#itd be crack probably tho
hearts401 · 10 months
the urge to write my own fnaf timeline
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stonerzelda · 1 year
Whys my bf telling me theres going to be a last of us-esque TMNT game where 3 of them die and its most likely going to be Mikey left to avenge them. Why am i pissed yet also freakin it at the idea of being able to play that
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theres something so funny to me when hermits are talking about redstone and theyre like "and then theres an etho hopper clock here-"
like. of course they use etho hopper clocks, itd be weirder if they actively avoided using it, considering its like. a redstone thingy that is very useful and still works even after all this time, and from what i understand it was like. a pretty big deal in terms of useful things you could do with redstone back when he first made it because it opened up ways to do even more things with redstone
and like for the most part theyve probably been referring to that particular thing as an etho hopper clock for longer than theyve even known etho personally, considering the etho hopper clock predates his joining hermitcraft by at least 1-2 years, and several of the other hermits joining hermitcraft by even more. so of course they still call it that
on a related note, most of them likely had at least heard of etho before meeting him, even if they didnt personally watch him (tho i know some did) since he was an old school minecraft youtuber. like his original season 1 of "lets play minecraft" started when minecraft was so new it hadnt been officially released yet. literally back in minecraft alpha. he was a minecraft youtuber OG
so with those two points taken into consideration it completely makes sense that "etho hopper clock" is something ingrained into the terminology of anyone that does stuff with redstone somewhat regularly. theres no reason it wouldnt be
but when you put it into contrast with like. their actual interactions with etho. it kind of cracks me up???
its like. in my head the vibes are this: imagine building something and being like "okay guys, for this machine we need to use an archimedes screw, which is named of course after its inventor archimedes, a man so genius that to this day he is regarded as one of the most brilliant inventors and mathematicians to ever walk this earth" and then like thirty minutes later you go to a restaurant and you see archimedes, of classic antiquity fame, trying to eat a sandwich but the ingredients keep falling out in increasingly comedic manners. so you of course call him pathetic to his face, and then ask if he wants to try out your new totally-not-a-scam product that you carry on you at all times for opportunities like these. and for some reason he doesnt just say yes, but buys two
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vacantgodling · 1 year
🪩 ❌ 🎤 for you know what 👀 gimme ur vamps
YEEEEHAW. i’ll answer this for both vdtrt & dead rites bc why not!
🪩—Would you want a movie adaption, TV, or something else? Animated or live action?
honestly both of these would probably work best in movie form because the story is pretty contained for both of them. and for both i would be willing to allow live action however i really prefer 2D animation LMAO. i think a live action dead rites would actually be pretty good—after the new interview with a vampire show i have faith that vampire media on screen can be just as homoerotic and ridiculously sexy and dead rites just has that vibe for me.
bc there’s powers in vdtrt i would be scared to see it live action so just pls animate it for my sake 😭
❌—What’s the worst thing an adaption of your WIP could do? Your absolute worst nightmare?
for vdtrt it’s to make any of the characters with dark skin have pale skin. like i literally do not care if it says vampires like half the cast is dark skinned please don’t do this to me
similar vibe in dead rites bc beau is dark skinned however i’m more worried about someone trying to take away the fact that n is very obviously trans masc. he has top surgery scars, he has binders laying around his house, he hasn’t had bottom surgery (which is important to note bc he and beau fuck at one point), he takes t—like idk pls. let my trans masc boy be trans masc 😔
🎤—Describe the opening scene
dead rites it would be really cool to have a one take shot of the busy news office that n works in. following n as he grabs coffee, as people stop him to ask about new stories going out and giving exposition about vampires and why everyone is in a flurry because dick lindsey (that politician) was just shot and is n leaving to go do some field research?? and seeing how in his element n is and how confident he is. the rush of papers and flurry of movement and chaos of people talking as we just follow n through the small office would be awesome to me. itd end with n standing outside on the big city streets, taking in a breath of air and being like “alright, time to work” or some snappy line like that
vdtrt would start in the same way as the book with darren going to get olice from school. simply bc in the beginning on the road as they’re driving home there’s some good exposition AND they technically run into the medium bad within the first five seconds of being on the road (a dude with wavy white hair appears in the middle of the road then disappears and darren’s like ??? tf) and so idk i want that moment to be like mad tense bc darren nearly runs into him. with humor tho bc darren does crack jokes and he does yell at a angry cabby as well lol
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reineyday · 2 years
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this is for the made-up fic titles as prompts thing! thanks @kageillusionz for sending one in 💖 i'll do harringroveson but like, with wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff thrown in cuz your other prompt Has Me Thinking haha 😂 it gets REALLY long lol sorry (not sorry 💞)
one not so very special day (harringroveson):
this is one of those prompts where i have an ending in mind that plays off the beginning in a circular way, and it'll be a canon fix-it fic where everyone lives, amd steve fixes it with time travel lol
i like the idea that, at the end, steve is having a totally normal not so special day in march at school in 1985, but he's coming at it with the knowledge of what could have been in 1986, SO.
it starts with a flashback. steve's graduating high school soon (this is the semester after christmas s2 1984 but before the summer that is s3 1985) and steve is sitting with nancy and jonathan at the cafeteria and absentmindedly observing school politics in a way he isn't invested in anymore after, yknow, the upside down.
steve is the Fallen King of hawkins high, or whatever hargrove used to call him before the whole thing at the byers went down and he stopped bothering with steve altogether (which doesnt bother steve. honestly. itd be weird to be bothered abt being ignored by a guy who beat his face in right? even tho that guy was practically obsessed with him before that night?)
eddie munson, everyone's favourite weed dealer, is making a fuss at his nerd table (dustin mentioned a dnd club and steve thinks that table is probably it--look at him, he pays attention!) about being club leader again next year cuz apparently he's not graduating again
that obnoxious blond junior from the basketball team steve always found a little insufferable (jason?) is looking at munson with disgust on his face, and hargrove is sitting in the same row of tables with tommy and carol, cuz all the popular kids group up.
jason gets up to yell at munson but hargrove aggressively throws a wadded up napkin at jason's face and says smthg that makes all the other popular kids laugh. jason flushes and sits back down, embarrassed, and steve sees munson pause and look at hargrove who looks back. steve briefly wonders whether or not hargrove buys weed from munson like everyone else when hargrove's eyes turn sharply to look right at steve.
the flashback turns into a nightmare, and billy's eyes looked the same when he was staring steve down from across the byers driveway, from inside the camaro and possessed by the mind flayer, probably thats what his face looked like when he stepped right in front of el to die--
steve wakes up. it's march, 1986. hawkins is split into four by what might as well be the cracks of hell and billy hargrove died last summer. eddie munson died three days ago. steve is still here.
theyre going to go exploring the upside down again today for clues or something reasonable sounding for the plot lol, and steve signed up to go because he's done it already a few times.
they go down there and steve ends up exploring his house in the upside down. takes in his decrepit room, and marvels at how many things in his house havent changed since 1983, which is when the upside down is stuck for some reason they still dont know. he doesnt even have that many photos of him and nance up yet, bc he didnt actually care that much about their relationship till they trauma-bonded. it was too bad their coping mechanisms didnt match, but steve is well and truly over it after his embarrassing spur-of-the-moment confession in the woods.
something outside catches his eye. it's in the empty pool. steve looks out with dread and sees the spot where he assumes barb died--he's never known where exactly in the pool she got taken, and knowing actually only makes him feel worse about it so thats. great.
he walks closer to examine it, yknow, like an idiot (he thinks this to himself), and then falls in and gets spat out.
and then time shenanigans! im stuck between steve landing somewhere once before everything happening and just changing everything from there (like, he gets thrown into his body from That Night at the byers and decides "fuck government nda's" and shows billy the demodog in the freezer), and steve doing a batman and getting sent all the way to like, when brenner was starting the lab w henry and infrequently flashing forward, only able to stay a few days at a time
i think the latter will probably be able to more earnestly pull in eddie, since the former would have a larger focus on harringeove till billy decides to buy weed with steve or something lol
so yeah, let's say he does a batman and subtly guides the whole timeline to Be Better and maybe henry creel doesnt shape the upside down with what he knows but the force of the mind flayer still exists to be manipulated and steve does something about it almost by accident
and he becomes this weird older brother figure to el who he's trying to get to help him stop jumping forward (it's not something he can control and he's worried he'll jump too far into the future and never stop), and helps hopper find the lab and adopt her a lot sooner, and catches a tiny eddie munson (and tiny chrissy cunningham) at their tiny little talent show and steve encourages eddie to continue with his guitar and gives him hope for the future (and mb jump-starts a lil sexuality crisis on eddie's behalf lmao)
when billy shows up, steve tells him to stop being an asshat to max and then accidentally catches neil laying into billy, stops it, and for the first time confronts his alternate self and tells him about it bc steve cant stay but this is something that needs more stability, and the next time he jumps forward, he's found that billy and eddie and other steve have bonded over this time-jumping steve and steve realizes they can finally pull in the party cuz theyre old enough to Have Ideas now
btw i imagine the harringroveson romance starts there? like other steve would get a pov starting from when original steve makes contact w him and billy, who has thus far been aggressively annoying about steve's position as "king" at school, suddenly corners him all angry with his hackles up cuz of what original steve saw and did and other steve is like "oh my god dude what is happening" and then other steve suddenly remembers being a freshman and coming face to face with eddie munson for the first time and munson saying all this confusing shit about how he looks the same and how is he a student here, isnt he older? and when steve gave him a confused face, munson apologized and literally never talked to him again?? so other steve grabs billy and finds munson at his weed-dealing picnic table and they Talk and then keep talking and kind of? become friends?? safe spaces for each other, cuz all three of them are kind of isolated in their own ways yknow?
anyways something something they involve the party and manage to catch original steve's time-jumping consciousness by shepherding other steve and his consciousness in the upside down in the place where it all started for him and he catapults into his consciousness from the changed timeline and they seal the upside down for sure (maybe by trapping the mind flayer into a vessel that can never be manipulated by someone like henry again) and it's over, it's over and steve's graduating high school for the second time but he remembers this alternate timeline now and this is his life now and woah, barb is alive? is bob alive?? billy is alive and eddie is alive and steve is not only relieved but somehow halfway in love with both of them??
btw kage if u read till the end, i want u to know that both my ideas for the kkir ship for either of ur prompts started with iruka's seals master stuff going fubar ;P always a fun way to start kkir shenanigan stories!!!
and so it ends with steve coming into the cafeteria and sitting down and his (secret) boyfriends coming to sit by him, and he waves at nancy and barb, and steve decides he'll try to befriend jonathan too cuz he knows he's a decent person, and everyone is alive and here is steve harrington, eating lunch before heading to study period (where billy will attemlt to tutor both eddie and steve so that they will actually graduate in '85, all together), having one not so special day
after writing all this, it has occured to me that "one not so very special day" is also an extremely easy prompt for a domestic fluff fic lmao so u can also imagine older harringroveson somewhere in california like 10 years post-s4 where everyone lives, and it's just their domestic life. billy's a surf instructor. steve's a gym teacher. eddie works at a community centre and plays in a band at bars on weekends.
if there's a twist, it's that it's one of their birthdays--maybe steve's, and eddie and billy make fun of him cuz he usually wants to do smthg big to celebrate and shouldnt he wanna do smth for the big 30? but steve just wants to have a normal day cuz he's so content with them, every day. billy and eddie still call him things like pretty boy and big boy but also things like sweetheart and darling and steve blushes about all of it, about how used to it he is to hearing and how natural it feels to call them back the same way. they are very happy together.
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agropuff · 1 year
tell me everything abt hicktown RIGHT NOW!!!!!
WOah calm down there friend no need to pull out the capital letters and the five (5) exclamation marks! (tysm for asking abt them they're in my head 24/7 and I'm kissing u right on ur beautiful noggin)
okay, this is really hard to explain itd be easier to show but I have ZERO (0) pages done so ur gonna have to stick with me okay pleas and thank u.
Hicktown takes place in a small town in the 80s and focuses (I'm gonna switch POVs a couple thousand times so sorry in advance) on Jacob, who has just moved into said small town to live with his stepbrother Joe and him being the amazing family man he continues his fathers legacy by leaving a child by their lonesome to go party with his friends and now Jacob's on his own so he just explores this big ass house, did I mention Joe's family is rich? Remember that.
Switch POVs we're with Joe at this random party hanging out with his girlfriend (Angie) and his BFF (Eddie) on a patio (very important detail/s). Angie fucks off to who knows where and so The Boys are alone and Eddie breaks the silence with:
"Hey, I love you man but your girlfriend is kind of a freak."
Very tactful but not tactful enough so Joe displaying a very Rare W is like "Hey man that's totally not cool what you said about someone I really care about please take that back and apologise to Angie or we won't be friends anymore." (HE DOESN'T ACTUALLY SAY THIS IT INVOLVES A LOT LESS CRITICAL THINKING) so they have a big fight Joe probably calls Eddie faggot (did I mention that Eddie's gay and has internalised homophobia running through his veins and Joe knows this and also uses this against him. Wow [I PROMISE IT GETS BETTER]) so Eddie leaves and Angie comes back.
Angie can see that he's upset so she Invites Joe to go out into the woods with her to take a breather and he Accepts.
So they go out into the woods together and they talk about anything that they can think of until Angie stops Joe. They're deep into the woods now and the only thing allowing them to see is the moonlight. It's a quiet night sans the music but even then it's been drowned out from the distance. Even the quiet chittering of wildlife is gone.
A twig snapping is what breaks Joe out of his trance.
It all happens so quickly. There's a bat cracking his skull open and white hot pain is eating him alive.
Okay, I'm gonna stop here or I'm gonna spill the entire story LOL. Sorry abt how messy and jumbled this is I'm sillay. but I gotta explain their character archetypes bc it's very important!!!
Joe's character is a spin-off of the pretty boy character he's that but awful. He's built off of being pretty, rich, privileged and WHITE (sounds silly but it fr adds to his character + I get to laugh at him)
He stops being an asshole i prommy <3333
EDDIE, my sweet boy, is the #gaybestfriend (+poc) trope
eddie loves and supports joe but also has a hard time standing up for himself and articulating how he feels to ppl and kinda just goes along with what joe does. the only reason he allows this is bc they're childhood friends (and he has a big phat crush on joe) he would not take shit from anyone else but keeping up with it is definitely wearing him down :(
things get better for all o them tho I love them too much to hurt them permanently
if you read all of this holy fuck u have my heart
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solomons-poison · 1 year
my mc is EVIL. the moment he got pulled into the devildom its was immediate plots on how to one up this oddly handsome kidnapper. admitted he understood he wasnt actually a kidnapper by week 2 but still plays that card when putting a bucket of water on top of lucis cracked door. i think lulus conflicted on him... on one hand luci likes the rebels (mamon...) but on the other hand he Really dosent love him poking him when bored.
also the moment he got assigned to mams to be babysat you better BELIEVE he was trying to sneak off. wouldnt be surprised if my mc wasnt allowed to walk around without one of those toddler leash backpacks. Probably has bitten mams more than once and told mams that he has rabies... probably friends regardless tho mams just as chaotic.
i dont think him and levi really even meet. realistically levis holed up and my MCs not the type to start convos with Kidnappers people who dont start convos, and by time he figures he can chill its wayyy too awkward to try and be buddy buddy. missed connection via social awkwardness. Probably at least nod at eachother in the hallways though.
satan.. ok hes my fave so i want to say dating and bffs forever. being unbias is hard so i wont be <3 both are aloof and outside of causing problems, quiet. so between the terrorizing of luci and being able to sit in the same room four hours doing their own things without speaking and calling it bonding, they get along pretty well. Also my MC was raised with cats so he unintentionally does the slow blinky and headbutts . you know itd kill him. fostering kittens together saying its good looking for the exchange program but "secretly" just wanting to coo over kittens
azzy... it can go one of two ways. theyre either IN LOVE with eachother or REALLY want eachother dead. both are flamboyant. both can and will rock heels. both probably will kill a man in the name of love. makeup nails ect... they all share same interests even if only in passing, any hobby they share. now we know azzy loves himself, but it could wayyy easily be seen as trying to steal eachothers things and getting mad jealous over it. literal catfight. hard to say.
beel.. distant but still closer than levi. my MC isnt really a food person, nor a working out person. HOWEVER he does appreciate someone he can sit quietly next to. Also my mc would love to buy him snacks. always fun to pick up snacks when you rember someone likes that snack. might go on a jog with him once or twice and then 10 mins in act like hes dying just to be carried by the hunk tho.
belphie. ok . look assuming theres a proper redemption for the murder thing. like not just jumping from i hate you to i love you. theyd probably get along... both youngest... both EVIL... and again mc loves a good quiet time with someone. might get annoyed at all his sleeping,,, my mc isnt that energetic no, but still wants to like. do things. theres only so many times you can handle nap dates. also the "im the youngest baby me" rivalry would be something to behold.
i could do dateables too but we will be here All day.
anyways this is all to say in NB he's immediately abandoning the babysitting job to go do whatever he wants. once again luci has to bring out the toddler leash. also hes just an actual demon j with the soul of an angel. fills the role of mechivious non violent demon perfectly hence why no one ever stopped to ask if this dude that fell out of a hole in the middle of a tour is really a demon.
Your MC is a creature of chaos and I highly respect that LOL
Imagining him possibly biting Mammon is so funny, being absolutely feral, and the toddler leash, I love it so much
I think my favorite thing in the original Obey Me was finding out that (if it's true, I never ended up redoing my choices to see a difference), you would gain more intimacy points with Lucifer for choosing rebellious responses, versus obedient or neutral responses?? That was so funny to me. So you mentioning that Luci is conflicted on how to feel about your MC totally tracks. Like he doesn't really want some goody two shoes, but also he has his hands full with his brothers already, does there have to be another troublesome person to deal with?
My MC was also raised with cats and is a cat person, so I totally get the bonding with Satan very well. I love the idea of terrorizing Lucifer together with Satan haha
I love all of these and your reasonings, thank you for sharing ❤️
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thisfanisgonesorry · 3 years
steve hc; living with him <3
ofc babe, i didnt mean for it to get this long <33
-itd be a nightmare most of the time -but you love each other so ofc u put up with it -he'd always be cracking jokes at the worst times and come up with fake excuses on why he doesnt wanna go food shopping just to be annoying -but since he was always home alone u so u know he can cook -he'd literally always be cooking for you -always ur fave meals and he'd love making types of dessert -so he would love going food shopping bc he can cook the most gormet shit for his love <3 -he'd probably try and split up the household chores but he would never let u split the rent and would try to do most of the chores (tho he has work so u end up cleaning while hes gone, as much as he hates it) -he just wants to support his baby sm, all he wants is to pamper u -omg and yall would watch all kinds of movies and stuff too -and like imagine falling asleep w him on the couch <3 -you wake up to those cursed 3 am ads lol and thats what inspires you to go sleep in the bedroom -he'd wanna host parties but then he realises he has to clean it all up and thats what stops him -he is not scrubbing the carpet from drunk people puke and he is not letting u do that -so yall would listen to music n get drunk n pretend theres people with u -and its ur house and theres no other party goers so yall can do whatever u want ;) -and he absolutely wakes u up to kiss you before he leaves for work -sometimes he wakes you up earlier on accident by shouting something like 'fuck im late!' but ofc hes not late, hes just overdramatic -and steve would love it when occasionally the kids would drop around to play dnd cos u just know steve misses being their babysitter lol -its great background noise as u both sit nearby and watch them have fun and steve is just so happy bc he loves them so much -ofc the campaigns go for hours per day so yall would do household chores and stuff while theyre vibing but work around so theyre not interupted -and the party would love being at your house cause they could move around the furniture to do extra roleplay cos they knew u both didnt care as long as they were having fun <3 -if they were still around while steve was cooking dinner he'd ALWAYS make enough food for them to eat cos dnd takes up a lot of energy and he is not letting them leave the house without being fed!! -he'd cook extras too in case they wanted to bring any home -and he probably owns a minivan just so he can drive them all home if he wanted to lmfao -like all the bikes are stacked up on the roof or in the trunk >>> -you guys wouldnt be ready for kids yet but the way he is around the party u just know he'd be so good at it -honestly would u even need kids with the party around lol -but it'd be super eventful constantly -and its pure domestic bliss outside of all his terrible jokes
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journal-number-3 · 3 years
Canidates for 5th hunter that I really like in no particular order
1. Skeppy: people underestimate skeppy's pvp abilities but honestly he's pretty good. Him and bad are already proven to be a good team, with two minecraft monday wins under their belt. So I wanna see that either be helped or hurt by the addition of the others. Either that or the duo bicker the whole time, good content. Also I want more skeppy and dream team interactions sorry
2. Punz: give my man the exposure he needs it /j nah but as we all know punz is cracked at the craft so he'd be a good help to the hunters. I also like his and sapnap's banter, the chads my beloved.
3. Tommy: no big surprise, big tommy stan here. But yeah we know tommy isn't the strongest pvper, probably only a little better than george. However, as we know from mcc, he's a great teammate. Incredibly encouraging and a great sport. Tommys also a great strategizer, he plays skywars after all. Itd be good to have another person like that on the team (similar to bbh actually, not great at pvp but he's the one with most of the plans) And the physiological toll on dream? Unparalleled
4. Karl: is karl very good at pvp? No. Is he very good at strategizing? No. Is he even a likely option? No... He'd be there for moral support tho and thats what counts :D
5. Quackity: he'll sing the "where are the askers song" and the video would have to end
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chaudharis · 2 years
Damu headcanons mayhaps? 👀
YES i love my son. please look at my son forever and ever ok? thank you
either one or both of his parents were like. healers of some kind, probably went into the udug war as battle medics?
this means he does have a bit of medical knowledge! before the war (and during?) he wanted to do the same as his parents and help others, so hes got a bit of training!
this is all just so i can have a little nod to his namesake btw. since the real life god damu is a minor (literally) healing god!
really looked up to his parents too. they were very kind people which he very much inherited. hes a sweet kid!
they did definitely die in the battle against the udug though, sadly. which has been still very hard on him but hes ... Handling It (shoves a lot of that down so Hes All Good Now!)
he was around 14-16 yrs old when he became an arm. awesome! we love war crimes
i have a specific voice for him like i can hear it but i uh. dont know who the voice claim is sadly. his voice is deep but in a Im A Growing Teenager way. LOTS of voice cracks. he was a bit embarrassed by it but now he has to actually live with it forever so hes fine. its fine.
hes deeply attatched to indra. like. Incredibly So. not for any deep personal issues reasons tho. hes fine. its really all good. hes normal. (he is not)
he doesnt mind being an arm, because he is! helping people! or at least one person! but... he misses a lot of the things he could do as a human. misses feeling the world live around him. misses doing normal things like eating, sleeping, etc. kinda funny how you start to miss even the most banal of things.
back to being a healer of some kind, bc of that, life and death as a cycle is a deeply important one for him. that everything has an end eventually. its a thought he takes comfort in. you can imagine how being almost immortal makes him feel then.
ok now for more like. not heavy sad hcs. i think botanty is a big interest for him tbh. if he wasnt gonna be a doctor or whatever or an arm then he def wouldve gone into something gardening/farm related because he does like to care for plants! real good at plant identification too.
i think itd be fun if he can also become a little drone so he can just be an even littler guy. but drone ver. no one can see him other than indra ofc but still. he likes just chilling on her.
probably when indra had gotten lost somewhere (shes on an alien planet. shes gotta have gotten lost like Several times) he was ah. Very Useful, turns out plant identification is useful for navigation, especially when ur in an area with wildly varying biomes. crazy!
i personally think any of the arms that can talk Do talk btw like. just kinda in indras head just commentating or talking to each other. this did drive indra a little crazy bc the more she got the louder her head as been (until she got Drone'd then she was like ok this sucks but Thank Fucking God some peace and quiet).
i say that bc i think even with others talking damu is a very... shy kid. he didnt have much interest and was a little too intimidated to really try to reach out to the others. he prefers just doing his own thing really
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Do you have any favorite quotes from Lisa the First?
oh ABSOLUTELY, theres a lot of great dialogue in that game. ill narrow it down so the list doesnt stretch on forever LMAO
- “fuck ta fuck ya,” one of the bar martys says that. its like... comedic in its presentation, but the deeper meaning in it is fucking terrifying. its something that, if you didnt know what was going on with lisa and marty by this point in the game, wouldve seemed really funny, but becomes REALLY bad on a second playthrough. 
(slightly related, but i also want to note the fact that lisa is definitely well underage, so when the bartender gives lisa rum with no protest at all, it makes me wonder if marty often gave lisa alcohol - we do see him force brad to down a beer in the ending to the joyful, after all.)
- “stop talking to me and get me some rum,” the marty sitting alone in a house in the first world says that. its a very soul-shaking sequence, and really shows how intimidating and threatening marty is - and it doesnt help that its accompanied by fucking creepy sax, and marty is sat perfectly in the center of the room with two crosses on either side of him. i actually ended up using that imagery for a lisa painting i made ages ago LMAO
- “you’ll never forget... ill always cut through your mind,” from the first tricky rick. (theres actually more in between but i didnt want to type it hjkgndfgd) its definitely not an accident that the tool you use to kill this tricky rick is a razor. this line is great bc, apart from making your fucking skin crawl, the dialogue here is definitely a big tip-off to whats going on if you havent already figured it out
- “oh hi, my name is rick. i like exploring caves. i like friction. oh, and im a sensitive guy as well. ...but you already knew all that, didnt you? i hope to see you soon... dont run too far. ill be waiting...” from what i believe is the last tricky rick. 
yeah i dont think i really need to get too in depth about this one LMAO, but i will actually say that even tho some people might find this dialogue crass or overly-explanatory (as, by this point in the game, the average player almost certainly knows whats going on already), i actually think it serves a really important purpose, which is to drive the point home that marty ABSOLUTELY knows what he is doing and that its wrong. 
like, the player at this point in the game is under no misapprehension that something else is going on; its quite clear whats happening to lisa by this point. so tricky rick doesnt say this as the big wham line of the game that makes you realize whats going on. he says it to mock lisa. hes fucking cracking dirty jokes about what hes doing to her like its funny, and then says “dont run too far” because he KNOWS she wants to get away from him, shes terrified of him and hates him, but he just doesnt fucking give a shit. its SO fucking gross man, and it doesnt help that creepy sax once again plays here kdsnsj
- the ending dialogue (before the “the end” screen) is also quite good, as it just reinforces that theres no rhyme or reason for why lisa must suffer like this, as i think its a common thing for victims of severe trauma to ask themselves, “why me? how was i chosen to go through this?” but as the dialogue says, “there is only life, and this one is yours.” lisa has to suffer just because a disgusting man willed it so, and thats all there is to it. its fucking horrific to think about, but its sadly a very true thing.
theres a lot more great dialogue in the game - not that much more tho, its not very dialogue heavy LMAO - but these are some of my favorites. if i had to pick my #1 favorite from this list, itd probably be “stop talking to me and get me some rum.” it tells you everything you need to know about marty - that hes a dirtbag, that hes abusive, and that hes an alcoholic - in one fucking sentence and its absolutely perfect. austin is SO good at conveying a lot of information with very little dialogue and i think the first really showcases that in ways people dont think of right away
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 4 years
Telling Blasty you're preggo would probably be so stressful bc like you'd try to be creative but this little gremlin is just so oblivious that he's like hah? What are you talking about? If you got something to say then say it!!
Seriously, likes youd be like 'I ain't no basic bitch' and try to think of a cool way to tell him (even tho you end up doing something common), and so you'd do that thing where you cook a bun so when he comes home you can be like 'bun in the oven haha get it" and you're thinking hes not dumb so hell get it, but he just goes "why the fuck did you only make one bun? Guess I'll cook something we can actually eat..." and you're like wait no Katsu it's a BUN IN THE OVEN and then hell get confused and be like 'the hell you trying to say? What are you talking about dumbass" and you're so exasperated like Katsuki a fucking BUN IN THE OVEN you're the dumbass and hes like "just say it already!!!" And you point at your stomach like "there is a BUN in my OVEN katsuki" and he just goes oh and apologizes like I'm so sorry I'm big dumb and he gives you a kiss and makes you your favorite food cause he feels bad and you're cracking up cause hes embarrassed that he didnt understand you - itd be super stressful but really funny after
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mxrcayong · 4 years
tagged by: @pastelsicheng
rules: enter 15 of your biases into here and order them to discover the story of your life
tagging:  @sunflowersora @hoshitaro @aufaits @byunbaekby @chrysanthesungs @jenomark @sunkisedhyk @dearncityy @yangyanghater 
and anyone who’d like to do it <3 
i had a hard time picking biases haha 
parent: Jaehyun (tbf if you’ve seen the video of him cheering at the dance performance, then i feel like he’d be p good haha) 
sibling: Mark Lee (high key mark is like my dream s/o but someone has mentioned our personalities are similar so being raised similarly makes sense) 
grandpa: Chen (im so happy for his marriage and his child omg wait does this mean i’m the daughter of his daughter whose like a few months old)
haunts you: Taeyong (he’d probably haunt me to tell me to clean my room and to be more like the 5th floor)
significant other: Lucas (is this luck or did my photo manifest itself?)
ex: Jae Park (honestly i’d be heart broken but im just thinking of all the breakup songs he’d write) 
best friend: Jeno (yeeee i love how affectionate he is w jaemin, honestly jeno and jaemin is like absolute friendship goals)
proposed to you: Lisa (shes so gorgeous i hope i accepted but im confused bc my s/o is lucas on this)
your boss: Jisung (honestly i feel bad that he’s younger than me by a year or 2 and already more successful and now hes my boss *insert skull emoji*)
random person you met at the bar: Jaemin (i can imagine this being fun haha) 
rival: Hendery (i feeel like i can never hate him tho like he’d just make me crack up all the time) 
first kiss: Haechan (my babbyyyyy) 
drunk & singing karaoke w/: Sehun (i saw an interview of him saying. his favorite past time / one of his favorites is to drink so makes sense) 
played 7 minutes in heaven w/: Yangyang (honestly i feel like we’d crack up banter for 7 minutes or itd be me just being amazed w him ngl) 
gave you your favourite dessert: Baekhyun (he’d probably do something iffy w it first haha) 
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mvxincs · 5 years
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henlo friends it’s me again, ingrid ( @rominasantos ) coming at u with another disaster. pls like this if u wanna plot !! or hmu here or on discord !!
╰☆╮ ZENDAYA ,  21 , NB , THEY/THEM  ☆ — wait , is that ( MAXINE ANDERSON ) ? dean lockwood has been looking for them . you didn’t hear it from me but , apparently the ( JUNIOR ) might know something about the whole omega chi & kappa tau situation . while they can be ( CARELESS & OVERSENSITIVE ) , they’re far too ( IMAGINATIVE & LOYAL ) to be involved , right ? those who know them say they’re reminded of (BANDS T-SHIRTS, SCRUNCHIES, DIRTY SNEAKERS, STICK AND POKE TATTOOS, A LOCAL BAND’S CONCERT AT A BAR ) whenever they’re around .  honestly , the ( FINE ARTS ) major should try to keep their head down . after the events of last semester , lockwood is out for blood . did you know that ( MAXINE ) is a member of ( HUAC ) ? that might explain why their name is being brought up .
so maxine is originally from nyc !! they grew up in brooklyn with their parents as an only child
childhood/upbringing was pretty normal ?? mom was a chef and dad a music producer, everything they know about music their dad taught them which naturally made them pretty close
their parents divorced when they were about 12 years old, and by the time they were 16 they moved to live with their dad in connecticut bc their mom wasn’t accepting of their identity. besides, their relationship with their mom wasn’t ever That Great
they’re very Artistic which they totally get from their dad’s side of the family. but theyre mostly into music and film
is in a band with some classmates they probably play the bass, tho they can play a variety of instruments 
has probably created music videos for the band
they want to become a photography director for like movies or series and stuff 
loves horror movies and thrillers and shit just for laughs 
 doesnt take anything too seriously except their art
Loves Memes
a big Meme themselves 
very Chill and Laidback 
if u get high w them they’ll probably try to give u a tattoo 
chaotic bisexual 
is highkey a Pokemon Master, it’s 2019 but catch them playing pokemon go around campus 
doesnt care about frats and sororities and mixes them all together will probably believe u if u told them ur part of kappa apple tittie like just dont talk about it to them 
on all levels except physical  theyre cracking open a cold one w the boys while raiding area 51
wc’s ?? maybe ?? 
i was thinking itd be cool to have their cousin here, like theyre Tight. would work better if they lived in connecticut and were there for maxine when they first moved here
ppl they can play pokemon with 
maybe like,, ,ppl that like the band/ think theyre Cool
art buddies / muses / anything
fwbs, one night stands, current/past hookups whatever 
i mean idk these are all pretty basic but we can plot and im down for anything tbh!!!
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tumblunni · 5 years
Random game idea that came to mind: clockwork man simulator
I dunno, i just got the general image in my head of a soft homey aesthetic equivelant of that terrible game about the androids. Itd be more like just a life-living game, like stuff like animal crossing or harvest moon. Just fully exploring the perspective of these creatures and the world that created them, rather than BOOM ACTION SETPIECES or whatever
I only have some scattered ideas for it tho, and not really any idea of a main plot or gameplay gimmick or 3 act structure or like.. Anything to take this from idea to game, lol.
* more of an olden timey fantasy style instead of sci fi. Youre still an artificial person created to run errands for humans, but youre more of a combination of clockwork and magic. There's still an element of being made of inanimate object parts but there's also some glowy energy core or something. Possibly would be interesting if it was something unusual to use as a power source? Like i dunno, a bell or an acorn or a teacup or one of those rocks with the hole in it that sometimes wash up on beaches. Or just a glowy orb of Generically Defined Energy Substance, which flows through you like aesthetically pleasing glowy veins
* you're a service clockwork homunculus thingy, bought by a disabled person who needs help around the house. PERHAPS A SWEET OLD GRANDMA! Whatever i decide on (IT'LL PROBABLY BE THE GRANDMA), your owner is a kind person who sees you as part of the family and feels guilty using an android as they believe you are absolutely a real person and wish they could set you free. Unfortunately theyre kinda one of the people who needs androids the most, as they dont have any family who can help them. At the same time though, they are very old and quite resigned to nobody caring about them, plus theyre just a good person who'd put your life over their own. So i feel like the plot would literally start with this person trying to set you free and you are just like "i do npt understand the concept, that is not in my programming". Its become kind of a morning routine now to hear "youre free! Get out, dammit!" and have a brisk argument over breakfast that inevitably always ends with you refusing. Grandma's prpbably got so desperate they're resorting to tactics like trying to trick you into getting on the bus out of town or "if you dont leave im gonna hold my breath and i wont stop til i pass out". All inevitabley failing! So they just try and help you understand your sentience and become more independant, encouraging you to take free time every day and go around the town to enjoy yourself. Which is kinda a concept you dont understand yet, so its just like MISSION RECEIVED: WALK IN CIRCLE AROUND PERIMETER OF TOWN. And its kind of a hit and miss experience because the people in this town have never seen an android before- this magic is usually a thing for rich people and this proposed scheme of disability assistance androids is still in its test run. Some people are suspicious or hateful, but there are others who welcome you to the village and brighten up your day. Not just a world of 100% everyone assholes to make a melodramatic point delivered awfully through racist stereotypes.
* i think a good subplot with this disabled grandma would be to show her regaining her independance too. Like she starts off quite fatalistic and used to nobody caring about her, all this mobility aid stuff is new and she feels like its too complicated and she'll never get it, or its too expensive and she doesnt deserve it, or all the nonsense that ableist society drills into people. But with the support of her new friend and access to more tools to help take her life into her own hands, she starts regaining hope again! Like ironically she felt like her previous carers were all the kinds of awful things people expect these androids to be. Robotic, emotionless monsters who dont care about the person's feelings and comfort, and certainly not independance. She suffered from a lot of the same nightmares that androids do too: being forced into a rigid schedule, limited in her options, deprived of basic rights, being told how she's supposed to feel, etc. But to an android that all seems like an inefficient way to do things! My function is healing and human healing efficiency is decreased in this circumstance! I am incapable of ignoring data due to personal bias! Basically imagine MAGIC BAYMAX ok. Anyway this plot would progress with grandma regaining her smile and eventually itd be a super happy day when she's able to get her new wheelchair that she can wheel to the shops on her own without needing someone to push her. Itd be really sweet from the player's perspective to get used to saying goodbye to her every morning and then suddenly you see her wandering around the shops with everyone else and she can become a part of the vibrant town too. Im thinking give her more complex AI than all the other villagers even, like give her a more complicated set of actions and move routes and stuff like SHE IS EVERYWHERE and she is LOVING IT! Life is back where it belongs: in the hands of the person living it! And it also intensifies the message of android slavery not being necessary or moral or good. Like i mean here this lady benefitted from getting an android but literally all she needed was a friend, a healthcare professional who gave a shit, and affordable access to mobility aids. Humans could have done that if they werent lazy assholes! And this android deserves the right to the same uplifting independenceifying experience they helped this grandma have!!
* random idea: all the events you encounter on each daily walk are actually stored in your inventory as items. Memories of experiences, good or bad, become literally experience for you! They each affect stats in different ways because of what you learned from that moment. Maybe bad experiences give you combat abilities and good ones help with your daily life skills and development of personality? And its possible to crack or even shatter a memory, if new experiences end up clashing with it. Usually its just 'oh i learned the more advanced version of this skill through better understanding of why humans do it', but also traumatic memories damaging good ones, and good ones helping ease traumatic ones. And maybe you could solve puzzles and make friendships through using these memory items? Youre faced with a challenge and have to make the connections in your mind to figure out which past experience is relevant here. And becoming more talented at something would help narrow down the choices you get given? And being unskilled would do screwy stuff with the interface like putting the correct option far away near the bottom or mixing up the names and icons of each memory. (Dunno how i'd program that though!)
* Maybe character customization similar to Medabots? The games were so cool and ahead of their time, you get to collect hundreds of different robot base frames and then mix and match the parts to make your own cool aesthetic! Shame it was only used for fighting though, that could be cool in a more social game too! Like go out wearing different fashions to help befriend different people, but its more fun cos its ROBOT FASHIONS! 'hey grandma do u think fred will like this arm or this arm?' She fusses over you all excitedly cos you showing an interest in fashion is a good sign of developing free will! Though you still get stuck in logic loops of 'you should wear what you like best, honey' 'HUMAN OPINION IS OF HIGHER PRIORITY' ...god i think i just made this character so i can ramble Relateable Social Anxiety Moments BUT ROBOTS
* possible ideas for Memory Events you can find around town! Meeting a cute neighbour cat- a fascinating creature you were not programmed to deal with, as you're a hospital android who isnt even meant to leave one single room for your whole life. You get absolutely entranced by the confusing small carpet with legs, and spend all morning interrogating it on why it wishes to rub its face on you. Why is your motor overheating, tiny carpet? Human master, how do you troubleshoot this noise?
* Another idea! You get 'mission: count the steps on the stairs to town' popping out of nowhere, and at first you ignore it because this is an illogical directive that does not come from a human. But it keeps happening every time you go here!! You try finding new ways to get to town crossing through fields or forests or walking directly into the path of a horsedrawn carriage, but ALAS it seems the only efficient path is those curious curious steps! Only then do you finally realise the mystery command is coming from yourself! You're not used to this strange concept of just..wanting to do something, all by yourself. You talk to your human and she says that's 'natural curiosity', 'personality', 'free will'...things that seem impossible to understand. You ask her to take you back to the shop to get this fault fixed, but she says its good and you should try acting on it. But it'll serve no purpose!! BUT AAARGH I HAVE TO KEEP SEEING THOSE STEPS EVERYDAY!! Eventually you do count them and you find it makes you satisfied for no logical reason. And that was the end of that small crisis, but you'll forever be confused by the whole thing! The next week you're like "what if i organized all the blue things with the blue things" and youre intensely frustrated at yourself. Human grandma says this is a "taste for fashion" but you remind her that you do not have a tongue. (And then she gets you the robo parts catalog and you unlock customization. Yay!)
* Possible idea for a sad subplot! A new human visits the village and he seems very strange, sometimes seeming kind and other times being angry and standoffish. You think its a simple 'jerk with a heart of gold' story but the truth is a lot stranger! It turns out this stranger is actually an important bishop in disguise, and he has multiple androids acting as body doubles to protect him while he's on the road. Theyre supposed to just be empty husks who only know how to imitate, but they clearly have their own personalities! You're tasked with finding all these runaway androids and returning them to their master for a reward, leading to a goofy lil game of hide and seek with twelve of the same guy. But it starts to get a bit sad because they're all convinced theyre the real one, and whenever they stumble into holes in their memory they freak out. When they all see each other gathered together its an absolute despair explosion and theyre forced to face the truth. And you can help them bond together as brothers and develop their own individual identities, even helping them pick out their own new faces from your set of fashion roboparts. Sadly you cant keep them here for long because itd obviously be suspicious to have exactly twelve new people move into the town right when twelve bots went missing. So you get help from one of grandma's friends to send them off in a stagecoach to another town where they can find employment and start their own life disguised as humans. The asshole bishop obviously doesnt react well to his androids vanishing into the night, but he never thinks of blaming you because after all you're only an android and you could never choose to help others out of all that free will you dont have. He just berates you for being so incompetant as to fail his quest to find them, and you get your reward taken back. Oh no~ i am~ very ashamed~ i will go tell my human that my ocular circuits require recalibrating~ (internally: HAHA YEH FUCK U OLD MAN) Grandma is super proud of you!
And thats all i got so far
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mamoruanjou · 5 years
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so not much to say about the graphic, i dont really have any strict rules or anything just that i like to have payment up front unless you want to work smth out
im taking two slots! i have one person interested in a slot but i dont have a definite answer for them yet so theres no real waitlist
as for selling stuff, its just old game systems, a laptop and some tablets
first up is a ps2 (with the cables) including: - 2 8mb memory cards (lmfao holy shit) - a ps1 memory card - 2 controllers (one wired official, one wireless but honestly it takes hella batteries and is kinda finicky so id only use it as a backup if absolutely necessary) i have two games with it: - yugioh duelist of the roses - soul calibur
iiiim asking $75 for everything or break it into $50 for the ps2 and its components and $15 for the games but id rather not break them up if at all possible
i also have an old laptop that im selling as-is. its a dell n4110 15in, and i believe its the 4gb ram, 250gb hard drive model with an intel i5 processor running windows 7 home premium
when i restored to factory and tested it last night the keyboard was fucked (tho theyre apparently pretty cheap) and it has some cracks in the bezel around the screen but it boots up fine. also for some reason the trackpad doesnt want to work now even though it did last night
basically this computer is better used as a paperweight ive always said but if you can get the keyboard and the trackpad to work itd be good for like. schoolwork or web browsing but probably not much else
i just want it fucking gone. take it for parts, i dont care. $40 and ill happily let you have it
i also have three drawing tablets that im no longer using and wish to get rid of, 1 monoprice and 2 wacom: theyre all in working order afaik. id have to test them bc the monoprice i hadnt used in like 4 years and the bamboo in like 2, and i just stopped using the intuos like. 4 days ago monoprice drivers are a bitch to get working tho but that tablet is the biggest one, sitting at uhhhh active area 10x6.5, the bamboo is the active area 6x4 or whatever. its like 5.smthx3.smth but idr exactly and the intuos is the small sized one that sells for like $75. i think its also close to 6x4 the monoprice id sell for $10, it has two pens (one unopened) and extra pen nibs the wacoms id be asking for $20/ea, they both have one pen and im not sure about the bamboo but i know the intuos has extra nibs stored in the tablet
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