heros-shadow · 6 months
125 Essential Italian Phrases for Travel and Pronunciation Printable
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Unlock the beauty of the Italian language with our educational printable featuring 125 essential phrases for travel and pronunciation.
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recoveriing · 8 months
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125 Essential Italian Phrases for Travel and Pronunciation Printable Embark on your Italian adventure confidently with our extensive list of 125 essential phrases. Download and print for a handy travel companion.
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travelitalianstyle · 4 years
10 Italian Phrases to Inspire You in the Next Decade
It’s that time of the year again. Christmas, my birthday, and New Year’s. The perfect time to reflect on the past 12 months. This year is extra special as we will end a decade. So much can happen in 10 years and there is no better time to be inspired. That is why I thought it would be interesting to share some idiomatic phrases and quotes in Italian to bring us into the next ten years and 2020!
I hope you find this interesting and motivating. And if you can please comment below with any lessons or phrases you would add here! Buon Anno / Happy 2020!
1.    Nelle botti piccole sta il vino buono
This was a phrase I heard the most in the past 10 years from Italians.
My height is just about 5 feet. Therefore, I am always getting reassurance from the Italian’s that “good things come in come packages.” ;) Or their way of saying it “in a little bottle comes good wine.”
 MY ADVICE: Appreciate who you are and don’t get offended by people’s strange way of showing their way of interacting with you. Most people don’t think before they speak (I mean come on let’s get real). And most of the time they have no idea that they are insulting you! So just go with that.
Sure, there may have been time I may have felt offended by the fact that someone is commenting on my height (which can be frustrating as a foreign woman in business). However, now  I embrace it. And I usually respond by saying I am a 375 ml of Tignanello (one of the best wines in Italy) ;).
2. A Caval donato non si guards in bocca
This basically means to take life and all of its happenings as a gift even. Even, if it seems of not much value at the time. If someone gave you a thought (physical) present that you didn't appreciate how would you react? You would smile and make the best of it right? So why not do that in your actually everyday life.
MY ADVICE: We are often set on having things go in the way that we imagine. Then we sometimes miss the other beautiful ways it has shown itself to us.  I look back in my life and realize so many small gestures and even happy and difficult happenings that brought me to where I needed to be at that time. I am only appreciating the now. If I would have seen them for what they were at the time, then I probably would have saved myself some pain and stress.
So to sum it up, whenever you feel like life is happening to you. Stop and see if it is actually happening for you!
Note: The actual translation is something about looking at the Horses teeth instead of the number of teeth he has. ;)
3.    Chi va piano, va sano e va lontano
This one is a favorite. “The person who goes slow will go far.” We know this saying also in English but things always sounds better in italian HA!
The most interesting I found as an entrepreneur is this. You must have patience, gratitude, and strength. You need to have focus and to stay focused on what you can offer.
MY ADVICE: Stay the course. YOUR course. The most important aspect of my life is that I am pretty confident in my path. I am intuitive and creative enough to stay with the trends yet stay true to who I am.
But I know this easier said than done. And I do understand that with social media it seems like the world is ahead of you (ALL the time). But don't even waste your time worrying to see if it's authentic or not authentic posts. Just worry about what you are doing and trust your own journey.
PS: That can bring us to another saying "l’apparenza inganna (which basically means appearances can be deceiving.” So try to stay focused on you.
PPS: I share more on my journey and how you too can spend 6 months abroad here.
4. Be a Persone per bene or Buono come il pane
This one is simple. Be a good person. Or quite literally as good as bread, especially fresh bread out of the oven. We all love that!
My goal has always been to be true to not only myself but the people. Especially those that have lifted me up along the way. If you have helped me, I will pay you back. I am not necessarily talking about monetary wise. I am talking about by being loyal to my best ability.
I have discussed this way too many times. But it was always sad for me for that I have been surrounded by so many people who felt it was right to steal or cheat their way head. But that is life. And they will succeed too. So let them be. But even with all the tough things you see around you it is so important to still be an honest, good person.
MY ADVICE: It can be tough but do you best to be kind to people as much as people, stay honest and (going back to #3) staying true to you! Being can only lead to good things. Even if it takes time.
Additional Phrase To Add On: Che per vendetta mai non sanò piaga - Revenge never healed a wound. So don’t even waste your time on that!
5. L’amore domina senza regole
This simply means love without rules. However, funny enough, I haven’t learned this yet. HA!
But it’s my goal for the next decade. Since my last breakup I have not allowed myself to love or be loved in a long time. And I bet I am not alone in this. That is simply because I was hurt pretty bad, like many of you. Then when I did open up my heart again it didn’t quite work out. Which left me feeling closed on the idea of love…again
MY ADVICE: There is nothing wrong with you. It’s ok to hold out for the right person and the right time. But it’s also ok to follow our heart, even if it does not make complete sense at the time. Loving without rules, even when it hurts, may lead you to your Principe azzurro (prince charming) or principessa for men. :)
6. Non puoi insegnare niente a un uomo. Puoi solo aiutarlo a scoprire ciò che ha dentro di sé
This is an interesting reminder from Galileo. He says “you cannot teach a man anything, you can only help find it within himself.”
Let’s talk about giving advice. Unless you are asked don’t give it. Or in Italian you can use the nice way of using mind our own busines, Badate a’ fatti vostri  HA!
MY ADVICE: Sure, your friend may be in a bad relationship, taken the wrong job, spending their money in the wrong way. Maybe you are more organized and successful and you are watching people in your life go downhill. SUPPORT the people in you life but do not try to CHANGE them or their lifestyle. You can only give advice when advice is asked. And once you give don’t harp on them not taking your suggestion (that is your ego talking my friend). If you are having a tough time listening to them hurt themselves over and over. Then I suggest you be open with them and direct them towards the proper person (therapists, relative, or book) that could be of assistance. Explain that it hurts you too much and you only want the best for them. People must fall forward So help him find himself but do not teach or lecture. But you can only extend a hand and hope.
7. Se non hai mai pianto, i tuoi occhi non possono essere belli
If you haven’t cried, your eyes can’t be beautiful.
I love this quote by Sophia Loren. Someone best explained it as this. “if we have not cried we have not experienced true depth.”
Yet, I believe almost all of us have had those one of those days. Whether we admit it or not. We have been down on our knees praying to whatever god we know. Asking for helping. To get us through the pain we are currently going though. I know through these times it can seem endless and hopeless. But don’t give up!I
MY ADVICE: If you look at crying as something that makes you beautiful (physically and mentality) then maybe (just maybe) it will help you get through the next tough time. Because almost all rain showers come a rainbow.
8. La mala compagnia è quella che mena gli uomini alla forca
Quick translation: Bad company is what brings men to the gallows.
 In life we often feel pressured to stay around people and places because it’s “right.” We put our own emotions aside and move forward thinking “I will just deal with it because I HAVE to.”
MY ADVICE: You do not HAVE to do anything. Just so you know, while I have many friends. I lost many too. In fact there are a lot of people who do not like me and I do not like them. And you know what? That is ok!
I do not think we should be judged by our biggest list of friends or acquaintance. Who cares anyway?!
 I value my clients, friends, colleagues/partners by the type of relationship we have. As much as possible I keep the people around me that are good. And if I can’t avoid someone completely (do to work, living situation, etc.) then I separate myself from their energy. Who deserves your presence and who doesn’t? Start thinking!
9. Ancora imparo
And following number 8, I will segway into this phrase which translates to: I am still learning.
MY ADVICE: Be forever a student. Stay humble and keep learning, researching,  being a creative. You can do this by reading, traveling, or even inner work. This my friends, is the key to truth growth in life and spirituality.
10. Siamo al mondo per essere veri, non perfetti
We are in this world to be real, not perfect.
My last advice for you to head into the new decade is just this. Be the best you as possible. Whether you receive recognition for this or not. Keeping being your authentic self. As I mentioned in my TEDx Talk this is the way to freedom.
And really let go of the fact that you have X amount of followers, likes, etc on social media. That means zero in the grand scheme of life. So please do not choice to act or be a certain way for this.
If you are not sure then sit down and go deep within.
How do you know if you are doing the right thing or being your authentic self. Oprah says explains this best.. She says, “ You will know it’s the right thing when you feel at peace.”
I wish you peace and happiness in 2020. And hopefully many travels in Italy and beyond.
And if you do come to Italy and are looking for a customized TRAVEL itinerary, theN you know who to call. TRAVEL ITALIAN STYLE.
Cassandra Santoro is the CEO and Founder of Travel Italian Style. As a personal trip planner, Cassandra has visited all 20 Regions of Italy and spends 6 months a year traveling the country. Her focus is to find inspiring and real experiences.
She also leads motivational talks in hopes to inspire others on their journey. Cassandra's highlight appearance was being a speaker in Germany for TEDx DHBW Mannheim.
Cassandra currently lives between Brooklyn, NY & Italy. Follow her adventures of life between two countries on Instagram.
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gtfovacations-blog · 6 years
12 Italian Phrases Everyone Should Know How to Use
Enhancing your knowledge of the Italian cultural experience means moving beyond ciao and gelato. Master these terms, and you’ll look more worldly in no time. Prego (you’re welcome)!
Scusi/scusa (excuse me)
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Tatiana Ayazo/Rd.com, istock (SKOO-zi/SKOO-sa) Senior Instructor Chiara Torriani, from the University of Colorado, Boulder Department of French and Italian, likes to teach politeness, and being properly cultured certainly means knowing the art of politesse in Italian phrases. To say “excuse me” in a variety of contexts, the word scusi (or when addressing someone informally, scusa) is extremely helpful. It can be used to apologize for an error, to excuse yourself for having to leave early, to get someone’s attention, or to get through a crowd. Use scusi to address an older person or someone who you do not know; scusa for a peer, friend, or younger person. And if you’re going to be entering the home of an Italian, says Torriani, you should say permesso. “There is no equivalent in English,” she says, “but it is a very polite thing to say when entering someone’s home.” Examples: Scusa, I need to go now. Scusi, permesso (when navigating a crowd). Scusi, I didn’t do it on purpose.
Cosa mi consiglia (what do you suggest for me)
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Tatiana Ayazo/Rd.com, istock (Ko-za mee con-SEEL-yah) This Italian phrase is particularly helpful while dining and for those who are looking to try local or specialty dishes. Torriani suggests using it at small, family restaurants where it’s obvious the server knows the food and you can trust their recommendation. Not to mention, those restaurants often have the best food! Examples: Cosa mi consiglia for a pasta dish?; Lei (meaning, the server), cosa mi consiglia?
Fatto a mano (handmade)
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Tatiana Ayazo/Rd.com, istock (FAH-toe a MAH-no) Discovering unique handmade goods is an experience in itself—such as hand-blown glass from Murano, or woodcarvings in the Dolomites. These types of local handicrafts are also known as artigianato locale, she says. Bonus tip: Torriani reminds us that handmade, in Italy, doesn’t necessarily mean more expensive. Example: Is this lace fatto a mano?
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Tatiana Ayazo/Rd.com, istock (Pear fah-VOR-ay) Everyone knows the Italian word for “thank you,” but “please” is equally important. You may also hear Italians saying per piacere, which is one of the Italian phrases that also means “thank you,” but Torriani’s personal preference, simply because of the way it sounds, is per favore. Example: Can you pass the bread, per favore?; Attention, per favore! Learn more Italian Phrases Read the full article
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geronimo-73 · 7 years
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"Non dir di me finché di me non sai. Pensa di te e poi di me dirai." #aforismi #italianphrases for #touchy #lifefordummies
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gennarocarrano · 5 years
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Excusez-moi pour les erreurs 💕 Quelque fois j'ai besoin d'ecrire douces choses #phrases #phrasesoftheday #instaphrases #poésie #italienne #italianphrases #phrasesgram #frenchquote #frenchpoem #poesiefrançaise — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2zhO8Sa
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awesomemishelle · 5 years
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#ilsoleesistepertutti #tattoo #italianphrase #tatuaggio #hope
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rebeccabtt-blog · 5 years
“Ho girato pagina ed eri anche lì.”
-my mood
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theworldofnoemi · 7 years
Circondati dalle persone positive e non quelle negative. 
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04:34 dell'11.5.2017 #nulladaaggiungere #parole #comportamento #fatti #chiacchiere #peso #frasiitaliane #frasedelgiorno #buonanotte #goodnight #bonnenuit #ciaocore #may #italianphrases #italy #italiano #europe #europa #abruzzo #picoftheday #instaphrase #instalike #instaphoto #pocodadire #stop
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realitalianguru · 5 years
Ciao amici... Welcome, and let's learn Italian!
Hi friends... Benvenuti, e impariamo italiano!
Learn about new Italian phrases weekly in my educational Italian Phrase Friday videos. Sharpen your Italian Language Speaking Skills and sharpen your Italian Language Reading Skills, and sharpen your Italian Language Writing Skills. By practicing a foreign language like Italian with a Native Speaker, ME, you can take ITALIAN class straight in your own home and become a polyglot overnight!
Below for your reference and for your educational value is the phrase covered in this lesson:
In bocca al lupo! In the mouth of the wolf!
This YouTube link:
I have recieved requests for donations - thank you:
You may feel free to donate to me through PayPal @ [email protected], CashApp @ CVCarovillano, Zelle @ cvcarovillano, Venmo @ ChristopherCarovillano, and even through Facebook through Messenger.
You can also Super Chat here through YouTube.
About Me:
My name is Christopher Vincent Carovillano and my objective to you is to have you learn Italian Language Vocabulary fast, easy, and free with my Italian Word of the Day. These videos and entries are fun, easy, funny, cheesy, short, and simple Italian Language lessons delivered to your notification feed. Learn something new every day! Subscribe, tap the bell (YouTube), like, and comment so you never miss a thing!
Warm regards,
Christopher Vincent Carovillano
P.S. "Learning new words every day keeps the Language barrier at bay."
#PhraseFriday #InBoccaAlLupo #Crepi #ItalianPhrases #ItalianSayings #Trending #TheItalianGuru #ChristopherCarovillano #Italian #Italiano #LearnItalian #SpeakItalian #Italia #Italy #ItalianClass #ItalianClass #ItalianLanguage #LinguaItaliana #Polyglot #Fun #KidsActivities #FunForKids #ChildrensActivities #Languages #RosettaStone #Pimsleur
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italianingfabio · 3 years
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#Italianingfabio #italianonline #learnitalianwithfabio #italianlanguage #linguaitaliana #italianoperstranieri #italianphrases #phrases #insegnanteitaliano #ioinsegnoitaliano #insegnareitaliano #italianforyou #parliamoitaliano #vocabolitaliani #terminitaliani #italianolinguastraniera #studiaitaliano #Istudyitalian #studyitalian #italianstudying #italianwords #paroleitaliane #learningitalian #imparareitaliano #vocabolario #vocabulary #italiandictionary (presso Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKlBqX4HGqD/?igshid=sfmitrndt3hv
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eretri-a · 8 years
Sono arrivata solo ora alla conclusione che anche se non ti aspetti nulla dalle persone, e persino se ti aspetti di tutto, quando il tutto in questione si avvera è difficile da accettare. È una cazzata quella del "meno ti aspetti dalle persone, meno sarai ferito". Si. Un'enorme cazzata. Perché rimarrai ferito ugualmente, perché se ti importa è inevitabile essere feriti, per quanto ci si aspetti la delusione, farà male, farà malissimo. E ci starai male. Ci starai malissimo. E niente potrà cambiarlo, è un dato di fatto. Quindi stringi i denti e vai avanti, è l'unico modo.
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ultra-indaco-blog · 8 years
Sogno una persona che se ne freghi. Che se ne freghi di tutto. Di un'eventuale differenza di età, di un'eventuale lontananza, di qualsiasi problema. Che se ne freghi, perché piuttosto che mollare, sceglierà di amare. Sceglierà il profumo di camomilla del mio shampoo, i miei orecchini sempre spaiati, le mie mani che tremano per poco. Sceglierà la mia risata, la mia lacrima facile. Il mio vizio di annusare i libri. Sceglierà la dolcezza che rivolgerò solo a lui, le mie riflessioni stupide alle tre del mattino, le mie battute squallide. Sceglierà l'allegria nei miei occhi quando lo vedo, i lobi delle mie orecchie che arrossiscono quando sono nervosa. Sceglierà le cicatrici che mi marchiano il corpo, e le conterà e le bacerà e le accarezzerà perché io non sono più quella persona, perché con lui mi sento al sicuro. Sceglierà le mie guance rosse quando mi dirà che sono una "briciola di pane, un granellino di sabbia". Sceglierà di venire da me quando ne avrò bisogno e sceglierà di appoggiarsi a me quando ne avrà bisogno. Sceglierà queste e altre mille cose. Perché io sono queste e altre mille cose, e vorrei una persona che scegliesse me e queste cose perché quando è buio e le lacrime offuscano la vista, sarebbe bello sapere che qualcuno ti ha scelta. Una volta, una sola.
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