#it's so chaotic recently
druckkugelschreiber · 8 months
Not sure if this is a bug or not but my new leader didn't get her last life from her predecessor (which was Clearstar) instead Rabbitstar got her last life from Quietstar (who was Clearstar's predecessor) and I'm absolutely screaming about the story implications of that.
So see Clearstar was a bit of an ass and kind of loosing it towards the end of her life, Rabbitstar was always calm and really chilled and both of them were senior cats only like 20-30 moons apart.
I kind of like feel that Clearstar got to StarClan and saw Rabbitstar still alive now having her job just chilling and vibing and went 'no fuck that shit, I don't want to give her a life' and slunk off.
Now it gets even better because Quietstar didn't trust Clearstar would do a good job leading the clan, so they coming in to give Rabbitstar her last life feels like a giant middlefinger back to Clearstar and I just love it.
For reference Quietstar was a terrible leader as well, Clearstar was objectively better, if a bit tyrannical.
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hinata-boke · 1 year
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what r they doing
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bearforceone3 · 12 days
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roy harper sketch page (for myself)
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when i say "kayne malevolent is so spiral" i don't mean the magnus archives fear entity spiral btw. i mean junji ito's uzumaki. the crawling chaos that throws your life into disarray and demands your attention. the spiral that will bring down an entire city as entertainment. just to capture an audience for itself.
in terms of tma fear entities, i strongly believe he's entirely of the slaughter.
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venusmage · 1 year
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Love can change a person the way a parent can change a baby- awkwardly, and often with a great deal of mess. (Lemony Snickett)
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zkretchy · 4 months
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Look, you gotta appreciate the timing I got for these kinda quests
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lollytea · 5 months
The new percy jackson show is good for launching the hopefully successful careers of three brilliant young actors and i think thats neat. but man it looks like shit
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sasanka-27 · 6 months
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“Relax Cas, I’m the map.”
Quote and inspiration taken from movie the Mummy (1999)
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hecksupremechips · 1 month
Can we just talk about Trunchbull and miss Honey from the Matilda movie musical I think we should discuss-
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stripesysheaven · 9 months
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my birthday header and icon made by my dear friend @merrypembertons 😌💕
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redfurrycat · 1 year
Top Gun: Peacock 🤠+🐓= 🦚 [Part 1]
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Mitchell Nicholas Bradshaw-Seresin is the son of one Bradley Rooster Bradshaw (Current Top Gun AirBoss, after Beau Cyclone Simpson retires, finally done with Maverick’s bullshit) and one Jake Hangman Seresin (currently test piloting for the Navy when he’s not doing suicide missions and refusing promotions, successor of Pete Maverick Mitchell).
He’s named after two of his grandparents… It’s Icepops’ idea, and everyone quietly agrees, Ice has always the best of ideas after all. Also Mavdad’s all misty-eyed for weeks, and Little Mitchell has his namesake already wrapped around his finger: he’s regaled with stories involving the Original Bradshaws and the Wisest Squad, aka the 86’ promotion.
Soon enough, it becomes quite clear that Mitchell is the absolute carbon copy of his Hangdad (“My Baby looks good, very good, almost too good to be true”…”Yeah, yeah, Seresin, shut the hell up”…”It’s Seresin-Bradshaw to you.”…If no one stops them, those two keep going, and no one wants Dagger Baby to be scarred for life. Natasha Phoenix Trace and Javy Coyote Machado take it upon themselves to protect their favourite godson from his parents’ lovey-dovey bullshit).
However, Roospop teaches his son how to play and sing the Bradshaw song, “Great Balls of Fire”, as well as the Seresin song, “Slow Ride”. He also gifts him a fake Top Gun helmet engraved with his (future) call sign Peacock. One day, Little Mitchell Nicholas asked his pop why he’s sometimes called Rooster and why Grandpa is sometimes referred to as Goose. [When he becomes a navy fighter pilot much later, he wishes to follow the Bradshaw Callsign Tradition and succeeds in choosing his own pilot name, aka Peacock.]
From this point, Mitchell develops an obsession with everything bird-related. He begs his Icepop and Mavdad (“Forget the ‘grand’ part, kiddo, we’re not old”…”Sorry to disappoint you, dear husband of mine, but we are old ”…”Shut you damned good-looking lips, Ice Ice Baby”…Oh yeah, the lovey-dovey bullshit is coming from somewhere :P) to go to the zoo to see ALL the birds. There he’s making friends with real peacocks and is absolutely in awe with their feathers and even brings one home. He also wants to bring back a peacock, Mavdad volunteering for the “stealing” part -anything for his namesake-, but Ice says no and buys him a very big plushie instead…
This is part I of my very first prompt(ish)/fanfic(ish) post EVER on Tumblr…I even did a montage to go with it… Do wonder never cease X)
[But let’s give to Caesar what belongs to his laurelled head. This post first started because I stumbled across this, with the marvellous gifs of moustached Glen Powell from @unicornships​ Tumblr, then @scottishaccentsareawesome​‘s comment about how GP with a moustache is Hangster’s lovechild, then I did some brainstorming because of it, and now here we are!]
More to come….. :)
[part 1] - [part 2] - [part 3] - [part 4] - [part 5] - [part 6] - [part 7] - [part 8]
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seyaryminamoto · 1 year
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Gladiator's Tenth Anniversary
Against all odds... we have made it! Not only is it crazy that we've managed to keep going for ten years... it's also really crazy that my internet survived over 12 hours worth of uploading the project. I was very much terrified that it would collapse at some point, but somehow it didn't, and thank the universe for that.
While I'm definitely rejoicing in Gladiator's big milestone... I also admit I'm grieving a major setback that was dealt against me and my life plans earlier this week. It felt bad enough that I nearly lost all my drive to finish what I was doing... but I didn't spend the last months working non-stop on this project in vain. So, as hard as the road ahead might be, I'll keep going in the hopes of finally finding a better future for myself and my family in due time. Gladiator can keep me somewhat sane in the mean time, I hope (?)
I'm really stoked to have endured the hurdles and challenges that have run parallel with my telling this story (as well as the challenges within the story itself, too...) so that I could be here today to say... that I'm really grateful that I chose to go all in on this journey ten years ago. Gladiator has changed me and built me up, perhaps more than anyone knows, even myself. I'm not quite where I want to be in life yet... but Gladiator has fulfilled some of my most ambitious dreams as a writer, far sooner than I ever imagined it would. I'm really glad I've come as far as I have... and I'm also grateful to all of you who have accompanied me on this journey so far. It has been an extraordinary experience, one that many aspiring writers dream of but aren't always lucky enough to live through. I certainly was fortunate to find my way to this story when I did, knowing I was making a huge commitment and knowing that, as long as I gave it my everything, I wouldn't regret it.
Thank you for sticking by me as I carry us forward through Gladiator's Part 3, all the way towards what I hope will be the most epic conclusion I could bring to this massive story. I hope you enjoy the video <3
(... also, all the new art in the video shall be posted, at full resolution, in my Patreon in due time, in case anyone wants to see it in better detail... :'D)
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lesbianacademic · 6 months
i run specifically on academic validation and coffee
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linagram · 4 months
i think i've mentioned this before but i don't remember if it was on my main or here or on both blogs but i still can't get over the fact that i was like "oh shun's memory problems are just based on mine hehe ^^ and i have no idea what's wrong with my memory so yeah! up to interpretation" and literally my own mother was like "it sounds a lot like he has did" but i was like "well i don't have it so i can't say anything" and then MY THERAPIST was like "your memory problems sound a lot like did"
it feels like i'm just sitting here and shun is staring at me and i'm like "look what do you want from me. 0303 toxic doomed system yaoi??"
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wereh0gz · 6 months
Anyways do you think sonic would like ultrakill
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giggly-squiggily · 5 months
I have a few more… “school projects” 👀
My dearest Squiggily, what tickle spot do you think would absolutely floor Senku, Gen and Chrome??
Thank you for your service, my liege.
My dearest Commander Ducky! Hello once again! :D It's always a great time seeing you! :3 Ah yes, this "school project", very important, yes yes yes (just channeling my inner Tom Nook just now what-)
Oo, that is a fabulous question! Lets see:
Senku- Legs. ESPECIALLY the calves! If you thought his other spots were bad, wait until you discover what happens when you squeeze or drag nails up the mentioned spot; his is a GONER! (Massive, massive credit to @intheticklecloset for her fabulous Sengen fic; I already love the idea of Senku having ticklish calves and she brought it to life in her work- I highly recommend!)
Gen- Oo, this is tough! On one hand, the idea of Gen having ticklish feet feels canon to me, but on the other hand his back is just as bad...I'm gonna say footers! It's near impossible to tickle him there cause like- Gen is a kicker. You gotta be built like Tsukasa or Taiju if you want to survive a kick to the gut from the mentalist- he kicks like a horse when tickled on his feet. (But also like- you get the funniest reaction ever if you tickle him there so it's one of those risk and reward situations, you know?)
Chrome- In my heart of hearts; Chrome has the most ticklish belly in all of Ishigami Village. Well- okay maybe not the most but like; y'all can't look me in the eyeball and tell me he doesn't double over with a giggle snort whenever someone jabs him in the gut. Or that he doesn't get all squealy and squirmy whenever he gets raspberries. It is the law of the stone age!
I hope that helped with your school project, Ducky! Sending you lots of good vibes and blessings <3 <3 <3
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