#it's super rainy here so i have way too much fucking candy and not enough trick or treters
lovely-necromancy · 3 years
A Cure for Insomnia CH. 10
Even with the fatigue you felt after your laughing tic, you couldn't go to sleep at all last night. Which isn't a big deal, after all you are a chronic insomniac who has had an on off sleep schedule this week.
After twelve fifty-two hit and you still weren't tired or even close to doing your tired tics you did the only thing you could think to do on this technical Saturday morning. You started on your weekly tidy of the house. Bless whatever powers at be that you ended up in this cottage outside of town rather than an apartment unit surrounded by neighbors. The amount of complaints you would've gotten would have surely gotten you evicted.
It's not like you could stop this behavior, well you could but if you start doing nothing when you have spurts of insomnia you'll get lazier when you need to be productive. Banking on the fact that you'll just do it when you have insomnia. It happened all the time when you were in school, and while that worked for a while it wasn't a healthy way to cope with your sleep disorder.
You've found doing productive things or anything you would do when the sun was up typically helps you regulate you circadian rhythm faster than it ever did when you just laid in bed praying for sleep to take you.
It isn't at all surprising when you finish your chores around two forty that morning. With nothing better to do and not being at all in the mood to do any attempt at art or reading. You decide to settle in to watch a movie. It starts with scrolling through Netflix and seeing Coraline, then that turns into Paranorman, which turned into Corpse Bride, several episodes of the old Twilight Zone.
By the time you were finished with the fourth episode it was already one in the afternoon. You really needed to start baking if you wanted fresh cookies for the movie tonight. Setting up your monster movie hard drive to play a movie for background noise you set out on baking.
It's a super simple recipe you started using back in high school but it's always a hit at parties. Maybe it's because you fold candies, chocolates, nuts, or whatever topping into each cookie individually. You can't say for sure but everyone loves them, and you think that's nice.
Creaming butter while the sounds of a woman screaming in agony as a zombie eats her lower intestine seems very much on point for you. However, you soon find yourself drowning out the movie as you hyper focus on the mixing of ingredients. You tripled the recipe, hoping to make a mixture of mini sugar cookies, mini chocolate chip cookies, and mini mini M&M cookies. If you had thought about it more you might have grabbed a jar of maraschino cherries to add them to the mix. Although you think three batches of mini cookies might be a little excessive so four may have been overkill.
'Oh well, no turning back now.' you think preheating the oven for four hundred degrees and roll tiny half inch dough balls while you wait.
After about fifteen minutes you assume the oven is hot enough to start baking. You line the first tray up all with sugar cookies. You only get two thirds of the bowl down on that tray. It was your biggest one too. Setting a timer for ten minutes so you could turn the cookies to let them bake for another three after that, you turn your attention to folding a handful of chocolate chips into the next bowl's dough balls. Placing the new chocolate chip dough into the bowl holding the rest of the sugar cookie dough as you go. You nearly finish that when the timer goes off to spin the tray. Honestly at this rate all your dough will be ready before you even have one bowl down. You hope you can finish baking in time for the movie.
It's five o' two by the time you put the last batch in the oven. You've been cleaning as the cookies baked and now your kitchen is nearly clean once more. Just a few more dishes to do after that batch comes out and you pack up the cookies.
Letting the most recent batch have a chance to cool you start placing all the cookies in your three largest containers. You'll need to grab a fourth container for the last of the cookies, but all the cool cookies are now ready for transport.
And with how early in the evening it is you should eat something now so you can have some room for snacks later. Time to finish off that pizza. Taking a slice out to the bins and placing it neatly on the ground for Chonk, whenever it is he decides to come and claim it, you turn back around to finish baking and get your dinner. After pulling the cookies out and setting them to cool you reheat your dinner for tonight.
Sitting down, plate in hand, you're just able to catch the shift into the next movie. Teen Wolf 1985 starring Micheal J. Foxx. Not a scary movie by any means but you keep it in the storage drive for rainy days. And even though today isn't raining you think it'll be a good watch.
You can not believe how utterly painful that was to have just watched. It was so average that it might as well not had the werewolf aspect at all! The acting was average, makeup was ok for the time, but the writing was just the worst. And the ending basket ball scene? It felt like a cheesy early 2000s Disney Channel original movie. You're pretty sure if you combined several Disney movies you'd have that exact plot. Hell Don't Look Under the Bed was scarier than that, and it was a better story too.
Checking the time you see you have about the average length of a Disney Channel movie before you have to leave. Good because you really want to watch Don't Look Under the Bed now. Switching over to your Disney+ account you find said movie and rush to put everything up as it runs through the beginning credits. With cookies packed away and the containers stacked and ready you plop back on your couch to immerse yourself in the early 2000s “horror”.
Just as the hand comes from under the bench to caress Fran a knock rings through your home, effectively startling you. Your eyes shift over to your front door, it's nearly eight thirty on a Saturday who or what is all this far out? Getting up from the couch you make your way over to your door, unlike every horror movie you have your phone and contacts pulled up and ready to dial. Phone behind your back and thumb hovering over Hollis' contact you open the door. Where three figures greet you.
Tim stands in front of the other two, dressed in dark jeans a gray tank top and red flannel with the sleeves rolled up past his elbows. Brian stands behind him and to his right, he's wearing regular jeans and an olive v-neck. Jesus fucking Christ is it 2012 and no one told you? Toby off to Tim's left is in black jeans a black t-shirt with a green short sleeve button up that has a little alien head pattern. Well, they don't look like they're here to murder you with an ax, so you move the hand from behind your back and let it rest by your side.
Missing the two tense gazes as you move the appendage.
“...Um, hi?” what would normal people do in this situation? Was this even a normal situation to find yourself in, what with three men you've just met at your front door.
Tim seems to be looking for his words, he must be out of his element as well. On the other hand Brian seems content to let Tim flounder around for a bit, all the while Toby wrings his hands together. You can't tell if it's from nerves or his tics.
“Hey..uh, so you mentioned Saturday Dead. But we're new so..and we..” Tim is even worse with human interaction than you are.
“We were wondering if 'stop it' if you wanted to ride with us and give us directions.”
Oh that makes sense.
“Yea sure thing, c'mon in. I'll go get ready.”  You give the men some space to enter your home. Then lead them to your living room,
“Make yourselves comfy.” you say as you leave them to change.
Once in your room you lock the door, although you believe you have a good reading on Toby to not be the type you can't be too safe around new men.  You opt to change into the first shirt you grab from your closet, black t-shirt with several flatwoods monsters on it along with the phrase 'squad goals' and a pair a black joggers. Perfectly comfy for a chill movie night at the crypt.
“That was fast.” is the first thing you hear when you reenter the living room.
Toby had no problems making himself comfortable in your home, since he is sitting on the couch, seemingly watching the movie with your fidget cube in hand. Brian and Tim, on the other hand, were leaning on the wall separating the living room and kitchen.
“What d'you mean?” you asked Tim confused, tilting your head to the side.
“Well, uh” he seems embarrassed by this for some reason, “women normally take a long time changing is all.” Ooooooh now you get it he's a misogynist.
The room goes quiet with Tim's stupid opinion. Toby ceases all fidgeting, Brian however looks as though he's a cat that caught a canary. He must enjoy the pain and embarrassment of others, the dick.
“Mmmh I don't think that's true,” you'll let this one slide but Tim's on thin ice, “Anyway I'm not a woman. I'm trans agender.” Tim has the decency to look embarrassed for stuffing his foot into his mouth. But it isn't really his fault you never mentioned your pronouns or lack of gender to him, and you mix and match your masculine and feminine days. Understandably you won't blame him for not knowing your pronouns but that misogynistic comment will still be marked as a red flag.
“I am so sorry.” and he truly does sound sorry for the slip up.
You shake your head and shoo away his apology, “It's good, you didn't know.”
“We ready to go?” you ask looking around the room. Tim and Toby nod, the younger man moving off the couch to stand with you all when Brian speaks up.
“Actually, Toby don't you have to use the restroom?” Said man pauses on his way over to your little group, “No.” voice laced with confusion and irritation.
Tim jumps in with a stern, “I really think you should.” Toby cuts his eyes at Tim and Brian.
As weird as it is for one grown man to tell another to go to the bathroom, let alone two grown men, you quickly remember Toby's CIPA.
“Dude the drive itself is gonna be nearly an hour plus the two hour movie. The Cryptonomica only has one bathroom and like thirty people will be there tonight.” You assumed you'd also get a glare for insisting on the matter. But you only get Toby's furrowed brow in response and he looks uncomfortable right now, not intimidating. He's probably embarrassed that his new acquaintance...friend? Is also present for the topic of his bathroom habits.
With another glare to Tim and Brian, Toby pushes past you and down the hallway. Normally this would leave you in an awkward situation but thankfully you have escape tasks!
Marching over to the entertainment center you turn off the TV. Spotting your fidget cube on the table where Toby left it, you decide to pocket it just in case he'd want to use it for the movie.
A loud thud startles you and you look up to see Tim picking up a few books that fell from the bookshelf.
'Weird...' you think as you watch him place them back onto the shelf they fell from.
“A...sorry.” as he places them back you notice one side of the shelf is tilted downwards. It must've just lost that little nub that holds the shelf up in that corner. You probably have a few spares floating around in one of your trinket holders.
You give Tim a small 'it's fine' as you pass him on your way to the kitchen. Cookies all set on the counter you go over to your fridge and grab the popcorn bag off the top. Opening the fridge and retrieving the Surge for Kirby you are all set on your snacks for tonight.
Placing the Surge and popcorn on top of your cookie containers you go back to the living room to join the boys in waiting for Toby. Who is already coming out of the bathroom, drying his hands on his jeans....He knows you had a towel for that right?
“We should be good to leave now.” Brian says turning from Toby to you.
“Ok yea, after you guys.” you side stepped  back into the kitchen doorway to let the men pass you.
“Want some help?” Toby asked as he walked closer. And as much as you wanted to say no you had it, you really didn't want to drop the Surge and have a big mess everywhere.
Nodding to him, thinking he was just going to take the things at the top or even the top container with them. Toby reaches out and barely brushes your hands at the bottom before taking the entire load into his own arms.
It felt like someone rubbed sandpaper across your knuckles and fingers where his hands touched. The burning sensation persisted even long after his hands had moved away.
It's the first time you've gotten bad vibes from Toby's touch. He's probably in a bad mood, his touch hasn't held much intention before but this hurts. Or you could totally be reading too much into this with too little sleep and you just aren't having a tactile day. You never have tactile days really just small windows where if someone is lucky they can squeeze a pat on the shoulder or a high five out of you.
“Hey, that's not helping.” you call out following the men out of your home.
“It's not?” he asks, “Then what is it?” why's he have to sound so smug about this.
“Condescending.” Toby blinks in surprise at the no nonsense tone of your voice.
You weren't harsh with your words...at least you don't think so. You were just stern in how you said them, wanting to get your point across.
Turning from the men you lock your door and check twice to make sure. When you turn back to face them you grab the top two containers of cookies, and subsequently the popcorn and Surge laying atop it, from Toby.
“This is helping. I could do this much at least.” Toby nods dumbly as you pass them and make your way to the cars.
“We can take ours, we'll drive you back.” Tim says unlocking their little sedan.
That seems fine, after all if you ended up wanting to stay later Kirby would totally let you crash on the couch in the basement and take you home in the morning. Or whenever he woke up tomorrow. And that way you wouldn't be keeping the boys too late. It is their first Saturday Night Dead and first time meeting most of the young adults in town. The night was bound to get draining.
You agree and hop into the back seat on the driver's side, Toby sliding in from the opposite side, leaving Brian to take the passenger seat and Tim to drive. You and Toby place the cookies in the middle seat and you thank him for his help. He quickly nods and looks out the window, knee starting to bounce slightly.
“Where am I going?” Tim asked as you all got buckled in.
“Ok, so we can either drive all the way through town or drive through the forest and across the river.”
“Which is faster?” Brian chimes in as Tim bristles.
“Forest.” You do catch Tim's reflection rolling his eyes at your reply.
To be fair with this group you wouldn't chance getting stuck in the forest on your way to a horror movie night. Like that's kind of a horror movie cliché right there. You and Toby are young enough that you're sure someone would mistake you two for late teens, in fact you know it's happened to you several times in the past week alone. While you're fine going into the forest at night by yourself it's only because horror movies don't center around one person dying in a forest by some ancient entity.
'But they do start that way.' that thought almost makes you want to cut back on your nightly hikes, unfortunately you have no other coping mechanisms for your insomnia other than hiking or driving. So you'll ignore that thought for now.
The car is quiet as everyone waits for someone to respond. Toby's knee bouncing is more obvious as it begins to jostle the car. He's also staring down at his hands, still red from his picking yesterday, wringing them together. Clearly the stationary car is getting to him, he breaks the silence.
“Will someone fucking say something?”
“Sorry,” you say gently to him, “Yea we can just go through town. Tim do you know where Whistle's Auto is?”
“Uh yea,” you catch his quick glance towards Toby in the rear view mirror.
“Cool just head in that direction and keep on Highland Street.”
That's all you had to say before Tim was shifting gears and driving off. You notice quickly that he's a faster driver than Toby was. It's yet to be seen if that should make you uneasy, you'll have to see how well he breaks.
When you guys had made it through town and Tim came to a stop in front of a sign proudly stating 'Welcome to the Cryptonomica' they were understandably concerned by the lack of a building or any other cars. You get out of the car and grab two of the cookie containers, when you made a grab for the other two and the snacks on top Toby kept them out of your reach and exited the car as well.
“So where is...everything?”
“Oh we have to hike. The shop's further in the forest.” you say as you walk on past Tim.
“You said people were gonna be here.” Brian chimes in.
Right this now looks like you have dragged them to a parking lot in the middle of no where in a small town that they don't really know people in. Great going YN. Way to look like the bait for a weird cult looking for sacrifices.
“Yea the Hornets. They're the local “biker” gang.” the stunt group probably had the dirt bikes out today, it was nice enough for it.
Understandably the men hesitated before following you. Toby was the one who quickly caught up with you, perks of longer legs, and matched your speed to the shop. It didn't even take five minutes before you saw the shop and a few Hornets out front smoking or just plain loitering.
A chorus of “YN!” “Hey we missed you last week.” “Yo, did you hear..” rang through as you greeted the group. Upon seeing the containers of cookies the chorus was replaced with cheers and you were given excited praise as they made way for the four of you to be let in. So embarrassing, you flush under the praise getting a little energy boost from it as well. Your mood however changes when you lock eyes with the person running the booth tonight. Keith Warren, second in command and assistant manager of the Hornets. Despite having no beef and all the same friends you two have never clicked. It's almost your thing to be completely rude to each other when you do interact.
“LN” his disdain is clear too, “Ten dollars bucket.” he hadn't even looked at you the jerk!
“Forty tonight, brought friends.” you placed the containers you had on the table as you dug the money from your wallet to pay for you all.
Keith does look up at that, literally the only time more locals come in is during Halloween when they want to get into the spooky season. So he's surprised to see three new faces attending Saturday Night Dead.
“Hey there, name's Keith.” you roll your eyes as he introduces himself to the group, you'll just slip away now since you already paid.
“Rude!” Kieth calls out, “Small talk!” you respond. You vaguely hear the rest of the introductions and Keith waving off the guys when they try to pay again. Oh maybe you should have actually told them you'd pay for their tickets, you thought it was obvious you invited them and they even drove you here. It's just polite that you cover their tickets this week.
Soon Toby is back by your side, you have a feeling you won't be able to loose him tonight if you tried, as you walk through the shop and towards the trap door in the back. The trap door that leads to the panic room converted into movie theater on Saturdays. Once you get down you bee line for the table in the back that is already half filled with snacks and some sodas. With Toby still following you he copies your moves of opening the containers and placing them on the table. You take the Surge and popcorn away from Toby, throwing the popcorn over in the direction of your corner seat and bring the Surge over to the man working on the white screen set up.
“Present.” Kirby pays no mind to you as he struggles with the screen. So you wait silently for him to just kick the thing and move on. Like clockwork Kirby kicks the bottom cover and the rest unravels perfectly.
“I need to replace this.” he says, just like he does every week.
“Oooh thank you.” he grabs the battery acid marketed as a beverage and spirits off. Weird guy.
“That's Kirby, he runs this place. Normally very chill but between the Picnic and movie night he ….just needs a break.” it's the nicest way you can put it. Toby just nods and scans the room wringing his hands together uncomfortably. You've noticed he hasn't ticced once since leaving the car, maybe he's suppressing them despite how anxious he clearly is.
Doing your own scan of the room you see that Tim and Brian haven't made their way in yet, Keith probably talking their ears off. Better them than you, you suppose. You're about to ask Toby if he wants to find them when the local power couple walks in.
“Party starting soon my dudes sit tight!” Jake announces as he and Hollis walk in to take their usual seats.
“Op spoke too soon babe, YN's here.” Hollis let out a chuckle when you rolled your eyes.
“Came without a soap box, hope cookies are suitable.”
And both are already grabbing a few of your mini cookies before they've even sat down. You really are glad you made them. Remembering Toby's with you, you introduce him to your friends.
“Tobais these are my friends Jake,” the blonde smiles warmly, “and Hollis.” They cover their mouth and toss a peace sign up as their mouth is still full. “And this is my friend Tobais.” he raises a hand to greet them.
“Hey, you're the new guy over at Auto right? You fixed Katrina's bike up quicker than Lewis ever does.” When Toby nods Hollis continues, “Man she's been saying how much smoother it rides now. Think I can stop by this week and get you to take a look at mine?”
“Yea, that should be fine.” and with that the two began to talk shop, literally. They just started talking about Hollis' bike. Normally all the Hornets do their own maintenance on their bikes but their motorcycles still need inspections and what not. This is really working out for you, your friends all getting along.
Thankfully it seems the topic calms Toby down a little, and you can see a head twitch or two make it's appearance as the two speak. Hollis being the chill person they are, and being used to your own brand of tics, makes no comment or acknowledgment of his tics.
Jake pulls you into a conversation about plans for a hang out at H2Woah that was fun, later after all the picnicing was done. Said he wanted to try surfing in the wave pool, you aren't sure about it but you agreed you'd teach him at least the basics of surfing if he taught you how to snow board. Didn't take much for the deal to be sealed.
Tim and Brian finally made their way down to the basement and you raised a hand so they could find you and Toby. Really it wouldn't have been too difficult but with everyone starting to pack in you didn't want anyone to be out of the group. Introductions had been made and everyone took to their seats.
You were already in the corner opening your popcorn when Toby sat down on your left blocking you from the rest of the room. Thinking on it if Toby wanted to eat he'd probably be too self conscious of his scar to take his mask off.
“Hey...actually would you mind if we switched?” he just gave you a lazy look before standing up and letting you scoot into his previous spot before sitting down in your spot. This way you could in theory block the view of his scar later.
You notice how his eyes dart in the room, despite Brian and Tim being just behind you two Toby still seemed on edge in the space. He has looked a bit uncomfortable all night, maybe that's why he was sticking to your side. You're way less outgoing than Brian is and Tim seems content to let him do his own thing. You feel bad, like you pressured him into coming and now he's paying for it. Toby looks a few minutes away from ripping the skin around his nails off again and you don't want a repeat of that.
“Here.” you whisper as the lights go off, handing Toby the cube from your pocket.
It's a quiet moment between you two as the trailers of the DVD play out and Toby focuses in on the cube. You note how he gravitates to the marble and joystick sides the most, always moving his thumb across each in a counterclockwise motion before reversing for a beat. Counter counter switch counter counter switch counter counter counter switch.
Once he found his rhythm with the toy you see tension leave his shoulders a little. Is he even able to feel the tension in his muscles?
You shift focus to the screen as the opening credits play out. And if you weren't sitting so close to Toby you'd missed the clucking sound coming from him. Knowing he'd get more anxious about his tics in this “quiet” setting you opt to ignore them and focus on the movie. After all the more relaxed he is the less likely he is to tic meaning the less anxious he is and more he can enjoy himself tonight.
About a third of the way through the movie you catch Toby sliding his mask off one ear, letting it shield his scarred cheek, and grabbing a handful of popcorn. You can't hide the giddy grin on your face from the action. To say you were worried about Toby not enjoying tonight was an understatement. But he had to have felt some comfort to slide his mask off in public, right? Your reassurance comes in the form of another handful of popcorn, as Toby pays no mind to you and only to the demon currently dancing on the screen.
With a terrible movie playing and a less anxious friend at your side you settle down a bit more yourself. Barely noticing when your head falls on Toby's shoulder as you slip into unconsciousness.
You wake up to the roaring of Kirby's snores and popcorn in your hair. A typical Sunday morning for you since arriving in Kepler.
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aquarrificc · 6 years
please give me some cracker!teacher craquaria content. aqua doesnt even have to be cracker's student gjfdgjkhdfjgkh it's mostly an excuse for cracker to be super dominant
Took me a while but here ya go! Sorry for any mistake, it’s a little bit hard writing porn in English akjdnkajdnka 
Next time ask me for dominant!Aquaria 🤪❤️
Miss Brianna Heller was a good teacher.
She always made it in time for her French classes, even on rainy days. She was kind, respectful and extremely beautiful.
And Aquaria Palandrani knew that very well. From the way her pencil skirt embraced every curve of her wide hips, to the way the fabric of her blouse stretched with every movement because her boobs were too big.
But Ms. Heller wasn’t stupid; she was 34 years old after all. She was aware of Aqua’s gaze most of the time, of how she always looked for extra tutoring sessions with her and constantly failed the subject just to get extra lessons.
Her tiny school skirt was always a source of distraction, revealing her long, slender, pale legs covered in black thighs. Yes, Aqua was gorgeous and she knew it. From her pouty pink lips to her long blonde hair.
They both had this twisted game about who could tease who the most. Until now, none had given in; not Aqua when Ms. Heller leaned in front of her to help her with the grammar of a sentence, letting her tits fall all over Aqua’s face. Not Brianna when Aquaria stayed after school to ask her for tutoring, placing one leg on top of her desk and lifting her skirt so high that her tiny lace panties were visible without much effort.
However, all this changed one summer afternoon. With the current state of her grades, Aquaria was going to have to retake the subject and Ms. Heller was concerned. That could stain the blonde girl’s academic record and jeopardize her chances of applying for college.
That’s why she called Aquaria to her personal office in an attempt to find alternatives to solve the dilemma. Little did Brianna know of the mistake she had just made.
The meeting started in a formal and proper way. Aquaria arrived on time, a little flushed and with a lovely scent of roses. She sat in front of Brianna, her legs painfully clasped together. As Miss Heller explained the situation to her student, the younger one didn’t seem to be listening to her; she even looked more nervous than usual with her dilated pupils, flushed face and heavy breathing.
For a moment, Bri thought the news had upset her and even asked Aqua if she needed to go to the infirmary.
Aquaria’s only answer was “I only need you”, followed by a cracked moan. Brianna was about to reply when the girl spread her legs wide open.
The words died instantly in her throat.
To her surprise, she discovered Aquaria wasn’t wearing any panties under her mini skirt. She was there, wide open with a small oval dildo plunged inside her pussy that throbbed in desire. Her pinkish labia was glistening with fluids pouring lewdly from her vagina; Aqua was so fucking horny.
At that point, Miss Heller’s morality split in two; right and wrong. Her common sense refused to take part in such a shameful act and sensing this, Aquaria’s trembling hands began to masturbate her own clit.
A needy “B-Brianna… Please…” was enough to throw away all her self-control. So there she was, with Aquaria lying on her desk and each of her legs on top of her own shoulders.
She devoured her pussy with impetus, swallowing every drop of her essence and delighting in the sour taste that spread across the tip of her tongue. The dildo was still inside Aquaria and the remote control was handed over to Miss Heller; a sadistic vein flourished inside her, an almost animalistic urge to break and crush little Aqua.
Her pink manicured nails played with the dildo’s speed. When Brianna’s mouth sucked on Aqua’s clitoris, nibbling and pulling at the skin that covered it, she lowered the number of vibrations. Bri loved playing with Aquaria’s reactions, delighting in the way her student’s body tightened and twisted against her will; a victim of over-stimulation.
Suddenly Brianna took Aquaria’s legs off her shoulders and settled between them, leaving the remote control behind. Closing the distance between them, Bri stroked Aqua’s face with tenderness making her sigh contently; but soon the touch became aggressive and Brianna ended up squeezing her neck without really hurting her, she only wanted to deprive Aquaria of oxygen.
“Do you think I’m stupid? This whole damn school year you’ve been doing the same thing. Playing innocent while you teased me all the time.” Brianna muttered in a stiff voice, admiring the way Aqua opened her lips to reply, but falling silent instead.
Her free hand ventured into her student’s crotch, pulling the dildo out of her vagina roughly and placing her index and ring fingers instead. Brianna pressed her fingers hard inside her, smiling victoriously as she felt Aqua’s legs squeeze around her waist.
“How many times have I thought about this, Miss Palandrani. To have your body under mine and make you scream until you lose consciousness. Fuck, if only you could see yourself right now… What would your parents think of you; their pretty little girl playing as the slut of her favorite teacher.”
Miss Heller’s words went directly to Aquaria’s pussy, an electric shock numbing all her senses. Her teacher’s fingers pounded roughly against her, pushing in and out with every thrust Aquaria received.
“B-Bri-… I-I” Aquaria tried to talk but it was useless, the pressure on her neck made her so dizzy that her eyes began to tear up a little bit.
Noticing this, Brianna raised an eyebrow and took Aqua’s face violently into her right hand.
“It’s Miss Heller to you. Do you understand, Aquaria?” she said strictly, squeezing the girl’s cheeks in her grip.
The girl nodded quickly, captivated by her teacher’s beautiful brown eyes.
“Good. Open your mouth, sweetheart.”
Without having to tell her twice, Aqua obeyed the order and even stuck out her tongue. With a half smile, Brianna pulled her face closer and spit a string of thick saliva on the blonde’s tongue. She watched in wonder at the way Aquaria willingly accepted the exchange of fluids, moving her tongue from side to side to avoid spilling it. It was a matter of seconds before both mouths met in a longed-for kiss; their tongues entwined with repressed lust, licking and sucking every hidden part of each other’s mouth.
As the kiss went on, Brianna’s fingers continued to work their magic. Fingering Aquaria was an interesting experience; it was way too wet and sticky, fluids staining the inside of her legs and part of the desk. But still, nothing compared to the sweet sounds her pretty little mouth made. The sound of her heavy breathing was pure music for Brianna’s hungry ego.
Bri’s lips left her student’s mouth, descending down her neck and biting her fiercely in an outburst of possessiveness.
"I-I want to… Touch you t-too…” Those were the young lady’s weak words, her delusional eyes having a hard time focusing on the mature figure that was making her lose her mind.
Brianna didn’t respond right away, she just stopped moving her fingers. Without warning, Bri grabbed Aquaria by the hair, pulling her without a bit of care. Aquaria moaned in pain, shutting her eyes closed as Brianna bit her right in the middle of her neck; it did hurt, but her pussy only got wetter. She loved the way Brianna was treating her, call her sick or a fucking masochist but it made her so horny it hurt.
"You don’t deserve it, Aquaria. How dare you even ask me such a thing with the horrible grades you have in my class? I don’t know if you think French is a game, but until you improve at least into a B+ I won’t let you touch me one bit. Ç'est clair, ma chérie?”
Shit, did Brianna just fucking speak French? Because that raspy accent went straight to Aquaria’s pussy; forcing her to moan terribly loudly. She didn’t know her body could act in such a whorish way with just Brianna’s voice.
”Ohg-g-god… Yes! Y-Yes it is!”
“Very well.”
And only then did she continue abusing her body in the most delicious way possible. Brianna pulled her hair as she bit onto the blonde’s erect nipples, sucking on those pink buttons like they were the most delicious pieces of candy. Soon Aqua’s body stiffened and she twitched all over, her legs trembling as a broken scream came out of her throat; echoing throughout the room. Brianna smiled with dark pleasure, feeling her fingers being squeezed inside Aquaria’s pussy; such a beautiful orgasm, she thought.
Aquaria ended up looking like a rag doll flat on the table; limp and breathless. Her hair was messy, her body was drenched in sweat, her lips, neck, and boobs were covered in red bruised and her legs were a sticky mess. A few dry tears could be seen staining her face, as well as a smile of utter satisfaction on her lips.
For a moment silence reigned, and clarity came to Miss Heller once again. A strong embarrassment came over her as she looked at her student lying on her desk with her skirt up, legs apart and tits out; completely and utterly fucked up. She coughed slightly and took a handkerchief from one of her drawers and started cleaning her fingers. Once Brianna finished with herself, she walked towards Aquaria so she could do the same to her.
“… Is it true what you said?” Aqua’s sleepy voice brought her out of her thoughts, and only then did she turn her face to look at those beautiful blue eyes that looked at her with great adoration.
“Excuse me?”
“If I improve my grades… May I be able to touch you?”
Oh, that… Oh boy, this was a little awkward. Brianna remained silent and ended up sighing; it was foolish to deny the hopeless attraction between them, as well as the feeling of affection that had grown over the years.Miss Heller continued to gently wipe Aquaria’s body, carefully running the handkerchief over the bruises and hickeys she gave her; placing soft kisses across Aquaria’s pale skin.Aqua sighed at that, a silly smile appearing on her lips.
“You may be able to get into a good college, have good recommendations, get a good job… And yes, you may touch me.” Brianna whispered with a faint blush on her face, finally facing her student.
Aqua’s teary eyes looked at her fondly, and a strong determination filled her body completely. Brianna smiled at Aquaria and placed a small kiss on her lips.
“Come on, I’ll help you get dressed and take you home.”
“All right.”
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welovekpopscenarios · 7 years
Professor (Hyungwon x Reader)
Admin: Candi Fandom: Monsta X Member/reader: Hyungwon, female Genre/warning(s):  smut, teacher kink, spanking, body worship Words:  2.9k Summary: You and your lecturer have been dating in secret.
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                “Shit I’m so late!” you say to yourself as you run towards your favourite classroom. You were in studying fashion design. Hyungwon was your lecturer and he grew quite fond of you over the year. It was your first year in college and Hyungwon was very useful when it came to helping you find yourself. You went into the course not knowing if it’s something you definitely want to do but Hyungwon made sure it is. His class was your favourite ever since you two started dating. No one knew about it and it would be better if it stayed that way, it wasn’t illegal but it was frowned upon, maybe that’s what made it so appealing.
                 You walked into the classroom out of breath and sweaty, you could feel his eyes on your body. He was known for being very strict so the whole class watched attentively.
                   “Take your seat!” he hissed. His cold tone made your whole body shiver.
                   “Why are you so late?” Minhyuk asked. Minhyuk was your best friend ever since you two met in middle school. He had similar interests to you yet you were so different, that’s what made you good friends.
                   “I was out last night until 3am, I slept in!” you replied.
                   “What the hell were you doing out at 3am?!” Minhyuk asked angrily. He was quite protective over you which usually annoyed you but you were too tired to argue with him so you just ignored him.
                   You opened your copy and began to take notes. You couldn’t concentrate because you could feel him staring at you for the whole class. You were sure someone would notice and he’d blow your cover. The reason you were so late was because you were out with Hyungwon last night and you lost track of time. You were also quite surprised he managed to make it on time to class himself since he sleeps pretty much 20 hours a day. Minhyuk was next to you falling asleep and you heard footsteps coming your way, you knew Minhyuk was in for it.
                   “Get out of my class!” Hyungwon said calmly. Unfortunately, Minhyuk didn’t react to it seeing as it was 9am and he was sleeping like a baby. You tapped him on the shoulder and didn’t even make eye contact. He looked around confused and saw Hyungwon staring at him. He didn’t even have to repeat himself, Minhyuk knew he was meant to leave.                  “I’ll see you later.” He whispered.
                   I waved at him and my eyes met Hyungwons. His stare was hungry, not angry, whiney almost. You felt a tingle in your core. You tried to concentrate on the rest of the class. You were so tired but you knew you could not fall asleep in his class, you were too smart for that.
                   The professor finally dismissed the class. You packed your stuff up and tried to leave but you felt a tug at your wrist.
                   “You’re not dismissed.” You feel the cold breath on your neck which makes you whimper.
                   “Hyungwon please I’ll be late to my next class!”
                 “You were late to this one. Why?”
                   “I slept in I’m sorry. We were out so late last night and I had a bit to drink. It won’t happen again.”
                   You loved every bit of control he had over your body, you did as you were told and you never thought you would, you’re not the submissive type but he had you wrapped around his finger and you loved it.
                   “Go to your next class.”                  You were quite disappointed by his remark, you were hoping for a spank or getting bent over his desk and getting fucked but you would have to wait till tonight.
                   “Not even a spank?” You decided to be confident.
                   The second you said that you were pressed against a wall with his long leg between yours, his hand on your throat, long fingers wrapping around it tightly, so tight you gasped for air. He leans in and whispers “Not yet princess, we don’t want our little secret out do we?” He let go of you and you were so breathless you grabbed your stuff and left the classroom without saying a word.
                   “Hey, are you okay?” Minhyuk met you in the canteen.
                 “Yeah I’m fine.”
                   “What happened to your neck? Why is it all red?”                  “Nothing, I’m just really warm maybe that’s why.”                  The rest of the day seemed to drag. You’d see Hyungwon in the corridors walking to his next classes or going to the staff canteen. He never made eye contact with you in the corridors, it was like you didn’t exist and you seemed to get off on that.
                 For the rest of the day you just played your date over and over in your head. You and Hyungwon went to a nice restaurant and to a theatre, he had great taste, something you needed. All the other boys that were interested in you were just boys, they weren’t men, they wouldn’t keep you as interested as Hyungwon does. You have been seeing each other for 4 months now, you haven’t had sex with him yet but you did do other things, he’d touch you, you’d suck him off but never direct sex and you were starting to want more, touching and oral wasn’t enough anymore, especially after how he man handled you in his classroom this morning.                  It’s 5pm and you’re finally done with all of your classes. You tell Minhyuk you’re in a hurry so you can’t walk him to his bus. He never asks about your dating life, he respects the fact that if you’d want to tell him you would, he isn’t pushy and never was, he lets you have a lot of space.
                   Your date with Hyungwon is at 8pm and it was time for you to pick what to do and you decided on having a quiet night in. You didn’t want to dress up, you just wanted to be with him, make dinner for him and watch a movie. Hyungwon would have preferred something fancier but he agreed to your choice. You insisted on staying over since you both didn’t have classes the next day and he agreed. You were hesitant at your choice to stay over but the feeling of regret quickly vanished. You packed your bag with the essentials, did your makeup and put on lingerie under your casual clothes.
                   “I’m here.” You get a text and grab all of your things and go outside to see his car. He was quite wealthy so he drove around in a BMX i8 which valued at $136,500. You couldn’t wait to see how good his house looked.
                 You get into the car quite nervous but as soon as you sit he gives you a warm peck on the cheek. You felt yourself blush. Hyungwon wasn’t a big fan of the lovey dovey stuff but he made an effort for you. He puts his hand on your thigh as you drive to his place. Your heart starts to race and you wonder if it was a good idea to even start dating him in the first place. You try to remain calm but he notices you’re nervous, you played with your thumbs and spoke a lot.
                   “Why are you so nervous?” he asks with one of his eyebrows raised.
                   “I’m sorry, I don’t know. I was never in your apartment and I’m staying over so it’s making me quite nervous.”
                   “Have you thought of a movie you want to watch?”
                 “I don’t mind, you can pick since I picked the date idea.”
                 “You should pick.”
                   You didn’t argue because you knew he was a man of taste, he’d probably make you watch a classic movie and you weren’t in the mood for that.
                   “Would you be against watching a horror movie?” you ask hesitantly.
                   “Sounds good.”
                   After 30 minutes of driving and you beating yourself up for your choice of dating him you finally arrived. He lived out of town, his house was situated away from any form of civilization and he lived right next to a forest. At that moment, you wanted to go back home, this felt like a start of a thriller and you knew how all of them end. He took your bag from the car and led you to the front door. He opened the door for you and turned the lights on in the house. You stood there dumbfounded, you couldn’t believe your eyes. The whole house could hold at least 5 families.
                   “You live alone?”
                   He smirked and let you absorb the beauty of the place. It was like a countryside cottage but for the wealthy, the dark reds and browns gave the place a very comfortable atmosphere. You walked in, took off your shoes and threw yourself on the black leather couch that was right in front of the fire place. Hyungwon went to a different room but you didn’t even notice, you were too in awe with the place. You walked into his kitchen, it was bigger than your room, it had an island and everything was black, marron and brown with a wooden finish. You were in love, you loved cooking unlike Hyungwon. You started looking around the cabinets and the fridge to see what you could make for dinner.
                   “I’m just going to take a shower, make yourself comfortable and you can get started on the dinner, I suck at cooking anyway.” You hear Hyungwon say from another room.
                   You seemed lost in his kitchen, you had no idea what to make even though your cooking was always praised, you wanted to impress him. You decided to make sundubu jjigae which was a soft tofu stew. It’s made with super soft tofu, a few bits of seafood, addictive kimchi soup, and an egg thrown on top, there’s not much else as comforting on a cold rainy day. You didn’t waste any time and got all the ingredients and got cooking. You were so into it you didn’t notice Hyungwon come out the shower. You didn’t manage to even start cooking yet, you just prepared the ingredients. He stood behind you and wrapped his long arms around your waist turning you around, he pressed against you and gave you a long but soft kiss. You cupped your hands on his nape and brought him closer. His soft kisses turned into hungry and longing kisses. He lifted you up and sat you on the counter, you wrapped your legs around him. You felt the burning feeling in your core heighten. You let out delicate moans as his tongue explored your mouth.
                   He lifted you up, took you to the bedroom and threw you on the bed. He wasted no time and was on top of you in seconds. He started taking off your clothes and noticed you wearing the lingerie.
                   “So you came prepared.” His remark made you blush.
                   He continued to take off your clothes, looking at every inch of you. “You’re so perfect.”
                   You started taking off his shirt and pants, you felt his member brush against your hand. You pushed Hyungwon to the side so it was easier for you to get on top. You were sitting right on top of throbbing member, the feeling of it brushing up against your pussy made you so wet. You leaned down to kiss him. You were rubbing yourself against him as you were kissing and biting his neck.
                   “Stop teasing!” he ordered.
                 As usual, you followed his command. You crawled down to his waist leaving kisses along the way. You were at his dick and you started kissing it through his underwear making Hyungwon throw his head back in pleasure. “Take it in your mouth you little bitch!” You took his underwear off and he positioned his member at your mouth, grabbed your head and shoved it into your mouth making you choke on it. You didn’t try to fight it, you continued to suck his dick. You grabbed it with your hand to keep it still as you licked it from the bottom up. Hyungwon kept eye contact through the whole thing making it so much more intimate. You kept sucking as he pushed your head down making him moan.
                   He took your wrist and positioned you on your back, making him the one to be on top. “Do you want me to eat your little tight pussy?” he asks you and you can’t find it in you to answer. “Answer me, do you want me down there? My tongue between your folds making you feel so, so good?” You look at him and you nod. His hand wanders to your thigh, squeezing it as he kisses you. He slips his other hand into your underwear feeling how wet you are. “Baby you’re so wet for me.” You moan in agreement. He puts one finger inside you making you squeal but he takes it out straight away, he puts the finger in your mouth making you taste yourself. “You like that?” He makes his way down to your pussy. He slowly takes off your underwear and the thought of him staring and the most intimate part of your body makes you tremble. You can feel his wet tongue making circles around your clit, you close your eyes to enjoy the moment. He puts two fingers in you and hits that wonderful spot that you can’t reach yourself. You finally let out a loud moan. “That’s right baby, don’t be scared, no one can hear you.” He pumps his two fingers into you faster and faster, you can feel you’re close. “Hyungwon I’m so close.” As you say that he stops. “I can’t have you cumming yet princess.”
                   He positions himself at your entrance, he looks at you for reassurance. You quickly give him a nod. He slowly puts his head in you and you moan. “Baby moaning already? Are you sure you can take this?” he smirked. He started slowly putting the rest of himself into you, you felt every inch, every centimeter make way past your walls. You grabbed onto his shoulder and dug your nails into him form pleasure. You couldn’t believe you waited this long to feel his dick in you. You felt yourself getting more wet. “You’re so wet for me, it’s so fucking hot how much you want me.”
                   “I can’t believe I didn’t let you do this to me earlier.” You finally found some strength in you to answer him back.
                 “You’re mine now and I’m needy, you’re gonna have my dick in you a lot and you’re gonna love it more and more every time.”
                   He turned you around so both of you were facing a massive mirror in his bedroom, you were on your knees with your face in the duvet, you could see him as tall as ever, pumping his dick into you. “Look at how beautiful you look, we look so good together baby. Do you like watching me fuck you?” he leans over to kiss your back. He’s going harder now, you pick up his rhythm and he spanks you, the force of it makes you jump. He massages the pain out and does it again making you curse. He repeats it a couple of times until he has you screaming. His dick is hitting your spot, the pleasure and the pain from spanking is making you wetter every second. Your walls begin to clench. “I can feel you’re close. Cum for me baby.” His words make you moan and you feel your climax approaching. You grab the sheets and bite into them. You climax right on his dick which makes him cum inside of you as well. You never had an orgasm so good. He gives you a few more pumps while your knees weaken. You fall on your side and he falls with you.
                   You lay with him in silence as the both of you gather your breath.
                   “You were so good princess, how about we go down to the kitchen and make some food?”
                 “I can’t feel my legs so just give me a few moments.”
                 You were surprised at how quickly Hyungwon was able to gather himself since you knew he was a very lazy person. He left the bedroom to let you put on clothes and empty yourself. You quickly looked in the mirror and adjusted your eyeliner with your fingers. You took a deep breath and went downstairs to meet Hyungwon on the couch dozing off. You crawled on top of him, planted a kiss on his soft lips and put your head on his chest. He turned on the TV and the rest of the plans that you had for the date never happened as you both fell asleep on his couch. The next morning you woke up before him which was no surprise. You quietly made your way to the kitchen and finished preparing what you started yesterday before you were so rudely interrupted.
                   The smell of the food woke Hyungwon up and brought him straight to the kitchen, he sat down on one of the stools and you served him breakfast.
                   “I could get used to this.” He smiled at you sleepily and you smiled back at him. You knew you could get used to this, you loved every second you spent with him. He always looked so good and always took care of you. This was perfect.
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noteviljustlazy · 6 years
It My favorite moments from Splatfest 17 Trick vs Treat. 
3 days later than expected but just in time for Halloween!
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High Horoscopes | February 2017
Now monthly: The HIGH TIMES astrological forecast, complete with strain recommendations!
Ask Aelie anything! Find her on Facebook and Twitter.
White is the color of raw cotton, the hair of our grandparents, soft kittens that bounce on toilet paper and Casper the ghost. It is crisp linens, a flag of surrender, racist pointy hats and robes, clouds, and snow. It is the absence of color and yet it contains all colors. It is heavy with implications in society, politics, mythology, psychology and art. It is lighter than air. White is complex, as are you. There is no way through this month without blinding yourself in the bright light of revelation. A woke moment is upon you. Keep a grip on yourself during this time or the white you see could be from the padded cells of a hopefully symbolic sanatorium. Strain recommendation: Green Crack
Brown is the color of hair, eyes, skin, fur, and Mother Earth. It is natural things like tree bark and poop. So much of our living world is brown. It is comforting, organic and wholesome. It is real. It is your color this month. You are incapable of fakeness right now.  You are so you: all over the place, all over your face, inescapably you. Some like it; some don’t. No matter: keep your chin up and get on with the business of doing you, to-the-max. And there is a lot to do. People need telling off, others need inspiring. You’ve been procrastinating but now’s the time to make your mark. You will be heard, believe me. Strain recommendation: Super Blue Dream
Pink is the color of little animal noses, party dresses, cotton candy, some people’s lips, genitalia and skin, a rare steak, a monkey’s butt, a flower. It is sensitive and raw, much like you are this month. Careful not to upset the pinkness of you, your friends and family are walking on eggshells. You are not the strong pink of the women’s march knitted pussy hat: you are the easily offended and hurt by everything light pink of a scraped knee. I send many pink candy hearts your way in hopes that some compassion will ease the sting of this month, but I also offer you a pink ribbon to remind you that many have it much harder than you right now. Strain recommendation: White Rhino
Black is the color of hair, of fur, of skin and the night. It is the stuff of myths. It’s powerful and clean, containing all and consuming everything. Like white, it can represent almost anything to anyone, from mourning to fashion, from outer space to the sacred place behind our closed eyes. It holds all colors and is the absolute absence of it. It is taken seriously. You wear the color black on your soul this month. You are everything and nothing. You are the ALL. Rarely are you more capable of achieving what you desire. You have the strength and gravitas to make big things happen. Pick your direction, and GO, GO, GO. Strain recommendation: Tangerine Haze
Yellow is more than the color of Donovan’s true love’s hair. It is the sun, the moon, the stars and cake. It’s Big Bird and buttercups, jaundice and pee. Most yellow things are as frivolous and carefree as a Tweety Pie eating a banana. Your yellow month has arrived, and I encourage you to make the most of it. Be silly. Speak in nothing more than dad jokes and limericks. Give no fucks. Everything must slide like water off a rubber ducky’s back. You will be forgiven for peeing in the pool because you can’t help it: the cosmos have nothing serious planned for you at all. If something heavy does come down on you, put on your yellow rain coat and take it with a spoonful of golden honey. Strain recommendation: Honey Bananas
Green: nature abounds with vibrant shades of it. Verdant fresh cut grass: that is your smell this month. Spring forward, fresh and awake to all possibility. A brand new mindset is upon you, clean and unjaded. Beware however, green is also the color of gangrene, rot and infection. Keep your health up, take your vitamins and charge forth with the vivacity of a zesty lime. It’s no fun to be that person who refuses to shake hands in cold season, but you’ll have to take the social hit to secure your wellbeing. There is so much to do and this young frog needs to jump! Strain recommendation: Red Headed Stranger
Orange rhymes with nothing and not many things are naturally orange beyond the namesake fruit, pumpkins, some flowers and birds, and those rare freckly-faced beauties. It is a special color because it is somewhat scarce while also being the color of an element central to our survival as a species: Fire. You have an orange aura about you this month. We are, in fact, at the start of the Chinese year of the Rooster; being similarly hued might not be a bad thing. But what does Orange mean to you? Whatever part of you that is absolutely unique is the orange bit, and that’s what’s shining right now. Nurture it, love it, and revel in it.  Be proud to be a ginger! Strain recommendation: Super Silver Haze
Purple will always be associated with Prince. He, of course, chose it to underscore his Princely name, as it is traditionally the color of the monarchy. I’ve also heard it described as the color of mental instability, dreams, sensuality and pain.  It is somewhat rare in nature though prevalent in objects meant to resemble desirable things: like flavored juice, candies, paintings of sunsets, semi-precious jewels (with the exception of the rare Purple diamond) and hair dye. You can be royal or you can be a reasonable facsimile at a reasonable price. Most people won’t bother to investigate any deeper than what you choose to present on the surface, so either way, it’s your call. Strain recommendation: Blue Dream
Beige is often knocked as being bland and insipid. Sometimes simple can be good though: it is a staple of a classic wardrobe for example. And beyond fashion, beige fur is a very handy natural camouflage for animals in a desert location. All in all, it is a safe and somewhat boring choice. Some people are beige, as is sand, paper and dry long grasses. If you haven’t guessed, the theme here are things that are mundane; exactly how your month should be—a careful, uneventful, lame month of regular household duties, easy work and a bit of telly before early nights to bed.  You might as well act like you have the stomach flu and only eat weak tea and toast. Take it easy, you need the rest—to heal and to prepare for what’s to come. Strain recommendation: Purple Urkle
Blue is the color of almost everything. Ask most people what their favorite color is and they say blue. It’s the stuff of dreams, clear waters and bright skies.  It’s too big to fail; it’s all they said it would be but more; it’s everything but the kitchen sink. It’s overwhelming and calming at the same time. This is your month in a nutshell. Endless streams of paper boats floating on still waters. Hunker down, take it one page at a time, enjoy the breaks, breathe deeply and hug your animals a lot (people are animals too).  By this month’s end you will master the blue, and it will elevate you as reward. Strain recommendation: Blackberry
Gray used to be considered depressed, institutional, and monotonous: basically Kafka’s The Trial if it was a color. Then it became the new neutral: accent walls and button down shirts popped up in grays. After that it got kind of cool, like Black’s little sister who’s just old enough to party and is bringing some new Scandinavian friends with her to the museum rave. These days it’s cozy: a fuzzy microfiber blanket and a Weimaraner dog on a rainy day in a beach house. After an eternity as the stalwart color of stalwarts, it has drastically changed personas many times in the last 15 years. What a surprise it has turned out to be. This is your gray time. You are a chameleon, switching up your tactics and tones with the ease of a variety show performer. This should come in handy as you navigate the many worlds you visit this month. Strain recommendation: Panama Red
Red is a heavy hitter color—it connotes passion, rage, fear, sex, hell, love, heat, boudoirs and Chinese New Year, Valentine’s Day and clown noses, fire trucks, cherries, hearts and blood. You are dripping in red, my Pisces friends. So many oohs and aahs to be had this month. How exciting, painful, wonderful and terrifying. Brace yourself, eat well, grab whatever sleep you can: a rollercoaster is picking you up from work and a waterjet is dropping you off. A tidal wave is your shower and a cyclone your hair dryer. It’s elderberries and ackee for breakfast, puffer fish for lunch and Sannakji for dinner! But without the risk there is no chance for reward! Strain recommendation: Agent Orange
from Medical Marijuana News http://ift.tt/2jV89Vo via https://www.potbox.com/
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