#it's so funny bc my parent's close contact called while i was writing this saying they were covid positive so i wonder if you can tell when
NEW HAVEN WARDS MARK WINTERS ESSAY (except its more like. stream of consciousness me being insane over him)
>> its been too long, simurgh is too close. she fucking ROCKS half the city with an earthquake before she shows up. ashe runs inside as the roof collapses. his mom is trapped- she had grabbed her phone and some other small essentials and was on her way out when she got pinned by the rubble. ive typed this part out already in another post but as shes yelling at ashe trying to get him to leave, she realizes he wont go by himself so she texts mark . its kind of a shot in the dark- part of her hopes he hasnt evacuated yet so he can come get ashe and get him to safety, but she immediately feels this sense of dread for thinking like that because then that also means he's in as much danger as they are. and she can hear the singing now- some tiny part of her brain logically knows its too late and theyll be trapped by the quarantine protocols anyway, but. they can still get out of that alive. they just need to get there. anyway the important thing here is that the last thing ever hears from his wife is a text that says "ashe athome cant lea e come get hjm"
adding jonesys stupid fucking image in here bc it's so funny to me and is fr how I felt typing this whole thing up for like 4 hours
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>> okay going to try my hardest to keep this chronological but i KNOW i will get distracted from that halfway through. starting from the simurgh attack. assuming simurgh attacks look pretty similar to each other, ive been imagining this a lot like the one we actually got to see with the travelers. the notice to evacuate went out in the early afternoon. (im going to say on a wednesday because thats the day i used in my fic and this is OUR AU i get to make the emotionally devastating rules. not that that matters to anyone but me. its a little treat.) so. mark was at work, ashe was at school, i like 2 think ashes mom works in somehting to do with old things or books or whatever so she was probably at work too. her IMMEDIATE thought is to go get ashe from school, because of course it is! (worldbuilding side note i think there are probably evac protocols in place for schools where. first priority is to keep the kids Togehter and get them out first so theyre SUPPOSED to evacuate straight from there and then meet up with their parents when everything is safe. but in a real emergency what parent is going to trust that and just leave their kids safety up to someone else?) she gets to the school and it is absolute chaos with all of the other parents trying to do the same thing. she gets ashe, goes to call mark to tell him where they are and- oh, yeah. she forgot her phone at home this morning. i just. like. the mundanity in that. its a normal morning, she maybe woke up late and had to rush out the door, got to work realized she didnt have her phone, had the thought like "damn thats frustrating. oh well, not like ill need it, ill just get it when im home later" we've all had days like that!!!!!!!!! but it becomes fucking heartbreaking in this situation because it means she now has No Way of contacting her husband to let him know that she has ashe and to tell him not to go to the school (because hes probably thinking the same thing) and to get out and where to meet them when theyre out. she KNOWS its a bad idea, she knows it would be catastrophic if they took too long... but all the other cars are going in the opposite direction, the road back is completely empty, surely they can be fast enough? she knows exactly where she left it, itll take two seconds and hey maybe the roads will be empty enough at that point they can get out even faster. so they fucking RUSH back home. she tells ashe to stay in the car wiht the doors locked while she runs inside.. he is scared and confused and doesnt want to be alone so after. maybe 30 seconds of her being gone he gets out of the car and goes inside.
>> switching to mark pov finally. evac notice goes out, he fucking books it to his car. but because its important to me that hes a little bit of a coward. this is where he hesitates. he knows he should find his family. meet up with them, make sure theyre all okay and they all make it out together. he's also logical. he knows this is a bad idea and his wife's job is closer to the school, shes probably already got ashe and theyre on their way out too. he can just leave. but he hasnt heard anything from her. thats not like her, she would call or something if they were okay, wouldnt she? so he kind of. panics over what he should do. he starts driving, telling himself he'll make up his mind on the road. hes about halfway to the end of the quarantine zone when he gets the text. has a moment of "fuck why are they there?" before immediately deciding to go get them. finds the aftermath of ashe's trigger. ashe is in breaker state, unresponsive except for... why is he laughing. hes sitting on the floor, knees up to his chest hands over his head jsut kind of. staring into the middle distance eyes unfocused quietly loopy laughing like hes totally unaware of the. scene.
>> mark is like. frozen there for a minute obviously horrified and he thinks ashe is having some kind of mental break at the shock and horror (he doesnt. understand that ashe killed her yet) until he goes and tries to get him to stand up and . oh the floor is unstable and bouncy like a trampoline and as soon as he touches ashe's shoulder hes knocked back by a pain in his hand that suspiciously feels like a joybuzzer turned up to 11. okay! fuck! his kid is a fucking parahuman and his wife is dead and the singing in his head just keeps getting louder and he knows what that means and he knows they have to get the hell out of there but hows he gonna do that when he cant get within 5 feet of ashe-
>> i think he just has to like. sit there and talk to ashe. which is a uniquely horrible punishment because it kills so much time in a situation where they need to get out, now, and the whole time theyre in the same room with whats left of a bloody corpse (but he cant think about that right now) and he has to be calm and keep his voice low because every sudden movement makes ashe's powers flare up again in response to a perceived threat- its MESSY, its SLOW its TERRIBLE but he needs ashe to calm down enough that he can actually talk to him and get him out. he eventually does (it feels like hours later, it was probably only like.. 10 minutes) and the weird distortions stop and mark just. runs forward and picks him up and takes him out to the car before ashe can. see what else is in the room.
>> he doesnt even bother putting ashe in another seat in the car he just holds him in his lap as he drives (oh god there are wings in the sky) just. as fast as he fucking can to whatever checkpoint or hospital or safe zone there is for any survivors. theres. not many. enough that the two of them can get lost in the crowd if they try hard enough but . not enough to fill an auditorium. he's maybe got a bunch of really small scrapes or bruises from the process of trying to get ashe to calm down but he doesnt know whether ashe is actually hurt or not so he goes to find some sort of medical attention and the whole time hes thinking "maybe this is a bad idea. i shouldnt tell them ashe has powers what if they take him away" and he gets the same sort of rundown about quarantine and payment that krouse got and mark is just standing there fucking shaking, hes still carrying ashe, he hasnt put him down since they left the house (ashe is still out of it- not because of his powers but because of. everything) and i think thats the breaking point where mark makes up his mind like. fuck this. we cant stay here, we cant go through all of the bullshit protocols, we cant wait that long (he can still hear simurgh in his head- what if shes pushing him to make this choice? is that exactly what she wants? who cares im getting my son somewhere safe)
>> i think mark is really good at. compartmentalizing and pushing down any emotion thats not anger and turning to logic in panic situations rather than emotion. so he hasnt like. fully processed any of this yet. he was more focused on "solve the problem, get out, get safe" to actually think about the fact that. oh my wife is dead. ashe doesnt have a mom anymore. ashe has powers now. how is he gonna deal with a powered kid? he never really cared about capes what does he even do now? i dont think any of this hits him until theyre out of the quarantine zone hiding out somewhere safe (as safe as they can be after. all of that) and his head is quiet and ashe is asleep and he looks down at his phone and sees the text and it all comes crashing down like. oh my god that was real. shes gone. he doesnt even have anything of hers and he never will because their house is basically gone and they can never go back and- FUCK HIM UP!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK HIM UP i want him to have a fucking breakdown . villain origin story moment he realizes nothing is ever going to be okay or normal ever again because theyve been marked by simurgh and hes already broken a huge fucking law how much worse can it get? what else does he have to lose. everything in his life revolves around keeping them safe and keeping ashe out of danger. simurgh be damned if hes going to become an agent of chaos it might as well be on his own terms to protect whats left of his family.
>> i think they move around a lot after that, never staying in one place for too long, never doing anything that make people look at them too closely. mark does a bunch of odd jobs, but its hard to get a job when youre legally dead and have no experience with making a fake identity so. theres a lot of stealing. never anything that would garner cape attention, at least at first, and if people started to get too suspicious theyd just pack up and move again.
>> and then mark does something that DOES draw cape attention. idk what it would be, but it captures the attention of. a guy who knows a guy who works for overlord. hey man you seem like you could use a job. off the books. so he joins up as like a... foot soldier mercenary whatever for overlord. this job is risky- hes essentially a full time criminal now (but what does that matter, he already broke the law), he has to spend extended periods of time away from home, he has to kill people sometimes now... but the money is worth it. he's okay with being a number, a blank face in the crowd, because it means he wont get the immediate fallout if something goes wrong. that gets put on whoever his boss is. ashe is maybe 13/14 by this point, he can take care of himself at home. mark gives himself a limit, hes never going to be away from home for more than 3 days (which he eventually extends into 5 days, which then turns into a week-). he is. really fucking good at his job. hes smart, he can be ruthless when he needs to be, he's efficient. no identity means no friends which means no slacking off on the job. this is all he has, he needs this, so hes good at it.
>> he starts to move up the ranks, take bigger (but never riskier) jobs, and it catches overlord's attention. overlord offers him a promotion. offer being in air quotes here. he lays everything out plain and simple- youre good, youre going to join my personal elite team, i know who you are and why youre running. i can offer you an out, get you and your son (oh god oh fuck overlord knows about his kid) a new life, a new identity, nobody will have any reason to suspect you. and also in order to join you have to take this (cauldron vial!!! + canon parallel to the like. forced experimentation on harttawa)
>> mark doesnt want pwoers. he doesnt want to be a cape. but overlord knows about ashe, knows about their history, and if he turns down this offer theyre both fucked. so logic takes over emotion again and he accepts it, leans into the position, stays as fucking ruthless as ever. but its Different now. hes a cape, he has a secret identity, a name, people are Looking at him now, even if all they see is a costume.
>> silly sidebar for ME here but this period of time is where he meets tide :] forever thinking about ur nhw tidalwave post. fight to maim, not kill.
>> a couple years pass like this and its Fine. ashe is 17 now, mark knows hes fucked up (theyre both fucked up) but hes too deep into this job now to give it up. its kept them safe and in place for this long, he can fool himself into believing they can stay like this . ashe does not have the same train of thought. hes lonely, hes miserable, hes bored, he just wants to have a life! they fight a lot about this. they fight a lot about this and sometimes mark leaves in the middle of it because he gets called on a job so nothing ever gets resolved. they have a particularly rough fight and mark gets pulled away in the middle of it to answer a phonecall, and when he comes back ashe is still pissed but hes just so tired and defeated that hes like "listen. we'll deal with this later, i have to go for a few days, there are groceries in the fridge, do whatever you want, just stay here, be safe, dont be stupid" and then he leaves! and ashe is still pissed and his dad is a hypocrite (why does he get to go out and use his powers and put himself in dangerous situations when ashe gets in trouble for floating the tv remote to the kitchen table while hes eating breakfast, and never gets to leave the house or go to school or have friends or-) . and this is where he makes the decision to sneak out the first time!!
>> he starts sneaking out more often, usually only when he knows mark is gonna be gone for extended periods of time, he gets good at disabling the tinker devices, he has friends!! everything is good!!!! mark finds out when he gets home from a job early and ashe is gone. and he fucking freaks out, hes ready to tear up city streets, hes ready to go on a fucking rampage... but then he hears the window open as he climbs back into his room . its a big like. "oh shit" moment on ashes part, he doesnt think hes ever seen his dad this angry before, he threatens to put bars on the goddamn windows, etc (mark has a reason to be as angry as he does- if anything ever happens to ashe everything hes ever done will have been for nothing. but its still. harsh.)
>> i think once everything cools down from this they do have an actual talk about it that isnt a fight; ashe tells him he has friends now and he just wants to be normal, be a kid, he cant spend anymore time in his room its killing him knowing hes wasting his life like this etc. i think mark maybe reluctantly agrees to letting him go out with his friends (he doesnt know who they are yet, ive GOTTA believe he knows tide hes had to have fought or at least seen the wards before, theres no way he would say yes to this if he knew thats who ashe was talking about) but gives him strict like. dont use your powers ever, curfews and check in texts and a code system and its a little Too Much but ashe is just. giddy at all of it because !! curfews are a thing Normal kids get!! he gets to go hang out with his friends without the looming threat of sneaking out to do it !!!
>> ashe starts using his powers anyway because his friends are capes and !!! he is also technically a cape!! he can help!!!! i think he starts out by beggingggg to go on patrol with them sometimes (i wont even do anything, i just want to see what its like, you guys know i have powers too i can handle myself, dont be like my dad etc etc) i think the wards are pretty reluctant to do that bc they know what its really like but. man. its ashe. he deserves Something. it becomes more frequent and serious and the prt handler tells them they should recruit him.
>> mark is sooooooo fucking against ashe joining the wards. because of course he is he has to be. ESPECIALLY considering. hey. hes a villain, working for one of the most notorious villains in the city, being put in a situation where he has to choose between fighting his son or losing overlords protection is a HUGE NIGHTMARE SCENARIO. (he would choose to say fuck overlord with no hesitation, no way he would even consider the other option, but he also knows what kind of consequences a choice like that would have)
>> hey. actually. that gives me an idea. what if thats exactly the scenario that leads up to the whole trickster thing. overlord wants to be proactive, launch an attack on the wards, they just got a dangerous new member lets go see what kind of powers theyve got. mark obviosuly refuses. overlord does not take being told no very kindly. hey what if this is how mark gets the lizard stuff. instead of getting it as a side effect mutation of his powers, he pisses off overlord, the guy who has a morbid fascination with animal human hybrids and genetic experimentation. ive solved everything!!!!!! (<< guy who is fucking insane. please imagine me with mad science hair and crazy eyes as i am saying this. dr. cross who?)
>> mark effectively goes missing while overlord has him captive, ashe is freaked out because his dad has never left without telling him first, but maybe it was an emergency or whatever... until his hard limit on jobs passes. its been over a week and no contact whatsoever. hes gone. ashe gets fucked up about this
>> mark is unconscious for the entire trickster thing. he was unmasked for the experimentation so when the heroes come to clean up the aftermath they dont recognize him as one of the villains (tide does. tide doesnt tell anyone) and take him to. a hospital rather than prison. he is fuuuucked up when he wakes up. gotta adjust to a WHOLE lot of freaky lizard things. hes kind of out of it, understandably, so nobody... tells him. its only a few days later, when mark is more lucid and can stand on his own two feet without losing balance, and when he can see properly again, tide visits him (tide has been visiting him the whole time, not that he'd remember it much, because who else will. who else will!) tide tells him ashe is missing. he breaks the news as gently as he possibly can because its gonna be a shitshow either way (he knows how mark is gonna react no matter what. waiting doesnt help either because then hes just pissed that he was lied to for days ("you coudlnt even stand, how was i supposed to tell you then?" "i dont know, i wouldve done something. he could be anywhere by now")
>> mark goes sooooo rogue. he goes so very rogue. hes literally got nothing to lose anymore. the wards try to work with him, try to help him, because theyre looking for ashe too, but he thinks theyre too slow, too good, too afraid to do things that actually need to be done. he goes too far and gets put in the birdcage.
>> i think he probably loses it a little bit in the birdcage. hardcore despair depression that turns into just this awful terrible rage. hes mad at himself for not being able to stop it, hes mad at ashe because this is what he WARNED him about for YEARS and if he only would have listened, hes mad at the world, hes mad at SIMURGH . all nhw mark winters knows is be so full of grief and rage at all times
>> breaks out of the birdcage (still insane abt this btw) and goes back on his. sort of rampage. the wards stop him (tide is. retired at this point. that happened while mark was in jail) and they try to talk some sense into him, maybe they get him to slow down just a little bit, enough to tell him what theyve learned (not much). mark and everyone else eventually learn about muse. mark winters worlds most miserable man is watching every single one of his nightmares play out in front of him and he realizes this is what simurgh marked them for. hes watching his son, unmasked, level a fucking town in some gaudy outfit he knows ashe would never wear and hes calling himself muse and thats not what his laugh sounds like and
>> okay im a little more fuzzy past this point. i said this mostly joking before but i DO think there should be a moment where. mark is up against muse and hes trying to talk to ashe like he did that first night to get him out of breaker state and ashe gets one lucid moment where he just starts crying and babbling about losing marks jacket and hes so sorry but that only lasts about 2 minutes before trickster gets control of him again. this is the catalyst for them realizing that yeah, ashe IS still in there and it might be possible to break him out .
>> god. all of that was plot and i didnt even talk about Little Things which are my favorite. heres a collection of Little Things:
>> i want him to keep his weird terrible lizard biology <3 maybe its not as smooth a transition as in canon, maybe hes just got the scales and the eye and not. the tail or infrared sense or whatever. but he Could. as a Treat for Me.
>> i actually... ironically think mark is a better dad in this au than he is in canon. like. dont get me wrong hes still awful and he sucks but. hes working with the knowledge here that no matter what he does he and ashe are still doomed and hes always waiting for the other shoe to drop and hes more scared and theres nothing he can do about it so. he makes more of an effort to Actually Care about his son. before overlord he never wouldve missed a birthday for anyhting. theyre all each other has.
>> that little bit of dialogue i typed up for mark earlier. stay here, be safe, dont be stupid. be safe, dont be stupid. he says that a lot, always in that order. enough that when ashe is with the wards sometimes he'll also say it. dakota "im going to pick up the pizza" ashe from the couch "be safe dont be stupid" (IMMEDIATE recoil as he thinks about it for more than a second because he has an oh god i sound like my dad moment. but everyone else finds it endearing)
>> THE COAT!!!!!!!! THECOAT. i think about the coat a lot. its just. a random one that ashe grabbed from the closet the first time he snuck out. but it was a good size, exactly as baggy as he likes, hey! he found old money in the pocket! so he just like. claims it as his own and neither of them ever say anything about it but its suuuuch. comfort clothing for ashe and he doesnt like thinking about why. it just is. he wears it EVERYWHERE all the time, its the one piece of clothing the rest of the wards never steal beacuse they know its important to him.
>> there is exactly one (1) surviving picture of ashes mom outside of their old house and its a crumpled polaroid mark had in his wallet from when ashe was a baby.
>> he will never admit this to himself or anyone else but. as much as mark is scared for ashe and scared for both of their safety and what it means for them to be simurgh victims... he is also scared OF ashe, even just subconsciously . he has nightmares about finding ashe that day, laughing. about what mightve happened if he wasnt able to break ashe out of that state. about what mightve happened if he had never gotten that text and continued on with the evac protocols. i need that blonde man to be fucking miserable
>> literally always thinking about your tidalwave post. never not thinking about your tidalwave post. i dont even have much to add here other than i really like nhw tidalwave a lot. the aftermath of the leviathan fight makes me crazy even if thats mostly one-sided on tides part.
>> his tinker specialty is power enhancement. he makes devices that make his and other peoples powers stronger or extend their range. the drawback is that the devices need to be Connected to the person using them in some way (thinking about the ports he has on his back in canon. his gauntlets clamp down on his forearms. overlord had him make each of the capes under his power something that enhances them too so theyve all got little. gadgets embedded in them somehow) (begs the question can he also make things that dampen powers? is this falling too far into Trump category?)
>> he got ashe his headphones as a birthday present when he was like... 15 . their fights had been getting more frequent as he had to be away from home more and ashe was fully in his angsty teen "i hate my dad" phase, but mark had been working w overlord for like a year at that point and money wasnt as much of an issue anymore so he got ashe like. the most high quality noise cancelling headphones he could possibly find.
okay i think thats all. its nearly 1am lmao!!!!!
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jonnnysuh · 3 years
Dating Jay B would include:
A/N: So this one has been in my notes for over a year and I would constantly add to it bc Jay B is just so consistent and such a weirdo (I love it tho). Everything is more fun than romantic. Purely based off observation/ my perception of him. Updated with texts and Snapchats: 1/10/22
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Watching romcoms and being like “that’s you” when the main character does something stupid
Conversations from the toilet
Weird conversations quickly turning into deep conversations and then going back
Having random spurts of energy but at different times and annoying the fuck out of each other 
Those silent laughs with each other where you’re both just clapping and gasping for air 
While he’s reading he’ll shut the book and say “do you know” bc he just learned something 
watching him fall over bc he’s mad clumsy
“You okay bro?” “ya bro. but are you okay bro?” “ya bro.”
going 🤟🏼gang 😳 🤘🏼gang 😔 To greet each other
He thinks that he’s flirting but what he said was not remotely flirty 
He’ll come in and watch TV shows with you and then get invested on his own 
serving you food first before he serves himself
“I have a crush on you"  “Ya I would hope so we’re dating”
“Why do you look so serious? Smile” “Don’t tell me what to do”
doing shit for you even though he’s tired out of his mind
He stares intently which is sometimes intense 
“stop looking at me” but he stares even more and closer
“Don’t get mad but…” when you know youre going to be in trouble with him and he tries his best to stay calm but he wants to WHOOP YOUR ASS
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“end the ft I need to go now” “No” “end it” “no you have your own hands end it yourself.” *looks at camera, sighing. “Okay bye I love you” “I love you too”
Doing something wrong so he takes it and fixes it for you
he finds out who casey frey is and can’t stop dancing like him “what’s poppin??? unhhhh”
Loves going on walks through nature // places that aren’t busy and quiet
Removes his socks any time he gets comfortable somewhere so there’s just a bunch of socks balled up in random places
You can tell he’s mad just by his eyes 
he’s originally very closed off and it takes a while to get him to open up, but eventually he can’t wait to share things with you
smaller fights turning into dance battles and then yall stop being mad at each other because you start doing stupid shit to make each other laugh
having quiet time away from each other
Staring contests just bc you randomly made eye contact and he’ll make his eyes as big as he can 
when you’re ranting he will let you go on for as long as you need to and THEN he’ll give you advice
his life is a mukbang. he’s just a dude who likes food 
Taking you to the places he went to when he was growing up
Sending animals memes to each other 
Has separate journals where he writes about his day, and dreams, and songs
Is the jealous type but will not admit he is the jealous type
his legs wrapping around yours when you sleep
feels like affection should be a private rather than public thing but will do a cute lil gesture every once in a while
Both being the funny one
switching between who’s the parent and who’s the kid in the situation
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Has to pull you away when you want to beat someone’s ass !!! 
Being super competitive with each other over stupid things 
Making To-do lists for each other
he makes breakfast shirtless
Always keeping you in check
cheering each other on whenever possible ,, literally being the loudest most obnoxious person
Playfully hitting him and he falls to the ground bc extra 
facetiming when one’s at the grocery store instead of calling because you want to show each other everything
museum dates
is always late to things
Taking sneaky candids of one another 
Taking selfies and he’s taking more pictures of you with different angles BC HE KNOWS THE MUTHAFUCKING ANGLES
Pointing out something only both of you would find funny and it’s usually at the most inappropriate moment so you have to hide your laughter but it makes it funnier 
not fighting often, but when you do fight it’s super intense and scary. Like you won’t talk for a few days, and you’ll sleep in separate rooms
And both of you will keep adding to the problems with irrelevant shit but shit that bothers them and the only way to solve it is having a long long talk to apologize and fix it
“Who can scream louder AHHHHHHHHHHHH”
Handwritten notes for birthday/ anniversaries
Will remember small details about you and bring them up later
standing on his back
He is just so clumsy JB please just watch where you’re going
footfiving ((high-fiving feet I KNOW this one is weird ok))
he’s a good listener and you can honestly go to him for anything 
Doing funny things with a serious face to see who will crack first
Honestly, he’s basically just your best buddy with the bitch face that has a heart of gold
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246 notes · View notes
wtf-yoongi · 4 years
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pairing | taehyung x reader
summary | you’ve lost count of how many notes you’ve left in between tae’s textbooks, from the silliest to the most profound, loving ones. and yet, even after all these months, taehyung doesn’t seem to have noticed any of them
genre/warnings | university fluff bc y’all whipped by university student!tae am i right
words | 3,070
note | this concept was inspired by a plot line in romance is a bonus book (which you can and should stream on netflix). also: for some reason i didn’t know but found out while writing this that i would do anything for kim taehyung and that’s just a fact
You don’t know how that even started.
It sounds like the kind of thing people who lose bets would be forced to do. If you lose, you’ll have to write a silly letter confessing your love to a friend. It would be funny, a story worthy of being shared with friends in between bottles of beer and other tales from college years.
But it really isn’t like that. Definitely not as funny or entertaining – just you being bored one day and then too into it to stop it.
You don’t know what had gotten into you the first time you did it. You arrived a little early at the apartment Taehyung shared with Jimin. Tae was still taking a shower. Jimin let you in and apologized for having to leave you alone because he was working on a paper due only a couple of days later. You sat down in the small living room area. Looked around for a while. Picked a thinning stack of sticky notes from your backpack. Wrote something silly on one of them. Added a little #1 to it. Entered Taehyung’s room. Picked a book out of his shelves. Opened it on a random page. Sticked the yellow note there. Closed the book. Left it alone. That was it.
After that, it was like an addiction. Maybe it was the thrill of getting caught someday – eventually, as you thought – and having a good laugh with your friends about it. You could actually picture it: Jimin and you cracking up in the kitchen after Taehyung shows up with a handful of notes you’ve written. You tell them you’ve been doing it for weeks and leaving them everywhere. Jimin jokes about Tae not even opening a textbook to pretend he’s studying. Tae eventually joins, giggling and shaking his head.
“Hey, what’s up?”
You blink quickly to focus your mind again, looking up to see Taehyung free his shoulder from the weight of his bag and place a bottle of water on the table you are now sharing. He looks relaxed despite the craziness of the end of the semester, smiling and waving at a known face two tables away before sitting down.
“You good?” He asks again and bumps his elbow against yours to coax an answer out of you. “You look too serious.”
“I was…” You start and look down at the scattered pieces of paper in front of you, trying to make any sense of them. You pile it all to at least appear a bit more put together – the papers and yourself. “I was in the library, but the tension was too much to handle, so I moved in here.”
“It’s noisy.”
Well, yes, it’s a common area filled with students doing anything but studying. You wish to feel at ease like these people. Are they done with the semester or what?
“Don’t you think it’s a little bit too noisy to study?”
“Yeah, but there’s a whole lot of people talking and I can’t tell them apart, so it doesn’t bother me,” you answer, maybe a little too quickly after a few beats of silence. You decide to add something else, something to not end it on a bad note. “It’s oddly calming.”
“Well, if you think so.” Taehyung raises his shoulders and flashes you a simple and toothless smile. 
You don’t know how that even started. Liking him like the way you do.
It sounds like the kind of thing you would hear from someone else. I think I’m in love with a friend, what should I do? It would be funny, giving them advice on this sort of thing, but it only happened in movies, right?
But it really isn’t like that. It’s real. And it’s not as funny or entertaining. It kind of hurts, actually, but you can’t stop feeling those feelings and it drives you crazy sometimes. 
More than often you had found yourself thinking about this before going to sleep at night – and sometimes losing sleep over it as well. It definitely wasn’t like a switch, but it sure felt like it. You gradually fell in love, but only realized it when Taehyung came running down the stairs at the Art Department to meet you. 
There was nothing special about him that day – it was just the same old Tae –, but it wasn’t the art that had changed. It was the artist’s eye. You knew the second he made eye contact that something was up, but didn’t immediately jump to any conclusions, no. Love was something that came to you much later. At first, you thought maybe he had his hair done differently or the sweater he was wearing just fitted him too perfectly, the color matching everything else flawlessly.
But you had never used the word flawless to describe Kim Taehyung up until then. That’s when you realized you were the one looking at him in a different way. And that’s also when you started to wonder if that would ever happen the other way around, too.
But, of course, that never happens. He never finds out. Maybe the books you were picking up were way too random or hiding the notes inside just made it too hard for him to find them, so you decided to stick a note to a cover for once. 
You could feel the adrenaline rush as you did it, almost as if you were committing a crime. What you wrote is far from incriminating, though. #19 this is a test to see if you’re truly that clueless about your own stuff. you tedious friend, you were supposed to find these. what’s the joke in me leaving them if you don’t?
After that audacious move, you were a little apprehensive for a few days. You couldn’t stop looking at your phone, waiting for it to light up with a new message. At any moment now, you thought to yourself – and it did come, the message, but it wasn’t what you were expecting. It was just a you up? I need help with an Impressionism piece and this is more your thing.
“This is your last one, right?” Taehyung asks after a few minutes. “Last test?”
You blow a strand of hair that has fallen in front of your eyes. “Yeah, this and a project due tomorrow, but I’m done with that already.”
“Oh, the one you were working on last week when I asked you to come over and you said you couldn’t?”
“Yup, exactly.”
When you disconnect your eyes from the words in front of you to look at him again, he’s calmly playing with the water bottle with a subtle smile on his lips.
“I wish you could’ve come that day.”
You had sticked a note on his only book on Impressionism just a few days before.
To be honest, you were disappointed. Over the months, you had found yourself wanting more and more for him to find the notes – and not just the ones that had jokes on them, but also the ones that ask about the weather, about how he’s feeling, apologizing for that day two years prior when you bought spicy snacks instead of the regular ones, praising his photography skills and everything else that was on your mind. 
Taehyung not noticing anything gave you a more whatever attitude to it, almost as if you knew for a fact that he would never ever find them. That’s when you started to write deeper ones that sounded a little bit too much like a confession. You were talking about your fear of the future, the pressure your parents put on you, the pain of being the second child after a perfect one, how you were scared of failing in life and all the stuff you were too much of a wimp to say out loud. So many you ended up losing count and they no longer had a tiny number written in the corner.
At this point, you were running out of books. Taehyung had a good collection on his desk and shelves, piled one on top of the other without any order – but not enough for the rate you were going at. You left a note every single time you were there and able to sneak into his bedroom and caught yourself finding reasons why you had to visit just to leave another one. It was the safest way to get something out of your chest. Tae wouldn’t see it and, honestly, if he ever did, it was also ok.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“What do you mean what’s up? You’re the one who called.”
Taehyung laughs.
 “Actually, you never call. What is up?”
“How did the test go?”
“Did you really call just to ask how I did?”
“I wanted to know if your semester’s finally over… And if you’re free.”
“Right now?”
“Yeah, right now.”
“I guess I am… I have some books to return, but that’s it.”
“Can you come over after that?”
“Sure. Do you need anything I can pick up on my way? I think I’m stopping at the convenience store for some much needed and deserved alcohol.”
He laughs again.
“You’re right, you deserve it. In that case, can you get those potato sticks I like?”
Only it wasn’t ok anymore if he saw it. Not after you wrote that one. 
A whole month had passed after that day at the Art Department. You thought you had had enough time to understand what was going on – what you felt. And even after that, it was still hard to comprehend how you could let yourself fall like that.
It wasn’t like Taehyung was paying any special attention to you. He really wasn’t. He treated you just like any other friend – maybe a closer one, yes, but not that much closer. It was hard to distinguish, though. He was friendly towards everyone, always looking for ways to help. 
You racked your brain. Had he ever offered to help you with something you didn’t think he would do for anyone else? Had he ever shown interest in any way? What the hell was it that made you feel this?
Maybe it was just him. Effortlessly. Just like that.
That day, instead of going with something that popped into your head right there and then, you had a plan for once. You had imagined something a little bit longer, organized the structure of it all inside your head – sentence after sentence –, but couldn’t bring yourself to write the right words even after your third try.
That was when you decided to settle for I think I’m in love with you, you idiot. You’re driving me insane. Stop that now.
“Your beloved potato,” you say to Taehyung, handing him the children’s snack as soon as he opens the door. “Can I get a thank you, you’re the best or what?”
“Thank you, you’re the best,” he repeats your words with a small smile on his lips. Inside, the butterflies want to start fluttering everywhere, but you beg them to keep quiet and still.
You smile back at him, soon entering the small living room and leaving your much lighter backpack on the floor. “Is Jimin home? I bought him some as well.”
“No, but you can leave it in the kitchen and I’ll…”
“I don’t trust you, traitor,” you interrupt, hand immediately raising to point a finger at him, eyes squeezed in suspicion as you pick the round package and start walking again. “I’ll take this to his room and hide it somewhere. Don’t you dare look for it!”
There’s a moment of silence after you move into Jimin’s slightly messy room, looking for a spot to hide the chips and soon picking up your phone from your back pocket to let him know exactly where to find them later. When you walk towards the living room again, Taehyung is seated on the sofa with his back to you, slowly moving his hand through his growing hair.
Nothing sounds out of place or any less than completely peaceful until he opens his mouth again. He waits for you – for you to be seated and comfortable and fully focused, phone forgotten inside of your back pocket.
“Why did you stop numbering them?”
You freeze.
Your first reaction is almost immediate. Your whole body tenses, going into panic mode with the force and speed of an electric shock. Somehow, you can’t seem to disconnect your eyes from his serene ones – a complete opposite from yours. 
Your brain, on the other hand, is running a million miles per hour. It wants to know and it has so many questions. When did he find out? Did he read every single note? Did he notice you had left one inside almost every book – sometimes even two or three? Where were they now?
But, most of all, had he read that one?
“Why did you stop numbering them? The notes, I mean,” Taehyung calmly asks again. He’s so composed and gentle you start to wonder what he is thinking about you now and what conclusions he has jumped to from reading all of that. “I know the exact order you left them up to a point and then I’m lost. It kind of bothers me, you were telling a good story.”
He smiles again and an invisible hand clenches your heart.
“I just…” You struggle to find the words and, when they do come, your throat feels dry and tight and like it doesn’t want to make a sound at all. You can’t face him anymore. “I lost count one day.”
“Too bad,” he admits with the same tender tone. “I was really enjoying it, you know? Your story. There are sixty-four notes in total, so I’m guessing you’ve been doing this for a long time.”
So he has read all of them.
Your palms start to sweat and your whole body grows cold all of a sudden. You let out a small cough, but your words still come out a bit too raspy. “Kind of, yeah.”
“I’m really sorry to be this blunt, but I just got to know,” Taehyung’s voice loses its cool a little and you can see his whole body reflect that, agitated, while he turns to you. His hands reach out a little, but end up halfway, resting on the sofa. 
Then, his words come out like he has finally opened his brain’s tap. 
“I just have to know since when you’re feeling like this. Are you still feeling like this? You wrote me a note saying you’re in love with me and I don’t know when that happened. How could you not tell me that? God, I’m so selfish. You wrote a bunch of things about feeling like you’re not enough and being scared of the future and all I can focus on is this one thing.”
You swallow, but your mouth and throat don’t become any less tight. “It’s usually a one-time thing, I don’t always feel like that. We’re all worried about the future, it’s fine.”
“Are you sure?” You nod. He lets out a long and staggered breath and shifts his hands impatiently. He wants to move them closer, but doesn’t know if the timing is right. “You didn’t answer my first question, though.”
You freeze again.
“It was a…” You take one deep breath, your voice as small as it has ever been, but still somewhat audible. “It was a few months ago.”
“A few months?” He repeats, voice escalating in tone, and you simply nod once again. “You should have said something. You know you should have said something, right? I wouldn’t… I wouldn’t reject you.”
“I know, I’m sorry. I got scared.”
Wait. He said what?
“What did you just say?” You repeat the words screaming inside your head.
Taehyung laughs, his easy-going demeanor back again. “You should look at yourself right now, your face is priceless.”
You really have no words. If the circumstances were any sort of normal, this would be the time you would raise your hand to pinch or straight up hit Taehyung, striking wherever part of him was closest to you. But this isn’t anywhere close to normal, so you just let your jaw hang open, your brain struggling to process the information.
“I’m going to tell you a secret, I truly never told this to anyone,” Taehyung starts, smile still plastered on his silly and flawless face. “I had a crush on you a long time ago, I think it was when we first started talking. I got over that quickly, actually, because you seemed so dead focused on being the best student and showed no interest at all. I thought it was ok, you know? At least I had you as a friend, you were a nice person to have around and I wanted to keep your company.”
And I was fine about it. Really, don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t your friend just because I wanted something more, I really love being your friend. And I was ok for a long time until I found a sticky note and then another and another and another. I couldn’t believe you left so many and I never noticed it, like, how stupid am I? I should get a prize for being this slow.”
And then there was that one note. The one you wrote about being in love with me. I swear, I… I didn’t know what to think and then it hit me like a thousand bricks and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I was nervous around you again, I wanted to impress you so hard, I wanted to make you smile and happy. I honestly don’t even know how I’m still going at this without stopping, probably because I practiced. Yeah, I did.”
A few moments of silence pass before Taehyung is speaking again. “Aren’t you going to say something?”
Your dropped jaw turns into some sort of awkward smile. “Did you really practice?”
“Really?” Tae asks with an overdramatic expression. “I just said all of that and you’re asking me if I really practiced?”
You shrug. “I thought that was cute.”
“My God,” he overreacts, throwing his whole upper body towards you on the sofa. His voice comes out muffled now, but as playful as ever. “This thing only started and somehow I already know I’m doomed.”
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ola-elaina · 4 years
Hellllo! A request of comfort Peter when reader is sad? Any scenario you want just a good ole comfort Peter🥺
Summary: peter brings y/n for some stargazing
Word Count: 1.3k
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"Where are we going, Peter?"
"Just trust me, okay?"
You nodded but hesitance still evident in your eyes. Peter sighed, moving closer to you. The cold wind of the night blew past the two of you as you stand in the rooftop of your apartment building. He took the strand of hair that covered your face and tucked it behind your ear.
It's been two months since you last went to school.
The bags under your eyes showed how much sleep you have gotten, or lack thereof. The last time Peter or any of your friends have seen you was at the funeral. Whenever they tried to contact you, your response would only be short, blatantly dismissing them. Sometimes not even bothering to respond at all.
They understood what you're feeling. And if anybody can really feel what you were going through, it's Peter. He has lost numerous significant people in his life and he can vouch that it's not easy to lose someone dearly close.
Your friends knew you were strong and that you were capable of getting through your grief. They have given you all the space you asked for. But if they let you fall deeper into the pit of sorrow for longer, you're going to have a difficult time coming back up.
So, Peter came up with something to make you slightly better. He knew it would not suddenly turn you back to the bubbly Y/N he knew but it could be one step towards progress.
"Hold on tight." Peter muttered softly as he wrapped your arms around his neck, one of his arms holding you against him securely, pulling down his mask to cover his face.
Peter shot his web at the opposite building swinging the both of you through the bustling city. Your legs wrapped tighter around his torso when you felt him jump off your rooftop. The wind becomes colder as it hits your exposed skin, goosebumps covering your body.
As Peter swung through the busy street of Queens, he heard you whimpered against his shoulder.
"It's okay, it's okay." He repeated, giving your waist a comforting squeeze.
"Don't drop me." You whispered, making him chuckle.
"I won't. Don't look down." He recalled how easily sick you get when he tried to swing you back to your apartment a couple times. "We'll be there in no time."
You buried your face deeper on his shoulder.
A couple minutes later, you felt him touch solid ground when he walked a couple steps. "We're here." Looking up, you saw that it was a grassy cliff, looking over the river.
You looked around, it was quite far from the city as the towering buildings were seen at a distance -- the stars now visible. There weren't a lot of them but make out a few of them.
A smile breaking out of your face, for the first time after months. And you didn't even realize. Peter felt like giving himself a pat on the back.
He took the advantage of you being distracted to make a hammock made from webs — since he forgot to bring a blanket, it'll do.
Once he's finished, he clears his throat to catch your attention. He pressed the symbol of his suit in the middle of his chest, retracting it. He's now wearing some hoodie and pants. Peter moved aside, showing you a hammock he built.
"Do you... want to lie down? So you can see the stars better?"
You gave him a smile, nodding your head 'yes'. He leaped on the hammock, offering a hand to help you up. Once the both of you were up there, he spread his left arm, letting you use his open arm as a pillow and snuggle to his side.
Peter pushed his feet a couple times to make the hammock rock back and forth. The two of you stayed like that for God knows how long. Letting the breeze past by, the shining stars hang above your heads and the warmth presence of each other keeping yourselves comfortable.
"Gummy worm?" He offered.
You took one, your cold fingers brushing with his warm ones. "How did you find this place?"
"I was patrolling one night. Didn't notice I was getting a little too far from the city then I found this place."
"It's beautiful." You mumbled.
Peter nodded, humming, tangling his fingers with yours.
"I come here once in a while. To clear my head."
After locking yourself in your room, refusing to see anybody. Peter didn't have anywhere to go after patrolling. Usually, the two of you would meet up at the rooftop of your apartment building — exchanging stories , doing homework or just enjoying each other's company.
This is where we went to the past couple weeks.
Peter knew how much you loved stars. He helped you hang fairy lights at your balcony and stick some glow in the dark stars in the ceiling of your room one time because you missed seeing real ones.
"My brother and I—”You paused, taking a deep breath before continuing.
Peter squeezed your hand comfortingly.
Letting out a shaky breath, you shook your head. "Every saturday, he would take me out of the city to see the stars. He would do it every single time. To not fail." The memory made your eyes water.
"He would bring telescopes and teach me the names and the history behind it. We would talk about them for hours until our mom calls to remind us to go home." You chuckled through the heavy feeling building up on your chest.
It was the first time you have talked about your brother after he passed. When people tried to, you would immediately look away, even your parents.
"After he died, I couldn't even look at the stars on my ceiling, the fairy lights in the balcony or the photos and sketches of stars we made that are sticked to our shared cork board." You confessed.
"I couldn't look at them the same." You looked up at Peter's eyes, letting the tears in your eyes fall unashamedly. "They reminded me of him, it reminded me that he was gone and that I'll never be able to look up at the stars with him again."
Peter caged you in his arms, allowing you to sob in his chest.
"How do you do it, Peter?" You asked. "How can you be so strong after everything you went through? It hurts. It's been months and the pain still felt like it only happened yesterday. How do you get through that?"
"You don't." He whispered, tightening his arms around you. "You learn to live with it. It won't be easy. It won't happen suddenly. It's still a long way but you'll be able to. You're strong, Y/N. I believe that, your parents believe that, and I'm sure your brother does too."
"My uncle Ben used to tell me that people become stars when they die." He continued, making you look at the dark sky littered with stars. Peter reached down in his hoodie pocket, grabbing a piece of paper.
Wiping your eyes, you sat up slightly, he followed. He looked down at it before fixing his eyes with yours.
"I had to pull some serious strings for this one. But I—” You watched him curiously as he held the paper out to you. "Do you see that star over there?"
He pointed up at the bright shining star, you nodded. He motioned to the paper you were holding as if saying 'read it'. When you did, you realized what was printed on it.
It was a certificate, naming a star after your brother. It had his full name printed at the center.
The sweet gesture made your heart feel like it swelled twice its size, more tears started to spill from your eyes. Your fingers trembled as you run them on the letters that spelled out your brother's name.
Peter reached your tear-covered face, wiping them away with his thumbs. "They may not be physically with us anymore. But they're not completely gone. They're up there. In the sky, watching us from above."
thanks for reading!
a/n: sorry for the delay with requests. tags were acting funny these past couple weeks so i’m only able to put the ones i already wrote right now + some of them i haven’t even made yet bc i’m not really in the headspace to write at the noment :(
taglists open! message me if anybody wants to be added <3
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moadvx · 4 years
Don’t lie to me - J.J. Maybank.
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JJ maybank x reader
Word count: 2.124
Warnings: None, I don’t write smut :)
Request: not a request but my requests are open :)
You are one of Kie’s only kook friends. You are Toppers sister, but everyone knew you are nothing like him. That’s why Kie and you became friends. She knew you were nothing like the kooks. You loved to travel and you had an internship for this company that worked on climate change and how to stop it. You are also friends with Sarah but after she stopped hanging out with Kie you kind of lost contact because you would hang out with Kie a lot. But after she started dating Topper you two got in contact again. You were good friends and she told you in secret dat she didn’t like Topper that much anymore. You saw how she changed when he was around and how he would treat her.
You were also very smart, that’s why you skipped a grade and why this summer you graduated high school. So this summer you wouldn’t actually be in the outer banks, you would be going to New York to work for your summer job and after summer you would go to school there. Then the hurricane happened and when you got the news you went back home. You would help them with building the town back up in a sustainable way. So that’s why you are on a ferry back home right now.
You send a message to Kie and Sarah too. To make sure they were okay. They are both fine and you told them that you are arriving soon. They were both excited that you were coming back. Topper and his friend Rafe would pick you up from the dock even tough you told them not to. You didn’t really like Rafe because he would hit on you sometimes. Which you found very uncomfortable but he wouldn’t stop so you ignored it.
When you arrived you walked to them, you gave Topper a hug and when you turned to Rafe you just walked to the car. “Don’t you think you are forgetting something sweetheart?” Rafe said to you. You kept walking and said “I’m not giving you a hug Rafe, so pop that bubble in your head. Also stop calling me sweetheart it really creepy.” He just looked at you annoyed. You sat in the back of Toppers car and Rafe sat in the front.
When you arrived you unpacked your stuff and send a text to Kie asking if she could hang out. She replied with and okay but that the pogues were with her too. They were just chilling at the beach. So you grabbed your  longboard that you hadn’t ridden in a couple weeks and went to the beach. It felt weird to be back home. Nothing really changed just more stuff was destroyed. You took the long road to the beach to look at what the storm had destroyed. You’ve met the pogues before and they think you're cool but you wouldn’t consider them close friends. You saw the group on the beach but without Pope. “Hey guys, how are y’all doing?” You said to them. Kie stood up and gave you a big hug. “Hey, I missed you but they kept me company.” JJ and John B just waved at you and John B said teasingly “We’re bored around here but you probably wouldn’t have that problem.” You just laughed and said “Nope I’ve been really busy lately. Even here I won’t have that much free time I guess.”
JJ looked at you curiously and asked “Why not?” “I came here to help the town with more sustainable homes. So yeah im basically going to give advice on how to do that.” You answered him “So during the day I’m probably going to be running around town.” He smiled at you. He had a beautiful smile. You’ve always found JJ attractive but you were never the type of girl to go after a boy. Also you really focused on school and work so you really had no time.
They were curious about what New York was like and you told them what had happened and Pope also joined you all. He asked you a lot of questions but not about your work more about college and the way universities would accept him. So you helped him a bit and after that you went back home.
A couple of days later you were invited to the boneyard party. You were kind of tired but Sarah and Kie insisted you needed to go. So you arrived with Sarah, Topper and Rafe but they all left you when the party started. Rafe went after some tourist girl and Topper and Sarah just went somewhere together. You looked for Kie but couldn’t find her. So when you saw JJ and John B giving out drinks you walked up to them. “Hey has one of you seen Kie?” You asked them. “No maybe she just went to the toilet or something but you can stay here. Do you want a drink?” JJ answered you. You nodded and he gave you a drink. “So this is just like how it used to be huh, just parties on the beach, getting really drunk.” You said, John B looked at you and said “yeah this is the most fun we can do around here, New York probably has better parties than this.” You thought about it and said “Well the thing is I worked a lot in New York so I was tired most of the time and when I went out it ended in a disappointment. So I much rather enjoy these kinds of parties.” They looked at you very surprised but JJ asked and laughed “Why? they have better beer and more drugs.”  “Oh come one JJ you know that doesn’t make the party better. At least these parties don’t make me want to cut off my feet from dancing and I can just chill on the beach.”
After the conversation ended and you had a couple more beers you walked to the water. You took of your shoes and walked into the water. You sighed because you were actually really tired and you kind of wanted to go home but also not. They would just ask more questions at home. Then you heard footsteps approaching you. “Hey what are you doing here all alone.” JJ asked. You were kind of surprised he even noticed you bc it was very dark. “Oh you know just thinking about stuff.” You said to him. “Like what kind, the good or the bad thoughts?” He asked curiously. Why was he even interested you thought to yourself but answered him anyway because of the alcohol in your blood. “The kind that makes you wanna run away and never come back.” You said, which surprised him because you are so happy all the time and this was a different side of you. “Why? Did something happen?” “Well there’s just a lot of pressure on me right now because my parents don’t know if what I'm pursuing is a real job so if I fuck this project up they will send me to a different school.” You said JJ looked at you in admiration and said “Well Y/N if you ever need help with anything just ask me or the pogues. We would love to help you.” You looked him smiling and said “Thanks JJ. I just hoped that after I moved to New York they would change their opinion you know.” He put his arm around you and suddenly your heart sped up and you blushed. You immediately stood up and said you would go home. “Is everything okay y/n/n?” He asks you. “yeah, yeah, I just want to go home. I really thank you for the conversation JJ, it was nice.” You say and he looks confused at you. So you put your shoes back on and walk back home.
The next day you woke up with a massive headache and you immediately wanted to swim. This was one of your free days so why not. You grabbed your longboard and went to the beach. You laid down in the sand and thought about yesterday and the conversation with JJ. You wished you weren’t so awkward around him. You texted Kie and told her about it yesterday when you came home. She found it funny because you’ve never been like this. You went for a swim and when you came back out you decided to longboard around town a little.
You ended up at John B’s house and when you walked up the steps to enter the house you saw a black SUV arriving so you call John’s name. “we’re here in the office.” He said “Hey John do you know someone with a back SUV.” You say while entering the room and he looks through the window and immediately starts looking for another way out. But when the guys came into the office you all left and went into the chicken coup. But the chickens wouldn’t shut up so when it got too loud JJ killed the chicken and it was quiet. It kind of shocked you and he saw that and looked at you with an apologising look. You mouthed “its okay” because if he wouldn’t have done that maybe you would be dead.
When the weird guys in black left, you all came out. You let out a breath that you didn’t know you were holding. Kie gave you a hug and then asked you “I’m sorry y/n, but what are you doing here?” You looked at the group and said “ I was just riding through town with my longboard and I was bored and guessed that you would probably be at John Bs house.” They nodded and went back inside again. They sat down on the couch and Kie patted the spot next to her with a smile. Because JJ was siting on the other side. But you sat down anyway because where else would you sit. JJ put his arm on the armrest behind you. You looked down at your lap and played with you hands. They started talking about something but you didn’t understand. JJ looked at you and whispered in your ear “hey did I do something yesterday?” You looked at him surprised and whispered back “No like I said I just wanted to go home JJ.” “but you said home was where you didn’t want to go when we talked yesterday y/n.” He said “its okay JJ could be way worse.” And you looked at the rest of the group. He also looked at the group and after a couple minutes you stood up and said “Hey I’m gonna go home chill a little. Are you doing anything tonight?” They shrugged and you left “bye y/n” you heard JJ say. You smiled and went back home.
You get a text that night at a weird time from an unknown number.
Unknown: hey its JJ, I really wanna talk and I know its a weird time but I could also be at another time I just wanna talk.
You: hey JJ, yeah I can hang out for a bit rn. I won’t be sleeping anyway but where?
JJ: Uhh we could go to the beach I could be there in about 15 minutes.
You: Okay I will be there too.
JJ: see ya then
You sneak out of the house and go to the beach. You see him sitting on the hood of his car. “hey JJ, what’s up.” You said he looks ay you and sticks his hand out for you to climb up his car as well. “Okay so I know that was a lie yesterday and today too and you know it too. Why won’t you tell me why you left?” He says and you sigh “JJ its has nothing to do with you.” You sigh again and decide to just tell him “but when you put your arm around me yesterday my heart did something and it made me realize something. I have a crush on you JJ” “Wait what… are you serious?” You nod and he looks at you with a smile “So to assure you I have a crush on you as well.” You looked at him so surprised and smiled. “Can I kiss you?” He asks “only if you want to y/n I don’t wanna force-“ you shut him up by kissing him. He kisses you back and you move to his lap. You pull back and say “just promise me that im not just a hookup JJ.” “I swear on my damn life that you're not just a hookup. We are gonna rule the world together.” You smile and that night you end up watching the sunrise together.
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spacegaywritings · 3 years
Little Tales (An age regression series) - Story 4: Stories
General Audience
Summary: Patton felt the fuzzy feeling his whole day and now it is time to give in to his coping mechanism and prepare some nice things.
Tags: nostalgia mention, food, eating, snuggles, cuddles, self-care, babyspeak babytalk!, also I write like a smol at points, mom/grandmom mention, pasta, story, cartoons, hugs, blankets, comfort, Eurus the uwu snatcher!,neo pronouns, nb rep,
Please be mindful to not tag/ add any ships or shipping content - this is age regression and there are no relationships of any kind happening. Please respect that. Also don’t add any NSFW comments to this work. I appreciate this.
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Previous parts: 1 // 2 // 3 // ao3 1 // ao3 2 // ao3 3 // ao3 overview //  story on ao3 4 // masterlist.
 Story under the cut - Word count: ~2.7k
Patton snuggled up into his bed. It was time for a seriously calm time.
 In the background, his TV was running. It was a baking show with little kids and Patton smiled just hearing it. They had pretty things to bake with!
But he had used pretty things today and he had made special choccy cookies for himself. They had extra choccy because he really liked them.
 Patton snuggled up, hugging his favourite blanket. It had little cats and dogs on them and they snuggled and made him really happy! He smiled and cuddled the bundle of blanket in his arms. Another blanket was over him, covering him with its thin and rather cool fabric. It was patchwork and pink and had lotsa flowers on them. He had made it himself over a looooong amount of time.
 He smiled, satisfied with himself and brushed over his happy blanket.
 His soft blanket in his hands and his light blanket on his body had him snuggle up happily and just retreat into his pile of pillows. It was his soft happy place and he couldn’t feel better.
Well.. except he could because he had made himself happy tiny noods! His noods were perfect bc they were cut tiny for himself and they had nostalgia in them. He had made them like his granny and mommy used to make them for him when he was a kid.
 He pulled his bowl of pasta close to his chest and hugged it along with his little blanket. He had tiny cutlery ready. It was made of wood and for small hands and small people and he was more than happy to use it. Seeing the tiny pieces of kitchenware had him go all soft already.
His little heart was yearning for his time to come.
 Well, the time was now.
 The last bit he had to had was just this one thing..
 Patton pulled his phone up to him and opened a bookmarked website. His phone was put on “Do not disturb” which disabled all apps for him that he did not want to access or be notified about when regressed.
 “ ‘Cus ‘m a gud boi..”, he mumbled to himself.
 The praise left a reddish mark all over his cheeks and made his heart feel really soft and warm.
 Patton curled up on his side and slowly put the first spoon of tiny pasta into his mouth. There was so much cheese on it, it had to be good. Nostalgia exploded within him as the flavour hit his tongue. The familiar taste of childhood-impatience engulfed him and sparked the simple joy of being alive and having tasty food in his heart.
 “Aw..”, he mumbled to himself, nodding as if to show appreciation for the person who had made it. Neither his momma nor his grandma was with him but he routinely did so as a kid. So, now he did it, too, because he was small and a good and appreciative boy!
 Patton munched on his happy food, enjoying the savoury tastes.
 The regressed bean cuddled his food and focused on eating. No spill, no nothing but his light brain and simple mind made it harder to coordinate his hand movements in regard to his field of vision. Patton squinted a bit but the fact he got nostalgia food out of it made him more than compliant to the task.
 “Not the pretty blankie”, he reminded himself with a content smile.
 Meanwhile, the website he had opened was loading his favourite little gem. It was fanfiction, sure. It was not from his childhood like the happy cartoons he was watching (it was about little geometric figures befriending one another) but it was just as good in his opinion. It made him soft.
 He was done with his bowl of food and slowly put it aside, patting the bowl after resting it on the table. The bowl had done a good job in not spilling anything and holding the food for him. He, in turn, had done a great job in not spilling anything.
 “Gud bowl.. gud fud..”, he commented gently.
 The cartoon friends hugged and Patton cheered.
 He put his arms up, hands spread out as if to show his palms ever so proudly. The little beamed up at the TV and giggled along with Mister Triangle, Darling Circle and Miss Square. They were friends and he felt like a friend of them.
They turned to the viewer - Patton - and opened their hug to include him and the little squeaked into his room.
 Patton giggled along with the geometric shapes who were his little friends. He hugged his blankie close and simply relished in the feeling of a warm and nice hug. Upon imagining this was what it was like to be snuggled at the moment, he focused on the softness of his blanket and its weight in his arms.
The regressed adult sighed out in relief, in contentment. A feeling flooded his insides like the ocean, waves rising and falling, breaking all over him with the sheer happiness of being “touched” and loved.
 He let out another squeak, mumbling to himself.
 “Fren ! Frens!”
 He giggled.
 His mind was fully smol. All adult worries and thoughts had slipped off his shoulders by now. The food, the cartoon, the happy blanket and the soft snuggles.
It was great, albeit not perfect.
 Patton clicked his tongue, thinking about his name. It was so soft! Pat pat - hihi. Patt-on. He giggled more and buried his face in the snuggle companion, rolling from side to side with his blanket hugged close to him. The soft bundle was tightly held by his arms while the little shook his body, thrashing around like an exited puppy out in the fields. The overwhelming urge to just roll and turn and wiggle around on his couch was strong and amplified his innocent joy.
 It was pure and it felt real and genuine in his heart.
His whole soul was taking the vacation of feeling and experiencing. Something he often abandoned in favour of being a reliable and fully functioning adult.
 But adult time was nu now! Bad adulting! It was nice time!
 “Nu adult, only baby!”, he assured himself.
  He bapy! He B A B Y !!!
 “b a p e y”, he repeated to himself.
Sometimes he had to voice his thoughts. It made him grin like a dummy but he liked it and it was happy feels for him! Gud feels!!
 Now that he was smol, there was the final step. Back to his story.
The website was fully loaded and Patton blabbered to himself in impatience, in childish, pleasant anticipation.
 “Euwus..”, he softly whispered to himself as he drew his phone close like the little treasure it was. To his mind, a smartphone was akin to magical power. He could watch cats and dogs and look at cute pictures of them, too! He could also just read and play anything and enjoy soft little games.
For now, he settled on reading.
 He wanted to read his favourite little story. It was content made by a creator called “Faeling”, someone using really fancy pronouns like neo-pronouns and such. Hence the name according to their primarily used pronouns: fae/faem
The story was written by faem and was about a hero stealing all the uwus! Or rather, making other people so soft, they gave faem these uwus. It was funny and cute and ended in a lot of nice smooches and cuddles and snuggles.
 Patton smiled and started scrolling.
 Prinxe Eurus was a well-liked person and so adorable and soft, everyone squeaked and said “uwu” when fae was around. There were happy pictures of faem with red hair. Fae walked around in funky gowns and hugged people who would say “UwU” and other things like that really loud. Then Eurus would reach up to snatch these things. The prinxe was young and short than others but fae was athletic.
 “Euwus has uwus..”, Pat observed happily.
 His heart was throbbing in happiness as he read. It was beating fast and hard with how excited he was, anticipating any action that had yet to happen.
This was the best day! Bes!!
 The story continued and Patton read.
Eurus was termed “Euwus” for possessing so many uwus. In fact, Eurus-Euwus had all the uwus of faer kingdom! Faer parents were upset but had no right to intervene. People had given their uwus to Eurus consensually and the people had risked getting their uwus snatched by interacting with them. A lot of people called to stop interacting with the prinxe but a lot of them only talked and were too captivated to stay away from faem.
The vicious circle continued.
 People worked hard to regain more uwus and feel the same rush of happiness when Eurus-Euwus did adorable things like giggle, do the happy stimmy thing or gently just get excited. Fae would gasp and make really funny faces. Sometimes, the prinxe would squeak out nice words, compliments and other things alike and absolutely rob everyone of their uwus.
 Pat hugged his blankie closer.
He was all soft for Euwus and was convinced fae had all his uwus. If not, he would make sure fae would get them.
 There was another illustration. It was the parents looking at Euwus while people secretly smuggled their uwus over under skirts, in bags and other things. It was a row of people, so so long that the queue reached faaaar outside of their castle’s realm. The window showed people standing outside, trying to juggle their uwus in their arms.
 Patton giggled.
There was a little dog and a snake bringing their uwus and putting them down before a delighted-looking Eurus-Euwus.
The little shook his head at the cute puns. They were adorable and made him tear up in happiness. All the good emotions welled up inside of him and piled up - stacked up - until he was full of all the good feelings.
It was called a “recharge” - at least he called it that when he was tol and realised he ran out of patience and adulting juice, so he knew it was time to be smol for a while.
 Without further worrying, the little scrolled more. The best part was yet to come.
 The prinxe soon had all the uwus and collected so many uwus that even neighbouring kingdoms were empty after people travelling from all the lands to come over and experience the lovely joy that was the younger royal.They all had lost their uwus to the charming giggles and delightful demeanour of Eurus. Still, they all hungered for more interaction.
There was an illustration of people lacking ALL the uwus to give to Eurus but they did nto look mad. They looked sad about not having the uwus to fully enjoy Eurus’ company.
 Meanwhile, the next page showed how fae was desperate too, in a way. Fae had so many uwus, it was hard to move around as they took up all this space. Eurus could not even stop taking the uwus as they seemed to just come over and stick to faem as soon as the others were so excited, they just revealed the happy feelings in the form of uwus.
 Patton gasped at the turn of events.
 Eurus had too many uwus and the villages and kingdoms had too little! Fae had become Eurus the uwu snatcher, known to all people in all the lands!
 The prinxe was a clever bunch of royal genes and decided to do something about the uwu situation. Fae decided to run tests while also silently smuggling the uwus back into faer people’s systems. Uwus were used to cook and everyone was invited to a special celebration. The extra sprinkles of uwus made the food even tastier. It was usually tasty because the royal cooks and bakers were great at their jobs and always made the best of foods, using the right ingredients. But this time, the food was astonishingly scrumptious.
 Patton nodded at the words, his mind slurping up the story like Euwus snatched uwus. It was his favourite part.
 He had to admit, he was silently blabbering little uwus whenever he saw them in the illustrations. The next illustration had some uwus too! There were uwus put into cooking pots, pans and other kitchenware. The cooks and baker were busy processing all the uwus in order to make the best of all the meals.
 The citizens deserved regular free meals via invitation of the royal family. This one meal was just a bit more special than usual.
 “Uwu uwu..”, Patton nodded.
 His lips were moving, slightly curved in euphoria. His fingers were wrapped tightly around the phone, his excitement flowing into holding the phone as if even the least bit of letting go could lead to the story vanishing forever.
 (To soothe this fear, he had saved it online, offline and had it ordered as a physical book.)
 Patton kept reading.
 Eurus had fed everyone these uwus and they all felt happiness filling them again but when fae announced this, they realised the change. They had interacted with one another so much, they were happy even without uwus! Being together was a delight and upon seeing the precious prinxe, people fell into a chorus of “aww”s anyway.
 “I snatched all your uwus!”, Eurus had said.
 The people were awestruck but oddly impressed. They agreed but everyone was delighted, still. Filled bellies and glasses provided a satisfaction that paired with the pure gift that was being around fae. But Eurus continued.
 “You are still happy to see me. I could feel your uwus even before I gave you the food.”
 They all agreed, a realisation slowly dawning on the faster thinkers among them. Eurus made sure to explain it to everyone for knowledge was important and fae appreciated faer clever people.
 “I gave you all your uwus back! I had them be put into the food and now you all have your uwus back. Order is restored. I now rule you to use your uwus on one another!”
 The people looked up at Eurus, still too stunned to react.
After a while, people clapped.
 There was another illustration.
Eurus was on the stage, before a few benches and tables of wood standing outside. It was a sunny day and people were dressed casually.Everyone had bowls of food and cups of drinks and seemed to laugh and enjoy all around them. There was a big uwu around faem.
 Fae continued and explaind how all were happy without uwus and that they had a wrong belief about it but had to learn and move on with the new knowledge. Still, as celebration, the prinxe explained fae would send and process uwus from everywhere to give to people who smiled less, so the uwus would be more evenly distributed.
 The people cheered and Eurus was crowned to be “Euwus”. Everyone remembered fae as hero and equaliser of uwus. The food festivals became more regular and the kingdom was the happiest and richest in all the lands.
Not to speak of, it had all the uwus and prospered in people and nature.
 Patton smiled contently and looked at the last illustration.
It showed the people being happy and the kingdom becoming exceptionally green and opulent. There was life everywhere and Euwus and faer family looked at them from their castle and they smiled, having all their own uwus.
 The little put the phone away and snuggled his blanket. Soft noises escaped his mouth. He was blabbering himself to sleep as some young beans did.
His mind was soft and his heart was heavy and all he kind think of was the story.
 “mmmuwu.. mwuwu..”, he mumbled deliriously.
 His head rested on the mess of pillows and he curled up a bit, eyes heavy and slipping close. It had been a successful little time and he was ready to nap in his little happiness now. His mind mind promised dreams of snatching uwus alongside Euwus, the heroic figure of his favourite story.
 Patton’s eyes were too heavy to open anymore albeit fluttering a bit for just a moment. He put his face into his soft blanket and curled up like a sleeping dog, innocence in his heart and dreams in his head.
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wiinterrose · 4 years
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          ( xavier serrano , male , he/him, 23 ) omg ! i was walking yonge street downtown , and you’ll never guess who i saw . 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐋 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐒 ! i just saw a post about them on sixsecrets ! i think it said something like “ 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐘 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐒 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐀𝐓 𝟓 𝐀𝐌 : 𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐄𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 ?” . isn’t that wild ? i guess it makes sense through , since they’re apparently 𝐃𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐒 and 𝐂𝐔𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 . but i’ve heard they’re also 𝐎𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂 and 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂 ! i’ll just stick to giving them the benefit of the doubt . i mean , it’s not like i know them personally — they’re a famous 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑 / 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐄𝐑 ! you know , i’ve actually heard rumors that ██████████████████, but they’re just rumors … i think . i dunno . if you happen to run into them , tell them i’m their biggest fan ! ( ollie , they / them , 21 , est )
— mikey was born and raised in winnipeg because i think it’s funny when characters are from winnipeg. if you’re from winnipeg i’m so sorry. definitely was born on the coldest day of that year ( so like some point in january )
— but because of those long, cold harsh winters, mikey found himself in a dance studio a lot. his aunt was a dance teacher and with rather absent parents who meant well but both had long hours at the local hospital, he spent a lot of time with her. he fell in love with dance pretty early on, always having a certain fluidity and grace even when he was young.
— random but he also played hockey up until he was like 16 or whatever because he’s canadian and i’m not stupid. it happened. he can still skate tho. in a slightly different life he probably would have been a pretty good figure skater huh 🤔🤔🤔 but anyway...
— also feel like it makes sense that he did gymnastics. and trained in classical ballet.
— he went to university of toronto for college, studying kinesology and dance, and danced at one of the prestigious studios in the city.
— his big break moment was when in his sophomore year at ut, he made it onto the second season of world of dance in early 2017 ( lets pretend that show has been on longer than it has bc i don’t want it to be the first season of it sldk ). he made it all the way to the finals and quickly become a fan favorite along the way. though he ultimately placed second and missed out on the million dollars, that was the beginning of many doors opening for him. ( for those who, might have the vaguest clue what i’m talking about : i’m highkey feeling like, michael dameski style which is an idea i had after i named him michael so don’t @ me for him having the same first name ).
— millions watched that show, including some prominent agents and scouts who were able to help him launch a professional dance career : something he never thought he’d see himself actually doing. his first big gig was making the dance team for some singer’s north american tour, and he ended up not returning to ut to pursue a professional dance career full time. since then he’s danced in a few music videos for some uber famous musican ( same one he went on tour with or not idk ?? also a wc ?? maybe ?? ), a tv show, couple movies, and other various gigs around the city. he works part time at a studio when he has time, and has been honing his choreography skills as well.
— he makes enough dancing, but certainly not enough to make him RICH. no, that come from an impromptu vlog he did while on tour with aforementioned singer. having already garnered a following from world of dance, he soon rose to youtube fame as well, something he never could have predicted. i feel like his videos are very just, day in a life with various random challenges mixed in, and various workout and flexibility tips. he also still does pieces and duets with other prominent dancers just for fun too. his natural charisma and attitude really just carries him through easily lmao.
— mikey developed a bit of a habit of sleeping around when he left for college, all the newfound freedom was just intoxicating and well. he was hot so. it wasn’t like it was hard alsdkjf. that stuck around well into his blossoming dance career. nothing that was enough to be scandalous, but he made his way around. and then a year and a half into this unforeseen new life, he met matthew glass.
— he’d had a couple serious relationships before, one in high school, one his freshman year of college but neither of them could hold a flame to what he felt when he was with matt. perfection wasn’t something mikey believed in, but he almost did with what they had.
— it was like for over a year and a half he lived in this insane dream, and then mikey and matt broke up and he was devastated ( behind closed doors and with curtains pulled tightly shut ).
— he then proceeded to broadcast how perfectly fine he was doing by going back to his old ways and sleeping around obsessively, this time with very little regard as to how many headlines he was making. as far as coping mechanisms go, i guess sex is better than alcohol ?? not to say he wasn’t also drunk at times l o l.
— mikey is a... how do u say... im gunna write manwhore bc it’s accurate so pls don’t take offense. inch resting bc i’ve written smut like once in my eight year rping career but that’s what he decided he was gunna be and who am i to deny that.
— very bi. very much does not care. if the world didn’t know he was before, it definitely does now lmao. he hasn’t come out in the sense he’s like posted a video about it and said “i’m bisexual” but it’s pretty obvious from the media and maybe he has gotten asked in interviews and has just shrugged and been like does it matter ?? i’m sorry he’s not the vocal bi ally we need. perhaps we will work on that.
— hasn’t dated anyone since matt bc he’s highkey lowkey still hung up on him but no one needs to know that right. outwardly, he’s very much the same : seemingly happy, but he’s a lot more careful with his heart and letting people close to him. if anything he’s become a bit of a two-way mirror, always seeing out but never really letting people see in, just what they want to see.
— probably goes without saying but extremely flexible. idk if any of you know who juuse saros is but apparently he can twerk in a split and i’m not saying mikey can but like. he just might be able to...
— straight up does not get cold. never wears more than a hoodie, probably danced shirtless in the middle of winter just fine. at least being from winnipeg is good for one ( 1 ) thing.
— i feel like people call him flower. idk guys. maybe im just thinking too much abt hockey goalies.
— he tends to be extremely underestimated as he comes across a bit dumb and generally has a pretty positive outlook on life which people confuse for him being naive when that isn’t the case. but he’s found he can use that it his advantage and that sometimes, people will tell him things they think he can’t understand but he hears and remembers everything. it’s helped him out of a few difficult situations before.
— i feel like he has a bit of ethan dolan’s personality & dumbass energy idk guys...
— live in the moment kind of dude. his motto is probably like : you just gotta know what you want to do next. i mean looking back on his life it’s been pretty crazy and that’s only solidified his outlook that like, you really can’t control too much. just let it go where it takes you.
— people do like him though and they like talking to him for whatever reason. generally has pretty trustworthy vibes but he’s more slippery than he comes across. he’s a selfish person at heart and always has his own best interests in mind, even if it doesn’t seem that way at first.
— extroverted. i think ??
— 6′1″. chocolate brown eyes. curly brown hair. he has a lithe but extremely fit build due to his career. his core strength is especially impressive. 
— he has a monochromatic lineart tattoo of a rose on his left forearm / wrist and a butterfly ( again monochromatic & just lineart ) on his right shoulder. small scar at the base of his neck by his ear from an unfortunate hockey accident.
— needs glasses but usually only wears contacts unless he’s in his apartment late at night.
— he’s not overly fashionable, going more for comfort than how he generally looks. on a regular day, he’s probably got the whole... college athlete look going if you know what i mean. a big fan of mirrored aviator sunglasses. wouldn’t know what dressing up meant even if it slapped him in the face.
first and foremost i want to say that i like to vibe and brainstorm with people to come up with unique connections between our characters but here are a few ideas:
— the singer whose tour he danced on — singer whose music videos he’s been in — mayhaps even actors for that tv show / movie he was in ( v small role but whatevs. maybe they just Vibed yknow ) — flirtationship 😔 — always ye ol good hookup l o l — we keep running into each other idk maybe we should talk ??
          hey guys, i’m ollie. my intros are either written really eloquently or a big mess bc im trying to rub together a couple braincells at 1 am and whatever comes out, comes out. no need to guess which category this one falls into lmAO. anyway, i’m a slow plotter bc i’m easily overwhelmed trying to do too many things at once but i swear i will try to get to as many people as i can. and yeah this entire character is inspired by my love of world of dance don’t @ me... if u made it all the way down here u should watch this bc 😳 & mikey has the same athleticism and strength.
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huangels · 6 years
ha, that's funny cause you're in a witch costume - witch!haechan
nct dream halloween special: main menu | mark | renjun | jeno | haechan | jaemin | chenle | jisung
a/n: i was gonna write more in haechan’s POV but i didn’t want this to be too long since it’s already 3k (i say this all the time but pls ignore typos bc i’m a blind bitch)
genre: fluff + humor
word count: 3.3k
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"I wonder if the ice cream shop is open this late." 
The frills of your red and black pirate costume casually sway from the winds of the late October night. You're lucky the costume set came with striped tights to keep your legs protected and warm from the biting cold weather. It would be a lot colder if it weren't for the group of three energetic friends walking beside you. Thanks walking heat bags.
"Probably closed by now, it's Halloween, Y/N," Renjun responds, pushing his glasses up. The breeze picks up once again, it blows dramatically on his black wizard's robe and blue scarf.
"That sucks, everything's closed." Jeno kicks at the loose gravel on the asphalt road, his Batman mask covering most of his vision. "What do we do now?"
"How about we play a little game I like to call, Truth or Dare?" Jaemin pops up from behind, swinging his arms around Renjun and you. The ninja sword sticking out of his back knocks into the back of your head, in which you return a playful smack on Jaemin's side.
"You dumbass, everyone calls it Truth or Dare," Renjun asserts, throwing Jaemin's limp arm off of his shoulders.
"Well, how about it, then?"
The four of you agree since almost all of the houses around are stripped of candy and ready for bed. You guys trick-or-treated for a while but only got the smallest amount of candy since apparently you guys are 'too old for Halloween.' Abandoning the traditional Halloween custom, you four walk around town, finding anything to do to pass the time. Now it is almost 10:30 PM and you are still out and about in town. Somehow, your parents are okay with this.
You rock, paper, and scissors to pick who goes first, resulting in the loss of Jeno. He chooses truth once Jaemin asks the main question.
"Where is the strangest place you have peed?"
"Jaemin, what the fuck?"
The rest of the group laughs as Jeno scowls at the younger, "I don't fucking know."
"Nope, you gotta say it," Jaemin pokes Jeno's nose with a sly smirk. Jeno looks at you and Renjun for help but the both of you shrug in response. It's truth or dare, you gotta do what you gotta do.  
Jeno grumbles before taking a minute to recall, "I think it was in a bush while I was camping last summer."
"Wait, I know this story. You have to tell the rest!" Renjun urges the already embarrassed Jeno. Jaemin and you stare with big puppy eyes, waiting for Jeno to continue the story.
"Huh... Long story short, I peed in a bush where a family of skunks was living and they sprayed me... while I was in my most vulnerable position," Jeno explains, defeated.
You choke back a snicker but the other two has already let out their heaviest laugh. Through your stifled laughter, you tease the latter, "wait, Jeno... The skunks sprayed your- dick?"
Without saying anything, Jeno replies with a slight nod, the tips of his cheeks burnt as red as Jaemin's ninja costume.
"Jeno sprayed the skunks- and they sprayed back!" Jaemin nearly has tears in his eyes, latching onto Renjun's shoulder for stability as the shorter hunches over to stop his stomach from hurting. You take refuge by a pole of a street light, gripping it with all of your might and trying not to topple over in laughter.
"Just continue with the damn game. Renjun, truth or dare."
The game continues with more embarrassing truths, since no one is brave enough to choose a dare. Your turn comes up next, high on sugar and laughter, you decide to be the first to choose a dare.
Jaemin's eyes widen in excitement as Renjun looks around the premise, coming up with a dare. "Y/N, I dare you to enter that store and buy something."
Your line of sight follows Renjun's finger, leading to a small, dark store. It stands alone in the middle of two large shopping plazas across the street. The windows, bordered with intricate lacey designs, are tinted black so that you can't see the inside. The aura the shop exudes causes a shiver to run down your backside. You wouldn't have been able to tell if it's open or closed if it isn't for the light-up sign that reads, "Mystik Hex."
"Guys...I don't think it's even opened," you lie with a nervous chuckle.
Jeno slaps your back, pushing you across the abandoned road, "You got this!"
"Don't be a pussy, Y/N!" you hear Jaemin yell as your hands land on the door handle, which is a smooth purple orb. The glass door is tinted black just like the windows, a deep purple curtain decorated on the outside. It's tied up at both ends revealing the name of the shop again, in a fancy but eerie font. Before opening the shop, you take one more glance back at your friends. In case I die in here, at least I know who to haunt.
With your eyes shut, you slowly swing open the door. You don't expect that the first thing to hit you is the warmness of the shop, compared to the harsh fall weather. After the warmness comes the obscure fragrance of the shop, lemons and roses.
You open your eyes, one then the other, to take in your surroundings. As dark as the outer appearance seems, the inside is much more welcoming. The walls are painted a dark beige and lined along them are shelves stacked with boxes and jars labeled the strangest things. In the middle of the shop sits a glass display case, revealing an arrangement of jewelry and ornaments. Hanging from the ceiling is a variety of dreamcatchers, of all sizes, designs, and colors. And in the middle of the ceiling hangs a large candle-lit chandelier. Speakers hidden somewhere around the store plays soothing 80's jazz music.
"Can you close the door, it's cold?" A voice sounds from the back of the shop. You close your mouth, not knowing it fell wide as soon as your eyes opened. You step into the shop, letting the door close behind you with a tinkle of the welcoming bell.
"May I help you with something?" the same voice calls. You slowly make your way around the glass display, eyes wandering all over the store as there is a lot to take in.
Finally, you arrive at the back counter, meeting the sight of a witch (well, someone dressed as a witch), holding a magazine in her hands with a lollipop stick hanging from her lips. The tilt of the hat restricts you from getting a good look at her face and the magazine in her hands.
"Um, what's the-  cheapest thing in here?" you hesitate, not knowing if the employee is listening. The latter lowers the magazine, eyeing you up and down as she switches the lollipop to the other side of her mouth.
Finally, the employee tilts her hat back to reveal...a male.
[Earlier that day]
"What? What? What do you want?" a boy appears from the back room, pushing the beaded curtains to the side of the entryway. His hands are stained with a dark blue color.
"Remember, you're gonna be running this shop today by yourself. Open up at 12 PM and please remember to close at 12 PM. We don't want a repeat of what happened last time...," Yuta, the owner of the witch shop, lectures the younger. Small bottles of dried up leaves and colorful liquids magically enter into his messenger bag with a wave of his hands, surrounded by a haze of purple.  
"By the way, Happy Halloween. I left your costume by the cash register. You better wear it or I'm gonna fire you."
Haechan rolls his eyes away from the entrance and towards the stool behind the counter. A plastic bag sits on the chair, with a picture of a female's witch costume on the front of the bag.
"Oh, for fuck's sake." Haechan picks up the bag, turning it around to see if Yuta is actually being serious.
He is.
On the back of the plastic bag is a sticky note with Yuta's scribbled handwriting on it, "I got security cameras in here."
Haehcan makes direct eye contact with a security camera to the right of the counter, pulling a middle finger out for Yuta to see later. The yellow sticky note floats above his flat palm before it burns into nothingness.
"Dressing up like a stereotypical witch is so embarrassing when you're an actual witch," Haechan thinks to himself. "But I know Yuta will give me shit for months if I don't put this on."
Entering the back room, Haechan slips into the purple and black dress, not even surprised that it fits perfectly (and that it matches the aesthetics of the shop). He ties the cheap corset around his waist and plops the bent hat on top of his head. Then, exits out of the room, back to the camera.
"Jokes on you, shithead. No one comes into this shop anyway."
A male? In a female's witch costume? I mean it is 2018, and fuck gender roles.
"What did you say?" the boy squints his black-lined eyes at you. Your eyes travel down to his name tag, Haechan.
Even his name is just as intimidating as his appearance is. His dark brown eyes are smudged with black eyeliner with a touch of red shadowing. His lips are coated with a deep red tint and a sparkly gloss over them. His ears are lined with silver piercings, he even has a piercing on the right nostril of his nose. His hair is dyed a honey brown with highlights of pinks, blues, and greens. Loosely holding onto the magazine, the boy's fingers bears many intricate rings, but the uncanniest thing about them is that he has complex markings on the back side of his hand.
"Um- What's the cheapest thing in here?" you repeat with a gulp.
Haechan pulls out the lollipop with a pop noise and points it at you, "what is this, some kind of prank? Because I'm not in the mood."
"Well, actually kind of. It's a dare from my friends."
"Your friends dared you to come in here- and buy the cheapest thing?"
Haechan returns to his magazine, which now you can see clearly it's for magical spells, and points to the far corner of the shop, "Those rocks are $5."
You look at the small cauldron of differently shaped rocks and colored crystals, which are actually pretty cool and seem to glow in an unusual way. You dig around in the cauldron before selecting a violet-colored crystal.
"I'll have this one," you announce as you place the small gem on the table.
The latter glances at the crystal placed on the counter, "Ah an amethyst. A remedial stone."
You tilt your head in curiosity, not knowing that rocks can have meanings behind it. Haechan takes this as a sign to continue.
"The gemstone amethyst is helpful in purifying the mind and relieving it of negative thoughts. This includes the negativity of stress and anxiety, which is why many people meditate with amethyst so as to rid themselves of that darkness," Haechan explains, the magazine now forgotten on the counter as he continues to expand on the significance of the gem.
You lean in, interested to learn what other aspects the amethyst holds. As the boy talks, you feel drawn in as if compelled to keep listening to him. The way the magical words leave his tongue makes the meaning of the stone more interesting. It seems like Haechan really enjoys learning about these magical elements as his eyes ignite throughout the explanation. The more you stare, the more Haechan intrigues you. There's something about him, the burning fire and shimmering stars in his eyes, both calm and stormy.
You can't help but let out a soft, "Wow..."
Haechan chuckles at your awed state, picking up the stone. Somehow it glows even brighter in his hands. "You know, I can put this into an accessory for you."
"Oh, thank you but I only have $7 with me," you avert your eyes, feeling a slight blush form on your cheeks.
"It's alright, it's on the house. The stone, too."
"Wait no, at least let me pay for that."
But Haechan has already disappeared behind the beaded curtains into the back room. You pull out the $7 and place it between the pages of where Haechan left off in his Magazine. You feel bad if you didn't pay for it and the dare is to buy something in this shop.
A few minutes pass by as you grow bored of just standing there, waiting for Haechan to return. So you roam around the shop some more, studying the different jars, candles, potions, and crates. They all hold specific items or ingredients, an explanation plastered on a note next to them.
Couple more minutes fly by but no sight of Haechan.
You make your way back to the counter, looking through the curtains. Bright explosions of purple and white lights puff from behind a slightly opened door. Out of curiosity, you peak through the crack.
What you see causes you to let out a gasp, knocking the door open.
Haechan stands by a large black cauldron, with purple and white smoke rising from the lavender-colored liquid. Hanging above the cauldron is a lever, lowering the gemstone into the mystery liquid.
Surrounding Haechan is a cloud of purple fumes. The markings you noticed earlier on his hands glow within his skin. He looks too concentrated in the cauldron, with his eyes closed, to notice you standing by the opened door. Though, you don't know if you should leave quietly or call to him. Either way, you can't do anything since your body isn't responding, leaving you frozen before him.
The fumes of deep purple whirl around, picking up speed before it comes to a full stop. The purple glow from the liquid dissipates, leaving the room dim since its only light source is a small ceiling light. Haechan's hands return to their normal state as he picks up the amethyst necklace, back facing you.
You still haven't made a noise or movement since barging into the room, hoping whatever magic is happening here can make you disappear from the shop forever. However, no magic is able to help the situation as Haechan turns on his feet with a smile and the necklace in his hand. But as soon as he meets eyes with you, he jumps back in panic, dropping the necklace. Yet, it stays floating in the air before returning to the palm of Haechan's left hand. You don't think you've even blinked since before this incident with how wide your eyes are right now. Neither of you dares to speak as you both don't know what to say.
The silence soon breaks with Haechan's distraught voice, "How long h-have you been standing there?"
"Uh, I saw the purple cloud thingy," you answer coarsely, though you know that isn't the best answer in this circumstance. "What was that? What are you?"
"I'm nothing. A human. Just a human. Yes." The way Haechan answers exposes his true nature.
"What are you?" you repeat with furrowed eyebrows, confused and slightly frightened. Is this how I die? I knew I would die the moment I followed up with the dare. Those pesky boys are so going to get a big haunting.
Haechan sighs, "I'm a witch."
"Ha, that's funny cause you're in a witch costume," you sarcastically respond, "No seriously, what are you?"
"Seriously, I'm a witch."
Haechan holds up his right hand, the black markings turning into a lustrous white as a swirl of purple smoke transform into a flame above his palm.
You stumble back into the door, not knowing how to react.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you," the latter assures as the flame disperses into thin air.
Another silence flies by as you're still too stunned to function. A thousand thoughts squirming around in your head, trying to come up with some explanation.
Haechan moves forward to your frozen state, holding out the amethyst, "Here."
Your arm finally responds back and hesitantly raises to grasp it from his palm. You expect his palm to be burning hot from the flame but it's a normal bodily temperature. Though, you don't know what would be more unnerving. "Oh, thanks... for the necklace."
"Actually, it's not a necklace, it's an amulet."
You cock an eyebrow at the boy, "What's the difference?"
"Well, necklaces are just decoration, they hold no special abilities," Haechan takes back the amulet and connects it around your neck. "Amulets, on the other hand, are objects that are carried by or worn on a person that holds a specific energy or spell."
With how close Haechan is, you can feel his breath fan over your face as he explains the difference. Your voice drops to a whisper, "Then, what does this amulet hold?"
"Protective powers, as well as healing ones."
Your eyes meet his in awe but confusion, "protecting me from what?"
"Anything that's dangerous, Y/N."
"How do you know my name?" you break the contact between you two.
The ends of Haechan's mouth curves upwards, "I'm also psychic."  
"Wait, really?" you bolt up in interest, eyes wide again.
"Nope," Haehcan pops the p, "I just heard you and your friends yelling outside of my shop earlier."
Your shoulders slump down, disappointed. Haechan leads you out of the back room, closing the door behind him. Before you can thank Haechan and speak a farewell, a group of yells enters the shop.
"What have you done with Y/N?"
"Where is she?"
"We're gonna kill you."
You realize it's Renjun, Jeno, and Jaemin barging into the store in their lame protective stances. Renjun holds his plastic wand out just as Jaemin holds his foam swords, Jeno just has his fists in front of him as if he really is Batman.
"Guys relax, I'm fine." You hurry them away from Haechan before they can embarrass you anymore.
"Who's the girl?" Jaemin points at Haechan, a smirk plastered on his face, sending a flirty wink to the latter.
"I think that's a dude, man," Jeno punches Jaemin's shoulder, stifling a snort.
You flash an apologetic smile at Haechan, harshly whispering for the guys to wait for you outside.
"Wait, that's a guy? Holy shit man, why are you in a girl's costu-." Jaemin gets interrupted by an electric zap sent from Haechan's finger to his butt. The younger jumps up from his stance, rubbing the back of his butt with an 'ow.'
"Let's get out of here, Y/N hurry before he kills us all."
Renjun pulls along your arm as you wave goodbye to Haechan. I'll come back, you whisper in your head, hoping Haechan has some type of magical power to read it.
"Is this...a jar of eyeballs?" you place the glass jar on the table with your tongue sticking out. "Gross."
"It's frog eye but yes," Haechan hums, too focused on the potion he's mixing up in the back room. You're seated by a small table juxtaposed with the caldron, handing Haechan the ingredients and herbs he needs from the shelves of mysterious items. It hasn't been long since you've started working in the witch shop.
"What do you even need that for?" you question, wiping your hands on the black apron tied around your waist.
"All sorts of things," Haechan briefly answers, mumbling for the Burdock Arctium Minus.
You hand him a jar of the purple spiky plants, "and what are you making now?"
"A love potion."
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seriestrash · 6 years
Cyrus with an I - Part Two
If I knew I was going to write part two I might have named it something else but here we are so... ENJOY x
Summary: Buffy supports TJ during a confusing time. This is PART TWO to ‘Cyrus with an I’ - [Part One] - but this part is written with this anon in mind [x]
Word Count: 1269
Buffy leaves The Spoon soon after TJ did and goes home. She spends the evening on the sofa with her parents and they order in pizza and watch a movie.  After, Buffy retreats to her room and applies a face mask that makes her skin tingle. With the green mask on her face, Buffy sits at her desk and works on making posters for the girls basketball team tryouts. 
“Cyrus is so much better at this.” Buffy says to herself as she stares at her plain looking poster. 
Then Buffy hears the doorbell echo through the house. ‘What if it was Cyrus?’ Buffy thinks to herself and then seconds later her mom was calling for her to come downstairs and Buffy laughs nervously like she’s wished it into existence. 
As Buffy rounds the stairwell she’s surprised to find it’s TJ at the front door. 
“TJ, what are you doing here?” Buffy knits her brows together. 
“I uh, wanted to talk.” TJ gives her a funny look, “You said I could, but if now is a bad time just forget it.” TJ tries to back out. 
“No, now is good.” Buffy nods. “Mommy we’re going to talk on the porch swing, okay?” Buffy asks permission. 
Buffy ushers TJ out onto the porch. 
“You know you have gunk on your face right?” TJ motions to his own face. 
Buffy is embarrassed for a second before remembering her present company was TJ and then she didn’t care so much anymore. 
“You wanted to talk?” Buffy ignores his remark and sits on the porch swing first. 
TJ puts as much distance between them as he can and sits down with a nod. A moment of silence passes and Buffy is just eyeing TJ who’s staring towards the street. 
“So, talk.” Buffy finally says. 
TJ turns to giver her an unimpressed look for her eagerness and Buffy curls her expression into something kinder and more understanding. 
“Or we can just sit here.” Buffy says with a soft smile and she wraps her arms around her knees after pulling them close to her chest. 
TJ gently kicks at the ground and the swing chair rocks slowly. TJ smiles to himself at the memory of his time on the sings with Cyrus. 
“Cyrus spent all afternoon at the museum with those girls.” TJ says. 
“Amber and Iris, his- our friends.” Buffy nods. 
“Cyrus has been posting pictures the whole time.” TJ rolls his eyes. 
"He sure does love the museum, he could live there.” Buffy laughs. 
“Since when does Cyrus hang out with kids in high school?” TJ questions. 
“We’ve known Amber and Iris longer than we’ve known you.” Buffy is honest. “They’re just friends TJ.” 
“So?” TJ shrugs. 
“So you care.” Buffy smiles and gently tries to encourage it out of TJ. “And you care because?” 
“Maybe I’m a little jealous.” TJ avoids eye contact with another shrug. 
“Of Cyrus?” Buffy lightly presses. 
“Not of Cyrus.” TJ says with an exhale.
“Which means?” Buffy looks to TJ whom is still avoiding eye contact at all costs and his flushed cheeks said enough about how worked up he was about this. 
“You’re really going to make me say it out loud?” TJ frowns. 
“I’m not going to make you do anything, TJ,” Buffy rests her hand gently on his shoulder, “But, just so I don’t confuse any of the facts...I would like to hear you say it and I think you may find that saying it out loud will make you feel better too.”
TJ protects himself with folded arms and mumbles, “So I might have a tiny stupid little crush on Cyrus.”
Buffy’s grin widens and that’s partly because TJ’s overall sheepishness was rather adorable. “TJ, you and I may not see eye to eye on a lot but I think we can both agree that having a crush on Cyrus is not stupid.” 
“You don’t like him too do you?” TJ’s frown deepens. 
“So not what I meant,” Buffy lets out a nervous giggle. 
TJ looked genuinely relieved by that. 
There were at least a dozen questions bouncing around in Buffy’s brain but she settles with, “For how long?”
TJ gives the swing another gentle push. “After our one on one game is when I realised, but I think longer than that..” 
Buffy fails to hide her smile and it makes TJ feel even more embarrassed. 
“If I wanted to sit around and talk about my feelings I should have just stayed home with my mom.” TJ laughs with a shake of his head. 
“Your mom knows?” Buffy questions.
“About Cyrus specifically? No.” TJ answers, “About being gay, yeah, I told her a while ago. She’s the only person other than you that knows.” 
Buffy smiles to herself and not because she’s one of two people to know but because of how casual TJ was about his sexuality. Sure TJ was nervous right now but that was directly linked to his current feelings for Cyrus and not because of his feelings towards boys in general. 
“Are you going to talk to Cyrus about this?” Buffy asks. 
TJ snaps his head around in a panic, “Why would I do that? ‘Oh hey Cyrus I know you’re busy with your high school girlfriends but I like you!’” TJ dramatises. “I don’t want to lose a friendship because I made it weird.” 
If only you knew, Buffy thinks to herself but since Cyrus’ feelings were another secret she promised to protect she tries to steer clear of alluding to anything regarding his sexuality. “This is Cyrus we’re talking about, do you think he’d judge you even for a millisecond if you opened up to him?” 
“I’m not worried about being judged, Buffy.” TJ sighs, “I’m worried about losing a friend.” 
“Maybe you don’t know Cyrus as well as I thought you did,” Buffy purses her lips for a moment, “Because if you did, you’d know that Cyrus would never turn his back on a friend, no matter what.” Buffy holds TJ’s stare and after the heavy feel of the moment she playfully adds, “Even if they’re a jerk face like you.” 
TJ laughs lightly with his trademark eye roll at Buffy’s comment. 
“I don’t know, maybe I’ll talk to him about some of it but not the crush part though.” TJ entertains the idea and Buffy thinks that’s great, she could definitely work off that. If Cyrus new TJ was gay maybe he’d be more open to exploring his own feelings towards TJ. “And I know it goes without saying but you promise you won't say anything to him or anyone about it?” 
“I promise. I would never do that to you or anyone, TJ.” Buffy nods quickly. 
“Thank you.” TJ says softly and his sweet expression was so genuine and it made Cyrus’ ‘puppy’ comment about TJ float to the forefront of Buffy’s mind. 
TJ gets up to leave but he stops at the top step on the porch and turns around again. “Oh and for the record,” he laughs as he motions to his face, “You look ridiculous.” 
“Gee and I thought we were having a moment,” Buffy coaxes her head with a chuckle. 
“Goodnight, Driscoll.” TJ continues to laugh as he makes his way down her path. 
Buffy sits back on the swing and shakes her head in disbelief as she watches TJ disappear down the street. The idea of Cyrus being friends with TJ was downright confusing to her a couple months ago but now, the idea that the two could become something more than friends, well that thought was something wonderful. 
End Notes: Before you all come at me with PART THREE!! Im not going to do it bc I’ll work on other one shots that involve TJ / Cyrus coming clean about their feelings towards one another!! So stay tuned for those!! :) x
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1800-seungshine · 7 years
the hearts’ aftermath.
member(s): park woojin & bae jinyoung genre(s): high school!au, fluff, hoobae!au summary: a simple cliché high school love story, may not be special for others but it’s special for park woojin and bae jinyoung. epilogue of ludic and responsible (requested - bullet point format) word count: 1.4k
note: a requested scenario that took me forever to write bc of my indecisive ass hahah ;; i’m really sorry if it took a while and i hope you like it! i actually had more ideas in mind but couldn’t put them bc i feared it would be too long and it’d make the entire thing more messy sighpies bUT ANYWHO i actually have no idea how this works..?? like lmao you can be either woojin’s girl or baejin’s girl or you can be both bc two is better than one! i apologise if it may seem messy too but other than that, enjoy and happy reading! < 3  p.s. idk whether y’all get tired of me saying thank you but i can’t help that bc it doesn’t amount to how much i really am grateful for the numerous support esp with the likes, follows and reblogs! thank you so much for the love ;; i will continue to work even harder < 33
guess who’s back 
back again 
woojin’s back 
tell a friend 
ok sorry i got a lil carried away whoops 
so anyways 
woojin got in trouble after your shenanigans
like yeah sure a detention and his ass whooped from his parents 
that wasn’t the big deal 
i’m referring to something bigger 
yknow that tiny crush he had on you before?? 
yeah that grew 
and it still continues to do so
because after that one fine day in which you accidentally dragged him into your own trouble 
he entered your life and you entered his
it was a gradual progress though 
at the start, it was simply a form of acknowledgement whether through grins, eye contact and waves
then it became small conversations that occurred whenever you encountered each other 
and eventually you ended up sitting with his group of friends 
sometimes you even drag him along to your schemes of skipping classes or pranking people 
everything was all fun and games 
until it came to feelings 
he has this mini-hate for you whenever it came to that subject
you kept things ambiguous that he can’t pinpoint anything 
there are times when you say things to him that feel like they hold a lot more meaning than you let on 
or those times when he catches you shyly glancing at him
yet all in all, nothing
either you were good at hiding feelings 
or you didn’t have any
yet one thing still remains
never did woojin think that he’d fall for someone as troublesome as you 
but he did anyway 
and he can’t say he hates it 
bc boy oh boy does he enjoy every second of it 
there’s this sort of thrill that he gets liking you 
but lol even if he does enjoy liking you 
doesn’t mean he’d enjoy getting rejected 
so he kept his feelings to himself and decided not to speak to anyone about it 
until someone pointed it out 
there were two new members in his friendship circle consisting of bae jinyoung, lee daehwi, park jihoon and lai guanlin
one of them was you 
and the other one? 
jinyoung’s tutor/girlfriend
the school’s blessing - everyone’s angelic sunbae 
(which can also be you bc why the hek not yknow why just be woojin’s crush when you can be baejin’s gf too)
yeah 11/10 his ass got exposed when you decided to skip classes one day
“so woojin, when are you gonna make a move?”
everyone literally stopped, dropped and rolled bc wth boi never told them
while guanlin legit jumped up from his seat, clapping his hands happily and the entire cafeteria was blessed with his yelling and dolphin laughs
did they make a bet on chicken nuggets without him??
hek yeah they did (#worthit)
woojin choked on air and he became a stuttering mess, “n-no! where d-did you hear th-that?! h-hahaha that’s s-so funny! i d-don’t like y-y/n!” 
"we never said it was y/n though...?”
“. . . . . .”
he grabbed his things and ran away from them never to be seen again 
j u s t  k i d d i n g 
in the end, it took woojin a while to muster up the courage to confess to you 
(well, it was more like it took daehwi, guanlin, jihoon and jinyoung to verbally gang up on him to confess bc they were tired of the never-ending push and pull between you two cos it’s so obvious you liked each other so just date already gosh.)
most of the work was all thanks to jinyoung’s girlfriend who constantly encouraged him and gave him actual advice
she even helped him make a move on you by becoming close to you
unlike some other snakes who he calls friends, whom if you recall put his feelings on the line for chicken nuggets 
eventually you and woojin began to date 
the news quickly spread around the school and it made a number of the male students sad 
bc firstly, bae jinyoung stole the angel of the school 
and now woojin took the badass of the school 
but somehow no one’s mad about it cos baejin and his girl are the school’s new couple goals 
while you and woojin are the ideal “dream team” 
now y’all might be thinking those are the best otp the school has 
but jokes on you 
the best pairing around is you and baejin’s girlfriend 
a duo so great you can probably beat ongniel
you two got really close bc she helped your relationship with woojin become more than friendship
it was a weird sight at first bc two polar opposites are suddenly hanging out; one was well-loved for being a responsible and kind role model whilst the other one was loved for being cheeky and having a mischievous mind 
such contradictory that ended up as an awesome friendship
bc yknow as they say, opposite attracts
and nowadays it actually feels like you and baejin’s girlfriend are dating instead bc you two always hang out
which leaves woojin and jinyoung sulking to themselves 
like every time jinyoung’s girlfriend is on the phone texting 98% of the time she’s talking to you 
“stop two-timing, angels aren’t supposed to be cheaters.” jinyoung would complain as he’d wrap his arms around her
while she’d only laugh at him, “yah- you shouldn’t be talking especially when you scammed me into this relationship despite have such an innocent and angelic face.” 
“that’s a strategy okay! this is a different situation like seriously, are you dating me or are you dating y/n??” he’d ask her with a slight frown
“well then seems like i have to break up with you then-” she would always reply 
11/10 it works every time and baejin would end up sulking until she'd kiss his cheek 
“just kidding - i wouldn’t replace you for anyone else, baejin.”
and tbh you two have gotten so close it’s gotten to the point where baejin got jealous and decided to whip up a plan with woojin about taking you and his girl away from each other 
let me tell you it didn’t work bc y’all were inseparable after instantly clicking
srsly she got your back and vice-versa bc yknow angel-devil duo is science maths
so whenever you and woojin bicker, you two mostly result to threatening about how you’d leave one another 
woojin: i swear i’m gonna go back to jihoon if this continues >:( 
you: ye well go ahead cos jinyoung’s girlfriend is my real soulmate lmao bye felicia xx 
woojin: . . . .i was kidding ;; you know that right? 
woojin: OK OK IM SORRY 
yeah you end up winning bc duh brotp ftw 
ofc there are even times when woojin and jinyoung bicker on whose girlfriend is better 
smh this isn’t a competition idiots 
so whenever they do that, you two just look at each other and leave 
which ends up to jinyoung and woojin eventually coming together to sulk by buying banana milk to “drown” in their sadness bc remember kids, y’all shouldn’t be drinking alcohol underaged 
but even so you love woojin more than anything in the world 
he makes you laugh and smile, your days are brighter when he’s around and you miss him when he isn’t there 
and it’s the same for jinyoung and his girl 
four different individuals with miscellaneous personalities 
which equals to two couples with different stories and different ways of affection
hence to end the story
there is no actual ending 
and no it isn’t bc i’m lazy ok shh don’t misunderstand me smh
the true ending remains a mystery bc the future is unclear and who knows what will happen to these two couples let alone these four individuals 
i mean that’s totally up to you cos duh it isn’t just me controlling this ok 
but these four have no care what happens tomorrow or the day after 
bc they live in the here and now, enjoying every second and every moment they share with their friends, their family and with their special one
and every day is a new day to create fresh and happy memories for them to cherish and remember in their hearts forever
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redhead-33 · 7 years
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Yoonmin fanfic idea #5: Partners in Crime
!!WARNINGS!! -a lot of death (like actual descriptions of murder) and very very brief mention of abuse. Also, they are really fucked up mentally (like they are absolutely insane) If you choose to ignore the warnings and read this anyway and then comment about those warnings I will probably block bc I did warn you.
(One more note: this is so fucking long and I’m so sorry, I am doing this over the app and I don’t know how To make it hide the majority Of It and just say read more)
Ok, so, they are really fucked up but I like this idea
So, when Yoongi was a kid he was put into an orphanage at the age of 6 bc his family was killed. Yoongi was the one who killed them. Yoongi was playing in his parent’s room and found his father’s gun. He knew exactly what he was doing when he pulled out the gun and walked into the kitchen where his mother was. Yoongi thought his parents were unfair and mean (in reality they were just kinda strict but he is a 6-year-old and ya know, 6-year-olds don’t exactly realize why their parents do certain things). They always let his older brother get away with things but never let him do the same. So he killed them all. The judge and jury decided not to charge the kid with any kind of murder bc he is 6 and probably didn’t think he would actually kill them. So they sent him to an orphanage that helps the kids they get mentally.
At this orphanage, Yoongi met a kid named Park Jimin. Jimin came to the orphanage when he was 4, a month before Yoongi came. He was standing at the doors and knocked. When a woman answered the boy handed her a later and said, “Mommy told me to give this to you.” The letter basically said something along the lines of “I don’t want him to be hurt anymore. My husband will continue to harm him if he is with us. I’m sorry. He is allergic to bees.” ( just to show that she really loves Jimin is the reason I add the allergy. You don’t have too.) The letter was right. Jimin looked as if he had been beaten badly and after examination, there were signs that the boy had been sexually abused.
So when Yoongi came to the orphanage Jimin noticed he was different. Yoongi seemed to isolate himself from other kids and if he did talk, Jimin never saw it. After a month of watching Yoongi closely, Jimin knew Yoongi ate alone so during lunch Jimin sat beside him. Jimin talked to Yoongi even though it was more of a one sided conversation but any time Yoongi spoke, nodded, or made some kind of noise Jimin became really happy. From then on Yoongi and Jimin were joined by the hip.
When Jimin started school things started to change. Yoongi had noticed but didn’t say anything, well, until he was really missing Jimin’s smile. Eventually, Yoongi asked what was wrong and Jimin told him that the kids at school teased him bc of his height, chubby cheeks, and things like that. Yoongi told Jimin that every day he would wait for Jimin at the school gates and have Jimin point out the people that bullied him that day. So the next day Yoongi was at the gates and Jimin pointed out the kids. Yoongi told Jimin to wait for him and he went up to the kids. He took them somewhere where Jimin wouldn’t see them and he would beat them up.
That routine continued until high school. By then the majority of kids knew Jimin was protected and off limits. But sophomore year Jimin had a crush. He would talk about the boy he was crushing on to Yoongi every day. Yoongi told him that the best thing for him to do was tell the boy his feelings. He told him that even though every time the boy’s name came up in conversation Yoongi’s heart hurt. All Yoongi wanted was for Jimin to be happy. Whether that is with him or some other guy Yoongi doesn’t care, as long as he can see Jimin smile.
So Jimin tells the boy and they start dating. Then one day Yoongi walks into his and Jimin’s shared room (small details: they never got adopted bc no one wanted Yoongi bc murder and Jimin refused to get adopted without Yoongi so they still live in the orphanage until they graduate and Yoongi, even though he is incredibly intelligent, purposefully fails two grades so they can graduate and leave the orphanage together.) To find Jimin sobbing his eyes out.
Yoongi asks what happened and Jimin raises his arm to where Yoongi could see a darkening bruise on Jimin’s wrist, “He just wanted me for sex. We were in school and I was just walking and he grabbed my wrist. He pulled me into the janitors closer and he was trying to get me to let him fuck me but when I said no and tried to leave he tightened his grip. He put his hand down my pants and squeezed my ass. I eventually got out of his grip before he could do anything else. After that, I ran here.”
Yoongi was fuming, “Do you know where that dick lives?” Jimin nodded and told him where he lived. Yoongi climbed out of their window and left after he turned back to Jimin and told him, “I’ll be back later.”
Yoongi goes to the boy’s house and somehow gets the boy to go on a walk with him. They walk and talk for a while. The sun goes down and night falls. Yoongi had been able to distract the boy long enough to get him to follow Yoongi to a deserted part of town. When the boy least expected it Yoongi jumped him. He beat him far beyond what he usually would and right when the boy was on the verge of passing out Yoongi started to slam the boys head into the concrete repeatedly. Not only did Yoongi crack the boy’s skull but also the concrete. Once Yoongi was sure the boy was dead he dragged him into the woods that were nearby and left him for the animals. Yoongi walked to the gas station that he and Jimin go to after school to get snacks. He went to the bathroom and washed the blood off of his hands and face before he called Jimin.
Jimin answered and Yoongi asked him, “Jiminnie, I’m at the gas station. Can you bring me a change of clothes?” Jimin said he would and then hung up.
When the younger boy got there Yoongi reached his hand out of the bathroom to get the clothes, not wanting Jimin to see the blood. He quickly changed and left t the bathroom to see Jimin leaning back against the wall, “Yoongi, what did you do?”
Yoongi didn’t look at him, “Let’s just say you will never see or hear from that guy again.”
There was a small silence that fell between them before Jimin grabbed his hand and they started walking back to the orphanage. Jimin ended up resting his head on Yoongi shoulder and when Yoongi noticed and looked down Jimin smiles at him softly, “Thank you Yoongi.”
That night Jimin slept with Yoongi in his bed.
After that night the news of the boy’s disappearance was all over town. A few people that knew Jimin had been dating him tried comforting him and Jimin ended up making some friends. After a few months all of the rumors calmed down and things went back to normal.
All was good for two years. After two years Jimin and Yoongi graduated and they moved into a small apartment together. This was temporary of course. They would both be moving to a bigger city once fall came and Jimin started college. Yoongi decided not to go to college and instead try for a career in music.
So, one-night Yoongi came home and found Jimin crying in his room. Yoongi asked what was wrong and Jimin told him that one of his “friends” was spreading lies about him. Saying that Jimin would sleep with anyone who showed interest. Jimin could handle that rumor though. The one he couldn’t take was the lie that Jimin had killed the boy he dated in high school. A specific thing Jimin says is “Why is it that any time I get close to someone they always hurt me. You are the only one that has really been there for me Yoongi, thank you.” Yoongi was going to go out and confront the ass hole that was spreading lies about his precious Jimin but before he could leave Jimin grabs his wrist and is like “Please don’t get involved yoongi, we are going to leave this stupid fucking town in a month. Just stay.” Yoongi couldn’t protest so he stayed home and they ended up on the couch watching one of Jimin’s favorite movies. Yoongi didn’t pay much attention to the movie though, he was too busy planning the death of the person who hurt Jimin.
The week before they left Yoongi had gotten in contact with Jimin’s “friend” and he asked them out to coffee. They said yes and so they went to a small cafe. Yoongi held a conversation and made it seem like he was genuinely interested in the person but when they excused themselves to the restroom Yoongi slipped a deadly drug into their coffee. One sip and the drug would kill them in just 24 hours. When they came back Yoongi continued being polite and friendly. Two days later word of the person dying of heart failure reached Jimin but they had already left. Yoongi asked if he was ok but Jimin just nodded his head and said, “The ass hole got what they deserved.
After that, things seemed to calm down. Yoongi was able to get a decent job writing music and selling his songs to a big name company. Jimin finished college in four years and was currently working at a small cafe close to his and Yoongi’s apartment. It was a temporary job while he was trying to find a better job, one he went to college for preferably. But at the cafe is where Jimin met Jeon Jungkook.
Jungkook was a young college student two years younger than Jimin. His major was art and he came to the cafe Jimin works at almost every day to study. It was only natural for Jimin to learn his name and then eventually start talking to him. Jungkook was cute and unbelievably funny. Jimin commented how he liked Jungkook’s art and the next week the younger came to the cafe with a beautiful painting of Jimin. The older loved it so much he hung it up in his room. When Yoongi asked where it came from Jimin blushed lightly and told him about Jungkook. After that Yoongi wanted to meet the boy so Jimin asked Jungkook to come over and that’s when they met. Yoongi was friendly. Jungkook seemed like a genuinely nice kid but the way Jimin blushed and giggled every time he said something didn’t sit well with him. The way Jimin’s arms kept finding their way around Jungkook’s arm made Yoongi want to puke.
After the first meeting he, Jimin, and Jungkook met a few other times and with each meeting Yoongi started to hate the boy more. Jimin seemed to be glued to his hip. They weren’t even dating. Why would Jimin do this? Didn’t he say it himself? Anytime someone gets close to Jimin they end up hurting him. The only exception so far is Yoongi and he doesn’t see why it’s worth it to find anyone else if there is a possibility of Jimin being hurt again. So, the only thing Yoongi can do is kill Jungkook before he hurts Jimin.
On a day that Yoongi knows Jungkook stays late at the university he attends he waits for the younger boy. When he sees Jungkook walk out of the building Yoongi starts following him. It was pitch black so Jungkook didn’t notice the person following him until he heard the footsteps. After he noticed, Jungkook started walking faster and then eventually he was running but Yoongi knew the neighborhood they were in a lot better than Jungkook. He was able to cut Jungkook off by taking a shortcut. When the boy saw Yoongi right in front of him he seemed to relax a little and Yoongi wanted to laugh. Jungkook was about to speak but Yoongi was able to push him down and knock him out by slamming his head on the ground. Yoongi walked him to the area he had picked out to bury the kid. When they got there Jungkook was coming to and was about to try to get away when Yoongi quickly threw him onto the ground and straddled his waist. Yoongi pulled out the knife that was in his jacket before he discarded the garment and pressed the knife to Jungkook’s throat with little pressure.
Yoongi looked at the frightened boy and felt pity for him, he sighed and told him, “Jungkook, you were a genuinely nice kid, but there are people who I thought were nice that hurt my Jiminnie really badly. That’s why I’m doing this. If I don’t then you will just hurt him and then I would have to do it later. This way we can skip the whole part where Jimin gets hurt. Besides, I really don’t like the way he looks at you.” Jungkook tried to speak but Yoongi slammed the knife into his right arm, “Nu uh, if you make any sounds I will drag this out a lot longer. If you’re good, I’ll end it quickly.”
Jungkook had tears in his eyes and he was biting his lips so hard there was blood but that was nothing compared to the feeling in his arm. Jungkook nodded as Yoongi took the knife out of his arm. Yoongi drug the cool metal of the knife up Jungkook’s arm and over his collarbones, “Ya know, I really hate your arms. Every time you would say something just slightly amusing Jimin would cling to them like they were life savers. It was really nauseating to watch.”
Yoongi then proceeded to drive the knife down into Jungkook’s left arm. From his wrist all the way up to his shoulder the knife ripped open his skin to reveal bright red blood. Yoongi sighed when he felt Jungkook sobbing underneath him, “It must be hard to keep quiet. Do you want me to go ahead and kill you?” Jungkook nodded vigorously as he kept his lip between his teeth. “Well, since you didn’t technically hurt Jimin I guess it’s the least I could do. Jungkook, I hope in your next life you never meet me or Jimin. That way you can have a chance.”
That was the last thing Jungkook heard before the knife was slammed down into his neck. Yoongi watched as blood rushed out of the wound and felt his anger at the boy grow as he remembered how he acted with Jimin. He raised the knife out of Jungkook a neck and then repeatedly drove it into his chest and stomach. There was so much blood that by the time Yoongi was done his clothes were basically soaked and he had blood on his face as well. Yoongi dragged Jungkook’s lifeless body into the hole he had dug and quickly covered the body with dirt. Before leaving he grabbed his jacket he had taken off before he killed Jungkook and put it on. He was careful to hide his clothes and face as he walked home.
Once he got home Jimin had long been asleep. The younger always went to sleep early. Yoongi took his jacket off and put it in his room before he made his way to the bathroom. Locking the door Yoongi took off his clothes and looked in the mirror. Jungkook’s blood had seeped through his shirt and it covered parts of Yoongi’s chest and His face had blood splattered on it. Yoongi didn’t feel guilty. He didn’t feel remorse. He felt pride and excited. This was the first time he felt alive in years.
The next few weeks Jimin didn’t even mention Jungkook. The painting was still hanging in his room. As far as Yoongi knows, Jimin had no idea. He didn’t act differently towards him. If anything Jimin seemed to smile and cling to him more.
Yoongi was in heaven.
Well, until another boy came around.
His name was Jung Hoseok. Yoongi was at the cafe when the two met. The minute he came through the door Yoongi could tell Jimin was interested. When the boy went up to get his order Jimin smiles at him and even touched his arm. It was disgusting.
A few weeks went by and Jimin brought Hoseok over a few times. He was actually really funny. Hoseok was a dance teacher for kids and he was just a year younger than himself. He was so nice that Yoongi had thought maybe he wouldn’t have to kill Hoseok
Yoongi probably wouldn’t have if he didn’t come home to Jimin sleeping with his head resting in Hoseok’s lap while the older was carding his fingers through Jimin’s hair.
Yoongi went to his room immediately after seeing the sight. He sat on his bed, barely holding in the anger he was feeling while trying to talk himself out of the plan he had already made. Hoseok had gotten too close. Yoongi had too. There was nothing he could do. Hoseok had to die.
Since Yoongi was closer to Hoseok than he was to Jungkook he simply asked the boy if he wanted to go see a movie. Hoseok said ok and they went. When the movie ended it was almost midnight. Hoseok lived somewhat near him and Jimin so they were walking together when they passed the cafe Jimin worked at. Yoongi made up some excuse about how Jimin left something behind the cafe and he had to get it so both of the boys walked around the building.
Hoseok noticed the big hole that had been dug and turned around to ask what it was for but he was met by Yoongi holding the gun to his head. He stuttered, “Wh-what are you doing? I-Is that real?!”
Yoongi looked at him, “If you wouldn’t have gotten so close to Jimin we could’ve been friends. I’m sorry Hoseok. I wish you better luck in your next life.” Before he could say anything else Yoongi pulled the trigger and Hoseok fell to the ground dead.
Yoongi pulled the dead body into the grave. He took one last look at the boy before burying him.
By the time Yoongi gets home it’s past 2 in the morning. He doesn’t expect Jimin to be awake but when he shuts the door Jimin comes padding out of his room in nothing but a long sweater. He rubbed one of his eyes before yawning. Yoongi had to hold back from cooing.
Jimin smiled sleepily at him, “Why are you back so late? Didn’t the movie end at around 12?”
Yoongi nodded, “Yeah, but something came up. I had to go do some things.”
Jimin yawned again, “Was it a good movie? You know I like watching movies. I wish I could’ve gone.”
“It was good. I don’t think you would’ve liked it that much though. It was a horror movie.”
Jimin laughs quietly, “You’re right. I probably would’ve cried.”
Yoongi smiled at him, “Go back to sleep Jiminnie. It’s late.”
Jimin shook his head, “I had a nightmare. I can’t sleep.”
Yoongi sighs, “Jimin you really need to sleep. You have work early tomorrow morning.”
Jimin pouted, “Can I sleep with you then?”
Yoongi tried to hide his smile, “Of course, come on.”
It was about a month and a half after that when Jimin found another boy. His name was Namjoon.
They met at the cafe, the place where Jimin had met the two previous boys, while Namjoon was out “looking for inspiration” for a song. When Namjoon saw Jimin apparently he knew that Jimin would be the perfect place for inspiration (Yoongi can confirm that Jimin is the best place for inspiration but that doesn’t mean he is ok with Namjoon’s stupid pickup line).
Now Yoongi never truly met Namjoon before he killed him. He only ever heard about him from Jimin. He was tall and handsome and apparently had dimples as deep as the ocean (Jimin’s words, not his). Yoongi got tired of hearing so much about this guy but it wasn’t until Jimin ended up spending the night with him did Yoongi want to kill him in one of the worst ways possible. Jimin explained to Yoongi that Namjoon invited him over to watch movies and they ended up falling asleep but when it started becoming more and more frequent did Yoongi follow Jimin to the man’s house.
From then on Yoongi started following Namjoon. He found out where Namjoon worked, where he went after work, the people he hung out with. Yoongi knew Namjoon’s daily routine better than his own.
Finally, about 4 months after Jimin met Namjoon did Yoongi introduce himself. He bumped into the man as he was leaving a coffee shop that was close to his work causing him to spill his coffee all over Namjoon’s shirt. Yoongi stuttered out an apology begging Namjoon to let Yoongi buy him a new coffee. Namjoon eventually told Yoongi he could. Yoongi got Namjoon’s coffee and slipped a poisonous liquid into it before giving it to him. Yoongi walked Namjoon back to his work, he talked about the things Namjoon liked So the taller man would drop his guard. Yoongi suggested they hang out later that night. And Namjoon asked where so Yoongi suggested the cafe. Namjoon agreed and they parted ways. Yoongi knew that Jimin didn’t work the afternoon or night shifts at the cafe so he wasn’t worried about being caught.
They met up again at the cafe and Yoongi offered to order Namjoon’s drink. The older man tried to say it wasn’t necessary but Yoongi insisted. Yoongi did the same thing he did that morning and before he gave Namjoon his drink he made sure to slip something in it. The two boys talked for a few hours. Every time they needed a refill on drinks Yoongi was the one to get it, making sure to slip the liquid into the drink before handing it to Namjoon.
Soon the cafe was closing and Namjoon and Yoongi were just walking the streets. About half an hour after the cafe closed Namjoon complained about how his stomach ached. Yoongi, faking concern, asked where the boy lived. Yoongi already knew that Namjoon lived a good 45 minutes away so when he told Yoongi the older insisted that he come back to his apartment. Namjoon agreed and when they were walking back Yoongi told him that behind the cafe there was a short cut to his house. Namjoon followed as Yoongi led the way to the “short cut” but right as they got behind the cafe Namjoon collapsed. Yoongi smiled to himself. He timed everything perfectly.
Yoongi quickly helped Namjoon lay down on his back but while doing so he took the syringe out of his jacket and injected Namjoon with the rest of the poison he had been slipping into his drink.
Namjoon looked up in pain, “What the hell was that?!”
Yoongi stood and watched as Namjoon tried to get up but the poison left him basically paralyzed. Yoongi tutted, “It’s useless ya know. You won’t be able to move. But that pain you’ll be feeling right about,” Yoongi looked at the time and waited a minute, “Now,” and as if right on cue Namjoon let out a long groan of pain, “Is all of your organs shutting down. In less than five minutes you will pass out and in less than ten you will be dead.”
Namjoon looked up at him, “Why?”
Yoongi chewed his bottom lip, “Because you got way too close to my Jiminnie. He spent the night at your house so many time in the last few months. Nothing a couple more you would hurt him. I know you would. I don’t want him to get hurt.”
Namjoon struggled to get his words out, “But won’t this hurt him? If he finds out? He would hate you.”
Yoongi shook his head but felt a small rush of panic, “He won’t find out. And besides, my Jimin would never hate me. I’ve never hurt him before. I’m the only one he can trust.”
Before Namjoon could say anything he passed out. Yoongi just sighed as he took Namjoon’s body closer to the hole he had dug a few days before. A few minutes later he checked the pulse and Namjoon was dead. Yoongi rolled the body into the grave and covered him in the dirt.
When Yoongi got home it was a bit past midnight so you could say he was a bit shocked to see Jimin up and coming out of the bathroom freshly showered.
Yoongi tried not to look too much at the way Jimin had pushed his wet hair out of his face and instead looked at him confused, “What are you doing up so late? You are usually in bed by about 10.”
Jimin stopped for a moment before biting his lip, “I woke up from another bad dream. I was in a cold sweat and I couldn’t go back to sleep. It felt disgusting.”
Jimin had been having nightmares quite a lot recently. Yoongi was a bit worried, “Are you ok? What are they about?”
Jimin took a moment to answer, he seemed to be thinking the dreams over, “Losing you. In every dream, you always get hurt or die.”
Yoongi throws him a small smile before walking over to him and putting an arm around his shoulders and walking them to his room, “You know I’m not going anywhere. You also know you can sleep with me anytime you have a bad dream too.”
Jimin smiles up at him, “I know Yoongi. Thank you.”
And so things were fine again. Jimin seemed to have nightmares almost every night so he would sleep in Yoongi’s bed, he can’t say he’s upset. The two grow closer and Yoongi had truly never felt happier.
Until almost half a year after Namjoon died and one-day Jimin told Yoongi he had a date.
Upon hearing those words Yoongi’s heart cracked a little. He asked who with and Jimin explained he met a guy just a year older than Yoongi named Seokjin. When Jimin explained all of the things they had talked about when they met in the cafe he had a small blush on his cheeks and a small smile on his lips.
When Jimin left for his date Yoongi really did throw up. It was repulsive to even think about Jimin outright dating someone. With all of the other boys, Yoongi stopped them before they could get that close. This left him with a small window of time to kill Seokjin, but he could do it.
That night before Jimin came home Yoongi went out and bought a few pieces of wood and barbed wire. He was feeling creative when he came up with the way to kill Seokjin.
The day after Jimin’s date Yoongi found Seokjin. It wasn’t that hard after Jimin told Yoongi everything about the guy. He even told Yoongi where Seokjin works so it was actually relatively easy.
Seokjin worked really close to the cafe so by the time he got off he was walking past the building to go home. Yoongi was walking towards him and when they were just about to past each other Yoongi pretended to double over in pain. Seokjin quickly walked to him to ask if he was ok and right when Yoongi had the chance he injected Seokjin with a drug that would make him pass out.
When the older man fell to the ground Yoongi sighed to himself and dragged him behind the cafe. Waiting for them was a large box that Yoongi made and in the insides of the box, the walls were covered in barbed wire. Yoongi lifted him up and into the box and hammered the top of the box on.
A few minutes later there was panicked breathing coming from inside the box. Yoongi tutted as leaned down right next to the box and spoke, “If I were you I wouldn’t move.”
Seokjin must’ve moved because Yoongi heard the man hiss in pain, “What is this? W-Why am I in this?”
Yoongi laughed, “Because you were going to hurt Jiminnie if I didn’t put you in there.”
“ Wh-what? What do you mean? ”
Yoongi sighed, “Part Jimin, the actual Sun. If I don’t kill you, you will hurt him.”
“ Why would I hurt Jimin? ”
“Because everyone does except for me. You got too close.”
“ How exactly is this going to kill me? It’s just going to hurt me. ”
“It will kill you slowly. If the barbed wire doesn’t kill you first them running out of oxygen will.” Yoongi explained.
And so they waited for which ever came first. By the time it hit 2 in the morning though Yoongi had enough waiting. He stood and started to push the box to the hole he had dug. Once it fell into the hole Yoongi heard a muffled scream and couldn’t help but laugh at himself.
He made quick work with burying the box. By the time he was finished it was past 3 and all he could think about was how he wouldn’t be able to hear Seokjin when he finally died.
When he got home he was smiling to himself. He really did do a good job this time. Maybe Yoongi will get more creative with future kills. Maybe he could make it a game. That would be fun.
Yoongi goes to his room after he’s cleaned up a bit and on his bed he sees Jimin curled into himself fast asleep. Yoongi sighs to himself before putting his pajamas on and then slipping into the bed. He lays down to where he could face Jimin but as soon as he gets under the blanket Jimin moves towards him and wraps his arms around Yoongi’s waist. Jimin puts his face in Yoongi’s neck and his legs tangle with the older boys.
Yoongi has a soft smile on his lips as he looks at the younger. He could feel his heart rate quicken a little as well. Yoongi softly kisses Jimin on the top of his head and before falling asleep he whispers, “Good night Jiminnie.”
Almost a year later was the next time Jimin found a new boy.
Jimin met him, as usual, at the cafe. They got along so well that Jimin asked him over that day. Yoongi came home and they were sitting on the couch talking with some anime playing in the background. When Jimin noticed Yoongi he smiled and introduce the two boys.
Taehyung seemed harmless. He smiled with genuine happiness and he acted so carefree. His looks were the complete opposite of Yoongi’s. Taehyung was tall and had beautiful tan skin. For some odd reason, Yoongi didn’t feel like Taehyung would be a bad presence in their life.
So Taehyung coming over became an everyday occurrence. When Yoongi would get home he would be sitting with Jimin on the couch, either talking about whatever happened to him that day, listening to Jimin talk, or just watching television. Taehyung seemed to genuinely want to not only be Jimin’s friend but Yoongi’s too.
Taehyung would constantly make an effort to talk to Yoongi. Asking how his day was and little things like that. Taehyung was so unlike the other boys. Sure, the others, if they met Yoongi, only ever acted friendly towards him. Taehyung was being kind and seemed happy every time Yoongi talked to him.
Another thing that might have helped Yoongi not kill Taehyung was the way Jimin acted towards him. Jimin never really flirted or anything of that sort. They were strictly friends.
Until they weren’t.
One day, many months after Taehyung entered their lives, Yoongi came home and what awaited him was something he would have never expected. Taehyung was on top of Jimin kissing down the shorters neck as Jimin let out small moans and pulled at Taehyung’s hair.
Yoongi was truly shocked. He didn’t know what to do or say. He just shut the door a bit louder than he would have usually and the two pulled away from each other. Jimin had a small smile on his face when he looked at Yoongi but Taehyung couldn’t even meet the older boys eyes.
Yoongi looked at the two for a few minutes before he felt his blood book with anger. He felt betrayed. Yoongi himself let Taehyung in and now that he had this is what he comes home too.
Before Yoongi could let how absolutely infuriated he was show in front of Jimin he left and went to his room. He slammed the door and Yoongi felt tears come to his eyes. He doesn’t know if they are from heartbreak or anger but either way, he ends up sobbing his eyes out that night.
The next day Yoongi doesn’t have work so he stays home. While Jimin goes to the cafe he gets a text from Taehyung asking good he could come by. Yoongi smiles to himself as he texts back telling Taehyung that he can.
By the time the younger boy comes over Yoongi had planned how he would die. This time Yoongi really would play a game.
Yoongi made tea and asked if Taehyung would like a cup. The taller boy gladly accepted and Yoongi grabbed a water bottle for himself.
Taehyung drank the tea before speaking, “Yoongi, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for yesterday. It’s just, one thing led to another and, well, you saw where it led too. The truth is I’ve kind of accidentally developed feelings for Jimin.”
Yoongi nods, “Don’t worry, Jimin is an easy person to develop feelings for. Trust me, I’ve had feelings for him ever since about freshman year of high school.”
Taehyung’s eyes went wide, “Oh god, I’m so sorry Yoongi. If I would have known I would have never-”
Yoongi smiled, “I said don’t worry Taehyung. You’ll be gone soon enough.”
Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, “What do y-”
That was when Taehyung passed out.
Yoongi quickly dragged Taehyung to his bedroom and sat him in a chair that he had placed in his closest. He grabbed tape and made sure Taehyung was unable to move. As he finished up Taehyung was starting to come back to his senses.
Taehyung looked up at Yoongi, “What? Why are y-”
Yoongi laughs, “You always want to know why. Every single person always wants to know why. Isn’t it obvious? Because if I don’t kill you, Jimin will end up getting hurt. I remember seeing him in high school getting his heart broken and in elementary school when he would get bullied. No one is allowed to hurt Jimin anymore. He even said it himself, anyone that gets close to him hurts him. The only exception is me. I’ve never hurt my Jiminnie. Now, shut up. If you’re good I may not be as harsh as I have been in the past.” Yoongi shoves a rag in Taehyung’s mouth and then puts tape over it.
And so Yoongi keeps him like that for three days. For three days Taehyung sits in his closet and had nothing to eat or drink. He barely got any sleep, too afraid to try. So, when Yoongi finally opens the door, at what Taehyung can only assume is night, he is grateful. But the feeling goes just as quickly as it came when he felt something heavy slam against his head.
Yoongi cuts Taehyung free from the chair tapes him back up again and carries his unconscious body all the way down to the cafe. When they get there Yoongi props Taehyung up against the wall and wakes him up.
Yoongi sighs when the young boy’s eyes go wide, “So, I’ve decided to be nice. Because you were so kind to me I’ve decided I’ll give you a choice. I can either shoot you or I can give you a good overdose of sleeping pills and after you are dead asleep put a bullet through your brain for good measure. Both of these are definitely nicer than how I’ve killed most of the boys.”
Yoongi pulled the tape off of Taehyung’s mouth and the boy spoke, “Boys? How many people have you killed?”
“Are you asking for total of just because of Jimin?”
Taehyung looks at him in horror before answering, “total.”
“Well, let’s count. First, my mom then my father than my brother, so, three. Then add a couple of kids I accidentally killed when I beat them up in elementary school. Then Jimin’s first boyfriend and a person that was supposed to be Jimin’s friend but hurt him. Then four other boys before you. So, eleven.”
“W-Why would you kill your family?”
Yoongi smiled, “Because they were mean.”
“ The kids? ”
His smile vanished, “Because they hurt Jimin.”
“ The boyfriend? The friend?”
Yoongi scowled when he thought of those two people, “The boyfriend tried to sexually abuse Jimin and the friend spread lies about him.”
Taehyung thought for a second, “Ok, I don’t blame you for the boyfriend. But what about the other four boys?”
“ They were getting too close to Jimin. They were going to hurt him. ”
Taehyung shakes his head, “So you are trying to protect Jimin by killing the people he cares about?”
“H-He doesn’t care About them.”
“Then who does he care about?”
“ He cares about me. We care about each other. Ever since we were little we have loved and looked out for each other. ”
Taehyung sighed, “Well it must suck to know that once he finds out about this things will be different.”
“ Wh-what do you mean? Different? Jimin would never leave me. ”
“Why should he stay? He can’t have anyone else if he is with you. He can’t have friends or boyfriends. If he finds out about this he will leave you.”
Yoongi shakes his head violently, “No he won’t. He wouldn’t.”
“He will hate you and never want anything to do with you ever again.”
That’s when Yoongi lunges. He brings Taehyung to the ground and wraps his hands around the young boy’s neck. His legs are wrapped around Taehyung’s waist as he cuts the younger boys oxygen off. Taehyung struggles but he is still taped up. Yoongi feels Taehyung’s plus slow down and then eventually stop. Taehyung goes limp beneath him.
Yoongi sighs as he gets up and drags Taehyung’s body into the hole he had dug. He covered it with the dirt before heading back to his apartment.
The whole way home what Taehyung had said had been going through his head. Would Jimin really leave if he found out? Would he be too scared to even talk to yoongi? Would he tell the police?
By the time Yoongi got back to their apartment complex it was late. The walk back had taken him about 20 minutes longer. Yoongi took a long way, he didn’t want to come home and see Jimin. What if he already knew?
When he walked in the apartment he expected to see a dark room with no one in it but instead, a lamp was on and Jimin was sitting on the couch.
Yoongi is shocked to see him but tries not to show it, “Oh, Jimin, why are you still awake?”
Jimin smiles and stands. He walks over to Yoongi and puts his arms around Yoongi’s neck, “Yoongi, you know I would never leave you right?”
Yoongi swallows hard, “I-I uh-”
Jimin plays with the hairs on the back of Yoongi’s neck, “Yoongi, I’ve loved you ever since we were kids. All of the bad dreams were just excuses to sleep with you. Forget everything Taehyung said. Forget what Namjoon said. I could never hate you Yoongi.”
Yoongi’s eyes grew wide, “Wh-what?”
Jimin moves one of his hands up to Yoongi s cheek, “Baby, I know all about them. Every single one. From Jungkook all the way to Taehyung. I don’t just know about them, I picked them. ”
“Y-you picked them? What do you mean?”
Jimin smiles softly, “Yoongi, I know how much you enjoy killing and hurting people. When we were kids you would always take the people who bullied me somewhere you thought I couldn’t see and hear them up. The two times you accidentally killed them I noticed how you smiled just a little bit more than usual. Then when you killed that piece of shit boyfriend I had the days afterward you couldn’t help the bright smile on your face, even when you were by yourself you had a small smile. After you killed the friend that hurt me you couldn’t stop smiling. Every time you killed someone your smile would get brighter. So, once we got settled in here I had the idea of picking people out. This was also a test. To see if you actually loved me as much as I thought you did. So, I thought I’d start easy. Jungkook. A kid that would fall for anyone that flirted with him. Then when you Really did kill him I knew. You really did love me Yoongi. So, I just needed to see how much you really loved me. So, I picked Hoseok. A guy that I knew would eventually fall for me. He was so friendly I knew it would be harder for you to kill him,”
His smile widens, “but you did. Then Namjoon. I didn’t even introduce you two. But you still found him. Still killed him. Killed him for me. Now, I wanted to see if you would kill without me even talking about them a lot, so there was Seokjin. Oh, that’s was fun to watch. After him, I figured you loved me just as much as I loved you. But then I met Taehyung. Now, I knew he would just be friends. I actually just wanted to be friends. But a few weeks after I met him I had a brilliant thought. Would you really kill someone who was close to you? So, I let you two get close to each other. There were multiple times where I thought about not doing it. I mean, Taehyung was actually really nice and you actually let him get close to you. But then that night he confessed to me and I knew he had to go. It’s a shame, I really did consider him a friend. But I knew it would take a lot for you to snap so I decided to kiss him. When you came home I could barely hold my excitement. You were so angry. So, I waited a few days but then yesterday I went to your room to hang something up and I saw Taehyung in your closet. He was so scared. I took the tape off of his mouth and he begged me to let him go. I couldn’t help but laugh. He really thought I would help him. After saying goodbye I taped his mouth again. And then, tonight,” Jimin rested his head on Yoongi’s shoulder and held him close, “you killed him. ”
Yoongi was stunned. He’s killed 5 people just because Jimin wanted him too. Jimin picked them out, all of them just for Yoongi. Jimin picked out people for Yoongi to kill just because the younger knew Yoongi enjoyed the feeling he got when he killed. God, Yoongi never felt more happy in his life.
Yoongi pulled back just a little from Jimin but moved his hands to rest on the boy’s waist, “You said it was fun to watch Seokjin die. How did you see it? Was he the only one you saw?”
Jimin pulls away and takes Yoongi to the couch so they could sit. He holds Yoongi’s hand as he speaks, “I saw all of them. There is a security camera out back of the cafe. The morning after you killed Jungkook I walked in on the person who usually watched the footage and I was talking to them when you popped up on the screen. I told them that they were needed somewhere and I quickly took the flash drive and put it in my pocket. After that, I went back that night and worked some magic and basically, they don’t get the real footage, that goes right to my computer. I’ve got to say Yoongi, you a brilliant killer. They all died differently.”
Yoongi looked down at their hands and smiled, “Which one was your favorite?”
Jimin smiled at Yoongi, “well, I made a list. My least was Hoseok. Purely because it was over too quick. Then Namjoon, it was a little boring. But then the next three were amazing. I couldn’t help but watch Seokjins death over and over. That was just so cool how you killed him. And then Jungkook. If I’m being honest, the way you killed Jungkook turned me on. Or maybe it was the way you looked afterward. I was awake when you got home that night. I saw you covered in his blood and I almost came right there. I don’t know why but all I wanted to do was lick his blood off of you. I wanted to know if it was still warm. I wanted to know how it felt in your hair. I couldn’t help myself that night. I got myself off on my fingers and came to the mental image of you naked with Jungkook’s blood all over your chest. God, Yoongi, you have no idea how much it still gets to me.”
Yoongi watched Jimin as he spoke. He felt himself get hard as the younger boy told him how much he affected him. The way Jimin described it made Yoongi want to interrupt him and kiss him long and hard but instead he asked, “And what about Taehyung?”
Jimin looked like he could groan, “Oh God Yoongi, tonight was so good. I-I kinda followed you. I wanted to see it in person. I got there right as you gave him a choice. I couldn’t help but think how nice that was of you Yoongi. But then he started to say all of those mean things and I had to hold myself back from coming out killing him right then and there. He had no right to be so mean to you after you were so nice to him. But then you lunged at him. When you wrapped your hands around his throat, oh fuck,” Jimin threw his head back against the couch and let out a groan, “it was so hot,” he looks back at Yoongi, he took Yoongi’s hand and raised it to his neck, “I wondered how it would feel to be underneath you. For you to use your hands on me like that. I wanted to know.” Yoongi put the slightest bit of pressure on Jimin’s throat and the boy let out a ruff moan. Jimin moves to where he could sit on Yoongi’s lap, “I - I couldn’t help it after a few seconds of seeing you like that. I ended up putting my hand down my pants and getting myself off to it.”
Yoongi groaned. Not only was Jimin perfectly fine with Yoongi killing, he enjoyed it, got off to it. It was the hottest thing Yoongi has ever heard.
Yoongi brings his hands down to Jimin’s waist and grand his waist. He feels Jimin start to slowly grind on him. “You really like it when I kill?”
Jimin nods his head quickly, “ I really do. ”
Yoongi couldn’t help the smile that came to his face, “Then why don’t we continue this? You can pick out who I kill and then you can watch me. Maybe even help me if you like.”
Jimin not his lip and let a soft moan out, “Please, I would love that Yoongi.”
“ Then we’ll do it. Maybe we could even get a house so we can have a place to kill them. We can’t really do that in an apartment. ”
Jimin nods but he doesn’t say anything. He just leans down and connects their lips for the first time.
This is getting really long so I’m not really going to go into the smut that happens after but basically, there is a choking kink and they really fucking love each other. And like, Yoongi’s very gentle bc he never wants to hurt Jimin. But Jimin fucking wants him too. So eventually Yoongi gets rougher and Jimin is like putting in his hands after that.
So, for the end, it like a few months or a year later and they are looking for someone they can kill. Yoongi had already killed many more people with the help of Jimin luring them to their house (They got a house btw) and Jimin had a nice flower garden to cover where they bury the bodies.
But anyway, they go to a club and Jimin is flirting with people because he is still the one who picks who Yoongi kills. But then he looks back and sees this girl flirting with Yoongi. He gets pissed and walks over to them.
He puts on a fake seductive smile before he gets her attention, “I see you’ve met my friend Yoongi. What’s your name?”
Yoongi looks at him a little confused but Jimin just shakes his head the slightest bit to tell Yoongi to just play along.
The girl takes one look at Jimin and it’s obvious she likes what she sees. She tells Jimin her name and he leans down to whisper in her ear, “Why don’t we all go back to our house and we can show you a good time?”
The woman smiles, “I think that would be a great idea.”
So they all go back to Jimin and Yoongi’s house and Jimin leads the woman down to their basement, a place where Yoongi does the majority of his killing. The woman makes a comment about how it’s a pretty odd place to have sex but Jimin fake laughs. He looks at Yoongi and asks, “Yoongi, can I go first?”
Yoongi nods and he takes a seat in a chair that Jimin sits in when he watches Yoongi murder. Jimin starts to kiss the woman’s neck but as he did he held eye contact with Yoongi, the older man did not like this already.
Jimin started taking the woman’s clothes off and eventually, she is laying down and Jimin straddling her waist. He reaches for something that Yoongi couldn’t see.
Jimin whispers in the woman’s ear, “You should have never flirted with my boyfriend.”
And then Jimin brought up the thing in his hands and smashed it into her skull. She screamed but she couldn’t leave, Jimin outweighs her, she was trapped.
Jimin brings it up again, it was a rock, “He’s mine you Bitch. How dare you try to touch him.” Another strike. “You little whore. He’s mine.” Another one. “All mine. You can’t take him.” And another.
A few minutes later, long after she died, Jimin drops the rock and he is breathing heavy. Yoongi doesn’t move, he can’t. Jimin just killed for him and it was the hottest thing he’s ever seen.
Finally, when he comes to his senses Yoongi gets up and walks over to Jimin. He pulls him off of the woman and pushes him into the floor. Yoongi kisses him hard. He tasted a bit of the woman’s blood on Jimin’s lips but if anything that turned him on more.
When they break apart they are both trying to catch their breath. Yoongi smiles a little, “Now I get why you like to watch me kill.”
Jimin looks at him worried, “You wouldn’t have actually gone home with her, would you? She was pretty. I know you kinda like girls too. But you wouldn’t leave me would you?”
Yoongi smiles fondly down at him as he wipes some of the blood off of Jimin’s cheek, “You said it best Jimin, I’m yours. I don’t look at anyone but you. I will never leave you, baby.”
And then they make love in the woman’s blood bc why not.
this is so fucking long oh my god. i hope you like this, i know its pretty fucked up but i really like the idea. if you want to use this idea please credit me so people can find my account. thanks!
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goodestboyryuji · 7 years
“are you ever gonna stop with the personal posts” nO
hey there demons. it’s me, ya boi. kinda just gotta get a bunch of shit out of my head rn so no pressure to read or respond!!!!!!!
had a funny/weird couple of days. i think i’ve been cared for in the highest capacity over the past few days than i have over the past few months, and yet have also been treated worse than ever??? 
been spending a crapton more time with friends from work: wonderful idea. we went out on thursday and it was nice to see them outside of the work environment, esp bc all the interns were there and they’re so cute and little (but also only like 2 years younger than me) my best work friend (the neighbor) and the one that offered to beat up boyf had a convo about protecting me and shared contact info for that purpose. very weird, surreal feeling to watch two people care for you in front of you without directly involving you. haven’t felt something like that in a long time. attractive new hire was there and lookin good in a black sweatshirt #killme my neighbor/coworker/friend literally came out at 10:30pm despite the fact she worked the morning shift on friday, bought me all my drinks (3), drove me to her place bc i could no longer drive (or form coherent sentences...i should mention the drinks she bought me were fishbowls), tucked me in on her couch at 1:30pm, WOKE UP AT 4:30AM FOR WORK, came out to tuck me into her BED along with water and advil, helped me change into comfy clothes of hers, locked her kitties out of the room bc she knows i’m allergic, THEN ON HER BREAK AT WORK ONCE I ARRIVED TO WORKOUT (despite being very hungover) SHE WENT AND GOT ME A SMOOTHIE, THEN-THENNNN STAYED 3 HOURS AFTER HER SHIFT WHILE I WENT TO A MEETING SO SHE COULD DRIVE ME TO MY CAR
on the flip side, boyf has been extra. i brought up last weekend again and i may have already mentioned this in my last text post but i was asking if they stayed till last call (bc bars close at 2 and he didn’t come home until nearly 4 so i knew he was spinnin lies) and he was like “oh no we went to the arcade after.” like i love how his story keeps changing in significant-yet-insignificant ways. so what does ya girl do??? i googled the hours of the arcade. IT FUCKING CLOSES AT 2AM TOO. like boy if you’re gonna lie to me??? do your research???? wtf so anyway that kinda made me sad but also i’m like....what else is there now, y’know? even when things were shitty i knew i could trust him. what’s left to salvage? this is further worsened by the fact he like, sat me down and was like ‘ok i need you to touch me sexually more’ and i was like ‘uhhhhhhhh....’ bc i don’t want to lol and he was like ‘i’m a sexual being i need sex and you’re not giving it to me and i’ll find it elsewhere if i need to’ and i was like WELL WE ALL WANT THINGS WE’RE NOT GETTING LIKE BASIC FUCKING DECENCY
jk i didn’t. instead i sat pinned to the couch by his feet bc that’s his newest method of cornering me and just felt very afraid he was gonna try to pull something. then he got all emotional and i was trying to explain why i feel sexually repulsed like 99% of the time when i used to be voracious and he was like ‘i don’t want explanations, i want actions. you can fix this right now’ and it felt like he was coercing me into sex in order to keep him from getting increasingly agitated SO THAT’S FUN. i didn’t give in tho bc everything in me was just...cringing. having a horrible time. he then said “if you’re not into that anymore i need you to tell me” and i was oh shit ok here we go and then i open my mouth and he goes “you better not fucking tell me that” and i’m like...wait....??? and he goes “i moved here for you, you better not fuckin feel that way”
so that’s cool. good to know i’m being threatened over leaving him bc this shit wasn’t hard enough.
i slipped in the kitchen today and said “fuck” and he goes “RIN.” and i’m like what? and he goes “you’re not being very ladylike. it’s time you behave.” and i was like...weirded out but i laughed nervously and i go “ah that’s bc i’m not a lady.” and he goes “are you a MAN? i’m not interested in dating a MAN.” and i’m like...no...i mean i’m just a person....and he goes “are you GENDERLESS? i’m not interested in dating someone who is GENDERLESS?” and i was like wtf are you ok?? he was legit angry. what the hell.
an hour later he had one of those weird moments of self-awareness that he only gets in a blue moon. he said “i think something’s wrong with me” and i was like “okay let’s get you help i know some great resources” and there was a long pause and he was like “no” and snapped out of it.
my dog now growls if boyf says my name or turns to me. my dog is my best friend. doing really well taking over for my manager while she’s away. lot of last minute shit that keeps popping up but i think i’m handling it alright. went grocery shopping!!! got healthy things!!!! told my brother about what i’m going through. he’s younger than me but like....so fuckin wise and kind and he was exactly what i needed. my family is super, super terrible at communication like my parents didn’t tell us they divorced each other until almost a year after it happened L O L so it’s hard to talk about real shit. lucas has always been good at it tho and as much as i love the “let me kill him” responses lucas was just like “wow are you taking care of yourself?? are you believing what he says about you? bc it’s not true” and idk just...good sib stuff FINALLY GONNA PLAY MORE PERSONA TOMORROW thank fucking CHRIST been in a weird writing funk during all of this. feeling like i’m getting ready to write again tho
that’s about it sry that this is all i talk about rn just...a weird transitional time for me. got a lot goin on in my head.
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asherhealy · 8 years
Relax, You’ll See Them Again Soon Enough - Self Para
Who: Asher of course :3 Where: Foster Home, mainly. When: Uh I’m not good with years but it’s around about the time of Asher’s childhood.  What: Basically, this is just a little look into what happened through Asher’s time in foster care. It’s trash bc I can’t write small kids but w/e who cares.
Andrew Healy had been in foster care for about a year now. If it hadn't been for his school teacher noticing his strange habits at school, he might still be at home. If you could even call it that. The boy was ten years old when he'd gotten home one day only to be whisked off to the foster home not all that far away. The boy didn't like recalling that day, it had been the only time he'd seen his mother scream, begging for the social workers to let her keep her son, but how could they? She was unfit. She needed to help herself before she could help her son. He had promised her that he would see her again one day but it had been seven years now. Nothing had changed. To have your own parents taken away from you one after the other was horrible for the little boy. 
He was a little too naive for his own good, oblivious to what went on in the outside world since all he seemed to focus on was school, being top in his class, ensuring he saw his friends, keeping up baseball practice after school. That was Andrew's life and now what? Now he'd been thrown into somewhere so strange and alien to him. Full of kids from completely different backgrounds and places but they were all here for the same reason - their families had fucked up. 
 The boy had developed a particularly close bond to one of the social workers at the home, Jason, the man who had greeted the teary eyed boy on the day he had arrived at the foster home, the man who told him that everything was going to be perfectly fine, and that his door was always open if he wanted to talk. Andrew seemed to take the man up on his words, the two talked daily and he was certain his experience at the home wouldn't be the same without him. He had quickly become a fatherly figure. Over the progress of the next year until he turned eleven, the boy had been faced with a lot of new realities - the fact that there would be a family out there wanted to foster him, and the fact that he apparently wasn't "tough" enough, and that he "wouldn't last a day in the home". These were the words of the older kids, the ones aged seventeen who'd been kicked out of their homes. 
Asher very clearly remembers walking past their room the day he arrived there, trying to find his when he froze in horror to find them smoking a cigarette. A cigarette! That wasn't allowed! They were minors! This was a foster home! It didn't take long for the teens to notice him, making one smirk and hold out the packet, saying, "Want one?" Andrew stood there very awkwardly and fiddled with the straps of his backpack, not sure what to say. Was he supposed to say yes? Was this some sort of test that all of the new kids went through. He wasn't exactly the most confident of boys out there. It made him nervous, so much the the teens began to laugh at him and say, "We're joking, relax! I'm pretty sure you couldn't handle one of these, anyway, what even are you, like five? You're just a kid." He taunted, making his friend snicker. "I'm ten!" Asher countered, before quickly running off and down the hall, far, far away. How dare they! He was not five, he was ten, that was double what they had said. Who the hell did they think they were, making Andrew look so stupid like that? He wasn't a baby, they made him weak and he wasn't a fan at all. Staring at his bedroom, small and empty, the boy let out a huff and sat on the edges of his sheet-less bed, shaking his head and staring at the floor. "I'm not a baby." He muttered to himself. The boy was determined to prove them wrong. No matter how long it took.
 A few months later... 
 "Andy, come on! Don't be like this!" Andrew had expected to be out of this place by now, back at home with his mother who had fully recovered from her depression and addictions. He hadn't expected to be at this place on his birthday, on Christmas, on everything he loved spending with his family. Instead he was still in foster care, having to deal with all the problems that calm with it.  
About a month or so into his stay, a couple, the Peterson's, had contacted the home, desiring to foster a child since they couldn't conceive naturally at the time. Jason was positive that Andrew would be the perfect little boy for them. He did well at school, he was a caring and intelligent boy, always on his best behaviour, what more could a couple want? Apparently, not him. To start with, everything had gone perfect for Andrew, the couple seemingly loved him dearly, it was all going to plan and everyone was happy!... but then the wife had fallen pregnant. And that meant Asher had to return home. 
 The boy stormed out of the car with his bag on his back, slapping the door and racing down the path to the home, ignoring Jason completely as he yelled for the little boy to stop, quickly wiping the tears so no one would see him cry. It wasn't fair! Just because this baby came along didn't mean he had to go! He was a good foster kid! He would have been a great big brother! But no, of course Andrew had to deal with something like this. The boy ran to his bedroom that had been left untouched since he'd gotten there, falling onto his bed before bursting out into tears as he huddled himself in the corner. Why couldn't things be normal for him? It wasn't that long before Jason had found the boy, quietly walking into his room and sitting down on the edge of the bed as the little boy hid his face but still wept. 
"Andy, don't get upset, these things happen sometimes in foster care, families can't always look after you guys, it's not like adoption, it's just not so simple." The older man said softly, tilting his head and letting out a sigh. He was perhaps the most well liked of all the social workers at Andrew's home. The way he approached things made the kids much more keen towards him than the others, his softer tone had a positive effect on most if not all of the students. "You know yourself they loved you dearly, it's just they co-" he continued but the man was cut off by the little boy who yelled, "No they didn't! If they did I wouldn't be back here! I'd be at their house!" The boy lifted his head to reveal reddened eyes and tear stained checks, his lower lip trembling since he didn't know how to stop himself from looking so upset. He only wished for things to go right for him, it was like a horrible chain of events that just made the poor boy more and more upset. "I just want my real parents back." Moving himself from the corner, Andrew moved to sit next to the man who only nodded and wrapped his arm around the ten year old boy's shoulder, saying, "I know you do, Andy, I know. I get how it feels, you know? I used to live in one of these places too." The boy wiped his eyes dry and sniffed a little, looking down at the floor as he asked, "Can you foster me?" to the man, who only chuckled softly and said, "I'm sorry, Andrew, but it's not that simple..." The ten year old let out a sigh of disappointment since he ought to have seen this coming. "We'll find you a good family one day, I promise." 
 Four years later...
 A lot can happen in four years, people can change an awful lot in that time. Andrew was now fourteen and yet he was still stuck in that god damn foster home. Ever since that night he'd gotten back from that first foster family, everything had gone down hill for the boy. School, behaviour, the whole lot. He didn't like the fact he'd been messed with so much by so many people. The other kids, the foster families, his own parents! It wasn't fair and he was fed up of it. It was time to do things his own way. 
 Foster homes were tough, there were times where you had to defend yourself and Andrew  was quick to build up tough skin, he was done with everyone's bullshit. The boy had developed a temper and was prone to violence, his lack of care in school really showed these days, he had gone from As to Fs, and he'd quit the baseball team, something that he had once prided himself in so much beforehand, shoving his trophies into a box under his bed. What was the point of doing all of those things? He felt no enjoyment from it anymore, who even cared about it? No one paid attention. The boy had been in and out of multiple foster homes who all sent him back for the same reason - they just couldn't handle his rowdy behaviour. Boxing, that was what he did, he found it helpful and it calmed him when someone thought it was funny to piss him off. And if you thought that fourteen year olds didn't smoke, you were wrong. Very, very wrong. Now he was the one offering the others a cigarette. The boy had took a quick liking to the addictive drugs that he has tried one night a while back, so much it had earned him a nickname - Ash, or Asher. The boy much preferred this to his real name and insisted on being called one of the two.
Drums. That was the only over thing that could calm him. Jason had introduced him to them about a year ago, the two still remained a close bond despite Asher’s aggressive nature he now had to him. The boy had always liked music, his parents often played their music they’d grown up with around the house, it was something he’d grown up with but he never even realised that he had a natural talent for musical instruments. He could even sing, but no one knew that, and if you were to find out, you shouldn’t ask him, he would refuse and give you a shove to the shoulders. So that’s what he was doing today, stuck in his room, playing along to the many CDs he now had, ignoring the whines of the younger kids for him to stop, because he ruled this place now, he got to push them around. Or at least that was how he thought it was, anyway.
Half way through a song, the boy when the crash a cymbal when his door suddenly opened to reveal Jason standing in his bedroom in his room. “Asher!” He yelled loudly, “Asher stop!” but the played a little longer before finally coming to halt, swiveling around on his chair as he gave his social worker a smug smirk, saying, “Sorry, did you say something?” which only made the older man frown and ignore the comment. “I’ve got good news.” He began. “Oh yeah? Did you finally realise that the squirrel infestation was because everyone kept throwing out the meat loaf?” He asked. “What? No, I didn’t even know that had ha-... Never mind,” Jason shook his head, “It wasn’t about that, I came to tell you that there’s a couple that wants to meet you.” 
“Don’t care.” Asher muttered, turning back around and picking up his drum sticks again. He went to drum them again but Jason quickly began to talk again before you had a chance. “And why not? You told me you wanted a family who would look after you. These people are great, Andrew, they already have a kid, they’re not going to bring you back her if the wife were to fall pregnant. Why don’t you just give them a chance? They’re willing to give you one.” There was a small glare on Asher’s face but he kept quiet for the minute, allowing Jason to continue. “They’re good people, Asher, please, they want to meet you.” Fiddling with one of his drumsticks, he let out a small huff before spinning around on his seat. “Fine. Ten minutes if it gets you to stop whining... and don’t call me Andrew!”
So that’s how it was. Asher walked down to the meeting room which was nearly silent, opening the door slowly as his care worker stood behind, walking in to find a couple talking among themselves with a little boy who sat on the mothers lap, hardly older than three as he played with one of his toys quietly. The moment they looked up the couple soon had soft smiles on their faces, the little boy looking at Asher as well and giving him a small wave with the toy in his hand. “Hi!” the woman began cheerfully, “Andrew, is it?” which made the boy bite his lip slightly. “It’s Asher.” He mumbled. The woman’s smile grey slightly at his words then, nodding and say, “It’s nice to meet you, Asher.” This only made Asher’s facial expression light up. People always questioned why he went by another name, they never seemed to just accept it and move on. Somehow the woman opposite managed to.
Perhaps that was it. The thing about this family that really changed the way Asher saw foster families, the thing that made him give in and realise being fostered again wasn’t such a bad thing. Before, they had always tried to get him to change his ways, disapprove of the way he acted and made him feel rather inadequate. This family? Different. They accepted him straight away, they didn’t ask why he acted the way he did, they didn’t want him to be someone he wasn’t, they liked him for exactly how he was. Of course, there were things Asher would have to deal with if they fostered him. The family were moving from Chicago to Los Angeles, that was thirty hours away, was he really ready for such a change? He wouldn’t get to see Jason anymore... but perhaps a change was exactly what he needed. He would be starting high school soon, he needed a change of scene, a change of people. Who knows who he would meet in Los Angeles? He hoped he’d finally meet some people he could trust.
That one little thing was the reason he agreed to the fostering. The reason he was still in the same family’s home nearly four years later. Of course Asher had changed so much since then. The tattoos, the motorbike, the band. But some things hadn’t changed. He still hoped one day that he would get to see his father again, that his mother would have recovered, but he didn’t really tell anyone about his wishes. He was tough, he was bad, no one dared mess with him, the things he told himself so often. His foster mother believed the boy didn’t want to see them anymore so she never asked, but that was all he wanted. But they all seemed so far away. He wasn’t one for distance.
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olusegundare · 6 years
Brother Samson and Sister Debbie’s Story Continues
Sister Debbie says, "maybe you CAN CONVINCE him sire"...(July 26, 2013)
As interesting as d course work is, dure to its applications to d economy of d Island but yet, one shall need 2 study hard 2 grasp d teknikal terms, so dat those terminologies be @ one's finger tips in case of adhoc tests... Several assignments dat shall be typed, binded and submitted too call for master's students possession of laptop (lapy as students call it) and printer these days... I have a laptop bc of d kind of work dat i do in d office, but I do not have a printer, I have been borrowing a friend's but I have come to realize dat there is nothing like what one has, a personal possession and I have contacted my love of d need to get a new model printer dat can as well photocopy documents...
My love wanted to send money to me so dat I get a new one where I am, bc d university environment is situated in a place dat is more populous and big than our Island...I howeva contered his suggestion based on d fact dat
..fact dat I may not know d original and it is beta one buys sth that is authentic, original, even if costlier than buying fake. The worrisome situation is our land is dat some of those marketers/retailers will tell u dat sth is original n collect d exact money dat one purchases original 4m some1 but they shall yet give one fake. When one complains and or take d products back 2 dem, dey shall start giving excuses, dey would neither change d product nor refund d money back, bc dey shal say goods once bought and paid for canNOT be returned... I remember a horrible experience dat a course mate had recently, when he bought his lapy, he paid 4 original substance, but when d retailer gave him a sealed carton, he discovered dat it was fake...d battery can not last an hour...and d packages installed on d system are not d latest windows... When he returned it, d man didnt change it 4 him, he took d law enforcement agencies dia, but instead of d matter being resolved it got aggravated...
It became a bottlenecked situation...the situation was time demanding, with my coursemate wasting his precious time @ d agencies offices, when he couldnt withstand d situation any longer due to his academic work, he let go d issue, handing d case ova to God... Yes God fights, God vindicates, God judges, but b4 dat happens, d naive would have suffered, as d adage of our parents say, "ki ilẹ to pa òsìkà, ohun rere pupọ yo ti bajẹ"... So my coursem8 abandoned d pursuit of d case, and had to borrow anoda one 4m one of his friend's, pending the time he raises money 2 get anoda one.,. Since I am ignorant in d field, and we have a brother in our church in d island who is knowledgeable in such products, I tell "mai" lord dat he shd give him money to assist us in getting a good, radiant, durable and original one even if some token shall be added, it is beta dan getting something dat one wont use 4 a mth b4 it packed up...
My love had a contrary opinion, he thinks dat may be d luck of my course m8 n dat I may not be a victim as he was, moreso, according 2 him, some of dose brethren n close pp, dey sometym also misbehave, getting wrong things 4 some1, particularly wen dey see dat u r a believer, dey know one wont do anytin, 1 wont be able 2 harass dem...He said he remembered dat broda Johnny asked anoda broda in d church who was in2 handsets 2 help him get new n latest Iphone brand, but d broda got 4 broda Johnny a substandard product @ d rate dey r selling standard product and he even collected extra-changes, which broda Johnny readily paid...but when broda Johnny started using d Iphone he discovered how substandard d so called standard product was...It really pained him...he confronted d broda, but filmsy excuses were presented to broda Johnny....The written disappointments all over broda Johnny made "mai" lord 2 ask from broda Johnny what d matter was, and he narrated everything to "mai" love n how
...n how disappointed he was in d so called brethren, bc accordin 2 broda Johnny, dis is d 2nd of d so called christian broda that shall disappoint him in getting authentic thing. As he said, he, bro Johnny did not even believe dat dia is any Christian broda @ all again, and wouldnt venture to introduce any Christian member to any outsider lest his reputation be dented, damaged b4 such people. "Mai" lord said, he had to sit broda Johnny down and tell him dat we r in d last days, d perilious times and dat such shd be expected in d christian gatherings. My love said he also shared one out of d many experiences he had with broda Johnny. The experience he shared with broda Johnny was d one dat he said comforted bRoda Johnny...The experience he shared was dis...
"Mai" lord has a friend in 1 of d developed countries, d man was a citizen of dat developed country by birth and afta graduation 4m university, bc he and my love attended d same university 2geda and dey lived in d same room 2geda while in d schl it was den dey started their friendship...Having studied each oda closely...d man knew "mai" lord 2 be a True Christian and noticed dat my love had not changed 4m his once profession as many were even despite all problems...So, "mai" love's friend intimated him dat he wanted 2 have a building in d Island n he shd help him out...Mai love said he connected a christian broda who is an engineer with his friend so dat he helped d man, but dis christian engineer duped d man, did shoddy job 4 him it took God's intervention 4 d man in developed country 2 trust my love again, bc he thought dey connived 2geda 2 dupe him. The structure built by d engineer had 2 be pulled down when d man came home 2 inspect d building n he asked "mai" love to make sure he
...sure he gets local pp, unbelievers if dat shal be d case and be supervising d project himself...dis was afta he was convinced dat "mai" lord had no premonition of all dat d so called christian engineer did 2 him. The house dat local pp built was as if it was removed/plucked 4m developed country n became situated/placed in our Island. This was when my love's friend became happy. With dis shared experience, d man, broda Johnny became happy n my love was able 2 tell him dat dia are real believers but it is only dat dey are extremely few now, thence, he shdnt just conclude like dat..."Mai" love said he told him dat dat is wat is happening in female-male relationships vizaviz proposals 4 courtships or datings which make many brothers and many sisters become afraid of starting relationship with a felowship member despite d fact dat she has known d person for months or years because dey feared d unknown, dey feared dat d person may afterall become and anoda wolf in sheep's clothing..
Thence, d so called sisters many atimes prefer outsiders, those who are not sound in faith to start dating than d so called believer bc according to sister Bum-bum, "if he wants to act funny, I shall also act funny calling him 2 his senses"...But d truth is dat dia r genuine believers out there, "mai" lord concluded with broda Johnny... When "mai" lord inboxed me dis msg because I was yet on campus wen I told him 2 get d thing ready 4 me, so dat wen I come home I shal take it along bc I was already "sick of his love"...despite saying dis he stil wanted me 2 get d thing where I am,...I also had 2 reply him, using his words, dat since he believes dia r genuine believers around, though fewer, then let us give d broda an element of doubt until he proves odawise, 4 afta all, retail prices are close irrespective of cities or villages.
"Mai" lord said "no problems, but that if d man happened to fai, u shal bear d liabilities, financial one of getting a new one or repairing d one he bought as d case may be". I replied dat "I agreed, but dat if he happened 2 get me d correct one, you shall add to my weekly wages..." "Owo l'obinrin mọ", lets wait and see" he said. So, he helped me contact d broda and d broda got me a printer...From my love's message, I assume he is satisfied with d product bc he is saying dat he may assist him 2 get some things, bc he said he wanted 2 computerize his office n coupled with d fact dat he is a "micro" writer, he may want to start storing his write ups and messages on d d system... When he informed me dat he wants him 2 get sth 4 him, I asked him 2 brief me of d devpt, d sudden change in interest in d broda, he refused, saying until I arrive "gan-ni a fi ji" he said in anoda tribe's language. "Ẹyin lẹmọ, ẹ o mã fi enia sinu "suspense" bi ẹnipe "island" ni mo wa pẹlu yin", I replied.
"Ẹ ma binu iya grammar", he said. "Boya ẹ o tillẹ fẹ ki n ka iwe mọ ni" I said. "why?" he replied. "Se ẹ o mọ wipe ti enia ba ti wa ni "suspense" ọKan enia ko ni papọ̀ ni iwaju awọn professors wọnyẹn ni?" I said. "Ẹ ma binu. Se ẹ mọ wipe emi o lọ suku ri, mi o mỌ bi o se nse enia", he replied. "Dont mis-interpret and or mis-quote me o, I did not say u did not go to school oh...am on my knees oh", I said. "Not in anyway annoyed...Just playing now..." he said. "hmn. Heave a sigh of relief. Alright. Back on my couch", i replied. "God bless u", he said. "Amen" I replied. "Do u know what?" He asked "Watz dat dearie love?" I asked. "Ẹyin ti "personality" yin ba ti jẹ "phleg" bayi, nkan ni" he replied "To ò, ẹ n lẹ o baba "personality" ki la se o?" I replied. "You are those Yorubas called "Rutu abọ́kọkú"" he said. "I think Yorubas erred in dat," I said "Why?" he replied. "Because "Rutu ko ba ọkọ ku, Rutu fi ìfẹ́ rẹ si ọkọ rẹ han ni" and is dia a law against dat?" I said.
"Not that I can think of at d moment" he replied. ""Mai" lord sire. I know u r wiser n more grounded in bible than I, but u can neva think of any, either now or in d future", I replied. "Yes madam grammar, I even forgot dat u have an award in bible teaching @ d felowship lately" he said. "Ẹyin na lẹ fun wa", I said. "I want u 2 know dat even Yoruba does not approve flirting. Yoruba wants some1 who shal sustain d geneology of d dead, and dat was what Ruth did, dat was what she exemplified". "Am all ears bible teacher", he said. "Thats what I want 2 chip in on dat "Rutu a bọkọ ku" slogan by our people", I said. "O.K" He said. "So, wat do u say of my personality class?" I asked. "What I am trying 2 say is d Phleg personality individual trusts pp so much and dey demonstrate such trusts to d extent dat if dey r grieved, "Ọlọrun nikan lo le gba ẹniyẹn"", "mai" lord's response. "To ò, e emi ni sẹyin ni bayi tabi ẹyin lẹ sẹ mi?", I asked. "O ò sẹ̀ mi. Mi o sẹ̀ ẹ́. But I am saying ko dara ki enia ma sẹ iru yin" he said
"Either phleg or sanguine or whatever, "ko dara ki a ma sẹ ara wa, a ò si le ma ma sẹ ara wa nigbati a ba ti jìjọ n ni ajọsepọ, nitori ẹniti enia ba n ba ni ajumọjọsepọ na ni enia ma nsẹ..." "Hun-hun", he said "Nitorina bi ẹniti enia ba mba ni ajumọjọsepọ ba sẹ ẹnikeji, nse ni ka ya pari rẹ lẹ́yẹ-o-sọka, ki a si tun bẹrẹ sini gbe ni" harmony", i said. "There is nothing like living in harmony, in unity...he said, "o ti dara o si ti dun to fun awọn ara lati ma jumọ gbé ni irẹpọ", "mai lord said. "Where is dat in d bible gan...isnt it in Orin Dafidi?" "Yep. 133, precisely". He replied. "Living in unity brings progress, it brings joy, it solidifies d more relationship", I said. "And What one thinks one may not be able 2 achieve in decades, with love, unity, one shall achieve it...dat's wat d apostles demonstrated while dey 1st received Holy Ghost, datz wat d book of Psalms 133 is teaching us", he added. "Huh, "mai" pastor sire", i said. "So my advice having understand what u mean when u said "your mind will be there", is dat u shd just take your heart off d printer until u arrive, "sefini"", he replied.
"I will try 2, I need 2 inform u dat during dis time dat I shal be coming home, there are duties outlined 4 me @ d office dat wil make me busy, bc my boss has been informing me of many pending files to treat", I said. "Alrit. Idi isẹ ẹni lati n mọ ẹni lọlẹ. May d Lord help u so dat u finish all in time", my love said.... It was as if we have parted for years, despite d fact dat we talk daily, despite d fact dat we chat daily, despite d fact dat we upload our pictures of interests daily, despite...but seeing is different...God is wonderful. I got 2 d Island earlier so dat I will have a taste of office work, do some works and take d rest home if possible so dat I finish up my part on schedule bc according 2 my boss, d headquarter wants d branch's report upd8 asap. I did not let him know of my take off time 4m d city so dat he wont calculatively arrive @ my arrival hour...when I dropped @ d garage, I phoned him dat our bus is about to take off, he wished me a safe journey...Then I asked of where he is and he told me in his office.
I board a taxi 2 his office...on getting 2 his office he told me dat he received an open trance abt 2 minutes before I called, seeing me alighting 4m a yellow bus n d environment was d Island's garage... "Ẹh-hẹn" was wat I said. "So, as I was thinking on d vision dat could it be dat u have arrived, dat was when u called saying u r about to take off...so i conclude dat u r yet 2 be here but dat u shal get home safely...dat was wat I later interpreted d trance 2 mean" he concluded. "God is great". I said. "This is bc d bus dat conveyed me here was yellow and dat was d exact tym dat I alighted 4m d bus, u are monitoring me spiritually "niyẹn" o. "Where d carcass is, d eagles gathered..." "So d scriptures say", I said interjectingly. "So whereever sons/daughters of genuine prophet of God are, his spiritual eye shall be with dem" he said. "Praise God 4 d office of prophets", I said. "Alleluiah to God", "mai" lord said. "So what do u bring 4 me?" He added. "Plenty of assignments 4m prof Josh-Josh", I replied laughing.
"Alright. We shal do justice 2 dat later, but, wat I mean is, wia r d edible things u brought 4 me", my love said. "I bought some fried chips, but I have given those @ sales department..." Interjecting, "I do now wanna know wat u give those @ d sales dept, I am talkin abt my own" he said. "Agbalagba. Ki lenia fe ra fun eyin agbalagba?" I asked. "Bring ur handbag n let me see", he said. I handed it ova 2 him, "e le ri nkankan nibe", I said. "I only come so dat I drop my bag in d office n go 2 my work place 2 get started wit my piled up office works", I enthused. "Okay o", he said as he collected my handbag n started opening it..."may God not let blade cut ur hands in my bag as u r removing its contents", I said, as I squeezed mysef tru d narrow path btw him n d wall, pressing my breasts on him, because I didnot want 2 excuse him off d road...walking 2 wia he used 2 keep his foods...he replied as I was squeezing mysef 2ru his back, "if blade cuts my hand, u will be misses nurse 2da, n treat me, awa o mọ wipe abẹfẹlẹ lotun ku ti ẹ n mu rin kiri bayi o"
I did not answer him as I move 2wads d place, he grasped my wrist n pulled me back 2 him...face 2 face with him, he said, "ẹniti ko mu nkan bọ fun ara ile, oun na ko ni ri nkan ti ara ile seto kale gbà"...I was struggling 2 free mysef, but he held me tight, then I said, "Ha-ha-ha? Tomode ba nse bi omode, sebi won ni agba a si ma se bi agba". "I wont "se ise agba" today" he said still holding my hand. "O dara. Wont u let me go to office again? Leave me I want 2 get going 2 my work place, "ti ẹ ba ni ẹ o ni nkankan fun wa", I said. "Okay. Walk back 2 wia u were b4", he said. "Leave my hand now", I said lookin @ his eyeballs lovingly n laughing..."bc if u dont leave my hand how wld i move back 2 d place"...i know he wil leave my hand...He left my hand, I walked 2 wia his food warmers are kept...I saw two food warmers..."mai" lord has prepared my own food, I think...I opened it...I found my favorite food, powdered yam flour, "amala dudu" with "abula"...This man sha, ...he likes disturbing himsef, why cant he prepare simple food...I thought 2 mysef...He didnt talk...i took out d food...placed it on table...cleared d books n cassettees of d table n arrange it properly...washed my hands, settled down to eat it, just then he spoke, "se ẹyin o tile le bere lowo eleti ki e to gba nitiyin ni? Ounjẹ yen ore mi to mbo lati ilẹ okere ni mo se fun o
...mo se fun o nitoripe o ni ó pẹ ti oun ti je amala pelu abula gbehin". "I am also your friend, your..." swallowing a bolus of "amala",...I mean d chief of all your friends "gan" sef...when your 2nd, 3rd etc friends arrive, take him and or them to the eateries or beta still go n prepare new foods 4 dem", I conclusively said as anoda bolus goes into my mouth. "Ki agbalagba o ma dana de ọmọde, arifin niyẹn o...", am I your mate? He said. "Nope "mai" lord sire"...putting succulent cow-leg, "bọkọtọ" into my mouth...sorry "mai"...um...lord sire. "Alright. Nibiti ounje ka yin lara de, e o tile le duro kajo jeun papo mọ, ...", he dips his hand into d washing bowl, washing his hand... "Ẹn-hẹn-hẹn! Kile nse?" I asked interuptingly. "Kilo jọ? Boya lẹ tilẹ rọju gbadura si ounjẹ yẹn ki ẹ to ma jẹ" he replied. "Ni ounje ti ngo gbadura si? Ẹ fẹ jẹ poison". I said. "I have been longing to eat your poison of love" he said.
 "Eh-he, "mai" lord has changed o, i think u dont like 2 eat love's poison b4 now?" I said. "Tabi ẹ o ma wo ogboju aya?" he said..."i may not like eating oda women's foods but obviously not yours...dat poison will effectively work". "But i think u said d food is 4 a visitor 4m d advanced country", I said, as i put anoda bolus into my mouth, d food is fairly hot, soft...well prepared... "Food rules n ethics say, "it is not good 2 speak while eating"" he said. "Ẹyin na lẹ n disturb mi, jẹjẹ mi ni mo n jẹun mi", I said. "So nothing dey shame you, eating a man's prepared food", he said. "What wil shame me 4 eating "mai" love's food", I said, he has also dipped his hand into d food n we r eating 2geda now... "Ki ẹ ma tile le gbawẹ iseju kan", he said. "Eyin ni woli. It is prophets who fasts regularly, but 4 church members as I am, the Lord is not hard on us", I said. "Is the Lord hard on us?" He asked eating. "Nope "mai" lord sire, but... Interjecting, "but what?" He said.
"But it is u who sees, hears, n gets many things 4m God coupled with d fact dat u wil want 2 prepare 4 d congregation...but 4 us, "ọmọ ijọ" we are enjoined 2 live faithfully, be loyal 2 God n our leaders...em, datz all", I said. "E n le o, omo ijo rere", he said. "O o baba woli", I said...we finished eating...packed d warmers n oda things 4m d table...went outside, bring out wat i brought 4 him...I handed dem ova 2 him "I know u can not but bring something 4 your love now...something dat is gr8, gud" he said. "And I know u cannot do without preparing a delicious meal 4 me", I said...while resting, we started examining d printer which was bought 4 us by d broda, d printa was gud...superb according 2 "mai" lord, d brand dat i loved...n d broda did not take extra-charge, he got it @ d exact price one of my friends said she got hers,...he told "mai" lord dat when he approached him dat he needed d substance, dat it coincided wit d time he was travelling 2 wia he used 2 buy dem in bulk price, which is usually cheaper...
Although he had it in mind 2 buy some that he would sell, but when "mai" lord got 2 him, he had 2 add ours, including it in his order at d company, so dat our wont in anyway tamper or alter d quantity he originally had in mind buying 4 sales @ d island... Wat he did surprised "mai" lord and he decided 2 use him 2 get some desktop computers dat he wanted 2 use in his office...He eulogized his faithfulness...a rare one among his contemporaries in d fellowship he said... @ 13:00 hours, i got up to get going 2 my office so dat I see if I can lay my hands on one/two things in d office b4 d closing hour... @ 13:20 hours, I got 2 my office...exchanged greetings with co-workers...give dem plaintain chips...den I was told dat my boss is around... "wia did he parked his car?" I asked. "Mechanic has taken it away 4 servicing", a staff replied... "Oh no wonder, I thought he wasnt around when I didnt see his vehicle around," I said...as I head towards his office, knocked @ his office's door.
"Yes? Who is there?" he asked. "Good afternoon sir, it's Debbie sir", I replied. "Oh, my Debbie, pls come right in", he said. "Yes sire," I said, opening d door and entered, genuflecting, "afternoon sire," I said again. "How has it been? How was d trip? When did you arrive? Today?" he bombarded me with questions. "Evrythin is fine sire. The journey was wonderful...I "Can you please take a sit?" he interjected, stretching his left hand to the seats opposite him.. "Oh. Thank you sire", I said, pulling out a chair to sit directly opposite him. "What do I offer you? Coffee?" He inquired. "This afternoon oga? Nope sire thanks. I am alright", i replied. "Oh, maybe cold water or soft drink will do?" He asked. "I am pretty fine sire," I said. "Thank you sire". "Okay o, if you said so", he said. "I arrived early 2da 2 see dose piled up works @ my desktop and see how I can attend to one or two b4 d day runs out..." "Oh", interjecting, "I think what u shall need attend to now may not be too many
Again, bc your junior staff said u have once taken him thru some of the steps in handling some of the works and he has been able to treat some of it, using d data plan u left behind...and what was initialy proving difficult, i think he was able to retrieve d package necessary for its handling 4m d system...so I think, we have made remarkable progress on your departments documentation dis week", he enthused. "Oh. That is lovely. Wonderful sire. A good news." I said. "Yes. It is. That is why it is gud dat a leader carries along his/her subjects in d execution of his/her duties so dat @ d appropriate time, such persons can assist him/her." he said. "I have shown him virtually all except some few things and it was bc of d limited tym n also dat we have not win a project involving such of late", I said. "Maybe dat is wat is left...or maybe he just didnt know how 2 go about it", my boss said. "I shall immediately attend to dat sire", i said. "So, how is broda Samson?" My boss asked
"He is pretty fine sir", I replied. "How is his work?" My boss asked. "All praise to God sire", I replied. "Lest I forget, I was @ his shop last week 2 get some cassettees and he was marvelous, he gave me special attention...pls extend my special appreciation 2 him 4 wat he did 4 me last week" my boss said. "I shal do dat sire", I said. "I want 2 ask u a question about him", my boss said. "Pls go ahead sire", I said, as I adjust myself on d seat 2 listen 2 wat he wanted 2 say. "Excuse me, which political party does he belong to?" my boss asked. "A political party or what sir?" I asked him again. "Yes. I mean is he a politician? Is he in any political party?" My boss asked. "Sorry sire", I said. "Yes, Debbie", Boss said. "You mean to ask whether or not my fiancé is a politician sire?" I asked. "Yes, sister Debbie, I want to know if he is a politician", my boss said. "He is not a politician sire, and from all I know about him, he does not belong to any political party or group", I replied
"Hen-hen? Is that so?" Boss said. "Yes sire", I replied. "And dont you know if he has an intention of joining a political party in d nearest future?" Boss asked. "Nope sire, I do not know, and I do not even think so sire", i replied...."but why do you ask such question sire". I added. "Well, 4 quite a while now, I have been reading some of his articles on social media, his comments, his posts, his responses to some of the Island's nagging issues of interest and I feel, well such a man we need in Politics to help in talking to some of d island's leaders who r not forthright in their dealings with d people, leaders bereft of ideas, a head without cerebrum, a head without thinking centers, a head without co-ordinations, leaders devoid of commoners pains, leaders who know how 2 use d poor people 2 get 2 d throne, but after getting there, they become demi-god, dey forget d commoners, dey drop dem, dey add 2 their sufferings belabouring dem, addin 2 their sorrows, trading d poor men's progress 4 setbacks n servitudes...So having been ffg him, I feel he has something to offer our island's people", Boss said.
"Hum!" I mustered. "Oh, sorry. But havent u noticed that?" Boss asked. "I have noticed it sire...I have even talked to him about it..." "Is dat so?" Boss interjectingly asked. "Yes sire", I replied. "Pls go on, what was his response when u discussed suc with him? You are the person who can pull him out of his political coccoon", boss said. "Oh! Do you think so?" I asked. "Yes. Positive about it Debbie", boss said "Well, I do not so think sire", I said. "Why? He loved you pretty well. He loved you closely. He loved you so much..." "Hum", interjectingly said. "Or do you have reservations about his love for you?" boss asked. "Nope sire. Not at all. I know he loved me dearly, and I loved him to pulp too...but convincing him on political matters? I do not think i can do that sire", i said. "But why do you think you cannot pull him out of his political coccoon 2 partake and participate in politics of d island?" boss asked. "When we discussed d issue, his reply was, "for now, he has no feelings and directives for such..."
Boss interupted, "no directives as how?" "Directives on his part means that God has not spoken to him on such for now, he said maybe in the future but obviously for now God hasnot said anything as per that, as such he added nothing like that is in my view" I replied. "When did you discussed dis with him?" Boss asked. "About 18 months ago" I replied. "That is quite a while, maybe he would have been visited by God now" Boss said. "Maybe sire. Maybe...He said "all his write-ups is aimed at helping one or two people in governance, so that they see the commoners view of what is going on in the Island" I said. "Well. Well. Well. It is true. One or two people in governance may stumble on such writeups, but, I think as good and true as dat is, I still think if he joins a political party, he will offer more than this and he will also know those in authority who can listen 2 him, for who knows, he may also become elected into an office later", boss conclusively said.
"As far as my interactions with him, when we actually come together closely, because, we have been together as church members before we started courtship, so when we actually started sharing our minds, views, objectives, visions, dreams of d future together, I have studies him closely and discovered dat his mind is absolutely not in politics, but maybe it is because he hasnt seen some1 to convince him, to enlighten him, to make him see reasons why he needs to take such step, joining political terrain, maybe God can use you to talk to him on dis issue, but as for me...Uhm? I do not so think". I said. "Alright Debbie...I will think about it", boss said. "The little I know about my lovely love, "mai" lord is that he does love to wait on God b4 taking a step, he doesnt just jump into any issue anyhow, he doesnt like being pressurized 2 do anything, and he hardly hides his feelings, he opens his minds on many issues, but on this politics, he hasnt talked to me about picking interests in it of late..." "Uhm", Boss interjected.
"I also assume his stance on d issue is particularly religious based...he has passed thru some teachings 4m his mentor...his mentor, d person he makes mention of his name regularly has admonished him not to dabble into politics for any reasons, he said, the man told him to ensure that he brings many people into Jesus' home with all he has...so my love is strictly pursuing that goal with all his might, vigour, strength, intelligence, knowledge...however, as I said afore, he may have reasons to change his stance if someone talks to him", I concluded. "The assignments b4 us now do not leave room 4 such @ d moment, but when we finish dis task b4 us, I shall try n see him one on one on dis crucial matter, showing him some examples of ministers of God who r into politics now", Boss said. "That shall be scintilating of you sire, and may God speak to you thru him", I said. "Amen" Boss replied. "Thank you for the care sire", I said. "What are we together for? We r together to share our burdens and ofcourse lift ourselves up", boss said "Yes sire", I replied. "I have just recieved anoda memo 4m headquarters that we need to work on something, please go and take the the printout from the printer's outlet over there and work on it together with other few things yet to be addressed..."ẹ ku irin na"..."Boss said. I stant up to get the print out 4m d printer and said ""ẹ se sire" I will work on all with speed and accuracy sire"... I left my boss' office...what a nice man...I thought to myself, as I walked to my section in d office...
Sister Debbie says, "maybe you CAN CONVINCE him sire"...(July 26, 2013)
"ki ilẹ to pa òsìkà, ohun rere pupọ yo ti bajẹ" (translation before the wicked died, so many good things would have been destroyed (it is a Yoruba Proverb meaning before the wicked is apprehended or killed, it would have wreck so many havocs
bRoda (translation brother)
"Owo l'obinrin mọ", (translation women exteem money than anything)  
"gan-ni a fi ji" (translation it is a Northern language meaning seeing)  
"Ẹyin lẹmọ, ẹ o mã fi enia sinu "suspense" bi ẹnipe "island" ni mo wa pẹlu yin", (translation you will be keeping one in suspense as if I am in the island with you, it is left to you)
"Ẹ ma binu iya grammar", (translation don’t be annoyed grammarian mother/woman
Boya ẹ o tillẹ fẹ ki n ka iwe mọ ni" (translation I doubt if you even want me to continue with this course)
"Se ẹ o mọ wipe ti enia ba ti wa ni "suspense" ọKan enia ko ni papọ̀ ni iwaju awọn professors wọnyẹn ni?" (translation don’t you know that if one is in suspense, one’s mind would be far off the Professors when they are lecturing us)  
Ẹ ma binu. Se ẹ mọ wipe emi o lọ suku ri, mi o mỌ bi o se nse enia", (translation don’t be annoyed. I hope you remember that I have not been to the four walls of any institution, thus I don’t know how people there used to feel)  
"Ẹyin ti "personality" yin ba ti jẹ "phleg" bayi, nkan ni" (translation those of you who has a Phleg like personality type, you are difficult)
"To ò, ẹ n lẹ o baba "personality" ki la se o?" (translation Thanks mr personality analyser, what have we (phleg) done on)  
"Rutu abọ́kọkú"" (translation Ruth who died with her hubby (This is a bible story in the book of Ruth in which the hubby of Ruth died and her mother in-law advised her to return to her people but she refused to return. Thus, people usually call ladies or women who love and expresses their love to their hubbies as Ruth)  
Rutu ko ba ọkọ ku, Rutu fi ìfẹ́ rẹ si ọkọ rẹ han ni" (translation Ruth did not die with her hubby, but she expressed her unflinching love to her hubby)  
"Ẹyin na lẹ fun wa", (translation You are the one who gave it unto us
Rutu a bọkọ ku" (translation Ruth who died with her hubby)
"Ọlọrun nikan lo le gba ẹniyẹn"", (translation it is only God who can save the person)  
"To ò, e emi ni sẹyin ni bayi tabi ẹyin lẹ sẹ mi?", (translation who has grieved the other person amongst us? Am I the one who grieved you or you are the one who grieved me?)
"O ò sẹ̀ mi. Mi o sẹ̀ ẹ́. (translation no one among us. You have not grived me, neither have I grieved you)
"ko dara ki a ma sẹ ara wa, a ò si le ma ma sẹ ara wa nigbati a ba ti jìjọ n ni ajọsepọ, nitori ẹniti enia ba n ba ni ajumọjọsepọ na ni enia ma nsẹ..." (translation it is not good for us not to grieve each other, and it is not possible that we will not grieve each other, because it is the person one interacts with everyday that one grieves)
Hun-hun",( translation Uhmn)
 "Nitorina bi ẹniti enia ba mba ni ajumọjọsepọ ba sẹ ẹnikeji, nse ni ka ya pari rẹ lẹ́yẹ-o-sọka, ki a si tun bẹrẹ sini gbe ni (translation therefore if the person one is having daily interaction with grieved the person, the right thing for them is to instantly resolve the matter amicably and continue to live together in harmony) "
o ti dara o si ti dun to fun awọn ara lati ma jumọ gbé ni irẹpọ", (translation “behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity”) "
 "Alrit.( translation alright)
 Idi isẹ ẹni lati n mọ ẹni lọlẹ. (translation one can only be called lazy person in one’s discipline but not another’s (it is a Yoruba proverb encouraging one to be hardwork so as not to be called lazy person
"Ẹh-hẹn" (translation Uhmn mn)
"niyẹn" o. (translation that is just what it connotes)  
"Agbalagba. Ki lenia fe ra fun eyin agbalagba?" (translation An elder person. What can one buy for an elder person)
"e le ri nkankan nibe", (translation you cannot see anything there)  
awa o mọ wipe abẹfẹlẹ lotun ku ti ẹ n mu rin kiri bayi o" (translation I have not know that you go about with naked blade in your handbags now)
 "ẹniti ko mu nkan bọ fun ara ile, oun na ko ni ri nkan ti ara ile seto kale gbà" (translation a person who fails to come home with something will equally not be given what those who are at home has reserved for him/her) ...
"Ha-ha-ha? Tomode ba nse bi omode, sebi won ni agba a si ma se bi agba". (translation Ha? If a child behaves childishly, the elders too are expected to behave like elders (in other words if a child behaves like a fool, the elders must wise up)
se ise agba" (translation I wont act like an elder)
"O dara. (translation that is good)  
"ti ẹ ba ni ẹ o ni nkankan fun wa", (translation if you said you have nothing for us)
amala dudu" (translation Yam flour)
abula" (translation potpourri soup) ...
se ẹyin o tile le bere lowo eleti ki e to gba nitiyin ni? (translation why cant you ask the person who has ear that you want to slap it before slapping it? (it is a proverb that one needs to make enquiries about some things before going ahead to do the thing)  
Ounjẹ yen ore mi to mbo lati ilẹ okere ni mo  se fun o nitoripe o ni ó pẹ ti oun ti je amala pelu abula gbehin". (translation I have prepared this food for a friend that is on his way from a very distance place because he called that it has been long that he ate yam flower and potpourri soup last)  
gan" translation in fact)  
"Ki agbalagba o ma dana de ọmọde, arifin niyẹn o...", (translation for elders to be preparing food for the younger person, that contempt on the part of the young one
Nibiti ounje ka yin lara de, e o tile le duro kajo jeun papo mọ, ...", (translation because of the degree of your hunger, you cannot even wait a while so that we eat the food together (People of this part of the world like eating together even from the same plate))  
"Ẹn-hẹn-hẹn! Kile nse?" (translation Uhmn mn, what are you doing?)
Kilo jọ? Boya lẹ tilẹ rọju gbadura si ounjẹ yẹn ki ẹ to ma jẹ" (translation what does it resemble? I doubt even if you prayed on it before you start eating it)
Ni ounje ti ngo gbadura si? Ẹ fẹ jẹ poison". (translation the food I forgot to bless? You want to eat poison.)
"Eh-he,( translation Uhmn mn)
"Tabi ẹ o ma wo ogboju aya?" (translation aint you seeing a bold wife)  
"Ẹyin na lẹ n disturb mi, jẹjẹ mi ni mo n jẹun mi", (translation You are the one disturbing me, I have been eating my food without issues)
Ki ẹ ma tile le gbawẹ iseju kan" (translation you cannot even observe a second fasting)
"Eyin ni woli. (translation you are a prophet
ọmọ ijọ" (translation I am a member of the congregation)
E n le o, omo ijo rere", (translation sorry o, a good church member) he said.
"O o baba woli", (translation Yes o, prophet)
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