#it's still peak aesthetic™ though
shysheeperz · 2 years
If we’re counting the start of the culling games being when the groups entered their colonies, the Culling Game arc has gone on for 53 chapters. That’s as long as Shibuya(without Mechamaru vs Mahito)
Feels way longer than that 😬. Tbh I'm kind of glad Gege seems to be wrapping things up now. It's time.
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ckret2 · 21 hours
Ya know, as someone who suffers from a physical disability myself who read your recent post, i'm sorta curious for more details on how both Scalene and Bill viewed their shared condition. Scalene in particular, by your post, seems to have had a weird combination of pride in it (how it made her exotic and all) but also, being ashamed of mentioning it and going out of her way to medically correct it in her own child...How would you describe her, and, for that matter, Bill's, feelings?
(For anyone arriving late, this is a follow up on this post here.)
You know how some disabilities end up with a public perception where they're adored for certain "positive" aspects but people still don't understand (and are ableist about) the less positive aspects? Like how depression is romantic when it's "brood romantically like a goth heroine" but gross when it's "can't get out of bed, shower, or meet social obligations"; autism is cute when it's "hand-flapping stimming and getting super interested in a topic" but annoying when it's "noisy stimming & body rocking, won't stop talking about a topic I'm not interested in, and poor social skills"; or the face of albinism is "supermodel with porcelain skin, snow white hair, and crystal blue eyes" and never "cross-eyed sunburned dude perpetually squinting in the sunlight"?
I imagine that her condition is like that, and that she zealously latched onto the positive perception of her condition and worked that for all it's worth; but she wants to be perfect, she wants to be admirable, she wants to be beloved, so the parts of her condition that aren't "popular" have to get hidden and dealt with privately as much as possible. The pageant stage is for showing off her curves; standing funny to try to relieve her side pain is for when people aren't watching.
It's okay to have a disability, but god forbid you look disabled.
Though I wouldn't characterize the medical treatment she got for Bill "going out of her way" to try to correct it. For the most part, things like braces & physical therapy weren't for aesthetics or public perception, but actual quality of life improvements. Without that early intervention, he'd be dealing with serious chronic pain & mobility issues before adulthood.
It's like how if you have significant scoliosis as a child, wearing a back brace during your puberty growing years helps protect you from getting such a crooked back as an adult that you need spinal surgery for the pain. Even if you have no negative feelings about having scoliosis, avoiding a major invasive surgery in 30 years is probably a sound medical decision.
... It just turned out with Bill that more benign issues got swept in with the actual problems.
For Bill's part, the condition is something he'd been led to believe as a child would be a much bigger problem in his life than it ended up being. For one thing, the way the condition presented in him made him a squishy baby, but not as flexible as his mom as an adult. (Though she also worked to increase her flexibility, against every single doctor's advice ever.) And for another, he got turned into an energy being more or less at peak health, after all his childhood medical interventions did their job and before his condition inevitably started to decline in adulthood; and when he doesn't age, doesn't change, doesn't even have a physical body, the condition doesn't progress. He got the best possible outcome, and he feels weird about it.
He'd never claim he's unhappy to not be dealing with chronic pain—that'd be a dumb thing to be unhappy about, and anyway Bill is sooo happy and mentally healthy and nothing ever bothers him ever!!!—but, unspoken, he has a strange sense of loss around it. Another thing missing from the life he "should" have had. Caught in a perpetual limbo where Health Problems™ are always looming 10-15 years in front of him, and have been looming 10-15 years in front of him for a trillion years.
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OC Aesthetics: Voidpunk Edition
Tagged by @purplehairsecretlair. Thank you <3
Tagging: @roofgeese @clonesupport @natesofrellis @confidentandgood @lethal-justice @thomrainer @direwombat @glitter-and-gasoline @funkypoacher @derelictheretic @adelaidedrubman @clicheantagonist @aceghosts @strangefable
Rules: - Bold what always/definitely applies to your OC, italicise what somewhat/sometimes applies, strikethrough what definitely doesn’t or never applies
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Biblically-Accurate Angel: Wears brighter colors than most of the other options, Has way too many eyes, Kind and Friendly but a little Aloof, Obsessed with vaguely religious imagery even if they’re not actually religious, Freckles covering their shoulders and arms, Artist Vibes, Chaotic Good, Unassuming but always Underestimated, Definitely the type of kid to close their eyes on a swing set and pretend they’re flying, Just really liked Good Omens tbh, Book lover, Loves the feeling of sunlight
Old Forest God: Definitely listens to Hozier, Extremely cheap when it comes to money, Probably owns a lot of denim, Just wants to get lost in the woods as an escape from modern capitalism, Foggy Mountains, Lanterns glowing in the fog of dusk, Binges Lotr & The Hobbit whenever they feel sad, Loves watching the sunrise, Says weirdly cryptic but incredibly wise shit all the time, Gives really good advice, Just wants to lie down in a patch of moss and decay, Not really bothered by death honestly, Has worn this same sweater for the past 3 days
Object Head: Old-School or Vintage Aesthetic, Extremely specific Special Interests, Probably waxes poetically to themself every night, Galaxy Print everything, Probably owns way too many jackets, Wise beyond their years, Excellent sense of humor, Probably really into embroidery or knitting, Theatre kid, Just really tired tbh, Would probably punch god right now, So stressed they’re actually calm, Keeps way too many journals and diaries, Terrible memory for basic tasks, Needs a lot of physical pressure to feel comfortable or sleep
Robot: Intentionally tacky fashion sense, Patterned Button-ups for Days, Their wardrobe looks like the floor of an 80s arcade, Cold Hands, Very poor social skills, Feels feelings in their own unique way that nobody understands, Hates when people pity them, Rarely ever understands jokes and honestly doesn’t want to, Is actually doing pretty well with online learning tbh, Tech savvy, Probably had a Goth phase in Middle or High School, Loves to keep collections of really hyper specific things, Excellent memory
Cryptid: Can recite both the entire X-Files and Gravity Falls theme songs, Has fully embraced the term “feral”, Likes to visit animal shelters and play with the puppies and kittens a lot, Just wants fangs man, Obsessed with Mythology, Honestly wouldn’t really mind being feared by some, Really morbid interests, Definitely liked crawling up onto the roof as a kid, Wanderer, Likes to explore a lot, Talk to the moon when they need to vent, Likes nesting in blankets and pillows
Alien: Obsessed with Buzzfeed Unsolved, Shane Madej Vibes, That holographic material that’s silver and shines rainbow is their peak aesthetic, Acts like they’re studying humans even though they’re a part of the same species (or are they???), Obsessed with space, Feral Scientist vibes, Just really wants to learn everything they can, Owns way too much NASA Merch, Pastel Shades, Can still recite their childhood lullabies word-for-word, Philosophy Nerd
Vaguely Humanoid Shaped: Quiet Kid who’s always underestimated, Gave up on the perception of self 12 years ago, Maladaptive Daydreamer, Listens to older styles of Music, Goes all-out for Halloween, Has a lot of dysphoria, Craves Human Contact so much dude, Hates online learning with a fiery passion, Obsessed with the Magnus Archives, A Crybaby but in a good way, Loves taking things apart and putting them back together again, Gifted Kid Burnout™, Obsessively researched and infodumps about their special interest(s), Has very few friends unfortunately, Always sits in the very back of class
Oh God wtf is That: Wild Overly-Saturated Colors, Gets personally offended if they ever fit in with the majority, Likes being weird and fully embraces it, Probably had that phase where they were really interested in studying Serial Killers for some reason, Definitely a Chaotic Neutral, Visual Stims a lot, Unintentionally ends up staring at people because they’re zoning out, Buries their issues under a thick blanket of memes and funky music, Vents their emotions through their art or writing or whatever artform they choose
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Biblically-Accurate Angel: Wears brighter colors than most of the other options, Has way too many eyes, Kind and Friendly but a little Aloof, Obsessed with vaguely religious imagery even if they’re not actually religious, Freckles covering their shoulders and arms, Artist Vibes, Chaotic Good, Unassuming but always Underestimated, Definitely the type of kid to close their eyes on a swing set and pretend they’re flying, Just really liked Good Omens tbh, Book lover, Loves the feeling of sunlight
Old Forest God: Definitely listens to Hozier, Extremely cheap when it comes to money, Probably owns a lot of denim, Just wants to get lost in the woods as an escape from modern capitalism, Foggy Mountains, Lanterns glowing in the fog of dusk, Binges Lotr & The Hobbit whenever they feel sad, Loves watching the sunrise, Says weirdly cryptic but incredibly wise shit all the time, Gives really good advice, Just wants to lie down in a patch of moss and decay, Not really bothered by death honestly, Has worn this same sweater for the past 3 days
Object Head: Old-School or Vintage Aesthetic, Extremely specific Special Interests, Probably waxes poetically to themself every night, Galaxy Print everything, Probably owns way too many jackets, Wise beyond their years, Excellent sense of humor, Probably really into embroidery or knitting, Theatre kid, Just really tired tbh, Would probably punch god right now, So stressed they’re actually calm, Keeps way too many journals and diaries, Terrible memory for basic tasks, Needs a lot of physical pressure to feel comfortable or sleep
Robot: Intentionally tacky fashion sense, Patterned Button-ups for Days, Their wardrobe looks like the floor of an 80s arcade, Cold Hands, Very poor social skills, Feels feelings in their own unique way that nobody understands, Hates when people pity them, Rarely ever understands jokes and honestly doesn’t want to, Is actually doing pretty well with online learning tbh, Tech savvy, Probably had a Goth phase in Middle or High School, Loves to keep collections of really hyper specific things, Excellent memory
Cryptid: Can recite both the entire X-Files and Gravity Falls theme songs, Has fully embraced the term “feral”, Likes to visit animal shelters and play with the puppies and kittens a lot, Just wants fangs man, Obsessed with Mythology, Honestly wouldn’t really mind being feared by some, Really morbid interests, Definitely liked crawling up onto the roof as a kid, Wanderer, Likes to explore a lot, Talk to the moon when they need to vent, Likes nesting in blankets and pillows
Alien: Obsessed with Buzzfeed Unsolved, Shane Madej Vibes, That holographic material that’s silver and shines rainbow is their peak aesthetic, Acts like they’re studying humans even though they’re a part of the same species (or are they???), Obsessed with space, Feral Scientist vibes, Just really wants to learn everything they can, Owns way too much NASA Merch, Pastel Shades, Can still recite their childhood lullabies word-for-word, Philosophy Nerd
Vaguely Humanoid Shaped: Quiet Kid who’s always underestimated, Gave up on the perception of self 12 years ago, Maladaptive Daydreamer, Listens to older styles of Music, Goes all-out for Halloween, Has a lot of dysphoria, Craves Human Contact so much dude, Hates online learning with a fiery passion, Obsessed with the Magnus Archives, A Crybaby but in a good way, Loves taking things apart and putting them back together again, Gifted Kid Burnout™, Obsessively researched and infodumps about their special interest(s), Has very few friends unfortunately, Always sits in the very back of class
Oh God wtf is That: Wild Overly-Saturated Colors, Gets personally offended if they ever fit in with the majority, Likes being weird and fully embraces it, Probably had that phase where they were really interested in studying Serial Killers for some reason, Definitely a Chaotic Neutral, Visual Stims a lot, Unintentionally ends up staring at people because they’re zoning out, Buries their issues under a thick blanket of memes and funky music, Vents their emotions through their art or writing or whatever artform they choose
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Biblically-Accurate Angel: Wears brighter colors than most of the other options, Has way too many eyes, Kind and Friendly but a little Aloof, Obsessed with vaguely religious imagery even if they’re not actually religious, Freckles covering their shoulders and arms, Artist Vibes, Chaotic Good, Unassuming but always Underestimated, Definitely the type of kid to close their eyes on a swing set and pretend they’re flying, Just really liked Good Omens tbh, Book lover, Loves the feeling of sunlight
Old Forest God: Definitely listens to Hozier, Extremely cheap when it comes to money, Probably owns a lot of denim, Just wants to get lost in the woods as an escape from modern capitalism, Foggy Mountains, Lanterns glowing in the fog of dusk, Binges Lotr & The Hobbit whenever they feel sad, Loves watching the sunrise, Says weirdly cryptic but incredibly wise shit all the time, Gives really good advice, Just wants to lie down in a patch of moss and decay, Not really bothered by death honestly, Has worn this same sweater for the past 3 days
Object Head: Old-School or Vintage Aesthetic, Extremely specific Special Interests, Probably waxes poetically to themself every night, Galaxy Print everything, Probably owns way too many jackets, Wise beyond their years, Excellent sense of humor, Probably really into embroidery or knitting, Theatre kid, Just really tired tbh, Would probably punch god right now, So stressed they’re actually calm, Keeps way too many journals and diaries, Terrible memory for basic tasks, Needs a lot of physical pressure to feel comfortable or sleep
Robot: Intentionally tacky fashion sense, Patterned Button-ups for Days, Their wardrobe looks like the floor of an 80s arcade, Cold Hands, Very poor social skills, Feels feelings in their own unique way that nobody understands, Hates when people pity them, Rarely ever understands jokes and honestly doesn’t want to, Is actually doing pretty well with online learning tbh, Tech savvy, Probably had a Goth phase in Middle or High School, Loves to keep collections of really hyper specific things, Excellent memory
Cryptid: Can recite both the entire X-Files and Gravity Falls theme songs, Has fully embraced the term “feral”, Likes to visit animal shelters and play with the puppies and kittens a lot, Just wants fangs man, Obsessed with Mythology, Honestly wouldn’t really mind being feared by some, Really morbid interests, Definitely liked crawling up onto the roof as a kid, Wanderer, Likes to explore a lot, Talk to the moon when they need to vent, Likes nesting in blankets and pillows
Alien: Obsessed with Buzzfeed Unsolved, Shane Madej Vibes, That holographic material that’s silver and shines rainbow is their peak aesthetic, Acts like they’re studying humans even though they’re a part of the same species (or are they???), Obsessed with space, Feral Scientist vibes, Just really wants to learn everything they can, Owns way too much NASA Merch, Pastel Shades, Can still recite their childhood lullabies word-for-word, Philosophy Nerd
Vaguely Humanoid Shaped: Quiet Kid who’s always underestimated, Gave up on the perception of self 12 years ago, Maladaptive Daydreamer, Listens to older styles of Music, Goes all-out for Halloween, Has a lot of dysphoria, Craves Human Contact so much dude, Hates online learning with a fiery passion, Obsessed with the Magnus Archives, A Crybaby but in a good way, Loves taking things apart and putting them back together again, Gifted Kid Burnout™, Obsessively researched and infodumps about their special interest(s), Has very few friends unfortunately, Always sits in the very back of class
Oh God wtf is That: Wild Overly-Saturated Colors, Gets personally offended if they ever fit in with the majority, Likes being weird and fully embraces it, Probably had that phase where they were really interested in studying Serial Killers for some reason, Definitely a Chaotic Neutral, Visual Stims a lot, Unintentionally ends up staring at people because they’re zoning out, Buries their issues under a thick blanket of memes and funky music, Vents their emotions through their art or writing or whatever artform they choose
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direwombat · 2 years
oc aesthetics: voidpunk edition
tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton to do these vibes.
tagging: @natesofrellis​, @thomrainer​, @harmonyowl​, @funkypoacher​, @confidentandgood​, @strafethesesinners​​, @adelaidedrubman​​, @aceghosts​​, @schoute​​, @poeti-kat​​, @jacrispea​​, and anyone else wanting to do some vibes for their kids!
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BIBLICALLY ACCURATE ANGEL: Wears brighter colors than most of the other options, Has way too many eyes, Kind and Friendly but a little Aloof, Obsessed with vaguely religious imagery even if they’re not actually religious, Freckles covering their shoulders and arms, Artist Vibes, Chaotic Good, Unassuming but always Underestimated, Definitely the type of kid to close their eyes on a swing set and pretend they’re flying, Just really liked Good Omens tbh, Book lover, Loves the feeling of sunlight
OLD FOREST GOD: Definitely listens to Hozier, Extremely cheap when it comes to money, Probably owns a lot of denim, Just wants to get lost in the woods as an escape from modern capitalism, Foggy Mountains, Lanterns glowing in the fog of dusk, Binges Lotr & The Hobbit whenever they feel sad, Loves watching the sunrise, Says weirdly cryptic but incredibly wise shit all the time, Gives really good advice, Just wants to lie down in a patch of moss and decay, Not really bothered by death honestly, Has worn this same sweater for the past 3 days
OBJECT HEAD: Old-School or Vintage Aesthetic, Extremely specific Special Interests, Probably waxes poetically to themself every night, Galaxy Print everything, Probably owns way too many jackets, Wise beyond their years, Excellent sense of humor, Probably really into embroidery or knitting, Theatre kid, Just really tired tbh, Would probably punch god right now, So stressed they’re actually calm, Keeps way too many journals and diaries, Terrible memory for basic tasks, Needs a lot of physical pressure to feel comfortable or sleep
ROBOT: Intentionally tacky fashion sense, Patterned Button-ups for Days, Their wardrobe looks like the floor of an 80s arcade, Cold Hands, Very poor social skills, Feels feelings in their own unique way that nobody understands, Hates when people pity them, Rarely ever understands jokes and honestly doesn’t want to, Is actually doing pretty well with online learning tbh, Tech savvy, Probably had a Goth phase in Middle or High School, Loves to keep collections of really hyper specific things, Excellent memory
CRYPTID: Can recite both the entire X-Files and Gravity Falls theme songs, Has fully embraced the term “feral”, Likes to visit animal shelters and play with the puppies and kittens a lot, Just wants fangs man, Obsessed with Mythology, Honestly wouldn’t really mind being feared by some, Really morbid interests, Definitely liked crawling up onto the roof as a kid, Wanderer, Likes to explore a lot, Talk to the moon when they need to vent, Likes nesting in blankets and pillows
ALIEN: Obsessed with Buzzfeed Unsolved, Shane Madej Vibes, That holographic material that’s silver and shines rainbow is their peak aesthetic, Acts like they’re studying humans even though they’re a part of the same species (or are they???), Obsessed with space, Feral Scientist vibes, Just really wants to learn everything they can, Owns way too much NASA Merch, Pastel Shades, Can still recite their childhood lullabies word-for-word, Philosophy Nerd
VAGUELY HUMANOID SHAPED: Quiet Kid who’s always underestimated, Gave up on the perception of self 12 years ago, Maladaptive Daydreamer, Listens to older styles of Music, Goes all-out for Halloween, Has a lot of dysphoria, Craves Human Contact so much dude, Hates online learning with a fiery passion, Obsessed with the Magnus Archives, A Crybaby but in a good way, Loves taking things apart and putting them back together again, Gifted Kid Burnout™, Obsessively researched and infodumps about their special interest(s), Has very few friends unfortunately, Always sits in the very back of class
OH GOD WTF IS THAT: Wild Overly-Saturated Colors, Gets personally offended if they ever fit in with the majority, Likes being weird and fully embraces it, Probably had that phase where they were really interested in studying Serial Killers for some reason, Definitely a Chaotic Neutral, Visual Stims a lot, Unintentionally ends up staring at people because they’re zoning out, Buries their issues under a thick blanket of memes and funky music, Vents their emotions through their art or writing or whatever artform they choose 
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BIBLICALLY ACCURATE ANGEL: Wears brighter colors than most of the other options, Has way too many eyes, Kind and Friendly but a little Aloof, Obsessed with vaguely religious imagery even if they’re not actually religious, Freckles covering their shoulders and arms, Artist Vibes, Chaotic Good, Unassuming but always Underestimated, Definitely the type of kid to close their eyes on a swing set and pretend they’re flying, Just really liked Good Omens tbh, Book lover, Loves the feeling of sunlight
OLD FOREST GOD: Definitely listens to Hozier, Extremely cheap when it comes to money, Probably owns a lot of denim, Just wants to get lost in the woods as an escape from modern capitalism, Foggy Mountains, Lanterns glowing in the fog of dusk, Binges Lotr & The Hobbit whenever they feel sad, Loves watching the sunrise, Says weirdly cryptic but incredibly wise shit all the time, Gives really good advice, Just wants to lie down in a patch of moss and decay, Not really bothered by death honestly, Has worn this same sweater for the past 3 days
OBJECT HEAD: Old-School or Vintage Aesthetic, Extremely specific Special Interests, Probably waxes poetically to themself every night, Galaxy Print everything, Probably owns way too many jackets, Wise beyond their years, Excellent sense of humor, Probably really into embroidery or knitting, Theatre kid, Just really tired tbh, Would probably punch god right now, So stressed they’re actually calm, Keeps way too many journals and diaries, Terrible memory for basic tasks, Needs a lot of physical pressure to feel comfortable or sleep
ROBOT: Intentionally tacky fashion sense, Patterned Button-ups for Days, Their wardrobe looks like the floor of an 80s arcade, Cold Hands, Very poor social skills, Feels feelings in their own unique way that nobody understands, Hates when people pity them, Rarely ever understands jokes and honestly doesn’t want to, Is actually doing pretty well with online learning tbh, Tech savvy, Probably had a Goth phase in Middle or High School, Loves to keep collections of really hyper specific things, Excellent memory
CRYPTID: Can recite both the entire X-Files and Gravity Falls theme songs, Has fully embraced the term “feral”, Likes to visit animal shelters and play with the puppies and kittens a lot, Just wants fangs man, Obsessed with Mythology, Honestly wouldn’t really mind being feared by some, Really morbid interests, Definitely liked crawling up onto the roof as a kid, Wanderer, Likes to explore a lot, Talk to the moon when they need to vent, Likes nesting in blankets and pillows
ALIEN: Obsessed with Buzzfeed Unsolved, Shane Madej Vibes, That holographic material that’s silver and shines rainbow is their peak aesthetic, Acts like they’re studying humans even though they’re a part of the same species (or are they???), Obsessed with space, Feral Scientist vibes, Just really wants to learn everything they can, Owns way too much NASA Merch, Pastel Shades, Can still recite their childhood lullabies word-for-word, Philosophy Nerd
VAGUELY HUMANOID SHAPED: Quiet Kid who’s always underestimated, Gave up on the perception of self 12 years ago, Maladaptive Daydreamer, Listens to older styles of Music, Goes all-out for Halloween, Has a lot of dysphoria, Craves Human Contact so much dude, Hates online learning with a fiery passion, Obsessed with the Magnus Archives, A Crybaby but in a good way, Loves taking things apart and putting them back together again, Gifted Kid Burnout™, Obsessively researched and infodumps about their special interest(s), Has very few friends unfortunately, Always sits in the very back of class
OH GOD WTF IS THAT: Wild Overly-Saturated Colors, Gets personally offended if they ever fit in with the majority, Likes being weird and fully embraces it, Probably had that phase where they were really interested in studying Serial Killers for some reason, Definitely a Chaotic Neutral, Visual Stims a lot, Unintentionally ends up staring at people because they’re zoning out, Buries their issues under a thick blanket of memes and funky music, Vents their emotions through their art or writing or whatever artform they choose  
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clonesupport · 2 years
OC Aesthetics: Voidpunk Edition
thank you @socially-awkward-skeleton for tagging me for this!
bold: always, italics: sometimes, strikethrough: never
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Biblically-Accurate Angel: Wears brighter colours than most of the other options, Has way too many eyes, Kind and Friendly but a little Aloof, Obsessed with vaguely religious imagery even if they’re not actually religious, Freckles covering their shoulders and arms, Artist Vibes, Chaotic Good, Unassuming but always Underestimated, Definitely the type of kid to close their eyes on a swing set and pretend they’re flying, Just really liked Good Omens tbh, Book lover, Loves the feeling of sunlight
Old Forest God: Definitely listens to Hozier, Extremely cheap when it comes to money, Probably owns a lot of denim, Just wants to get lost in the woods as an escape from modern capitalism, Foggy Mountains, Lanterns glowing in the fog of dusk, Binges Lotr & The Hobbit whenever they feel sad, Loves watching the sunrise, Says weirdly cryptic but incredibly wise shit all the time, Gives really good advice, Just wants to lie down in a patch of moss and decay, Not really bothered by death honestly, Has worn this same sweater for the past 3 days
Object Head: Old-School or Vintage Aesthetic, Extremely specific Special Interests, Probably waxes poetically to themself every night, Galaxy Print everything, Probably owns way too many jackets, Wise beyond their years, Excellent sense of humor, Probably really into embroidery or knitting, Theatre kid, Just really tired tbh, Would probably punch god right now, So stressed they’re actually calm, Keeps way too many journals and diaries, Terrible memory for basic tasks, Needs a lot of physical pressure to feel comfortable or sleep
Robot: Intentionally tacky fashion sense, Patterned Button-ups for Days, Their wardrobe looks like the floor of an 80s arcade, Cold Hands, Very poor social skills, Feels feelings in their own unique way that nobody understands, Hates when people pity them, Rarely ever understands jokes and honestly doesn’t want to, Is actually doing pretty well with online learning tbh, Tech savvy, Probably had a Goth phase in Middle or High School, Loves to keep collections of really hyper specific things, Excellent memory
Cryptid: Can recite both the entire X-Files and Gravity Falls theme songs, Has fully embraced the term “feral”, Likes to visit animal shelters and play with the puppies and kittens a lot, Just wants fangs man, Obsessed with Mythology, Honestly wouldn’t really mind being feared by some, Really morbid interests, Definitely liked crawling up onto the roof as a kid, Wanderer, Likes to explore a lot, Talk to the moon when they need to vent, Likes nesting in blankets and pillows
Alien: Obsessed with Buzzfeed Unsolved, Shane Madej Vibes, That holographic material that’s silver and shines rainbow is their peak aesthetic, Acts like they’re studying humans even though they’re a part of the same species (or are they???), Obsessed with space, Feral Scientist vibes, Just really wants to learn everything they can, Owns way too much NASA Merch, Pastel Shades, Can still recite their childhood lullabies word-for-word, Philosophy Nerd
Vaguely Humanoid Shaped: Quiet Kid who’s always underestimated, Gave up on the perception of self 12 years ago, Maladaptive Daydreamer, Listens to older styles of Music, Goes all-out for Halloween, Has a lot of dysphoria, Craves Human Contact so much dude, Hates online learning with a fiery passion, Obsessed with the Magnus Archives, A Crybaby but in a good way, Loves taking things apart and putting them back together again, Gifted Kid Burnout™, Obsessively researched and infodumps about their special interest(s), Has very few friends unfortunately, Always sits in the very back of class
Oh God wtf is That: Wild Overly-Saturated Colors, Gets personally offended if they ever fit in with the majority, Likes being weird and fully embraces it, Probably had that phase where they were really interested in studying Serial Killers for some reason, Definitely a Chaotic Neutral, Visual Stims a lot, Unintentionally ends up staring at people because they’re zoning out, Buries their issues under a thick blanket of memes and funky music, Vents their emotions through their art or writing or whatever artform they choose
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Biblically-Accurate Angel: Wears brighter colours than most of the other options, Has way too many eyes, Kind and Friendly but a little Aloof, Obsessed with vaguely religious imagery even if they’re not actually religious, Freckles covering their shoulders and arms, Artist Vibes, Chaotic Good, Unassuming but always Underestimated, Definitely the type of kid to close their eyes on a swing set and pretend they’re flying, Just really liked Good Omens tbh, Book lover, Loves the feeling of sunlight
Old Forest God: Definitely listens to Hozier, Extremely cheap when it comes to money, Probably owns a lot of denim, Just wants to get lost in the woods as an escape from modern capitalism, Foggy Mountains, Lanterns glowing in the fog of dusk, Binges Lotr & The Hobbit whenever they feel sad, Loves watching the sunrise, Says weirdly cryptic but incredibly wise shit all the time, Gives really good advice, Just wants to lie down in a patch of moss and decay, Not really bothered by death honestly, Has worn this same sweater for the past 3 days
Object Head: Old-School or Vintage Aesthetic, Extremely specific Special Interests, Probably waxes poetically to themself every night, Galaxy Print everything, Probably owns way too many jackets, Wise beyond their years, Excellent sense of humor, Probably really into embroidery or knitting, Theatre kid, Just really tired tbh, Would probably punch god right now, So stressed they’re actually calm, Keeps way too many journals and diaries, Terrible memory for basic tasks, Needs a lot of physical pressure to feel comfortable or sleep
Robot: Intentionally tacky fashion sense, Patterned Button-ups for Days, Their wardrobe looks like the floor of an 80s arcade, Cold Hands, Very poor social skills, Feels feelings in their own unique way that nobody understands, Hates when people pity them, Rarely ever understands jokes and honestly doesn’t want to, Is actually doing pretty well with online learning tbh, Tech savvy, Probably had a Goth phase in Middle or High School, Loves to keep collections of really hyper specific things, Excellent memory
Cryptid: Can recite both the entire X-Files and Gravity Falls theme songs, Has fully embraced the term “feral”, Likes to visit animal shelters and play with the puppies and kittens a lot, Just wants fangs man, Obsessed with Mythology, Honestly wouldn’t really mind being feared by some, Really morbid interests, Definitely liked crawling up onto the roof as a kid, Wanderer, Likes to explore a lot, Talk to the moon when they need to vent, Likes nesting in blankets and pillows
Alien: Obsessed with Buzzfeed Unsolved, Shane Madej Vibes, That holographic material that’s silver and shines rainbow is their peak aesthetic, Acts like they’re studying humans even though they’re a part of the same species (or are they???), Obsessed with space, Feral Scientist vibes, Just really wants to learn everything they can, Owns way too much NASA Merch, Pastel Shades, Can still recite their childhood lullabies word-for-word, Philosophy Nerd
Vaguely Humanoid Shaped: Quiet Kid who’s always underestimated, Gave up on the perception of self 12 years ago, Maladaptive Daydreamer, Listens to older styles of Music, Goes all-out for Halloween, Has a lot of dysphoria, Craves Human Contact so much dude, Hates online learning with a fiery passion, Obsessed with the Magnus Archives, A Crybaby but in a good way, Loves taking things apart and putting them back together again, Gifted Kid Burnout™, Obsessively researched and infodumps about their special interest(s), Has very few friends unfortunately, Always sits in the very back of class
Oh God wtf is That: Wild Overly-Saturated Colors, Gets personally offended if they ever fit in with the majority, Likes being weird and fully embraces it, Probably had that phase where they were really interested in studying Serial Killers for some reason, Definitely a Chaotic Neutral, Visual Stims a lot, Unintentionally ends up staring at people because they’re zoning out, Buries their issues under a thick blanket of memes and funky music, Vents their emotions through their art or writing or whatever artform they choose
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marzipanandminutiae · 3 years
Crimson Peak or Carmilla for the fandom ask.
How about I alternate?
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
the first character i ever fell in love with (Carmilla):
Carmilla. Sorry, my heart belongs to the vampire, always. I've loved her from the first time I read the novella on Project Gutenberg, and Natasha Negovanlis' interpretation only deepened that love.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not (Crimson Peak):
There really aren't any characters who appear onscreen as living humans that I dislike. I guess I've thought more about Thomas' foibles than I did when I first saw the movie back in 2015? Mostly because I've thought more about all the characters since my fandom spiral, but I guess he had the farthest to fall, so to speak, in my regard.
I still love him. I just don't think of him as quite the same hapless innocent that I first saw.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not (Carmilla):
I've kind of gone from disinterest in H*llence (Laura/Danny) to active dislike. Though that's less because of the ship and more because of very bad experiences with some of the more...strident shippers.
my ultimate favorite character™ (Crimson Peak):
Honestly, I'm pretty fair and balanced in my love of the char- [trips and drops bag; dozens of photos of Lucille Sharpe spill out] shit shit no I'm just. I'm holding these for a friend; you don't understand
prettiest character (Carmilla):
Oh god. In a cast so full of eye candy, how does one even choose? They're all pretty in their own ways. You can't really compare, say, Laura to Mattie because their respective types of intense beauty are just so different.
Elle has the closest aesthetic to mine, though.
my most hated character (Crimson Peak):
The Parents Sharpe, both. Honestly, screw them. With Thomas and Lucille I'll talk until the cows come home about complex narratives and sympathetic villains and the fact that the movie isn't a morality tale and how half the Gothic thrill of it all is doomed love, love that dooms you, digging your own grave even with your attempts to clamber out, etc.
James and Beatrice don't even have the Sympathy Factor of good intentions paving their road to hell. And that's where I hope they somehow end up.
my OTP (Carmilla):
Hollstein (Laura/Carmilla). My Brand(TM) since 1871.
my NOTP (Crimson Peak):
Alan/Lucille. Seriously, ship what you like, but why is this even a Thing? They interact with each other like...three times, IF you count the deleted park scene. And one of those times ends in stabbing.
It just seems like Pair the Spares for people who want exclusive Edith/Thomas but don't hate Lucille. I guess I appreciate that it's kinder to my fave than, "Lucille is dead and Thomas spits on her grave as he and Edith waltz off into the sunset," which tends to be the other flavor of exclusive Edith/Thomas. But still.
favorite episode (Carmilla):
The movie. No, really, it's hard to decide among so many episodes of the show, but the movie really brings back the Gothic vibes. And we all know how into that I am.
The show is great, but give me sapphic bustle dress ballroom action, and I'll be the happiest Marzi in the land.
saddest death (Crimson Peak):
Thomas. Definitely Thomas.
God, that poor, spineless coward. It was too little, far too late, but he still finally worked up the nerve to Try. I can't help but be affected by his earnest desire for everyone to be happy; for both the women he loves to stay with him. It was never going to work, and that adds to the tragedy immensely.
And right at the end, how he tries to talk Lucille around when nobody else would. I couldn't even blame them- much as I love her, she's a terrible person, AND she's trying to kill his beloved wife. But he still sees something worth saving in her. Hell, after the first two stabs, he doesn't make any move to defend himself. He thinks she wouldn't ever mortally wound him; he trusts the one person who's always loved, protected, and supported him. He can't help loving her, right to the end.
The way she breaks down after the fatal blow, too, realizing what she's done and desperately wanting to take it back. She's always fixed things; she's always saved him. And now she can't. And it's her own fault.
All he can do is realize that, in the end, her rage and pain and fear overpowered than her love for him. All she can do is watch the only good and pure part of her life die, knowing she did that.
Excuse me; I've got some Gothic Tragedy in my eye.
favorite season (Carmilla):
S1. I think it was the best, the most self-contained, and the only one that avoided tripping just a little on the increasing complexity of the worldbuilding. Not that I don't love the whole show, mind- I just think the first season was the strongest.
If only it had had Mattie...
least favorite season (Crimson Peak):
Not applicable
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate (Carmilla):
I can do without Kirsch. He's...fine, I guess? I usually just forget he's there, and I've seldom written him into any of my fics. I don't hate him, per se- that would require caring enough about him for hatred.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave (Crimson Peak):
My ultimate fave for this fandom IS a piece of trash. She's an on-fire dumpster full of Moltov cocktails. Just thoroughly awful.
I adore her.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave (Carmilla):
She would hate being characterized as a cinnamon roll, but I want good things for Danny. And really, to quote Eldena Doublecast, who wouldn't?
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship (Crimson Peak):
This is kind of a redundant question for a Gothic romance movie with canon sibling incest, isn't it?
(The canon sibling incest, obviously. Though I don't really want to cleanse my soul about it- I don't feel at all guilty or gross for shipping it. It's Gothic romance. Messed-up relationships come with the territory. At least it's more or less consensual and there's no minor/adult stuff involved- that's better than a lot of Gothic romance gets.)
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship (Carmilla):
LaFontaine/Perry. Cute! Doesn't really hold my interest, though.
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irrfahrer · 3 years
Tag Yourself; Voidpunk Edition
Biblically-Accurate Angel: Wears brighter colors than most of the other options, Has way too many eyes, Kind and Friendly but a little Aloof, Obsessed with vaguely religious imagery even if they’re not actually religious, Freckles covering their shoulders and arms, Artist Vibes, Chaotic Good, Unassuming but always Underestimated, Definitely the type of kid to close their eyes on a swing set and pretend they’re flying, Just really liked Good Omens tbh, Book lover, Loves the feeling of sunlight
Old Forest God: Definitely listens to Hozier, Extremely cheap when it comes to money, Probably owns a lot of denim, Just wants to get lost in the woods as an escape from modern capitalism, Foggy Mountains, Lanterns glowing in the fog of dusk, Binges Lotr & The Hobbit whenever they feel sad, Loves watching the sunrise, Says weirdly cryptic but incredibly wise shit all the time, Gives really good advice, Just wants to lie down in a patch of moss and decay, Not really bothered by death honestly, Has worn this same sweater for the past 3 days
Object Head: Old-School or Vintage Aesthetic, Extremely specific Special Interests, Probably waxes poetically to themself every night, Galaxy Print everything, Probably owns way too many jackets, Wise beyond their years, Excellent sense of humor, Probably really into embroidery or knitting, Theatre kid, Just really tired tbh, Would probably punch god right now, So stressed they’re actually calm, Keeps way too many journals and diaries, Terrible memory for basic tasks, Needs a lot of physical pressure to feel comfortable or sleep
Robot: Intentionally tacky fashion sense, Patterned Button-ups for Days, Their wardrobe looks like the floor of an 80s arcade, Cold Hands, Very poor social skills, Feels feelings in their own unique way that nobody understands, Hates when people pity them, Rarely ever understands jokes and honestly doesn’t want to, Is actually doing pretty well with online learning tbh, Tech savvy, Probably had a Goth phase in Middle or High School, Loves to keep collections of really hyper specific things, Excellent memory
Cryptid: Can recite both the entire X-Files and Gravity Falls theme songs, Has fully embraced the term “feral”, Likes to visit animal shelters and play with the puppies and kittens a lot, Just wants fangs man, Obsessed with Mythology, Honestly wouldn’t really mind being feared by some, Really morbid interests, Definitely liked crawling up onto the roof as a kid, Wanderer, Likes to explore a lot, Talk to the moon when they need to vent, Likes nesting in blankets and pillows
Alien: Obsessed with Buzzfeed Unsolved, Shane Madej Vibes, That holographic material that’s silver and shines rainbow is their peak aesthetic, Acts like they’re studying humans even though they’re a part of the same species (or are they???), Obsessed with space, Feral Scientist vibes, Just really wants to learn everything they can, Owns way too much NASA Merch, Pastel Shades, Can still recite their childhood lullabies word-for-word, Philosophy Nerd
Vaguely Humanoid Shaped: Quiet Kid who's always underestimated, Gave up on the perception of self 12 years ago, Maladaptive Daydreamer, Listens to older styles of Music, Goes all-out for Halloween, Has a lot of dysphoria, Craves Human Contact so much dude, Hates online learning with a fiery passion, Obsessed with the Magnus Archives, A Crybaby but in a good way, Loves taking things apart and putting them back together again, Gifted Kid Burnout™, Obsessively researched and infodumps about their special interest(s), Has very few friends unfortunately, Always sits in the very back of class
Oh God wtf is That: Wild Overly-Saturated Colors, Gets personally offended if they ever fit in with the majority, Likes being weird and fully embraces it, Probably had that phase where they were really interested in studying Serial Killers for some reason, Definitely a Chaotic Neutral, Visual Stims a lot, Unintentionally ends up staring at people because they’re zoning out, Buries their issues under a thick blanket of memes and funky music, Vents their emotions through their art or writing or whatever artform they choose
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comicweek · 6 years
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5 Thoughts on Daredevil “Blindsided”, the one with the hallway fight
.1 The Big Moment
Well, readers, we finally made it to episode 4 “Blindsided” aka the Hallway fight episode. It is a pretty good sequence. After watching it though, and taking in considerations my feelings on the previous episode, “No Good Deed,” it left me with a feeling that this is still the kind of episode that reverts to the Netflix mean of storytelling. Instead of being an episode that is linked by time, it is an episode that has That Big Thing™ occur but lacks the support structure to make it a good all around episode.
Functionally there are elements that make it a piece of episodic storytelling: Matt goes to jail and gets out, Foggy thinks about running and does, Karen calls her source and meets. These threads are setup and payed off in this episode and some even point towards future plot points, but it lacks the kind of thematic unity to bind it together and make “Blindsided” stand out as a whole instead of for the 10 minutes in the middle of this 54 minutes and 20 seconds long episode.
Obviously you want some sort of Big Thing or climax in your episode. That is how you create a dramatic arc to things. With the proper support structure it can push that big moment over the top, see the reaction to the 6 minute shot from “Who Goes There” in True Detective season 1. Even when you didn’t know the particulars of that sequence was coming, everything was building towards it. The Hallway Fight and larger prison riot sequence happens pretty much dead smack in the middle of the episode. It’s a great sequence, and then the episode goes on for another twenty minutes and it all feels deflated.
To a degree there is some sort of binding motif in this episode, there is this idea of our core trio not giving into fear of the previous episodes and getting to work on fighting Wilson Fisk. Matt tries to get an in with the Albanians. Foggy finds himself running for District Attorney. Karen continues to tug at Wilson’s financial strings. These threads form the core of the episode and payoffs in this episode. How “Blindsided” is structured, by putting the prison riot in the middle, undercuts the cumulative push these threads create making for an episode that peaked early and stayed on too long.
2. Daredevil in Hell
Having Christopher LaVasseur act as the cinematographer for the whole season is to the shows benefit, and it pays off handsomely in the prison riot sequence. There is a consistency to how the action has been treated that gives it a flow you don’t have in prior seasons or in other shows. The sequence, which features the requisite hallway fight, expands on some of the core concepts of how LaVasseur, the stunt team, showrunner, and directors, have been using with the action up to this point.
LaVasseur shoots the action in a handheld style, I’m not sure if that is the specific type of camera they used, but the way in which the camera follows the action and the little bumps and wobbles along the way evoke the handheld feel without turning it into The Bourne Supremacy. Those bumps, wobbles, and the way it chases after Matt Murdock give it a naturalistic aesthetic. Which is the opposite from how most male action is done, action exists to emphasize heroism and through mise en scene establish masculinity (see Stella Bruzzi Men’s Cinema: Masculinity and Mise-en-Scene in Hollywood). LaVasseur’s camera instead highlights the struggle and vulnerability of Matt Murdock. It turns the fight and prison riot overall into an arduous journey through Hell with flickering red lights and rhythmic elements from a whirling alarm and monotone announcer stating “Code 33. Code 33. Lock down is now in effect.” The long takes that sandwich the sequence help build this feeling of weight and length in the viewer, even though it’s only 10 minutes overall.
As Matt finally gets in the taxi, it feels like we’ve been on an epic journey. The episode should’ve ended with Matt being driven off, it was the emotional and physical climax of the episode for the viewer in an episode that otherwise didn’t have that sort of arc.
3. Being a (Super)hero 4. What About Foggy? Or the continued adventures of the Supporting Cast 5. Who Eats a Hamburger with a Spork?
Read All My Thoughts @ MultiversityComics.com 
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stormphoenix · 8 years
A Tag Thing
Tagged by @never-adrift, thank you! :)
Nickname: Stormy  Star Sign: Aries Height: 5′4″ Time right now: 8:19 PM Last thing Googled: I didn’t do these in order so I was probably checking to make sure I spelled “correspondents” right Favorite Music Artists: Fall Out Boy, Shinedown, Neon Trees, Scorpions, Go Periscope, The Correspondents Song Stuck in Your Head: “I Want You Back” but the Glee version with Grant Gustin
Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner - Fall Out Boy
Classic - MKTO Last Movie Watched: I honestly don’t remember. The last one I saw in theaters was Rogue One.  Last TV show Watched: Legends of Tomorrow What Are You Wearing Right Now: Jeans and an orange camp t-shirt, glasses     When did You Create Your Blog: 2012 (yikes) What Kind of Stuff Do You Post: 20+ fandoms at this point, memes, random text posts (my blog is a mess) Do You Have Any Other Blogs: Nope Do you get asks regularly: No, but my inbox is open :) Why did you choose your url: I’m Marvel trash Gender: Female Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw (and my Ilvermorny one is Thunderbird!) Pokemon Team: If I were on one it’d be Mystic Favorite Color: Dark blue/purple Average Hours of Sleep: Probably around 7 Lucky Number: 3 or 7 Favorite Character(s): Captain Cold, Ben Wyatt, Alex Danvers, Taylor Hebert (if you guys haven’t read Worm yet, you are missing out)  How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With: Usually just one, but lately two because the ones at my house are too small. Dream Job: Treehouse sitter Followers: 382 Several of those are spambots, so 377. Favourite Animal: Dragons Cat or Dog Person: Cats Dream Trip: Back to New Zealand When Did Your Account Peak: I think it’s still going up. Never really understood this question. What Made You Decide to Make A Tumblr: Wanted to see quality content™ from a couple of Marvel blogs without having to bookmark them and check back constantly  Fictional character you’d like as a sibling: Maybe Alex Danvers? She’s pretty cool. I think I have enough siblings though How many blogs do I follow: ...839. Wow. Guess that’s what happens when you’ve been on this trash site for going on 5 years (and never bother to unfollow inactive blogs) Aesthetics: Steampunk! I don’t know names for the others. Space is cool, glowy things are nice, odd combinations of things are usually pretty neat. Magic and dragons are cool. Anything with ace colors is super cool.
I never know who to tag for these, so if you haven’t done it this year and you are wearing anything green, consider yourself tagged :)
(If you’re not wearing anything green, feel free to do it anyway, I like reading these.)
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