#it's the one time of year he's an actual social butterfly HAHAH
dojae-huh · 1 year
Hello Huh nim....how is your weekend....it is going to be a long post!!
Consider me one of the happiest follower of your blog who started to believe in jaedo after reading your blog...want to knw how funny was my situation? I was a dotae shipper (still I get butterflies from their moments..that much I treasured them...and still but as best friends) and always look for their moments where only I can see jae interrupts them...even during concerts when jaedo hand holds instead of dotae then I skip that part....but after reading and understand every little thing about jaedo I went and checked every handholding moments of jaedo during concerts!!!hahaha
Between jae and do I am more into jae becoz even just by observing his actions we can get how much he is whipped for do...ofcrs do loves him but it is hard to differentiate from the love he gave to others..dy loves and show his affection to evryone even to jae there are times when he purely adore him as his little brother..that is the mother instinct in him..okayy...I agree..considering that way jae is more of a romantic person who can easily show the world that dy is his only by his actions!! But he is more matured now and can keep his poker face even the world is collapsing....recently I think do got more brave and being very clingy but still gets shy!!! I want to knw when he is going to stop being shy....but deeper in my heart i likes it too...when dy gets shy it is kinda cute!!
I think You started this blog during nct 127 debut?? So most of the questions about jae and his jealousy , obsession towards do and your view about it according to that period too... like pushover and puppy jae who want to follow a smart nerdy like dy...his jealousy and obsession during that time one thing that every onesided love who even got rejected once have...what about now...jae is more matured and not a pushover anymore...and i think more successful than dy and also have lots more fanbase than dy too...he is good at controlling his affection to dy where he shows more into others...actually my doubt is in one of ur old ask one asked what are the chances of jaedo's breakup and you replied like yes they can part ways but mayb jae is more into monogamy thing so he wont let go of dy that easily..but that's is 3or 4 years ago...now is very different...do you think jae still has that obsession ( you also said by obsession you meant it is difficult for jae to social interact so he value dy more than others) and now he is acting on movies which is going to a big hit I wish and going to interact with lot of people etc...so would that change anything?? I even started to think that what if dy want to stay and jae wants to leave?? I cant even imagine!!!! I think i am the one who is obsessed with them...and I knw it is a big fool of me to ask about their relationship status and their future...hahah!!!..but I believe you would have a clear insight on this as you are a great observer...and I like to read whatever you write so feel free to share your thought on this...thankyou...have a nice day...
I played with death this weekend... heh. I mean, I handled an animal that could easily end my life (it was a controlled situation, no worries).
You seem to be a person who likes romance, you say you enjoy the ship a lot these days, then why are you in a hurry to spoil your fun with thoughts and questions about possible negative future? Will you even follow JaeDo in a few years to see how they will change? If you think that me assuring you that JaeDo won't break up will help you to feel secure and continue to ship with ease, it won't help. With a mindsend of worry for the future any small dating rumour or other Do-/Jae- ship looking more "real" will cloud your day.
I answered your main question before, so I'll be brief. For JaeDo to break up they need to become different from today people. Something profound should happen to change their view on things and change their circumstances. Both of them are monogamous people to think cheating is OK to turn their relationship in that full of lies, and both of them need emotional support, a safe harbour, to get much more out of a partnership than just sex, i.e. they both have incentive to work on maintaining it. Other people they meet might be handsome and nice but they won't have the history and the deep understanding of Jae's/Do's character and position.
As of now, Jaehyun is not more successful than Doyoung. Jae has more fans as an NCT member and, seemingly (we don't really know), a better brand deal, on the other hand, Do has awards and three additional professional paths (MC, OST singer, variety host). They are nobody as actors, and haven't started their solo singer careers.
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islandiis · 2 years
[Right now Fannar has red, white and blue paint streaked clumsily across his cheeks - courtesy of one of the many children out enjoying the celebrations in town - and he's got a bunch of flowers in one arm, too. And he just looks so happy, positively beaming with pride.]
Gleðilega Þjóðhátíð!! Til hamingju með daginn!
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tihgnari · 2 years
profiles — teyvat stripers
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ꕤ ayato — spent his first year in teyvat university before studying abroad as an exchange student during his 2nd and 3rd year. yn and ayaka were 1st years when he was a 2nd year in abroad, this is why yn never met him before. he's now a 4th-year student majoring in business administration. lives in his own apartment bc he's rich. was the one to suggest thoma to ayaka as her vice president. can hold his alcohol the best among everyone.
ꕤ thoma — teyvat uni's vice presi in the college department. 4th-year, major in psychology. unlike ayato, he gets drunk easily. thoma can be friendly but also very private so he has 2 phone numbers: 1 for his inner circle, and another for his fixer-upper duties. when students found out, they kept asking him for his personal number (hence, his bio). roommates with itto.
ꕤ itto — widely known in the university as that one handsome TA but bc of his height, some students mistake him as an actual professor. 4th year, major in communication studies. him, kaeya, and childe get along really well due to being party-goers. he's all about drinking beer and getting drunk, unlike his 2 other friends who go to parties hoping to get laid. roommates with thoma.
ꕤ kaeya — fuckboy #1. 4th-year, major in business administration like ayato. has quite a bad rep around the university due to his flirtatious attitude. despite this, he's a good friend and takes the bro code seriously. he's roommates with childe. 2nd best in holding his alcohol. if a subject doesn't require attendance, he doesn't go but you can still expect him to ace the exams.
ꕤ childe — fuckboy #2. loves getting drunk with friends and isn't solely going to parties to look for a hook up like kaeya. but he's a young lad with a high sex drive so he lets the girl of the night pull him in an empty room or cubicle. 4th year, major in aviation because he wants to be a pilot to fulfill his dream of becoming mr. worldwide.
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LOWKEY » masterlist : next
a kamisato ayato social media au
summary — it was only recently you found out kamisato ayaka was, in fact, not an only child after all! seeing ayato for the first time gave you the severest case of the butterflies but according to ayaka, he's off limits, especially to you as her most treasured friend. well, what she doesn't know won't hurt, right?
notes — i may or may not have been carried away by their character descriptions lmao sorry HAHAH anyway, idk why but childe in aviation just makes so much sense to me.
🏷 @rinrinchin @nejibot @mich-cola @viiolettee @m1kotsu @katsumikumo @kaz3yo @yanderehornyyae @xingqiusliegee @cherri-bomb-ash @et3rn4lp4rad15e @boxdisappeared @lovelyycherries @ferumie @love6cks @luvvmeilin
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Seen ✓ - 3
Pairing: Sam x Reader Warnings: cursing, a bit of self depreciation Word Count: 2.2k Series Summary: On her way home, Y/n finds an abandoned, cracked phone on the sidewalk. Anxious about the well-being of its owner, she picks it up and texts the first contact she finds; Sam. Beta: None
Part 1  -  Part 2 Masterlist
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Chapter 3: for the love of god, explain this
Sam Winchester lies awake at three in the morning, under foreign, scratchy sheets, stubbornly not tearing his eyes from the cracked, ugly wallpaper on the ceiling. A lot of things are happening and his brain is going about a million miles an hour, spinning endlessly, Castiel, Dean returning from hell, the stress of the hunting life, the current case and… Y/n. Wonderful, smart, talented, funny Y/n.
It’s been a while since someone has made him excited. He keeps bumping into her in his mind, keeps finding thoughts of her lying around, eager to distract him. He catches himself wanting to text her about every stupid thing that happens in his day, much like she sometimes does. She’s been the only thing that makes his heart a little lighter, and it’s such a strange feeling, someone’s presence being this uplifting.
He was suspicious of her at first. A strange woman (at least she claims to be one, he forgets he’s never actually… seen her) asking about him, his profession, and then about… ghosts? A bit random, too specific, Sam recognizes he got defensive. But the way she spoke afterwards… he doesn’t know.  His instinct tells him to trust her.
Amidst his thoughts, he doesn’t remember picking up his phone, but it’s just one of those nights, he needs someone to talk to- or rather, wants Y/n specifically. A thought he chooses not to dwell on.
are you awake? I can’t sleep.
I actually am. Lucky you.
Sam smiles. Lucky me, he thinks.
isn’t it like 4 am for you?
Tell me about it. No luck sleeping either.
happen to you a lot?
I happen to have anxiety induced insomnia.
Working at a bar also helps fuck up your sleeping schedule as well.
i’m sorry :/
i don’t get much sleep either. something always keeps me up.
Yeah, I get that.
Where in the Great Unites States of America are you today?
hahah it’s Oregon today.
it’s the ugliest motel room i’ve ever been in.
Do I ask about your case or is it confidential?
it’s confidential but i’ll tell you that i am investigating a bunch of strange murders.
You’re investigating serial killers?? That’s so fucking dope.
something like that yeah.
how was your day?
Oh, you know. The usual.
College assignments, a shift at the bar. I went out with a friend I hadn’t seen in a while.
I need to clean my house desperately.
I also nearly burned my kitchen down trying to cook lunch. Emmy and I ended up eating some lazy-ass spaghetti, because pasta is the only thing I can cook, apparently.
hahahah what were you making?
You’re gonna laugh if I tell you.
well now you must.
Ugh, do I?
come onnn
It was eggs, okay? I was just trying to make eggs.
Sam laughs over his phone, as silently as he can, so as to not wake Dean up. He turns on his other side and realizes his cheeks hurt from smiling, and it’s a feeling he’s missed.
Yeah, yeah, laugh, culinary genius. Not all of us can be perfect.
i never said i was a culinary genius
but at least i don’t go near stoves if i don’t have to.
Well, it’s not like I can afford every-day takeout (or like that shit is healthy, even if I could) and someone has to cook for my sister while she’s in school
you have siblings?
and yeah you’re right i didn’t think like that sorry.
It’s okay.
And yeah, my sister, Emily.” Emmy”
oooh i thought emmy was your friend.
Nono, it’s my sister. She’s 17.
can i ask you a personal question?
why do you have to take care of her? are your guys’ parents not around?
you don’t have to answer if you’re not comfortable with that.
Well, it’s a bit complicated.
My parents’ marriage kind of fell apart when I was around 10. They tried to fix things by adopting a kid- Emily. For a while that worked.
When I was 16 my mom took off and dad took care of us for 2 years almost. He really dedicated himself to us.
He worked his antique shop and supported us. For two years, I didn’t see him spend a penny on himself.
But I ended up having to take care of Em when he passed. I was freshly 18, so I could take care of her as a guardian.
shit i’m so sorry.
It’s okay, honestly.
I mean, it didn’t use to be, and it was hell for a while.
But we made it.
i admire your positivity.
I try :)
i also love that you put smiley faces in your text messages.
Shouldn’t have said that, now I’ll always think about it before I do it
Sam bites his lip. What the hell is happening? They’re… flirting. Sorta. And it’s nice- better than nice. Fuck.
What about you?
you mean what’s my relationship with my parents?
Well, when you put it like that it sounds stupid. It wasn’t what I was asking either.
What I meant was, how’s your life right now. How’s the family business. You can pick which you wanna answer.
i don’t mind either honestly.
as for my parents my mom died when I was 6 months old. my dad passed away about a year and a half ago.
Jesus, I’m so sorry Sam
I don’t know what to say. It can’t have been easy. Losing a parent never is.
it wasn’t but as you said we’re trying to sort of find our footing with Dean. we’ve had our ups and downs.
Yeah I understand that.
Do you wanna talk about it?
right now not really. I mean there’s not much to say about it.
i kinda wanna forget about it. thanks though.
So how’s the family business?
Does it feel good to be paid to be Sherlock Holmes?
crap. but we’re doing our best.
for the record i don’t get paid nearly enough for the shit i have to do.
Hahaha, hang in there.
Dean still refuses to come get his phone?
yeah. he says you can keep it.
Tell him to take care of his devices from now on, this one was battered beyond recognition.
duly noted.
The conversation continued until well after the sun rose. Sam had officially accepted this night to be sleepless, and Y/n was good company. Somehow she took his mind off of everything that was bugging him, made him, if momentarily, forget about it, and he truly loved that about her. The back and forth tended to flow easily between them, and he couldn’t get enough of the chemistry he had with this practical stranger.
Sleepless or not, this night was a good one, after she entered the picture.
The glow on her skin is blue-ish and soft, combatting the one from the fairy lights above them. Laptop absolutely not low in volume, couch dipping under two bodies, slumped together, legs leaning against one another, soft flannel pants and droopy eyes. Emily’s hair is out of its usual half-up hairstyle, exploding with volume and bright, firey color, flowing onto the back of the couch.
Jon Snow is yelling on the screen, and Y/n is completely ignoring him, constantly checking her inactive phone and the way the screen doesn’t light up with Sam’s name. Every time she feels disappointed, she tries to quell the relentless thoughts of the possibility of him being completely over her.
Damn it.
“Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend I’m not aware of or something?” Emily mutters dryly, half-hearted but gentle teasing. Y/n sputters.
“’Cause you keep checking your phone, and as far as I know you don’t have any friends.”
“HEY,” deeply offended, Y/n places her hand over her heart, glaring at her sister. “Excuse you!” she exclaims, “Connor? Ashley? Lydia?”
“Yeah, a neighbor and two college students that you haven’t talked to in like, what, two weeks? What a social butterfly.”
“Okay first off,” Y/n ignores the screaming and fighting on the screen and shifts to look at her sister. “Stop tracking my socializing.” Em scoffs.
“C’mon, bear, spill.” Bottom lip pouted. She pauses the episode, turning to face her older sister. “Who are they and when can I meet them?” A devilish smile, teasing like only a younger sister can, curling the right corner of her lip.
“He’s not my boyf-“
“AHA! So there is someone! I knew it!”
“I’ve known him for like- what, three weeks? Nothing is going on! I barely know the guy!” Y/n fiddles with her hair and huffs, holding back a smile.
“Where’d you meet him? Is he hot? What’s he like?!” Poking her sister’s thigh continuously, she grins wide, excited. “C’mon, you’re like, no fun.”
“The thing is… I didn’t. Meet him, I mean.” Eyebrows furrow.
“Uh…” Emily purses her lips. “I’m … not following.”
It takes all of five minutes for Y/n to explain to her sister all about her crazy adventure, the lost phone, the brother, Sam. The girls munch on leftover garlic spaghetti, talking about the stranger on the other side of Y/n’s screen.
“He’s just… different? I don’t know- I just, I’m intrigued I guess. He’s mysterious and hilarious. The type of guy we’d hang out with. Why pass it up?”
“Just hang out?” Emily wiggles her eyebrows. Y/n shoves her.
“It’s really not like that.”
“I don’t know, Y/n, he doesn’t necessarily sound just friendly to me.” Y/n won’t lie and say she hasn’t thought about it. She’s a romantic after all, and what a wonderful, movie-like love story would it be for them to fall in love and march into the sunset?
But she recognizes this is the romantic side of her picking up speed on a subject that definitely isn’t for her to decide alone. There’s a second participant in all of this, and he needs to do more than half the work by liking her. She knows it’s no easy feat. A bitter dab of paint dissolves in her chest, because why would he like her? She’s nothing quite special. She’s just a bartender, a college student, a boring, normal girl, painfully mundane, painfully boring. He’s brilliant, kind and sweet, a private investigator, he travels all the time, he’s the most interesting guy she’s ever met for crying out loud. Why would he ever give her a chance?
“I doubt it, Em,” is what Y/n decides to say, because there’s no way she can explain exactly what she’s thinking.
“No, no, you’re doing that thing again.” A hum in question falls from the older Andrews’ lips. “The thing where you put yourself down for bullshit reasons. He’d be lucky to have you.” Y/n wants to roll her eyes. “Hey,” a snap of Emily’s fingers in front of Y/n’s face to catch her attention. “I will literally slap you. You’re smart, funny, kind. He’d be fucking lucky to have you, and if you don’t believe it, I’m gonna beat some sense into you. Stop putting my sister down.”  Y/n doesn’t have anything good to say to that, so instead she lets out a huffed breath of a laugh and sits back on the couch.
“Now,” Emily leans over her own crossed legs and grabs her phone from the rickety coffee table. “Did you Google him?”
“Why the heck would I Google him?”
“It’s the 21st century, Y/n, gosh. Are you at all familiar with internet stalking?” Y/n watched pebbled coffee brown eyes get illuminated by the phone screen, freckles nowhere near as bright as they can be, because she hasn’t gone out into the sunlight today. Emily is gorgeous. Y/n is sometimes jealous, but also genuinely admires her younger sister. “What’s his name?”
“Sam Winchester.”
There’s typing, and then silence.
“Y/n…” And the warning tone on the younger one’s voice completely throws her off.
“What? What is it?” A phone screen is thrust in her face.
Mail fraud, credit card fraud, grave desecration, armed robbery, kidnapping, three counts of first-degree murder, and breaking and entering, she reads. Winchester brothers Sam and Dean, disappeared, considered dead.
“What the fuck,” she mutters under her breath, completely horrified at the chance that this is real and the universe isn’t playing some comic joke on her, creating another pair of Winchester brothers called Sam and Dean who, instead of chasing murderers, are the murderers.
She scrolls lower and sure enough, there they are. Mug shots, but more specifically, the guy from the dating app, smouldering cheekily into the camera –a real blue steel-, holding a police station name on a black plaque, sitting at close to six feet and two. Then the younger one, less joyful and sassy, more serious and puppy-eyed. Sam. Close to what was described to her, it’s all there. Pointy nose, sharp jawline, curly brown hair with a growing, swoopy fringe, pulled behind his ears. It’s him. There’s no way, the coincidences are too many.
“Bear…” Emily stares at Y/n’s shocked face, gaze empty and out of it. “What the hell have you gotten yourself into?”
Immediately, Y/n grabs her phone.
His reply is instantaneous.
hey y/n
i was just thinking about you
what’s up?
Please for the love of God.
Explain this.
She sends him the mugshot, photographed from the screen of her sister’s phone.
Part 4
A/N: Tell me what you thought? How the hell does he even explain this?
I realized I haven’t been tagging my forever taglist like a MORON, so just, sorry, I’ll start now. 
Forevers:   @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester​ @deanssweetheart23​ @nostalgic-uncertainty​ @mogaruke​ @superseejay721517​ @lady-hawkguy​ @thosefeelsarereal​ @superwholockmarauder​  @justiceiswater​ @petra-arkanian-1497​ @heyitscam99​ @danijimenezv​ @aj-reuth  @unicornblood4ever @mystriee​ @sadist-fangirl23 @asguardiansoftheavengers​ @superrandomnatural​ @altosaxplayer098 @winter-moons @hunterswearingplaid​ @novaddictx​ @choosemyname​  @live-like-a-girl​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @bowtomytenderaddiction​  @elara98azalea​ @lemondropirwin​ @emmagolden4118​ @glitchcypher @calaofnoldor​ @paradoxical-sleep​ @narynechan @canwenotdothis​ @suicidepanda07​ 
Sam Taglist
@kymberlytorres​ @theboykingsamwinchester​ @depressed-moose-78 @andi-mendes-barnes​ @captainmarvelcorps​ @nerd-in-a-galaxy-far-away​ @nellachain​
 Seen Taglist  @shutupiminlooove​ @sammysgirl1997​ @kymberlytorres​ @bambi95-blog​ @demonic-meatball​ @thekarliwinchester​ @littlekay15​ @li-m-ii​  @thinspo-isuppose​ @carryonmywaywarddemigodwitch @ellen-reincarnated1967 @moonlitskinwalker​ @marichromatic​ @illuminatus42​ @lazy-author​ @mirandaaustin93​ @hauntedsiriel​ @pilaxia​ @devilgirlsarah​ @nobodys-baby-now​ @captiveties​ @calamitychaos @midiocris @wordswillscream​ @burningforsam​ @aiofheavenandhell​
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obeymematches · 4 years
AAA, hi I'm that first anon ( /w\)
I'm glad you're doing well ❤️ Thank you so much for the content you're making. I've been kinda losing interest in Obey Me but I'd like to request a match-up, maybe it'll help me rekindle my love for the game.
So, hmm. I'm 18 and a bit of a short gal, 4' 11 since I last checked (aaaa, Asian genes. But hey, cute size difference).
I'm an INFP-T, so I kinda suck at socialising hahah. But I make up for it by showing a cheery exterior. It always feels good to leave a good impression.
I usually like to try keeping a soft image, but will also be a loud memelord if I ever get comfortable enough.
I'm about to study HUMSS next school year, dreaming of becoming an arts teacher or prof, if I can manage. But I struggle with anxiety, which kinda clashes with my dream career, since a teacher requires confidence ,w,)
I tend to put others' needs before myself, I always want to make sure my friends are happy. The world is... horrible, so I really try my best to ensure they're smiling. It just gives me good serotonin if I know I made them feel happier.
My brain is horrible at keeping stuff, meaning I'm really forgetful. And oof, not really the smartest tool in the shed. No thoughts, head empty. Only love and escapism✌️😔 My dumbass brain is another thing that clashes with my dream job.
I like drawing, listening to music (distracts me from bad thoughts), video games (my most favs are rpgs and open world), horror stuffs, and crying whenever I see frogs and dogs. I also like plants. Ohh, and shiny rocks, heck yea.
Tho, I'm not really taking care of any at the moment, but I dream of having my own garden. I love the cottagecore aesthetic.
A thing I should add I guess is that I used to be a total weeb, so my behaviour and speech is heavily influenced. I'd sometimes casually drop a 'hai?', 'nani', 'nande kore' and etc. in convos. Kinda makes me cringe, but dang I can't stop.
Even if I don't enjoy watching anime as much as before, I do like anime movies. All ghibli films, Kimi no Nawa, Weathering with You and A Silent Voice are my favs.
I just love the soundtracks so much qoq
My worse flaws are I'm hella sensitive, a huge procrastinator, childish, and easily jealous.
But despite me being a lazy dumbass, if I put my mind into something, I will not stop until I finish the thing. Which means I also tend to overwork myself.
I know it's unhealthy but it really keeps me motivated, aaa-
I also seem to like acting as if I know a lot? I mean, I come across as that but my real intention is I just thought to share my knowledge of the subject.
I just say a lot of stuff because I tend to blabber and jumble my words.
I guess my love language is words of affirmation. Compliments, I love you's, heart memes, cheesy pick up lines that my sleep-deprived self thought of at 4am- all of em!
These are the weapons I torture my friends with o(○`ω´○)9
But ahh, the thing is I've never dated anyone before. I find it so difficult to fall for someone irl, or even gain crushes. Mostly fictional. So I have absolutely no experience in the dating business.
Something to do with my self esteem and trust issues, ekk-
Oof, that's long. I hope that's not too much. Again, thank you so much if you happen to get to write this. Take your time, hun ^w^ ❤️💕 AAAA, and congratulations on reaching 100 followers!
Noooooo i’m so sorry it took me so much time to write this ;; I hope you like the result though! thank you for your patience!!  💕 💕 💕 
I decided to match you with Mammon! 
Here is why: 
Okay so obviously there is a bit of a height difference, I mean he is not even near to being the tallest but thats exactly why he thinks you are the best height - it makes him feel taller and that is good for his confidence. 
Mammon is known for going out and socializing a lot - even if more often than not he ends up in some kind of unusual situation. He is good at taking the initiative in case you have trouble. Just don’t always follow through his ideas he suggests to bond, because most of the time it will end up getting both of you in trouble. I mean it’s not like Lucifer would punish you too badly because of something stupid Mammon got you to do (besides you having to listen to a lecture about why the thing you two did was dumb), but poor friend of yours is not so lucky.  :(
  I like to think of him as a positive, rather optimistic, maybe naive person but I think your cheerful attitude goes well with that. I mean think about the aura you two would spread! 
He would definitely be surprised to learn about your loud memelord side, but that would fascinate him so much because you can open up to him sooner than to his brothers and that also makes him more proud to be with you! I think that would also help him grow some real deep feelings for you
 I think you’d be a great influence on him to help motivating him to put some more energy into his education. Although the only reason he would care more about that is the study times he can have with you, and it is up to you to decide if those sessions are actually studying together (read: you tutoring him and him staring at you in awe when you don’t look but can’t grasp the material) or if there’s an attempt but a couple minutes later he is talking about how to earn money fast and both of you try said method.
Helping him study sometimes would definitely help your self-esteem! I think he can come off as rather confident, so hanging around with people like him would definitely boost your confidence!
I think he would literally melt if someone put his well-being before themselves. Theres no going back now he is lovesick. I mean just think about all the times his brothers make fun of him. 
 I’m prettysure he is the best at making people laugh! He has no care in the world even if he has to do something dangerously dumb to make you smile!! 
He can be rather forgetful too so thats something the both of you have to work on if possible, but relationshipwise that should not cause conflicts. Sure he might forget about some stuff but it’s never your bday or a date with you because both of you are in love. 
I think he can try your hobbies to impress you or just to have another topic to talk about, but he will probably never be the best at drawing. I think the amount of music you listen to would drastically decrease as he is very good at occupying your mind - with positive thoughts! 
It is confirmed that he alsp enjoys videogames and he is good at them, so thats something you two can do together when you don’t really feel like going out. 
If you show him horror movies he will scream and will not be able to sleep well for 2 weeks but he is going to deny that with his life so good luck! 
 I think he would find it cute that you like frogs and rocks and stuff, he might tease you a bit about it at first but if he sees a frog on sale he will spend his money to give you a surprise frog! it will probably be some live magical frog (either poisonous or some weird demon magic frog that will have everyone in the house of lamentation end up in a comedic situation). So that was the last time he got you something he has no idea about without asking you first.  
Oh he would definitely tease you a lot about your vocabulary, but Levi would catch on you because you might not actually be a normie... And thats how Mammon gets too jealous to ever tease you again about something like that - how can he allow Levi to hang out with you :( 
And that brings us to both of you being easily jealous. In some cases that might end in conflicts because one person gets annoyed but in this particular case you just need to have a conversation about it. Set some boundaries both of you are okay with, and no issue! 
I think to make sure your time alone with Levi is more limited he would totally watch anime movies with you! 
He definitely adores your determination! If you ever ask him what he likes about you, he will probably mention this as one trait.
 Hmmm as I elaborated before, you knowing more stuff about things will probably prevent situations that would be caused by Mammon not being informed about some stuff.
Okay so he is definitely one who sends you memes at ungodly hours and you can’t stop him. He is awake, lying in bed, too in love to do anything besides think about you and smile and face the issues of being the local tsundere. And then you send him a meme full of love and he can not fall asleep for the rest of the night, feeling butterflies and imagining soft things with you like he did with nobody else before. 
Okay so I’m not sure about his dating experience, but as far as a know he doesn’t really have much either? in that case both of you could explore this new feeling together! 
So in conclusion this boy is very much in love and he can only hope that you feel the same. Both of you are a good influence o the other and that helps the two of you to grow together. He might have slightly more experience but that’s okay. I see no conflicts here, maybe the only exception being the fact that he can be rude towards you and you are sensitive, but he is quick to stop being rude once he sees why he is so wrong. And that will be the best decision of his life so far because not long after that he is very much in love for the first time in forever. Both of you are loyal to the other and jealousy means no issue. Well, after some conversation, that is. Both of you experience life together and theres always something to do, to see! 
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sheoutcasted · 4 years
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      hiiiii doves!!  (♡´ω`♡)  i’m amanda  (20, she/her)  and i am suuuuper excited to be back;  i can’t wait to properly meet all of you  +  your muses!!
under the cut, you’ll find some information on my lovely little bean, dreamer (yes that’s her real birth name) delamora, as well as some connection ideas  ♥♥
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i.   profile,
full name.   ›   dreamer rose delamora
nickname(s).   ›   dream, little dreamer (only by her mother)
age.   ›   19 years old
gender, pronouns.   ›   cis woman, she/her
sexuality.   ›   bisexual
major.   ›   education
aesthetics.   ›   oversized sweaters with skater skirts, muted colour palette, messy braids, true crime videos at 2am, pouring emotions into an original song, the echo of a recognizable laugh
                                  (  continued... )
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ii.   important information,
› born and raised by a single mother in valencia, spain;  her mother didn’t have much money but still tried to give her daughter the best.  her grandparents would often look after her while her mother was working 2 - 3 jobs in order to make a comfortable living
›  when dreamer was 6, her mother met zacarious (zac) souza and it was genuinely love at first sight  -  they instantly clicked and were inseparable. 2 months later, they’re in a relationship. 1 month after they made things official, dreamer and her mother moved in with him in a 3-bedroom apartment. life is really looking up at this point
›  when dreamer was 13, she started getting alienated by her peers at school. she never really knew or even understood why  -  though it might’ve been because of her generally weird nature  (i mean, who goes up to people with a white bedsheet over them  &  screams BOO! at people?).  as a means of feeling less lonely, dreamer started learning how to play guitar;  it took her a while but once she got the hang of it, she would sneak into restricted areas with her acoustic guitar and play and smoke weed for hours on end.
(MISSING PERSON TW)  ›   when dreamer was 15, she got awoken from a phone call one evening; her (step-)father is frantic, asking if she’d seen or heard from her mother.  she hadn���t;  not in about a day, in fact, which was quite strange considering how close they were. the day after, her mother is filed as a missing person.  hours upon hours are spent trying to find her but it’s to no avail.  rose delamore up and vanished off the face of the earth.  dreamer was even more alienated after this.
›   when dreamer was 16, zac legally adopted her.  the trio  - dreamer, her mother and zac  -  had always been a family; right from the start.  and now that her mother was gone, zac felt responsible for her (which was completely okay in his books; he loves her like his own).  it’s also then that he told her about her mother’s secret college fund for her;  finding out about this made her sob.
›  when dreamer was 18, she finally decided on a school: château campus.  it’s beautiful and she knew in her heart that her mother would be proud of her for picking such a place  -  the pair had started from the bitter bottom and now, dreamer is going to a breathtaking school to study.  her father was most definitely proud of her.  dreamer, herself, on the other hand, has mixed emotions.  she grew up an outcast and now she’s moving to a place where no one knows her name.  things were going to change  -  she made a promise to herself to get out of this outcast label and have a good time at the campus.
›  dreamer is 19 now and settling into the campus.  she’s made a few friends so far  &  already knows who she won’t click with.  she constantly tries to fight her socially awkwardness; sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.  keeping her promise to herself to break out of her shell might prove to be difficult considering she’s only ever been an outcast growing up and has no idea how not to be one.
other random info,
›  her name is dreamer because when her mother was pregnant with her, she was literally like “hahah, what if i named my kid dreamer” as a joke but it ended up sticking because she literally just couldn’t find another name that she liked
›  her mother is a very, very touchy subject for her  &  even after a few years, she can’t talk (or even think) about her without wanting to burst into tears.  dreamer actually always has one of her mother’s favourite necklaces on  -  it’s a beautiful rosegold locket necklace with a photo of their little family in it;  she literally refuses to take it off.
(DEATH TW)  ›  at this point, dreamer thinks her mother is deceased  -  she’s been told by authorities that the likelihood of her being found alive at this point would be very, very slim so as a means of like, making it a bit easier to cope with her mother being missing. dreamer just tells people that her mother is dead  (to avoid the complicated and heartbreaking real story that she’s a missing person).
›  dreamer is genuinely one of the best frigging friends ever  -  if you need someone, even at ungodly hours, she won’t hesitate to get up and be there for you.  she didn’t have very many genuine friends going up so having them is really exciting to her.
(ANXIETY TW)   ›  she has undiagnosed social anxiety and suffers from the occasional anxiety / panic attack when in social situations (like parties or gatherings).  because of the promise she made herself, she’s been trying to push herself a bit more to go to said social situations and stay as long as she can.  she’s honestly really proud of herself for this because she would avoid every social gathering growing up like they were the cheese from diary of a wimpy kid and she’d get the cheese touch if she went.
›  she’s reeeaaalllyy interested in true crime  +  unsolved mysteries.  this honestly might just be something of a coping mechanism so she doesn’t feel so alone (cause her mother is basically an unsolved mystery).  she finds it so interesting, in fact, that if she didn’t want to be a music teacher so badly, she would’ve been a detective.
›  this is just a random headcanon but she gives the best hugs :) and also makes the best brownies.
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iii.   wanted connections,
best friend.   ›   when you first saw dreamer, you could sense those “lost puppy” vibes and decided to offer your friendship.  there was an instant click between the two of you and she considers you to be one of her best friends at this point.  ( 0 / 1 )
bully & mutual dislike.   ›   from the moment you saw her, you knew that dreamer was the perfect target.  quiet, non-argumentative, visibly awkward.  your words play on repeat in dreamer’s mind at night.  she doesn’t like you at all and goes to great lengths to avoid you.  ( 0 / 1 )
one-sided (or mutual) crush.   ›   you know those scenes in movies where the beautiful person walks in slow motion, their hair blowing perfectly in the wind, sparkles fluttering around them.  that’s what dreamer saw the very first time she laid eyes on you and she hasn’t been able to shake off the butterflies since. at this point, you two are friends  &  whether or not that prior-mentioned feeling is mutual is totally up in the air.  ( 0 / 1 )
                                (  continued... )
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sunflowerstache · 4 years
I was tagged by @theasstour and @all-things-fic to answer these questions as Tiny from my story Another World(: thank you ladies, this was very fun!
AW is a self insert so these pictures are what the Wattpad character Victoria looks like!💛
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rules: choose a couple of favorite photos/gifs of your character, copy and paste the questions down below, answer as if you’re the character and that’s been tagged, and then tag some characters/authors you would love to see answer next! (BTW, you’re also allowed to tag an author again if they have more than one character you want to answer these questions!)
1. If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now (work/study), what would you be doing instead?
I’d be primary school teacher! At least that was my plan for after I finished my GCSE’s. I’ve always been really drawn to children and helping them learn, so it just felt really natural for me to want to work with them every day! I like to think I’d be one of those really cool teacher’s that every kid wishes they had and would love going to class every day.
2. If you could change one thing you did or didn’t say in the past, what would it be?
I think that I’ve lived my live making sure not to get pushed around too much, being around dozens of guys every day for years and living such a public eye really helped me find my voice and because of that I feel like I say what I feel needs to be sad. But the one thing I do regret is not telling my sister ‘I love you’ more. If I could go back, I would made sure I told her how much she means to me every time I spoke to her.
3. What’s one personal secret you haven’t told a soul?
I thought I’d made it my whole life not telling anyone this, so in advance I’m very sorry Liam. While on tour with the band, during the Take Me Home Tour I think it was, I just was not having it on the bus. I felt horrible and no matter what I did, I just couldn’t get settled and while the boys had gone out to get something to eat, I got so sick. And I didn’t see Liam’s shirt on the floor and just - ruined it. Had to throw it out and when he asked if any of us knew where it was, I kept my mouth shut. Let him believe he had left it in some hotel. Sorry Liam!
4. If your mum texted you right now, how would that make you feel?
We actually just got off the phone, she was telling me how she ordered some crafts for my daughter and I to do while stuck inside! My mom and I have an amazing relationship, so I’d be happy to see a text from her.
5. Have you pictured your future? If so, what does it look like?
I used to picture it all the time. I would sit in the bus and just imagine what the rest of my life was going to look like; if I’d still be making music, what my house would look like, if I’d be married or have kids. All of it. But now I find myself not really looking ahead too much. I have such a wonderful family and career right now that living in the present is my main focus. I would like to have a few more kids down the road, give my girl some siblings.
6. What is your Zodiac sign and do you agree with it?
I’m an Aquarius and I definitely feel like it’s very accurate hahah I’m a very emotional person and get very attached to the people who come into my life but on the other hand can also be very very emotionaly detached and keep everything bottled in. I overthink everything and am very cautious but love to have fun and be spontaneous
7. Do you use social media? If so, what kinds of things do you post? If not, why not?
I do! I really only use Instagram these days because I get to interact with my fans a lot and do some live-streams that include them, see what my friends and family are up to which is always nice, and keep my fans updated!
8. Who’s the most important person to you?
My boyfriend and our daughter. I’m very lucky to have a large amount of people in my life who love and support me and vise versa, but my life would be nothing that it is today without the two of them. They’re there from the minute I open my eyes every morning to the second I close them every night, to encourage me and tell me when I’m being a pain in the ass and to teach me how deeply a person can feel love for others.
9. What are your interests and hobbies?
I love to paint! I’m no good at it whatsoever, but my boyfriend and I like to do those sip and paint dates and mine looks nothing like the example every time, but it’s so fun and relaxing and a nice time to escape reality for a bit. I also like to take pictures had a bit of career doing it for a few years and it’s something my sister loved to do, so it’s a nice way to feel closer to her. Recently I’ve gotten quite into gardening; flowers veggies and everything in between!
10. Have you ever been in love? Why/Why not?
You know, I used to think that I knew what love was. That how I was feeling as a teen was as good as it was going to get, but nothing prepared me for how in love I currently am. I didn’t know that you could get butterflies from watching your partner fold clean laundry, or that throwing soap at each other when washing dishes would be so funny, or being by their side while their career excels would make you feel so warm inside. I never knew any of that until I got into the relationship I’m in now and I’m so thankful because I keep learning these things every day with him. So yeah, I’d say I’m pretty in love.
I feel like everyone’s already been tagged in this but if you haven’t, please use me as the person who tagged you! I’d love to see your answers!💛
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3monthsineurope · 5 years
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June 1, 2019
Ingvar and I woke up at 4 am Saturday. Wowowowo that’s early! Ingvar and I had spent the week moving his stuff out of his old place, and some of it into mine. He’s spending a few weeks with me in my room, before he leaves for Hawaii for the summer. It’s really nice that he was taking me to the airport! I had packed almost all of my things the night before (and rather well, I might add! I only had four outfits for the weekend packed!), so we left my place around 4:20. We stopped and got gas, and then wanted Starbucks, but all of them were closed in Bellingham!
We hit the road to Everett. I was so excited to try out the new airport! There was no traffic that early, and we ended up stopping at Starbucks in Burlington. Ingvar got a $75 gift card when he left Bank of America (Wednesday was his last day!), so it was his treat. We got to Everett around 5:45, an hour and fifteen minutes before my flight. You can’t do that when you fly out of SeaTac! I said “see you tomorrow” to Ingvar (it was such a short trip but I was happy about it), then checked out the airport.
Security took about five minutes and there are only two gates. The airport felt very much like a lounge! It had fireplaces and a bar and nice couches. I did my make up, then got assigned my seat, 19a. It was a smaller plane, only two seats per row, and only about twenty rows. I boarded the plane, and we took off around seven. I tried to sleep the whole flight, since I slept only about four hours the night before, but the plane was really chilly! I probably got an hour of sleep, which is better than nothing, I suppose.
I landed at LAX around 9:30. I grabbed Starbucks for Haley and I, then she picked me up. It was a good to see her, but the cruise was only about two weeks prior, so it hadn’t been long. We had a busy day planned! We called and talked to Mom and Dad on our way to Haley’s place, where we changed and got ready to go to Universal Studios! I was seriously amped to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! Dad paid for our tickets, since we didn’t go to Universal Studios Orlando, which was really nice! Thanks Dad! We took a Lyft to the theme park, since Haley lives so close, and then we wouldn’t need to deal with parking.
Universal Studios has an area around the park with restaurants and stores, called the City Walk. It’s kind of like Downtown Disney in Anaheim and Disney Springs in Orlando. We saw butterfly mural that was done by the same artist the Taylor Swift commissioned for her butterfly mural in Nashville, so that was a cool surprise. The weather was pretty chilly for LA—65! We were wearing sweatshirts, haha. Our main goal was to see Harry Potter World! We went right there and I was amazed! It really felt like I was in the movies! Haley and I got in line for the 4D ride, Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. I was a littler nervous because I don’t love those rides, but I wanted to try! The line was almost an hour and a half! The ride was pretty scary! Haley and I thought it would be like Soarin’ Over California at California Adventure, but it was must more interactive! I had to close my eyes for some of it, and I’ve basically decided that I don’t want to do 4D rides anymore, haha.
We had a bathroom break, then tried butterbeer! I had the slushee version and Haley had the cream soda version. It was actually so tasty! It was butterscotchy and super rich. We were hungry, so we shared a hot dog and chips, then went for the next ride, the Flight of the Hippogriff. It was a small roller coaster but it was actually really fun, and a much shorter wait! We checked out Olivander’s wand shop, and some other shops. I ended up getting a Griffandor shirt and a Hufflepuff keychain (I’m a Hufflepuff, so I was in disguise in the shirt, hahah). Haley and I took photos in front of Hogwarts, then wandered around the rest of the park. There were Simpson’s, Minions, and other areas. The Jurassic Park ride was closed, otherwise we would have done that! Haley got a hat and some candy, and we took photos with Shrek! That was so funny, haha. We walked around the whole park, then decided to go home to take a quick break and change for the reason I was in LA—Wango Tango, a music festival!
We took a Lyft home and saw Andy for a bit. He had bought a ticket with us, but couldn’t get his shift covered, which was a real bummer, since we saw Taylor Swift in concert at the Rose Bowl, last year, the three of us. I laid down for a half hour, then Haley and I changed and waited for her friend, Alexandra. Andy gave her his ticket, isn’t that nice? The three of us took a Lyft to Carson, where the concert was, at Digital Health Sports Park, formally StubHub Center.
The ride took about 45 minutes. The line for Wango Tango was insane! It took us about half an hour to get in, even though the doors had opened an hour earlier, at 5:30. I had wanted to arrive early, to see some of my swiftie friends, specifically the ones I went to Pittsburgh with, last August. It was almost seven when we got in, so we decided to get some logistics out of the way before getting to our seats. We got our wristbands to access our floor seats and took photos with the Wango Tango sign. We went to the bathroom and got drinks and food. Haley and I shared a mini cheese pizza and it was actually so good! We made it down to our seats and they were pretty good, I was so happy! We had the isle of row 9, in the second section back from the stage! I had better seats for the reputation tour, but they were still really close! Haley and Alexandra has never had such good seats, so that was really cool!
The concert was amazing! 5 Seconds of Summer was first, and I knew a few of their songs. Next up was a kpop (Korean pop) band, called Tomorrow X Together. They were really good dancers! I went up to the food area and met two girls from Twitter, Lee and Jordan, and that was really fun! Fletcher went next, with her song, Undrunk. It was so fun to be dancing and having fun with everyone! Alexandra is trying to make it in the music industry, so she was really fun to be around at, at a concert. Next up was Ava Max, who has a really popular song, Sweet But Psycho. My friends Matti and Bianca came and found me, and it was good to see them!
Ally Brooke came on next. I didn’t know any of her music, but she is a former member of Fifth Harmony. It definitely seemed like she was lip syncing, which was a bummer. She brought out Tyga, a rapper, for a song, and then it was onto the next, Halsey. Halsey has a ton of radio hits, and she put a really good show! Near the end of her set, we ran upstairs and went to the bathroom before the final acts, got a churro and some carne assada fries to share, and Haley and I both got Wango Tango long sleeves. It was a successful trip!
The next act was Zedd. Zedd is a DJ, and really famous. He put on a fun set with a ton of poppy songs mixed in. For some reason John Stamos introduced the next band, the Jonas Brothers! They recently got back together and haven’t put on many shows since then, so the crowd went wild. They played their new songs, Sucker and Cool, and some old ones, like Year 3000, which was so fun to dance to! Also, Hannah B., the current bachelorette on ABC was there and did an introduction, which was cool.
Finally, Taylor Swift was the final act. The reason I was in LA! She came out in a super cool rainbow outfit with a ton of fringe. It was amazing to see her again! The last concert I saw was in Pittsburgh, in August. She opened up with Shake It Off, and I was so happy! She played eight songs: Shake It Off, Blank Space, I Knew You Were Trouble., Love Story, Delicate, Style, We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, and Me! Me! is her newest single, for her seventh album, but that’s all we really know! We don’t have an album name or release date, yet. Brandon Urie, the singer of Panic! at the Disco, is featured in that song, and she brought him out to sing with her. It was amazing to see her preform Me! for one of the first times live. A couple times a camera crew was filming me during Taylor Swift, especially when she was surprising us with We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. I hope I can find that footage sometime!
After Me! Wango Tango was done. Of course, she ended the show with confetti. There were so many swifties that it felt like a Taylor Swift show, which was really cool! During Delicate at the reputation tour, the fans would scream “1, 2, 3, let’s go bitch!” in a pause (don’t ask, haha), and everyone did that at Wango Tango, which just shows how many swifties were there!
After the show ended, we waited for Sergio. We went to Pittsburgh together, so it was so good to see him! He had seat filler tickets, and was lucky enough to have pit tickets near the cat walk! That must have been so amazing! He was taking a Lyft home with us, so we could catch up, since I didn’t get to see him during the show. There wasn’t a designated ride share lot, so a security guard told us to go to the nearby 7-eleven, so that’s what we did. I guess Carson isn’t a great area, so I’m glad it was close by. Haley’s phone was the first to connect to a driver, so she took care of that for us. The ride back to Haley’s was much shorter than the drive to Carson, and we didn’t even have to wait long at the 7-eleven. Sergio and I got to catch up, which was so nice! He is a really genuine guy that I truly consider a friend.
There was some drama on the way home, though. Alexandra found out that her boyfriend had been lying and possibly cheating on her. Alexandra and Haley had been blocked for a social media post, but using my phone, she was able to see her boyfriend “dancing” with a “friend”. Alexandra is a big personality, so she called her boyfriend and his friends and her mom, and broke up with him. Wow, that’s really sad! We all got out at Haley’s, and Sergio took a short ride home. I’m so thankful that I got to see him!
Alexandra came up with Haley and I, and was definitely going through some hard stuff. Haley and I got ready for bed (I was sure tired!). We tried to console Alexandra, but there wasn’t much we could do to make her feel better. Around 1:30, she took a Lyft home, and Haley and I immediately fell asleep. Honestly, it was an amazing concert and I’m so glad I flew down for it! :]
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Online project | #05 Roef Gerbang & 108
Round #05
Roef Gerbang  : RG
Guido Bisagni : 108
Their conversation will be presented in ways like chat record of social network
RG: Hi! Mr.Guido.My name is Cheung. I’m Meiko’s friend, so nice to meet you! Meiko said we could can make this conversation together,  so where can we start? oh, by the way, I’m a skateboarder as well!
108: Hey Cheung! How are you? Nice to meet you! I was a skateboarder! now I have 42 years old, I still have my skateboards, but it's better if I walk or I use bike :)
If you want we can start with something about skateboarding and art/stuff related to it! Like when and why you started to skate or something like that! I'm always super interested about it
RG: Yes,Mr Guido!let‘s start talk to Sk8,good choice!By the way, I’will be 39 years old till June this year!So in fact I‘m not young neither!But I still skate 2 or 3times per week,sometime 4. So I think Sk8 is good for healthy, keep ur legs strong…I mean it can also keep you feel young,I feel like I’m sort of old monster try to grab the youth power in my hand!and that's why I keep skating.. I told Meiko:“thank you for introducing a Sk8 homie in Italy!I started to go skateboarding since 2016,at that time I worked as a illustrator in Ad company,one day a project which needed to look for some reference about surf,I thought surfing is cool,but I’m not living by the sea,then I noticed skateboard…I was just wanna a board that can cursing around,but when I step on it,I addicted into it,riding stuff can‘t satisfied me anymore,then Ollie,bs/fs 180,shuvit……and my Sk8 journey turn on?How about yours?
108:(Hey, sorry yesterday I uploaded too many stories and message section went out of control)
Heheh, nice to hear that I'm not "so old" so! Anyway, the past year I met two times my old friends, we went to visit a very nice place just out from our city called Skatefarm, it's like a DIY skatepak made by great skaters. Anyway, I'm not able to skate on a skatepark and I age made me very scared about it. I was a skater mainly in the 90's and we had just the street. I started to skate around 1990 with a plastic toy skatebord of my sister than I met new people. Some of them are still some of my best friends, It was not just about learning tricks, it was a weird way of life, I spent every day of my life on a supermarket parking for many years! Crazy, after the boom in the 80's during the early 90's skateboards became very underground and crazy, we dressed xxxl all the times and we were real misfits. For sure skateboard was one of the most important thing in my life, it changed everything.We were all coming from a low/mid class and it gave us the possibility to came out from our small city situation, through it I discovered all that kind of music I still like, graffiti, art, I became a vegetarian because I red a interview with Ed Templeton when I was 17 and still I'm, so for sure, skateboarding is part of me.
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Old photo from 108, the parking of supermarket, with his skate crew in 1992 in his spot in the city of Alessandria, Italy.
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Old photo from 108, the parking of supermarket, with his skate crew in 1993 in his spot in the city of Alessandria, Italy.
This photo is me in 1993 ? - So, I'm curious: for me skateboard was very important to know art and new kinds of culture: punk, graffiti, and than arts, video making and stuff! You came to skateboard through illustration is that right? It was a different process, let me know about that!
RG: Oh my god... ...the 90's ! The golden and glory 90's ! Mr Guido you’re the true legend ! Meiko told me before that you have been skated for very lonnnng time ! And so do you ! I really wish you can go skateboarding again in future even if only on flat ground ! I really admire that you can have awesome relationships with your guys in 90's ! Nowadays skaters in china , especially the Z generation don't connect with each other oftenly. Most of the time kids just put on ear phone and skate on their own . I do have a little friends who can skate together sometimes , but most of the time , I skate alone . But that's ok , I just yearn for the 90's and 90's people , that's all look at your photos seems like you can do flip trick... ... I still learning , to land my first Kickflip is so damn difficult..
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“See Saw” illustration by Roef Gerbang
Yeah, but actually I came to Sk8 through my last job , since then on I do put lots of illustration into it . And it is also my goal in future... I still need to make more skateboard art that can allow me to cooperate with skateboarding brands . 
I also want to make skateboarding film , this art form can also let me use my art to do something with it , I’m working my first skateboarding film in process , it’s cost me nearly 2 years...
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“Traffic Jam” illustration by Roef Gerbang
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“Chazslater” illustration by Roef Gerbang
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“Sad skater” illustration by Roef Gerbang
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“Cicollins no comply party” illustration by Roef Gerbang
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“Catch” illustration by Roef Gerbang
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“Lawson 2:00 am” illustration by Roef Gerbang
Hope my film can come out this year . last year I was planed it when I finish the film maybe take it to some skateboarding film festival but cause of coronavirus spreading to all over the world , now I don't know whether there's any skateboarding film festival will open this year?
I’m confusing now that should I save the film to next year when the world become normally and take it to festival ? or I just put it on internet this year...damn, so hard to decide!
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Roef Gerbang’s first skateboard
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Doodle on first board…
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Roef Gerbang’s first shoes for skate
This is when Cheung studied ollie,it torture a long time, and now still torturing he, so sometime he call himself ‘  “Ollie Patient”
And this is now,Cheung can only do some spin trick and basic rail/box trick
I make comic , cartoon and figural art a lot...sometimes I make animation as well, I think i don't have a abstract thinking brain,lol?
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"Three Posture People" Acrylic, Wall Post 2019
I can only feel what I see and transfer them into my art style...I found sometimes when I feel extremely tired while I still working in front of computer...my eyes already closed at that time…but my mouse still working on photoshop...and I will suddenly wake up and saw a abstract image…
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“Bear man” series product  by Roef Gerbang
I 'm very curious about your art , when you working on them what are you thinking?
And what lead you through all that pictures till finished ? Instinct ? or the result of practice yourself so many years?I really like this your work (the photo below) because they are looks like butterflies, very beautiful…but the rest of them are too abstract to me? I can only figure out they‘re shapes with texture…but still look fun and mystery!
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KU2 large pattern, by 108
I like this one… the patten line into a rule looks so coool!If it can be designed for shirts or trousers must be nice!Looks very high-class!
108: Wow, you are very good to skate! I'm not able to do anything anymore! hahaha, After 10 minutes my back is broken! I was able to do some filp tricks 20 years ago, I started during the "flat" times, so we were making a trick very low. The biggest problem is that in 97 I broke my wrist, and I went to the hospital after 3 months, hahah so, it's still broken. Sometimes it cause a lot of problems I can't do some kind of sports, I need the stick when I paint huge walls. I'm very very scared about it, if I fall on it I have to stop to work for months and I can't work. Anyway, I'm thinking about buying some bigger and softer wheels to ride a bit sometimes, we'll see! Here we are all inside home too.
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CORPOPARASSOTA Photography series by 108
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Maurilio Arcivescovo by 108, 2012
About your questions 
1) I 'm very curious about your art , when you working on them what are you thinking about ?
It's not easy to reply: I think about too many things, the core of my research is the form. I like forms, everywhere, in nature, old primitive art, design, everywhere. I love textures, colors, but mainly it's about forms and lines. there two parts: irrational/irrational, planned, random, geometrical/organic... I try to find a balance or a total contrast on the two parts.
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Large wall painted by 108 in Brescia, Italy, 2019
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The work of 108 at Bunker, Turin, Italy, 2013
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The work of 108 at Barcelona, Spain, 2014
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The work of 108 at Brooklyn area, New York, America
2) And what lead you through all that pictures till finished ? Instinct ? or the result of practice yourself so many years ?
Some works, usually canvases are made with a first sketch, than I start to work and I change it, I don't like to plan, process is important as the final product. Other works, for example the black and white lines/patterns on paper or sometimes on walls, are more like a meditation. I decide some rules and than I follow those rules, trying not to think about anything, just focus on the process. I got a lot of inspiration from eastern art and philosophy, both aesthetically and conceptually. In fact I really like the connection between west and east, not just in art.
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The work of 108 at Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2017
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The wall of 108 with nuns at Buenos Aires, Argentine.
Every year I buy the annual subscription for the museums in my region, I go maybe 7-8 times in a year to see the Eastern art museum in Torino (MAO) I'm crazy for it, there is a big Chinese section, I need to search pics and I'll show you some my favorite objects!
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Some of 108 favorite art works at the art museum in Turin (MAO)
So, skateboard is something that came from US basically, now it's a global thing, but for me too it was something exotic. What inspire you, I mean do you find inspiration inside Chinese culture too? how do you mix the two things?
RG: Sorry, Mr Guido!Reply lately…I was thinking about how to answer your question better…
Oh my god, not realize that you have been injured so badly..:(
My wrist and ankle have problems too,and I also don‘t jump stairs for years…flat ground and stage are better for me, hahaha....
For the question: to find inspiration inside Chinese culture too?
Yes, of course I am. I do inspired by Chinese culture , especially from traditional Chinese painting...the ancients they had have rich technique of expression : the line can be separated into many forms, such as dry , wet , heavy , light and so on and colors as well , for example , if you wanna painting a pine tree ,before you painting the pine needle you should paint a color first , then before the color dry , you draw line on that color can make the two parts mixed well..
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“The leader“ illustration by Roef Gerbang
I also learn how to compose and leave “white space”?or should I say“blank space”(don‘t know the description right or wrong,but in Chinese called“留白”)from Chinese traditional painting,and really help me a lot, I pay more attention on form too,learn lots of things from not only Chinese traditional painting but old asian art.
I study how to control the line‘s rhythm, draw a line when going fast or slow down;how to make your art looks more interesting, more art sense will always be the lessons.
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“Crow perched on willow tree in spring” , by Zhu Da (八大山人), Qing Dynasty
This work from famous painter of Ming Dynasty named:Zhu Da, aka. 八大山人(Ba Da Shan Ren)You can find that he got very special style to paint birds and another animals,and his art is too much different from other ancient Chinese artists
Look at these three unique tigers
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“Bee and tiger” painted by Hua Yan(1682-1756)
“Bee and tiger” this image is the detail of the painting, usually people can‘t see that bee,actually it’s on the right corner when you see the whole picture, and the tiger is not aggressive as usual, scared, the ears also fell down,bend the tail, afraid of bee‘s sting...
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Old Korean painting,unknown artist
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Painted by Yanagisawa Kien (柳泽建) Japanese painter, Edo period, 18 century
I found these art works they always pursue some kinds of weird feel,not only copy the truth but more expressive force.
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"After Party" acrylic, abandoned old skateboard, 2019
And this is also my goal, like I say more expression, more art scene. You noticed irrational, random, plan…I’m agree with you, I also like the process more than result, painting is more like adventure, like fishing, I like the view on the road more than arrival, enjoy more the fish bite the bait than cook them.
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Comic Exhibition, painting by Roef Gerbang, Hamburg, Germany 2018
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"Stranger" watercolor on paper, by Roef Gerbang, 2014 
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Yanshu book 48-hour comic production project, “Deja Vu” 2015
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"Some like it blue" Hong Kong 62 Independent Cartoonists Group Exhibition 2016
I like simple technique to describe a thing,but interesting,that‘s what I learn from the ancient artists,oh,nearly forgot,many outsider art teach me a lot as well
So let me ask one last question for you Mr Guido:how do you think about storytelling and abstract art relationship?Do you think is there any possibility to make storyline into abstract art?
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"Bs tailslide ignition" , acrylic on paper, 2017
So glad to talking with you, I‘m really enjoy the sk8 and art topic!Hope we can meet each other after coronavirus!maybe in future I‘m looking forward to that day,wish you keep pushing and have a long artistic life,Ciao!
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The "Puzzle" short story is included in the "GAME" comic compilation, published by Wild Things Press
108:Ciao Cheung! ￰ Thanks a lot for it, Chao is fine to me!!! And sorry for my late reply too!
I can say ni hao, it sounds not so different, but I'm not able to write it in chinese :(
Thanks a lot for your reply, for the artists and for the pics those tigers looks so "modern"! I'm very familiar with japanese art and culture, here, expecially my generation, we grew up with japanese cartoons on tv, manga, than music and stuff... I know that large part of japanese culture has roots in chinese culture, like zen buddhism or calligraphy, but for years it was very hard to be in contact with it., so I'm always trying to find out more about it and to understand it.
So..about your question: "Let me ask one last question for you Mr Guido:how do you think about storytelling and abstract art relationship?Do you think is there any possibility to make storyline into abstract art?"
First of all, I need to explain that I don't like labels. I mean, of course I use the word "abstract" to explain quickly what I usually do, but labels describes borders. I think in 2020 we have the possibility to explore many kinds of visual arts, many different medias... so yes, I think it's possible to tell stories with "abstract art".
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"Sogno Lucido" by 108, 2019
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"The key" by 108, 2019
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"Blue" by 108
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"the entrance of the dream" by 108
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"La Casa Park" by 108, 2019
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Tele exhibition in New York, La Casa Park.art, 2019
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The work of 108 in the Milan Triennale 2008, Italy
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Ceramic installation by 108
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Figurations, clay, by 108
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Complete figurations,  by 108
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Installation Museum of the incomprehensible Antonio Colombo 2019 Milan, Italy
I mean usually yes, my work is visually abstract but I love to put a lot of things in what I do. First of all I think that all my pieces are connected and there a lot of things inside them. Cinema (or video) is a very complete for of art: you have the image, a story, the sound... with pictures you have to put everything on a single image.
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Trollhattan Sweden 2016
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Saeio catanzaro, by 108
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Solo exhibition of 108 in Lyon, France, 2020
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Archaeological Museum books above, book made by 108, Palermo, Italy, 2019
But there is more: I work also with sounds for example and sometimes I made some videos, but what fascinates me the most about any kind of art, is when it gives you a lot (ideas, feelings) but it don't gives you everything. I need some un explained parts, some shadows where I can enter and I start to imagine and to build my own world. What I like about some "not figurative" art is this kind of mystery inside it. But it can be also a movie or a photo or a landscape or anything else! I hope you understand what I mean.
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"24 Tapes" series, made of 108
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Exr in Seoul, wall painted by 108, 2016
So, do you think is this enough? I'll search for some pictures to add to the text! 谢谢 Mr.Cheung! It was a real pleasure to talk with you! I hope, if the virus will let us travel again, to visit China in the next years finally and of course if you are around northern Italy I will be happy to meet you! Let’s keep in touch on Instagram!
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Painting on Etna Vulcano, 108
RG: Mr Guido. Those characters you showed me that from MAO are the Tomb Beast…??In Chinese called“镇墓兽”. They‘re the guardians of tomb. In Chinese culture,people think that when people died(their soul)go to the other side of the world,there’re countless ghosts,evil spirits will harm the soul. So the guardians (have human’s face,beast‘s body) they can protect the soul stay away from the demon, and keep them safety.
108: Yes exactly! There are many of them! Amazing, they looks so modern and I like so much these kind of stories.
RG: Mr Guido, I think about our last talk “labels describes borders” couple of days ago…and it make me sense,like,portrait painting,still-life painting with very realistic technique will boring for me, it’s lack of imagination, but in the other way, if the portrait, landscape painting with simple and refining technique can make me watch for a long time. it‘s super cool tho..
So in fact I’m the guy just like you who searching for the shadows as well..:)
108: I understand very well! I love portraits, landscapes and still lifes too. But I enjoy when you can find something interesting on the way they are made. I like eastern art and modern art because usually feelings are more important than hyper realistic technique.
RG: Yes, painting should involve not only technology but also emotion.
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108 (1978, Alessandria, Italy) he lives and works between Alessandria and Milan. Among the major exponents of post-graffiti in Italy, he began his artistic research with an approach to traditional graffiti. At the end of the nineties, after moving to Milan in 1997 and graduating in industrial design from the Politecnico Milan, his stylistic figure evolved formally and conceptually, so much so that he became one of the first artists to use numbers and not letters to sign his own. works. 
His abstract forms and mysterious figures begin to appear in the abandoned spaces of the streets of Milan, Berlin, London, New York and Paris. Not limiting his production, in addition to Muralism he also ventures with sculptures, sounds, paintings and installations in dozens of personal and collective exhibitions. Among the main ones are participation in 2007 at the Venice Biennale with the Walls Inside project.
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Roerf Gerbang a native of Chengdu, China, now lives and works in Shanghai and he is currently UID SH Senior Illustrator. 
A person who is a neighbor to art and skateboarding, usually like play skateboarding and painting, he love good stories, good weather, good coffee, and good wine.
108_108_108 & yiklui_cheung
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