#it's spooky seasonnnnn
yeehawpim · 11 months
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Inspired by @lacrimalis and their recent The Beast/Enoch fics on ao3, especially my dear yellow lantern 😊
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live-from-flaturn · 11 months
33. the last adventure you’ve been on?
I met my gf's Mom and little brother for the first time over the weekend! It was really fun and the convo never got awkward (whew!).
A slightly sillier adventure would be checking out some local Spirit Halloween stores with the boytoy (and gf in one case), which are all being hosted in very very appropriately abandoned Toys-R-Us locations.
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dumbledorathexplora · 1 month
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I am once again..funemployed 😔😔😜😔
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jyndor · 1 year
gunpowder and lead
rebelcaptain vaguely modern setting au with witches and g-g-g-ghosts! revenge fantasy with a happy ending? truly the most self-indulgent thing but that's my style 😊 anyway basically jyn erso is a witch who gets like ~magical ptsd flashbacks~ which are as bad as they sound, except she's not the only one experiencing them.
tw: deals with ptsd, grief, trauma, parent issues, manipulation, bit of blood but I'm not into gore so don't worry on that front, it's mainly the emotional damage. I sort of started thinking about how much more horrible mental illness would be if we had magic to deal with, too. also I wanted to explore what mental health is like in a magical world? how do witches handle things like existential crises when most things can just be solved with a spell or potion?
alsoooo I am heavily altering andor canon lmao cassian is festian and I won't hear any of this slander that says he isn't.
I've gone in and added a lot of chapter one because I felt like some of chapter two worked better in the introduction, so you'll probably want to read it again if you are interested.
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goldfades · 1 year
✮ 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐯𝐞, jump then fall au
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au masterlist! masterlist!
♡ ─ word count | 2.7k
♡ ─ summary | cece has been working for adam for a month, forming a bond with paloma. she comforts paloma during a tantrum and later helps adam when paloma won't stop crying, late into the night. they discover the meaning of paloma's name as they bond over it.
♡ ─ warnings | toddler tantrums, sleep-deprivation LMAO, um nothing else (i think)
♡ ─ taglist | @literatureluster @itsnotgray @valluvsu (fill in form in my navigation in you are interested!)
♡ ─ ev's notes | after weeks of writer's block, we GOT OVER IT. war is overrrrr, finally. we survived the great war. anyways, this chapter is so sweet and i love it so much. i also realized my love for adam is very much eternal and undying, i will love him more than anyone else 4ever and idc. should i start a go-fund-me so i could get his jersey?? help a broke college student get her fav hockey player's jersey✊🏼✊🏼 also happy spooky seasonnnnn!!!
also if anyone has au thoughts please send them in for my entertainment, i love love LOVE asks.
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It had been a month since Cece had started working for Adam and she has loved every second of it.
Well, maybe not every second but Paloma was the sweetest girl she's ever worked for. She was funny and easy to work with, unlike some of the other kids she's worked with. Cece had quickly adapted to the rhythm of the new job, finding ways to connect with Paloma and make their time together enjoyable and overall fun. She had become an big part of Adam and Paloma's daily routine, and it was clear to everyone that Paloma adored Cece.
Cece was sitting comfortably on the floor next to Paloma, watching her favorite movie, "Beauty and the Beast" for the fifth time she couldn't help but smile at the toddler's enthusiasm. Paloma's eyes were glued to the screen, and she occasionally mimicked the characters' actions or lines with her limited vocabulary, making Cece laugh in the process. She was adorable, her heart melted with every little word she mimicked.
As Belle and the Beast danced in the iconic ballroom scene, Paloma attempted to mimic their graceful movements, stumbling slightly in her excitement. Cece chuckled and gently held Paloma's hand, helping her "dance" along with the characters.
She laughed as Paloma kept her dance up, "You're doing good, sweetheart!"
Paloma beamed happily at Cece's words of encouragement. Her tiny feet shuffled clumsily on the floor as she continued to "dance" with Belle and the Beast. It was a sweet sight, and Cece couldn't help but feel a deep affection for the little girl.
Right as the dance ended, the apartment door had opened. "I'm home!" Adam's voice rung out through the entire apartment. As he walked into the living room, he smiled at the scene in front of him.
"Hey," Cece greeted him with an equally bright smile as him, still sitting on the floor next to Paloma, who had now shifted her attention from the movie to her dad's arrival.
Adam bent down and scooped Paloma up into his arms, eliciting giggles from the toddler. "Did you have a fun day with Cece, sweetheart?"
It was sight she had grown used to now, Adam and Cece had become a staple in her life even if it only has been a month. She couldn't help but feel like she was a part of the family, somehow, even if she wasn't exactly blood-related.
Paloma nodded enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Daddy, dance!" she exclaimed, her arms moving in an attempt to recreate the dance moves she had just seen on the screen.
Adam laughed, sharing an amused look with Cece. "You've been dancing, huh?"
Cece nodded, her smile warm. "She was quite the dancer, just like Belle."
Adam chuckled as he watched Paloma's attempts at dancing. "I see that. Thanks for keeping her entertained, Cece."
"No problem," Cece replied, a light tint of blush coming onto her cheeks. Adam continued to play with Paloma, making her giggle and laugh. Cece watched the father-daughter duo with a fond smile, her heart warmed by the sweet scene before her.
After a quick lunch, Adam had to go back for a team meeting so Cece had to stay with Paloma a bit more, which usually wouldn't have been a problem ─ except now, Paloma had suddenly decided to have a tantrum because of her father leaving.
Cece tried her best to soothe Paloma as Adam prepared to leave for his meeting. She understood how difficult it could be for a toddler when their parent had to leave, especially when they were as attached as Paloma wa.
As Adam headed towards the door, Paloma's cries grew louder, and she reached out for him, tears streaming down her cheeks. Cece held Paloma close, trying to comfort her. "It's okay, sweetie. Daddy will be back soon."
Adam paused at the door, his heart aching as he looked back at his daughter. He wanted to stay and comfort her, but he also knew he had responsibilities. "I'll be back soon, sweetheart," he reassured her, his voice filled with love. "Cece will take care of you."
Cece nodded at that and gave him a quick nod, gesturing for him to leave. He sighed and nodded, exiting the apartment as Paloma's cries continued for a while. Cece did her best to distract her with toys and games, hoping to ease her distress until Adam returned.
They played with her building blocks, read some of her favorite books, and even had a little tea party with her stuffed animals. Slowly but surely, Paloma's tears began to subside, replaced by the occasional hiccup.
Cece kept a watchful eye on the time, knowing that Adam would return from his meeting soon. She didn't want Paloma to be too upset when he got back. As they continued to play, she whispered comforting words to Paloma. "Daddy will be back before you know it, sweetheart. He loves you very much."
Paloma, still a bit sniffly, looked up at Cece with her big blue, teary eyes and nodded. Cece couldn't help but smile at the toddler's resilience. Paloma gave her a whine and gave reached out her arms towards her, gesturing for her to pick her up.
Cece gladly picked Paloma up and held her close, cradling her gently in her arms. Paloma's sniffles gradually turned into contented sighs as she rested against Cece's shoulder.
Cece awoke with a jolt as she felt Paloma being carried from her arms and Cece almost screamed until she realized it was just Adam. Relief washed over her as she blinked away the remnants of sleep, "Shit, you scared me."
"Sorry," Adam laughed softly, his voice filled with warmth as he held Paloma against his chest. "I'm back. How was my little princess while I was gone?"
"She was, um... she was good." Cece yawned, her eyes watering at that. Sudden embarrassment washed over her as she realized that she fell asleep on the job but before she had the chance to apologize, it seemed he had read her mind.
"Don't apologize, I get it." Adam offered Cece a reassuring smile as she nodded, gratefully.
"Thank you," she laughed softly as she got up from the sofa, standing in front of him. She never really realized just how tall he was but suddenly, she felt like he was towering over her. Sudden butterflies emerged in her stomach as she looked up at him and they gazed at one another.
They both spoke in union before they paused, looking at one another for a second until they laughed. God, they were so in sync. "You, um, you go first," Adam smiled down at her, Paloma looking very pleased with the scene before her.
"I was just gonna say, I have a Chem test tomorrow and I haven't studied for it," she explained groggily, exhaustion clear in her face.
Adam couldn't help but feel disappointment building in his stomach as he heard those words come out of her mouth. "Oh, yeah of course. Go, don't worry, I'll take of our Paloma." It had come out so naturally he almost didn't catch it. Our Paloma. It sounded so... perfect and Adam could feel himself getting used to staying it, our Paloma, our girl.
Luca's words kept repeating in his mind as he waited for her response, "No girls." But as he stared into her eyes, her big, beautiful, deep─
"Yeah, our Paloma," she repeated softly, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Thank you, Adam."
"Of course, no problem. Um, get home safe and good luck on your test tomorrow."
As soon as she reached the door, Paloma whined. You looked back at Adam knowingly as Paloma started reaching for Cece.
"Hey, hey." Adam started trying to distract Paloma which did nothing but make it worse, somehow. "Princess, it's alright, she's coming tomorrow."
Paloma's whines grew louder as she continued to reach for Cece, her little arms outstretched. Adam didn't know what to do; she usually stopped crying after he comforted her, but this time, it seemed she only wanted Cece.
Cece hesitated at the door, torn between her responsibilities and the adorable toddler who clearly didn't want her to go. She looked at Adam with a questioning expression, silently asking for his help.
"It's fine, Cece. I can deal with her." Adam's voice was gentle, and he tried to hide any disappointment he felt about the situation. He walked closer to Cece, giving her an understanding smile. "You should get some rest and study for your test. I've got this."
Cece sighed in relief at Adam's understanding. She bent down and gently placed a kiss on Paloma's forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow, sweetheart," she whispered softly to the toddler before reluctantly stepping out of the apartment.
Adam watched her go, feeling a mixture of gratitude and disappointment. He knew that Cece needed to focus on her studies, but a part of him wished she could stay. He turned his attention back to Paloma, who was still crying in his arms.
"It's just you and me, kiddo," he said with a soft smile, carrying the crying Paloma back to the living room. He was determined to make the evening as comforting (as he could) for his daughter.
As the night wore on, Adam did his best to comfort Paloma. He played with her, read her a bedtime story, and even sang her a lullaby, but nothing seemed to calm her down completely. The toddler's cries continued, growing more tired and desperate as the hours passed.
He felt like he didn't know Paloma anymore, he spent less time with her than he had done in the past. Was he being a terrible dad by prioritizing his career over Paloma? He didn't know, he felt truly helpless as his ears began to sore from the constant crying from his daughter.
It was around 1 am when Adam realized he was at his wit's end. Paloma had been crying for hours, and he was exhausted and frustrated. He felt like he was going to go insane, especially because none of his family was here to give him a break. That was until he remembered: Cece.
He pulled out his phone and sent a text message to Cece, his fingers typing quickly.
Adam: Hey, sorry to bother you, but Paloma won't stop crying, and I don't know what to do.
He felt guilty for even asking, knowing Cece probably has her own worries and problems. But he truly had no one else to turn to, his body sore from practice and he was fatigued from all the crying, on top of everything.
His phone started buzzed almost immediately and he looked at the caller ID: Cece was calling him. He slid to answer,
"Cece, I'm sorry, did I wake you up?"
"No, I've been up." Cece laughed through the speaker. But Adam could hear the exhaustion in her laugh, as much as she tried to hide it.
The guiltiness hit him like a truck when he heard her voice. He almost wanted to cry, "I'm sorry, Cece. I just had... no one else to call who I trusted."
That statement made Cece's heart swell. He trusted her? "Oh, Adam don't apologize. That's what I'm here for. Do you want me to come?"
"No, no. It's too late and I don't want anything to happen."
Another soft laugh escaped her before she started hearing some crying from his side. She was almost concerned, thinking it was him until it registered in her sleep-deprived mind that it was just Paloma. "I'm a big girl Adam, I'll be there in 10."
Before he could protest, she hung up and Adam let out an exhausted sigh before he turned to Paloma, who was still crying. How much tears could one little girl have? Adam thought to himself.
Cece arrived at Adam's apartment right on time, her heart heavy with worry for both him and Paloma. She had come as quickly as she could, not wanting to leave Adam to handle the situation alone any longer. There wasn't any traffic because it was 1 in the morning, the only real plus of this whole thing.
When she entered the apartment, she found Adam sitting on the couch, looking utterly exhausted, with Paloma crying in his arms. She had never seen him so tired, his hair messy and his eyebags visible. Without hesitation, Cece went over and gently took Paloma into her arms.
"Hey there, princess," she cooed softly, rocking Paloma gently. "It's okay, I'm here now. Shhh, it's alright."
Paloma's cries gradually began to subside as Cece worked her magic. Adam watched in awe as the two of them seemed to have an unspoken connection. Cece had gotten Paloma to quiet down after four hours of nonstop crying but Adam was too tired to feel anything but exhaustion. He had been at his wit's end, unable to calm his daughter down, and seeing Cece work her magic with such ease was nothing short of amazing.
"Thank you, Cece," Adam whispered, relief washing over him as Paloma finally began to calm down. He felt a deep sense of gratitude for the young woman who had come to their rescue once again.
Cece smiled warmly at him, despite her feeling just as (if not more) exhausted than him. "No need to thank me, Adam. I'm always here to help." She looked down at Paloma, who was now resting peacefully in her arms. "Besides, I think I've started to become quite attached to her."
Adam couldn't help but chuckle softly at that. He appreciated Cece more than he could express in words. As he looked at her, holding the most precious thing in his world like she was also the most important thing in hers too, he felt his heart do a little loop-di-loop and he couldn't stop it even if he tried.
"Thank you, Cece," he repeated, this time with a warmth and admiration that went beyond words.
"You know, Adam," Cece began softly, her voice barely above a whisper, "I'm here not just for Paloma. I'm here for you too."
Adam's heart skipped a beat at her words. It didn't feel like some grand confession, it felt like just a simple fact. And now, as he gazed back at Cece, he no longer questioned if she was responsible or sweet enough for his daughter, he knew it for a fact.
"I know," Adam's voice sounded even more exhausted than before, smiling back at her.
As Paloma fell asleep in her arms, Cece took a seat next to Adam on the couch. They both knew she wasn't going anywhere for at least a couple hours until Paloma is fully asleep, so she got comfortable.
As Paloma fell asleep in Cece's arms, a sense of calm settled over the room. The exhaustion and tension from earlier seemed to fade away, replaced by a peaceful stillness. Adam and Cece sat side by side on the couch, watching over Paloma as she slept.
In the quiet of the room, they didn't need to say much. Their presence was enough, and it felt strangely comforting. It was as if, in that moment, they were a small, makeshift family brought together by circumstances.
Cece was the first to speak up, her voice tired. "Do you know what Paloma means?"
Adam was too tired to say anything but shake his head as she continued, "It means Dove, I looked it up earlier. Isn't that cute?"
Adam had named her after his great-aunt (per request of his mother) but had always liked the sound of it. He had never thought of looking up the meaning but now that he knows, it's perfect. Dove, Paloma, it was just perfect.
Adam smiled at that. "That's so cute. Our little dove." His head fell on Cece's shoulder as he yawned, his eyes feeling heavy. "Dove, that's a cute nickname."
"We should start calling her that." Cece's eyes suddenly felt heavy too as she yawned along with Adam, nodding.
"Dove," Adam repeated softly, a smile playing at his lips. "I like it. Our little Dove."
Cece nodded in agreement, her voice barely above a whisper. "It suits her."
The exhaustion of the long night finally caught up with them both, and they began to drift into a comfortable silence. Adam rested his head on Cece's shoulder, and she gently leaned into him, their shared warmth and the sense of family they had formed providing a profound a great sense of comfort.
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-> make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated! <-
thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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boabelboo · 1 month
bel. she/he/they. d9's number one fan. spooky seasonnnnn!!!!!
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hey, welcome to my blog!! you can call me bel.
i'm a writer, artist and an editor.
i also make little guys for my main fandoms so feel free to send in a req, they may take a while tho!!
my main fandoms are tbosas, tua and house md!! i'm one of those people who has one blog where i post for every fandom that i'm in, so it can be a bit clustered.
i tag all my reblogs, rambles and asks so they're easy to find. pls pls send me asks, i love to chat.
i also run the gimmick blog @crowdetector, inspired by my interest in corvids :3
before you follow—
as above mentioned, i'm a minor. although i don't mind people of any age following me, please don't if you're gonna be weird.
the basic dni criteria applies (racists, homophobes, transphobes, ableists, pedos, proshippers etc.) just don't be a weird bigot and you're welcome here.
palestine and any other state under occupation should be freed. if you oppose that, please dni.
that's all, thank you.
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toasterfroggy · 1 year
halloween is the only thing on my mind at this point i have so many plans
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hello!! i have some insight into my upcoming works to share:
1. i’m currently focusing on writing “my tears ricochet”, which will be a three part modern au with husband’s best friend!joel.
in the interest of not giving this work the “miss me in your bones” treatment (i.e. not updating for months….sorry 🧍🏻‍♀️) i’m trying to finish all three parts before posting the first one
2. once MTR is done and posted we are fast approaching SPOOKY SEASONNNNN. my goals for october are:
vampire!din djarin
cult leader!joel miller
demon!joel miller
i’ve got a few other open wips that may get finished in between but these are the ones i’m really trying to keep my pea sized attention span focused on 🫡
anyways, thanks for reading!
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piraterefrigerator · 1 year
spooky season spooky season spooky season SPOOKY SEASONNNNN
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masquerade-of-time · 1 year
Idk what elce I would warn yall about for this as it's mainly just blood, but YALL HAVE BEEN WARNED
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Obviously I pick a character that alludes to Frankenstein's Monster for the prompt of Stitched Together. I love this drawing
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thatdelusionalnerd · 11 months
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elletao · 1 year
Hii~ is there a way to see the edits you did about (the several?) "31 days" series? Spooktober, October, halloween, anything! I want to make a list of spooky movies to see during spooky seasonnnnn thanks ✨
yess sure! here are my 31 days of horror thing i did last year.
i also have a general tag for other horror edits i've made :)
happy spooky season 🎃👻 (and thank you for asking this omg i'm flattered! i hope you find something you like!)
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casismymrdarcy · 2 years
Ahhhhhhh, spooky music video for spooky seasonnnnn
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sleepyheadedbb · 7 days
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folk art bat! just in time for spooky seasonnnnn!
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unbeleevable · 1 year
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*explodes from excitement*
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lorenhalescomicbook · 2 years
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