#also gives me time to go add stuff I forgot to include in the list
mistfallengw2 · 1 year
I really want to do ask games now that I finally have the character list, but I think it might be smarter to wait until after I'm done with SotO's story so I don't lose myself in writing stuff...
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
01/22/2024 Daily Recap
Hey all! It's been a long day huh? I wanna apologize ahead of time, whatever sickness my kiddo had last week finally got me so I'm not feeling terribly well. I'm gonna do my best to articulate todays events for ya!
===Renew As A Crew====
So the very first thing I want to touch on today is updates from @renewasacrew. As you may have heard, they were going to be changing leadership as the shift in priorities changed from renewing to saving OFMD. That being said, the leadership change happened over this weekend with some hiccups (I don't know what the hiccups were entirely and I'm not going to speculate, if you wanna delve down that twitter hole you can, but having been in it for today I'd recommend against it for your mental health, and we don't want to be drawing a bunch of media attention to it) there's a lot of confusing information, and as we know things can get conflated fast if we don't have all the pieces to the puzzle-- let's not speculate and wait for the to come out with more info.
So what I'm focusing on today is @renewasacrew's message to please give them some time and practice some patience while they get back up and running. This also includes anyone you happen to know on twitter working with them, for example: @TheCozyPirate. Let's give them some grace, they've been steering us well so far.
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The good news is, several folks, on tumblr: @iamadequate1, @quirkysubject, @asgardian--angels, On twitter: @havethisonelife @yougotoofast @Lcmwriter100, we have all we need to keep going for a few days while things get ironed out. (If I forgot someone please let me know, sorry I am half awake tonight)-- see the HOW CAN YOU HELP section below.
One thing I will mention-- we are moving so very fast right now. It's only been 13 days since the announcement that OFMD wasn't renewed, and we've accomplished SO MUCH. So when there's a lull, it's going to feel like things are standing still and maybe something is going wrong. Don't fall into despair, that's just how things go with negotiations. Take a break, take a breath, and just keep on Polite Menacing until we hear more from the leadership team.
===How can you help?===
**Go to visit the DAILY RENEWAL TASK LIST there's lots of ideas and ways you can help! Have more? Shoot me a dm! I'm happy to add stuff!**
*Note: To our international fans, I promise I'm working on a write up for you as well I've just been sick today and have been able to finish!*
Something new today-- a lot of you have expressed your desire to help in the @renewasacrew efforts. Well if you did-- and still want to, now you can volunteer! Many thanks to @redshiftsinger for getting this up so quick!
Please visit their survey: Volunteer Intake form and fill out how you may be able to help!
=== Cast and Crew Sightings ===
As if on cue, Chaos dad reached out to everyone on twitter today to express some encouragement!
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He also saw we were at 77K and posted his astonishment!
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Some folks have been a bit weary about his vagueness today, but as we know, Daddy Jenkins is the king of vague-- and he has to be! If there are contracts in the works, he can't be hinting at things. Don't lose hope!
===Samson Kayo ===
Our beloved Oluwande updated his IG with some pictures and a message. If you have IG I'm sure he'd appreciate some love!
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Next up was our favorite Captain, Rhys Darby, promoting a fellow comic @jamesroguecomedy over on IG!
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And our pirate queen Ruibo Qian was making posts about saving ofmd and fanart about Zheng! Featuring folks you probably know around tumblr: @mistysblueboxstuff and @tsutsu_ya over on twitter
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=REMINDER: Cross Fandom Watch Party! on 01/23/2024 1 PM PT, 4PM ET=
Looks like there's gonna be some cross fandom watch parties on twitter you're welcome to tune in for Jan 23-26 on twitter. They'll be watching good omens in an effort to try and get engagement up with PrimeVideo. It sounds like it'll be similar to the LubeAsACrew but with Good Omens fans! Thank you to @Dandeebakes on Twitter for getting these organised!
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Hashtags to use: #PirateOmens #AdoptOurCrew #SaveOFMD, and helps to @PrimeVideo
New article, but take it with a grain of salt, see @TheCozyPirate's message:
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Our Flag Means Death's marketing was concerned about the shock of violence in the show
Alright lovelies. Here we are again, I told you it'd be quick. Today was very very very busy. Take a break and get some sleep ya? Lean on your crew, we are here to support each other. I'll end with a quote from Tolkien (it being all of us in your crew):
"May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out."
Tonight picture features Taika and his "I love you eyes" at Rhys. Thats me, I'm Taika, I love you all.
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PS: Idk why this isnt showing up in my recaps repository but ill figure it out in the morning.
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sandinthepipes · 8 months
Hello fellow dyslexic/adhd/others who would like to enjoy fanfics through their ears, I just spent the entire day testing android apps to find one that doesn’t suck as much.
TL;DR - these two T2S, Audify
I feel like I need to share this because 90% the apps don’t even allow a web page as a source, let alone get past the log in page, and I cant be the only one who doesn’t want to download every single fic.
“Oh, but doesn’t android have a built-in text-to-speech function in the accessibility settings?” I hear you ask. Yes, but it sucks ass very badly. Firstly it only reads in the system language, so it doesn’t really work. Second, you need to highlight all that you want it to read, and seeing that I read a minimum of 15k words in a sitting, I’m not gonna do that.
Also I’m broke, I imagine you are too, but even if I wasn’t I’m not paying for this, if I did I wouldn’t even be supporting a human being, so no.
I’ll immediately break your trust with the first point, but it’s what I’ve been doing until now, and now that I know what the android mobile experience is like, I feel the need to include this. The best solution I’ve had so far (which works wonders, let me tell you) is letting Siri read them on the iPad. It’s only doable when I’m at home and it’s still an apple product, so that’s why I began the research. However the positive points are INCREDIBLE so I’m going to ads it to the list because I said so.
First of all it’s built-in and SO EASY to access, you literally just swipe with two fingers and it stars to read. It reads the punctuation, you might think that’s a given and so did I, but no. A question sounds like a question, an exclamation point does why its supposed to do, short sentences sound what they’re supposed to sound like. In apparently all the apps ever created, you won’t find any of it, just flat, monotone voices with flat little pauses. Overall excellent experience 10/10.
Cons: it’s on apple, I consider apple the same as Disney, I would love to not give them more money so that they can make the market increasingly worse. Every now and then a system update will fuck with the tts function and it will be unusable for a while. Sometimes it doesn’t like the text format on some fics. It’s not portable.
Now that we got that out of the way let us get to the meet.
Speechify - it sucks bad. At least the free version, but seen as it costs almost 10€ a month I’m not even going to consider the premium version. Fuck that. You can’t increase the speed, and as somebody who hasn’t watched a single YouTube video on normal speed since they added the function I can’t do that, too slow, I forgot what we were talking about once we get to the end of the sentence. Also you can only use those weird very robotic voices, and they’re not even that many. Don’t recommend. I felt like I had to include it since it was one of the few who allowed browser navigation and well, it’s speechify. Also you can’t t have saved more than 3 “files” per time. Doesn’t have sleep mode.
T2S - cute. It works. Again, no emotions, but it reads what it has to, nice voice selections, easy to use. The premium version adds literally nothing, they’re a good app, what they have, they give. Also you can customise the interface colour if you want. Has the sleep mode. - EDIT: this app allows you to have multiple tabs open at the same time, unlike Audify. - EDIT EDIT: it's waaay better than Audify with pdf files.
Audify - works exactly the same as T2S, but it saves the history and has a bit more customisation for how it reads and what it reads (which you don’t really need for ao3, but if you wanted to read, say, Wikipedia with all the notes and stuff, now you know). Has the sleep mode. - EDIT: the double tap to start reading works slightly better than T2S on websites with weird formatting. But unlike T2S you can only have one tab open - EDIT EDIT: will turn your pdf file into text and will show you just text. If you had things like images or columns fucks for you.
That’s all folks. Now go and be free of your reading impediment, or be free in your multitasking, or whatever you want to do. I’m done, I’ve given my datas to all kinds of shady apps, I need to go do damage control
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jess-moloney · 9 months
Signs An Online Storefront Is A Scam
I was doing more research into this and came across an interesting article about this and though this IceStudios website doesn't meet all of the criteria they meet a lot of it. Check it out:
5. Amateur website design
However, fraudsters tend to move quickly and often don’t want to take too long to build a fake shopping website, as it could easily be identified as fraudulent and get taken down. This is why they tend to opt for simple, inexpensive website templates that come with limited features—often just enough to convince unsuspecting customers that they’re the real deal.
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No one can tell me this isn't one of the most amateurish websites they've ever seen for someone who allegedly has a degree in marketing from LCF.
7. Limited contact details
Raise your suspicions if the site only has a fill-in contact form, the customer service email is a random Yahoo or Gmail account instead of a corporate one, or the contact details are non-existent.
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I mean this is literally all you get for contact info it's on form and it seems to go absolutely nowhere. Like it's just there for decoration. They don't even have a note up saying how long you should wait for a reply or email addresses/regular addresses/phone numbers or any sort of support for customers.
8. Complex or non-existent returns policy
To ensure they comply with the laws surrounding consumer protection rights, reputable retail brands are transparent about their return and refund policies. Scammers, on the other hand, often don’t bother putting much thought into the return policies that feature on their sites—if they choose to include one at all.
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You can read through their entire (and extremely confusing TOS) and never actually find what their return policy is. There are also several red flags in this about how they are not responsible for basically anything including false advertising or if you get your item or not.
9. Questionable payment options
Legitimate brands will always give you the option of paying with traditional and secure methods—including credit and debit cards, cash on delivery, or pay later options, such as Klarna and Afterpay.
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You get one payment option with them. Though you can put in any card I suppose since it's GPay they should still have way more than one option here for people who want to buy their stuff.
10. Bad social media
Most legit businesses have some sort of social media presence as it serves as one of the best ways to advertise their products and services. If an online retailer doesn’t have an overt social media presence—or the social media icons displayed on their site lead nowhere—the chances of it being fake are high.
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We already know how poorly this is run. Their most recent post is a stolen magazine cover from 1968 that Ice Studios has nothing to do with. They constantly say they are about to drop items then never drop them. They don't ever reply to customers asking questions about when certain items are coming back. They have falsely advertised that camo suit I don't know how many times (it looks extremely different on the actual website).
So the list of how to identify a scam store online is a list of 10 things and Jess's Ice Studio's shop meets 50% of that criteria. I'm not saying this proves it's some kind of scam but some of these things should just be basic knowledge if it's not a scam. If it isn't, then it's run by the most stupid people on the planet and there's no way Jess has a real degree in marketing, that's for sure. [Source Article]
Edit: Forgot to add
1. URL red flags
The fastest way to tell if a site is secure is by checking for HTTPS, with a padlock next to it, in the URL. HTTPS indicates that the site uses SSL encryption, which is superior to HTTP. With HTTPS, nobody between the website and the user can read the data.
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No padlock
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thessalian · 1 year
Thess vs The Longest Week
So, more work updates.
Scruffman hadn't put a Teams meeting in the diary like he said he was going to, so I dropped him an email to ask. He said he'd "give a bell" on Tuesday instead so he'd have a better idea of the shape of the rest of the week. I pray he decides that I don't need to actually go in. This week has been bad enough, and it's not technically over yet.
This week has seen me doing nearly ten hours total overtime over four days, and looks like I'll be putting in some work on Saturday too. Thing is, even with Scruffman in, not a whole lot of typing was getting done by anyone but me. Add to that a whole bunch of long complicated bullshit, not to mention a couple of them who fucked up their dictations beyond all recognition and obliged me to drop them an email going, "You forgot the block key, I couldn't hear this word because you were sitting several feet away from your microphone, you took your foot off the footpedal at an inopportune moment and cut out a whole bunch of measurements, please tell me this was meant to be 5mm or 0.5cm and not 0.5mm because you don't do slices that thin in these things..." and on and on and on... Also the ones who miss things and wind up having to go back to the macro three or four times in the middle of the block key without giving any indication of where in the macro report the new stuff has to go, and the ones whose sentence structure is abominable even when English is their first language (for those who don't have English as their first language, I tend to cut them some slack). In short, I'm having to clean up an awful lot of messes while still trying to do the job of multiple typists.
Part of the problem at this point is that we have so many more junior doctors, and everyone - junior doctors included - are in a massive hurry, and so they kind of foul things up. And of course, we're understaffed. When we had fewer doctors doing dictation and two extra people in, we were just a little bit overstaffed, and that was comfortable because if a lot of unexpected absences happened, we could still carry on well enough. But we had two people leave last year - one having moved on to greener pastures, one just having walked right out - and more doctors, so now we're massively understaffed and can barely keep our heads above water when we have everyone working, never mind when we have so many unexpected absences. Head Honcho really has got to get us a replacement for Sunshine at minimum, but it's been ages and it hasn't happened so I doubt it will.
Anyway, so that's why I've pulled a total of nearly ten hours of overtime this week, and why I'll be doing some work on Saturday as well. Because people come in and report on weekends on top of everything else, and there seems to be literally no one else to type things but me. I am so exhausted I can't even begin to tell you, but despite that, I haven't slept properly for most of the week, given pain and stress. Even my breaks were generally to get essentials done - trip to the corner shop, ordering the monthly grocery shop, stuffing something resembling dinner into my face, bath to hopefully soak out some of the aches, stuff like that.
I guess there's some good news, though. Today was payday, and there were things that required ordering. Like, for instance, a kitchen scale for those annoying times when recipe ingredients lists go by weight. And some cake tins. And some gluten-free self-raising flour that has good reviews and doesn't require me to know how much xanthan gum to put in the damn thing. I mean, bread is definitely on the list of things I want to make, but I also intend to make the absolute most out of Baking Yesteryear. So tomorrow, in between having to go out for a couple of errands and the never-ending overtime, I intend to make Admiral's Gingerbread. I will very much deserve a treat after this clusterfuck.
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leviiackrman · 2 years
Do you have any advice on figuring out photoshop and templates? I’m new to all of this and I’m really struggling :(((((
Oh gosh I’m so sorry anon, life’s been so chaotic that I completely forgot about your ask! But I am here now to help :)
I will say off the bat that I’m v much a trial and error kinda gal/look things up on YouTube lmao so I’m self taught in pretty much everything I know with photoshop (aside from a few helpful tips while at uni) so I’ll try and list some things that I find quick and easy to use when editing:
Templates in general tend to come pretty organised with layers names etc so it’s easier to navigate, but I also always recommend NAMING YOUR LAYERS!!! It saves SO much time and even grouping them into relevant sections (groups) can really help navigate the layers panel (especially when you get to 200+ layers like me lmao)
I always edit the resolution of my documents when creating them to be at least 100px (pixels) because then the final design is higher quality! That being said; that’ll depend on your computers RAM capacity and how much of it is used by photoshop - my desktop has A LOT of RAM cus it was custom built, but laptops etc have a lot less (otherwise it’ll make the app glitch and crash essentially)
I use the magic wand tool religiously lmao - it may not be the most perfect outline but if I’m gonna edit the image more afterwards, just getting the background out the way first helps a lot! (Using the layer effect drop down will also give you options of ‘multiply’, ‘screen’ and ‘overlay’ plus a bunch more to add effects to your layers, but a quick way of removing a white bg from a layer is to use ‘screen’ and it’ll auto remove it! Careful tho cus sometimes it removes TOO MUCH of the image aha)
If that tool doesn’t work for you then the ‘colour select’ option in one of the drop downs will do the same thing but will select every bit of colour on the document that you select - ie if you click on the white background, it’ll also pick up every other bit of white on the document so keep that in mind (I apologise that I’m not more specific, I’m writing this on my phone and haven’t got photoshop open)
For text layers, I ALWAYS turn off the ‘hyphenate’ tick box in the text box settings! Hyphenate is more for professional documentation/printed work, so for template edits and personal use I always turn it off cus it makes it look weird imo (the text box settings will open up on the right when you click on your text, so just scroll down a little until you get to the paragraph settings and there’ll be a little ‘…’ to show more options and it’ll be in there!)
CLIPPING MASKS ARE A LIFE SAVER!! On your layers panel, if you have a shape drawn out (ie a square for example) and you add an image/colour layer/literally any kind of layer on top and move the mouse to the line between the 2 layers and click ALT, it’ll add the clipping mask so the layer on top is only visible within the shape underneath! Works for filter layers as well as images in general etc PLUS they stack!
For templates specifically it’s a lot of fiddling until things sit nicely with one another for me, but one thing I use often is PSD filter packs that you can download! Lots are on tumblr and deviantart etc but you should always credit who you use, unless you make them yourself! They help tie a design together so all the colours match!
I also like using the ‘blending mode’ options on the layers panel. So when you right click a layer - it’ll give you the ‘blending mode’ option at the top and that allows you to add shadows/gradients/texture and a bunch of other stuff to that specific layer!! Including ‘stroke’ outlines around the edge of your layer!
I ALWAYS save my PSD files separate to the final product in case I wanna edit them, and I will export any final designs as an image!! For highest quality in your exports use PNGs!! JPEGs reduce the quality SO much so always go with PNGs but if you don’t want a transparent background, make sure you untick ‘transparent’ in the export window!
There’s plenty more tools to use on photoshop, but I recommend just creating a blank document, adding a bit of text and an image and just playing around with it!! You’ll discover so many new ways of doing things and ways that suit you!
If you ever want more specific advice for something then pls ask! I have 8+ years of experience and a graphic design degree so I like to think I know some things haha!
I hope that helps🤍
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dancing-cockroaches · 2 years
I'm really disappointed in the state of Nevada for having no good haunted house experiences. Or if they do, for not popping up on my phone as some sort of ad or shady craigslist listing. You are telling me we have this large Hills Have Eyes creepy-ass state and we're just using none of it. That the people who had the resources to actually make a haunted house decided, "why use a creepy ghost town or literally anywhere else when we can use the IKEA parking lot". I admit my idea may be a bit over the top but I'm just disappointed no one tried some form of it.
Well sharks, I present an idea to you today. I suggest we set up a "creepy ghost town tour". And we make it seem like just that. An extreme ghost town tour that's like a fully interactive/immersive haunted house outdoor escape experience. Instead there's a twist. No, not actual ghosts. It is not actually a ghost town at all. Because it's actually inhabited by a cult. Of course they're just actors, unless there actually is a cult already there, anyone who's actually driven through Nevada knows what I mean when I say that may be a risk. And if that happens we're still gonna roll with it because these people came for an experience and goddamnit they're going to get one.
As for the exact location, there is a lot to choose from, but we dont want one that's too well known. Some other tourist company probably already have their hands on it, and I'm not good with legal stuff so it's best if it's one that has been forgotten about for so long no one with authority will realize I'm using it. Preferably one you cant even find on a list, so some scouting may be required, but trust me they're out there I highly doubt theyre all accounted for. Especially in Nye considering it feels like almost nobody lives there to this day despite it being the largest county. Most people who work there dont even live there.
Getting there may be an issue for participants. "Oh I dont like driving in the desert it's boring and theres no radio reception blah blah blah" and most tourists dont have a car here anyway. Because let's be real, anyone who has money to actually have fun in Las Vegas are tourists but we will have a local discount. So we offer an option to be transported by van, where there will also be a tour guide to begin the experience by giving a brief (embellished) history of this ghost town. The people who decide to drive will also get the history at some point.
So now they're at the ghost town. I guess now is as good time as any to bring up a problem I forgot to mention earlier. When discussing this with my husband, he pointed out "this is an open carry state" there will be a strict no gun rule "this is a concealed carry state" we will have those "beep beep beep" security wands so people can be scanned as they enter "what about bugs and pests" Nevada desert is home to the most devilish of insects, including vinegaroons and camel spiders, the area will be treated by an exterminator. Of course that probably wont work so possible encounter with insects the size of a Honda will be included in the waiver. Oh yes, there will be a waiver, this is an immersive experience so it'd be necessary. Technically, the possibility of being jumped by a dark jerusalem cricket or giant crab spider is terrifying and would add to the horror.
So the tour goes as a normal ghost town tour for about an hour or so, but there are cult members lurking around. But not in a way that makes themselves seen, more like a "it feels like there's an unseen presence here" way. Until the tour leads directly to one of their rituals. Which no, won't be a giant burning totem or loud chanting, atleast not every time because that's tacky. Just a group of robed, or half naked, or what the hell fully naked because this is a 21+ experience, people just sitting quietly together cross legged with their eyes closed. The cult never notices the group at first so the tour guide acts concerned in a way where they didnt know about these people but want to keep the group calm so they try to hurry out, but that's when the cult notices. More members show up to surround the tour group. The cult either acts very aggressive or very nice in a creepy/manipulative way. And I mentioned the experience will have some changes to it at times, because people are blabber mouths and the twist will come out so we dont want it getting stale. Anyway blah blah blah I've been going on for long enough, that's all I have for now
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taiblogcomics · 1 year
Locket Up and Throw Away the Key
Hey there, big leafers. We're past the halfway point on Avengers Undercover by now, so it can only be downhill from here, I'm sure! Let's just get into it~
Here's the cover:
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It's all about Deathlocket today, huh? My big criticism of her design? The eyes. If you're gonna give someone a robot eye, give them one that focuses in the same direction as their real eye. Coz, like, she looks weirdly wall-eyed to me with that big traffic reflector she's got in her eyesocket. I dunno why it works for Cyborg and not for her. Otherwise, the main complain is, like, it's been seven years, time to kill of Captain America again, right~? Except we know they won't, because this isn't an event comic. Can't kill a name-brand hero like Cap in some random comic. (Some Z-list teen heroes, though, totally fair game.)
Also, what an amazingly useless quote by ComicBookResources. "It's not about who they're fighting, it's who they'll become." Yeah, no shit. That is called character progression, it's basic writing. If I slapped that on an issue of Teen Titans or a volume of My Hero Academia, or, hell, one of the Critical Role prequel comics, would it make any difference? Like, I know these are all quote-mined from a larger interview or statement, but this one seems like such a basic thing to say, why even bother to share it as a quote, y'know~? It sure is the quote of all time.
So, where are we at present? Our non-marketable survivors of Child Murder Island got recruited by the Masters of Evil and managed to kill their tormentor. Faced with the very bad choice of "become supervillain" or "do not pass go, do not collect $200", our protagonists chose the secret third option of "maybe we take them down from the inside". This is an amazing plan that can't possibly fail and not at all a bad decision inside a worse decision. Oh, and Cammi tried to not make bad decisions, getting herself caught by Constrictor instead. How much of any of that will play out today remains to be seen, since Deathlocket wasn't even included in the secret bad decisions~
So we open with Deathlocket saying "Shooting people is so much fun!" You know, just to set the tone. You ever been go-karting? Imagine that, but crossed with Mad Max. That's basically what Deathlocket and her new friends in the Young Masters of Evil are doing. Live ammunition and all. I mean, it's very much the kind of stuff kids would do to screw around (as evidenced by Chase Stein also being here), but you add the supervillainy and that first line (and, you know, the live weapon fire), and it just comes across way worse than it should.
Locket and Excavator (the shovel-wielding teen Wrecking Crew member, in case you forgot) finish first as usual, and Excavator's all ready to go again, but Locket and Chase peel off to go get pizza. Chase doesn't get what she likes about Excavator, and she breaks it down as "I like him for the same reasons people like you". He replies "Ouch", but it's fair. He tries to get her alone so he can let her in on the terrible inside-job plan, but suddenly an alert goes off, and Constrictor scrambles his team of evil teens. And since they joined up, this included the both of them.
They go up in their plane, not even being told what their mission is (Excavator comments they usually figure it out once they hit the ground), and we get more of Deathlocket's narration boxes. Really, she finds Excavator endearing because he's more genuine about calling her "badass" and treats her like a person first instead of a weapon. Very different than her last friendship with ol' Apex. They land in what seems to be an A.I.M. base and start raising hell. AIM are also douchey villains, so, like, there's no winning side here.
A lot of this is a fight scene, so not a lot for me to say. Hate describing fight scenes. Locket starts getting the hang of fighting, with the worrying internal thought of "This is easy!" when she kills a guy with her cannon. Again, these are rank-and-file AIM goons, so no big loss and I'm not too broken up about our heroes doing a violence on them (especially to maintain their cover), but that's a worrying thought regardless of who she's up against. As they get set to head inside the base, though, Locket spots an Avengers Quinjet bearing down on the scene, and that's gonna be trouble.
The jet lands, and Captain America himself jumps out. As if you hadn't guessed this from the cover. I think he missed the actual fight, and is taking it slow to look around the place. He's clearly here for some other reason (mentions something about a "transfer"), not in response to what they're doing. Just bad timing, I guess. Anyway, the cover scenario. Deathlocket has a bead on Cap and jokes to Excavator that she could totally snipe him from here. And that's where it gets serious: he's not joking about it, and insists she has to do so.
As he literally yells "take the shot!", Chase dives in and knocks her aside enough to make the shot go wide, blasting Cap over but not headshotting him. Chase is outed, but I approve of his moral compass still being intact. Excavator immediately goes for him, but nobody's scared of a scrawny guy carrying a shovel and Chase blasts him with his fire gauntlets. Excavator runs off screaming, completely on fire. With the threat over for the moment, Chase takes a moment to let Locket in on the terrible secret plan.
Deathlocket is naturally a bit skeptical. Everyone should be, the plan is barely a plan. It's a good idea, but it's not a good plan, if that makes sense. And of course, she had no idea about any plans. Chase replies it's been a little hard to get her alone lately, she's spent so much of it buddying up with Shovel Boy. Speaking of, he suddenly appears behind Chase and begins whacking him with his shovel. Despite being just set on fire, his hair and skin are undamaged, and his costume is just a little ragged.
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The two of them start going at it, and Deathlocket is desperate to break up the fight. I don't even know where Cap is, or any of the other guys they came in with. I assume the other villains are all inside, but did Cap get knocked out, or…? Not addressed. Either way, though, in her desperation Locket fires a big shot from her cannon at the two idiot bros fighting over her, and the comic ends with Chase lying on his back in a pool of blood. Once again, I'd probably be concerned if I wasn't from the future, having read future Runaways comics where he's still alive~
Hey, I guess I was right when I said it'd be downhill because, boy, this issue sure isn't great! I think it's meant to characterise Deathlocket, but it doesn't really characterise her as anything more than a dumbass. "Wow, it's so cool to be out here and shooting at people in go-karts because my father always said goofing off was bad, but goofing off is fun actually!" I mean, I guess I can't blame a teenager for kind of crushing on another and listening to her hormones, but I dunno if I can excuse the "all girls want bad boys" trope when the bad boy in question is Excavator, the Amazing Shovel Lad. Just have some better taste in the supervills you crush on, that's all I'm asking. Not gonna blame her for shooting Chase either, that was clearly done in a panic moment. Speaking of, though, on the complete opposite end, we have Chase, who may be a meathead who just jeopardised a plan that hasn't even worked itself out yet, but I can't fault his heroic heart. If anyone would blow their cover to save Captain America, it'd be Chase. So I guess everyone's off the hook. Heroism or hormones, sometimes you gotta let folks be dumbasses. ...So maybe this issue wasn't so bad after all. But that doesn't mean I like it either~
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birdybirdnerd · 2 years
nsfw fic recs??? :o
HI i forgot to respond to this when i said i would then we went on a multi day transit. i now have wifi so here have some damn good tsp nsfw fic recs, under the cut bc. nsfw
also im sticking with mostly newer stuff bc while i LOVE r&r and instant gratification and all the oldies, im here to broadcast my love for some new shit that might not pop up at the top when you search by kudos bc its been there for years
Extended Feedback by alexisroyce: look i cant just. not put together a rec list without including this. its technically the second part of the advanced ludology series but you dont really need to read the first to get it (but you SHOULD and also read part three.... except hold onto ur ass and prepare for angst bc Hoo Fucking Boy). anyways its currently three chapters but a little bird implied a fourth is incoming and its so fucking good. the tag 'switch fight' has never been more accurate, stanley is a little shit and so is the narrator. theyre perfect for one another.
Executive Bathroom by sandyferal: sandy my friend sandy writes SUCH good shit. stanley wants some alone time and narrator gives it to him reluctantly only to come back and oh? whats this?
Hallelujah by disgraceRavenclaw: robot narrator and button pushing my beloved. narrator has a stuck button and requests stanleys assistance to unstick it. does not think ahead that This Man Loves Pressing Buttons. also the tags 'First Time' '(for the narrator anyway. i personally believe that stanley fucks like an animal)' live in my head rent free and make me witch cackle out of nowhere every once in awhile
Feeling a Bit Peculiar by ThisIsNotHowWeWalk: degradation kink, stanley getting manhandled, AND narrator using invisible hands? sign me the fuck up. another instance of stanley getting horny and wanting to deal with it alone, except narrator aint having that. also should read the sequel, Tangled up in Adventure (the adventure line (tm) is a horny boa constrictor and its fab
i probably definitely have more but just trust me when i say you can just. you can go to ao3 and sort by kudos and rating:explicit and. its all there and its FAB i love this fandom so much. i need to make a bookmark list of all the good shit so i can just post it here. maybe ill do that and add it in a reblog in the future idk
love yall
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hotaru987sensei · 2 years
Hiragana and Katakana Part. 2
I hope everything is comming along well with your studies! Are you guys ready for part 2, because I know I am!
So lets get started.
Now that we’ve got a handling on the sounds that are the foundation of being able to speak Japanese its time to expand on that a little bit. As some of you may have noticed the letters that would make up the sounds for
D, G, P, B, J, and Z are missing. Theres just one group of sounds for us to learn after this so lets not waste any more time!
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First of all take a few seconds to look at the chart above and see which characters are and aren’t included. Also look and see whats different between these characters and how they normally look.
Are you back? What did you notice?
The first thing you should’ve seen is that not all of the characters are included. It’s only the characters from the H, S, K, and T groups. The second should be the symbols on top of these letters. It's these two symbols that give us our second variety of sounds.
Those symbols are called Dakuten and Handakuten.
This is the quotation looking symbol that you see over the letters. Of our special letters most of them use this with the exception of one. The term for little quotations being added is usually shortened to Tenten. So if someone says you’re missing a tenten in this sense they’re probably referring to the quotation like symbol on the character.
The ones that use this are our K, S, T, and H line. So for example:
1) か Ka with the the dakuten becomes が Ga. Same with eveything else in the line.
かKa ぎGIぐGu げGe ごGo
2) さSa gets changed to ざZa. There is an exception with is (shi)し. It instead gets changed to (Ji)じ.
ざZa じJi ずZu ぜZe ぞZo
3) (Ta)た goes to (Da)だ. There are two special ones in this row, which is (chi)ち and (tsu)つ.
Chi with the dakuten is hardly used(I could be wrong), but I’ve rarely if ever come across it in this form. I cant even think of any words that use this. If you do come across it then it would be read similar to how (ji)じ. When typing it in on a keyboard you would write it as Du
As for the second one there are two ways it could be spelled out when writing it in English: (zu) or (dzu). When learning it I personally like the (dzu) one because it sounds closer to how the letter should sound, but for spelling purposes it probably looks better with the (zu) reading. When typing it on a keyboard you’d write it as Du.
だTa *ぢJi/Di *づ Zu/Dzu/Du でDe どDo
4) The last one in this list is our good friend the ‘H’ family. Now unlike the other groups, the ‘H’ family is pretty big. Of course we have the one that adds the tenten. It changes our はHa to ばBa
ばBa びBi ぶBu べBe ぼBo
This also brings us to the second symbol that changes the sound.
2. Handakuten
Luckily this symbol is only attached to one group, and that’s our ‘H’ group. Which is pretty nice since we don’t have to remember too much lol. It’s already a lot to take in. So if you see a small little circle on the letter it changes ‘H’ to ‘P’.
For example:
ぱPa ぴPi ぷPu ぺPe ぽPo
For this one, similar to how the first one had a shortened form of tenten, in this case if you forgot to write the circle on the character people might start saying maru. Maru is the Japanese word for circle.
Of course, all of this can be translated to the katakana characters too.
カキクケコ ガギグゲゴ
サシスセソ ザジズぜぞ
タチツテト ダヂヅデド
ハヒフヘホ バビブベボ パピプペポ
We still have one more set of character combinations to learn and then we can get into some sentence and basic grammar stuff! I know it’s taking a while but please bare with me lol. You can always send me asks for any sorts of questions if you’re doing self study ^^
Hiragana and Katakana part 1
Hiragana and Katakana part 3
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miyaniacs · 4 years
hey 🥺👉👈could you maybe write some headcanons for my volleyboys kuroo, tsukki, wakatoshi and terushima (idk how many i can request tbh, remove some if it’s too much) so basically the boys are getting nasty with their s/o in the club room or maybe during the training camp, and their teammates walk on them. How would the boys react etc. Have a nice day, i hope you are staying hydrated💕
how could I remove someone when you did such a good job at requesting some of my faves?! 
ALSO yeyyyy this request gives me life! I’m so excited to write it !! and all the asks and sweet messages I got today got me in a good mood 
warnings: slight nsfw, me being my stupid self again who can’t be serious for only one second 
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HC getting caught by their teammates 
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sooo flirty flirt Kuroo
it would happen during training camp 
and 100% Bokuto is involved in the mess 
soo kuroo - being the horny pornstar he is - was more than happy when you told him that you would help during training camp 
Meaning that you would especially help him... out. 
well.. newsflash you did not. 
I mean.... how could you with all the other sweethearts being around you? 
Bokuto accepted you as his mother owl the second he saw you??? 
and hinata? let’s not start with this sunshine 
but just this one thing. 
Hinata + Kenma = your heart running a marathon 
he was.... salty? you neglected him for his enemies friends
sooooo he asked you to help him getting some stuff for the next match 
you haven't really listened to what he said, wayyy to into the story Bokuto was telling you - yet you still followed kuroo
here you are now 
one leg around his hips, hands tangled up in his hair, his lips abusing that one specific stop on your neck, his hand on your ass, the other covering your mouth
“what was that kitten? you want some more?” he smirks and starts grinding onto you 
you throw your head back and he finally lets go of your neck, happy with the mark he left 
his lips find yours again in a heated and very needy kiss
Your heads are filled with each other so you don’t acknowledge the footsteps coming near the basement 
“I think they should be in here!!” 
Bokuto swings the door open
Kuroo and you turn your heads to look into bokutos, Akaashis and Lev’s faces. 
Bokuto again shuts the door close 
“ I CAN GET YOU 15 MINUTES !!!! MAX 20 !!!” Bokuto screams 
Bokuto faking an extreme emo mood so you and kuroo can have some ... quality time? CHECK
emo mood suddenly gone as you two walked back into the gym 
during the game : Kuroo was at his best, Bokuto made it obvious what happened due to his WINKING, also Lev was a tomato AND Akashi just done with this world. 
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our FARMER Ushijima
it was ALL your idea lol 
so you can’t blame him
you waited outside the lockers room for him to come out 
it was still 20 minutes till their practice started 
He walked out with Semi and Tendou 
“Oh hey y/n - do you need anything?” he asks and the three of them stopped. 
“Oh uhm.. I just needed to ask you something real quick.” you lied. 
“Sure - you don't have to wait, I’ll come right after.” and with that you two are alone. 
“So what’s up love?” he tilts his head. 
“Is it fun?” you ask him dead serious. 
“Fun?” he’s already confused - what is supposed to be fun?
“Torturing me.”
“To- WHAT? Love, I have never intended to hurt you in any way I'm sorry if I did it wasn't my fault at all...” he begins and you interrupted him 
“So ... you did not flexed your arms the whole time during math?!” 
oh. now it clicks. 
his face relaxes and he stokes your cheek. 
“Let’s discuss this inside, shall we?” he gently pushes you into the lockers room. 
yes soo... things get heated real quick 
his shirt already off again 
your hands run over his rock hard muscles 
stopping at his arms, your hands grab onto his biceps 
he starts nibbling on your lower lip - earning a moan from you 
his hands are rested at the small of your back, moving downwards until he got a good grip on your booty
uhm well yes.. you two forgot the time 
and the team needs their captain right? 
sooo Goshiki and semi walk back to see if everything is alright with you and if he can finally come so they could start with practice 
Semi opens the door
Goshiki’s face drops, mouth open, hands over his eyes 
Semi’s just rolling his eyes 
“Alright, continue this later we have practice.” 
ANDD with that 
Ushijima is already dressed leaving the room with semi, who's dragging a still shocked Goshiki back with him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow love, text me when you got home!” Ushijima yells over his shoulder. 
You stand in the room for another 10 minuets. 
HOW could he be so unbothered and just leave? Sure volleyball is his number one but .... just HOW? 
Well... he’s not unbothered, since he can only think about your soft lips. 
It’s Ushijima and he’s got the ultimate poker face and eventho his thoughts are with you - he’s still amazing at volleyball and no one noticed 
you will see him tonight already tho ... and not just tomorrow.
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When: training camp  Where: GYM 3 Who: Bokuto and Kuroo
the walk OF SHAME
Tsuki and you needed this quality time- he was annoyed and you wanted to distract him 
andddd got carried away 
he sat on the bench and you on his legs
his hands on your ass, or roaming over your back 
your arms wrapped around his neck 
tongues fighting with each other 
you just started grinding on him, already feeling a lil something underneath you 
then you heard it 
Tsukishima hid his face in your neck. This did not just happened. Not here. not THEM 
you turn your head and see the faces of Bokuto and Kuroo. 
“Dinner is ready... but I guess you already started with the dessert.” Kuroo smirks... and it grew mischievous
“OY Bokuto, let’s leave those two alone and tell the others that they already ate.” 
And they ran away 
from a far you hear Bokuto scream 
“Tsukishima and Y/n wont come... Well they probably will come.. but not for dinner, they’re already eating each others faces.” 
You stayed in the gym for a few more minutes. 
Non of you saying anything 
Your stomach grumbles and Tsuki sighs 
“We can either jump off the nearest bridge OR get humiliated. I’m rooting for the first option.” He looks into your eyes and adds “I’m sorry baby.” 
Well.. you still chose the second option. 
You open the doors and all the talking stopped
and now all eyes are fixed on you two as you get inside the room and sit down beside Yamaguchi and Hinata. 
still non of them dared to say a word - thanks to Tsuki’s death stares
Well... non besides Kuroo and Bokuto... 
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Not the first time
this happens all the time
one unlucky team member walks into you two making out about once a week
Well today the unlucky one was Futamata
He forgot something in the VBC’s room 
and well.... 
opening the door... he saw your legs wrapped around Yūjis torso, your hands in his hair, your blouse on the floor. 
Yūji still as shirtless as he was when he last saw him
“GUYS PLEASE. Stop for a second and let me get my bag.” he covers top his eyes
“Well, your bag is on the other side of the room so I don’t see a problem.” Yūji says unbothered by the interruption, is lips badly leaving yours 
“Just be on time for practice. I swear to god Misaki’s going to kill you otherwise.” and he left the room again. 
Yūji is back doing his work the second he heard the door shut. Lifting up your skirt a bit more his hand moves in-between your thighs... 
well... he’s late for practice again 
opening up the door to the gym he walks into it like the ‘king’ he is
His hand runs through his still messy hair and smug smile on his face
“Sorry - got caught up in something.” 
the whole team, coach included, rolls their eyes. 
fast forward after practice ended in the lockers room. 
“WTF TERUSHIMA ?!” Futamata exclaims jumping back from the lockers he saw you pressed against earlier 
“What?” Yūji asks, already knowing what’s up 
“YOUR BACK. You two did... did it... HERE?!” 
“well.. good for you that you got your bag in time.” he smirks and finishes getting dressed. 
“CLEAN THE GODDAMN ROOM.” Bobata looks disgusted. 
Well the whole team looks disgusted asking themselves if they should just burn everything that touched basically anything in this room. 
“No sorry, I can’t. Promised Y/N to finish what I started.” And with that he casually walks out of the room leaving his team disgusted and with nightmares. 
general tag list : @brokeyiam 
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kim-chann · 4 years
       ❝   Siblings  ❞        --       Chef’s Special
            - - - | Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, Satoru Gojo
                                 Synopsis ;; being siblings with some of my favourites
                                                           ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ $ 0.00
               - - - Includes slight manga spoilers - - - 
༺ Chef Note: Another Chef’s special! This has been on my mind for quite some time. This is some just some indulgent stuff cause siblings relationships are so fun but the worst at the same time lmao. 
Also!! I’m going to reopen matchups soon once I hit only 5 left. Currently, I have 7 left to write. So if I finish two more today, they’ll reopen later today!
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༺ Chef Note: Adding a border, cause this is quite long...
〄          ⤷ Yūji Itadori | 虎杖悠仁 - - - 
       ☉ Being Yuji’s sibling is a wild game, jesus dude
       ☉ It doesn’t matter if you’re older or younger than him, he’s still as wild as ever
       ☉ Yuji is such a brat, he pulls pranks on you, blasts music in your ear when you’re sleeping, uses your stuff without permission, and overall, just plain rude...
      ☉ Just kidding!! (but he will do those stuff listed above)
      ☉ Being his sibling is the two of you guys being stupid as hell
      ☉ And siblings fights! He’ll always win whenever the two of you guys are wrestling and might accidentally hurt you, and will profusely apologise 
      ☉ Hurting you is the last thing he ever wants to do
      ☉ He’s the type of sibling to throw things at you just to get your attention instead of calling your name
      ☉ Whether it’s from a snack that he’s eating, or even a rock
      ☉ “Heyy, heyyy, I said hey!!”
      ☉ Once Yuji gets bored, he will barge into your room and bother you until he finds something better to do
      ☉ If you’re on a call with your friends, he will embarrass you. I feel like it’s always a siblings job to embarrass the hell out of each other 
      ☉ Yuji will start spilling your deepest secrets in front of your friends and tell the most embarrassing stories about you when you were younger
      ☉ Also! He always does head pats and ruffles your hair whenever he walks past you and doesn’t care if you just fixed your hair or not
      ☉ He will always ruffle it, and there’s nothing stopping him
      ☉ Yuji is also the type of sibling to accidentally break your door down
      ☉ “It was locked!!”
      ☉ “But you didn’t have to kick my door down!”
      ☉ “I didn’t mean to!”
      ☉ That’s... not even an excuse, Yuji
      ☉ Sometimes, he’ll ask for your opinion on a subject cause he trusts your words of wisdom
      ☉ “Hey, (nickname), do you think that my muscles are getting bigger?” He flexes his biceps and even invites you to touch it
     ☉ Once you say that he’s fine, and tell him the answer that he expects, he’s self esteem will boost (honestly, positive comments from siblings just feels more genuine, ya know?)
      ☉Yuji will always ask for homework help and is ass at math
      ☉ “Help meee, I don’t know how to do Geometryyyy” 
      ☉ Yuji is always whining 24/7, which he redeems to be a puppy 
      ☉ If you don’t know how to do geometry either, or forgot, then the two of you will struggle together. 
     ☉ “If I’m going down, you’re going down with me.” Yuji whines
      ☉ Can I also say that he will cook for you? (And it’s always delicious, might I add)
      ☉ Be can try to cook you anything you want, by researching recipes, then improvising to make it “tastier,” according to him
      ☉ But somehow, it always tastes better than you expected?? What kind of sorcery does he possess? cursed energy
      ☉Overall, being his sibling consists of the two of you going wild and him making fun of you
〄           ⤷ Megumi Fushiguro | 伏黒恵 - - -
       ☉ Being his sibling is him being protective of you
       ☉ Like Yuji, he doesn’t matter if you’re older than him or not, he will always protect you because “you don’t know what could happen,” Megumi says
      ☉ It’s really sweet, but sometimes, it can get pretty annoying whenever he walks you to a friends place and he makes sure that you get in the house before he leaves
      ☉ Going somewhere? “Let me come.” Leaving the house? “Where are you going?” Eating food? “Can I have some?”
      ☉ Even though it seems like he wants to protect you 24/7, he wants to be with you because honestly, he can get lonely
      ☉ Megumi didn’t really have many friends throughout his life, and since you’re always by his side, he just thinks that you’re his best friend/sibling 
      ☉ He thinks that protecting you is sibling bonds, but if you’re uncomfortable with him doing so, let him know and he will stop
      ☉ Megumi isn’t one of those mom’s who uses an app to track you down and sees whatever web browser history you go through, cause that’s honestly fucked up
      ☉ Megumi respects your boundaries and wants to make sure that you’re comfortable and safe 
      ☉ Sometimes, he’ll even wake you up in morning so you can go on walks with him and even summon his Divine Dogs to have them stretch and walk
      ☉ Since he’s a jujutsu sorcerer, you know about all the curses, grades, and schools around Japan
      ☉ Even if you’re cursed yourself and can see curses or not, Megumi will educate you about them 
      ☉ He’s really reliable on information cause I always see him as a smart boy
      ☉ Need help with homework? He’s got you covered
      ☉ Sometimes, he’ll even offer to do it for you if you’re too tired to (Which is really sweet not gonna lie)
      ☉ He’ll make you coffee in the morning and occasionally cooks for the two of you, and makes sure that you’re okay and well taken care of 
      ☉ Since the two of you didn’t have parents to look up to, he’s basically your sibling and parental figure 
      ☉ He basically raised you, per se
      ☉ Overall, he’s a great brother that just wants to see you happy and safe. Cherish him!
〄           ⤷ Norbara Kugisaki | 釘崎野薔薇 - - - 
      ☉ Nobara is a wild sister to have, oh my god
      ☉ She’s pretentious and wants to be the one that’s basically worshiped in the family
      ☉ Nobara hates you with a passion
      ☉ She’s like a spoiled sister that wants everything, and if you ask to borrow something that she has, she’ll say, “Who’re you?”
      ☉ She won’t let you borrow anything and always gets mad if you just go into her room
      ☉ “I can’t talk right now, I’m doing hot girl shit.”
      ☉ Nobara always gives you the stank eye or rolls her eyes whenever you ask her to do something, “can’t you do it yourself? I’m on my phone right now.”
      ☉ “I literally hate you, get away from me.” 
      ☉ Will only do what you say if she’s in a great mood
      ☉ She’s a sister that bullies her older or younger siblings all the time, but will stop if they start to cry, but not with her saying, “don’t be such a baby. Grow up!” 
      ☉ However, if someone is bullying you or made a snarly comment about you, she gets all defensive like she’s the one who got insulted
      ☉ “Excuse me? The hell did you just say?!”
      ☉ She’ll argue towards the person that insulted you, even complimenting you to counter the comment that was made against you
      ☉ Nobara is only allowed to bully you, nobody else!
      ☉ If necessary, she’ll even throw hands against that person to prove that you’re not what they say you are
      ☉ Don’t worry about Nobara losing. Every time she fights, she will win 
      ☉ After the fight, she’ll walk back to you with ruffled clothes and a bloody nose, and say, “If they bother you again, let me know so I can kick their ass.”
      ☉ Sometimes, Nobara spoils you (keyword: sometimes)
      ☉ She’ll buy you something that you’ve been wanting to have, like a new phone or something
      ☉ Once you thank her, she’ll be like, “Yeah, yeah, it’s nothing.”
      ☉ Nobara doesn’t hate you, despite her bullying you in every way possible, but it’s the littlest things she does for you that proves that she loves you as a sibling that she adores
      ☉ Overall, you got a bully for a sibling but makes sure that you’re actually loved 
〄           ⤷ Satoru Gojo | 五条悟- - - 
      ☉ I-- dear lord, how do I even explain this?
      ☉ It’s a bit tough being his sibling at the beginning 
      ☉ So I’m going to explain something else for a minute 
      ☉ When you were born into the Gojo clan, the family often discriminated you because you were an accidental pregnancy 
      ☉ So you were often discriminated as a child instead of getting worshiped and praised by the clan. You were practically a servant to the clan (like Mai and Maki)
      ☉ However, Gojo was always there to protect you because he was worshiped for inheriting the “six eyed,” curse 
      ☉ Gojo has been protective of you ever since you were a child and even helped you with your duties as a “servant.” 
      ☉Even if you inherited a technique or not, the family still looked down because you were not the “six eyed” curse
      ☉ Gojo wouldn’t be surprised if you hated him as a child because the family always compared you to him 
      ☉ So once Gojo was legible to attend Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical High school, he made sure to bring you with him
      ☉ It took his family a lot of arguing and convincing, but in the end, you got your bags packed up and ready to leave for the school
      ☉ If you don’t have cursed energy, and you’re younger than him, you can be trained how to defend yourself along with your brother for you not to get left out (like Maki)
      ☉You’re going to be a first year way earlier than other students, but like what Kamo said, “age doesn’t matter in Jujutsu.”
      ☉ Gojo will sometimes tease you as the two of you are students, but he’s a great mentor whenever you need help about something 
      ☉ Suguru and Shoko will also be your best friend too!
      ☉ Currently, Gojo is still a protective older brother, but goddamn he’s such a tease and a bitch at the same time
      ☉ “(Nickname)~~, what’re you doing?”
      ☉ Like every typical sibling, he can get bored and he will bother you, even if you’re busy
      ☉ If you become a teacher like him, he will randomly interrupt your class and sit down in one of the empty seat and act like nothings wrong 
      ☉ He’ll even act like a student by raising his hand and answering the question
      ☉Gojo disrupts a lot of your activities quite often just because he wants to and sometimes enters your room, stares at you for a few seconds, then leaves
      ☉ Whenever the two of you are free, he’ll invite you to go have some lunch or dinner to take a break from the school
    ☉ Expect him to order a lot of desserts too lmao
      ☉ Gojo honestly pays for anything, even your groceries, necessities, etc
      ☉ Gojo is literally rich, rich, and doesn’t care about his spendings sometimes, and will buy you anything if you ask him
      ☉ He spoils you a lot, to secretly redeem his forgiveness for how the both your parents treated you
      ☉ Overall, he’s a great brother and he’s really fun! Being his sibling is just him being himself, but extra protective 
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༺ Chef’s Note: Trying my best to clear my inbox. I have 7 matchups left, wish me luck!
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fandomandangstlover · 3 years
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Howdy fellas ! It's your local Shapeshiftin' Clone here :D
CW : i do reblog Blood/Gore, i don't really tag Blood but i do tag Gore, so feel free to block the "tw gore" tag.
DNI : Racists, Pedos/(NO)MEPs, Anti-LGBTQ+/Exclusionists, NSFW focused Blogs, Ships Scout x Spy, Fights people over their identities, etc. Use common sense on this one. Oh and Porn Blogs, please fuck off.
AU, OC list :D
My Tags
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My name is whatever character is in my Icon, though I mainly go by the names: Engie, Dell, & Oddy ! Feel free to give me new nicknames if ya wish though. So long they're not offensive.
Pronouns are They/She/He/En(gie)/Par(ty) ! ( neo set : en/engie/engineer/engineers/engineerself , par/party/party/parties/partyself )
Don't be fuvkin' sexual with me please and thank ya.
I like Drawing, Roleplaying and at times, Editing & Writing ! I don't Roleplay on this blog through, but you can check out my Side blogs for that :] ( My activeness for RP are shaky & unpredictable, so ah'm very sorry if I reply really, really late,, )
#the engineer doodles (art tag) is my art tag :D!!
I do accept Art Requests to some extent !! If they're complicated or makes me uncomfortable, I will deny such request. And yes, I do reblog Art Memes. You're feel to send one in if ah've reblogged them. All of them I will accept so long you link the ones that aren't recent.
I also accept Stimboard Requests! just send in a character & what stims u want, a picture &/or some info about said character is a plus!! this includes OCs, AUs &/or Flags :3
+ U are free to request stimboards of other stuff too, like songs or vibes. Ah'm not the best at this, but ah'll try!!
I WILL (at times) reblog things that look cool, no matter the current status of the fandom it's from. If thing pretty, reblog.
For the love of 'god' ( I forgot to add this somehow ), DON'T RANDOMLY DM ME. At least ask me through the inbox first. Please.
Please use Tone Indicators with me if possible, Tones on the internet is. Not noticeable at best.
My brain is a bit wonky so am a bit weird...sorry.
At times that ah'm on anon I use 🛠️ as my little anon mark. Ah'm er,,, a bit shy (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
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Side Blogs :
@ask-the-non-canon-mercs (team fortress 2, Original? AU, plotless, made by me & a friend)
@the-signal-from-coldfort (team fortress 2, OC, story based)
@thetowerfellandleftonebehind (pizza tower, LiaPL AU, story based, group)
@ask-the-ai-engineer (TF2 AU, single-muse)
@osha-engineer (team fortress 2/OSHAverse, multi-muse)
[ACHIEVED] @tf2-red-and-blu-engineers-acv (team fortress 2, multi-muse)
@scpauaskblogcuzwhynot (SCP foundation AU, multi-muse)
@tf2-engineer-in-the-backrooms (team fortress 2/the backrooms, single-muse, too many verses)
@the-engieverse-blog (TF2 AUs, multi-muse [like a fuck ton of them])
@scpscientistbuttf2engineer (team fortress 2/SCP foundation, single-muse)
@yourlocalguidinglight (roblox doors, single-muse)
@some-random-text-engineer (text OC, single-muse)
@heybrother-ihaventcalledinawhile (emesis blue/tf2, single-muse)
@hellandheavens-fear (ultrakill, mulitmuse)
@workshopofthoughts (RP musings workshop)
Socials :
Ao3 : TheAUHopperEngineer
Discord : theodd.littlecreator
Roblox : ReaperOfLifeAndDead
Spotify : TheOdd LittleCreator
Pixel Cats End : OddCaretaker
Quotev : TheOddLittleGirl (Inactive)
Wattpad : TheUnknownCreator667
YouTube : TheOdd LittleCreator (Inactive)
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americachavez · 4 years
did cas really tell dean to kneel before their new god? did that actually happen? i thought him beating the shit out of dean in that alley was the most unrestrainedly horny thing this show had ever done ACTUALLY you know what scratch that new question: top horny moments from the cw's supernatural (2005 - 2020)
getting this ask feels like my sins of the last week have been weighed against the Trials I Have Gone Through since the premier of supernatural on the wb in september of 2005 and I’m not sure if it is a punishment or reward
some notes before we begin:
the ep with dean’s male siren was like, conceptually horny but not actually that horny because the dude was uglie. I’m sorry to this man
all you sam girls out there. I respect you but I do not respect jared padalecki who is JUST tall and has zero sex appeal. but those eps where he’s like, drinking ruby’s blood and then eating her pussy are. you know. I’ll give you that
I am ONLY UP TO SEASON 10 so fair warning this is not comprehensive but the horniness does seem to drop off sharply after the mark of cain is no longer in play lol gotta love a good demon murder tattoo plot
this is easily the most insane thing I’ve ever done, including the destiel manifesto
S1 EP12: the scene where dean gets healed by the faith healer, on his knees with a hand in his hair and looking somewhere between religious ecstasy, brain death and an orgasm. starting this list off great
S1 EP22: azazel possessing john winchester. no I will not explain further if u know u know <3
S3 EP10: dean being taunted by a dream version of himself, this is where we first got the daddy’s blunt little instrument line. still burned in my hippocampus a good 13 years later thank yew
S4 EP1: dean crawling out of his own grave covered in grave dirt. hot. the HANDPRINT. HOT. also tangent but this reveal after the s3 finale was WILD back in 2008 I hollered in my dorm room after canvassing for obama. simpler times man
S4 EP 1: cas’ intro scene. the barn. the shadow wings. the hair??? getting stabbed in the chest by the man you just pulled out of hell. getting aaaallll up in that personal space. his little eyebrow. “you don’t think you deserve to be saved.” OUTRAGEOUSLY FLAMING
S4 EP02: “I dragged you out of hell I can throw you back in.” <<< this angel tops. mark dean down as scared and horny etc
S4 EP16: this ENTIRE EPISODE but specifically the part where dean tortures alastair as some kind of foreplay and then alastair kicks his ass. carved you into a new animal. jesus.
S4 EP16: wait I forgot about the part where cas also gets his ass kicked and looks all....hm. dazed and covered in blood while he’s on his knees and about to die. yeah.
S5 EP4: I mean this entire ep is unfairly horny considering everyone is dying of a zombie plague and hasn’t showered in like, 4 years but if I had to pick one hmmm. the dean/dean interrogation scene with the panty kink yeah I know it’s not original but hm. it happened. also misha collins just being able to convey that CAS IS A FLEXIBLE SLUT with a single roll of his shoulders. who SAYS this man can’t act!!!!!
S5 EP18: when cas locks dean in the panic room to stop him from saying yes to michael and “well cas not for nothing but the last person who looked at me like that I got laid” I hate this show. wait I think the blow me cas line is in this episode too what the fuck were they on here
S6 EP5: the scene where dean gets turned into a vampire. between the old dude who I think calls dean a pretty boy (??) and soulless sam....watching??? no ******* but there were just some absolutely foul energies in that scene and I still do not understand WHAT they were thinking
S6 EP20: cas doing a double smite on two demons by slamming them to the ground and then shoving another demon back in its vessel and then smiting him in the same motion. TOP. ENERGY.
S6 EP22: season 6 is possibly cas’ horniest season because he’s like, going through angel puberty after getting his first boner for dean, but the final cas eps are. whoof. cas eats a bunch of souls and proclaims himself to be a new god in order to handle said boner, and then the season ends with cas telling them to bow down and profess their love to him, their new lord, or he will destroy them. note: the way this is framed makes it look like cas is only staring at dean while he says this, even though sam and bobby are also there. the season ends with dramatic zooms on both cas and dean’s faces respectively. this made me actively regret ditching this show after s5 lol
S8 EP??: literally EVERY SINGLE PURGATORY FLASHBACK. cas dean and benny are all purgatory hot in the “pop 10 cranberry pills and risk the UTI” kind of way but also. dean being the hot girl bottom between two tops who hate each other. I really. whew. I need to go take a shower.
S8 EP17: if I get canceled for including the crypt scene on this list I blame you bud. but dean on his knees begging a brainwashed cas to stop killing him WAS sexy. how many times has dean been on his knees in this list wait there’s another one coming up next jsldjfsldkjf
S9 EP2: abaddon getting dean on his knees (YEAH) and pulling his hair and praising him for always coming when called HELLO???? the only thing that ruins this is dean says “I can’t tell if we’re gonna fight or make out” because this is the CW and they won’t let him say fuck
S9 EP6: ah. this entire episode is Emotionally Horny but the horny horny part is when they’re in the car and dean is telling cas to unbutton his shirt and. watches. I know this was on my destiel manifesto but I need it here too
S9 EP9: cas, covered in blood, slitting another angel’s throat and eating his grace after getting tortured. that shot alone made me understand why this website was so goddamn horny for misha collins for nearly a damn decade
S9 EP11: MARK OF CAIN BABEY. cain watching dean beat up a bunch of demons as an audition for taking on the mark, while crowley also is a fucking voyeur to the whole thing. cain is also a hot silver fox with daddy energies. I said what I said
S9 EP 16: dean getting the first blade. he’s chained to a pillar and being menaced by a foppish dandy who wants to add him to his “collection” (WOW). dean then kills him with the blade and whew. murder is sexy sometimes
S9 EP21: dean being pinned against a wall by abaddon’s power, then using the mark of cain to break her hold, calling the first blade to him psychically and then killing her. god the mark of cain is hot
S9 EP23: dean waking up with the demon eyes NUT
S10 EP2: demon dean beating up that dude with the boring backstory and kicking his ass. really was a go on baby I got your flower moment because I hated that dude and I love demon dean
S10 EP3: demon dean being chained up and taunting sam about how his brother is gone, then hunting sam through the bunker. demon dean in general was VERY fun for me, someone who loves trash
S10 EP9: dean going berserk and killing a bunch of pedophile rapists/child abusers. I’m sorry I know this show is trying to preach morality at me about monsters and unnecessary murder and humanity or whatever but we blew past that like 8 SEASONS AGO. also the mark of cain is sexy
S10 EP14: the rest of this list is really gonna be mark of cain stuff isn’t it look I’m here to have fun. cain and dean’s fight. cain continuously tossing his mane of hair back and taunting dean with the picture of what he’s going to become, who he’s going to kill. dean begging cain to tell him that he can stop, and then ultimately killing him. rip daddy.
S11 EP4: again I have not watched this however. every shot of this episode is PRESTIGE TELEVISION because driving a muscle car is sexy. and especially the shot of dean all beat to hell and begging his car to start and giving her a little kiss from his fingers to her dash. ugh. masculinity.
S12 EP10: the bearded salt-and-pepper daddy look returns, only it’s an angel this time and he’s wearing a vest and shirtsleeves and he swordfights with a hot redheaded lady in a suit and an eyepatch. this show is good sometimes!!! and oh fuck lol I just realized this is the same guy who played krissy’s hot hunter dad in s7 probably the first guy who’s hotter as an angel than a hunter. huh.
S12 EP 11: dean riding larry the mechanical bull to “broomstick cowboy.” I have no idea where this factors into the ep but I have seen. the youtube clip
S13 EP23: from what I can tell s13 is way more emotionally horny than boner horny, although dean burning cas’ body was sexy. but the horniest part was dean saying yes to michael and then michael taking over and saying “thanks for the suit.” we are going to ignore the silliest fight scene in existence as well as the final shot ending on a FREEZE FRAME like a goddamn tiktok
S14: not gonna pick a specific moment because I have not watched yet!!! but michael dean is hot. idk why michael is weirdly hot and I cannot stand any iteration of lucifer on this television programme. it should be the reverse but I’m forever an older sibling stan apparently. someone who is catholic could probably explain this better.
S15 EP13: genevieve padalecki and danneel ackles fight flirting as ruby and anael I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY HELD OUT ON THIS TILL THE LAST SEASON
I know I am missing things but this is already an absolutely incomprehensible screed. I know I’m missing shit from the latter seasons but give me time I’m pacing myself
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adultingautistic · 4 years
Hi! Adult diagnosed with autism just recently and I’m trying to understand more terms used by the community! I have masking, stimming, and samefoods learn but are there other common ones I should know about?
Oh wow!  This is a good idea, a glossary of sorts! 
But then I realized I already HAVE a pretty extensive list- it’s my tag list for this blog!  So, here ya go, starting with the 3 you listed:
samefoods / samesong / samemovie
sensory input - the 5 senses, and how they interact with your brain.  When you see/hear/feel/smell/taste something, that is “input” into your brain
Bad Sensory Input / sensory hell - Autistics experience horrific sensory input in a way that allistics just do not, and there are no words to describe it, so we invented our own.  Bad Sensory Input is something that is far, far more horrible than just “unpleasant”.  For example, smelling a dumpster is a bad smell, but smelling mint for me is a Bad Smell, it makes me react very violently and almost puke, and I would much RATHER smell a dumpster than have to smell mint, so for me, mint is a Bad Smell.  
sensory sensitivity - Describes the condition of being affected by Bad Sensory Input
sensory overload - When your 5 senses are receiving too much information for your brain to handle.  Can lead to a meltdown/shutdown
autistic burnout - When you’ve been dealing with overload situations over an extended period of time, and run out of spoons (the energy it takes to do day-to-day things)
spoons - Not strictly an autistic term, but used by the entire disabled community at large.  Wikipedia explains it really well
self diagnosis / self dx - Because of a huge number of difficulties in getting professionally diagnosed, the autistic community accepts and advocates for self-diagnosis, that is, a person saying they are autistic based on their own personal experiences and research, without the diagnosis of a doctor
special interest / spIn (abbreviation, that’s a capital i) - More than “just a hobby”, an intense interest in a particular subject that takes away from learning about other subjects (causing “narrow interests” in the person), because so much time is spent on the special interest.  
hyperfixation / hyperfocus - When you are so engaged in the task you are doing that your brain has no room left to process other stimuli, such as hearing the world around you, realizing you need the bathroom, realizing you’re thirsty, etc
emotional overload - When your emotions become so intense it can send you into meltdown / shutdown
emotional dysregulation / emotional regulation - The inability to “reign in” emotions; having emotions that are much too big for a situation, having emotions that are a huge overreaction to a situation, or also a huge underreaction
auditory processing disorder - A hearing disorder that occurs when there is nothing wrong with the ears, but the brain struggles to interpret sounds.  Greatly affects the ability to understand speech.
echolalia / echologia - Repeating of words or phrases that you’ve heard, for various reasons.  Echolalia is repeating the words out loud, echologia is repeating them only in your mind
face blindness - A deficiency in the ability to recognize/remember faces
executive dysfunction / executive function - Poor executive function causes a person to struggle with planning, organization, remembering to do tasks, etc
propioception - the ability to feel the position of one’s body in relation to itself and the world around it.  Struggling with proprioception causes a person to be “clumsy” or “accident-prone”
meltdown / shutdown - A reaction to sensory or emotional overload.  The brain taking drastic measures to protect itself from more input, as it cannot handle any more.  Meltdowns are outward survival actions such as fight, flight, or hide, including kicking, screaming, or running away.  Shutdowns are internal reactions, where the person no longer responds to outside stimuli.
nonverbal - Nonverbal autistics are people who have very limited speech or are not able to speak
going nonverbal / becoming nonverbal - Many autistics are “partially” verbal, meaning they can speak when not stressed, but if they become overloaded lose their ability to effectively communicate with speech (called ‘going nonverbal’).  Can be a symptom of a meltdown/shutdown.  While I’ve seen this term used in the autistic community, @garbageonionpeople pointed out “I’ve seen a lot of nonverbal autistic ppl say they’d rather if people who are not nonverbal use something like “lose speech” instead of “go nonverbal”, since it gives the word an implication of impermanency”.
nonverbal communication / nonverbal cues - The parts of human communication that are not speaking, such as body language, facial expression, and gestures.  Autistics struggle to both interpret and display these forms of communication.
accommodation / self accommodation - The changing of an environment or behavior to alleviate autistic symptoms so that the autistic person can function in a less stressful way
abelism - Bigotry that stems from the attitude that disabled people are somehow worth less than non-disabled people.  The idea that disabled people are the ones who need to change to fit into an abled world is abelism.
allistic - a non-autistic person.
empathy / hyperempathy /hypoempathy - Empathy is the ability to feel the emotions of others.  Autistics tend to have either high empathy or low empathy, meaning we are either very affected by the emotions of others, or are not affected much at all.  This is not the same as compassion, autistic people with low empathy can still be very compassionate and care very much about others.
So even though this is a pretty good list, I’m sure I still forgot stuff!  If other people want to add stuff I forgot, please do so!  I also realize that these definitions are VERY short.  If you have more questions, search my blog for the tags, as all of these I got from posts I made with much more detailed explanations.  Or of course, search the tumblr tags, or google.
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Pick Your Poison
Pieck Finger x Porco Galliard,
Pieck Finger x Zeke Yeager
word count: 1531
summary: Pieck is the receptionist for the science department at Marley U, Zeke is a professor in the same department. Porco is an intern who’s finishing up his degree to get on the faculty there as well. That is all. No story here, not at all.
a/n: I like college AUs, die mad. nothing horny here, just... aftermath. And just for clarity the behavior Pieck and Zeke exhibit as mentioned in this fic are NOT BEHAVIORS I CONDONE so if u do this I will berate you for it like a very disappointed mother
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“Fuck you.” I say as I put my clothes back on.
“You just did.” Porco says to me, “And don’t act like you didn’t like it.” He smiles like we’re in high school again and not newly hired university staff.
“I told you not to come over. Zeke’s gonna be here any minute.”
He scowls. “Oh, right, I forgot you’re only with him so your parents think you’re dating someone they like.”
I scoff. “Zeke is responsible! And mature, and thoughtful, and-“
“-Don’t forget using you for his own personal gain, purposely hiding your relationship from the general public so he can cheat on you-“
“Shut up.” I snap as he starts listing shit off on his fingers. “He’s only supposed to look the part, I never told him he had to act it.”
We rush to put clothes on in silence until he says, “Are you just expecting to date him until your parents die or something?”
I throw my hands up in the air. “Porco I don’t know! Are you expecting me to date you?”
“I’m just saying,” He deflects, “You know they won’t be satisfied with you and Zeke breaking up eventually. And considering you’re making attempts to hide us from him, you must know that Zeke feels the same way. And you’re catering to his feelings.”
“I am not.”
“Are too,” He insists, “And if I’m being honest, you need to figure it out. You know how I feel.”
I say, “And I told you, if you find someone you like better or are just interested in, you don’t need my permission to pursue them. Just don’t fuck me after that.”
“I know.” He says. “But maybe there is no one else who can pique my interest quite as much as you do.”
“You only like me because I’m unavailable to you, so it’s naughty and scandalous.” I roll my eyes.
“Maybe that was the case at first, but things change.” He admits, pulling on his shoes.
“What do you mean?” I ask, brows furrowed.
“What do you think I mean?” He counters. “We’ve been doing this, hanging out and stuff, for a long time. Don’t tell me you can’t think of one redeeming quality about yourself beyond just the sex that I’ve stuck around for.”
I can feel the heat coming to my face at his remark. “Well, not to be humble or anything, but I don’t really think about myself in that way all that much. So you’d have to tell me.”
“Oh, so you like it when I say nice things about you?” He says, standing up and walking over to corner me. “Didn’t know that.”
“That’s not what I said!” I argue.
He lowers his voice. “But don’t act like you don’t secretly like it. I know you too well for you to play me like that, Pieck.”
A knock comes from the door. My eyes widen. Zeke’s here. “Gimme a minute!” I call, then whisper to Porco, “You have to leave!”
“Off the back porch? But your neighbors will see me.”
“How else? And like they’d care, they have threesomes over there.” I punch Porco’s arm when he gets a look in his eye. “No. I don’t like sharing.”
“And I like it even less than you do.” He states, wrapping me in a quick hug and kissing my forehead. “See you later. Have fun with your Professor.” And climbs down the balcony as I run to the door.
“Zeke!” I exclaim, “I’m so happy to see you.” My warm smile falters when I see his face. He knows. I usher him in as I stare at the ground and close the door.
“I know that was Porco.” He says simply. Flatly.
“Y... yes....” I say, not sure exactly what to say.
“How long are you going to keep this charade up? Presenting me to your parents like we’re madly in love, meanwhile having him in your bed almost every night. Hm?” He asks me, not in an aggressive way, but definitely not gently.
I protest, “I could ask you the same, with all the panties I’ve found in your apartment.”
He sighs, rubbing his hand against his face. “Pieck, I only strayed when I suspected you and Porco. Not saying it’s an excuse,” He quickly defends, “But I think we both can agree the blood’s on both of our hands.”
“I didn’t start fucking him until I found the evidence against you anyways!” I scoff, knowing he’s full of shit. “And what about hiding our relationship from everyone and their mother?”
He looks surprised. “Well. Then I misjudged your relationship with him... partially. Anyways, why wouldn’t I? Everyone on staff thought you and Porco were together even before we started dating.”
“Zeke, you know all the rumors are just Connie wanting to feel included. He’s a temp worker for a reason.” I remind him.
“Well. What’s done is done, then. But... I have something for you.” He gets down on one knee, producing a small box from his pocket. He doesn’t open it, but I can tell what it is.
“Zeke, what is this...?” I ask, extremely confused as to why he would propose after confirming Porco and I were having sex behind his back.
“I won’t ask you that question, because it isn’t fair of me. But.” He pauses, intentionally making eye contact. “I can’t be alone forever. You know my... condition, makes me a ticking time bomb. If I were to propose to you, it would be under the assumption that we would end our scandalous behaviors and be committed solely to each other. I love you, Pieck. I know you feel something for me. But I also know you care for Porco. If you come to my apartment tomorrow and tell me you’ve cut that attachment off, then I’ll propose to you. If you tell me you couldn’t do it, then I want to part ways. I want to find myself a stable marriage. A loving marriage. One where I can raise my children with my wife, with the picket fence, with the house that looks like a cottage, and maybe a few dogs padding around. When I die, I want to feel like a piece of me is left in this world, not that the woman I married is going to forget me and run to the footloose rebel her parents never wanted her to hang around as a kid.”
I smile sadly and gently push his hand down. “I understand.”
He nods, putting the ring box away. “Thank you, Pieck.”
Zeke’s always been very precise with his words. That’s why he makes such a great professor. That speech is probably the longest spiel he’s been on outside of the classroom. As the science department’s receptionist, I’m better at listening than talking, myself.
I mull this over as I walk to Porco’s apartment, only knocking once before he opens the door. It’s almost like he has a Pieck satellite.
“That was a short visit. What happened?” Porco asks.
“He uh... well, he didn’t propose, but he posed the option.” I say awkwardly.
“And...?” He pushes.
“I turned him down. I told him about this hot intern who caught my eye, and that the university wants to hire them permanently after they get their doctorate.” I laugh.
He smirks, “Well, I sure am glad I managed to catch the eye of the cute receptionist in the science department. What do you think the faculty are gonna say about an inter-department relationship?”
“Oh, they’ve been shipping Piecko forever. I’m more worried about what my parents will say.” I half-joke.
He actually looks worried for a second. “What will they say?”
“Probably something along the line of, ‘You’re an idiot for giving up money like that!’ But I don’t mind being an idiot if it means I’m happy and in love.” I smile and hug him. “You know, Zeke’s vision of our life together was very cookie cutter.”
“Told you he wasn’t right for you. You, Pieck, are no cookie cutter kind of gal. But for curiosity’s sake, what kind of life would that be?” Porco raises a brow, patting the seat next to him as he sits down on his sofa.
“He wanted...” I pause to gather my thoughts. “Dogs, kids, a picket fence - the whole package.”
“Oh, dogs would never do for my Pieck,” Porco says dramatically. “Everyone knows you’d want an African Grey and a Komodo Dragon!”
“Don’t forget a Pixie Frog!” I add, now grinning from ear to ear.
“That too. And your fence would have to be scary, like fake heads on pikes and barbed wire to ward off your enemies.” He suggests.
“Exactly. Why have a protective barrier if it isn’t cryptic enough to keep intruders out?” I say in a tone implying that should be obvious.
“If only the science department knew they had such a weirdo running their front desk.” He jokes, “They’d hunt you down with Tiki Torches.”
“If they did, I’d curse Connie’s mom to be a giant monster, then turn into one myself.”
Porco leans in to softly kiss my cheek. “The faculty wouldn’t stand a chance against you.”
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