#its /plat obvs
ninjasmudge · 2 years
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ko-fi req for ShadeHalo! mei be biting her bestie
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pixelyssa · 2 months
i plateaued and now idk what to do. if you have any advice that would be great ty <333
i get u girllll (not assuming ur gender, just let me vibe bc ur anon)
genuinely when i plat i assume that someone is pouring oil into my f00d or replacing ingredients. (im delulu)
i get this question a lot, idk why bc i struggle with this so bad LOL
anyways lets talk about reasons why ur metabolism could be slowing down:
-you have too much of the same f00ds/theres no balance in nutritional value. balancing ur d1et between fruits & veg, getting protein, etc is hard especially in this economy LOL and im not saying you have to have the exact recommended percentages of protein or dairy or grains for every plate u have, i just noticed that ill try to give myself proper protein and ill prioritize it and then ill forget abt vegetables. (theres only sm f00d categories you can fit into a low c4loric intake lmao) so when i notice im maintaining, i start switching it up. even if its still the same f00d groups, i mix and match. spicy chicken and carrots today, fruit salad and greek yogurt tmrw, etc.
-ik damn well most of us do NOT drink enough water even though we know we should. every time u check ur phone, take a sip of water. or anything u do a lot, take a sip. if you say a phrase a lot, take a sip everytime. its a silly little game but it’ll help. eventually you will get used to drinking all ur daily water and u can eliminate water intake from ur list of reasons why ur maintaining.
-working out too much you could be doing overworking urself if cardio is ur thing lol. it doesnt seem to make sense but i was told to either stop w0rking out if i do it, or to start to w0rk out if i don’t normally do it & ive done it both ways and it has worked out. its the same as metab days (which you probably alr know abt, i am not gonna be mentioning that here because thats obv the #1 thing people here do to stop plate4us.) anyways .. its the same as metab (kinda) youre switching things up. our bodies adjust to literally everything we do its nature. try this one out lmk how it goes
the most obvious reason ur plateauing: slow metabolism its gonna slow down if youre r3stricing, thats just how it is man. i know a lot of people have their metabolism days so that their body is tricked and they can continue low int4ke. its also good for holdiays, bdays, dates, days where you need to e@t infront of people. it doesnt have to be a specific day necessarily. other ways to help your metabolism is to not f4st, have spicy foods, e@t at more regular times, drink all your necessary water THROUGHOUT THE DAYYY not just all at once to hit your goal.
i am answering late, hopefully youre out of your plat by now 🩷🩷
xoxo fairyuck
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idletrait · 6 months
I think I've decided on some cultural styles for my decades challenge
spoilers for my decades challenge under
in Henford-on-Bagley for women (especially married women) having the hair up is customary
also for women married with kids its very usual to have either most or all the hair under covering
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for younger women (teen-married without kids) platted hair with a braid is more trendy
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like this
in Brindleton Bay they prefer 'buns' (idk what to call them) on the side of their hair. like these characters that came from there
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Nalle isnt from Brindleton but I feel that would be a popular style for wedding and parties (also it make sense for a teen to be more 'trendy' with fashion)
all this might not come across until a bit later since i obv didnt make the sims with this in mind also their will be cross over especially on the henford end as they prolly get very inspired by the travellers and merchants from the bay
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rapifessor · 1 year
Pokéchronology, Volume I: Yellow
Day 12
We're nearing the end of the first volume of Pokéchronology. I beat not just one, but two gyms today: the final two. Which just leaves the Elite Four, the Champion, and whatever postgame Pokémon Yellow has to offer. Depending on the level of grinding required, that could only be two or three more days.
I've been looking at what it will take to complete the Pokédex as well. Between my copy of Yellow and Crystal, it should be possible to obtain every Generation I Pokémon in both versions. However, due to some complexities, I can't do that while maintaining my save files on both. There are certain Pokémon that you can miss out on depending on your decisions in-game, which means I'd have to create new saves to get Pokémon I would otherwise miss. I don't particularly want to do that, so I'm looking into some alternatives.
With that preamble out of the way, I'll go over what happened today. Spoilers ahoy, obvs.
Sea Route 21
This is the final route before I complete the tour around Kanto and start revisiting areas to clean up and get ready for Victory Road. I've used my Thunderbolt TM on Holy now so I kept them in front to deal with most of the Water types I was being spammed with on the way up the route. I tried to give Mycoboss some action as well, since they were going to be my weapon against Sabrina's gym.
There's nothing really of note here, though I do have to give a shoutout to the guy who just has six Magikarp on his team. He's the only trainer outside of presumably the Elite Four and the Champion who has six Pokémon, and they're all just fucking Magikarp. What a chad.
The route ends back at Pallet Town, and I do a little battling in the patch of grass at the very end. There doesn't seem to be anything new in there though, just some Pidgey. I drop by my house to heal and get my items sorted. Maxed out the item storage again, so I tried to clean it up a bit but for some reason you can't get rid of items like the S.S. Ticket which are literally useless now. That was annoying, but I'll have to make do, I guess. I withdraw a couple of TMs that I can buy at the Celadon Department Store anyway so I can sell them.
After that I do a quick restock in Celadon, buying a bunch of Lemonades and selling those TMs before I have Pear Fly me to Saffron City.
Fighting Dojo
Before challenging the gym I just have one thing I need to do, which is challenge the Fighting Dojo. I could have done this much earlier as the trainers inside only have their Pokémon at level 30 or so, but I figured I would deal with it when I challenged Sabrina. Holy plows through essentially the whole dojo with raw Special, and earns me a Hitmonchan, who I name Star Plat. If you're looking for a strong Fighting type, Hitmonchan isn't a bad way to go since they learn Fire, Ice, and Thunder Punch, which gives them great type coverage and their stats are arguably better than Hitmonlee. Hitmonlee has higher Attack, but most of the moves they learn don't have 100% accuracy, which REALLY sucks.
I don't really have a need for a Fighting type on my team though, and getting Star Plat. up to speed would take some time anyway. So I won't be using them, and I head straight for Saffron Gym instead.
Saffron Gym
It's basically just a teleporter maze like the Silph Building was, though much less complex thanks to its single floor and nine rooms. The trainers here have a variety of Pokémon, but as you'd expect they're mostly Psychic types. I brought out Miles to deal with the occasional Ghost type and Prinzessin for the few Poison types that I encountered.
Now, Sabrina's fight is kind of gimmicky. She has three Pokémon, all level 50: Abra, Kadabra, and Alakazam. My strategy here was to tank up Mycoboss with a full set of X Specials, because the Abra line has extremely high Special and I can't rely on not being explicitly weak to Psychic to tank attacks. This would enable Mycoboss, with their high Attack stat, to decimate Sabrina's team with Leech Life.
That didn't stop Sabrina from throwing a wrench into my plans though. The only move her Abra seems to know is Flash, which isn't very threatening but it does reduce your accuracy. No matter, I still manage to land the Leech Life and take out Abra with one attack.
Sabrina's other Pokémon aren't much different. Mycoboss took substantial damage at one point during the battle, but easily healed it back. I pretty much just spammed Leech Life until it managed to connect, because all of her Pokémon faint to a single hit. Yeah, the Abra line's HP and Defense stats are literally fucking garbage. The textbook definition of a glass cannon. That's why a move with only 20 Base Power, albeit 2x effective and on a 'mon with a pretty good Attack stat, is able to OHKO them.
So I got the TM for Psywave and beat another gym. But why stop there? I could go straight to the final gym from there, and it didn't take long to beat Sabrina so I might as well.
Viridian Gym
Here it is, the final gym. Humorously, one of the least threatening. The trainers here use a lot of different Pokémon though, not most of which are Ground type. There were a lot of Fighting types actually. But because they have low Special and Holy is a decent Special attacker, they all pretty much get wiped out by Ice Beam or Surf.
By the way, this gym has a sort of maze thing going on too, where you have to take a specific route to get to the end. Beyond that there isn't much really to say, you can pick up a Revive here I guess but otherwise it's pretty standard without much of a gimmick to it. I will say the layout is fairly interesting, and the trainers themselves to physically block you from taking certain routes.
On to Giovanni. He's back once again, stronger than ever. Well, as strong as a trainer whose team is mostly Ground type can be, anyway. That said, he opens the battle with a level 50 Dugtrio, who's faster than Holy and OHKO's them with Fissure. Figures, the ONE TIME I actually get hit with a 30% accuracy OHKO move, it's on Holy who I was going to use to sweep most of Giovanni's team. So much for that, I guess.
Good thing I have two Water types on my team. Out goes Ominous, who drains most of Dugtrio's HP in one Bubble Beam. They survive to get in a cheeky Sand Attack before Ominous finishes them off with a Bite. The next Pokémon is Persian, who I figure Prinzessin is the best match for. They do some pretty heavy damage though, and of course Persian knows Slash so Prinzessin takes a ton of damage and I can't keep her in for a second turn.
Maybe Mycoboss can take a hit. Well, yes, they can, but there's no way they're outspeeding Persian, so keeping them in seems like a bad move as well. I decide that Miles is my best bet, aiming for raw Special and Speed stats. Fortunately, Persian decides not to do anything meaningful on the turn I bring out Miles, so he gets to knock it out with a single Psychic.
Up next is Giovanni's own Nidoqueen, who again decides to do something useless as I nearly OHKO her with another Psychic. I have Miles use Confusion to finish the job. Nidoking is very similar. Which just leaves Rhydon. They miss their Rock Slide, leaving Miles to clean them up and win me the battle.
It was a decently fun fight, although it might just have been because I didn't get to use Holy thanks to some RNG bullshit. Either way, I'm glad Giovanni put up a bit more of a fight than Blaine and Sabrina. He gives me the TM for that silly move Fissure, and with all eight gym badges in hand, I close things out for the day.
One thing I haven't done yet is play at the Rocket Game Corner. I'm not sure it'll be of much use to me, but I know there are a couple of TMs you can only obtain from there. I'll probably give it a go just to see what it's all about, though I'm not expecting much besides a very basic die roll of a gambling minigame.
Then it's off to Victory Road, where I intend to train before I make my move for the championship.
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drowninginfelines · 4 years
ever since they introduced role queue ive been hardstuck in gold but
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i finally got out bois
inb4 i lose next match and fall back to gold again
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