looking around nervously before saying ‘a woman of reputation’!  I wore t shirts, jeans, and plaid shirts.  I think the only reputation I had was being a leftover relic of the Seattle grunge scene.  I just bathed and practiced more hygiene than said scene.
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ennaih · 1 year
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Every Film I Watch In 2023:
3. The Man With The Golden Arm (1955)
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