#it's the reason for the name of this blog AND I FORGOT IT smh
mistfallengw2 · 1 year
I really want to do ask games now that I finally have the character list, but I think it might be smarter to wait until after I'm done with SotO's story so I don't lose myself in writing stuff...
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 7 months
who among your ocs has the worst and when i say worse, the absolute terror and flaming hot jealousy issues? Like idk, top 3 maybe? and who are the top 3 who can handle their jealousy pretty well, but still jealous?
Top 3 yandere men (my OCs) when it comes to jealousy
By the way, happy Valentines day everyone! (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
New to my blog? Check out these jealous men's fics by clicking their names!
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Yandere men set 1
Top 3: Damon So, with Damon, we got a glimpse of how he is when it comes to jealousy, right? He had this maniacal, almost serial killer vibes as he killed Jupiter. Alongside with martial artist!Darling and the person darling got too close with. His himbo persona is just a front after all. He's genuinely a scary man who's full on intent on making sure you and everybody else doesn't know of his... Tendencies. So, the more you don't know about Damon, the more of a danger he is to society. So be wise, don't make him jealous, and don't fuck it up.
Top 2: Ignatius He wants your attention all to himself. He wants to hog it, and never let go. If you forgot, he killed off half his crewmates and yours because he absolutely hated it when your attention isn't on him. It wasn't with remorse too, he just straight up made them poisoned pie without hiding the fact. Yet, he's too good of an actor that the police didn't even suspect him. He wants you only for him.
Top 1: Hades When I made Hades, he and Rowan were based on two of the seven deadly sins, with Rowan being Greed and Hades being Envy. Envy and jealousy may not be the same, but they are interconnected, woven from the same thread. And Hades is envy incarnate, and in return, jealous incarnate. It may not be prevalent, but it's what his character is supposed to be, to the point that he suspected even his own men of wanting your love and torturing them.
I genuinely didn't expect top 2 and top 3, but while I was debating to myself about my yan OCs, it felt right having them there LMAO.
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Yandere men set 2 (as of Feb 14)
Top 3: Alpheus Alpheus, a man who never felt emotions nor feelings, would be clumsy at handling this newfound feelings. Meaning, he doesn't know how to reel in his actions that are now smeared with emotions. And he probably will not, since the fresh feeling of finally being able to feel was too euphoric to pass up on. So you bet your ass this man will be extremely jealous of all the people who you will talk to.
Top 2: Aeron One of this man's triggers to become the demon king was you not remembering him due to helping people other than him. He also went out of his way to corrupt the fae ring into a binding engagement ring to make sure you will never, ever take it off. So if you think about it, his overdramatic ass moaning about how you didn't remember him and being blinded by his jealousy made him from a Great Hero to the Demon King. SMH.
Top 1: Yuta This man, once revered as the greatest prosecutor, became a serial killer, just because he's jealous that your attention was focused on the mafia bosses (Rowan and Hades) your initial case had! And now, he's smiling like the damn perfect man he is because your attention is back to him. Although, I wouldn't put it pass him to not get jealous of his own serial killer persona too lol.
Okay. This one I somehow expected except for Alpheus. I was thinking of Uno, but no, the man is too secure and overconfident of his own charm to be that level of jealous. Also Viper and Orion, but no. They're not on the same level as these guys.
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All in all
Top 3: Aeron
Top 2: Hades
Top 1: Yuta
"Why Yuta and not Hades?"
Honestly, their positions are interchangable. But the reason why Yuta is in number one is due to their background and nature, and not their jealousy level (I know, sounds not right, but I swear I have a reason.)
Hades is envy incarnate, also jealousy. That made his character explainable as to why he has pretty high jealousy levels. He's also a bad guy, a man that crosses with the law.
But Yuta? Yuta is a prosecutor. A man of the law, somebody who upholds it and makes sure all those who opposes meet a fate behind bars. So what happens if he becames thoroughly jealous to the point that he's willing to become the enemy he swore to never be in front of lady justice just because? It's a juxtaposition, and honestly the best option. It goes against his supposed to be morals! (Thanks to 🌼anon for giving me the idea for Yuta! Yuta wouldn't be here w/o them!)
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pokemonperformersam · 2 years
This is Somtimes a Pokémon role-play account but always a Pokémon nerd account 💪😎
Main : @catsoutofthebags
I will use the ‘high stakes pokereality’ tag for posts I consider high stakes or intense. But this is a very low stakes blog - it’s mainly just shitposts.
Feel free to send me random asks!! >:)3 I love weird shit (as long as it’s not explicitly medical or goes into too much detail about mental health)
my main is @catsoutofthebags
Hello! My name is Sam. My pronouns are they/them. I live in the Galar region.
My name is Sam - I’m a stage manager for Pokémon Performances. I share my struggles with the burden of being from Galar. :’( /j
#pkmn irl [they/them]
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That is - I help make sure Pokémon performances and shows go off without a hitch. I organise, I schedule, I move the props and I clear up the stage after. I am the person that makes theatre work even though you never see me.
I used to perform myself - but after catching suspected Pokè-Virus (just my luck smh) I developed CFS/ME and Fibro which meant no more performing for me. It’s just too physically demanding. But, I do teach classes now as well as doing management.
These are my Pokémon:
Normanda the Nidoqueen.
Lovely lovely Norma. My baby. A tank in battle ngl. When she wants to battle rather than perform I let people borrow her for the tundra battles. I raised her from and egg for performing specifically. Technically my partner Pokemon? She gets an itch to perform so I often use her in teachings. Though - she is not all brains. But she does love a hug and a fuss. She never forgot that she is my baby and still expends to be held as such. And even if she’s 4ft of pure muscle I try my best.
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Gertrude and her kid Burtie - my Kangaskan.
Gurtie and Burtie! When I was a kid, I got lost in the woods by my house. Not my greatest moment. I’ve never been that lucky. But, a Kangaskan came out of the woods, stuck me in her pouch and wondered to the town where I lived. Ever since then, she’s stayed by my side making sure that I stay safe. Long story short that’s how I got my first ever Pokémon. Her pouch is useful for tools I need backstage. She did performances with me too, back when I did those.
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Lucy the Leiperd
I found her on my sofa one day and she never left. She’s now too scared to leave the house and she is terrified of strangers. I do worry about her…but she is a trouble maker and keeps me on my toes. I think she was a stray once? Maybe she didn’t have the best time with humans? But she’s with me now and sleeps on the biggest bed in the house. (That being mine)
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Balto the Bolthound
So I don’t really like canine Pokémon. So I used to carry biscuits with me to throw so Yamper would leave me alone on my way to work. This backfired (obviously) and I got adopted into a Yamper pack. Most of them I ended up giving to neighbors, as I already have a tonne of Pokémon in my tiny flat, but Balto stayed. He’s my service Pokémon in training. What a good boy!
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Clive the rotom
Technically he’s not my Pokémon, he’s my rotom phone. He’s the rotom I’ve had since he I was 12. But I love him all the same. He will pop out from time to time to invade my fridge when he’s hungry or help me fix a light. He’s a clever little lad!
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Maggie the Wooper
Maggie is the baby of my 6, and she’s the Pokémon distribution system at its finest. I found her in a bin? For some reason? No idea why someone would throw out a shiny. I just assumed someone dyed a wooper pink until someone pointed out she was a Shiny. But here she is. She lives her best life squirting water at me from the sink and stealing my heating pad. I’m training her up alongside Norma to be a performance pokemon for when I teach classes! But for now she’s just a baby - so she can have a childhood swimming in my bathtub. <3
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If you ever need help, drop me an ask or a line and I’ll try my best. Have a nice day. Thanks for dropping by my blog. :)
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cafeinthemoon · 2 years
Staring at the Sun - Chapter II
Chapter 2/2
Wordcount 4,1k
Title Part II
Fandom Kimetsu no Yaiba
Pairing Yoriichi Tsugikuni X reader
Previous chapter
Symbols ✔ | ➕ | 💛
Warning (s): mentions of death and violence, family drama, family loss, grief
Tagging @darling-imobsessed (if you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just send an ask or a message 😉)
N. A.: Finally, FINALLY, Part II of this story is here! I'm so relieved that I managed to finish it 😭 For days I've been struggling to write this second part even though it was supposed to be simple and short (it ended up being a whole 4k chapter smh), but it is here.
I'm eager to see KNY's new season and bring more content from it to this blog in the future, but for now have this one. Hope you enjoy it and sorry for the delay 🥺😅
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You didn’t know how long you stood there, in that silent exchange of looks that seemed to stop the curse of life. It could have been a minute, as much as it could have been an hour. During it, you almost forgot the blood, the pain and the deaths that just occurred, and your crushed heart finally had a moment to rest.
The enchantment was broken when the stranger took the first step towards a direct interaction: he bent down, leaning one knee on the snow, so close that you could hear his breath and the breeze moving the pair of hanafuda earrings he styled. Your eyes widened with the proximity, and you let out a surprised “Oh!” when he raised his hands and touched your shoulders. His touch was warm and soft, and your sensed your body relaxing under it.
The first words said between you were his.
- I apologize for not arriving earlier – and after a pause – What is your name?
A gentle but firm voice, one that fitted the owner. There was something in it that made it difficult for you to deny a reply, so you spoke despite your exhaustion.
- Y/n, Sir.
He nodded.
- Y/n-san, I am Yoriichi Tsugikuni. You do not need to worry. There are no other demons on the surroundings – and with a soft squeeze on your shoulders, – No one is going to harm you now.
You didn’t know that man and had no reasons to trust him, yet you shook your head in agreement, for his tone left no doubts about his honesty. In fact, just hearing his voice after all the depraved noises of the demons was like a purification ritual to your ears, and you sensed that you could stay there and listen to him forever if your circumstances were less worrying.
Suddenly, you remembered the woman and her child.
- Yoriichi-san, there were two people I helped moments ago! They were…
You glanced behind, trying to find the exact path taken by them, but a throbbing ache hit your torso and you interrupted yourself with a whimper. You curled upon your body and were going to fall on the cold ground, but the man, Yoriichi, held you in time.
- I know – he replied in a comforting manner – I met them on my way here. They reached their home, and are safe now. The woman pointed this clearing’s direction. It was not so hard to find it, because those Oni were reckless enough to leave traces of their passage all over the way.
- But...
- That’s okay – he put his hand over yours, hiding the blood stain – For now, we have to take care of this injury.
Contradicting him was silly. You silently thanked heavens for the woman and the child’s well-being and tried to focus on your own situation.
And then you had a new surprise regarding the man’s actions: he didn’t make any gesture towards uncovering the injury’s spot to see its real aspect; instead, he just took your hand off it and looked at it, examining it as if he was seeing your bare skin. You waited in silence, not wanting to interrupt the process nor knowing how to question the gravity of the case.
Soon he came with a conclusion.
- It is not so deep, despite being a large cut. Still, it needs to be cleaned and bandaged as soon as possible. It was made by an Oni, wasn’t it?
You nodded, but didn’t say a word. You lowered your eyes to the ground, praying for him to not question you about the Oni or the fight, at least for now. He might have sensed your uneasiness and didn’t extend the conversation.
He took the axe, long forgotten among the snow, and gave it back to you, holding its base with both hands as if it was a sword newly made by the smith.
- I believe this is what you used to save those people. Do not miss it.
You took it from him, at first with hesitation, but the encouragement implied in his words made your own hands firm again, and your fingers clenched around the object with renewed strength. Of course you could never miss that object; it was now the only thing you had to remember your brother.
- You cannot stay here with this injury – Yoriichi stated – Come with me. Let me help you.
Without waiting for a reply, he approached and took you in his arms; somehow, the gesture was so quick that you didn’t even have time to startle. You placed the axe between your arms and allowed your body to rest.
Somehow you were not impressed with how easy it was for him to take you from the ground: his physical constitution and fluid clothing were deceiving for unobservant eyes, but after what you saw you knew there were few who were as strong as him in the world. Not only this, but he was also incredibly fast: in a moment, you were still being lifted from the ground; in the next one, you were being carried among bushes and dead trees, the moonlight above alternating with the darkness as you two passed under the branches.
After what felt like a few minutes, you noticed you were no longer feeling cold: your fingers lost the numbness from the weather when you curled them around the axe, and the chills on your limbs disappeared. If you thought you were looking at the sun while seeing him from a distance, now you sensed you were under its light on a summer morning.
You remembered falling asleep listening to his heart beats, which were, you realized, as fast as his feet.
Your ears seemed to wake up before your eyes that time. You heard a sequence of curious, small sounds in a space that you thought to be limited by walls, as if a pair of diligent hands were finishing some simple, yet delicate task.
The sensation of warmth was still there, but you were not being carried anymore. Now you were lying on a soft surface, and had a sheet over your body. You tried to move a bit, to test your current strength, and found out you were able of turning on your side, but not without an ache; you remembered the injury and went back to your previous position.
When you finally opened your eyes, you saw that your supposition that you were inside a room was correct. You were lying on a futon and a white sheet was covering you to your waist’s height. You were dressed in your old clothes, but your haori and your scarf were taken off, perhaps to your own comfort; you looked ahead, to your feet, and saw them folded and placed on the edge of the mattress. Your boots were close to them as well.
You looked around and found Yoriichi with his back turned on you, kneeling before what looked like a bowl full of water. He seemed to be washing something in it, so concentrated in his work that he didn’t turn around when you woke up.
You leaned your elbows on the mattress, trying to sit, and noticed the task was harder than it was supposed to be: the fight has taken more from you than you first imagined. You were determined to not let this bring you down, but when the injury started hurting again, the sensation was so unbearable that you were forced to give up and lie again with a moan.
It was when the man left his task with the bowl and turned to you, showing that he was in fact listening.
He dried his hands on a towel near the bowl and came to your futon. When he knelt beside you, the first thing you noticed was the dark mark he had on his forehead. It was hard to tell if it was a birth mark or a scar, but you didn’t think of it while looking at it: more than anything, it reminded you of dancing flames.
- Please, be careful – he was whispering, helping you to your previous place – This cut is not the only thing you have to worry about.
He moved the sheet to check on the injury and sighed in relief when he saw it didn’t open. You remembered when he examined it in the forest and questioned him about it.
To your surprise, Yoriichi showed some embarrassment towards it.
- It is something I can do since I was a child – he covered you with the sheet again – It is useful in situations like that, where I could not expose your skin to the weather without the risk of making you catch a fever, at least one that could be worse than this.
He put his palm on your forehead to measure your temperature. So you indeed caught a fever: that explained the strange sensation you noticed since you woke up.
The man spent a moment in silence after moving his hand away from you. You didn’t try to speak during this time, both because you were too tired to engage in a conversation and because you sensed a need for quietness from his part: you didn’t know him so well, but it was clear that he had something in mind, the kind of thing one would measure before sharing with others. Again, time seemed to stop for you, and maybe it was some strange effect of the fever or the injuries, but you had the impression that the bright in his eyes – that you noticed to be of a reddish shade, not so different from his hair – diminished, like the last flames burning out inside a lamp. Like he was looking inside himself, oblivious to the world and you.
You only noticed the heavy silence surrounding the room when Yoriichi broke it with a second relieved sigh, almost as if he just woke up from some dream.
- Well, well, I guess everything is going to be alright – he displayed a gentle smile – We have no Oni around here, and your condition will improve after medicine and appropriate rest.
You nodded, but said no word in response. Part of you were questioning what just happened there, and the other part couldn’t shake the feeling that he was hiding something: he just fought a bunch of powerful demons with no struggle, and was now speaking of them like they were the object of his studies… or his prey. Was he some sort of demon hunter? Was he a traveler who somehow learned how to hold a sword? No, it couldn’t be: you knew about some samurai who weren’t able to do what he did in the forest. Was he some sort of superior knight, then? It was possible. Should you question him about this? Well, you doubted that he would tell anything, at least not until you recovered.
You might have been quiet for too long, or been too focused on your own deliberations that it leaked through your face, for you were brought back by a giggle from him.
You blinked twice and looked at him, confused.
- Oh… what happened, Yoriichi-san?
- Ah, it’s nothing – he gave you the same gentle smile of before, and for a moment you thought you saw him blushing – I suppose you have many questions. I will answer what I can, but I hope you understand that this is not the best moment. You went through many things in so little time. For now, all you need is a good rest.
A tightness reached your throat when you heard those words. Your lips started trembling, but not because of cold. That empathy in his voice, the wisdom in his demeanor and the maturity in his speech that would calm down any hint of desperation and put everything in its place – you’ve experienced all of that before.
Those were your brother’s manners.
Before you realized what you were doing, you were already turned on your side, curled over yourself, crying out loud, your cracked voice calling for your Onii-chan between your sobs. But was that worthy? What would you gain for recognizing his traits in other people when he was no longer there? Would you always hurt yourself that way? You were alone now. Accepting that was the best you could do...
A soft hand touched your shoulder and stayed there until your breath came back to its normal pace. You had your eyes closed, but you sensed Yoriichi’s voice near you, and a warmth indicating that he bent over you to speak.
And what he said shook the pain out of your heart in the least expected manner.
- My brother… he turned into a demon too.
You raised your eyes to him, your tears blurring the sight of his face.
- Your… brother?
He nodded.
- He was my twin. I used to love him since we were children – he straightened up again; and with a sigh, – I believe I still do, even though the creature that’s out there wearing his face is no longer him, but something else.
With a quiet sob, you wiped the tears from your cheeks.
- What is his name?
- Michikatsu. This is how he was called as a human. Today, he has a different name.
- Which name?
Yoriichi spent a second staring at you, perhaps surprised with your sudden curiosity. You bit your lip with embarrassment, but didn’t have time to apologize for the intrusion, for he quickly decided that the conversation was over.
- I am sorry for speaking this much when you have to rest – he smiled and stood up – Try to sleep for a little more. I will come back with some food.
When you woke up again, with the fever almost leaving you and much more disposition despite the always present ache on your side, you recognized the wisdom of following Yoriichi’s instructions and took some time to rest. After that, you were able to sit (with help) and hold the steamy bowl and the hashi that he offered you. The man sat beside your futon and after a quiet itadakimasu, you both enjoyed the late dinner.
The reasons for him to insist in your rest were not limited to the physical, of course. He has already stated that there were things you had to discuss, things that couldn’t be ignored even if the creature you cried for was not your brother. That you knew for certain: one’s heart could never remain the same after what you saw.
Yoriichi took the empty bowls and the hashi to another place behind a curtain hanging on the wall behind your spot, certainly the house’s kitchen, from where you heard the sounds of running water and the clink of the bowls inside a sink. After a moment, the sounds stopped and your host was back to your side.
He placed himself on the floor with his legs crossed in the lotus position, not seeming bothered by its cold or harshness. That reminded you again of his apparent untouchability by the environment.
Your first question was about the flames he summoned during the fight.
- Allow me to say that it is an impressive ability, Yoriichi-san. Any description from my part would never make it justice – you laid your hands on your lap, your fingers entwined – How do you call it?
For the second time, you noticed the blush coming up to his face. Such modesty coming from the man who displayed that amount of power was as impressive as the power itself, you thought. But he didn’t deny you an answer.
- It is a Breathing Style, created by me. It is called Sun Breathing.
Breathing Style? You’ve never heard of it. Was it some sort of combat form?
- A Breathing Style is a fight technique developed specifically to be used against Oni – Yoriichi explained – I tried to teach the Sun Breathing to others, but none of my students were able to master it. However, they managed to create their own Styles, adapted to their physical constitution and talents.
The man told you about some of the most powerful Breathing Styles and their users, as well as the demons they fought. All the stories were fascinating.
But they had you thinking.
- I wonder if any of those demons... ever resembled my brother.
A moment of silence followed your question, interrupted by Yoriichi, who had a request instead of an answer.
- Y/n-san, can you tell me about your brother?
Your eyes widened a little.
- What do you want to know about him, Yoriich-san?
- Everything you can tell – he smiled – Your love for him is more than clear. Talking about him must be good for you.
He was rights. If you had to carry on without your beloved brother, you must choose well what to take with you, and what could be better than your dearest memories with him?
You decided to share them with your host. And for the first time in weeks, you saw yourself able to smile.
- Onii-chan… was the wisest and the kindest person I can think of – you folded your knees under the sheet and surrounded them with your arms – We both had to be wise, of course, but he always felt like this should be his responsibility, for he was the first child. And being an example to his sibling while being gentle and honest in a world that would show no mercy on two helpless orphans was the bravest thing he has ever done. In my own way, I always wanted to be like him. You know, our life has been hard since I can remember. Our parents were poor and died when we were young. We had no one but each other. We never had a proper home. We were always moving from one place to another. He used to work in the forests, like our father did; that axe belonged to him. I used to clean and do other house works for people, still Onii-chan taught me how to use the axe. At the end of the day, we were exhausted and haven’t made much money, but we had food, clothes for winter and each other. And as long as we were together, we would be happy.
You told Yoriichi about the difficult roads you had to follow while traveling from village to village and from town to town, the way you would share your tasks, the games you would play and jokes you would tell, making each other laugh until your ribs started aching, and how you would have long talks that would go from evening to past midnight, even when you would have to wake up early.
You sensed that tightness on your throat coming back, but you had to keep speaking. You had to take that out of you.
- Onii-chan and I… We were just one – you bit your lower lip – We never made any promise, but we knew that wherever one would go, the other would just follow them. So when that happened… I had no choice…
Your voice disappeared, alongside with your vision behind the tears.
- I could never leave my brother after what happened to him! I could never turn my back on him knowing that he would hurt people, he who taught me all forms of kindness! – you took a deep breath, your hands clenching around the sheet – So I did what I had to do… I followed him during the nights and watched his hideouts during the days… I carried the axe with me and swore that if he tried to hurt someone… I would stop him…
There was nothing more that you could say through words, so you let the tears speak. You didn’t know for how long you cried, but you only stopped when you thought it was enough. You forced yourself to smile while wiping out the tears, your cheeks hot and clinging under your palms.
- I apologize for this scene, Yoriichi-san – you sighed – And for taking so much from your time with my grieving.
Yoriichi, all this time listening to your story in silence, didn’t show any sign of impatience or irritation. Instead, you’ve read in his eyes the same solicitous understanding of before, now in a new, deeper stage. You remembered his tears when he met you in the clearing and his words about his brother – he turned into a demon too – and the reason for that was clear.
That moment you knew: no one would ever understand you as him.
- There is nothing to apologize for, y/n-san – he assured you in his warmest tone – Meeting your brother through your words was a privilege to me.
Your eyes widened.
- Yoriichi-san…
- You wanted to know if there were other Oni that resembled your brother – he continued – Maybe the answer is yes. Your brother, my brother, the Oni you’ve seen in the forest and the others that walk on this world – all of them were once people like us. Sacred lives with stories yet to be told, emotions yet to be felt, goals yet to be reached. What they became, what was made of them… it is unforgivable.
Unforgivable. Though his tone didn’t alter when he spoke it, this last word ringed in your ears as a sentence of death. You were realizing that there was more about the demons and the Breathing Styles that you first supposed, things that you had the right to know after what happened to your family.
- So… there is something responsible for this.
- Not something. Someone.
The categorical reply made you bent over to hear, scared of what you were about to discover, yet eager for it.
- Someone? Who?
- A demon with the face of a man – your host’s eyes glimmered with a new flame, one of wrath and disgust – One that calls himself Muzan Kibutsuji.
What Yoriichi told you after that would sound unbelievable if you haven’t seen those things in the forest. According to him, this individual, Muzan, was the first Oni to ever exist, and has been in this world for an unnatural amount of time, turning countless humans into demons that would remain under his control in a mental and physical sense, with very rare exceptions. It was unnecessary to explain how little he thought of human life, with no concern for their bodies or dignity.
When you thought of what that meant, a disturbing conclusion took place in your mind.
- So, what happened to my brother and to yours…
You raised your eyes to Yoriichi and read the silent confirmation in his eyes.
- He is the person who keeps this wheel turning – his clenched his fists – To stop the birth of the demons and put an end to their loved ones’ suffering, finding Muzan is crucial.
Finding the man who turned your dear brother into a monster… or, as you would rather say, finding the monster who turned your brother into something like him, wasn’t something to think of. It was something to do. You didn’t waste time in incredulity or considerations in this sense: someone who had lost everything shouldn’t have this luxury.
It wasn’t desperation what you felt, nor it was anger. It was more of a need to react, a determination that couldn’t be contained by your hardest efforts, but would submit to your management, which wasn’t so different from other experiences you had in your short, difficult life.
You couldn’t stay there crying. You had work to do.
- Yoriichi-san…
- Yes?
- I just saved two lives in the forest, and then you saved mine. I will be forever grateful for this... but being grateful is not enough.
You raised your right hand, offering it to him with its palm turned up.
- I want this cycle to carry on. I want to stop the wheel from turning and save as many lives as I can. This is the best I can do, for Onii-chan and myself. Would you help me this second time, accepting me as your apprentice?
With no delay, the demon slayer raised his own hand and took yours in it, surrounding it with warmth and strength, and you, despite the tiredness and the injury, sensed yourself revive, as a new birth. The red in his eyes was glimmering again, and the sun in his earrings sparkled with the nod of his head.
- You already have the axe – he stated, the firmness in his hand growing around yours – I will lead you to the demon’s neck.
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heezoneie · 3 years
Hello lovely! 💕 Hope you're having a good day!
Can I ask for a reaction from stray kids where they meet you at a fan meeting and are attracted to you?
Thank you so much and I like your blog!
hey babe! i’m having a great day, thanks for asking🥺! i’m glad you enjoy my blog, and i hope you enjoy this reaction! <3
group: stray kids
member: all
genre: fluff
• when you first walked up to Chan his breath immediately got caught in his chest.
• your bright smile never leaving his view for a second. he couldn’t believe his eyes.
• immediately when you reached the table he began to make conversation. “hii, what’s your name?” he said as he grasped your hands in his.
• “my name’s y/n” his heart began to beat a little faster at the sound of your voice. he has never reacted this way to a fan before.
• chan found himself getting flustered as you ranted about how good of a leader he is. “overall you are the most caring, loving, all round amazing person and leader there could be.”
• his cute dimple showed as he hid his face behind your hands that were still locked with his. he lifted his head and your eyes met with his comforting brown ones.
• “i know i’m technically not supposed to say this,” he began while eyeing the staff behind him, “but i think your super pretty, and i would like to meet you again.”
• your eyes widened at his statement. you’ve read about situations like this happening, but never in a million years did you think it would actually happen.
• chan leaned into your ear and whispered, “meet me outside after the meeting, i can’t wait to talk to you more.” with that he pulled away with a wink.
• you had walked up the table while Minho had his back turned. when he turned back around, his eyes widened.
• “oh sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you..” you said sheepishly. minho.exe has stopped working he felt his heart soften at your voice.
• he smiled, “no no, it was my fault i should have been paying attention.” as you were handing him some plushies of his cats, you happen to accidentally drop one.
• ofc minho couldn’t pass up the opportunity to tease you. “mY cAts!! mY pReCioUs cAts!” he grabbed his heart dramatically.
• you quickly picked up the stuffed soonie, and handed it to him. “i can’t believe i just did that,” you muttered to yourself.
• (he’s totally whipped already, but who’s keeping track?)
• “i think you owe me now, after dropping my car of course” he panned. quirking an eyebrow, his statement puzzled you.
• “to replace the pain you’ve inflicted upon this stuffed soonie, i think you should come meet the real soonie and give him all the pets he deserves.”
• deciding to go along, you nodded your head, “ i definitely think i should, to apologize.” grabbing your phone from your hand, minho put in his address.
• “be there by 6, don’t be late.” he gave you a smirk and sent you down to meet the rest of the members.
• we are all aware how this man is a s o f t i e as soon as he saw you in the crowd his face would immediately light up.
• he could not keep his eyes off of you (lowkey jealous when you were talking to the other members)
• but oh boy, as soon as you reached him, he would turn into a big baby, and probably tease you about not coming to him first. not like you had a choice
• he would grab your hands and pretend cry into them, which made your face turn bright red. this man knows what he’s doing to you btw.
• he would be so smiley, and makes sure to show off his famous aegyo, bc he wants to to fall for him
:((( even though you already have smh
• binnie would 100% make sure to somehow give you his number and meet up afterwards, bc he’s totally not in love or anything
• i got a little carried away with hyun’s😅
• our drama king
• ofc when his eyes found you, his jaw dropped, i mean physical fell
• his eyes followed you everywhere. he looked like this: 👀🙀 he definitely tried to convince chan to switch places with him so he could talk to you first
• when chan said no, he went 😠😠😔
•pouty baby bc he just wanted to talk you first:(((
• when you finally got to him, he flashed his always amazing eye smile. you noticed he had some makeup covering his mole under his eye, and you told him about how much you loved it.
• he:(((( wiped:(((( off:(((( the:(((( makeup:((((
• like when felix did it to his freckles in that one interview? yeah that’s what hyunjin did
• he is also a lowkey highkey flirt with you, constantly touching your hair, hands, face, basically anything he can within reason
• he got so sad when you had to leave, almost to the point where he got so caught up in pouting that he nearly forgot to ask for your number till you were already walking away.
• this boy did not care if anybody else saw, or what the staff was gonna say. he jumped out of his chair and quickly ran to you.
• gaining your attention, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of sight of all the other impatient stays wanting to see their precious hyunjin.
• that’s where he asked for your number, and went on a little rant about how he’s sorry he made a scene.
• it’s safe to say you guys went for food right after the fan sign
• when he saw you walk in, he knew. like he KNEW that he wanted to talk to you, hang out with you, etc.
• so so incredibly hyper when you got to talk to him
• this boy would be so goofy with you, grabbing your hands and flailing them around. it would just be him wanting to make you laugh :((
•jisung swore could swear that when he made you laugh for the first time, angels descended from the heavens.
• he didn’t want to stop talking with you, he just wanted to take you back to dorm right then and there, and just hang.
• you best bet this boy talked to you until finally the staff had to intervene to get the line moving again. he handed you a piece of paper, and told you to wait until you got out of line to open it.
• once you finished going through the line, you found a empty area near the exit and opened the little piece of paper.
• wrote in a messy scribe from writing fast, the paper said “meet me behind the building @ 4, if anybody bugs you tell them your with me. ;)”
• he saw you as soon as the fan sign started he basically started bouncing in his seat. (yk the vibrating thing he does? he did that out of happiness.)
• lix would watch you interact with the other members with the biggest smile on his face.
• he would admire all the little mannerisms or quirks/habits you have while making conversations. he just watches with big doe eyes full of admiration.
• he knew he n e e d e d to talk to you. when you got to him, he was so excited and giddy.
• this boy just looked at you with wonder as you talked. he would listen to you talk and laugh all day if he could.
• he thinks you are the most adorable thing to ever walk the earth. he just wants to bundle you up and feed you brownies and cake :((( (someone pls find me a felix)
• when he realized time was up, and he was gonna have to let you go, he got so sad. but was he gonna let you go? no, no he was not.
• felix quickly grabbed a stuffed bear from behind him and wrote his number on its little bow.
• as he handed you the bear he said, “pls call me, i want to see you again.🥺”
• bby seungminnie
• okay, i feel seungmin would be the best at hiding the fact that he is 100% simping for you even though he just met you 5 seconds ago.
• he would act normal, but on the inside be a complete mushy gushy mess, crying over how adorable and cute you are.
• secretly, would be cherishing the way your hand fit in his perfectly, and the way he never wanted to let go :(((((
• he would look at you with the most adorable eyes ever. he would definitely give you the sweetest most softest smile ever.
• his eyes got so sad when you told him you had to move on to the member bc other stays were becoming impatient :(
• he discreetly put his phone number in your phone, and made sure to tell you to text him asap :(
• i want a seungmin.
• bbys eyes would be literally this “🥺” when he saw you.
• he was immediately so taken back and needed a minute to compose himself before he ran up to you himself.
• when you were talking to him, he would give you the biggest most cheesey smile ever. he was just so happy to be talking to you.
• he was already falling for the way you talked, acted, looked, just everything about you.
• he would hold your hands so tight, never wanting to let you go. his eyes wouldn’t leave yours for a second, not even when the staff tried to talk to him.
• when he finally decided to listen to the staff telling him to wrap up the conversation, he made sure to tel you to meet him after the fan sign
• and who were you to pass up and opportunity like that?
• he was so happy when he saw you show up after, bby couldn’t stop smiling the whole day. :((
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give-grian-rights · 3 years
fifteen hermits worth of liveblogging. i am losing my mind. LONG POST AHEAD.
JOE HILLS (First HC8 Video)
Mumbo did the speech. he forgot everything he was supposed to say <3
Pearl and Gemini were just .in a pit . having stuff thrown onto them
Every Hermit is staying on the same continent !!
FIRST DEATHS VERY QUICKLY, Iron Golems took out Tango and Etho (maybe more?)
Joe seems to be the only one looting the chests
Evil Jevin !!
Evil Xisuma appearance on Jevin’s 60 second video!
Pearl has something planned for an “archeticual wonder” for a resupply area upon death?
Stress, Xisuma and Joe are capturing villagers and starting up a resupply debut.
Bdubs is killed by Cleo and is now OUT FOR BLOOD
First death counts- Etho, Tango, Bdubs, Cleo?
Cleo was killed by Keralis
Joe has now supplied Cleo with weapons and food . She left but not before saying “Time to kill BDubs again!”
Gemini was killed by Bdubs! They both died and are now at spawn.
Pearl was killed by Cleo
Pearl is planning a respawn inn !!
Cleo was killed by Iskall
Cleo was killed by Pearl
False, Stress, and Gemini team up??? AA!!! they brought a delivery of supplies to Joe <3
i wish i knew what was happening on that end .
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Iskall is the first with Diamonds??
Breathe in that ash !
the big eyed trio are now off to shake down Gemini
Joe fell in Lava in the Nether
Joe Death To Lava Two: Electric Boogaloo
Joe drowned trying to kill a glowsquid
Zedaph Episode Recap
Zed gave us a recap of the continent every Hermit will be living on !!
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Wouldn’t recommend Zedaph as the first video for the season, he skips the intro/speech but it’s Zedaph and hes making it fun!! Lots of nice editing :)
Zedaph.. why is your starter base made out of concrete ?
There are no sheeps whatsoever on his mountain
Hes calling his lab an icecream sandwich..yeah i see it
Zed tried to make a portal underater...f
Scar died to a creeper </3
Zedaphs base is gonna be tracking how long hes there/someones loading the chunk!
A cool cinema scene of him becoming an axolotl!! <3
XIsuma’s baseplans need over 45 THOUSAND BLOCKS TO BE PLACED
He’s also planning on making a shulkershell farm!!
i’m not gonna lie ! talking axolotl X is horrifying ! thanks !
Day one Villager Breeder... chaos.
Xisuma Derp! looked straight at a buncha wool and said how badly he needed beds and then walked away
day one and Xisuma has got his axolotl!!
Very pretty starterbase!!
..I’m not gonna lie theres not much to say!! He’s very calm :) he says hes going into it without a plan, and htat last season was the only time he had any thought of what he was gonna do.
He made a real nice starter house and thats about it!
Bdubs: “She ain’t gonna hurt me!! i’m invincible, babey!”
Cleo learnt that BDubs will never hurt her even if she deserves it . I am starting to realize why she kills him
“Alright I found my mission for the season! Murder.”
Cleo, Mumbo, Grian, and Scar are all holed up in a cave together!
..Scar died from a skeleton !
Cleo has now split from Grian and Mumbo! Scar is missing in action
she got a HORSE <3 and Joe gave her a saddle! I think her name is..Widget?
She LOVES the candles for shamboo n waterbottles and bits n bobs for her armorstands!!
Got her Armorstand stickgod book <3
Geminitay POV
She has a LOVELY voice!!
The pov of her in a hole . being surrrounded . is kinda hilarious
It might’ve been Etho who was first death?? I GENUIENLY CANNOT TELL BECAUSE OF EDITING
All the murder was just for heads!
Seriously her voice is. wow
False, Gemini, and Stress are on the great journey for MOSS !
Gem just blew their minds with the moss.
TANGO KERALIS AND BDUBS ARE BACK Keralis: “Show the diamonds show the diamonds show the diamonds!” Gem: “Keralis. This is not how you make friends.”
The boys suecessfully recieved a diamond each
Etho n Iskall are travelling together!! You dont see those two together often
Etho got a glowsquid head!!
Gem: “Etho doesn’t share, is what i’m learning..?”
Etho hooked her with a fishing rod and said she has to do what he said .
In order to get the diamonds, Tango, Keralis, and BDubs placed down a sign saying “Gem is Great!” and Gem used a glow inksack on it.
Etho: “So..What is this? Do you have an ego, or this a motivational thing, or..?” He said, while laughing
Iskall: “I think its really funny that you have set your base up in the middle of a birch forest.” Gem: “I love birch forests! Do you not like my birch forest? Iskall: “I love it, yeah.” Gem: “This is the best biome in the game, Iskall.” Iskall: “Mmmm..” Etho: “I’m pretty sure I heard Iskall talking earlier that like, of all the biomes in the game, there was one he hated more than anything. Gem: “Oh really? And what was that one?” Iskall: “..Taiga.” Gem: “Taiga.. That’s true, thats a good one, thats a good one.” Iskall: “Don’t like Taiga.” Gem: “Mhm.” Etho: “Which one do you hate more than anyone?” Iskall: “..Diorite fields. Thats a bad one.” Etho: “Yeah thats a bad one.” Gem: “Didn’t know about that one. Well make sure to avoid’em. Birch forests are really good.” Iskall: “I’m a big fan of birch forests.” Gem: “Yeah, me too, me too. I’m glad we’re on the same page :) This is so beautiful! All the white and- and the like zebra stripes! is fantastic.” Iskall: “I..Um.. Yes.”
She accidentally found an enchanted golden apple in a mineshaft!! she thinks its the first she ever found in survival!!
She has a cow, sheep, and a few crop farms set up!! Her starter house has INTERRIOR!
shes doing a cottage core inspired base!
BDUBS IS HERE and he is so so so impressed by the tree ?!
also hes carrying a clock.. :(
He’s here with a present!
she thinks its so funny that he stops conversations to sleep AOIDHFEAUI\
WE GOT A TRANSITION SCENE!! the canonical reason for the bed in his old village always being occupied is because underneath it, was his wizard portal!
Bdubs: “It’s a new season! You’re the little guy now!”
They are all very amused by that ^
they’re rubbing the fleece of bdubs jacket .
His starter base is gonna be a wagon and he wants the end game to be a bioshock esque skyscraper!
he confused a horse for a player . flashback to iskall thinking mumbo was a mob
Scar, Mumbo, and Grian.. have NO braincells. at all. THey just placed a crafting table with a boat on top with a bed on top with a boat on top .
this is what BROS FOR LIFE looks like.
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it seems like Grian, Mumbo, and Scar are working together !!!! HOLY SHIT !!
he died several times trying to catch a skeleton with a sword
its a giant ass house boat wagon . its pulled by a llama . that killed him . so now its trapped, pulling hte agon, forever
Grian: “..Thats a very big house, for a very little hat.”
they really came out here . and killed the egg already.
Scar: “..I touched the thing”
We see the three big eyed boys forming <3 they interrupted Tangos intro
they found an axolotl and Bdubs was TERRIFIED just screaming “WHAT IS THAT YELLOW THING?!”
okay nope Bdubs caught one and Tango lost it
Bdubs is naming his axolotl Idiot
Impulse POV
so it looks like those four are hteo nes who grouped up together
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So its gonna be about five people in the same area!!
YOO!! Fantasy build for Impulse!!
G gave Impulse a spyglass, they had a fun moment of zooming in on eachothers face and complimenting eachother IHAUDIHAW
Grian and Impulse worked on an xp farm!
a pillager stole his boat . not just any pillager . the one with a banner. </3
he has to live with Mumbo tuning a song .. </3 haha
Mumbo POV
it took fifteen seconds until Grian ran in during Mumbos intro
Grian: “Can you..Briefly explain why you’re just wearing a hawaiian shirt?” Mumbo: “Uh- what do you mean ‘just wearing a hawaiin shirt? I have shorts on as-well, dude”
Mumbo: “Can you explain why you’re wearing a red jumper?” Grian: “You know- you know i was born with this!”
Grian: “Is that Scar?” Mumbo: “I can’t see past your giant waffle!”
DSFSDFJIOA they did an edit where they placed down a boat, both Mumbo and Grian got in, they made noises and then bopped up on top of the ravine they were in <3
..Mumbo is trying to be a pacifist this season!
Grian’s taunting him with beheaded things
And obviously part of being pacifist means he’s gonna be vegetarian in minecraft!
..he cannot use monster farms because pacifisim..
Mumbo was in the middle of reading the magical Timmy shack that Tango made (did i remember to mention that? who knows) and IN THE MIDDLE OF GETTING TO THE PART ABOUT IF YOU REMOVE STUFF FROM THE CHEST, NOTHING WILL BE ADDED IN IT AGAIN. Grian opened the chest . Mumbo SHOUTED HIAUDHUW Grian jumped man
They renamed it “Cave of Do Not Enter” HIAUEDUH
Mumbo and Scar BOTH did not know- at least Mumbo didn’t, Scar forgot,  that podzol spawns from two-by-two spruce..
him and his guitar song to be played underneath his house.. it goes with the aesthetic i suppose
Mumbo: “What.. On Earth.. Scar, it’s meant to be a starterbase, buddy! What is this? This is many things, many many things, a starterbase is NOT one of them!”
nothing special we havent seen yet!! just him screaming about axolotls.
He was working in the Mesa in his intro, skipping the “speech” from Mumbo
He released Idiot the Axolotl and lost it .
While Gemini gave away those three diamonds, Keralis got so excited he won a bet with Tango and Bdubs, that he gave back . two of the diamonds . and none of htem released until well after they left
Bdubs: “That’s why i have my mwoss skin!” PLEASE I LOVE THE WAY HE SAYS IT.. make the moss hood.. REAL..
it took me a while to figure out what his base is but i LOVE IT so so much!!!
Nothing much new to add !!
Stress pov
please i love her . very good !! False seems to have joined her sheerly because Stress sounded like she knew what she was doing. she does not.
False felt peerpressured and asked Stress for permission to fight her because everyone was killing eachother .
It ended up with Stress following False. they found a village!
ISKALL only saw him one other time today!!
Ren: “Ya look goregous, Stress!” Stress: “Thanks! Don’t murder my dog!”
She’s so proud of herself for caving!! (with False n Gem
Iskall blew up!
..Iskall fell from a high place
Stress has a LOVELY ravine base!!
False wants to become pirates with Stress <3
gatekeep gaslight girlboss
it looks like a mushroom church and i LOVE IT.
Nothing new we didn’t see from Gem. She does want to come up with a banner design for her base, though!
..Mumbo just thought Grian had a purpose so decided to follow him <3
Grian is SO PROUD of the fact taht they got good loot from a treasure map. Ren and Doc are NOT IMPRESSED
Grian: “Lets go, potato boy!”
Mumbo: “I don’t have to replace everything I break! Peace Love and Plants- are these plants..?” He says, mining amethyst
he who controls the egg, controls the server... Grian.. you’re doing great sir
...He decided.. his goal.. is to make his OWN..caves and cliffs update... HELLO..?
Grian was the first one to kill the enderdragon, MAN. Speedrunning career WHEN? /j
Grian: “And now [Mumbo] is flexing on my bed!”
he might not have a base. but he has an egg.
It is now 2am. i cannot do this anymore. This will be continued.. tomorrow!
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cinnamogai · 3 years
Hey, could I get a name tryout please? I have a lot of names I want to try so f it’s too much you could choose to just do one 😅 pronouns are he/him, and I like video games, listening to music, and seeing people be happy!
Names are Rain, Tanuki, Four, Cloud, Cirrus, Basil, Dust, Maple, Cinder, and Cascade. Thank you if you do this!
i tried to use them all, i’m sorry if i forgot one :0 sorry if i’m posting a bit slower, school is again taking up all my time smh.. under the cut!!
rain has asked for me to try out a bunch of names for him, so!! here i am, in all my.. trying out names glory lol. tanuki told me that i didn’t have to do all the names but i go above and beyond for like everything <3 four has so many cool names he wants to try so hopefully one of them sticks!! cloud and i share some similar interests as well, which is fun!! i love video games as well, though i’m a bit particular with what i like lol. obviously genshin is my fav but i love story games or puzzle games like psychonauts!! i’d love to know what kind of games that cirrus likes to play, maybe we’d share some in common! i love music as well, but that’s a much broader genre lol. maybe one day i’ll share my spotify so you all can know what music i like to listen to! i bet basil has super cool music playlists, and i’d love to maybe give them a listen :0 seeing people happy is such a sweet thing to like, i can def agree that seeing people happy is one of the main reasons that i love having this blog <3 dust is fulfilling their likes cause getting asks like this always make me so happy to do! so i hope that can make maple feel good in some way lol. this has been a real long one, sorry to cinder for having him have to read all this lol. but! i hope it can help cascade find a name that fits him the best.
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kendall-coded · 4 years
i was tagged by @ice-mage because he is nosy and constantly trying to learn personal background information about me so he can hack into my checking account smh
name: reece
gender: what are you, a narc ?
sexuality: equal opportunist
favorite animal: frog. if we are talking humanoid animal creatures, then the cat in the hat (duh)
average hours of sleep: weekdays uhhh probably 5-7 and weekends maybe 8-9. i don’t really have a routine
dogs or cats: both, i don’t have a preference
current time: 8:30pm
dream job: when i was a kid i wanted to be an astronaut, so i am going to stick with that. anything that facilitates me leaving this planet is optimal
when i made this blog: uhhh i am not sure of the exact date range but i wanna say may / june 2020
why i made the blog: quarantine held me at gunpoint and forced me to get back into fandoms that i forgot about and here i am
reason for url: i am a slut and my content is sterek. i rest my case, your honor
i’m just gonna tag @spaceprincessem because i feel like it
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whitelacepants · 4 years
tagged by @livi5972 😁
Age: Just turned 18 in January
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Aquarius sun, Taurus rising, Cancer moon. I have no idea what it means
Height: 5'2
Sexuality: Lesbian (or bisexual? idk i only like fictional boys. real boys suck. also compulsory heterosexuality is a thing. it's whatever im just 100% positive i like girls)
Hogwarts House: Slytherin (although i haven't read the books. i have all of them but i couldn't make it past the first book. oops lol)
Favorite Animal: Blobfish!!!
Average Hours of Sleep: 4 or 5? And then I take naps throughout the day
Current Time: 7:10 pm
Dogs or Cats: Dogs are stinky and I'm scared of cats scratching me but I like cats better
Blankets You Sleep With: One purple blanket that has weird fabric but is great for keeping me warm and 14 stuffed animals, all varying sizes (they're my security blankets hehe)
Dream Job: Bold of you to assume I actually want to work
When I Made This Blog: Idk, sometime before tumblr got rid of their nsfw content
Followers: 77 (i never expected to get that many oop)
Why I Made Tumblr: I've had 5, so storytime! @the-exploding-zombow and @go-to-tarturas are both me. i made the zombow one from suggestion from my friend. i ended up forgetting the password to that one so i made the tarturas one. then i remembered the password for my zombow one and forgot the password for my tarturas one. i want nothing more than to remember it again. then i made two eating disorder blogs (the ed community gets way more hate than it needs to. i get why but chill out. we already hate ourselves, we dont need more people screaming at us). one of them got deleted and i almost lost it completely. but i just cried and made a new one. hashtag disordered tingz. and then i made this blog.
Reasons For My URL: I wanted this blog to be more nsfw but then tumblr got rid of that shit. I miss them good old days. anyways, sexy urls and blogs aren't my forte so i made mine funny. instead of "white lace panties" it's "white lace pants". top tier item of clothing in my opinion. and now i have more of a fandom blog so there's no point in it lol
livi says tag 10 people but im just gonna tag whoever
@peterparkerstarker @tonystarkisaslut @ephemeren @cabin-7 @the-love-yourself-journal @silkystark
those are just people i could name off the top of my head
also i follow way too many mcu blogs for someone who's never watched the movies, smh
tag someone you want to get to know better
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louvelylouis · 4 years
Thanks for tagging me @daughter-of-hades1218 . Jeez, calm down your titties mate. Your spam texts are the worst, I'm terrified.
INSTRUCTIONS: Tag 10 followers that you want to get to know better.
Name: Sumedha
Gender: Female
Star sign: Taurus
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Sexuality: Hetero
Favourite animal: Dog
Average sleep: 7-8 hours probably
Current time: 2:10 pm
Dogs or cats: Dogs
Blankets I sleep with: 1
When I made my blog: Early January, 2020 (I had one more but my stupid ass forgot it's password smh)
followers: 486 (lol wot y'all even like in my blog)
Why I made my blog: I wanted a place to store all the things of the fandom and what could be better than a blog? Moreover, Tumblr is really fun 🤭
Reason for my URL: eh nothing specific actually. I wanted to name it after Niall. It's actually after that one video of him saying 'potatoeh' lmao
@awkwardasshole28 @fangirl4ever86 @28-oops-hi @hoeformendes and @ anyone who wants to do tbh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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cdrwstorm · 4 years
got tagged by @transphormers !!! :+))
Name: astra / parker !
Gender: no thank u (:
Star sign: aqua sun taurus moon sag rising (yeah)
Height: an unfortunate 5'4"
Sexuality: bi !
Favourite animal: So Many but let's say coyotes, fruit bats, and house cats :O
Average hours of sleep: i have this super power called I'm Always Sleepy and so when it's my call i usually sleep abt 10-12 hours a night but if i have work? 5-6
Current time: 8:43 pm
Dogs or cats: pains me 2 choose but. cats
Blankets: i have one soft fuzzy one that i sleep w up near my chest (Hold Him) and then a comforter that lately has just been more pillow bc it's getting hot in the desert already
Dream Job: what's that one post going around? 'i simply do not dream of labor?' thts me. but if i had to pick i'd be an astronaut or a wildlife biologist or a paleontologist in an instant
When I made this blog: 2017 MAYBE 2018 but im p sure late 2017
Why I made a Tumblr: assuming u mean This tumblr it was bc emerson @transfluids got me watching tfp and tfa and i refused to put nerd content on my main blog so !! here i am
Followers: 990 😳
Reason for my URL: i like having near canon urls theyre Snappy and holoform is a cool sci fi word so Bam . holoforms
tagging: idk who of my tf mutuals havent gotten this yet or been tagged by cooler people but let's go with @miniconsuffrage @crimsbie @cchromedome AND I WAS GONNA TAG EMILY ALICE but emerson wont tell me their url until they post their ask game first and tag them FIRST smh
also @ my mutuals im sorry if i forgot u i havent been on a tf run in so long i cant remember everyones urls 😔😔 if u want to do this u can just say i tagged u!
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bpdanakins · 5 years
Name ten favourite characters from ten different things (books, tv, film, etc.) then tag ten people
I was tagged by the dear @gffa who clearly enjoys making these lists and seeing everyone else also struggling with just choosing ten. It’s hard but I shall do my best sdfk <3
1. Lara Croft - Tomb Raider Okay, let’s just get it out: I prefer reboot!Lara. idk I know some people think she sucks and the games suck for whatever reason, but I found the games and their mechanics super fun, and Lara’s story really compelling. She was a young girl who was determined to make her own way in the world, and instead went through something extremely traumatizing. She kept pushing through, kept getting back up no matter what the world threw at her. She went on this clear journey that was compelling and fun and messy. She wasn’t perfect. She pushed people away, she fucked the world up because she was determined to find the answers she felt would make all she went through make sense. Her survivor’s guilt was present really well in RotTR but most especially in SotTR. People were dying but she was so focused on finishing her personal mission. She was numb to it despite the fact it still horrified her. And her arc ended well. She finally was able to reach a place where she was able to let go of her losses and try to join society again. And I’m gay for her. So, you know.
2. Senua - Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice I cannot recommend this game enough. It’s tough to play bc it’s not just a horror game but you feel a lot of Senua’s anxiety, which is part of the point to the game. Senua’s a Celtic warrior who suffers from psychosis, and the game devs worked directly with both professionals and those who experience psychosis. There’s a whole mini doc to it which is great, even if you can’t stomach horror. You’re in Senua’s head with her throughout the game. You see what she sees, you hear all she hears, and she talks to you directly at times. But the beauty of the game is Senua’s true journey. She goes on a quest to try to rescue a loved one she lost to Vikings, but the real story is about a girl realizing she’s not a monster for seeing the world differently. That the abuse and ableism she faced weren’t her fault at all. There’s so many little things I can point to in this game that just made me so emotional, and it’s such a beautiful and necessary story to tell. Senua is great and deserves a hug.
3. Anakin Skywalker - Star Wars If you asked me at what point in my life Anakin became one of my favourite characters, to the point I frequently talked about him even on my main blog at random intervals, I couldn’t tell you. I haven’t the faintest idea; he just was. And if you asked me why he was a fave early on, I also couldn’t tell you lmao. It might partially be that I grew up on the prequels, and maybe at such a young age I didn’t really grasp at first that this was a story about a guy who was already revealed to be a villain, but I haven’t the faintest clue. He just is now, and I’m so passionate about his story. He’s complex and difficult and written so well. You want him to be happy, you feel heartbroken seeing a good character fall so deep, and you want to smack him upside the head a whole lot. You laugh at his silly dialogue (which he has as Vader too smh), you cry when you see him struggling, you become horrified by his actions. His story’s also a great inversion of the Chosen One trope - whereas usually we see Chosen Ones struggle, become imperfect and undoubtedly traumatized, they remain heroes the whole time. Anakin doesn’t. He becomes the bad guy, one of the worst in the series (Palps takes the award tho). But even then, when you think this guy has nothing to offer but an intimidating villain, he’s shown to have good. And then we see how much good he had all along, the good he forgot and was punished for and hated himself for. His heart that had good intentions but he chose the worst actions. He’s complicated and I love him. And more over, I love how many people who struggle or have mental illness can relate to him. I love that he wasn’t treated as a guy whose actions were glorified, but that were honest in both the good ones and the bad ones. Anyone can fall, and anyone can get back up, if they choose to. I just. Love him. He means a lot.
4. Commander Shepard - Mass Effect I know that Shep is technically the player’s character and can be any combination of person, but anyone who’s played Mass Effect would get why they were put here. The original trilogy for Mass Effect touched on so many things, and was a really emotional one. You had your great moments with friends, you had your struggles against both unknown horrors, and horrors close to home (so to speak). There are so many small moments that stick out to you, and idk how many people can say that playing this story didn’t impact their life in a meaningful way, bc I can’t see how it couldn’t. I’ve played the games many times, but even after all of this, there are moments that I not just still get emotional to, but take on new meaning as I go through my life. And Shepard’s the hero of the story. They’re not perfect, and they can downright be an ass if you play them that way, but their story is one of perseverance, of fighting on even when entire worlds are being lost and everyone is still looking to them. Everyone needs them to find a solution. But even then, it’s a story about friendship too. About tons of amazing characters that all have their own motivations, their own pasts and goals and hopes and failures. About how all these varied characters become a found family. And so Shepard’s the hero of the story, but their companions aren’t just there to be sidekicks, but end up with all their own accomplishments and arcs and you go on this journey with all of them. idk the whole series is great dsalkkljads
5. Lexa & Clarke - The 100 Let’s not talk about how terrible this show got and how messy it was because we all know. But it started with a really compelling story that was interesting, and to see two characters on screen who were flawed but understood each other, and to have them both be women - one who was a lesbian and one who was a bisexual?? It made me so excited and it’s a really flawed show but it meant a lot to me at the time to have a couple like that on a tv show, and so despite all its flaws, that relationship still means a lot to me. 
6. The BAU team - Criminal Minds Yeah, I put the entire friggin team down, and that means all of them. There was only maybe two or so characters that were on it I didn’t like so every iteration is put down. Criminal Minds isn’t exactly a complex show; it’s a typical crime drama, and its unique feature is that it looks into the behaviour and minds of criminals instead of finding the science, like we saw with CSI. But the episodes were compelling and entertaining to watch, and, what do you know, there’s a found family at the center of it all and naturally I’m a sucker for it. Strangely enough this show is kind of a comfort one to me, bc it’s entertaining but not always overwhelmingly emotional. I can put it on at any time and just have it on in the background, or when I’m not feeling well, and I’ll enjoy myself. Also strangely enough, I’ve seen almost every episode enough times that there’s a game in my house to see how long it takes for me to recognize the episode and its plot once a rerun is put on lmao. There’s a lot of good shows like this out there - I enjoy SVU a lot too - but something just draws me to the characters on this one. We’ve been with them for, what, 14 seasons?? And we’ve seen them go thru some shit, we’ve seen them grow and change and they’re all really unique. It’s not a complex show but it is good enough to just binge. A part that plays in it is probably the time in my life I started getting into it too, but I’m alright with standing by it.
7. Korra - Avatar: The Legend of Korra I probably don’t need to wax poetic about atla or atlok much at all. I just love her journey, as a brash and overconfident girl who realizes that being the Avatar is hard, the people expect so much and there’s a lot put on your shoulders. That, when things go wrong, people will blame you. She went and became this giant blue monster thing, but her struggles were all human. Her PTSD was shown really well, despite it being a kid’s show. She’s fun and her journey is lovely and it’s definitely true that Korrasami did it way better, and both characters are bi women too (◡‿◡✿) We Do Not Talk About That Dumb Love Triangle Nonsense Though
8. Chloe & Max - Life is Strange What can I even say about this game? I don’t know. If you’ve played it, you’ll know why it’s here. It’s.... way deeper than you’d think it’d get at first. I love the story, and I love the journey Max and Chloe go on together. I love their friendship, how Chloe was always trying to uplift Max and encourage her to follow her dreams, and Max just doing the impossible for Chloe. I love their relationship, because it was built on support and love and struggle. I love their complexities, their flaws, their strengths, their times together. I just fskljdjlksfd love them, I love this game and all its various stories and character arcs. It’s all so beautiful and raw and unique and yay, another pair of ladies loving each other is on this list.
9. Solas - Dragon Age: Inquisition Okay. There’s a TON of characters I adore in Dragon Age, and to be honest, I don’t know he’d be my absolute top one. But I do like his story. I love Dragon Age companions, because, like in Mass Effect, they’re all their own characters with their own stories and journeys. Solas is flawed. Like, really flawed. Here’s another guy on my list who went and fucked up the world a bit. His worst actions (and the consequences of them) were built on good intentions, on his desire to help his people. We can get into the way this direction BW went with the elvhen religion was icky, but it’s a different conversation. I adore elvhen lore and I love exploring theories on it all the time. For Solas, I just like that he’s complex. I mean, he’s still silly and kinda weird, and he loves to hear himself speak on topics and loves Lavellan for encouraging him to never shut up, but most of all I kind of like their relationship? A friendship with Solas is still great, but I like that it’s an asexual one (don’t fight me on this, idc, it’s how I see it). It’s soft, built on mutual respect, one with no pressures or expectations. Solas asks for time and Lavellan gives it. There’s no fade to black s.ex scenes that so many times aren’t optional in BW games. I just really like my asexual wolf god egg ok
10. Mulder & Scully - The X Files Okay, it’s super hard to choose characters for this holy heck. BUT I really, really, really love their relationship. Mulder is an idealist who believes in the supernatural, and Scully his pragmatic scientific counterpart. And we could talk about how Scully’s character as a woman in science meant to a lot of people, and how Mulder’s tenacity to not give up on his beliefs is a nice one (when it’s not getting him into trouble). Their relationship is the slowest of slow burns in television history, I think. But it’s good that way. Scully starts out thinking Mulder’s just a delusional guy, one who’s intelligent but wastes his accomplishments, and he knows that. Then they go through shit, they’re a team and many times it’s them against a whole bunch of unbelievable stuff (and their own government). What I loved most was also their son, and I’m literally deleting all knowledge of the new seasons from my brain bc I think it was gross and took away from the story, but I liked that they were so close, loved each other so much despite there not really being a romance yet, that Scully trusted to go to Mulder to donate to her bc he was the only one she could think of for this. It’s another asexual relationship on screen, and it’s built on a love that happens over time. I just fljksdfkjl could go on about it too.
This was hard lmao. I wanna give an honorary shout out to Peggy Carter since she had wonderful lines like: “I know my value. Anyone else’s opinion doesn’t really matter.” Which is *chef’s kiss*. Peggy was the true unsung hero of the MCU and they gave her and Steve a weird ass ending.  
idk who to tag bc I’m not sure who’d be into this, but if you’re willing, I’d love to hear from @sapphicfinalpam, @mariaromanovs, @vinterskald, @zombiefishgirl, @nb-aziraphales, @serkonans and anyone who feels like doing it. Feel free to obvs ignore this, or only make a list without rambles, idk. I am never too sure about who’s into this or not, but if I didn’t tag you and you wanna do it, you can just say I tagged you and I definitely wanna read what you have to say!
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nikatyler · 5 years
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You might have seen me complain about this “graduation thing” that I had to write. (my English teacher actually called it a thesis, but that sounds too fancy in my opinion lol. I just...can’t see myself writing a thesis...yet. Language is funny.) Well, IT IS DONE. I CAN BREATHE NOW. I have some more things to finish before my graduation exams, and then I have to learn all the topics for the exams but for now, everything is fine. I’ll worry about this later. Speaking of exams and everything, I have one last month of high school left. When did that happen? There are the exams in May, uni entrance exams in June...and then I’m off to the so called adulthood. Help??
Let’s talk about sims for a bit...well, I’d love to but I’m almost never playing anymore. There’s no time. I’ll probably play BPR this weekend, as per usual. I guess I’ll start posting it in like June or July, so that will be almost a year since I started playing it. It’s going to be great, I promise. Well, the beginning already makes me cringe, but the things I’m doing now are fun. Kinda cringey too, but I feel like I can justify that since that’s cringey on purpose haha.
Replies now. There’s a lot of them because I don’t do these regularly anymore oops. It’s probably not everything because my activity feed hides stuff from me. I just know it. Smh tumblr
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Sammy: … Lydia: “Come on.” Sammy: “These…these two guys. They laughed...”
Can't believe I'm about to throw hands with some teenagers I haven't even met lol
Same lol. They won’t even ever show up but I hate them so much
myopiccc replied to your photoset “Lydia: “They should mind their own business! Sammy, listen to me now....”
I'm on your side Lydia!
She has a good valid point but if I could talk about this to her I would probably try to stop her too. She doesn’t think about the consequences haha
create-a-sim replied to your photoset “Sim Request: Michelle Emmons for @alfalfalegacy I do this thing that...”
she's soooo cute!!
Thank youuu! I really like how she turned out too!
melien replied to your post “post nsb”
Anon told you to post nsb so you should immediately go play and post nsb because your blog exists exclusively for their personal pleasure and entertainment! No excuses!!
Wait until they find out I want to post BPR next. Another sims 3 save. SCANDALOUS. HOW DARE I PLAY ANYTHING THAT ISN’T OUR LORD AND SAVIOR THE SIMS 4™. Sorry I read a post comparing ts3 and ts4 a few days ago and I’m still salty.
Anon pls don’t start a riot
melien replied to your photoset “Annabeth: “Uh…I think your face is stuck.” Regan: “Didn’t you know...”
I second this! It's kinda creepy when it happens
It’s too much. If they smiled a little less, I probably wouldn’t mind but this is just creepy. It kinda reminds me of that Momo thing that was everywhere on the internet a few months ago. My sister showed me a picture and uhh...I didn’t need to see that.
melien replied to your photoset “Adam: “Why can’t you be more like your siblings?” Lydia: “Umm, dad,...”
She's a modern day Tyler I guess
Sort of, yeah. Tyler kinda fakes it I’d say, he’s not as dumb as he’s trying to seem. It’s a role he chose to play for reasons. Which...probably makes him dumb in a way but oh well. Lydia...I don’t want to say she’s dumb because she’s not really, but there’s a slight difference between her and Tyler haha. I could talk about this a lot.
melien replied to your post “I`d looove to make ships with other people however I`m not completely...”
It's fine! Showing them in the legacy is more than enough. With people who I have the most ships with, we do discuss them, but it's not like 24/7 headcanon exchange, it just happens naturally whenever either of us has an idea. There's no right way to act when you have a ship with someone, so you're good! It's still much better than one-sided ship when the other person just isn't interested.
I’m the kind of person who would like to have everything clear, possibly broken down to a step-by-step tutorial haha. Even though I know some things don’t work like that. So naturally, stuff like talking to people confuses me a lot. Also, teamwork! I don’t know how to do it. Depending on who I’m working with, I’ll either be the one who does all the decisions or the one who nods and agrees with everything the partner says. Communication is hard, basically.
I think that here, another big problem with me is that I hate spoilers and I don’t want to spoil anything to anyone ever. Even if they probably have the right to know first. But hey, all the current ships I have with other people have been shown, maybe I’ll feel more comfortable doing it now?
melien replied to your photoset “Didn’t I tell you to go inside? “Omg muuuuum leave me alone.”
Caleb: okay
Caleb: *rises from his grave* “Don’t disrespect me, son-in-law.”
melien replied to your photoset “Hey hi hello I know everyone is busy downloading Strangerville right...”
Super late here but Myra and everyone else look great! ��
Thank! I’ve been thinking about updating the entire tree again though, giving everyone new pictures, so who knows how long this will stay whoops.
melien replied to your post “Why do y'all open sim requests when I have no use for more sims. �� I...”
Same :/ I want sims from everyone but I just know I won't use them anywhere in the nearest future and I don't want to put pressure on myself
Looking back, I’m actually glad I requested all these sims for gen 6 because it kept me going. I knew I had to get through the hard too-many-sims-in-the-household part because I wanted to show them in the end. 
I hate when people request sims and then never ever use them anywhere. Don’t get me started on “hey I want to start a new legacy, please give me spouses for all ten generations”, followed a few days/weeks later by “hey guys sorry, I’m not that interested in this legacy, I’ll be starting a new one” - and the cycle starts over again. Why would anyone do that? Just ask for a gen 10 sim when you get there, it’s not that hard to wait.
I mean, here’s what I’m doing right now - I’ve created a peach spouse for my bpr sim months ago, they haven’t even met in the legacy yet, but I’d already love to have the orange sim for the next generation because I’m so excited about this all at the moment. Am I going to ask someone now? Hell no. I didn’t play this legacy for like six months and even though I love it so much lately, there’s a chance I’ll lose interest in it again. I’ll ask for an orange sim when I’ll know I can do gen 3...it’s gen 3 right. Oh well.
melien replied to your photoset “I forgot this interaction existed. I don’t do weddings too often. My...”
Is this a wedding-specific interaction? I feel like I haven't seen it in my game yet but idk for sure
Yes! I think they can only do it with that moodlet they get as soon as they get married.
melien replied to your photoset “Lydia the…wait, I need a really good superhero name. Ah, I’ll think...”
Uhhhh, the other day I thought about how Eielyd (switched i/y because of her name, I know it’s eyelid) would be a really stupid nickname for her but Lydibug actually sounds cool aaaand it’s now canon she loves Miraculous Ladybug.
melien replied to your photoset “Lydia: “I’m gonna make fun of every asshole in this town. Starting...”
Ooooooooo good luck getting out of this one
Something similar actually happened to me in elementary school, my friend and I were talking about which colour we want our house be when we’re adults and then I said something like: “I don’t know but I definitely don’t want it to be yellow! Yellow houses are ugly.” And she goes: “My house is yellow.” My face turned red and I started shaking because I thought I had offended her sooo badly. I remember I got out of it saying something like: “Your house is okay, I just don’t like the bright yellow ones.” I don’t know what I had against yellow houses, to be fair. But I didn’t like them.
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Sammy: “How was your day, Will?” Will: “Good. Very good. You need to...”
Oh my god Will ����
Don't jump ahead in the plot lol
Since he plays so much with magic, maybe he’s seen the future haha
autistichatkid replied to your post “Hi guys, I have a question �� I know some of you have been here...”
rose!!! idk exactly when but i believe miracle was a child and tyler had long hair
alfalfalegacy replied to your post “Hi guys, I have a question �� I know some of you have been here...”
Came in just before Miracle's gen started and have stayed ever since!!
lalunebleue replied to your post “Hi guys, I have a question �� I know some of you have been here...”
I first started following when you were doing the ts3/ts4 crossover story with Zoe. That was a really cool idea.
kyveria replied to your post “Hi guys, I have a question �� I know some of you have been here...”
right at the beginning of your nsb legacy, and I thought it was the best one! ��
harmoniouspixels replied to your post “Hi guys, I have a question �� I know some of you have been here...”
I found your blog around the time Caleb was pregnant with Miracle and the mommy jokes from Tyler began (I could’ve been following earlier, but I distinctly remember that)
simlovinggirl replied to your post “Hi guys, I have a question �� I know some of you have been here...”
I found you on Gen 5 of your Rose Legacy. Miracle's story still pulls at my heart ♥
autumndiesirae replied to your post “Hi guys, I have a question �� I know some of you have been here...”
I think I got your blog on my recommended feed during Ross' transformation in NSB
whysimstho replied to your post “Hi guys, I have a question �� I know some of you have been here...”
I was looking up nsb stories to read, and I found the breeze legacy which was around when Ross was still a child. Then I noticed your sims 3 posts and was like "oo that looks cool" so I started reading them from the beginning too lol
desira-sims replied to your post “Hi guys, I have a question �� I know some of you have been here...”
I came across a Caleb and Ross post. I then proceeded to binge read your nsb until I had caught up.
This post lowkey backfired. I asked just because I was curious and suddenly there I was, reading the comments and sobbing because this is so cool and basically, I love and appreciate you all so much guys, you have no idea.
I guess it’s one thing knowing you see someone in your activity feed all the time, and the other thing is actually remembering when you’ve started seeing them and how much they’ve seen. It’s insane.
It’s also interesting to see how I feel about many of these things now (Zoey and Miracle’s storylines are the greatest example) and then here you are still saying it was good...makes me wonder if I’m too hard on myself. I’m never satisfied with everything!
kymmaisims replied to your post “Plans for this week and other rambling”
Take your time! We understand ��
It’s going to be a few hard months now...but hopefully I’ll be able to do it!
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Annabeth: “Consider yourself invited, Micah.”
Here we finally gooooo
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Cassandra: “That was the dumbest romcom I’ve seen in a while.” Sammy:...”
The way Sammy looks at her in this post is really cute :')))
pxelblobs replied to your post “Nope! Not at all. I did not just read all 377 pages of your Rose...”
I did! It took a few days but it inspired me to play a non berry save.
Yay, I’m happy to hear that!
kymmaisims replied to your post “In case you were wondering why there were no timezone reblogs today: I...”
*cough* poses *cough* ������ Congrats on almost reaching a milestone! You deserve it!
Thank you! Three more followers left. That’s insane. I still feel the same way I did when I only had like 100 followers.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset
No, Miracle don't return to the aliens right now! You still have teens to raise! And a husband.
That would have been kinda cool if it happened, wouldn’t it? You’re not ready for what actually happened. Haha...haha...hahaha...just you wait, it starts today.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Calypso Heather for @sinfulwunders’s Melanie BC A long time ago,...”
Oh. My. God is she cool!
Thank you! I knooow, I love her so much *-* I tried doing some things differently this time and it was so worth it.
justkeeponsimming replied to your photoset “Look, she deserves a break. She freaking raised six children.”
She looks so adorable OMG
She does! My opinion on her has changed a lot through the years (I mean, she’s not my most favourite sim anymore, I don’t think her storyline was the best thing I’ve ever done etc), but nothing will change the fact that she’s the cutest sim I have.
harmoniouspixels replied to your post “˜ºï¸ Caleb Vatore”
Re Number 2: Yes, you're right! He's shown being romantic with women and then a guy in the vampire pack's trailer. We stan a canon bisexual icon
Ahh I knew I didn’t make it up! We stan a canon bisexual icon indeed
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Will: “A real fairy!” ??: “Huh?” Will: “I mean…oh my god. I’m sorry....”
Will's a big mood though. Cause I too would see a fairy and then immediately blurt something out like that ��
I wouldn’t blurt it out, probably (I don’t talk irl lmao), but I’d do something equally embarrassing and my reaction would be probably the same. I’d run away and feel bad about it.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “One Year of Breeze NSB Legacy! On this day one year ago, as soon as I...”
Happy birthday, the Breezes! ❤️��❤️
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “One Year of Breeze NSB Legacy! On this day one year ago, as soon as I...”
I love these edits! ����
froggypixel replied to your photoset “One Year of Breeze NSB Legacy! On this day one year ago, as soon as I...”
This is so freakin cool��❤️❤️
justkeeponsimming replied to your photoset “One Year of Breeze NSB Legacy! On this day one year ago, as soon as I...”
ronnie these edits are SO cute! I love love love what you did with the screenshots in the background!
Thank you guys! ♥ ♥ I didn’t know what to do, so I just took some simple couple pictures and then I thought wait a minute...I could put screenshots from the two finished generations in the background!
I kinda wanna do the same thing for Rose Legacy which turns three years old this April, but I hate editing ts3 pictures - mainly because the alpha hair is a bitch to edit, at least for me. I’m pretty good at faking it, but I actually don’t know much about Photoshop :D Once again, thank you guys.
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sevildea · 6 years
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
Nickname: Sev, but I listen to every name that people call me by. 
Height: 168 cm (5 millimeters shorter than Anais, because she wants to flex on me)
Last movie I saw: Uncontrolled Love (hngggg and still crying)
Favorite artists: (I’m not actually tagging anyone because I’m a shy and unpopular person so please don’t judge)  @ meltesh28, @ fyunz, @ moobiess, @ akinohikari (and the reason I’m in the mxtx fandom), @ stariwei, @ baebeyza 
Song stuck in my head: Follow the Flow - Nem Tudja Senki, because for some reason I either don’t listen to songs in my own language at all or listen to them once and they get stuck in my head for weeks.  And also Yonetsu Kenshi - Lemon, because my head is a broken recorder playing 2 songs on repeat. 
Do I get asks?: I’m not popular. Nuff said. 
Other blogs?: Nope. 
Following: 82, and I still get overwhelmed. 
Lucky number: 2 and 7. 
What I’m wearing: Uh.. Just got out of shower. Figure out the rest. 
Dream job: Game developer, mostly focusing on the graphics part - but I’m working towards it as of now, so... does that count?
Favorite Food: Any kind of noodles or just give me any kind of salad with chicken. I’m way too simple smh.
Dream trip: Anywhere in East-Asia. Seriously, drop me off somewhere. 
Play any instruments: Piano on a pretty high level and I can also play the guitar? And of course the triangle 
Languages: 1) Hungarian (but I think I’m forgetting how to even speak), 2) English, 3) German (though I haven’t practiced for quite a while), 4) Japanese (only in speech though), a tiny bit of Korean (because I already forgot most) and a tiny bit of Chinese (that I’m studying now). So those 3 might make up one entire point?
Favorite song: Either Aimer - Black Bird or Jaira Burns - Didn’t I, but it basically changes every 5 hours. 
Random fact: I was sitting on this shit for 4 hours only today and I was still afraid to tag anyone. C:
Aesthetic things: The setting sun, the darkening sky with red burning clouds spread over an endless ocean. You can still see the last rays of the sun as it reflects from the water on the horizon. The lights of the city burning bright as you walk through the streets void of any other presence and take a deep breathe from the mid-autumn air, a soft breeze ruffling your hair. 
Tagging: I’m a coward. 
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justmysicklypride · 6 years
P-P-P-Play that shit: ptv analysis - Part 2
 Hi what’s up everyone and welcome to this week’s pew news. This is a continuation of my last post where I pretty much summed up Pierce The Veil’s career from the beginning to present and gave an overview of their rise and downfall. You can check it out here, but if you already know about everything or have read it already then feel free to ignore it. In any case, I was originally gonna make these two posts as one but ran out of room bc who the hell would read that much text in a blog post (me) so here you go - part two of this fucking conspiracy theory because I didn’t even get to share any of my thoughts in the last one. (I also forgot to put headers with each new topic smh apologies to the English language)
Edit: it’s been fucking eons since I wrote the last one/started writing this one like legit I even changed my user. The reason why this has been put off for so long will be explained later but yh smh
Gigantic obligatory disclaimer: Everything that I will discuss whether it be in this post or my last, or any future posts that relate to this subject IS NOT going to touch on the subject of the “sexual relations with a minor” incident in itself. I will not go into detail about my own views on this specific matter as there is literally no way to win because whatever I say could be taken out of context by literally anyone. That being said, I do not condone pedophilia, I do not condone sexual harassment or rape, and I do not undermine the importance of consent. I respect the laws of different states, as I know they vary with time and place, and I understand that everyone has their own opinions and I do not wish to impose my own onto others.
In regards to this, however, I do have to acknowledge that I, first and foremost, do not think that Mike Fuentes is innocent, and I strongly believe that how the band handled this situation was just plain terrible, but I do also have to acknowledge the fact that this situation is to stay between the accuser and the victim, as well as their respective legal teams and that I should not go nosedive headfirst into anything like this when it does not directly affect or require my judgement as a necessity, lest I face any legalities or blacklash as a result. Furthermore, everything that I will be talking about are conspiracies only and I do not in any way assume or imply that any of this is true.
In other words, I don’t mean to offend anyone but if you end up getting offended then that’s on you, not me. Let’s begin.
The points that I am trying to highlight in this essay post is, in simple words, that Pierce The Veil’s... well, everything, comes off as kind of a conspiracy, almost, to me. I have had these thoughts for a long-ish time, and so this post is basically me finally making a post that covers all things that I have been thinking of in the past. Unlike my previous post, this one is a lot less fact-based and a lot more opinionated, so if you’re not into that, then that’s fair. Otherwise, I will be discussing the following things (in this order): the topic of kellic, Misadventures, and the accusation + response.
When Life Gives You Lemons, You Ship Them Together And Call It Lemonade
I refer to my last post and assume that everyone understands how “kellic” came to be and what it means. To summarise to the bare minimum best of my abilities, it’s the ship name of Vic Fuentes and Kellin Quinn, aka what people call it when someone wants or is keen on the idea of these two frontmen having an affair with each other in a (typically) fictional setting. It happens all the time, especially in this day and age where you can easily just find someone with the same obsession as you with a click of a button. That’s why King For A Day, and inadvertently Collide With The Sky, became such a huge success. It appealed to the right demographic of teenagers and tweens who were ecstatic at the prospect of shipping, and went on to achieve even more impressive feats following that. How you ask? Well, by going on a tour around the world of course. Together. Playing shows every night that ends with one of them literally carrying the other off the stage. Gotta give the people what they want, hey?
I have a strong belief that the key to success is through beating the system at its own game. In this case, the game is simple - get fans, get money. Unfortunately, as we all know, getting fame isn’t as easy as simply earning it through grit and determination. To achieve fame, one must find a way to do something at the right time in the right way so that people will notice. If one person does, and your fire doesn’t die out right away, then you’ve got yourself a forest fire. Then later on, all you gotta do is keep this forrest fire going, but assuming that there isn’t someone standing on the other side with the whole fire department’s resources in tow, then the only thing stopping this fire is itself, because with all things in life, fire dies out, and fame stops accumulating after a while if nothing is done about it. Humans need entertainment. If something starts to fail to pique their interests, then they move on. That’s why YouTubers are required to change up their content every now and again in order to try and relight that spark they once had, and even then there’s a good chance that they won’t. 
I was originally going to write another blog essay about this whole YouTube analogy thing but quickly realised that for one, I don’t have time bc I’m getting my ass fucked by university on a daily basis; and that for another, there’s most likely a billion other videos or essays about this topic as is, so I’ll just link one or two of them here. I haven’t watched them all yet or I don’t remember much of them, but all they do is pretty much summarise up stuff like how YouTubers become successful and their downfalls and all that, and even though they kinda focus on a specific person or group of people, I feel like it could be generalised.
Even without the YouTube metaphor, we know shipping works. It is evident in multiple works across various media that giving the fans what they want is often what gives these people their continued success, such as Dan Howell and Phil Lester, who have all but stopped trying to create their own individual branding (save for their separate merch stores that are probably there just to get more people to buy their overpriced clothing), and who at this point have become such an overused example that I actually hesitated writing that. Why do you think movies and shows and cartoons mostly have a romantic subplot? Romance is an essential trope in literature and easily one of the most popular genre out there for various reasons. According to a Bustle article written in 2016, romance often gives the readers a sense of hope or gives them a way to live out their fantasies in the easiest way possible, and while this may not apply to everyone, (personally I’m not a romance fan much at all but I can appreciate good literature), it’s hard to deny the phrase “sex sells”.
Given that, you’d think that any company with half a brain would learn to exploit it, but for some reason this wasn’t the case in Pierce The Veil’s management, and no matter how I look at it, I can’t really see the reason why. It’s not like the band members are uncomfortable with the ship - Jaime Preciado has been seen kissing Vic Fuentes on stage (not on the lips guys chill) (I had forgotten how fucking difficult it takes to find this one specific clip so here’s a couple different fuenciado pictures instead to make up for it smfh), and Vic Fuentes has mentioned kellic in a live stream once jokingly - and Kellin Quinn is notoriously known for being completely okay with it (so long as he doesn’t have to look at it), so just what is the reason?
This Ain’t A Hiatus, It’s A Goddamned Arms Race
I’d be lying if I didn’t miss all the memes that all stemmed from the Pierce The Veil boys not being able to release an album when they’d promised, before postponing said album yet again and disappearing off of the face of the earth digitally for another year or two, giving them a total of four years as their unofficial, unannounced hiatus. For this, I have several questions.
We all know Vic Fuentes loves taking his sweet ass time releasing music - he’s admitted to remaking his first album a second time before releasing it, as stated an interview a couple years back - but you can’t honestly tell me their management just let them get away with it. Sure, through this time they’ve been pushing out new merch to no end, but something tells me that this giant gap they’ve wedged between the new album and Collide With The Sky isn’t gonna be good publicity, despite all the memes that’ve sprouted from it. There’s been fans who stopped taking interest in this band because of it, as well as fans who have just gotten fed up with having to wait so long. They scrapped a whole completed album in the process of creating Misadventures too, and while it’s not uncommon for bands to throw away near-completed ideas at whim, it’s also not unlikely for there to be some external factors or reasoning behind why they did it. Could it be that the album they threw away stayed too close to their roots and management or some other person told the band to start again, so that they can create something more appealing to this day and age? Or could it be something else that is hard to see at face-value?
You’ll Never Get Ahold Of Me Now
Finally, I’m gonna address the overdue elephant in the room. If you want to read the full thing, here it is because I’m tired of having to reiterate what happened. Mike Fuentes received a sexual allegation by some girl(s) and the band released a shitty statement that has since gotten deleted - that’s the general gist of it. 
Like I said, it’s been literal months (or weeks idk my perception of time is severely fucked) since I actually started making this post so literally no one cares anymore, but regardless of what past me has promised or written down, I’m not going to be discussing the allegation in itself, but rather what and/or how the band and their subsequent management has handled it, in that they handled it so bad that I honestly can’t believe they did it like that. 
Edit: I wasn’t gonna bother finding another copy of the statement bc no one’s gonna give a shit but then I’d be doing some baseless shit and I honestly can’t stand people who half ass these things, despite my growing urge to do the same thing, so here’s the statement. 
For starters, who the hell waits one whole month before releasing a statement? From what I can remember, their excuse was allegedly that pretty much management forbade them to talk or make a statement about it earlier for... reasons? (Just realised I don’t actually have the source for this so idk take it with a grain of salt I guess because I was sure I had read this somewhere but I can’t back it up.) 
That’s not even the worst part, either. The statement itself gave zero closure to literally everything. Yes, they acknowledged the allegation, but that’s just about as far as they went. The whole point of a statement is to clear things up, whether the accuser was right or wrong, and what steps will be taken from there, whether an apology is to be issued or not. No shit you know about the incident, who in the fandom wouldn’t? Instead pointing out the straight up obvious, what they should’ve done was 1) not waited an entire fucking month before talking about it, most likely hoping the whole thing to blow over by then and 2) actually talked about the incident in their statement instead of tiptoeing around the subject like some sort of time bomb ready to go off. There is no right or wrong answer, because literally all they had to do was tell the truth - as in write down a statement from Mike (not the whole fucking band mind you) about his take on the whole thing or get him to say what had happened from his point of view. Then resolve it privately with your legal team and whatnot if they really feel the need. Hell, all he needed to do was apologise. Whether something like that classifies as assault or rape or whatever is up to you but the fact of the matter is that she’s underaged at that point in time. Even if she was fully aware of the risks and whatnot and gave legitimate consent, under the eyes of the law and pretty much 80% of the people reacting to this incident, it will be deemed illegal and inappropriate behaviour. All these people had to do was literally just be open and honest about it regardless of whatever the hell happened, because this is all happening on a public platform where everyone can see/read it to their hearts’ content. Viewers can’t judge or make a decision to support or not support you if you don’t tell them your side of the story, so for the love of god, why the hell didn’t they?
The statement was filled with bullshit about how they love the fans and all that shit, and honestly my thoughts can be accurately summed up in this video right here. So much backlash could have potentially been avoided had they just told it as it is, because now all we have is a vague ass response that gives no closure and tell us nothing as to whether Mike actually did it or not, because in the statement he manage to spout some bullshit about how he’s “never intentionally manipulated or abused anyone in [his] life” and that he’s just a ball of empathy which at first glance could suggest he at least thinks he’s innocent, but then they go on to say how Mike’s taking a temporary leave from the band for, you guessed it, absolutely no reason. At least, no reason that they’ve given us (what else is new) (I’m becoming more petty as the night drags on it’s literally 1am). Honestly, .@piercetheveil, please tell me why the honest to god fuck did you have him leave just after suggesting that he might be innocent? I know the world isn’t black and white but when you’re making a stance and defending yourself or admitting to something, it really is - black and white that is. Either you’re innocent or believe that you’re innocent and stand your ground by not leaving the band, or you admit that you are guilty, in which case your leaving of the band would actually feel justified, because now it’s like you’re gonna come back as well, so what does that even mean? Mike isn’t gone indefinitely, he hasn’t pleaded guilty or innocent, and now the band is telling us they love us? Fuck out of here with that bullshit.
Yes, I support the band’s decision to pull out of the All Time Low tour and to not have Mike out there in case fans feel threatened or unsafe or whatnot, but if you’re pleading innocent, then honestly the whole band should’ve just said “hey we’re gonna go on hiatus for a while until our legal team’s finished with taking care of everything”, and not just said hey guys we’re gonna kick him out because he may or may not have done something that we’re not gonna tell you because we’re shady fuckers like that. I know they are on hiatus right now, but at the “start”, they only said that Mike would be withdrawing temporarily or whatever so it’s kind of like, okay? Sure? It’s a right mess I assure you. Honestly, throughout this whole incident, it was this statement part that made me really fed up with this band. My interest in them had died down significantly from since I hit fifteen all those three years ago, and right now when I dug up an old iPod shuffle to bring with me to university to save my phone battery throughout the day, I can honestly say that I won’t be adding any Pierce The Veil songs onto it anytime soon unless I get peer pressured to. Personally, I feel like that’s kind of the mentality of a lot of had-been Pierce The Veil fans, too.
That’s Great And All But What’s Your Point?
Pierce The Veil’s management sucks ass.
There’s no easy, lawsuit-prone way for me to say it but, and this is just a conspiracy theory I swear to god if I get the fucking ASIS kicking down my door in the middle of the night you better read the fucking disclaimer, there’s obviously some shady shit going on in there no matter what way you slice it. Either they’re sabotaging Pierce The Veil’s success or whether it’s all some big confusion or misunderstanding, or if they’re just plain dumb, we can all agree that this whole thing - the kellic fan service, album making, allegations and subsequent statements - should’ve and could’ve been handled a hell of a lot more gracefully and professionally. Believe it or not, waiting until things blow over is frankly just childish and solves literally nothing, so either they can pull their act together quickly with this next “special secret” album to redeem what little quality/dignity they have left, or they can just fade away into irrelevancy and become a band that no one cares about anymore. 
History repeats itself. This band is quickly becoming just another Leafyishere, and as ominous as that sounds, it’s honestly not unlikely at this point. I am intrigued as to where they go from here, because if they manage to breakthrough again, then I would be very surprised given their current situation. I want to know how they choose to handle this - whether it’ll be the same or not, we’ll just have to wait and see.
Thank you so much if you read through this honestly like I am beyond happy that this is fucking over because I have a bunch of non-band related post essays I’ve been meaning to post but this one’s been nagging at the back of my mind for the past few months or however long it’s been. I’ve clocked in at around past 3k words for this one, and none of this is edited because I’m honestly so done with this you don’t understand. Like I said before, this took ages because I was gonna make another post talking about other shit that relates to this before realising that there’s way too many people that’ve addressed the whole YouTube thing so me doing it would literally be pointless, and even though no one really reads this shit, as big of a nerd as I am, I do enjoy writing bullshit because maybe then I’ll stop ranting to my friends and family about topics they don’t care about.
Regardless, that’s it for this two parter thing, and until next time or whatever.
Catch’ya x
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ionianyi · 6 years
Blog Status Info
So this blog is basically dead, I might archive it, but I most likely wont post any Yi things anymore. 
I might post my opinion on new champs/skins/changes in LoL every now and then. Eventhough I havnt played LoL in forever, Im still kind of attached to it. Nostalgia does that to you.
Kinda weird moment to write this, since they finally decided to bring out an officially lesbian champ. But to me its too little to late. Rep wasnt why I started this game, but I soon got invested into the lore and characters. And it was frustrating that champ after champ there was no official representation. 120319 champs later and we got two gays trapped in a body controlled by a darkin, and a lesbian chameleon, that seems to have a bird brain.
What made me start this blog was a tumblr blog, I forgot their name, who was drawing Yisuo art. At first I laughed at that ship, then grew fond of it because of the well drawn cute art (happens to me all the time, I never learn my lesson <_> remember kids, dont fall into this “cute art” trap, it just ends in frustration, cause its more often than not a rare pair with barely any fanart or just flat out a fandom favourite ship that will never become canon no matter what ._.) 
I made a blog for J4 and Invoker (a character from DotA2) just cause I found a ship involving them cute (individually, not them with eachother, if you really need to know it was J4Swain, which makes super no sense, and InvokerAntimage, which could kinda maybe work using the “enemies to friends to lovers” trope, but also very unlikely)  smh (tho I pretty much turned the J4 blog into a LoL OC blog afterwards,that is also pretty dead LOL As for the Invoker blog, it turned into more of a gay bugs blog ANOTHER NONE CANON SHIP LMAO I JUST NOTICED)
Of course you can ship whatever crack you want. But I personally prefer canon and official things. I mean, if there was any rep anywhere anyway... so right now Im still shipping crack (from another game) but Im trying not to, its hard tho cause basically all we get is characters who got like 5 seconds screentime and no personality, and the fandom community turns them into nice characters, shipping them with another char that had like 2 seconds screen time. 
But at the end of the day its not canon no matter how much work you put in it. sigh But what else can you do if everyone is straight by default unless confirmed otherwise, and  showing the gay TM may scare the paying fap boys away.
Just wanted to clarify the status of this blog for the like 1,5 people who may or may not still activiley follow this blog.(and rant a little)
As said I may just archive this blog. Just dont be surprised if its gone one day all of a sudden.
It was fun while it lasted, but entertaining yourself and having to make content for your ship basically all by yourself is tiring on the long run.
I also moved on from the Yisuo ship, and I dont like Yi THAT much to keep me going, so I dont really have a reason to continue this blog.
My Vlad blog is dead for a while now too, I should post a similar status update there too, if I havnt already. lol been forever i dont even know anymore.
So yeah. I still may like posts, I still may post text posts, giving my two cents to posts, but other than that this blog is dead.
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