witchywithwhiskey · 25 days
how about ransom and “i mean, i got what i wanted, didn’t i?” 👀🫶🏼
can't resist a dare
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pairing: best friend!ransom drysdale x female reader
warnings: 18+ content (minors dni!!!), smut, oral sex (m receiving), cock worship, taking nude photos/sending nude photos, filming/recording/taking photos during sex, little bit of exhibitionism, come marking, come facial, light bdsm, size kink, dirty talk, praise kink, daddy kink, pet names (baby), aftercare, friends to lovers, revenge on a mean/rude ex
word count: 4,300ish
a/n: whoops, this ended up being longer than i anticipated 😬 but i loved the premise i came up with too much to scrap it and try to write something shorter so here we go!! i just loved the idea of best friend!ransom being a petty perv and reader being just as much of a petty perv 🤭 anyway i hope you enjoy!!! ♡♡♡
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You never could resist a dare from Ransom Drysdale. 
The devastatingly handsome grandson of Harlan Thrombey had been your best friend since you were children running around his grandfather’s spooky old house while your families spent time together. Even though you were both grown adults, Ransom still knew how to push all your buttons, and he knew that if he dared you to do something, you’d do it. 
Which was how you’d ended up in the cramped bathroom on the first floor of the Thrombey mansion during Harlan’s May Day party, your body bent over at the waist and your arm contorted behind your back to take a photo of the tiny little thong you’d worn beneath your sundress. 
Ransom had dared you to take a photo of your ass and send it to your ex. You, of course, had risen to the challenge and accepted the dare. 
You hadn’t had nearly enough champagne to make you so reckless, but there was something about your oldest friend that brought out your competitive spirit. Ransom was the only one who could get you to do such things, but you enjoyed being pushed outside of your comfort zone. Plus, you knew your best friend wouldn’t make you do anything that would actually hurt you.
In fact, if you were honest with yourself, there was a part of you that was perversely pleased to be taking such an obscene photo of yourself while some of the richest families in Massachusetts milled around just outside the door. The thought of getting caught taking naughty pictures turned you on more than you wanted to admit, so you hurried up and took the photos. 
When you were done, you picked one you liked and sent it to your ex with a smirk on your face, thinking he should be so lucky as to see your ass one last time. 
Leaving the bathroom, you strutted through the party looking for Ransom, feeling smug about completing the dare. You caught his eye when you entered the library, and even across the room, you could see the amusement dancing in his crystal blue eyes. You made your way through the crowd with a pep in your step, but halfway through, your phone vibrated with a response from your ex.
You opened the text and wished you hadn’t.
Didn’t know you were such a desperate slut, but if you really need dick so bad, I guess I’ll let you ride mine, baby. I know you loved bouncing on it like a whore. 
Your expression twisted into a scowl, and you looked up at your best friend, who was suddenly in front of you. Hurt wrapped around your heart, a part of you feeling—perhaps unfairly—that Ransom should’ve known your ex would text something vile back to you. 
“I did your dare, are you happy now?” you hissed at your best friend, taking out all your hurt and anger on Ransom. You knew you were much more angry at yourself, and your ex, for his hurtful response, but your best friend was the safest target at the moment.
Annoyingly, Ransom looked unaffected by your fury, the satisfied smirk on his face never wavering even as you continued to glare at him. When he responded, his voice was a lazy drawl that reminded you he couldn’t have known the effect of his dare.
“I mean, I got what I wanted, didn’t I?”
Before you could stop yourself, you let out a frustrated huff and opened your phone to the text message you’d gotten from your ex, turning the screen to your best friend so he could read it. “Is this what you wanted?” you sneered, knowing full well your best friend wouldn’t react kindly to what your ex had said. 
You were so determined to show Ransom what he’d done, you didn’t even consider the fact that you were also showing him the photo you’d sent. At least, not until his blue eyes went a little hazy and his smirk widened into a full-blown grin.
“The dare didn’t include you showing me the photo,” Ransom drawled, his gaze flicking to yours, the look in his eyes making something hot squirm deep in your core. “But I can’t say I mind—you’ve got a gorgeous ass.” 
Heat rose in your face, and your expression twisted into one of impatient annoyance. “Look at the response, Ran,” you gritted out, trying not to let his compliment get to you. He was your best friend—he was probably just messing with you. But you were soon distracted from what Ransom had said when he finally looked at what your ex had replied.
A storm cloud settled over Ransom’s handsome features, his eyes narrowing into two slits and his mouth twisting into a furious scowl. You even thought you heard a low rumble, like a growl, emanate from your best friend’s chest beneath the din of the party around you. 
“Who does this little shit think he is?” Ransom fumed, grabbing your phone and clicking on the contact info. “Does this motherfucker think he can talk to you like this?” Your best friend’s gaze flicked to yours and something inside you warmed when you saw the righteous anger simmering in his eyes. “And where the fuck does he get off calling you baby?” 
Your mouth opened to answer him, but Ransom just shook his head in a way that quelled you. Instead, he grabbed your hand with his free one and began leading you through the party toward the back of the house. Your feet moved quickly to keep up with his longer strides, and he slowed a little so he didn’t hurt your arm as he tugged you into the backyard. Ransom walked briskly through the gate in the fence that separated the lawn from the forest. 
You knew the forest around the Thrombey mansion just as well as the house itself, with its trees and the occasional statues representing Harlan’s various mystery novels. You and Ransom had played in the forest plenty when you were children, and partied amongst the statues when you were in your teens and early twenties. It was the only place the two of you could have any privacy, and you had to assume that Ransom wanted seclusion to discuss what your ex had said.
At your favorite of the statues in the forest, Ransom pulled to a stop and rounded on you, mischief gleaming in his blue eyes. You could tell he had a plan. 
“Do you wanna show your shithead ex what he’s missing?” 
Ransom’s smile was sharp as a knife and you couldn’t help but be distracted by your best friend’s handsomeness, just for a moment. His slicked-back brown hair gleamed in the spring sunshine that trickled down through the leafy trees above, and his broad shoulders filled out his henley so deliciously, you almost forgot the question he asked. 
But then his words broke through your distracted mind and the grin that spread across your face was practically devilish in your delight. “What do you have in mind?” you asked eagerly, bouncing on the balls of your feet as you stared up at your best friend with nothing but trust.
Ransom’s eyes darkened, his gaze dropping to your mouth for just a second before he met yours again. “Get on your knees,” he said, his voice low and gruff in a way you’d never heard before. It made heat pool deep in your core and you squirmed a little but didn’t hesitate to follow the order. 
The forest floor was blanketed in a soft carpet of dying leaves, even as new growth flourished around you, the sweet scent of spring filling your senses as you lowered yourself to your knees. Your eyes remained fixed on Ransom’s as your knees hit the soft ground, and though you knew the two of you were alone in the woods, it truly felt as though you were the only two people in the whole world.
You weren’t naive. You knew whatever your best friend had in mind to get back at your ex would be crossing one or two lines you’d never crossed with him before. But you trusted Ransom. You knew he wouldn’t hurt you. And, truthfully, a part of you that you kept hidden and locked away so much of the time wanted to cross a line or two with your best friend. 
So you sat on your knees on the ground at Ransom’s feet and stared up at him with all the trust you had in him no doubt written all over your face. You watched as his eyes softened and his mouth curved at the edges into a gentle smile, his expression filled with affection. It was so different to the hard or smarmy mask he wore in public—and even around his family—that you relaxed even further, knowing he’d take care of you even as you got revenge on your ex.
“Stick your tongue out,” Ransom murmured, his voice low and soft and nearly blending in with the breeze rustling the trees above you. His hand reached out and his fingers stroked your cheek, his smile deepening when you nuzzled into his palm before doing as he said. “Good girl, now look at me like you wanna suck my cock.”
A bolt of heat shot through you, nearly making you shiver as warmth bloomed, feral and unbidden, within your body. Ransom’s command was certainly crossing a line, but it felt like permission, too. For the first time in a very long time, you let the feelings you’d hidden away come rushing to the surface. The force of them surprised you, and you found yourself leaning into the arousal that swirled through your body.
With your tongue already sticking out, you let yourself sink into the desire you felt to suck Ransom’s cock and let it show in the way you were posed. You arched your back to stick out your ass and push up your chest, giving your best friend a good view of your tits in your dress. Letting your eyes go heavy-lidded with arousal, you stared eagerly up at your best friend.
You couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes darkened, his pupils blowing wide and his lips parting as he let out a heavy breath. He looked transfixed by you, and if you weren’t sticking your tongue out, you would’ve smirked at his reaction to you.
For a long moment, the two of you just stared at each other. Then, Ransom shook himself lightly and he held up your phone, swiping it open to the camera. You watched as he angled it the way he wanted, and waited patiently while he took a few pictures of you on your knees in front of him. 
When his eyes returned to your face, you relaxed your pose a little, expecting him to give you your phone so you could pick out a photo to send to your ex. Instead, Ransom gave you a considering look.
“Do you really wanna piss off your ex?” he asked, his voice a low, dangerous rumble that made butterflies stir in your belly even as more warmth trickled down between your thighs. A slow, evil grin spread across his handsome face that made your stomach flutter and your core clench. “Do you wanna show him what he’s missing?’
“Yes.” Your answer slipped from your lips before you really had a chance to think about it, but once it was out, you wouldn’t take it back. You trusted Ransom, you really wanted to get back at your ex, and, even more than that, you were desperately curious to see how far your best friend would take things. So you doubled down, giving him an evil smile of your own. “Yes, I do.”
Ransom’s grin turned a little smug as he looked at you with mischievous delight dancing in his eyes. The dappled light of the sunny spring day shifted across his face, and you sucked in a silent breath at just how handsome your best friend was. Your heart thumped in your chest, but you pushed the meaning behind that feeling aside and focused on the moment.
“Unzip my pants and pull my cock out,” Ransom murmured, his tone low and rough as gravel, sending a shiver down your spine.
Immediately, your eyes dropped to the front of your best friend’s slacks and you couldn’t help but notice the bulge there. A delighted smile curled the edges of your mouth. Ransom was just as turned on by you as you were by him. That knowledge gave you the courage you needed to do as he said. 
Your fingers fumbled excitedly with Ransom’s clothes as you pushed up his henley and undid the button and fly of his pants. You pushed them and his boxer briefs down over his hips, revealing the long length of his cock. It bounced free from his briefs and you sucked in a sharp gasp. He was so thick and long, your body clenched with the need to be filled just at the sight of your best friend’s cock.
Eagerly, you leaned forward, pressing your face to the underside of Ransom’s cock and inhaling the clean, musky scent of him. He smelled so good, you could feel your body react to your best friend’s cock, your pussy soaking your thong and making a mess of your thighs. Tilting your head back, you turned your heavy-lidded eyes up to Ransom, staring up at him while you nuzzled into his hard length.
“Yeah, just like that,” Ransom rasped, giving you an encouraging nod while his thumb tapped the screen of your phone, taking photos of you. “Look so pretty with my cock on your face, baby.”
A pleased smile curved your lips and your eyes closed as you savored the wonderful feeling of Ransom’s praise. It made your body warm even further, and you conveyed how happy it made you by pressing a soft kiss to the underside of Ransom’s cock. He rumbled an appreciative sound and when you looked up at him again, his eyes were the darkest you’d ever seen, his entire attention focused entirely on you.
You liked having Ransom’s attention and you didn’t wait for him to give you more instructions. Trailing your lips up the length of his cock, you pressed wet, suckling kisses to the velvety soft skin wrapped around the hardness beneath. You didn’t know which of you enjoyed it more—Ransom, with his face twisted into a look of pleasure and his chest heaving, or you, with your pussy dripping between your thighs. 
It seemed to take Ransom a moment to remember what he was supposed to be doing, that the point of you being on your knees was to record what you were doing to get back at your ex. He tapped the screen of your phone once, and when he spoke, there was something in his voice that made you think he was recording a video—a tenor of encouragement that made you want to perform.
“How d’you like my cock, baby?” he asked, a smirk clear on his face and in his tone. “Am I bigger than your ex?”
You wanted to grin and laugh—Ransom’s cock was much bigger than your ex’s. Instead, you curved your lips into your most vixenish smile and nuzzled into your best friend’s hardness like it was your most cherished stuffed animal. 
“I looove your cock, Ran,” you purred in a sultry voice, not having to try hard to show your appreciation for him. You pressed a kiss to his hard length and licked the underside of the head, wringing a grunt from your best friend. “You have such a big cock, daddy, way bigger than my ex—I don’t know how I’m gonna fit you in my tight little throat.” You batted your lashes up at the camera while you swirled your tongue around the tip, licking up your best friend’s precum. 
Ransom tapped your phone and moved it out of the way so he could look straight at you, raising one of his eyebrows in amusement. “‘Daddy’?” he asked, a delighted smirk curving his lips.
You stroked Ransom’s cock while you pulled back to answer. “My ex always wanted me to call him that, but it never felt right,” you said, making a face before you leaned forward again, wrapping your lips around the tip of your best friend’s cock and sucking on him lightly. Ransom grunted in pleasure.
“Keep going, baby, we’ll show that shithead what he’s never gonna have,” Ransom rasped, lifting your phone up again and tapping the screen while you took his cock deeper into your mouth. “Suck daddy’s cock, baby, be a good girl and show me how much you love my dick.”
You wanted to smile at Ransom’s filthy words, but instead you focused your attention entirely on his cock, bobbing your head on his hard length until the tip of him was pressing against the back of your throat. You’d never taken anyone as big as him, but you were determined to deep throat your best friend, so you relaxed your throat and pushed yourself. After a few tries, you took him all the way in, until his cock was bulging in your throat and your nose was pressed flat to his stomach.
“Oh fuck, jesus christ, baby,” Ransom shouted when you swallowed around him, your throat squeezing his hardness as you fought to keep him buried to the root in your mouth. Tears streamed down your face, and drool trickled down your chin, but you paid it no mind, focusing entirely on your best friend’s cock.
His big hand settled on the crown of your head, fingers flexing like he wanted to grab you and hold you down on his cock. Your pussy clenched at the thought, but Ransom seemed not to want to hurt you, so he simply bucked his hips a little, fucking your throat in short thrusts. 
“Shit, ‘m gonna come,” he rasped, his voice rough and strained in a way you’d never heard before. It made you squeeze your thighs together as more wetness flooded your already messy slit. “Baby, ‘m gonna come, holy fuck, your throat feels so fucking good, oh fuck.”
When his cock started to twitch, you pulled off and smiled sweetly up at your best friend. “Come on my face, Ran,” you panted, your voice breathy as you stared directly into Ransom’s darkened eyes. 
It took you a moment to realize Ransom’s hand holding your phone had dropped to his side, and the entirety of his focus was on you—just you. A pleased smile curled your lips while you pumped your best friend’s cock in your fist, squeezing the tip while he tossed his head back and let out a loud, pleasured groan.
Ransom came, muttering, “Baby, baby, baby,” under his breath, ropes of his come landing all over your face, joining the tears, spit and drool already coating your cheeks and chin. You opened your mouth, catching some of his spend on your tongue and humming happily at the musky taste of him. 
When Ransom tipped his head back up and opened his eyes to look at you, his mouth fell open in a helpless moan when he took in the state of you. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, his eyes roving over your face hungrily, like he couldn’t get enough of seeing you with his come on your cheeks. “You look so pretty covered in my come, baby,” he murmured, warmth and affection in his tone as he stroked your jaw, one of the few places on your face that wasn’t messy.
You grinned up at your best friend, pleased at his praise, though that didn’t stop you from teasing him. “Why don’t you take a picture, daddy, it’ll last longer,” you sassed. But once the words were out, you realized how serious you were about the suggestion. When Ransom raised his eyebrows in question, you whispered, “Use your phone—if you want.”
Ransom didn’t need to be told twice. He pulled his phone from the pocket of his pants and angled it above your face. “Smile for me, baby,” he murmured softly, and you couldn’t help but follow the gentle command. He took a few photos of you, sitting on your knees in the forest, covered in his come. 
Once he was done, he stowed both your phones in his pocket and pulled his henley off over his head, leaving him in a simple white t-shirt. You weren’t sure what he was doing until he started using the soft cotton garment to clean your face. He was gentle, wiping the come from your face and then clearing away your ruined makeup. 
Somehow, it felt so much more intimate than sucking your best friend’s cock and all you could do was sit there, your heart pounding in your chest while you let Ransom take care of you. His gaze caught yours, and you saw his crystal blue eyes were swirling with just as much emotion as was filling your heart, and something seemed to pass between the two of you—an understanding that something had changed between you.
When he’d cleaned your face to the best of his ability, Ransom tucked his cock away then helped you to stand, supporting your weight while he brushed the dirt and leaves off your knees. You leaned heavily against his chest when he stood up, his arms looping easily around you and you shared another silent moment, both of you smiling and staring into each other’s eyes.
It was you who ended up breaking the moment, asking the question that was making you burn with curiosity. “Are we really going to send those pictures and videos to my ex?” you asked, watching your best friend’s face for his reaction. Truth be told, you still wanted to get back at your ex for what he’d said, but since Ransom’s cock was in them, he had a right to a say in it.
He seemed to be watching you just as carefully as you were watching him. “Do you want to?” he asked, his voice toneless. He was leaving it up to you.
An evil smile spread across your face, Ransom’s lips curving into a smirk in response. “Yeah,” you said brashly. “Let him see what he could’ve had.”
“Just as long as you tell him who’s dick you’re sucking,” Ransom murmured, kissing your temple and pulling your phone from his pocket to hand to you. “I want him to know you’re my girl now.”
At those possessive words, you looked up at your best friend in surprise, but Ransom only gave you a look like you should know better.
Ducking your head, you hid an exceptionally pleased smile as you turned in Ransom’s arms and leaned back against his broad chest so he could watch over your shoulder. Together, you picked out the best photos and videos to send to your ex.
Sorry! Sent that to the wrong person. These are just for you. Oh and Ransom says hi. 
You couldn’t help but giggle when your ex immediately started blowing up your phone, taking great pleasure in blocking him. When you were done, you handed your phone back to Ransom to hold for you, since your dress didn’t have pockets, and you turned in his arms again. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you looked up at your best friend with a smile.
“So I’m your girl now, huh?” you asked, unable to let him get away with just a look for confirmation.
Ransom’s strong arms wound around your waist, holding you tight to his chest. “As if I’d be such a fool as to let anyone else have you,” he said, snorting to himself. “I’m not as stupid as your ex.”
“Clearly,” you said dryly, laughing at the unamused look he shot you. 
But then Ransom silenced your laughter with a kiss, his mouth slanting to yours perfectly. All at once, you let the emotions you’d bottled up for so long flow free, and you clung to Ransom as you both deepened the kiss. His tongue plunged into your mouth like he was staking a claim, and you answered him back with just as much fervor. 
It was less a first kiss and more a devouring of souls as the two of you made out in the woods of the Thrombey estate.
Finally, Ransom pulled away with a groan. “OK, here’s the plan,” he said with a huff, pressing his forehead to yours. His chest was heaving as he caught his breath, but he soldiered on. “We go back, tell everyone you have a headache and I’m gonna drive you home,” he said, pausing briefly to kiss you. “Then I take you back to my place and we don’t leave my bed for two days—maybe three.”
Laughing and nodding you pushed up on your tiptoes and kissed Ransom again. “Three, definitely three,” you agreed.
“Good girl,” he murmured, kissing you again.
 Before he pulled away entirely, though, Ransom caught your eye and you knew from the mischief sparkling in the depths of his gaze that he had another dare for you. You grinned eagerly. 
“I dare you to take off your thong and go back to the party with your needy little cunt dripping down your thighs for me,” Ransom rumbled, his voice deliciously low and deep and making you want to jump him right there in the woods.
When Ransom raised an eyebrow in a challenging look, your pussy clenched at the filthy dare, your whole body warming as arousal flooded through you again. You didn’t know what expression your face was making, but it made Ransom grin and press a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“If you’re a good girl, daddy will give you a reward when we get to my place,” he murmured. 
But Ransom hadn’t needed to offer you an incentive.
After all, you never could resist a dare from Ransom Drysdale.
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navybrat817 · 6 months
🎄 Send these trees to ten people you wish to have a good holiday and a happy new year! 🎄
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I appreciate it, lovely! Love, thanks, and well wishes for the holiday and New Year. ❤️
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undercoverpena · 6 months
2 and 14 <3
thank you so much for the ask, bby!!
2. album of the year
it might have to be unreal unearth because it officially came out in 2023, but if i can be a sneak, i'm gonna say sza sos (even if it came out in 2022) because that album has been replayed so much in 2023.
14. favourite book you read this year?
okay, i read foxglove and loved it (the sequel to belladonna) and also recently i read my roommate is a vampire and it was just so funny and charming i couldn't put it down.
end of the year asks
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sprachgefuehle · 1 year
♡ : which languages do you speak/have you learned in school? Also fließend sprech ich Deutsch, Englisch, Portugiesisch und Spanisch und es gibt einige Sprachen, die ich mehr schlecht als recht spreche, weil ich sie aus Spaß nebenbei mal gelernt habe. Gerade lerne ich auch noch Französisch, aber tatsächlich eher für die Arbeit als aus reinem Spaß.
In der Schule habe ich seit der 3. Klasse Englisch gelernt. In der 6. kam dann Latein dazu (ich war die einzige Person, der es Spaß gemacht hat, aber wirklich was gebracht hat es nicht). Ab der 9. habe ich 2 Jahre lang Chinesisch gehabt, aber die Lehrerin war eine Vollkatastrophe, und ab der 10. Klasse hatte ich Spanisch.
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krirebr · 25 days
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!! 🩷🩷🩷🌸✨
Aww! Thank you, Nika! Absolutely the same to you!
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threephasebird · 2 years
✨🌈☀️send this to the ten people you’re happy to see every time they pop up on your dash/notif and wish them a good day🌟🌈💥
Oh wow! Tumblr only notified me of this message just now. What a lovely 1am surprise, the feeling is very much mutual! 💙💙💙
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brandycranby · 4 months
21 😌🫶🏼
oh this is so hard :((
21. Share 3 songs that would belong on a playlist for this chapter/fic. 
hehe this is for sleeping beauty AU, woodcutter!curtis x you
once upon a dream - chorus/sleeping beauty ost
for the love of a princess - celtic woman
a time for us - andy williams
as you can see, this is going to be incredibly sappy 🥺💕
talk to me about my wip
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fandoms-writings · 7 months
Now or Never
Pairing: Best-Friend!Bucky x Virgin!Reader (fem intended)
Word Count: 6.2K (it was supposed to be a drabble oops)
Summary: Based off the prompts "You know my door is always open for you, right?" and "You're already wet sweetheart." for my milestone event, requested by nonnie.
Warnings: SMUT 18+ ONLY, mentions of a bad date, explicit p in v sex, oral (male receiving), fingering, swearing, bucky talks a lot in bed, weed and alcohol consumption. (if I missed any, please let me know)
A/N: thank you so so much to @bucksangel and @itistimeforusalltodecidewhoweare for beta reading for me, i love you both so so much.
Masterpost || Bucky Masterlist
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You sat in your car, frustration and disappointment rolling off of you in waves. 
Another bad date, another guy just obsessed with hearing himself talk and not once allowing you to get a word in. That topped with how he called you a prude at the end left the worst taste in your mouth. 
You didn't want to go home to your empty apartment, already sick of the silence filling your car, so you scrolled through your contacts, thinking who would be up for hanging out with so little notice. 
Your lip found its way between your teeth as you passed your best friend's name. You weren't sure if he'd be busy or not, or if he'd be in the mood to hang out, but seeing him would help your mood. Plus. . . you blanched at the image that clouded your mind. Maybe he could help with your little problem - if you had the guts to even ask. 
You pressed the dial button before you could talk yourself out of it, waiting for him to pick up as you chewed on your nail.
Just when you were about to hang up, giving up for the night, the tone clicked and his voice filtered through the speaker. 
"Hey Peach," His voice was gruff and you could feel some of your frustration ebbing away already, "What's going on?" 
"Hey, Buck," You sighed, "Are you busy?" 
"Not currently, why?" 
"Can I come over for a minute?"
"Aren't you supposed to be on a date?" He chuckled. You could hear him shuffling through what you assumed was his kitchen, the opening and closing of cupboards sounding through the little speaker. 
"I was." You didn't give him anymore than that, and he was only silent for a small moment before he hummed. 
"Alright, get your cute butt over here so you can tell me all about it," He ordered and you couldn't help the heat that grew in your skin at the compliment. "Want me to pack a bowl too?" 
You giggled at that before agreeing. "After today, please. I'll pay you back for it." 
"How many times do I gotta tell you not to worry about that?" He laughed, "Now get over here. Drive safe." 
"I will." You hung up the phone with a sigh before starting your car and heading over to his place, but not before stopping and picking up a bottle of wine on the way. 
It wasn't long before you were hiking up the steps to the house he rented. It was small, and not in the best neighborhood, but he didn't have to worry about sharing walls with anyone else and it was bigger than your apartment, so you didn't mind. Plus, you knew he'd never let anything happen to you. 
He pulled open the door before you had a chance to knock, giving you a grin that was equally empathetic as it was smug. He liked to relish in the fact that he always knew guys weren't going to be good enough for you, telling you before every date you went on that it'd be a waste of time. 
But that didn't mean that he was happy you weren't having a good time. 
"Come on," He reached his hand out for you, "Let's get you giggly again." 
You chuckled at that before landing the bottle of wine in his outstretched hand, the raise of his eye brows pulling up the corners of your lips. 
"Super giggly is the goal then." He stepped away from the door, letting you in before closing and locking it behind you. 
"You sure you don't mind me dropping by this late?" 
He scoffed at that, leading the way to his kitchen and pulling out two wine glasses, "You know my door is always open for you, right?"
You shrugged, "I know that, but still, you can always tell me no." 
"Now, Peach, why would I do that? I'm not going to say no to hanging out with my favorite person." Heat spread through your skin again at his words, and the teasing wink he threw your way. 
You didn't mind that he flirted with you, whether flirting was his intention or not, you weren't quite sure. But either way, it made you feel somewhat seen. Liked. 
"I thought Steve was your favorite person," You lifted yourself onto his countertop, hissing at the cold that met your thighs. You cursed the version of yourself that decided shorts were a good idea.  "It'd be a shame if he heard that wasn't true." 
"He knows where he stands with me, don't worry." He handed you a poured glass, clinking his own against it before leaning against the opposite counter. "Now, do you want to tell me what happened now, or do you want to smoke first?" 
You chuckled at that, taking a sip of your wine, "How about I tell you while we smoke, then by the time we're good and high, I don't have to think about it anymore?" 
He gave you one of his little grins, nodding his head. "You got it." 
You followed him outside, getting comfortable in the large papasan chair as he plugged in the string of lights hung over the small porch. He got comfortable in his seat before offering you the bong and a lighter, letting you take the first drag. 
It didn't take long to fill Bucky in on what had transpired on your date. How Mark didn't even try to act interested in anything you had to say. How he'd made you meet him at the restaurant instead of offering to pick you up, which in the end ended up being a silver lining because you didn't have to ask him to drive you home. 
You'd gotten to the part where your date had called you a prude and what you'd told him to cause that comment, and the words caught in your throat. You'd never told Bucky you were a virgin, not that it mattered, you knew he wouldn't judge you for it. It was just something that never came up. 
Maybe it was what happened tonight, the comments and the way your date acted afterwards, that made you not want to tell him. Or maybe it was the pity in his eyes that had grown since you'd started your story. Or. . . or it could've been the rather not small bit of your heart that belonged to him already that stopped you. If others didn't like that you were a virgin in your twenties, and didn't want to be with someone so inexperienced, why would he?
He caught on to your hesitation, setting the bong down as he turned to face you with his brows pulled forward. 
"What happened?" He asked, and you looked to your lap, pulling your feet under you and wrapping your sweater around you. 
You could tell him, you knew he wouldn't judge you, wouldn't tease you for it. You knew that, so why was it so hard to tell him when you told anyone else without a care in the world? You sighed, barely meeting his gaze. 
"Promise me you won't judge me?" You whispered and he leaned forward. 
"I'd never judge you for anything. I promise." 
You nodded, more to yourself in reassurance to let the words out. "The only thing he either heard me say about myself, or that he decided to pay attention to, was the fact that I'm a virgin," You refused to meet Bucky's gaze as he went still, "That seemed to get his attention because then he started assuming I was going home with him after he pretty much ignored me all night. Like I was some prize to be won. A trophy."
You took a breath taking a small glance at Bucky to see his eyes trained on your face, but no emotion peaking through his features other than his fists clenched in his lap, knuckles white. 
"When I told him I was just gonna go home, his attitude shifted again and he proceeded to call me a selfish prude." The words rang in your head again, his mocking tone clear in your ears before you forced yourself to push it out. 
Bucky still hadn't said anything, his red eyes locked on your form, tucked into your chair as you reached for your wine glass. It wasn't until you'd taken a lengthy sip and had the cup nestled in your hands in your lap that he spoke up. 
"You deserve better than that," He started, "And I'm sorry that he treated you like that, Peach." 
Looking over to him, you saw the sincerity in his eyes, the heaviness in them as he refused to look away. You shrugged mumbling that it's fine before looking down to your wine glass again. "I don't really want to dwell on it." 
"Okay," He angled his head to catch your eye, giving you a soft smile. "You just let me know when you want me to kick this guy's ass and consider it done." 
You laughed at that, clutching your glass in your lap so it didn't fall. He smirked at you, seemingly pleased with himself for getting you to laugh as he leaned back in his chair. 
"Can I ask you something?" He asked after a moment. 
Your focus zeroed in on him, his arm thrown over the curved back of his chair, one of his legs folded under the other, his free hand resting on his thigh as he studied you. You swallowed around the dryness in your mouth and nodded. 
"Is there a. . .  specific reason you're still a virgin?" He asked. You could tell he wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable, he was genuinely curious. 
"I guess I was scared at first," You started, remembering how you felt in high school when your best friend told you about how she'd lost her virginity. The idea always seemed daunting, like it was something you were supposed to do to 'become an adult.' But it was intimidating. "I didn't want to force it, wanted it to be something natural, I guess." 
"And you haven't had anyone to give you that chance?" 
You stilled for a second, shaking your head. 
He hummed, at your silence, or your answer, you couldn't tell, but he fell quiet after that, staring at the trees in the yard. 
You finished your glass of wine and set it aside, you fingers beginning to slightly numb in the cold before you tucked them into your legs, your mind starting to get fuzzy. You couldn't tell if it was the wine or the weed starting to kick in that made you ask, "Is it a bad thing?" 
He whipped his head towards you, his brows pulled together in confusion. "Being a virgin?" At your tentative nod, his face softened and he shook his head, "Not at all." 
"Then why do people act like the guy tonight whenever they find out?" You muttered and he sighed, shifting so that he was leaning his elbows on his knees. 
"Maybe it's intimidating, being someone's first." 
Your eyes refused to leave his, your nerves starting to warm as you asked, "What about you?" You asked, readjusting in your seat to angle yourself more towards him, "Would you be intimidated?" 
He simply stared at you for a moment before shaking his head, "No." There was something about the way he said it, the roughness of his voice and the confidence in his short answer, that had you trying to subtly clench your thighs together. 
You hated to admit it, but you'd thought about it before. Hell, you thought about it on the way over.  About sleeping with him. About his rough hands on your skin, what it would feel like to have his lips on yours, his fingers in -
"You okay?" His voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and you looked back to him, heat rising up the back of your neck. You went to tell him you were fine, that you just wanted to get a drink, maybe watch a movie, but a voice in the back of your head grew too loud to ignore. "Peach?" 
The voice told you to ask him for it. To ask him to be your first. You trusted him with your life, you'd trust him with taking your virginity too. You know you would. But you couldn't ask that. What if he said no? What if he was mortified? It wasn't something you could just tell him to pretend you didn't ask for, that's not how that worked. 
He was still staring at you, allowing you to have as long as you needed before you told him whatever it was that was going through your head. 
Now or never, the voice reminded you, and you took a breath, steeling yourself for the inevitable rejection you felt you knew he was going to give you. 
"I'm over it," You muttered, and before he could ask what you were talking about, "I don't want to be a virgin anymore." He watched you, unsure if you were finished speaking yet, but when the words died on your tongue, he nodded. 
"Okay," His voice was rough and hoarse and dangerously quiet as he waited to hear what you wanted to do about what you'd said. 
"I trust you," You whispered, "More than anyone." His eyes widened just a fraction as you stared at him. Your hands gripped your legs as you mustered up just enough courage to get the words out, "Would. . . would you be my first?" 
 The confusion fell from his face, concern taking its place. He cleared his throat and his voice was dangerously low, “Is this the wine talking?” 
Your heart fell, you knew you shouldn’t have asked. You knew. Yet you asked anyway. You let out a shaky breath, moving to stand. “I shouldn’t have asked, forget about it.” You stood, moving to pick up what needed to go inside when his hand grasped yours. 
“That’s not. . .” He started and you turned to him,  he was on the edge of his seat, eyes wide as he stared up at you, “I mean is that something you truly want? It’s not just the wine?”
You took a moment to look at him, to really look. You’ve held his stare so many times before, but you’d never seen the look in his eyes that was there now. Like it was taking everything in him not to jump up and do what you’d asked. 
Like he — like he wanted it just as much as you did. 
You faced him completely, placing yourself between his knees and resting your hands on his shoulders, his hands falling to wrap around the backs of your thighs. 
“I just don’t want you to regret asking me,” he muttered, his fingers drawing patterns across the backs of your legs, “I don’t want you regretting me.” 
Your hands settled at the sides of his neck, the stubble on his chin scraping against your thumbs as you pushed to angle his head up to you again. You leaned down, your nose brushing against his as your breaths mingled between you. 
“Bucky. . . " You started, but he shook his head. 
"Wait," It was a gasp, like he was fighting himself, "You need to know that if you let me have you," he looked up at you and you were finally able to see how his pupils had blown, the blue of his eyes almost completely swallowed, "I don't plan on letting you go. Ever." 
Your body froze in his hold, his fingers tightening on your legs. "What are you saying?" 
His eyes softened on you and a small, nervous smile grew on his lips, "That I've wanted you since we met, but didn't want to scare you off." He tugged on your legs, pulling you into his lap, your knees landing on either side of his hips. His hands moved up to your lower back, his thumbs barely moving under your shirt, but stopping before he went any further. "I've been pining after you for years." 
It was like you were snapped back to reality, the raspiness in his voice and his calloused fingers brushing against your skin bringing you back from your stupor. But there were no words to convey how you felt, at least not any you could form at the moment. The only thing your brain and your heart were telling you, was to press your lips against his. 
So you did.
His fingers tightened against your back, pressing you into his chest as his lips moved in tandem with yours. It was slow at first, the soft nips to your bottom lip and the way his tongue hesitantly slid across your bottom lip. Your lips parted and the second your tongue met his, a groan rumbled through his chest, his hands sliding up your back under your shirt. Your hips ground down of their own accord and he swallowed the whine you let out as your core was met with the growing bulge under his jeans. 
Time seemed to slow, and by the time you pulled back panting, eyes locked on his, you weren't sure how long you'd been there. But by the way your heart was soaring, you knew you didn't want to be anywhere else, ever again. 
"We should go inside," he whispered, bringing up one of his hands to cup your jaw, his thumb brushing against your swollen lips. "I don't want the neighbors hearing you." 
You two didn't last long apart once you pried yourself from his lap. The second you both set everything on the counter inside, his hands found their way to your skin again, pushing up the back of your shirt as he pulled you flush with his chest, his feet guiding you to his bedroom. 
The edge of his bed met the backs of your knees, and he gently pushed you back, crawling up with you as you nudged your way up to his pillows. His lips attached to your neck, gently biting where it met your shoulder, his breath fanning against your skin and sending shivers down your spine. 
"I'll take good care of you," He breathed, pulling back to look at you, "I promise." 
You nodded, reaching around to shove his shirt up his back, "I know, I trust you." He smiled at you before pushing your shirt up, over your head and your arms. and dropping his head and dragging his lips across every inch of skin he could reach. 
 "Arch your back for me?" He asked, only lifting his lips enough to get the words out before they went back to nipping at your skin. You did as he asked, his fingers slipping through the clasp on your bra and undoing it. He helped you out of it, sitting up to pull it up from your arms and throwing it to the side to join your shirt. 
You looked up to find his eyes locked on you and you couldn't help the sudden nervousness rise in your chest as he stared at you. His hands caught your arms trying to move to cover your breasts and he shook his head. 
"Don't hide," He said, "You're fucking gorgeous." 
You giggled, the butterflies in your stomach from his words mixed with the substances in your system making it impossible to fight it off and he smiled down at you. 
"There she is," He whispered, "God, I love your laugh." 
"Heavy with the compliments tonight aren't you?" You breathily asked, the heat in your skin rising as he removed his shirt, his muscled chest seemingly glowing in the warm hue of the lights. 
"I've been waiting to give you some very specific compliments," He leaned over you, "So you better get used to it." 
His lips captured yours again as his hands trailed down your stomach, his fingers gently pushing at the waistband of your shorts. 
"Can I?" He asked, his fingers stopping. 
He chuckled at the eagerness in your voice before he pulled away and helped you out of your shorts, pulling your panties with them. He dragged his fingers down your hips and your thighs as he took you in. You could see his chest rising and falling at an uneven pace before he looked up at you. 
"You're already wet sweetheart," He rasped, "Can I play with you?" 
The fact that you were bare before him and he was still asking for permission sent even more heat to your core and you could feel yourself clench around nothing as your breath hitched in your throat. You nodded sitting up on your elbows to meet his lowering mouth with your own, earning a moan from him as you dragged your teeth along his bottom lip. 
His fingers were sure in their movements as they met your folds, brushing up to circle around your clit before sliding back down to circle around your entrance, your hips bucking into his touch. He pulled his mouth away as he slowly slid a finger in, pressing the palm of his hand down into your clit. 
"Oh I love this," He said, his head dropping down, taking one of your nipples into his mouth, lightly dragging his teeth across it before swirling his tongue around it. He pumped his finger a few times before slowly adding a second, and growling into your skin as your fingers threaded through his hair, pulling at the strands, his fingers curling up, like he was searching for something. 
"What?" It came out as a breath, but you couldn't bring yourself to speak any louder as you tried to keep the noises that built in your chest to a minimum. You knew they were normal, but you didn't want to seem as desperate as you really felt. 
"I love that no one else has had the pleasure of seeing you like this, that no one has touched you," He said the words into your skin, his lips brushing against your nipple as he spoke and grinning when his fingers brushed against a certain spot. 
"Shit - Do that again," the request broke through your lips in a whine, but you were too focused on him to notice. He grinned, curling his fingers into that spot again, pulling another wail from your throat. 
 "I love that no one's been inside you, that they don't get to have you," He angled his fingers to brush against that spongy spot over and over as he pumped them in and out, "But I do." 
He kept his fingers pace agonizingly slow, to not drive you over the edge so quickly but you couldn't help the movement of your hips trying to get more friction. His other hand came up to your chest, gently pushing you down so you were comfortable. 
"I'll go slow at first," He started, his fingers slowing even more, if that was possible, "Let you get used to it - to me, before I ruin you," His fingers began to spread, pushing your walls apart as they dragged across them before coming to a halt. "Do you know the traffic light system?" He asked, and at your nod he grinned, "Tell me." 
You swallowed around the breath catching in your throat, "Red is stop, green is go, yellow is slow down." His smile grew. 
"Perfect, I don't want to do anything you're not comfortable with, so you use that if you need to, alright?" When you nodded, he went back to pumping his fingers in and out of your cunt, noticing you practically biting through your lip to keep quiet and he tsked, his free hand moving to pull it from your teeth, "Let me hear you, Peach." 
The second you let your lip go, a lewd moan filled the air. You went to bite your lip again, to hide the noises that were waiting to get out, and Bucky shook his head as his thumb found its way to your tongue, softly pressing down to keep your mouth open. 
"Don't hide those noises from me," He practically begged, "I need to hear you." It was the tone of desperation that took over his calm confidence that had you nodding, promising not to hide anymore. "Is there anything you want to do?"
"What do you mean?" You breathed, trying to hone your focus on him. 
"Well, it's your first time," He started, pushing his fingers as far as he could and smiling at the moan you let out, "Was there anything you wanted to try?" 
You thought back to the times you shamefully allowed yourself to fantasize about him. How he'd feel on top of you, in you. How his hips would feel driving into yours, the fullness you'd finally experience. How the weight of him would feel against your tongue. 
You felt your skin get hot as you looked up at him, trying not to cover yourself with how self conscious you suddenly felt. But when your eyes met his, all you saw was patience and adoration as he watched you, so you swallowed down your nerves. 
"I want to taste you," You muttered and he groaned, his fingers stilling in you, "and ride you." 
"Shit," He smiled at you, "You're really not that innocent are you?" 
He pulled his fingers free of you before you could answer, and you whined at the now empty feeling in between your legs, a whine that dragged on longer as you watched him lift his fingers to his mouth. His eyes rolled back and he moaned as he tasted you. 
"Fuck," he groaned, "I knew you'd taste good." 
He pulled his body up from yours, ridding himself of the last of his clothes, and you couldn't help but look down, eyeing the length of his cock as it stood at attention. Unable to stop yourself from reaching out, your fingers brushed against the underside and the shiver that clearly ran up Bucky's spine gave you a boost of confidence. 
You crawled across the bed to where he stood at the end, fighting the nerves that were tingling through every part of you as you slid to the floor in front of him. The carpet dug into your knees as you kneeled, looking up at him through your lashes. His hand came down to trace your cheek before cupping it. 
"You don't have to if you don't want to," He said and you smiled. 
"I know, I want to." You eyed him before moving your hand to grip him at the base, holding him still while you dragged your tongue up the underside of his cock before wrapping your lips around the head, the taste of his skin and the precum leaking from the tip flooding your tongue. 
"Oh, fuck," He gasped and his hips stuttered, pushing himself past your lips just a bit before he caught himself and pulled back. "Shit - sorry."
Instead of pulling your mouth off of him, you looked up at him and hummed before taking him further, watching his eyes flutter closed and roll back as your tongue slid along his length. His fingers twitched at his sides like they were reaching for you but he was fighting himself. You reached up with your free hand and pulled his grasping fingers towards the top of your head where they hesitantly laced into your hair. 
He breathed a heavy sigh as he gently tugged on your hair, the whine you let out around him causing his hips to jolt again. 
"Fuck, Peach," He rasped, his voice hoarse as he looked down at you. The sound of his voice and the way he looked at you alone was enough to have you clenching around nothing, but what he said next was what got to your head, sending you into a type of haze you'd never experienced before. "Unless you want me to fuck your pretty face, you gotta stop doing that." 
 Your free hand reached around his thigh, gripping it as you hummed again, the vibrations clearly running through every one of Bucky's nerves as he shuddered. 
"Is that what you want?" He asked, a cocky grin growing on his lips as he looked down at you, your head bobbing, "You want me to fuck your pretty mouth before I fuck that pretty pussy?" 
A high pitched whine rumbled in your throat and his hips bucked forward, his hand in your hair pulling your head forward. He was gentle with it, only pushing himself so far back in your mouth, doing his best not to make you gag, all the while a string of curses and compliments showered you as your eyes watered and a mix of your spit and his precum had started to slide down your chin. 
He pulled your head back, pulling himself from your mouth, the stiffness in your jaw a welcome sensation when accompanied by the heavy look in his eyes. He took your hand in his, helping you move back to the bed and settling in between your legs as he kissed his way down the side of your neck, his hand wrapping around the other side. His teeth grazed your skin, sending chills through your spine as you reached around to grip at his back. 
Pulling his head from your neck, his voice just above a whisper as he asked, "Are you ready?" You nodded, but he shook his head, "I need to hear you say it, baby, you gotta tell me." A bloom of warmth spread through your chest at the care exuding from the furrow in his brows. 
You wrapped your hands around the sides of his head, your thumbs brushing along the lines of his jaw, "Fuck me, Bucky," You whispered, "please." He nodded before capturing your mouth with his once before sitting up a bit and reaching over to his nightstand, his hand coming back with a condom and a small bottle of what you assumed was lube. 
Once he had the condom on, he popped open the cap of the lube, pouring some in his hand and spreading it over himself, then getting a bit more and looking at you. "It's a little cold, but it's gonna help, I promise." 
"Okay," You nodded and braced yourself for the chill that came when his fingers rubbed the lube through your folds, your skin sensitive to his calloused skin. 
"Spread your legs baby," he watched your legs open for him, "that's it. . . wider." Your legs spread as far as you could, "Such a good girl all spread out for me." He smiled before lining the head of his cock up with your dripping entrance, slowly pushing in with a hiss. 
The stretch burned and your hands shot to cling to his arms, your nails leaving crescent shaped indents in his skin. His eyes locked with yours, "Breathe baby, breathe," He strained, "I'm right here." You let loose a tight breath through your nose as you held his gaze. He kept pushing in, taking his time until he was all the way in, a strange type of fullness taking over you - an addicting kind. 
He dragged his fingers across your skin, kneading the muscles in your hips, legs, and arms as he waited for you to adjust, talking you through it with a whole array of compliments. When the burn from the stretch turned into a need for him to move, you shifted your hips and loosed a moan when the head of his cock brushed against that same spot his fingers had expertly found earlier. 
A breathy chuckle fanned your skin as he smiled down at you, "Ready for me to move?" At your quiet confirmation, he began slowly rocking his hips into yours, the drag of his cock against your walls addicting - but you needed more. 
"M-more. . ." you panted and he smirked. 
"More what?" He asked, not stopping the slow drag movements of his hips as if he knew it was driving you mad, which he probably did if you were being honest. 
You swallowed your nerves, "Faster," he brushed that spot again, "fuck - harder." 
He nodded, moving his hands to the back of each of your knees, holding your legs open, "Can I have my way with you? You can ride me later?" You forgot about that, about saying you wanted to ride him. You did, you wanted him under you writhing for you like you were for him now, but you weren't sure you could handle taking over right now so you nodded. You just wanted him to make you feel good and to fucking move already. 
"Yes," You whined, trying to move your hips against his again, but with how he was holding your legs, you couldn't move much. "Just move." You didn't care how desperate you sounded now, you were going to go insane if he didn't do something other than slowly drag himself in and out, stopping just before hitting that perfect spot. 
"Say please." You scowled at him. Sometimes you forgot how cocky he could get, though this was the first time his cockiness made you even more needy for him. 
"Fuck," You muttered, the pressure growing low in your belly, "please Bucky."
"I got you," He pushed you knees closer to your chest as he leaned over you, thrusting into the base, hitting that spot that made you see stars before pulling out just as quick and doing it again. 
It felt like the air had been sucked out of your chest as you held his gaze, his hips unrelenting in his thrusts, the sound of skin slapping filling your ears in between the moans that fell from both of you. 
"God," He panted, "You feel so good around me, I always knew you would." He dropped one of your legs, reaching up to palm your breast and taking the pebbled nipple in between his fingers, "Fuckin' made for me, weren't you?" 
A loud moan tore its way through your throat as you reached for him, your hand finding his neck, nails raking down to the middle of his chest, his hips driving home even harder. You could feel that somewhat familiar crest quickly approaching, knowing the feeling from your nights alone where all you had were your fingers. But you didn't want this to end. You wanted to stay here, his cock filling you up and hitting that one spot over and over. 
Something in your face, or maybe it was the way your breathing became more controlled, told Bucky that you were trying to fight it off as long as you could and he smirked before slowing down just enough to let your knees go and tell you, "Wrap your legs around my waist." 
You quickly followed his instruction as he leaned over you, grabbing the headboard with one hand and circling your clit with the thumb of his other. You couldn't hold back the almost scream that erupted from your chest at the sensation and he smiled. 
"Don't fight it, baby," He coaxed, "Just let it happen." He quickened the pace of both his hips and his thumb, trying to push you over that edge. "C'mon, Peach," he was practically begging now, "Let me have it."
The thread holding you back was fraying quickly, ready to snap and he knew it. 
Your breath hitched and he smirked, still keeping his pace as he muttered, "Give it to me." 
The thread snapped. Pleasure crashed into you, a roaring in your ears as your body tightened under his, your walls clenching around him as he continued his determined thrusts. Your hands grasped at his back, your nails raking down his skin. Your legs locked around him. 
You were sure you screamed. 
"That's it, baby," He panted into your ear, his hips becoming sporadic, "Keep coming - fuck - keep gripping me like that." You weren't sure how exactly to do what he was asking, but in your daze, you did your best, tightening your muscles as much as you could. 
He gasped, gripping your hip tight enough to bruise you were sure. His hips stilled and his head buried into your neck as he shouted. 
He gently rested his weight on you, pushing you into the mattress and trailing small kisses along your neck and shoulder where his head still rested. He waited until you'd caught your breath and your eyes were clear before speaking again. 
"Are. . . are you alright?" He asked, worry replacing the pleasure that had been on his face just moments ago. 
You gave him a dizzy smile, nodding, "I'm perfect." 
A large smile grew on his face as he chuckled, his hand raising to cup your chin, pulling himself forward to gently press his lips to yours. "Good," he muttered against your lips, "You make such a cute face when you cum, did you know that?" 
You felt your skin heat as you tried to shove his now laughing face away from you. "Shut up!"
"What?!" He roared, "It's true!" He grabbed your hands in his, pinning them above you. He was still smiling as he looked down at you, his pupils still blown wide, "I wanna see you make it again." 
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As always, thank you for reading! Reblogs, comments, and likes are all appreciated!
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thornsnvultures · 7 months
mouth to mouth
steve rogers x plus size!reader
summary: steve's technically a new recruit at shield and that means he needs to take the mandatory cpr class. based off of this list of things that steve rogers would historically be unfamiliar with. thanks @itistimeforusalltodecidewhoweare for encouraging the silliness 💗
cw: none, just steve thinking about smooching a little too much
>600 w, divider by @/saradika
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"Okay, so after the chest compressions you're going to give two breaths."
Steve watches intently as you pinch the mannequin's nose shut and tilt its head back. The chest inflates as you press your lips to plastic and breathe once, twice. Steve tries not to stare at your lips, pretty and plump. He must have head trauma from being in the ice. Pull yourself together, soldier.
"Remember, thirty compressions, two breaths."
"Right, got it."
You wipe the dummy clean with cleansing wipe. It's protocol but something in Steve's gut wishes you hadn't. Steve squashes that thought as quickly as he can. It's not appropriate. You're doing your job, teaching him how to possibly save someone's life someday. It's important and he shouldn't be thinking about how sweet you'd taste, how soft your skin would feel if he held your cheek in his hand.
"Oh, wait," you stop Steve after his first breath. He freezes when he feels you move in close, your hands on his over the dummy. "The chest didn't inflate. You have to tilt the head back a little more," your hands guide Steve into the correct position and Steve swallows down the whimper in his throat. He feels like a lost little boy all over again. The strong hand of an experienced, pretty woman guiding him, showing him what to do with his clumsy hands.
"Sorry," Steve chuckles. He hopes you can't hear how his heart is racing in his chest.
"It's fine, you're doing great," you smile at Steve and encourage him to try again. He does even better the second time and soon he's finished the short CPR certification course everyone new at SHIELD is required to take.
"You did great, Steve! Hopefully you'll never need to use it," you wink and Steve swears his heart stops. "But it's good that you know the correct technique."
Steve beams at your praise, ducking his head to hide the way his cheeks and how red the apples of his cheek turn.
"It helps that you were a great teacher."
He busies himself with helping you pack up the dummies so he doesn't have to see the way you smile at him. He might just kiss that smile off your face. Would it be inappropriate to ask you on a date? What did people do on dates anymore anyway?
Before he can muster up the courage to ask and screw it all up, you're heading towards the door.
"It was nice to meet you, Steve," you say, lingering a bit at the doorway. The strap of your bag falls and Steve's eyes fall to your pretty fingers, pulling it back up. Images of more inappropriate straps sliding off your shoulders flash behind Steve's eyes and he clears his throat. You're pathetic, Rogers.
"Where 'ya headed next? I can walk you."
"Oh just to the canteen, it's time for lunch. You don't have to, Steve." Your hands fidgety awkwardly, thumbing in the direction of the cafeteria, but your small smile makes Steve brave.
"I don't mind. Maybe we could eat together? Being the new kid at school is tough, no one to sit with at lunch."
You laugh and nod your head. Steve follows you down the hall, doing his best to not sound too excited as he makes small talk with you.
His new phone buzzes in his pocket and he fumbles with it for a second before reading the text from Natasha.
"She's cute ;)"
The two short words make his head whip around until he locates her, laughing at the other end of the hall. Steve's phone pings again but Steve ignores it to answer a question you asked.
"Have fun practicing mouth to mouth, lifesaver."
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barnesafterglow · 2 years
eyes filled with stars
summary: nick needs to remind you that you're his
pairing: nick fowler x fem!reader
word count: 1.3k
warnings: jealous nick, unprotected sex (duh), dirty talk, porn with feelings (are we surprised), low key sweet nick, steve rogers cameo
a/n: here's another kinktober prompt!! i'm fairly certain this is the first time i've written for nick so please be kind. also thank you @itistimeforusalltodecidewhoweare for picking this out for me to write bc i was having a time and a half trying to decide. please remember to reblog and comment so i know you enjoyed it!!
you can join my kinktober taglist or follow @theafterglowlibrary to stay updated when i post 🤍
kinktober masterlist ─ main masterlist
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You knew from the moment he touched your arm that Nick would be furious. Nevermind the fact that he suggested you flirt with Senator Rogers to get your foot in the door.
It was supposed to be simple: you talked him up, let him know you would be open to “special favors” if he let you into his intern program, and over the next few weeks you could get the files you needed before he never saw you again.
But that was hard considering Nick was shooting daggers at Rogers, and he had definitely noticed. Instead of being nervous, he kept inching closer until he was gently grazing the bare skin of your back, exposed from the dress you were wearing.
As soon as Nick started pushing his way through the crowd, you knew your chances were blown. You’d later wonder what the last straw was - the way you placed your hand on his chest to laugh at his joke or the way he leaned down to ask if you wanted to go up to his hotel room.
It was all part of Nick’s plan.
You felt his presence before his physical touch - gripping your bicep and pulling you just out of Rogers’ orbit.
“Sorry, I’m going to have to steal her for a moment,” he said, and you could see the tick in his jaw as he clenched it.
“Goodnight, Mr. -” Your words were cut off as Nick gripped your arm tighter and led you to the elevator. You knew you would have bruises in the morning.
As soon as the elevator doors closed, he was crowding you, backing you up until you hit the mirrored wall behind you. The coolness of it dissipated to heat still lingering from the Senator’s touch, and it was like Nick knew.
“Bet you had fun with it, having his attention. Having his hands all over you.” His hands gripped your waist and he was so close you could feel his warm breath fan across your face. “Didn’t you?”
“C’mon, Nick,” you hissed. “I was just doing what you asked me to.”
“Then I was a fucking idiot.” That’s how you knew he was truly upset. He never admitted he was wrong unless he was really wrong. “Couldn’t stand to see his hands on you like that. Couldn’t stand to see his hands on what’s mine.”
Your breath hitched in your throat. No matter how many times you heard it, it never ceased to amaze you that you were his and he was yours.
It took you two long enough, dancing around feelings and playing the most meticulous games, until a night similar to this one, when Nick pinned you down in your hotel bed that night and fucked bruises into you to show you that you were his and his alone. When the bruises faded, he replaced the memory with a ring. A promise. One you were missing right then.
His lips attacked your neck as the elevator shot up, nipping and leaving marks you knew would last long enough to satisfy him. When the doors opened, he gripped your thighs and picked you up, carrying you down the hall to your hotel suite. You took a moment to thank the gods for new age technology because Nick had the door open in seconds, marching you straight to the king size bed and laying you down.
You wondered what the night would bring - hard and rough, making sure you never forgot who you belonged to. Or sweet and passionate, marking in his favorite ways.
By the time he sat you up to peel your dress from your body, he had already stripped down to nothing but grey boxer briefs, and the small stain of precome had your mouth watering. Once your dress pooled on the floor, you made a move to drop to your knees, but Nick gripped your arms, stopping you.
“I’m not waiting to make that pretty pussy mine,” he whispered low and hot in your ear. “Now get on the damn bed.”
Instinctively, you obeyed him, laying back in the fluff of pillows surrounding you, pushing them away until you were propped enough to have a clear view of your lover. He settled on his knees between your thighs, cock standing free and proud against his stomach.
He spread your legs wide, wrapping them around his waist as he bent down to capture lips in a heated kiss. You felt the tip of him slide between your slick folds, and he reached between your bodies to take hold of himself, teasing at your entrance.
“Nick, please,” you pleaded.
“Tell me who you belong to.”
“You, baby, I belong to -” Without warning, he buried himself in you to the hilt, giving you no time to adjust as he fucked into you hard and deep. His thrusts were wild and savage - they were done with the intent of making you feel as good as possible. He always took care of you.
“Gonna make you mine forever,” he whispered into your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
“Already gave me the -,” you moaned as he hit you sweet spot, “gave me the ring.”
“I need more than that, love. Need more of you. Want more than just us.”
“What are you saying, Nick?”
“I’m saying I wanna fuck a baby into this pussy of mine. Have something that’s us. Made by us. That okay with you?”
You couldn’t contain the moans and filth coming from your mouth. Agreeances and “I love you”s and everything in between, clenching tightly around him as he whispered filthy promises of keeping you full, how pretty you would look pregnant, how he wanted a big family with you.
“You like the thought of that, don’t you honey?” he teased. “Like the thought of me keeping you stuffed full until it takes? Wanna be round with my baby, another part of me that’s always with you?”
Nodding frantically, you dug your fingers into his back, pulling him as close to you as possible, leaving angry red marks in the process.
With sweaty bodies pressed together, he came in you, fucking it into you as your own orgasm washed over you.
When your hips stopped grinding and your hands stopped shaking, he slipped out of you, laying beside you on his side. His hand slid back between your thighs, pushing the come that had slipped out of you back in, then stuck his fingers in your mouth and you cleaned the rest off of them.
“You were serious, huh?” you joked once he had pulled his fingers away.
“Look at me,” he said, and gently gripped your chin to turn your head toward him. “Of course I was serious, I want to be with you forever. I want a family with you. I would give this up if you asked me to.”
Your heart melted. You knew Nick loved you, he always made sure to show you, in his own way. But it was unlike him, talking about a future like that. You always figured you would go on as you had, get married one day and keep to the same path. But this was a new side of him he had never shown you until then.
“I can’t wait to have a little Nicky running around here.” A bright smile split across his face and his blue eyes sparkled in the low light of the room.
“Then we better keep trying.”
Without warning, his hands were on your hips, flipping you over on your stomach and lifting your ass up before he settled behind you.
He leaned down to whisper more filth in your ear. “I’m gonna keep you stuffed full all the time, baby. Have to make sure you’re getting every drop.”
His thrust into you had you seeing stars. And all night he showed you a galaxy.
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kinktober taglist *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@treatbuckywkisses @sgt-barnesveins @bucky-barmes @opheliastark @sweetascanbee @writing-for-marvel @christywantspizza @hi-sarahh @highlyintelligentblonde @jjbunny14 @buckysfavoritereader (@navybrat817 i thought you might like this one) 
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witchywithwhiskey · 1 month
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also i know i'll love whatever you come up with so there's that 🥰💛
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ty ty ty ty!!! ♡♡ hopefully gonna post it in the next few days!!
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sanguineterrain · 1 year
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well, hello there, my little crumb cakes. the rumors are true: your local feral malewife enthusiast will indeed be 20 soon, if you can believe it. i thought it'd be fun to do something special to celebrate my two decades on mother earth, so…
𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕖'𝕤 𝟚𝟘𝕥𝕙 𝕓𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕓𝕒𝕤𝕙!
this celebration will run from march 3rd (mar. 4 is my actual birthday!) — march 10th. anyone 18+ can participate!
feel free to send stuff in now :)
are you excited?! here are the festivities i've planned:
🎁 — presents! can't have a party without presents, silly. but i wanna give you something! (mutuals only) send this and i'll write a little love letter to you, 'cause I love you all so so much. 🥰 
🎵 — hey, are we gonna dance, or what?! okay, fine, i'll pick the song. send me 3-5 of your favorite things and i'll give you a song rec based on those vibes.
there are party games too...
💏 — send one of these for a kiss, marry, exile (because I'm a benevolent, pacifist girlblogger who doesn't believe in killing. mostly.) send three characters (18+ of course) for me to decide fates for. can be outside of ST and mcu!
🪄 — send me this for a CYM (cast your mutuals) along with something to cast my mooties as! fruits, characters from a show, queen albums, anything! (**mutuals, if you don't want to be tagged for this, please lmk. no hard feelings 🫶)
📖 — send me one of these for a rec! this can be a rec for me or i can give you some recs. a fic, a movie, a song, anything! 
📝 — did you know i'm a writer? 👉👈 yeah, little known fact. send me a prompt from one of these lists (don't forget to tell me which one!) and a character and i'll write a little somethin'.
List 1 | List 2 | List 3 | List 4
i will write for steve harrington, eddie munson, and robin buckley. i'll also write steddie! NO SMUT. 
there's cake and refreshments, but make sure everybody gets a slice! 
🍰 — do YOU have a talented creative blogger you want to kiss on the mouth every time they post something? send me a username or usernames of writers, artists, gif makers, basically anyone who makes stuff, and i'll post it and let them know they're appreciated ❤️ and you know what? i would be none the wiser if you put yourself, so…
☕— this is an anti-capitalist blog, so i don't require an exchange of goods and services for us to interact. treat this like a week-long sleepover! tell me about your day, send me pictures of your pets, ask me advice (20 year olds are known for their wisdom btw), tell me your starbucks order (I'm a pink drink truther), anything! this event is, above all, a time to interact. so ask/send me stuff, psychoanalyze me, declare your undying love for me, etc. 😎
tagging some peeps i think might be interested under the cut
@cryinthecar @thesoftestpunk @thornsnvultures @itistimeforusalltodecidewhoweare @starchildbucky @stevebabey @stevestummy @spideystevie @joellkeeny @starrystevie @cable-knit-sweater @real-jane
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undercoverpena · 7 months
🌿how does creating make you feel?
thank you so much for the ask, lovely!!
🌿how does creating make you feel?
i apologise because i think i'm going to get rambly, but, it makes me happy. brings me comfort, makes my bones feel at ease and often is the reason i am finally able to sleep. writing brings me, personally, a chance to escape from everything and just catch my breath.
depending on what i need, i can find that. i need to process a feeling, writing is there; i need a hug, writing is there. so it makes me feel a little more me?
plus, it makes me feel so overjoyed because not only has it brought such incredible people into my life, it is also enjoyed by so many people (like wtf, honestly) and it fills my heart with so much joy.
writing helps slow the world down sometimes, lets me take a moment, makes things feel less overwhelming. but it also has brought me people who i feel so safe with, that the only word i can come up to encompass it all is: happy.
but somehow, that doesn't feel strong enough, you know?
[fic writer asks]
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foreverindreamlandd · 2 years
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Hey friends! So this holiday season is going to be a bit of a bummer for me (which will be pretty blatantly explained in a personal fix-it fic I plan on writing in December lol....who's ready for some Lumberjack Bucky??), and decided to do a month-long sleepover to ignore my issues in the real world! Yay!!!!
LOL for real though, I do love the holidays and watching Christmas movies and reading cheesy winter-related fics so I thought it would be fun to do this! It'll be a mix of inbox-related shenanigans as well as a writing challenge-ish type thing (aren't I amazing at explaining things? Lol).
Here is all the fun stuff I have planned
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Inbox Shenanigans!
🎄 fic recs: Send me recommendations of your favorite fics to add to my ever growing TBR pile!
🎅🏼 secret santa: Anonymously write a little love letter to another blog and I'll tag them in it!
☃️ christmas cards: Send me some winter-themed asks!
🧣no context ships: Send me a random fact and I’ll ship you with a marvel/stranger things character or bucky barnes au (please tell me which you would prefer in the ask!) ((oh and if you ever wanted to ship ME with someone I’d be the happiest little bean 🥺👉👈))
🌿 mistletoe: Send me 3 people/mutuals/characters and we’ll play classic kmk (kiss, marry, kill...sorry fam but we keep it mostly PG on this blog lol).
🍪 holiday faves: Tell me your favorite holiday/winter books, movies, tv shows, foods, all the things you love about this time of year!
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Winter/Holiday-Themed Writing Challenge!
Obviously this is a no pressure thing, it's just that I low(high)-key love holiday fics and want to read any of the ones y'all come up with ;) You're also welcome to share an old one that you wrote and just want it to get some extra love!
Here are a few ideas below! Feel free to use any of them or write something totally different that's winter or holiday themed! I will be creating a separate ongoing masterlist for submissions and will read/share as many as I can!
My only rule on this is that it cannot contain any smut in order for it to be shared on my blog. 💖
Prompt Ideas:
prompt list 1
prompt list 2
The sleepover will last for the entire month of December! Feel free to participate as much or as little as you'd like! Thank you for being so supportive of me and my blog these last 18 months <3 I'm sorry I've been a little MIA but I'm excited to spend the holidays with you all :)
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No-pressure tagging some moots:
@sweetascanbee @sweetdreamsbuck @treatbuckywkisses @imaginearyparties @itistimeforusalltodecidewhoweare @rodrikstark @fandoms-writings @writing-for-marvel @carrotfantasimp @traitorjoelite @pellucid-constellations @navybrat817 @simmerandcry
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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krirebr · 30 days
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Thank you, Nika!! This is so nice, I appreciate you!!! 💗
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demxters · 7 months
—aesthetic tag game
On Pinterest, search your name + core and pick the first 6 pictures
ty for the tag @blue-aconite 💜
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no pressure tags! @annab-nana @jellyfishbeansontoast @itistimeforusalltodecidewhoweare @thesewordsareallihavetogive @x-lulu
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